. ..V 'W-'i'" ---! ? w7i iT;Ti 'T'J 'II 'JIWI '"fV-"S.'Citf?RJI ! f iW TV T ' " T a Trrvr rsmiBii iCEB, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1887. p-" m.h i Wnklr IhteDlgeneer VUr: WUNUOAV MOftNIM. tTM ev ni inrni rr imnrutctni I AM Mllll, SIX Asmmtaet littbbs ms te ra vasts assur. Mart asset. Mtrmmi u $ shs nrraLLxaiHeiui, rBsJMngt Lancaster, ra. ' tu9mum9m'W 4V 'W4'4pv vvTl r :ft-,fcajraiT. bhdabt is, tan. , tt SeargMUe tie Barr. ' tttonetfeoerallj undentoed Just what ixy wutney is driving at In bis I for the reorganization of the navr. r way of Illustration, let the present con Man of the engineers faa taken. They are men of high scientific attain. i, ana, neiaing rank all the way from itecaDtaln. have everv official and I recognition. They are required by rlald examination te demonstrate ability te solve the most difficult i of mechanical engineering and architecture. These enmleTed en Nhn Biay have a chance te bring these ? annuel into piay, eui me men wne must ?jp te tea in charge of the engines of a war fit , bare a duty that is purely mechani. ? the war this dut? waa'Mtf ermed prl credit by men from machine shops, eaaauiueorne Knowledge et science M BOOKS. lathe English navy the number et en. baser officers serving afloat has steadily mmwwmma. in sdim or inn lnrmnaA in h issi of vessels and the power and cempllca. s w. tuacuurery. x new piace an uemg d by practical mechanics, well educated r jaaV Intelligent, but net overloaded with r science. &Vta French navy has nlnetv-three en. ifttariaaan. but tliev da net hatxa t u& mi uMir datles, are the designing et ships and i ana supervision et the work of V AVMfillp jt men who have charge of the engines , aw weu irainea, ana near the rank of war. mtA officers. The same plan is followed t the German naw. excentlner that & f Wmt the laraest ironclads havn wfll eAnnatcA mmfamt in charge of the engines, but the roc we ensue room rails unen ma. ,'ilteertalnly seems irrational te pay for i pensive man te de work he has no E?' Mail in, but Which a chearjer man mniri fA4e fast IU wpll nnrl wnnM An Its, n.M. s nr mur ai.nai.iBui Bj&faBaSBBaB HBkMljMJMM fl nm MlMHHrMMiau ni m''MMi'liMK Maria MBaV jbbbbbsbbbbt taw ra P'"'-. 'LfHJIiit 1-.UU.J si HBb" IS 5 S SS If " !8 i Sill BaSS SS nSflJa. iH MlgigMn med Bs9 fit iliMHM0( MOO IB!!..... urn ls el g wool iw '- t - fcHWmwitnweM. r. fc.SW Secretary Whitney's plan aims at the re re llineval et absurdities like this, of which the jswv-iceiiiiuj. The present narrow cdeca- v(p& confusion in a naval action, for If the ', wsseers in cnarge et any one part of the '.Milk1 tllAIlM Ks billet nr I. l,1.l .1 i. MC of the ship would be seriously embar- i, it net stepped. As far as possible ' man should understand ennnsrh nt sPSi duties et every ether man te All them Uncase of emergency, and we cannot mn. Slaplate without dismay the possibility of aBuuion-aeiiar vessel, with its priceless igni or crave men, being sent te the bet a because the only offleer who under ed the engines, or navisatlen. or mm. pMRy happened te be unavailable. ii& The Secretary Retires. ecretary Manning has left Washington mrMs Albany home, and It ia k;,i ftn.t,ia h'MSMmatien is in tha nrMl.Ipnt'a l.Dn. lsJtfeer the Fecretary nor the president svffva-Neaier metr anxiety te gratify the 'jfisrietlty of newsnaDer convanenHpntii trttv, lafensatlen which properly cornea te the rwq vureugu euciai announcements; t that the information w hnvn nVmut. t Maaaings's resignation is largely Imagi n. iuere seems iittie reason, however, l'2,4enbt that Mr. Manning has taken vei wesecreiarysnip, and will seek a i u inucsuuu ireiuie assuming Ills laspreamenter luecans about being id in New Yerk. K is certainly a very wise movement i mt. manning's part te abandon the mg auues or me treasury, which have i themselves te be tee great for his ince. te assume thn resnnn1M tint fceares of a bank Dresldent. Thn mi. febably is no great inducement te him, in u witi de several times as great as I be draws in Washington ; but he pro pre si himself With a nlflM int-. nlnea tnr llf.i Mlness thoroughly congenial te him', .cures a prominent position in the By centre or me country; which is a t becoming plan et repose te a retiring Sf7 uc uie treasury. Pfrsat disproportion between Mr. m saury as a bank president and r calls attention airain te tim ni, r of invitlns; the talent of tfanintn I high Wasbintrten rIaca which v laately only in their honor and iwwer. e inducements seem te 1m annir-ient in kf4t.& . ...& .. . . .... , uwe; nut wnererere enauid tim JZl - M ' . " if m wiviuk, w uke w ss man the rvalue et his service, ami wiiv hm,M rbJst with honor whpn it nvn. I eaebV Let the Duhlie aAi-vnnt k ,ia iilt as the private servant. il - .' V... Dhm A ki - vi wars. i Mr, Hunt, president of the Seuth Bes. wwworsa.wnieh has cast many guns r sbsgevernment, and who is an authority i ten iiimvHMi, eecuues mat in the rage i guns us superior merit of iron for h net recognized as it should ordinance department or mr I Bin Is Said te DP, danlff ImluuJ IjsiMl MCJodJee, and this is said te iwiy we lower Heuse of Cen- WjsmiTi te make the appre. wnica tee Senate tup DM Um Ualted States timtvrr rus but east law tart bU no flMi,!.IWr'' i , MebafiTiriisalsJaredby tbe burst. mm m mmma er AHjuugnB esnneB. Seisetares that they wia stand heavier Ksssmre mm Krapp steel guas et heavier n. m says uat me unitea &ues two twelve-inch cast iron guns In recent years for expert- saental purposes, which have been discharged many times, after heavy load lead ing, and which are still serviceable guns. He wants te knew why these guns ere net thoreaghly tested, in comparison with MmI runs, un te their nelnt of nm1itrnni and he suggests as the only rcaseu.that the erainance aepanment uees net want it known what cast iron rifled guns me equal te. If we have such an erdnance department It certainly Is net one te be entrusted with the expenditure of the millions Congress Is asked te vote for guns. It may be that Mr. Hunt's accusation is correct. There Is no feel equal te the scientific feel when he is clothed in authority. Before the millions are voted It should be seen te that the expenditure will be in sensible hands. m The Death of Mr. Wilsen. The suicidal death of William A.Wil A.Wil eon, esq., was a great shock te this com munity in which he has been se Iedr and favorably known. His sulclde casts no justreflectlen upon hi3 memory, as it was clearly net the deed of his sound mind. Katurally he was a cheerful and social man, atd he probably bad no enemies ; no -was net ene 10 ex c no antag onisms, ne was generally liked, and deserved te be; for he was friendly with every one and laid no stone in any one's path. That he Anally shot himclf is net at all strange, but is just what might have been expected from one In his condi cendi condi tien of healtb, which was such as te cause great depression of spirits, and te lead him te the belief that his small werriments were insupportable burthens. Mr. Wilsen was a great sufferer from insomnia, and the self destruction of one te whom sleep Is denied is a very natural consequence. The mind cannot maintain the point denied before. There must be a sound body te main tain a sound mind, and considering the frailties that flesh Is heir te, suicides are surprisingly few. We Insist that the memory of Mr. Wil Wil eon Is net Justly stained by his taking away his own life ; tlnce It was certainly the deed of his diseased mind. Ills fate arouses all our sympathy and his deed calls for no reproach. TUB men Who snend the mnnav ralA kr your taxes are the oeuncilinet:. Vete far the best men. It begins te leek very much as though some of the men who are urging extrsva gant appropriations for ship, guns and forts are in reality enemies of all measures el de. tense and are trying te make the movement ridiculous by runcleg it te extremes. O April 13th Columbia college will cele brste the centennial anniversary et IU found, lng. The movement for the establishment of a oellego began in 1703, when the rector and wardens of Trinity church were directed te wait upon the governor and ascertain what part of the "king's larme" then belonging te the church had been lnterded for a college. Then the matter was allowed te rest for forty, six years, and lu 1719 several laws were pawed for raising money by means of a let. tery for the founding of a college. The aum raised in this way was entrusted te trustees wde wero prominent ceurcn men, seven being Eplnoepallana, two Dutch Reformed, and one a Presbyterian. The college existed as Kings college until 17S7, thoegb closed during the Revolution, and in My or 1757 the tirat meeting of the trustees under the new name of Columbia college was held. The history of tbe first class of Kings college la quaintly told as fellows : "Thocollegerec "Thecollegerec "Thocellegerec crda state that six young men entered as fresumen. Of these, one was gmduated ; the second lu his third year 'went te Philadel phia .college ; ' the third in the middle of his eoenu year went into the army ;' the fourth, after three years, went te merchandise;' the fifth, after two years, 'went te prlvateerlnjr,' and the sixth, after three, ' went te nothing. " The last royalist president of the college was the Rev. Dr. Myles Cooper, of Queen's col cel lege, Oxford, who vacated hid ettlca in a pe culiarly undignified manner. Ue was a atreng and fearless ipeaker, and he 10 reused the Indignation of his political opponents that one night In May, 1775, they attacked his lodgings In the college buildings and would probably have killed him had he net etcaped half-dressed ever the college fence, reached the shore and remained In biding all the next day, until he could beard the English man-of-war Kingflsher, and in that he sailed for England, never te return. The municipal election la nearest te every man's interest Vete before 7 o'clock. The Grand Army of the Republic have re ceived this order from Cemmanuer-ln-Chlef Falrchlid : "in view of the recent veto of the dependent pension bill, and or the xciy great importance of that measure te many el our disabled comrades who need and are Jutly entitled te help, it Is recommended that pests and comrades everywhere, by resolutions and letters, immediately inform members of CongrefP, t he are entitled te, and will gladly rec?ive these expressions of opinion of their approval or disapproval of the principles la la velved in the vetoed bill. Comrades are re quested te move at once without waiting for the printed circular." it any petitions are sent they should be towards sustaining the prealdent in his vrte. This will Btrengtben his hands for strangling pension echcuies te coma The lstest Is te award pensions te alt men who served lu the Federal army during the rebellion cud who have reiched 60 years efbgd The Legan fund new amounts te fGl.OCO, and Mrs. Legin's iriends hope te net mere from Congress. Most people would regard WJ.COO os an ample sum for a widow and two children. Congressmen oeino high in this country, but we must have thorn. SunitDarlilcg ihe Incldcntalcxpenscsef congressmen, exclusive el their annual salary et W.OOO, each senator costs the government, te provtde him with iieuuancp, ever te,wi per annum, and the cost of each representative and delegate la 81,810. The Senate's total for personal at HHiuacce is fiuj,30ti ; mat or the llouee (012 C74. ' Tun details of the massacre of Italian troops In Africa closely resemble thoseef the Custer massacre, tbe eelumn under Colonel Decrlstoferls having been completely wiped out of existence and nothing but a pile of mutllated dead left te tell the tale of tLelr desperate struggle. FEKBONAL. Canen Fabbar says that in IndU tbe English "have made 100 drunkards ter 030 iienstian." f.l5TA,lYuWn,T:'EY hM en' nut Invl r!.,,-0La.,brk':J.st w" country raf, ' Grasslands," near Washington, en next ?.un"yJ when Mr- Whitney will preilae Her Utile daughter will be a men h'eld en taster Hunday, when the ether Whitney children will be home from school. y SeeBBTABT Manning called at the While Heuie Monday and placed in tbehandsef the president his resignation, te take eflect SS2U ib.i D.1.nlnV:nt et hu ""cesser, n said at the White Heuse that Mr. Mannlnsj ViiSS'i? ? ' "tary for several WJft-.,MjMUBta bM Jeft Washington eftti week 1eU te Mturn " 5e NO GENERAL MOVEMENT THV3 rjR UllMMUrMD 1 TOHACVO VMUV. TUB XMW ter Uext Theaf lit te !! ttetn rarcbSMd Than Appears ea the sarfics-rerslgn Mtrktti In a Very Ltrelf Condition The Outlook el a I'rouiUlec Charattsr. Meantime a geed deal or 'SS leaf is being received at some of the city warehouse, but ttishsrd te find out where It came from or what was paid for It There 1, we thluk, mere of the 'Mcrep bought than is generally supposed, and w hen the buyers become satis fled that there Is money in it they will seen take the entire crop eQ the farmers' hands. One hindrance that they have encountered is the uncertainty as te what Congress was going te de en the tobacco question. As It is new pretty certain that Congress will de nothing during the present Beaslen, which terminates in less than three weeks we expect te hear or a general move all along the line within that time. Will our correspondents and readers gen erally please keep us advised of any sales that msy take place in their respective neighborhoods? Stirs at OM Tebscc). There are net many reports of old tobarce sales. P. A. Mayer sold 30 cases te local manufacturers. Harry C. Moere sold 30 cases seed leaf; Sskllea & Prey sold ICO cases, mostly seed leaf; J. W. Kbesds, Blrd-in. hand, sold te Basch A Plsher, 23 cues en pri vate terms ; Sautuel Seldomrldge M is cases. Trantactlent In tha 'err crop. Harry C. Moere bought about 30,000 pounds el the '55 crop last week ; Bklles & Prey are buying some but, they say their purchases are light, the prices paid for seed leaf wrap pers ranging from 5 te 12 cents j they are net doing much in Havana seed, for reasons shove stated. Last week Mr. Sayler, for SklUs A Prey, Lancaster, bought the flrjt tobacco lu '. Hopewell, for this seasen, or R. H. Breno Brene man and ethers, all seed leaf. Farmers have about finished stripping and are ready for buyers. About three-fourths of the crop is Havana seed, geed quality, clear of white vein and shed burn. Yerk rennsyh anion, Ftb. ::. m s We see no change te note during the week In tobacco circles except tbst there are early in the morning mere strange men en the streets dressed In long heavy overcoats, rub ber beets and fur caps hurrying along to wards the livery stables ; and In the evening thore are a greater number of very muddy horses and buggies seen coming slowly in from the country in charge el strangers whose long overcoats and rubber beets are a triUe mere seueci man mey were in me morning. If these gentlemen are asked hew the to bacco market Is gettlng en, they are apt te say they de net knew ; they think there is nothing In new tobacco; as for themselves they haven't bought a pound j indeed, the crop is net worth much ; la full of white vein and dead leaf, which is a grcit pity, as they would like te buy, If the crop was worth snything. Heme of the buyers prefess te believe that the newsrtaners havn rnlnAil thn inhnwt trade, by publishing every sale Ihey can get held of, and giving the prices paid them, thns Keeping the farmers posted as te what Is going en and Inducing them te held out ier uurvEueaauiy eign prices. Some fanners an th nther himi i-nmni.in that the buyers are banded together with a view 01 Duyieg tue crop at tneir own flsrarcs, and SO low as net te afford alivlni- nrnllttn the grower. They think the newspapers are very remiss In net exposing the "cembine'' ui me uuj e i uuieg a monopoly as eaa as the Standard OH company. "Don't talk te me about the honesty of te bacce buver." said annlil formal- iiirawsn erawlnir tnbarjm fur tvuntv.Av. vaim ..! ir the buyers are te be believed every crop has uccu uau uu luujr ges neiu or it, anu after they get it it was the best crop tney had ever bought. Just see hew they are running after the little that remains of the old crops that mcjr uu auuu a uiavit eye a low years age." " Don't talk te me about ihn rinmi. n.it.h tobacco growers or Lmcuter county," said a shrewd leaf dealer, " they can double-discount the sharpest dealers from "ew Yerk, In a tobacco trade, and knock them out be- lore mey mew wDa: is me matter with them. Ne, I haven't bought a pound or the ISifl crop, and won't" The following sales of teed leaf tobacco have been mode in Ml Nebo and vicinity: Wm. Pegan, )i acre at-12, 3, 2, te McAllister ; Jas. Creamer, 1 aero te same at 5c through ; Jeb. Walten, 1 acres te same for 12, 3, 2 ; A. Campbell te same for 12, ft 3, 2 ; A. Creamer, 2 acre3 for 7c through. Jesse Walten sold a let of seed leaf te Mellinger for 5L'e through. Ne Havana has yet been sold. I rank Pent large has bought about 600 cases or seed leaf for Sew Yerk and California psrtle-i. The New Tork Market. The Tobacco Journal nfter noticing the unusual rush after old tobaccos for a few weeks past sayg : The transactions in old tobacco hate been extraordinarily large this week. The pur chases will, In all probability, net fall short ei 5.0C0 case, one prominent Water street house having bought near 2,000 cases, of whi:b 1,000 were of 'rl state crop, the hold ings of a country packer. In all these trans, actions the prices are new being kept vigor viger vigor eusly private; and very properly se. Old teba?cu are new an article of market evolu tions, mostly running through several dealers' hands Lofero reaching the manufac turer. Consequently, a dealer is net apt te trumpet his purchase price around widely, the prices are advancing rapidly. These who are "left" are floundering around the Ken tucky and Virginia tobacco markets new trying te discover somenlce large stuff which by some little manipulation or probably sleight-of-hand trick might be transformed Inte teed leaf. Three months from new nothing but 'S3 tobaccos will be In the market ; de the con cen servative people in the trade believe that it can be bought cheaper later en than new 7 and the'S! crop well-the trade thinks it should be bought low because it is low in quality J ICa war cmmal tin greats ihanf uiuf-well. no use going into history Just new. Trie bilmce of tbe transactions during the week consisted in sales .of about 1, 000 cases '85 tobaccos. metly Pennsylvania and Wis. ceniiln, at 11 te 10 conte, as well as about 100 LMkes of Ohie for expert at 7 cants. 1 he old tobaccos told are quoted at from 12 te 17 cents Buraatrn-Enjpyed great activity, sales reaching 4C0 bales. Importers are having geed tlnjes and a geed deal of money is being iiide ; great preparations are going en for IirveMingln the new Humatra crop, the first ales which will take place in April. Every importer saj s it's an awfully bad crop, and he must be an awfully bad man who will buy it. Heme of them will, in all likelihood, je te Amsterdam incognita Prices, 11.23 te i Vv18-MelcratcIy active. Hale) -100 bales at 8j cents te tl 23. Tl.e 'fobitcce Ltaf reports Ihe clgtr leaf market MntfrM and iim.. t tAa m .... ' nt Havana at L10 tef 1 22, and ef 70 tal?s at b.u centa loe western leaf market has been nulct, with Bales of some 300 hogsheads, of which 200wereforexpert Prices remain unchanged and, if snything, in favor of buyers. There wbs very little doing in Virginia leaf this week, and a small let for expert and a tew hogsheads of cigarette tobacco comprised the salts. The plug market eantinues qulet and nril.m hvn hftAti ktnell nil .A ...Ti. w... ---..- , tue no, mere is nothing ofinterest te report. The experts were 125,033 eunds. ' Usu' Weekl Repert. Salts of seed leal tnbarwi rornrie.1 r.r it. iNTBLMOENCERbyJ. S. Gus' Hen A Ce., tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for the week ending February It, 18S7 : COOoases 1681, 1812, 1SS3 Pennsylvania, 9Q 13 ; 700 eases 18b5. Pennsylvania. leSlSas 102easesl885. New England Uavani, 1825a 1,000 cases 18SI, stata Hsvaea. p. t ; 250cases Ie,ut8mn?T5,!:iPl4a ' IWcasessundrles, 628 Tetsl, 2,202 eases. The raiudslpbl atarkat. The business of handlers of hard msuu. factured tobacco is steady and nrlnna - .i. vsnelng ; fine cuts remain uuebsngid ; geed I idva ready market : the hlwg ; snuft moves oil cigar trade Is flourish tlAl. I cigars would sell Irmly lu the month of Peb- mini It ! Mnt ....M.H.M AM.. H. H.l.n.. -j. . i-uuuiij,huu jtqi nuvii the sslea h thn Irailn ara nililnl inv thn air. gregate amount Is very encouraging. Every grewtn and class or le.it Is In the hands or the dealer, and foots up nicely. Old goods tm fktiinnllin lit K& haa.Ia.1 Is IhahIh lla ... we tm sv ssjj airnsvna ta iiimi iiin Hiiy sifctiltloanee : In f net, tbe heny pull en beginning te be Mr, sml the end et which is only conjectures Prices still remaiu low and favor buyers, Sumatra has an open field without n com petitor , hence sells writ. Usvaua Importers knew lnuiuUcturera must have the weed grown In Culm In order te glve tone te the clgur , therefore the best selection possible Is es-ieutlal, aud eslei fol fel low at fair profits. Baltimore SUtkel. The scarcity of geed stock of Maryland con tinues, aud buyers ute net In the market Very row sales or Inferior have been made, aud prices are nominally str-adv. Ohie is ery dull, sales of enlvlthhds having been reported for botneceusuuintlou. Connecticut Taller Leal Market. The ISSiJ crop of tobacco coutlnues te move slowly. Dealers are searching for geed crops of '55, as well as the cheap, low-priced let that have hung like an Incubus upeu the hands of the unfortunate owners. New these damaged crops are ludeuiuid. but at prices but little better than fillers. Indeed, prime old fillers are very high ; but tobacco dam aged either by ever-sweating, frost, hall, or pole-bum must sell low. The farmer know knew lng its condition will gencrallv take the first fair offer. Ooed crops are In demand at lull and Improving priens. The demand has net been as sharp lu New nglandns lu ether stales. Western and Southern Market InLouisvllleprlcessretlrmfer geed leaf, while both the old and the new crop hurleys of low and medium grades are ueglected. In Cincinnati at no time since the beginning of the new year trade has been in such a healthy and nourishing condition as at the present. Every branch of the tobacco busl ness, manufacturers, Jobbers and dealers, sre being rushed, and it Is with difficulty that the former keep up with the demands made en them for special brand by the Jobbers and dealers. In all the Western and boutheru tobacco centres the tobacco trade is Improving. m A Railroad Accident, rreui the 1'ttUburg Chronicle Telegraph "Well, you'll have te walk home te-night," remarked a man te another who lives en the Fert Wavne read. " Why T" " There's a wash eutcn y mi lice.' "There is! Where"' " In the back yard." The Atmosphere of Leve. Is a pure, sweet breath. Thu desideratum Is one of the resulu of tutn iOZODOhT. which net only Invigorates ana preserves the teeth, but renders the month en .'mgraat as a rose. " Ilreathes there a man with soul te dead, who never te himself has sam. Id euro inr achtns head wlta salvation Oil " ' ' Yes a low light weights." ..ESliy.bK7..'7,th.?.laM eye i what a chap termed a bottle of Dr; Uu.. leuirh Sjrup. ii centj. ToCentnmptlvre. S',acr' S5ireu bt that the Crester amtcu one third of mankind you with dlee J.w51'!!,t.?eI?l,.nerem,Jr? "' K- V. Pierce's "Gelden Modieli Discovery" has cured hnn areas or cases of oensuniptton, ana men are living te-day-healthy, rebast men-whom phy sicians pronounced Incurable, t-ecause one luna was almost gene. Send 10 cents In stampMer 1JT. nerce s book en consumption and kindred affections. Address. World U!pensry Medi cal association, 6M Main street, Uuffile, s. -i . Tn.VrAw MfMOXAJ. MOT1VMB. Mothers t Mothers t! Mothers It Are you disturbed at night sad broken of your rest by a sick oetid suffering ana crying with the excracUtlng pain et catting teeth' If se, go at onee and Bret a bottle of Jl Ks. WIN'SLO W'9 SOOTUINO 8YBUP. It will relieve the peer little sutler lmmedlately-Jepend upenlt ; taere Is no mistake about lt There lj net a mother en earth who has ever used tt, who will net tell you at once that it will reroute the bowels, and givoresttetnemother.anarellef and health te the child, operating like uia?lc it is perfectly safe te use In all eases' and pleisant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene et ths olden and best female physicians ana nurses In the United States, oeld every where. M tents a bottle. inaySMyil&w COUGH, WHOOPING COIGH and Bronchitis ImmedHtely relieved by Mslieh Cur. se.d bv 11 H.Cechrsn. druggist, ;.OT .j7 aud 1J9 .North Queen Ut, Lancaster, Fa. (ij MXDMbTT TKOL'ULKS, A Ous of Many Years Standing Cured Wlttt BU Bettles, In a Han 80 Tears el Age. ALLTewir, 1'a., Mays. 1985. Uasoslies Brrruu Ce.-Oenti ; i haa been troubled with my kidneys for a number of years, used almost everything without much benefit 'intll I tried Dandelion Hitlers. I used six bot bet bot tles and am pleased te say I am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my eystein being toned up se that I feel like a different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all am toted Saved nil Lite. Mr. 1). 1. tVllconsen, et Ilore Cave, Ky , savs he was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes: the pains were T almost unendurableand would semeumes almost threw him Inte convulsions. He tried Electric Hitters ana get reller from nm bottle ana after toklna teklna slx betUes. was enUrely cured, and hud gained !? 5fH.e,ghte.!l !?undi. "J h0 Positively be lieves he would have died, haa it net been for the relief afforded by Klectrle Bitters. Sold at nrtyccntaabettlebyH. II. Cochran. Druirilsr Nes. VS1 and 139 Merti Queen TiitreetV'LanbSt er) (C) DasDsiies Livxa rsu-Kra for sick headache torpid liver, bUlotunsasanaindlgestlen. Small and eaiy te swallow. One pill a Coee. I'rice.SBc By all dregglsu. feamdTu.Th3 A Tery Harrow Escape, had a very narrow eicnn.aii Vnm Hmmln.nl l,,wn .r. a Miml ... . '.. i.i a uw a vdcj unir tn & rrijirwl ,t h.n. -. te my bed lera vsarandrDTfiieniiaT7n, nn ter a consumptive's grave, uniu I began u Kemp's JJalsam for the Threat and Lungs, rtfftti,i1nintllnMtA n.lti t , ? .1 using- and wv.e uju, wuuu ruu unmt ty. 1 nCO VIC, BUCl 1. Fer sale by 11. II. Ceehrun, Druggist, Ne. 187. North Queen street. Lancaster. ' '' and N OTHING LIKE IT. ST. JACOBS OIL. 'Ott PAlNS-BnEUJUTIC. After a lapse of years stAtements confirm cenfirm Ingtbeemcacy ufSt. Jaoebi uu ana Us nermv nermv nent cures, are given below, ' jrem a BnicaiTicScrrsrisR-jis i:;3 Utrgen, .New Jerser I have used St. Jacobs uu and It cured me ofrbeumutUmatterafew days annllcatten AUOUaiUai-UluE r bem SAent 7 Tsars Latsk. i.iiX7thSt,Jcisey city. N. J Oct sj.iw. .1 cannot aa mere te the praise et at. Jacobs Oil and my tesUmeny seven vears go. it cured me. AUuustua Pities;. Frtex a KascotATie Scitsbi, fisr t an. Union Catbille Library Association. ) M Dearborn Bt, Chicago, I1L One bottle of 8U Jacobs oil cured me or rhuumatlsrn. which gave me great pain JAMES A. COMLA.N, Ja , Libra) Ian. I'rOM 8 KB 8 Ysasb Latsx. 1st Huren 6U, Chicago, HI., Oot 18. ltSH. I can only reeneat my former Ustlmen v te thometltsefst Jacobs en. it cured me of n severe case of rheumatism. JAMKBA.CO.NLA.V.Jn. 1"ke a U It OrnciAtv JasrABv, isfl. Office eIN. V., 1m K. A W. It, B. Ce . ) W7 West. hew Verk. n. y. ' j Twe months sge I bad rheumatism In inv Ight aim from shoulder :te wrist, and oeuld net raise it without excruciating pain, na ture the second bottle et at. Jacobs Oil was used mv arm was well. n v v iv Aitn. nivn p,.. . . .. .. .. -- -i.,gincuu K0iI Saxb i TSABS LATSa, cr ivetiai., ssv iers.ii. i,, nor, in, l?bti. Keferringte clipping from .V. y. Trlteram which gives an acoeunt of my case, If u will be efany service te you I than be pleased. BL Jacobs oil cured me. C. V. V. WARD, Dlv'n Pass. Agent. The CHAItLES A. VOOKLKU CO., UiUttmere. HO, Star Cough Curd, will by sending a two eent sturan anil u hliinHi nt? if,ln.u s. Red Star Cough Cure. r'HES rUOU OriATU AND FOI305B. 8AfK. suue. rueurr. 25 CENTS. AT DUUQ-U18T8 AND DCALKBf. TUK CHAllLKS A. VOOILMB.CO., Bi IttBOrt. ata sssoktngtebacees find' mmviOAX. OlMMONB L1VKR RKQULATOH. -TAKK- Simmeus Liver Kegnlater. ' The gentle yet eiTeetual action el that giMHt old raeiedy, Simmons' l.tM-r Keu'nter, and Itslnlllnsle luerltf.hatop'aredltktthehwidel all family medicines. Ne household should be without It. It pi vents as wi-lta cures Inrpld Liter, Ueadache, Nntisca, I'lle, Celic, Indigestion, l'onsll)atlen, fevers, Sleeplessness. Lassitude, reul Ilmath. and rvnty ilijp..i brought en or Bggravatcd by a disordered stomach. It hss no enal as a l'reparatety HiMiiclnn n matter what the at tack, a dee of tt will afford rellel and In ordinal v rases will effect a spicily euro, lu use Mr ever half neeuturvliy tluuiauds el people hat e endorsed It as THE BEST FAMIL7 MEDICINE. teleedw rial'CIK I'LAaTERS. BENSON'S TORODS PLASTIRS. WINTER EXPOSURE CAUSKS C0UUI1 Colds, l'leurlsv. Uaeumatlsrn. rnenment Neuntlgta, Sciatica, Lutnbsgn, liackacha and citt.ir nilineuu. ter which Ueusen's Capelne Plasters are admitted te be the best remedy known. Ihey relieve and cure In a tew hours, when no ether application lj or the least benefit. Kuderned by 9 (JJ physicians and drugglsis Be ware of Imitations under slmtlar sounding names, such at "Capsicum," "Capslcln," or "Capslclne." Asx re llsnses's aud taks we etbsss. Kxamlnecaretully wbenxeubuy. All druggists. ., . . . SKABUR 4 JOIINSON, tUl-Cmdeedaw Proprietor, New Yerk, AYKR'S CUEKKY PECTORAL. Your Children Are constantly exposed te danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, croup, and diseases peculiar te the threat and lungs. Fer such aUments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly administered, aflerds speedy relief aud cure. As a remedy for Whoeptng Cough, utth which miuv of our children were affllcu-d, used, dur ing the past winter, with much satisfaction, AjersChMrry Pectoral, rer this affection, we consider this preparation the most efflcaoteus of all the medicines which have come toeur knowl knewl rl!'.f";?.larT 'arkhnrst, Precertrsss, Ueme for Little Wanderers, Doncaster. Hd. My children have bsen peculiarly subject te attacks of Creup. aud 1 failed te find any effeo effee effeo rive remedy nntll 1 commenced sdmlnuterlng Ayer's Cherry Pectoral This preparation re lieves th dlfitculty et brTathtnzand Invariably cures the complaint. Pavid U. Starts. Chat ham. Columbia Ce. N. T 1 have used Ayer's Uhrry Tecteral In my fimtly for many Mrs, and have found It cap, c ally valuable in w hoeping Cough. This meal meal clne allays alt Irritation, prevents inflammation from ertendlng te the lungs, and quickly sun !'.'y tendency te Lung Cemplalat.-J. B Welllnsten. I'lalnvllle. MtehT 1 find no medlctne se effective, for Croup and w hoeping Cough, n AVer's Chen-y Pectoral It was the means of saving the lire of my little boy, only six months old.earrytng him safely thienah the worst case of Whoeptng Cough I ever saw -Jane Maleac, Plney flats, ienn Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, U.'tel pjLY'H CIIEAM UALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM LLEAN3E3 TIIK HE All. ALLA13 INFLAMMATION, IIKAL3 THE UE3TOBE3 TUK SKNSLs or TASTE. SMELL. HKAKIVfl i AQUICKUKLItr. A POSITIVE CUKE. A particle Is applled te each aestrtl and Is agreeable. Prtce iw cenu at drngglsta : bv mall, registered, wets. Circulars free. x julya-lyoedi'lyw8' Un Wwege,. Y. TJJXUAUaTED VITALITY. EXHATTSTED VITAIITY leuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, sm pages sve. 129prescrlpuonsferall diseases. Cleth, full trilL enlv ai m. hVm.ii rrzvn ... " . "t. --1 ul uujj si.wjl et cujcu. iiius-jauvesampie iree te all young an m-raflv.,,..,.!!. .M..A.A ., ....... BE- W. It. PAiiKKU. I llnlnneh stACV iCi.i" atass. ' WARNER'S Y'EAST." "WARNER'S YEAST." One Cent a Cae, Ten Cents a Vex. rer calu only at Cochran's Drug Stere, a7&&7 W NBTB QUEEN BT' 1887. 1887. VALENTINES SATIN ART SOUVLNIHO. KBAUTIFULfJESIONB. TANST UANDKKttCUICr.UOLOEK. II NDPAINTED 8ACHKTP. LACE VALENI INK'S. larqe A6sertmeu(. Leir Prices. AT THE IlOOKblOBK OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, N03. A 17 NOBTH QUIEN STBEET. BPMVIAL XOT1CKH. ihtT MnllVlHnt, Iif nnn ..h.u .. 1 of air in nnexrweud places, going from het room, in rvii nn. (&..?. ..? lz-iry ni.hin: wT.r- .'.'.'""".. "nsii clething: In short anvthinir whi-h hha. lng common cold In lheheidr' Unless arrested IE thl.sindofTeldbemestedlnthemu'oou. membrane of the head Then It Is Catarrh In EffcEi? ? ' 1M 'tf.g!, th,J OUaaJe always yields aalm. Safe. "ngg&ffiP NEVEBOIVKUP. ' .-'Jy5in troubled with nervous or stck head 5m,(,l1?n,0rtiUI,re.,"',c,lH) s incurable until ??uJiS.ve.t-r",1 l,r- Leslie's cclal Prescription 5e the testimonials In another column" d-lw , The Impending Danger. .v'he.,?,(n!,,u,tlc0, 8 number or deaths fiW HrVi? i?rge nefV "e with Consump tion . This disease may commence srith an an. ,Vire.,t,,KJU"2nle,.ce.a11 whlcl etn be cuied In stantly by Kemp's Balsam for theThrcitind Lungs, whlph Is guaranteed te cure and relieve all cues. Price St cenu and L Trial 4Urt rer sale by 1L B. Cechraa, toggULNe lli North Queen street. enwUMw aUrstonleua Eksdi vr. w, ,Kecd, druggist, of Winchester. lESS-i." l!n.Rl2!S!T-JS"-i?'f 'A'. Ind., sufferer with Consumption, and was given up te die by her physicians. She heard of Ur. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and began bwlng it of me. In six months' time "he VTMllrMll trt VtA tlsw as lll.iunA. A t . . BBSSS U new se much lmurovea he b& null Uilhir 1L VrsMts trial Itntllua s-fnt.- . . 5imandlNerThQuu?eet,Laucas0ter () ' l.0iVlrtT;,.C""0".i'i?'''t'enCure tJ?P.2e: fqldVflr'chrin'.0?.': p. in ana i.e North ;gueea bl, 'LaniSiwr; 1Z , W SlUfiBLlAB- Am,,. a.... TUaC IE IB cm . !"!Ti'JVBVWBiBiTwir eaii t .sna IN Ke: th yueeu street, liicaavfrTf mT m rvmnirvmrn. PURN 1TUH K .WARBHUOMB. BUI TOUHSBLr A 1-A1K OF THOBB Felding Dress Pillows. CALL BAHLT AT Hefl-eler's Farnitari Wircroems, They am the nicest thing en t and we have I as t received another let el thAn. wtj b8t kine errajurr. WyiDMYKK'8 FUKNITOKK BTOKK. MALVfUAKl'KS -niture.Fiirniture. It you want any FURNITURE new coming Spring call and examine my stock, will find ft larg and well selected. or the Teu GOOD .TOllK. LOW PRICES. Parties wanting full outfit are especially Invited te call. WIDMYER'S FURNITUBE STORE, Cerner Bast King and Dtike 8 LANCASTER, PA. euiS-lydaj3mw H 0USE9TlREi. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. Last Week Stock by e gave you an Insight Inte ear Quoting a Few Prices. This week we will ask you te come and see some et the goods spoken a'seut, and see If they will net ptease you, especially If you are want lng te buy a H0USESTIRB. STILL SOME SJIS DKDKOOM SUITS LEFT. NOB. 27 39 BOTJTH QTJBBH ST., LANCASTER TA. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. T I MIT A MB. F ILINN 4 BRENEMAN. BUY THE GENUINE OLD STYLE HAND-MADE TINWARE -AT- FUNM & BRENEMAN'S, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, I.ANCASTKU PA. ZJiir aoevM. M AKT1N Vctt J." February 1 te Marcb 1, 1887. SPECIAL SALE -OF- WALL PAPERS -AT- J. B, Martin & Ce.Ts. nYSmVP ver bal rew Psrnsel WALL TAPERa from last season, and for this sale offer for the most part ALL NEW (JOOUs. purchased lately for this Spring trade, and te which are aajl'-d rtally many NEW and H AN IiaeUE PAT TERNS. We Are Glflng Ven Lew Prices, and with the low prless the advantaged a large and caret ally selected stock, and a stock that la kept up from day te day with the additions of NOVELTIES a. they are Introduced. We offer In this sale ever 60,000 PIE0E3 -or- ALL GRADES OF WALL PAPERS, from first grade at e. per roll te fine grades at IIS per relL tnfiGI&!!K ""KrHANOBRS FUR sale. ' at ,ew ta 0iriB this Our mala object daring this sale Is te redues ""J"0! V? Prepare for EXTENSIVE LTaa. ATIONS IN OUll BUILDING DUKlNU AUOI1. NOW READY ! FULL STOCK or ALL GRAPES Of GARPETS FOR SPRING. Sptclal offering of BMITII'Said IlAltrrOBO H5ftSIWS-AlpT8.?L8' 1NQ8AI,,B "a J. B. MARTIN & CO., Oir. Wctt Slag Mm Btr., ixeAaxu. wa. exavuujirsi alb. T3IBB0NSJ RIBBONS I GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- RIBBONS! ACTDinUlO me i niun e palace of PasMen NO. 13 BAST KINO 8T., LANUABTEK, PA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, WE INAUOUKATE OUIl First Special Sale -or- RIBBONS! RIBBONS! -rer ONE WEEK ONLY, ENOINO Saturday, February 19. Daring that time we will eff.r such Wonder. hVaMeferS ,lIUl,0-N8 M MT" bten READ THIS I DOUBLE rACED SATIN KIBBON, Ploet Edgra Ne. I at S3, a vartl t srtirth ay- Mn a a. a yard: worth lOe. Nn.Tatlc.ay lSe. NO. 11 II Inches wide) at se. a yard , worth le. PLAIN SATIN HIUDONS-Ne. t at te. a yard Ne. B at Se. a yard. Ne fatten yard. Ne 9 at ti. a yard , Ne. U at c a yard , no. 18 at Se. a )ara. ALL SILK OKOSOltAIN-Ne. ?M3e ayarti Na 4 at Se. a yard ; Ne. s at :e. a yaw .NaT at yard ; Ne. 16 at lSc a yard. KlOHONs Ne. 9 at loe. a yard-, worth lc. Ne U at Uc a yard worth Je. Our Best Ribbons, EXTRA I1KAVV SATIN AVUOUOSQUA1N Nfi 1 Sit 4 aa Afi1 n A mt Ca . ... j . . . -- -" s . ! i ai gm Bt s ru r sin ra ss lira, a yards Ne. 7 at We. a yard d: Ne. 7 at Ue. a yard : Ne. iatlSca yara i no. 12 a hoc. a yard i Ne. is at s. a yard r.nriipspn art te Ttt-w ...- .... IllIM Edge Na 4at Se. apiece; fnnncrly. 7Se. Ne.S at Ke. apteen; formerly, ll.oe. Ne 7 at tc apiece j formerly, l.. Ne. 8 at 6e. apleee. formerly, l e. Ne. 12 at fte, apiece ; formerly S,Itemember thtae nrlte. are roil ONE WMKONLl.ENUINOSA.TUKUAT, rEUIUJ. OLAaawAatt. H 10 H A MARTI It China, Queensware -AT- EOA HALL Our ti3sertmeut of China and Queens ware is larger than ever before Our Gran ite, Porcelain and French China in White, is of the best manufacturers In England or America. Our Decorated Sets are or the same manufacture, with English, French and American Decorations. Our prices are equal te any in the market, whether original or reduced, A full line of Odd and Damaged Ware. Sales guarantied. Goods exchangel if net satisfactory. 16 EAOTmG STREET. LAN0AST1U, 1'A, MAOHlMMHt. fVrAOHlHKKr.Ac SOB STEAM HEATING !.awt and Most Imprwred R5INR---TmtJM, Ptfiitb ir Muwy ms or Ssena-iid sbOOJbs, WATJsB TANKS, 8BTABUTOR8, stfSViT5.W0" " uueainuBss, Ezra F. Landis, WOssb-WI NOSni QUUsY IsyTBs-r, HiMeTtin, r . A r h m-mkf?;;, .si fSriuf "SvAfSwr iwA. wAi. tli. ?i. , - .: 14? 1A jii iJTSeTV5?j.. i.rii 3tt&