m&ss&zww$&l fSffmsm 'Wly, I' ""aTBLH -: ffV S NIXIE. Nobody would take llltle Nlxle Msrkbam ler a lisrelue, nor would nne suppose tb'. Utile figure pnamased nerve enough te mve hundreds ul llves by her iremil action, but this wm the way of a t It km u het summer afternoon, and Iho meat absolute quiet reigned eer llie llltla railroad station of l'arkerstewn, up In Northern New Kegtand, en these aweltrring July days. Notevonlho customary Ionian were around, and only at train tltue was there any show of life. The down train waa due at tell), but until then, aa the aenaatlenal wilier sty, "all was inlet aa the grave." Nlxle was the station agent's daughter and u ily child. Hbe wnt lllieen, although ae mall ahe looked tliree years younger, and wee uiually iulet aa a mouse " net inuru Ip te her," aa the country folks aald. In spile of the curruel upliituu, however, ahe had, except the email portion or lima the lll lll teo country town sol apart ler the aobeol Reason, spent neatly all of her time lu the ticket olllce with hur father, picking up, let ter by letter and word by word, the aeunda el the Morae Instrument, antl llnally, eue day ahe astonlshed her lather by taking a telegram by eeuml, giving hliuancat "cepy.1 Fretn that day Nlxle waa Inatalled aa trie, graph operator, and Iho Indulgent father often aald Nick could run that nlflce Jest aa well as he could blinaell" which, consider lug that Mr. Mark bain waa onnildered by tbe boys "a plug operator," might te called double oeiuplliiinnt te Nlxle. Well, thin particular afternoon we are talk Ing about, the afore-wltl pltiK" sauntered Inte the depot with trouble unthrened en his majestic nrnw. "Nick, I'm "111111110111(1 en a Jtiryraseup te the Centre Village tills Htternoei). ll'a tee lute te get auybe.ly here, even a'paslng there was any body tn Kt. what are we going te doabeiit ll T H'Kwe you can 'tend thocen-i-erii aloue tinlll I gel back probably by tlT" 11 I guesi mi. lather," replied Nlxle. There won't be much or anything te da l.lkely there won't be any passengers for the down train till het day, and I hepe I knew etiniuth te aull n ticket or two If thnre are." " Well, nne that thoae boxes go by oxpreia, Tite waybill are ready and In the drawer, (iueas you'll get alcng all right," aud off he nmiL leaving NUIe lnlilretn of thbnlluatteti, willed phrase inmnt mere limit you might lmaglne that very pirtlcuUr day. At tlrat alie lult her tiewly acquired Im portance somewhat and stepped about briskly, dusting the musty ll'.tie elllce nud waierltig the low plant In the window, but tliore being absolutely nothing te de and no ene coming ne.tr, alie dropped Inte tnaetlvlty and llstentxl te the click of Iho telegraph In strument, which te her was at couipitilona ceuipitilona couipitilena hlo as the talk el near friend would be. Aa the aftorneoa pante 1 drowsily along the beat and stillness overcame her, and dropping her Union Lead en the desk before her, ahe waa neon as ene of the geed ladles of l'ark l'ark erseown was went tn express It "In the arm of Morphine.' Atlerwartl the first thlriie alie could re- member about II, n voice swilling te ceme Irmii her dream aald : "Taln't likely ahe it left bore alene and asleep tee." "Ne," reipundel atieiber eill voice, "the elil man's preb'ly 'round aouiewhere but." In a lower totie, "raiue en, lets go 'long. 'I'bednwn traln'U be along ami we'll Just lay 'eiu out." Nlxle wu wide awake enough new, but ahe had presence el mind enough In her small body, and reallr.ftl that safety lay lu keeping still. "Hew fur Is It up there? ' "'.Shi Keep mum. !). you want te knock the hull thing in the tit a I, and your yeur your relf, loe? And then the glrl'a quickened hearing caught.lhe Beuud of heavy footsteps passing by tbe window and en up the track. Nlxle waited until ahe couldn't hear the footstep, and then c.uitleu-ly turned and looked out of the window. There they were two mlsorable looking tra'iipt hastening up the track. Mho recognized them at once as two men wne Had twn discharge.! Irein n construction train that had been at work down the re.id. What aheuld ahe de? Ob, II ahe could seud for her father 1 Hut thore waa no oue uear, and betides, by the tlme he i.'' u 1J Ret Leme 11 mlht Ixi tee Ute-for It w as e iiieul thai the dutporate w rutcliua were bv'nt upon revitigttig themselves el their fancied wrongs upon the lunecent, She looked at tbe clock. !ialf-past four' She ran out and looked arruud the lonely station. Ne living belug In alto. Klie called once, feebly, but what waa the ue? It the scut ler her ItUier aim had no tangible explaua lien te give or real reason te make him burry home only she wai auto liiure -- lurm eeuilug te the down train, tint lenir, otenrdml oxpreM tilled with mountain tour- isih. iiuianemusi uoaenioming. The men had illsapiwared around aslluht 1-nuil In the track. Nixie ran In, lock ml up t 'ie olllce, BDHtclieJ a hat from a null In the corner and then hurrb-d up the track until be arrived at the alight curve. Theu abe "maile htite mere slowly," (or there were the meti. Htejipinic behind n clump of bushed, ahe watched them. They had etepea nuil wero doing Neiuutlitug, sbe cmilil net at Urst moo what, te the track. Pretty seen up cauie u rail, aud l'l a mluiite mere it wai thrown down n atttp ledgu wltliln four feet of tbe track, where the whole rain must be precipitated In leH than an hour 11 Metnethlng could net be done te warn them. Nlxle nn'V It all new and ler a moment steed, tiur c-yrn 0 1 1 n t tx I with horror, while ahe saw the aceundrels ihike their hits toward her way aud heard an lmpreui. lien. Then tliey pas-ed en and Nlxle, grow ing cold In the auddeu extremity, turn! and aped toward the depet. The rail had bven removed en a nurve which waa shaded en the west aide by a high bank ae that at half.past live It was quite duak there, and as tbe train alwaya came in en a down grade they came at lull speed. Ne Nlxle thought te beraeir, "I'm glad 1 chiiie. for new I'll burry and telegraph te ritratterd bolere the train cornea by and then we'll see, Mr. Tramp., bow your little scheme coin ea out" Hbe reached the olllce and looked at the clock. Klve minutes tetUeiaud the train left Stratford at r:0J. Well, els lit minutes was mere than plenty of lime If abe could " raise " (Stratford. Hbe grasped the key. " Hd-sd ad " clicked tbe Inslrumen. Never before was there se iuipitleut an operator en that Una With her oyea ou the clock, which socnied then, If ever, te any " forever uever never never ferever," ahe kept up the call. Homebody en tbe ether aide "broke her" twice, but abe gave all tbe rlanger signals Bhe could think of aud kept ou, one, two, tbree, four, five slowly pealed the old clock each stroke an agony te the girl. Meanwhile the agent at Htratferd could net operate at all, and tbe boy who could, and who served as general chore-boy about the place bad gene ler the oews, and there waa no one te answer the call en which ae much depended. A. few minute and it waa tee late, and Nlxle was in a new dilemna. Nixie cleeed the key In despair. Hbe did net knew the train signals, but aelzed the red II g under tbe old desk and ran for dear life literally the dear Uvea of her fellow creature-i. Net until ahe get te tbe wrecked place did ahe remember that she nnut go bo be bo yeud the curve te atop thorn or abe would be of no use. Already ahe heard tbe approach ing train rumble in tbe distance. Faster, bister abe aped round the eune Hiralghten up the track. Hhe could aee them new c lin ing in. On they ruabed, tbe great engine bent en destroying Its precieua freight Nlxle stepped In the midst of the track and frantically swung berred flag, but still the monster rushed toward her, showing no abatement of speed. Meanwhile the brakeman and fireman steed aghast Ie see tbe engineer ae utterly re gardless of her. "Htep, man 1" be shouted ; "don't you see the girl?" Yes," said tbe half-drunk engineer. ' Why don't tbe little feel get out or my way? I'll leach her," and made no move ment te step. Nlxle waited with sinking heart Ob. why did everything go against ner ? Was it tbe will of Ged that tbl dreadful thing must happen? Tbe engine was close upon ber and abe ran en a Jutting rock by the rail road and waving ber scarlet flag but Just aa the engine came alongside or her she beard the abarp click of the call-bell In tbe engine, and saw tbe 11 re man push the engineer aside and reverse tbe engine. Tbe oenduotor, who bad Juat Been ber and excitedly pulled the bell-rope, jumped oil' and came toward ber. But tbe reaction was tee much for peer Nlxle, and she could only gasp eut: ' Hound the curve," and then she was a wblte heap, with no aeuse of anything. Passengers rushed out, and, alter some had been te tbe curve and aeen what tbe Utile f;irl bad aaved thun from, no lady in tbe and could be se loyally waited upon aa abe was when she bad been lilted Inte tbe car and told modestly bar Utile story. It was some little time before the track was ready for tbe train te proesed, and when Nlxle get out at her own station, many kind bands pressed hers In farewell, and the conductor left something In her hand, tee, just aa tbe train lelt, raying j "Yeu an the bravest Utile woman in the state." Net until aha had beta la the offlee a geed half hour with her father, who had get home Ireuihl lawsuit and wondered what made the train lata and where Nlxla had gene te ud told him all the story, did Nlxle think te leek at the packet. Tueu ahe read a notes "Will Miss Kunlee Markliam aoespt theae. oempanylng from the frletida abn ae bravely aaved August 23, 1880 T" The nole waa wrapid around iix lu b.tnk note. "Oh, papal new you can pay oil the mort gage en the house," cried Nlxle, and the fattier aald : "1 deulare, Nick, jeu gel higher wagesaa agent aa I de I" Tbe superintendent of the Q. A. U. rail road oeminlttee name down te I'arkerstewq that week, and seen after there waa vacancy In one el the besl elll res of the mm pany In a neighboring city and Mr. Mark bam waa tendered the situation. He accepted. "He Nlxle can have the aubneltnK she wants ee much," he snld and te-day Miss Kunlee Markhatn la one of Iho most premising pupil in the high echoel el that city. Hut mere than ever ia ahe the pride el her father's heart, who never tire or telling of the alter alter neon "hlaglrl waa station bkeiiL" Hut. after all, you would uenr lake her for a heroine. i.tnvutn An a t.Awrr.. Btralghtretwaril Intclllfsue nf meat Man. Ul Largstt ra. The Country for rcbiuary. Ilia weak a well aa bis strong qualities have been Indicated. He never learned the technicalities what some would call the tricks of the profession. Tbe sleight of pita and domurrer, the legerdemaln by which Jusllee la balked and a weak case la made te gain an unfair advantage, was tee subtle and shifty for bis strong and straightforward in in telllgeuce. He met thnse maueuvera suffi ciently well when practiced by othera, but he nover could get lu the way of handling them for himself. On tbe wrong aide he waa al ways weak. He knew mis himself and avoided sueh eases wben he could consist ently with the rules or lit profession. He would niten persuade a fair-minded litigant of the InJiiHtlce of his case ami luduce him te f;lve it up. Ills partner, Mr. llernden, re atcsa speech lu point which Lincoln once maJe te a man whoelfitrod him an objection. able ckse : " Yes, thore Is no reasonable doubt but that I can gain your case for you I ean aet a whole neighborhood at togger. head ; I can distress a widowed mother and her six fatherless cblldren, and thereby get for you some (000 which rlghttully belongs, It apear te me, as much te them as It does te you. f shall net take your case, but 1 will give a little advice ler nothing. Yeu aeein a aprhrhtly, energetic man. 1 would advise you te try your band at making fiOO In some ether way." Hoinetlmes, after he had en. tered upon a rrlmlnal case the conviction that his client wasKUllty would affect l.lui with a sort of panic On one occasion be turned auildeuly te 111 assoclnte and aald : "Hwret, Iho man Is guilty ; ten defend him, I can't," and se gave up his ahare of a large lee. The same thing lupeimd at another nine wncn no was engaged witu judge . v. Parker Indelendlng n man accused of lar ceny. He said : " If you can say anything for the man de It -I can't ; If I attempt It tbe Jury will Ht'Httmt I think he la guilty, and will com, let ttl in " Ouce he was prosecuting a civil suit In the course of which evldence was Introduced shetting that his client was attempting a fraud. Lincoln rose and went te his hotel In deep disgust. The Judge sent for him ; be refusml te come. Tell tbe Judge," he said, "my hands are dirty; I came ever te wmli them." We are aware that these aterles detract something from the character el the lawyer, but this Inflexible, Incemvenlent anil fastidious morality waa, te benf ast service afterward te hie country and tbe world. The Nemesls which waits upon men el ex traordinary w-it or humor had net neglected Mr. Lincoln, aud the young lawyera of Illi nois, who neer knew him, have an endless store of Jekes and pleisantrlra In bla name, ronten! ihemaseld as llewleslass or Kabe- lals. Hut tbe lact Is that with all bis stories and Jests, his I rank coiuptninnable humor, hla gift of etsy accelbllliy and welcome, he was, even while he traveled the Klgbth cir cuit, a man of graesnd serlnus temper and el an uiiuhiial lunate dliaiily and reaerve. He had lew or nospecial Ultimate, and there was a line bavend'wblch noeneever thought el jsisslng. tl?sldes, be was tee strong a man In tbe court-room te be regarded with any tiling but respact In a community in which lgat ability was the only expeclsl distinction. Few of his forensic speeches have been pre-s-jrvej, but hlscotetuperanes all agree as te thnlr singular ability nud poner. lteaeemed absolutely at home In a court-room ; his great stature did net encumber him there ; It mmsumkI like a natural vymbel of superiority. Hltbearlug and Kesticulatlen had noawk neawk noawk wardnesa about them ; they were Hluiply striking and original. He assumed al the start a trauk and friendly relation with the Jury, which was extremely etlectlve. He usually iwan, as the phrase ran, by " giving away bis awe," by allowing te tbe opposite side every ixmlbleaJ vantage that they could henuntly and Justly rlalui. Then he would present blsewu ahl el tbe ciie with acleir. lies, n Ciiiiler, hii adroitness of statement which at once lltttered and convinced tbe Jury, aud mtdu even the bystanders bis par tisans Hometlmea be disturbed tbe court with laughter by bis humorous or apt Illus trations , Hcmetlmes he excited thoaudlence by that tlerld and exuberant rhetoric which he knew well enough hew and when te in dulge In ; but bis mere usual and mere sue-ce-ful manner was te rely upeu a clear, atieng, lucid aUtement, keeping details in a proper subordination, and brlngtng lerward In a way which fastened the attention of court and jury alike, the eaaeutlal point en which he claimed a dectslen. "Indeed," nays oue of bin colleague, "his statement efteu rendered argument uiiucceasary, and often the court would step him and aav : 1 f that is the case, we will hear Uie ether aide.' " Whatever doubts might be entertained as te whether he was tbe ablest lawyer en the circuit, there waa net or any dissent from tbe opinion that he waa the meat cordially and iiiihenially liked. If he did net hluisel! on en joy his full Hbare of the happiness of life, be certainly illtlusud mere or it among hla lei lows thau la In tbe power of meat men. Ills arrival wus a little festival In the county seats where his pursuits led blm te pass se much of his time. Several eye-wltneraes have described these Bcenes In terms which would aeem exaggerated If they Were net ae fully confirmed. The bench and bar would gather at the tavern where he was expected, te give him a cordial welcome. Hays nne writer: "He brought light with htm." This I net hard te understand, Wbatever bla cares, he nover indicted them upon etbera. He talked Hiiigularly well, but never about himself. He waa lull of wit which never wounded, of honor, which molleed the harshness or that new and raw life of the prairies. 11a never asked for help, but waa alwaya ready toglveit He received every body's confidence, but rarely gave bis own lu return. He took no mean advantages In court or In conversation, and satisfied with the respect and kindliness which be every, where met he sought no quarrels and never bad te decllne them, lie did net aoeumulato wealth; as Judge Davis said, "be seemed never te rare for it." He bad a geed Income from his protesslon, though the fees he re ceived would brings smile te tbe well-paid lipa el the great attorneys of te-day. The largest tee he ever get was one of (5,000 from the lllinuia Central railway, aud lie had te bring suit te compel its payment He spent what he received In the education of hlsehll dr'ii, In the care of his Ismlly and In a plain aud generous way or living. IIKK WISH. " I wUh my flry would come te-day, And tiruth the dust from these rooms away ; Tbe cobweb tee, en the celling high, Kiupty trips with Dever a fly, Hew horrid they leek I upon my life, 1 he torment of every tidy wife ' I wlih my fairy my place would take In the kitchen, and let me ee her bake. Fer I'm se weary, 1 really dread The thought or kneading a batch of bread." Her husband heard her wish that day, llut scarcely heeding It, hurried away. At night he loekod his office deer, And gladly entered hi home once mere. As around the cety room he glanced, Ills eyes with pleasure talrly danced. Tee Ore-dogs of polished brass, rorbureUbsdgoldalmott would pas. Illseaay chair was In Its place Ueilde It, beamed a smiling face. Ne wonder that he turned te her, Half husband and hair wershtpsr, And said, "Seme faliy hta bad full sway, In every nook or ear house te day." forgotten were duit and cobwebs high, And there was u light In somebody's eye Fer tbe heaviest task that burden a wife Ure light "hen they brighten another's life. Egbert L. Bangt, a ON THE RAGING OHIO. ,h A LAHVArktAH HAVAILA IMV1UKHTB Ut THBOKAUT ALUUD OF fftft.1. HiWmUei el a faity te Maka Uis Fsrllee Atesnt of lha litter, Whin II Uad ltra had a Most liangsrant mag. A vsplata W be Mad nrtve. rer the iKtumuiKiiti. Frem April, 1881, in My, 1881, the wilter of this artlcte was clerk te a party of contrac tors doing work for tbe government, that el ballding lock A, en tbe Oreat Kanawha river under the supervision of that great lock and dam builder, U.il. K. II. Kerlln. Tbe leek was four inllea below the city of Charleston, W. Va, the birthplace or the youngest United HUtes senator, present chairman of the national Democratic committee, lien. Jehn li. Kenna, and who also waa the first man te introduce the ietltlcal campaign under tbe circus lent When they were talking of moving the capitol of West Vir ginia from Winding tu Charleston, Kenna was In for Charleston, whole heart ; and when be undertakes a thing he works 1 through. Together with Cob Frier he was stumping the slate thoroughly, but wu get ting disheartened, and he was at a less te think of something new, when be found there was a cliuua billed for Huntingdon, and concluded te tnake arrangements with tbe sbewmsn ler them te make speeches dur ing the performance. It was agreed k, Mr. Kenna, knowing that everyone went te see a circus In West Virginia, and that they could catch mere old mountaineers ou that day than In a month by any ether plan. 'Twas a graud auueeas. Wheeling bad te surrender her capital alter that, aud Charleston new has a beautiful building for legislators te ponder aud weigh Iho grave questions of state, I UAIU.l.MON, WKS1 VIIKIIMA, Ills a city of IJ,rK.Mer 11,000 Inhabitants ; a busluesa centre ler the vast timber land, coal Holds aud ceke evens. Hlnce 1SS1 no leas than 15 new mints bave been opened, giving employment te a vaat army el mlnera. Ne wonder this city finds plenty te de in tbe wsy of providing the necessaries of life ter the men employed In the valley. There are three wholesale grn.'erlt a, two wholeaalodry goods, aud Innumerable retail stores, to gether with a great numbernl manufactories, and the city presents an animated scene at all times, especially In Iho spring of the year. There are a number of I'enuiylvanlans en gaged In enterprises lu this region. Tbe Im provements niade en the river by the gov ernment have principally been by men from tblaatate. They consist of locks and dams, huge structures of masonry patterned after these en tbe French rivers, msklng the river natlgable at all seasons; enabling tbe coal beats te get te and from market Lecks 2 and 5 were built by Frank Ueffrlght, of Huntingdon, Pa., lock 1 by Mr. Dull, or Uarrlsburg, and lock (1 by Harris .t Black. While stationed at lock 0 the writer made tbe acquaintance or a number of steamboat men, and frequently made trips up and down the river with them, sometimes for pleasure and again en business, and efllmea as their guest And, reader, If you want a pretty trip in tbe spring of tbe year, take one el tbe beats that piles up and down the Ohie from Pittsburg te Cincinnati. Your fare will euly l (il or (7 tbe reuud trip, which Includes eery thing. They are all stern-wheelers, no slckeniug motion. The table cemparts ery favorable with our tlueat hotels. Wheii en pleasure bent all carry a band, piano, and you are sure te llnd tbe most delightful and companionable peo ple en them. Frem captain te fireman they are all gentlemen, aud give you any amount of Information net te l learned In books. Try It In February, 1n1, we were Invited te Jein a party leaving Charleston for Cincinnati, en the ateamer " Virgle Lee," Capt Thompson, the object being n geed time, and te de the opera festival, tbeu lu progress in I'orkepolls. We touched at many points along the river until Cincinnati was reached. We were bent en seeing as much nf the city as possible In a brie! time, and did be. The lirat night all hands made etl for the opera, but bid a tlme in getting there. We steed tbe performance through, tbaukful te get in. Itwasal'attl night, the u.-rj "Semlramlde." I'altl and Hcalchl weie both lu the relea, aud Nicellnl was doing tbe tenor part It was grand, but the order near the deer among fashlona fashlena able people was something dreadful. Many a lady bad a due toilet ruined. We saw Lettaplay "Muzette" the next night and en the following aaw Christine Nllasen from a private box lu the Academy of Muslc.and who applauded Mine, I'attl liberally and casta bouquet from the box she occupied, there by proving hew heartily ahe enjoyed the performance. We visited Cincinnati's great packing houses, ber large wholesale and retail estab lishments, manufactories and brewerleaand ether points of interest In aud areuud the city. O.N Tilt: llAfll.N'O onto, The writer then proceeded te Smlthten, W. Va., while changing beats at Galllpells, leaving tbe Virgle iee, and taking a Park Park eraburg packet, under command of Captain Muddy, we learned te our dismay el tbe ris ing water lu the Allegheuy owing te the thaw and rain. We lay all night taking en freight at Uallipells, with the river rising pretty last We had eue mere atop te make te take ou height, au engagement tbe Captain thought be waa beuud te till. It took longer than he thought and the river was rising rapidly aud bad gained such headway we were compelled te go out of tbe regular chan nel, the current being tee strong for a light beat te light against Pouierey was reached ami It was learned that the ice bad broken en tbe Allegheny, and would evertake us that night Old river-men said "tie up," but be did net, and kept right en. About 12 o'clock the Ice struck us, tbe river rearing like a cata ract, the aeunda aemethlng terrlfle te these uusccustnmed te anything of tbe kind. It brought vivid pictures of tbe last day, A SWOLLEN STREAM. All night the river ran heavy. Ureat chunks would bump up against us, ethers underneath us. Our pilot waa one of the beat, or this would uever have been writ teii. We were ever cautiously bugging the shore ; morning broke aud a welceme morn ing it waa lu tbe consciousness that danger was past. Tbe river seemed te be two miles wide at points. Ceal barges lashed together would go down In twos, threes, and sometimes half dozens. Wharf bett, houses, ben coops and ether out buildings oeuld be aeen en that bread expanse of water that dashed them te pieces In Its lury. Tbe writer recalls very vividly new tbe destruction caused be fore tbe river subsided. Was it worth tbe risk ? Yea, I say, even mere than that At neon our pilot told the captain te tie up ler a few hours, which advice was followed, The man waa nearly exhausted. Our dancer lay in snags. We were 12 miles from Fark eraburg, and laid there that night The next morning we left for the city, the only beat en tbe river that bad dared venture out in that stream, and our captain and pilot were heartily congratulated for their bravery. Hhertly afterwards we arrived at our destina tion, and alter a hearty welcome from our friends, we were net sorry for tbe terrible experience through which we bad passed. TukLvu. A Tdbat te Baby Whitney. " Sympathizing Mether " In Heading Htrald. Ah I Baby Whitney, Swing In thy wicker, silk and satin-lined and downy-covered crib, but whilst thou art lying there, being swung Inte the pleasant arms el Merpheus, may thy very presence there awing, m It were, a great pendulum from the East te the West, and from the North te the Seuth of this land, and may each stroke cause a sound, from which the Cvbe n Ul icuad and resound, There is I In this tuifl nf mim that would rstl be the Invlnu mnihav nf thy lovely ana VllllT liellilnasannl than l nqsxi uy ine hytira-headed llttlelutnttefl iraldein and serfdom el the intllter society." Ah ! tbnu ly beau ly 1 Theu art mere I and bleed. Theu art lh than merely fl beacon light, it ti that wilt rnoeun Le lie hoped, nay prayed for, e trim aud noble women, like thlnn own d r iiieirjiir, ie put inetr loot ilal monster that la strut strut bread land, and aavlnir. en tbe accursed ting tb rough our 5 "net li you warn p neiu your position tn blah society ten must eek riddance, and ".: ;- r ... ... ' jtt" pi condemn vnur soul, and berrall your lovely form." Ah llaby Whltney, with thy tiny feet In sock el while and blue, surely thou art favored among babies, ler thy noble mother's love is tee Jealous ie permit you te l red from aught but her own " mountains or snow." Theu wilt be prayed ler, ler thy mother's sake. " Let us go te, and net be troubled and annoyed by being raolhera of children," says this social monster. He, tee, the sous of Nesb said, Let us go te aud build a city," but tltxl said, "Letu go te and confound their tengues." Ah I llaby Whitney, thou national bud ; Cled alwaya wins, anil maybe you are Ills llrst born plan of confounding bis erring daughters of this unholy age, (Oh l hew lew Hachels as or old are te be found In tbe se called first class, that are alwaya followed after se closely.) May you live and wax strong, and ever In a asuguier wormy u nu u meiuer s love ana care. a rait KTiiur. JIY lllllUV. New tub, Is it? Well, .Mr, Carpenter, no doubt they'll beadale uatcr than theeuld ones, but they'll never l-e the same te me. Am I attached te tbe euld tubs? Why, sure, If you'll believe It, l've the best reasons for beln' attached te thuui, for they saved my lolfe, Indeed they did, as I'm a living alnner. Master and Missus, as you mutt knew, are well-off people, with lashtugs of silver snd tbe lelke of that, and at tbe time I'm spaklng of they kept them same In the house. They bad no mere fear or being rebbed than 1 have at this in In me, and they Juat tnrneda bltela nantry keven thorn attilvlit. and thought of no danger at all, at all. And no mere did I, until the day came whin there waa a grand parly at mv missus' daughter's, and abe and be went off te It to gether. ' We mightn't be home tonight Ulddy," says she ; " but you'd net feel alrald of stay ing alene In tbe house with Nera?" "And why should 1, ma'am?" says I. Lord help un, bow llttle we knew of what's cemln' 1 " Wby should I, ma'am ?" says I. "There's no ghost In It, I'm aartln." And off tbev went together, him and her. and Master Alfred ; and about 9 o'clock Nera aud me fastened tbe doers and went te bed. New I've a corn that hurts me wonderfully because It's en tbe Joint of ray big tee, and nothing alsea It but soaking It in soda water. He, arter I had been In bed an hour or mero that corn began te buru and smart te that degray I waa wild, and I thought te myself I'd go down into the kitchen, and soak my feet well, and pray the saints te better it He, net le wake Nera, slipped out assert aa silk, and down me stairs, and never light ing a light, for it was aa bright as day with tbe moon. I Just let tbe water In the tubs, and step ping en a chair, sat en tbe wan of 'em wld me feet In the ether, and let tbe warm water run and I was getting a dale of comfort, when all In a sudden, I beard a ueise that made the bleed In me veins run cewld. It was steps and tbojlegllngorsllvcrin the dining room, and somebody coming through tbe passage-way te the kitchen. I'm a little woman, by the grace or heaven, and I can slip in almeti anywhere, and It came Inte me mind that thin was the tlme te allp, and down I went Inte the tub, letting thecover down ever me, with Juat my finger In tbe crack te get a peep, antl sure If I didn't see enough te aatisly me. Twe men bad luck te tlictn ! wld crape evor their faces and pUtelaln their hands. " I told you there wai no one here, Jim," saya one. And I knew hi elv, aud the hands of him, with a crooked fincer ou eue a man that bad been pretending te want work of the matter. ' 1 heard pemethlug,-' .ays he, "aud I'll leek about me." Then be poked around, pseping ever and Inte everything. "The family Is out," siys he, "but that dlvll of a Iiridget might In bare, or the ether girl, Nera." "They're safa a(eep up stairs," says the tirbt. " They'd better atay there," s ays the ether, for I'd think nothing el silencing tbe two. This is a geed haul, Jack solid atutl." I'd aa seen put a bullet through a screechlu' woman as net," aald the ether. " Hee bore here's a pockotbeok." It was mine, with JUt ten shillings In It, but I didn't mind me money at Iho minute. They Uxik It out and counted It aud divided It and they seemed lu ue hurry loge, the villains. " The silver Is In the bag-," I heard them say. "Maybe there's clothes lu the tub," says tbe oue ; and he lilted the lid of the eue uext me. My heart gave a great Hep, and 1 gave my self up for gene. " You'd be an Idiot te lake wet clothes along with you," stld tbe ether. " Here, while we're waiting for the chance te co, let's have a bite. Here's a geed leg of mutton and some bread." Tbe Impudence of tbe thaves ! But sure the next minute I'd just lifted me bead te papa again, w ben crack came the lid en It, and 1 knew the craythers were sitting en the tubs, taking their supper. 1 was nearly dead with tbe blew, and I'd have smothered but for a hole lu the lid that waa there, glory te beaveu ! And I lay still, doubled up like a frog, and heard them chew. And whither It was the frlirht or the closo cleso close nesa, I don't knew, but I taluted away dead that minute, Wblu It was daylight Nera "waked aud missed me, and dressed aud came down. The minute she saw what bad happened, ahe rushed out te the street shrieking for help, and In came the police and neighbors, and sure they aald 1 was In tbe robbery, and bad left tbe tbaves In, and me lying un un knewnat in the tub uelcs. Tbey seut Nera for master and missus, and nobody had tbe sense te leek for me until missus, heaven bless ber, says, says ahe : I'd trust Biddy with unteuld geld. Hiiro they've killed her. Loek tbe beuse through." And then she turned se taint that master runtetbetub for water, and lifting the Ud sure there was I, with a bioken head aud no knowledge In It Aud the wonder ia 1 didn't get carried te the dead beuse and hleiitltied ler Betntbady else, the way it hapx)iieit w 1th my cousin Hamuel that came back irem a bit of journey te find them " waking " him, being leek for hia own ghost They took me out, ami sure getting me straight was a hard job, Nera aald, I'd been doubled up that long, but I came te at last ; and It was owing te my fceeln' thorn, aud be ing able te awear who wan of tblm was, that master and missus get back the silver, and the thaves were sent te gael. I wish you'd poked veur ugly head out of that tub, Miss Bridget,'" says oue of them in tbe court ' But bless tbe tubs, I don't," says I, " and here 1 am te confound ve," Yes, Mr. Carpenter ; new you've get the whole story, and make the new tuba, II you like ; but alve me a bit el the euld ones te remtmber them by. V ve plaza, Profit el Auther!. Concerning the profits or authors a corres pondent of the Londen Truth saya : There was a paragraph In the Fall Mall Oa;ette re cently en authors' gains, in which tbroe statements occur which I knew te be Incor rect ; and. aa the subject Is permanently im pertant and Interesting, It is as well that no mistakes should occur lu tbe figures which are published : " (1) Thackeray said ' that be had never made mere than 5,000 for any or bis books.' Thackeray told a friend of mine at the Athe meum a few weeks befere his death that he had never been paid as much as 5,000 for any book et bis, anil that tbe bulk or tbe money he had made was the result of bis lec tures. " (2) Dickens is supposed te have cleared 10,000 a year during tbe publication of Nicholas Nlekleby.' ' Dickens never made the half of 10,000 a year by bis writings, and this error undoubtedly originates in Tal Tal reurd's remark that be bad calculated that Dlekena ought te bave been getting 10,000 a year about the 'Nicholas Nlekleby ' tima It ne had made better arrangements with bis publishers. " (3) Mr. Wllkie Cellins received 10,000 for two novels alone,' Mr, Cellins was paid 5,250 for 'Armadale' by Hmltb, fcldent Ce. (I. e., Mr. Geerge Hmltb) before a line of the story was written. That was his greatest pecuniary achievement and 1 believe that his second-best price was -1,000." nnanfth nf bbk Atom mme wu em worn am vmmb A Streng rrtisntatlan of a Topte Hew aeh DtseniMd la bams and PeHtIc. Frem ihe Baltimore Bun. We have befere us In pamphlet form, tbe pveeli or Senater Brown, of Georgia, en tbe Joint resolution of Henater Blair, of New Hampshire, te submit te the states an amendment le the constitution allowing women le vote, We have already recorded the fact that at the close of the discussion tbe Henate, by a large majority, tn tbe presence ei many et tue women luuraglats then as sembled In Washington, refused te adept lbs resolution. But tbe speech of Henater Brown Is nene the less worth noticing, since tbe elTect of it seems te have satisfied sena tors, K they were net or the opinion before, that It is uuadvlsable te extend the privilege of the su 11 rsge te women. Being Introduced Inte tbe Henate, it was perhaps necessary te say something about the Impossibility of women, endowed with the privilege of tbe sutfrege. undertsklng the masculine duties thst such an exceptional mark of citizenship Implies. It Is iike thrashing ever old straw te repeal the reasons against permitting wuinvu ie voie. ."aiure, senator lirewn re marked, has se distinctively set ber seal upon the respective sexes that this alone Would form a bar te their undertaking idon iden cat duties and obligations. I believe," said the senator, " that tbe creator Intended that tbe spbere of tbe tnsles and females of our race should be dllferent and that thelrduties and obligations, while they diner materially, are equally Important and equally honorable, and that each sex is equally competent te dlschsrge these duties. In tbe divine econ omy It is provided that the man aball be tbe head or the ramlly, aud shall take upon him aelr tbe solemn obligation of providing ler and protecting tbe lauilly. By reason el bis physical strength, and bis ether endowments and faculties, be Is qualified for tbe dis cbarge of these dutles thst require strength and ability te combat with tbe aterner reali ties snd abilities of lire. Tbe different classes et outdoor labor which require physical BtrengUi and enduranee are by nature as signed te man as part et bis task. He dis cbarges such labors as require greater physical endurance and strength than tbe fe fe msle sex are usually round te possess." Henater Brown nees en te cite tbe manifold duties thst man, as a citizen, ewes te the state and society, most of which a woman could net even attempt te perform without virtually unsexlng herself. In her own sphere he holds that ahe Is paramount The delicate and dlfllcult duties of tbe wife and mother are devolved upon her. As a wife, te be the solace and comfort of her husband in trouble and despondency, his nurse In sickness, and the sharer of bis burden when tbey are onerous. As a mother, te fulfill the sacred and responsible trust of bringing up ber cbildren In tbe wsy they should go, and te Inculcate in them these lessens or patriotism, manliness, religion and virtue that aball either make them ornaments et society, or deem them by ber neglect te Uvea of dis honor and shame. Thia is bla high Ideal of woman's duties in that sphere she la best sdapted tn adorn, the sphere of home. It is also within tbe borne that her Influence can best be exerted as the power behind the throne, and ber oeunsols most effective "in favor of geed government, wise and whole some regulations, ana a laitniui administra tion of tbe laws." He Is satisfied that the re llned and cultivated women or this country "new exercise a very powerful but quiet Imperceptible Influence in popular affaire, " and that it is much greater than It could ever be again If they were dragged into the mire of politics, lie does net believe that the great majority or tbe women et the country desire the suffrage, but he as serted that se far as tbe colored population of the Seuth Is concerned, It would Impert into politics a maaaef Ignorance and UUteracy that would lead te the degradation or the ballet te an extent beyond anything that has yet been conceived. Doing Justiee te the geed Intentions el tbe woman suflragtsta, and even assuming them te be ' virtuous and geld," he ask, "If we are ready te ex pose the country te the demoralization of our Institutions, te gratify a minority of virtu ous and geed women at the expense of tbe mortification of a very large majority of the same sex ?" Sonater Brown next takes up Uie marriage relation, and points out hew tbe grant or the suffrage te women might from difference or political opinion, import into tbe household a new and serious ele ment of discord, and, In closing, he quotes largely from a volume written In opposition te woman suffrage " by a highly cultivated lady of Chicago." Her theme is that the true xpbere of wemau Is tbe household tem ple of a loving borne, and that ber best type is "the old-fashioned type or womanhood, the wife and the mother." Twe points ahe makes which touch the very core el the sub ject The Urst la that et tbe leaders et tbe woman's movement "a less proportion are inclined te marry than of the old-fashioned type; that "of these who de marry a great proportion are either restless in marriage bends or xeek rolease irem them, while of these who de remain In married life many bear no children, and few indeed become mothers of large ramllles." Hbe adds : If then tbe movement for the emancipation et women has for Its final end tbe making et uever ae tlue a quality, never se aubllmated a aett of ueu-chtld-bearlng women, it is an absurdity upon the face of It" Judg Ksllcjf's Experience. Judge Kelley, speaking tbe ether night of tbe progress made by teachers of the dumb in assisting them te speak, told an interest ing experlence or his while In Europe a few years age. He was at Dever, waiting te cress the channel. lie stepped Inte au eating Iiouhe ler his midday lunch, and while at bis table observed a party or three gentlemen sitting a short distance from him. One was an old gontleman with full wblte beard, an other a middle-aged man and tbe tblrd a line-looking fellow of 25. Tbey were eon een vetslng in an animated manner, and be could net help bearing what was said. " I noticed," said the Judge, that the young man's speech had something peculiar about It II thereever was a voice from the tombs It must have been something like this. It was a grave Inhuman speech, but ordinarily no ene would bave taken much notice of it When I rose from tbe table this party also get up. Homethlug happened te make It possible for me te apeak with them. Frem one of tbe gentlemen I learned these three persona were en their way te Brussels, te at tend a centennial convention el deal mutes and dear mu te teachers. The young man whose voice had at tracted my attention was born a mute, and I waa told that be could cenverse fluently in Kngllsh, French and Oerman. Although be bad never beard a sound In bla life, be bad learned the rudiments et speech by pressing bla own bauds en the muscles et tbe threat Te satisfy me el this marvelous attainment In artlllclal speech tbe young man waa Intro duced te me, and be recited a tew verses In German and a selection from Sardeu in French. They told me this was the most re- marknhle davelenment of artificial aneech yet known in tbe history of the world. I parted from the llttle company proteundly impresaed with tbe almost oinnlpeteut ca pacity et tbe human intellect" m Uew Men Buy Neckwear. Frem the Furnishing Goods Trade Review. 11 1)0 1 think that men pay much attention te patterns when buying neckwear T" said tbe furnisher. " Well, my customers de, quite a geed deal, I should pay. 1 bave one who will net wear anything that baa a blue elTect In II, no matter hew pretty or modest the combination, because he says that he Is tee pronounced a brunette, and the reds are mere becoming. Yet you could net force a solid red en blm under any circumstances that be would regard aa tee striking for a per son of his olive complexion ; though tbe color is very becoming and all that " i nave in minu anetner patron te wnem nature has awarded a bead of thick red hair ; one of my clerks showed blm tbe ether day a light pink scarf, for evening wear, a meat charming shade. Well, he gave tbe clerk a leek that almost withered tbe boy. I don't blame him I Fancy a red-haired man in a pink scarf I The small men 1 sell fancy small, neat effects en dark grounds, tbe bolder designs are selected by men of larger suture. This Is as it should be. A little dude struggling under tbe weight of a large check or figure in brilliant colors, is a sorry sight, but put tbe same pattern en a six footer, who is built in proportion, and tbe elTect la net unpleasant Kometimes a man in selecting several scarfs will pick out one loud pattern, and he does se with a amlle, as if amused at bla own audacity. I bave seen men linger ever some highly pronounced tiling as though admir ing tbe pattern xmy much, but afraid te take tbe risk or putting It en." Though pure and simple, and se mild, It might ba used by any child, Yet B07.0DONT Is se swift and sure That month and teeth with woadrena speed from tartar and from txlnt are freed Till they become sweet, white, and pure. 9. 99 MlJaV. TUL0ril008 MB KUKVMAT1MC. RUSHING TO DEATH In the attempt te swim the Mlagara Whirlpool Haptdi line mere reckless or dangerous thsa te trifle with disease which each day seeureaa stronger held and hastens the end et lire. That Hiiwinuj iiuv ui rHuewuiu, usnraiata, sci atica and nervous headache, which though per haps slight at first are extremely dasisren, and steadily secures a firmer grip until at last the agony Is unendurable and suddea death brings relief. The disease can be cured by ths ate of Athlo Athle Athlo pheros which, In oenneollon with Athlopheros I'llls, never falls when properly used. Read the following rrem these whehave tested lb C. A. Slewart, Nelsen, Pa:, tars: "Athlopho "Athlepho "Athlophe ro has saved my mother's lire, last spring two or the best physicians In the county said he could net live two months. Bhe had been helpless for a year, had te be lifted off and en the bed, limb all drawn out et shape, eerdt con tracted, flesh sere te the touch, oeuld net be lilted or touched without sci-BminsJnnii- rt, soreness all gene, the cords relaxed, appetite geed, and gaining every day, and I think a lew mere bottles will cure her." ...... wsw Haven, Conn. I had tbe neuralgia for three months In my lace. Went te the docter: he gave me soreo medicine te take Internally and a preparation of chloroform te put en the outside, but It did net de any geed. Could net deep night or day. Had suffered se much and se long that I was afraid It would drive me crazy. Waa told te try Athlopheros by a'party It had cured of the rheumatism. After taking part et a belUe the pain all lelt aa by inasle. and new I am well, with net a sign of neuratgta about me. itimx Uistsicb, 10 Uudsen 8t Xvery druggist should keep Athlopheros and Athlopheros rait, but where they cannot be bought or the druggist the Athlopheros Ce., Ne. HI Wall street Mew Yerk, will send elther (car rtage paid) en receipt or regular price, which I 11.00 per bottle for Athlopheros and Me. for Fill. Fer liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, In digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases el worsen, constipation, headache, Impure bleed, Ac, Athlopheros rills are unequaled. feb7-lwoed c AI'CINE PLAHTKR8. BENSON'S POROUS PLASTERS. WINTEB EXP03URK CAUSES COUUU8, Colds, Plearlay. Rheumatism, Pneumonia Neuralgia. Sciatica, J.nmbage. Backache and ether ailments, for which Tlensen'a Capetne Plasters are admitted te be the best remedy known. They relieve and enre In a tew hears, when no ether application la of the least benefit! Endorsed by 5 oej physicians and arugaisis. u ware of Imitations under similar Beundlna names, euch at " Capsicum." Capslcln." or "Capsldne." Asx rea Jlasaea'a aiE Ttakb Se ernsaa. Examine carefully when you bur. All druggists. ' " j,,.. , .. BEABURY A JOHNSON, dlMmdoed w IToprleters, New Yerk. IHE SWIFT SPKCIF1C CO. TRIED iNtns CRUCIBLE. TRADE MARK. About twenty year age Idtaoeveredallttle tore en my cheek, and the doctors pronenaced It cancer. 1 have tried a number et phyalclant, but without receiving any permanent benefit Among the number were one or twetpeclaltlts. The medicine they applied was llkeOretethe sera, causleg Interne pain. I saw a statement in tha paper telling wha; 8. S. S. had done for ether similarly afflicted. I procured tome at once. Befere I had used the second bettle the neighbors could notice that my cancer waa healing up. My general health had been bad for two or three yeara 1 bad a hacking cough and spit bleed continually. I had a severe pain In my bretst. A Iter taking six bottles or 8. 8. a. my cough left me and 1 grew stouter than I bad been ler several years. My cancer has healed ever allbut a little spot about the size or a half dime, and It 1 rapidly dliaapearlng. I would advlte everyone with cancer te give S. 8.8. a fair trial. MBS. NANCY J. MeCONAUQHY. Ashe Greve, Tippeoanee, Ce., ind. t'eb. 16, 15). Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable, and seems te cure cancers by forcing out the Impuri ties trem the bleed. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFICCO., DRAWER 3. ATLANTA, OA. fl-lyd&w B AHLKY MALT WHISKY. PERRINE'S PUKE BARLEY MALT WHISKY. DVSl'KPaiA. INDIGESTION and all wasting diseases can be entirely cured by It MALARIA Is completely eradicated from the system by Its use. l'ERBINK'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY revives the energies of these worn with excessive bodily or mental effort It acta as a SAlTEaUARD against exposure In the wet and rigorous weather. WTAKE part et a wlncglasiful en your ar rival home alter the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast Being chemically pure, It commends Itself te the med ical profession. WATOH TBE LABEL. Nene genuine unlets bearing the signature el the firm en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, MO. 37 NORTH FRONT ST., PUILADELI'UIA. septa -fimeed TOLY'B CKEAM BALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM CLEANSES THE HEAD, ALLAYS IMf-LAMMATIOH, HEALS THE SORES. RESTORES THE SENSES Or TASTE, SMELL, HEARING. A QUICK &KL1EIT. A POSITIVE CURB. A particle la applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price CO cents at druggists ; by ELY BROS, Druggists, Oswego, N. T. JulyJS-iyeedaiyw c UHK UUAKAHTKKD. RUP.TURE. Cure guaranteed by DR. J. I J. & MAYBE. ass at onee i no operation or delay from bush is at once i no operation or neiaj a i lasted by hundreds of cure. ARCH BT PHtLA. Send for CI nesa i leaten ey nuoarees ei sure. in tana su ARCH BT PHtLA. Send for Circular. nrvivdaw CORK FOK TBE DKAF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing! and perform the work or tee natural arum, iutisidie, sum sum fertable and always In position. AU conversa tion and even whisper Tieard distinctly. Sena ler muiiravea ueua wiin issuiaunuus, m Addra or call en W. U1SCOX, U Broadway, tivinii arauuu uus Win law luMU-irseOAiyw SAFE, 8UBKANDHPKKDY UUBK. Hiiniun. Vulcnala and Bneclal Dlaeaaea of either sex. Why be bumbi , Why be humbugged ty quacks i And In Dr. Wright Ihe only Raac , in Philadelphia who anaksa a when you can r lab Phtiieus In Phlladelnhla wl narliltv nl tha ibera dhiaaaaa. and Cnaaa Taint T Ccass avAaAsraan. Advle Free day and evening. Strangers ean be treataa and is- turn home "'bgfty3&mi 111 Msrth Ninth Btiaat. Above Si x, Baee. P.O. Bex (ID. Pbiladel; jml-lyaw Sills .,-. vm aa Mmnsmpjmmummmmui ft .Colombia ana Uaraurtatai i till a. ml am aai a,lOBLt HXSZrlMBViMtMft J, - a. aa. aast . vs te!!wa7aT.Vrr.7.S'2ff fS. JJ 4 "WiuE"',,,Vj iMMZt :,x :rjKtf"w"sA5 RsaMMfcTS TEAIBTB t-BAVBI BliniStl gwLaeasteratT.ssa.ss.asaiAMSks sVwQuarrjrrUlsatMSp. wl - TRAINS LKATB aniBstntu sw I..,,.. . -frnrtll tl gaasiagaT staji ---- tTntU " .. I rwwuarryrnieaifclOM.M. ; -"B LEAVE PRINCE 8T. UlnWIsMQ KediaadI'beaaaas.u.s4 'or QnarrrrUleata.il p. m. Perera!VSaae1,p.02: s"et ' Quarrynile at SttTpTrit " y .i ; ' ouunecuen at columns. Mars tten, Uncaater Junction, ManStia? and Lebanon, see timn t.hfc. .fiii ..Tti . WILSON. SaneRBM PSIftviwSS TI1? lff ? LAeATBB and lelVesatsssisstl at Philadelphia as fellow i """ "'? WESTWARD. Leave Philadelphia. In WmAmmmASm I ftVLsbaaKZU gjiaassAT.ea.aam&OTgJi;- awstMimuiR. "y V Haws Ixnniit ti;s, p. m. :Sua.m, 90 a.m. 7:00 a. m. Way Paasengerf Mali train vl M t Jeyi gaiMaUTraint....) TXTZ-r: fcs,s-'!-j.a as-! via Columbia 7:10 a.m. "? aixpresa. , Hanover Accem , PartLlnet ""....: Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Marrttburg Accem.... Columbia Accem Harrtsburg Express... Wsstern aresst)...: EASTWARD. Phlla.Rxpre.tt , FastLlnef.... Harrtsburg Express.., Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem... ... Seashore Express , Philadelphia Accem.. Sunday Mall. " sdea. :-; via Columbia fga. Ksil u:ae a. m. via Celnmhls vlaMU Jey- 4.40 p.m. B:40p m. 0 40 p.m. . Leave Lancaster. fca.m. 6:05 a.m. t:10a.ai. 8:63 a.m. fcoea.m. 11:68 p. m, fcesp-m. 1:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. tiiES?., tHkST T!4CS-H UILbl SLIMS B. MSBL. ,T Arrive aaV iTs? iirsi'- HMa.xw: raaMtjSs- ria: i-c USB ,: . i DayExprettt. 1"1',T. . ...... wudiii ADcem.,,, 4:49 b. 4:49 p.m. ion iMcium Accommodation Wmiiim burg at sae p. m. snearriTesatLaMaM sx aa. swiui AocemmodauoB leavaa bteatftwa.m-udnMbeiMarMtaTtM "r? vwuiuyui at u:ts a. m. and MSB. m reaching Marietta at lci and & iXmS Marietta at MS p. m. andarrlves av CelasaSaa!-; MOj also, leave.; aSffsidMrl atsSat ." vwwiuhkhuieb leaves W0 and antra at i..rr.A witi. u4.-- si .. "' !CtKiJK.1rS Mpreas at sun a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west. " "iw witn raat Line. west, ail p. BU wlU run threuirh te s-refirBat l xne rreaencx Aoeommodaaon. east. Isassaa . Columbia at 1X31 aadnaeteLaacaaaMr Bc4CS Cft:i netf; "rThm,- s . . 2 hu7 ZZZ-XTZZT'SLTZh. "?"StJi wm n eiiThiiTiri,ij;;'ir!? fu g -- n.iivm, auiMynss. hst Llnev west en landay, whea I islrSZ-T?,,AWIUcaJn, aaiiy. ua-i a, -a. uaiawwa rau OT Wft Of OttO v wwa usii mUUsCQr HUVM9UMMIM01MH 4IUOJM. QALL AMD HEK -THS- ROCHESTER LAMP "' vuiue-uigai Mais una au. t'p.4 Anether Let of CHEAP (JLOBES letOmmm wu oieros. S-V31 THB ' PKRF1SOTIOM " Wtt B3 METAL MOULDING AND RUBBER CTJil WF.ATUr.l? ctdid T$r YSSSt !seiV:' 1 caem i.niluiV .AX ,-BVSJ frtJ3. flAafattiAOT. 1l - - - .a .- 1 Eeep out the cold, fllmi Tiilllliin nf alsllsaa i xeiune the dust. Keep out snow and rata. AJy one can apply It no waste or dirt mads laaar' piying it. van de nttea anywbere-ne wow nuau anywnere-ne aeMa W r xer use. il win tint nut. tn mm shrtnk-a cushion strip. Is the most perfect. JA 'in m ma oieve, neater ana Range store )a . 'n jenn a. scnaum & m 24 SOUTH QUEEN BT.. LANCASTER, PA. WM. A. KIBFFKK. AI.OUB OL i-ta m KIEFFER & HERpS WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TOs Fuller Sl Warren Ce.'J A (THOY.N.T.) Ml m mm, HEATERS. FURNACES AND ; We ask no one te run any risks with LRR WARREN'S " UOOdt. We them te alve Satisfaction. As a Heater TBS SPLENDID "has aai being a thorough het base, no part of I remains cold, ever y Inch et ft radiates I As a Smaller and Cheaper Heatsrtaa1 DIAMOND" has established Itself la I ranks. The merits el the "SPLENDID" ana" DIAMOND " consist in Beauty of Ce Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness. s 1 no Qas and Economy et PueL .v- gay-Call and examine for yourself) -. id Ssft T " - 40 EAST KINO IOPP031TB COURT HOCiSJ MAOMMM. pERSONB W1HH1NQTOMAKB1 STOCKS, GITUN, PfiOViaQNS 1KB SHOULD INVESTIGATE LAUB1M aV SYSTEM OP DKAL1NU IM BsLU.b LARUE LOTS ON ON JPSaV CENT. CASH MAsMIUIt. Ten Dollars will, for exastl,4 Shares, cr M00 bushels of ttralaT rampniei wna, QUOTATIONS WIJUD. Orders ana Margins received by ' LAURIE 4 CO. BTOCESBOXESa, ALSO DEALEES IE POBXI.V ecoBreevlwy, "The msmbers of tha I fSLSrmyKmAm Thy have a stslalssai MWlllUWBia I ". -U LTJ i estvtu tsawr I satilBrws I n -DEALERS IN-: 1 i '.rf -i . yijf && aaJb5V-.v, - -f$?' liVrlr ji-wSvtV. i