VRPW' mmwmmm mwwmm. M sVf .MMMM Be VMM Na Ml'4ffif-U ?Pv i-. i snsn aivvuwiti jwi s4aaa Wextaeeaay atcM an UMtMeflgM iMt Bbataiew TMMWKWCWIM BMIB mMriU.m iMMMnli imnwUMi fee taiMMtiftte VM IXt m taa win ta tMfhtaen kiMtalUtaMiwt body of Ice iHiMnmiMmieM n an teats laf akeeamuleting fee , TIM q ilUff ice cemlag down IVilMHnMMtllW'llMt AjswfntB lioeufa LipnnilH.yE lsFarjr Which necM te reach k iMnl la the afternoon. fMau la avnaeMd. Should the l a Uaeswowtfcef the river continue MM Of IH m Ha mt uis BAtFettlMpMU la merit- MA a Crwwtu, aa.. rtmuni uSwaTnaaormereot the track et kk A Fert lMDealt railroad com- MMMrgad two or three feet A bout far weir iracK w turner water a-ets i aad tnffle la eatlrelT euspended. stepet and telegraph office at Pert l ss nrreuijueu u several iecs ui u.ci nadened. i la anrM fire rnlleaarmth of Columbia, ,' way at 6:15 Thuraday evening and nig Down whu marming veiecuy. a ib bride saefeet leni ever the Coneatega, t waa entirely ewept away. The mass et aacuaira rerry ---- -xty iwitH auoDacrueMpiBrn ex peci- Fert DeDaailssJfEeut midnight tbodyetloejIMfVmonthof theSusque- nrintaet ana it is teareu win Earal Inundation of that Place. All Santa of the lower aeetlen of the town I Blade preparatlena for a hasty removal. I m bow railing ana iue ohiute is u that it la impossible te ascertain iue laoadltlen et the river. a The Garget Break. ffeBT Deposit, Md., Feb. 11 The ice at laraey mil ana xucuaue ierry about midnight laat night Tbe mm Ifm In the river opposite Pert Deposit 9 te the preeeure at one ocieck mis and passed out safely Inte the The water then receeded from the sub. portion of the town. Twe bridges Columbia &. Pert Deposit tallread I demolished this morning by the rush F lea from MeCaU'a ferry. One was at Safe pHBtber creaalDg the CcMestega creek and was .IN feet long ; the ether, of nlty feet, crossed IFsquea creek. The water, backing up, Una wrecEeu ertages up stream. from up the river report that tbe la clear. Pert Deposit Is new safe. I datnage was done te property between I and McCall's ferry. "Kb Coneatega bridge la 30 lect higher than 'water mark, and coat ever ($00010 duhe. ten Warfell, the railroad agent at Safe r. had te take te the hills for safety. 17 o'clock Thuraday the river had fallen t a feet and the flood leu the tracks or the Matt Pert Deposit railroad. - Al MO o'clock Telegraph Operator Vender- 1 at Turkey BUI, who baa an emce en tbe I aide, bad te vacate In a hurry en account f la rise In tbe river and the rush of Ice. 1 6:30 and 7 o'clock tbe water at Mc- l'a ferry fell Ave feet In five minutes, in- a gorge between Conestoga bridge I McCeil's ferry. X,. W&i&SMM MSTMCTB OF XBX WLOOU. MMS)Frd Ten Feet High en the Pert Railroad ;tr Tiaca-asrieiw Aramage se me f"V. Company's Property. '(jeLT7MBlA,reD. il ine votumDiaccreri t railroad Is In a much werse qondltlen r than at any time since its construction. last night gorges formed at! points the river is Tery narrow, the water rapidly, and seen the tracks of tbe I ware flooded with Ice and water. Tbe iacst damage was done at Safe Harber, the :'i?TIlreaJ b:Mze at that place belnir Bsjssfjss Over. hM beta jt.'ilUrled completely from Its piers. Con Cen Con Kialdersble datntge was also dene te LJk bridge at Washington borough. The iwasar cenunues ruing n mrney xiiu ana sr pelnte, end it is thought the greatest agar la yet te ceran. The up-river fioedi kdaacending, and unless the gereta break tOeBOWliJ go, where the tlver iiblccked with (from shore te ahore, the damage will be tat. . 'At Turkey Hill the tracks are covered with i from tea te fifteen feet falgb, and Star . w nearly covered, thus showing the rat that point te be nearly twenty feet new water mark. Tbe open channel I the Harford county aide does net seem large enough te carry away the lm- quantity or Ice which Is descending, la big gorge has formed at Conewlngo i nearly reaches the station. . Between mlle pests 1; and 16 the; tracks are laevered with ice, gorges in some places DC aa high as twenty-fire lect. ' Jfe trains have been sent from Columbia, I trips are being made lrem Uile liarber te r Pert Deposit. The track repairmen of nub-d 1 vision Ne. 0 ewly escaped with their lives last even aa they were returnicg home. The suddenly began rising, and in five the tracks were flooded. Hugh let loe swept towards the men, and tbey i compelled te desert their hand-car. EjvjHUehwas afterwards completely wrecked, I lake te the mils rcr safety. Ve danger U approbended at Columbia, MWVgu lata jeaturuay nueruuea u iOOKOa t though the mills along the shore would be A gorge below WasblnKten caused watar te back, and lu a halfhqur the Ma uriuw uiu uuui were BUbulOrgeJ, I water continued rising until that bflew IDMam was nearly level with that above. ff. Me attempt will bs made te clear the Pett i: until the gorges along the river bave and the waters recede te tbe average kffajgat Owing te the condition of tbe read, et tne situation are received with ilty, and but few messages are Bent rtbe wires. Train and trackmen keeD laparatera posted, and their descriptions tias scenes aieng tne read Bemethfcir S, acmethlng te be seen, but net te be ay aescriueu. rv ,Vx A Htn nre Engine, It H new settled that the Columbia Steam l engine company will rccelveanew en , tne meeting of council last evening do de ut In favor of a new steamer. Themm. let council were all present excAntine tsra. Caswell and Uerebey, aud the fellow. (MsuniUee from tbe company was also in i: 4. v. xoeum, James Mall. Jehn d. Jehn H. Cllne, 11. Nolte and Wiu. lar. The question, and all questions lu r way pertaining thereto, waa discussed at iy tne ceuuciimen and Messrs. I and Mall, of; the committee. It was tgaaeral opinion that It would be cheaper f tka borough In the end te purchase a new ir tnan te nave the old one rebuilt, u Hfference In price would net be ever (COO .ine representatives of tbe com nan v a preference for an Amoskeagtblrd-elass, wwca, crane engine, ana asked that aaakebe given them. The L France aiae described, bat the Caiumhu wantaa Atnaskeaz. beeiuie itia iiehtnr mere durable. JtMnew engine wUl be paid for by the ptsgb, aa the finances of the company ero W vary low condition, the treasury beinir w .tf wuui VIAV. iqueatienwaa Unally decided en Mr. ermaa'e motion that "the nr iwm.ii. ! ejevaell, In conjunction with council, vvuuui iur uib lurcease or a new ine motion waa carried unani a we matter waa placed lu the ttraceusBlttee. Ska Oeafwaaea. at lay 11, the annus! meet saaaaieeaausef the A. M BSM aiM a ki. reqalra asnaaUsi n ,.i. tajHtaaal eh.rea ?, L Jeseph CsjU. aaauBa tVfttsMesr. JMMi Jordea and i aVataaj ara Uta cMaaittce of r rB Bwlsh, TattMttnedlst Kptsoepal church will give m amtartalDBiMt In the church en tbe even lag of February te. A Jaranese eddlug will be the principal attraction. Walla drlvtag up Union street last night a lady and geatlemaa from Lsncaster had their earrUM upset by coming In contact with a pile or ties, from which the customary daagar signal, a red lantern, was netdls. piayea. Luckily, boweror, me animal tney ireve was quiet, and ue serious result fol lowed. Considerable excitement was caused ou ear streets this morning ever the report that a man had been carried ever the dam while catching boom legs. Careful Inquiry falls te reveal any truth In the matter. The Columbia Mtcnnercher will meet at the Riverside hotel this evening. The "Btranglera of Paris" company, which waa te have appeared here next Met. day, tnis morning canceled Its date. Tbe annual reception of llev. and Mrs. Gee. W. Ely was Klven last evening, and was a delightful affair. A progressive euchre was given last even ing by Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Bennett te a num. ber et their lrlend. Several months age Goe. n. Keeae, il'.R B. brakeman, was killed at Mountvllle. On Tuesday last his claim, amouutlDRte (COO, was .paid by Columbia ledgo, Sa 117, Brotherhood et Kallread llrakemcn, of which he was a member. nwixDuau jM-rh k vuvsir. Shai aXWC ar Sacctwtully Flaring the Change" Osraa en lonectnta A pair of "creeks" erenew pvilurlng In the fat places of this county. Several days age a store In Ml. Jey was visited by a sleek looking Individual wbe wanted te confuse tbe clerk in the change et a twenty-dollar Mil after be bad sclrcted a pair of gloves. The clerk was aware of the game about being played upon him and se dlscemfitted tbe scoundrel that be left without the gloves or the priced thorn. On Monday the same party drove te LHltz. Almest every business plaee In town was visited, where be presented a ten or twenty dollar bill te have it changed. As far as Is known only one person admits having been caught, and that was Samuel Delbe, wbe is out Just Ave dollars through the transaction. His plan of operation was the same as at ML Jey. He presented a ten dollar bill In pay ment which Dolbe changed by giving a five dollar nete and four and a half dollars In silver. "Here, I have found a half dollar," remarked the stranger. "Suppose you let me bave the ten-dollar note for the nine and half dollars you gave uieanil this." Mr. Delbe accommodated the man, handing him tbe ten dollars. The Miarper held tbe bill in his hand tegether with the flre dollar note which be should have given te Mr. Delbe, and left, when It took no time fjr Mr. Delbe te Qnd out that he had been swin dled out of tire dollars. At the Warwick heuse he would probably hae succeeded, but for the foresight et Daniel Dietrich, wbe saw Inte it at ence and cautioned Mr. Car penter, Tbe party then drove te Manhelm, where tbey tried the satue operations, but failed as faraS is known. A party of six left LUltzln quest of tbe sharpers, reaching Manbelm but ten minutes tee late te catch them and where all traces were lesL Telephene messages were sent te Columbia te arrest the rarty should they turn up there. Late In the evenlng a reply was received that a man answering tbe description given had been arrested, but en proceeding thither next day It was found that they did net have the right man. llcarleg Waited. Anna Miller, charged with being en tee in timate terms wltbAdalsen Uambright, waived a hearing at the office of Alderman Fordney, en Thursday afternoon and ertered ball for trial at the April court et quarter sessions. Ucfere Ibe Majer. Only three ledgers wa! the crop of the station beuse lint nlghL One was disabled and was sent te tbe alnisheuvj and the re maining ledgers were discharged. m rtemember that tomorrow li the la- day e the great dealing sale at AatrUL'i, Ne 1 ha; I ElegstrceL Tttkcftilvatiugoeflt. Ladlet' Faury IUU Vrcxmmmfn. Wohavelately made up an entirely new line et raney PrejriTinnes. They ara made from a nice, neat cover with very pretty Cessna cf pull ornaments attached, and are Juit the styles that catch the eye. Call ana tee samples. l.TXllieiNcsn, Lancaster, Fa. fll,U,17.1M Valentine Spelling liee. The Ladles Auxiliary of the Yeung Mea'a Christian anoclatleu will gtve a tpelilng be, en next Monday cvenlne. There will te ;t ladles and gentlemen In the clan, the first one ueirn 10 receive a comic va'euttne, and th last down a handsome one Other exeicljes coni!t ceni!t Ing et vocal and Instrumental music, iccllatleDs, Ac The admission will be li cents. The Chatauqua literary and scientific circle will meet this (rrlday) evenlng la V. M. C.A. nan. ah members are urged te attend. The pregramme Is full of Interesu Amusements. .1 ieme i'a(erte(nmn. Te-morrow evening a complimentary benefit will be itlven in h'ultea opera housete ed II. ITrstley, The bjjtet home talent will appear, Including Trewltz and Iteyer, Geerge and Lucy Whitby, St'lle lltlens. Hiram Croome, and ethers. A big bill bus beeu pro pre pared and many seats have b en sold. 27is Walts Cimtdu Company The Walle comedy company opens In rulien opera heuw next Monday evening and will remalaforeae week at low prlcss Last season thucetnpiny gave the greatest satisfaction. MUs Cera Rea son, the leading lady, Is retained this year, oho laaflneectress, and during- the week will up. pear lu bar celebrated character, the frmch ipt. Thecempany carry their en brass band and orchestra and they are geed ones. Jlxnntreher Rink The Mieanercher rink win be open to-inerrjw night. 6katlii2 from 7i10te6.30. Dancing trem 9 M te 11 Admltslen 11 cents. Dr. D. r.uwle, of Cnnnorsrllle, lnd. nre ounces Dr. Uull's Cough Syrup 'an lutalllOle Use lialvallen Oil for sevore l.tadacha. and you will 1 always find alin-Mt lesuiit "ill" f by se doing. S e recommend It as a geed faintly med icine. UMAVUB. Whrii -In this rliyTeTTebruary leth, linn nah Merti, lie of Juhu li rtunz, lu hit eiih year. The relatives and filendi of the family are re. spectfully invite 1 t Jutland the tuneral, from the rear of the Picsbyterlan church, e. 13; East Grant strtet, ou Sunday afternoon at a o'clock. lntermuutatLaucasiercemttery. Sid Kcdt. lu this city, en the leth Inst.. Martha j j'ijy. wife of Jehn Uudy.m the 6Sth jcar of The relatives and friends of the family are ie ie epectlully Invlted te uttend the lunernl frcrn Ne. It West () ran ir n street, ou fcaturday nfiur nfiur nfiur noen at S o'clock Purview at Union Uethel cbuitb. Interment at Woedwaid UIU cemetery, lrait.-ln this city, en the 11th Inst. Mama, ret, Ifa of Michael Dusel, la the 6ht ytar of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited te attend the funeral from tbe residence of hsrhuiband,Ne.7t71llghstrtet en Monday morning at IX o'clock. Huh Mats at 8L Jeseph's church at 9 o'clock Interment at 8L Jeseph's cemetery. 'd MAttKKTa, CIiIchke froduee Market. Cbioaeo, Keb. 11. 8.-J0 a. m Mar et opened. MayiesOXc.70' "" "" ' il,"'.l sni?,sfbb;?J5c, M"cn- S50' APrt. 0 - . .VJ.W. utta -ou., a) We; March, !l!f0( April, :i;(e; May, 28c, iJrJ!fIeu-',138,f March, IU 15, May. IHV7X liir0-' M I M"". " 7' I Aptll, fi ee ; Mar.aeBj. Short Klbs Feb.. 17 IT07HI May, IT Mi Maicb, ;oe. April, new I or a atarast. W IUU, . reb. ll.-riciur market dull! wmltA.hnlia.tii. IVa Z ..u. ..i-w out geed A-."r.:rr-7;tr ::.;;vi '"" w ?C?.ilrrna iftti ,bU8 l ' C" loei extra Wheat M A. Kau Htula OlLrn. u . let Net Bed, Winter, reb-.toetllarch w'e. ' tts-A JWnItite,40etNaj de, J7Kct He, I BUsd, Feb., H iMarch, Hc ' yaUt WesatB,NjMei ttate, l7aM, iarternemtaaL Perk dull t new mess, 111 t old ters, tit 79411. lArd-ftb , S7 CO j Mar , a? 10 1 Mar. 7 . Melasste nrm atlK rnr belllni; sieck. Turpentine quiet at 39MO. Kealndulli strained te goed.tt 000110. Petroleum dull I KeOned, In ckmw, Hc freights dull; grain te Liverpool, Skd. rtutler dull 1 Wmatem Cimcrv. lMIMCi lstn CrMmery, WUJOc sUUs dairy, haltfltklu tutM27c. Cneemrtultt Weatrn Flat, US13: reed te Choice light skims, legtlMc SKK4dull state. Slet Wmtern, 5 c . BuKnr dull t KeflueU Vutleai, SXUSHe Uiauu latd, byic Taliew dull ; prime city, 1 1 lc Klce nominal i enrel I tin. falrtiKOOd, 3iJiC. CelTufl ilull i lair um-koes. HMc. Live Bleck Market. Cnici.ne, Ft. 10 The Dreirri' ourtiel te ports i Cattle Uecetpta, 18,000 head i uhlpuienu. ILcoe i market stesdy, and aaiec lower ; shipping Meers, (WtnLVeftj., ajfiiaii'l! stock steck ers and feeders tl Suq m i rows, bulla and mixed, l VHIi 6 t bulk, O0S 30 ; Texas cattle, Hogs Hecelpu, li.oeo head t shipments, 9.000 head i innrket steady, sQIOc lower i reunh mliivJ, at .s.J re s packing and shipping, Uli"! t t light, 14 TJfJJ iS I skips, S.1 OOflt te. Sheep Kecvlpts, .ueu head i shlpmente, 10 0 head t tnarknt streuc : natives. SJ USJl 70 Wcttern, aj coat CI ; Iexan,t3 S.J TO; Lambs, at eca 70. kast I.1BSHTT. JMUe neceipw, .i rexu s shipments,:!) i market steady: prlni,t 7tii AUrtogeoJ, M 4ai6J; common, t(tl bhlp moms te Mew Yerk, none. lleffi UecelpU, $V0U hetd t shipments, a. head i market firm ! Phtladelphtas, as uri 70 . Yorkers, )40,tiM-, common te light. U edU . plus, il tOtfa a shipments te ew Yerk, 1 carleids. Sheep-Receipts, 700 bead t shlpmcnU, ft i maiket fair . prime. ll.'(P: talrtniroed.liro Ct te common, ti 9C6 u t lambs, ll3. i m Oram and Prevision. rurnlshed.by 8. K. Y'undL Ureker. Chicago, Feb 11.1 o'clock p. m. neau corn, uiu- i ut. umu. .... 14 n) Vebruary Siaren A in II Mny , June...... ..7'W ..KIS s.mj it w 6 ; Si. Sl, At sj nv it ? e a? 41k 4 II 07 .. rm - - -- . . 7.W Receipts Car 1au. Winter Wheat.. Sprlna Wheat.. Cern.... (HU Kyn llarlcy OU City. Crude OU Kecelpts llegs. 6 -.'I M 77 a 10 61'. Uead. Closing l'rtces-5 o'clock p. in. w nat, uern. uais. ran. i.sra. rebruary :ivj 3I! HH 13 M March.... 7V tl tlk U 70 Apttl 7 VS il May "li 4i" Zfi-i IS June ST. 4I'4 t4 13 57 OU Ctty. CruduOU 6 7J 6 l b S 6 9-: 1 00 ew fork Stocks. Nsw Ierk, reb.ll, 130 p. m. Meney leaned atSHQl rerccsL Exchange steady ; posted ratfs 4 fJHUI S3. Governments firm. Currency 6's, II a,,',' bid , 4's Coup, II XX bid ; l,Va de, li UJ. bid. The stecl: market opened weak and Vid per cent, lower, but after tbe first few transactions, a buying of Erie strengthened the whole list, and at It o'clock prices were up! te 1 per cent In the hour te neon there was a feverish feeling aedthcadrancs tnsomecajes'nas lest Stock Market. Uaotatlens by Uced, McUrann ft Ce , bankers Lancaster, i'a. tW TCRK LIST. 11 A. U. 12 . 3 T. M Canada I'nclfic , 61t C.C.C.A1 WS Colerado Ceal ;.'; 1-S i Central l'ac 31 Canada Southern &; ChLSt I.. Al'gh Den. 4 Ute O .... :4V( Del. L.A W 1Xi Ub. 13.S Erie Z-V-i U 34 Krle, 2nds W 9) 9-K Jer. C fku Tj e K. AT -J Ki'i Ai Leu. A N 61i. tl. MM! h. Shere 9 1 J. j W-Z Mlch.Cen .... is ILeurI Pacific lis 1CS r.i N.l' 27'i r, VK S.V I'ref &M lltf, ts .WesL 115V 1151 1II N Y.C ml 1.3 UJ East Tonacssee C 14 1SK 1 i Omaha K 4)i 13t On-gen Transportation..... 15'i SJ'I 31K Ontario AW V 17W 17H raclficMeil W w WH Kech. A t 8Ltaul ?;ii K!', ilii Tex. 1'ac 'ii iri zv.i Unlea 1'ac uxc UM !, Wabash Cem I7H i:8 17 Wabash 1'ref ID SJ 'JS Wbstern U 71 74 ii West Shere ISeads let pa 10i'; New KnKlami ei eujt 61S ralLADSLIHIA LIST. Ih. Val . f5, 11 , -v. i . 4 Phlia 114 11 10.'4 l'a K U- iej; tf. m Beading 19 UAJ lj 13-16 Ih. Aav ... MX llestenv.t'aaa I'.A K K.Ccnt Peeples Pasa Itdg. Uea'ls 10IL- join leiVi ou w;. t4 3J IecaI Stocks and Bends. Kcrert9dbyJ.il. Lcng. Par Last value, sale. Lancaster 6 per lcuL, l.J lue li7 " tl lsS lue 1 " I Scheel lean ... 100 108 " I " - tnl erSOyears. 1(0 Vfi " 4 " lnSeriiyears HO luj.a " 4 " lnlOerjOyeaxa. Ue 105 Maahtiai Borough lean I'je IW BABS STOCKS. rtret National Bank tee Fanners' .National Bank ie "ulten National Bank no 116 1W.S0 us 144 113 110 111 1 3M.60 150 1S5 PO m Lancaster County National Bank.. CO Columbia National Bank..,.. Christiana National Brnk 100 100 1(0 10) 100 l.fl 100 100 . 100 Knh first National Bank, Columbia. first .".auenai lianK.MrasDurg... Klrst National Hank, JIarletu... First National Bank, ML Jey I.lUtz National Bank Manhelm National Bank tinlen National Bank, Mount Jey... New Helland National Bank lue 138 J0 HO 110 IIS 1J7.5 800 21.30 'A 24.06 20 33 30 70 H 73 11000 14fl 3030 20 ti .23 1.11 05.26 ut 2S 100 25 11 46.X ao.ie 1.11 IS te e) 67 re no 101 two u 11178 107 29 40 43 4A05 li no 1(3 Gap National Bank 100 Quarryvllle National Bank 100 ullzabethteK-n National Bank loe Northern National Bank lue Tuanrias stocks. BlgSprlnif A Heaver Valley 23 Bridgeport A Horseshoe 13K Columbia A Chestnut UU1 ve Columbia A Washington K) ConestegaA Ulgbpnng SS Slarletta A Mount Jey ss I.ttna, KUrabothtewn ft Mlddletewn. loe Lancaster A t'rnttvUle 50 Lancaster A Lltltr as IineuterA WUllamstewn Si Lancuater ft Maner M Laucaster A Manhelm ,,,,, 1 Lancaster A Marietta a Lancaster ft New Helland uv sriseaLLA arson stegm. Cast Brandy wine ft Wayncsburg... Unarryvlile It. B.. .,, Millers vlllc stn-et Car lnqulrtngPrtntlnfj Company UoellKht and i"uel Company Btovens Heuso (Bends) Columbia Gas Coin ran v , no i M , M , 50 , 2S . 100 ,' n . 10 . lue . 100 . 50 , . Ml , en . u , M . 100 . loe , soe . a , 100 . ion . 2a . 2ft . 25 . 25 . a . 3 , M Columbia at tr Company Busouehanna Iren Company Marletta llollew.ware Stevens Heuse , MUlersvtUe Nermal Scheel Northern Market Eastern Market Western Market Lan utr City street lUllway Ce.. Gas Company Bends Columbia Boreuuh Bends LaucasUirft Susquehanua. Lancaster A New DanvUle quarryvllle B. BM Ps , Itnutlnir A Rnlmnbla li. 11.. S'a Columbia ft Marietta Maytown A Kllzabcthtewu Laucajter A Ephrata Lancaster ft Willow Street fitmiburg A Millport Marietta A Maytown Edlien Light company lluuaeheld Statkel. iiAtav. Cnamcry Butter , ase llulter VI B. 04J25C Dutch Cheesu V lump bfllOe recLTar. cpnnKi.ntcKens, fipr Chickens V pair (live) Chickens y ptece (cleaned) Ducks W pr (live) Ducks (cleaned) Turkeys (olesnodj f ft Uuesn (cleaned) sdauea Getse (live)..... .TiT.VT. . . mSCXLLAVKOCS. Apple Butter t qu sec Kdes ;a!sa Heney ft j jardfai ;;:::; BJ CldTt)gl.... 1010QO Eautr fcruut V qt Sc Apples VJ P ." 13O230 Bananas V dot Jijjiie Cocoanuts, each SfllOe Lemens f dex re Oisngesfldes 158400 Umieaf) 11i3e vsaaTASiia. fabbage, V head ?Aa llets. t bnnch.,,, , KilOe Cauliflower, V head , , lotrjeo bweetettnutsVHPk liloe I . urnlps. X pk.f:.. : .T.8C rntans,w4pk loflifte rieSquaahes(eacb) , 20ur5e onions. VkPk.. IjOe Canots,) bunch Je Celsiy, bunch loe Uemfuy,) qt lie L0t'KAD eaAlk, Fleur v bbl , as.oe fancy ttellur Heur saw Wbul 73)SOa Oats" ,,. 35400 Cern (ithelled) aw Lern, f) X pk smq " (...,,. KU Hay Bi ten.,.....,,. Ueverterd w bus tlMIS ,.lL7Mlia.in ...... ...aiM SLM tin ..14. en US" II U50 LttC t.vs ,.. encMi m 0 1WUU7 Jui nvra ami fi puR.t.ititittin Orchard Urasa V tins.. Mixed Lawn Ursaies abus HunatlnUraMi bus.... . etmw i ion. tUxseedfi Intl., Hallbnt B rtsn. Catflshwlv Oysters l iw .... ....... i mallas llluellsh ..... sturgeon Flounders White rlsh sir. Ijtuib f . Mutten ypy Vealt. Beef fi a ., eausaseffa l'uddlnir at ft Itamt A, whole Ilamf) fc. sliced ltacenf) k Dried uenffl qr llelcgtiarl ir tkjrn lleel ft.. , PrrkSIB , AX W AD VSR T2i EMfXTS. B AK1NO POWDKK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never varies. A marvel of I purity, strensrta and wholeemenes. economical than the ordinary klmt, and eannet be sold in competition with the luultltuJe of low lesi.eueri weegai. sunxn or pnospaaie powaere. Seitl only In cans. Kotal iukim I'oweiaCos w Wall street. Hew Tork. icar.".lj-aftw rpO TUE DEMOCRATIC OTERS OF J. THE FITTH WAKU-The undeislgntd. regular nominees of the Kemecracy In sta w tird for Common Council, hereby decline the nerulnatlan and withdraw frotnsuchctndldaey, and recommend our trlenJs te support the nominees et the Citizens' Ticket. Kespectlclly, c.ku all ah Arn, WALTEKHAM1'. Laci8Tr, Feb. 11, 1SS7. READY-MADE SUITS. After Monday, February llth, the cos tumes ter the Mennereherllasquerade call will be ready for selectlea; alto wus and beards te hire at Mtts c. l.lLLLIfs. ltd Ne. 277 .North Queen Street. SPIRITUALISM. KDWIN POWELL, tbe Trance andClalr andClalr vevant Medium, of Londen, England, and A. W. . lt(JTHKKMEL,ef New terk, will lecture and gtve clairvoyant and Fsychremetrtc Keadings et Character, with names, Ac, en Saturday, rebruary li, and Sunday, rebmary ls.at7.30p. m.. at Ceclllan Hill, ever 'ew Tork store. Ad mission tree. febll-3t TJIOR PIMPIiKS. BOILS AND ERUP- AJ TION8. generally with ltchlnpef the skin (geese skin) take fralley t 8arapartlla com pound Large bottles, 80 cents, customers tell us It does the work every time. Bargains In Teeth Brushes are selling last. With every brush gees a bottle of oriental loots Wash, free. A roll line of Truj.es and shoulder Braces at Lewest Price. gKAlLKY'SKASTESD PltAItMACT, (Oppeille Eastern Market.) 6-JmdM,W,FR TERRORS OK THIS DENTAL, CHAIR OI9ABMKD. Teeth extracted by the use et electricity per fectly sate and harm lest. My H.OO Teeth are made of the beet material that 1 can purchase, rilling teeth a specialty. AU work guaranteed. ir.1V. riSUtK, Dentist, aprn-lyd Ne North Qneen Pt. F R MED1ULNAL USi; Pl'RK HOLLAND GIN. BOHREB'S LiqUUItsIOKE, 71 Centre Square. -tyANTKD. TWO YOUNG MEN OR STOUT l!Oi ?. Apply at LOWELL'SCOl.LAR rACTOIll. D3td cm nnrk re REWARD. JJXVVFVf Fer any case of Kidney Trou blcs. Nervous Deblllt; tv. Mental and t'hvi that BOTANIC .NERVE U1TTEK3 Menial uuu ru steal Weakness that BUT falls te cure. Sold bvdruesl.ts. w cents He a ii m en. co., Me. U N. Uth at . 1'hlla. Pa. JV Circulars free. novJlyeodAw TACOB F. BHEAFyKK S PURE RYE WHISKY, DUKE BTBXET LIQUOIt STORE. augWlydtt RARE CHANCE.' iX. Bla Reductlena la Eur Bearr and Melten Overcoat. All onrase, as and no overcoats re duced te no. Made te order In the very best style. Only first class Trimmings used. Salts te your order from lit up. This large reduction Is only for a few weeks, In order te make room for our Spring Htcck. A. II BOShNSTMN Ne. 37 North (Jueen StreeL u 8E MANHEIM Reller Fleur! JannSmdBeed TO HKCUKE BARGAINS GOTO BKCIITOt.D'S, NO. S3 NOBTH. QCEEN STttEET, wbe Is new closing out hu Entire Stock at and below ceit, with tAsrlew or engaging In ether business. Ne reasonable offer refused. Please call and see for yourselves. IIXNBV BECHTOLO, Ne El North Queen 8L P. 8. Houses and Choice. ISulldlng Lets for sale. Houses for rent. TT GKROART, Fine Tailering: A Reduction of 23 per cent, en all Heavy. Weight Suiting and Overceating te make room for my large Spring Importation. 1 his reduc tion ts for cash only. T Material and Workmanship the Very lieiL H. CERHART, Ne. 43 N. QUMH BTt Opposite the restnOce dBmam-ly "WARNER'S YEA8T." w TUB BEST HBIDDLB CAKKS-TltK LIGHT LIT BREAD-ABB MADE WITH "WARNER'S YEAST." One Cent a Cake ; Ten Cents a Bex, Fer sale ealy at Cochran's Drug Stere, NOS. in ) NOBTU QUE LN BT. mars-lyeedst AT BURHK'8 Eagle Brand Oendeneed Milk. INFANTS THB1VE ON IT. rut: WYALVSISO XEW BUCKWBEAT, M0CES8 Twe tens sold this season. Hires enttie sails, faetteu. Beats everything we have ever tad. liytt. CEBAL1ME ANUCORALINE. Made of white core. Makes an elegant dish or dessert. A large package et about half a peck for se cents. THAT FINB BVAFORATEH COBB will seen bs all. If our rscalar customers want any, call seen i Iteck limited. We also have the FlMBaT CANNED COBN extant. BURSK'S, NO. 17 IAST DNO STREET, LAMCASTBB, PA. VTeiepbonaCenaeotlons. floods Dsllversd. 1(0 100 tee IOC ...ifit-m ,...lftjlSO ...Klc ....!fll0O tie tee ...IJftlSO 240 130 100 1.-C 16a ...109120 .V W AD rMKTIBKUKXra. JliAllKt'H KNOCK DOWN PRICES. BlLVKKinNUCOklgoecl as Baker's or Win. low's, eul vice, a can. Wlnslew's sells at 10 h ran. rell A eon's sugar Cern. Sc. Finest Karly June tvaa In the wetlfl, utca can. rreuch t'eaa, only isu a can. Choice Table Tomatoes, P'e a can. Clarke's Combination Coffee, Vj per pound. uranulsted Sugar, Ce per pound, Powdered Bucar, Pc- Veu shouldsce the nice Oranges we are selling nt IV per deren. kbaaatu is ssuuurras stubs. 0. a West Ming Street. sfTelepheue. lanfrlyit TriNO 8TKKKTTHKATHU. To-Nightl""Te-Night! The Talented Emotional Ai tress, MISS AKKIE BERLEIN, trill Present the Beatillful Dramatic Wetk, Leah, the Forsaken, IN SIX ACTS, with atl the appropriate scenery t three uitg elficeut stage settings, Saturuaj Matlece at t V, M.t When the Company will appear In the domestic Iilsh Drama, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. ADM13S10KTO MATINEE lOCENle, Te all rarts of the house. Saturday Night " fashionable Sin ' tebll-tfd F UI.TON OPERA 110UHK ONE SOLID WEEK, COMMENCING Monday, February 14, 1887. Orenlng with ths iteauttrtil rue-Act cemedv Entitled DANITES, Or the Destroying Angels. arGraud Rand Contort by the famous Chal lenge Hand ou centre eijuareevery day. Grand Orchestral Selections eaca et enlng. PBIOB3, - 10, 30 A 30 Cents. Resr ed Seat en Sale at Oparn Heuse. IBUU-41U H 1R8H A BROIUEK. Cut This Out AND GET ONBOr OUR CUSTOM-MADE Suits and Pantaloons ! btllTfl AM r ANTALOON8 ara away abate prices. Homebody la going te wish that they had net waited. We Knew When We Speak. eenUemcn who have been all around looking at patterns yonder ; Prices somewhere else, have come In here at last ; saw and possessed themseltesef a out ter a pair of Pantaloons et these. They knew the bright side of this Suit and rantaloen effering: ibe K.XTHAVaq ANTLV UOOU QUALITY ter the L.1TKEMELY LOW PHICEB). We bought these goods under the Market Trices. W are aelllng them en the same basis. WHO CAfl DO BETTEE ? NOBODY I NOBODY 1 There Is no doing better by delating Tie Soeda are half gene new. and hardly half-a-02en styles entirely Sold out. The style and finality are fine all through. Nobody has left them unbeught after seeing them. YOU WILL NOT. ONE-PRICE Clothiers and Furnishers, COB. NOttTU QUEEN ST. AND CBNTBB SQUABB. LANCAflTKB. PA. CAMMiAttma. rXAKRlAOES ! CARRIAGES I Edw. Edgerley, 10, , 13, 15 M A BK ET STB BIT, Bear of rostefflce, Lancaster, Pa. My stock comprises a large variety of Buggies, Carriages, Phntens, Business and Market Wagons. Call and examine my work, and If you de net find what you want leave your order. Encourage geed work. There is economy In buying a geed article. Twenty years In bust ness and every Carriage a geed one. MOTTO " Fair Dealing, Honest Werk at Bolten l'ricti." ay Bepatrlng Promptly Attended te. Ten per cent, lower than all ethers. One set et work men especially employed for that purpose. TJUSSIAN TtUEUMATISM CURE. RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE Don't cure anything buX Bheumatlsm. bat It cures that Every Time, ltcurtd SAM'L BUBHS, Lancaster, Pa. M B. U ABTMAH , S.,'llloennburg, Pa. MBS. HE V. It. U. BOBINSON, Staunton, Va. MBS.WM. MEHABG.lMOWylle street, Phils, delpbla. J. F.NEWTON, Camden, N.J. MB8.MABTCAPBON, Moereletvn.N J. FBANZ MAEL, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Every Bes has Beth Trade Marks and Signature. Koue Guanine without this Signature and Beth riade Marks. PfABLlbU BEOS. A U Fer nbtuiitisa Oil. Price, $2.50 Per Bex. Fer complete Information, Descriptive raav pblet, with testimonials, FBI B. - reraalsbyALLDEUaslaTa. If one ertfee ether Is net In poafuea te fernUhlt toyeu.do net.be persuaded te take anything else, but apply direct te the Mesteral Agents. PFA1LZIR BB0S. & CO., Nes. f 19 A l.'l Market St., PhUadelpkla. HIRSH k BROTHER, amw ABrUMTMBMMinW. JKTZOKR HAUQHMAR'BCHICAl'SWHK. METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVE ALL Till 1'OrULAU MARKS or SHEETING & SHIRTING MUSLINS At the Lewest Prices. acgSssMSagffauL Metzger & Haugiimaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Heree Hetol, Lancaster, F. A' K W AD VSR TMESIKXTV. MAKT1M AW, J.n SURPLUS STOCK SALE. The Wetk of Reduction has been doing On In our CHINA DEPARTMENT Fer the past two weeks, and has brought forth Seme Extraordinary Hargnina In China, Uinta and Queens ware. Parties cemmenclnn house keeping ran save money by taking advantage et this tale. Oue Iltiudied and One l'lete White I'eicctatn Dinner Bets at as se, were f'.'U One Iltiudied and One I'leve White Itonatene Ulnner Sets that weie KCO, Mew it tv. StatODeceiatedlJlnnetSets New IJ loe Wi.01 " " NewSMCXl se oe " Nowirvie WiW " " NewtlMO HO) New IIS 5J ia-00 Decorated Tea fets NowSleu) 1 I " " NOWISOO et" " " NOWSS.CO 3t " " New J JO One Crate W bite Chamber Sets, sold at W.ea new tjn. Ons Crate Decorated Chamber Sets at DC. worth tl te BARGAIN TABLE. All the Odds and Ends an this table One Hundred Finger Bowls at 8c, worth SSc. One Hundred Fancy Pepper and Salts reduced te , 10, 11 and IB Cent. Twenty-flve Lamps reduced te"c , were II en. Other articles at about half ptlce. J. B. MART &CO., I N Cor. West King PHnc Hlrccls. LAMCASTBB, PA. TTTILIilAMHOIi A fOHTKK. " Coniniuulratien by Telephone. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. WHY NOT BUY -A- SUIT OR OVERCOAT NOW. WHKR lOUCANUCT THEM AT A HKAVT PERCENTAGE Belew Regular Figures. Children's Butts and Overceats.11.23, 11.50, U.W. Bey's Suits and Overcoats, tiie, tl ta,Uii. Men's Suits and Overcoat, 5(0, as 00, 10 oe. Odd Pantaloons. Children's Knee Pants, Wee, 11.00. jy). Beys' Pants, l.oe.l.L60 Men's Pants, II ts. 11.60. tl TO. Traveling Ulsters, Tracks, Valises, Satchels, TRAVELTNQ BAGS. WATBBPBOOF COAl(, I! W.I1.A 3. A SPECIAL LOT OF CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, 34 CENTS. White Dress ihlrU, Kv, soe, ;tc, 11.00. Men's and Bey's Cleth Caps and Peles, 15c, avj, sec Gent's Derby Hate, 60c, 73c, II. 00. LADIES' PLIABLE rBBNCll KID Hand-Made Gaiters ! A Special Price has been placed upon a llm Ited nnmberef these flne 1 nuaeie shoes. They we have marked them area Regular W.oe Shoes reasteguisr i.toandss.e, fJ.D WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, li, 14, II 1 18 Eut III, St., LABCAITEfLPA. 4V Storaselese at t p.m., Monday and Satur day excepted. t Ai.jf eaj auust. peii iicnt. JiltlCRVAltl) ON MANOR ST., for Season of ls;. Apply ., . J AMI'S t'HANULEr, fie-lwd Ne 4Q setith Water at.. City. TjtOK Hr.NT-rKOM AI'KIL, 1, 14S7. A First-Class Farm of 00 Aeres, two miles from theclty. reur acres eM and en Hnekland i,,'.,?rMJ,,, of I- " the auhth wrd. Small Stable, tx West tirange strecL Small rhS??h ,Kr.nR,y' '""derlesT, Ifuiten Apply te etroets. leruis reasenable: i HlllBHA IIKOTllER. flOOl'EH IIOUS IS KOK HUNT. n..2.b2 Ce"lH'r IJoiise. onehalf snuarn from SsVJKTjs 3UV "HJ, VI1" Heuse, ani near both best beuses tn tbe clly. ljirge hale and La Apnf lst'tabteS' iUl first-class, rusiessien en WM. J. COOPBB. ir0J?-1i.EN'rrTUK TWO FAUMH SITfJA. ..?.D.,,4rtlj"J.n lancaster city and partly In tatenf sllchael Malo.-.e. deceased, one contain ln about lis aeres nnd the ether 91 aerea. Beth finns nre suitable ter dairy purposes and gen. oral fanning, atipiyte' " ,. . JlORriMKIl MAIO.NE.Ja., febllwd J.L.8TMNMETZ. jek halu ok nnSTt. Three Aeres of Ground. W llh tuiprorementa, censt.tlng of rrru Heuse. Wagen fihed. luiplement BUsd. and the lr Bene Uetilng KatsblMliinent lernietly eccmiled by Joeph etark. Ihore ts a -.alusbln stone euarry en the pretnl . Located ntier the City Waterworks Tenure-lav. JOll.VH. MkTZLESt, ICbMO.U Ne. Seuth Uuke St TJTJ1IL1C HALK 0 Mevdav, FtsaCAar 11, ls47, will be sold at public sale, at the public heuseVi of Jehn A, Snyder, cenmr et I'enlar and 11 bert streets, Lancaster, Pa the following real estate, te wit: All that certain let or piece of Rrnuud situ ated en the south slde et Poplar street. Ne Ki, In said city et Lancattnr, ceuutnlng In Irent en said Poplar street setcetlt Inches, and eitendlns; In depth te rroment street, lei feet, havtna-afrent en said rroment street ! feet, en which Is erected a well built two-story brlek, dwelling house, containing seven rooms, with hallways en nrst and aacund atnrles, haud-rall stairway, balcony full leiiKtb et baek building a perfectly dry cellar, "ilie heuse Is new nd In geed condition, baring hydrant and sink in kitchen, drain pipe te aircuu The let contains a choice viuluiy of rrult trees, pl(t pen, and rhlcken heuse. Should the purchaser wish te divide the premise thxre would bt three lariu building lets lu addition te the let the hetisn stands un. l'nstes.len gUen April 1st. I's?. Sslote begin at 7 Den said day, wheu condi tions will be made known by , . . . W.T E03KIIERRV Joel L.llalncs. AucL fJ.5.7.,ll.lJd POSITIVE PUIIHO SALK OK VALU ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY O Satcrbav, FraacAkv W, 1S7, I n pursuance 01 an order of the Orphans' Cnti 1 1, at the Lancasur County Heuse, East Klna street, Lancaster City, Pa., the artdenlicned aa mlnlstrater of the estate et tbe late Havid kll uegcr, QKcaua, win sen the following valuable Real Estate via 1 A LoletOroundlrontlngon Last King street, SI feet, t! Inches, uiore or less, unit extendlna In depth -15 feet, uioreor less, te a 14 feet wide alley, bounded ou the east by property of Ed ward Wiley, known as the Lancaster County Heuse, en the wcat by properly of Dr. 11.11. Parry, druggist, south by East King stwet. and north by Oram street. The Improvements thereon are a DntiMe Frent lwoMery 11I1ICK BIORE BUILDING, new occupied by stores 1. centilnliiK four rooms en second fleer, and hav Inc a plastered attle with lour rooms; the baek. building la two story brt'k, containing sli rooms, ihe kitchen having thrte large Iren ket tics vtalledlnler butchering purposes. Thern Is alsna large rrauin Stable, and part llrlek and part rrame slauKhter lleu-OKt rrurend of ih let, trontlnsren the said East Grant street. The sublecoDlatnsfeurstalla for horses, vltnlelta for three or four tens of hay, the same umeunl of straw ; also granarlrs ler ae bnshels or grain, large leltlur storing six sleighs; also shed room for ill wagons, and cattle jien for steers, 'Jhe Slaughter Heuso l supplied with hydrant water and has & larire bentn for )i,mritn. evanr... slaughtered stMirs. '1 hem Is ampin sewerage en. m the premises, connected with the dwelling arirti,,. 9 slaughter hniiiui. TttM,et w..n . n-br....( -N a leg water with pump therein, en the premise, ) also a cistern of from ulne te twel se hogsheads ' capacity. This property was successfully run as a Hutch ertng Stand ter nlty years. Persona fltslrlng te view the properly can de se by calling at Nea 113 and Hi East King street, ut any tluie prier te daynfsale. eale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., of said day, when conditions will be uiade known by tULLlAM . BII1KK, llasar HnvassT, Adminlatrater. Auctioneer fJ.i,,ll.ia,l!'aai rROCLAUA nex. IKOOLAMATION. Tlt Qualified etrrt 0 tht Ctty of Lancailtr te vote en fAeouriffen eincrtatlng th Indebted neit 0 salt! oily fltlfiOO, Whereas the Select and Common Councils of ice envoi Lancaster resolved ataregulartneet. leg held en Januarys. A. II .inf. thai It Is their leg held en January 5. A. H,l7, that It Is their desire tolncrvaae the Indebtedness of the elty uenire luincrvase tne inueuieaneas or tne city et Lancaster lean amount net te exceed till.- 000, for the purpose of bulldlni; sewers ter draining the northern part of the city, and nee essary chauge or laipioveiccnt of the water works ; and Whereas, the Indebtedness or the said city cannot be se Increased w Itheut tte assent el the electors thereof, had acd ohta'ned In the man nerprerlded by the Actef Assembly of April I, William A. Morten, Mayoref the said clly of Lancaster, Usreby glve uetlce, lu accordanee with the said Aet of Assembly et ApiU'rJ, 1874, that at the next municipal oltctten, te be held In the city of Lancaster en the IStUday of reb ruary, A. li., 1367, the question of tucreaalng the Indebtedness of the ully of Lancaster te an amount notteoxoeedliuooi will be submitted te the qualified electors of the paid city for their decisions, who can then vote ler or against tbe said Increase. The assessed value oftbetaxablo property el the city of Lancaster, artumlliiir. te the last as sessed valuation t bert or, is llt'iu),ne, tbe exist ing debt of the ctty is IK,2i3Wt, the amount et the proposed Increase is net te exceed 1M.U, which amount Is about 1 per centum et tbe as sessed valuation of the taxable property of tbe said ctty ; the purposes ler which tbe said In. debtedness U te be Increased are for the build. tog of sewers for draining the northern part of the city and necessary change or Improvement of the water works. Given nnder my hand at the city of Lancaster this 1Kb day et January, a. 11 17, nibuaa A. uuuiu.-l. JplS.17. 20 l,ftfeb7-lld Mayer PROCLAMATION. OITY ELECTION 1 he qualified electors of the Ctty of Lancaster are hereby notified that an election will be held In the several wards at tbe usual iplace of hold ing state and county elections, en TUKDAV. FEUU AttY IS, a. I)., 1881, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. of said day. for the purpose cf electing (en a general ticket) twelve persona te serve aa school directors 1 and the qualified electors of tbe several wards shall also at the same time and place, elect additional officers, as fellows : , F1BST WARD Four members of Common Council, one Alderman, one Constable, one As sessor, one Juege and two Inspectors of Elec tion. SECOND WABT. Three intmbtis of Common Council, one Ceniteble, one Assessor, one Judge, and two lospectore et Election. THIRD WaBD Three members ler Common Council, one Constable, one Assessor, one Judge and two Inspeotersof Eleotlea. FOUB1 U WARD-Thr. e membei s of Common Council, eni Constable one Assessor, one J udge and two Inspectors el Election. FIFTH WABDOne member or Select Com Cem ell, two members of Common Council, one A. deiman, one Censtable, one Assessor, one J udgn and two Inspectors of Election. SIXTH WARD -Three members of Common CeuneU, one Constable, one Assessor, 0110 J uilgu aud two Inspeotersof Election, SEVENTH WARD-One member of folect Council, three members of Common Council, nneCenstabe, one Assessor, one Judge and two Inspeotersof Election. EIUHTU WARU-'ihrce members of Common CeuneU, one Alderman, ene Constable one As sesser, one iauas uuu iwe inspectors 01 Elec tion. NINTH WABD-One member of Select Coun Ceun eU, three members of Common Council, one Constable. one Assesser.cnu Judge and two In. spectorset Election. -0.,'!nun?ermyl"ln,lnl 'nncaster. Pa., th's list day of January, a. HAM. -, tautIR WILLIAM A. MORTO. J"-8 Maer. -t far , riy A& ittSfitfiSaV'iAt.A. . - Si- &2itf3tV JttssJ!uaffiL hs.HSiLk