Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 10, 1887, Image 1

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volume xxm-Ne.
a atr.ra-aieta tint Tatar bmebm
our in no. s mviLitmy,
Twe of the City flte- la Ik Balldlsg
Ma amok Rm Been latalag rrens
the Upper WlaSews Passages
Tbst Will root 800.
Tbe ntemeii of Truck A ami angina com
pany Ne :i bed work vary handy te borne
lat evening whan tlialr engine house
en Kaat King atreal u altnnat de
atrnyed by Urn. il wu about half-past 0
o'clock when Councilman Frank N. Everts,
who resides en Middle street, riaarly opiealta
tha angina beuse, saw stneke Issuing from the
windows of tba building. Ha quickly alarmed
Benjamin lllebt, tlllerman of tba truck, and
Zab Wiae,fori.uan,whe wara tba only men at
tha beuse, tba ethers having gene te supper.
Tbe wait warn en tha tint fleer of tba beuse.
Tee tire waa feuud te be in tba bay Ien ever
tba back building. Tha engine, cart, truck
auil horses were Ukeu Ireui tba building and
au alarm was struck from box 14 at Nblppen
end Kaat King afreet. Toe remainder el
tba lira depsrtiuenl responded, altbeugb net
vary preuiptly. with tba atoaptleu el engine
Ne. 1, wblcb ler some teaseu did net put In
au appearance.
Tba tire at llrat wa confined entirely te
tba rear and et tba building, wbera the
great beJy et water waa tbrearu en, but It
gradually forced It way te the front Altar
tba llreuieu bad been weralng ler an hour
Haines were seeu Issuing from tba I root
windows. Tba truck laddera wara than
placed up and atraaiua were turned en
through tlila part el the building. Tba Ore
was very atubberu, and It waa net extin
guished until nine o'clock and than alter
boles bad been uul In tha reef and ether
parte of tba building.
unw Din it ebiuIWATkT
Hew the tlra originated no ena seems te
knew. It loeka very much aa though It wae
Incendiary, and If ae tba work waa uene ey
ecrue one who stele Inte tba building. An
ether theory la that tba tlra aUrted In atraw
wblcb wu put Inte tba building In a damp
condition some daya ego. Tba atraw wae
In tba eastern aide el the left and It la certain
. that tha lira started there. Il spread vary
rapidly and tba ventilator, leading from the
atablea underneath, waa aoen burned off
which gave the tire a draft. It crept along the
tnatde of the reef te tha Irontef tha building,
where the latter laef two sterlsa with a left
Tbls left la ehut oil from the aecend fleer by
a plastering, and between the re-f and thin
plastering the tire burned fiercely. It m
vary difficult for tha tlretuen te reach If.
Jehn Hah warn, a beaematu of engine com
pany Ne. 3, waa almost overcome by ameke
and be bad te be carried Irem the building
te Zlegler'a hetal, next deer, where be lay
fur aeme time before recovering.
Tha building la very badly damaged.
The entire Inalda of the root It either burned
through or badly charred. Considerable el
tba weed work In the rear part U entlrelj
consumed. Tne building la thoroughly
water aeakiHl and It la altogether In a dread
ful oendltlon. In tha left, where tba tire
atarted, there waa about 2,500 peunda of Iecs
bay bealdea anma in balm and about a lead
of atraw. Considerable of this was saved, but
It waa badly water-enaked. Tne striking
apparatus of the big alarm twit Is se badly
damaged that It cannot be used.
Tba companies remained lu service at the
Ore until after nine o'clock, which we mere
than two hours after the rumen bad bean dis
covered, and one remained te threw en
water until eleven o'clock. There was a great
deal of complaint by many who wilnva d
tha tlra against Unlet Knglnear Yonder,
smith. They aay that hi management e! It
waa very blundertug, as It should have been
extinguished very much uiere quickly. Twe
much work was done In the rearel the build,
lug and the tire waa pushed te lb front. On
a,e ether band, tba chlet thinks he did well,
and ha says that the Ore v.n ery dllli
cult te locus aud wax bard te fight, owing
te tba great quantity of ameka
1 he city will boa big Iwter by this Ure,a they
have net a cent of Insurance ou tha burned
property. Tbla building was erected In 1S84,
and It ta tbe Iwst one In the city for Its
purposes. Itexteuds lu depth HO feet, and
the front U two stories high with left; while
tba rear ta of one-story with left. The beuse
waa first occupied by the llreuieu In Febru
ary 1M5. Fer a time tha city had Insurance
en It, but when II explred tba Ora committee
did net aee Ot te renew It They give ai their
reason Hut the Insurance companies wanted
te charge them rates whleh Ibey considered
tee high. Msnyef the members of council
seemed te thluk that there was ue need for
tba city te have Insurance ou a building in
whleh two companies are stationed, whose
whole duty It I te extinguish tires, Tha
oeulract price for tba erection of the building
waa 15,8.12 3il, but this amount was lucre-wed
by extras. The damage will be huaty, ap
proximating t2,500.
Inquiry among the members of tba Ore
cemmlttea abewa that none or the euglne
houses lu tba city are new Insured. The
one Just damaged 1 fire wu the euly eue
Insured aluee thenty has owned them.
The hotel of I. .'eglr, which isuext deer
te the engine beust, waa Oiled with ameke
at times while the Ore was lu progress. 1 ha
ref of the hotel building Is or shingles,
covered with stata Tba shiuglea were en Ore
several times, but tba Oremeu extinguished
the flame.
a.rleus Areld.ul tu a Fireman.
After the members of Ne. 3 neiujiauy bad
finished their work at tba Ore aeveral of them
took three of the horse te the atatilea el CI ine'a
Kaatern market bowl, nearly opposite the
b fine house, te put them awsy for the night.
V.eb Wis went up.te the bay mew te threw
down soma hay when by accident he stepped
Inte a bole through which bay la thrown te
tha stable below. He fell te tba ground right
bablnd Uie horses and atruek ou hta bead.
Ha was picked up unconscious and taken te
bis borne en Kaat (Irani street and Dr.
Uaerga A. King waa seal for te attend him.
tie was then supposed te be dying, but waa
found te ba ufferlng from concussion or the
brain and he remalued unconscious until 4
o'clock this morning. Twe Angara of one or
bla bands were dislocated and his right arm
and left hip are se badly bruised that ha la
unable te walk. The place where Wise rail
la rather dangerous and a few daya age a
countryman waa badly hurt by railing
through It ,
A UeasMsrata Husband.
A young aaan appeared In a Brooklyn
court tha ether day and asked tba Judge te
nave him arrested. Bla honor demanded an
explanation, and tha visitor stated that he
ted been guilty of cruelty te hla wila. When
creased ler pirtlealara ba aald that, while ha
had net beaten bis wife or neglected her for tba
Sewing bowl, he had bean cruel te bar fr6m
ftaanclal standpoint lu ether words, ha
sad net given her money enough te properly
aappert Mr. Further questioning developed
tha faet that hla wile bad preferred no
caargaa asyslast him. Altar thinking tba
Batter ever tba judge bagged tba young mas
te ae heeaeaad give blmsaU another trial.
Iba advkw waa aaea-HacLand tba culprit laft
Will a-aahatb te BaalaassU VUglnla.
Jacob Qreab, who for aaaay yaara waa a
alaaraanla Fabaaateak'a dry goods store,
rAmmBua m vBHrmartem.
Th.y are Advlssd lu Jein the Kalghta at lAbar,
TuaBaMasUra Ksealved WHk Vfaa-
dsr aad fMaaapraval.
Tha National Agrleultural and Dairy aa
eoelatlou mat In eighth annual convention
Tuesday at tha Uraud Central betal, Maw
Yerk. Jeseph II. Heal I, et New Yerk, praal
dent el tha asaoelatlon, waa In tba ebatr. and
il dalagataa rapraaanUng Naw Yerk, New
Jersey, Delaware, Dakota, atlnnaaeta, Penn
sylvania, Virginia, Connecticut, Ohie, Maine,
California, and Canada wara present
After the routine business had been dispos
ed or tha president read hla annual add rasa.
He congratulated tba aaaoclatlen upon what
It bad done. Ha said It bad destroyed tha
antagonism between the farmers and tba
railroads, had lilted the embargo Irem many
American pnslucla In Kurepe, and had
secured national recognition In tee passage of
the oleeinargarlnn bill by Congress. Thus
fartheaddraMi had been well received, but
the audience began te leek at ena another in
a rather startled way when the speaker assur
ed them tbattbelrcoudltien.nolwltbstandlng
all that bad been done, waa particularly bad.
Their beuses were being taken Irem tbam by
money changers aud the mertgagee en their
farms would seen put all tha land Inte tba
bands el a few monopolist Than tba
tarmere were told soma curious things.
"The werklugmen," ssld tba president,
"your brothers are resUtlng tba capitalists
heroically, led by that pure minded honest
unselfish and wIm man, T. V. 1'ewderiy. I
bsva studied the nature and principles of tha
Knights of Laber, and they are truth. Tha
men who swindle you are the man with
whom the Knlghta oeutend. Wa condemn
inarchy and Socialism ; se de the Knights of
Laber. We demand flr pay and Iraa
markets ; se de the Knlgbla. Together wa
may save the country from impending ruin.
Itonlyreuisles for us te act together and
achieve results which will within this year
astonish the world. C(ttl la selfish, dis
honest and Ignorant ll seeka tha Ufa bleed
or the claaa upon which It dermis for austen
ance. It Is without nrlncliile and merer.
The only thlega II deea net conquer are right
and truth, and the only evidence et a divine
principle Is the fact that these great rectors
are bulwarks sksIiisI which all tba fury or
avarice tails. Monopoly, the child el capital,
Is spreading Its devlilsh tentacles all ever
this bread country, and you, farmers of
America, are responsible for It leu bava
the power te correct thwte conditions and you
de net use It; you de net drive out tha sal
Osb, dlsbeuest, unprincipled politicians
who, for money, represent capital and
This unexpected outburst was received
with an ominous silence, which ehnwed that
1U sugg'stlen that the tHrmnra should ally
themselves with the Knight of Laber did
net meet with approval. Tha adoption of
the ail dress was promptly moved, but, with
jreaier premptnefN, an sinenumeni was car
ried and a cemmlttea of three waa appointed
te consider the aildrws and report upon II
at a later eetwlen. Dr. II. A. Foeler, or
New Yerk, said be could net agree with all
the reerl contained. Carelul study bad
convlueed him that underconsumptien was
the great evll from wblcb the farmer suf
ten. Tba werklngmen have for years been
earning watcea which with proper manage
ment would have kept themselves and fam
ilies lu a much lieuer condition than Ibey
have ever enjoyed and bava left soma aav
Inga ever, instead or spending the money
tbey ought ler feed, te the benefit et them
selves aud tba country, they have spent It
for whisky. That and net capital, was tba
real enslaver of the wnrklngmau.
Hbertaddreapcs en agricultural and dairy
teplca were made by Charles K. Marvin, of
Minnesota ; J. U Willi, et Delaware ; W. P.
Klahardsen and Jehn Osrdlner, of New
Yerk ; Dvld T. lUlnet, of New Jersey ; ex ex
(iev. Hyde, or Connecticut, and Jeseph
Weld, el CAuada.
Attbe evening aemien a discussion was
had amenv the New Yerk deleiratea en the
subject of the war against oleomargarine In
this state and the necessity of placing a larger
appropriation in the hanls el inn dstry com
missioner this year. Awistaul Dairy Com
missioner Van Valkenburgb made a state
ment showing that oleonnrgsriue waa used
In this Mtate mera or lest In from 1,000 te .1,000
creameries, In 20 000 grocery stores, In 2,000
hotels and In 10,1100 restaurants. Itceat about
flOOtopreseciitoacasoauoceaslully, and the
commissioner's work had been unieri cramped
for want of limits It u unanimously
resolved that au appropriation of 1 100,000
should be made.
Rema t laws en Laber,
President Jehn itascem, et the Wiscon
sin Hute Cnlversity, In an address delivered
this week, maintained that labor combina
tions were erllcacleus, but that trade unions,
owing te the fact that machinery bad re
duced tha need et skilled labor, were less
eOlcacleua newthau lermerly. He Instanced
locomotive eugiueera as being an exception.
He aald the K fig lit of Lsbur recognize the
tact that the social problem cannot be
wrought out by Imilvldual or class, bnt only
by a combination of all workmen. He held
that labor combination weulu remain as
long as we are a progressive people,
and that they glva the workmen a firmer
footing In the economic world, greater Intelli
gence and mobility, mero power te resist
than as Individuals, aud promote patience.
He declared positively that strikes, en tha
whole, bad wrought mere geed than mis
chief, ami that as long as the temper el tba
world Is for wsr, for a settlement of dllUcul,
ties, It illy became publicists te criticise
workmen ler quietly striking, i.sber com
hi nations produce in the workman a forecast
et economy aud self-respect, teseh Intrinsic
Justice toward all, broaden the mind, secure
social gain, cause peleut recognition In
politics, and, therefore, promote a sense et
responsibility, and make cooperation be.
tween capital and labor easy. He aald com
binations would make mistakes, but se did
all humanity ; that they would often be
under demagogical and bad leadership, but
se often were men In politics; that they
weutd sustain a pecuniary less, but no move
ment forward bad coat ae much as submis
sion, and tbat they would reduce the Indi
vidual liberty, but inereasa personal power.
Ha ebaracterixed Henry Geerge's views aa
revolutionary, but Insisted no real danger of
anarchy existed lu America.
ll Iteaads With Bare KuurhlM,
At daybreak Wednesday merulug, In the
drying-room or a tobacco factory at Belle
ville, N. J., one of the utet savage aud
longest prlia-UghU or Utter daya waa wit
nessed. The principals were two mill banda
Ned Hawkins, Zi veara old, weighing 141
pounds, aud Billy McMaben, aged lib year
and weighing 1-li peunda. The purse of 7 00
for whtebtbev lengbt was subscribed by 10
well-known New Yerk m-n of a sporting turn.
There were 112 bare-knuckle rounds, fought
according te the ijonilen prize-ring rulea,and
the tight lasted 2 heure and 02 minutes.
MoManen was mueh the best man at wrest
ling and floored Hawkins twenty-two times,
but was deOeient Insolence, Hawkins scor
ing eighteen clear knockdowns. Beth men
wara terribly used up, but showed gsraeness
and an appetite for punishment throughout
At the and of 112 rounds MoMshen waa una
ble te stand up. and llawklna waa declared
tba winner and awarded tha purse. In re
cognition or MoMsben's pluck tha spectators
made up au additional purse or f85 and pre
anted It te him.
Leve Urs Her te suictds.'
Klla C, Peppey, a domestic In a family
living near Paell, ou tha Pennsylvania rail
road, destroyed heraeil Wednesday night by
taking a heavy dose of strycbnlue. At the in
quest evidence waa addnead wblcb proved
abe had committed the act because har lever
bad married another girt She waa quite
young. Her parents reside In tha neighbor
hood. Ballsrss ike Unead Bag a raise rrepbat,
tram tha Mount Jer Star.
Mlebael Bbaarer, of Wast Denegal town
ablp, bad tramp te work for blm. Ona
night tba tramp took Freneb laava and
wiin nun several
I overcoats and a let of ether
Mcretary Maaalag'a New Haak.
Tha Western National bank, el Naw Yerk,
.was en
uaaa weanesaay py ui election
y Manning as president, United
d Secret
B tales'
rarer tieraaa aa viae prasMawt,
manhera aa easnler. Mr. Blank.
at prataat alstaat eaafclar fifth
tmmvMB oenohVBBB skb vn rmisi.
11710 tUB rfJ4 BOVM1.
An later eettag BaH ta Wklck a Ohsatsr Oeaa ly
Issaraaaa Oaaapaay Is Osfaaaaal, New
Ua Trial Hstara Jadga Mvlagslaa.
Vatdtstt Itawaarad bf Osassal.
Tba Jury In tba suit of Wscbter vs. Wechter
before Judge Livingston, rendarad a verdict
In favor rr tba plalntltl for lioe.
Thaauit of Benjamin F, Asten, of Mattings,
vs. Wabatar L. Uersbey, waa next attached
for trlaL Tha tacU In tha case aa detailed by
plaintiff's witnesses were a follews: In the
summer of I884 Asten farmed tobacco en tba
shares for Wabatar L. Uerahey. Tha arrange
ment waa, Uerahey te furnish Uie land Asten
tba labor, and tba money received for the
tobacco te ba equally divided. When the
tobacco waa ready ler market Uerahey told
Asten tbat ba bad a purchaser at 1 1 cenu per
pound rer wrappers, tbeasoendaand flllera te
ba thrown in. Aaton told Uerahey te becareful
bow ba made tha contract aa ba did net want
te ba decked. Uerahey brought tha tobacco
te Lancaster and Friedman, who bought It,
after examining it declined te take It at the
price, saylag that It was damaged, Friedman
told Uersbey te take It toether warehouses
and try te sell It and II be could net get rid
el It ba would buy it at 0 and 2. Uersbey
sold tba tobacco at these figures aud aettled
with A. a Kreider, Asten's agent, at theaa
flgurea. Asten, however, repudiated tbat
settlement and claimed tbat he waa entitled
te one-half el the crop 8,440 peunda at II
Tha dsfsnse was that llershey did net aee
tha tobacco prepared for market, and did net
knew that It waa damaged, and when he
sold It for 1 1 cents he believed It te be sound
tobacco. When be was shown the tobacco In
tba warehouse and aaw it waa damsged be
sold It In geed laltb for tha beat price that
could ba obtained. Ula counsel. argued that
as ba waa an equal loser with Asten be
should net ba compelled te pay Asten the
difference between II cents and what It waa
old for. Tba Jury rendered a verdict In
favor or plaintiff for 1203 63.
Tba suit or Jeseph H. Townsend te the use
el J, P. Ambler and Jeseph H. Townsend vs.
tha Mutual Fire Insurance company, or
Cheater oeunty, waa next called for trial.
The defendant, through his counsel, with
drew hla plea and filed a demurrer te the
declaration. This easa was continued and
the demurrer will be argued at the March
term of court
Anether suit between the same parties was
attached ler trial thla morning. Tbls is an
aotlen te recover en a policy or Insurance.
On August II, 1384 tha company Usued a
policy of Insurance te Marab A Hmedley, for
t2,U0 en their creamery at Geshen, Fulton
township. An additional Insurance or f262
visa subsequently added. This policy or In
surance was transferred te different parties
with tha company's consent several times.
On October 1,1335 there u a partial deatruc
lien of tba property Insured by lire, and in
November or tba same year tl.ure was a
aecend fire by which the creamery and con
tents were totally destreyed. Proofs of less
were made and the less adjusted, but the
Insurance company refuted te pay the
amount of the less aud tbla ault was ibtn
The defenae offered no testimony aud the
Jury under tba Instructions of the
court this afternoon found In favor of plain
tiffs for f2,S07 02.
In the suit of Clara lleury, executrix et
Geerge Henry, for damagea by land being
taken In the opening of Jehn street, a verdict
byceuseutwas outerod In fat or of plaintiff
In tba suit el Geerge It. Neesenlg vs. Wm.
8. Shirk, administrator el David Klllleger,
deceased, Judgment by consent waa entered
In faer or plalntltl ler f 1,273.
Before Judgs Patterson.
In the mechanic's lien mil of Geerge Yels-
ley vs. lleury Bundell, the Jury morning
rendered a erdlct lu favei or plaintiff for
The"sult el William C. Heed, administra
tor et Jehn B. Aumenl va. Daniel Aument
waa attached for trial this morning. Before
any witnesses were examined the defendant
Oled a demurrer. It set forth thatJehuB.
Aument made an assignment fur the benefit
el creditors In 1S74, tbat the bend for wblcb
suit Is new brought by the administrator waa
(art el his assets and should have been trans,
ferred te hla assignee and as the assigned es
tate baa net yet been adjudicated the admin
lstrater baa no standing In court The court
withdrew a Jurerand the case was ceutlnued
at the coat or defendant
Tba suit of Lewis W. Irwin va. Geerge
Oilman was next attached ler trial. This waa
an action or trespass te recover damagea for
Oatinen'a going en Irwin's premises te build
a beuse. At the conclusion or plaintiff's tes
timony, counsel for defendant moved ler a
nen-ault en the ground that the pUlntlll bad
net shown tbat the title te tbe properly In
dispute was lu him. The ceuit granted the
A tallsut Overcome by Gnloiaterui
Was Administered le Him.
Stanley Karl, thirty years of age, and one
or Ferapaugb'a men, who was employed In
tbe capacity of a Hen tamer and keeper, died
at the clinic of the Med loe Chlrurglcil col
lege In PniisJelphla en Wednesday, from
tbe effects or obleroforiu which wa admin
istered te blm.
Karl, while In the performance of hl d utlfi,
had one el bla lingers injured, and alter mtlor mtler
ing with It for aeme time, he went te tbe
enllege te have It properly attended ta
When the pbyslelaus examined the Injury it
waa found that tba operation would be a very
pelnrul one and that It waa decided te use
chloroform. Prof. William U. Pancoast, el
Uie college faculty, administered the drug lu
tha usual manner, but It was anon seen tbat It
waa net operating aa It should and thai there
waa something wrong with tba patient
Hasty examination by tbe various physicians
In attendance seen convinced them that tbe
man would die en tba spot It be was net
relieved at once. Kvery effort known te
medical science waa promptly adopted but
without avail and in a few mluutee Karl waa
Full amuitheala bad net yet been produced,
and tba pbyslelana were entirely unable te
determine why tbe chloroform bad bad a
ratal effect Tba coroner waa Informed at
onea and took charge or tba body, when a
pest-mortem examination was made by Dr.
Formed. Thla disclosed the laei that the
man's kidneys and liver were diseased kind
that ba was suffering from ratty degeneration
of tbe heart These diseased conditions, tbe
Pbyalelana atata, fully account ter tba pecu
liar and abnormal aotlen el the asieitbetlc.
Defending tha federal Capital
Frem tbe Philadelphia Ledger.
Washington oily la tbe subject of many
Ptty aiage upon tbe part of "fresh" news
paper serlbea ; but It la a beautiful elty, a da da da
llgbttalplaowerwtaUrraaldanea,and It has
(quite different from tba Ill-mannered people
who tbiuat tbeaaaalvea upon nubile notice)
Sba1jWKMrain'd M "'
A Herat Military atadsai OeaaatHs aulclda:
NT. PrrBMBune, Fab. 10.-H la rumored
that a prince, a cadet In tbe military school
IntblaeMy, oeinltted suicide yesterday in
oensequaaoa of tba discovery tbat ba waa im
plicated km a N latitat plot agalaat tba govern
ment Other sUdeate la tbaaeboel, laadara
et UaoeMflney aad aavaral mtiI otteara
A Mgeincaat Declaration tm Ihe flabjsct of
Ksllglaas Liberty.
The tenth annhersary or the Philadelphia
Catholic club was celebrated Tuesday night
by a banquet at Iba Hetel Bellevue. Stephen
Family, tba president or the club, presided.
President Cleveland, replying lean Invita
tion sent bits, when thnlntontlen was te glva
thebanqaetaapscialiyii, honor el Cardinal
(Jlbbeaa, wrote :
The tbeughtfulneas which prompted this
Invitation legrataluiiy appreciated and 1 re
ret that my ptiblln duties here will prevent
Its acceptance. 1 should ba glad le I Tin the
contain plated I aa tirewlnn or respect te be ten
dered te tbe distinguished head or tbe Catho
lic church In the' United Mates, whose per
sonal acquaintance I very much enjoy and
m a.. S a au. llasa.stis.a a. .
iiuHw.iiiiiir viiiiiiuu 10 me esteem or
all bis ffttlnw-cltiz'tis.
I thank you for ilia admirable letter
which eoeompanlod my invitation, in whleb
you announce as one of the doctrines of your
club 'that a geed and exemplary Catholic
must, ex nteeutiale rri, be a geed and ex.
emplary citizen and that -the teachings of
both human and divine law thus merging In
tha ena word, duty, form tba only union or
church end state tint K civil and religious
unsiMHssss-nl ain Mjhi4i,I
guv tll-a-v-ite v-wea -(lll.n.
" I knew you will permit me, as a Protes
tant, te supplement this noble sentiment by
tbe expression et toy conviction that the
esrue Influence and riHiilt fellow a slneere
and consistent devotion te the teachings or
every religious creed which Is baaed upon
divine sanction. A wholesome religious
fslth thus InsiirtN te the ierpatulty,the safety
and prosperity of our republic, by exac.lng
the due observance el civil law, tbeperaerva
lien eT publie order and a proper regard for
the rights or all ; and thus are Its adherents
better fitted for geed citizenship and con
firmed in a sure and steadfast patriotism. It
seems te me, tee, that the conception of duty
te tbe state, which U derived from religious
precept. Involves a mime of personal re
sponsibility which is of the greatest value lu
the operation or the government by tbe
people. It will lie a fortunate day for our
country wheneer cltleu IkjIs that he has
an ever present duty te parfenn te tbe state
which he can net ecum from or nea-iM
without being false te bis religious as well as
bis civil allegiance.
" Wishing for your club tbe utmost uo ue
cess In Its effort te bring about thla re
sult, I am
" Yen t sincerely,
Thay Klact and Install ll.psrlinrut Ortier. Fur
lb ka.nlijg lar.
Late Wednesday afternoon the encamp
ment of tbe Q. A. K or Pennsylvania lu liar.
rtsbnrg adjourned, arter announcing the fol
lowing ofUeera for the ensuing yeir aa the
result or tbe btlletlnir, which consumed
nearly all el the daj'a iesslnn : Depart
ment commander, Majer Lemuel Har
per, Pest 155, or Piiiitmru ; senior vice
oemmander, J. Kdvin Oilt-s, et flaztetoe ;
Junier vice commander, William J. Fergu Fergu
eon, Pest 400; medical director, W. B.
Kreeasen, M. D , of Allegheny oeunty ;
alternate deleeste at-Iarge te the national
encampment, Frank J. llurrewn. or WU
llainspert; chaplain, Kev. Jehn W. Hayrea,
or Reading. The new ntllcers were in
stalled thla afternoon. Department Cem
mander Harper has retained en bis stair
Assistant Adjutant General Hastings and
Asahttant Quarlcrmteter William.
A uumber or resolutions werendnptel by
tbe encampment, among them the following ;
Asking the legislature te pass :. bill prohibit prehibit
iDganybut meinhtrsnt the G. A. it. fieru
wearing the badge et the organisatien under
penalty of One and iiiijirletinient; suggest
Ing te tbe next natteu-d encampment an
amendment te Ihe rules and regulations
making tbe basis of representation In pests
100 Instead of titty , rfiiietlng ihe Pennsyl
vania representatives In Congress te urge the
passage of aud le ete ler the recommenda recemmenda
ttnna of theG. A. It national ponsleu com
mittee. Justice ilemsnds tbe repeal of the
limitation contained in the arrears act or 1S7P,
me tbat all invalid soldiers shall share alike
and their penslyis tmgin with tun data of dis
ability or discharge aud net with the date of
tbe application.
The Weiuen'a Itelhil Cerps, an auxiliary
or the O. A. R , held Ih Hiitiual meeting aud
elected Mrs Abbie l.jnch, of Pittsburg,
president Tbe corps has Rained 2,785 mem
bers during the past J ear, aud is in a flour
ishing condition.
A special meeting et tlieG a R. encamp
ment recommends the continuance of the In
vestigation Inte the seMlerh' etphaua' schools
seanual, te the end that the guilty, It there be
any, may In punished aiid the Innocent vin
dicated. Rev. 8. W. .Sy re, tbe deposed In
spector, is upheld lu his cemae by the report,
wblcb waa adopted.
Daniel M. Moere, of l,l X, and MsJ A
C. Relneshl, of 81, thN city, have been elf-cted
delegates le tha uatlennl enctnip ueut at St
the survivors cit the I'-innHjUutila r(tervt-s
matin the merulug at the headquarters of
Pest Ne. 58, G.A. H , tetmnsact business rela
tive te the next annualgathertngef the organ
ization at Lancaster, en June 11.
A large attendance at ttie reunion te beheld
in Lancaster was urgfd, se tbat the senti
ment et tbe reaervr8 regarding tbe erection
of memorial tablets at Gettyaburg may be ob
tained. H the pending bill giving each
command f 1,000 te mark its position en
tbat field passes the legislature It Is
proposed by leading members of the
reserve, te bunch the $15,000 tbat
would oeme te tbe rt-seres and build a me
morial bsll In the uclnl'.y or Devil's Den,
which ground Isewned hy General Crawford,
who commanded the reserves at tbe great
battle, and who la witling te donate tbe spot
ter tbat purpose. Tuts preposition waa fully
discussed, and In the event of the passage or
the bill, will be finally determined at tbe Lan
caster reuuleu.
A Kady Hark. I fur His Uud.M.var.
rrem tbe New Verlc Tribune.
A dry gods merchant el thla city rn-ently
bought a pleeu of land at PitUten, Pa , en
which te build au underwear factory. The
deed waaaent te him jnsterday for hisnlgna
lure, and its stipulations he citet hs an exam
ple of the grasping nature et corporations.
It was provided that the Labigh Valley coal
cempauy, Irem which the property wai pur
chased, should retain the right te mine for
cost under tbe laud unl that the owner or the
underwear mill should make ue claim ler
damag a lu ease et a care-In. The buyer
affixed bis signature tnthedaed and enclosed
witb il a letter te his I'ilWteu agent iu which
he said :
It strikes me tbat we are buying a pretty
tblu crust of mother earth. Hew ever, we
have the satlsfsclien of knot lug that II the
erust glvta 'way underuetn ua and our mill
is precipitated Inte the lower regleua we will
be tbe Drat lu tbe held and can turn our
uiaobleery te making guz4 underwear,
which 1 believe would meet with ready sale
down there.
It Will ba Hnlit Duller Ihe Supsrvisleu el Ur
LeMefne'a llaugnisr.
Mere than 10 years Iiiiva pawed away slnes
Dr. Francis J. LeMeyne erected hlscrematery
onOallewM bill (since renamed Crematory
bill), Just south et Washington, Pa. The
first tnolueratlen took place en tha 0th of
December, 1876, since which time probably
aa many aa 30 bodies hate been reduced te
ashes. By tha teruia of Die doctor's will the
crematory waa closed Mine years age te all
persona exeapt these who were residents of
Washington county, and as they have never
taken kindly te this way of disposing of the
dead, no Are has beau lit in tbe furnace for
years east
Mrs. Jehn A, Wills, s daughter of Dr. Le
Moyne, Is new a resident or Les Angelea,
Cat, aud through her effort, principally, a
society baa been organized In tbat place, and
Mr. Jehn L Dye, of Washington, who built
tue doctor's crematory, has been awarded tbe
contract for tba erection of one for tba society
In Lea Angelea The malarial have beau
purebseea m Pittsburg and vicinity and
nipped, and next week Mr. Dye will fellow
tbam te tba golden atata.
"Beaaters" at Banquet.
"Tbe Senate," a soelal organization or
Heading, bald Itaannual banquet Wednesday
veelug at tba Mansion houie. Among tba
Invited guests waa Postmaster Slaymaker,
wke responded te tba Hast "Our neighboring
talk af Opposing Mraopellss by Organizing
aa Immense Corporation teMarkat aarl
Beicber ail ihe araca Katssd
In the Catted nialss.
DkNVRR, CeLi Feb. 10 At tbe In tarna tarna
teon si Range convention yesterday aeveral
papers en tbe cattle Industry and tba best
methods of conducting It were presented.
A resolution was adopted demanding re
trenchment el expensea In dresalng and ship
ping beer cattle. The resolution Provides for
the appointment or a committee or three
te confer with Kaatern commission houses
with i view te obtaining a uniform
rata of 25 cents per bead for tba sale or
range cattle. A. paper from tha Retail But
chera' Protective association el Brooklyn was
read denying tbat thay were responsible for
tbe blgb price el beet and declaring that
their association deatrea te act In harmony
with the Range association. Mr. J. J. Mc
O Ulan, of Cleveland, read a abort address
en monopolies among stcck yard concerns
and middlemen lu which ba laid the
trouble of cattle growers In net re
ceiving Juat prices for thilr cattle at
the doers or the middlemen, tils plan for
meeting these monopolies was the organiza
tion el an Immense corporation with a capital
or one hundred millions te be participated In
by the sleck raisers or tbe United Htatea,
which aheuld market and butcher all the
stock raised lu the United States and conduct
theselllngofallbeefdlrectteoonsumets. The
explanation et thla scheme waa listened te
with marked attention and when Mr. McOll
Ian concluded be was warmly applauded,
buvm mkh nvmnmn tu dbatb.
A Livery Htablr Destroy! and a Detra Oanght
t'ndsr a Fallen Wail Les 160,000.
Nt. Leuis, Feb. 9 Fire waa discovered at
II o'clock te night In tbe large livery atabla
or Jeasa Arnet, at Ninth and Cheatnut streets.
The flames spread se rapidly tbat It waa with
difficulty any of the horses could be removed.
About forty animals were finslly gotten out,
but eighty were burned te death. Mr. Arnet
la tbe eldest and wealthiest liveryman In St
Leuis, his stables having been established
In 1849.
About hair an hour after the fire broke out
the west wall fell out, letting tbe upper
floors down. Several men were caught and
burled. Four plpemen of Ne 0 engine com
pany were among tbe number; one of them,
Jehn Finnerty, is atill under tbe rulna, or
supposed te be, aa be cannot ba found, and a
pipeman standing beside blm when the crash
came Is sure he was caught In the worst part.
Jack McOrath, plpeman of tbe aame com
pany, was taken out seriously bruised and
burned. The ether firemen escaped with
alight Injuria.
About a dozen men In all were caught, the
ethera being empleyes and volunteers who
were helping te carry out property. Charley
Manscb, a blacksmith, waa taken out neatly
dead, and Is new at the city hospital. Wm.
IL Coonley, son or tbe senior member el tbe
Coeniey wagon works, was badly Injured,
but will recover, as is tbe case also with
Weslty Emersen, an empleye. Twe stran
gers, whose names could net be learned,
were dangerously Injured and were taken te
the hospital. Tbey were pulling out a buggy
when caught by the crash. The Are burned
rapidly, but tbe horses were for the meat
part suffocated before It reached them.
St. Leuin, Feb. 10 At 1 o'clock this
morning two bodies were taken Irem tbe
rulna. One waa an empleye, who had net
worked at tbe stable very long, and whose
name cannot be learned te-night Tha etber
was Capt Jeseph Schlmper, tba foreman or
Ne. e engine company. He waa a married
man about 40 yeara old, and had been In tbe
department about fifteen yeara. Plpeman
Finnerty was taken out alive and will prob
ably recover.
Tbe third body taken rrem tbe rulna at 2
o'clock ibis morning 1 supposed te be Mor Mer
ris Lludermsn, bead usher or I'epe'a tbeatra
Anether body, tbe fourth, has Just been re
covered. It proved te be that el Jehn Gun
suslua, a paiuter by trade, but recently em
ployed as a atreet car conductor, living en
Walnut street, near Urand avenue. Almest
the entire stable, a building one hundred feat
wide and running north and south from
Chtstuut te Market street, and three alerlea
blgb, la uew In ruins, only portions of tbe
two rrenta balng aaved. Tha less la new es
timated at fully (150,000.
Found In tbe Belus el Br Heme.
Dunkkitii, Dakota, Feb. 10 Tuesday eve
ning a fire was discovered at tbe residence of
Mrs. Webb, two and one half miles south of
town, and at once a number of townsmen
started for tbe scene or disaster. Upen ar
riving upnn the spot a search was begun for
Mrs. Webb, who hsd left town but two
hours previous for her borne, where she re
slded alene, her hust-and being employed in
the Minnesota pineries. After Inquiry about
tbe neighborhood, it wsa btlieved that abe
had perished lu tbe tUmea. Nearcb was re
newed and yesterday the remains of tha un
fortunate woman were found burned te a
erlsp In the ruins el her home.
Mr Canidsn'e Cbauce for S.uater.
Charleston, W. Va , Feb. 10 Yester
day'a vote In tbe Joint assembly resulted in
ue uew developments in the United States
senatorial deadlock. The State Tribune, tbe
Republican organ here, will, en Saturday,
adtoeate Mr. Camden's (Dent) election by
Republicans. Tbe Vribune waa urged te
this course by Republicans who rear In de
feating Mr. Camden they will aaddle ou tbe
state a mueh mere objectionable man. The
Republican caucus en Friday night, will, It
la thought, threw down the bars and allow
membera te vote aa they wish. This will
probably elect Mr. Camden en Saturday. He
will probably get several mere than Just
enough te put blm through.
Staamsr Heek by a Collision.
New Yehk, Feb. 10 The tramp steamer
Wells City waa run down In tba North river
tbla meruing by tbe Lene Star, el tba Mor
gan line. Tbe Well's City waa anchored off
pier 44 ready te sail for Bristel when tbe
Lene Star, coming up tba river at 4 a. nx,
ran Inte her and ateve a hole in ber hull. She
filled rapidly and aank In her berth. Tba
Lene Star, much damaged, made ber nay te
tha landing at pier 37, aud was laid up there.
The otlieera and erew or tbe sinking Wells
City were rescued and taken ashore. Aa tar
aa known, no Uvea were lest
Wlfeand Senaaeklnc Hatband and Father.
WntTK Hivkr Junction. Yt, Feb. 10
Anether of tha charred remains taken Irem
tba wrack waa probably Identified last night
Tbe remains are thought te be these el Peter
Cadleux, et Reckvllle, Conn., whose son
Charles Is here and who has recognized a
pocket knife found upon the body as similar
te the one carried by bis lather. Tbe young
man lutenda te have bla mother come here
te make tbe Identification sure.
Aa OBsaecessfnl Assassin.
Nkwark, Ohie, Fab. 10. Andrew MoMul MeMul
len, a prominent citizen or McKeau town
ship In the northern part of tha county, waa
fired upon recently from ambutb by aeme
unknown person who bad concealed blmaall
In a lonely place near tba highway, Tba
Intended victim's coat was out through. Tba
dastard made bla aaeapa. Aa effort ta te ba
te tmeda te dlaaeTaf Um WMl4.bw4aar,
At a Meetleg In Bosten MM la Collected
Msw Yerk's Idle Army pccns aa
tha Queetlen.
Bosten, Feb. la The mass masting last
night called te extend moral and financial
support te tha striking enal handlers and
'longshoremen In New Yerk, waa very
largely attended. M. J. Bishop waa elected
enairman. Master workman Jamea Qulnn
and Victer Drury, of 40, made long speeches.
Mr. Qulnn was very severe In bis denuncia
tion of tba press, declaring that It waa la tba
grasp or capitalists. The report bulletined
by a Bosten paper, that the work en the
wharves at New Yerk was being dena, he
said, was raise. The wbarvea are piled up
high with goods. It it Is necennry the strike
will be extended te the whole country. Ne
matter hew the demand or 2jt cent inerease
by the coal heavers at Klirtbeibpert may
and, It will net end the war against the
.earers, neverst oilier speeches were made,
calling upon the government te assume tbe
control or the uilue. During the proceed
ings 1000 were collected ter the strikers.
Tha salens SheemaketetStnae.
Wercmtkr, Mass. Feb. la There la no
change In tbls city as regards tbe beet and
shoe strike. The rectories are all open but
are doing hardly anything.
Farminoten, N. H, Feb. 10 The
Knlghta el Laber threaten te strike in J. F.
Uleudman's shoe factory bere unless Mr.
Cloudman reinstates a cutter who waa re
cently discharged bscause be was net needed.
The shop empleyes are well paid workmen.
Street Oar Striken Still Idle.
Bosten, Feb. 10. Prospects el a apeedy
aettlemant or the Seuth Bosten and the Cam.
bridge horse railroad strCteaseem leas promis premis
ing than yesterday. Tbe proposed conference
between committees of tbe Seuth Bosten
directors and tbe striken did net take place.
Beth partlea were ready and each awaited
everturea Irem tbe ether. The company baa
fitted up a kitchen, a dining room and a
dormitory containing fifty beds In Its Broad
way stable. The officials say tbat they shall
make no further cor-ecealona te consider tbe
subject of grievances, but when tbey have
completed their arrangements will start up
and if necessary protect tbe cars with militia
Early thla morning a reporter visited tbe
various stables of the Seuth Bosten bone
railroad, and obtained from tba strikers the
names or tbe men remaining wltb theoem
pany. Tbe list Includes stable bosses and
etber officials, and gives 33 men, el whom
about ten can be depended en as conductors
and driven.
Public Hellaing mils Protesting Against gra gra
neor Turpi.' Election.
Washikotem, Feb. 10, Heuse The
Senate bill Increasing tbe limit of cost of the
publie building at Denver, CeL, te 575,000
was passed ; also Senate bill appropriating
150,000 for a publie building at Lafayette,
Ind ; also Senate bill ler the erection of a
public building at Lynn, Mass., at an ulti
mate coat or 1100,000; also the bill granting
right or way te tbe Salt Lake A Fert Deuglaea
railway company, across the military reser
vation in Utah.
(Senate) Resolutions were presented
from the Indiana legislature protesting
against the validity of David Turple'a elec
tion aa United States senator. Relerred te
elections committee.
Tbe Heuse substitute ler the Chinese In
demnlty bill was agreed te.
The Heuse amendments te the bills for
public bulldlngsatUuntaville, Ala,, Augusta,
Oa., and Housten, Texas, were presented and
concurred in.
The Senate, at 1:30, resumed consideration,
of tbe bill relating te tbe Importing and land
ing of mackerel caught during the spawning
season. Mr. Miller resumed his attack en
the measure.
aiufarar hi ohm m'btamh.
An Atteudant at Paul's Performance Iijured
hy an Internal Mschln.
San Francisce, Feb. 10, During a per
formance at the Grandjepera house last night,
while Mine. Pattl was en the stage, a tremen
dous explosion waa beard aud ameke seen In
tbe top gallery. A panle was only prevented
by tbe coolness and self-possession el these
en tbe stage. The police arrested a man
whom tbey found In the gallery with badly
burned face and banda and tbe remalna or an
internal machine in his vicinity. The prte prte
euer claimed tbat he found the package under
bis seat, which exploded as be picked It up.
He gave his name as Dr. James Uedgea,
Persons who were Healed near blm stata tbat
he made aignlflcant remarks during tha
evening, one being te tbe effect that Patti
would never alng again. Ue maintains hla
Innocence, but the police regard blm as a
aieram In
Naw Yerk That Present a
Swollen uoueitlon,
Gkneske, W. Y., Feb. 10. Tbe river was
yesterday higher than it has been for years.
The rise was very suddeu. A large less or
animals Is reported.
Aven, N. Y., Feb. 10. Tbe Hats here are
flooded and impassable. The flowing water la
ever a mile wide.
Honeeve Falls, N. Y., Feb. 10 The
water has been rising ler 24 hours. It la
higher new than it has been for several years.
Much damage baa been dena The new
bridge near Burtons baa been carried away.
One at Sibley vllle baa gene down. At Rich
mend Mills a large bridge was recovered and
and tbe Ice waa plied up lu Tewnaend'a mill
Rusu, N. Y., Feb. 10. Tbe Genesee river
baa overflewn its hanks here and Is a mile
wide. The water la much blgber than last
Ciiicaoe, Feb. 10 Tbe floods In tbe south
western part et tbe city are ever and pretty
nearly all tbe danger is past
Ssnk W lib Despairing Cry.
Bound Broek, N. J,, Feb. 10. Thieves
entered tbe poatefflce bere last night. Tbey
were discovered by the railroad agent and
ba at onea opened lire en them. Oue thief
waa shot, but be managed te get te tbe
Rarltan river, where he Jumped In, hoping
te escape by swimming te tbe ether side.
Tba less of bleed weakened him greatly and
the ley water numbed him. When but a
iw feet from shore, he aank wltb a despairing
ery and drowned. Tbe pal of tba drowned
man made a desperate struggle for freedom
but was overpowered and taken into custody.
Beyond doubt, the robbers were membera) of
the aame gang who entered tba Jersey City
postefllce a few days age, bound tba watch
man and Janitor and tried te rob tbe aafe.
Shet The Man Te "are Ills Wife.
Marquette, Mich., Feb. 10. Tuesday
night, at Rapid City, twenty miles north or
Escanaba, a man named (Hamilton beard
tbe piercing screams or a woman In an ad
jacent abauty. Seizing a rlfle be rushed te
the aeene. There be discovered Jebn Pat
terson In the act of taking aim at bla wlta
witb a shotgun. Tbe woman was screaming
murder, and a 13-year-old daughter of Ham Ham
llten'a waa clinging te ber skirts. Hamilton
abet blm dead and gave himself up te Ua
officers. Patterson bad many times threat
ened biawUValUe.
Five Mera Haraaaaa at Uberty.
Salt Lake Citv, Fab. 10. Yestaftay
five moreer tba " oebabltaUon nttarama''
wara releeeed from tha paaUaaUary os
taking tba oath as fayMsrt af Maf
.-7 . ". ' EM
u Mount e.vr aix,r.a a.
Cooper Makes Iks Presentation
tbe Ks-Ltsaunaat Gereraa
Kept.--The Qovaraer Wgaa
rroaiMtiea Bseelallea. tAl
. .. jm
uahbijuuhu, ten, iu in UMI
day bills were negatively reported
ing me reeuing or live animals te l
etber serpents; allowing election
r-..u rer tna first 200 votes and !
every additional 50 votes, and te l
aauiieraiien or candy. H
Dill .. .... .. S A
"" were inuoaueea ey fiawau, I
Ing tba establishment et mutual aaw
accident Insurance oempenlea. Heag
tax corporations ter moneys reaasaaa
proposing tbat they nary three mllla ass
et interest, tba aame aa udlYMMkb"
requiring tha eupreme oeurt
publish a digest of hla npertjr
elhls term. Wolverton. aDerem
te pay Morrison Fester, aa aalarv. i
mlleagaand postage, and ft 200 for I
peeeee. Tba claim of Fester la rnaa
faetthat tba courts deelded that ha.
Utled te tba aeat occupied by MettrnWi
i ne neneie took a recess ler tbe) I
presenting a magntfieent silvan
Lieutenant Governer Black. Ce
tba presentation speech and tha 1
pended In feeling term. Bllla i
ported ler extending meobanlea' 'l
leasehold eatatea and providing let l
tuiien or proceedings in equity by
me governor naa aignea UM
joint resolution. ,rk
Tbe governor baa appointed Jeawjfcj
tenon, nepueucan, neaitn omear..M
adalpbla In place of Majer VeaMs
"?.... ... VJ
in uie neuae aoeni a oecen appfa
bills were reported favorably. Ait
reported negatively requiring reraat 4
te ea taugnt in tba schools. E
have adjourned until Monday av
A bill waa passed aecend reedlafti
store eraera ten per cent, ana
penalty ef2S par cant Beth het
a concurrent resolution preasatmg 1
uevern or Paulsen, ex-Lieutenaau
ex-Secretary Btenger, ex-SeerataiT-
ex Stata Treasurer Llvasy, and eevi
General Nllea, tbe etalrs used by I
mark of theetemln wblehtbarl
held. '$?.
The Late atetnrleg el "
waned ine i
Washington, Feb. 10. 'S
tbe cotton crop or 18S0 show!
or closing, tbe picking aaaaen tba l
or tbe crop marketed en tbe flrater 1
the quality or tbe staple, tbe priest
ana the esumatea preauet oeaac
that of 1885. The close of picking ai
tba aama aa last year in tha ua
Texas, one day earlier In Ma
daya later In Georgia and
four In Tennessee and tweak
Arkansas ; tbe datea are North Ca
camber 2; Seuth Carolina, Nev. 30;,,
Deal; Flerida, Nev. 27; Alabama, I
Mississippi, Dec 7; Louisiana, Dee. 1st 1
Dec. 3; Arkansa, Dec ; Tena
15. Tha lata maturing of tba crop
tbe season slightly in a few atata'
Arkansas waa tha season lengthens 1
ability te pick tbe heavy harvest i
Tbe returns of proportion market at j
the average te February L 86 I part
that data about 6,550,000 uaias i
tba plantatlena. Thla would
or about 0,460,000 bales, a ma
tha November ladlceUene efraest
- vr
a Reporter Arrestee) roe
Hieux City, Iowa, Fab. 10. 1
special correspondent el a Ol
who bat been bars for tba paetti
supplying nawa regarding tM
case and saloon proeecaUea;
rested last nlgbt en
larceny. Be waa locked up, bsali
released en bail. The proaaeatiam all
prompted by spite, because taTaawl
tbat Haasler baa given tba
reputable places, and It H m
will be any appearance agalaat 1
Terrible Disaster ta I
jAMsaviLUC, Wis. Fab. M. A
partyef twenty- five el Jameavtlla's
ineaa men wnue oeasting oewn
hill laat nlgbt collided wlw
large sled waa overturned and
Injured. Charles Ferrant, , a
grocer, bad bis right arm an
abeulder bones badly eruebed.
Injured Internally and may 41
Roenev waa badly in J urea
Jebn O'Nell Buffered Internal. I
several oiewn w.ius m,j --
t ... uklU
Twe PaauKyiseads)
n . .. UVk IS Sfc1 i
sent lb tha Senate te-day, the talk
W Aan4JUw.., ww. aw w
Inatlonaef postmasters la
-,... W rttflww tltnlitwfwi ,
UM ntWM1!""""! . wf?.
right, Lawiapurg. , .,.--h
A rieee as- Tisslan.VpJ
Londen, Feb. 10.-91r Oaatpa "
LlbenlUnleniat has i
vacant aeat of Burnley, Tanr-aahUayi
Lewell, Mam. Fab. Ht Bit ,
well-known a-eaahMtttraravt
elty, died last night of
49 yeara el age.
WAaHixarrew, D. CI,.,
aauUMriy bums.
Jeba Wi
by tM n
sfeea, V&
rbe final
tba avai
JgTl!f2 fafe t . 1, A.