Myjji iv:i THE LANCASTER' . 1- ' K ' T - H '. RpVPnBH ......c- . ivjti:niMV. Ywteiday n cloudlets sky win glowing All the llewnts wciu (lowering ycalctdayi Ami In day n Miter east lit blowing i PlewerlcMatl tliu llnwnrril thi'sUlcs me gray, Yesterday tlieiu luiulliail n lite beside mi- New tliellps iiiul eyes mu lar nwiiy. Uieplu the mommies ut Uie pit I lililflinu, Ami I pray lm Inn, wliilu'cr betide inc. Miry l;h tin which I dale tuprny. - ir. ;. iiuiief . IIOI TO IK A VKS1t;X.UIA.. 'A lliln (II. I Milllmialrii 'lull home Omul I Hotels. I IllltllllUlO 1,011- Ol I'lllUdclphlll'ICS. Kneell I 'roll, Urn wn.llltiliHl nun III 1UH1 murennd limtulur of Mm I'riitt frcu library, tlie I intuit lit In lilml In A "initie i, celebrated! hlthUlli birthday last wimic. Ile In nar uutly in HOtlvt) mill nt liimUliy 111 lie wna llilrly jintH kd In HiixiirauLe. fle u jmr In teiuUltiuciillujlluii or lioekt ler lilTfcl.UW.UiW llbrnry, utlemls turwnitlly l lit KU'ii'f'l IiiiiIihi, miit U in atinwil wvl llroleaH nM Mlldll liu wm ImlliliiiK "P liiptliimi ulily , yearn iiga Mr. l'mll In renveraitlim hhIiI Iiv iuiiejUhI tu llvoeiil iiriiiitiiry, iiml MV ReiiitiliitnrpfitliiK iiilnU en ln.ltli irtiMur'H' lien In iidvuiicml yearn. " I tiolluve," il he, "thitttiy finiii, mi Our 'Hitfiml liunltli timilllleii. imu llvu lOi Jeara. Tint H tlm natural limit of life, allien It It Khmwi ulntrly IliroiiKlieut lliu iiiilnml world that uvury IIvIiik deIhk cm reach nil mkii llvn llmni m threat in that ut which It ruturlty l nui'liud. A iintn Is K'H'rnlly lualiite ut 21, liiuicti lui eiiKlit t llvu 103 Je.ire under perfect conditions. I limy net maclitlm lull limit, but, Iiirrliiir awliliinN, I vxiiix'ttiilUeiiutaliiU enntiiry. Nearly nil my uatly rrleiiita hiiiI business a'-necWU's hme passed nwiiy, ftinl tliose who HUtvlvn nre mostly In Wfiik iletngi'. 1 Mill, tliorefnri, tiHikcil u-dii m h Hurt el phenomenon, mnl oeplo wonder what li thetieerut I possess el leiigiiieiiinjr out me wiuiuui iiiu muni ui ui ui tenitaitlofeM tge. " Tliu Mvwt, H It limy lui te called, lathi I did net nle natural Inclination wrong turn In jeiilli, Hint in prtaurvliit? health iitx'jeil tlmiii Just ui (iuil en-ati'J them. Tliu laxly In yeutli'M healthy atate will tell lit mH)N iinil trouble butter tliiin nny Jilii ulcian run mnl Itjini listen tell preintliiK Irumtlin 1'OxlnK Jen Mill net imttil n doctor tliriniuli lllu nxcept In tlin in I'lit et fieinu vlelunru iIeiia te tliullinl. I liivn alwityn citen, drnnlc, iixerchiHl hiiiI sltipt Jutl in imture illetntuJ, unit 1 iiBMir Imvn utiy iK-oiilen te tiiku iiKiillclne itlnce 1 IihiI tliu nifuiU'4. 1 rtKrd nil llit'-xi rnlui of lii'iiltti ui h'i iniicli non nen non nuiice lliey cm net Imvu nipllcttlRn In Indl litinUuii4. l!cry iiiiiii'h body lny down rnle-i for 111 til. mnl tm tin euly te ebty te linvn licnltli mid tun llltv "It 1h only wlicn tliu iiHtuml liiullmitleiiii liive bcoenio vitliitfd they cannot lie triiMliHt. Ne you hi'Ollie secret Is net it pro pre fjiind or wendurfnl ene nlter nil. Huniiiiid 11(1 It lido mtmline tildH. 1 stiall linie no fiMr Hut tliu end li enmliiK until tlieru li ntioetslty fur doctet'H mirilcut. Tliun I Nhall knew tlmt imture'i fnr..i'i nre Rlvltiw out mill limit be Mintidutd by uiiti, which nrw traiiietit and doceptlvo. At jirtwl ent there 11 no Indication that a doctor will ., filter my home en profeulonul Ijuilneia for y ten toceuie," and tliu old inllllorjalre ' ctiucklwi merrily. Tiuulil Alit-Mil lien the Hjipctllcj (lliu, ami nlwp kiema rtt Iw auil uiiiutimlilnir, tlmte li truilbiu uhcml he illiill e drums, wheu hnutliy. ctuvn feixl, tlit, ner ui eilt'in. whuu li'ureiu and trail 'lull, i-lvi'eitj IKll.Li'lOr CO llllUHllli'll lit Iltgllt A Ionic. Ut tiu etlittlvp. Kheuld mil Ln a liu-iu apilUir. ni aru nervei te Ik mie i;thnnril unit noellird I y tliu tinalijud action of a hiiIMImi nr a lurnitlu. what It ri.inlti'd It n tueillclne width Ini igerulei the tt'iiuucb, at. a prometiM luilmratlen of loe.l t lh4 nystinn. by which nif'ftni th uotveiM system. ai rtU in nthn' pnru ut (tin phxlial uriranlmi me utruiiKlh-t-ncil. 'I ht'v, am tlin i Ut'cts el lle4tet1.r'H ntemacti Hitters, a niHtllclun whie lepntatlen U In vi ml nrmly In public cuaRilenri.. uml Mch pbvnb'tini ceinintnt fei IM tenl', anil htllutii uml etht r pi"ptilk'i It I u-tril with lh bvt remllfln tvei a'nl aue. iliruiiuitMin, ktJiicy Hint uieiuiu nvikut, uu l ulbiT n.laill''. fcWt'U I ciiti: or intOM-iurH. Mr. E. Carey, el Ern, I'e., write at fellcns I hid brnncliliH l.r ever two ycin ily llfe Wil lundfl utterly wretched by It. It wuxcaush, ieuh. ceui;b, until ut Mines I though I neuld choliete duath. ltrlndevery renndy. It eem te me neiu" eutilde, mera InjMe. .Vew 'iiiil then t weti'd k1'!- kllht relief, then back ualn It wjnhl come, worje than evn. l.ait M inter I utirted utlu Arnvicc'i 1'eRuca I'LAtTcrtiand kept them en I felt betteraliuivitlummdlilcly, and h.nn kept unu en my chest uWuejt ever lucu.utlneltai achut pieuctnr I cjinnetnay tee in .ih Ijr thiui, for lame iredef thitdti- rhy1cliin nceieiiieud Hr. Dull teutth By rup, when nil nther mi'illi iii.m Uli.:tueer tain curu InrbrunchltN, nor lhrait, mid ceukIu rrceld of long nUudliitf. rur silo ty M Uru Klsti. J3(nti " Fertbrin wn never yet a I'hllnteph'r, th'it ceild I'hiiin. the toethacho patiently ' Perhaps net hut thern'a IiiUh wit In nmluMnglt at all, when inn buttli. of Salvitleti Oil wl'i cure It. Tlin niiiih llumaii Nature Many vain atteiupti are made te ipftitlhu innrxauloiucresiel Jionsen 1 Capclne Planter. 'fhlspleudld leiie'dy la known, eld anil used n v everywhem, and It prompt action and iinilvnl led curative peweri h.nn wen ler 11 htnlN el friend. Imitation haH Mpruni; up under almllar seuuiltiiL( iiumtH, tuch u " Caplclu." " Capulcum,' etc.. Intended te deceive the caio caie less and unwary Ihece articles pi nenii el the vlrtuua of the kouuIue 'ihurefore we hope the people will eUl ui te iretect what are at once their l!iteieti and our. Ask ler Ilrtnsen'i l'lmter, and exainlnn what 1 1 kHiti jeu, and make mire that tint word" (,'apclnii ' Incut In the middle of the plaster Itself, and the ' Three Heals " trademark H en the late cloth. Any reputable dealer will Hhnrv you the Nate guards without hesltu'len: If you cannot re member the name lleni.eutf CupUue Planlel cut this p inii'ruph from thu papei. M-KVIJI, NllTiVttH, Uoel lteultlu Ihrry Caae. I). A. llradterd, wheliulu paperdoalerofChlit paperdealerofChlit paperdoalerefChlit tuuooKa, Tenn., writes that he was HcrteuMy allllct.'d Willi a eeieru cold that ettlid en hfa lunK;had trlidiuaiiy retnedlui without beiierlt IlMtiilnduccd te try l)r. KIiik's New llceverv fortienniniiillo'i, did no and waentlrely curnl by ugeef d tew bettlea blneewblch ttiuehehas used It In hln family for all C'euKhi and Celd with bent resnlta. J his Is the expel h'uee of thou sands whone lives Lave been saved by this Won derful Discovery, 'i'llal ISettlts fii-e ut II, II. Cochran's linig flere, Nes. 137 und 1W North yucuuutieet, huncaiter, l'a: (5) AUHKAT IllhCUVEUY. Tlnitreateyit discovery of the nineteenth cen. tiny Is Iir. l.mlle' Special Prescription (or sick headache, which Is the discovery of nn eminent physlel.ui and ued by him for ever thirty years beioieplvtiii; It te the public, and It stands to day without a rival. Jlcad uctierUsemcnt lu anether column. Oku i'.irrrn KrritcJiH A Ocna. Mr. U.cur K. II. K(jch, of Allentown, l'a., was bedfast with In In flammatery rheumatism In the winter of 1x3. Doctors could de nothing te rulluve him. Ile commenced uslnu; dress' Ilheumatla Ittmedy. Ily the tluie he had used lull a bottle hu could leave his bud ; when ha had finished thu bottle hu was cured una has net had a ietum of U.e fllseaiu since. In his own vveids, "1 feel belter than ever buioie." Price II, by all drmridsu. lub8-3uidMlVAr Ait Kiut In Uuiib Ncrnpliif;. Kdward fhepheid, of Ilarrbbur, III, nays " llaviiu: received tn mnch lieuerlt liem ).l( onto Hitters, I feul It iny duty tu let auiruiliiK human ity knew It. Ilave hud a runnliiK aere en my leu for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have le have the bone scnied or leu mupuHted. 1 used, Instead, tbiue hettlea et Kleutrle llltteil find seven boxes Huckleu'n Aiulc.i Halve, und my If k Is new sound and well." Klettrla lllttrcs lira sold nt dfty renin a bottle, and llucklnu's Arnica balvu m 2"u. per box hy H. II. Ceclinui, DlugK'lit, -S'ii.1. n7uuil 1,j Neith yueen slleet, l.unejiater, l'a. (9) They arolneklnn for you everywhem. limits of air In unexpected places, gulnK from het inems te tool oiie, caielessuuta In cIliiikIiii; ilellilnir: lu bhert unythlnK which ends lu a common cold In the held" Unless arrested this kind of cold becemes seated ln the mucous uiombraueof thu head Then 11 Is Catatrh. In any and all Its .tunes this dtseaae always yields teKly's cream lului. Male, ugreoable, cerlalu. Price llfty cents. J-' Ub. lUBStBii Werm bVROr, t'uiuly vegetable, pleasant te take, will expel wuruis If any exist, no puraatlve required utter uslnir. Price, eunu, by alldrnKKlsla. Vr.JmdaUVAK' llurklen's Arnlcn baUe. ThallesV Salve In the world for Cuts, llmlses, Beres, Ulceiu, ittll Itheum, Ifever Boies, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ulitlblnlun, Cerns, uudallskla ruptlene, and positively cures I'llcx, ur no pay re-mlred. It Is Kuarunteed te irlve imtIccI wills. faction, or money reluuded. 1'iltea cenU ar box. rer sale by II. II. Cecuran, DcuuxM, VU and 3t Neilh Uuueu alreet. ImuieUir, Pa. The Mystery Selie.l. It has always hwinunderstiaid that ousuuip eusuuip ousuuip tlen was liicuruble, but it has recently bieu dlsceveied that Hemp's lialtaui ler the Tluimt and Luuks la tflviiiKiiiore relict than any Known remedy. It Is uiiaruutecd tu ixilluve and emu Asthma, llrenchltU und Vetisbs. f!nj.hrun. druiriflst. Ne. 1ST Nnnh t. ....... u and get a trlul bettle tree el cost. LarKe lru lA cents and II. (0 If AOKM KTAGK " a lMUeanO frmrant ner. fnwe. Irlci nd M cenu.eiiili,nrii: CyjUtttB, utufgiitiKe, uterttqitMB tlmt, MUHUAL. TTOOD'a HAUHAI'AIUI.IiA. After Diphtheria ThnpnllenliccevniSKlreiiKlh tlu thniiyt tetu Is weak and debllltatid, and llm bleed poi soned by Ida lavage of the disease. What Is needed li a Kirnd reliable Ionic and IiIixkI putt Her like Heed's Harsaparllla, which has ul the eleiniintsefsliength fnrthn body, mid vitality uml iIcIiiicm ler tliu bleed which toen bring back robust hiallli. Alter tcatlet lever or piiciinienlall Is nUoef gloat hem lit. " After irenvellug fieui ii pioleugud sickness with dlphthullu, and nil ding neiiiellilng te build inn up, I took te bnttlesef Meed's Sara parllla. I felt geed results Irem tim tlrstdoie. It seemed te go fmin the top of my head le the ends el my tees. I knew IIikkI's inriiii'atllla Is Hgned thing," II II, Btiutiei, liiugglil, West Held, Mast. ATier lieiuliit Pover Ukjii our little gill, who hid Imeii sltk with searlet feer, the Uiuiif tleial's .Harnipatllla was most man rleiu, cntliely leiiuiilug the pelmn from her bleed and ItRteitug her te geed health Heed's !arsputllla deserves our highest praise," K, (I Htiutten, Bwampseell, Miki. Wheu my seu recovered Irani dlpblbuilii his threat was swollen and lull iiunit, he had no ap petite and his bleed seemed Inn lery peer con cen con illllen. Aflerttslng two betlhis of Heed's Har saparllla he wis very much hettei, gained In flesh, and his threat sesiiif-il much Improved," Miui. II. 11, 1'lisaiurr, rnuklln, N. II, HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA, Held by nil druggists. II six for f I're. parnl by 0. 1. HOOD A CO , Aputhccutlcs, Lew. ell, Muss. 100 Doae3 One Dellnr. PltYHUMANN AND DKUOdlSTS HKC t UMMEMI BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! A8THE BE8T TONIC. this medicine, combining Iren with pure ieg etnblii lenlrs, julckly and completely Cures DKlPKI'MIA, I.NIIIOKSIIO.V, MAI.AU1A. WI'.AKNKSS, IMPUHK 111.001), Cllll.l.S und rKVKIt.aud NKI'llAUitA. Ily rnpld and thorough aislmllatten with the bleed. It reaches every putt of the system, purl ties and enriches the blriid, strengthens the mus cles and nerves, und tones and Invigorates the system. A tine Appetler lies! tonle known. It will euro thn werftt cn.e of lvflnenla. re. moving all dlstiesstng vyinnleuis, such as Tast ing thu Feed, notching, Ileal ln the btemach, Heartburn, etc 'I he euly Iren medicine that will net blacken erlnjuin the troth. It Is Invaluable ter diseases fvctilar te women, and le all persons who lead sedeiiliiry llvf s. An unfailing n uiudy lordlseasisef the Liver and Kidneys 1'ersnns jiiITi ring fieiii the effects of over work, nervous troubles, Ien of appetite, or de bility, experience iulck lullef and rannwssl energy by Its u.e. It Oees net eause Headarhe or produce Con stipation OTIIKlt Iren medicines de. It Is the only piepamllen of Iren that causes nnlnluHeusetli-cls. Physicians and drunglsts rvrinnliiHiid It us the best. 'I ry It. i ne geuuiue lias rraue jiaiK nna cressea rea llni4 en wrnniwr. TttK by UUUVV.Vc'lllSMICAL no etner. sladeenly CO , llaltlmnre, Md. Ill mlMydAw T mi: swiiT Hi'i'-Liric co. TRIED CRUCIBLE. s.s.s. IK M)h MAIIK. About twenty yevre age I discovered a little tnraen my chiek, and tlin doetors proueuncrd ltcancer. 1 have tried a uumberef physicians, but without roeelilng any permanent beneflt. Among the numbi'i weroeno or twes'xiclalllM. The uiedlclne they njiplled was llke tire lethu rer, causing Iniensa piln I saw a statement In the papers telling whii 8. ..). had dnne for ethers similarly urillrtid. 1 procured some at onto llefeie l hid used the second Lettie the ne'ghburs ceu'd notice tat my cancer was Lelling up My genera! health had b-cn bad for two or thri yeirs-I had a lucking cough aud spit bleed co itliimtUy I h id a revein pain In my bres.t A Her taking sir of S. b. 3. myceugh triune and I grew stouter than 1 had 1h vn fur severs! years My cancer has healed ever a Ibut a Utile spot about the tlxeef a half dime, and It Is nipli'.ly d.appurtng. 1 would udvt u ewiytnu wl'h cancer te file S.S.S. a fair trial. M IP. V A .S C V .1. MlLO.V A uu in , Ashe Uteie, llppemuev, Ce , lnd. Teh I", l"" Nwlfi's Hpiclllc Is entirely vegetable, and stems te euro cancers by forcing nut thu Impurl. th s Irem the bleed. 1 realise ou U'ecd and Sklu Diseases mailed frie. HIE SWIFT SPECIFICCO., DUAWER 0. ATLANTA, OA. E LY'd CKIUM CATARRH", HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm CUHKS Outuirli, Celd lu Head, Iloae Celd, Iiity Fover, Doafnesa, LToadtteho. CVSV TO t.'SK-l'ltICK SO CUNIS. K'.l IIKOS., Oswego, N. 1 .U.S.A. HAY FEYER, KLY'SUKKAM MALM Is net llijuld stntrer powder. Applltd Inte nostrils Is quickly ub ub ub soibed. the head. Allays luilauiiiiu Hen. Iliuls i lie seit-s. ltcstuies thu senses ut ta;t endkiuell, AUrW Cents ut Druggists: by tuall, legl.lered, UU Cents. ELY liKOTHEKS, Druggists, lyillyied.tlyw OSWKdO.N V. E XHAUhTKU VI TAIUTY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY TIlKSCIKNCKOIf LIKK, the gieal Mu.llcjil Wetk or tee age en Uanheisl, Nervous uud Physical Debility, I'reinatuiu Uecllne, hnerscl Xeuth. and thu utilelri niKrli theieun. !e pages bve. 123 prescriptions for ull dlM-iiaiM. C'letb. full gilt, only ll.en, by tu-ilJ. sealed. Illtistruttvesaiuplu Iree te ull young und ,.,.'!?a.l.!v"ftt'", ,no,, ,or 'be next 90 days. Address Hit. W. ir. fAUUKU, Huinuch SUeet, llnstea, a"- uivl7-lveedw CIUKK FOUTIIBDEAr. J Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ker Drums perfectly restore hearing und lwrfeuu the wcirk of the natural drum, invisible, com. rortuble and always In position. AH conversa tion and even whbjpeiD heard distinctly. Si.nd for Illustrated book with testluinntuls. flthK. Audrey or cull en t. I11SCOX. Bid Hreadwuv NewVetk. MeuUeu this purer. "4wjr, uiiiuoijeoaaiyir 1H1.T wITltl. ivhuuvenv oiteu lluptuie, Varicecele and Special Ulseases of either tux. Why be humbugged bynuacku when you can find in Dr. Wright the euly IIkiiu lab I'livmcUN In Philadelphia who makes a specialty el the above diseases, and Cl'Htn Tuna ? Cukes Udabakthd. Advlc. rrce day uud evening. Strangers can be treated mid lu turn home samu day Oftlccs prtvutn. UK. WU1UIIT, Sll North NlutU BtrceL Above Itace, P.O. UexbjJ. PhUadelph la apUUU QUAllAMTKJSO, RUPTURE. Cnie guaranteed by UU. J, a. MAYKlf, Boje at once i no operation or delay from bust, nets iteated by hundreds of cures. MalneOJc. HI AJIUII BT., JUILA, 0ad fOC renSHt QtVlTMw nut uuuiiii sml H. '.ft-asV ;-A T M, UIVI.KItil 00. Extraordinary Lew Prices -ON- CARPETS. LoukateurOAKI'Krs and I' LOO It OH. CLU1II1 ana compare out prlcis. JohnS.(iivler&Ce., Ne. 36 IJaut KlnK Street, LANUAHtKU, I'A N KV YORK 8T0KK. AT THK- IBW YORKSTORB. AI.L-WOOI. CAMl.l. S II AI It SU1TINU, Vatd tnd (i'larter Wide, 37 !;. n yard. ALL WOOL Pitt yeKHl SUiriNO, lj Vurds UUe, (t3. u urJ. ULACIi DlthJiSlLKS, 1103a Vaid, well wetth ll.3. IlLACIt UltKiS SILIi-1. ft.a a Yard, Usui! Price, I1..V). The.e goods are from one of the beat Flench Manufuctuirrs aud fully guarautoed te give lutlsfaellun. rull lingular Mude UNI1LCACI1KU IIEUMAN I10JK, 12Xe a Pair; Last Pllce, ITc. All Linen Kueltnd Krlnge ItLHAIIIKD DA DA MASKlOWKLSeuly 12e. Apiece Imgu btze All Linen MOMIKTOWELS, UKc lical Vulue, 1i. rine llhaihud D0U1U.K DAMASK TOWELS, K nulled Cringe, 15e. I.aeh ; lleduted freuiIJ cents. ALL-LINKN TA111.K CLOlllS, Ilcd Helders. Nearly J ards Leng, Only 87KC Kacb. LADIi:-' HLVOK HAUL MUrT lleduccd te I'e, EecL. KU3UVN 1IA1II HVrr, lUC Eieh . Usual Pi Ice, II W. ATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., I. sM'ASTKK, PA. ,T. It MAKU.N it I1' SURPLUS STOCK SALE. A. LOT OF LOTS. LOT NO. 1. TAI1LK FKI.T. J we Huudied Yards Whlte Table Kelt, two yurds wide, nt .J cents ; worth 75c. LOT NO. 2 -ItlHUON.1. All Lengths lllbbens that sold at 8, le, 12, la una il cunu a yard, new 3 tents n yard. LOT NO. S.-COK9KTS. Ten Dezen, All Sires, that wure te and li cents, uew S3 cents. LOT NO. t TiWKLS. 'J wenty Ileeen tlm sold nt IS, SO and S3 tents, uuw l.'X cents. LOT NO..-KNir WOOLKN O0OD3. Consisting of Children's and La dles' Heeds, I.cgglus, Sauk, its., all i educed te M cams, LOT NO C-HOSIKUV lltgularmadoseld at iM, sinnl Mreutsupiilr; new niaikudat UK cents. LOT NO. 7.-UKES I TUICOT9. All-Weel 3S Inch wide (Jinv and r.iewn Mixed at le cents uy aid; leg uhir prlie, 60 centH. L'JT NO. S.-UNDKllWHAIl. LaaleVnnd Men's Underwear that se'd utW aud 73 cents, new 42 cents. LOT NO. 9.-I. 1)1 KS- COATS. About Fltteeu In 8teck that told att tb, lluaud II'.', new niiii kea ut I J Mi LOT NO. 10.-CUIITAIV POLK-. About l'O hb"my, vTaleut and Ah, II iibs Knds, lliwaets aud lllu,., '."0 i euti uplceu. J. B. MARTIN &CO., Ci,i. i(Ht Kitii; fc Prluca Streets, I.ANIlAHI'lCIt, PA. VVA&. B. H. MAKT1N DDOLSKtLI AMD B1TAU. DUALS! IB All Kind3 of Lumber and Oeal. CsTYARiii Ne. 130 North water aud Prince btreet. ubevu Lemen, Lancaster. n-lvd TAUMUAHI)MKKM J KFFEKIKS. OOAL DEALERS. VS,JrVAant?.trSSh """ '."' "" Y tarsi: North Prtnce street, near Uuaaini: H.let. LANCATU, PA. UUglMfd N1 O W Til K TI M K T(l HJ'KCOIjA'm Alll'IVHT rl.lTISTIl ATI, 1MB fln 1....U.L.. eiler opportunities te speculator te make Prompt personal attention given te orders re ceived by wire or mall. Correspondence solic ited. Full Information about the market In our Heek, whlcu will be forwarded tree en ap plication. r It. T. KYI.M. Banker ana Breker. Something Werth Knewing TJIN0HM0U8 dpROAlNH. AU w FricBS en Clenks - Prices en CI UAVE .TOUtUKD DEEP ROCK BOTTOM. These in search of ENORMOUS BARQAlNS.are 'greatly surprised at our. wonderfully REDUCED PRICES. Beyond a doubt, THIS.I8 YOUR TIME. Jeseph L. Rau THE Neb. 133-138 North Queen Street, VLVTlilMi. VTYEHS A IlATHFOtf. Our Cut in Prices lias bad the desired effect. Oreatly increased sales in the past two weeks have reduced our bteck considerable. Toe much stock yet tee many lleavy.welght Geed te carry ever. It will pay you te buy new, even if you don't stand in need of them until next win ter. Such bargains will pay te keep. It's as geed an invest ment as anyone cm make. Don't be backward about com ins te cxamine these bargains. Wu can prove te you that ac tual reductions have been made. lyers & Eathfen, Manufacturing Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKB. 1'A. r (JAJJSMAN 4 BKO I. Gansman & Bre. S. W. Cor. North Qaree id Orange Sb. Never liefore tn thn hlstenr et the Lleltlng Tmde stem such values elTered. We nre nearly ready for the remedelling and enlargement of our store. We Intend te uinke a i lean sweep and have Inansuiated a irrund cknrlrin bale for tun days eniy of rine ilea's, Heys' aud Children' Suits aud Overcoats at less tlmn OUc. en the dollar. We offer te the public the following Bar gains MM trill buy a Durable- lieu s Ovrrcen: worth b.M li.;s will buya ViBOfurlJeaverOTereeat worth I3 50. i.M will buy rtnsCerkicrew Overcoats, SUk Faced, worth IIZOO. MOO will buy Sine Melten or Keriey beaver Overcoats worth 117.00. KM will buy Men's Durable Suits worth tT.-'-O. VU) will buy fine CasKtn in-sultrt wert till l.i. t; Ou will huylllacker llruHu torkjeiew fulls worth 113 00. Heys' All-Weel Caisltncrc butts at KM ; worth 17(0. Heys' Orereeat, dressy, et geed material, at :U; worth s 50. UU I'atr or Men' rants sMIlnir at 1a. and 11,00 frXU'atr All-Weel Uasslu-cru l'anls eelllnie at II !) aud l.ue. lluy whuther you need thecnodseruot; It lil pay yen. L. GANSHAN & BRO, MKKCUANT TAILOUS. S. W. Oer. N. Queen & Orange 3t IiANCASThK I'A. B-Net eoniiectcd with any ether Cletbluit Heuse lu the city. Closed tierytxenlcn except Monday aud Siturduy. B UHQEK it 8U1T0M. BUReBR & SUTTOI. Iu Order te MukolleoiuforOur SPRING STOCK OK- 5EA.DY-MAUE CLOTHING We nie cumpelled te eilsr the balance el our Winter bloc t ut GREATLY REDUCED PIUOES. It you are In need of any anvlhlnc In Heavy MeUbts It will pay yuu te liny Irem us new, while we can give yuu a tfoed usiertinenl tu select from. Mr A call Is all we ask moenvlnco jouthatwe wean te give yuu a Uunulne llurnlii. BURGER & SUTTOI, MauufucttirliiK Cletlilern, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABXKll. ,. ntr jruriejr. y-HY, up It Used Te, But It's Different Hew ! 'l'rude docs net end with Christinas by auy mean.. NetwltnstandlnK the fact thui our Holiday Tradn has been ml uupiecedontedeuo, our Huperb Stock et reurdu-iiund and ether style (neckties, utile Mutllers, llandkerchlets, BuspenOcrs, Uleves, Cellars, Cuds, Camel Hair Underwear and Half llee, Ublrts, Cigar Cases, rocket Heeks, wleeve llullens, Ac, has been re re pleulshed, enltable ter RETURN GIFTS. f Our l'rlces a Lew as the Lewest for tba same grade of geed. E. J. ERISMAN. Htf, IT rTMT IIDtt ITKX1T. Z.AM6A4TIN. bjit aauDt. LEADING AND POPULAR CLOAK d muaua. H AOKR A BHOTUER. f OTTONS for February Sewing. Ali the standard mnkei of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Sheetings in all widths. 'Whltaker's and Conestoga Tiekings, Leng's Furniture Cheeks.UhevleU, and Turkey Red. LONSDALU OAMBRIO. BERKLEY OAMBRIO, KINQ PHILIP OAMBRIO. T I NENS, Irish, Scotch & German. Table Damasks, Cream Damasks. Heavy Dice Table Linens, and f Napkins, Deylies, Towels and Crashes, SctU ; Table Cleths with Napkins te match, Marseilles and Crochet Quilts. NEW FRENCH 8ATINBS, NEW AMERICAN 8ATINE3, NEW CHINTZES AND OINOH AM 3, NEW EMBROIDERIES. HAGER & BROTHER, 25-27 West King St,, Lancaster, Fa. N tfEXT DOOR TO COURT H0DSE. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, AT FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, We have new en exhibition and for sale ln our larae and well-lighted Oarpat Roem an attractive stock of Carpets, nearly all el which are iresn from the Leem, or entire new designs and aU at VERY LOW PRICES. Ingrain Carpet In all qualities, 2CO. up. mil and Stair Carpet In all qualities. Large stock et flat Carpet at 2J, 'A S0.S5, 5, i,M and J com. Alse large stock of RUGS In New and Handsome Designs. Alse FLUOU and TA1ILE OIL CLOTHS, all widths. WINDOW SIlAuES and SHAD ING, etc., ete. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fenn'a. JKWBLUi. XT Z. RUOADS, JEWELEIt Musical Musical Bexes from 75 Oents te $240. Musical Bexes that will play from One te Forty-eight Airs. Musical Bexes that play Operatic, Martial, Sacred and Classic Music. Musical Bexes te please all. Call and Examine Stock and See Our Art Roem. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne, 4 West King Street, - - Lancaster, Penn'a. HLKIOUS, JtO. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at W1IILK IN THK PHILIP DOBRSOMS Nes. 126 and 128 East King Street, And bee the Flneat Aeeertment of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PH-ffirONS, BUSINESS and MARKET WAGONS, etc, that baa ever been seen la this city for the Spring Trade. Yeu can feel perfeetly free te call and examine the work, aa it la no trouble te show you the different styles. New la your tlme te order for Spring. A large assortment of Second-Hand Werk en band of overy description. KrTAlKl.Ml DONE AT SHOKTEST f'OTICE AT ri 'I i aii n II fl KA nn in amis n KeJinh e iDrmtrnvrm .mupvv.evuiM v, a .vi,.U v.VAatAS.V .. VU, (OPPOSITE LANOABIER COUNTY HOUSE) NOS. 1 6 AND 128 EAST KING STltEET. - L4NCA8TEK. PA. UUVAMWVUMIAUJHU HOVD, s UIKK.'H UARPKT HALL. CARPETS ! -UKOl'ENINtl Or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Lai gust aud llC3t Selected Line of Carpel ever ex hlblted In till elty. WILTONS, VKLVKT3, all tna Trading Make of BOUlf ANDTAFESTlii liKUSSICLS.THUlCK.PLr, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTB A SUfllta, and alt qualltle et If. OHAIN CAUPKTB, DAMASK and VKNKT1AN CAIU'Kl'3. KAQ and CUAIH CAKPKT8 of Our own manufacture a specialty. Bpeetal AtUntlen paid te the manufacture or CUSTOM 0 AUPET8 Alse a mil Line el OIL CLOTHS. U.UQ3, WINDOW EH AUE8, C0VXBLKT8, a, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King mid Water StrwU, Lasciwter, P. JJKOKMOU8 BARQA1N8 oaks & Ce., HOUSE, Near P. P. R. Station. - ' - Lancaster, Pa. Bexes ! Honest Prices. C1TT CALL AT ! ii n II III CARPETS I -. -r... 'j! 31iS ClVTMUtm, riRHU k BROTUKK. YeurEyeisOaugbt. Your Taste is Satisfied. .iVl m Your Pocket isSulted.l vriUHt you tiKiietai A mw 8AMPLF.5 OK ()UU NKW STRING GOODS ll THAT Aim IN OUU WINDOWS. THE STYLE, TUT. nTT AT TTV "I- """ a AND PRICES, AKK ALL THERE. Here Is our latest effer. "We am out of tti:jj weeds," murmured nur new Spring (loed M--'3 ,jjr n.n iititu ..ut in nisi:asrsi anu we inwiis,s tn nut them out en the market, It Price wilt & de It. "a: We can matte te your order a Suit from our new spring styles el cas.l mere and Scotch Plaids for 111.00 up te Bulu from Pprln; Styles of Cerk. . ccrew and DIagunal Worsted for IIS 00 uptotB.'.e. We can make te your order a pair of Pants from our new Hprtng style of 1'auUloenlng for l W up te I7.W. The trimming of thee goods areef the Fine w ii mi. uu uiu n c irauiausaip cannot De ex celled, as also the fitting. ', Kemember we gratlty your fondest hope fa Fit, 8tyle,Quallty and Lew l' tfe ONE-PRIOE HIRSH BROTeEIi Olothiers and Euinislieis, t COll. NOUTU QUEEN ST. AND CUIII 8QUABE. LANCA8TEB, PA. i ' ', VUAAAWAMK. H IOH ft MARTIN, Crockery a Specialty- -AT- LL CHINA, V Glass, iQueenswareJ The largest ussertmeut of llavi land 'a Decorated China, Demestic and Foreign Glassware, American and English White Granite and Seml-Percelain in Tlatn, Printed or Decorated,Fancy GoedB, Lamps, etc. Especial attention te LTeuse stlrea. A full Binrantee with every sale. 15 EAST KINQ STREET. LVNUA3TE0. PA. PROCLAifATIOX. IROCLAMATION. Ml HighPiiitiii "MS 37ie QualintJ teters nf the City of xtncasfsr lsV3t ...J it- - . 1.'... i M.Jntl.. M..kA. ntn of iah( eilu tlti.000. 5t Whereas the Select and Common Council AfS thn city of Lancitttr resolved at a regularmeev fjm Inn held en Januarys, A. U.,la?7, that It K teett.;'.'! dslrotelncrcu30 the Indebtedi.BBa of the eltr it of Lancaster teun umeunl net t e exceed Htv! uue, xer me purpose ui uunaing sewer warn draining thu northern part of the city, and BCV essarv chanue or lmnrevement of the watts? ' works; and .. ..i''! Whereas, the Indebtedness of the sela OHtt. M cannot be se Increased without the aisent et tatrd'A niurnnf. hml flml nlifJLlie(l In tlia mfta. fl ner provided by thu Act et Aisembly of ?: 1, William A. Morten, Mayer of the said ettf of Lancaster, hereby give uottce. In aceerdaaei with tliesutd Act of Assembly et April M, UH thatnt the next munlclnal eleetlea. tehsllMlsl 111 the city el Lancaster en the 13th day of ";, M ruary, A. I)., 1887, the question of Increasing tkst2 inaeutaanes or inu euy ni A,ancasier te aw amount notte exceed ll Ja.iej win be tuDmrnfi te the qualllled electors or the said city for tlwtg A decisions, who cin then volater or agalut .1 saut increase. sw . , '! . I'hrt ralnn nr theWjixable nreuertr M . the city of Luncaster. according te thelat.. aessed valuation thereof, is T".,MH the extj j Ingdebtortneoiiyu feu.w), me auiuun. . v thu proposed Increase Is net te exceed I1M.(V anaanii vuiiiutien nt the taxable iironertT of said city ; the purposes for which the said lex ,3 debtedness is te be Increased are for the bulV Inu of sewers ler urnining me nonneni part sa , fhueitvami necessarvchanue or luiurevemena ) ,.f,t.nuriitalwnrUll. n.4 H tiiven under my hand at the city of I nCMtTij this lllh day of January. A. I. l'T. j1jij Ivll 1TASI.AfebMld Maxet. 'i4 ,,,.-,...--. - - .,, WIN MS JLKD UQVOMM. 29 29 -GOTO- Reigart's Old Wine Sten Fer Pemmery Sec, BeucheScc, Piper HeMat U. U. Mumm Ce.. and aU ether leadlnj Ut of Imported Champagne. Alse.Madelii.aki and Pert Wines, Claret. Banterae, Ale Dtent. Bele Agent forSpeelal Great Wee pagne, prodneed Cy the PleaaaatJ te!, the finest American Chsi llnltJwS AtAfAA. Vlerlda Orange WUiettelMltml A tell line of lTrandy, W hlakTi l callfemU Claret and WttrtAiWHkt, ley, uauien iia. U C GtlsrtvlAms " - W'""""T55 i ,--- , PO,-BAsW EIIIwsTT , ., ' fy f..t," n. ..tiAVS)''.' - 1 .iy.."... .:-. ftrWiV -.lJiI V" - r?fea Ta -feS .? AvlA- -. .K -' Jt-. wMi . 'MV't v tC l.-,'.