Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 07, 1887, Image 1

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    STljje mtfw
xenxiet: i
veltlmh xxin-Ne.
cinr.cfiiijriujv nv tub lahuabtbb
art Hini.ts aecimtruNBVHuar,
the Auuusl llrpeit Head at tneSarvliea In lb
Uhurchra-Tlis I'renliytstlen Memerial
Church Monday Ktboele Klgbleenth
Hltttiday-l'. II. Uhurrh tttdlwllnn.
The slxtyelghth anniversary of the Lan
caster Clly Bible soclety km celebrated Sun
day evening lu Trinity l.utberaii, tlie Mera
vlau and NL Jehn's German Reformed
Ill Tr hilly elmtcli, Rev. C. L. Fry, the s s
ler, conducted tlie service. Ma read the ssc ssc
end chapter e( Kroklel, as a scripture lessen
aud then read the president's ntiutial report
no fellow :
I'realrieut Tltxd'e Annel Adilreaa.
ThrniiKh the Inlliille goednossol tlie Oed
ami Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jidus
Christ, wocelohrato this e eriln tlie sixty,
eighth anniversary of the Ltncaslnr City
ltitiln society. The object or this society, a
stated In Its constitution, " I te rometu lbs
circulation of the Hely Hctlpturei." Tlia
great Impertaucn mid blessed character of lla
work will, there tore, be readily admitted by
overyenu whesu heart bats with luve for hi
fellow men, mid who reallzie tlie truth that
the Hely Scriptures are the words et Ged
and tlie euly sure gutde te overlas'Jug life.
The gixxl that the stelety hai done during
lhoalxty-elgbloarsofltoiistoncult is lui lui
jHwslble for us te estimate, aud eturulty aloue
will fully disclose.
During the jast year sl.ety-uve coples of
the ."Scriptures wero Held, ami til teen copies
were gratuitously given te persons In des
titute circumstance. Ileside tbls ene huu huu
dred and tweutylhn dells( wero given te
tlie Pennsylvania Ilible society, te aid distil distil
bulleus of the Werd of (toil among the ilostl ilestl
lutein olher part et our country or la for
eign lands, l'cr what hint been in thla
way llmre Isuaiise for tiiaukfulneas. At llie
moje tluie, however, thure Is alto catiie for
regret that the secMy, en account of the
small Amount el lu receipts, win rouderid
Incapable of doing still mere te advance thu
knowledge el truth, at truth is in Jean.
May wu net hepe that during the uusulug
year largely Jucressgd contributions from the
several churches in our city will flud their
way Inte the treasury of the society.
And juat licre It iniy net be out efpUca
te call tiltfiitlen te tlie lact Uiat tlie society
lian lu lla di'oltery our three hundred
lllhles and Testaments, which It I prepared
te sell at very low rate. If thine desiring
lllble-s or Testament for 1110 lu the Sun
day school, or for ntliur jiurKse, would buy
of tlin society they would theruby advance
Ita Interests and unable it te carry ou lla work
uiore vigorously.
At tlie niuiUJl iuellug, which by adjourn adjeurn
lueut was held m the tivt'Ulux of tlie 13. Ii el
January laxt, the lollewlug jioraeua wero
elected use Ulcers ferltieenutuxjrar . Presi
dent, Ituv. J. M. Tlliel, I). I)., vlce prealdeuti,
Rata. l-'linrleM ltoalsandTlieui'i'lhouip4iu ,
wcrulary, I). C. Uavvratlck ; treniuter, CSeorge
K. Keed ; librarian, J. M. l)iMwni
The exeuutlvii coiniuUtee centUls of the
iibfive uauicd elllcers together Willi the lol lel lol
lewlng creui : Kev. C. I- Kry, Rev. J.
Kui'lliu, I). I), lleu. I). XV, l'aitorHeii, ti.
M. High and Dr. 11. H. Keudig.
'1'liu repert of the treasurer H boron 1th sub
mitted and Is H4 fellows.
('forge A lltnl, Trtaturir, tn account wlfft the
Isi'iwter I'tty JJitttc Society.
us unit
ten. li. Te cub of late rrutmrr Ituv.
Phumakur 13t 'Jl
.Minirereurr cuneclleii rir.L siulliedlsi
Aiinlvrr.ery collection tlrat frejOyterlmi
Church ..,,...,
March AJ. Kllile sold
July 19, lilbleaelil
llefciuber I, llllile ielJ
Januiry i lllbln selil
'cb 3. tint IU (11niK.1l c&urcti colleeilou .
It) 3
4 !)
teeruiry ., Paid postal cards .'itid
lirlntln I 'Jie
FehniaryU, foil IVnusyivautalliblu
Society lCe
stavlli, I'utd iiek' alrfn lei
J uly W, I'hI.1 l'umi)ivnnlu lilble Se j:M
Jnuuary 1;, t'nld Llbriirian uud rent
enti yrar .... 01
rnlntliixundKli'leK book un 1 tn
flit! 70
llnliuceel iinb I .'J 73
Jehn M.TmeL,
1'roilduntef t!ie Lancmter lilble aetleiy
Kev. Cliarlei Keails, el St. TauPa M. Z.
church, iollewfd wlthnu address lu which
he dwelt oil the fe-t that the lllble has ur ur
Mvevl the med ntromieuellort.i of Ita kei te
dONtrey aud li de.itiuuil te llve until the end
of the world.
Rev. Dr. Tltiel, of the Tirst Uofermed
church, watthe nevt speaker. He said that
of all IxxiWi tlie lllble li the meC. important.
Kut It la the word or i(Xl. It is declared te
te vj from oery pulpit. Hut tlie Mohsme.
dan believes the Keran U tlie wordefUod.
What hitler proof hate we than the Mo Me
Iniued.tuf Dr. Titzel then went nu te Bhewr
at Deme length that the ilible Itself was the
lnt nvldeuee of Its autheullclty, cltlug uiauy
pissigta te preve lu
A collactleu was llfteJ lu aid or the Ittbte
society, and lbs congregation was dismissed
with u benediction.
it. jeun's nnnstvN iiKreitM:ii.
At ML Jeuu'a Geruian R'jteruied church
there was u moderate uttondauei. Tlie ser
vice woie opened by the pastor, Rev. J.
Knelling. Rev. J. K. Htabr waa Introduced
aud dellvered au addreaa, his topic being the
spirit el truth as rorealod In the lllble.
The annual address of Dr. Titzel, as prinled
above, was read alter which Rer. Kuelling
delivered 1111 address en the work cl distri
bution of the Hatred scilptures during the
pvit century by the American and Uritlah
lllble 800101104, the difficulties cuceuuted and
overcome, nod the work yet te de by theso
engaged lu Ilible distribution.
A collection was lilted ler the use or the
HI bio kojiety.
At Hie Sleranlaa Churrb.
Thcre was u full congregation at the Mem
vlau church. The services wero conducted
by Rev. J. Max llurk, the ptster, who also
read the auuual report or Dr. Tilzil, us
printed abee. Rev. K. I.. Ksed, el tlbrlxt
ljUtlieraii cliurch, delivered an address ou
the authorship of tlie It I bio, aud Ruv. 0. K.
Ueupt, el Drace l.utheran church, ou the au.
therlty et the scriptures. Iteth were able
theological discourses. A collection for the
lllble cause was lilted, during which tlie
choir saug the anthem, " Havluur flreathe au
livening llleeslug.
VAaamu xuKMiaaiMBHtu MiLMtusr.
laUrcstlng Kierclirs at lb Anniversary Cel
liratliiu uf Ilia I're.blarlau BIiuerlal
C'burcb Hunday Hchoel,
The eighteenth anniversary of the organi
zation of the I'rasbyterlaa Memerial Huuday
school was held la the church last eveulug,
and tbe very large audlence present was an
indication of the Interest taken In this church
and school by tbe resident of the lower end
or the city.
I'reuiptly at 7:15 o'clock tbe oveiilng'a exor exer
cises began with the alugiug or 'Uoreuatlon,"
after which the following pregramme was
gene ever: RonpensUo reading, by super
intendent anil school j prayer by the pastor,
Rev. Theiu is Thompson j singing, ' Uather
Thern In"; rospeuslve reading, "The Ileati
tudes," by superintendent aud school ; sing
lug, "dive, 'Tls the HavleurM Precept"? au
Dlversary ellerings by the classes with appre
prist verses of .Scripture ; Hinging by the
inrant school 1 address by tbe pastor ; sluglng,
"We Plough the Fields"; announcement of
the class average rer January, 1SD7; collee.
tlen; singing, "Bunding at the Pertal";
dosing word, by superintendent and school;
doxology ; benediction.
The anniversary afftrlBga or the closes
amounted te 177.10, whleh thla year, as last,
appropriated te make up tta amount erlgi.
tially contributed by the lieinn beard for the
paatet'a salary. Prel. C. Ohlnuder presided
at the organ, anil the aeln parts of the muale
Were llnely rendored by Miss Ada Zorcher.
Hupsrlnteniient Moero cengiatulated the
school ou Its bright prospect for the coming
year, and belleved It could and would he
made the most successrul In Its history, lie
read some statistics rer the month el January,
from which It appears lliere are !)74 scholars
enrolled, whose average attendance Is very
high. Ten classes have se far au svorsue of
100, The attendance yrst-rday wss-ollljers
10; teachers 20) pupils Sal.
After singing the doxulegy tbe cetiKrega
lleu was dlsiulsaed with the bcuedlctluu by
Rev. Themas Thompson.
TUB vurmmtnr v. h.
Tba Dedication Henmiii I'iraihfil
Wrater, of Ohie.
r iii.hep
Hunday was a great day for llie meuiljers
and friends of Covenant United llrelhren
churcli, West Orange and Concord streets.
This church wan built lu lt77 by the Church
of Oed denomination and for soma years
there was a nourishing congregation In charge
of Rev. J. II. Heulo. In 1SS1 dinicultlesarese,
the congregation scattered aud lu lbbl the
pretierty was sold te a beard or trustee of the
Culled llrelhren lu Christ, who took measures
for the payment of the intlre Indebtedness
befere pastoral work was begun. Rev. M. J.
Muuirua was the first ptster and he collected
about one half the necessary funds. I,vt
sprlug he was eutveeded by Rev. J. II. I'unk,
who Uovetod all his time te n curing money
for the church In this aud adjoining ccuntle.
He succeeded lu ralalng the entire amount
by Jan. 1 wbeu the property was deeded fiev
of debt, liupreseiuents weru also made and
paid for. These have already bumidescrlbid
lutlielMELLluKNC'ltu. The dedication was
a novelty lu at least 0110 particular, It being
free from the usual aud irslnteut money
collect lug ou such occasions, lllshep Jona
than Vcacr, U. I)., of Ohie, prcacbed the
morning and evening Hermeusaud slsemade
an Interesting addnas In the alternoeu. He
is ery (all, apparently 70 years or age, and
as a pulpit orator bus few equal. The at
tendance throughout the day was large, souie
falling te gain admittance, although lx or
seven huudri'd pemeiiH can find room In the
bulldiug. The toiigregutleu has been en
gaged for home weeks lu holding revival
services which luve thus tar resulted In a
large iiumbar et couvemleus.
IIJ.S0 II A i.l. Misn.i.
Mevcutcul. of h.iui0 11I th riajera truinlittut
lu tlite lilirreut League.
The grand stand of the Wlllbsmspert club
was destroyed by tire a few days age.
The iij'urlwj l.xt correpondeiil of Wll Wll
llamspert writes: "The appointment of
XV. S. Dean, of Lancaster, as 0110 of thu urn
plre, meets with universal approval. Mr.
Dean wasone el the Ntate Association um
pires during imt ei last season, and though
he never clllciated lu this city the Williams
pert players UreuiiUt home geed reports or
his work.
Jimmy Holds the first baseman, Is te be
released te Newart.
Davy force, who plays short for Memphis
next koaseu, Is expected te boa big drawing
card lu thoHeuthein League.
Floyd Lsuman, who was termerly a iro ire iro
rensienal acrobat aud was known 011 the stage
by the name et Ashton, has turned bis atten
tion te base ball. He haj Just signed with the
Hastlngs(Neb.) club uf tlie Western League.
It Is said that I'ele Drowning, of the Louis
ville, lias written a sequel te the old drama
of "I'en Nights lu a Uar Roem," which he
calls "Ten War Reems In a Night." Uv, of
cour.-e, takes the leading part.
Harry lieyle, the pitcher, has returned te
Ht. Leuis from Philadelphia. The tasclnatleu
of a lovely dunisel was tlie motive ewer
which mcguetlcally drew Henry te the West,
lie Is engaged te be married te one of St.
IeuIh' brightest, preltlut aud most gifted
en n g ladier, w hose elee alone is her fortune,
fshe U a sweet Biugur and u member ofaelielr
in a leading church.
There ure almost one hundred ball players
from Philadelphia already engaged by the
clubs nl tbe dllfereut associations.
.link Hiland, Hilly Kenzll, Hatiua and
nmiiy ottier geed players are in Philadelphia
Tbe Louisville club Is the lowest kh! ailed
team lu the Association, but it will be 0110 el
the strongest next season.
There are thirty-six men en the blaek-lbt
lu this country and net able te plsy. One of
them h James Harris, who signed with the
Lancaster lu IS3I, aud altsr recelv lug ad vance
uioney refused te ceui'j here. Jau'x M-eiiau,
of Reading, who played with (be Columbia
club year bofero last, Is uuether el the un
fortunates, lie was black-listed by the Day
City In 15 1, aud alter coming from the Uist
he played Keveral games with the Ironsides.
A lourteeu-year-bey, who Is well booked
In base ball, writes a long and Interesting let
ter from liayeune, New Jersey. Honshu
when the clubs step playing they will stand :
Detroit, New Yerk, Chicago, Pittsburg, Phil
adelphia, Washington, Hosteu, ML Leuis.
Jehnuy MclCee, of llarrlsburg, was In
town ou Saturday, and he sajs be will play
in Wilkesbarre next year and Harrlsburg
will have no team.
Charlie Houssuelder, el Harrlsburg, geos
te Ttlca.
Heb lllaklsteti has algued with a Han Fran Fran
ciseo team, nut will nut cotue Kiat again,
Merris and Carrell have signed the pledge
aud no doubt Herace Phillips is happy.
The salaries of the llrejklyn players have
allhive ii'jjn lucieasei rer the coming sea
son. Menk Cllnu and Maeullar are the euly
lelt baud short slops lu the profession.
The Cuuit lllicliargsil the Tliuiuiaeu-llitiur
Jury en Sunday Morning.
Tliejury lu luesultef A. H. Thompson, s.
A. It. and M. R. Hilzer, retired te deliberate
ou Saturday aflernuuu at!13tl. Altera dls
cusulun et the evldouce a ballet was taken
aud It resulted in freveii votes rer tbe plaiutlll
aud live ler tlie deleudaut Keveral ballet
were tuken during the night with the same
result. 0.1 Huuday morning at 10 o'clock
Judge Pattersen sent ler the Jury. They
were brought into court aud reported that
they were uuable te agree, tlie last ballet
being the same aa tbe first. The court dis
charged them from any further considera
tion of tbe case.
Tbe first week et tbe February common
pleas court was opened at 10 o'clock this
mornleg with Judge Livingston presiding lu
tbe upper and Judge Patterson tn the lower
courtroom. Of the 27 cases en the list 10
were continued or settled, leavlug 17 for
In the suit of tbe Fulton National bauk vs.
C. M. Rutt action ou a promissory nole, a
verdict by consent was entered In favor et
plalntm" tort 135 7i.
There were no cases ready for Jury Irla1
this morning and the Jurers were d it charged
until 2:J0 o'clock.
Mtrnudibnrg's Hank Authorized.
Tbe comptroller of tbe currency has au
thorized the Htreudsburg National bank of
Pennsylvania tn commence buslneaa with a
capital of eiOO.000. The oilleera are : Peter
M. Kllenberger, president, -and Jehn H.
Fisher, caabler.
lad and True.
Frem the Philadelphia Beeerd.
Unfortunately, no Interstate commerce law
can rtgulate the leaa of life en tbe rail,
it it a it am) mvvtitirit.
Conductor llran'a Mialciiitnt as te the Kuinbii
of I'seuls In HI. Iraln lh tlliaat'7 Array
et Ilia Iliad slckanlug itcsecs at
Ihs luiiinTlacil Mnrfiie.
Further news from Woodstock, Vt,, brings
out mere strongly than nver the appalling
nature or KaturdHy morning's accident It
la another AHlitabiiladlsnster with added hor
rors and 11 longer list or victims. It la by no
means certain that all the passengers who
weroeu the Montreal ex press train en Friday
have yet been accounted ter. The railroad
officials Insist that Ihore were net mero
than eighty or elghty.twe poeplo In the
wreck. According te Conductor I lean's
statement, mnile alter consulting, as far
as Hwslble, the ticket agent's check
list, thoreworolhlrty-slx tickets sold for the
two Husten cars. .Sixteen of tbe passengers
bad the Pullman sleeper and llie ether twenty
travelled in llie day cars. Thirty tickets
weru cold en llie Connecticut River reads,
the Central Vermont, thu Sullivan County
and Vermont Valley, fur points north of Hclhel.
Twe passengers get en Iho train at Wlilte
River Junction, making TI In all for the two
Connecticut ltlvur cars. Twelve of these had
lierths in the second Pullman sleeping car.
There were ten train hands, and the
grand total id pasmtngerw consequently,
according te tbe railroad authorities' compu
tation, was 7k I rein lour tn six are
thought nut te have bought tickets en the
same day that tiny worn te maUe tlin Jour
ney, or te liuve bended the train and bought
Pullman betths altnrwanlH. Ten men It
seems eca(ied the wreck en tlie engine aud
liaggBge and postal cir, which had u
rw seat 111 it ler hmeker t'p te 4
o'clock .Sunday hII moon tiilrty-twe dead
bodies had been leiiud or bail tahud
through the bauds or tbe White
River .1 unction vitilige undertaker, K. J.
Jehnsen. Thirty wounded persons wero ac
counted ter by Charles P. Fat bill, the attor
ney for thu Central Vermont and Passumpslc
railroad at White River Junction. One of
thonilisdgeneaway wltheutgivlnghisname,
The ethers iqipear lu the list et Injured
printed below. 'J lie number of passengers
accounted ler Is ceiiHeqiifiitly 77, which bil
lies closely enough w lib the calcutxtleu made
by Ceuductnr Bean and ether railroad men.
Of the thlrty.lwn killed euly eluveu have no
far lx.011 ludc-ntilled.
A 31 EH Of TUX VlOTlSlt.
TUtriy l.i- l.l In Hie Kallreal llurrur -Near
WJitta Itlavr Juiirtleu, Veriuuut.
HaktIeiwi, Vt, Feb. 7. The following Is
the latest completed list of these who were
killed. Miss Nancy Dunbar, of Somerville,
Mass , Maen .Mill-, of Iroquois, Out, Identi
fied by watch and ring ; Smith C. Hturtevatit,
conductor, St. Albans, dleJ yesterday; F. L.
Wehsen, aprluglleld, Mass.; S. H. Wustcett,
el iturllugteu, and his seu ; M. R. Hurge9S,
Husten, conductor el Pullman car; F.dward
IlrecklutMiik, (known also as Hank), of
West Lebanon, N. 1J , braketuau ; Cephaa
Mills, el Iroquel. O.1U, I). I. Marl
gat, uf Hbnnlgau, I'au.; Heulangtr, of
liolyeke, 11 young girl; KlwardC. Dillen, el
Springlleld, Vt., Idetititltxl yesterday ; A. J.
llauimer, or Bosten, jKirter et the St. Albans
Pullmau, Kdward Wilder, of Dayton, Ohie ;
Charlta A. llebard, oiC'tmbridguiert, Mais.;
I. D. Woodward, of Wiiterhury, Vt., identi
fied yrclurday; Charles . Rinlerd or
Lewell, Mass ; .Mrs. Dlvauesu, of Wiuoeski,
ideutllied jetcrday ; Miss Uerdeu, of Nas
hua, N. II.; ChHrlea K. Dennutt, of New
YerkCltv, traveling ler a jiivrelry tlrm;
Jehn lladdiu, colored porter ou bleejier
Pilgrim : Mr. Caucus ; Mr. Stiuc, hotel
keeper el Montreal ; unknown lady in soul
skin s:ciu; three bodies disco vored lit
nightfall , b Iy supposed te lie that of u
woman, buruid beeiul recognition.
Among the Injured whoae names have net
been previously reported ure : Jas. Llbby,
slightly bruised , Mrs. t'btrles Kastner, of
Hosleu, Injured nbj'il tue bick and legs ;
Ocorge Law, Montreal, ritjlit eye cloied,
bead cut, arm and back hurt. Mrs. Hols Hels
vert, et Angelinr, Canada, head bruised ;
Gee. Parduer, brakemau, chin cut ; Jes.
Jeanville, el Scioto, N. Y., badly bruised.
si-km: vt tki: ism nevisim sieiuni:.
W11111: Rtvnit Jimtien, Vt., Feb. 7.
On one Hide el Main direct, llattferd, is a
dllajildated low reefed frame bulldiug which
s in-ed us nu impievlted morgtie end la tilled
with the victims el tlie Hccideut. Hundreds
of v illagers and Islters j esterday Hought ad
mission te this house of death, seme drawn
there by morbid curiosity and ethers for the
purpose et tearchiiirf ler mlsslnif Irleuds nnd
relatives. Lying en the iloer v.ore
the remains of about thirty human be
ings, many helm; burned boyeiul recognition.
The wulls were luin,; with clothing of the
dead paiiougersof the lll-fated train, whlle
tables were oeveiod with their personal
ilT-cts. Ladles' mull-', silk handkerchiefs
seat'klu sa.'queM, watcliee, rings cull bullions,
books aud various ether valuables mab up
the pile of recovered elTects, Ameni; the
properly receverid which may serve us clues
for identification are tlie remains or a chin
chilla oveiceut, with velvet cellar, found en
the Bosten bice cr, 0110 revolver, iiickle
plated ; another plain, ene nlckle plated aud
rubber handle, corkscrews, etc. One black
llsuuel ill ess or overskirt with a wallet and a
sum of money. A check Irem Hosteu te
Montreal, 11 watch chain ami charm, a thick
gaiter beet el line quality. Besides theso are
a great quantity or articles w hlch w III be ex
amined und catalogued, Mr. BreJear, el
Na'hua, camu te the merguu te learn the
late el his daughter Delia, vv lie took the pas
i-enger coach en Friday night. Ne clue In
dicating hnr late wits found te-duy. Jehn
(taudetle, et Niislnu, 1 ulse stoking a
brother-iii-Uw. David Dedd, oINeitli Here,
Vt, is also missing.
CIIMIITION ei' 1111: iruvivetts.
Willi 1: Rivi:u Jl'm'tiun, Feb. 7. Mr.
Mutt says there were a number of berths net
occupied in tbecir. He wtnt te sleep befere
reaching White River Junction and did lint
regain his consciousness until Saturday
morning when he aweke and found him
self In a room atone. He has no recolltsi recelltsi recolltsi
Hen of going down Inte the river
and being rescued. He is net so se so
rleithly Injured. Jes. Jacquen, of Fitchburg,
reports hluibelf as better. James Klier, of
Hurke, N. Y , was also hotter. A. A.
Wheeler, hud sovere bruises aud bis left aim
Is badly contused. Jehn C. HiitchliiH, el
Nssnua was leellng improved. Heward
Smith Is better aud leaves for the north tills
morning, 'llie ether wounded persona with
scarcely an exception are doing us well as
could be expecled. N'0110 of the passeugers
rescued alive from thu wreck have yet died
of their injuries.
Werd was received bore te-day that Alvln
VeAsey uf Rutlaud, found en his return home
that liu hd a broken arm.
Itsre ijualltle. tiia C'lirlc.
('hosier county has 0110 of these rare clergy
men who refuses n call from a country charge,
with hard work te It, te a city church with
tietter pay. Rev. J. Mellluger, pastor of tbe
Relermed congregation of Hrewnback's, lu
Kat Coventry, and HL I'oter's, at Kuauer Kuauer
tewn, Warwick township, declined a call te
St, Paul' Kefarmed church, Lancaster, from
a sense or duty, notwithstanding tbe fact that
be wasellered ono-feurth mere salary at Liu
caster. Wsotte L.baneu.
Rev. C. W. Stewart and Judge D. W. Tat Tat
tersen went te Lebanon te-day te attend the
dedication of Presbyterian chureh there.
Iter. Dr. J, V", Mitchell and ethers will go
this evening,
Thlrty-ttva Veers )n tba Mslhedl.t Ministry
A Paster or Ht, I'aiil'., Thla Clty-lle '
lllrs Prum L'anrer.
Rev. Jehn Cbandler Otegg, a prominent
clorgymeu and n member or the Philadel
phia Methodist Kplsexipal conference, died
at bis home, In Therndale, Chester county,
en Salurdsy evenlng. Fer some months past
he bad been nullerliig Irem cancer or the
stomach, no that his death was net wholly
unexpected. Ills funeral, it Is announced,
will take plaee en Wednesday altorneon,
the ter vices being heM In the Messiah Metho
dist church, corner of Third aud Merris
atreeUi, or which at ene tluie be was tbe
The deceased was born in Fayette county,
Pa, about llfty-nlne years age, his father
being Themas Uregg, a well-known In
ventor and Iren Minder. Ills boyhood waa
spent ou a firm, aud his early education
consisted of but n few weeks' schooling each
winter, lu the uprlng of ISIS young Gregg
teft his home in Pennsylvania te visit
some relatives residing In Wilmington, DeL,
and It was there that his mind developed
that religious bent which Inilnenced ills sub
sequent career. On August 10, 1W2, Gover Gover
eor Curtln appointed him Chaplain of the
One Hundred and Tv.enly.Heveuty Regiment
et Pennsylvania Velunteeis. In February,
1601, President Lincoln nominated Mr.
Gregg fur Ihe pesltltn of hospital chaplain,
au appointment which the Senate sheitly
afterwards continued. is be wasordered te
repert for duty In thu department of the
Gulf, he went te New Orleans, where he
was attacbed te SL James' hospital. During
his stay In thnt city Rev. Mr. Gregg waa
taken sick with n fever, from tbeeflectaef
which he never lully recovered. In July,
1S05, be left New Orleans en n furlough, and
several months later tueived au honorable
discharge from tbe si-nice. His experiences
In the Seuth were oiterwnrds recorded by
him in a book entitled ' Life In the Army. "
Alter tlie war the dtccased again took, up
regular ministerial work, although he was
obliged te desist irem his labors at Intervals
en account et Ill-health. Ills charge during
the latter period Included the New Londen
circuit, lu Chester county, l'a., followed by
tlie Incumbency et St Paul's Methodist
Episcopal churcli, in this city, Mount Car
mol church, Nicetown, thu Messiah, tbe
Bethany anil the Pi'.iihu Methodist Episco
pal churches, Philadelphia, and the St.
Paul curcult, Herks county. Last March
Mr. Gregg took charge or tbe Therndale
circuit lu Chester county, which includes
two churches. Thudeceaed was a member
or tiie Independent Order of Odd Fellows
and of the Grand Army el the Ittpubllc, He
leaves two sons
His brother Jeseph, who was also a minis
ter of the Methodist church, died lu Reading
several weeks age.
Rev. Gregg was one of the meit popular et
the preachers a&aigued te sL Paul's Metho
dist church. Duneg his pastora'.e the
cliurch flourished and many members were
added te the church rolls. He was married
ten dniigbter of James Hrysen, of Coleraln
township, but olio lis been dead for mere
than 15 year.
MOUMCIOI .1 l1 It 111 A til C.I.
The Krtult if Iho taluruay ilccllne te Agree
C"Mi TsGiiitiiem,
MetiM Jey, lb. 7. lollewlng Is the re
sult of the Republican boieugh primary held
In tbe council chamber 0:1 Market street en
Saturday evening :
Hurgess II. M. Gre-lder, A. 1'. Reet.
Council, West ard -. S. Reyer, M. M
Bru baker.
Council, East Ward -Jonas E. Risscr,
Harry C. Schcck.
Asnesser Jehn U. 1- itrjjerald.
High Censtable-J. I i-tel, J. D. Geed, W.
Horeugh Cendla-ie '. P.abm, N. F,
J. Mehu.
Judge H. S. Dllling' r.
Inspectors P. Walt?, J. 1'. Pyle.
Scheel Dlrcte..s-. K. Maunlng, A. B.
Tax Collector Jnu'i Kv u, sr.
Auditor David 1! '.vte.
Tbe meeting was called te order by High
Censtable J. D. Geed, alter which P. A. Pyle
wase-alled te the i'ia'r , J. H. Musser was
chosen clerk.
IIROlvl. Ills I.l.'l.
Last l'rltJay neon lewis Urngg, mi em em
peoye In Phil. Frank's malt-house en Market
streut,wes standing 'u 11 ladder helping te ro re ro
inevo somelumbe. frr 111 the building when
he slipped from the . vdder and bruised hlsleg.
He was brought he no in a carriage aud is at
present doing v. el . Dr. J. J. Nowpuer is
the attending phjt-ii :au.
neiiut'jii xeli.s.
The rovlvel serv ,cis that have been In pro pre
grees lu the KvaiiKe'' ;l chureh since Janu
ary 1st closed latt veek , JO converalona sre
Revival service a.e Mill in progress In the
(Hclhel) Church t m'd, miicu January lUtb;
te date tbere were te converts. The meetings
are well attended mid are Interesting.
St. Murk's U. 11. cliurch is jawing through
a revival with a nuu.Ler et j-euiteuts at tbe
The Sil vat Ien Am.' is still holding forth
In their barracks a the rmk with several at
the nltar.
Notes 1 r-iiu Cillflje lllll.
The Dlagnethlan literary society elected
the following clliers en Saturday at the
regular meeting : President, C. F. llagtr ;
vice president, Jehn Lei by ; chujilalu, S. U.
Wnugiuau ; reninling secretury, C. A.
llarnish ; critic, I A. Rupley. The two
societies at the 1 rc-tnt time have tbe same
uumbcr etiuembei", wliuh has net occurred
for many years.
Receutly the 0"- 'nan sejiety jilaced In Its
museum the oldce ner tene et tha Gudhean
lull ut Mercembur;, , which was burnt last
An interesting meeting el the Society of
Inquiry wus held en Friday, ut which two
excollent pBjeis were lead by Messrs.
Leull'er and Meyer
Prof. Kershuer is bllll contlned te his room,
but his Injuries are Improving ami he hopes
te be able te attend te his duties as proleesor
lu a short tluie.
Rev. Dr. J. 11. Dublsj preached lu the
chapel yeatvrdav. Dr. Stahr occupied the
pulpit In the Geimd'i Uoferuicd chuicli lest
Mr. C. U. Schneder, a member of the sem-
luury, jireacbed 1 r Rev. Htlne at MUlersvllle
en Sunday,
UMi:sr.Ti: notes.
Maurlce F. Wilbere id prominently con cen
Bldered for the Democratle nomination ler
commissioner In Philadelphia next fall.
The Demecratli' city convention of Alton Alten
town, reneminated City Controller Walter C.
Smith, who has tilled thu olllce (or three
huccesslve terms.
The Kastnn Republicans have nominated
Charles F. Chldsey for mayor, aud the Lrck
Haven Democrats propeso te elect Pauls.
Merrill their ne&t mayor.
Henry Clay, the PhlladelphU Republican
nominee for receiver of taxes, has been cou ceu cou
lliied te his home by llluossfero. week paat.
He Is belleved ta be critically ill.
The Yerk cltizaus' uiovement was aban
doned by the Coiumltteo of Thirty by a large
majority. There are new three tickets,
Democratic, Republican and Prohibition.
4 Washington, D. O., Feb. 7, F01
s Eastern Pennsylvania : Rain, followed
by fair weatber, southerly winds, nearly
stationary temperature,
j aoeii n.LenutmthBALAmum Amount
Flgarts That Shew the statkst Prices of Bem
el tbe t'epatar St ear It las That Have Their
Abiding rises In city and County Ob
tained at tha rranklln If oese Sal.
Jacob II. Leng, broker, through Bam Matt
Frldy, auctioneer, sold the following securi
ties at the Franklin house tbla afternoon for
the administrators of Jehn It. Hwarr, de
ceased :
Kite abarea of Fulton National bank stock
te Menne P. Swarr at 1198.75 per share.
Ten abarea of same te B. J. Kendlg at 1197;
live shares of same te same party at tl9&75
Five ahares or First National bank et Mt.
Jey te Jacob R. Herahey at UN) per abare.
Five abarea of Northern National bank te
D. U Hess at 1 137.50.
f 1,000 Quarryvllle railroad, 7 jmr cent
bends at 110.75 per (100, te Geerge K. Keed.
t L30O of the same bends at till, te the
tame purchaser.
Mr. Leng also sold for ether parties the
following stecks:
Fifteen shares of Fulton National bank
stock, at S19u.b0, te J. W. B. Bautman.
Ten abarea et Northern National bank
stock, te R. U liesR, at (137.50 per share.
Ten abarea et Farmers' National bank
stock, te Levi Rhoads, at (115. W.
Ten shares of aame stock, te E. II. Her Her
abey, at (115 GO per share.
Ten abarea of aame stock, te Jehn D. Uerr
at (115.70 jr share.
Six shares of aame te U. F. Montgomery at
(117.20 per share.
Five shares of Lancaster County National
bank stock te A. fcf. Hershey at (U&05 per
Five abare et same stock te Epbraim
Hershey at (113.03.
Ten shares of aame stock te Jacob 8. Shirk
at $ US.
Five shares of same te Kphralm Hershey
at (117.25.
Five abates of same te J. L. Metzger at
(116 05.
Twenty shares et same te James R. Mc
Naughton at tlle.W.
Five shares Western market stock te Wu.
Z. Sencr st tt7.tj0-
Five shares of same stock te same pur
chaser at (67,40.
New Workman Doing lb a Werk Satisfactorily
Along the New Tors Decks.
New Yerk, Feb. 7. West and Seuth
streets, which lay along tbe river front, were
crowded with Idle freight handlers and
'longshoremen te-day who watched the piers
at which they bad been employed previous
te the strike. They saw little te encourage
them. At most ei tbe decks the new men
were handling freight almost fully aa well aa
the strl kers could. At tbe pier of the Jersey
Central railroad 200 American clerka were
handling the freight At U10 Pennsylvania
railroad plers, 27 and 29 North river, mattera
were going ou smoothly. Mr. J. A. Boat Beat
wick, the president of the New Yerk it New
F.ngland railroad, when called upon by a
United Press reporter te-day said he had
heard reports that assembly 19 of the Knights
of Laber Intended te tie up the read, but be
did net antlcl pate any trouble. He could net
tell what influence tbe district assembly re
ferred te bad ever tbe men of tbe read. It
was possible the assembly might call tbe men
out. He had been transporting about the
usual ameuut or coal since tbe first of the
year. He regarded tbe reports that the New
Yerk it New England waa te be tied up as
a menace te the small reads that are tribu
tary te tbe New Yerk it New England.
Ne clue has been discovered aa yet te the
miscreant who placed tbe internal machine
en the Guyondette. ISeveral stevedores ssid
this morning that the 'longshoremen knew
they were deleated, and would readily re
turn te work If they dared te de se.
Tbe Itatlreads SatUBad.
jEnsuv City, Feb. 7. The morning the
railroad cemjianiea having freight and coal
lines centering here have changed front In
their operations with tbe strikers and seem
confident that can maintain their new post pest post
tlen. Along the steamship wharves In Jer
sey City and llobeken, tbe 'longshoremen
who have taken the places of tbe strikers
were handling the cargoes w lth mere satis
faction. A feature or the operations this
morning was tbe great number of leaded
coal carts traversing the streets. The police
watch the carts all ever the city te see that
they are net followed by strikers. Police
men are posted near the cesr yards in every
part of the city.
Cletblug Cuttsra Lecksd Oat.
PniLADKLruiA, Feb. 7. Tbe clothing ex
change carried out its threat thla morning
and the clothing manufacturers composing
that bejy closed their doers te cutters. Ihe
latter are detlant and will light it te the end.
The lock-out throws 1,000 cutters out of work
and lully ten times that number of ethers
who depeud upon them for employment.
((ginning tbe Investigation.
New Yerk, Feb. 7. The first witness
called te-day bjf the assembly com
mittee which la investigating the
coal strike was Frederick A. Potts,
a member of the coal exchanga. He
said that the coal exchange was formed last
year by the wholesale dealers In this and
ether cities. It comprised about 30 members.
It hud nothing te de however, with
tiling tbe jirice et coal. In reply
te a question as te what the av av
erage cost is of the production et
a ten et coal, he said that be could net give a
very satisfactory answer aa he waa net a pro
ducer. He replied, en being pressed, that
the cost varied from (L50 te (1.70. The erdi
nary profit of tbe retail dealer was 50 te 75
cents a ten. Semetlmea it was mere. Tbe
bast plan for the adjustment of tbe differ
ences between capital and labor was by arbi
tration. Austin Cerblu, presldeut of the Philadel
phia & Reading railroad, was the next wit
ness. He could net state exsatly tbe cost of
mining a ten et coal as bis figures were
mlied In with ethers.
Presidential Nominations.
Wasiiinoten, Feb. 7. Tbe president
te-day sent te the Senate tbe following nom nem nom
inateons: E. C. Mere, of Missouri, te be
consul general el the United States at the
City of Mexico; J. M. Needham, of Frank'
He, Iud., te be agent for the Indiana of tba
Lcmbt agency In Idaho ; Themas T. Tun
stall, of Alabama, having decllued the ap
pointment et United States consul at Asun
cion, his nomination is withdrawn.
Ex Alderman Themas Cleary's trial In
New Yerk has been fixed for Feburary, 1G.
Ex-Governer Abbett received three vetea
te-day for IT. S, senator at the fermsl meet
lug el the Democrutlcjelut assembly of New
Jersey at Trenten,
The sculling match for the championship
of England 100 and tbe S;erfmaii'j chal
lenge cup between Geerge Bubear and
Geerge Perkins was rowed te-dsy en tbe
Tyne. Buhesr weu.
The rrUen Inspectors.
Tbe prison inspectors met statedly to
day. After the approval of bills tbe beard
went Inte an election ler boss-shoemaker,
and Calvin W. Grefl wu elected by a unani
meus vote. A committee et three was
appointed te examine tbe tower and report
whether cr net there is danger of Its falling.
at tmm TMMATmmt,
' Maggie Hareld Moses at rattea Opera Boass
Largs crowd M me Blag street Hoase.
Saturday awning the Msggle Hareld
comedy company closed their engagement
In Fulton opera house. Tba atUndaaea was
no doubt largely effected by the opening of
tbe King street theatre, aa tbe audience was
by no means as large aa they usually are en
Saturday evenings. Tbe play was Dien
Haueicauii'a flve-aet drama entitled "Tbe
Leng Strike, ' with Maggie Hareld as
Jane Ltareytl, William Davldge, jr., aa
Seah Ltareyd and Menetpenny and Donald
Hareld as Johnny Ittilly. The piece was
well given and it required considerable
doubling up ass dozen persona weie com
pelled te plsy twenty characters.
The Ring Btrest Theatre.
The opening of the new King street opera
house, took place en Ssturdsy evening. Be
tween 7 and A o'clock brilliant display or
flre-werka was given in front of the theatre,
and a tremendeua crowd of people was
drawn te the place. The majority of these
purchssedtlcketsandwentln. When the per
formance opened the galleries wero packed
and tbe ether parts of tbe beuse well flllea.
It Is said that there were about 1,200 people
present The attraction waa tbe Annie Her
leln dramatic company in "Oliver Twist"
The star Is clever actress, and she did well
as Nancy Syket. The company in support
was for tbe most part geed. Kd. J. Maek
made a tine Impression as Fagin, as did Mr.
Gilpin as Bill Sykes. One et tbe beet features
of tbe show was tbe pretty scenery. Tbe
view of Londen by night showing the large
bridge waa very line.
During the evening tbe conduct of some of
the gallery occupants was bad, and towards
tbe end of the play one of tbe actors made a
speech, giving tbe gods a scathing rebuke.
He said tbst If tbls conduct was net Im
proved they would net sell tickets te tbe
gallery at tbelr future performances. There
was some complaint among tbe members of
audience about tbe seats. Tbey are all loose
chain and persons have considerable diffi
culty in crawling ever them without knock
ing them down.
Change of Express Cempanlra.
The agents of tbe Philadelphia & Reading
Express company bare been notified that tbe
Adama Express company have taken ebaree.
and will operate all line formerly controlled
by tbe Reading company, in tbls city tbe
Adama company took possession te-dsy, but
tbey have net completed all arrangements
for tbe future. Tbe Adama will take all the
teams belonging te tbe ether company. The
expresssge will be taken from tbe care at tbe
King street station and thence te tbe Adama
office In tbe Pennsylvania railroad station.
Samuel Butter, who was In tbe employ of the
Resdlng company as adrlver for many years,
has been hired by tbe Adama company.
Christian Smith, another driver of tbe com
pany, will be thrown out of employment, for
th'j present, at least William Ziegler, who
se long snd se well managed tbe affairs of tbe
Reading company in tbls city, will hereafter
give his entire attention te the business of
tbe railroad aa their agent, and will have
nothing te de with the express.
A Nsw Ft eibytsrlan Church.
The new Presbyterian church at Sblppens
burg, Pa , Which has been In course or erec
tlen for some time, was opened Sunday
The building is by far the handsomest of Its
kind In tbe valley and baa cost tbe congrega
tion between (40,000 and (50,000. It la built
In Gothle atyle and Is surmounted by three
massive towers, one of which terminates tn a
spire 124 feet In height The lengtb of the
building is 155 feet Tbe dedicatory sermon
was te have been preached by tbe Rev. Dr.
Norcreas, of Carlisle, but was postponed until
te-morrow, tbe whole of the time being occu
pied in raising money. Only a debt of (5,000
remains. Among the ofnelatlng clergy were
the pastor, Rev. Mr. McCarrell, Rev. G. B.
Stuart, Harrlsburg; Rev. J. J. Pomeroy,
Chsmbersburg ; Revs. W. H. Legan, Mur
ray and Norcross, of Carlisle.
ATempsranca Convention.
The second day's eess!ei of tbe County
Temperance convention opened at Sblppens
burg Saturday morning. Letters of regret
were read from Dr. Ulgbee, Dr. Rtttenheuse,
at Dickinsen college, snd Mrs. E. K. Swift,
of the Allegheny Women's Cbristiau Tem
perance union. J. C. Rummelapokeen "The
Qustien New Before the People,1' Mr. O'Neill
en "Tbe Bendage We Are Under," Mr. J.
C. Eckels, sr of Carlisle, en " The White
Ribbon Army," aud Rev. J. H. Yeung, of
New burg, en Rum and Crime." Speeches
were also msde by Rev. W. A. McCsrrell,
Dr. Hays, of Shlppensburg; Rev. Dr. Brown,
Carlisle, snd Rev. W. W. Carbsrt, or Yerk
Springs. Tbe meetings are producing a
great impression throughout tbe county.
night 01 the Sword-Ssrallewer.
Gus Merstb Is tbe name of tbe sword swerd sword
awallewerwbo ter several weeka past bas
bad a little museum en North Queen street
nesr Orange. On Saturday evemng be and
bis wife, tbe tattooed woman, bad a quarrel
wbicb led te tbelr separation. Gus went te
the Pennsylvania railroad station where he
took tbe train ler tbe West Tbe woman was
left behind with tbe big snske, crocodile and
some ether things, but no money. Merstb
bid several little bills unpaid, Including
several dollars for rent and one for music.
The women Is still here.
Dlsd Saddtnly tn Warwick.
Lititz, Feb. 7. Mrs. Reuben Erb, or War
wick, died suddenly Sunday morning of
heart disease. She complained et feeling un
well during tbe morning, but went about her
household duties until about eleven o'clock,
when she ley down en the sofa and calling
one or her daughters te her, said, "1
am dying, take care el your father,"
and immediately fell off tbe sofa and expired
in a few minutes.
List el Unetalinad Letters.
Following Is the list of unclslmed letters
remaining In the Lancaster postefUce, Moo Meo Moe
dsy, Februsry 7tb, 1S37 :
J.atlies LUU Mrs. Lulu Gsrver, Sarah
Geed, Mrs. Kstle Keller, Elizabeth MoClen MeClen
tie, Miss Agnus I. Sebade.
Ocnl Liit.H. C. Drlnkle, Samuel Fall
relsh, Goebnsuer fc Bra, Jehn A. Jenes,
Jehn M. K redder, D. H. Mcintosh, W.
Elected Offlesrs.
The directors of the Chsmplen Blewer and
Ferge company met en Saturday evening at
the office of It. M. Heuser snd elected tbe
following officers : President, H. H. Kelper ;
secretary, Jamea C. Lenten ; treasurer, II.
R. Breneman ; solicitor, U. M. Heuser. Tbe
company's manufactory Is at Leman'a rifle
A libs et 13 Bans Awsy.
Emma Etter, aged 13, of Harrlsburg,
get angry about tbe home cooking en Thurs
day and went te Philadelphia te her brother's
bearding beuse. Her absence caused great
alarm, but abe was discovered and Is te be
sent back. On ber wsy she spent Thursday
night with Lancaster Iriends.
Frederick Hubiey, a brother of Mrs. Mary
1, Fry, a former resident of Columbia, waa
killed at Natchitoches, Louisiana, en Friday
by being run eyer by tbe cars. Deceased was
a resident of Yerk when be moved te
WUl GSlehrate Their turttutay.
Empire Council, Ne. 120 Jr. O. U. A- If.,
of this be flfteea years old saxt Fri
day, and In tha evening they will celebrate)
their birthday by giving aa eotertalaaiaat,
consisting of recitations, aeaS, &, as4 will
wind It up with a bsana,
The Material tn Armer and Coast I
liens-, tmi.l,tre,UMrt th.
.Brawn wrrettct s-iahat ns-rrs. fifl
....u. 01 the Masanre.
Washinton, Feb. 7.-.Hsnate.l-Thiil
........... . u. nioeanridM
read and filed.
A number of petitions and memorials t
presented, among them one by Mr.
of Kansas, from the legislature el hlsl
praying for tba opening of the le
Oklahama te settlement, and ene
Hear, from the Nstlensl Beard et
praying rer tbe enactment of tba
bankrupt law.
Mr. Call Introduced a Joint reselal
viuing rer tbe establishment of
quarantine stalleu near Cedar Keys, J
After morning business Mr. Hatl
sirea te jireceed with the nenslde
neuse bill en tbe calendar. (WW
Mr. Hawley antagonized a motion Ml
euectwitb a motion that the Senate 1
te consider the Senate bill." tn mn
the manufacture et steel for modern i
orunanea armor, and ether army par;
u ui I'ruviue neavy ordnance adhf
modern army warfare."
Mr. Hawley had no doubt Mayota)!
ee reaeneu en this bill It would be 1
psssed, although Mr. Harris endeave
persuade him te yield te the conslderstlesvl
ueuse bins ou the calendar. Mr. Uswley.i
taiueu, ana insi.sieu upon ills motion,
was carneu Dy a large majority.
Alter Dnei ornate tbe bill was passed Wl
out uerjate. Air. Hawley then moved, I
tue aensie proceeded te consider tbe I
bill, which pretldes for the euceur
of steel" rer modern naval ordnaneoi
shsttlng and etber naval purposes,
previae neavy ordnance adapted te 1
nsvsl warfare." This bill was also
without debate or division.
Te rrotcet Culled Hiatus rUhavtSS,
uuuw,j-ab aeuaior-eieci lVFSgan VI
inmeuiuiiuiuruiiiK ue was grueiea
sides with congratulations snd geed 1
Tbe bill was passed providing for be
terms of tbe United States courts at Da
Mr. Merrow, of California, Intreds
Din te protect tbe harbors at Ssn Fn
and New Yerk.
(It provides for the construction of. I
steel rains en tbe model reccemmend'
Rear Admiral Anineu at sointetfMM
each.) k-J
air. aiurpny, of Iowa, a bill fer.l
across the Mississippi at Clinten, 1023
a resolution making the Senate
bill for Mrs. Legan a special order teri
rnary 15, wr-.s laid ever ter one day. A 1
lutlen was offered making tbe Blatr
tienal bill a special order for February
Mr. rteeu, 01 Maine, acting rer Mr.
ley, Introduced a bill te protect then
et tbe United states. The hill jirevl
tne seizure ana lerreitnre or any
found engaged In taking usu wltbln'
marine miles of the coast el the United 1
and further provides, that It any per
auch vessel is found taking fish wllhha I
limit named, he shall be subject te a 1
ISO for each offense, and the vessel 1
which he Is employed, shall te subtest i
Hen for the penslty. The secretary el.;i
treasury is empowered te remit or
the Densities lfjit Is discovered that :
were incurred without wilful vlelsU
' . 'J?
vresrara vrnue ruriuiug- ins Real
Clbvkland, Ohie, Feb. 7 A Cuj
Falls dispatch states that Daniel Qa
while out with a posse, In pursuit of thai
robbers yesterday, was drowned. All's
cumstanees. new Indicate that tha
are somewhere near ICeiit, and that '
Is being vigorously patrolled. Four
yesterday tried te beard a train at Tall
but were thrown off by the train bands,.
two men tried te take a horse and
from a farmer, three mlles from Kent -
Cleveland. O. (Feb. 7. Tne pelK
morning srrestcd a man who gives htej
as Hugh Bralln. The arrest waa
suburb of Cleveland and It Is thought I
knows something about tbe fur rob
Ravenna. The reward new offered ;
robbers aggregates ever (13,000. Bust. 4
lice Scbmltt has recolved a telegram 1
limy nnkorten, stating tbat be
bis men all ever the country and that!
de denbt of Ihe capture of the robbers 1
a tew days.
Old Net attampt te Bribe,
Vincennes, Iud., Feb., 7. The Hest j
Williams declares tbe charge of tbe las'
oils Journal tbst be attempted Ien
Mackey te vote for Turple is a cook i
atery. 'The truth is," he said, "ti
even asked Mackey te vote for
msde no stlempt te bribe blm. Tne :
rats bsd In tbe beginning placed efal
pretest sgalnat the legality of Mackey,
and under tne circumstance bla tow
have been et no value te a DemeeraUa'i
Twe Nttrcts Till Each Olbcr Wish I
Albany, Oa, Feb. 7. Merrick
and Stephen Rucker, two colored
live In Uobeken, recently became i
in a business quarrel, and agreed teVl
according te tbe coda The preiil
were arranged Ueppard te use a :
and Rucker te use a shotgun. Flftsemi
were stepped off and at tbe drop of a 'I
serchtei tne arms begin, ueppara
five chambers of bis revolver before 1
could get bis shotgun te work, TW
sbels entered Rucker, one Just
heart As Rueker was falling,!
wounded, tie discharged both
Ueppard, perforating him with
rlictlng probably fatal wounds.
J. Flnlrjr Uoka te ha XndleleaM
Pkema, III.. Feb. 7. The
which will indict Defaulter Hnke
dsy, Hoke takes life easily fn the Ja
treated as ether prisoners, being Ml
compartments of the J sil. He wML
gage counsel until Indicted, butwlj
have tbe cnarges oeuuneu te tne i
that were made the basis of tba erl
rrnt Ills wife snd friends visit I
Tha WbUky foal Net OS
PeeniA, III., Feb. 7. " Bual-g
president of tbe whisky peel, Isl
ins with Peoria distillers. Ha
ihar anv trnuhla In tha nsnl'a
prices sre well maintsioee, and I
no ever production. He further sayal
present peel agreement win last
tember without troueif, j
Te Daa the Amsrletn Mak. VI
Londen, Feb. 7. Tbe Pall Afefl-,
In its Issue of te-dsy asserts tbst tha.
severnment hss praotteatly decided i
tbe Lee-Remington Amerlcan rlfls
use ei tne sriny.
The Meney Met ler War
Londen, Feb. 7. Tha Daily
llsrlin seeclal dispatch SSVS tba
15,000,000 Is net a war lean, bsjaVl
issued by Prussia te reimwrasj
ler leans wnwa we uaaasss
pais tee naniLBVB te esssmsw.. is.-rj
lUJtoeoir, Feb, T. Geasral I
who auaeaedad tha lata i
I Barsst
dec of tha i
Barsseh baa arrives I
c !.&.
j K1' T:
:y .
-! i
.. l.a.'V.l? '' -"J- . ?
cyl,xft ;&'& "jJIft ,, k &mhSsJU
" p'si'5fts p'&taM's! 4w?feajstat i ;&& sfe-fc wess
m 4a m&&A&$mt&j