V A tlAtAftD Or HATH. like a queen eucbanled who ui.ty net ln1ier VHP, Oladatheart and (tian1ei1 limn Ultimo iiml care Ilka out, tilrt about Itli beauty ly dnys ami nl,htn Hint nfMIt I mtt mm t.....f1itfllii ttltlili a I hut efiltl J .1ml .ltrt1 WOtip, Lit the lovelyrlly aliuse kUie mi gtletd gtletd tlewnrs. Age mi J grey fuigi'tlitlncM tlnte lliat sblfi. and teei Teil li nut Uicp, our filru.l, wlitine cliMwtie tlvnl liunrj, ll.tlrri al Itii.tliiiiira Hillinirj n( enn whom 3 ptaUugUostjriice, Lander, imcu iliy levei, n natne tint leve re- veres, , Pawn niul neon niul imt'Mt mi unn bcf.ne tby face. Dawn wbortief e lmn mil, mid imeu wliose Itiilt e re, (UriiiriHt ii In iwiinl ut ii j Hat fell llmi flewm, Huiuil Ilka iiinilie along tlie shining steep Whence, thy fUlr face Itiilitein, MiUwheruthy sellninlngi leap, C'luwn ut uuie and ulrl thoe Mt li gracoef guardian peaius. t.ineanf iiidu bileMil or uj.souisthattsuietn- ttnln m. Allthlue air hath mmU fjr htm wboflresuji KUU UV ill 1 Voteet tntud of multitude., fect et friends tnalpaM. Wltuesswby for ever, If haveu' face clouds urtluar, Dawn ami neon nut t unset a'e out bofero tby laee. Peace hath hire found timborsije mild as very NellhiihlitaandwaWrs, tin fields ami wild wild wild nondbewrrs, Smllu or .peak met tendeilr, dollied Win ptncouiniedtcp, Here (Inn u.rinery wklp et days our uiciuo uiciue rks koep Fut ltti leve anil In'lrfhtui ntiO illeuuu of wlthur il benis llillil wure Ui'su hi blossom et eM, an J thqiulitcndcus etUl the Ulr soil phantom. IhAt plea with smiles or tears, Hwcntm rcselaavrs honniedand dticd where in trotrace 8UII the soul aud spirit of seiue that Urns aud cheers Dan and neon auil unotureen boferetby faee. City lullf il asleep by lb c'lluie of pa-Hug yeuis, PweetMsmllrstLy iejttbu the rallaucu round tby peers i Only lern and leve'y rftmetubruiicebcru have pltce. Tln.e en Ilea lift Il,;t.tertbu 10111U im men's cat , Dawn and neon aud unn't inuuiul Jte tby tacw 1V Auintwrns lliu Indiana Benatnisblp, rrem the Daltluiere Sun. lathe I iiilluuttlC'KlslaturoWedtievJay Hen. David Turple, tbe Democrat caucus nomture, yivt PlcclPil te tlie United State Heimte oter tbe Hen. llenj unln llnrrlseu, pruwtit eenn. ter and tlie Kepublleau cntictii nominee for reelection, 'llili tetiiU nan tireiiRbt about by V ijf, Hoblunen, eni of tbe lour Uuer mom. Vbera, vetlntc ler Mr. 1'iirplc. Tlie ollier tbrce labor mi'tnbera ett-d ler HarrWm. Tlie In diana leglnlaturt) H composed of ISO lueui. Icr, CO aenatnra anil 1W ilolcgate.'', ami tbe ela atoed, Tutple'O, and llarrtnen 71, lliua rItIdk Turple u majority of en en a full etti of both beuvii Hpeikcr Hayre, of Ibe IleQcc, wbeMn Kepublleau, titieuucel that tbutewas no tlictleu, but i'reildnnt Huillli, of lbs Benate, helin Uemoerat, iiulekli'tlM- clared that Mr. Tiirp'.e naa uetm eiBcim". Tbe Hepiibtlcjiua contlnuel te kick, and ro re ro aelrcil te tifte Bnotber Joint acsilen te day, hut It la te be presumed lliu "etir mx-eih! tbeugbt" will com luie tlitmi nr tlm futility ul aiieh a prowedltiK. llich lleii"') of tbe leRlslattire la tbe Judgn of tlitKiulUlcitletiicf Its own iinmibera, nml tlie fui-t tlinltbuKi nubllrana rwogtiizeil tbla by inptllun in Joint atvilen dally fortwnwcukaibeuM utep tbeiii from aett!n up n claim of " foul" new. It It certainly net revnuablu te pioiuuie tbat Neuuter Harrison, wbe U n i;"utleian of 0 mracter and ability, would lend lilmielf te ly auch ecliouie. Tbe new Mumler, Mr. 'iurp!e, U tlie poref any of tlie publie men of Indiana. IjmH a nnltoel Ohie, and was tnrn In IS?.1. He reuuncd te Indiana wblle ktlll (inltn jeunif, and ln-yin tbe ptactlce of law. He v-M a inembcr of tlie leg Mrttiitn in lsJ. und apoaker et tbe Heu9 la 1563. In lail lie mm npti'nted JudRO et tborammeu plvaireurt, and Mi'iuiu a clr eult court Judge latr, but rralcnnd butli tbma position. In ljiVl In) wm iiemlimti'd for lleutetinut KOuriier en tlie Dnmecrntlc ticket, but m dpfpatcd. In 1503 be wai o'eotod te tbe I lilted Ktaien .Seiih'.m te lUl a vicancy ctutid by tlie oipulileu of Hen. Jr5e U. IlilKbt, wbe IikI f.Ui'ii a Irleud n lotlerel Introduction te tbe Hen. .ltlloreii Davbt. In tlm Spiiate be hUeachI Uhmdl well cfjulnped for erlce en tbiitloeraad well verged In parliamentary tJicilc. Ah it lawyer be li .i!il te be remarkably tboreugti and logical, reIiik htra!;lit te tbe marrow of alloaacabe utidertakiH loarue. I, .lit year be wm aniiolnted Unlttxl Stiitci district attoruey of Indlina by l'reildtint Clotebiud. He la a Domecrnt nf tbe rl t Kiboel hiiiI i!e?a .net bolleto lu cull hprvlce ruleiiu ut prctuuU 'W .. 1 llta I ITfC'i of Mrntal tUlmuall.iii, JJany dliei bj, eapfcbtlly thoeoftb8 nprveiu ybtviii, are tbe products of ililly rnuivl men tal rxbamtlea. lluslncm avucutlem eftuu lu lu vtilreaii Hinountef mental ear und luinnry ytt-Juniclal te iihyskul lie.iltli. and llu prolos prelos proles etnua. If atdueu.ly puriut'd. are nn Ic4j UeHtruc UeHtruc tire te bruin amtuervu ttftiiue. It U tinti et ttie most Important uttrlbuun of llinleltiT'a Btcmacb llltter, fiat It couipenRtP4 fur tbl nnduii leti of t'nue. and tbtl It Imparts new nriy te ihn bratn and niTvii. Imt rapidity wlthoblcbtmuena wi-akunt-d luental unerKy and phknl tluaty Ijrumaikiible, and klie that Its liiTlgeratliK prnpt rtlra eru cl tbu Miitirat eritur, ll.'.ldei lucri-inlnu vltul atHiuln l, and ceuutcractlDK tbe erfneta of mental ex hatittten, tbUpeti-ntlul incdlelii') ciira und nto nte Teuti'.lcvtr and ukup. rbaumatl.ui. ilnoule ilyn pepttu and couitipatlen. ktdtiy and ulerfuu weaknnt and otter complaints I'lutkUm aUe rfcomuiend Itasauiedlcalcdallii ulunt nd letiiedy. Juii.vten " l.oek hef,"fBll tbe lectuicr toabey be waa dltturblug Mm tty cmmteiH ceugblnx, caraa u cpuii tei-uia uumu et nr. iiuuj W I'nnuh Mvrmi Ne reui'dy ic.uaU Fa'Ta'.len I II for onreol brultcs, CUU, burns, fPttblUa, ami iLtieliilm the rtiibesurnv or Lirx-. The pbllnepby of CraucU Bacen U tbe phll phll esepby of llfe. " Ueaplse no new accldent lu the body," laid ha, "but ask opinion of Its lu lekneM principally reapect bealtb, and In bealth astlen." lbera are many ae called (lltflit aiTce (Ions whleh men tbtnk It brave net te notice. It U net trarcry; It la felly. Aa llacen aaya, "desphe no new accident In tbe body." limn, main's Pius will icniove dTt'ctuully and at onceatbousandandonoof the llttle ilia et Ufa t3at often, If npslocted, takeyeara te euro, lie aure te buve with jeu elwayi a box of Itiu. Durta pitta KVJIUIA1, JtUTlVMB. An Kluilrn (N. V.) Lady, lira. II L Clark. Sii i:. Clinten Hnot, declarea. It ur deck Bleed Jiiftert are a mudlclue 1 udmlie. llett reiuedy ferdynpapula In tbe world, Kenp neutemippllcd wlihlt. rnrealuby II. II. Coob ran. druggist, 131 and 1J Meitn Qtiatn etrvet, Laneaatur. Tlm Traveling Haleinii la an Irreelstable fellow, brim fall of tlnile. Jeke, courage, self umuruuen and vrtt. He li veryuklnx wltbal. Jturdeck Jlloed llttteri nru a, very Uktng medicine; tbeytake wrywbcre and are old eTerywrere. rer sale by li. li" Coebran, druifslst, 137 und K9 .Neitti Uucuu treet, lancattur. lie Careful of (lie Uanlva. If jourcblldrrnarethl'eatenednltb cionper any tbieat difficulty, apply a luw drops of lliemal' t'cUclria Oil. Jt la tbnulccstu.edu rtae ler tbe little enea we knew of rerimlu by H. B. Cocbrae, drugKlat, 137 uud Uj Neith queen atreet, Lancaatvr. "Sly OrandMlber's Cluck," Wai once a very nipular aenK. but llke many ntber fcntlmvntal tunc It doesn't weal well. Or, Thenuit' JCeteetria Oil will uenr; It will wear away all achea, ipnilun, und pilns, and le- ray Its pmebuser it bundled fold ter tnle by I. It. i echmu, diuKlit, )37 und UJ .North (JutM'ii ttuet, lmiastur. '.-UlC Tlilm -',-. Uyipeptta und debility ure two bl tbleca i tbey eievplunud attul enrbiallb and cumleit baterewu knew It. Let us put it (top te their lnvatims wltbn botlleof JJ unlock JUeud Jlllttri teba bud at any drutr stoie. Ker hMii by II. II. Ceahrau, druKRlst, 1J7 und 1XJ -Nmlli Queen ' itreeT, l.unua.ur. IMnewa Her Youth. ..S.r!.?behe'y' I'otcreen, Clay Ce , mwa, ,Ti?Jr?l0"ew,ul' rwinarkable atery, lliu truth ?J? . 2 1" ve2bed for by tlm resulontaet the !X7h iM..JJlH-W,0,u huve been tieublsd CSSVaS? ft'SSW Veir without help. ?m!hi5e eS i!?S J1" P"1" en(l soreness und SKred mv vtb .n5?0itten!. 'or buying n f. sT?y TeTfie reXKri Mtvs' i-fTm TIOOD'H HAUHAPAHII.l.A. V After Diphtheria 1 h pallenl tere era atrvniilli slowly, as the ays ays teut It weak aud debllltated, and tlie bleed poi soned by the ravages eftlm dliea.. What li lieefledliaaoedrelublo tonte and bleed pu ti tter like llned'i Panapaillla, which has lust tba olninenUofstronith forlbe beily, and vitality and tlclinees ler the Meed ahtch smn brlPK back robust health. Alter seailul leer or pneumonia It Is alie cf nmal bnneflt. " AftorrecererlOK fieui a prnlenitcd strknvaa with diphtheria, and needing aeuielhlna; te build me up, 1 took t e bottles of Heed's 8arta pattlla, 1 tell feed results liem the tint dots). It seemed te e from the top of toy head te the nds of my tees. 1 knew Heed's barssruttlla la agoed thliiK." II !I.Stattek, HriiKKUiU Welt fluid, II Ml. After Beat let Fever " Upen our little fill I, who had linen sick with earlat rover, the use et Hoei'h Sauapaillla was most niarvoleui, entirely lemevlng the jwtsen from her bleed and reateilu g her te geed bealth Heed's Parsaparllla desetvea our blKbeat prilse," B. U. HTBATTeir, Bwampseett, Masf . " When my aen recovered from dlptatheila hut threat was swollen and liiflimeil, be bad no ap petite and hit bleed seemed In a very peer eon. dtUen. After usteg two bottles of Heed's Bar aparllla he wa very mueb better, catned In flesh, and hta threat aesmed mueh Imprered." MM. B. M. raiicerr, rnklln, N. II. HOOD'S SAltSAPARILM, Beld by all drnafflats, II j six for Tn pard by C. I. tloeli ft CO , apothecaries, bow. all, Mass. 100 Deaea One Dellar. WOMEN NKKD1NO IIK.NRWKI) Mtrcneth, nr suflerlnc fieui InBrmltlea peculiar tctbelr ux, should try BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! I'HVSICIANB AND IIKIIUU1S19 RECOH MKNDtT A8THEBE8T TONIO. 1 his medicine combines Iren with pure vege table tnnles, and Is Invaluable ter Disease paou paeu liar te tVemnn, and all wbe lead sedenUry lives. It KurlcheHud Purines the Weed, Stimulates the Appetite, Strengthens the Mnteles and Nurres-ln ract, thoroughly InvlgeraUm. Cleata tbe complexion, and make tbe akin moetb. It does net blacken the tenth, rause headache, or prixluce constipation ti efArr Iren med. etnettte. ilua. rtixaarrn lUian, 71 raiwell Ave, Mllwnu- kee. UkXWHijs, under datoef Dec W, I'd . "1 baveTi.ed brown's Iren Ultters, and It fans been morn than n doctor te inn. hAvliiff nnrnil iha et the wnnkneas Indles hae In Ufa. Alse cured me nt Liver Complaint, mid new my complexion in cictir nun koeu niv chllilrpii ' Haa also been bvueeclai te ... j . ... Mas. l.OClm C IIRIODOV. Esat lirkivirl. N. V ss)s " I have suffered untold misery from fe male Complaint, and could obtain lellef from uethlngr except llrewn's iron Ultters. Ihegoiiuliiebas Tiade Mark and crossed ted lines en wrapper. 'Inke no ether. Uadnenly by IIUOW.N CliKMICAl, CU , Ilaltlmnri', Md. 7) Uiare-ltdftw rTHi:n I IT HI' KAMI '10 CO. TRIED crucIble. S.S.S. i u r. M I(K About twntity en ae I dlsceveiedalltUa sere en my rbtuk, and tbe doctors proueunccd It cancer 1 b.ive trUxl n numbur of physicians, but without recelvlug auy permanent benefit. Among tbu niimburneieoiie or twespeclaltlta. tlie medicine thuy applied was llke Ore totbe sere, causing liitunsu ulu 1 saw a statement In the pipers telling wbil 3 8. 8. hid done for ethers sliullaily atblcted. 1 precuied some at ence. I U. feri) I hud uecd the second ro'.tletbn neighbors could nutlce ttut my cancer was bcillns np II y gHiiural health had been bad ler two or three yetrst had u hacking cough and aplt bleed continually I bad a scvere pain In my breitt. After Inking six bottles of 8. S. B. my cough left me and 1 glow stouter than I had bu fersevuril jeirs My cancer has healed eeru Ibut a. Utile spot about tbe alxeef a half dime, und It It ruplAly disappearing. 1 would advl'H etciyune l b mntcr te ghe 8. H.H a bilr trial. MltS.NANCr J. McCONAUQIir. Asbu Uioru,llppvcaue, Ce , lnd. Icb 11 !" Hwlfiii Spicule la entirely vegetable, and tfeui' ti euro cancels by forcing out the Impurl. tits from tht bleed 'l reatlje en liloed and Skin Ulaeim mailed ftce. THE SWIFT SPECIFICCO., DSAWER 3, ATLANTA, OA. tl-lVibtw pLY'rf cui:am halm. OATARRH , HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm CUKES Outtirrb, Celd in Hettd, Reae Geld, Hiy Ft-ver, O-jafnofe, Hoadebo. icm TecsE-rmcK w cents. l.l.T lir,03 (Janeiro, N. V , l.J. A. HAY FEYER, KLVSC'tKAM IIAI.MIsnet a lliiuld attifrer pewdur. Applli-d Inte uestrlls Is eutckly nb nb serbed. It cleanses the had. Alias a Inflainiua tlen. Hta'a the soles. Kcsteres the senses of tntte mid smell, i-Wt'enla ul fliugglsla: by mall, leglstered. W Cents. ELY KROTHERS, UregRlslH, JjilljiedAlyw OaWKOO, N. V. jmXHAUaTKU VITAMTY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKBClKNCKOr Lire, the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and fhyslcal Uublllly, Premature Decline, Krrorael xeuth, and the untold inlserlei consequent thereon. w pugea Bve. 125 prescriptions for all dlseases. Cleth, full gilt, only 11.00, by mill, sealed, llluslratlvesaiuple Ireo te all young and m!i1',.!?Sea men 'orthe next DO days. Address IMl. W. IT. FAUKKIt, s Jlalflneh Htreet. Bnsten. mt-lT-lveeOAw CUKKFOKTUBDBAK. Peek's fateut Improved Cushioned Bar r.Ldrrtvfbn. fertable and always Id position. AU conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly fumrt for UlUHUiitad, t)0eV Jrlih Ktlmenial.fr UK. Addivwa or call nn r. HI8COJ, 863 llreadwav Mew Yerk. Mentten thta paperl '' InnalO-lraedAlvw SAFE, HUHK AND SPEEDY OUKK. Kupture, Vatlcecele and H pedal Diseases of eltutr sex. Why be humbugged byninicks when you can llnd In Dr. Wright the only Uxiin. lab Phvsicuw In Philadelphia who makes a specially el tbe above diseases, and Cum TDK t Ccitas Uuahantiid. Advice rree day and evenliiK, Htrungeis cun be t tea ted audio turn home sumo duy unices private. en. w. ii.wmuiiT. .. ,. ., "'''"h Ninth Blroet. Above llace, Ii',!.,?x?l3- rutladelph n. Imia-lydAw QUHK UUAKANTKKD. KUPTURE. Cure gimranused by int. j, it. mavcu. Kiteut ence : noeiieratlou or delay fiem bus!. nes t U'slwl by hundred' of cuius. Main enlm. bll AllUlI r., 1'IUI.A. fcend ler Clieular. flvdw ''-' mmmwwBmmmmwwmm :' Uaaci kMj.k SJMM.S, ajuyl U .sswstl,twi ... QAMi AND HER -TUI- ROCHESTER LAMP, fitly Candle Ught Bala tbem all, Anether tot of CHKAl' UMHJtB for Has and Oil a tore, TBI " PBMrBOTIOM " MRTAIiMUULIUMU AND HUBUIH VUSUIUM WEATHER STRIP BeaUthain all. ThlsslilpoiitweanaJletherf. Keepa out thn cold, step rattling of windows. is inn com. euip raiuinsj ui wiuhuwi the dust Keep out anew and rain. Aaj xcinM ad rain. Any I mad In at -no hole te en lilvfliti u innlv Il-iki waaUs or dirt Ik Can be fltted anywhora-ne bem, Teady for use. It wllf net split, warp or hrtnk cushion slilp I the meat perfect. At the etevA Ueater and Uange Btore -Of- Jehn V, iScnanm ft Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., I.ANUABTBH.PA. w M. A. K1K.KFKK. ALDUH 0. HKRH KIEFFER & HERR, WOULD CALL SPECIAL AT1ENT10NTO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s 1 1 HOT, N. Y ST0TE3. UYMUW FURNACES AND BINGES. Waaak no one te ret, any ilsks with "TUU LKU A vrARIIKK'V Uoe.li. e goaianlee them te gtte Batlifuitlen. Aa a Ueater " T1IK bl'LKNDtt) " hai no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this stOVO remains cold, evel y Inch el -It radiates heat. Aa a Smaller and Chea per floater the "I1RI0 HT DIAMOND" has established lUelf In the front rauks. The merits 0lthx"3l'LKND!I"nn"DH10nT DIAMOND "consist In Uaautyef Construction, I'erfeet Control of Draft, Cleanllnssi, no Dust, neOaaaud Keonemy et fuel. "Call aud exatnlne for yourself. 40 EAST KING ST., IO-i'iI I K CUUKX HUUM I aDtldJii VUtBatTAMM. riiuii a .MAjrrTfr """ Crockery a Specialty -AT- ALL, CHINA, Glass, Queensware. The largust assortment of Huvl. laud's Deceiatd China, Oomestic and Foreign Otauware, American hiiiI J.'ngllsli White SranlU and Njml.I'ercelrtln in l'laln, 1'rlnted or Decer.tted, Fancy Goods, Lamps, etc. i:?peclal attention te House Heuse etires. A full guarautee with every sale. kUM 15 KAS1' KING STREET. l,."iJAnTB'l. VA, 1887. 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers DIARIES FOR 1887. BLANK BOOKS -AND- STATIONERY. Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, LVNCAbTKU. PA. irjTtjfsTt watch nn. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction pstcea until January l, 1887. rine let of Kings. Ac Alse, Klgln, vaJUuuu (Aurera for which 1 am Bele Agent), and ether riratlaaa Watches; Heat Watch and Jewelry UeptUilng. ' placed my. "'"" br Telegraph Dally, only L. WEBER, IWH North (jueenSL, Near renn'a. R. B. Depot, Hprcts.ris, KyeglaaauaandOptleaUfJoeda. All klndael lewelry. -- , TKHKOKH Of Tills DKNTAu UUA1K Teeth extracted by the use et electricity tier. fceUy aitfe and barm less. My &oe Teeth are ma.toei ilieu.it material that lean purchase Milliigucthuspcetaltv. All iwerfc gtfirantw? . ", I-. riBUKH, Dentiat, aniYflya Wo.tnNerihQnMSit. -DKALBKa IN-' Heusefiirnishing Goods ! CHINA l"iVAV."feayA M-tg.ivyrX'JS-- v&Vt -J -)Vi J MsWfcsfcsjsaMajew ff IXUfKCIAIi A1MM. L Clearing Si -AT ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., I,ANCASTEU, rt, Ending Saturday, February 12. SIX SPECIAL BAR6AINS -IN- HOSIERYI Ne. I -One Let of LADIES' UNOLIAOnED BALBBIOOAN HOSB, Bxtra Geed quality, Londen Length, reduced te l!e. a pair. Ne. J -One Let IXTUA IIBAVT PniTlSlt BALIiniUUANUOfK, Full Uegular Made, re duced te 17e. a pair formally Ue. Ne. 8. One Let of the iam goods as Ne f, (Ilk Clocked, reduced te 170. a pair. Ne. -inn Let of IXTUA riNK ISALOKla. QA.V LI3LK HOB, Tall Begular Uade, Bilk Clocked, Eilra Leng, reduced te He. a palrt weith snc. vn ,rin. t . tit na:Mll!Ni. .nnpDrnbi aut'EUSTOUf 11AL1IUI0GAN HOSB, French Tee, Eitra Leng, each pair stamped, rcdnced te Ke. a pair, No.e.-OneLol of OB.SI'S UNDLKAC8CD BALBUIOOAKBOCKB, rulIEegelar Made, Bilk Clocked, reduced te !!. pair, fium ISc. SPECIAL I Oer Gent's Nineteen Cent Bargain Containing CAMEL'S II AIUS0CK9, Knit, Seam less; teiinerly aeld at 30e. te lie. a pair. Alse t'lNKrKBNCnCABnMEREBOCKl,ruUBegu. lar Made, In Cardinal, Navy, Seal and Garnet, Kercerly Sold 25c. (e v a Ta'r JUnOAIRB ! Needlework, Edgings, Insertings. They are dwindling down and " adlte jeu te ceme tn time and grt THE BKbT rHJIl TIIK HONEY. WOut Btcra Is epan Monday evening till 9 o'clock. iUU mAMB um uem. FOIt KICNl' SECOND AND 1UIHD tloer', Nes. 21 and SO Fut bln atreet, wlthclovater. Bnltable for almost any tmsluess' bout Lew. Call en 1).1 31 AUUleUtiK, Jeal.'tld Ne. JD East King fit. JflOR HENT-AT M0DE11ATK TUHMS, AT JIO. 43 SOUTH DLbE BT , A most desirable sulte of rooms for ledulug or business purpotes. Apply te E.O K IUTE8, Jind-lmd Ne. 3 North Duke Strctt. FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1, 1SS7. A FlCIa)s rannef WAciej, te miles from the city, four acre et. Luna en Kecklund street, rouracrejof Land tn the Mghth ward. Small Stable, ts West urauge strvuu Hmall Houses en at Orange, tudcrtck, Fulton, Church aud Jehn streets, 'itnus reisouable. Apply te UlUEIlAliU01Iir.lt. COOPER HOUSE FOR RENT. The Cooper Heuse, one half square fiein Centra Bguara and Opera Hone. ana near both railroad depot. This U ene el the largest and best house lu the city. Large eale and Ex change stables, all flrat-clajs. i osiesslen en April 1st. , WM.J.COOPKB. tiHOVMUlKt, A T WIANT'B. OBBaVP AMD aOOD, Three pounds Bet French Prune. 2Sc ; three tMiunda float Uilstua, Iei lour pounds Uoed KaUlns, -no, tour peunitunl nice, SVs. Prlce of rieur, Hu,77n.bie esa.nw., no. aud te pt-r quarter. Our nigh Urade Leitecs sicak ter tbcuisclves. I'lf ue give us a trial erOer. OEO. WIANT, aug lvd Ne US Wct King Btreel. T IIORNK'N XXX Confectioners' Pelverized Sugar. M'EUIAL ATTENTION ..1 1'URK SUC1AU BYltl'l' for lable Use only lu Cents n (Juart. Tll the goeo new all around of the geed Table Sj rup you have round, li 1 brlgbt.sweet and chuup, uud found aione at 17 host King Btrcet. A OAK LOAD-40 barrels of this Exrellent Byrup lust received. Bring jour kettles and iig. by buy a peer Syrup Lini jeu chii get Ibe best pure Byrup at 10 cents a ijuurt, OUANHIS ABE VERY CHEAP. WlllTEUUArE8tl0anaiJX cenn aie alie chtap. BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKU. PA. VTclopheue Connce'.lons. Oecils Delivered WOTXOMI. "Y-av, e i It Used Te, But It's Different New ! Trade does net end with Cbrletmat by any '.""SS- Netwltnaundlng the fact that our Holiday Trade baa been an unprecedented one, our Superb block e renr-tn-iland und ether style Neckties, Bilk MutUers, ll.iudkercb'efa, Rusfenaer, Uloves, Cellars, Cults, fuuiel Hair tlnderwear and Half tlose, bblris, Clguv Cases, ,Tr ", oieeTo uutiens, c, ua ueun ru plenlshcd, suitable for RETURN GIFTS. Hr Our Frlcea as Lew as the Lewest for the tame grade of goods. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. 17 WEST K1NQ 8TKKKT, LANCASTKU, IRIOK.H REDUCED -AT- BECHTOLD'S. A nvet our goods usually sold at one dollar, nnwTJcents, which Is Icis than coat en son) articles! ellium In proportion, in we want te CI.OSK OUT the K.NTIKB STOCK. HK.MlV HKCllTOLD, Nn M North Quen St. !?aJW - . - "i5V 1 i'tM, . wjuft, -tyfe. 1121 N"f f'!i7y7jpyf' JAOBR & BR0T8ER. ( OTTONS for February Sewing. All tlie Undard makes of lilmclimt aud UuLlemched Mutllus and Bheellusi lu all widths. Wlittnkcr's and Conestegn Tickings, Leng's rurniture Cliecka.Cliovlett und Turkfly Itcd. ' LONSDALE OAMBRia. BERKLIY OAMBRIO, KING PHILIP OAMBRIO. T JNENS, Irish, Scotch & German. Table Damasks, Cream Damasks, Heavy Dice Table Linens, I and I Napkins, Deylies, Towels and Crashes, Hells; Tame Cleths with Napkins te match. Marseilles and Crochet QullU. HBW FRBNOH BAT1NBS, N1WAMWM0AN BATINM, N1W OBIMTEBS AKDOLKOHAMB, MIW 1MBR01DIRI18. HAGER & BROTHER, 25-27 West King St., Lancaster, Fa. N EXT DOOR TX) COURT HOUSK. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te ihb Csurt Heuse, ... Lancaster, Pa. We bava new en eihtbttten and for tale In our large and weil..igi.tcd carpet Beem an attractlre stock of Oerpet, nearly all of whleh are treab from the Leem, of entire new 5ie. z.11 all at VERY LO'W PRICES. Ingrain Carpet In all qualltlea, ICe. np. Ilall and Stair Carpet te all qualities, targe stock of Aag Carpet at ti, tA. SO, S3. iS, 60, Hand e j cent. Alse large stock of KUuft in New and Handsome Designs' Alse FLOOa and TAIILE OIL CLOTUS, all widths, WIN DO IV BIIAuKn and SHAD SHAD INU,ele.,etc. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te tbe Court Hern, lanwirter, Fenn'a. M ET7X1KR A HADOHiLAN'HCUJIArSTeni;. TO REDUCE STOCK WE WILL NOW HKLL OUR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Horae Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. jmrrMt.Hi. H, A. RHOAD3, JEWELKR. Musical Musical Bexes from 75 Cents te $240 Musical Bexes that will play from One te Ferty-aight Aire. Musical Bexes that play Operatic, Martial, Sacred and Classic Music. Musical Bexes te please all. Gall and Examine Stock and See Oar Art Roem. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, BLmiami, Jte. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at WHILE IN TIIK PHILIP DOBRSOMS Nes. 126 and 128 East King Street, And bee tba Finest Assortment of BUCtOIBS, CARRIAGES, PHEIONB, BUSINESS and MARKET WAGONS, etc, that baa ever been seen In this elty for tbe Spring Trade. Yeu can feel perfectly free te call and examine tbe work, as It la no trouble te show you tbe different styles. New la your time te order for Spring. A large assortment of Second-Hand Werk en band of every description. REPlUtlNG IMttE AT SHORTEST NOTICE AT nn n niiiitninmniiK inn mmm i,:irmirMYnr i inn kai i mill, isvviuvw u viu xvi (OPPOSITE LANCASTER COUNTY HOUSE) NOS. 120 AND 128 EAST KING STREET. - L1NCASTEB. FA. Mev$mrtTMifiMUura tiuenc. JHIRK'S CARPET HALU CARPETS! -BI0PKN1NQ or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepareA te show tbe trafla the Largest ana Beit Selected Line of Carpet ever ex blbltea in tbU city. WILTONS. VELVET, all tbe TraJtne Make e( 110D1T AND TAPKSTK1 imU8SKLSlTUBKK-i'LY, AIL Weel aud Cotten Chain KXTa A BUriCUa, and all qualities et ! QUA1N CAUrKTS, DAMASK and VKNKTIAS CAKl'KTa. 11AQ and CHAIN CAKI-KT8 of enr own mannfactnre a siwclalty. Spcelal Attention paid te the manufacture of CUSTOM 0 AKPCTS AlsoarullLlneef OIL CLOTHS, KUU4, WINDOW UAPECOVinLBTS,Ae., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water SlreeU, Lancaster, Pa , ajTAHKLEY'8 YKLLOW FKONT 1TA Cl Clear riller llarana Five Cent Clirar la tbe loailleK and most reliable nickel cigar lu tbu market. At MAUKLBY'8 " Vtllew sient," Ne. 21 Km ti Queen strtws. (rpnuilv llartuian's.l il. ,F,.ua,i.r j .JA&tegl. HUUlLLUlii " ''ii(Mi sassXl sfcsMis ! Bexes ! Lancaster, Fenn'a. Honest Prices. CUT CALL AT l iWMiv miiniv ..vim,, CARPETS! MARKLEY'S "YARA BEAUTIES" Clear riller Havana Flre Cent Clear, U iuciuiiueiidtt te leveta of a Genuine Havana Cigar, At II AU K I.K V'B, " YeUew FrOB V We. tl afertt Queen street (runuerlj liartuian'al -p.s a ill r s liT l arsj ISnVSJ , rjJ-H: R"kiV,1,SiJ0J4"M' HAIL ei and after bekday, nuvriubb w k , TLBAVB KBADINa u rw.S?InJ?'.M tncier at T.aa.L.ai ei,S?.,25.,fc,"SL . - ... w Calekfsi m T. a. m. and lltn m. 'J.j V.te -., MHA1 VUbUIISI 5. iEBaWM0?W?.. . BAIRBLBAVstetrAanr'Vit.t.ss ?1 ll i.-eatr at (isa -.!. ... i .it LKAVB Yitufi&nwmm ... ... . 3i S?IWntrw-,iI:T1T1VVATSrS"i!! .1 uruanenaBBa.inl-i7n.5i47 J or aeadlB' at Tin T? . JH? 'J?5t.l fwMnniaaaiai7s.nL,liuure ., i:L." 1. -'.. "- WUn KJBJ a. .. ",iMHB."AssgaK,i m MAijQitT'' for Lancaterat7.a.in..ljs Caii or tfuarryrllle mi,a. ' . PiTDAa- TMAOTg. TBAIHS LBATB UADUl or Lancaster at 1.9) a. m. ana iff) p. m. fet QnarryrUle at s.00 p. m. TSAIN8 LBAVB QUAKBTTILLa Fer LaneMter, Lebanon and Eeadlat t 7.10 . 43 TBAIN8 LXAVE KIMB BT. f Leseutnr.l km reTBeedinn aa Lebanon at 8.aea.n.aalMl1 Fer Uaarrrvtlle at Me b. m. . ri2s. TBAINB LBAVK PU1MCB ST. (LnnOMtBr.) I "'J""! ana Loeanon ana me a. tn. ana aw P. m. 'j Fer Unamrvllln at a n m ' S THAINU LBAVB LF.HANU-H. '&& ' Muitiuwusi jnan. ana a: te p. tn. s Fortjnarryllleat8tp. in. Fer connection at Columbia, Marietta Job Jeb bob. Lancaster Junction, Manbclm. HeasUmsr '! and Lebanon, aes time tablet at all tiahmST i aiauniuiufl, ssnsruiisaMt, 5 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHhD 5l "V.1''-:"'"tIromJunel,1888. 'it . pSS 3iTShJl .i50ft! "u,a loiYeandarrlTe ftfl at r ntladnlphla a fellows i .Vi'l lTB IjHuVB I ' WESTWARD. Pnclfle Bzpreett.,.,1. Hews Bxprcsat Way Passongert MaO train via MU Jey) fte.:X&l!Trulnt HlaFanExpruss.. .... Hanover Accem Fut Ltnef , Frederlck Accem. ..... Lancaster Accem Harrlsburg Accem... Columbia Accem H&rrlsburg Kxpn-sj., Western exprcsst..,.. KABTWAUD. Wla. Bxnre;s Fast Line! Ham. burg Express.., Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem Saasbere Express Philadelphia Accem... Sunday Mall. Dav Xxmeast...... Philadelphia U."4 p. m. I "W it. ni. 4.9) a. m. 7:lK)a m Lancatler ; fi'se a. tti! (lJOa. m. via Columbia 7:40 a.m. Il Columbia ?-55a,in; ii.sett.rii. :?'r. m. a 10 p. m. IMp, m. 330 p. m. 7.90 rjL tn. vlaCelumblt tlaMt. Jnv. sis p.m. 4 40 p.m. MOp m. 9 40 p.m. Learn Lancaster. I9is.ni, 6 OT a. in, 3.10 a. m. 8J55a.in. -ju a. ru, 18 p. m, Xbb p. re, J.-eO p. in, 4 I5D.UI. 7:40 n. ra. u;asw ns. arnva at miie. 4:48 a. te. SriSa. m. lo.ae a. aa. rllHUna li'visw an. J K19P.DV I'rV. up.n, v d: p. n, , ,i HarrtsburK Accem d'45 p. m. ll.U . WW Tbe Lancaster Accem moJHUen leaves "WtO kJL. wars; n bmi p. m. ana arnvu ni jjicmvez at Mi p. m. Tbe Marietta Accommodation leave CeIussk bU at 0.40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 9-.W. AIM. leave Columbia at 11. 45 a, in. and 2.4ap7tik. reacblnj Marietta at 12:01 nnd 2.M. Leave! Marietta at .05 p. tn. and arrives at Celumblaat UO t aUe, leaves at 8.S5 and arrlvea at s.50. Tba YorkAccemmodatlon leave Marietta at r.le ana arrive at Lancaster at 9 (O conneetlna with Harriaburg Express at 8:10 a. m. . Tbe Frederick Accommodation, west, connect, tng at Laneaater with Fast Linn, neat, at 308 n. re. will run through tn riv.tr.Tttr. - Tbe Frederick Accommodation, east, learaj'siV CelumbU at 1MB and reaches Ijmcaster at liS ' Hanover Accomir.eaatlon, went, ceuneetln a 1 ancuter wim Niagara Exprea at 9-JO a. en- tjti wiu run tureugh te Hanover, CMly, except Bum. 'S tav. . . j. "A raat inc west, en ennaay, wnen nanea, .,? wUlstepat Downlugtewn, Ceateavllle, .nssLrv, Durg, aii, jut, auiaaueiniiwn ana trhennlv tmln which mn ds.Hi the Mall train wast run bv wa? of Columbia. J: It. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. (44 XiaWAMB. F LINN & BRENEMAN, BUY THE GENUINE! OLD STYLE ijud-hue! -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, TINWARE ar ienn.uk n..... m...i Jy .... .-.,w.. ..v...,,, aval. i r avail . laiiiHMii Y.w-asMsiv LAWCABTBB fA. e-JHsU-ejM. QARR1AGES 1 CARRIAGES I Edw. Edgerley,J is near of 1'ottefHce, 1 aucester, Pa.. My ateck comprises a large variety of llugglesv ranlagea, t'hictens, Uutlness und MttrkM nuuuai '. -i Call and examine ray work, and If you dOMBHj flnrt whnl vnn w.nt If.Avn vitiir nrA.r. t i Knoursge geed work, 'ibvre Is economy ha: j Imvlni, n unn.1 Hrttnlii. Tw.nlv v.ai. ,n hull nvssandewrv Carriage a sread ene. v- MOXTO- -fJ "Wj " Fair Dttlie, Honest Werk at BoKeniPrio iWltcnalrlnBT l'remntl v Attendodte. Teun cent, lower than all ethers. One set of werBH4 men especially employed ler thai purpeae, ) jtHUfMita. T9E1US0NH WI8U1NGTOMAKEMONI s? IH- STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS iXD OIL, J ;A', SHOULD INVESTIGATE LAUBIB A CfsTI BYSTEMOriltiALlNl IN SMALL OMiv. I.AUI4K I.uia us una, rstt Ulfll. OATH auuina -i-'-iv xen ifeiar. win. iut oiiijiftwi,e m,v j Shares, or 1 tee bntbels of Uruln. Explanattiryjl QUOTATIONS W1BBD. t(1 Order and Margin received by Telegram .'; Mall. . . .v Is LAURIB ft CjU. - Biriir HiirisTVai . ' ti nivvn"waiiv . ALSODBALEBS IN FOBKIUN BXCUAXOaV 850 Broadway. Hew Yerk. "Tbe members of tbi firm are. .gentle lutkaG of experience and high standing InUMQiaS i'i ana OWCK uuiuuiisniuu uuviitca. ..endasMiatT thflr references Bru n number of the leadiist, Banks." l"AVn Yerk CemnureiatHtwtr' ? " Tbey have a stainless record, and their beaa t$ fide arelndlsputable... .The lepuUUen 4f HM?&. smtiniifth. thiLtnarttm can rest Asurael el ..! eelvlug tbslr predt tbe moment they are ra4),v'. , no matter w bat t e amount may be.'-. . q IKtw Yerk aiming TiUtrmm. Z J ijlSmdaedAw B). QONTBAOTOR AND BOILDUs, QIOROI IRN8T, .p:a vj CABPBNTBB, OOMTBAOTO. II ttAMM.lfa. MB Weat Ktaar asm Bait Urant ibws oypeMU itrtawl WuOOB.H.MAK.TBUXNBllinIl WOOD I wuta a svstHAini.i;', AU 0fk BCBmMB BT a sr .: v &?& j&F - ' . IrffiZe! ..... xL Hi if.TS1' t--rr.! ,TVW'1;1,' ' .! jf .'Bi "ft! t4 KM im 'i 41 ,ii tm & X9 Ba fl As era fV ' t