Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 04, 1887, Image 1

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Wqt ytea;
ma hmlbvihin or MIS HVC
vb$suu lyriKrfffirjcf.r iwMn'ii.v(t,
Ir Wltkmtiaii Vail. Attention tilth Vary Its.
ntllent Sketches el Hclmil Mesul I'rs.l
il.nt. III tli"liitelll;enif "
t)itle.tii lie. Filed In UieArrtiltca.
The February meeting el the Lsucaster
city loheol beard wai held en Thursday
evenlng Willi tli following members pres
flit' Messrs. lUker, Bernard, Holeulus,
Breueuaan, HreMui, llrewu, Byrne, Cochran,
Dwmstetter, I'bermaii, Krlsmnii, llvans,
Grtvst, Hartmau, l.lihty, Marshall, Mo Me Mo
f'euuoy, McCermlek, McKlllgett, Mcltllllps,
Ojbs, een, Pentz, lUub, Ulngwalt, Nuhtio Nuhtie
tl, Shlndl'i, Shirk, Hmeyth, Warlel, White,
Wlckeraham, Wnli Isen nnil l.overgeod, pres
Menu Tlie minutes of the Jnutury Hireling wr-ie
tt'ii I nuil nppteved.
Mr. Mil'etntuy, chairman of Hit superin
tending cuinmlltoe, submitted the fullenlug
minority irpnttas le tilling llin vseincy In
llin high xetKxil teaching fur'e
7uts ''ifilrii'un I lin''fi i) j'ie . liciltsr
VitU Xctioel Haunt
OcNTLttMUN' : 'Ili'i undeislgnrd inomber
nt tlie Miprrlnteudlng I'emmlttuc, through
the want of harmony in thelr views, is com
pelled te itubnitt tlie following minority
report uus'gtie i by any if t(jn ether mom
Inns In obedience te it icaolutieii of the beard
your remmlttfi', aller giving due notice of
thflinnii1, tiiM an ev t'nliMileu of applicant
ler tiiu vacant position In the girls high
xhoel oil Sttutd.iy, ihu Z li nil
Only tnn applicant wuie present. Mlsa
Italln'riimllnseit, or Lancaster, mill Miss K.
V. UelliiMdr, of l'bllniletphlt, ulthur of
whom held it teacher's uurtlllcate of any
grade, henoe net eligible ilther by In or tlie
rule", Ilule37stys "Ne les-iier "lull be
employed In either high nolieol unless pos
sessed of a teacher' statu or perinsiiput ear ear
tMcale." Section II, net of April P, 1&07,
i: "That alter the pissignet this act, no
teacher In this commonwealth Mull -rncelve
Ireiu county, city or borough aupprluteud aupprluteud
eut, BnerllttCAte asn t-iaiber, who lint nuts
filr kuowliHlKe el erthivmphy, ivatlliiic,
writing, Kcerphy, KukIIhIi xraeimsr, mi'ii
tl ami wrlltMii uilthuiftk', history of tlm
UnttMl StatM wmi tlm llioery of tichln,"
huiI tlie priv-ililcin of tlm bennl In K'nuinxl In
isitlty tinilur aitli tb.xt no ti)Anlier Iihi been
employed lu any el our , lie ti without aueh
llit artin&ktu.
A uulurlty of the couunltleo, iioterluolc,
diteriuliiPit toluecccil with tliocmuilutleu.
't'he HUDject-i en which the appltcauti were
exitnluetl woredralni;, OeiIkiiIuk, botany,
Keolexy and zoology, 'there wat noexatuliu neexatuliu noexatuliu
tleu lu the common nchoel branchra nor In
the theery nod practice el teachlnt;. The
examination, whilst lair, w by no meana
exhatutlvp, The ibmilts et the examination
of Mla Toinllnieti wure net mieh an te war
runt tbonuperlntiMidoiit In firing her a ccr.
Ine rmull of tlie oiamlnatlen of MIm IIel
linger are neuiuniUxl In the icrtltlcale he e
will iiibuiltteU i Lttrttncate reluctantly
Klven by the mimrlnlnJent, nnil ou ooiull eoiull oeiull
Hon thjtthucoiuinltten would tu.taln lilm In
ree,ulrlD(; tlie hellT, if olected, te werkup
te the prepvr titaudntd et ipi illucatlen.
While tlie necmslty et n null quililled a
ltatit teacher ler tlm kI'Ih' high ichoel la ru
iKBl101' by Hll in view if the li"t tint thert
Ih hew no audi appliiiut bjlore the beird, lu
the huuihlu JuitKiimutiil the undurli:oed,tlit
Iutcrm et mil icheyl would be In lu-ii din din din
Keref nutterlug tiireuti pmtieiiMii(.ut mid
delay than In the election of a ixirly
(juullflcd "jclallit -an shown by the
fllturiH In her curtijica'e of whom I he
beint hitn had no oppertuully or knew Inn
anything iibeut, and who, If eligible nt all,
euld only become mj by the utmeit atruteli
el the law at a apeclalli whlle hIiu li te be a
ri'guUr B'htAtH tVKhir In ohirgeef a depirt
uieutr Wnalrevly hae eunugh of specltt
trachlnff, nnil kheiild (je no fuitlitir In th it
illrccUeu, a It it incnuiliig ihu t.x(uvi of
our school nysUeii mere rapidly than It li In
cii'iilus the r vell'-niLO el our a 'IioeIh.
Allet whlihH roipeutfully Hiibiulttetl,
W. McCe'tKi,
Utmlrmauef StireiIuluudliiK Cemiulttce.
Dr. Wlchauham Mibmlltwl the luijerity
report of thoceiuiulttio hIkiiuiI by Uiuromuln Uiuremuln Uiuromuln
leg tnuuibers of the ceiutnllt-ti. It li in fel
Iowa .
I,i.m si Kit, Jan. el, ISS7
Te Iht Lzni.ail'1 u 4 ' He t,i
Oi.iriUMi.s At lustruuied at the lit
tnee'.lUK of tlie b i ird, theclty aupurlutendeut
and your comiultteo met lu the gltlV high
aoheol en Saturday, thu.V.h of January, uttur
giving due notice of the bj , ler the purpoie
of examining appllcinti fur the rtiMiiy in
Mid school.
Twe appIICAiitH proteuted themielvei ter
etsmlualleu, Mli-a it. 'louilluaeu, of I. Hums
ter, and Mini i;, C ilclliuKr, formerly of
Liucaater, but who has for koiue jeura b;u
txaebitie an artncluMil In I'hll.vlelphU. MUi
Etiitna V. IUker, who wai ttndnrstoed te tie
an appllciut, unable te be pnwent en
aoeouut of H'.cUuii'i's Hint it nole Irein her
j.hyalclait statml that i-lie mlht nut lm well
enough te atlund te lnr n'lioel dullei ler pet
tml luentli".
TIM examination HliawH. HiAt Mini Tom Tem Tom
Hnaeucuti dr.iw fairly, and ponei-oi koiue
knowledge of the natur.U acteiirea , hut oho
U young and hat ha I no uxperk'ucj In
Mivi llelllucer W it profe-iiloiinl Rrthl and ,t
teacher of art, mid her examination In draw.
lnjt wai exoelleut. Atiierlul ler years In
her apeclal work.the Unt miiiiHrt-lnUnt'glectHd
ether atudlea, hut oho lui a fair knotvle.(;o
of the natural scinncja and U undoubtedly
able te toaeh the brauchui roipilreJ. Ai nlie
has net taught lu public auoels for yearv,
bhe bat no atate or pormaneut cerltlcate, a n
rule of the beird requires the regaUr
to.tfheraof the high ichoeU te ikhw. The
inle lui becii repeitedly violated, hut It la
nlll a rule. II .Mt!i llelllngur la elected,
ttiurntore, alie mint be elected as aBpcclal
teacher, and teach ler the liute lining draw
lug aud the natural auleucea in the same way
that I'rel. Matzuew teacben imnle aud Oer
uiau. As uuu.i ni the law will permlt, she nit'ie heiaelf ollglble te n full, regular
teacbwrshlp. lu vletv or all the ulreuui
Ktauceiwe reoeiumend that Mln i; C Hel
linger bi elected aa ipscUl teacher of draw
ing uml the natural hcIeuuii In the iclrl-t'
high wl 0'il.
Kefp'tlfully (ubmlltfiil,
I. 1. WicKr.nsu vm,
Jehn II WAnrti.,
J. IIav lluetr.v,
MAItlUOl 1 HllOStUH,
Metubera el the Hiiporluleuiting Ceumilllee.
At the conclutlen el the reading el the
reports Mr. LI art man moved that MUs Ho! He! Ho!
lluger be balleted for at it bjkk:1h1 teacher for
the balauce et the term.
Mr. McCouiaey moved hi an atuoudmeut
that the olectleu of a teacher be Indefinitely
oatpened. The ameudmeut wasudeited by
a reta of 18 te 10 as follewa : Mcaara. Uaker,
Hsrnard, Darmatetter, Krismau, Kvaun,
I.lchty, Mot'emaoy, McCermlek, Mol;illgeii,
Uch, llaub, lUuftwalt, richwebel, bhludla
Hhtrk, Hmech, Whlle and,
eted aye aud Meiirs. HjIeuUh, Ilreuemnu,
Urealui, Brown, liyrue, Ceuhrau, Kbernian,
Crleit, Hartman, Marahall, Melt Ullm, U weua,
Penlr, Warfel, Wlckerahauiand I.overgeod
111, voted agalnat postpenetuout.
niM.s te m: I'Atn
Mr. KvftiiH, of the lluanue oe.iinilttuo re
ported thit the following bllla had been ex
amluedaud found cerrect, and ou hit motion,
the trenitrerwin directed te piy the name:
JobuOeh, suudrles, fl 65 ;', l'lliin .V Itrene.
man, steam heating, vli&Oi Harry L. Trout,
ecretary'a book, 13.50 J i'enuaylVHula Hehevl
Journal, 35 coplei ler 1SS0, SI7.U5; W. Jl.
Ilvergoed, "'"lit nchoel teacher, f J7 &l) ; J.
W. Batnsen, b.-uihu-', Jl'-'.SO; Jehn Beat V
Hen, repal i 21) , bprechr A. rielller, re
inlrs, IWg0i
Mr. Evnteici m?.-en(irte(l that ths school
leau of H1.60J lr.d"JUen sold at a preintuui or
Mr. Kvansslse reported that (Jce. K. Ittel
had preaented for tlie consideration of the
ceuimltte check algntd by the treasurer
of tht beard, Id 1876, for r.7, payable te the
LncMtroeoir''y. YhUchMk w drawn
en the Inland Insurance it Deposit company,
and the bank failed the day Ihu oheck was
given. The aoheol l-eard, Mr. Head claimed,
had received the dividend of this check,
which he was entitled te recsh e. The matler
was referred te the finsnue yniinltt)e for
further ex ttnluatlen,
rntB litOArr.i.
Mr. Itsrtuian, el lha preprty coiemlllee,
reported that flre eaeapes for the lometi
street bulldlnir had hneun ml i tted for, with
O.V. Hele JtCa, ler fStO.
Dr. McCermlek, nl the oeiinnlttee en furni
ture and apparatus, reK)itel that MIm .lack .lack
seu's room In the high school In need el
a dictionary. Thoe"itniuUt"t Instructed
te procure the aatne.
Mr. Itlngwalt, el the nlglil school torn tern torn
mlttee, reiorted the enrollment te be g'1 , av
erage attendance 7 1 t being M percent
ie urresi. i.risi,ins,
Mr. Ilaker, of the Jinllcliry coinmltteo, ro re ro
pertoil that there were several bills new be
fore tie legislature for the goterinnont of
cities of the seixind, third and feutth classes.
If any el them relating te cltlei el the fourth
class pass there will be a radical change In
the manner of conducting the notienl nt this
city. The power then will be twited In six
oentiollot. 'I nl" Ifiird has alwaya main
tained tint'. It was geteriittl by aX-cUI acts el
annmlily, but the matter was neter teMed In
the courts. If the preputed law passes thdrs
will be no doubt 0 1 a couteHt, for the con
trollers t'locted will go Inte court and obtain a
mandamus te get the management nl the
s:boels. He meved that a special raniinl'.toe
ofthree, oeualstlngof Dr. Wlckeraham, Wll
Ham McCemiey and V. W. driest In ap
pointed te go le llarrlibtirg and pit teul, II
possible, the paasaga of any bill that will
change the manner of conducting the listi
ciiter achoela. Toe motion was adopted,
ctrv surcniMrKNtiHM's RErent.
1'ollewlui; Is the report of the elty super
intendent f ir the mouth of Jauuary .
LiAitOASTKR, I'a., 1'eb. 3, 1A57
Tj tit Heard pf tiiisl IHrtcteri
Ukntlkmkn Your city auperintendent
aubmlts the lollewlug leisirt nl the ptihlle
schools for the month of Janusry
The total number of pupil enrolled was
270 lu the high aoheol., Sit in the grammar,
Gi In the secondary, IJ In the uugiaded, hi'
in the Intermediate, aud 1 3 In the primary;
total, 3, 178. The night s;uoels enrolled 13 L
Thsateree atteudane was 251 In the high
i cboels, SJ7 lu the grammar, M7 In the secon
dary, 30 lu the iitigritded, 723 lu the Inter Inter
mniiute, and 1 nj; In the primary; total,
2,(VJ. Thuaieragn atteudatiLO lu the night
actioela was 10S 'I he average perceutage waa
b7. '1 he uutuber of teachers lu attotidaace at
the meetings was M The uiimbnr of pupils
never absent was 1,177. The number of visits
rnaJe by the city auperlutaudent was IM.
luttuuiubvrnf tllts mtdii directors was co,
as follewa: Dr. M. W. lUub IJ, W. W.
Urlest 11, J. MeKllllpi 10, J W. Hyrne 4, C.
J. White, H. i Urlsuian. Wm. McCeuisev,
Win. Wehlnen, each s. Dr. J. Levergood 7,
J. I. Hartman S, Hen. J. II. Wartel, t'harles
M.hwetMl, each '.'; Hen. .1. 1'. Wlckeraham,
A. Z Ulna-wait. H. It. Ltcbly, Ooergo Darm.
atetter, li. It, Hreneman and Dr. It. M.
Ilelenius uaeh one.
Very rcupecttully, your obeitlent servanl,
R. K. I)ui:unLK
ncceM) ten vcrmanust cEitrin
ca i r.s.
Ml-sjs ld M. Mnd and Balls M. Weltisl
appeared for aud were roeoultiiuuded te the
Btnte auperlntendeut m worthy or per per
uunentcertltlcattH. a MtsstMJ JttM-'rr. noeit.
Dr. Wlckershs'ii cilled the alteulleu of the
basrd tuthe necesilty el supplying as far as
possible the missing minute book from 11
te lStW, which hai bj-u leu rer a number or
ycara. Hometed that theaecreUry jirepare
Irem the tiles of the newjptpurs as full
minutei at It li pmlble le obtain. The
motion w a. a tepted.
riiH tNTEt,t.ini:sccit's skctuukh.
The doctor aU j oil te J the attention of the
beard te the very excellent series of sketches
ou school bjard prdtldeats which htre ap ap
p.'fired In the IvrKLLtciLM'l it He had
real them with the grostest interat aud
thought thfe akstches should be preserved.
Hu atigjetled that th') accretary clip them
from the ptpars and tile them at the places In
thu minutes where their nums appear as
lulng elic yd. Tnoeecretaiy Btld the ug
gusilun would beoirrled out.
Mr. Kbermau atldthe beard uheuld buy a
silo in which te proservo the minute iHiekn.
A resolution t buy one ha I liuen adopted
eotneyeusage, but was reconsidered at the
felluAlng ineellug, and today there Is net a
Hafii place ler the recerds te be kept.
Mr. Sprenger, who was prevented from
being present by lllufss, sent a communica
tion te the beard. He latered the purchase
of Yaggy's anatomical chart and the election
el MUs Ilaker as assistant tescher at the high
J. 1 . Carter, rcprCMinting Yaggy's charta,
ollered them te the beard at Mr each. Ne
action was taken.
Miss i: iiuia V. Hiker declined being a
candidate for assistant teacher lu the girls
high school en account of ill health, Acceiu
pitiylnglhe declltiatleu was a eertl llcata el
Dr. M, 1.. Herr, that Miss Ilaker would Isj
umtbletn bitch for aoiue months te come.
iillls ami:ni.
Mr. Iliitiinii olVured an amendment te
rule .17, he us te make It read " no teacher
shall be me ploy ed lu vlther high aoheol
uultas feuud cempstent ou due elimination
lu all the branches lu the department for
which hnurahe Is an applicauL" t'nder the
rules the a-nendeum! wilt be acted mi at a
future inilliu.
Manlrit lu llealgn
Mr. M t'juisey presonted the following
declltiatleu us it inmiihsr et the superintend
Ing couiiulttie .
The two reports presented this evening
clearly manifests a waut of harmony In the
vtewMiil the member of thesiinerlntenitlng
committee, and the action el the beird ou
tliHtte rejxirts may peislhly tend te Innrease
this want of harmony.
It la extremely unpleasant and iimbarrns
Ing te inn te be cnnipalled by a heuhu of duly
toaeuietlmtH dltfer with my very learned
and Hble colli-igues, as It muat also be te
tliem Irem n aene of duty, te dlller with the
ehalriu in.
The auperinteuding committee Is eutiusted
with luisirlitut luuctlensauil should, as mar
its may be, harmenlzs lu their views.
Theretere, te all ird the president au oppor
tunity te appoint some one who may, per
ha i, mere nearly haruiQuli) with the views
of the m ijerlty, with the highest regard ler
the opinions of ethers, aud the kindliest fool feel
ing for all, thanking you for the honor con
ferred, 1 respectfully tender tny resignation
ua a member of the auperlntemllng commit
tee. WM.McCeJdsuv.
The beard by s iiuanliiuus vote refined te
accept the domination.
vistTiNii uummiiu:i:i,
President Levergood aunoueced the lol lel lol
lewing visiting committees for the ensuing
three months :
Visiting oeminllless for February, March
nnd April :
Northeast Division. Dr. M. W. Ksub,
chairman ; Wm. -Shirk, W. W, tlrelat.
Northwest Division. Gee. F. Nprenger.
ehslrmau; William Woblaee,Uhas. J, White.
Houthwest DlvUleu. Dr. D. H. McUor McUer
UJlnk, chairman ;Uhas. Hchwebel.H. J. Owens.
Northwest Division, Dr. K. M. Ilelenius,
chairman; t'hlllp Usrnard, Jacob fshlndle.
l'lu aud I'u fallfia-Ker .lob.
Kreui tha New Kra.
The Idea of the new atate admlnslralleu,
that because an act of the legislature Is con cen con
Hlltulleual it should be approved by the ex
tcutlve, regardless of Its necessity or the
wishes of these whom it directly afreets, la a
most dangerous one. Yet this seems te lie
about the line of thought which underlies the
attorney general's opinion en the uiagla.
s'rates' bill, and which Governer Beaver last
no time la using as his justification for ap
proving that uteleas and uncalled-for Jeb el
i hs foil tics I beasts,
am niLt hut en re mumM asd
Met Aeanitnlsilitng lbs Anlkerll of the Tope
te Order Him In Caaa of This Rum,
A Lsttsr That I ..!. In Ape.Uay.
Nema IrMry UerrMpumlears,
Henry Ueorge-'a piier, New Yerk iVaiuf
nnl, for Hsturdsy, centalus the long-leoked-forsUtementof
Dr. MeOlynn, The article
makes alx columns aud te all Intents and
purpeae seems le Hgree with the statement
recently published by Archbishop Cnrrigan.
Itegardlng,howevor, the letter from Cardinal
rjlmoenlof fourycarsage, Dr. McGIyun says
that It Is atiaelutely falae, although stated by
Archbishop Cerrlgatt en the authority of Car
dinal McUleskey that he "leoegnlred his er
rors end professed te be sorry for them." On
the contrary," says Dr. Mcillynn, "in my in
terview with Cardinal McC'leskey, I re re
afllrmed thu doctrine and explained It and
delended It from his misunderstandings and
uilsapprehotiMeus I eluutarlly premised
te aeataiu from making i,and League
apeechen, net bucause 1 acknowledged the
right el any one te forbid me, but because
I knew tee well the pert or of my occloslas eccloslas occleslas
tical aupertnr te Impair and almost destroy
my UHeruluenN In the ministry of Christ's
church, te which I had consecrated my Hie."
Dr. McCtlynn, alter reviewing othet corres
pondence with Cardinal MtCleskey aud
Archbishop Cerrlan en the views held by
the church In leintle'i te laud, proceeds as
I would Htate that among these who de
nounced me te Heme ler my Land League
speeches wero bisliepOiluiuur, of Cleveland,
and Chatanl, of lndlauaxill-i, the foriner the
author aud the latter the apologist of the
fatuous, or Infamous, Cincinnati pastoral let
ter, which was In a great luo-jstire a deliber
ate thesis against 'I nemas ,f ellursen's Declar
ation erlntUisindeuut
Dr. McUljim relate. Iieiv at the rrrpusst of
Arcliblhe Currlgau hu went te Washing
ton ou the 1Mb of March list year te recom
mend te 1'ienident Clevelaud the promotion
of Brigadier General Jehn Newton, of the
engineer, for promotion te a vaeaut major
generalship. On his return he found a letter
from Archbishop Ourlgan requesting him
net te speak at it tutetlng of tue Brooklyn
Ktclse I.esgue, te hu pre slded ever by Henry
Ward Heejuer, aud at which Dr. Heward
Cresby was announced as one of the speak
ers Dr. Mc'ilynu auswercd the archblihep'a
letter at sum) length. He told the archbishop
that as he had net actually forbldden him le
attend the meeting he preferred net causing
a public scandal, aueh as would have ensued
from Ids sudden aud Inexplicable brwaktng
of his engagement, de ha went te tbe meeting,
bisenr.vt.vri the Aitcnnisner.
Heferrlng te Archbishop Cerrlgau's pro
hibiting hlui from taking any part in the
Ueerge mayoralty cauvnss, Dr. McGlynnsaya
heaent Mr. (ieorge toCerrlgan with Bletter
of Introduction, bulaubnefiuentlyMr. Uoergo
Informed me that his efforts te explain bis
doctrines te the archbishop were wasted and
that he might as well have been talking te
the marble of the cathedral, since the arch
bishop was entirely preoccupied with the
Idea or suspending me, and actually Informed
Mr. Ueergu that he had summoned his coun
cil te meet at 12 o'clock that very day for the
purx"0. He prelessed te bass his action en
thu Reman lettcra of four j ears before and
my alleged pie'iilne. Itavteg received the
next day an order from the archbishop pro
hibiting tt I in in thu most positive manner
trout attending it Geerge meeting, Dr. Mo Me
Glynn ttaya
1 telt it te be my duty te disregard this pro
hibition, and en the day of tue meeting X
sent te thenrchbl-jhep letter, which I can
nut new Unit, lu wiilch 1 said that, as I had
tuade the engagement before receiving his
letter aud had been very cUensltely adver
tised te spjak, my latlure te keep the en
gagement would precipitate a public scandal,
assuring hlui that 1 would respect his pro
hibition ilitilut! the reU ur Mr. Oeerge'a can
vas. in: l 11' I tl Ol (HI te ROM ..
lulienlngla thelutlei i jmplote In reply te
the summons from Heme, aud which has
been said te be Incomplete as published by
Archbishop Cerrlgau .
Meji Hn' inn-Mi we Devn Att uutsner,
I flud that I shall i et be able te go te Keine.
Ttiere are teiernl peraeual reaseua, anyone
et which must be buttlcleiih 1 bite bad
reason te feel ceacerned about my health
for some tlme and my pujsiclan orders me
net te undertake the Journey, Here fellows
ether ini'ens Yeu a net told me why
I am summoned te Heme , but 1 can gather
irem your telegram te the J't t'june news
paper that it Is because 1 am an adtocateof
certain doctrines about the ewnerahlp of
land. This I can gather also from your letter
Ui me lust before you procured the telegram
Irem Heme. Yeu said lu that letter that the
result would hat e beeu mero satisfactory If
iu my card te the Trtbunr I had retracted
the latter Krtlen et the l'nhunc repert, lu
which 1 had been made te reatllrtn tne said
doctrines about laud. As 1 cannot go te
Keine te give an aoeouut of my doctrine
about laud, I would say that I have made it
clear In epotches, In reported Interviews and
in published articles, and I roeatithrre.
Keferrlng te the letter of Cardinal Hluieenl
summoning him te Heme, which Archbishop
Cerrli;au describes as kind aud conciliatory,
Dr. McUtynu na it was tilled with re-proaelie-,
virtually prejudged his case and
iiicluded threats tuat might hate had mero
nelght "it the unpleasant thiugs which he
threatens had net already been Inflicted ou
me, no that It is hard te imagine what ether
or mere unpleasant things he could devise."
The doctor coucludei with theM) words,
Oje MUllldfint answer te all this .trauge ur
gency has alrealy laien gtten, but I new
hate further te any . K-aillrmlug what I
said lu my letter te the archbishop soul by
thu baud el Me. Henry Geerge that, in be.
leinliigB prmit, 1 did riot eta-la the dutles
nor Htirrender the rights et a man aud n fit
Izeu, 1 deny the rlglit et bishop, propaganda
or pope te puulsh me for my notions as a
man nnd it citizen In tlie late municipal
cintasser in ether iielitlctl movements. J
deny their right te ceusure moor te punish
me ler my opinions lu political economy,
imle-s they can show tint Uiohe opinions are
cletily contrary te the t-aclilugsel the Chris.
Han religion.
in au Intertlmv publUhui lu the H'eiM
iliirlnjjtlie late munlclptl canvass, 1 took oc
casion, from Mcmslgner 1'resten's political
letter, lonuuieuun niua ami inner ecciestas
Ileal dignitaries el tliu grave et dnnger of re
ieating the lelly and the shame of condemn
ing NcieutWc truth nt relluieus heresv a
shame aud telly of which their predecessors
had lieen guilty iu the condemnation or
Galilee aud Copernicus. It seems that they
bio lated te repeat this crlme uud bluudi r
aud te add uuelliei te thu m my reasons thai
hate made men leek tieii ecclesiastical au
thority as oue of tbe grottest fouset sclontihe
pregru'.s, of national development aud of
rational liberty aud tu large part of hindrance
rather than a help WLthe way of bringing the
whole world the llf&k the purity and the
cumlert that couie lrd!e$ the teachings and
ministrations of Christ.
HU M'OLYNN ItKI.n.l-.S.S AS A t'HILtt.
I-'athei McGIyun remains in bed most of
ths time, but occasionally he la placed In a
large arm chair aud prepped up with pillows.
He helpless is he that he reiuires us much
attentliu as a sick child. As aoen as he can
be moved with safety he will be tuken out te
the seaside or mountains. Archbishop Cerrl
gan, accompanied by his prlvate secretary,
ualled for the Bahamas ou the steamer
Orinoco. The archbishop doelined positively
te lie Interviewed,
Henry Kautz aud Herace Miller, two of the
men who were charged with having stoned
the saloon el Ceurad Schaetler, en Derwart
street, settled their eases at Alderman Spur Spur
rler's last evening by paying the costs. The
case agalnat Jehn Mehler has been continued
until te-morrow.
Calls Madlsm'a Death,
The Philadelphia grand Jury have pre
sented true bllla agalnat Dr. David B. Otwav
and Cornelius Cetlan, charging them with
ceminllilng a criminal operation en Cel I a
Madiera which resulted In her death 011 ths
3 1 st of January last.
i .'r.
IU I.Ike Mai Nut i.mi since
rrem it t.ltel Te it n.
Wasiiimute llonet;ou, Teb. L The Ice
yet remains lutart nnd no sign as yet for a
break.up. The water Is falling, hut travel en
tbe Celninbts A I'ert Dapeslt railroad as well
as the driving read Is yet blocked with Ice
and tvater. We hope ero long we will lie
able tohavecoaimuiilctllou with the outside
world. Indications new point that the Ice
will remain until la'.e iu the spring or a
hsavy body of water will be required te carry
It off. Heme of the oldetl Inhabitants .tell us
they have never aemi iieivy a b-vly of Ice
slnce m:.
The tobacco lias neatly all beiu snipped
aud ready ler ssle. A lew sales hate lieen
Kevlval meetings ate yet lu pregress in the
Church of Ged, and with a low conversions.
Uenry Mclllnger, o:ie el our most cittomed
cltlztns, who has been seriously alck, Is new
oenvaloscent, aud will neon rtsume his busi
ness. Prohibition petition ate lu circulation te
be forwarded te our law makers at Harris
burg asking for the repeal of the traOle of
liquor; a geed number of the female sex are
signers te the same. Generally speaking our
town Is rather 'inlet and llttle drunkenness
prevails; perhaps a new leaf has been turned
and premises made, which speaks rer the
morals of the town.
Arretted Fer Chicken ttcallrK,
rieni the Ephrata Ucvleir
On Wednesday night eloven chickens were
stelen from Lewis Lus;h, residing en the
premises of Jeseph Itupp, betnmm Ephrata
and Karmersvllle. On discovering the rob
bery Mr. Lauteh had a spn.b warrant iwued
en Thursiay morning, l jnsbttile Jenes and
and Daniel Mttndshenrer, el KphraU Mr.
Lausch and neverM of his uelguberH then
set nut te track tha thieves. Dreps of
bleed which wero tmilced along the way
led te the rosldeiice ( ' Mrs. 'Beece, tormerly
owned by Jehn M. Uoe-J, deceased. The
party, ou entering the lieuit found Mrs. Ilel Ilel
beck, a daughter et Mrs, Kiwce, preparing
ene of the chtckeus for illutiur. A number
of chickens were found en the
which .Mr. Launch reoegnlrod as his own.
Messrs. Wm. Kwct and Tobias Uelbeck
were arnsted liy Ueu-tsbln JnnLS ou sus
picion el hsvlng stelen the chickens They
wero taken bclere Juttl'e Keller, of Rphrata,
en Thursday afternoon for a henrlnc, at
which sufficient ovlilcnce waa present'd te
blud them ever te court.
AtieUier t-eug 111 tint Tragedy.
Brtlau, L. I,, aud vielulty wire thrown
Inte grciit cxcltement ever tbe terrlble dis
covery Thursday uiornleg, lu a heuse In the
back weeds, about a rulle aud a half from
the village, of the dead bodies of a man anil
woman, Germans, whoae nemes have uet
yet been ascertatued. Tbe house la tltuated
seme illstauee oil tLe main reads. The man's
liedy was lying Iu a peel of bleed ou the
fleer, In a room down s'airs, with his threat
out from car te car. The woman's was leund
In a bed room up stain with the bead sov sev sov
erod from the beJy. Beth had evidently been
dead flve or six Uiv, u-i decomposition hud
already set lu. I'll mippesud they wero
murdered and rehlie-l Tnere is ue clue te
the perpetrators of the b d
Strnra fl"at Inr IteaJInz.
It Is pretty certain tint the Helly system
of steam heating nn i ieipply will be intro
duced In Heading iinrlug the present year,
aud BUb-crlptlens te tbe capital ste:k are new
being solicited. Toe mteliuum amount of
stock will be JJO.00-1 aud the limit $100,000.
The object of thoceuiptuy Is le furnish from
a central point, by metus of pipe, steam heat
aud motlve power ti r jusumer, aud It Is
anticipated that th number will he large.
The cost would n't meed Iho cost of coal
and would net hate the dirt und dauger
from flre as in the u.a) of coal. Hteam pipe,
radiators and stevei will be furuhhed for
prlvate rotldeDce", 1 rsli houte there
will ben meter le u 1 tu the neantlty of
stcaiu consumed.
Iliedreumt.Uns Seilt Ills lltaj
fiem the i:xan.lner
We congratulate Mr J. M Johusteu, the
grouud-heg t-toreftl." Imci uelnceh upcu
his very clever woei'c'. i klntsrtie.t of yes
terday. Up te date t ui iV.cmperary is far
ahead et all olhei ni'iteer 'legl-ta lu lm
accurate knowledge twumi hog phll-isi.
Frem the Jen Kra
This year he seen" late beii in un
usually geed trim m let "ii Wedi.esdsy
oveuluggavo the readers or the Imiiii
aitNccn this clever pared v.
tteaud tu rriliirui llrrv.
The Uose Llsle drutnitlc cempstiy ts jet lu
this city and they u ill remain here until
Tuesday when they t" tu Lebanon for thu
remainder el the wn Manager Yorance
says he Is determined t ihuw the people el
Lancaster that his fmp.ny cm act belore he
leaves, se he has re'it t I niten oiera heuse
for next Monday et w nig tt hen the company
will appear In "Celic u Biii,"thopleco that
they were te Imvoe, nl lu with Manager
Ilulbach. The con , it has been widely
adverll-ed, en acceuu' t their trouble, and n
dtairete see them hnh niiw tkeiiPd In the
I.uit Tour rtni,r lu ( rutin
Yii. Bucktus, n son of the late Henry
ItucUlU", of this cllj , nut w ith u very m.rieus
accident iu WHiuImk ou ucuitly. He wns
euiplecd lu a celli ; fi or uud ceding his
lelt li.iiul lute tl. n ilimry had nil the
lingers el that hau I e' oil. Mi. Itucklus is
h member of Ledge ", it oil', el this city
aud will rcceite bim '- tr h t'ie bsli.ii dur
MR his disability.
Clutuge tit tut- ruitiifficr
Henry Lltely, nl" his been registering
clerk in the postetll osun'e l'esiniilir blay-
maker took pesset i ', hisri-lgned teiicccpi
a poiltleu with 1 li - ii, of theolectrle
light company. Diuul Brown, Jr, of 631
North Queen stree , has teuu appointed le
take his place aud l.e I auge get 5 Inte clTect
en Monday next Mr Urewn Ins boeu a sub
Utter carrier aud tuerefer" prssesei constdor censtdor constder
ablo knowledgeol I' e winkings 01 the pe.
llablied ami rrubihly Muntercit,
CatOAQe, Feb. - vt 8 o'clock this mom
lug Albert Fitch, 01 Bull de, whu lias been
suiting tn Chicago ler several ilajn, wn
picked up In an u 1. macieus condition at the
coreor of Van Huren nnd State strciK He
hadbeenhlt 011 r-e left teiuplewlth some
sharp lustrumeut He cejIiI glte node
scrlptlea of hia unillnntH, hut i-aid that he
had been robbed el fe" und a geld tvntch. He
new lies In aerlth il condition ut the hospital
Robbed el !330 tt nils A.lrrp
FeitT WenTli, lev, Feb. 1 Senater
Msxey rede te tm city from Austin in a
sleeper, and then took 11 ugular coach, the
sloeper being dlst mlinucd at this city. After
he reached Paris he leund that he hai boeu
robbed lu the sleeper of f3J0, nnd tolesniphed
otllcers here yeserdiy te Invoit'gite nnd
arrest the Ihieves.
U.ruisiijr It 111 Net Attack frame.
Ilt.ttLiN, Feb. I War rumors are Hying
thick uud fast but many of them are founded
upon anything uinru terrible than Imagina
tion. In cenvernitlin with the ambassador
of a friendly power yesterday I'rluce Ills
msrek assured that gentleman that Gor Ger
man) would en no klceuuI attack l'rauce,
CWasu-inuien, l. 0.1 TeU I F01
hasten Penaevlvanht : Celder lulr
weathsr, northerly wlnda, with ti cold
rif tats itiif ui
mmjh uvrA rrurr t.Auum vhuuhahdik
rrelght Train lisml. te Os Called Upen le Its-
ru In Manilla Vim I Talk of Plating a
KiitRtitef Lsbnr tnfte Deited 8LL.
Nmiatn from Nsw Jers.f,
BosreM, rb. 4. The tUrahl says that
prominent Knights of Laber here have been
notified that If the companies try te carry out
thelr plan or shipping coal here from Balti
more and ether Southern pert, every
Knight in that section will be called e.i le
sustain D, A, 4'J by refusing te handle coal.
Should transportation by rail be attempted
49 will re'piest that the freight train men ou
the lines through the cost regions be called
out. It is stated that the Pennsylvania coal
miners are ready te aid tbe strike at any
mement by ceasing te mlne oesl. If the
cempanlessucceed In shipping coal le manu
facturing centres it has been agreed
te reqtiest the factory hands where
such coal is used te step work. It Is further
said that the statements made In regard te
non-payment were net bluff, but that it
would be carried out wherever the men were
called out. It Is also stated that if this strlke
continues but a few days longer It wlU result
In placing tn the Hen ate el the United States
a Kulghla of Laber as senator from New
Joraey. This senator would be vailed tn
te Introduce a bill obliging the government
te take possession of all the oesl mines and
conduct them tn the Interest of the people. It
ts furthermore stated that District 49 will call
ou every man bi the United -States aud
Cauada te step work tbe mement scab coal or
freight of any kind is laid down for them te
work en.
The Leader, the labor organ, publishes the
following lu an extra Just out : " Te-day an
order was Issued te the local assemblies con
trolling the entire Una of the Philadelphia
&. Keadlug railroad and aa the result ever
forty thousand men will respond at 12 o'clock.
The Knights of Laber control every depart
ment en the read except the englneers,but as
the ether departments will be completely de
serted, the operation of the read will be com
pletely stepped. The brakemen, freight
handlers, tralnmen, switchmen, codiieirs,
trackmen and firemen are organized te a
man, and their representatives have beeu
clamoring loudly for this action for sumo
time rnst.
Inducsd te Quit
Jerjet Cut, N. J., Feb. 4. A delegation
of the striking freight handlers visited tbe
Pennsylvania railroad freight depot at mid
night and Induced 25 brakemen te quit, and
ethers are expected te go out this morning.
HrlT.ri aud Saereiers Qnlr.
iiiteuELY.v, Feb. 1 Theatrlklng mauls In
this elty is grewiug. Te-day the coal cart
drivers and shevellers employed en the
Getvau United States company's decks quit.
Seg'Jllntl'Jln lu tregre.t for a l.ttltsneiit t-l
the Trouble Itctween the V, & R. aed
Iu Employ...
New YenE, Feb. 1 President Cerhlu, of
U.e Beading R. It. Ce., was seen by a United
Press reporter this forenoon and asked If the
reports were correct that all the negatlatiens
tendlug tewurd arbitration of the great strlke
were efT. Mr. Cerbiu answered that the
etferts te bring about a settletaent were net
abaudoned but also said there was no chauge
in the situation.
All was quiet along the river fronts up te
necuand there were no lodicttlensof trouble
The police line the piers en West and Seuth
streets aud detectiv es are about the lmmrdiate
vicinity of tbe large oeean steamship piers
ready te prevent auy attack upon non-union
meu going te and from their work. It Is net
bulieved that there will be any eutbrerk
while there is n chance for arbitration,
lrerjtile Anticipated at Fall Utter
Fall Hivcn, Mass., Teb. i The altun-
tlnu of the freight handlers' strike at the
WHiber line decks is unchanged. Ne at-
tenipt at compremlso has beeu tuade. The
steamer Saxen, from Philadelphia, of the
Winser line, la expected here this morning,
and tbe ceihpauy anticipating trouble, are
maklug preparations te meet it. The Fall
Hiver steamer from New Yerk arrived last
nlgaL The "City of Tall River" waited
ter the steamboat tralu, and after taking en a
full cargo sailed for New Yerk. A number
of Pertugese are engaged te de the leading
AibliiK an Alliance.
Puisiivr.e, Feb. 4. The melters in all
the crucible steel works In the city bave
made a demand for an lucrease of wages of
V percent, tlie Increase te take effect Feb. 15,
If the ndvaace Is uet granted they threaten
te strike. There are five crucible steel works
tn Pittsburg employing 5,000 men. Ceatr.tltle Utr.
Cuvii.sviLLn, Pa., Feb. I. The strikes at
the rolling mills of Werth Bres, and the
I.UKtnti rolling mills, both of which are
located here, are practically at au end. The
weikmeu Inn e gene back at the Arm's terms
nod nt tbe wages paid before tbe strike.
These works were idle three months en ao ae ao
oouut of a demand for ten per cent. Increase
in wngeH wh'cli the firms relused te give.
Thejr W till Ilia "Jweet Wine" Dill faisnt, Hut
Tear It Wilt be Uelajnt,
Han FliAhttsce, Feb. 4. Much anxiety is
felt among the wine.makeia In California lest
the "sweet vvlue" bill, new In the Heuse
couference comiultteo may, thteugh the lu lu lu
fluonce of Castern grain distlller,be reperted
back adversely. The Ilullctiii last night
published a letter fiem Presldeut Wetmore,
of thu National Vitlcultutul a'soclatien, ou
the sut'Je 't. 1 ha bill provides that the tax of
00 ceuts li r gallon be remit led ou such grape
epulis as nru used iu tertlfjing sweet wines.
Mr. Wotmero in his letter says : "If the bill
pase3, the wine makers cau use grape spirits
us cheaply as (tralu spirits and will conso censo conse
quoutly preler the former. It will alae re
meve thu prohibition agalust exportation and
our producers will be able te en ter into com
petition with foreign couutrles whose ex
perted products are untaxed. There will be
also leas competition between California
brandy and pure whisky from Kentucky.
Fer this latter reason the Kentucky distillers
favor the bill, whereas the Ohie and Illinois
distillers oppeso it, as it will tend te diminish
their market." "Further," Mr. Wettnere
writes, "it ts rellably stated tbat a peel of
compeunders has been created backed by
large sum of money te enforce, If poaslble, an
amendment premlttlng the free use of grain
as well as grape spirits In fortifying wlnea."
Whether this bill la passed or net, special
bended warehouses for grape braudy will be
established In the 1-aat, se that there will be
no lack of lacllltles. Of the members el the
council of the National Viticultural associa
tion who hnve lit the East been especially
consulted, the following are known te be lu
favor of the mousure : Mr. Bauder and Mr.
Davis, of llammoudepert ; Mr. Dew aud Mr.
Cluyteu, nl New Yerk ; Mr. Pearson, of New
Jersey ; Mr. Green, or North Carolina, and
ethers, who, by thelr pst notieua, indicate
thelr geed wllh
A YUlter from th Ipin-r Itrglen,
Chicago, Feb. L At Oliver, Ilia., au
aerolite was seen te de.ceud Irem the clouds
and explode near a tile faotery yesterday
afternoon. These who saw it claim it waa as
large as an eight-inch tile, The ground was
tern up ceuriderably aud tree demolished.
The report of the oxpleiWn was heard sev
eral mile.
The Ullt et Hen. V. O. Kaafftnan, Appropriat
ing 1 8,000 le Kraal Memorials toEaeh
lUf Imant, Favorably IMperted,
HAntilnncne, Pa., Feb. 4. In the Heuse
te-day, the Senate committee resolution pro pre
Tiding ter a commission te revlse the rev
enue laws, whose report shall be mode at the
next session or the legislature, was adopted,
Petitions were presenled, signed by thou
sands of poeplo of Allogheuy county, re
questing the repeal of the oleomargarine
law, and praying for the passage of an act te
regulate the sale of tbe article similar te the
United fctntes law.
The committee en constitutional reform waa
permitted te retire, and lu rive minutes ro re ro
turued with a faverable repert en the liquor
prohibitory amendment.
Bills were reported favorably appropriat
ing ISt.COO for memorial tablets at Gettys
burg tt 1,000 ler every regiment tint pariol pariel
pated In the three day's batfle.
The sub committte toperted Chadwlck's
aattysburg momerlal bill te the cotninltteo
but the committee rejected it and agreed te
report the Kauflranu bill favorably. This
means monuments without commlsslenors.
Bills wero also reperted favorably,
appropriating f 130,000 te the Scheel for
KeebIoMlnded--Chlldren In Delaware
county. The committee struck out tin
Item of 130,000 for a building for eplleptlcs ;
appropriating $050,000 ler the treatment of
Indigent Insane for the next two years (the
bill originally demanded tSJO,000)s for Incor
poration of elevated railways lu cities of tbe
first class; the conspiracy bill endorsed by
Amalgamated Miners aud Laborers' associa
tion; te repeal the fence law of 1700; allowing
divorce only iu caseB of sdullcry; fixing
liquor license at tl.OOO for salts of JIO.OOO find
ever, and 1100 for sales of $1,000 and less; te
deorease the tax en premiums collected by
foreign Insurance companies in Pennsylvania
from J te 1J per cent.
Walk's concurrent resolution favoring
abolition of luternal revenue was reperted
wit h amendment compromising tbe request
te Pennsylvania, congressmen te vote for
Kelley's bill for the abolition of the tax en
A resolution of Drave te consider the pro
hibitory amendment passed by the Senate ou
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, was de
featedyeas 92, nays T5 , net tbe necessary
The empleye liability aet, endorsed by the
Amalgamated Miners and Laborers conven
tion, was Introduced by McDonald, of Lack a
waua. Drave. of Boaver, Introduced bill fix.
Ing all liquor license at 1 500 a year, half te go
te the city or county and half te the state. A
bill was introduced te exempt disabled sol
dters nnd sailors from the meruaotile tax
Adjourned until Monday evening.
is t'ellce Carta'" and Deteetlve art I'peu and
Jt.artj Murdered.
Cllvllanc, Ohie, Feb. 4 Early this
morning as Captain of Police lloehn and De
tective Uulllgan were returning ou the
Cleveland &. Pittsburg railroad Irem Pitts
burg with one of the prisoners suspected of
being Implicated lu the recent fur rebbery In
this city, they were assaulted, nearly killed
and their man takeu from them. It was no
ticed by some of the train men that four
straugers bearded the express at Ravenna,
Pertage county, Ohie. Shortly after the
train started, asjufHsaud several shots were
beard lu the front car. Running le, the
brakeman found Capt Heehn lying en the
fleer with a bullet hele In his shoulder,
another In bis thlgb and his bead badly cut
from blows inflicted by seme blunt Instru
ment. Uulllgan was lying Insensible, his
head being literally smashed epen. The two
officers were brought te this city at 0 a. ru.
Captain Heohn was taken te the city hospital
and Uulllgan te his home. The extent of
tbelr injuries la net definitely known, but It
Is feared that Hulllgan Is fatally wounded.
Superintendent or Police Scmltt Immediately
telegraphed te the sherlQ of Pertage county
te spare no espenss In efforts te capture the
would-be murderers. A pose is nev in pur
suit. Dr. W. W. White, of Haveuna, was aboard
the train at the time of the asaault upon the
ouicers, and accompanied them te Clove Cleve
laud. His account of the assault Is as fol fel fol
eowa : " Haifa dozen meu bearded the train
at Alliance, aud when we were nearlug Ra
venna at 1:30 a. m , a dash was made for tha
prisoner. Uulllgan was struck en the head
with a coupling pin and was knocked lnsen
slble. Capt. lleehu then made a rush fur the
rescuers when the party opened tire en him.
Over twenty shots ware tired, aud In the
meantime the prisoner, who was shackled te
Uulllgan, was being dragged out of the car.
The confusion was se treat tbat little is
known of the eccurrence in detail. Uulllgan
remembered nothing from the time ha
was llrat struck until he regained con.
fecieusneis. The prisonerlhad been cut loestt
Irem the detective aud with his rescuers es.
caped in the darkness when the train slewod
up at the depot. Uulllgan'scondltieu Is very
critical. Capt. Heohn says he Is certain that
he Bbet one of the party. The prlsouer's
name is said te be McMillan or McMunn.
The aflray took iu the smoking car."
A rnctll.t Break. Ills Wll.t.
Mapie:, Wis., Feb. 4 Fred Semtrs and
linger, two Chicago pugiltatH, fought cloven
rounds with hard gloves Inst night at Wan-
naUce. ten miles from this city. Homers
broke bis lelt wrist in the eleventh round by
striking linger en the head, aud the tight
was declared a draw, each getting half of the
gate receipts. There was ue purse, but the
winuer waa te have received 75 per cent. et
the receipts, Uager wns knocked down ouce.
The tight was sharp and bloody. Ne arrests
have been made. Great tecresy had been
maintained regardlug the fight, and the
sherill at midnight was trying te head it oil.
Twe hundred sports fiem Chicago, Madisen
and Milwaukee witnesaed the light at te
apiece, Pat Carrell, Jak Burke's trainer,
was innnaglng the ntlalr.
All of the Train Wreckers lu Ltuibn.
Ai.ncdcr.rtQUB, N. M., Feb, 4. Intelli
gence received yesterday from St. Jehus,
Arizona, states that Jehn and Henry Brown
aud " Red" Murphy, the temalnder of the
gang or train wreckera,liave beeu captured
and ledged lu Jill. Tue Walls Targe express
and Sauta Fe railroad efuclals are highly
elevated ever the breaklug up of this gaiif,
(known as the Evans) of train wreckers aud
robbers, who have beeu a terror te them
throughout New Mexico aud Arizona for
the past six mouths. Ne less tbau live sta
tion robberies aud several attempts at train
wrecking are attributed te this gang. They
will be brought here for trial.
Foreign Stock atarkst.
LoNhe.N, Feb. . 2 r. m. The stock
markets opened firm thla morning, but
sherlly after the epeniug a heavy selling of
all bends and htoeks cattsed a decidedly
panicky feeling. The sellers were largely
in excess or the buyers, and prices declined
rapidly, going lower ou almost overy sale.
Consels, for leth money and acceuut, und
Russian and Hgyptiau securities are all
lower, whlle American rallreid te-ks nre Hat
aud depressed.
2 JO r. m. The sleck tunrkets at this hour
are steadier and prices for foreign securities
are recovering. American railroad stocks,
hewever, continue weak and depressed.
Albaul'a Eagagemant.
Beit lin. Feb. i-Mme, Albanl baa con
traded te alng five nights at the Royal opera
house appearing In Lohengrin, Fauat and
three equally exacting operas, nor engage
ment will bs begin en Feb, Btb.
r iSisurriijiiti-HOi,,, ru
-r eifrcufNArf,
Big Bt.aii.beat, enable te 1'ass
the Gran. Catrat Depot larreaasta
moving tloeoa Vratn Ituildlr..
Four rcet Iltk aad Hull nutsg.
Cincinnati, Feb. 4,-The tear bera ir
porleneo with tha tawny rlvar la balu 4
Izod hour after hour aa the flood cjaejejl
auu enure waier rrem irem rurify
turns 10 AiiiiecK vauey is ene loegl
numan tropidallen. At tbe publie It
the scene Is confusing. Half tht paepl;i
running 10 get goods out of tbe WW
ethor half are Idlers taking In Ural
Tobacco wareheuse men are prep
meve thelr ponderous packages, TketJ
lscroeplngupon Water street and :
Saucane rows are olenr out of alaht.
chants en Water, Sycamore, Main, VIMH
vviunui streets uave meved le tha
stories. Cellars en the publie landlnatt
full. The Newport ferry anchors M
..wl. nv mu unit ui ijuuiuw aireew v
Meats along the rows buinnairaleittnal
The big wharf beats are high up tha
aud what remains of dry t round is I
stavodercs and ethers who are trying tip'
ireigai eus 01 me way. Tlie last steal
out last night was thu rii-otwend. 8h
te take the ornaments off her
beuse aud lower herJack-sUfT te get
the Newport bridge. The Tarls O. 1
has postponed her departure forNewOrh
until Tuesday of next week. Ne mera
boa'.H can pass uuder the bridges till the (te
passes. lie-tts nrrlvlug will land abeva I
Nowpett bridge or hoiew the sitsu
brl'Jge. All trains were arrlvltigand da
Ing Irem the Grand Central depot tapi
eiuvue a. 111 , excepi me (.luctunatl, Waal
lugten & Boltluiero accommedntlon trataAj
which tlme tha water had reached, evat. I
leet and had shut all ; tutttis out
the depot. Thla nfteruoen nil transferiettlMv
uilttmorea Ohie will be mule at Eh
streel ; ou the Cincinnati Houtbera at ,
Lsan avenue ; nn the Cincinnati, ladk
aixillsit St. Loul at Harriet strtet; emtl
Cincinnati, Clevcland, Columbus & laall
spoils nt Eighth street, and en the Obla's1
Mitslsslislppl at Mill street, A rise te Mi
will cempel the Ohie fc Mississippi te
fer at Zerres station, but that Is net ext
new. It will take a raise of 03 feet te
out the Pan tiaudle depot and as the wal
only rising 1J4 Inches an hour with no, 1
ability et Its going ever 67 feet, tfca
Handle people de net feel alarmed,
will bone cessation of passenger and
traine at tueir depot. C.
At 13 o'clecli the guae marked 61 i
Inches, and rlaing ene Inch per hour.
Specials from all up river points report,
river and its tributaries rising at a tali
speed and the advices from West Vlrgumt
of heavy ram. The liver here la almost I
te reach 75 (cot.
The Fall IlenM Commute ct Kavil
Approve ut AppruprUtlni a3.4SO.OM.';
Fer ttar Veesl..
WAsnisaiOK, Teb. 4. The rceelutl
Invcs'lBstleu of tlie Pdctlie rutlreada
ported le tbe Sonate by Mr. Hear who 1
for Immediate consideration. On et
from Mr. Bale It went en the calendar.";
Hear gave notice that he would call lt-
iuu uiei ujJUKiuuiiy,
The full Heuso commllteo cu naval I
te-day t yped te the bill appreprtatlng'J
000 for AyeTessels, just ns It was report J
the suboimittee yesterday. Chs
Herbert and Mr. Tbema?, of tbe cemaa
were designated te confer and use their Ja
ment as te securing consideration 01 1
iu the Heuse.
Tbe Heuso has adopted n resolution 4
cbarglcg tbe committed of the whole I
further consideration of the Senate, bill I
retirement and receluage of the trade da
and making the bill a (-pedal order In,
Heuse for rebruary li --
Messages from the presldeut vetoing I
granting pensions le Alex, lalcenerand
Lyucb, were laid belore the Heuse tt4
and referred te the committee nn penala
The Heuso has passed the bill grant
tbe right et way te the Annapolis a
mere short line railroad company aero
government farm at Aunspelia.
The Heuse committee en cominerea t
Instructed tbat a favorable repert be 1
the bill directing prosecution of Inquiries
the commissioner el fish and flsberlaal
spect te the destruction of oysters In tkal
ural oyster beds lying within waters.'.
juilsdiatlonef the Uulled States by atari
aud making appropriation therefer ape) (
bills prohibiting the use or private llgi
buoys, and tbat of Senater Miller era
New Yerk hurber commission, amend
striking out the prevision for two
commieslouers, aud requiring that thai
three commissioners be hydrographlet
ears, and reducing the npproprlatleafl
J30.000 te 20,000. j
Mr. Irien (La.) attempted te get aelji
the bill giving government recognition
colored people's fair In Liulsbua, but fel
the Vutebelnga tle.
Iiopeiteit Iren Ore .Matt .Vel tie
Wasiii-noten, Feb. 4. The tre
nartmettt has reversed its recent ds
te the mode el assessing duty upon"!
'lha duty being assessed enthenu
tens imported It was recently clalma
decided by the department WAV,!)
porters uau iue rigui te ury ma irna i
oxciuue tue moisuue ueieit uutitai,
Bested. The producers of domestle
protested that thu duties should b
upon the ero In tbe damp cencjil
which ituported, and the departxaaajki'i
revoked Its lormer order and dire
assessment et duly upon the ero In I
eta te.
Several IlltU 8leee4 My the Frs.ld
WAsnisoreN, Teb. 4. The prea
day signed the electoral count bill;.
providing for a brldge across tue
river at SU Leuli and the bill te pros
the muster and pay et certain ene
cnlls'ed men of the volunteer foresav',.
A I'rumliientOltUeuef Uoffalel
nurrALO. N. Y., Feb. 4.-Uen. i
J. Wells, ene of the me3t premlnaat i
thla citv. dled at 3 o'clock thla merula.
rheumatic allocllen of the heart. Mr.7
waa close! v connected with the gres
nresress of BuUala He waa bera at Ql
iKla at the lime tbe Inhabitant et .
were feruedtu Uee for their lives by tha III
who burned the village. Mr. Walla I
first elevator In the city and aabetqi
erected several ethor. Ue also gave lib
le tbe public institutlena et the city.
Settlement el a r anion. Land Oh
Chicago, Feb, 4. Oue of the ew
erv naana In the history Of IhOStalO I
Kfiuimi at Peoria. Ills, by agroeejaat.'
that of Atlwood vs. Prettyman and tmt
the ewuer.hlp of 1,900 aerej el unaMj
county, valued ui?iw,iMi. bses
en trial for ever forty years, ttat I
lu hall a dozen different ceuas
four tlmea before the auf
nearly every premiaantlawiaf l
In tha ateie Baa oees aaatatsi
oeme capacity, tftdudfaag Abn
The terms et aattlamwtt leave I
the exception of 700 aerea, aeta;
in. siih tha All weeds, aap
Ita own cost's 5ffef.
- W!
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