Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 01, 1887, Image 1

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vbai.bbi uvtvKi.v uAtitaaiHu
Net MuthAitlv Ily Among l-atk.i.lii lha New
Crep-J.t.ral Arm Held Ilia l'n.l Wth.
Ths lliiTriniiient i'urntttitn Htimt-
tin sent la Tr.l ll. alun llara.
A month age we thought tlMl liy llin hi (if
February, one-hall tlm crop (i( IhMi grown In
this county would Iime been bought ii, and
packers would ha uu Iho hunt ter (lie otlier
hall; but we wain mistaken ; they tin nut
take kindly tell nil, ami hut a small prosir presir prosir
lien of It ha U'tn lieught. We append a
low a tie ami llin price :
Henry Call sold ti Crunk IVullsrge i, nil
acre et Havana nt l.i, .1; II. I'. Musacr, fur
Jeseph AUkiIieI, bought Hit) billowing crop
of seed leaf : O. II. (fattier, I aero at M, 'J;
Jeseph Hull.. I acre, I', -! U. II Kaulliiiau, I
acie,t, U, Henry Pair, i, nole, t', 'J ; Jehn
Pennypacker, ', acre, II,'.', Jehn M. M miser,
I acre, 0 cent through.
Hut while the 'Wl crop is being neglected,
dealer am scrambling for what h loll el tlie
'K'i anil elder crop. There appears le be no
doubt that lliore I a great abortage lit tobacco
suitable ler making geed cigars. All thenld
crops have advanced In price, ami ai ttirre If,
acenatant Increase In tint manufacture of
clgarn, tlie liuiket fur old letT will he ex
liuat(Hl hy tlie liiiie tlie 'se crop Is ready ler
manufacture! s. AltheuRti llttle Is yet doing
In new leat, there i prebibly nKoed tluie
ahead for both grower nud dealer.
The tallewing transaction In old tobacco
are reperted: HkllesA Trey Held :ioe cases,
pilnclpally 'sJatid 'W, and bought about 150
cases. Daniel A. Mayer aeld te bx-al manu
facturers M case seed Iral nud lUraua nud
bought iS caset seed ler. Harry f Mjore
bought .'0 caset 'bl soed leat.
Mr. Altacliul ha purchsved fiem lien. W.
Nluley, el Went lluinplleld, I acririal 10, I,
tMimatiA (d Tubacru.
An earnest elletl I. helttg niadu te lest the
Talus el aumatra kmmI tobaeceln tlilsceuulry.
The commissioner eragrlculture, Nerman J.
Celuian, ha distributed through the country
mail package of seed grown lu ISi, In Vlr-
rla, Iieiii ltuiled aiiumtra aeed. Jt la te
hepd our l.urrnlur county larmera ube
reiehe tboHeod will glte It it full liUl and
erl tbe lemilU.
The Went Clieatcr l,el Scw nay :
laaac Mutur, who i;rewa tobacco for KraucN
Wertb, Kait llradfuid, liaa lluhlied nlrlppliiK
hla crop. He hai ecrHUtccu teua (all aved).
He Jiaa alaoeer eleven ten of tlie 'S crops.
David tarnalhan, wlie !) grew for Mr.
Werth, In nearly doneatrlppliifc. He will,
bate belw eon lUe and aU tena. In all Mr.
Werth will haoever tldrlytonief tlioweed
Mitar urk Cigar l.l Telxri i.
Irotiitliell 8 Tobe:o.lournl
After the hubbub and excltuuiunt el last
week a lull set In and trauiaHlunioiice mere
were uunlly ceullneil In meeting luiuiedlate
demand from iinnufacUiref.
It la plain that thoNte:k of old telMci-u In
thl city l new retliKeJ le stray pitcrlenly
In conse'U9iice of which ile ilun lnve nulled
le the country te pick up llie nvalUble rem rem
nanlaef all tbe old crop, Kvimi ' iUi'k. I a
being neught alter wll'i uvldlty new and
pi Icen are advancing.
Itaoemiodd tlitl iinder tlie-vj uitriiiinlfi
ce there I no groiter ajllvlty fur '" crepi
which uroretdyfor picking.
Tlie couer.itlo aplrlt drlruu Inte tlie
trade by atd oxpsrleuco and oiiuruieiM lentc
In latter jmn, prevalla ury otreugty nud
though tbere exUl temptation uuder
preent clrcumiU'icei le " pitch In," pa k
or In guneral koepaby of tlie S crop Any
uilnute, though, the ImiiuUeI couidurntleu
may break and a grand riMh firtliHcrep
will occur. Tbe liauiajtleut of tlie week
tmiely exceoded 1,SM cuei of whl.-ti alieut
Mi) were old crepi : prien ery llrm.
from tha Tubane l.cnf.
Cigar tear -The leellug piu.-illliig in tlie
Uluket li ijulle natiilnctury, a'ld dealer'
apiritaaie mero buoyant llie large Iran.
action el lant week, no doubt, bave cioatel
tbta change. Tlie bull are net ex.ully ram
fUtM, huweicr, and de net buy en lxiiaut
uparglna. A nure, or iniamiably Mure, till 1 1
ncai la the order el llm d,iy. Clgir nmiiu nmiiu
factureraare expsrluiiclug a alight Imprtne
inent In their builiiis, and thh, of ceurHii, it
a creator of coulideucj. Old and new I Vim.
Hjlranla aie In deuuud, nud thoateck el
theae tobacco 1 latt dwindling nway. Tim
total aa!e nf the week doueto n diipnitien of
nearly 'J,lW iMiea.
Havana. Tlie market remain It nil , and
bolder are dhiiiclliied le part witli their
geed except at a fair margin ut profit. About
lx0 bale were taken nt from M)j te 71 '
Humalra. Thiaartlcle I moving Hlenlyat
unchanged prlce. Tlie aale el tbe week
will hardly exceed M)lnleat from fl.'JU te
Sumatra Hrappcre, (I ,i0 te f I iS,
The atrlke nt tbe LvrllUrd cigar factory I
net yet ended nud thousand of men, women
and children, former empleye, are Idle.
The IiOrlllarda oller te take back a many of
their empleye a will apply uncondition
ally" amllhalthelr grievance, It they have
any will be redressed, but tbatthe reduction
In the wage of employ cm, made soma time
age, will beceiillnued The 'J'obticre Juurmtl
aaya that en Hiturday a cemmille of the
lierlllard Htrlkera, cenalttlng el men and
women, Tlalted every cigar nud liipicr utore
In Jeraey City where the Lorillard tobacco la
aeld. Ihey requeued thosLerokoeporn te dis
continue the aale of the boycotted branda.
Many Htorekoecr com pi led.
(Ian.' Wckly ltiurl.
Halea of need leaf tobacco reporled ler the by J. S. dan' Ben Jc Ce ,
tobacco broker, Ne. Ul Water atreet, New
Yerk, for the week ending January 31:
400 cws I'iS), feunaylranla, VKjVkx; 'iSO
. cie laSI-'SJ-'H-l, l'ennylvania, ll(2,IJj.j 100
ces IbSI, l'ennaylvania lUvana aeed, p. t, ;
fCiO vae 1S85, l'ennaylvanla Havana aeed,
UiQil7e. ; d0 cjvae IShe, Wlaoenam Havana
eed, IO'Jj. ; 'MO caen ISvi, Llttle Dutch, We
10c;; lue cae 1SSI, Htate Havana, 10, c.
Total, l.&SOca'..
The rhlladelphla Maikct
fc'eed leaf iiietcr nlcng at a atrauy gall.
Ne Hidden furnrea or tcmperaiy excitement
of any kind are noticeable, aiid, jet wlieu
lUVKotaeio goeu ei any kind are ollered, a
price aultable te the etleriug la made. Tbe
truth la, the trade here la doing a ateadlly
growing busluwi, which U and nat nat
ulactery te buyer a well a Heller. The
aggregate amount of aalea la excellent
for the month of January and net
confined te any ajieclal growth or mate, ie
that all burning aUwkhaaa market value here.
Much encouragement I obiervahle In tlie
action of tbe leal tobacco merchant in the
laal mouth. They all aeeut te underalaud
their huluei and are going ahead lu full
Sumatra The demand for Humatra la all
that could bs dernred, and It seems te be
linpoaalble te clog ita movement.
Havana miut and will aell, only let It
have a rich aroma.
Among our cigar inanufacturern there la
every ludlctt Ien el a large and profitable
yaar'a bililuevi. Men en the read are Bond Bend
ing in geed order, and tbe local trade H
brisking up right lively. Manufacturera
hava Increased their facilities te a large ex
lent, and there nre te day mero bmida em
ployed In our city lu the inanuiacturoef
cigar tbait ever befere at thU Htateii of the
llin llatllmure Marael,
Fer the large supply of inferior grade el
Maryland tobjece there b very llttlelinniiry,
but oecaalonal atlei are uiade within ( nota
tion figure. Hjui9 few eale el desirable
grade have been made, but tbe eUerlng 1
very light and the atoek llmlted. Of Ohie
we hear of no aale and report tlie market
aiiavted thl week-70 hhd.Maryliiml, 11
Ohie. Total, 83 hbda. J '
Oonnectlcet Vallay Lal alarkat.
The New Yerk dealers handle but a Nuiall
portion of our crop new, Ten or ilfteen yean
age they used te handle the bulk or It. drac
ually the trade has changed, se that new there
are fecal dealers, who pack largely, and they
ell directly te the manufacturers all ever
the country, employing their traveler drum
ming tip their trad. It Is said that the
packers In lladley have tiacked neme I, WW te
,000 cases, and these are but sample packers.
Trade In lbs valley a reported m it : Hay Hay
den (Station, Conn. : "Onlyime sale here el
Havana the pat week at in t. Most nf the
farmers have thelr crop anorled nud ready
for market. There ha Imeit mi call a yet
ler seed tear." Kaat (I ran by, Conn., Jan. -I :
Male hereUj; acres at 10.jr, :ite at Hi, 1!
acres at bl'e, i;t' acre at ls, :l aern nt 1 1 ,
all Havana and aerled, 'i acre of Havana
In the bundle at UlUc, and M ajref aaed, a.
sorted, nt 15a Only a small dninaud for seed
leaf. The crop la very geed."
(Ireftth l lha Uir Trad.
Acceidlng te tbe Tnliaccn Trade Directory
for ".4X7, Jut iMiird Irem llin pre el tbe
'lihnece ten, the number of cigar iiiaiiufai:
tiirvraln the varleu Mate and lerrltorle el
thia country number IS.0IS Thl ahuwsaii
Incroaaeiit betwoeu twenud Ihrne Iheuaaud
during the pat two j cat. IVnnm'lianla
ha tbe largel numlier of l'ler(vi (l.l'.U),
and employs 30.W7 hand. New Yerk with
l,:i7 faclorleemployaM,UrJbaml.
L'o-eirtll Cigar Manutactatleg Sthame,
A project 1 maturing by the Cigarmaker'
International union le atari a great coepet.
atlve lactery lu New Yerk. Te rale capital
each mouiber of tbe union Im been paying
liibi the general trnauiy f ceuta per month
a hthar(Mif thoceoeralloilUM. Ily May
I thl mini will bave reached fi7,0iKI, which
they cetilder aulllclent te atari llm enter
prliwi. or thl, f.Vl.noe in be uwd till year
te buy a large larteiy and te buy (aw mate
rial. They expect te buy the emtie planta
tion rrnp, .lint a whelealnrs new de. Te
run the factory, lllty of the beat men In the
country are te be Milecled, and te their aup aup
fert nud for extra capital te be uel in
the cae el emergency the remaining
(I7.0IK) el the V7,em I te be devoted.
The Idea el the leader In the movement In
can It proven niuvcwutnl l, alter a certain
time, te take competent men and open up a
coeeratlve Uctety in Chlrjgn. 'lhlaextnn 'lhlaextnn
hIeii of their factorle will l roeatedaolton
a juallliid by the picgiesa inaile. One of
the iiiemlieiaiif the union, who t conversant
with the plan, eald they belleved that lu ten
year the union would bare two third of the
trade of tlie I'm lied State, and that In twenty
yeara tbe union co operative boa wouldom weuldom wouldem
ploy overy rlgrmaker In the I'ulled Htatea
and provide all the cigtr used ami perba
exKirt Heme.
"tliKur.tH or HKTiii.Klir.Mr
A tflralUI l.ller Tlml Uuiura Ktfirjr .11.1 V ram
Una Ttitt v ear.
lu Ij.J Tye'rj llralie dicuvered a atar In
thoceiiNtellallon of Caloiei. 11 dlaapeared
in March el 1;7.!. R reappearance during
the present year 1 cenlderet a pelhllly
a It period lvld te Im .ll. or. Known
a tbe aur of " llathlehem," It I thought
by many te merit the name, and the
event will be ene of great interest te all the
ChrUtiau world. There are varleu theories
a te the cau-e of the diiappeirance of
certain nt.un. It liny lie that they are no
placed that thny only e una within tbe limits
oteur rangecf vMeu nt certain (Kilnt of their
vat orbit, or my lmied a only te give light
lu certain poaitlen. Thi atar of llethlebem
H d iwer I bed a bright enough te pale the
planet and te be v llble by noonday
'lhree huudiud and lllteen jearangii it wa
found ou a Hue between the lower atar of the
(copter of Cepheu ami the atar at the loot of
t'aailepela, and nauiall RlardNcoveteil in that
vicinity ha bm s'lpHed te be the name,
though no va-ialleu ha luen oberved In II.
Tycho llralie lhmlcill hi dlcovery
of the atar. ''One evening a 1 wa surveying,
a iihiuI, the celexlUI vault, the aspect of
which I he familiar te me, 1 Haw with Indo Inde Indo
Hcrlbable nM'juluuient, near the 79uith, In
'iiHleHila, n radiant ntar of extraordinary
l7-). Struck with atoulhmeut, 1 could
hardly liolievo my eyeiight. Te couvince
niywlf that there wa no lllimlen and te
gather tbe tetlmeny ofether mreii, I hail
the workmen come tint who were occupied
lu my laboratory and 1 aked them, a well
a all pa-Her by, II they aaw, like me, tbe
ntar which bad jmt apeared. I learned
later that in Orrinany Heme wageners, and
ethor of the common eepl, had apprled
the atrenninri el n greit apparition In tbe
ky, which hai IiinilHliml occasion te renew
the rallleriei against Inarned luen, a in the
caoef comet ivhoae coming had net been
Onodes-'riptieii of thn NevaKtellaMayNlhat
it was "s iirllllant that it aurpaed the
Kplimdorer the brightest plnnete, ami might
I hi neeii at noonday. Oiadually till bnl
liancy dlmmlslied until the IMh of March
I iT.I, when llbocamnextluct. It color dur
ing thl time exhibited all the phenomena of
a iirodtgleus lUine ;al llrat It was of a da7
7llng white, thou of n reddlah yellow, and
lastly of an ashy pileue, in which It light
Thenlari traced lii'k by tudltie'i and
hlntery te the year . It. C. uppe ulug nt regu
lar Intervals of .1 lr years.
rrmlilrme Texnulilp Ntm.
Ni.vv rmiviiiKMii:, I'elx, 1. I'rovldence
ten iiHhlp I new excited evor the preect of
changing her elc:tlen polls. The lllue Ilell
has been the polling place ever since the
township wa leruied. There is a petition in
circulation le bave It changed te Smlthvllle ;
wlille another I spoken of te have it changed
lu New I'rovldence. The chauge I Hpokeu
el en account or the lllue llell belng likely te
Ixi closed up hi a public bouae. The liceusi
of Mr. II filler, tbe present leaiee,ran out till
lueutli, mid no application for llceuse has
been made te the court
Mr. I'alrkk Mebk, of Drilinore township, j
met w mi a painful acctdeul receutly. While
In the act el lulling a lead of hay he Jlltuped
from tlie wagon, mid in doing he sprained
hi itiikle, cenlluing him te the Iioiime.
Mr. Harry Helm, in the employ of Alex
ander Stevenson, or Drumore tewnshlp,wh!le
(putting weed accidently cut bis feet, split
ting that member te a fearful extent. Dr. J.
M. Heaver attended te the Injury.
Mr. Alexander Stevenson, of Drumore,hnd
a line let el wool Htelen from him quite re
cently. Mr. AmbroreSleKleton, thoatlableclerk of
II. Martdi, el the ISuck, 1 going Inte the
uieicautlle busineaaat Median le'a Urove en
April lsu Mr. Marah has procured the ser
vices el Mr. Hegg, of Coleralu
llauiUuiiin Streetcar, for the Katt tuiil.
ThU ineiuiiig two handsomely llulshed
street cars, Intended for the Kaat l)nd pas
passenger tallread, were tiuloaded near the
sleck jard en the 1'eunsylvania railroad,
and taken te the track of the Lancaster pan
(longer railway company, evor which they
wete run te the corner of Cast King and
Duke streels, and thence drawn tandem te
Hie shnls In Kail King street, where they
will lie kept until the read is opened, wblcb
will net be for a ffl weeks.
Capl, J. r. Illckwcksr'a E.tals.
The Inventory et the personal estate or the
lata James V. Klckaceker was filed In the
register' eillce late en Monday afternoon, it
foots up 179,101 05, aud Is made up principally
of railroad bends, mortgages and National
bank stock. Among the Items are "Jl shares
or Pennsylvania railroad stock, 16.! of Iehlgb
Valley, 57 el Farmer's National bank, and 32
el Union National Ml, Jey band. Deccdenl
was also the ewner of seme real estate.
40,oeo te a cunrcti.
The late Patrick Rehlll, who wa buried at
Orange, N. J,, en Monday, according te the
Easten Argus, bequeathed f 20,000 te HI. Pat
riak's church, Ellzabetbpert, N. J. Mr.
Kehlll was a patriotle Irishman and a great
friend and admirer of Charles Stewart Par.
nell, whom a year age he presented with a
geld watch said te be worth f 1,000. lie also
handsomely endowed the church or Kev.
Father lioylea In the County Cavan, Ireland.
SETTLED FOIl 8150,000.,
saw v ' ''asssssssl
rj T'W
V v v'v?!?M9Ri KV...'
x V.'W.wkS'''. ASSjiijbr...--. .
v 'VV,
Th. (.ml ula lliral suit lliat Wa. Hrguu Twe
(rata Ase-llilgtn ul the L.lllxllea
itllh It. Ill.lmr ThreuKh
ll. Sdterst Mg.
It ha been tietlred that prepatatleii wete
making let the " trial In i'lttaburg thl
week of tliocaae of II. J. Mcdranti, of thla
city, against thn Pittsburg A l.ake Krle
railroad company. On Mondnyevenlng tele
graphic word came te Lancaster that the case
bail been aetlleil, nud ended by the payment
lolled rami by the company el JlM),0Oij. The
report 1 continued by lurther advlce, and
Mr. Mctlranu and hi counsel, Mr. -S, II.
ltoyneld,aro expected te return te Laucaater
It wllllie rememliered that some ten years
age, when I'lttaburg wa niitlerlng from the
discrimination practiced upon It commercial
and manufacturing Interest by the Penn
sylvania railroad cempauy, various schemes
otreltefwero projected In tbe form of new
railroad eulletn. One of thune, backed by
Dr. I). Hostetlor, tirall, llennett A Ce., the
Lconemitesaud otber Ijcal capltallal, tixik
form In the building of anew line Irem Pitts
burg te Ynungatewii, Ohie, a distance of 70
mile, running down the Ohie river te
Heaver, where it crossed nu a magnilicent
bridge, ) reetnbore the wnter, with 1 1' feet
Hpvu. The entire contnictleti of thl work,
gradlug, masonry, bridges, ballast, tie and
sleal rail wauudertaken by Mr. Mctirauu.
ltwa then and ha remained the largest
contract ever undertaken by a single indi
vidual in thl country. Hut great oxecutlve
skill and favorable condition enabled him
toergnl3amost highly etlklent lorceand
complete It aatUtaclerlly within the required
time. He was then given hla certificate by
thoenglneer of thoceiiinuy aud his force
wa disbanded.
OIUIII.N III' Mil. sin.
Meantime at various stage or the weik the
director had eiused change te be made In
their plan. Dllllcultles were etpouenccd lu
securing the originally pruje-'ted right of
way thieiigh portions of 1'itLsbiiig city and
ItsHiiburbs; thore mid at oilier point they
round their loiile he expeusive that It
wa cheaper te de mero work at some ether
location than te adhoie le tbe original. In
ether hecllens plan wete alleied, better
masonry was rciiulred, improved appliance
were ordeiod; mid by thtsj various change
from the umtract plan, the work or the
builder was much Increavi 1. Mr. McClrann
made out his bill for extras, submitted ll te
theonglueerael thecnnpiuy, aud leund ll
met their approval, subj ct te an elliet fei
what they callel their reiUialtien for work
yet te lie done, amounting lu 70,000, no pat
tlcular or which were liiruished.
Wlieu Mr. Mcllriiun met the dlicctera el
the company ler Hettlemeut he was aurprlsed
te lind them tun llliu ; te pay bis bill; they
otlered him hi contract price aud no mere;
they declared thoiesd might ret before they
wo.ildtakeil uud piy extris; they throat threat throat
enod te bold him reip iiihIIiIe ler any losses
occurring, though his lerca te protect and
maintain It ha't been dismissed and scattered;
and finally they declared thelr engineer bad
dhvallowed Mr. Mctirauu' bill. I'pen tbe
latter reproaentatleu, having been advised
that thoenglneer was final nrbiter, Mr, Mc
tirann accepted the contract price and gave
a receipt in lull.
A MISItKriU.iHMAllON iM.'OVi:!li;i.
Subseiuently he learueil that this was a mis
repreHeutatleii mid that Hnglueer Wimmer
recegnied the bill as a Just one. This being
continued by Ihnenglnoer hliusylr, Mr. Mc
tJraun ugalu presented his bill ; the company
pleaded hi receipt and refused payment ;
he thou brought suit. Tbe case wa Ural
brought le trial in Pittsburg two years age
befjru Judge Living; Mr. McOrann made
out hi caw and proved n bill or about f 100,
001, upon Ills osliiiKte el hi engine r.
Hut the eurt, iiniu nne lechiiical points
ordeiml n neu-suit. The Hiiprome ceuit
promptly and emphatically revered tbe
lower Jurisdiction mid thoca-e was put down
forHecond trial aoveial limes, Monday, Jau
.11 being liually lixed ler the lieginiilng of it
Ker several days, however, negotiation had
be.'ii pending for a compromise and these
resulted In the company piylug T150,OTK).
In the litigation the rallreid company
w lilch la new controlled chielly by the Van
derblltH, and Dr. David llosletter wa re
presented by H. T. Watsen, ene of the meat
eminent lawyers or Pittsburg, nnd Knox .t
Heed ; the Mctiranu counsel vvoie S. II, Key.
neld, the well kunnn attorney of this city ;
Jehn Dalrell, another el Pittsburg's best
lawyer and congreNeman-eloct, nnd F. M.
Magea The case has excited a great deU el
attention in this ujiiimuuity, nnd Mr.
McGrauu'a many friend overy vvliore will
rejoice te learn that he ha btciutd
lu hand at Itust n poillen of bis claim.
Mlnatral i:iilrrialiimrut ami llall.
A rather novel entertainment was given
in Mii'iinerclier hall en Monday eveuing
under the auspice of tlie Meteer Variety and
Minstrel cnuibinatieu. It wa a regular
minstrel iwrormance, followed by a ball,
and the crowd In attondauce wn very large.
The entertainment epened wlib a first part
In which were a deitm artist in cork, Ham
Franklerd and J. Ulpple were en the ends,
and Fred. A. Pease In the mliMlc. The best
feature el till pait wa the bass vele,
" Kecked In the Cradle of the Deep," by J.
Keller. Part vecend Incluled songs aud
dances, and c!eg by Ceca -an and Costelle,
musical act by 1'eiseand Sprecher, Irish and
Dutch specialties of Frank ford aud nipple
perform tuce or Witmer llrethers' trained
dogs, and a bar act by the Wltmers. The
show wound up with n sketch entitled "The
lUby Klepbant." After the show tbe ball
wa cleared and dancing began. Tbopreui.
ennilewa very large and Jeuu II, Ulpple
wa uiuiter of ceromenlos.
Henry Weaver, of Salisbury townshlp.cen.
Tlctedatthe December court or perjury, in
swearing that he was the ewner of a property
In erder te go bail for a chicken thief, when
he did net own the property, and who was
refused a new trial, waa yesterday sentenced
te undergo an Imprisonment of :;e days.
Thsy nraw a
Vary largs Audlsme en ths
On.DlDg Might.
On Monday evening the Maggie Hareld
comedy company opened a week's engage
ment In the Fulton opera bouae. Every part
or the building was tilled except the
pxrquette, which would have accommodated
a considerable number el peraen in addition
le these there. The atar et the parly Is
Msggle Hareld, who I by no mean a
stranger te Lancaster onple a she ha
apieared here elten In year gene by. The
comedy given last evening was "lhs Oreat
Divorce Case." Miss Hareld, who 1 a line
soubrelte, wa a funny In the character of
J'liiKei; the inalil, as she was charming a
Mr. (mham, the society belle. Her cos ces
tuines In the swtitid aud last acts were ele
gant. William ViifsT", jr. ,bee faoe 1
alaealatulllN or Ornv 1 -oinediaiiothlgb
rank and m v-v s i-Vifa he made lets
el fun. X.T w a"' ss.lstisl by Donald
IiareltV(i c!t uuk ceinediau who wa
last Mi Una rflth Alilile Pixley. Mr.
Hareld assumed Hie charailer or .tunnel
HiUic and his songs were a big feature of
the entertainment. He wa encored until he
was compelled te excuse lilmseir. William
J. Hherry did well as Hir -Vfiucn (Dinner
fun and the remaining member el the com
pany weresatlsfrctery. Miss Clara Celeman,
fermerly of the celebrated Celeman Hialers,
musical artists, bad the character of .Wr.i.
('union. In the first act sbe Iay est iiKin the
clarienet lu such a manner ai te makober
many warm friends who seemed anxious te
have her play all evenlug.
Thl evenlug the company appeal lu
"Hetwcen Twe Flre'."
I.ettn. Drained by ih. lirgitirr.
The following letters were granted by tlie
register of wills for llie weekending "lui
day, l'ebuary 1 :
AiiMiNliiiiAtieM Chtlsllau lluckwalter,
deceased, late of Maiilitliu tewnahtp,
Kphrnlm ItuckwalUir, Matilielui, admlnis admlnis
trnter. Lllzahttlh Melliuger, iltv cveil, late el
Maner township; A. II. Dustier, Maner,
David Appel, deceased, late of Lphrata
tewti3hlp; Samuel Nlssley, l lay, adminis
trator. Jame F. Illcksecker, devawil, late of
LamaMer city; Levi Illcksecker, MU Jey,
Christian Feller, deceased, Inte el lUst
I. trl township ; Jehn H. Walla e, Last Lstl,
Lll.abetli Husuer, deceased, lale nt Peiiu
township; Laura K. Hteuer, l'cnii, admlnis
JeHOph Oraver, doceaseJ, late of Llttle
Itrltalu township; J. S. Patterson, Little
Itrltain, administrator.
Jonathan Uoed, deceased, late of West Don Den
egal tewnahlp; Jacob Dyer, Lluvbethtenn,
Harry Keneagy, deceased, late of Lancaster
city; Gee. V. Klsse, city, administrator.
Tr.srAMKsr.vuv Philip Iteuhelnier, de
ceased, late el Lncater city , . 1". Kaul,
city, executer.
Catherine Miller, deceased, lale el Kiist
llemittleld tewnahlp; Emanusl L. Miller,
Last Hemptleld, executer.
Miry Dunn, deceased, late el Lancaster
city; Julia M. nud Wm. L. Lvil city, ex ex
ecueor. Frederick 1 icy, decas-d, late el Maner
township; Kveliue U. Frej, Maner, exocu execu
tiix. David Goekley, deceaced, lale of West
Cocallce township; Sauuiellieckley.Kphrata,
and David tiockley, West Cualice, execu execu
eors. Jacob Hear, deceaud, late of hadsliiuy
township; Isaac Walker aui lelrn C. Liu
villp, Salisbury, executers.
Hachael Winters, deceawd, lvle of L'arl
township; Aute Diller, New Helland, ox ex
ccutur. a niitxiKBieN Avi uitrr.u.
(lie S.nalur. le Inreatltatp Hi.' C'uiiilllliin ul
t'lillilrlihla'ii Sherin I'iui rnlln;;
el Sanats and lluii-e.
11 vnntsui nu, Feb. 1.- In the enale to
day a petition wav read fieiu wool go D.
Wldetier and Geerge W. 1 Iklii", bondsmen
In the amount of tMI.UOO el Mierlll Itewan, el
Piilladelphla, asking the Senate te iuipiire
into the menial condition of tint etln'lal In
erder that be may be rennied by the gov
ernor en the address of two thirds el ILe
Senate. Keyburn ollerel a reselutl -n which
was adopted for the apielutmeul et a com
mtttee et live senators te inquire into tbfj
truth or the allegation et lu-.iuily.
The chair appointed as the coinniitlee en
lteyburn's resolution nybiirn. Mc Vteer and
Osberne, el Philadelphia Mlin, Lancaster,
and Shull, Menreo.
A concurrent resolution i ileied by Harlan,
or Chester, was adopted rcquustiug Pennsyl
vania members in Cengtexs te vete for the
establishment or the agrlcultmal experiment
station .
Macfarlane, of Philadelphia, i Ileied a i evo
lution which was adopted ter the printing el
:0O,000 skeleton maps of tlie state, glv iug the
population of each county n erdlng te the
last census and the vole lu ptesldeut ill I vv
fir (ongrtssienal appottieiimeut purpese1'.
The nomination of Jacub H. Leiigeiucker
a deputy secretary of tlie luiumeiiwealih
was nuueuuced, but no re i"ii was taken en
it under llie rules.
A momerialof HiecumuiiutLHil ihuceunly
cnmmlHsinneraet the stale, was piesented, lu
which they ask for the division el one hull
the lax en personal preiiHt,) te tlie counties.
They also pray for the aWiiith n el the act
taxing furniture, watches and pleasure car.
riagc nud tbe appointment I a commission
te revise the revenue law nnd lepert te the
next legislature. The legislature Is aktd te
empower tax collectors te tax by dls
traiiit The repeal el the bounty sialp act is
demanded becauee It hasprevtdn vvaste of
tbe public money.
Messages were received Iieiii the governor
announcing bis approval el concurrent re
olutleus for the appointment el a coimnis ceimnis coimnis
nlen te suggest necessary ret euue legislation,
nud authorizing Itethernicl's ;piclure of titt
tyaburg te be taken te the Londen nrt ex po
sition. The son coast dofense teselutiuii wn re
ferred te the committee en federal relations.
A petition wa presented Irem 1,700 tjuak tjuak
eis ngainat the sale of tobacco te miners.
Among the bills lulmlmud were the le).
lowing : Maefarlsue, I'liiladelphia, te pro pre
vont the adulteration of confectionery, pro pre
vdlng penalty net exceeding tloe ; also a bill
appropriating (.1,000 te paying expense of
Pennsylvania representation hi the Louden
art exposition. Waters, Lackawanna, te
abolish the taxation en watches, turulttire
and pleasure carrisges. Mjlln, Lancaster,
te provide ter the temperaiy cate and em
ployment of wayfarers.
In the Heuse bills were favmably reported
te provlde for Improved Htiporvisleu or com
mon schools; te require a brand en all goods
made by convict labor; te prev enl disorderly
conduct in railway train nud stRtleus, and
te prevent regulation of oli-iene Uteiature.
Hills were Introduced a lollew ; luince,
Philadelphia, providing (hat when nplniutill
seizes goods te satisfy u ilibl, charging thai
defendant is about te fraudulently reserve
the goods, the bend of plaiiitll! Is answerable
If hla allidavlt be false. Ilouse bill were
passed finally a fellows : giving Fayette and
Greene au additional law Judge; te protect
livery stable keeper fietu injury te proisir preisir
ty, etc; tevtbe preservation of the lien of
mortgages; f&preveut Hie exemption of prop
erty en Judgment obtained for f 100, or less
for wages.
ram eiti.r.K van mum cumvAnv vit
A Largs Number of Vlswars Appointed In Ls
Out and Vat. tie Resda In Many of ths Tew n-
litpa Ths ttf ports el Vlswtrs That
frs Absolutely
lu the upper court room before Judge
Patterson, llie suit el Aaren .oil vs. J,
Harvey Itaymend was attached for trial en
Monday afternoon. This was an action te
recover f-1.3 1 ler meat sold and delivered,
Plalntlll test I lied that he was engaged In the
butcherlng business at Flerin, In tbe fall of
ITd and that hla agent, Ames Lby, fold te
Raymond meat te the abeve amount and
that the aame wa net paid.
Thn defense proved that Lby represented
bi Itaymend that he was In business for him
self; that he contracted with Raymond te
le build him a wagon, and that at Kby's re
quest be took In part pay the amount et the
bill claimed by oil; that he never had any
knowledge that Kuy was an agent of .ell.
The Jury, under the direction or tbe court,
rendered averdicl in favor of defendant.
The suit et Franklin Diller for the use of
Hosanna Stehinan vs. the Penn Iren com
pany, wn attached for trial this morning.
This case has been tried twice In our court
aud was reviewed by the supreme court
twice, ll I a suit te locevor datnage ler
breaches el the covenanL Plaintiffs test I
tiieny wa te the elfect that Le leased from
the defendant In 1.S0 tbe foundry and pat
tern shop, part of tbe Penn Iren company's
buildings, for f.'iOO per year. When Diller
went there the pattern shop had all the tool
and machinery necessary te csrry en bui bui
ne.. He claim that the machinery and
tools were removed from time te time te
ether parls'ef tbe defendant's work, and lu tun tun
neqtience he was unable te carry en hi busi
ness and he brought thl suit te recover
damages. On trial.
IIKlOlli: Jt llflK MVl.NdblO.V.
The suit of Mary lienedlct vs. Geerge
Seldomndge was attached this morning In
tbe lower court room before Judge Living
ston. This Is an Issue te ascertain the owner
ship of certain personal property levled upon
by the sherill a the preperty of Addison
Benedict but claimed by his wile as her
proiierty. bhe teslllled that some of tbe
articles were purchased with money earned
by her before her marriage. Tbe defeDse
wa that nene of the articles belonged te her
but all were the property of her husband.
'lhe Jury rendered a verdclt In favor et
Mrs. Ileuodeet for the articles proved by her
te be her property and ler Holdemrhlge for
all the ether articles.
Viewer. Appointed.
The following viowers have been appointed
by tbe court :
Geerge S. Trout, David W. Grayblll and
Uoergo A. Urban, te lay out a read In Last
Heuiplleld township, from a point en ILe
read leading from Petersburg te the Harris
burg turnpike, and ending en that turnplke
near ilenjamln Reet's residence.
Geerge Seldemtidge, Wm. Itryseu and
Wm. L. Fryberger, viowers, te Isy out a
read In Salisbury tewuahip, te lead from the
premises of Kit Newswanger and ending '. a
bridge near Jacob Martin's resldence.
Adam ll. Ream, Geerge C. Trego aud M.
W. ltemlg, viewers te Isy out a read in
Lphrata township, from a point en the Read
lng and Kphrata read and ending near the
land of William ilechtel, en the same read.
Barten Ven Neida, Jehn Tayler and Mon Mon Men
eoe Iluclicr, viewers te Isy out a read in
Brecknock and Last Cocallce townships,
from the intersection or the Hewmanavllle
read with the Terre H.'.i and Adamstewu
read and ending en the read leading te tbe
Muddy Creek church.
Moutilllen Brown, L. C. Rlackburu and
Davis A. llrewn, viewers te vacate a read lu
Fulton township, ending en tbe read leading
from Peach Bettem te Pleasant Greve and
beginning near the land of Geerge IL Hewes
and le lay out another In lieu thereof.
J. M. Kby, Henry Herr, and Christian
Metzler viewers te report en the necessity el
of a bridge ever Mill creek In Last Lam
peter tewuahip, where the creek cresses
the Slrasburg read.
Samuel Lvans, A. N. Casssl, floury L'ckert
M. S Met7gerandC. J. Rhoads viewers te
assess daman os caused by the proposed open
ing el Fine street, from Chestnut te Fred
erick. , Geerge Byrevl, Rebert S. Ress and Jehn
R. Decker te retort upon the necessity el
dividing Lllzslielhtewn borough Inte two
Jeseph G. Miller, Adam R. Ream and
Christian Smith, reviewers of a read in
Ephrata township, Irem a point in the read
leading from Stelnmetz's meeting heuse te
Bethany church and ending at a point en
the read leading from Foundry street te tbe
Akren read.
Dr. V. H. Kline, Menree Keddig and Jehn
Hear, viewers te lay out a read in Kphrata
township, between tbe same points a the
read preceding.
Wm. lnuian, Christian Breucman and
Henry Martin, re v iewers el a read in Ian
caster township, Irem the Mlllcrsville turn turn
pleo te the Wabank read.
Jacob ti. Keller, Isaac Deihui aud lleuja
lulu Gibble, alias v lowers, for a read in l'cnii
township, from the read between Uuionvllle
and Colebrook and ending at a eint en the
read lending from Mount Hepe te Warwick.
Sanders McSparran, Jehn J. Geed aud
'1 bes. E. Ambler re viewers te report uikju
tbe vacation et certain reads in Eden town
ship, for the purpose of altering the ceuises
of otlier reads laid out in lieu thereof.
The report of the viewers widening a read
lu West Lauipeler township, from a point en
the Big Spring v. Heaver Valley turnpike,
aud ending en tbe read leading Irem Haver-
atlck'a mill te Lampeter.
The report of viewers vacating nud laying
out a read in lieu thereof in West Hemptleld
township, from the Sliver Springs aud liar
rtaburg turnpike, and endlng at a point en
another read running east from tbe same
read te the Marietta turnpike.
The reert et viewers laying out a private
read In East Cocallce township, ending en
tbe public read leading from Reamstown te
The report or vieweis te lay out a read lu
Last Lampeter township, from a point en tbe
read leading from Falrvllle te Reamstown,
and ending en the read leading Irem Fair Fair
vllle te Muddy Creek.
The report of viewers vacating a read in
Mount Jey township, and laying out lu lieu
thereof a read leading te the Colebrook read.
The report of viewers vacating part or a
read In West Denegal and Ceney townships,
and laying out in lieu thereof a read from a
point en the Balnbridge and ML Vernen
read and ending near Conewago station.
Tbe report ei viewers adverse te tue vacat
ing of a read in Fulton township, Irem a
point in the read leading from Heed's mill
te Pleasant Groye nnd ending at a point in the
read te l'enn mil.
Thore pert et vlnworsadversoto tlie vaca
tion of a read lu Fulton township, te inter
sect the read leading te WrlghUdale.
The report el viewers vacating a reid iu
Hart township, botweeu thn lands of Philip
Shubeand Milten lleidelbiugh, and laying
tut another in lieu thereof.
The report of viewers adverse te the open
ing or Beaver street from West King te Mil
flln streets.
The report of viewers favorable te tbe ex
tension of Lancaster avontie in the Ninth
Thi report el revlewers te lay out a read
in Htraabiirg township, from a point nu tbe
read leading from Lampeter Square te Mar
tinsville, and eudlng en the read leading
from Strasburg te New Providence.
Nolietly tint Kinpleyss Allowed en Ike N.w
Turk Decks Since the Eiptosiee el thn
RIMm.r uaysnitetts.
Np.w YuitK, Feb. 1 Great precautions
were taken by the watchmen en the Old
Dominion line deck this morning about
allowleg'anybody except the ompleyes and
deck laborers any further than Just outside
the deck gate. Nobody was allowed te pass
down the pier unless he slated his business
very plainly and satisfactorily. The steamer
Uiiyandetle, en which the explosion took
place yosterday, lny nt the extreme end of
the deck en the upper aide and a gang or
workmen were busily employed ctearing up
thn wreckage and transferring part of the
cargo llrem the disabled steamer te the
steamer Wyanoke, wblcb sails for Norfolk
this afternoon. The olUcers of the Guyan Guyan
dette say the dynamite lieml did net appear
like a werklngman but wa inure like a gen gen
tleman in appearance.
The striking longslieinmou today speke
In strong term of condemnation of the out
rage. The Ocean association, It Is silil, will
appoint a committee le Investigate the matter
and If the miscreant wns any member of n
labor organization under their jurisdiction
he would be forrettod out aud dealt with by
the law.
injAiLiuiHtr.Tfre yeah:
An Old Man Aaks the Mlrhlgan l.rgMature lu
I'ay Fur Urjenlly 1'aDl.hlng tllin,
liNsi.Mi, Mich., Feb. 1. -An old, while
bearded, loitering man Is here te petition the
legislature le make an appropriation te sup.
pert his declining yeara lu compensation for
thirty-two yeara el unjust punishment iu
prison. Ills name Is James Hitchcock. He
was sentenced te prison for llfe tblrly-three
years age from Ingham county for inurder.
At the time of hi sentence he wa a prosper presper
5us farmer In the prime of llfe, possessed of a
wife, two nens nnd a loving daughter. A year
age last Thanksgiving he was pardoned and
le entered the world te find all new nnd
strange te hi eyes and his wile and
daughter in their graves. Hitchcock has al
ways clalned thai his sentence was an unjust
one. One or the witnesses who testified that
he saw Hitchcock doliberately stab Stephen
son, eight years later admitted that he had
perjured himself te satlsTy a grttdge against
The Pennsylvania railroad freight handlers
at pier 30 struck this afternoon after a state
ment from the agent had been read te th m
stating that tbe company could net accede te
their demands. At tbe ether plots of tie
Pennsylvania lallread tbe men also stop step
ped work.
At the pier of the Lehigh Valley, Penn
sylvania and Erie railroads, the empleye of
which also made demand for increased pay,
worked a usual up te mid-day. When the
men en tbe Erie decks left for dinner they
sent a committee of three te tbe superinten
dent ler an answer te their demand of yester
day. The committee was told tbe demand
could net be granted, and tbe men ou learn
ing or the news en their return Irem tbe neon
day tueal, left the pier and Joined the strikers.
MilklusMeteileres Attack the New Men
I la Called le Action.
Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 1. The strike
Inaugurated recently agalust Lear t Gon
zales, contracting elovederes, yesterday as
sumed a new phase. The strikers were out
yesterday about two thousand strong.
At 7 o'clock when the workmen were in their
beats preparing te embark for their labor,
representatives of tbe organizations read te
thera resolutions adopted by the latter.
Words ensued which culmluaied in a row,
lu which several were severely bruised aud
beaten. Theuien jumped from their beats
and swam te places of safety, amid a shower
of steaes and ether missiles. Upen the laud
ing of several of Lear's crew, they were fel
lowed and hooted at through the city by a
mob. The city comniissienerandnberiUof tbe
county have summoned the militia of the
comity and about five bundled citizen te
appear thi morning and assist lu keeping
the pence.
line Kill. III. Antaseulit Willi ui Axe aud the
tl ther Sheets Ul rather.
A ii. vm v, Ga, Feb. 1. Dave Bland and
Sim Brooks, mill hands, quarreled yester
day ever their rations, when Brooks, becom
ing furious grasped a piece of cress-tio and at
tacked Bland, felling him with a blew that
shattered his jaw-bone. Bland, however,
resisted the attack with an axe, aud dealt hi
antagonist a blew In the breast with such ler
ritie force ""U lay bare hia heart, causing in
stant'' -i. Bland I iu a 'precarious cendl
tit, ,T)tit may possibly survive hi Injuries.
Ainii.vvii.i.i:, tia., Feb. 1, uoergo Gray
ami leaae Wiggins, colored, the former the
stepson et the latter, quarreled ever the price
of Htatees yesterday when Grny drew his
rovelvor nud shot tbe elder man dead. See
ing tbe result of bis work he then discharged
tbe second lead into his own breast, li it did
net succeed in suicide. He I new In jail
wbere he is threatened with lynching by the
iulurlated negrees. .
Activity or Llusral lu L'auada,
MeMittttb, l'eb. L Tbe Liberal paily
e ened the electoral campaign last night by
one of tbe greatest meetings ever held here.
The orator wa Hen. Kdward Blake, who
made nu eloquent speeh, eulliuiug the plat
form which the Llberal party willeppcee
Sir Jehn MacDonald's government. His
condemnation of the cabinet was most tenth tenth
leg. He took credit ler tbe Liberal tilumphs
in Quebec lately, aud predicted an over
whelming defeat for the Cen.serva'hes at
the approaching election. The made
a proleuud Impression.
llavlttaud III. Urld. Arrlie.
tjt i.i:.mtevvn, Feb. I. Mr. and Mif.
Davltt arrived here te day. On landing Mr.
Davitt wn met by a deputation el
the National Lengue branches et Cerk
and tbe vicinity beaded by the mayor
of Cerk, who presented him with an
address. Mr. Davltt replied lull Ily, his
remarks being received with great
enthusiasm by the assemblage. The muni
cipality et Cerk have tendered Mr. Davltt a
banquet, which will take place ou Wednes
day night.
I'M. a Knife lu.tcad ul III. n.U.
Di:s Meinks, la, Feb, I. William Olver Olver
ten, a Madisen ceuuty farmer, quarreled
with William Webb en the streets el Winter
set, and finally agreed te settle the dispute
by a duel with Hats outside of town. When
they had stripped ter the tight Olvorten drew
aknlleamlcut Webb In a horrible manner,
severing one ear and indicting several dan
gerous wounds. Webb i In a critical cendl-
i en and Olverten la in Jail.
Street Car Hr.tctn Held., Minn., Feb, 1. Tbe eullie
atreet car system el Minneapolis was sold In
UBy by Themas Levvry te a syndicate ei
Kasteru cipltallsts represented by Lee Hig Hig
glnseii A Company, or Bosten. Tbe consid
eration w a f .5,000, 000.
Claaa Day Uratluus
The souler class el Franklin aud Marshall
college today elected class day elll-
cera as fellows : Master of ceremonies,
N. 1 1. Haxtnan i salutatrhui, J, L. R'iuh ;
poet, II. A. Dubbsj historian A. H.
Deehant ; prophet, K. U. Rum j mantle ora
tor C. F. Hager, jr.; presentation orator, H.
Cesina ; Ivy orator, J. C. Nell j centennial
oration, A. H. Uethermel; valedictorian, W.
R. Peters ; chairman committee et arrange
ments, C. A. Loes,
-..... a!,; J.V.1BH HBAtlLT Jji
THHUVum AM BAtl-lurm. 1
A tllsik lu ths nature,,,, j,,,,,,,,,! MhMa4
and PrelHVtily SO.oeo-Ths tt.r.utty IM-
csateri Cash Isr et a Mats Hallway Osm-
pany ai a Uefanllsr ter eso.eoo.
IlAiiiMettt:, Feb 1. Discount Clerk Jehat
D. Lltie, of the First National tank el tkla
city Is missing and It Is believed that be ta a,
defaulter te the amount of 160,000. LWtj '
uvea comierisnir K sueuruan town twenty JPf
mlles from the cr.r and came te business f'3
everv tnernlnir bv rail. He left hla suburban '''"1
home en Hatutday morning as usual but dM
net present himself at the bank. There WaW
no great uneasiness at his home, but the bust"
clllcers, who bad been atretdy studying WsV'y''
accounts when hla lllirht traik tilam. nraawaf "Q
the Investigation Willi all speed and fenattf4
ampie catie rer uisappoarance. wnen new ?s
leg wa heard el him en Sunday and hOV
falled le appear yoaterday and te-day, the) ,
cnmuinu night count no longer be concealed. &
Ihobankelllcors find that the ab.ceidlng
clerk took with h'm JVOO in cash, indict
liens point te a lesi el at least fSO.O 0.
A Caihler D.tault. With 00,000
llui.t-Asr, Feb. 1. The Belfast ,fc Nerthi in
Counties railway company tliula Itself unab
te pay lhe divldend, recently declared at a
meeting of its directors, owing te tbe die die
cuvery just mnde that the cashier of the com
pany, lately deceased, wns a defaulter te the
amount of (00,000. The amount el the deficit
about equals tbe sum of the dividend the
company believed Itself able te pay.
The Portland, Malur, Hank Defaulter mill UsM
In Manitoba.
Wi.NNiri.e, Man., Feb. L lu lhe prelim
inary examination of Blacks tone, the Pert
land defaulter and forger, yesterday, Chariest
Allen, Blackslone's successor In the bank,
was examined. He swore te bogus entries)
In tbe discount book asbeing In lllackstenaa
handwriting, and lndeutlflcd the prisoner's
handwriting iu a letter which he wrote te
President Themas last December confessing j
te having stolen ib,;w, w nicune lest m min
ing stocks. The letter concluded : "They j
say J steed highlit the church. That's a llr. J-;
I have net attended church for I we yeara. I ft
have had tee great a weight of aln en my con-
Mt-ienrn. l,t nn tti.n (All mn lliat lhA man M'
of aln la net (tenth, tna'nad nf tains' an axil "!''
and a fugitive from justice, I might te-day, If -;-
I had net done wrenc. been a bank casaierv"
.j.ui? iuuiii,i;ikuuu uwvaiwiie una M..wffw ."
UI....A lama ..AVnllnn ni..liblnHA b ...I...W. JL
pale and haggard. Ills wile and child hare y;
gene te St. Paul.
The prisoner Is likely te
be extradited.
One Hundred an Kltjht Spectators te lbs Mala
Cobbled by the folic.
Cincinnati, Feb. 1. At an early beu
this morning tbe police made a raid en Ed
Merris' saloon, Ne. 310 Main atreet, where
oeckfijgmain for two hundred dollars a kslde
wa in progress between Louisville and
Cincinnati chickens, ene hundred and
eight spectators were arrested who had put. Jg,
in nnn dollar anil a halfench for adinllbuatat . ?!
Six birds had beeu killed and soveral die J
. ..,. i. ii i. . -si
threush the deer and rut a step te tbe snort. '3
The nrlannera were leaded into three natret '?J
wagons outside, and driven te the atatieB ii
rJieuses. There were nine lead In at), dls- &'i'
) -lbuted among uenirai, iiromen sireet anagi
Knmmend atreet stations. Tliev waMK
rarged with aldiug and abetting a cook,;
WbL In the police court this mernuutf
sVty-five or the 103 pleaded guilty, and et Si
these IS paid tbeir $25 tine and costs. Tbe M
uiuera wure iuckuu up uum vuujr cuum ibiav
the necessary money or Eeture ball. The
bulk of the cases undispesed of were post
poned until next Friday.
A Cyclone Topples Or.r Trnoen a Damp of
Laborers 3tany Injured
Pem land, Ore., Feb. 1 Karly yester
day morning a high wind sprung en tbe
west Biepe of the Cascade mountains. Jaet jt
or Tacema, Washington territory, about
eleven miles from the west eud or tbe North-
em Paclrlc tunnel, it blew a large tree down. S
Inte a camp where a number of Chinese 'M
laborers were steeping. Nine bodies had,.,:
liann removed at last accounts, and adeaasa
or mere injured. There Is three te four feetf
of snow en tbe creund. and several bodies. 3:3
are still supposed, te be burled lit snow under Iw
tbe fallen timber. At Hunt's camp, a few &
miles west of the Cbiuose camp, a similar ae-'-vi
cident occurred among white laborers, ana.r
six were severely injured, none, It is be-,l?!
lioved, fatally. The wind blew prebablySS
suty mile per hour uewn me gora;e
l.rri,iurl. tli.i IT.Hi-mln hrntiidi nr thai 51
Nortbern Paclllc rues.
Kiielllug Union Olgarmaaer. Trem ths Knight J
Imiianai', Feb. L A sensation waetdl
- it-;
created here last niehl among the Knights efit
Laber by the receipt el au order, purporting Js
te have ceme ireat the general exeoaure .
. I n .,. A.IAA. II..I ll nli..,m.L.M h '
uuniu, vci ma cuwi win su i,iiuijuw. -Wl
longing te tbe International uuien mtuttbOvJ
Hmnnwl Irnlil llimillmrblllll 111 the local SjldiSS
district assemblies. Thi is the first step teVSj
ward c irry lng out the prograiume adopted BtflS
Richmond by the geuerat assembly wbioue
.. ,. l.l w. ul all Irailn iinlnnlala. TwreikfS
graphers aud molders here are very indkf-0
uant ami leel Iho lilew qulte as severely as U
cigaiuiaKeie. j, r
A I'aulc In Parts. :?9
I'.ni, l'eb. 1. A pan'e prevail! en ,t3
Paris Bourse owing te tee auuaiiuu u i-jums
cal atralrs or France and In ether curefajes,
countrie. Three rer cent, rentes are newl
nimteil nt n decline of Hand 07 MU from UM
nlruiiiir iiitntut Inn nl vesterdav. tiz&
a p. m. Three per cent, routes have $&
fallen te 7tif 'M contlmes. t 'm
1 p. m A better feeling set ou the Bourse, fi
i towards the close and 3 per cent, rentes.-"!
env ered R0 centimes from the lowest peteiesr-
tbe day, tbe closing elllclal quotation isiik
77 Irauca 50 centimes.;
. . .......... fill. Ihiln Waat.
eiw Birxiiu mi ..,wmw .-. .--- .. u
Ai.nuU'jUKRUUK, -". M., xeu. i. ncasrjr.fa
Kinsley, reremau of me Aziee isnu anu i
tie company, arrived In town yesterday I
Dienrnimiv denies tne rotiert that Texas i
Texas eat--f
tie are dying throughout the territories etjg
new wMice iu Atwuun, iue .-.... . ""m
iniz them there tee late iu the season. KlaaVffl
lev slates that, ou the contrary, cattle rV,j
wintering unusually well this season. yl
Twe Texas Pe.tufflce. KebUed. i, Feb. l.-The pesttmcesat-
canton and Galneiville were robbed Sundsy ,
012111 ny Ulguwayuieu ui iw, iiiuwin ,wii
.' .. X.,.nn ....,. li I W 1 1 ana amaluj
. ... ... l-m .l....l t... i
IVrn, HUH (MimaW eiw . . ,,..-. T fS
Ul ,f . xuviuiw... ..v. w-.--- - a.
IndeutiQed as the robbers of tbe oataesviue
lieu. UsU, KsllielnlBateaby AtxUiatte1.
PlllLADKLrUlA. ieb. L IU IU8
ratio convention held lu this city this I
lng, Geerge Dea Keiin was nominate j
acolamatten rer mayor.
WAsaiiiaTO P. 0., Feb. l
V. iaAaPSBVMnTBa: Haew,
by fair wMther, aertiterly ,'
lng te easterly, aesriy;stauew7a
lurt. ,j
.... .g&,-
, . " 'maL",1j1,.''"V' -L
a.V-'. 2
s C. x.i i j "..
trr-;rffidK -
,v' ,Amt'ifbA&T'&' .ibl.--t,'!&at fc