Kmna i,!? mmui mm juua jrMreus. r A lltMllH OMM Mettt, and tVeag ssalwysi by W. B. f M ItlTtr. A.W5- T (tUMltlMtlM, i Osmapendeace el UmLMcmcia. nmiiUi Jm. 8L At the cleMOt the rsjst rebellion there cams te this place lONertdmuiiiaaea Angiwtui nep- , wbe had been born ul Meed a slave iftlOBtkera plantation. Be Bought and ' ttUslmid mplejBaent with the firm of V. iJLWOutretCa, hard war merchants, and I WtMlMd witb umb m driver, untu iu -9f Ms economical, wsjs he saved enough ? mm te bur hlBMalf n small home near iwoed,en4thtplacoon Friday night S died from pneumonia. HI remains will Utetted In Wrigntaville enTuesJay alter- &JmtM mm Blecaeded we rots . 'v.riwHni hank full but la Sailing erf fca It mat yeaieraay iu i mir feat at WaahloKten. The avla the ice blockade at Turkey I the traokaef the Pert read continues I am the lead will net de resuineu i Bast ten data or two week a. The lce I tee bridge remains Urm end while It I our ice merchants nave nopea 01 iue ilncleslnc. A allcht ecura formed I Ike channel here this morning but was ilj melted. Third Ward rrlmsry. V Why the Democrats of tbeThtrd ward held r primary meeting last Saturday evening, Fkenthe First end Second wards de net tun 111 nut Saturday, is net known. ic UWlewlnf were nominated t Judge, Themas fit Swlngler; Inspector, Cermlck Mo Me Emit Jnstlee of the peace, Jehn W. (ally t constable, Andrew Uaruneie ; as aer, Jehn c. Kyan ; assistants, reier Boek end Feter Flick ; oeuncl), H. w. klehlegelmilch ; school director, 3 years, Dr. PC P. Market s school director, 1 year, I). V. I Welsh s conferees, Frank Jauseu, Ambrose OMkranell end W. II. Llndray. The cenlerees were only Instructed te vote ler We. O. Duttenhcfer for tax collector. '-The candidates for chief burgees and high J, constable will be decided upon later. A Handsome Frame. Qfe Tbe frame and photographs of the Celuiri- $ nleFlrecempany have been nnlsnea nna win M placed en exhibition at Gee. V. & B. 1. JiHaldeman's new store te-day. The frame Is : erttalnly a handsome one, and In else is 43 z 4 Inches, with a 7 Inch tilt meulding. Tbe photographs, 71 la number, are tastefully ar- );3Wnd0Da mat of tbe latest design, wim i preacnt cfBccrs In the centre. The work done by Wm. Bailey, photeirrnpher. h A Lalieaater Urakenian Inland. r:;' 'Daniel Hickey, of Lancaster, brake man en ft jsxliu P. R. R. englne Se, 1,095, met with n J 'jpalntal accident yesterday. Ills train was L&aemini? cast when nt thellenrv Clav furnace Jfce was struck by an overhead bridge 111 JBee and head were sererely cut and bruised M wee removed te his home. j. Town News In Brief. 5X A false alarm or tire was seunaea about ; gflldnlcht Saturday. The fire department re ' sponded but their services were net needed. attack, tbe clear manufacturer who left a week i.MO for parts unknown, was held Saturday, tAnd between J200 aud BOO was realized. The Kitty Rhoads dramatis company rtseued a week's suecesslul engigemcnt in the f.epera house, Saturday evening, when f'M'UiB" was presented. The company is gtoneef tbe streuuest that has visited Celum- p'Wa for along time. The audience Saturday smnlDg wasa very large ere, as was alto i-liat el tbe afternoon, when " Muldoeu'a Pic i?le" was rend' red. 'J, Nearly four hundred seats have been re- M, nerved ler the Melss-Underhlll combination. gBwhlcb appears In the opera heuse te-morrow Krening, in one or their rexineu ana eujeyabie f aBtertalnments. "-a We are te have Abbey's Deublo Mammoth ' Uncle Tem's Cabin company this week. A Week baS3 weighing 8; pounds was shot In tbe canal Saturday by a son of Daniel TTeulr. jJ.:,CMi muniis ri.Ejii vuvnr. LKlalllcCn I!uic IteailT t,r Trial Tills STeck. &. OanrJlani Appointed. ilThe eecend week of the January common leaa court was enrel thla niernlnir. vlth P'jndge Patterson presiding In the upper and rtjaoseLivinesEeu lnmejewer court room, f.';;Of the 80 cases ou the 11 12 were continued SC' settled, lea vine lO-Tfr trlnL :?"yjLlsi.r. . 3ehn W. Helmaa vs. the eWUUfiiicagter, an Issue te determine bieunt of damages sustained by reason F.Of the opening of Elm street through his garland, a verdlct was entered, by agreement, Si, laver or piainim ter iwu. tV.-"1 In the suit of Henry II. Harnlsb, admlnls- rufmtoref Michael H. Harnlsb, vs. Henry G. MkWtaner. executer of Jumps W. Kppner. rtn t-" , - --- , - iieaated, a verdlct by oensont was entered In S?vor of plalntltf for HOO. ?&&- V.tlvemrA Tllnnr. nfri-lnmlils ireti nnnnlnf. pC d guardian el the miner chlldreu of Jeseph &JUKiebaTt, eccCdveJ, late ei Columbia fe borough. Xh Jetlah By or, of Bart township, was up- WStT fJMklnttt1 niinrrllati nflhn tnlnt tttltil t Davn tmegg, late of Celernln township. it W& ecae rallerien Denies an uiawlaer " biutc umiir. :J' About the time court adjourned this morn- S'tag J ud go Patterson called the Examiner re fet porter te account for the statement published iW.ta their cdileilal that It hail rnnt MM Uut 'n:."" ..::i. .. -.-.--,--. - year mr auuuers. juege Bald the record WOBld show tbat It had net cost half that ."Amount; that he was opposed te the bill but iJMBld net take part ene way or the ether. ;-Jt be would like the newspapers te treat the .tatter isiriy. inu juuees remarns causeu aatnarnl ilfAllLel.n ninnitn. Mia memlt... r.r .'fWW.M. .fcW .d.WL. ..M.VU .UW ..W..WB.W W. jwwuar luciuuu it was aumuicu inai rue I I l.llll ii . I I.aI.Ih.1 (n t.u !.. h, ...... SiWW.wft'l'w uuuiuii ill lis UflJUUUS UUUtl MpiMd quarter sessions work, and they wero ee 4m hAlilnif 1.. Un aa.m..h ..!..... .... j-imm nuiu ... iuu vuujiuuu iira rjuutl ftthrengh the fault of lawyers who were fhfHftUnualiy putting off cases. Irem the ex ss Wawleng of the members of the bar rrcssnt rM BDTMArprl Hint thn -tr ! tirlln m..nlr .Wldedea the uecesalty of an orphans' court laaie. 14L Tail KILLING Kit PRQVMitTT. 4i'ft.'" aj m . . igKfWly all of Saturday aftornoen was taken f ny couneel in argument for and against arming the sale ei the Klllleger property East King street. The depositions cf '.nearly every person at the uale were read. i.lfha tAallrrti-iSiV nlininnrl lltnt It ti.n r.VA-.nn ' w. aaiw wiiuj uiii cuu n ut iuui mu iiiii iinv K?WM again put up Jacob S. Shirk and B. J. v r HiH.Hnn .riiiii t.i.i ciunnnnw mn.n r. (. stjlfblle It had been knocked down for 511,000, g- and there were two parties, R. A. Uvans and tfuoueiu uersticy, who ciaimea te have bid Flhatsum. tl'A' On the part of Mr. Evans it was argued that Li'bla bid was the one recccnized bv the K'attetioneer : that Ill.COO was a fair market EJfprlea for the property, and that Mr. Gerstley r. " - w wHim iuuhuuk fciu (ll,vuv i wntll after Mr. Evans had signed the articles j el agreement The court reserved decision Is-1 nntil thlS mOmlntr. Whrn ihATr rtp..Mn.t liul ffaaWe the eale and erder u new sale. U$ n.nM n... fa CALUMET, Mich., Jae. 31,-Dr. Mantau'a mian aiere and stock aud eevcral Irame build. Age were burned at Bed Jacket yesterday wis. aaeieas u aoeut eiD.000 s Jnsur- vWlCO. The thcrtuometer-atood at 25 Velew zero durleg the lire. r9r A Vasast UK lUhlud. UT eeala a baait.t n,ii chicken, was feund in nn ..r snarfeet houses. It m bow at th OfBca, where the owns aaa obtain lu LMe Csipaer M eea ke Bease, TM King etreel open hones was te have epeMd thla evening with the Rese I.lsle dramatic oemrany, but If It opens at all it will likely be with a law suit. This fore noon William A. Halbacb, manager el the house, Informed Frank 1 Yerance, manager for Miss Lisle, that he had camelled weir engagement and they would net '.be allowed te open this evening. Feretime there was qulte a stormy scene, Mr. Yerance declar ing positively that he would open, while the manager of the rink stated Just as pesl. lively that he would net. Whlle this was going en the members of the com. pany were busy en the stage rehearsing their parts for te-night. Mauager llalbacb gave bis side of the story te an 1st ELLieENCfcn reporter. He says that he v.aa Impesed upon by tbe company, which does net come up te the representations made te htm. He says that Miss Lisle was lyldg Idle last week and that she has drawn this company together quickly, the members coming trem Philadelphia, Columbus, Leuis. ville and ether places. He says that they never bad any rehearaals together until this morning, wheu the majority of thorn toad their part He thinks they are an inferior company, and some of the members say se themselves. He says that te open his house with a peer attraction would ruin his prea poets, and theplace will be locked this even ing. Mr. Yerance was also seen by a reporter. He says that he will be at the theatre at 7 o'clock this evening with his company ready te glve a performance, and 11 be is net al lowed te de se be twill at cue bring suit against Halbacb, with whom befhelds a con. tract. He aays that Miss Lisle Is a tine ac trets, whose reputation Is well-known among all theatre people throughout the entire coun try. Ab for the company, llalbacb has net seeu them perform and be knows nothing whatever of their ability. They have net as yet given a peer show, aud Ualbach Is trying u c'I I them off without giving them any ci&ict-. I As for the company being brought Ktcc ;r from (JltUrent cities that amounts te rix..5 nor does the fact tbat some of them rmi t-rir parts. What they want Is an oppertus:?- re perform te-night, and If they are net allowed this privilege there t 111 be treuble in the ebape of a law suit. JIVJOUVXBV fJCABTEa BJTfliO.S5. List cl Jarers Who Will Try the Cuti In the Net Criminal Court. Judco Livingston, Sberltf Tomllnsen and Jury Commissioners DUler and Ilyus drew the following jurors this alteruoen te serve in tbe adjourned quarter sessions court, begin ning Monday, March 7: in Bllckenderfer, grocer, Bth ward, city. Aaren K. ( ultuer, weed draler, 6th ward, city. Wlnficld s. Iluckiu. laborer, ih ward, city. Andrew J Hick, brlckmaker, 9th waid.cltv Henry Lewl, farmer, Kaat Earl. JicebShrnfc, firmer, Maner. Jaceo I'mbV, tanner, Salisbury. lilt hard Hlcki, mason, Pequea. Andrew Ceble, iarmer.Sth ward, city. Absalom ltartman. Innkeeper, West Cucille. J, r. ll'-rr, tinsmith, Straaburg ber llnry C. iteyd, Merchant. Manhelm ber. Albert Hn;cn, tinlth. Martic. "iunk .lanseu, marble mason, Columbia. Kdwln llonten, Innkeeper, West lierapfleld J. 1). Wilsen farmer, rulten. Anm 9!at, Mimn-, Salisbury. Jacib Dyer, merchant, KlUabethtewn. .1 31 IIei4, miller, Drnmere. Jehn T. Knapp, machlnlit. 7th ward, city Hiram bhenk, miller. Providence. Jeseph Urtwller, farmer, Mt- Jey ber. 1 red. Maullck, brewer, MarlelU. Famuel II lleyd, dealer, Columbia. reter Ammen, innkeeper, lit ward, city. w.J. McCaa, farmer, c?:rnarven J'et'r 11 Rouder, clgarmaker, K Earl. Jacob Miller, coach trimmer. Mt. Jet ber. Abraham MMly, lr, larmer, tv. Jjenegal. Rebert C. McUenncll, carrlage maker, tli wsru, cay. Gee nurnnti'tler, butfher, 7th ward, city. l'uttr Miller, farmer. Miner. J C. Kchteinacht, farmer, Pamdlne. lienry 1 Jr; 'r, rnarble cutter. 3d ward, clly. Cel. David Mn'.sten, tobicce dealer, Celuubti Jullu llradycamp carpenter, tth ward, city. Jehn Beam, firmer, Slr&tbargtwp. MUlen L. shirk, farmer. Wen Cocallce. )'.. a. smith, c'gar Coaler, lh ward, city. J VT Schleaipr, teacher. West Cocallce. Merris "er.chel. tobtcce dealer, 5th ward, clt. H M. Frldy, Kent, tV'cat Hempfleld. Cee Crane, hank teller, Columbia. Jacob Fent, brlckmiker, 8lh ward. city. f-amnel ttelcbans, bricklayer, KastDeutgal. Z. Taj ler Sheber, clerk, lai ward, city. Michael llartle, 11. U. supervlier, Manhelui twp. Jehn Nay ler, laborer. Marietta. m Ltnna anbeclety Offlcer. At the meeting of the Linncn Society ou Saturday, Dr. U.S. Ratbvenread an original paper relating te the Lancaster County His torical society, recently organized. The fol lowing ofticers were elected for the year IsST: President, Hen. J. I', Wlckersham ; vice president?, Dr. J, U. Dubbs and C, A. Heln lt.h j recording secretary, H. M. Sener j treasurer, Br. S. 3. Rathven ; corresponding secretary, Miss E. V. Baker ; librarian, Mr. L. D. Z9ll ; curators, l'ref. J. S. Stahr, Dr. S. S. Rathven, S. M. Sener and C. A. Heln ltsh. The society adjourned, te meet en Sat urday afternoon, Vchruary 26. Inn Kalu-esd Employ m KllJe.l. 'llllam McFadden, et Petersburg, Hun. tlngden county, who was a brakemaneu this divlsen of the Pennsylvania railroad, was found unconscious en top of a car of a train going west, Sunday morning, and removed te the hospital at Harrlsburg, where he dled. He was struck by a bridge near Chtckiea. Leenard Zimmerman, who was conductor of a shlfterat Steelten, whlle coupling cars there en Saturday, was caught between the bumpers aud squeezed te death. He leaves a widow and six children. Heard el Trade Met ting, A Hpeclal meeting of the Lancaster Beard et Trade will be held ou Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by J. P. Wlckersham subjeu, " The rmestlen of Nen-Partlsan Municipal Government ;" Gee. M. l'ranklin subject, " Inducements te Manufacturers te Lecate In Lancaster, and Hew te Aid Struggling Industries Already Here ;" Henry Baumgardner subject, "Cash and Credit System; advautage or Quarterly ei Monthly tiettlementa." Aii llayliieer Stricken With faraljiU, James Armttreng, ene of the best known eugiuecrs ou the Pennsylvania railroad, wai stricken with paralysis In the Bread Street Btatlen, Philadelphia, en Saturday. He was takeu te the Presbyterian hospital wherfl he new lies in a critical condition. Mr. Arm strong is a resident of Columbia, and runs the market train. Ilie Mwouercher Kink. Since the Lancaster skating rink has beeu translermcd lute a theatre there is but one rink lu the city and that is in M nnercher hall. It was reopened en Saturday eveulng uuder I he management of Geerge Eckert and Jehn Wolf. There was a large atteudauce and geed erder prevailed. Cuiuplalut About Dead Chickens. People residing In Arch alley complain that soe.10 oue between Chestnut and Walnut Btreeis li in the habit of throwing dead chickens in the alley and allowing them te re main, I'elltluu fur Ebman'a farileu. A petttien for the pardon et Andy L'bman was circulated among the members or the bar for signatures this inernlDg. It was signed by tunny el the members. lleualluu te the Soup Fuml. Henry A. Yeung, baker, donated te the soup houpe this morning thirty leaves of bread. Ittturnrd te Court, Iaac Kcissluger, Jr., or Marietta, was heard ou Saturday by Alderman Fordney aud re quired te Klve hail for his appearance at the next term of the court te answer a charge or deserting his wire. Ouljr HI 05 Kealltsd. The sherilT realized only flG5 by the sale of the personal property et Jeseph Tuck, the Columbia cigar manufacture who recently absconded. Men mut- fti Win I a Bkatlag Mateft-CaapaaiMtarr Itrrnre te Hlrglns, Becead MaseiMw. Harry l'yle, the base ball plteher, akated a two-mile race for a purse el (10 against 1'. Beaver, at l'ottstewn. l'yle w ou. Micky Welsh thinks that Fyle and Phe nomenal fmlth v 111 both be uflectisl by the new rule, Mlilcti l net allow thorn te Juuipareuud. llaldnln, el Ucttult, says he will net be able te de as well. It Is Raid that Harry lleyle 111 loeno the bust aud swiftest Pitchers In the profession. The lUx-totu-errespondent of the i'hlladul phUiYftj fcajsef a ball plitjcr well known bore : "The Bestens nppear te bave raade no mistake In cngnRltiRyetitiR lllgclns te play second basouevtscasen. Set eritl parties who hate ft en him play wul who have played aaalnst him spnk" strongly of his merits. Whlle he Is said te be only a fnlr batter, his tleldlng and base running are eH.)kcn of most enthuslastlrally. He Is of steaay hablls and verv HUibltleus, lu Uklnc the place of Bur deck he Is lolloping a grmt plater, and may naturally feel a little nerteus at the outset, but In no club would be receiv e fairer treat uient at the hands or the eterans tlfhu he will with Bosteu." Marsh (Julnten will catch ler the l.e till, (N. Y.) club. Charlie lngraham, t he wbll 1th the Iron sides club In 1SS1 was a peer pitcher aud a worse batter, led the batting lu the Iscrth western Lcngiie last season. Temney, the vivacious little short step, has bt en released by Stracue te Bingham Bingham ten for 12W. Ileatil el Trade lutrullen,. 5aoralef the Beard of Trade comuilttees melon Saturday etenlng and dUcussed Im portant matters. William D. Sprecher sub mltted a prope3ltlon for the establishment of a manufactory here, te make shell hardaiu. There are thtee such manufactories in Bead Ing, all of which are lu a prosjreus condi tion. M r. U ager ale submitted a preposition for the formatleu of ati improvement com pany. 'I his cemptny will agree te erect buildings for uiauulacturers whenever wanted, and charge for tbe same a certain In terest en the com of the same. Buildings, however, ill net le orected until ordered by uvpouHeif prt:cj. Beth prepositions were AMVuapJ at length, and will be reported te tlv ti'PMtUjC cl lbs Beard of Trade te-morrow sVh ' -if Jultu action will be takeu. Ubc3id9 Inrucd Awar, The icn Kvs at Covenant U. B. church con cen con tlnue with unabated interest. The pastor preached Sandsy morning, Rev. Pilgrim, the evangelist, spoke te the young people at 3. 15, and also preached at 7 15. The altar of the church was crowded with penitents. In the morning n cumber of persons were re celved Inte the church. At the evcnlDg sei vices hundred' were unable te get Inte the ehurch. l'arrlibarc Marerallty. At the Democratic primarlej In Harrlsburg Dr. S. C. Prlehey wa nemlnattd for mayor, William K Verbeke for city controller aud M. 8. Black for city treasurer. Dr. i'rltchey represents a large ward In select council and Verbeke wasuty controller the past four J eari Armed le rittabarg The Pittsburg rett notes the arrival of Mr. B. J. McGrann aud S. H. Reynolds, esij , in Pittsburg, the suit of Mr. McGrann against the Pittsburg A Lake Erie railroad opening te-day. Beth McGrann aun the railroad com pany are making greit preparations ler the trial. At the eup Hoiue, Last week 1 '77 rations were distributed at the soup heu90. Thus far this winter 161 families have been relieved. T.ii ew urk Llte Iasarant.e Cempauj. Attention la dlrected te the advertisement elsewhoreef the New Yerk Life Insurance company, one et tbomest elid la theceuntry, having been ertranIzd in 1515 and pe&aeiaing assets of eter JTOKJCLOea It had 13,000,0x1 el new business last jear, which n double tbe amount any company has had fera single year. Its local Interests are In geed hands, that euergetlc Reulleaian, Mr. Clareuce . I.lchly.belUB the agent ler Lancaster county. At his eOlce, .Ne, 10'. East King street, he will bopleased togiveull the desired Infor mation te thoe who may call upon Win. Amuaeuieutfi. Tie JIar !'' ( embuul en Tv nighi Ihlieruu Ing the Hareld combination, which Includes William Iiatldse, Jr, Maygle Hareld, William Sherry and a number or ethi-r well-known dra matic people, win open In Fulton opera heue for a week. Et en wheru that the company baa appeared the prv3 baa praised them highly But hw of the ariLta are unnewu te Lancaster people, and Ihey will no fienbt dra-v largelv darlnsthencet. The prices arc popular. DMATJia. 6rsHVA-. lu this city, en the S'th ion , Stewart liayej. son of h'ln ml and Kuimableh uian, agediimenis Interment private. DeRWAEr. January :, 15?;, lu Philadelphia, Simen '. Uerwatt. jermerly of Lancaster, aed tli years, 1 month and U days. 'Iho relatives and friends et the lamlly-ulse the members of the different ledges hnlghts of Pythias, who will assemble at the Castle Hall of Lancaster Ledge, Ne M, Inquirer buUdlng, at a quarter past one, are respectfully Invited te at at teed Iheiuncral from tha residence of his sis. tcrs, Ne. 8 : North Queen street, en Wednesday atternoeu at 2 o'clect. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Millsr January 21. !-;, in IhU cllt-, Mary KlUatxth Miller. diuRhter of Hiram and Lydla Miller, In her 17th year. The relatlvc and Irlandi of the ramlly are re spectrally Invited te attend the raneral, from her patents' residence, Ne. 82e Benth Water street, en Tuesday morning at 6.10 o'clock! te proceed te Nuwrrovldccce en the B 3) train HAItUKTS. Chicago Produce starker. Chicago, Jan. SI, 910 a. tn Market opened. Wheat-Jan., 77c: Feb,, 7e'ic j March, 77ViaXc ; May.HSc. Cern -Jan, Kc Feb , Sic : March, S5l.33t3c: UHTi t.C. Uats-Jan., 2SHc ; Feb., 2J'c May, net H Pert: Jan., Ill S3; I Lb., March, e, 112 ; Maich, l u,m ; aiay, 114 ; Lard Jan.. ti 17 :u Jan., Feb., H six i March, ; a H It- Mareh, fl 25 cut uay, ( C3. Short lllba Feb., May, JO. txvb:xa. Wheai-Jan., 77!tc j Feb, 77ic i March, 77?ie , May, e.'KC Cern-Jan., KJjc : Feb, SSJicj March, Me; May, 0Ke, '' ' Oata Jan, 25,'e; Feb., SJ,Hc i March, SJ'Je May, 'Alie. .,Vi-jRn' ,!'jvmKi Feb., H3 57KJ March, Hi CO: May, 111 75 Laru-.Juu.,i4:K : Feb., M 43K : March, se 13: Mav.tSU Uiba-Jan,6 32; Feb. May, ICKI. IC32XI March, W37K; Lite Hlecs Uarket. CniOAOO. Jan 81 The Dreiert' Journal re ports . Cattle Kecelpts, l.otie head 1 shlpmenu, iui; market and pi Ice were slew; Bhlppln(tu-ers,M0tel.5ij0ftj,l3it3 0, tock. c-is and feeder, ti M33 60 1 rows, bulla and nilred.iiwai7ii bnlk.KJ035'. Heks llicelpls, li.Wi huad ; shipments, 9,000 head: market ft sbade steadier i rough mtd, HI03IS0: packing and shipping, II 75a t. ;s 1 iiKht, ti S091 w 1 skips, t : Nai 21. " bhc-ep llecc-lpti), l.iu huad t shlpmenU, no head! markl meady -, unlives, II 713 80; iVfitern, i S')a W ruaan,2 tee CO, lambs, 11 e.g. Kast LiBiBTT. Cattle Receipts, SSO head, hlpmenti, m head 1 market nelain doing all through censlgn-xenls , shipments te New Yerk. 7 carloads. . Hogs Uucelpu, llue head 1 shipments, I.SOO 1 bend ( market rtrm i Philadelphia, as -jtQiU: 1084 2C: common le luht, II tetileu shlpmcutHtoAewlerk.2J carleuds. Uheep-ltccelpis, seu head i shipments, l.r.CO i market very dull; net enough doing tocstub tecstub l!bh a market. New lera Maraet. Nkw Vea, Jan. 3l.-Kleur market dull i riue, 3 3Hti 1U eujienine, S3 TOffiS 49 s common te geed extra Western. $3 2W83 lit geed te fancy extra tVesiein, 13 708520. Wheat Nn. 1 KedBUtn.03a'JiC! Ne. 2 de. 9JXeiNn.2i.ud, Winter, Jan, wj.c; Feb., 1)1' Jc: Murch 03c. ' Corn-Ne. 2 mixed cash, l-c ; de Jau 7Jc: Feb , 470 ; March, tc. ' ' Oats no. 1 Whlte hiate, 4(ist Ne. 2 de. 33c. : Ne. 2 mixed, Jan.,S5?iu. rab.,aikii May. 33W& 111 e dull 1 tVesleru, MtJJfce 1 State, 67KGbju Ilajleymuilnal. l'erk dull ; new mess, 112 2.'.fJ15 7t Lard Jan., K Nil Mar., I0S1 1 May, p 37 Melaasea quiet at2cc Mr Au tout. Turjmntliie quiet at VMe. Keeliidullt strained te Kced.fl rt'fjl c.-.. Petroleum dull i Uctlnca, lu cusui, SKc. Freights dull t grain te Londen, K. llultcr steady 1 ttVtUirn C'aimiry, tui'a j Klgln Croamery, 2ttJJec 1 state dairy, hall (likln tub,ica7c Cheeudiilli WeaUtm riat, HOlJVci geed te ohelco light sklmn. 10.'ll;f. "'' Iggt steady 1 Blato.-Jie) Western, 31 0320. . Sugar steady ; Lctlnixl CntJear, cWc : Uranu lated, Sie. Tallew firm 1 prime city. 4Jie. Ulce dulll Carolina. luirt j geed, (:ivc. LeffSQ dull 1 fair cargoes, llj.'e. P . llWUMfc.- rarmtuatAyi lnfll. Breker. Cntaiad Whsal Hieat. 1'eik, Lard. January... Ori?H.! ;; veuruary. Marce., M -.- !M 13 TJ M AlUU. nay. June LB1 b't. R ) 111 li"9 I Winter Whcnt. spring wmvai .,., Cern..... ,,. Osta K liHtlry Oil City Crude Oil . . ., HetetpU ItiHrt. ...... lltad. Ctedng Prices 3 o'clock p. m hi Ihcal, fnru. ixta. l'tuk. Laid. Jauuaiy ... rrbruaiy .. March Apt 11 May June... ... Oil CUV. ciuaoeu. ..;; 11 II n I! I. w I'? . SI. s V, 13 W S'S K 7t s .... 3k l'bllatlelphla I'mJuit 5Iatht. rrtinpiLrnn, Jan. 31 flour market nulet'j salp,AU barrels i alIniiceta llakvrs, fl INti ?M i.'OSW. Wcalvrn de, Kt a flour quiet, Hi co. . . ., , . ..v.. . v wum ,im iici' , r k. . Cetu-iTan., t'Xa t Tct , WVs Marih, 4T,ct April, lie Oats Ian rc; rcb. j;v March. 'id Apill, fe.'ic. reUadelphla Cattle Mtrket. rniLAbBLVBtA. Jan, -lucf cattle, lrietpts ler week were licet cs -fi t-hecp. liUXXJi liens, f.sixx Previous woek-Ccetcj, Oi Sheep, lC.WHets,8.S. .,, Beef! lAttlw. fatrandleTn Extras V-iO Kci Reed, JJBJJic t n-cdium, PiGc , com mon, saic, sheep was actlve: extra. t',,ttnc. geed, im .r luedlum, ai)ic , iviuuieu, .'.aic. Lamb), isTJc ilei3t4c lewer WsteiB,.iJ i New loin steekf Sn Ycac, Jan., 31, 1 ec p m. Meney leaned at !tj tier cent. Exchange itevly ; petted rate, 4&HII&.S. Governments tiraey Currency C's, liar.blrt; l's Ceup,ir Lud.lSs de, tl IP. bid. The stock market ercacJ 3H acd steady, andtocenllnutauptoihefint call. Tewaid 11 o'clock a telling of tha i ial shares was begun, under which prices weakenid aid declined by i: e clock H te IX per Lent The market haj lute beeu dull and feat irelei Bleck Market Quotations by Becd, UvUrann 1 Ce , tankers Lancaster, r&. KltT TORK LIST. 11 A 13 M. !r N, Canada Pacific....... ,. I' C C.AI Colerado Ceal Central Pae Canada Beuthem Chi. bt I.. A 1'gh Den. A Kle. Q." Del L. tv trio Erie, 2nd) Jcr C , K A T Leu A K L Shere Mlch.cen Missouri Pacific ....... l N. r Pre! N tVet K T. C. ......... East Tennessee G Omaha ervKOii Transportation OnUrte AW PaclQe MaU Kech. A r St. Paul Tci. Pac Union Pac Wabash Cem . WabaahPref Western U West Shere Bends "uw England rnii.ADBi.rau list. Leh. Val ll.N.Y.APhlla 1'a.ll li- Heading... Lett. .NaT Uvstenv.Fus. P.A K N'.C'ent Peepirs Pass Krtg. Gen'ls OU i ft'"s 21V, 1UV4 u ' PA', l"7, 112 112 13I S-Jt 17H 50t M'i II 2d 73 60 a M 17 iiii 30H 6IW PI t: MS? lllj, '153 IC, se IT1. te 7IM 103t t(Xi MtJ li il 111". sit . ' , VH ' '. 111 $ . SAW se 71i ts 6l'k Sl'i 1: 11 : l-ie 100K 7 SEW ADrir.TISfilESTS tjakinq'fewBek. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. TU1S rxiwdar never vailes. A marvel el 1 nurlly, strena-tn and wholesomeness. Mere ,IIA.VJ. IMOUIM M n UU.C.U1UCUCB3, HUIO ecouemlciu than the ordinary kinds, and cannot de seia in competition nn tne multitude or low test, short weight, alum or nhosphate powders. Held only in cam. Keta:. Uakiss Pewdss Ce, lua Wall Street. New Yerx. may27:lyfl.xw w ANTED A BOY ABOUT FOUR- a office. In own handwililn? etste salary ex- pectee it" FOR RENT. Krem April 1. 1M7. h Thrsc-Stery Dwell. In; Heuse, We. 17 North Queen street. Terms tueder.te. Apply te J II.KAUrMAN, laa3i-M,W,9 Ke.m KaatKtng Street. XITANTED-A YOUNO MAN TO ASSIST TT in a carpet Department, one with ex- porlence In the iuas justness iprsierred Addreifl u i BLIA B9i, Lancaster P. O. HUBLEY'S VEOE TABLE VHRMI luge. Don't (all te try it if your children are troubled with any cr the symptoms or worms, Hare, certain ana etrectuai, for sale at UUBLCT-.1 bllUO STORK, W West King BtresL ELECTION NOTICE. The annual election et Trustees et the Lan caster Cemetery will bs held en Tuesday, Feb ruary 1, lf87. between the hours el 10 and 11 a. in, at the drape Hetel- JOHN I. HAUTMAN, Janl7,!i.31d President. A SPECIAL MEETINO OF THE LAN cas'er Beard nf Trade will be held at sh leman's hall en TOKSUAT BVNlNO, FKB. KUaUY 1, at 8 o'clock. Addresses will be de livered by Hen. J. I. Wlckersham and Gee if. franklin, esq. Citizens Intcn-stedln the alms end purposes e( the Ueard et Trade arc Invlttd te be proiceL Jan31-Jt HEKBY C. MOORf. SecreUry. ESTATE OV ANNA M. ESSIO, LATE 01 the City or Lancaster, deceased. Let teis tesumentarv en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, ana these ; having claims or demands against the me will present them without delay for settlement te the under stirncd, residing In the tlty of Lancaster. M HAIlKltUUSn, 11. lKULKlt. JO. A.CeTLS, Kzecuters Attorney. )anl7etdU A H. HOSENBTEIN, A BARGAIN. Owing te the close et the rail and Winter Sea son, I have purchased one mere piece el these elegant Heavy Park Blue English Cheviots, at a reduced twice. They were our bestseller, and sold at 133 oe, and have reduced them te the low figure of fiAOu. Made, and trimmed elegantly, and above alL a eerteet flu I. IL0KN8XJtIN. rine Tailoring, Nerthyubent. OVER SEVENTEEN UUNDRED 8AM. ple Mettles or rrabey' Syrup et Ulood Uleod Uloed iooL Wild Cherry and Horehound, were dis tributed from deer te deer last week. Owing te s in kua In the factories we are short In e ar bcttle supply. As seen as we can get them mere sam ples will fellow. Weask the publte Judgment ou lis merit, large bottles jt ii cents. Ne opiates. S'ltAU.KY'a KA&TCNU PllAKUAtiV. . f Onoeslte Eastern Market-i J- Trv Frallev's Liver Pills for Cenatlnatlun. tlnat ,W,I X.VC, . - -. .. .. il. - dS3wdM,W,rtt STRICTLY PURE MAPLE 8YRUP BY Vint, (Juirt or Gallen cheap. Alse Maple ugar. Try It. Itaker'a Chocolate. Ue. cake i kpp's Cocea, c cant Baker's Cocea, ISO. cam Nelsen's or Cezes' Oelatlne, lie ; 3 packages Imported Macaroni for V5c t 3 packages ITK Washing Powder for Se best Olelne Boap only Se. cake i Miller's Borax Boap, 6e . 4 for 2Je. ex. tra ramlly croakers, Cc. pound best Crench I'eas, inc. can. C LAUKE'8 TEA AND COrFKK 8TOBE, Ne. 3 West King Street. WTelepevne. Tsneirit ........a. 1 -----. Hl 7Tlf 72t fSBBS, . ..... .. .7S 'T-l .........MS gV ...... m aia n t-cclHS tk.--..- - E NORMOUS BARGAINS. Prices en Gleaks - Prices en Ginks DEEP ROCK BOTTOM. Theme la eeareh of ENORMOUS BARGrAINSIare greatly surprised nt our wendtrfuUy ' HE DU OED PRICES. Beyond ft doubt, THIS IS YOUR TIME. Jeseph L. Rau & Ce., THE LEAUINd AND FOPULAK CLOAK 110USK, Neb. 133-138 North Queen Street, Near P. P. R. Station. AA-IP AB VERTISSltXXra. 1jen R UNT TU k" VOO PERT v'ne. 16 Aj contre Seuarv. upd as a rlsar ite'e for av- era! yeara : aim the nalenn uudrnralhthe atom. Apply Officii ply te UCOUUK W. lest LIN SON, atShertfTs ane nun "fACOB K BUEAVFKR'H PURE RYE WHISKY, DUKK PTliKirr LIQUOR JIJUK. augc;-lydu rpiiE Due de Montebello It the flnestef Imported Champajrnps fold uuly at UOlinLlfS LIQUOR STOHS. a Centre Square. A OA1N AHEAD. Chas A. Palmer, Ne.'IIBauU Ann strict. Lan caster, Pa., Is uuelhcr who tried all kinds of medicine for his ceuh, for two years, but he get no telle! until he tried Cochran's Oeugb Cure. One boltle of which helped him morn thnn ALL Til It UriiKK SltUlUl.Mta JIB. 1UUS. Uuarantcvd te glve satisfaction or uiouevie funded by the cele uianulaclurvr. 1'rlceiJc.ii bottle. H. B. COOI1RAN, Druggist, Nns.lS7 A 130 North queen RL. lAncaster, Pa. Cochran's OIHAM or UOSKS cure and pre vents chapinid hands and faces, mar lyeedll ESTATE OF JAMES STKWAKT, LATH of the city of Lancaster deceased. Letters of admlulstrutlen en said istate hating been granted te the nnderstgned, all persons Indebtt d thereto are requested te makn lmmedlata pay ment, and these hating claims or demands against the same, wt 1 present them without de lay ter settlement te the undersigned, residing lu the city et Lancaster CKAULOTTC STEWART, t II AKLKB E. KTKWAUT, Adtntnlstratem U fer.w t N art Ay, Attorney. djectdM TJISTATK Or CHAHLKS Ul.MMELS- JJ 11AI.1I, lata of the cltv of Lancaster, dn- ccased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted tkorete are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the sarne, will present them without Celay ter setllemsnt te the undersigned, residing 11- said city. MAKQARKT niMMCUBACII. Jekf A.Cetlk, Att'j. AdmlnUtrntrlx dccl3-6taM CTAMM BKOS. .t CO. Stamm Bres, & Ce. HERB ARE SOME OF THE LOW PRICES Te which this week n 0 Invite attention. The same values cannot be found In this city. A bread statement. Examine the koe.1i and note these price!. De they stand "for " or " Agi palest' ue. Dress Goods! WOOL CLOTH, yard wide, 17c. a yard. WOOL CLOTH, yard and a-quarter wide, fc'c a yard. WOOL CLOTH, yard, and a-quarter wide, lie. a yard. Extra Fine ALL-WOOL CLOTH, yard wide, 8K:.ayard. Extra Fine ALL-WOOL CLOTH, yard aud a quarter wide, 50c yard Housekeeping Goods! rifty Linen ALL-LINKS TOWELS 5c. each, extra heavy, rifty D02CU ALL-LINEN TOWELS PC. each, extra heavy. Bevcnty-ave Dezen ALL-LINKN TOWELS 10c each, extra heavy. Twe Hundred and fifty Dezen ALL-LINKN TO Wi:LS, from llVfc, each up te II U) each. TABLE LINENS At 17c, :ec , !Sc , 31c , 3c. 37HC , 13c , 13c-, f'e and higher. Muslins and Sheetings. r UK SPECIAL SHEKTINO Is I'M Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, i:Xc a yard. RS- All the Popular Brands et Muslins and Eheetlngs at Lew en Prices -AT.TIIE- BOSTON STORE. 20 k 28 North Queen Street, LANCA8TCU, PA. M YER8 A RATUFON, Our Cut in Prices baa Lad the desired effect. Greatly Increased sales iu the past two weeks Lave reduced our tteck considerable. Toe much stock yet tee many Ileavy-weight Goods te carry ever. It will pay jeu te buy new, even if you don't stand iu need of them until next win ter. Such bargains will pay te keep. It's us geed an invest ment as anyone can make. Don't be backward about com ing te examine these bargains. We cTtn prove te you that ac tual reduction", have been made. Myers & Eathfen, Manufacturing Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING SI REST, LANCASriU, 1'A. -UAVK iTUUUIJKD TEW YOHK 1AVK INSUHANCC COMTANV. Organized 1845. PURELY The New YertK Lire Insurance Company secured e et Thirteen Millien, of uetv business In the State et Pennsylvania laat year. Thla Is Decblk the amount et cr written by any ether Cep-ipuuy In a single year It, has paldLAROER Pnerm te its policy-holders en the Toutlue Plan than Ant OiiiEit Company. It U the Only Leiupuny that assumes the risk of bciciiJi; fiem the statt. The success of the Philadelphia .5ency is unprecedented, but the General Agenta iccoguire that the co-operation of the poliey-belders In aiding the writing of newboti newbeti ness has been nn Important factor In Its success, and they desire, at this time, te call the attention of every policy-holder te the f.tct that, the Company being PURELY MU TUAL, they are diiectly iutereettd in assisting the Agency In eut.iluiug new Insurable lives. The General Agents Intend te merit a leulimuuce of public patronage by giving their careful attention te the interests of every pollcy-beMtr. Call or write, slating age, for particulars as te new pellcv plans VANUXEM, HAYNES, Cietiuni Agent for th4 Stttcs of N03. 331-U33 WALNUT STREET, Ml'LrOBP, Aireeer Actutty JOHN SHINDEL a WILKINSON, imitlCT HiNAQEKR OFFICE Over First Nntlenrtl Dank. . - Yerk, P. CLARENCE Y. LICHTY, t'ent ter Lancaster Cennty OFFIOE-Over Mew Yerk Store, Ne. 10 1-2 Biet Klu Ht., Lisaoeator, Pa. JfAfs, VSi'n, 4tv. pEADTUELlST. SPECIAL LOW PRICES This Week i inr LEADING UAT AND Fl'K U0USE. .70O8ALCArg . HSluSEALCAI'S UIOSEALCAPS .... II000SEALCAPS .. ISOJBKALCAI'd ueducea te mw ....Kc.lUCCKl tOIIKO Kednccd te I oeo Keauceatei B00 lieilucccl let t(0 Men's and rwivs' WINTKK CAPS from lie. np. ULST'd rint OLOVB4 and COLLAIts. LAUtRS' MUrrS and balance or our ruit TltlMUINUelosedentat cesr. Mtectal InducemenU also for this wtck en UOI1ES and LAP lll.ANRKTS. A full line or TRUNK? and TKAVELIN'Q UAUd at LOWEST PUICE8. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., HI and 03 North Queen Streot, LANOAftTKll PA umuvmuiMM, . T WIANT'a OBBAP AND GOOD, Three mds Rest French Prunes. Me . tbioe pounds Ileal Italslns, Sic.! four pounds Uned itaiains, -ac , lour peunas uoeo nice, n, Price of flour, 83c , 77c.. 68a.. 83e . tie , Mc. and i?e per Quarter. Our High Grade coffees speak for themselves. Please give us a trial order. GEO. WIANT, aug 30-lvd Ke US West King Street , T HURHK'H. XXX Confectioners' Pulverized Sugar. SPECIAL ATTENTION ' AIA PURE SUOAtt srilUr for 'table Use only iu cents a (juarr. Tell the geed news all around or the geed Table Byrup yen have found. It Is bright, atrcet nd cheap, and found alone at 17 Hast Klug street. A CAB. LOAD-40 barrels et this Kzcellent Syrup Just received, firing your keltles aud uga. tvhy buy a peer Syrup when you inn get the best pure fyrup at lu cents a 'luart, OBANQX8 ABE VEBY CHEAP. WlIlTEGKAPE8atl0snanS cents are also Cheap. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. rsrTelephene Conncetlens. Goods Uellvei-eit OAMMIAUM. CARRIAGES I CARRIAGES I Edw. Edgerley, iu, II, 43, iJ MARKET STREET, Rear of Postefflce, 1 ancasler, 1'a. My stock comprises a large variety of Buggies, Carriages, Pbicteus, Iluslnecs and Market Wagons. Call and examine my work, and If you de net find what you want leave your order. Encourage geed work. Ihsre is economy In buying a geed artlele. Twenty years In busi ness and every Carriage a geed ene, MOTTO " Fair Detliif, Honest Werk it Bolten I'rict?." 4SfRepatrlnjr Promptly Attended te. Tenpr cent, lower than all ethers. One set et woik weik men especially employed for that puipese. AA. BB Tbe Hanbeim ROLLER FLOUR Excelled by Nene. JanJl JindB, tTNORMOUS BAROA1NH.I Assets ever $70,000,000 MUTUAL. SANDBERG & CO, I IiUiy.vaii!'i, Ohie in.1 UeUnatr s-fULADEL?HIA. nn, L MOKE, A genc-jr Director lAUlUMtM, Special AfrenL JTUH BAI.H VM MEM. POK HUNT-SECOND AM) THIRD fleer. Net. :t and 80 Eat Kins struet. n 1th elevuter Hultable ler almost any bnslnass Kent Lew. Call en U f, KIAUKIIOUBE, J annua He. te Last King IU F IOR KENT AT MODERATE TEKMH, AT .SO. 13 SOUTH DUKK BT , A most desirable suite or rooms ler lodging ei business purposes. Apply te K.Q.K BATES. Jane-lmd Ke UI.Nertb PnkaatrsiaL FOK RENT FROM APRIL 1, 1M7. A First Class rarin et M Aeres. two mllsa from tbe city. our acres of Land en Kncjiland tict louracrnser Land In the ri&hth ward. Small Stable. 'r.M West uranRn street, 8 mall tlejsca en Last Oiange, riederlck, Fulton, Cbutcb and Jehn streets. Terms reasonable. Apply te IUH8II A IIROTIIEa. tfTOOPER IIOUHE KOK KKNT. - The cooper Heuso, one hair square from Centra Sauaru and Opera Heuse, anJ near both railroad depots. This u ene or tbe largest and boslbeusta In the clly. Large Hale and El change stables, all nrst-clajs. j-ossesslen en Apm ist. WM.J.COOrjtK. eUERIIT'S HALE WALL PAPER AT 131 N OUT II QUKEN STllltST. Clearlne-ent stle et the larne and comeletn stock or Wall Paper. late the prepxrty of Alfred sluber, cnaslsiln or the newi-st and best pat terns of Wall Taper, Window Shades, Stair Reds, etc 'J his stock having been purchased at Sheriff's sale, will be sold ngardfuss or cost. In large or small nnantitles InurJer te facilitate the sale, first-class Paper llanjers have been secured, and rooms and houses will bttpinered at extra ordinary low prices. Parties will de well te In vestigate this stock beiein purcha-lng else whmv. T. 11. UnLAIlAN, laJt-sltd Attorney for Execution Creditors A.aVBKMMHTB. TflULTO.N OPERA 1IOU8E. MONDAY, JANDARY 3UU 1887. fcr KU Nights and a Grand Saturday Matinee. The Maggie Hareld Comedy Ge. The Great Comedian, WM., the Ileautirul Ueubrette, afaUUlK I1ABOLD, the Singing Comedian. DONALD UAKOLO (for flreytars with Annie Plx'ey), supperted by the faverites: wm J. bherry. J. M. "hlte, Uebert Hareld, L. ford, II. Fdwards, Mllley fulmer. Nerma Teager, Clara Celeman, cle , etc. REPERTOIRE. Monday "Grevt Divorce Case." Tuesday "llotweenTwef Ire." Wednesday "rink Dominoes'" Thursday " Ticket nf Leave Mae " frlday i laj Ing with rire." Saturday Matinee. " aurora rievd " balurday Night " Leng Strike." Men, Women aud Cblldren who want te enjoy a hwarty laugh ceme and tea this company of comedians. Prices, 10. aiaud 31 cents. Kejerved Seals, sold at Opera Heuse Offlce. JauM-std pERSONS WISniNOTOMAKEMONBY -w- STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND OIL, BUOITLD INVESTIGATE LAURIE CO'.a HTHTEster DLALINU IN 8UALL OK LAKHK LOTS ON ONE tKU CENT. CASH MAttUlNB. Ten Dollars will, for example, cover tun 1100 Shares, or 1 aoe bushels of Uniln, Explanatory Pamphlet free QUOTATIONS WIRED. Orders and Margins received by Telegram or Ul" LAURIE a CO., STOCK BROKERS, ALSO DEALERS IN TOKEIUN KXC0AMGK. 860 Broadway, New Yerk, "The members of the Ann are. ...gentlemen of experience and high standing In the Grain and block Commission business. ...and among their refeienc- are a number of the leading Hanks." "AVw J'er CVmmsrefat Atws," " They have a stainless record, and their bona fides am Indisputable....! be lopuUtlen of tie firm Is such, tbat parties can rust ajiurtd el re ceiving thulr profits the moment they are made, no matter what the amount may be." .Viu 1'erA A"inl Ttteuraui. yl3-3mdeedAw ANNUAL MEETINU FOH THE ELEC tlen or eracir. for Woodward IHltCeme. pRIOE KEDUCED, BECHTOLD'S. Anvel our goods usually sold at ene dollar, new 7 J cents, which Is lcs than cost en setresf articles! otbers In proportion, as we want te CLOSKOOT the K.NTlrtKMOCK. HENRY I1ECHTOLD, Ne. 52 North Queen St. ih " ' ilVn W ', W. t- r,WisrwM .tVhsmei.r MmiS&2im& ,2j, .&A ., alte?VK ??iisss.tta5 4 -i tjuMfaKXiHtAM '.wsi