Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 29, 1887, Image 2

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I A wmb, rrra mllam a tmix, tim
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TheWeeklv Intelligencer
PtmittMte Evtnr: Wcdniibay Mernins.
(tt.00,AnAoeTiw maen bsttuib cr
k h mxu&KnnMmoiiamDne mar fartc? tb
i vu n,oeviwiiu ivifli wasi uquh
i Attrut ail IMUrt and TeUprami (a
SK gtldUftnecr BnUdlng, Lancaster, ra.
tip ftuueBttt Intdligctuet,
The Philadelphia Sltnatien.
Mr. Danes fellows Mr. Hunter in with
drawing from the Democratic municipal
ticket In Philadelphia. The situation there,
is attracting general attention, because of
Ita very peculiar features. The Republican
press Is pretending te be very merry ever
the efforts of the Democrats te get a ticket,
and has much te say about the watering
and changing, the backing nnd filling, of
candidates and leaders. It has no occasion
for merriment, and it is doubtful whether
It thinks it has. The Democratic leaders
are making It se apparent that their earn
est aim is te obtain first-class candidates
for the municipal offices, regardless of their
politics, and candidates that will be strong
est before the people, that they are greatly
strengthening, instead of weakening the
movement. There is no scramble for office
Mr. Hunter, a Republican, was nominated,
and withdrew because he thought he could
aet command the united Democratic vote,
ae he probably could net have done. Tint
J&4.WM geed cause for withdrawal. Mr. Hanes
&- ""--""--- -"""-"ft
wuuujr juxijr ui&ei, iiuu una emy con
seated te run if it was made acceptable te
the Independent element by nominating a
Btreng Republican, Euch 03 Mr. Hunter,
te a place en the ticket. That was geed
reason for his w Ithdra wal.
But these withdrawal testify te the sin
cere purpose te secure non-partisan officers
for Philadelphia.
If this was ether than a municipal rlec
tien, Mr. Uanes would net have presented
such reasons for withdrawal, and Mr. Hun
ter, a Republican, would net have had the
opportunity te reject the nomination of a
Democratic convention. "We de net be
lieve In meements independent of political
parties, te elect te political offices that par
ties are especially appointed te fill. But
with municipal and Judicial offices, national
and state offices generally have no concern,
and the interests of the people are best sub
served by looking only te the integrity and
capacity of te official.
Philadelphia has a new charter te put in
operation, and the Republican party pro
poses te Inaugurate It en a party basis.
Thereseem3tobea feeling abroad in the
city that this i3 net well te be done and
this feeliDg may be strong enough te defeat
the Republican ticket, with non-partisan
nominations by the Democratic party, if
its votes can be solidly secured for such
nominations. Obviously this is a probjeu
tl'aMUui 'ttulT difficulty, and it 1? -0t sur
prising that there should be backing and fill
ing.veerlng and turning.te sail between the
difficulties In the way. The situation would
seem te be better, with te-day's clear field,
than It was yesterday, encumbered with
a ticket that was net a3 strong as possible.
What is needed is a Republican of standing
in his own party and in the community,
who can command the Democratic vote,
te stand with Banes upon the ticket. One
of the many Republican gentlemen who
are urging the independent movement
should step in te carry its banner in person;
and wherefore they should hesitate tode tede
fend their Ideas with their deeds we de net
Uniform DIrerce Laws.
Judge Bennett, in the last number of the
.Forum ,makeB a strong pleafer congressional
action en the subject of divorce. He points
out the simple way in which the nmrer
could be ledged in the hands of Congress.
n is uy simpiy inserting the words " and
divorce" in sections of th'e constitution
se that it shall read " Congress shall have
power te establish uniform laws en the
subject of bankruptcy (and divorce)
throughout the United States."
The great variety of divorce laws in tLe
several states makes criminal in one state
what Is proper in another. The climax is
reached in Arizona, where the law pro pre
vldea for divorce nt the option of the
Judge, " when the case is within the iea iea
sen of the law, or within what it may be
presumed the legislature establishing the
foregoing causes would have provided
against had they foreseen the evact
A geed way out of the muddle would
seem te ba an amendment te the constltu censtltu constltu
tien providing for a uniform law of
divorce. This would net, however, be an
easy task; for Seuth Carolina forbids
divorces entirely and it would probably
oppose any federal compromise with this
great social evil.
The Case of Eliuiau.
The claim of Andrew Uhman te a
pardon finds great favor in the public
mind. It Is Instinctively believed te be
wrong that ene who for years has been
living a geed and honest life, Bhouldbe
sent back te jail te serve the term for
which he had been sentenced, and from
thlch he had escaped. The sympathy of
the public is wholly with him.
The object of the law is te deter from
crime, by its punishment ; but when a
convict has had a chance te show that he
usrermea and can Uveas agocdclti agecdclti
a, certainly the law should eay " Ged
B.eed te him," as the people say It.
This incident confirms the opinion that
we have long entertained that justice
yreald bs better cerved by a mere t use
byHM Ja4tMT( tbeir peme te uupead
entenee, peW oftener used by rhlladel
pbta judges than by any ethers In the state.
And there should, furthermore, be n
tlcketef-leave system.suches England has,
or an Improvement en it ; whereby crimi
nals of geed behavior In jail may be let
out of it, subject te recemmittal and con cen
flnement for the term of their sentence if
they abuBed the favor shown them, and
contlnue In their career of crime.
The advantages of this system bte se
obvious that it is strange that it has net
been ere new adopted. It would largely
empty the Jails and would mate mete easy
the work of the pardon beard if tills
power was cenilded te It , or almost take
away its business, if the courts tcre Riven
control of the discharges.
There is no reason why men should be
kept In Jail who will be of geed behavior
out of it , and what stronger inducement
te such behavior would there be than the
knowledge that lustant imprisonment will
fellow any Infraction of it f Let the
legislature ponder this question
The TTatcr.
The JVttc Era insists that the Hyatt eys
tern of; nitration is the best and least ex
pensive; and if se it is the one wanted when
the proposed change of the water works is
effected. But It will suffice our needs te
have the freshet mud taken from the water,
and a very simple and lneipensle mode of
filtration will de this. The Conestoga
water Is pure enough at present in the or
dinary condition of the stream it maybe
otherwise in the near future.
Six Pittsburg society ladies attended the
theatre the ether night and left their bonnets
In the care el the drlTen of their carriage
Each ei them should have a monument.
ALL who believe In strikes as the best
weapon of organ lied labor will watch the one
new In progress In New Yerk with great
Interest. It Is an ideal strike In everr particu
lar. A very large proportion of the men are
out from sympathy with the coal handlers
and men of the Old Dominion line , they
have no grievance of their own that would
move them te act as they have done and they
are nlmplyaldlug what they think the Just
canse of the llrst strikers. The business em
birrassed by the withdrawal of this large
amount el skilled labor is of a kind that can
net afford delay. A week of idleness will
show whether the labor Is worth the terms
demanded , If the blockade of freight Is net
raited commerce w 111 seek another pert.
By experience men are learning that
strikes are like wars, enormously expensive
and domerallilng, and should be avoided by
every device that diplomacy can suggest. It
Is hoped that they have also learned that
when beaten they can net bolster up their
imuse by violence, and though they appear
te have every prospect el succeea In New
Yerk, If a reverse should be followed by riot
ing the odds will at once be transferred te the
favor of their opponents, and public opinion
will sanction the strongest measures for the
protection and encouragement of any men
who may wlah te take their places. The geed
order that has se far prevailed augurs cenfl.
decce and resolution. A few days will show
whether the strike has the value claimed for
It, for there could hardly be a test mere fair
te both sides.
Arr-AHEMir woman should go West and
grew up with the country. The Senate of
Kansas has by a vote el 25 te 13, passed a bill
enfranchising women in cities of the fltst,
second and third class. J
Pbofe'ser Bxird says that the American
nhlng vessels did as well last year outside
of the three mile limit as the Canadians did
en both sides of it and that It Is possible the
mackerel may scen disappear entirely from
the ecene of the fishery troubles. The Ameri
cans have all along protested that the Inshore
flihine was worthless te them. Se there is no
need te fight about mackerel.
The American mackerel fishermen new use
seines and de net require bait, but if they
should need It can carry it from home. The
action of the Canadian government In this
matter simply had the effect el placing the
business of supplying bait in the hands of
Americans, and many Novla Scotia families
are in vt ant this winter because this business
was taken from them. Be there I is "heed te
fight about bait.
Our flshln? .teasels are mui.h larger that
whet tis" treaty was made in 1315 and de net
Bted te run Inte Canadian perta for shelter,
weed or water, except In eases of rare emer
gency. Common humanity will surely pre
vent Canada from refusing the privilege.
Se there Is no use te ttght ever that.
New for the cases of outrage, the se-called
' brutality" of the Canadian authorities. It
appears that most of the seizures were of ves
sels that In defiance of the prohibition of the
Canadian government ran Inte Canadlin
perta or fished within the limit when there
was no business reason for either action.
Many of the vessels had crews of Canadians
who Blmply landed te visit their families,
and thce evaded the Canadian custom laws
by smuggling Hupplles en shore. It appeals
that the Canadians often make the free trans
portation of supplies ler their families a con
dition of service en the American fishing
veel. We cannot light for American
A cod fisherman caught in the Ice was
driven into pert by necessity and brutally
treated by the Canadians. This Is an outrage
that clvllued Canada must regret and the
insults te the flag demand apology. The last
and only serious question between the coun
tries Is the refusal of Canada te permit Amer
ican fishermen te land their catch and ship It
by rail te the United States. They would
(ipecdily realize the injustice or this rule if It
was made te work the ether way, and the
bnslnetR of Canada with the United States
similarly choked. He there Is no need of war
eer that, and the whole miserable little
buslneas may only aerve the purpose of
teaching us te prepare for war In esse It
should ever take us from some ether quarter.
Till: Senate of Michigan en Thursday
night by a ".oteef 22 te 10, concurred In a res
olution from the Heuse providing ler the
submission of a prohibition amendment te a
voteel the people.
Till! Moravian mission In Alaska has
achieved the measure of success that gives It
a right te ask for liberal support and It Is
hoped that In a little while the missionaries
there may make as great a change In the
Esquimaux of Alaska as they long Bge
ellectcd in these of Greenland.
Llke all missionaries they have had te
struggle with many hardships and have suf
fered many reverses, but they have gained
the confidence or the natives and learned a
little of their difficult language. One of the
three missionaries at Bethel was drowned
but the ethers courageously stuck te thelr
pests aed built a school house though unfa
miliar with tools.
The total expenses or the inlsslenarle in
cluding the founding or one mission station
and the preparatory work rer another, with
eeveral extended tours of exploration, was
only f 11, MO. Te support thee enterprises
(3,600 a year will be needed.
The Esquimaux et Alaska are aaid te be far
superior te the Indians, both physically and
mentally, and much mere ready te adept the
ways of civilization, There are wide points
of difference between them and the Esqui
maux or Greenland, but in general character
they resemble tbein and when civilized and
Christianized will make geed cltizena. They
are adapted by nature te aid la the develop
ment of the wonderlul resources ei their
m m
Tun ball el the City Troop;in Philadelphia
Friday night was a maglficent event, and It
cesttlO.OOO. This sum would go along dls.
,tauce in charity.
lAACAjwiarDMtiir vrmuvtmmnMtrnDXYl jJlOT
BEFOnK the Ministerial association of Al Al Al
toena was recently read a strong paper by
rtv. J. L. Kutsell en runerala, which was
adopted as the expression of the views of that
organization. It was declared the unanl
uieusand dcltborale Judgment that the ap
pointment of funerals en the Sabbath day
should be made only when uusAOldableand
ImperatlNO nud thou only at such hours a
will net conflict with the regular Sabbath
services. L'eueernliig eutcrUlntncnta In con.
nectleu with funeral, the paper says " At
an earlier day, aud.ln mere prlmltlve cendi
tiens of sectetv, the custom of eutertalnlng
all persons In attendance upon a funeral, was
natural and necessary. Its perpetuation
grows out of a mistaken Iden of the hospital,
lty Involved In It. We recemmend it dls dls
me." The Alteena clergymen deiere
credit for the boldness of these dellvernmes
en two great nulnces In connection w tth the
burial of the dead.
Hpbkju lliieMm uew poem i pub
llshed te-dsy simultaneously in 1 onden,
New erk and Boten. It Is entitled "Par
leying with Certain People of Importance
In Their Py." This book does In ere,
after a fashion, what Walter lavage Lauder
In bis "Imaginary Cen ereaUeus' does lu
prose. It begins with a prologue, like an old
play and ends with an epilogue. The per
sons In the prologue me Apelle and the
Fates. The persons In the epilogue are Jehn
Fust and his friends. Saudwichfd between
these curious passages are the "Parleying
being, repectively, between the author,
Bernard de Mandeville, Daniel Bartell,
Christopher Smart, Geerge Bubb Dodlegton,
Francis f urlnl, f.erara de I iltee and
Char It Avien.
Ex-Sen ien LosetSEREB has been
appointed deputy secretary of the -emmen-wealth.
Chris Meee l very anxious te be an
Inter state conitneire cuninilsMener, if the
bill In the hand of the presldent becomes a
Rl. J Nemx of St. Francis Xavier's
Reman Catholic church, Philadelphia, lies
dangerously ill at the home of his uncle In
FranVferd. He la well-kui wn iu I ances
tor. Mr Amt Fvbeis, the widow of the late
Hugh Conway, w he wrote "I ailed Back," In
a letter te Mr. Helt, the publisher, denle
that her huband was the author of "Bound
Br a hpell, ' which ha beeD attributed te
HTcNTttxit JaiIes flrt wife, Mtss
Eliner Junklu. was at one time a student lu
the Oxterd lemsle seminary " She pos
sessed a rare and finely poised character and
me mourning inuuence wcicn she cad ever
him, in iatensiryin!: and giving vent te hu
character, was a fitting irownte her short
and beautiful life.
Governer Aies. the millionaire execu
tive of Massachusetts recently employed an
artist te paint his portrait. Mr. Ames heid
a newspaper In his hands during the Bitting
and the painter has faithfully reproduced
part of an advertisement which appeared
therein. The wealthy governor's thumb
points cnspiunusly te the word "silver
plated '
Re liKesur Bowse the former rec
tor of bt. Peter's Protestant Episcopal church
at (Salisbury, Maryland, who left the Pretest
ant Episcopal church and entered the Catho
lic church last November, ha taken the pre
limlnary step ler returning te the Protestant
Episcopal church. Last wtk he sent a let
terte the standing commlttee of the diocese
Of Easten acknowledging that he had made
a mistake In leading h s church, whl-h he re
gretted, and that he desired te return te the
fold of that church.
CBlta of 'allsstc au.MlL
The I prear Cauied b; the lrliU Elcuoe in
tbe tloeAa of Commecs.
Mr. Theodere try, Liberal, member for
Darlington, oskeJ the government, In the
Heuse of Common, FrlJay afternoon, what
they had done te prevent the burning of
dwellings from which tenant have been
evicted atGlenbsigb, Ireland. HoaUea.ked
whether General Sir itedvers Buller had
tried te obtain concessions in rent for the
tenantry in Ireland.
Sir Michael Hicks Beach, chief secretary
for Ireland, replied that ueneral Buller had
net Interfered until aeuie teventy evictions
had been executed, when he tiled te influ
ence the mortgagers towards Rreatar leni
ency. The government, Sir Michael said,
had no legal right te go further than tbl.
"There is," continued the chief secretary,
" one real remedy, and that Is te remove
these peer people Irem the povertv-atrlcken
districts." Crieirf " baine, " hame, '
and "Ne," "Ne." i
"With their ewu free will," went en tbe
speaker, (cries of "2e, ' "Ne," ever,'
"Shame' 'i "te some ether place in Ire
land. '
A great and prulinged upiuir here ensued.
The speaker interrupted the precedings
at this point and noticed thu members that
cries like " shame" would be rigorously sup.
Sir Michael Hiuks Bek.h then bald "All
I wish te say 1 that the very peer people
llvlnsc In poverty stricken districts should be
removed te ether parts of Ireland, or else
where, where thev could live In prosperity
and comfort. i CeuservaM e cheers, i If
thete who take su Interest in this matter de
sire te promote such a settlement, I will be
delighted te give every aid In my power te
any action they may combine onto fcrlng it
about "
Mr. William Ilednnnd (Parnellitei mem-
berioriertn t-ermanagb, rose and asked
" Dees the government appreve the actions
of the authorities in burning the houses at
Sir. Michael Hicks-Beach replied "It is
net my business te express any opinion en
that point." v.nervaUve cheers. J
Father Haggerty, who has Just died iu
Hollidaysburg, Pa., hastened hli end through
saving a girl's lire at Atlantic City last sum
Hev. MeTighe, of I ittsburg, has organized
an antl swearing society In his church. Each
member wears a red silk badge bearing the
letters H. B. T. N , the initials et "Hallewed
be Tby Name."
Tbe Women's Christian association of
Philadelphia, cared for 0S9 ledgers last jear.
There were 115,30 meals served S.OJI mere
than during 155. The library wa vlsltfld
during the year by 10,000 girl", and ever 7,000
volumes were taken out. Theevenlngciawca
which are open te "alt seir supporting women
without regard te creed or color" were
attended by 215 pupils,
At a ball given in ashlngten by the
Chinese minister a large number of men and
women exceeding twoleld the number of
the invited guests went unbidden, Invaded
the minister's mansion, ravaged his tablex,
swilled his wines, and conducted themselves
generally In the spirit and alter the manner
of swine. It Is stated that the pending treaty
with China provides that missionaries from
either of the twoceuntrles shall be protected
in their calling in the ether. It would Le a
wholesome use of this privilege If the Chi
nese minister would import a couple of
glgantle Confucian, te be stationed at bis
deer en the occasion el an entertainment, te
Instill the religion of cummen decency Inte
the beads et uninvited residents of Wanhlng Wanhlng
ten, with a 'tout club.
Important Sale el Urjr Geuili.
1 he Important auctleu Bile Friday, In New
Yerk, of woolen goods (0,000 pieces), em
bracing the entire production te date of the
Conshohocken wemted, the Conshohocken
woelleu and the Norristown woellen mllle,
drew together a numerous attendance or
the trade from New Yerk and neigh
boring cltleM. The entire ettering was
disposed of, and a duplicate of l.fiOO
nieces Bullaru's standard diagonals,
for later dellvery, was Beld te a preml
nent cloth Jobbing home. Considering the
high character of the goods, hewever, prices
averaged low, say about 15 per cent, below
agenU' net prices. In addition te the fur
beavers sold per catalogue, 1,600 pieces were
ettered, but without success.
The foreign Importing heuws in New
Yerk would eeui te hae no doubt whatso
ever about an unusually brUk spring trade,
judging by the way they are mocking the
market with all sorts or merchandise. 'I be
dry goods entries aloue for the pat month
loot up 11,1C9,70I, an Increase of 1,719 MO
ever these of the corresponding period last
year, and J2,8S7,03 In 1SS5.
A Hit Meck llreirerj,
Lexuux, Jau. 29 The Londen and West
minister b-nk Is en tbeove of lesutug three
and a bait million pounds or the stock of the
new Alsop brewery company.
I.. I "ST xjaraHH J-. '.U U'T T' '-
nr. rSyriJfjr what.
I of nil ll.flttiit thaiacter
a ft Deal tlkjl settnen by
kt. iMiiKr
Detailed Aiceunt i
Iho fuueral of the lute ie Naleutlne
Gray, et Gap, which wtM'me of the largest in
that community took pri-e ou Tutsdsy, 2Jlh
Inst., at two o'clock in t?e Bellerue Presby
terlau church, 'the service were cendiictMl
by the following named tutultei Rev. J.
t , Weed, prayer at the house Her, I P.
McCllnteck, at the chulb, atlei which the
choir sang, "Forever With the Lord " Rev.
A. Dikes read a chapter the choir then s.iug
"Hew Blest the Ulghteen When he Dies,"
alter which Hev. J. y. ,m lley spoke a fel
lows. it thoiiiacliiiiervef n gicat k eminent I
stepped und these high In authority lu sUte
or nation pause at the catalal ice te rcbearse
tbe great deeds or, and pronemno eulogy
upon Uie nation's deed, be he n warrior or
statesman, we need eiler n apology " we
gather In solemn asein iv tu1 afternoon
around the caket and epn Rraxe el cue of
uature's nobleman, a ptiiue i lrael, n ser
vant of the Lord Jesus t tin', and In a few
brief words pay a fitting ti eute te hi mem
ory ere we lay bis badv lu the tomb te await
the anRel summons en the resurrection morn
ing. Fer this purpose I will read the thirty-
fuiu ivrtu ei me uurtv-eevemu pmiui,
" Mark the perltet ruBU, aud beheld the tip
right, for the end of. that man is peace." 1
ha e selected this text, net ler the put ihme or
elaborating the thought tt contain In n well
digested and logical discourse but because lu
iue hid ami ueatn or i ur iicar aepariea
brother we have a striking l lustratien of the
great truth it present te u.
Re. .dentine Gray was born in uetei
county, March 20, 1515, and died at uap. Jan.
-1, !", aged 71 years 0 months and - days.
ue was converted at a campmeeUng held in
Cbester county, Sept- 11 l I 'and seen after
lecelved a baptism of the Uelv Uheet, the
Influence of which, be nl"s te his ewu
statement, nevtr left hlni. lie was licensed
te preach Feb. 3, 1S3S, and during that jear
preached P9 times, lnthesprlns of 1S33 be
was admitted Inte thePhl ade phlaeonlerence
of the Methodist Kplscerjl c lurch and ap
pointed te Dauphin circuit, which then In
cluded parts of Daupb n I ancater and
Lebanon counties. The Vni.adelphU con
ference wa divided bv rder of the general
conference in May, i and he became a
member of the WtlmlnRt n nfsreni.e. Ue
continued In the active w .rk i the mlnltrv
within Its bounds until the nrinir of InSI.
when, en account etlmpairt 1 fcea'tb, beaaked
for and obtained a superaetuted relation,
which he held at the time i til death He
loved and served his G l 'a.ihfu'ly for fifty
three years and was a mm ster et the gospel
of Christ for nearly halt a ,eutury, and new
1 would have you mark thai erect and well
constructed physical form i reer ed beyond
three scere years and ten and the manly
dignified bearing, lndlcatu e r tne stability
that characterized the man.
Beneath that noble brew were intfllec'ual
pewera unimpaired te the last, and almost
like Mcses "Hlseye was net dim nor his
natural rorce abated." ibat pleaiant emlle
that played upon his reaures Use a peren
nial sunbeam was net a s k,. ieutlmratal
one, but the soul Hie w.ihiu that, lighted up
by a stream or glory rreni the cre? or Christ,
shone through the clay and dwelt upon hie
ceuntenancet Like the eider or the hosts or
Israel he had cone un lnt the mountain te
meet his Ged and came d -wn w nh a shining
race. And, as the sun gt.dstheiloudsertbe
western sky when paaslnj; ' e.ew the horizon,
this holy radiance lingered upon hi coun
tenance until lire's lat hour had tied. A
truer heart never beat in human breast, and
a nobler soul never Uberuat.ed in human
flesh. He was kind, tender hearted and
sympathetic, but by nn means etlemluate.
Modest and unassuming, he rather under
rated his own abilities and never Intruded
bis company or his servi ., i it when duty
called he answered and vs. e ,uai te any
He had a clear head, a ell-balanced mind
aid a sound Judgment. man or strene
and positive convictions, he wsj nut swerved
trem the right by fear or favor, men or
devils. He had no faculuen or mind or
heart that were develepd at the expense, or
te the exclusion or i-iiiei", but was well
rounded up In all the tearfctertsUc or true
manhood. Socially he was a geed cenverea
tlcnallst, genial and pleaiant, while there
was In him a vein or sanc'ined humor which
made his pretence and rapaav highly en
joyable. In Ihla own L m bis hospitality
knew no bounds, and be was ever ready te
w eloeme his friends with cordiality. ben
they left his home his j .easant ' goed-bje"
and kind "corie agatn when you can," coeld
net be misunderstood. But the peilc-t up
right man Is the highest type or a Christian,
and such was Valentine i,ray He was a
worthy living exemplar ei t'iy religion of
tbe Lord Jesus Christ.
Instability U a word wbl Unas net found
in the vocabulary of his Christian experience,
and bis religious life dined en, its con
stancy like a deep bread river unaflected te
any appreciable exten' by the streams of
worldlleoes, trial, sjri w ir a'lutleu that
miebt flew Inte it.
When he prayed he t" k hmd el the horns
or tbe altar, and theie who heard blm (elt
that he was an Israel prevailing with Ged.
When be told his Christian experience, It
was net the prevaricalieg word el a formal
prolesaleu, but the"I knew whom I have
believed," of a positive ( hrutian el the Pau
line type , net the Btereetyped utterances el
a nacKsuaer, nui ine spontaneous otergusb etergusb
lngs of a saved soul, washed in the bleed of
the Lamb. At a minister of tbe gospel of
Christ, he was a workman that necdetb net te
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth and, like Pant, he snrank net irem
declaring the whole counsel of Ged. When
he arose te speak he had something te say,
and said It In n manner that v jmmanded tbe
attention el his auditors. He was very
methodical In presenting his points, his
thought was clear, his reasoning logical, and
his language plain Angle axon, which all
could understand; while he spake with the
earnestness and force of a son or thirty,
rather than a sire or three fcere years and
A WOBKfcB 10 Uli LASl.
Though en the Buperanuated Hat he was by
no means a worn out preacher, but abundant
In labors down te tbe close el life. But ugaln,
Isaiah says " the work of righteousness shall
be peace, and the effect of rlgbteuaness quick
ness and assurance forever." Twas ever
thus with Brether Gray. He believed In the
Sen or Ged, and knew he had eternal lire.
This brought quietness and assurance te his
soul, wnlle the peace el Ged that passcth all
understanding dwelt richly in his heart and
mind through Christ Jesus and perfect leve
cast out rear, even the rear et death. He
dreaded net the king el horrors, but contem
plated bis approach apparently with as much
calmness as he would the visit or a friend
with him death had lest Its stlnir and the
grave its victory, and he could triumphantly
say " thanks be unto Ged who gtveth us tbe
viotery through our Lord Jesus Christ."
He met tbe grim menBter with tbe indemita
ble courage or a vauieni ci.ieitain ana con cen
quered threugbjihe bleed or the Lamb. His
end was peace.
On last Prlday morning while the
starry sentinels of night were still keep,
lng vigil o'er tbe earth, and before the har
bingers of approaching day had streaked
the eastern sky, the raven-winged angel of
death hovered ever the peaceful home of
Kev. Valentlne Gray and entered unbidden
end unwelcome but net entirely unex
pected. He lay in an upper room, while
around bis bed had gathered the wile of hU
besom, his only Ben,a bretherln-ln-law, a sis.
ter-ln-law and the family pbvslclsn. There
was a short struggle and bis dying word,
"twill seen be done, ' were verlned, the
eyes were closed, the lips were hushed and
tbe beating pulse was still. Hut Is this
all I Ne! Thank Gedl e' Ere death has
completed his work, te night angels are from
Glory come. They are around his bed, they
are In bis room. They bear his ransomed
spirit home, " te the land that knows no
night, " te the realms of eternal day, and
all Is well ! All is well They bear their
precious freight through the pearly gates,
and up along the gelden streets until they
reach the great white throne. There he is
taken by tbe hand and greeted with the
Btnlle of a loving Savier, who places the
crown upon his noble brew while Uero Uere
jieats the precious words " oil done, geed
and faltbtul servant, enter thou Inte the Jey
of the Lord." Hie dying day is his corona
tien day, and Yalentlue Gray Is saedm
hea,en lorever.
omen ni.MAUhy.
Uev. I. C. Yerkes, or Philadelphia, also
made some very beautiful remarks touching
the high character and Christian lire or the
doceased. Kev. Marls Graves, or Strasburg,
made a prayer, alter which the body was laid
In tbe grave. Arter the burial aerrlce was
read and Just before the benodlctlen was pro
nounced, a quartette of gentlemcn,ceusUtlng
of Dr. Parke, II. U. Hamilton, iu K. Hbertz
and G, W. Orenderf, sDg In excellent etvie a
beautiful piece, entitled ''Peacefully bleep."
The deceased leaves a wife, one son, who Is
pastor el Duke Street M. K. church, Lancas
ter, nud n daughter, the wife of Mr. Me
KulKht, et Wllkesbarre, Pit. The felluwing
gentlemen of Lancaster acted as pall-boarers:
Mr. Samuel Mjens J- C. Crawford, H. M.
Merrow. P 1 . Sbenk, 1). P. Bltner and Gee.
K. Wluer, ineinl'eis of Duke street M. K.
" ..ivM.w.Cn. r
"the fnetnf Mental r.thauitlna.
.Many dlnea-e. especially thixoet tliouetveus
ritem, sic tbe products of dally rationed men
itl exhaustion iiustncss aocatleni etteu in
velve ait ameuut et tuental near and tear veit
prejudli 1st te ph ileal health, and tbe pieli's
slett. if arduously puMiied, ate no lest destrtie
tte tet'Mln nmlueiTe tlu. It Is ene et the
met Itupnrunt attribute et Iliwtotler's
etcmacb llitin, Ust It louipensatcs for this
umlun less et tUsue, and that it Imparts new
riixiny te th brain and nencs Inn tnpldltr
with which tlimews weakened mental enetny
and phj steal vitality U tetuatanble, and shows
that It Invigorating propel lies ar nt the
hlihe-.t order Iteiides lucivastug vital stainliia.
anJ eeuuteracltcf; the effects et mental ex
uaustlen, this potential medicine cures and pro pre pro
vents!teraudajue. lheuinatlsm colenic uvs
pepsla and constipatleu, alilner and marine
weakness and
etber complain
also reci
also recommend It as a medicated stimulant and
AUK HIU MADE miserable tivlnfllsestlnn
Constipation, Dlntnp.s, Lews of Appetite, tot
our Skin T Shtteh'a llaltier Is a pe-illlvu ours.
rer sole by II U. Cechtnii, Uruunlat, Ke. 1S7
ISerth QuVxm struct.
llncklen's Arnica twite,
The let Salve tn the world ter Out, Unities,
Seiv, I, lcts. Sail llrieum, rever bores. Tetter,
Chapped Uands, Chilblain. Cerns, and all Skin
Krnpllens, and positively cures riles, or no pay
rvgulnut. It U (fuaranteea tegtve perteet satis
faction, or money refunded. Price J5 cents per
box. rer sale by 11. U. ceenrnn, Drujrxlst, U7
and 1SJ North Uuean street. Lancaster, lv
Tnej aroleoktng for ,ou every whenv. Drafts
el atr In unexpected places, celng from het
roetu te cool eje', carelessness lu changing
iletalnf In short anything which ends In a
' common cild In the held1' t uless arrested
thli s .ad of co d become seated In the rauoeus
maml mne of the head rhen It Is Catarrh. In
any and all its stages this disease always yields
te mv a cream Baim.
bale, agreeable. certain
l'rlcenrty cents.
j ju-iwueeu.i w
lite Population of Utueuter
Is about 30,00, and we would say at least one
half are troubled with some affection of the
Ihrcat and Lungs, as theso complaints are ac
cording te statistics mete numerous than
ether n e would advise all net te neglect the
opportunity te call en ns and cat a bottle et
hemp s Balsam for the Threat and Lung's. Price
JOcents and II Trial site free. Kespectrully,
II U Cochran, dru.-ttit, Li; -Neith Uueen suveu
rer lame back, slfleer cnest, ue Shlleh's rer.
ou fluster l'rke A cents t or sale by II. IS,
Cochran, Drug,;lst,No.LMerUi (Juoen stltwt.
Of our American people aie afiikted with sick
headache tn either tt neraeu. bilious or con
f:estlve forms, caused r) It regular habits, high
ivluir, etc , and no remedy bad ever conquered
It until lr Leslie t Special rrescttptlen was dls dls
cevered. Give Ita trial. Se advertisement In
another column tl)
held in the foUewlng churches en Sunday,
In tba morale at 10-30, In the evening at 7 li.
Sunday school at 1 41 a. tn When the hour It
ilteercut it 1 speUallv n ted
Uai.cs LVTBiaAS Cemer of Neith Queen
and James street, Hev l Llvin lleupt. paeter
Divine seii Ices at 10 J a. m and lip tn. San
day school at t p in.
CaCBcaoTQeo-t.orner of Trtncn anderanite.
rieaeatngat 10 3)a m and 7 p m t) the pastor,
Sabbath s-neel si l u p tu
SmAWssBET stuxt African M K church
Preaching at li a tn. and , p. tn by the pastor,
W W.Grimes
I'RKSBTTaaiiv MiiuKtii. CnrniH, SenthQueen
treat I'reachlng by tbe pstter at lese a in.
and 7 IS p in. young mens praer meeting,
s&DDainci'p m lectures preparatory tocem
amnion, raObth t,)f iu, , prayer meeting
Wednesday, "Hpiui teachers meeting, w ed
nesday 7 p m Sabbath -oheol 1 15 p. m
men s meeting far spiritual improvements, 7 30
p m
Cattsr Lcthiius Cnxaca Wet King atreet,
E L Beed, pastor Divine services fit li 30 a. m.
and 'Up m Sunday school at 1 IS a. m.
St srirnzx s iltir ) Cbtrch Colitis iniru.
Divine service at lv)30 a. m. Sermon by Itev
I'mf J s stahr
w estx- ju t t HnicH -ervices saenatn
prcaehlD., by tbe pastor at 1C 3 a. m , and 7 1 p
m class at tt a. m hunday school at 1 tl p in.
Cheral service at 'Up pi , Tuesday evening
cla.9at7 33 Wednesday evening class at 730
Thursday evening prayer meeting at 7 30.
riasT llarnsT Services at the regular hours
morning and evening
Rer J. . Folwell.
lreachlnsr bv the naster.
reiweii. auneay scnoet at i p tn
OLrviT uarrisT caracn. v
SI C A ltoems,
tejOa. m and 7 ip m .preaching by the pastor,
Sunday sc&oel at I 13 p. m.
sioexn EvasasncAL ( English t, en Mulberry
street, above Orange I'reachlng at lesj a m.
and 7 Up ui. by the pastor Sunday school at
I siriD Hrxtiiretiv Caaist Cevaijrr) West
Orange and Conceid streets, itev J D- Funk,
pastor I'rsachlng at lirje a. m by the pastor,
aid at 7 15 p tn by Cna-. E. l'llgrlui, the boy
evangellst Sunday school at 1 tl m. ltevlval
servtcss daring the wek conducted by the evan
gelist Sr Lcxi'a nareanxn Marietta Avenue, Hev
Wm i Llchllter, pastor Divine service at ltt 1
a. in and 7 Up lu. Sunday school at 1 p in.
Br Jonas HsrcBme (Oerman) chinch, cor
ner Oraufe and Mulberi streets, Ke Jehn
K lelling, I) D. r'er Divine service all" 3J
& ru and 7 11 p u- Sunday neel at 1 15 p in.
rRiSDrTimaa Hev J V Mitchell, D D , pas
ter I'reachlng In tne ineinlng and evening by
the pastor
9t Jeas s Lc-rntRis SL Jehns Lutheran.
Preaching tn the merulng and evening by itev
O Yl Thrall of Oorden, t'a. Sunday school at
111, (ietwald ml'slen school at 2p m
8t I'acx s M E ChcbcB I'reachlng at 10 30
a m ly ine pastor en somepepuiaroojections
te missionary effort, and at 7 Je pm by Kev. J
r crouch, presiding elder. Sunday school at
1 11 p. in. Prayer meeting en Wednesday oven even oven
leg at 7 JO. Iltble study at e J1 p tn
riasT IlxreaxxD Chcrch. Rev J M Tltzel,
D D , pastor. Kervices tomorrow atiu-jja. m
ana 7 15 p
m Sunday school at 115 p.m.
lUu enver meetlnu et the Yf. LTV. to-mer
row atternesa at a quarter past I, with the
United Brethren In the Covenant church, West
Orange street Mr Charles I'ligrlm will hare
chaige of the aervlces.
en Tuesday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock the
union meets for business at Ne. li: North f rlnce
MeraVZaw J Max Hark, pastor, 1M0 a. tn.
Lttany and sermon, 'i p m Sunday school ,
7 15 p m. evening service Annual collection for
retired ministers fund
St. Pan. Kxrcuixs. Services In the morn,
lng. Preaching by Kev. Dr. F A Oast. Sunday
school at 1 15 p. m.
TRisirr Lrraxiuir. Lsual services to-mer,
row morning, afternoon and evening, conduct
ed by the pastor, "acene in the Ufa of Jeseph"
In the evening sermon.
FiaiT M s CacacH 10-W a. in., preaching
by presiding eider Itev. Jehn r. Crouch , 7 11 p.
m, preachlug by the pastor. 1 15 p m. Sunday
school. Bp m young peoples prayer meeting,
special services every uveuing except Saturday
"easr Mission -M E. Chapel-J p m. Sun
day school 7 30 p m, rrlda, prayermeetlng
and bible study.
- Alter a lapse of years etalemenuconflnn etalemenucenflnn
lng the efficacy of St Jacobs oil and Its perma
nent cures, are given below.
rneM A LrvBioeSrrraaxa.MiRcn, 1831.
lWrrlnceHt, New Tork, N Y
I had a very aeere attaek of lumbago,
,eula hardly walk I tried a bottle et St.
Jacobs Oil, It rellnted I tried another. It
cured me. 1 would net be without If It cost
UOOa bottle. C. C SUAVNK.
rirnu KlVll Till. LlIIR-CCRBO.
113 Prince St., wow Yerk, N. Y.. Nev. 1, 1M.
I cheerfully confirm my statement, was
completely cured. St Jacobs oil li the
standard. I recommend It for family use.
A L mbaoe ScmPEB-ArersT, lSil.
1H Middlesex at , Lewell, Mais.
Abeus two months age I had a stitch In my
back, suffeeed extreme pain, and was una
ble te leave my house. I tried St. Jacobs Oil.
Less than a bottle cured me. ..,,.
rOM SiMiSYraM Larsa Ccbkd.
Lewell, Mass., Oct. a.USi.
Several years age i had a severe attack of
iheumatlsm. I tried nt, Jacobs oil and tn a
few days was cured. Have net been .trou
bled slnce. DAVID LAWUEXCE.
Frex a ScrriasB at M-SErTMBXR, 1S70.
Btrasburgh, Tuacaruwae Ce , tinte.
I have been alUlcted with rheumatism for
seveial years and get no rellet until I used
bUJaoebsOli, lly the use of two bottles 1
.. KreaUy relieve D1BrKJSHJIACIieB.
traeburgh.luscarawasCe tO ,ect ., e
1 continued using St. Jacobs, and It cared
sr All nervous rsiyu St Jacobs Oil erlted
Star Ceuit
Cure, will by sending a two cent
stamp and
Mca rasa.
a history of thuruise, retelvu ap
Red Star Cough Cure.
K-,.1 . i.
,-V--i.. ...! .- .ws,.va
A Great Mistake
Has heretofore been made In the treating et
ibeutuatisiu, neuralgia aud ueiveusstck head
ache. This li evinced by the tall u te en the
pal t of thousands of stiflerei t te And rellsf, even
though they have eihausted the skill or various
physicians and tried numerous se called lenie.
dies Te such Athlopheros Is offered as a ie.f,
Hire and unlet tint Its success has bten plie
nemenal, and jet It Is niittsiirpttslng, becausa
It t Hi de all that Is claimed ler It. The Athlopho Athlepho Athlophe
ros Ce. w 111 gladly reter any why desire te make
an Investigation te tellable parlle who ha
been cured bi It
attenburgh, N Y
Kudesed and postal nele for one-halt deten
bottles et yeut Athlopheto It le wonderful
hew It cures eery case where 1 can peuuade
thetnletry '1 he sales ate Increasing Myall
ter Inlaw was given up te die by the doctors
thy sent ferme, I took abottle of Athlopheros
and persuaded her te try It i the second day gave
retlcL sue naa net lain in bed for two weeks
the neit night she want te bed and slept all
night, tn one week she was up aud at welk
around the house. Many thanks.
Mas Jm. D. XcTma,
It Is owing te Athtophero that 1 am alive. I
have subeied with Inflammatory rheumatism
for years, most of the time being perfectly halp.
less. Hut ene bottle of Athlopheros has cured
me. There Is nothing llke H ter the speedy toilet
auu permanent cure or rneuinausui. 1 recem
mend It te all, knowing It win accomplish what
t claims te de. Miss E. Virups,
Ne. 9 Pleasant strest, , aterbury, Conn.
r C. llaitard, Uppar Lisle, N V , says " I
had ueuralgtaln the head aud neck, and Atbl e
phore cured thorn.
Every druggist should keep Athlopheros and
Athlophetos rills, but where they oannetbe
bought et the druggist the Athlopheros Ce.. Ne.
HI Wall street. New Tork, will send either (car.
rtage paid) en tecelpt of regular price, which
tsllOOrmr bettls for Athlopheros and 500. for
rer liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia. In.
digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases
el wetaen, oenstlpatlon, headache. Impure
uieci, ac, jLiuopnerct riut are uuequaicd.
Jauli lweed
Indicates a natural and healthy condition of the
scalp, and et the glands through which nourish
ment is obtained. Wlien, In consequence et age
and disease, the hair becomes wetk, thin and
gray, Aysr's Hair Viger will strengthen It, re
store Ita original color, promote Its rapid and
vigorous growth, and Impart te 11 te the luetic
andfrashnossef yentb.
I have used Avar's II atr Vlget for a long tim.
ndamoenvlncedof tta value When I was 17
years of age my hair began te turn gray. I com
menced using the Vlf ur. and waa snrnrlsed at
the geed effects It produeed it net only re
stored the color te my hair, but se stimulated
Its growth that I have new mere hair than ever
be!or.-J W Edwards, Celdwattr, Mass.
Ayer's Hair Viger,
Sold by all Druggists aud l'etfuiners
Ir rer mi from debility and less of
apptlt If your stomach Is out et order, or
your mind confused take Ayer's Sarsapanlla
This medicine win restore physical force and
elasticity te tbe system, mere surely and speed
lly than any toule ) et discovered.
rer air months t suffered irem liver and
stomach trouble. My feed did net nourish me,
and I became weak and very much emaciated.
I took six bottles of Ayer's earsararlila. and
wss cured Jnllus Jl l'almer, ("prlngfleld,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr J. c. Aver A Ce., Lewell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggist
i in
Ice, II , six bottle., si.
It Takes Time
ome people think It le all a sham our
advertising te sell out ear entile stocks
Tcey de net knew anything about our
business it takes time te sell nut as
large and asserted stock as ours It can
net be done tn a few months or a year. It
may take several years, but the stock Is
being sold eat all the same Of course w
are compelled te buy new goods all the
time, and we are buying many choice
things every day te keep the stock dealr
able and te have what people want, and
wn are making them at very small profits.
Of course any goods we cave en hand
many et them are marked and sold is
gardless of cost- In this way we win
eventually sell out enr entire stock. We
are offering extraordinary bargains In
Ladles and Children's Coats "awls and
Skirts, all kinds et Winter as Goods
and Dry Goods, Merine L"nu rear. Hee
lery. Gloves, flannels Blanket. Cem
forts, rrlme Steamed reathers. Carpets,
rioer, Stair and Table Oilcloths, Uetb,
Casslmerts, Overceatings and Suitings
made te order, and ready-made Over
coats at prices regardless of cost Come
and see ear bargains.
as Eaat Kins Street,
J. B. Martin d Ce.
Present (juitrters te be enlarged
and 100,000 of stock te lie re
duced as much as possible before
MARCH i, "87
when rebuilding will be com cem
inenced. Bulletins containing tbe
price lists and.descrlptleu of goods
reduced issued dally.
J. B.
& CO.,
Cor. West King U Prince Streets,
. Clear yill'jr Havana Five Cent Cigar Is
tbe leading and mostrellablo nickel cigar in the
market. At
MARKLKY'8 " Yellow Frent,"
Ne. 31 North Queen street,
(rerasriy flartm&u's.)
j hhehicnhtkinT
Owing te the close of the rail aud Winter Bea
son, I have purchased nun uiore piece el these
elegant Heavy Daisi lllue nf n,h ChevInU, at a
reduced 1,1100, They were our best seller, and
old at evatxc ami have induced them te the low
flgnreoflMeu. Made and tttmuied elegantly,
and above all.a perfect nt.
A. ll.llUSKNBtBIN, rine Talletlng,
Fine Tailoring.
A ItoduCtlen et tt per tent nt all Heavy.
Weight suiting and Overceating te make room
for my large Spring Importation. This redus redus
tien le for cash only.
Material and tVetkmanshlp the Very Iteet.
NO. U N. QUKKN ST., Opposlle the rosteme
dlmarn Iy
Stamm Bres. 8c Ce.
Te which this week we Invite attention. The
same slurs cannot be found In this city A
bread statement, Kiamtnetbe goods and uete
these pikes. Detheystaud "rer" et "Against
Dress Goods!
WOOL CLOTH, yard wide, 17e a yard.
WOOL CLOTH, yard and a quarter wide, Be s
WOOL CLOTH, yard anda oust ter wide. 2Se a
Ixtia rine ALL-WOOL CLOTH, yard wHe,
Extra rine ALL-WOOL CLOTH, yard and a
quarter wide, ja: yard
Housekeeping Goods!
rttty D
extra heavv.
Fifty Dcten
ejtra beavy
Seventy-flve Desrn ALL-L1NRN TOWELS 10c
each, extra heavy.
Ta-n Hundred and rifty Deien ALL LtNEf
row CL3, irem llHe, each up te
tlte each
At 1
Me . as., sjV(e
and higher.
K , fcV , (e
Muslins and Sheetings.
Is 1 I Heavy I tibleaebed sheeting, 11C. a
T- All the Popular P.iauC of Muslins an3
Sheeting at Lewest Trices
-vi. the-
20 Ar 2S North Quecu Streef,
rpHlRInnir ""
Thirty Days' Clearing Sale
Palace of Fashion,
Your Last Chance
ret. Hum-
Read this List or RKnmilONSln LADIZt',
One let of Oent's Cashmere Socks, formerly
sold at at JO te SOc, a pair, ruduoedtelo.apalr,
lvea pair.
oel Hese,
cnunren's ara sua unue iiixta
Knit, reduced irem 23 te lie.
Child s Heavy lllaek Cashmere Hese leduetd
Irem 23 and Tic. te lie a pair.
Child's lllaek and Coleied Cuhmere Hese re
duced irem se tome, a pair,
Ladles' Red and White Mixed
Heavy Knit
Heee. Seamless, reduced from S3 te He a pair.
mates' rtcavv nnii wool nose, uiuj- ax
RA.mlt.. rftdtiped from SO te 11a.
Ladtee' Orey Mixed Ribbed Metlne Hese re
duced irem 30 te 19c. , w
I ad's Weel Cashmere Uose, Colored and Waek,
full regular made, redntxid from S3 te Ma. a
Ladles' Camel's Hair Knit Heae, Seamless, re
dueed fremSJ to87e.
Ladles' Lambs Weel Hese, Dlaek, Knit, Seam
less, reduced from 7 te -fe
Ladles' lllaek and Colored Fleece Lined Hese,
Heavy, reduced from 87 te a a pair.
Ladles' Black Cotten Hese, full regular made,
reduced from 23 te 17a. a ralr,
Beys' Mixed Heavy Ribbed Knickerbocker
Hese, All-wool, a te K, reduced from 30 te 51c
and Dtt AWKRs at ISO. anlere.
COLORED SILK l'LUSUES reduced te97c a
T"peclal Bargains in I.tNES TOWELS-AM
White at Ite. worth 7e BJIneh Heavy lewels
worth 0s. at 43e apiece. .a .n,t
One let of LADIES' OXVCi VESTS, Bheit
Sleeves, reduced from 21 te iee vnir
Onoletor INDIAOAUAK Vr.lTS. High Neek
end Short Sleeves. Silk Bound, rearl Buttens,
reduced trem 37 te !3e.
Afler which date all goods go back te their
Original fries.
Clear riller Havana I ve Cent Cigar, Is
Teoemmended te levers of a Uenulne Havana
Cigar. At uAHKLHYig . Yellow rient,"
Nail North Queen olrest
(formerly Hartman's)