wrwwmt9P vtsrrLnpiMi a veir run nvritu dome Information T Will lie AtfprrrUtscl by These luttslcl In Itlnr. Hiis. Ceuntkt UitNii.nutN I Inte n 1,000 iKiiiml iew, mul wlili le knew liew iimeli of lliu lelliwliitf lew! te tiWe her tacli clay U I'reiliicn tliu tlclier tiiillt, nml nliie If nnylliliiK cl" IsucecKsiry tc proclttee Itin tcht tcstllK I (In net Wish te furoe her, but Just n ucmhI, liberal ration, l'ued m ..,i... HI... .... I.-.. 1 ........ I. ....I... IUI1U1T UlUtUI iluJI L11IT t'lll i:iJlf, 11IIII1'P, rml straw Hint corn Uxlilcr, Tliu ruw In fresli, nml wllliilve IS rtiliitUi rt tlit'. 1 '. W. H. Denvei, Cel." U. U. v H. iluen net sy m liat tlin iiiitllty OT me row's milk u nl iirewiib I rum me set of her giving 18 Miiattn dally, It may le flnrurrctl Hint linr milk W net tluli. rerliaj 'our correspondent miiiinkmm that common milk rati liu innile tmy rleh In n xliett tline by tliu iifetxT IeihI. If se, he tt 111 he illssp illssp ixilnted. Common milk run boliiiirecd In ijtinllly by fwd, but It It n Mew process) te , Improve such n caw le tlie ivilut or inskliiK IHiutu) el butler from 10 te 12 poiiiulsefinllk, mill It li net probrtble Hint It am be ilone, ex cept In a email ercnntKO of csiises. Tula Is producing n vciry riunirkabln revelu. Hen In tliecuw'M KcrcllmiM. With storage milk, 25 te 30 penmiM U rfUlre(t te muke en ii ieutiil el buttur. Te toduee Hilt te Yi lb. Is te mtke h liuw oew, nml ir tills wulil be dnue In n few wcek or mouths, tliuti no line J would liave utiy ml no, alnce a coir of nny breed oeubl bn made Inte a prim butler oew In a fuw month. If tlilt oew gives 13 qntt or milk en common feed, se geed tli i i 2011m. of It will inakoeiiouf butter, tlien, Indued, slia nmy Iwcoine n prlid cow for butter, as iitie will new uuke two pounds of butter ier day, or II eiiii(1b ier week. Hut ir, perchance, Imr milk riiilre 30 pounds for eiiii of buttur, iilie would make only Ovf pounds ler wciik, wblcli would be a falrniuounter bulti'r for n cow or oemmon rlrlmcpH el mill. ; riu.iutlty helps her out. Ter tliu enct'Ur.iK'jmc'it of your corres pond nut let in Mate that we liave, In snveral In. Manrcit, ImpreTiid Cows tbat loquireil 25 te 2d pounds or milk foreuu or buttur, ae that 20 peuudai I 'btlr milk would make one or but eor, uttlie ssme tline ualMiiK at tlie larxer nuieunt hu required but we worn net or abln toacceuinllati It In Ie-h tlian twOM'ara. ft. Let me atale Inrtlier tbnt tlie pregeny oftbeau V oewa wera sutierler te these lliy bad berne txileic, and ttiuy wero still futtber Improved by fcedlnir. m ttiat from It te 17 pnuuda of ttinlr milk would tnakn oue pound of butter. Ua'li coni'r.itteti may be tinprevtHl. 1 will new gl en r.illen fur tbla con from tlie uiaterUln Klvnn, Willi 3 leuuda el Iiti Iiti ied meal HildeJ, te kIvh tlie prepur amount of ftlbir.nlneUN, but 4 pound would be bet bet eor. We ruive ceualdercd tlie clever of lneiltnm quality, at that It net glven. We wbl anal ! It, ram te glu n Imltcr Idea of Net!ui" I Itt parti illbumi CVirte mekI hvit'atei m lt$ Ibt lt leibi elnVcr lia I i.' CO 0 13 l'- bran'"- ei st OSJ 9 h3.oeiuchop 0(0 tee 0 ibi liDieid ilcaI ... OKI te 006 Total TTi It 91 en Tblibata uutrlllie ratio or US. It n 111 de very well te bcIu wltli, but after a inentb r in add another pound ofllnteod meal. Uecaufeed no atriw or oern fodder Xlils would lefffr Itt iiulritlue ratio. The r" A cer" ctIl,P ' " ,GCl1 or uccurtaln quality, ( y tiut weiupjiote It te bti tbecircrutbed, corn, L '" cob and buk. I Mippote tint oew te boa vigorous i ater, nud tbti ration wlllaoaner her rcqulrcmeutt fu u day. Dlvlde lute tbrre levdt, Tuoelovir bay aud grain foei mutt net be fad eearatcl.r, but all must be well mined together Utfore fu dlcf; And te de thU, run the oleer bay tbroutttirtculter t tbeu moisten tliu cut clever oieuly, having proleuily nlxt'd the bran, corn cbep, and lluneed meal togetber, dry. HlltthltmUed Kreiiud reed nu with th hand whlle tbs inolaleued olevor la beleK atl.ted for tbat purixitn. Wben It In evenly mixed, tlie ground fced will all stick te the clecr biiy, and the cow must eat all together, and It will all be raised and reauttlcatcd. This mUture It easily divided ieat te be given In three lueda per day. The oew needs no ether (odder. Uur te lllllld H It'll Het!"!. K oirrrspendont of Fiittn, In fl euj Hern advhea le oiiMvate Inte a bill fanlDg "euth, and balU the endj and rear et stone laid wlthcement. C iver the reuf with tarred piper and bltiKle. Ilulll the front mostly of ithus deuble wlndenii, 0il5 lights U the lttrerm. I'rovldeahuttors te cleau nlhta and partly c!o,e day tlmea during cold, cloudy wtalher. Inilde platter en te the stoue walls and cee the weed jiart Willi ttrrrd pnjiur Jiid ever that cell w llli uialched HoerloK. Uenslruct the front itt nn migle or twenty-two Uek'reea te perpendlctilar. Hush a bulldlnir will net frneze, and In It fowls properly fed will lay all winttr. If tbere be no alde bill oerihtrurt ttm wbI.h ouUlde and luaidodi'it'le wlih Urred aper '-'itween. A cheap quality el niitehed lloerlm; will ansner. Thrae jilnnt are fcr n Minnesota climate aud areeb-jutely nectMary toebtnlu e-Kiji In winter. Tbey are a permanent In vett ment and ate the UieiK'stlu tlmn. rourteou teet wlde, tUht teet hlh, li'imtli Koverued by number eifuwls kip', In (locka ei tnmity tlveearh. rtivlillns tbu bulldlUK lute Till loot pens reef 4' pit. hi nl04 te uach pen a deuble window, ''xl2 llsbw, and la the incmt oeonomluii for feiirtieu aud tlxtteu tect Umber. Ilie rtatOOllJ of l'rtr4leMaril Urallli, Even when a kwJ itmedy ter illefte la to te to lected, Ocpen N in i two moisure upon tbe manner In Thick It Is taken Iirenulur, inter rupted Jein cm utlnrd no lair tet'.et tbe nm tacy of any meJtilue, hewiver enluiary. Taken IA proper ili-si-i at ineicntie'l Intervals, a relia ble curative will effect tbe et.;ct of Its uie Atnnng ri rrrrttt which, i) it'n itleiily and pet ststcDtiy ii-cO, accomplish thorough and laallnir cn'ci.bDd pruents the recurronce of periodic dlfraie Ihtitlei'j Bteutauh Il'ttcn ranks sjw tlally hlj'.i. In rases of dytpepala. debtllty, rheumatiitn, lever anil hkue, itvur complaint, Inacfvt y el the kntnmsnud bladder, ceusllpa tlen, anil nthnr o'Kanle niila'lie. It is n tried rtmrcly, te which the miaiuii hroiheihcec) have JcntthHrpi.it' mlumt! BSt.ctten, nnil which, ai a tnio,bttcratlveiiil honxibelddlnordnra of th tomaeh, liver ami bewilt, his an unbounded pepuuulty. aL2J- The opinion or an old and well-known irer ctiant u glvc'i In a lew Words, viz ' I ttilnk Dr Hull Oeu.-ti ayrup U thubest medlctne that ljmaCc." LIT Jllh.lt n iiLack. tirlut, Ind " nitciitd natnre oftentimes breaks luilh In strange rraptlean, ' nud thn result or It all Is patii Nev CKlviitleu ml will teml this vnry patn te tbu riuht about at the trtfllej cost or only it cents. KKMAIII.n ANI1 AI.IVAIS Till: SIIIB riuasatTB'i Pais are the eldest, seffit, and best bleed purifier aud purgative known They arc purely vcgi table, therefore harmless. They are tIwaa lh lame and always produce the aame effect Oilier purgatives roulie'lnofcased det.s and finally oeaie ue lng altogether. A ein te of ene or two of Dniremm's Ptit-j taken eai h ntghl Is a positive euro far constipa tion, bradm be, and all bilious disorders. If you can't take them plain net thorn lujsx-oeitrd dl'JBVIAl. Henvza. tiViu I'lcatutit. healthy grins are sesn only en the fac-oer bejliby pursens. thedypeptleauddu lillllHti.il ran unilu only In a htlfbuaried way. rmtlythubtoed loneihosioinaoh.and stienirth. en the tisiuei with llurcleck Uloeil Outers, If I 'Ou wiiniu iaut;a weuun i ouen r or stie uy I. Il.C'echian. Uruzuls'. UTuud 133 North Ojeen strceU banctater Causes AslenUhinMit. "Completely prostrnted for days with Infll. f;ftlen and bilious fever, ahu illectief two letlks ej llwdeck Weed Iltltert astonished me ; MsltilnitnpioveuientrlKhtciir." Mr. Neah Hatra. Klmlra,M. V rnrailebv 11. H. Cochran, druir. (tint, 187 and 1M North Queen street. taineaster. 111 It Ilrally Cure ltlieuuiatlain 7 tVa answer, honor blight, It will euro ihenmt II in mid thu severest casus tee. Dr. 'jhemttt' rdtctrte Oil as cpeclallv prepared for ihe rheumatle and latnx. oellcu loiters from thu people rolatlve te lta tnerlta In nearly every papur In ttn country, ter.alnbyll.il Cochran, uruguUt, 137 and 13d North (juuen stiejt, Lan caster. Uelecllifs ami l'rlvate Olllenra Usually wear thdr badires of authority con cealcd under their olethlinr, but ir. Themas' Hctfclrte OK wciiri its bulgm In the form et printed lubels lUtactud toeachuiidevery hottle i-e that u'l may knew Itt mission. ltliKtven lull and compteto authetlly 1 1 arrest all uches imd palus unci loe, Us duly every tlmn. for Kile by II. II Coehnn, driiKb'lst, 137 mid 1U9 Neith Qiueu niuet, bancaittu. The Kind We I.Ike The inedli'lue we most like It that which does Us work nulck and neli. llurdetk Uloeil II it ttr$ aa thn 'iiitckeat kind of a ours ler dyu dyu pepiln and liver and sldniy atleullnis. rer nale by II II C. bran, diiitful.t, 197 and If) North IJuecu struct, l.ancaatei. IVliatlhreA tilillr.ftlllllis lllil. Th t wim cieu iieu vurv iuui;u wuu uuru icei hrre uppilcutleiHOt semni1 Kcleetria OU en liely cured thuuu Netnlntr butter In tbe mar- 'I was tieu dud vurv much with aere feet tl U r. .. "wij jiiiu r, lieiuiiiK j iv cur muu uy all fet, bunceittcir. AN UNKUItlUNATK I'KUSO.N. T. S!S"tiun.n.nMa person In the world Is V2?5i.l.ti.w.uh tuk hiiulache, but they will vriij7,TfinSt02S;b,r,u,,l,f Ur' LeslU'a ot'eelal !-K,?mipM9n' ",TrenHBl In aneth.t M MBit) At. TTOOD'H HAHSAt'AHltiliA. What is Scrofula Ills that Impurity In Urn bleed, which, acta Ululating In the (landa of thn nook, produce unsUhtly lumps or sweltlniist which causa painful runnlDH sores en the anus, legs, or teet I which devclepei ulcers In theejes oait.ernotse, often causing blindness or deafness which Is thoetlglu or pimples, canceieti months, or the many ether manifestations usually ascribed t "humeiit" which, lastenliiK upon the lungs, tuusei ceniiimpllnn and duath. Being the tneat ancient. It Is thetnest general nf all dlatnseser affoctlens, rer very few persons aie entirely fiee rrem It. Hew Oitn It De Cured 11 taking Heed's 8aiaiparlll i,whlch by the re re tnarkable curet It has nccempllslicd, etun when ether lnedlclnfs have failed, has proven Itself te be a potent aud pueullar inedlelne ler this disease. Some of these eurei am teally wonder, lul. If yen sufTur from icrufula In any eftla forms, be auto te try Heed's Sarsaparttla, Tbe Paeullar Modlclne "I have runnlnx snrei en my limbs for fire yean, se bad at times thM I cenld net walk, nor sleep nights. When 1 commenced I sklng Heed's flarsaparllla, ( was In pain se severe that 1 can not describe It. 1 had no appetite and fell away. Hut Heed's Harsapartlla did ine a wonderful amount of geed. 1 have a geed appetite, hive gained In fleih, and can sleep well. My tore a.r almost healed, and 1 cm easily de a geed day's wetk." Un 0. r. Lord, Dever, N, If. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dtugKlsta. II , six for IV J're- pared only by U. I. HOOD A CO , Lewell, Mass. 100 D03K9 ONE UOLLAH. PIIYSIOIANH AND DKUGOISTS UEC OJ11IKNII BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! A8THE DE8T TONIC. This medicine, combining Iren with pure teg citable tonics, ciulekly and completely Cerns 11181'KI'HIA, lNlltUfcSTlUN, HAbAltlA, WKAKNKSt, IMI'URK IlLOOH, CUI1.LS and rKVEIt.and NEUIIALOIA. II V rapid and thoteugh assimilation with the bleed, It reaches every part of the system, puri nes and enriches the lilrsxt, Qtrengtbeus the mus cles and nerves, and tones and Invigorates the system. A fine Appetiser Itett tonle known. It will cure the wettil c-oef Dyspepsia, re re mevlnd all distressing kymptems, such aa Tast ing the reed, llelchlng, Heat In the Stomaeb, IIvirtbuni,ete The only Iren medicine that will net blacken or Injure the tetb. It Is Invaluable for diseases pecular te women, and te all persons who lead sedentary llvs An unlalllng tctnedy ler diseases of the Liver and Kidneys Persons aufferlnir from thn rffcclt of ever, work, nervous troubles, Ies of appetite, or de bility, experience ijutclc relief and renewed eneigy by Its use. It does nut cause Ifradaohe or produce Con-stlpatlen-OTIIKIt Iren medlclnes de U la tbft only preparation of Iren tbat causes nolnluilensetiocts. Physicians and druggists recnuimendltas tbe beet. Try It. The genulde has Trade Matk and crossed red lines en wrapper Take no ether. Made only by UKUW N ClIKMllAb CO , Iialtltnere. M4. Ill inHdyaaw TJtXUAUHTKU VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITAHTT THKSCIKNCKOr LIKE, the great Meillcal Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervnna and I'hyslc&I Debility, Prematura Decline, errors of Seuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. ) pages 8ve. U3 prescriptions for all diseases. Cleth, full Kilt, only 11.00, by tnt.ll, sealeO HluslratlVHsampIe Irwj te all young and mlddle-atced men for thn next M days. Address un. . ii. 1'Aiini.t. i uuinncn nirtwt, iiesuia. Mass. mvl7-lveecUkw E IiY'H CKI'AM HALM. 0ATAURH, HAY FEVEH Ely's Cream Balm LUUF.a Ontnrrb, Oeld In Bend, ftone Geld, Hny Tever, Doafnepfl, HonrlReho. E1V 10 1 tl.-PItlCl M CENlt. r Li I1K09 , Osnea". N. V , V, ' A. HAY FEVER. KLVSCKKAM HALM U net a liquid stuff or powder. Applied Inte nestills Is lulckly ab S'UbeO. It cleanses the head Allays Inflamma tion ilcile I he sores Restores the eenses of tuste aud smell. 9-.eul at DruifijlBts by mall, leaistered, M Cents. ELY liUOTUEKS, Druggists, Ij.'JlyeedAlyn OJWCOO.N Y. TTO L.INA COKUIAIj VOLINA CORDIAL CUItES DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION. WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER. MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. It It Invigorating and ilAltghtful te teke, and of gnuit value ea n Mudletnofer weak and Allium Women and Children. It Klves new Ufa te the wbelu rtyteiii by tttrengltienlng the Musclea, Toning the Nures,and completely Digesting thO flKKl This lleiuedy oentnlua no hurtful Minerals, Is composed et carefully selected Vegetable Medt clnvs, combined skilfully, miklug a Safe and rieui-.iint tteuiedy. A 110OK, Veltna," by leadlns; physicians, telling hew te treat diseases at IIOMK, mailed, toitethxr wlih a set et handseme cards by new lluilut pe precet", en receipt of le con la. rer vale by all Dmgglsta andUrecers. Bhenld the dciiler imar you net keep Veuna CenniL, rtimll II W. and a IUII-Ue bettle will be sent, charges paid raarAKDUHiA ai Vellnn Drug aud Obomleol Company, IIALTIMOKE, MD., U.S. A. cvil-IydAw rjAltl.KY MALT WHIHKY. PERRINE'S PUP.K IIAKbKV MALT WHISKY. Di SPKl'SIA, INDIGESTION and all wasting diseases can be entirely cured by It. MALAUI A la completely eradicated from the system by Its use. i-KKUlNK'cl l'UUE IIAULEY MALT tYHiaUY lovlves the enorgtes of thoseworn with excessive bodily or mental effort. It acta aa aBArKUUAUDagnlnstoipesuro In the wet and rigorous weather. -TAKE pert of a wlneglassful en your ar rival home alter the labors of the day and Uie same quantity before your breakfast. Doing chemically pure, It commends Itself te tie mod med teal profession. WATOH THE LABEL. Nene Rennlne unless bearing the i ignatnre et the firm en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, NO. 07 NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA. sepUl-dmoedA CUKKKOKTllKDEAie. l'eck's l'atent linpruved Cushioned Ear Drums porfectly restore hearing and perform the wet I; et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion nnd even whUmeraneara distinctly. Bend fnr Illustrated boeic vrlth tentltnmiiAla vitirit- Addresa or call en jr. II1U0X,-6M Drtdwar New ietir, Hsntlen All rarer w T 1 l"BtlMriXIA!rw Mir WaH. JTRW.YOl.iC HTOHB. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMEttES. WATT k SUAE ' 6. 8 ft 10 EAST KING STREET, I.AtlUABTEK, rA. Ofrrle3sy fpwatdief tee Pieces Fine French Gasiimeres Of ourewnnpeclal Importation at 37 l-2c, 50c, 62 l-2c., G7c, 75c ,87 1-2c i $f. These goods were bought at the Lewest I'rieti ever kimwn te Ihe trade, and are tl per cent, under Jeb era present pricei. LAlllEVSI.VOLE AND DOUBLE Black Cashmere Shawls .! Kill LOW PKICE. -T THE- New Yerk Stere. JB MAKTJN A CO. Special Sale -or- UPHOLSTERY GOODS! Heavy Curtains. I El EGANl I'ATTKKVft-DADO TINSELED IIUUDEUS. Tspestry Curubis, H JJ Wet e I 5.00 Tapestry Curtains, i.00 ere 0.00 Taiiestry Curtains, SOD Were 700 Tapestry Curl&lns, tVOO Were 1003 Taptstrr turtstns, 9W Wbre 15 W The Leis consist of One, Twe, Three and rear Talr tie bae placed en a ceuntei ?ei rtaw silk Chenille and larMtry Table Cevers. In alt sites, Tlnseled and Plain, at a Uitat Ucductlen. 3 t Tapestry Cevers, Sic. e t Tapestry Cevers, II M ;-i Tapestry Cevers, lit).. a-lTapestiy Cevers, loe 10-lTapestry Cevers, iken. ...Were II it ...Were teu ...Were LM ..Were 100 ...Were 300 One Let Lace Curtains, Consisting of One. Twe, Three and Tour Pairs tettHcb number, at twe-tblrdi tbelt value. Oer. West KIuk & Prince St&, LARUA8TKU. 1'A. ' I'-ISI- HATB, VAPB,SC. di:adtuelist. SPECIAL LOW PRICES This Week at ia LEADING IIATANDFUIl 1I0USK. ( ;reaKALLAt'S HdVjHEAl.UAt'H., IUUISKAI.CAPS I 0O08KAI, UAl'S f 50 OKAbCAl'S. .11 educed le 113 00 .liednoedtelliro .Reduced te l:e oe . Ited ueed tei oeo .Keduccdtel 410 Men's and IWiys' WlNTKHOAl'S from Ue. up. UEST'tt FUlt OLOVKH and COLLARS, I.AiHsB' HUrrS and balance of our FUR TltlMUINO closed out at COST. t-peetal Inducements alie for this week en Kill! KS ami LAP III,NRKT3. A full line or TRUNKS nud TRAVELING HAtlDat LOWSST 1MIIUK8. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 01 find 33 North Queen 8treet, LANCASTER PA JS-lvdAw WINKS AND LIUUOHM, JtJ -UO TO- 12(7 Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer l'emmerv Bee. lleucheSec. Plner Heldsleek. O. H. Mumm ft Ce., and all ether leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, Sherry and Pert Wines, Clarets, Bauternei, AJcj and DbUUUI. aeleAirent forBneelal Great Western Cham. pagne, produced by the 1'leasant Valley Win Ce., the dnest American Champagne In the United States. KJLiuii umiiKU rw lup, hiq uuvai ,it uw uhlckdw A lull Una el llrandv. Whlakv. Olna and Unma. r leriua orange wine, me nnest in me market California Claret aud Whltewlne, el Wars Val- IOJ, 1.K11IU1U1B. H. E. Slaymaker,aT, Ne. 2A EABT KING ST., LAKUABTKIl, t'A OW-TI1E TIMK TO 8PKCULATK. AOTIVK FLUCTUATIONS In the market eiler opportunities te speculator te make money In Uruln, stocks, Bends and Fetreleum. Prompt persenal attention glven te orders re ceived by wlre or mall. Correspondence nolle nelle lied Full information about the markets In our Heek, which will be forwarded trte en nn pllonllen. W9V J-VT0wn " " " ' W '", t'r J. B. Martin Ce. s, ' "ii" itt rfiit,ti Kn ,fcOA-ssVswswsiJ Bl uneitR A I Prepare ferFChristmas 1 Have ten a husband, h lather or a brother J If you hate, what wenld thi mere aeceptctbl aaa Chiistmas tllft than rt JE1NE SUIT OF 0L0THE8 SUCH AB AUK BOLD AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Hcrrhsnt Tallerkiff ami tlethlnn Hlerf. Ot If you can't afford an entire Belt Buy an Overcoat, And If you can't siferd that liny Dne of Our Nobby NecktlM. Ot which wn have seiuethlnii entllsly new. call and see thorn. BIJBGER & SUTTOIT, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. Y OANHMAM A BRO. L. Gansman & Bre., S W. Cor. North Qaeen 10I Orange S(3. Never tiefere In the history et the Clothing Trade were inch valees etTered. We are nearly ready for the remedelling and enlargement of our store We Intend te meke a dean sweep and have Inaugurated a grand clearing vale for ten days only et flee Men's, Heys' and Children's Suits and Overcoat at less thn tee en the dollar We offer te tbe pnblle the following Bar. ti ti will buy a Durable Msa Overcoat worth 4 1 will buya rtne TurEdaver Overcoat worth ntviwlllbuv Fine Corkscrew OveroeaU, Bilk Faced, worth 11100. 18 oe will buy sine Melten or Kersey Beaver Overcoats worth IW 00 is M will buy Men's Dnrable Snlu worth 17 K, IMUwllibny Fine Casslmere baits werthf It 00. tl 00 win buy Black or brown Cerkscrew slnlu worth IIS oe. iseys' All-Weel Casslmere Salts at t3J0 ; worth 1710. Heys' OveroeaU, dressy, of geed material, at 1 M i worth as ft) loe ralr of Men's rants selling at (We. and II OO. tvu Pair AU-Weel COMlmsre Pants selling at II 50 and ri 03. Buy whether yen need the goods or net ; It will piyjeu. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEltCHAM TA1LOKJ. S. W. Oer. N. Queen & Orange 8t., LANCASTER PA ais-Net cennecUd with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city, closed every evening except llenday and Saturday. JViTYEBH .t RATHKON. WE I1AVE MADE A Thorough Reduction ONOUIlflO.h or FURNISHING GOODS ! A GOOD SELECTION Men's Underwear ATYERTL0N ntlCEP MEN'S TIES Or ALLrATXSriNB AND FnArE", ALMOST AT COST MEN'S GLOVES, ALL BINDS AT TI1KIU COST TRICE. We don't want them ter 6juln(f. and we'll make the price sell them, Men's Percale Shirts, BEDUCED IN PBICE ALM03TTO COST. Myers & Rathfon, LEADINU LANCASTEB CLOTIIIEUP, HO. 13 HAST KING ST., LANCASTEB, l'A. BUUHB. jtew an-v BOOKS. "TUB KAKL'8 llhTUKN,' by Oncn Mere dllb. Thts beautiful poem, which ranks next te "Luetic among the authei s works, la new published In unique and bautlful style j ltel,, vcllum4plated cloth, gilt edges. " LALLA HOOKIl," An Otienlal Itemanre. llluatrnted with ill phote-etchtngs. deelgned by the best American arilits, Jehn llarver, Walter Sattorlee and ethers. Cleth portfolio, with stauijied ribbons. "KAIII IN KB," by Themas Hoe.1. Thts beau tiful room ta new for the flrsl tluie brought out In holiday style. Cleth, Kllu Otber books et equal nole and popularity, which cau be seen and will be sold regardless et publishers' prices, Q. L. FONDERSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, Opposite Court Meuse Lancaster, I'a. aniratud 1887. 1887. TAUN RAPRQ QHNQ Booksellers & Stationers DIABIES FOR 1887. . BLANK BOOKS -AND- STATIONERY. Nea. 15 awl 17 North Queen Street, ZiAXOABTEU. PA . TOHACUO OUTTINOri, HUltAPts. HIFT 1NOB AND fAOKKUB' WABTK, Dry and Clean, beujht for ca.h. JBMOIiIN8 Ne. m feart Street. New le mrimEw avjMes iiwiAwwjjsnm m ,m ..a... . JJKW BPMNG lMFOnTATIOK OF EMBMljiDKRIBS, ' EMBROIDERIES. RACIER is nnoTHKItbave new reaily for Inspection their NEW SPRING IMPORTATION OF EMBROIDERIES. Cambric Edgings nnd Inserting, Cambric Betts, Halnsoek Edgings and Ineertlngs Nainsoek Betta, Bwlea SetU, Baby fletta In tlalnaoek and Cambric. ENBriOIDERIES IN COLORS en Cable Oletb, Cbambray Cletb, Madraa Cleth. (91116 most complete line thsy hava ever etTered, and nt tbe lowest prlcet. Ex Ex Amlnst'en Invited. LADIES' MUSLIM UNDERWEAR. HAGER & 25-27 West King JEXT DOOIl TO COURT HOUSE. RAIUMINH IN H0U8EFURNI8HING DRY GOODS. Blankets, Comforts, Tleklnga, Furntture Oheeka, Muslins, Shoot Sheot Shoet lngn, Pillow OaelDgs, Table Linens, Napkins, Tewellngs, ote,, ote. MarMllles and Heney Oemb Qullta In large quantities at low prlees. We eall spoelal attontlen te our large stoek of tbe abeve goods. Persons oemmonolng Housekeeping-, and tbose about ro re ro plenlahlng, should net fall te bee our etoek. FEATHERS, ! FEATHERS ! FEATHERS The Beat Steam Cured Feathers Always en Band. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court M KTZOKR 4 HAUQHMAM'B CHEAP TO REDUCE STOOK WE WILL NOW BELL OUR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Metzger & Hauglmaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 Weet King Street, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. HP II. , I- JHWKUt. H. Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. Musical Musical Bexes frcm 76 Cents te $240. Musical Bexes that will play from One te Ferty-alght Airs. Musical Bexes that play Operatic, Martial, Sacred and Classic Music. " Musical Bexes te please alh Call and Examine Stock H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, MLXJOU8, AO. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at WHILE IN THE PHILIP DOBRSOMS Nes. 126 and 128 East King Street, And see the Flneet Assortment of BUaOlBS, OAHEIA.QBB, PHiBIOMB, BUSINESS end MARKET WAGONS, ote., that has evor been boeu In tula elty for the Spring Trade. Yeu ean feel porfeotly free te eall and oxamlne the work, aa It la no treuble te Bhew you the dlfforent etylee. Mew Is your tlme te order for Spring. A large assortment of Second-Hand Weik en hand of overy doserlption. ItErAlIllMJ U0MJ AT SHORTEST NOTICE AT Philip Doersom's Old Rel (OPPOSITE LANCASTER COUNTY HOUSE) NOS. UG AND 128 EAST KING STREET, - LANCASTER. PA. uevtnruMxuuixQ hoedm. jniRK'B OARI'HT UALli. CARPETS ! UK0PKN1NQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show U10 trade the Largest un4 Best Selected Line et CarpetJ ever ex hlblted In this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of BOD V AND TAPKSTIil IHlUSSELB.THUKK.l'LY.All.Woel and Cotten Chain EXTBASUrKBS, and all quallUes el 1H. OKAIN OABPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAK CAIIPKTS. KAO and CHAIN CAKl'ETB Of our own manufacture a Bpectalty. Special Attention paldte the manufacture of CUSTOM CAIU'KTS Alse a Kull Line Of OILCLOTHS, RUQ8, WINDOW EIIADEB.COVEULKTS.Ae., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and TVater Streets, Lancaster, Pa 0 ieu23-!md&w FOK BARUAINH In Cardigan Jackets, meuses, Men and lley's rants, Vests ami Coats. Aud underwear for Ladles, Uents, Mtsses ami Children at very Ueduced l'rlces, UO IO llKCUTOLU'tt t or Ladles', tient's and Children's Stockings, of any site and quality. New Closing Out at IteduveA I'rtces. UO TO IlECHTOLU'S, Nn. M North qussii t. "ST'ItnOd DcjUstn l&ksn ttl Pur, i ., ... . . y , i i, , ( ,;-)t , , ,;.,,. . BROTHER, St,f Lancaster, Pa. Heuse, Lancaster, Penn'a, 8T0BE. Bexes ! 'I ver. and See Our Art Roehr. Lancaster. Penn'a. Honest Prices. CITY CALL AT iablc Carriage CARPETS ! Works QUKU QUAKANTKED, RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DU. J, is. MAY Kit K&se at once 1 no orerutlon or delay from bust. nestt4stMt by buudrodset cures. Main elllca. m AngH ST., rui!.A, i-snrt ler CtrcuUr. rlTlAw I -SX. MO and 11:10 a. ra and M .J2.:i1)Z2. ""'eisiTiii ler . m saw ana ipse a. m.. ana W M. M M'l Tasi.1 TKAbm ct UOLUMH1A RA1I.MUAL,. W'mABR.B&M'fBSXi ASV. kAHOif aha ii vai.nivuiiiuiiaia, c. IK. la. On all k!tr SONDAT. MOVKMRKK li. AIN8 LIAVB KKADINM " , a an Lanesjwr at I.Ba.m.,l4i,t KSSMAWS'.". am. -"-"" mswB L" ?i"! M TUA1N8 LEAVE COLUMBIA rer Lebanon at 11.86 ana &.40 p. m. , ,J'"'l" LEAVE QUAttHT VILLI Fer Lebanon eVA m. H ancj J.S0 p. jb.' FecaT41lA?.,I,llli0n(,B00E!, S erL,EATi?iV2,aE,!!tfc7 Fer KeadlDK at 7.M aTi. liimanS'ijlSS m '' Fer Lebanon at AeXuSaSi aX & -I or QnatTTVIlle at Me ii7ntfi.M 2naa.&5sa. TRA1N8 LKAVIl,KBB1a0',!- Fer Lancaster at 7Wa.tn.,li .narjnn. n Ter unarryvtlle at T.Ma-nu naT3 m. PjTDAT TBAMW. TKAIN8 hMAVU BEADUtQ Fer Lancaster at 7.30 a. m. and COO p, te. Fer QnarryvUle at i.0e p. m. TUA1NJ LEAVE QUABBrVlLLB Fet lAticaster, Lebanon and Ueadlec at 7.10 a.a TUAINS LKAVK KINO 8T. (LaneasUr.) rer Beadlns; and Lebanon at 1.08 a, m. and SM p.m, rer gnarrrvUle at 5.M p. ra. TUAINS LKAVK ritlNOE 0T. (LancMtSjr,! rer Ucaainjt and Lebanon and 8.10 a. m. and iM p.m. rer QnarrrvUle at M3 p. m. TUAINB LEAVE LEBANON, Fer Lanceslxr at 7.M a. m. and 3.45 p. ra. Fer Quarry vtlln at s lap. m. Fer conneeUon at Columbia, Marietta JnM i Uen, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm, Itiiisfiii - ana LubanQn, aee Ume tables it all stations. A. U. wilsen. Bneennunasas. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LR0AD HOUHD T,??j ..S,?t?iI., L4"eTa and leitTeandamr at Philadelphia as fellows : bHUTO I Lflavi. VfESTWAUD. Paclfle Exprrss).... News Ezpresst Wav IesbOneH.... rhllaaelphla. I llriNp.in. Laneaatw, fva. m. e-ana. nu 8 je a. m. 9-Ala.m. s is i a.m. 90 a.m. 7-flO a m. Meil train via ML Jey) no. z M&u inuiii....... Niagara Kxprnss Hanover Accein rast Line) rreflertck Accem Lancaster Accetn Ilarrlsburft Accetn.... Columbia Accetn Ifarrlsciurg Kzpress.. Chicago and Cln. Kr..( Western Kxpreesf via Celambta msa. ra Wn. ta. 9:56 a. nu Lien. m. l:jjp.tn. slop. m. 5 Je p. m. 7:ae p. m. l.vMu.m, via Colombia 11:11a.m. via Celnmbla' via ML Jey.. me pin. .e p, m.. 5.40 p m. 8'jOp.m, ltres p. m, Leavo Lancaster. 110 a. in. 8-08 a. m. 8:10 a.m. 8iAa.m. v.w a. tc li58p. m. stcep. m. B-oe p m. ttAD.m. 110 Cm. Arrlvs at;. EA8TWAUD. I'hllx Kxpressf rast Line) Harrtsbnrg Express.. Lancaster Acnern or.. Celnubta Accetn Seashore Express 1'hUadelnnla Acoetn. SnnOay Mall...... Uav Kxnressl 4:s8Aa.' 38 a. aa.' lM0a.M,( ,4 ivumjtsy'sir U:5a.r , 2 ElllVt. IB. ,t: -rr r sbbbb ri'j- arrlsbnrg Accetn.. eia p. m. Tile Lsocsster AocflmmedsOon lesi' Darg at tue p. m. ana arUT t LsuwtMMr p. nu T6e M&rtttA AccommecUUoit letww Dis m s.su a. m. una reacnes uuieua n tsstres Celambta at 11:48 a. m. aaa mtctUnsr Marietta at 11:01 nfl tJA Marietta at B.06 p. m. and arrtves at Cel exu aise, leaves av e.m ana sxriTes as aa idts Aocemmociauon icsstcsi M0 and arrlTM at Lancaster at 140 wltk Uanishmv KvnrrMa aft le A. m. n.A gllllfl.llllff I II I II fl." BH. MMIM4. smH fsssssV Ak MfjAK'J! 5lZ31- , S33B lnsr at Lancaster srltn Wmmt Lin. ! aAasm k n. m.. vrlll rnn Uirrmifti In rniAArfitlp .1." V w mm.- m .-. . .T .J ibi l1lnttlA At. 14M mrt iMltlil. 1 I P. lU. Hanerer Accommea&tlon. weet. 1jim.i.t with Nlaarara tnna at ssas will ran Utrengh te Hanover, Oallr, exeept rait Llnsv weet. en anndav. when will step at Downlnrtewn, Ceateevtlle, bnrsr. ML. Je. KllxabeUitswn and Midi tfheenly bntnt whleh ran dall y. Oa tsa Mall train west ran dt war of Cel J: a. wOOD.Ceneral Pauensjar CHAB.JC.FUQU dennral ManacerT BJLAMMWAMM. riQH 4 MART1H, Crockery a Specialty-; -AX "QHJ-ir ". . G-lass, QueenswaiiH The largest assortment at HturU land's Decorated China, Demestic and Foreign Glassware, American and English White Granite and SemLFercelalti in Flatn, Trluted or Decorated , Fancy Goods, Lamps, etc. Especial attention te IIeuw stires. A full guarantee with every eale. 15 EAST KING STREET. LiNCAiTKQ, TA, BLKIUHH, & C. XfDW. KUQEHLKY. Sleighs! ill May" "urn-- WHHHHt ' j AsMsVf. : fssass1 jirs MkWA fa sshAV'WI iipiMiiniiiii Sleighs m 1 hnvn new rnftflg for tha Winter ffaaaea. largest, ehrauest, finest and most select MMRt tnuutet BiDKieanui'duuie POnTLAND, ALBANY AND BUSINH6B SnEIQHB, EveroiTered ler sale In this elty. The wert shls and elegance of finish Is. fully up te. standard of my fine aud weiMcnewn ci Wnrlr Mv nrfren far a STOOd. hOnBSt l sunual arllcit are the lowest In the market. I h.v.n lranatnck of BUUOIES AND OA BIAOKS, New and Secend-liand, all at Ttl lowest figures, flease eall and examlu 1 work. Edw. Edgerley Market Street, "j Rear of Pcwtofflee, lAnenattw, FsV" llep<lnrt promptly attended te One attM' woikmenosiioclally employed. ,,.- 1 C01 IKTP.AOTOH AND BUXIiDKB, atT-nRnm f.rurt? UUw.- ....., s. CAUl'KNTKH, CONTUACTOU BOILWH,. Besldence Ne. 839 West King street. MM East ura,nt street, opposite station hesv WOODEN MANTELS AND OBNKKALKAI WOOD WO HE A SPECIALTV, i -, , Mm-All work secures inj prompt alM attention. Drarrincfs an A KsMmatw fswl I-J A f Sy aa ?v. ?t S iV?J3 7 - m XP. 43 -.vvffl h jsm "3Y UW43 O&f: 'S ; ica.'JT "j-.a Evjf . J.'i 4"M x - h?tt At- '" &," "r-