v K. V. (V ft. m- 2f. f Sf' &' ,v M. Atm IRON WORKS, i mmmMt Btmrm temrnw new , iMirrn Jttt, bbfabtmbhtb. la Tak Anraal el Bteck-The HI ffaraac Deug Welti Mid Beta BUa M the Cerdstla. SMrt Hald Ortr James Unit, itWCorrttpeaflenaoof UrTtlLteivcs.. LCXBIA, Jan. 22. Tb Keeley Blove had men abut down (or tbe past WHki In all departments, exeept- Um machine ihepa. During ibis tlme an inonnter stock wa taken. The different ,MMtaeet have onee mere resumed work. ', nniaceKa 8, of the Cbeatnut Hill Iren 4M eompaey, baa been doing very well alece flkMbeen pnt In operation, Beyers! uo ue uo Mtafaleuta bare been tuade. ' lplr are being made te the boiler at Oerdall furnace. Tbe furnace bas net bfei Mown out," but pig Iren will net be mtds tamlilthe repairs are completed. v Inquest Our James Derk. Corener Heneman of Lancaster, cntnote Columbia en Friday afternoon for the pur pur MlMet holding an Inquest en tbe remains et 9aaaaBurk, who met a traple deatli at tbe 'Datambla rolling mill en Thursday atter atter atter oen. Tne following Jury was einpannelled T. B. Musser, II. A. Eckman, Sauiuel iHlppey, Andrew Hardnele, Jehn Flndley 'HdMeiei Murphy. The Jury went te tbe '. rolling mill where they examined the low j lowieg witness t Oeorge U. Suyder, Henry is Seacbrlst, Alfred Turner, Bernard Kluiin , Md Henry Orefl. The testimony of these M witnesses was anbstantiallv the tame M pub .atoned la the iNTEixiaEXCERet last night, .1 (after bearing tbe facta concerning the aecl- ient the Jury rendered tbe following rcr- "wtfet: "Jatnca Hurk catne te his death by : feeing accidentally caught and drawn 'tete the maeblnerr at the mill of the ,4i Colombia rolling mill company, and iu our V'eplulen no ene was te blauie for the neel L dent" S.piS' Ilellgleus Item j-v, ThA wipnir Ktirwtav nervires still iieneiti .', te-morrow In the churches of town, the regv w 1a. m.tnri rwnnrlnir the nillnlf- - In the Church of Oed. Ker. C. D. lllihel, pastor, will preach en Sunday nt 10:50 a. ni.. , - .... tnw MMnl. mnhtnnt HThii Tlnral PXetolutlen.' Parents are lnTlted te be prts- 'iV, tnt with thelr children, taking them, into the same pew. Evening Bcrvlce at e doc, abject '-The prophet's Tathctic Question" s mission servlce te be held during the vveik C3auneuclngat7:30 p.m. Ilortieuh lltlrfi. Miss Minnle OUlman Is cua visit te Mauds In Harrisburg. Miss Annie IIelTmau of Harrl&burg, Is en e 'visit te Columbia, as the guest of Misses Sallle and Mollle rrauk, en union street Mrs. D. Qanauer and daughterly Mlse Fannie and 10a Hauauer, are en a visit t Columbia. Kittle Rheadea and company will com mence a week's engagement In the opera house en Monday evening, wheu "Pycma lien aud Galatea" will be presented. The company appear at popular prices. A camp flre will be held in the armory en February 13 by Gen. Welsh Camp Sens et Veterans. Tbe funeral el the late Jehn Barr took place en Friday afternoon. Services wero held lu St. Jehu's Episcopal church, Marietta, and Interment was undo lu the cemetery nt that place. Tbe warm weather el the past few days greatly Interfered with the ice cutting. The Ice has become very selt and work was bus pended en Friday afternoon. Tbe men wuru weiklng this morning. The Ferest amlStrcair, et Xew Yerk, con tains a lengthy account of an English mastiff. owned by V. U. Tendrlcb, et town. The deg la seven months old and weighs 1-1 pounds. The article states that tint detfis tbe heaviest for Its age in this country. CUlii i- a rn- tr.ta ti:vxy. Dotthe Crl(ttli of Lnuraitrr Will Net Cele. brnle Until Tu.tuorretr. Today 1 the llrst of the Chlncse New Teir, but the CclestiaU of Lancaster hove dvermlned te celebrate It te morrow In order that business may net lutorfere YiiUi the festivities. Mr. Lee Jehn will be the host and On X.ungand the ether Cbluamen iu town will assemble at his house te Jein In tbe festivi ties. Mr, Li'OJemi says that tbese will be lartotheaaot Ameilcaus en like ecca slens. There will be an elaborate banquet coekod by Lee Jehn and his friends who are masters of culinary art as practiced both in America cud China. Poultry ccel.ed In various ways wilt be a principal oleaient of the feast, and tte grand ohefd'euvro will be liver prepared lu the Chinese manner. There will be en endlCM variety of slde dishea wonderfully made after the rule of culinary art prevailing In the flowery king dom. lu New Yerk, w here there are 5,000 China meu, Ueug Gee, or New "Vear'a day, is cele brated with a vast amount et ue!e, and In fact Is a regular celestial Fourth of July with a great deal et hard drinking, but the city U fertunate In possessing Culnaimn of the better class, aud they will keep within tbe bounds of drceriiui. In China the celobratleu is prolonged for a month or mero. On tun day thu Chlnc-e oaneel all debts, forglve all enemies and begin Ilfe anew. This certainly cncouregtB business ami saves litigation. Tbe Ijite Iter. Oraj The la'e Rev. Valentine Gray, who died at Gap, en Triday, as the IsTXixieEScxn an an an nouncei yesterday, was a tnomber et the Wilmington cenference at the tltne of his death. During a portion or last year he tervedns pastor in the Western M E. church, this cl'y. He was a man of great purity and stmpllc -y throughout his life, aud died a Forceful death from an affection of the Hi or. He was in geed health until about a month jpge, when his health bem te fall. He served churches In Pennsylvania, Delaware, Marylandand Vlrglnladuringbts lifetime, Hla former parishioners in this city are es. peelaliy invited te attend his fuuernl frtni Gaft Tuesday afternoon ut 2 p. in. Election of Directors. At a mm ng of the Lancaster Heme Mu tual The Iiisurance company, held Trldav evening at the olllce of the company, Ne 137 East King btreet, the following dlrectms Were elected te serve for threo jcars : Jehn A. Burger, IL L. Fralley aud C. U. Lelevra The beard consists of iilmi uiembers, Ihoie holding ever belug Christian Gait, piesldent, H. C. Harner, vice president, Themas lfay, Jehn A. Charles, Martin Krelderand B. C. Kready. The beard will meet for organiza tion en Friday next The follewlugauditors have beeu upjwluted te audit the acceunts: H. Z. Rbeadif, Jehn BklUn and A. J, Eberly, Uuilnrea Changer, S'rauss Bres. tGoulsten, cigar luanufac. turera, who ler several years have Leencarry Leencarry lngen the tnslnesslnRethwIler'sball, ever the rear or Jehn rrllsch'a taloen, West King etrett, have rented the waroheuso of Stein man & Ce , at Mlfflu and Market street. At the new placa they will have much mero room, and will Increase the ferce or eui. pleyes te ene hundred and Ihlrtj. They will mave next week, j Jehn Penlz ban rented iboealeou of Jehn FrNcU en Went King street, and will take possession In the spring. The New Scheel Leuu. 4ha.T,e,d7 next th0 Dnauce fommtttee of ?Rf e? ,ha,d wlU ''eu I'ropesaU for fUiDUU of thu new i.i,i i .. f Will bear four Pei Tr7.V.uL. i "e.oen08 'ble quaiterly: Tbe r te, Z: " ' , "?' R 'fmbl oue and the bends will no doubt sell J r j'.vw..w. auu uuuriieenienr uiii i... found Jn aaotfcer column. bbmbbbatie fiiauin. TM TUna ftxM and In Ward. Entitled le Select Scheel Director. The city Demoeratlo ozecutlve committee met en Friday evening at the ofUce of Jehn E. Mai one. The tlme flxed for the nomina tion of candidates for ward erBceni and eobeol directors wag Wednesday evenlngand the election will be held en next Saturday evening. In tbe Seventh ward the polls will be kept open en Saturday from C te S o'clock, lu tbe Eighth ward from -1 te 8 o'clock and In the ether wards from 6 te 8 o'clock. The committeemen selected the following as the polling places t First ward, Hheber's hotel , Second ward, Wendltz'a hotelt Third ward, Efflnger's hotel Fourth ward, F. W. Rehm'a held , Fifth ward, riilllp Wall's hotel ; Sixth ward, Schtller house; Seventh ward, Seventh Ward house; Eighth ward,Kohlhaus' ; Ninth ward, Arneld Haas' hetel, The terms of tbe following school directors will expire aud their successors named . A. Z. Rlngwalt, S. K. Llchty, First ward : Thes. F. McElllgett, Third ward ; Henry Smeycb, Seventh ward ; A. J. Snyder and Jacob 8hlndle, Eighth ward. Under the rules of tbe party each ward Is entitled te two mem. bers of the school beard. The First ward has three and the Filth ward only ene and this year the appointment will be made equal by Riving the Filth ward one and taking one from the Flrt. The following wards are therefore entitled te nominate directors at this primary: Urst ward 1, Third ward 1, Fifth ward 1 and Eighth ward J. Net Afraid el tier Celer. Rebert Hardeman and Elizabeth MeClln. tock, two eolerc-d people, who disturbed the Strawberry street church en Wednesday evenlnjf, bad a hearing before Alderman A. F Dennelly, Friday evening. They were committed te prison for twenty dajs each for being drunk and disorderly, and thocs-e of disturbing a rellirleus meeting was held under advisement. A white man, who comes from Washington borough, seems te be very attentive te the colored wemsn. Ue&snt the hearing and soveral times Kissed her in the presence of an amused audience After she bad been sentenced he accompanied her te the prison where there was a very affee tlouate parting between thorn. Order of Sfrvlt Fer the Manbrlm Dedication ulSL Iaur Reteruirtt Church. At the re dedication of St. Paul's Reformed eliurch, Manhlin, te-morrow, the tallewing clerRj men will preach . 10 a. m., Rev. E. V. Gcrhart, D. D , president of (theologicalsem! (theelogicalsem! (theolegicalsem! nary, this city ; 2:30 p. m., dedicatory ser ser uied, Rev. J. S. btahr, Ph. U., of Franklin and Marshall college, 7 p. in., Rev. L. 1". Ziukban, of Baltimore, Md., a former pastor, new general ageut for the Maryland Prison, er'a Aid association. Rev. Tref. J. U. Dubb, D D., is expected te conduct the services of ine ex-culng. Tbe act of courccratien will be performed by the pastor, Rev. W. J. John Jehn con, at the afternoon service, wheu a choir el fltty voices will render the dedication hymn. Tbe Uey Preacher. Charles E. Pilgrim, the boy evangelist, will ue at the Covenant Vulted Brethren church, en West Orange street, where revival sitrvlcvs are being held, all of next week. This young man is the appointed evangelist of tbe East Pennylvania conference of the church. Ue Is unassuming and modest, yet when In the pulpit Is a free talker. His audi ences have been very 1 irge and the people ai e astonished nt bis ability. Last ntght tnree persons came forward te the altar for prayer. Sunday niternoen at 3.1.5 he will peak es pecially te young people. A leru!r LnnniU r 1'atter'a Nen ruittloe. Rev. Goe Rjblnsen, cnaplaln of United States army, former ra'er of the First Presbyterian churcb, this city, was recently appointed fcuperlntendent et army (eboel", with headquarters at St. LeuIm. The lit publican, et that city, says : "Rev. Robin Rebin con, nlfennd ten, who have recently come te St. Leuis from Fert Iluterd, Dak., bae uparlmcuts at 2 C01 Pine street. Rohinseu ha long been army chaplain and Is a gentlo gentle gentlo mauel culture and travel, and Mrs. Robin Rebin eon is a charming woman with the frank, cordial manner tint distinguishes tbe ladles beleupmg le army clrcleV Slaughtering the liailn. Ne less than tneUe hawks were taken te Alderman Dtec's ctllce this morning and that maglstratn cut their heads eff In con cen con fermi'y with the act efaisembly. Seme of the birds wero very large and bad very fine pin. mage. Ten of them were shot by Benjamin Kfch!, ene by Eira K. Gelst and oue by Ellas Lindeman. Th county commissioners are obliged te pay 75 cenU for each hawk shot and beheaded, and II the slaughter of these birds continues at the preteut tbey will koen be exterminated aud the clever "and grass Gelds will be eaten up by mice, nicies, and ether email auimal, ou whirb they princi pally feed. l'er Maslcal F.uterialuiiientt. Thore Is a movement en feet for opening a series of prhate musical entertainments in this city, aud patns will be taken te secure the very best musical talent from abroad It U hoped that enough appreciation will be snow n in llie earlier stage of this movement te Insure its success, ler as our city grows the artlstie development should keep pace with that In ether Hue Mr. Walter llausaian, Mr. William Blackwood, Miss Alice Nevin, Miss Lettio Apple, Professors Wiu. B. Hall and Carl Mats are among the prominent pro pre pro tueters of thu enterprise. IVrcIliift a Latg-a&uate. Last evenlng there was a very large erewd In attendance at the littie show at Ne. 67 North Queen street. Notlce had been given that the boa coustrlcter would be fed dur. lug the evening and this drew the crowd. About nine o'clock a Uve r igcen was given te the large reptile. He first crtiahed the It'e out ( f the bud and broke Its bem, alter which he swallowed it, feathers and all. It required Sume time for him te finish the work aud tbe aualcuce was pleased as well m Instructed. Ihesnalie will again be fed 6ome day next week. l'uncral of Mrs. Urluleu. The funeral wrvicea of Mrs. Mary Weed Brinteu took place ut tbe ntlJcnce el her grandrather, C. B. Hcrr, en West Uranse stieat, Friday altcrnoen; they w oreceuduaed by Reve. Hark and Rheadea. The jiall bearera were Marriett lirealus, Geerge A. Mirabal), 'lliimias llechteld and S Clay Miller. J his morning the body was shipped by the Penusylvanla railroad te Peach Dot Det Dot tern, nnd It wUl be taken te I'enn HI I for In In termeet. IllO ClIOMiplllc. The Clloeephlo eeclety met en l'riday evening utlhe residence of GecM. Kline, eiq., and listened te a most elrrpieut and enter taming csay en the religion el the Greeks by PrefesfccrJ. B. Kleirer. The next meeting will l,e held nt the residence of Dr. Mcaser smith when Mr. Willis B. Musser will do de llver tbe tesuy. A Tralu-Juiuper liiiprUaurii, A man giving his name as I'rauk Wallln, and hla rosldence New Yerk, was nrruited In the Pennsylvania railroad depot last utn lng ter stealing a ride en n freight tmlii. At a bearing bclore Aldermau Mct'oneiuy this morning he said he was one of tbe striking hands of the Lorillard cigar inauufuetury and was in search of work, He was committed for ten daj. i A ITtlly Wague, Ruianual Hoever, the peanut nmu, at Orange aud North Queen etreet, has put out a beauiKul littie wanti, which he hal built feruauJti bis busiuuB. It Is made exactly like a large read wageu Bud will be found very ceuM'uleut. I'repcriT lllllijrauii, Tbe property Ne. 214 Kast Orange btrcet, eBered at public eale by Henry Hhubert, ai-'C llenecr, ler Allan A. HerrA: Ce., en Friday evening, wa withdrawn for want of bidders. LOCAL TMLKrtHtHM TH0VBLB9. the Girls Stria at Central Ktchftnga Dm Dm weik ami lam AVce Uemplaluts Frem the Cetintrj. This morning three et tbe four girls cm pleyed at tbe telephone exchange lu City ball struck. Their grlevauce, as stated te an l.NTKLMOENCEK representative, is that one of their oenipmlons took sick this week and the ether three v ere compelled te de tbomerk of four. There are about 300 subscribers te the telephone service and the girls sy there should be live operators Instead of three te properly perform the work. They My also that the Inside of the windows have been whlte-vtashcd under the fale pretense that they neglect their work, and net satisfied with this Imposition tbe manager this morn lng screwed down the window sstb, thus preventing them getting proper ventilation. Thelr wsges ere only 1 13 per month which they oeuslder a peer equivalent for their close cen&neuicut and long hours of service. Te-dav the night operators and the sick girl, Mary Hess, are the only ones en duty. The telephone service has net been entirely satis factory te city subscribers, and will new probably be wotse. Complaints ale come In from the country. Tbe tetephene connection has been cut efT from New Helland entirely, the instruments have been removed, aud there are peer pros pects of having them replaced. The Clanon complains thst this Is a bnllderlng act, whereby a wealthy corporation attempts te force the public tn Its own terms , and pre dicts the calling ctl of country connections will seen show a marked decrease in city patronage. The anuual charge for city service Is ?4S aud the C .'irum wants te knew why the charge should be J I higher ter reuntry service. l.riiul Arm Ceiumltlee. Tiie ciimmsnder of Geerge H. Thorns Pest, Ne. Pi, G. A. R , en Trldny evening anneunced the following committeeA Memerial day : J. K Barr, C 11. Kasnacht. Dr. J. A. E. Reed, James A. Nlmlew, A. V. Hurst. Thee. Wendltr, and Geerge 1 . bpreuger. Entertainments . H. R. Breneman, M. N. Stark, Andrew Swisher, Dr. J. A. E. Reed, Teter Sensenderter and D. C. Hwerstick. Soldiers' Orphans Dr. J. P. Wicfcerah&m, Jehn W. Stark Isase N. Slean, II. R. Brene man, Herace Sehepp. Finance : Dr. J. A. E. R;ed, Jacob D. Landls, IsaaeN. Slean. Ccu-etery and Almhone: J. P. WloXer WleXer sbttn, James A Nlmlew, Dr. J. A. E. Reed. Visiting and Relief: Charles Dicue, Dr J. A. E Reett, Jacob D. Lsudis, Isaae N. Sleau and Dr. S. T. Davis. Mr. Nlmlew reported lhat he had ordered 61 tombstones and they were expected te arrive and Le placed In position bolore Me Me merlsl Dv. llrtarril latlecrnllf. Oa c-mr',alnt of D. K. Barkhelder, prlson-keeper, Jehn K-nnard, Harry Nlx Nlx derf and Jehn Hodgen, were ar rested aud cemml'.te'd for a bearing before Alderman Daeu te answer for malicious mischief and nuisance. It appears that they entered the Jill as visitor, aseended te the toner and behaved In tbe most Indecent manner. llutrt!D 'Tr Mr. J. B Rebrer, civil engineer, new un a vi-it with bis br'de te hla father, MJer Jeremiah Rchrcr, has retently been the rec nient cf i!iftrelrg news. He was married Dec. 2 te Mins Jennie Winchester In Memphis, Tenn. Last Satur day word waa teceued of the death of Mrs. Rohrer's sls'er, and te-day a telegram ei neunced tbe death el her uiuther. Mr. and Mrs. R-hrtr will lea lr Memphis li nV1'. Kce .stale Sold. Frem tbt Xht Uelland Carl u The two-tery brick beuse, w ith about rne acroef gmucd In the central part of town, be longing te tie estate of Samuel trteffy, de ceased, formerly known e the Shirk prop erty, wasKld at publf sale yesterday alter alter neon ter $2,46. '0 C W. Bender purchaser. frliiu,')- In. Editor J. R. Heller, et the Mount Jey Her aid, Is very eerljus'v ill, and his condition has alarmtd numerals !nend, who hoje for h'S early convalescetce. A CetutitK l.'X CLuie. Arranemeuta have been made for having a grand fix cba-w lium the New Helland hiuse, D. E. Seusenig, proprietor. In New Helland, en nexi Friday, January JS. Mlllleg Hrllltf. Jehu SLaeQer Duchman, a former resilient of thU county, but who is new- llvieg at Kan sas City, Missouri, U vI-Mrv reltles in this uty and ccuuty. Anil it .Might liate JJeve in Laucaeter I'rocitbe Inqulrir. Te-day FISCW U laid out in wages Stcolten. at Aiuefieiuiii.tv. Ihntrli i ATiitlrelt -Uaverly's minstrels who appear here en Tuesday erentDvioeluds K M. lull, the lhrv Qeruiuns, VJUiie: Lit ijulitut ana ethers. IheyarehUhly spoken of by the newspapers and thttr iMaesd has been very lartie all J ear Briienin Ferglttn Frederic Bryton rlayed ' rerglren' la Lancaster early In the scaen, making a great bit. The play Is one of the best American Sramaievcr written, aid lb: tiarl a flnu actor. ' Tht LMltt Tycoon 'The " Lttt e Tycoon ' company, whlib appears hi re en next Ijeday evening, tnvluiles strong pjepie. They wi:i ue doubt araiv largely. UEATlli. ltiiirsscxss In thti city, en tha Wtli Jas. F Ultksccker, erd Si ytart Inst., The relatives ana frlrndiet the family aid re spertfully lnvltsd te attend the funeral from the restaencoef hi sl.ter, Mrs. It. r lUuca, .Se. 37 West Oranse strcst, ea Monday afte neon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster ccinelery. Friends are leqaest-d net te send 2 iwer. FORjAfT Jauuary V 1-S7, 1h thl city. Eve Fornauf, riltL-t el the iaie cm Utn l'hl !, lit uaut, in the bia year et har nge The relatives and (ilunds of tbe faml'y aic respectfully fnvlted te attend thu lanuriil from her lata resldence, .e. Ill High atieet, en tun day afternoon at S 11 o'clock. Jntermeul !n Zlen'a cemetery. riuMrenD In this city, en tie taih Inst, 1 e nard Wilsen, aen of Kfltrard and Curah I rank ford, aiced IS sears and fidiys. The relatives and IrleuJi el thu family ar ro re spcctfuli Invttea te attend tbe t ancral from the residence of h's parents, Ne It Derwart tre t, en Sunday afternoon at a e clock Interment at Lancaster cemctery it (atv At the Gap, at la m Frid.iv, January ?1, 1H7. Itev taleiillueeray, of the Wtl'n'uirieii Couieruncu et theM, a. chutch, lu ttie '41 mr Of bl BgH. The relatives and frlendsef the family are re specifnlly lnvlud te attend th funeral, from his late r-aldence. In tie liap, at2p m. Toes Tees ttay.JanaaryMtri Iniermentat llel evlen-. 5td 3llliKt:Tlt. fhtUdelpliU I'roilure Market. PitiLtDsLruiA, Jan '.- Heur uiarkt eulut wilen,9iibrml ; MlmiMOin llaknr,, II lltjt 70 li. -:.. "Vr' "" " ns " western IIOUQIbS; i'ateliti.. II 7ift8 25. Un Ceurriul.-MII 11N13 11. de, heat-Jau., 9-T.ia ; t eb , 9lc Aprtl, me. Match, 9:140; tern Ian., UHi ; Feb Aiirll.l7kt. 46Jic; March, 4SJ40 j . "".,,e-.!!in ' t:c,; ieb' 'J-i March, Cfe; Ni lore siaraet. N aw 1 erk, J m. w -Fleur niarket dull : tne, I! IjJ3 Ui Huirnne, SI Mill ,u coiimien te geed tutra w-t. ni,3a3tai EOd te Inncy ex ra Slate, tlOigl in. Wlitnt-Ne. 1 HeU btate, W0'ei Ne. 2 de ?i ; !i'.? Uca' w,nter Ju 1 1?J0 t Feb . 8.;ei Feb., Itije 1 May, t ee ' Oats-Ne 1 wnim itate.uXei Ne ian,UUa ; Ne 2 mixed, Jan , M.e Feu , SSJie; May. bWc Kytidultg eturu, VJVj , elate, 67Qfwu Jlarleynjmtnat. l'erk dull new raw, 112 'j'.flii :n Lard Jan , 10 71 i Fen., 10-3 ; May, 17 01 Molasses aullat Jue fur VmwU Turpenttunbleaily at 1Se ltnufn qulet : strulliwl le geiMl, 11 rent lu l'etmleum dull 1 Hi dn(f. In i-a-m, bXu rrelBhtsdnll 1 ureln te Liverpool, ja. Uultur sluidy 1 Ni'.atein Uieaiueiy, SCJCe 1 stte, ssci-a Cheeiediill; Western Flat, llfJUKei statu fao fae fao tery, 10f5l2?c. KgsUnu; State, aogstei Wetcrn, KSVie. Suirar duili KeUned (JuUeqi, CVjei Uranu- 'Fallow steady t Prima City. tic fttce nominal ; Carolina, fulrt geed, SglXc ColTeo steady t Xatr ijsei-s, tle Chicago rrofleM rfarkst Caicase,Jan.3t.S)0a.m.-It iketepMiefl. Whet-Jan., SVI reO.J'iSHOt " ii lUy.M'ie. uim-JiDH &Mfi 1 !,.. SXI.P ilarch, Mtei March, 2MC Ainy. tin. Oats Inn., K0( rob, s Aiar. '.he. ferkIan., Ill 10, l'eli., II- March, L&Ki in, hi 60 , Teh., ri v . Msreh, fc) t7' s iiav, ma. - short lltl fob., H 17K. Marcb, Id M a ay, f0 5i,t(ie,v ClCWISH, Whe-vt Jan., ict rob, T0, Maicb, Tc. May, Si'ie, mini Jau., SS'iei reb., W;e i Msreh, rtHfei Ua'ts-Jan, SMie i reb , 'e . Marcb, J5e . May, WWe fork-Jan. U US l reb, ll SIS' . Mareh. Ill i May. til . . mm -inn., w e.v : rcu., r , jii i- . May. se ii. tllliS-Jill, Msy.KiZ't- t) M reb..l March, H WW Oram ami rrosutena rurnlihed by 8. K. Ynmtt, Uteker. CairAoe, Jan SI, 1 e clix k p. m ceai. corn. uti. i mi mm. January . rebruaiy. M&rob. April May .... 11 SJ li .) (161 6 : Stl S3 ffi celpu Car I,eU. Winter Wheat. Spring W bivt.. Cern Ut Ku turley OUClty. CruaeOU .. 19 Srt 164 0 I . .. II 14 Head. UeeeJj'U Heri., Ulrvlng Prlcos-Se deck p in Wheat, Cera 0t. Perk. 1-ard. January .... retmiary March. All 11 . . May . .. . OUClty HuilaOU. iSW Xi S5V I r t,v 11 Jl r.i 4) tw ... s-U 6 :i Stock siarart Qaotatlens by tteed, McUrann A Ce , b-nkerj i,aacaier, t-a. SIW TORS LIST. 11 i. V CanaJA I'actae - C C.C At Colerado coal , fs CentnU 1'ae Canada Southern Chi. St L. A rgb Den .t Kte. Q Det. L. A W 1SKS Kne tss Erie, ?nds Jer C t li A r srS tit. 6IH 6J xS I?! S3 jn, MV, 0 n P-7S rv, llli 11 l' Ji.i 1-S IW MVi ailj 91 li'TS 17 i?S li, u. " ft'S w 8l.i IS WS Leu A N ses I. shore Mlch.Cen Missouri t'aclCe P N. V. ll n. West S T. U Ka Tonnetsee C Omaha Oregon TransiMJtta'Jen.. llntirte A V 1'actac Mall Kech A r St. faul Tex t'ac L'nten Pac Waba.hCem W abash Tref Wmt.'rn U wetsfcer Ikiuds New KuKlane rHiLj.Dgi.rnu list. Leh. ViJ u.x. V A rtlla fa. It It- Heading I.eh. NaT lies tenv. faas f. A E -V Cent Peepirs Pass Udg. Gen'la OU , 91 11i II , i 5IS . 41 i'i . is MS' . MS 1 . K iH 'H4 sw rs1.! 7i 17 17 Id 1 JS-1S S Mi "AS liI 103S 71 101 71!, XSW ADrERTISSUZtTS SAUSAGR AND VOrvTO i-tUD Lunch this evening at Ei slcr Hall, .Se 1!7 k st h lng street liu t VOGT AfOCIC TCRTLE bOl P UNC'U THIS I Ui"ie. North iTA. tsentne at the s Queen street.' iHtllAEL HI I'... Piorieter. iia GRVND LUNCH FRIED OYSTERS and Siuer Kraut ter Lunch attheCeuit Avenue uelei wis evening .v.! are Invited ltd' J. w. STALirFK Proprietor. UArr.K KRAUT LCM.H ' Ihl. CIATUKDASjI eruln st tbe juth ere Kiibange hotel, ceii.er uuth tjueenaud Middlestrctu. ll JOH DJEOEK, Prep. STEVEDCA13BAGF, Rt.rT eTTT'OTa" eTTT'OTa" le and Vienna sau- lnr lunch te laht at the llnaman lleu-e. Mm ilia 'd.'W eit King street. niekers and Hauler s Heer ou draught. Ud tVM.hfUM Proprietor. X VNCH. lj Ihtity.Peund recXfl.h Litni.h ' thf fer-t'-d hotel, under Lecher s task, this evening Freh llerQell Cccreu lap H t.lBAMTEi-9, Trop. 1 RAND HAUER KRACT LCf II THIS 'T (laturday) erenln at 'rn lu and 113 North Qneen stret : also kneh.ia and itaelf ner's Ueer en Draught ( -ti inc. eotne all. ltd A. MIsC Ui.li. 11. Proprietor. "sTrTivnY TO LOAN IN LARr.EAND j-'i. ji:i amounts Jens s. reTi e. It All rney at Lair. TriOR KENT THE STORK ROOM NOS. a1 S3 and SS eeuth Quen s'reet, suitable for any kind of business Al prp.en' eccui ted by Julius Let b Wholesale NoMenj. JanlOtfd T 05T-A SMALL WHITE HOUND XU srlth black ears, and a black spot en bis back A liberal reward wui be paid ler hi re turn te J&nttl-If NO. FIJ VOr.TH DUK E ST. A SMALL CELLAR HEATER tN GOOD eordl'len. svlll be le.d at a taraln It ap plied frr seen, at HUBLKI DRUO STORE, west KlnjfBireet. r)EMOVAL l Dr. ft r. Nathert taa re-roved ht cBce from North Das e street te tbl!abrbushbulid. lng, Centra r-quare where everything pertain lnt; toecullstry svlll rectue special and piomet attention. Jan,WA20d HE REGULAR MONTH LY MEETING of thu Union Uulldln? aid Lean Asocia Asecia ttnn sTil, be h'ld at IV. a. Wiis.m oSce, Mon Men dv tvculns at 7K O'clock. Meney te lean ltd A. U. BALL, tecrtitary. -JitOR RENT FROM APRIL 1, 1S37. C A Flint-Class Farm of w Acres, two miles from theclty Fouracrtsef Land en Ueckland street Foaracresof Land In the tilgblhward. Small Stable 2-"0 West urangn street Mmall licu.es en East Orance. riederick, Fulton, Church and Jehn streets. linns reasonable. Apply te 1110!' II A IlltOTII Kit JACOB GUNDAKER, ACCTIONEEIl l'ECO-Ne. 20 NOr.lIl WATBK STKKUT. fielllDK of Houtehold Geed) a specially. Lewest rates AllKoeds for the ma itel will b promptly siutfer at hen notice. ann,vs,) TOR RENT FROM APRIL 1. " Laree store-room and Dwelling, with hla hla b'e aud Warehouse, Ne 37Kheuih Queen street ALL V.N A. HK11B, Steal Estate and Insurance A aunt, li Ne 1W East htngtltreet. 200 MEN WANTED TO UNLOADEN 8shoeners et Beer, cat thn MneRt Suu-r Krautand drink the Kelrublnir Uleker's 11 d -pronijer'a Beer, drawn from the ki gat the Minei Hetol. os. t 7and3li est King strict, oppe ItoLlnirSticet Opera II mse l-d J. 11. IliaslSiffcii, Proprietor. svjOTICK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN XX that William l. Ashford Is no Ieniser con nected with uie lu any raiiaclty whatever, and I win net be lespenslble ter any bills that he tnav contract. J"IIN J LOCAttAN ITi.pileter of thn KntcrpUi.e Brass Foundry, Ne lis nast Fultea street, Lancaster, I'a. NOTE Brass castings of rvery floscrlptlen fu nlibtdef the bixtuuallty at the lowest prtce. JiiIIn J COCilltAN, ltd ltaEastrultenst, Lancaster, Pa. ATTENTION G. A. R. The officers nnd comrades of Geerge II. Themas Pest, Ne 81, are requested te meet at pesthtadquarters enMOihiY AFTKrt.NOON at 1 iso'ileck, te attend tr-e funeral of 1 omrade Jas A. lttcksecker. iuii unllerm, with while gloves and canei. CIIAS DEnUKS, A. V. Mr hT, Commander. Adjutant. It UBLIO HALIi On FATFariT.Jrar-.T. 1SS7. Will he sold at publle sale, at btewarfa Stock j arda I an'aster, I'a ,oncrled of Kitrn Flne KENTUCKY MULE, from 18 te ltK hands hiyh Heme of thsm are broken Mnlosdinbe uni at the stock yards 'rem iburidiy raernlii untdBa'uiday. Actedltef fcUly Dijswrllbe jrl vn Baloleosicmenco at 1 i'alm.c, p. m, of told lanl .S.M.IV.S O W. fcTTEU. HOUSE l'OR RENT-A LARGE.COM. modlens llnttse en the Celnmblu I'lke. ene (quarofrem the Watch raclery, teKether with 7 Acres of land, lartiu tobacco abed, with cholce Hull and berries i suitable ler a aummerieal aummerieal dence or truck farm. Item, 1300. Apply te cither of tbe uuderatpned. KKV. DIt. McSULLAOU, . JAS (lalll.F. lSn.Af.trd JOHN W. LOVKLI .KVAN'S l'LOUH. LEVAN'S FLOUR. ALWAY2 UNIFOUM AND UP TO THE HIGH EST 8TAKDAIID. M.ThAS w NORMOUS H.vnOAlNS. D rices en Gtals DEEP ROCK BOTTOM. Theso lu BOfireh of BNORMODS BARGAINS nre greatly Biirprlaed rvt our wonderi'ully HEDUOED PRICES. Beyond a doubt, THIS IS YOUR TIME. Jeseph L. Rau & Ce., THE LEADINU AND TOPl'LAll CLOAK HOUSE, Nep. 138-138 North Queen Street, XK W D rKHTISBMEXTS. Ol'ItlUAlUSMT.V. QVr.HIUA AND Gelden l.ten aln CI RAIt HAVANA FIl l.KH hand made, te KAl II. In he in. of M'n aud W. UKMUlll'S LUiaUSTUIlK, lllEitut Kltifr Htreet Telephone 1 onnertlen. janlWF.tltltld TtTlOH I'.KNT KKOM Al'HII. 1, 1SS7, THK lj Ueldence and I'h iiletan uitlrt1.. Nes, 53 and 1 WriiOTHiifri street. ( Urxler Muhlenterir prvip ertsi The et'.lies will be rnnlrd separately If Urstriul IIAUMMAV A IIUUN.l, JaullWASttd or It. J. M.-UUA.NN Sj"OTICB"te STOriCHOl7l)KiTs X Theannui uieeltnir of the stoekholdert of heeeluuibta A I'irt Kepeslt llalltvad Com Cem imny will he held at the etBce of thu 1 empany. .se SB Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia. I' , en eilnrsday. February IS, lj7, nth o'clock am I leetlomel I'lusldsnt and IMrecters tatue day and plae. JtllBs It.McCLUKE, IfMtd secretary. AAf " " "BBl The Manbeim ROLLER FLOUR Excelled by Nene. luil5j)JU rr 11 E A N N C A I. STOt,'KUOI.Di:US X meetlncef tte American Mrehantca llutld tn? and l.ii Aerttlnn win be held at ths iTSce of Vim It Keland. eq , Ne SOS Seuth Dukeitreet, stndy henln January JU 1SS7. lectien 01 off! Mrs and dlmcmrs for the emu lnir ear A u regular monthly meeting at ui- time and piace. .s cxlts of stock, the nineteenth. 1101s licluc t.ne.l 11 JOIIV 11 KEItM,tec. 17IOR RAR'IAINS 7 In Cardigan Jarkets, meuses, Men and Bey s 'auU, vu and coats. And Underwear for I artifj. uenta, Uli.es and Children at very 1.1'illUfJ Pnrs HO IO BKCIiTllLU'tl Fer Lnillej', Uent'a and Children'! Htecklnfrt. of any iie aud iiualll . New LleslUji Out at Kei'.ed 1'iiies ItO TO flECIITOI.n ?, Ne 51 Nonh ljueen ?i rra le Dollars taken at Par. rsRAVLEY'S PLAIN CAVENDISH. i-ii Ik-C Jt Smektnir Tobacco In I a and U a ?iam. uenume Turkish Mueklnt Tobacco uV ? aud "-i S tin beies a full line of Ptpea. DKMLlirst lOAHsrOUL. HI East KInL-Mrppt. Telephone Connection )anlJ-VASlUM -VTOTICa -Li Miseitc HaLt, I I ancatcr Jauuary li, 17 1 The uienibers of Lan htirten Ledee, Ne 178, F A A M , Ledge , and the I raternity In gen ral, are iqnrsttd te m-et al Slavonic llall, this ctty, ou Monday reit, January Hit, at 1 o'clock Em , te at'.-nd th funeral of our deceased rether, James r llli kieekir. UT iiKULKOl THE W M Wm N. Aula, Secrctary. ltd VTO T 1 C li - P E O PLI' RUlLDlNwi X Lean ind Deposit Company alii u.ietthls (aturdaj ) evening at 7 o'cleok. at A C Helm cshl's eClu Ne 11 North KDke streel ttecic luthenw orts for siie The 8 A. rep rta ready. Sale of money at Co'clet Uorruwers gt full amount It A ? VILLEE.Sec THE REL.UL VR MONTHLY MEETING of the West End Unlldlnsand Lean Asso ciation, will ba hwld al the Law offlce of T. U, Heiaban. esq, this HAI'UliUAl) uvenfns at at 7 e clock. Meney te lean. It L. V.LICIITT, Sec DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. The Democratic voters of the city el Lan caster am requested te asjtmbte al the placus designated by theclty commltteemen.on tVF.l). .vr.stiit kv k.sinm vei r, te place tn nousl neusl nousl nailen candidates le be vetrd foren Baturday Lveulnc January 9, for watd edlcer. Scheel directors win al.e be rheji-n as foilewa one In Ilratward, one In Third ward, two In F fih ward . one In Seventh ward aud two la Eighth ward. In the Seventh ward the pills era' Saturday win be epn from 5 te !, In the htbth ward from 1 10 S, and In the ether wards fiem 6 te s e clock. 11 order of the Jaattd EAEuCrtVE COMMIT1BE. T a UIVLERACO. It Takes Time T" clee out a sleck as laige as eum. We are cr-lllnp regardless el cost Ladles' and Children's Coats and Wraps, bhawU and Skirts, Blankeis and Comforts, Ladles', Men'd and Children's Merine Underwtar. Win ter II' ulery and Gloves, Flannels aud and White Goods. Special Bargains In Carpets, Fleer OH Cleths. Window Bhadtnjr and Fix turs, Prime steamed leathers. iTB-Coire and see our Koeds and prices and be ceuvlnccd tbit we art -elling koeiIs cheap Jebn S. Givler & Ce., Me. 0 Bleat King Htrefit, LANCAITKIl. I'l ivr ERrj A RATUFON. E HAVE MADE A Thorough Reduction e.v out; htoek or FURNISHING GOODS! AOOOD bELECriDN Men's Underwear ATVEUT LOW PIlltHS. MEN'S TIES OFALLPATTEr.NH AND SHAPES, A1.MU3T AT COiT. MEN'S GLOVES, ALL BINDS AT THKIU COST TltlCE. We don't want ihetn ler Hprlnir. nnd we'll meke tbe price sell ibetn, Men's Peroale Shirts, ItKDUOED IN 1'ltICE ALMOIT'IO t03T. lyers & Eathfen, 1.EADINO I.AKCASTKR CLOTniEll3, NO. 12 BAST KING ST., LAHCAlTKn. PA. BMW BOOD. Prices en -HAVE TOrcHRD- VJTir ADrKHTlHKMBXlU. J-riXT DOOH TO I'Ol'RT UOl'SK. BAHUA1NH IN- - HOUSEFURNISHINGDRY GOODS. Dlauketa, Oemrbrta, TIekhiBS, Furnlture Ohoeka. Mtinllnti. Shoot Sheot Shoet liiffa, Pillow Oalnge, Tnbie LlnetiB, NnpklUB, ToweUhko. ote.. ote. Mnroellloa nnd Uoney Oemb Qullta In IrtrKO riuaiitlUes it low prlcca We enll epoelal ftttontlen te our lnrge Btoek or the nbove Koedn. Parsons commenoluB HouBekocphitf , nnd thoae tibeut re re plenlehlns, aheuUl net frill te bee our atoek. PEATHERS, ! FEATHERS j 1 xxiai.xjxjualu . iiiLXXirjie The Beut Dtenm Oured Fcrtthcra Alwnyn en Ilnntl R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te llie Court Hourc, Idiiicnstt'r, PtMiii'n. .VA'lT ADVERTlSRUKXTtl "RENT THE PROPERTY NO. 1 -CSOR JD cei ;entre Sonare. used as a clear stee for sev eral Tears aUe the a&lenii underneath the stetis. Apply te UUOtiUK l.TOMl,lN80.N,afbcriri OH co. Ian lldll THE Due de Montebello tsthonnestef imported Champagnes Sold only at KUlim.K'S LlQUOKsTOKk. r: Lenlre STuare. ARKLEY'S "YKLLOW 1RONT" Clear Filler Havana Five Cent Llnar It the leadtDft and most reliable ntekel cigar In the market At M AUK LEY'S " Yellow Frent," Ne at North Queen ainxit. (Fermerly Hartman'a.) -JACOR 1". SHEAKKEIVS PURE RYE WHISKY, DUKE STREET L1QUOU STOIIK. autrn lydll oTTFALifeiurnNfr- W'e etTer for sale thn two fine dwellings rr- centlycemplete.1 by us. Nes Mi and HO north Dnae street. The houses are we'l and substan tially bnlll, contain mero lmproetuent than any ether boeses of their class In theclty. and may b bought at a very reasonable prtie if ap plied for seen If net sold previous te Fcbruaty 1, they will be for rent. Apply te A'.IIMl'A A CUMM1NG9. JauK, ;' Na Jl West Chestnut St. VTUVKlt HE FORL II KAU OOF Evaporated Apriceb st 15:. per Pound. Larc" Bright Bweat Oranires, 15c per dozen ; i peunda New liatslni for e pounds New Uatains ler zee , i.ranuiaieu eiitfi.r. mi ur teuud ; Powdered Bujrar, 6ke Ceffees. liVie te fae. per pound Try Clarke's Ftse o'clock Tea. 10c. pex t. pound CLAUKESIHA AVDCOTKStSTOIlE. Ne. is W est KtuK Btteet. J-Telephone. tanS-lyd rplTI.K INSL'RANCK ASDTRUST CO. Trnst, Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Company, or RCACiNO, ra iPulI l'aidi . CHARTER rtRrtTUAl IJU'llAli 2.'0,U00. GEORGE BROOKE, PRtSiDtNT ROBERT H COLEMAN, Vice PRESIDENT H. T. KENDALL, Treasurer aneSecriiar.. WALTER M FRANKLIN, TRUST Of riCER ret LaNCASTEtt County ItlUKVIOHir. Geerqe Breeke H. M. North RedertH. Ceuemam, R T. Let Thes. S. Mcrritt, W D. Smith Cyrus G.Oerr, J H. Cheitman. Gee. D Stitzel D. R. Wiiier A. B. GnuPD. LXLCl'TKS THUSTS 01' EVIIIIY KIMI. Sm'tieasd by th Ceurti of Lascajtrr Oeanty te receive the appointment of Executer, Ad mlulstrater, (luarillan, Aestipiee, ltecetver, aud 'JrusUie within aald County. iNSCataTiTLBteKcal Estateand Mortgages. Meniv te Lea en first Mortuage ai lowest IsvESTMitrismadeand Interest collected with out expense te the lender. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, Attorney-at-Law. 1 mat Officer for Lancaster County. Ne. l-M last King 3U, Lancaster, Pa. Jan 15 lldSiw N JKW VORKHTORK. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMERES. BLACK CASHMEkES. WATT & SIIAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KING STRRET, 1.ANUA8TEB. I'A. Offer Te-day Upwaidsef loe 1'lei.rs Fine French Gasiwres Of ourewn Bpeclal Importation at 37l-2c.I50c.lC2I-2c.,G7c,75c,87I-2f.i$!. These goods st ere beiiRht at the Lewest 1'rlCJ i ever kimwn te the tratle. and aruii per ceni. under Jebcers present rrtcss. LADIES' SINGLK AND DOUBLE Black Cashmere Shawls AT VEBT LOW 1'KICES, -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. piNORMOUS RAlUlAINy. Glerrks Near P. P. R. Station. w AniTTtme yEW APEKKTlNllithWrS. IIIH WILL 111'. RECEIVED AT ' i.ocner a Hen a iiaiiiiiii UK Iloue up te '! OClOCk rt m.. Tannnrr A 1M7, leriltiund lids, or anv eart thereof, of iV em-h the lninaister school llnml, dated February te 11 Issued by 1 WT ..a.M.... . .. . .... .' .-,, vmniiK i" i .''ui in-rri-ii, nayauie USr terly lb-inds paj able In te yearn, uit rtnleema ble atterS j ears. HlfsItrA KTAN'-s. ,,, ChilrtnauF.t et B. Heard. J7,10,H.ll,t7,la lid pUHMC HALr:-ONMbND.Cfi""JAN X UAIIY8I. lNi;. will be .old at Ne 115 Kail Chestnut street, a s ery larne amount ottMinona ettMinona ottMinena timperty, censlstlmr of pallor, bedroom and kitchen furniture, pictures Brussels and rait carpets, etl olelh. nalr red, mlirnrs, lamps, dlsbes, knlvesaudforki.preierves.bodclothlu. a set of furs, etc , ete Bale loceiutuenie at 1 ., oiecV p m m itAiiKitnusii, 11 T ELK Kit, IH.Jl.Kll Kccu'oref AunaM KesU N j en cr. Equitable llerlgagc Company. CAPITAL, - 600O.0OO. DEBENTURES Quamntced Pdrni MertjraKea. erricrs New ltirk, SH Ilntul way. Bosten, M I'eurt street Philadelphia, l.: ith strest. h ansa City, "th A Del. streets. ItEFEIlENCEH First .Nat, Bank, ye Vurk Bosten Nat. lUnk, Bes ten. Tth.Nat. Ilk, Phll.d'a Am .Nat tunk, Kanist city. I or rates e! interest and full Information hr.NP FOIl PAUPIIt.EI', -TO- JACOB B. LONG. Brekor, PBN.V htiUAKE. LANCASTEII. PA. - Jlertgspes. Ucal estate. Insurance, Hterks, Bends and Uialu apedal tr l.ccal mocks and Benas a cesui emas.KACmiT yAiT I or tiii: GRAND OPENING OF 1IIK KingStirct 0 era Housed NEXT WEEK. .N'eriCE Parties havl"i skatrs at the rtlnk "111 pleass remote eatne luiuuifldtely W. A. HALBAOH, MAN AG Ell s:i-lydll . I. "' MVRT1M .V CO. Special Sale -OF- UPHOLSTERY GOODS! Heavy Curtains. t.N ELEG VNTPATTHIIVH-DADOTINPELED BOIIDEIPJ. Taiiestry Curtains, VI ' Tapestry I'urtalns, l.te.. Tapeatry CuttaliiH, 5(u.. 'lapestry Curtains, bO), Tapestry t.iiruim, atw,. ..Were I .Vim ...no me ..Here 710 .Were 10 nj ..Were 1151 The Lets consist or One, 1 no.'lhrcennd Tem Pair. Wb have placed oaatceuntei 'isi jtas H1W Cli'sitlle aud Tapettry Table Cevers. In all sizes, lioductlen. Tinseled a ud Plain, at a (Ileal JMTnpe.try Cevers, 73e Wernll.tS B-l Tapestry Covers,$1.2V Were 2.U1 7-5 Tapestry Cevers, HO Were 360 K-l Tapejt y Cevers, IHI Were 111 let tapestry Cevers, tu Were at") One Lei Lace Curtains, Cenilstlnir of One. Twe, Thtee and Four Tstrs te each number, at two-thirds their value J. 11. Martin it Ce.'s, Cor. West King & Trlnce Hts., f LANOASTEB, TA. M 1 '-7 bU .tt6yic.ia s fiJJB-... j.1gWl3tJ