V TDK UNIIAITV MAIII1'.. , Whit nltetli the beautiful maiden le night' Htr Iecs weam a wwtul eipttsslen The oyes 1ull nuil heavy, list sputkllng aud bright, Of sotne stcret grift make confession II Obi Whut UllioiniiKiel lliOfftimw Hut ihe Beetnsvatuty trying te smother Has her lever proved falte tehl protul'e, his liu Forsaken the nmUl fur nunlliet Nci her lever Is faltlifulasuver, in lejM, Se we state without furtber Inquiry, That te make np lU'iilght for lint tlmn the must loll,, rer she's five days behind with liar diary I Jrem (A llotlen Courier. .1 VllATAIIUUr UUOK. Or Ati Ime-rrepleil l.Usr. Deaii KnED. Veiiii cl Doeoiuber Z7lh only received en Monday, tniitt liate been eltlier In n mew storm or collision te Account fonlelay. 1 riulte like your NtiKKontlen that we Rlieulil continue our lioek cliate en !or, for I mist thnm hh uiucli as you de. Yeu knew, old ollew, I ileu't rare hImiuI overy. body'" opinion of it book, but yours I de valu Ily tlie bye, illil you ever recelve tlie tioek I neil t you Init October, 'Htrauge Cfl of Dr. Jekylt nuil Mr. Uyiln." It was iulte n chestnut liere tbnn, but I thought probably It mlKbt net liate yet resetted tlie ranch. Tlie yellow cover or tlmt book prvjudlceil tue UKnlust li, or 1 alinuld have read It lenjc be be bo fero. An email Ixiy, I remember being tloifed In Ice, at IrniM, forreaillnKynllnw cov ered dlmn nexeln, nml Hie Impression nmde nnn n Ins'lug mm. Hilt tlie story KilHeeu tlie yellow cover li nbuilt the Ixmt ftormen 1 rend Init your. tiU 1'itul ceilnlnly gav 8teenwju tlie text. Queer though tlie way It struck, or rntlinr didn't "trlkp.some people. 1 amused myself lending It out and marking the olleet It produced. Helle II. oetltil net imagine why I i-unt It te tier, tlieuKlit tlie atery horrid and e unnatural, I did net attempt te deltoid IU C'olwell brought It tiack with n putzled oxprelon en his bright boyish fucc.and aald, "Cousin Jack, that's tlie mrt of book sets ntollew thinking; lt'squeer, bulpretty true, I rue8." Mlovetisoii is Mid te t R.i weird and peculiar loekluxasono might suppose from Itln atorleH. Have you read 'ilaldwiu," ".Vernen l.oeV Uteit. If net, don't de II, it li very dbntppeintlng. I re re re iuomter wu agreed In thinking "Mis llrewn" -very clever tlie' crude. "Ilsldwln" li written In' luore llnlMied lj In, but li lack' lng In strength nmt Interest. Tlie book eon. ditaufit Nurlosef oinveratloui en the dllier. cut phases of religious mid Irreligious thought, und Haldnlii, tbe here, Is n I'omIuv I'emIuv Ititi butthe nrgiimeiit de net strike me as iwrtlcularly well put, and theoeucluilous are Hither liary. "air I'ercival" ill net odd nnyteHhmt. houae's reputation, at liust, net In my hum bio opinion. Read It, however, when you h.tve an opportunity and let makuewwluit you make out et It. Uelatid Hlake, Dr. Mitchell' latest, la another war story, well told, and doej net take much mere than an hiurtorend. (inoef my rraoluliens ler tlie ft few Year U notterPaclany moreot Howellh' uevela. "Lemuel Uaiker anil His MtiUlre," uoerlv niiiiixt my leuiwr. I can apprcclata though 1 don't enjoy the coarse, atrein; real ism e( TeUtil, but I little no pHllence with tie trivial, Insipid teAlhm that cluracterUetl "The Mlulater'a CharKe." Hut It is time te call a halt. Am uiual, 1 am lu dimmer of rid lUK luy hobby tee hard, l.lke the smill boy 1 Iismi Kept the teat for the livtt. De net fill te buy the "Meditation of the I'arliti I'rknl," by the Abbn lteu. It N charmlUK, and destrveH a permanent lurn In your li brary. The I rench tltle Is "I'ensle," and "TheiiKhU" It a twller rendering than "MfHlltatlens." The Ixx.k hai created ail Im Im inense Kcualleu In 1 ranee, and la new at. trading intention m diRlaud and thli coun try. I am tempteil te close my letter with a low simple mutations which Mill, il I mlsLike net, whet your Htitlle for mere. Houx Is by 'urns profound and earnest, or witty and C -ulcal, aud tiU ntyloef expresilnn Is mostly tjpUramin Hit !lfiH(H us liltoplnlemon a Kreat arlty et subjeetH, literary and general and his originality btyend dipiite. Here are lour ((notations selected as ruprojuntnlKe mes iSr"Sehlller hs ut Inln a dramt the his Teiy here.id In iitlream," "limthe, a Uor Uer man drinking cupeoKraved at Corinth." "I Miuuld dentin peetry as thoexqulslte Dxprraitmi of exi(iiuiti Imiiresslens." "Our experlenee Is eemiKwed rather of II II IimIeus leit than of wlnlem Kcmilrml." This last Is sugKontite tnutisb le cloe my letter with, Your-, llAr.Aite. Tht Qrangt, Jan, 13. Tl n Hint n Mmtli Frem Oev Uelicit J, Tarl.u's luaegata', ut Nashville, Toen Twenty J ears bke the "euth uislu ruins , her Holds were waited aud many of her chief Hies Mere In ashes. 1 1 or ejiumerce waswrecked, her Industrie! la'al -)d, her hopes deal and her people crushed , but ns the night with Its darkness only renews the wasted enerRlcs of the a irld for the tur tur eoils and activities of the morrow, no the very shadows of despair tint brooded eter thefalluu Smiili usl'.ul into being a new Ulu. The new lile iustiuei with reanimating ouor euor ouer Ky, put forth its hand llke the ClirUt and lourlieJ our pioitrate country, and the new Heiith sprang te her liL Uer eltles rese from their nhcs, her Industries aueke, her llslda blossomed and frulbd ax "In llke a paradhie restored, aud the bow of bopeand premise teod out ence inote en her clearing skies. The aulmestles of the war are dead, the caiisiH thst rcclpltated that war are dead. Slavery is Ioreer dead. If the Seuth Binned, oho has aeught te make amends i It alie was vrreuced, hhe lias freely ferplcn. Tenneci-ie te duy cllera the hind el trlendshii te nil her sister mates of the union and r(Hns wide her (tatflj el wol wel wol cemo te all. It bheuld be the chief aludy of the peopte te improieand Ktrontlien the Htale geterument, aud by wl$e lrgl&latinu and wlie policies te adapt te I lie changing iKccstitles nf :hu age and the dtvorfcllled in terests el our Incnailng population. Its en- lorcemeut ei ni'.v iuu oruer sueuld be rigid, Its punishment of crlme should be just lu degree and prompt in execution , Its suppression of riot und disorders, energetic aim icariesH, and its pro tection el llfe aud 11lerty of property, of labor und of capital, should Le guaranteed at any cost. It should be adequately lortilied with the cements et Relf preservation and pewer, se that it shall be able te instantly crush In ternal insurrection and riot, or r 114)1 te the delenae of the national Hap. Hut theso con cen con dltleuH most largely depend uen our intor inter nal development. Material prosperity tends te make a happy and contented people. It improves) the eecUl conditions and intensities the (K polar leve of country. It dignities rj! labor nml promotes reuuciiiciit and culture ' lu Beciity at large. It etlniulatea a higher lespect for tlie rights el prop prep prop erty nml u atrlcter obedience te the lavva of the land. Kvery federal govern gevern tueut, by the very uature of things, rests upon tlie stiitis as Its foundation, and In or er iler teatrengtheu it we must strengthen tlie states. Tlie strength aud pcrtu!ty of this, the graude't utructuiu of ull the ages, do de (lenda upon the solidity and soundness et the states. Bheuld it ever fall or doganerate Inte contralhr.itleu and imperialism, it will be through their weaklier and decays; Hut Ged grant no such calamity shnll ever befall our county, (led grant that our republic may llve ierever, aud that the old ll.ig may ever lleat nltove us. The new governoi's remarks wero received with apiilause and followed by uiore nuslc. lullratltiti by Ceiitaglitn Dr. T. 1). Crethors In the A he nut anil Xcuroleyiat maintains the vluiv that lutexl. catien may be Imparted by contagion, esie. dally, when Iiertdlty prodlspeaoH the eystem te succumb te alrohelloetlmulatlon. A seber maD, the doctor asserts, brought In clese contact with a drunken inaneatchcs his ail ment. It la net, hewever, through any ex halation el u!.oLiel that this result is prediiLid. Jt Is net net due te pliyskvd In llucncts at ull, but tojuyciiie lutlueuce. In stances are ulleged of altstemluus persons becoming hilarious, stupid and even beaally drunk liem mere association lera tlnie with H erseu in Ihls cendllluu. A case la related etu "nesllhy farmer aud strong :ein()Oiaucn man," who, when in Congress, walked and talked llke an old toner niter "being 111 company with" a certalu colleague of ins. The theory explains u great deal that has puzzled Veople, and will prove ueeful te liocturualhiisbindswliearolouiid by thelr H?..,."11'0."! ' rly Iteur' of the morning unlocking the frontdeor with 11 watch-key. ' . . .. Atl ,"alH' rdlne. Deaien. At the convocation of the CenUal Dwnery "ilU0.Ll,?COpalc,.UrcbliCld t- Mark', eburcb, MlunoapelJf, Thursday, the erdlua (Ien of Jeaaph Wauktzu took place. Wauk zu is a full-blooded Indian fren tha Whit i:rth Hoaervatlon. lis Is a handsome man, thlrty-nlne yearn old and la unusually Intelll. gent Utsbep (lllberl announetsl that he hd jiassed a remarkable examination, enn that any man might be proud or. The candidate tailed en only ene fiiestleii. Tha Jawltli Hiiilnar), Habbl Monder, D. I.( writes a romsrkable communication te the n((;iudcii(. Ite aayai "The Jewish seminary et New Yerk la an accomplished fact. This should baa sub J ret of congratulation, net only te tlie Jewish, but alto te the Christian world, borause It la a decided step In the direction or stemming thatldoef Inildellty which threatens all re vealed religion. The Hebrews are leading the way lu the defouse of truth, aud they ars dotnrinlned that from their ramp shall pro pre pro eeod champions te meet the most secret assault ujieii the Inspired world. Action baa Itcoeino necensary en the part el the Jews, for Judaism Is auflerlng as much as Christianity. It Is. thoteforo, heisid by the rounder of the emlnary that the rollgleus ymatliy of the Christian world will be extended te thelr new school or learning," etc. m Tha llaplilltjp of I'rncraM Toward liralih, Even whan a geed reiuudy ter dlieaie Is loetod, dopeniln In siinn inesiore upon the manner In which It Is Uknn Irregular, Inter rupted dnssi 0111 atlent no talr lest of ttiaeffi. caey of any mndlclna, however aalutary. laken le proper dessiat preserllind Intervali, a relia ble curative wilt etfect the object of Its use. Among romedles which, systematically aud par par slitentlf med, accomplish thoieuiih and lasting cures, and provents the recurrencu orperledlo dlieaie. Ilejtelter'a Stomach Hitters ranks spe cially high. In caea or dyapepila, debility, rheutnatUm, Isver and ague, llvnr complaint, lnscllvllyei the kidneys aud bladder, constipa tion, and ether organie msla1te, It Is a tried remedr. te which the medical brnthotrieol have Icntthxlrprofcsslenat sanction, and which, as a tsnlc, alterallT anil houiehelit disorders or ths temach, llrer and bowels, has an unbounded popularity. laizz) "Thsre was au old man of Tobane, lived en rlee, (iruel. and aagn," he had hnadaebu se had. Alter be uieila betllner Halratlea Ull, he could eat rout heel anil plum pudding all right, They say the wliiierHdrnrtlaemeutauf hnutns will tun soiuewbai In tills style. A large and elegantly furnlnbud house ler rnt. In (Misy ills ills tanciiel adrugiclit wbosells Or. Hull's Cough Syrup. I.nND VOim CONSTITUTION A lltll. Coiutltutlent are much allke, and In nine nine lenthsef usthesamecausssproduei) tbe nme eifccti. Vertigo, dizziness or plln of any kind, excepting that of au Injury, can come only when there Is In our bodies some Impurity of the bleed which we have net suniclent vitality te threw eir without help. Therefore, the proper thing te de Is te gel Immediately the nocensary help. Me aid UaoelTecllveas ltXDr.Tn'a 1'ILH. When you tvr.l these Ills coming en take lrem three te ten of these pills, according te your weUht,andboicllevod at ence. Never puterr the teellng by thinking yen will seen be ever It. Take tbe pills and de net rack the constitution. H'ttdiAL nuriVKH. MIIII.illl'3 (JUIIK will Immediately rcllava Croup, H'hiHiptiiK (,'euKh and llrnncbllls. rer salehy II. It. Ceuhran, I)ruKglst, Me. 137 North y 11 eon stns't. llackuii Arnicn Malte, The Ibist PaJve In the world for Cnls, Ilrnlses, Seivs, l.'Uvir, eH Ulieuin, Tuvet Beres, Tetter, Cliappiid Hands, rniltilalun. Cerns, andallHkln Kruptleiif, and positively curve riles, or no pay risjulred. UK guaranteed te give pnrleel satis satis factien, or money mtunded. Price 'M cents er ber. rer siUe by it. It. Cecnrnn, Druggist, 1J7 and ixi North Uiwn slnwu lvncaster, i'a. Sllll.Oirs UATAItltlt KKMKKV v positive cum for Catarrh, Dlpthnrla, and Canker tleuth. for sale by It. It. Cecbl-nn. Urngglst, Np. 1J7 North QuiHjn street. Tiicjr are looking ler yen everywhere Dialts of air lu uneiscted places, going from het roema te cool ene , carulessnets In changing nothing In rherl anything which endt In a "common cold In the held" I nlcss arretted thli Und of reid becomes seatnd In the mucous mumbrenn or the head Then It Is Catarrh. In any and all lis stages t lit s itUease always yields In Ely's Cream Halm. Sale, agreeahln.ceitaln. Price fifty cents jVl SwdixjOAv llritce t p. Yeu are feeling depressed, your appetite Is Soer, j u are bethnred with headache, Ou are djtrtj, noiTeusniid generally out et sorts, and wanltu (rare up. Hniceup, out net with lltu ulsnts, sirlng medicines, or bitters, which have ter thelr basis very cheap, bad whisky, and w hlch stimulate veu for an hour, and then have jeu In worse condition than butore. What you want it an aliemttve that will purify jour bleed, start healthy action of tint I.lverand Kid neys resloie jour vitality, and give renewed health and atiKUKth. euch 11 medicine you will ttnd In hlcitrle Hitlers, and only M cents a het tlealll. 11. Cochran's Druu ler, 137 and 11 North (Juien btrcet. Lancaster, Pa. (3) WHY VV1LI, toil cough when Shlleh's Cure will glve limuedlate relief. I'rlce 10 cts., 60 cu., and II, rer sole by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. U7 North Hueen street. Miiftt IZlcrtlent, J .1 Atktns.Chlefef Police, Knoxvllle, Ti 1111 , writes "My latnlly and l aru Ucnedcbirles el your most excellent )nudlclne,Dr King's New Discovery ler coinumptlen ; having found 11 te be all tbat yen claim for IL desire te testily te Its virtue Jly mends, te whom 1 have retoin retein mended It, pnit-e It at every opportunity Dr. Mng's Niiw lluceverv- for tunaumptlnn U gunruritii-d te cum Coughs, Cuius. Ilrenrhttls, Astlima, (.limp and every alleotlen of Threat, (.best and l.nngs. Trial bottles live at Cechnin'a Diugtiru, lTTand IJ0 North gusen street, ban caster, l'a. Lai go size. II Oil. (3) IHKiTkV. UKO. II. TllAi Kit, of lleurbcn Ind , s.i lleth my sell and wile ewe nurllvis 1iSllll.ilM scONhlflirriONCintK." forsale liy II. It. C:-cbrau, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North Queen sfrtmt C,kutluu. We would rantten the Public te boware el Dealers eilarlng hemp's Haltam at less than the regular Price, 60 ceuts and II, as eltentluies 1ml tutlnns or Infcriernrtlcles are sold as the genuine In order te enable thnm te sell cheaply 11.11. Cechmn, druggist. Ne. 137 North Queen street Is our ugunt for Lancaster. Aample bottle given te yeurr . elM will w rnrlame hack, sldoercbcst, use Hhtleh's ror rer ror eus Piaster. I'rlce !i cents, rer sale by II, U. Cochran, DrugHlst,Ne.l3d North Queen slttsit. The Kicltemeet Nut Over. The rush at II. H. Cochran, druggist, Ne. 157 North Qiimn street, still oentluuus en account of persons allllclud with Cough, Colds, Asthma, llreniblllsand Consumption, te procure a betllu of Kemp's Haltain for tbe Threat and Lung, which U sold en a guarantee and Is giving entire satisfaction. It Is a standard family remedy. I'rlce 9U cents and (1. Trial xitejret. el&-lwdAw M HACKMhTACK "alastlngandrragrantpsir "alastlngandrragrantpsir lume. I'rlce S3 and M cent). Vorsaleby II. U, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen itreeu AN U.SrOUTUNATK I'KllSON. The tuntt unfortunate person lu thovveildls one mulcted with sick headache, but they will be relieve d at ence by mine Dr. Leslie's Spccbvl Prescription, bee advertisement lu another column. (i) Dasuelien I.tvsa f xllicts ter sick headache torpid llv er, biliousness and Indigestion . Bmall aude-y toswallew. One pille dose. 1'riee.S.Vi. Uy all drugglsu l8bs-3mdTu.1b,S BI.KKl'I.KHS NKiins, made miserable by that terrible cough. Hhtleh's Cure Is tbe remedy J,ri'"".VK.?r"alut,y H-H-Cochran, DruKglst.Ne 137 North Queen street. KlUNtlY TltOUIILUM. A 0s of Many Years Htanillng Cured lb Bit lleltlcs, in a Man HO Years el Age. Allxntewh, l'a., May s, B.-5. Damuslies HiTTUiis Ce. (Junta i I had been Doubled with my kidneys foruuumberef years, used almost everj thing without much benent mill I tried Dundelleu Hitters. I used six bot tles and aiu pleased te say 1 am entirely rid el the kidney trouble, besides my system being toned up se that I tool tike a dlUeteut person. I cheerfully lecoiumend the same te all Mulcted In this way. JACOli MUSCHL1TZ. ebin-3mdTu,Th,8 UATAHUIICUItKD, hcalthnnd sweet htnath seemed, by bhtleb's Catanh lleinedy. I'rlce ri rents. Nasal Inlncter free, rer saJO by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. Ui North Queen street. UKOIVN'B IIOUSKIIOLD VANACKA. Is tbe most effective l'aln Destroyer In the world IVIII most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally ea.;applled externally, and thereby mere certainly UELIKVK PAIN. w?.,th'.cll,?nJ0 Rr "". than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double Ue eti-ength of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the bldrv liack or Kowels, Bere lf.r.?i,l 'PMjn. Toethacho and AI.L ACHES, and Is The (treat Uollevor el l'sln HHuWn'3 IIOUBKHOLD f AN AUK A "should be in every family. A toastKieuf nl of the Panacea In a tumbler of lift wstcr (sweetened. II urn levTvO,) taken at nedtlme, will HUtSAK 1111 A CUI.D. A "tints a Lettie, n,i0.1vill.vv AM- reii DYbl'KPBlA audlLTverCeinpiainl, wTn have 11 punted guarantee en every bottloofbbl bettloofbbl bottleofbbl poh's VIbilizer. It never fulls te cure, rer sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen A H. K03UNHTKIN, A BARGAIN. Owing te the clese of the Kail and Winter Sea. ion, I hve purchased ene mere piece et theso t Ingant lleavy Dark lllue English Cheviots, in a leduted nrlce. They were our boslsellor.and told at moo, and have reduced them te the low figure eftS.dJ. Made and trimmed elcgautlv. andahoveall.anerfect itt, " A. If, U(J3K.N31KIN, Kine Tailoring, J7NorthQueeuau MBDtOAU H OOD'H HAKSAI'AniLLA. Back and Shoulders Are the parts usually attacked by. rheumatism 1 and tha Joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists are also somettmes arfeoted, Tha canie of theumattim Is lactle acid circulating with the bleed, which at Woks the Joints and causes tha pains and aches of the disease. Heed's Barsapo Barsape rtlla purifies and enrtchra tha bleed, and nas prevan a wenderlul remedy ler rheumatism. COULD IIAHDLY WALK. " I was troubled very mueh with rheumatism InuiyLlps.anklaa and wrists) It tact, loeuld hardly walk, and was confined te my bed a geed dl of my lime. I was also vary bilious and tur fared severely. I was recommended te try Heed's Barsnpartlts, which 1 did. t have taken fourbetlleaandam well. I gladly recemmsnd Heed's Barsaparllla " W, W. WOOD, bloom Ington, 111. ItltKUMATlO KltVKIl. "Klghtysara iurn I had Inflammatory rheu matism, being confined te Uie bad threa months. I Jilt year I was laid up six wenki with rhau rhau matle lever. A short time age, I fell pains all ever my body and thought I was In for It again. 1 then doctded te try Heed's Barsaparllla. It his dena me se much geed that 1 must say 1 made a geed Investment nf one dollar In medicine ler tboflrsttlme. It has driven off the rheumatism and Improved my oppetito se much tbat my bearding mistress says 1 must kssp it locked up or she will be obliged te raise my beard with every ether boarder that lakes Heed's Sariapa rllla." THOMAS IlUKltnLL, Ne. 99 Tttlerj SUeet, Brooklyn, N. Y. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Beld by all druggists. II 1 stx for 15. rrepared by CM. HOOD A CO , Apothecaries, Lewell, 11 ass. 100 Desos One Dellar VMITII1NII. UANHMAN A HHO. L. L. Gansman & Bre,, S. W. Cor North Qirea snl Orange Sis. Never before lu tbe history el the Clothing Trade were such values oirerod. We areiuwrly ready ler the remedelling and enlargement el nur store. We Intend te make a clean sweep and have Inaugurated a grand clearing sale for Inn davs only of fine Men's, Heys' and Children's "lilts and overcoats at less than tee. en the dollar We offer te tbe publle the following Bar gains II W will buy a. Durable Men's Overcoat worth tC-60 11 is will buya Ktne 1 urheaver Overcoat worth !; BO will buy rine Corkscrew Overcoats, SUk raced, worth I11U0. Iiiij will buy sine Multon or Heney Heaver Overcoats worth 117 W rj W will bny Men's Durable Sulla worth 17 80. IV 00 will buy Kine Cusslniere Bulls worth 111 lu. 17 00 will buy black or Drewn Corkierow ulu worth 113 en. Hevs" All-Weel Cassimcre Bulls at KZO , worth 170. Heys' Overcoats, dressy, of geed material, at 12 2J. worth 15 & aoil'alrer Mini's I'ents selling at iva.and ll.te. Auei'alr Atl-Yioel Casslmere Pants telling at II Maud 12.01. Huy whether you need the goods 01 net, 11 will pay ou. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MLItCllAM lAILOKf. S. W.Oer.N.QueenSsOraDgeSt I.ANCASTKIt l'A. fSnl munei.tcd with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. Closed every evening except Monday and balurday. B UIKUCH .v NUTTON. Prepare for Christinas ! llaveyuua husband, a lather or a brother 7 If you have, what would be 111010 ucceptablu us a Christmas 111 It than 11 FINE SUIT OF CLOTHES bUCIl AS AltbSOLO AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Mrrclinnt l'allerlng nml Clothing Stere. Or If you can't atlnrd au uutlre bull Buy an Overcoat, And 11 you can't afford that liny Une el' Our Nobby Neckties. Ot which we have eemethlng entirely new. Cell aud ecu them. BUEGEB, & SUTTOS, NO. 24 OBNTRB SQUARE, LANCAHTBH, l'A. ci'kciai, von this wkek. -IN- ROBES, QLOVES, Eur Caps, Eur Cellars, -AND- FUR TRIMMING, -AT Tlie ItMitiiiK lint aiiil Fur Heuse. 1. D, STADFFER & CO, Ol rtnd 33 North Qu'en Streot, LANUAHTv.it 1" v JU-lVdAw lll(IHBtlS. p r.KSONS WISH 1 NO TO MA K U MOXi: V IN STOCKS. GRAIN. PROVISION'S AND OIL. SHOULD 1NVKSTIOATE LAUUIK A CO'.S BY-U'KMOl DLALl.NO IN SUAI.L Oil LVKUK LOT.S ON ONK l'U LKNT. CASH MAUU1NS. Ten Dollars will, for example, cover ten I1U0 Hbaies, 01 1 UQ biulitla et Grain. Kxiilunatery rauiphlet tree. (JU0TAT1ON8 WlllKD. orders and Margins ix'celved by Telegiamei LAURIE & CO., BT0UK1M0KKU8, ALODKALKUS IN rOKElON EXCHANOE. 066 Broadway, New Yerk. "The members or the ilrm nro....BcnUemeii or eiperence and lilKb standing intheliraln and block Commission business?.. . and 111110112 t h-lr references ure 11 .number or the leadlne Hanks." l"Ae ler CemnurcdlAVici." "They hiye a stainless record, and their bona fld.-s are Indisputable... .The topnutlen or tbe rtnn Is such, that partlei can restessured 01 re- celvlni? their preilu the momentthoy are made, no matter what the amount may be." """"' l,wieeafcv'w rtfr'" "'""' T(ttvra,n vtSma kMtm. inKKATflUOOEH THIRTY DAYS' CLEAEING SALE -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace el Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING ST., LANCA8TKU.PA. OVER FIVE HUNDRED -OK TUE- Most Unprecedented Bargains CANNOT HE AD K11TISKD. Most Be Seen te Be Appreciated. EVERYTHING YOU SEE -is- WONDERFULLY CHEAP. One Let of 3, 4 und 5-Buttea Beal Kid Gloves, Porfeot doedB, at the ro re ro merkablo low price or TWBNTT NINB OBNT3 a Pair. One Let of 6-Heek Luelrj g Real E Id, FineHt Quality, worth One Dellar, at FIFTY-THREE OBNTS a Pair. Come Early and See for Yourself, THAT VK "It-Kit Real Bargains, AND I II AT IT WILL V 10U 10 COME AND 8fcr. lt TIN HAHr. F L.INN &. 11RENEMAN. BUY THE GENUINE OLD STYLE FLINN & BRENEMAH'S, Ne. 162 North Queen Street, LANGABTKlt. l'A. VEW GIFT HOOKS. "IIIK KAltI8 11KTLUN," liy Oen Moro Mero More dltU. This bvautirul poem, nhtili ninks next te "l.uclla" HiuenR the autliei s works, 1s new IiulilHtn.Hl in nnliiueaml bcnutlful style ; 1 el iilluiiiliilateU Lleth, Rill I'Jgi s. " Lal.LA IJOOK1I," An (HleulHl llomance. lllustiutea with 111 pbet wtrliliiKS, itoptijnea Uy thi Uf st Auiurlcan artlels, I tti lliiniur, Walter SulUirlfO mid olijers. 1 Kith portlello, with suiuipuu riuuoes. "KAIlt INKS," by Tin iuss II'Km! Thlsbeau Thlsbeau tlJnlnecm Is new ter the tint tlme bieught out In holiday st) le. Cleth, Kilt Othnr books el equal m''i anl jiepu'arlly, which ciin bt8en aud villi It) selilit'giiiilless ei publlsburs' prlcvs, G. L. FONDERSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, OpiKislte Court Iloiie Laneastei, l'a. 18877 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers DIARIES FOR 1887. BLANK BOOKS -AND- STATIONERY. Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, LANOASTfiU. l'A. NOW TUB TIMR TO Sl'ECUIi.VTK. ACTIVKKLUOTUATlONSln the murkut eiler opportunities te speculators te make luenuy lu drain, Mecks, llimils und Petrnluuin. freuint pui-aenal atttnillen Klven te orders ro re ro CHlvedby wlre or mall. ConesiKindencosollo CenesiKindencosollo ConesiKindencesollo Hod. mil Inlonnailen ubeut tlie msrkets In our Heek, which will be lorwanled Ireo en ap plication. II. D. KYLE, itankerand ltroker, Nra.iillrettdanasi NewSU.new 1 eik City. nerJU-lvdAw tatiiBl M MADE mm Mi fANUARY 1, 1W7. CLOSING SALE OF WINTER GARMENTS ! H AOBR te BROTHER will offer at greatly rodueed prleea th balanoe or thelr atoek of LADIBB' and MEN'S WINTER OARMBNT8. Examination and oemparlaon lnvlted, IiADU58 OLOAKB Ladles' Baal Pluih Oeata, 815, Fermer Prloe, $30 j Ladles' Beu.1 Plush Oeats, 110, Fermer Prloe, $23.00 ; Ladles' Beal Plush Oeata, 922.60, Fermer Prlee, 927.60 ; Frlzee and Bouelo Wrap. S7.60, 810, 812, Fermer Prloe, $10. $12, $16 s Oleth Nowmarkete, 84, 86, $7.60, Fermer Prlee, 80, 87. 810; Jaekets, 83,60, 86,80, Fermor Prloe, $6, $8,810, CHILDREN'S HAVBLOOK8 marked down In prlee. OBNT'B OVBROOATS AND WINTER BUITB Men's Kersey Overoeats, Men's Fur Beaver Ovoreoats, Men's Diagonal Beaver Overoeats, Men's Bly slan Beaver Overoeats, Men's Business Suits, Youths' Overceats and Suits all Marked Down In Prlee. HAGER & 25-27 WEST KING ST., r: ZOEK ft HAUOHMAH'H CHEAP TO REDUCE STOCK WE WILL NOW HELL OUR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heube and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. JdllWIll. H. Z. KUOADS, JEWELEIL Musical Musical Bexes from 75 Gents te $240. Musical Beres that will play from One te Forty-eight Airs. Musical Bexes that play Operatic, Martial, Sacred and Olaesic Music. Musical Bexes te please all. Call and Examine Stock and See Our Art Roem. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, BLKIOIIP, A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at WHILL IN TUB PHILIP DOBRSOMS Nes. 126 and 128 East King Street, And sce the Plneat Assortment of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHiBrOtJ8, BUSINESS and MARKET WAGONS, ote., that has evor been Boen in thin elty for the Spring Trade. Yeu ean feel porfeotly froe te call and oramlne the work, ae It Is no trouble te show you the different Btyle. New la your time te order for Spring. A large assortment of Sccend-Uaud Weik en hand of every description. REI'AUUNU DONE AT SHORTEST .NOTICE AT Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, (OPPOSITE LANCASTER COUNTY HOUSE) NOS. 126 AND 128 EA8T KING STREET, - LANCASTER PA. HOvasruuHisiiLmi uevve. s HIKK'S OARl'ET UALL. CARPETS ! -KKOrK.NINU or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Woeiu uow)tr)aied le show Ihotraae the I.111 goat ami UestSoleotoJ Lliieut C'aiputs evt-r ex blbltea In II1I3 city. WILTONS, VKLVETd, all the Tradlni: Makcdef UOUY AND TAl'KSrKl U11U83KLS, Til UEK-l'LT, All-Weel ana Cotten Chain KATUASUl'KUS, aud all qualltlea el IV. 011A1N CAItl'KTS, UAMABKand VENETIAS CAlll'ETS. UAU and CHAIN CAltl'ETd of our own manufacture a Bjwelalty. Special Attention pild te the manufacture of CUSTOM OAIU'ETS AlaoaKullMneof OILCLOTHS, UU09, WINDOW EHADES.COVEHLKTS.Ae., SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West Kiug nml Wnler StrceLs, Liincuslcr, P 0 ' !eu23-2uiaa.w 11 IXJiS ax n M ILLElt'S LIQUOR STORK. THE Hni.lIlATS Alll. Aud you can Una no better place te buy I'UHK l.lQUOllb than at our store. We will be pleased toehen you the following brands of l"ure ltye Whlaklu. Olbiin', dUtllledln 1871 'ut '81. Oer Oor Oer helt, In XtH). teujt, lu 18S0 ' 'c3-'S4 'eS. Moiillwlle, in 18?J. Ml Vernen, lu lbf.'. Most, In ImC Utickenhulmcr, Inl&H. OatTii " Bunnyslae," lu l&U. Tbuse are In the original piiekUKOs, and the rovenue stamps loll the ones. Woalseoilor veu the host product of luipertud II randy, Helland Uln, Irish Whisky, Jamaica uuin.bt. Croix Hum, l'ert und bherry Wlucs. HobuyrercaaUuud this enables us te cut the brst for the least meney. We ara holders of Whlakle In llenfl. and can soil you ccitlUcalea ter one, til e, tenor twenty barrels nt dlstlllera' tales. .... jy.ljdS H.CLAV M1LLEII, Ne. JJ Contre Sauare, Lancaster, l'a. H. QKRUART, Fine Tailoring. A lteductleu of 15 per runt en all Hervy. Weight ButtluK aud Overceating leiimkn room for uiy large Spring lwipeitaliun. This reduc tion Is for eiieh only. - Material and Weikmantihlp the ery lleel, H. GERHART. NO. O H. QUEEN ST., Opposite the rnstnfflce UUU'T-lVdU flONTKAOUOR AND UU1LUER. GEORGE ERNST, UAltl'ENTEU, C0NT1CAUT0U A UU1LUKU. Ilestdence Ne. K3 Weat King street. Shep East Uraul street, opposite aUllen heusu. WOODEN MANTELS AND (1KNEKAL 11AUI) WOOD WOU1C A Sl'EClALTY. -All work eeoureg ray prompt and persona attunllen. Drawings aud Ktlluiali fuinl.hcd. oelMydU . JANUAnY.l, 1S7. BROTHER LANCASTER, PA. 8T011K. Bexes ! Lancaster, Pean'a. SV. Honest Prices. cm CA.LL AT CARPETS ! i.iQvuns. NKAI1 AT HAND. HUT1UKS. YyilY.KO! It Used Te, Bui It's Different New ! Trade does net end with ChrUtmui by any means. Notwithstanding the fact that our Holiday Tiade has beau uu unprecedented ene, ou Superb Stock et Keur-ln Jaud aud ether style ucktl09. Silk Mulders, Handkerchiefs, Buspenders, uleviw, Cellars, Culls, Camel Hair lludemear and Half Hese, Shirts, Cigar Cases, l'ecket Heeks, sleove buttons, Ac, has been re plenished, suitable for RETURN GIFTS. f Our Prices as Lew aa the Lenest far luu eauiu grade of goods. E.J. ERISMAN, NO. 17 WEST KINO 8T11EET. LANCABTKH MAKICLKY'S "YARA RKAUT1KS" Clear riller Havana five Cent CUur.lt lecomineuded te leveis of a Genuine Havaua Cigar. At MAUKLEY'9, "Yellow Vrent," Ne. 21 North Quern SUeet (rormeily llartmaii'a) yyiOM A MAXTIK. Crockery a Specialty d J Jfi w -AT- ILI CHINA, Grlass Queensware. The largest ossertmont of Ilavf laud's Decorated China, Demestic nml Foreign Olaasware, American nml Lngllsh Whlte Granite and SemLPercelaln In Plain, Trlntcd or Deceralcu'ancy Goods, Lamps, etc. Especial attention te House Heuse stlres. A full guarantee with every sale. f ;?! W 4 itMlrtiii, 15 EAST KING STREET. LVNCA9TEH, VA. HLBiaiiB, ,tV, E DW. KDOERLBY. Sleighs ! Sleighs ! I have new ready for tbe Winter Boasen, tha largest, cheapest, Jlnest and most select assert, riicntef Slncleand Deuble PORTLAND, ALBANY AND BUBrNES8 SLBIQHS, hver eileied ter sela In this city. The workman, ship nnd olegance of finish Is fully up te the Ftnudard of my Que and well-known Carriage Werk. My prices for a geed, honest and tub etantlal article are the lewestln thn market. Ihaiea large stock of 11UUU1KS AND CAB 1UAUK.9, Mew nnd Secend-lland, all at very lowest figures, l'loeso call and examine my work. Edw. Edgerley, Marltet Stioet, Rear of PcatoHlce, LnnocBter, Vtu Ilepalrlug promptly attended le One let Ol workmen especially employed. AT THE OLD PLACE, AND THE 8AME OLD FIKM. H0RBECK& IILET,; Practical Carriage Builders, COUN1CU Olf DUKK AND VINE ETEEKT8, UIVONEW YEAUUIIKETINQS TothelrTIIOUBANDSOr 1'ATUONS, and take pleu9Uie la announcing that they were Never se Fully Equipped as-Nfeflrr Every domrlptlen of vehlole known te the trade ou hand or wudu te order, Piioe3 Lewor Thau Ever, WOUK THE SAUK AS ISKt'OItK 1 1 CUULDNT HE 11ETTXB. We " mean business " all through. Call and satisfy yeurseles If you want baiKstns. JantjldAlydS4ir J'ltOI'UHALa. IRUI'OSALS -ten- ELECTRIC LIGHT, Gas, Ceal Oil, GI1MM Oil OTIIEU MATEKIAL FOE LIOHTING, w -AND- LAMP POSTS. The Lamp Commlttce of the City of Laneaster will receive sealed proposals for the Lighting: of the City (two miles square) with Eleotrle Lblbt. All Klectrla Lamps te 10 suspended fremtke inlddle of the streets. The n&rfv furiilshlnsrtlia Hl?ht will hid for the complete plant, lneladlns; ,v poles, wires, lamps and power ready te ran. .), Contract te commence June 1, 1637. 'f-: Alse, bi nlcd proposals for the furnishing of 1 r-i ? Ga per theufamt feet for the Mayer's Umee. A" 'Ireasurer's Uttlce, Council chambers. Market1", Houses and Station Heuse, and al.e ler Street f Lamps, at a flieil price psrlamp, with a five-loot ' " burner, lera period et ene year from and ensu. "r, Int' Juunl7. Iho company furnishing the U '' shill lltthtall tbe street gas lamps every night y Ihiougheut the jear at sunset, and shall keep n the same clean aud In repair, cleaning them at least once a week, make all connections te the lamp pests ut their own proper cost, and discon nect tha same at tlie expiration of their contract without charge te the clly. Alse Bealcd proposals for the furnishing of I atnn l'ests and Lamns for iras. cemnlete and ready for use, which may be needed during the year. Pests te be of the same style and length as theso new In use In Centre Sqnare, and lamp e(a style similar te theso In ether lectiens at the city, lildders are required te give tha lensthand welghtef pests they propose te for. ulah. l'ests te be of Iren and weight at least SW pounds. Alse, sealed proposals ter the furnishing of Cost oil or ether materlal for lighting all the Street Lamps, erauy portion thereof, at a fixed prlceper lamp, for tbe porled of one year from inu ensuing u une j. in), -a ne person, inuiviuuw or company w be bid te supply Ceal Oil, Oase Oase Oaso line or ether lighting material, shall light aU the street lamp te be se supplied every night IDreugQOUb IUU )vnr ul guumi, nuu ii ...lufiv y must burn until sunrise, ana me contractor ry h ill tit-mi ihe same clean and In repair, and "' clean them at least once a week. Bidders te sup- ': ply Ceal Oil or ether lighting material, are f " ' .ti.ire.l tinennmnitnv thnlr bid with a nronesiil - ." vi -l.v:":.'.... ,..-..,. ,n.,.ii.a:,u:.k:,4 ..w at wnica luuy miumi,uuuiiuniug,ri mrn- ? ute of Lamp l'ests and Lamps, complete, where- fVS2 in nil nrniuBrucQiiiitt uiaiviuis. hiwi iiuiu ksh j 1? may be burned ; said pests and lamps te remain '. H & tbe property el the contractors, and te be re Ky 8 moved without expense te the city at the ex- v3 moved witneut expense pi ration et the contract. uias snail 1 state also' ihe candle power of the light proposed te be furnished This Includes the ulectrla llsht. The Lamp Committee reserve the right te re feet any and all bids, and the successful bidder or bidders shall glve geed and approved security fur tbe talthlul performance of the contract. All bids or proposals must be made en or be fore Tuesday, February 1, 1&7, at tl o'clock p. m , ana aauress 10 uuun n. i-usu, uuurmkn Lsuip Committee, Mayer Olllce, Lancaster, l'a.. and j-! Liriuan i.wiiii. j im 0 enuersca rropesius ler r-iguiinguiiy." ',. ja uy eruerui 100 iiAurtuuiuiAB, Atlnst . Jacob M. Cuillas. Clerk J78.1Z,1S,2.,A1 TKHHOHS Of THIS DENTAL) UUA1R DISAKMKl). Teetn extracisd uv tne use 01 eioetncity bsti.. t fectly sale and harmless. Ml -00 Tseth aie'- I made of the best material that 1 ean purcbaM, t'Ultng teeth a speclaltv. All werkguanateei.''' aprniyd Ne. ta North QiieaaM. fttS ri.VUTlON ALL l'EKSONB MAKIM0.J V or using any Washing Machine in ianeee- i Icr county which Is an luftlngement upon Masft?H ley situprevea naintr, me iignt te sell which In Lancaster county bole ley s improved Washer, the light te until sen wnun ill x.antasurr uuuuijr v11"" will be nreceeeded analnil lu the Calls I Courts. lanM-lwd CONSTANTINKMAwIKKM., 1 c , .. dS -i m k- ' &' "'.i i K'' .-," ' M