Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 22, 1887, Image 2

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    j83nm&wiefm&vmEeti-rFqm9iMX3i-a-. "r?
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T day m tub yeah
ietrt trss.rrsD t cairns it-t..
A 4X1. 4tM0tB!a rLlCSS. BAHTLI
uiul ccimissten allettm te
nunen cohbetio,
J',, IKIn.l ltn.iain.iatn.) 4ln.Mn.
EDy e'a 7sliiu'jt'isnisn
SJMra oef 115 l tts sr
E5 Bays....! w l80! 1 7M
MWUlJl,,,,, 1U) IK SROI BIS (W 8 43
ltrty...... 110 se tee) sen 7W e
HWMt 1 1(0 4 60 910 BW 1050
n WMtl 1 480 7 SO( 10 M 1J60 1C0
M TMka..l BOOl 600 1000 1S60 1700 WW
Dm Menth.. ...1 BBel 700 urn low e sim
Twe Months,..) BOOl loot) wen ti en S7en wee
This Months.. I tool ltoe ante anon siec saw
fpSMeatfea.,.,.1 oe lBen sum wen M( aim
pit4M....... 1B00 WOO OOP MOD MO "
. l5The Weeklv Intelligencer
IA nil. 11.00 re ICC veimu. ClUBS 0 TSS,
ir,mniin)ACrTnnn rmasess simxa tir
MsussreirDMci oiieitss bej i vsst ni t e t i
CV " TUHIflliliniviuiiiiwiiiiniiKBri
t, 4Mrll all lAtitri and Ttligrami te
: Aua s AJuuuAvrMswiif
it; sgimimir "" "ii
- V-i.iii nni.
Laneaster. r&
3 Vie anca0tti UffltlUgcms?,
The llallreads Regulated.
TliA tfifnT-.ntfite pntTtmArpn llll nieaail
?" the Heuse by an overwhelming m3ientj
k'.i. despite the uncertainty of some of Us pre-
".V lpllrta trVtttli 4f truiiviail lnrvrtc!t1e mnra
$ definitely te deQne ; the fact being that
the measure Is understood te he largely
Kvniiimnnt(il nr.fl ft.a mnrilata nf r.mmta
? were unable te determlne what Its tact
M-SmimlLtt.'nnn fthnnlil le. "Wrr mnfli 'iirieufl
Kp'lfl left te the discretion and construction of
sNt the commissioners who are te be appointed
te execute the measure, and te the courts
! who aie likely te define the act; unles I
i? Congress hereafter medlDe3 It, according te I
sr ine nreven need, as it will iinnhllpei iln.
I-; The president will sign It and at cace
sfc appoint the commissioners, as the act gees
i?2$ "Immediately Inte effect as te some of the
ef'' provlsien3,nndastoall within sixty da) s.
A very great deal wllldepend upon the char-
ggi acter of the commlsaieners ; the railroad
WUllear that men inimical te their inter-
'"'teste will be appointed, and the people will
Jp5trcmblelest railroad agents get the places.
isS We de net believe that either Interest has
b&xw, great need for fear that the men chosen
will unfairly treat it. It Is certain
that the president's Intentions will be
just, and that he will cheese men whom
he believes te be worthy of the work.
The people hive great confidence In the in
tegrity and fairness of their chief magis
trate. He may be deceived, but It Is net
probable; and If he Is, he will amend the
error at the earliest appearance of It. We
are cenDdeut that the aim of Congress
iapa33lng this bill will liavefair execu
tion, and we have the greatest confldeuce
that It will prove te be very beneficent
legislation. The step Is taken in the right
direction. The government assumed the
regulation of railroad rates, which the rail
l"jad companies have Bhewn their inability
te regulate justly ler their own interests
and these of thepeeple. The ge.ernment,
s an Impartial arbiter, clothed with am
pie power, Is the qualified patty for the
Tite Mar felttiatlen hi Ttirepe.
Tjc cue te the situation iu Europe seE:3
te be that the German government has de
termined te gtve Trauce a crushlmr and
aalblew which will permanently cripple
ur "power for rdveuire and at the same
time result In the overthrew of the te te
publlcauferm of government. The poli
tical conflict In Germany Is new centred
directly en the question of parliamentary
control of expenses ; the seven years mili
tary bill amounting virtually te a sur
render of control of the army for that
It Is a Arm stand taken by the loyalists
a;alnstthn progress of democratic Ideas.
The overthrew of republic in Trance
would be a heavy blew te the cause of
spular government. Trance has no rit?ht
tocemplain, however, as it is the nursiDg
of the spirit of revenge that Is te blame.
It gives the Germans an excelleu pretext
ler war.
When the nnclent Germans turned the
tables en their enemies, the Magyars, it
was by jujt such a policy .as that whith
Prance has followed. They trained and
prepared vigorously for war through a
series of years, and when nil was ready
they sent a Blck deg Instead of tubute te
their enemies, following thisgigeef war
by a terrible battle w liich broke the power
e the Magyars forever. Se from their
own history they have learned that an
enemy must net be allowed te choeso his
own time for revenge, and though Prance
is hurrying te a finish the preparations she
has been making for jears, it is plainly
evident that Germany will sttike seen and
ttrlke hard.
Keeping In The Fashion.
It seems te be quite the regular thin;:
for city clergymen in comfortable and con cen
wnial places te decline bishopric honors at
newtanu distant points. The decease et
BiahepLay, in the Easteu, Md., diocese,
was followed by a half dozen declinations of
the vacated seat from eminent diviues who
Were satisfied with the ills they had and
cared net te fly te these they knew net of.
Dr. It. 'W. Huntingdon, of Grace church,
Xew Yerk, was en Thursday unanimously
nominated assistant bishop of Southern
ern Ohie. Xe sooner had the Infernuti en
reached him thau he telegraphed his de
clinatlen. Trem the haste with which
eplsjepal honors are decllued, it would
seem that a blshoprle U003 net offer a3
large nu opportunity for filling out the
measure of clerical ambition as the rector recter
ship of a fashieuahle city church.
Democratic Stupidity.
The Democrats of the Nebraska legisla
ture eeem te have lest an excellent oppor
tunity te send te the Senate geed and
fair man, who would have been welcomed
back te the Senate by a very large majority
Of Urn ItfVmlA nf thft wlinli sntin.t U....n-
f tirVauWyek has the confidence of the
' Country. He failed tn rwn v tin. i.,..wm t
tfhil3 patly for tue reasons which have
jiven mm mis cenmlence. Ha was nn n.
compromising fee et corporate gre,ed and
y:Wgresa!en, and he has been attlcken down
ii By the n lie et inese whom he lias Justly
"Awht te control. Ills defeat is but tem-
f perarj. He has been right, and the right
lhat 1 W" chftmpteBed needs Mm for
his banner. He will taakenn excellent
cotnmteslonet under the Interstate com
merce bill, and there he can no mere effec
tive work for the cause he has been contend
ing for than In the national legislature
where that cause has new triumphed In
the enactment et the United States com
merce bill.
The Philadelphia l'ellllcal Tet.
The effort te arrange a municipal Octet
In Philadelphia of a non-partisan charac
ter has failed, because of the Inability te
find candidates who would unite a suffi
cient clement in Its support. The
Democratic party therefore will rut
forward a Democratic candidate for
mayor, and the present acceptable Re
publican receiver of taxes will probably
run en the ticket with him. It Is uufortu uufertu uufortu
n.ite that a wholly non-partisan ticket
was net demanded by the public voice of
Philadelphia, In view of the new law under
which the city's affairs are te be adminis
tered hereafter.
It would be always best te select muni
cipal efllcers for their fitness, regardless of
their politics, for there Is little In muni
cipal administrations with which national
or state politics has anything te de. But
It seems impracticable te Induce political
parties te keep their hands off
Ttiey are organized te secure offices and
power, and their machinery finds a field In
municipal elections te keep it from rust'ug
and te provide lubricants for the staie and
national work.
The sugar ttaJe U becoming alarmed at
the rumore from Germany of the discovery
by an eminent chemist of a possible uiothed
et cheapeuliiR saccharlne.cheralcal product of
coal oil, m tliat it may replace beet and cine
m Si
The legislature or New Yerk last year ap
pointed a commission te Investigate and re
port en the most hurnane and practical
method known te science or carrying into
t ITect the sentence of death In capital case.
The commlsslenera have been securing the
opinions et prominent medical men en the
subject, and most of them favor the use of
electricity. Death by lightning Is lntanta-
neeus, palnlesj and absolutely certain, llun
dteder eaiea are recorded whero life was
destroyed In the ene-hundredth ixirt of a
second. The riceptlen of the Bhecl: U net re
membered, and, therefore, such a mesas of
death would be the most rulnles Anether
ieaeu which bheuld commend the us of
electrlcltv U that theso dlchargeM which
from their, kill most readily, leave
fewest and least marks of Internal injury.
Loud HiNDOLra Cmianni. sajs he
thinks that between the years 1mV5 and l'T4
the management of the KugUsh Unances wai
fairly geed : that trera 1S71 te 1S) It was net
quite e tlifactery, whUe from 150 te lss5
it was simply Infamous. Dut It was nothing
te the management of Irish aUairs for the
same period.
Seme poeplo think that we are a great
bter-drlnklng people. In the German um
pire the teul production of beer la 15:0 was
mere than W0,000,WW gallons, and In ISSi
this had been increased te 1, 122 902,G."9 a
quantity sufficient te make a lake mere than
a mlle bquare and flx.and a half feet deep'
An the Importation is about equal te theex theex theex
portaUen It may be fa'.d that this Is all con
sumed lu the empire, llriuklug there has
bocemo te Keneral chiefly becausa of the cus
tom of drinking flewly, a half or three-quarters
of an hour being consumed In drinking
a fcingle glass of beer. Censul Tanner fcjys
tint this is se simple that otie is liable te rid 1
cule for laying stress upon It, aDd yet en Uds
oue pilot binges a question et At Import
ance te Americans. By tula manner et slew
drinking the bleed U aroused te i;reater
uctUlty In be gradual a manner that there Is
no violent derangement of the animal econ
omy. Tbcre are a thousand habitual, hope hepe
leatly habitual, drunkards in the United
btatea te ten in Germany, fcays Mr. Tanner,
aud this dllference ag dust us nrle largtly,
if net entirely, from the manner of drinking
In eguu In the two ceuntrlen.
Tnc Mns. Loeas luud has reached ever
(CO l"J0 and Is still lining.
SuNATer. FAin, of Nevada, says thit the
Fipulariiy of fresldeut Olevelaud en the
aclfle olepo has grenn vpry much of late.
Mns. James Bnews Petter bus written
a lx k fnttlwl " My Kecitallens." It Is net
stated -whether '-'Oatler Jee" la In the
papal nuncio at Madrid, has betn designated
te succt-td Cardinal Jacobins as papal score
tary of state.
Es Oovcnsen Alelk, of Detroit, Mich,
during ibe recent cold snap, eut te each of
GOO liimllles tbere a barrel e! Ueur, a cord or
weed and a ten of ceaL
d.EML r A. Gr.lS(.e, preslJent el the In
ternational Navigation company, haa geno
abroad te buy te atesmshlps for the Inman
llnewhlchwlll cot!J?2 500,0(.
Hr.SATer. VoenuEES' wlfn died at thelr
resiuencu in Washington Friday atteruoen
et Hcute iwrltcnitls. hbe was taken nick en
Monday last with congestive chills, follewod
by inlUtninatlnn of the bowels. The remains
will be taken te Terra Haute, Ind , and the
luncrjl serwee will be held there en Uuuday
at priaHut auto treasurer, is te hour! in his
resignation iu a few dajs and Colonel
TiienmG. Grimeson, formerly of Franklin
county, nuv engaged lu bus.nesaln I'bl.adol I'bl.adel
ptJi.i, and wlm va.s a candldute ler auditor
poneral In li-3, and again last year befere the
i'.epubltcan louventton, Ute be the bucceHser.
I)n B Mam.y, el Klcbmend, Vn., tells el
n u,oed ulster wne expended telJ in oducat educat
ln' ajeuug nunliter, through whose labors
iiutyotrer two J00 aeuU professed conver cenver conver
elen, aud hn u gathering lu mera almeit
every day. The dear old eister nailtca and
cries both as hhe talks about he a glad bhe Is
thatHhe )iut her money lute a etii)g preacher
aud net into a bank.
One el the most charmiug books I itcly
puLlisbcd Is a collection efaketchta by Dinah
Maria Muleik, author of "Jehn Halifax,
bentleman." It is trout the preaa el Harper
it llretberi, JJew Yerk. It la entitled
"About Menoy und Oilier Things." The first
piper la ene el the beundeat crllverauctJi en
the woman riuestlun that has been recently
wrltten. Coming Irem u biicccslul female
noseilit, It Is all the inoie lmpirtanL Al
jeung girla bheuld read It.
l'ytholegy" Is the title of a new text
book by Jehn lievvey, lh. I) , assistant pro pre pro
feaaer of philosophy In Michigan unU orally.
His a bejk written lerc'ass room instruction,
und tburofero I ma uet the interest that attachea
te a work for the general reader. Iho Inde
pendent position that psychology liaa lately
assumed makes this branch of mcntul adence
much mere tmjKjrtaut than It lias ever been
before. Te these bucking knew ledgo of this
great branch, the 1J7 piges of Prof. )e nj 'd
book eiler rare opportunities. It Is from the
press of ilarper A Brether 'it, New Yerk.
' A bhert History of Parliament," by 11.
C bkottene, M. A., New Celleite, Oxturd,
Is anoiher of llarpera' publfcallens is hi, u
fills a long felt want. Iu these day aw Leu
the Irish strtiggle is eagerly wauhed by
philanthropic paople nil ever the world, it Is
essential te llu proper uuderstand lug of thu
llht that l'aruell aud lila lelleagues ate
making te knew considerable about Tarlla
Uitnbiry tactl.8 ; for It Is osseutUIly a legis
lative battle. Tnls iutorniatieu Is supplied
by lbe hook In question in ample form, the
KngllaU l'arliaineut betug traced from the
original Angle Saxeu " folk-meet " dewu te
tbaprtB6uL It la a work well worthy el
carulut perusal.
All the ubove books cau be obtained
through Chatlea IL llarr, who alwaya Iceeps
abroest of the best current llterature of the
ULttJtyu jmrii a ityrzuau i.
xun vxtitAitr imet
These Who Are Likely, Fruin 1'itsent Indict-
Den. le Catty 00 ttie l'rliri Cxnitlilatri
roellnc Thlt Ketlnuf With 111 Ukr
nil llull Klnc Couibluillent.
Of thecindUHtes thus tar anuounced for
the principal county olUens at the coming
primary, ever twenty reslde lu the city of
lancaster. Tbere nre candidates from the
city for all the cilices except treasurer, and
theceuutry politicians have about come te
the conclusion that their city brethren wsnt
the earth In this ramptlgu. Tiiere Is neme
talk el their combining te prevent the city
twMea Irem getting mera than their sharp,
but they will bsempellcJ te accept the sit
uation by thelr uisters and support the can
didates uamed by the re.pucUe combina
tions. Tbere has been soma changes In the situs
tlen during the past tew weeks. C. A.
ShalTuer, or Marietta, wss Induced eatry In
the campaign te be a candidate for register cf
wills and was te be en the combination of tha
Mentier faction for tuatefilce. The announce
ment of City Treasurer Myers for that office
put Sensenlg In a bole, as Mjers had always
trained with him. Levi pledged teGeyer,
and Menuer aw an opportunity te etrenijtheu
hisccmbltiatleu by runulng Myers In this
campaign Myers and hit friends wtll be w 1th
Meutrnr. fnallher did net want te go out et
the register's Ughl, but was force 1 bein
he was considered tee only available party te
run against Steve Urlsslnger,
tsk TnEAStriiERsmr.
ShaQher Is strong In his linuiedUle neigh
borhood, but is net well-known throughout
the county. Tbesympathy forGrlslngr,whe
has been a candidate eeralttme and who
has pent a mall fertune In trying te get the
office, gives him the best of the light. Many
of Gilslnger's former political enemies will
CO for him this time te get him out of the
read, as his candidacy has iD.lured the pros
pects cf a number of perens from his section
el the county who have wanted te be c.uidl
dates and who have no chance uf eucccsj while
Grlsalnger Is a candidate
fob rnoTnNerAnr.
The protcenotary's contest will be exciting
by the time the itnfs are tljhtly drawn. All
three candidate, Uartman, Krekler and
Mentzr, are hard at work. Krelder started
out 6ouie tluie age te uiake a personal can
vass, lie hits been through several ten n
shlps and feeU gready encouraged at his re
cptlen. While he de"s net he any of the
leading politicians ler him, be thinks be can
w In w Ithnut thorn. Ills vete is an uncertain
en a lle heids tba balance of power. It is
conceded that he will pick up a few thou
sand totes and both of the ether candidates
are of opinion that If Kretder remains In the
held, their chances are Impreved. It will be
r clese context betntten llartman and
Men'7r. liartmae, of ceurs ', will hive all
the strength that Levi eusenlg canghe
blm and he wtll oiake a pari snal canvass
through tbe county. Mentzar is net Idle,
no Is a ehrewd politician, but many of the
leaders vhe were with him In the district at.
terney aud Northern senatorial fight are ler
Hartmau. v, it leeks as if Uartman bad a
llttie the bet of the fight.
inn come l rer. i.EeiaiEr.
Tee resister's fight will be a lively one.
The leading cauJidstes are Geycr, Myer.
Snllenberger and Aldus Ilerr, with the
chances of the Ovjht being between thetue
tlrst camel. S llenberger would be a for
m'dablecsndida'e If he had net withdrawn
thrtse jeara ae en ll.e ee el the elect! 'n
without ceneultlug his frlendi Herr's can
didacy will hurt .Myers aetn In the Lain
peters ami irabarji, but Geyer will be hurt
In the north Just about as uiucn by Ueerge
Sjnlett. late proprietor of tbe I ranklin hjue,
and nhe has an extended acquaintance la the
erth. WillUm II., who becime
blind, announces hlmielf as a candidate, but
will be disappointed in his oxpectatlona of
getting SeuaMuigVsnppir lie will hurt no
one, and his ote Hill be se small that it ill
amount te nothing comparatively.
the snemrr's errict
While It Is deunltly tettld that Illppey
will be Levi's caudldate fir sberitl It hu uet
yet been dct-nnlned who will be candidate
for the Uef Ringer. It lei ked Ijr a while
a. if llnrkheluer ve 1 1 le the, but nege
tlationsare pending which may result In Abe
Kelier getting In that eablua"un. lie cau
be Cjuntei.1 en te contribute the necessary
amount of boodle le put the oiaUime lu work
ing order. BuriihelJer Is going fctralght
ahead maUIus blsetrn canvaii re6'ard.ess of
the bosses, lie la maktn etes and he Is
oneof tbe fe candidates whemiy mase the
nomination In spite of the combinations
likely te be tnade against him. Jchn Sides
has about decided uet te be a candidate but
that decision Is subject te change. Wash
Walker, of Weit llempfleld, Is alae a canel
date, lie will poll a lew vote, nearly all el
which Illppey could get if Walker was out
et the read.
Thus fir thcre are five candidates fur the
rfllee of clerk of qnarter seaslenn. M. 1
Kllllan, the ene-lcgyed fcoldterfrem theaixth
ward, Is makings geed canvass. Jehn din din
ten, who has been a candidate many time,
Is ag-iln In the Held, and bss mauy warm
friends. lUrry Seboll.ef Columbia, ptmlsts
in being a candidate againet the ss ishes of his
friend, aud Gee Hunter, ex jmlter and ex
deputy bhcrltt, b- lievca he has a geed chance
te svln If uet this time, aome ether time.
Potts, of btrasburir, msy be put down as ene
of tbe leading caudldites. It Is a go as you
please at tbe present.
Wm. I. Sutten and Levi s. Krelder, are
considered the leading cindldatsa for the
orphans' court clerkship. Martin VHn
Iluren Keller aka for another turm and
Majer Fasuaiht has some KUa l being a
eiu Lit eirn FS
ler ouimUslenors the flght Is aim Lo Le
tssetn Ilea II en boy, Augustus Derrick,
Jehn Gingrich and AL Werth. It U a toss
up at present as te who has the best of it.
" Wode for Shtsmy" OlngricU will be one el
Senacnlg'a cmdldjlestbls tirue. Ist tlme
Mentzar run and elected him.
The ceutest for coroner will he between
Houeman, the preeut coroner, and Shiller,
whesas Lealeu by Heneman three years
age. In that content both combinations run
Heneman, but wllh nil that it kept theiu
busy te beat old Danny. This tlmehewlll
base no treuble te get en u combination und
he has this advantage, that he can choeaobls
ewu combination wh'ch is net often the
i tci'LiAniTiua et inr. iauu".
Krelder has cards rluttd in Uerman nud
Uoglisheu v-hti'li are prluted that he has
been deputy and clerk for the las,t '- j earn.
Illppey baa them printed in oil colors but
greeu Is his favorlte color. M. . I). Kellt-r
announce'! Iilmself as a crlpplPd toldier vslie
cau ajx-ak both English and (ermun. Dolch Delch Dolch
ler auiieunca himself as the blind man el
Lancaster city, followed with his uoldler rec
ord, lieu Hetshey has a card In two colors,
and as there are e many Heraheys In the
ceuuty he deslgnatea hlmseU liorae dealer.
On the back of his card la a calendar of lss7.
l.evl Krelder, net te be outdenu by his op.
penent, Keller, announces that he cau speak
both English and German, liurkbeldur has
the ineat gorgoeus card with the rtd rese of
Ijaecaster as the prominent feature, lu lbe
cjurseefa fewdaja all thu caudldates will
havolarge cards out, setting forth their qual qual
itlcatieus ter the elUct-s tbey ure alter.
Appointed Tell-U-ilii Iteepir,
Iraiikllu Whltoliettle, the Yerk Daily
sijM, has been appeinted tell-gate keeper at
the Columbia bridge at Wrlglitavllle. He
takea the position te day. Mr. Whlteuottle
was ler some years messenger at the I'enn
ayUanla olllce in Yerk.
Tbs Ittsultt erStnstarlalliMtl"" That Vfsre
ltscnQtlj Kiiiled InVsrleus farts
et ths fenjltj
The eyes of the count K have beeu pretty
generally turnel upon til various senatorial
elections that for twef cr threAsreks
past have been ongagluB'the attontleti of the
several legislatures. QVm selection lu
thlsstate was nu RCcemp,lned Met long be
fore It was ratified by hi leglidature. Frank
lllsceck'a election In New Yerk was a gen.
nine surprlse as he only had ll votes en the
first ballet taken, Vail yck, the Intrepid
of Nebraska, has been iloleMed by A. 8 Fsd Fsd
deck, Rti Iticeusequeutlal person, who was
jimbably chosen ler his noisathe character.
The railroads wero atler .in yck' scalp
ter his oppesltlou te thorn aud they loom te
have secured IU
nin.nn 3t, rkn et
Nevada's new senator, W amM. Stewart,
whose portrait accompanies tuts sketch, Is
aald te be a brainy millions re and therefore
a king among men. lie was tv rn In Wayne
county, New 'Yerk, Aug'ist - b, isr. Ills
father removed te Ohie m '-e. taklug his
family with him. WIIUstj at the Hgo i f
thirteen left home and prepared himself for
college, chiefly Iu New 'i nk He entered
Yale college la 1S13, wtier he remained
eighteen months and ttien .ett te eml
grate le the geld-fields it anferula, where
he spent two years lu t'.e mining busi
ness, lu IJJ he i uimenct-d read
ing law and during that ve&r ws appointed
district attorney for the ce.inty of Nevada
and w as subsequently ele .ed te the aauie
efilce. He next spent aU nt t ighteeu months
practicing at his profession In Sin Francisce
and alterward at Nevata t ty and Downie Dewnie
vtlls. In 1S60 he rem &l te the then
territory of l'Uh(uewNt rali a'ldeervtd In
the territorial legislatures 1 Mr. Stewart
was also a member of the constitutional con
vention held In 1563, and was e.ected a tena
tcr In Congress Irem Nevada for the term
commencing In ISCeaud eaJlngtu 1W. Mr.
Stewart receUed bla ro-eit.-tlen tetha Senate
for the term ending In l-'-i aud was chair
man of the committee ou r reaJt
' J
sry.tTuit J03BPH u usntbr
Senater Jeseph K. Haw'.ey, nie has been
iCturned Irem Connecticut. nastuirnatSlew.
artsviile, New Y'erk, Ojt 1, I5.'! He was
asuccesful editor and soldier lle was ap
pointed military governor r Wilmington, 2s.
.., aud brovettod maje' neneral lu 1;X',
was Gen. Terry's cbiif of statf at Richmond
and waa mustered out of -.b-x .ee in Jan 1S6
Ue was elected In April Wi tette governor
Hblpef Connectleut, heldti emce ene year.
He was looted te the 4. 1 C jugrtss Nev. 5,
U72, the laryes; sole ever wiled in
the Tirst congressional dutri i. He was rf
elected te the 13d Congress a i ril 1-73. Upen
the organization of the CentenL'al commis
sion be swi chosen its pres J-i .
uu Alters u. rsniiKiL
Iho man who taUes Ivgaa's pioe lu the
Senate was, strangely enough, alwaya the
latter'a met bitter anUijenist lu life.
Charlea B. l'arwell wai b,rn at Painted
I'est, Xew Yerk, en July 1st, lnil. His earlv
education was gained at tne Kimira Acad
emy. When he was lllteen years of age his
father removed te Ole county In the
western part el Illinois, an 1 aettled upon a
Unn. During tbe following six j ears young
Tarwelt did the work usu3hy failing te the
share of farmers' eons, and at the same time
learued something about eurvevlng. He
was a thrifty boy and Uairue a well te de
man when tha war broke out. Then he
made large sums In commercial transactions.
He served thrte terms lu the lefter boese of
Congress and Is seieral tunes a millionaire.
Mie rtiiluUelpbla Majnrally.
There was anoiher conference jes'.crday
between the Philadelphia Independent He
publicans and Democrats who hae been try.
Ing tosecuro the nomination of an Independ
ent Republican for mayor and a Demo
crat for recolver of taxes. Henry C.
Lea jeitcrday rccelved a letter from
Jehn Wanamaker, in which I e Mid Le
and " given the fullest duioeratlon te all
that Las been Hsld le me en the subject
under discussion, Hnd my opinion is un.
changed, as previously stated te you,
that I could net, under existing clr
euuiBtancru, Jein In ll.e tumenient as
proposed." A letter was hUe written
by Colen el Charles II. llmei te Post
master Harrity. He said . me recent con
ferences, the result of which L.ts been made
known te me through the puulle press, and
the manliest doslre et many theusitida of our
citizens, have led me te consider my decision
made hoiiie sseekaage, net te accept a nomi
nation ler otlice. Itheretoroauthor Ithereteroauthor Itheretoreauthor
Uoyou toauueuncothatlheuseof iny name
us candidate ler mayor will be choerlully
jiermltted at the Domecratio prlmarles, and,
if I am nominated by the convention, 1 will
heartily accept. The intelllgence of oureltl.
zens will net mlaconstrue my action, anil In
case I am nominated I have a right te expect
the cordial support of the entire party aud of
all clllrena who deslre te vete fera candidate
net 'acceptable te the leadera,' "
?XMSbA . 1B
iifiz&k ix3& sfsM5
rm.4JsSft irmm
i t. r:B
tliiw Ham ItSDdatl Works.
WatblngtoncenesiKinClcnca Kew Yerk Bun,
If we go with Mr. lUndall te his llttlt
workshop, we shall tie able te sea hew It It
that he has mastered this vast Held et loam.
Ing. Tbe room Is a little rear apartment at
the end el the hall en the second fleer. It was
built originally for n bed-room. It la per.
hapsteuteet by twolve. In tliocentro of It
Is an ancient desk, with bread flanks, and
this islltterfit with papers. On the iloer ami
lit the waste basket are scraps of paper,
backs et pinelope. neml all ever with
figures, for Mr. llandall works out his
own problems. Iu n tnxikcase there are
piled lu orderly disorder re(ort of
all kinds, volumes et the Glebe and Jlteent,
pamphlets, aud seme standard worka'en lln-
nci. a wen uiumiHM nritiimeiie ana an
algebra are there. There are two or three
gved ntlastannd gazetteers, and scattered all
about this tloer are books of relerence
drtary, bulk tomes, with net ery much
dust en them, for tbey ate tee etlru used.
Pens, Ink, peuclls, aud an old slata aud
pencil for rapid figuring are thorp. Yeu will
und no novels, no works of current ei clasale
literature there, uetlilng but the Implement
el the workshop. 15elwreu7 and 8 Mr llan
dall enters and lights his argand burner.
SouieUiutei he wears comfortable but net
very daluty sllppers, some times, net usually,
he defi his com oulleual black siirteut coat
and deus a comfortable dreaslug kewu, pull
in r the aires es back ever his cuffs. Then
MVivrlj setting his breast against the desk
Mr. HsudaW beglus. lie d'evsu't sit sldiw
s a.s a at his desk, with his body bent almost
double nud his ribs Jammed lute the weed
Carlisle does, but keeps well erect.
He hss no solace of flnecut, pipe, or cigar, as
itltnet all his working Hicctatea hsvr.
Suinctimes he drinks acupet tea, when the
evening has well advanced and his work Is te
be further prolonged, 'lbe heue is sllent,
Nouelse et frolic cf the children Hnetrates
Uiat louiete room. The sllence outalde Is
rarely broken , and thus, with perhaps an
asked (or appropriation before him, Mr. Han
dall deists ameug hl reiierts, his books and
figures aud figures away, and leeks up legls legls
tlen lu the bulkyKeTtsedStatutes. Sometimes
the work is as trying and ueeds as much
pauence as tee uiscosery et a letty errer in a
trial balance, but Mr. Haudall nercr shrinks
it aud se for hours at a time, aud night after
night throughout the sossieu, Mr. Kandall
discos nrs one el the secrets of his great power
as legislator Once In a great while he gees
out te n dtuner, but that simply means the
burning et the llbt further into the night
w hen be gets back. hen he Is making re
searches or Is engaged In study he Is alone,
but occasionally his prl ate secretary spends
an hour or'in the workshop svlth bun.
W hen seme dcp ard immediate wound '
takes reur breath away send ter salvation Oil.
" Vhen tun woJlew4 homeward fiv," Is ths
time wfcAn teuichs and cel.ts titfln te appear
Vt Uulls eu;h "vrup i urcs every case. I'rlce
btUt in the following churehn en hundar.
lu the mi'inlu. at Iu3u,ln the tirenlni at T fs
un(a t hiel at 1 ts a. in WLen the hour ti
uiueit-iu u u iipecuujy noiea
Osi s LrrBtKA's Cerner of North Qneen
and J imes street Uev (. Elnn lleuiit, pister
Dlsliif eivtt. at KJUa. m. and 7 IS p m. Bun
day school at t p ra.
Cttrsca crOni'-t-orner of Trtnce and Orange
rrctiius al lu S)a m the pastor,
esbbath school ut 1 Je p m.
BtisssreBT -TscT-frlcan II K church,
rreschtng at 10 a. in. and 7 p. m t the pastor.
,. . UIIUIC,
rennrtrrus-ltrr J Y Mitchell I 1 . pa
ter l'rea..hui In the mernlsi; and evening by
rKxssmsiiy Msvekisl CnrEcH, 5eulhQueen
street 1'reHchlnir by the psster al 10-JO a m.
and illr m. )Ouns mens prajer meeting,
abbalh 6 Is p m lectures preiaralery te com
tnunlen, abenth i S) p m, . rraynr meeting
Wedneda, ? p m i teachers meeting, wed
nssday 7pm Mihbmh gjhoel 1 is p in
m'-n s u.cctmg for splrtlual liuprereuentl, 7 SO
p. tn. DirTUT "!rv!is et the regular hours
morning and erentnk 1'rcaching b thu paeter,
Kev J. N. lelwcll Sunday sobeol at 1 p. m
CirisT LrTHSRAS Carsca W ..nt Klnjr street.
r. x. jsceu. iiusiur ueine ui in Jtl
'a. ui.
ana 7 15 p m bunaay scuoei at 1 ss
Olivtt lUrTisT CucB. u V M C V Kooms.
H and 7 5p ni , preaching by the pastor,
SancUy scbeni at 1 I p. m.
St Jcnx s ItsTcnxEO (German) church, cor
ner Orange and Mutberry streets, lies Jehn
ICuelllug. l U pastor Divine serMces at 10 30
a. m and 7 Up in. Sundav school at 1 15 p in
Sscesd Evsiexiicii. ( nugluh ), en Jlnlhurry
street, above erange 1'icachlnc ut le u. m.
snd71Sp. n. by the pastor Sunday school at
t p tn
Orange and ( encuid slreeu, lies. J IU Funk,
pastor i ivncmnit at ivjw a. in. anu , is p.m.
by Cha. K. 1'Ugrlia.the boy evangellit. Sunday
choel ut ill m Kcvlral icrvices durluif tte
week conduced by the e vangellet
6t. LCKr UsrORMiD Marietta Avsnne, Ilov
Wm. t Llchliter, pastor Divine service at 10 iO
a. m. Kim 7 is p m. Sunday school at t p m.
St arzrnix dtrr ) chubis Cellxds Cniriu
Divine service at lujea. m. Sermon by Kev. Dr.
T. O. Apple
T Jehx s LrTniBJiv. St. Jehn's Lutheran.
Rev Sylvanus etatl pastor Preaching lu tbe
metntnir and cvoelD.-. sunda; school at 1 I,
betw&id mission scboel at p m
Tbe prayer zneettnsr of the W C T t' tttmr
row atterue-m s u t hld In tha W'tst Mis Mis
lien M K chapel. North Lharlotte street.
On Tuesday nttorneon at &3i o'clock the
unten meets for builneiiut.Ne Ut North rrlnce
Wist Misates M. n Chapel, comer Charlette
and Lomen streets, Uev A. . MUllsen pastor
servicer Hbitn, class meeting ate a-m.j le-.t)
a. m .and 7 3 p ut. pnacriluir by the pastor,
1 lip in Sunday school , 7 u p m. cherul do de
vliv , Class meeting en Tuesday and Wednes
day evmlegs at 7 iu I'raysr medtlng en Thurs
day evening at 1 Je.
Fikst hxrusMEn r.ev J JI Tltxel,
D U , pastor -ervltej u-morreer atl03ja.m
and 7 11 p m 'nndav school nt 1 i' p. m. Cen
gregatlenal meeting forelcUen of eQceis next
ivedn-dsy eveninu fnm 7 iefl p. in.
The Old Mennnnttes will held service in their
church, corner of Cast Chestnut and Sherman
streets, en Sunday, fan iu, at 2 o'clock, p m.
Preaching In both languages
MuKiViis J Mav Hark, pastor, 10J0 a, m
Litany and sermon, 2pm Sunday school ,
7 Up m evening service
bT I'Arx's M E cncRcn Preaching at 1CJK)
u.m and7-iJl m by the pastor Sunday school
at lisp m leung pcenln's piaycr lneetlutinn
Wednesday evening at 7 40. tllble study al tJ)
p iu.
St. TArr s Rcteruzd Services la the moni meni
Ing at which time the Hely ( nmmnnlen will be
observed Hev Dr. Onbbs cnleUUng. Sunday
icheni at! lip in.
1 irst M e lo-je a. in., 7 is p. in.,
preaching by the lies- Arthur Oakes. of Atglen
I 45 p m. eunday school Opm young peo
ple's praer meeting 'ihe epeclal servlcis will
be suspended until WedneOay evening
Kast Sltssiex M. K. chuiiel s p m. Sun
day school, a 15 preaching by uev.a. .n. MilUen.
T3ep m, t rlday, prujermeetlng and Ulble
TsisiiT I.nniBAW. L'snal services to-mer,
row morning, atteruoen and evening, conduct
ed by the pastor, first et the "ucenci tn the
11(0 et Jeseph" as the evening cvrmen. leung
men's class at 1 U p. m .
pcrtEI.Y K.'KTABI i:.
Red Star Ceugli Cure.
Miss llerence Abbett, VJ1 Mass Asc.
Washington, I. C, says. ' I have suffered
fermany years frminn aslhmatle cough,
u' tended svlth dlbtrexlng and painful par par
exj imi, and have tried many remedies with
nut ttfect. ltd star cough euro gave me
underfill relluf, and I have net been trou
bled with Iho paroxysms since '
11 Powell St., San rranclsce, Cal.
'I have Leen suffering with a sosere cough
for a long time, canting dnally lnnsmmatlen
et the threat. Peeral physicians tailed te
Ixuent me. I trli-d Ued sur CougblCure.
IKgan te feel Instant telle!, und ene bottle
Tiep. I'aclde Carrlagu Ce.
SSS N. Washington St , lldtlmore, Md
Having been a sutlerer frnmaslhma lei a
number of years, und having tried many
remedies svltheut relief, I used Knd Star
cough cure, and am firmly couslnced that a
euro has been effected
C'apt. llnrgue " Ncpent."
iiueNcmiiscunLlT- Ter0ntOiOnL
1 or many ssoeVsmyllttle girl wss troubled
nlih an attack of bronchitis. I n-;id dltror dltrer
etit remedles. and had her treated by a Phy
sician, svltheut etrtct Inaliy we tried Ited
star cough Cure, and before the bollle was
Agent N. Y., Wtt SsereS Ilutlale It 11
172 Madisen Bt. Chicago. Ill
. I have had forty yearn oxpeilenco In using
all kinds of cough medicines lu my lamlly, and
I consider lied mar Ceub Cure the best of all.
Jit i. iNUIUJl
VOHKLEIt.CO., lUltlrueie,
ThoGrcatCcnuauKetnody, KOU PAIN.
Cures lthcnmatlsm. Neuralgia, Ksckathe, Teeth-
ache. Sprains, llrnlsesaud ether i'ulns)
and Aches.
1'iriJ CENTS. At nrnsglsU ana Dcalcn.
Tha ClliltLLs A VersELhtt C )., Ualtlmete,
Md, v. a a.
kkwad vmx rnKMxttra.
swswrfSujsMM'isisii1iHfci1.'sssTssis. rmt
"It Saved My Life"
li a common expression, often hus'il trem ttiote
wholisre reslln-a, bj- (wtieual itse,thaeurtlT
sawrrs of Avsr's OJisrrr feclerml. "1 rantiel
ssr enough Inpralisss 1 rtethsl, but for in un,
I should leui slum barBdloilfreiuluiiK troubles
K. Urs(ieu, ralstlliiOilux.
About six inonlniaie lhal a ssvera ltsiuor ltsiuer ltsiuor
tbsienf the l,iiii(t, broufthien by adlstrvtstnc
Ceufb, whteh flsprlred in of sleep and nut. 1
hd utJ ssrloutceimb tistssins ana eipocter.
eats, without obtaining telle!. A rrlsnd MtvlirJ
me try
Ayer'a Oherry Pecteral.
1 did se, and am hsppr le saythut It hrlpsd nin
stone, lljr centlnura ins this lnndlelun cursd
my oeugh. ana, I sm satlsBed, saved my Ills
Mrs. k. Celium, is asoend strswt, Lewrll. alsis.
1 hit ued Ajrer's Cbsrrr 1'scteral fei titer
ayrsr, and tneerlT bellve I should havebesn
lertbti meaielne ltbsscuredmeotadsnRSi-esis
affsrtlen of tbe ltiuR. ler which lhsdnluiest
doapslredef srerflndlnKa rvineds'. I), A Me
Millien, Wlndaer, I'roTlnes orenUlto
inn Chsrrr recterat sTAd mr Ute. Twe
rrsts sgn I took a very ssvsre Celd which set
tied en my lutw. I ceuinttrd phrtlelaaa. and
took ttis remedies they presort bed, but lallsd te
obtain redlel until 1 bensii using Aysr's Cbstry
rnoteral. Twe bottles of this medicine coin.
plvtxlr tsstersd mv health.-l.ttzte M. Alien,
W est l.auctstet, Ohie.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
I'rrpsrtd by Ur J. O. Aver .t Ce., Lewell, Ms.
told by all llrnKntiH l'rlee, II ; tU beltl. i.
Gee. Shulmyer's,
Ne MS North t'rlnce Btreet, and
Ne. it East Ktnir street.
Chas. A. r aimer. Ne.lll tleuth Ann itmiL Lan
Caster, l' . ti another who tried alt kinds of
medlcine ler his cough, for two years, but he get
no relief until he tried
Ooehran's Oeugh Oure.
One bottle et which linlped Mm mers thsn
tlusrsnteed te gire ssturactlen or money re
funded by the sole msnufacluter. I'rlce Sc a
H. D. OOOHIIAN, Druggist,
Nes.lJ7 A IU North (Jnrn at., ljsneastxr. Pa.
Cochran's OHKAM OF HOSES cures andiitst
Tentt chapped hands and laces inarSleedK
The tiuallfled electors of the City et Lancaster
are hereby noticed that an election win be held
In the several wards at the usual Iplacn of held
Ing lisle and county elections, en TUKIA.,
reUL'AKYls, a. I.,W, between the hours el 7
a. m and 7 p m. of said day, for iho.purpeso of
electing (en a KOneral ticket twelve persons te
serve school directors , and the qualified
lectors et ma several wards shall also at the
same tlrue and plate, elect additional eClcsit, ss
rtUST WTAllD four members of Common
Council, ene Aldsrman, one Cenitable, one Al Al
ieeor, oue Judge and te Inspectors of Llec-
8ECONO WA11D Three msmbeis Of Common
Council, one Censteble, one Asier, one
Jnde, snd two Inpectore et Klectlen
T111RU W'aKD-lbree members :of Common
Council, ene Constable, one Aisciser, one J udge
and two Inspectors el klectlen.
reb'tlTH tVAUl) Three membersofCemmon
Council, one Constable, one Assessor, one J udue
and twolnspeeteisot Klectlen.
Kit Til w AllD-One member e( aelect Coun
cil, two members or Common Conn' II, one Al
derman, one Constable, one Assessor, one Judgs
and two Inspectors of Klectlen
BI.11I1 WAUO-Three members el Lominen
Council, one Constable, one Assessor, euu J udge
anu iwe insps-ctursei Election.
OKVKNTU WAKl)-Oue mxmber el Celcct
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Censtabe, one Assojser, ene J ade and two
Inspectors or Klectlen.
r.luuill WAKO Three members et Common
Council, ene alderman, oue Constable, one As
eser, ene Jadse and two Inspectors of Kite
MVTU W'AUD One member el Select Coun
ell, three members el Common Council, ene
Constable, one Assessor, ene Judgu andtwoln andtweln andtwoln
speclersof Klectlen.
(H'en undermy bandal am aalvr. Pa., th's
list day et January. l. Hs7
IKltdS Mayer.
AK HA 1.1.
Why Net
Gei All Veir.
Will Uri t
Have yen seen, ami de yen knew hew
much geed clothing dollars will buy just
at this time ?
You'll net get your full menej's weitli
unless you see our stock.
The winter goods ate te be seM, allot
them, in every department Men's and
Beys' and you may depend upon It the
prices ate net te stand in the way of the
Clothing moving out of our house.
It is easier te count dollars than over
coats, nnil the rrices are lower than jeu
Wanamaker & Uiiewn,
Oak Hall,
Stamm Bres. & Ce.
'-G as North Queen Street,
ULs.CK8ILKtl.75tt yaid, lleduced freinUlO
a yard.
ULACKBILK II 00ft yard, Iteduced Irem .37H
a yard.
ill.ACK SILK 75c. a j ard, Iteduced from 7Xc
IILACK CA8UMEBKH at Specially Lew
lli.ACK HENItlETTAIl.oOayard.dewn from
Irem fi.60 a yard.
ALL-WOOL CLOTH, yaid and a half svlde,
37Kc. a yard.
riNKGHKY CLOTHS, yard sslde,l7c.aiard,
worth 33a a yard.
rtNK ALIWOOL CLOTHS.ynrd w!de,losely
colors, 37Kc. a yard
Three Uundied Elcttilc (iassamers, weitta II O
ckeIi, fur
$1 00 EtVOH.
Black Thibet Shawls,
ery Much Koduced In Price,
Seal Plush Coats.
'1 we Seal l'lush Coats, I1S.U0 eacb, lleduced Irem
Twe Seal Hush Coats, IU 00 each, Heducel from
MONDAY, JAtlUAUY 17, 1000.
Wcdneaday and flstuidsy Uatluea,
Flrtt Appcnrr.i.ce et thn Tl-ntM
AiucricAu Dwoieiy r nvume,
UAH tn,
ItAturn 'nf thn 1'epulftr l.vndlu
Aeter, II U.
AIM' nuniitiAn
l'osltlve Appearnnce of tlie well known nos nes nos
teu'ltiiMUro Cuinr.lUn, Mil JOHN T.UItAVKN,
Anvn,uiiiiiivu, s.vniiinuy si, l noreURu Ar
Saturday Mghl MVeHCaV
Hneclal Bcunen' even' Play. Calelnm ami Kiu,
trio LUht krreflts by the New erk Calcium
l.leht Ce, Ikviten
surfutuics ..
Scats new en sale J Jl lJCl:.NTft.-si
piUire.N ei'KUA ueuai:.
The World's Meuaruhs,
?iBiB:i,sVr,A".wiw.ri aua put," ,he
At.MI810V SJ,teand?SCLNTb.
rer sale at Opera Heme Ortlce J II lid
Frederic Bryton,
" rerglveu' Is a beaiitlfliUy leld drmiatle
itery of the heart lull or linuiautly, pathos and
fun .V. y. n,uly .Yen i
.-se person can suera in mm ssltneislng Mr
Urj ten's psittormanie .V r. Iturlif
AllMiaaiev . . .. MendMCKSTf.
UEbhtlVl l HBAI8 7UKNT;s.
Nowensaloat Opera llouseOClco. JllMd '
Temple Theatre Comic Opara Ce.
Direct from I'bllatelphta, Pa.
In thn new i eletiistcd Ortgtusi Ameitcan
JapMiesnOpem by ttiARUBrxscsa,
Streng Cast tiorgeeus I "siunis .MagnltWent
Seeuery .-p.c lal Oioheilii, Ac
I'ltllKS-AIIMiasin" ...tee, 75c A II ui
ltLSKUN K.I1SBA1S .. ... 7Je.tllrn.
sale of seats open Monday, January i. at npeia
heum offlce. laull di
rvu uji
rioer, Nes 3 and Kat King street,
wltheluvater amiable ter almost any busluess
Itent Lew. call en li.r HIACKIIOt'SK,
JalllMM Ne 30 I it King St.
V most deslrabie sul or rooms for lodging 01
beelncss purpose'. Apply te
K (1 K I1ATLS,
Jans-liml Ne lis. North liukostieet,
Tbe Coeler Heuse, one half souare Irem
Contre ."quale and (Ipflia Itensn, and near bath
railroad depots. This Is ene of the largest snd
best houses In tbe clly. Large jsale and Ki
ehange stables, all nrst class l m.csileu ou
Apm 1st
W M.J. COOl'KIt.
xfieii nr.Nr law erricr.s
-S-' UC.iT
Krem and alter April I. 17, at Ne. Is Seuth
I)akotreeL A most deslra'ile suite of eRUts
near the Court Heuse, sslthall modern cousenl
ences. Ajply te
K O K llVTK.s.
Jftna-lind Se IU North luku. stre,u.
CLASS r.VUM Of ae ACliKS, two miles
from the city.
reur Acres et Land en Itecktand street.
Kenr Acres of Land In tins Klatnh Werd
SUe and Lxchaoge Stables adjoining Weilcru
Large Ihrcotery nrlck Hwnlllng, Ii) Weit
Orannstr, et . tlnu fruit jard thereto
xmall Houses un Uecklaud, Church and Jehn
Terms reasonable. Apply t
J13-tad llll'.alt A llltlirllKK
lOIt KKN r.
A Larse our Sterv lliri Ulnv. srlth u. limn
back building, suitable ler a bearding house.
Alse Ice Houses that will held '. e tens et Ice
A Tbroe story Urlcte shop, ssith Prst class
A Large stable snh Can'sge Houieand liar
ness ltoem. Apply te
JOHN 1. RKII.ES, and iiii r.n,
Atstgneesef Jes. iv. Knserand wife.
NO bi West King St
l.i:.ll4 AUTJUH1.
Koyerandvlie, of the city el Lancaster,
Lancaster county. Jnsenh It. Iteyerand wife,
of the City of Lancaster, hsvlng by deed of vel
untary osslgnment, dated January S, 1547, ss
signed and transferred all their estate and
euec'a te tbe undersign
'ec'ate tbe undcrsluned ler the benetttet the
creditors nt the said Jeseph It. Jtnyer, they
th-refore give notice te all persons ludubted te
earn nsiignur. te maun psymcni i- te inu unuer.
signed without delay, and ttiesu hiving claims
te present them tn
TOIItAS UOtLll, Aslguee,
Itesldlng In the (lty of Lanciistei
OteRiix Navmaa, Attorney, JsuCtdS
Lancaster city, deceased Letters testa
metary en said estate having been grsnted tn
the undersigned, oil persons Indebted thereto
are requested in maxe lmmedlati. puymenr, and
these having claims or demands ngulnst thn
same, will present thorn si llbent delay te, setll
ment te the undersigned, residing In Itncaster
tlty. JOHN It. IHINLIt, Kieeuter
A. C Reimeeul, Attorney. elSBtill
Bhober, of Lancaster city. Lanes
county. The undersigned Budluir, appoint.
dlstrlbutotne uiiance remaining iu tna niiius ui
Henry llaiiingardner, usslgnee, te and uineng
these legally edtltled te the same, will sit fni
that purpose en Tuejday, February 1, 1Ss7, In the
Library ltoem of tlie court llnuie. In thu city el
Lnncaster, where all persons Intorusted In said
distribution inny attend
I8-IW3 A.I) llASSLhlt. Auditor.
Three pounds Pest French Prunes, J5c ; tliree
pounds llesl KiUlns, S'e t four pounds Heed
UillMns.lVi , tour pounds Oned Itke, -iia. Price
or rinnr. Kin . 77n.. L8c. fa3a.. n:e . Me. und Ja net
Suarter. Our High Orade CotTees speak for
lcinselvcs. l'lcate give us a trial order.
aug 'JMvd Ne. UJ West King BHceL
Oranges 1 Oranges!
f. n eel I Jmlca and Flerldis. Alse Klnu a.
lentlas el li. n and IU C'euta a dozen.
Al'l'LKS !
Fine nclleBcur, 0 roenlngs and Ualdwliu.
One Hundred Jlozes HI no Cooking and Taking
'vSufy-Bve llexcs Illue Duuth IJcbtaU KM
sins by tbe box cheap.
Al. I
jfe,JAjw "-
- JS.r ' t
. btM
sJrV bJ-Ss-sfe
i!&ll.-ir ZtiUVV
i3tMi jt, uftj..a.
iJj aafS1
r J4iuJia sib