rjFrwtrrfr1?, .5,Vt f T'fwj t TO VTJr r imftt: fsSteawM LANCASTEK, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1887. VOLUME XX1U-NO. 121. PRICE TWO CENTS. "SPT? m MvA f ( y ? v AN OLD CONGREGATION. 1M J.ir.flJtltJJV UK KLltAIIKTHTUirN VtttlAMZKl.il VKAlta AIIO. Th Mlulitcn Wlm tluliteil H'lrllusllr th Fet ewern of I.uther Tli 1 re.enl llliurcih llullt During I tin rtnrte of Jnlin Fran. rlt Krutt The 1'rr.eut Mietierd. Jrectal CorretpenSanco of lNiau.lusKi.is. Klizahxtiuewm, J mi. 22. As mentioned 111 tllU iMTKI.MUKNCCH Oil M (III (lay last, herewith I given tlm history of the Lutheran church of tUU place friini 111 lilttli te the ll(l0llt tllllfl. The eiact date of mi organized congress cengress congress tlen of the nvangnlleal Lutheran church III and around this plnce Is net possible te kIve j Imt we llQtl that tue ptiterntn or Kirllnwn wa uniler tbe-chnrgoel Itev. Kngtand, tlieu stationed nt Zieu'a Ciurc'i, 1'JBfiMgSSk M early a 1719, nil we also irmKiie dlvlnu'simHioen the rorerds or tills church early as 17C.2. Tlioreforo we will no. be amis In setting down the date of the existence el hii organ ized congregation In 1745, or 13S years age, If net oirller, hi this m ty li.ive been nrgaulzed few year earlier thsn tlie Karltewn con gregation. The Itev. England was followed by Itev. I til til K nnd Kev. Dr. llelmuth, or Zlen'a cliurcli, Ltncailer. The latter illvlne wiu a youthful nnd oarnebt worker In a long and eontlnued pastorate terminating horn In 1771 aud finally In 1770. Tim rinsr nKnvtci.1. In the early days of thelr oxlslenco services wero held In n dwelling heuse, n no chureh hs yet had been erected. Ttili build lng was distant from town about two uilles northeast en thoTuunel Hill rldg(i,nnd was thou called the lllshepchurch, or Moravian, or Lutheran. In this union worshipping heuse nervlees wote held tern number et years, until the Inoemlng pvstorate of llev. Mlekael L'udcr hue, upon Ibe teriutnatluti of that of Itev. Dr. Helinutb, when It wn dctiuied advisable te e-jnvert this dwelling Inte n church build, lug. Alter this was noenmpllshed, II wa styled ' IllsholTe's Klruhn." Ilov. U.mlM Hhroeder "Uecoeded Itev. M. Liiderllne In 1779, nnd miring hU pistor.ite term, the chureh wat trtinforred te llllttlxitHUnvii. It la slstnd that in the reuinval of thli rtuiriti the tlm. boref the Ulitinire KlrrhP," 'mh tiUen down nnd carried by bnud by faithful nud zoaleua moiDbera all tblt dliunce te the apel wtiere uew stand the noxten'a Iioihe, and nf wlileli the body of that Is construc'ed. IN TIIU I.A5I (KMTfin. In this small ami rudely built Iek house, whli'.h yet land or!ces wero held for inoretlun a (juarter of a century by a faith ful and devoted oni;rK'tlleii. I'pen the termination of Il'iv. Siireeder'.s ministry, In I'Hi, ttie Iliv. Mllstn-liner tiKik cliarjje and rnruilnml iiutil li called le New Hei land, In ITnV tie was I jlieired by llev. in. Kurtz who wa utlled te I.aUmuu alter bulnif luitorvlce hI.t ye id. Hev, llentz tlK-n fel 'ireiI mid oiefd Ills paHteratu ty death In I "01 j he was Miccix'tled by llev. Jitin I ranuls Unut, In ISO 2. UarhiK his pstrate the noeositry luuastirei were tsken towards the oreotlon el a niore commodious and Hiibtlau tl.il rhurcti building, nud In the year 105, en July 1, the corner-stouo win laid and lu It was pUced n betlln of wine, a Ml bio, etc, of m litcu no ene at this tlme knew until the old idln"0 was tern down this yesr. The bottle was unrated nud the Itlble was rlatued and fadeil ty as". The al:3 tit t'le b.illdiiiif, Hie miterlal pUced therelu, nnd the architectural work, nnd arraeK"menis, uuy bu fairly couslderod mi cutfrprlse of uriMt underuklng nt that tluie. Thoeoii,crea'loii ceul I net Ikui Iwen any IhlUK llke what It Is te day, n:id the bulldlUK ina'.erUl was net In ubundiuce ud couve ceuve ulcut, ut Icatt as far its the brick IscoufMrued. Ve have net Ijoen nble te leirn from ishnnce tijte wure brought or ihore made. UIUCK rilOM lAMiAMCll. Itut It is presuuiable that in the threo story bil"k l-illdliiR ivlj'ilnlnic the Washington heuse was eroetwt near this time, and theso i Ticks were brought treui Liueaslcr, thorels no doubt but thai they eame Ireiu the aauie place. Tlicre was net a mere aubstautlal Mllke lu the slate th.it was build lu that pe ried. The foundation wasaelldly and deeply plinted, composed of lare boulders, the brick wall was twenty-twe niches thick and the bricks were geed nud llrm, nud would lmve steed the ravaes of tluie for many n veir mere. Thore vore two Ure telditiK doers en tlm south front el the church for eutrauce, and large windows en all aides. The gallery was gained by two wlndlni; talrwajB, with biu biu laters The pulpit wai tilinped ns the pulplta if old , that Is, llke n geble'. Helow the pul pit was. i cloel or pantry, and lu the front the altar whs tniunted with baulatur aiir HOiniJlng i and en the wrat el the pulpit wns the sanctum of the deacon, who wnsbcroenod from publle vlew by a red curtain Hiirround Hiirreund lng him. A LOL'I-SOU.NlltNO nEI.U. This church was remodeled In the year lbuO, and was undo mero commodious. In the year 1S01 n very large bell was placed en the bteepln, and its Hound can be heard gov ern! inllfs It Is htlll retalued, nnd at the present tlme standa en the belfry of the new 1 'hurch, SO feet high. Ita sound U heard further than any bell In the town. A large ergin was also nil addition te the romedollng. Ah has been uiontlenod, the church was hulltdmluf; the paatorate of llev. Jehn I'ran-.-Is Ernst, and as an uem of Interest and roferenoo we will append a full list of his nuceo"Hers up te the present date : rtu mst or r.vaTeiis. j; i I" F Cramer from 18 w-isil linv W in. (i. LriiBtlrein lSH-ldl.1 Kin .1 II Hirluotreiu 1815-WJl. Kuv Jehn Sp icft trim 18l-iB Itev K. Kutfirautr ire'ii ldiMslt Itev. .1.11 Uariihuliii (rum I'.IMSfi Iter. I.. Gaihirl from ts.s 1"!'. Kuv. in (jerhart Irem lb!7- 02 Kur !lt. I oudheuo from ldU-Wl llev. in u. l.nltMe trem IbSI-lttH. Hev. J. W. Kirly trem I8eG-18 ltev. K W. Woljljetton Inim IStH-lS7J Hev. (J. II Trauerlfrein Ia73-1H!7 Itev II J. II i.cmcku from ts7'- MI. Kev. U. . Eeuuiun from 163.', ana at pieieut the pastor. In this lemr list of faithful moil engaged lu Ibe Borvlceoftlio I,erd, In a perUxl or throo threo throe liiartors el n century, we Mud many who were ineti of great ability and who labored zealously lu the Held wilh a worthy and pious devotion. Itevs. Cramer, Htrlue and lloriihlem were very tmcccsslul In their promotion nf the interests of the church. Itev. Ilernlieliii wero poftsesseda very high lieruinn oducatlen, nnd was deeply verscd In theological nnd literary knowledge and was nlse master of the Hobrew, (3 reek and Oer man InngU'igfs. inn MJiiviNuiit. 01 tlie mtnlstem yet living are the lollow lellow lollew Iuk. Ilav. Win, Oerhart, llev. Win. (J. l.nitzle, of I.olunen, but net pronehlng nt prcaenti llev. J. W. Uirly, nt prnsent mln mln Isternt Tieverten,!'. , Kev l'.W.Wolaketten, pastor In Philadelphia, nnd also engaged In inUalennry work , Kev. O. II. Trabert, &ta &ta &ta tloned at HU I'uul, Minn., nnd engaced In mission work ; llev. II. J. II. Leuicke, at projent pister of the Uertimu Lutheran fihureti In Altoenit, I., and lastly llev. O, 8. Hoarean, who began hla Bervlces hore phertly altei he was ordained n minister In the theological seminary, 1'hlludelphl.i, lu 1842. He lias dene great sorvlce al al leady towards making the congregation Btrouger. Ue Is the ilrst rulnlster the church lias had te preach the gospel regularly every BunUay In this cnurch, Befere lulu the nilzabothtewn and Mt Jey charges were combined. Hlnce thlschauge the congrega tion has Incroaaed te a very large number, nnd nt the proaenl tlme mere than 2.0 nstne are enrel ted en the Hat or church inomtiera. Una or the great accomplishment or te-day Is the erection of the pronent beatltirul church, at great cost, and alt paid for, which nlU-aL the prosperity, Rtrength mid growth of the church. run rinitT eilkkiiiii tu tall. Jonathan Cloe.l llull.il Willi Hener, et Ilia (1 A. It. Uel. Banleril'. Ieturti-Werk t III Tunti! nu.iinlei1. HeRUlar CorresponUrnroof iktilliciescir. KLIXAnCTliiewis, Jan. til Yoaterdsy at I o'clock the obMqule et Jonathan Geed, of Newvllle, one mile west or here, had taken plaoe. The Jehn M. Oul I'eat, Wi (I. A. 11 , had charge of the remains nnd marched from his home te the llstliel cliurcli, which was tilled with people. Her, J.T. I'leegal, pastor, olllclated. A fervent and nllectlng prayer vm made by the pastor, who apoke liHillugly en the soldier who delvnded his country, eta, alter which nu tntoreatlng ser mon' was delivered. He speke In eloquent tertus en the bravery and heroism of the soldier who defended his nation's tlf, and lastly ro'errod te thcsoldlersot Christ. After sorvlce the liitermeiitwasmade In the Mount Tunnel cemetury. tin was the Ilrst uiember te dle since the urgaiilzatleti et the pest. On Wednesday oveulng last, Cel. J. 1'. Hanford, the noted speaker, lectured In Herst hall ten crowded heuse, en Old Times and New." He e line hore Irem New Jersey whom he lectured the night previous, and also left en Thursday, nt S a. in., en Pacific Kxpress, for Weltsvlllp, Ohie, w here he spoke en Thuradsy evening. Yesterday raymaster Hmlth compensated about soventy Uve workmen for sorvlce ren dered and suspending operations until the weather opens. Htnce last May the Pennsyl vania railroad have had n large force of inen at work widening tlie tunnel, nnd also in making straight track from Conewnge te a point near this town. During nil this tlme workmen were lu psrll of their llves In this high precipice, but mlslortuiie only catne te oueafowwooks age, the occasion belng the explosion of dynamite In which ene young man lest his life. - - - rir,i, it a huvvkkii itim Mmitre ittt tul(tia V llrwslj, of rctlt Kl-litoralte-i rstuv. Uunentl llazjn's death has ntready crotted astir among scientists as te who his successer will be. The profnrenco of the oKlcern In position te have lrilluxiice lu the best Interests ofthesorvlfo, Knsms te be In favor of Llou. tenant tireely, of Arctlofame Adnlphus W. Urrely was born en Mirch Z7th, IStl, ntNow ntNew ntNow buryert, M.issn-husetts, enlisled in the nrmv In lstl. He was detailed for duty In the t'nlte.1 Hhites signal orvee In InJ7, nnd sfterwrtirdH cemmaudiHl the expedition sent Inte the Arctic region, for explorations, by the Culled Htates government In 167'J, he reachMl latitude (ii degrees 21 minutes north, the highest point yet attained, and was res cued, tneether with six of of his crew, by the 1 lilted S'ate-i relief expedition In June ISSI. Iminulvn 1'ruei an .oslen. Totieeesurr V. 1nti;lmhi:m'hr. Stwaklng of the toboggan slide, I was out en Wednesday evening. When going out I had no ldcn cf rlldlng. Once there nud gazing nt ethers I thought 1 would try It myself. I'urohased tlcketH nud cellared n toboggan (although they were si"arce) and traveled up the steps. In n few wound 1 was hundreds et loot away. Picked myseir up aud said te myself I think I'll make u whole evening out of this." Alter going down seventeen or elgh teen times 1 fell llke stnjlng out all night, and 1 did till It closed. Itesult was I went home almeit broke of Inst week's wages, A few questions 1. If a fellow has a tobeggau of his own must he pay te slide down 7 Z Is there any tax en girls te slide " J What nre the prices of dillereut sized lobegwtms The reason 1 naked about the Lu en girls Is this: Uecause lellews llke myselt that only uake t dollars nnd pay t ler beard only have a dollar te soe them through. Then should the lidy get struck en the slide mid we could net accommodate her, It would go bard with us In the future. Perhaps the grand waltz An In qui it uk. Answer" I. Yss J Ye. .1. Frem t'2 2-" up wards. trilling IIeks bj the Whele.als. 1 1 3i n Is Mcdurl, proprletor ofuseip lactery In Chicago, hts seu, Den ills, Jr., aud llve et his empleyes August Henry, Alfred King, Karrell O'llellly, Jehn ltagau and Themas (Sullivan wero nrrosted en Thursday en the charge or stealing hogs from trains en the Chicago A Northwestern railroad. It is asserted that no fewer than 3,MX) hogs, valued at ever JIS 000, have been. Htoleu during the last two years fur use In McOurl's factory. The plan of the robbery was te beard a stock train ut a ratlrea 1 crossing or oilier stepping point and, entering one el the cars, remain there until the train was under headway. Opening tlie deir el thti cir tbree or lour begs could be llirenn ett In short order aud unobserved nud the thieves would thorn selves nllghU The country through which the read passes en the wostern outskirts of the city Is se deserted that the schoiue was nover exposed until the doteethos had werked upon the c-ise for seme time. Aiiettier ltrge Aud lento. On Friday eveulng the same old story was told nt the opera heuse, which was again lllled. Atkinson it Cook's company gave thelr sixth performance, playing II. J. Hyreu's comedy drama outitled "Mew for Mew." Mis Hanks a p pen red in the cliarao cliarae ter efJ.ViMrril CraUdeck aud Mrs. Alice iViAertcfc, twin sisters, and met with her usual success. Mr. Sullivan played the part of Jehn Drummewi, the villain, and also did well. Mr. Craven as Charley tijmtiyi, the sport, was exttemely funny nnd his songs and dances with Miss Mayerdrew forth great applause. This nttorneou the company repealed " l.lttle Kmlly and this evening they w III clese in ' Dlvorce." major'. Court. This morning the mayor had four custo custe custo temers. One vagrant was dlscharged and nuether committed te the work-heuso for 30 days. Oue drunk get rive days in prison nnd another was discharged en payment of costs. Ter Hie Soup rand. This morning tlie mayor received 2 irem Michael Hoever, of Imcaster township, for the soup fund. E3""P T2- iK PRKSIDENT JOHN I. UARTMAN, Tltm TWKhftn II K All Of Tim LANVAt. rr.H vi rr teitmut. nutuv. D.cllulnille Klpvtlen Alter Hertlng Twe lean, A (IecmI l,rllieiitrlan, Aud Altrsj. Nen-t'MtlMii Htle; at inreclnr slnr Isno-SKeich of III Career. The llle of Jehn 1. Hartmsn, the twelfth president of the Lancaster school beard, lias been a busy ene. Frem early boyhood he was noled for push and dash and onterprlso. Ue was always welt te the trent In the com mon schools, and )a.ssed through til high school or this city when onlyfllteen years old On lentlng school he onterod the printing olDce et Daniel KlolTer, publlslier or the tmerfrrtii yf;iM&(caiitoservean apprentlco apprentlce ship or thrce years. The paper was merged Inte another publication aud he left. In Jan. 1SI9, when only elghteen years of age, he ojieuod a retall grocery stere en North Qoeen street, and continued In that business for fit loon j ears. When the war breke out ha en en llsted a n prlvale soldier In the Lancaster Fenclblcs aud served for threo and a half months. He wns oteclod a lieutenant el the company, and seen nlterwards dotalled a as sistant cemmltsary of subslstonce. At the end or his term or servlce he resumed his business In this city ; but when In ISel things were looking very squally far the uulen cause, Mr. Hartmsn again linked en his armor, and with many ether Lancastrians Joined the Fiftieth regiment, which had besn partly roernltisl In this city, and which had for nearly thrce years previous been doing service way dewu south In Dlxey, Mr. Hartmsn was made a lleutenant In company 1, and afterwards promoted te the position or brlgade (Uartermasler. At the close of the war Mr. Hartman cvue home and resumed the grocery buslness. AS A MEWHt'At'KR MAN. In ISOf, the Messrs. Cochran having sold the Lancaster t'nfen te Jehn A. Hlestand.t Ce., Itwa untied with the .Examiner, and alter several changes In proprietorship Mr. Hartman bought au lutercst lu the paper and continued te be ene of the owners for four years when he sold his Interest te his asso ciates, Messrs. Illestand & Kiln. Ter some tlme previous Mr. Hartman had an lutorest In the Printer's paper mill en the Conosto Cenosto Conesto ga near Kden, and by his business tact did much te set thai local enterprise en Its loot. lu 1W he opened a wholesalo grecery store hi the old stene wareheuse, en West Chestnut street, new occupied by Samuel Moere, Jr , ns a tobieoco warehouse. It wa the Ilrst wholesalo grocery opened In Lan caster, and many shrewd business men pro pre pro dlcted that the town would net afford sup port ler au establishment et the kind, but they had net reckoned ns carefully as the inemlKirs or the tlrm, who leund business te Hew- In se latt itpin them that the old waro ware waro heuH was tee small for thelr ncoemmodatlon. lulSi-Mbey built the large brick building corner of l neutnut nud Market streets, which they nt present occupy, and a few yeirs age they doubled the size or It by erecting a similar structure adjoining It en the east Hut tht se exleiislve business enterprises did net prevent Mr. Hartmau from taking an nctle Interest In ether matters of scarcely less Importance. He was oue or the founders or the Liiica.'er watch factory; a stockholder In the inquirer prlntlngcempanyj a director In the Lancaster County bank ; au original stockholder lu the Pulton National bank, president el the trustees of Lancaster cemetery association , presldent of Washing ton lire company , an active Republican politician, In recognition of whose pa3t Bervlces he wa In 137'J elocted jury commis sioner el the county. Theso and many ether Important trusts ha a been held by Mr. Hart ui'tu. and lu nene of them has he failed le perform his duties faithfully. AS S( Html, DUIUCTOIl Hutwestailed out te give some uccouute! Mr. Hartmau as a school director, rather than te wrtte n biographical sketch el him. lie wns Ilrst elected n member of the Lancaster school betrd fur two years, en the Uth of October, lU, nnd took hlseoaten the Ith of Nevember lollew lug. At this election a uew law went Inte etlect by which thlrty-slx mem bers el the beard weie elocted twelve for one year, twolve for two, nud twolve for threeyenrs. In 171 Mr, Hartman wns re re ro elected for threo years, and has been re elected ttlennlally te the preseut tlme nnd has alwnys held n leading position in the beard. In 1ST I and IN. he was en the soldiers' orphans coti'.mlttee, in 1673 en the school property committee and lu 1ST I en the finance committee. In Nevember, lb75, he was elected presi dent et the beard, und ncar later was re elected. At the clese of Ills teoend year's term he positively rorused re-electleu. Dur lug his presidency mauy Important matters wure passed upon by the beard. The uew high school building, erected during the presidency of Mr. Jacksen, was nccopted from the contractor, furnlshed In the best manner, and eiKtuud fur school purposes. The Itjcklaud strcet school building was also completed and opened. A large num tier of additional teachers weroelectod te take uhargoetlho rapidly growing schools. The high school term was extended trem three te lour years. New books took the place of old ones. Tlie proiusltlen te croate the elUce of city superintendent was vigorously pushed, and only fnMedoraecomplishment because tlie right man could net be found for the posi tion. A gjmi Hsiuui was 9alubllshed for the boys in the attle of tne high school bullaVlng. lias was Introduced into the high school and tonie ethors. Trees wero planted In the play greuudx, and many Improvements were umde te the t-choel properties. .V new nud hnudsnme diploma was ongrned for high school graduates. Measures wero taken te recover Irem the Inland Insurance company the school hinds lest by the failure or that In stitution, Bint f.uorable leans wero negoti ated te pay for the new school pioperties. e.ni; ei rut: iikst riiKsliUNft erncElis. Mr. Uartman rauked ns oue or the very li'-st presiding elllcers the lieard ever had. He was entirely non-partisan while in the chair; was n geed parliamentarian; was prompt lu deckling questions, and motbedl cal In disposing or tlie basinets befere tlie beard. On retiring Irem the presidency Mr. Hart mau remained a member or the beard. Frent lb77 te ISbO he wa a momber or the school property and tlnancocemuilttoes, and from 1S50 te the preient tlme he has been, almost without Interruption, chairman or the com. mlttee en buildings nnd grounds ; and te his constant nnd Intelligent suiiervislen inny be ascribed many of the Improvements that have been umde In our school buildings nnd grounds. He has giyen much thought te tlie m itters et light, heat and von Illation lu the school rooms, as well a te the ceurse ej study. He Is n warm friend of the common school system, has dovetod many years or his life te thelrdlrectlnn, and It is te be hoped will for many niore years contlnue te serve the publle us n momber el the Lancaster bcIioeI beard. I'revlilfil with Wlilalle.. The carriers or the Intklmekncku lmve been provided with whistles similar te theso used by the letter-carriers, lloretoforo thore have been complaints that papers have been stelen or have been damaged in bad w outlier. New by the use of the whistle the subscrib ers will knew exactly whenthe carriers are coining. run vtmrt.n'B national iiahk. The New Org-anlrttleu Hi the Kail r.nd Mew I'slrlr Nlrlil. This morning a iiieetlngef the stockholders of the new national bank which will be lecated In the oastern patt of the city was bold In the orphans' court room In the court house. The attondsnee was very Urge, about thrce hundred jioeplo being prosenh Theso Included qtilte a number Irem the county. I). O, Kahleiuati, esq , was elected presl presl eont or the meeting und A. II. Frllchey oeretnry. It was agroed that the iiame of the uew In stitution will 1)0 the People's National bank. The capital stock wa Ilxed et lUOO.OOO, all of which has been subscribed. The following jiorsensworo placed In nomi nation for directers: Hebert A. Kvans, I). G. Ksblemnn, Samuel II. Iteynelds, city; Jehn Ulngrlch, K. lluuipOeld; Joel U Ltgutner, li Laiiiiter; S. MUe Ilerr, W. Latnpoter; Isaac W. Leldlgh, city j A. O. Ilyus, Man helm j Dr. A. J. Herr, Clias. F. Miller, city j II H. llurkhelder, W. Karl, Henry O. Itush, Pequeaj IL W. IlHrttnan, A. J. Kberly, Moses Oelsenberger, city , Petor Kaby, lllrd-in-Hand ; Christian Mussleman, i:. Lam peter ; Hphralm Meever, Manhelm ; Jehn B. Kendlg, li Lampetert William K. Lant, city i L. n. Heist, Manholei. The meeting then adjourned until this arurnoen. This artorneon nt 2 o'clock another moot meet ing was held. Charles I. Landlsand Allau A. Hurr, who had been appointed tollers, an an an nounced that the following flltoen gentlemen had received the hlghtst number of votes and wero tboreforo elected directors : Heb'L A. Evans, D. O. Eshlemaa, Hamuel IL Rey nolds, Jehn Gingrich, Joel L. Llgbtner, a MUe Herr, Iiaae W. Leldlgh, A. C. Ilyus, Dr. A. J. Herr, Una. F. Milter, K. U. Ilurk Ilurk h6Ider, Uenry O. Ilusb, 11. W. Hartman, A. J. Kberly, Chris. Musselrnan, The new beard will meet seme day next week for organization. jr;. HVi.i.irA.vii ei'r.siu.v. Hlii IUKriU PfiUf j-Cardiff a Hetler Mstiter Than the Untwnj Jehn I.. A lettcr from Mrs. Jehn L Sullivan, dated Contrevllle, IL I., January 20, has been re ceived In Uosten. After relerrlng te her property In this city she said: " I ee by the New Yerk Herald that Sul llvan says he has a broken arm and cannot fight. It Is all a II". I knew his old dodge nnd this Is ene et them. Patsey Cardiff was tee much ler him, and he Invented the lame arm idea te save himself from a big whip ping. I remembcr ene time when he met Mitchell he told me that the Kngllshmsn would have dene him up In ene mere round. "That is Jehn L. Hullivan all eer. He Jumjisnta man at the start and usually flu flu lhes him in the first or second round, or makes him unablote.do much righting. If he falls te use his cneuiy up at the end et three rounds Hulllvan grows scared, loses his wind nnd cries baby, the wsy he did In Min neapolis. 1 tolleu that Patsey Cardiff can whip Jehn L , and I am glad el It H's is a brute and a coward." "Jem" .Smith and Charley Mitchell, the KngllsU pugilists, are "iiiing te the Uulted 8ta-C3 In a few weeks. Net a Sfrleui Iijarj. Nf.vt YeiiUi Jan. 21-Dr. Lewis A. Sayre, the noted surgeon, eaysthat If Sullivan's only Injury Is the breaking of the radius and If the bone i3 properly mi', the arm win he as seuud nnd strong as ever in six ceks. AHI Hit LI. rltKt C03IK. I,ttfr ItaI-rrluc te tlm I'eui "Wht-re I. Illril, tlie llattix ItisliiR" The Inquiry by J. H. I), iu the Intklm Intklm ekni nn of the poem about James Iilrd has allied forth many replies inore or less com cem com pleto. Recently wa prlnted the uoarest ap proach te the complete text, but the letters en the subject coutlnua.te p ur lu. On Fri day camenu inquiry from 1'iohlnsen, .Stark county, Dakota, as fellows. In auswer te J. U. J)., In 1 n.LLlOBNCEK, January etb, would llke te knunr his name II he would wrlte tome. It is ever .0 years Mnce I learned the ballad. It Is called "Illrd's Tragedy." He was n single man, doserted te bee hi betrothed Mary, was caught and ceurt-martialed. I am out of paper, i) miles from tone, with the deepest snow ever seen here by tlie settlers and the coldest weather. It has eeen IJ degrees be low zere, though pleasaut new. S II. CVUNAIIAN. Would net have sent this it J. 11. I), had net mentioned his mother. TuV. coduued word mother should teucti the heart of any one. A Call Ter Auelhir Terui. L'ds. Intkllieenlcu -As you called out the noem en Jame lllrd, will you please make n call ler the poem written by a school J leacuer ei ;sew erK wan punisnei ene ei his scholars se that be died. He bad a court trial nud wa sentenced te state prison for llle. Whlle en be ird et the steamboat going up the Hudsen rlvorte the state prison he wrote the poem. I can net recall mere than tbree or four lines whtc'i read, as near as I can tell, llke this : adieu ye green lllds nud selt meadows, adieu Yeiucic9 nud green meuui&tus 1 hanien tiem VI) u. The fish who are se nf. ' 'i tli.it sport In the rtea, Ac Tlie grand pein was s-"ut te the governor of New Yerk and he pardoned him. I. 1. TitHitu Hn.r., Pa , Jau. 0, 1S?7. IIIc)cIch lleapitnbtjr Ilnflvcil In lleaillng, The third annual hop of the Reading Bicy cle club which took jilace Thursday evening, was undoubtedly the tinent aud most suc cessful ever held la Reading, and Judging by the many poeplo w he attended it, gees far toward shewlug tUe esteem and cenfi dence repeud In the iueuiirs et the club by thelr fellow townsmen. It was held In ibe urge hall ever the Academy of Music, aud as early as 7:30 o'clock thelr invited guests commenced wending their wny ttutuer, nnd by 8 o'clock nearly the whole neating capa city of tlie large hill was occupied. Promptly nt 8 o'clock the concert of the celebiated Ringgold bind cominencod. They played soveral ery line selections iu their usual masterly umnner. Following this n zylopheno sole, by Mr. Fred. Cleus, which was ably rendered, bulldlcd much applaiihe. Theu eame the d racing, and the mauy wheelmen trlppM the light fantastic te me-it excellent musi.-, until the wee sum' hours. After the ball prepsr was ever, the lleadbig llloyclectub tendered a reception te thelr principal guests, tue members of the Lancaster Bicycle Touring club, when spocche wero made and much quiet fun In dulged In, Thelr hall was Imuumlly decorated with llowera and evergreens uud 11 igs, club pen mints, nnd bicycles were placed there also te uld lu beautltyluK tile dancing hall. Re freshment wero served iu ene el thoupper rooms. The s,Vet King Mrert Theatre. Manager Halbach has postieiied the opou epou opeu lng of his new theatre en West King street until Mendny January "1st, as he llnds that he will net be able te ilnish it in tnue far the coming Monday. He sajs that he will inake the Improvements right whlle he is nt It, and will give the work mero time. Hy the latest arrnngoment tlie building will seat 1,000 poeplo, The ho'i.e will le opened with a dramatic company at le prices. our of Tin; usi'.vi, m.N. It will cost ?2GS,0Ii; en te run Raiding next year. The capacity of the city roservolrs of Read ing is 15,25O.U00 gallous. Charles W. (Stene, sccretary of slate, weighs only 120 pounds. Jehn Wanam ker, et Philadelphia, carries (125,000 lnsuranceen his Ufa. The late William Merrick, of Nprluglield, Mass., has left (100,000 in publle bequests nud 70.000 te his friends and relatives. Tlie New Yerk Free Circulating Library wa made richer yesterday by a generous gift of f 50,000 from Miss Calhorfne W. Jlrtice. THE GRAND JURY REPORT. Att, Titm veVNtr nviLViKua muuen UHur.u xxcbvt rum vhisen. A Number el IKnertlen and Surely of I'eaee 0lf llLpe jefl of-The Beteuth 117 lUptltt Belt Onre mere lUIere the Court. The Cliurcli Dliturlier Henteiiceil. Frulay Alernoen.Vpoa the reassem bling of court the larceny as ballee case against I Hester C. Kulp wa argued, The Jury, after a deliberation et evor two heuri, rendored a vordlet of net guilty. Uoergo Htutnpf was put en trial en lour charges of assault with Intent te commit a rape, Philip Dasslnger, proprietor of the Fourth Ward hotel, en Houth Queen street, appeared ns the prosecutor, and the testi mony en the part of the commonwealth was that Stum pf bearded at Dasslnger's hotel In the early part of January. Prosecutor ha two daugbters Mary and Harbara, aged 8 and 0 years rospectlvoly. On Saturday night, January 0, Htumpf went te the room where the ltttle girls wero steeping and took liber ties with thorn. They told a neighbor the next day with the request that their father be Informed of what Htumpf Uld. Mr. Das Das slneor was told, and he did net pay much at tention te the children's story, but ha re. solved te watch Htumpf. On the following Tuesday ovening, whlle In the bar room, Mrs. Da'slnger inontlenod that she had sent the children te bed. A few moments after wards Stutnp! said he wa going te bed, and went up stairs. Mr. Dasslnger followed him in a few minutes. He saw that Htumpf wa net In his room, and he went te bis chil dren's room. As he roaehed the deer Htumpf Jumped out or the children's bed. Ue was undressed. Werd wa sent te the station heuse and Htumpf wa arresteJ. At the conclusion or Ibe commonwealth's testimony the accused wa called te the stand but before he wa examlned he was withdrawn aud after a consultation between counsel for the commonwealth nnd dofensa it was agroed that a verdict el guilty of slm slm ple assault and battery should be rendered In all the Indictments. This was dene and HtumpI was remanded te prison. The impression is that Htumpf Is net of sound mind and sentence wa postponed until an opportunity is had of examining him. If found te be insane, he wilt be transferred te the insane asylum. Tbe ac cused eorved a term a year age for mali cious mischief and nothing peculiar was then ebserved in bis actions. Thore were no ether cases ready for Jury trial and the Jurers were discharged until Saturday morning when they will be finally discharged, unANU jenv itETim.N. Trui lulls. William Cllne, embezzle ment , Alphense and L. F. Duval, embezzle ment , i;. T. Paul, el al false pretense ; Win. U.'.HweIgirt, adultery and bastardy. Ignored Bills. Ell II. Weaver, perjury, county far costs ; William Cllne and Peter Cllne, conspiracy, county for costs. Saturday Morning. Court met at 0 o'clock and tbe district attorney having no further business (or the petit Jurers they were dis charged. Counsel for Lincoln Yelleti', convicted of larceny, made a motion in arrest of judgment and the district attorney asked that the accused be put under heavier ball pending tbe argument. The court fixed MOO as tbe amount of ball, which he entered. Similar motions were made in the cases of Peter Kckert, Edward Aiken and Levi Kckert and they weie given until Wednes day next te renew thelr ball. Kdward Curie, Jeseph Curie and Frank Dally, who were convicted of disturbing a re ligious meeting, were sentenced te pay a line of Je and costs of prosecution and undergo an Imprisonment or one mouth In the county Jail. Mary J. Boek, who was acquitted of as saulting Ruth Weeds but directed te pay two thirds el the costs, wa called for sentence. She wa unable te raise the collateral and went te Jail In default DKtERTION AND SURKTV CASK. William Hern, city, was charged with de sorting aud falling te provide for bis wile Annie. Hue teatltied that she married In 1Sn, and a few months later he deserted her aud haa net provided for her since. His side of the story was that there was tee much inother-in-law for him, and he agreed te sup port bis wife if she would go and live with him elsowhere. Hbe answered that she was nlratd, a he had struck her some time age. The court directed Hern te pay fi per week ter the maintenance of his wife whlle they live apart. The desertion case agalnat Henry Metzger wa dismissed with county for costs, as the parties are new living happily. A similar disposition was made of the de sertion case against Wm, D. Rath, for the same toasen. Uoergo Helster and his son .Frederick, were cbarged with threatening te break the neck of Mrs. Mary Reeser, the sister ei Qeorge. The case against Frederick Bolster was net sustalued and tbe case as te him was dis missed, aud the presecutrix was directed te paytboeosts. a sorge was directed te enter Inte recognizance te keep the peace and pay the costs iu the case against him. Hamuel H. Ebersole, et Kllzabethtewn, was put en trial far threatening te brain Benja min Uetl'ar, of Dauphin county. The accused donled having matte the alleged threats. The court dlrected the defendant te glve $100 ball, te keep the peace aud pay the coils. The dosertleu case against Simuel Urelte gam we dismissed with county for office costs, as tbe parties are new living tegether. Following la the grand Jury report : Grand Jury Repert. Tu te Honorable the Judget e the leurc t yuritr oejueiis ej xcmcuKer . eumy : Tlie grand inquest of tbe commonwealth et Pennsylvania, inquiring Inte and for the county of Lancaster at the January sessions, 1Ss7, de respectfully report that we have had presented te us by the district attorney S7 bills, of which we have returned 67 true bill, Ignored 15 aud returned 5 net acted upon ter waut of witneese. We nlllrmed 2 reviewers' reports te lecate two bridges, ene botween Lancaster and Chester, aud ene between Lancaster nnd Dauphin counties. We would respectfully call attentleu te the great number of witnesses returned en bills or indictment who Knew nothing about cases. We have vlslted the dlfterent county Insti tutions, viz : the prison, almshouse, work house, hospital, and Children's Heme. At tne prison we find one hundred and forty nine prisoners'; 112 convicts (107 males, 0 fe males), 12 males for trial and 25 far drunken ness aud disorderly conduct (20 males, 5 fe males). They have en hand between 7,000 and 8,000 yards of carpet. We find the dis cipline of tlie prison geed, the keeper, D. K. llurkhelder, and hts eubordlnntes have overythlng In geed condition. We exam ined the building nnd found tbe walls In very bad and unsafe condition. Ihoalmsheuso we found In very geed con dition under tha management of G, II Wert-t. It contains 2U1 ltuuntes;237 males, J2lemles, l maie cm hi anu i lemaie children. At the hospital we leund 171 Inmate ; 59 males, 18 fouiales, 2 male children, 1 lemaie child. In the colerod department 7 males, 0 female und 3 female children, all under the management of Dr. McUreary. We found the rooms nnd every thing In the best of order. We also saw the work-house, which con tained bO Inmates, a goodly uumber of them nt weik, The stock In the farm we found in geed condition, consisting of I herseB, 4 mules, t cows, 12 steers, 5 young cattle and 28 hogs, The Children's Heme we found In geed condition. The children are well trained under tbe management of MUa Kieller. They all leek healthy and comlertable. It Is remarkable te find at many children to gether without sickness at this season nf the year. They number 105, (78 males, 27 fo fe fo uiales, Including IS colerod.) In conclusion we thank the honorable court, illstilct attorney and tipstaves far val li able aid. Respectfully yours. Uoergn M. Allisen foreman j Adelpli Al bert, clerk; Ooergo Hels,Mllton II.Hhrelner, A. R. lloyer, J. P. Htonnfellr, Israel O. Musser, Wm, Ilrvsen, A. A. Hulllvan, H, M. Rowers, Adam Dennls, Brlsbln Hklles, W. P. Iilnville, Menreo 8. Keener, 11. H. Feilz, Win. T. Clark, W. B. Brown, Cyrus Rower, Frank Relcbard, Daniel II. Myers, Jehn H. Hoefstottor, Cyrus Ilruncr. Annetta ,. Beaucbamp presented a potitlen and was awarded a subpoena In dlvorce from her husband, Joremlah Hoauehauip, en the ground of desertion. TUB BKVKNTK UAT DArllSlS. The Soventh Day Baptist controversy Is again before tbe court Counsel for the one faction preseuted the bend of Leronz Nelte, William Madletn and Wm. King, who clalmed te have been elected trustee at the January olectlen. Ceunsel for the ethor fac tion presented the bend of Timethy Konlgh Kenlgh Konlgh macher, Adam V, Madlem and Jeseph J. R. Zerfass, who also claimed le have been elected. This Is the celobrated ca&e en which the court divided at every stage of the proceed ings. Court granted n rule in each case te show case why each of the bends should net beaflirmed. S. U. Reynelds, Wm. R. Wil Wil eon and D. MoMullen represent ene faction, and IL M. North, E. K. Martin and T. B. Uelahan the ether faction. I.lcen.es a ranted. Tbe ceutt this artorneon took up the appli cations filed for hotel and restanrant licenses nnd granted all the licenses for old stands against which remenstrances have net been filed. Applications for new stands and these remonstrated against will be hearden Satur day next. Among theso remonstrated against is the restaurant at the park grounds. The Women's Christian Tempe ran co Uulen have filed 38 remenstrance signed by several hundred people against this license. HtiAT A UAXJDl.lN OFfrOlAt, TH. He Think. CengreM Will Mir up Trouble II II 1'iM.es a Itetaluterr Meaiure. Bosten, Jan. 22. Au Ottawa special te the Advertiser says that the Hen. Jehu Henry Pepe, minister of railways and canals, said yesterday of the proposed retaliatory legisla tion by Cengress : " I am surprised nt It. Frem a man of dynamite Finnerty's strlpe something of the kind might be expected, but from a statesman from Sonater I'd munds I am mero than surprised, The effect el tbe measure would be te close English ports te allclasen of American vessels and prohibit all intercourse betweun Great Britain and her colonies and the United States. Such legislation cannot bocemo pos sible The Yank oe lawmakers have over looked the Important faet that whatover pro hibitory legislation la carried itis all se much wind. By the Washington treaty el 1S72, for two years after olther of the contracting patties shall have given notification of Its wish te terminate the same, goods destined for Canada In transit may be carried Irem an American pert through the United Suites te perta in Canada without payment of duties and vice versa. Let the United States ro re f use te live up te this treaty aud w e will seen see what will be tbe result. The fact Is the Yankee llshermen hae cleaned out their own greuuds and prope30 new te clean out ours, but It won't be dene while we Unew our rights." (ImOQ bales uret'rriiy iiuitxzt). A Storage Warehouse lu Alfiuphl De.trejed, Canting a Lets of S30O.O00, MKMrms Tenn., Jan. 2i Cotten ehed Ne. I, of the Merchanla' Cotten Press and Storage company, lecated en the corner el Shelby and Houth streets, burned early this morning together with 6,500 bales of cotton. The less ta about 300,000; fully Insured. W. A. (JagoACe, lese 1,500 bales; Mullins iV. Younge 1,200 bales; W. T. Tayler 300 bales. Fulmer, Thornten & Ce., Gedwin Ce. and ethers sutlored smaller 103ses.; ANOTIIEll DLA7.K fjTAHTCU. At ten a. in. whlle all the engines were still al the cotton sheds tire In the lower portion of the city, an alarm was sent In from Wll Wll sen'H furnlture stere en Main street, lu the heart of the city. The fire caughrin the third Btery, and is new burning briskly. A stiff breeza is coming irem tbe south, fanning the flames. The firemen, though over worked, are making heroic efforts te prevent a spread. IdentllledTne Uend Ilrotlieii Wuhe Plains, N. V,,Jan. 22 A well well dresied young man who gave bis name as James A. Tristan, of 195 Water street, New New Yerk, arrived here this morning and identi fied the two dead robbers as his brothera, Themas und Jehn, aged 17 and 19. He said they lived with their parents at 130 Menree jstreet, New Yerk. " My brothers," he said, " left home en Wodnesday nnd were away only oue night. They had been working for me in the Water street shop and I cm assign no motlve for their sad fate." Corener Prudy ha subpoenaed the brother, also another member of the Tristan family, who eame with him. There are five brothers. Kxpectlug Terple's tslectleu. Indianapolis, Jan.22 Thore appears te be a break in the ranks of the Knights et Laber as they prepare for a Joint (senatorial conven tion. Tbe Democrats expect the election of Turple through Robinson's assistance. Tbe ballet resulted : Turple, 71; Harrison, 70; Allen, -1, a pair iu tbe Senate reducing the vete of the first two ene each. Robinson wavered but finally veted faintly for Turple. Tbe Democrats leel that they will elect Turple en Monday. Thuspcaker adjourned the convention alter the first ballet, en viva vece vete. Uullly of Mauilaugbttr. Sheals, Ind., Jau. 22. The Jury lu the Milts Jenes murder cace returned a verdict of manslaughter, nnd placed the beulence at 21 years lu the peultcutlary. A feud had ex isted betwoenStepbennud A Incent Miles and Jacob Jenes, and en the third of last Septem ber they met In a lonely read, when the quar rel was renewed. Stepheu Miles shot Jenes iu tlie knee nnd tlieu beat bis brains out with the butt of his guu. The trial had lasted the entlre week, and the defense made a strong tight ler acquittal en the plea of self defense. The Jury wa out tbree hours. An appeal for a new trial 1 new belng argued in the circuit court. l'lilel. Freely Handled. San Antonie, Jan. 22. A sheeting affair took place yesterday alternoen, en the mill tary plaza, between two brothers named Nichelson and Wynne. A be Nichelson and Wynne wero formerly partners, owning a woedyard, but the partnership bad been dis solved, Wynne claiuied he had been swln died. He called at the stere of the Nlohelson brothers yesterday srternoen nnd dcllbor dcllber ately provoked a qunrrel, with tbonbevo ro re huIU Flltoen Bhets were llred. Ne IUtn ler treur Meiittia, Aluk.i uiKti'U, N. M, Jan. 22 That jiart or Kasteru New Mexico adjacent te what is kuewn a tbe Pau Haudle of Texas is suf faring severely from tbe longest spell ei dry weather that has ever been experienced, Ne rain of oeusequenoo ha fallen eluce last Sep tember, and uulecs rellef comes seen the damage will be terrlble, n the ranges are drying up and no grass I growing. Hurrah ler Jehnsen Miller ! Hurrah for Jehnsen Miller's bentlre. Lst the commissioners sing tit-willow. U. liKACOUK. WILL GROVER SIGN IT 1 n km sr rinr rum ritmnemiix Ar Ar ferr turn (luavsiea ntht. Various Uenthmna i,fffrB P,rU y,. Country Who at AaUen te fUrra la tha Capacity et lUtlreM Uemmtidaaar fnder the Vrepewd lw. il Washington, Jan. 22.-Thara appear la ' be no doubt that the president will alga UM Inter-state commeroo bill, In vtsw of Um An large majority by which It has paasad hella Houses, although it It aald there ara mtmsU ill features el the measure whleh de net especially commend themselves te 'S htm. In anticipation of the passage of the bill, 'V At,..a ,....,..,.. Ih il tn m i... I AA..I (ah A kAA ivy. it ue nuuwu iuu luiijr nuuiu iht. uu vi ... jociien loservo as commissioner unuer iai previsions. Of these, several live In IYW England, a hair dozen in New Yerk, two In Maryland and probably twenty In Um Northwest. It la said that ox-Senater Thurmau or Ohie, has written a personal letter, asking the appointment e( hla axM. Among theso desirous el serving are said te ;S de seme raureau commissioner, who claim K that their service will be of value. The rail- L mail HAnnln linr-Hi. Ih.t ..ln.1 -!! it Ihm. $ L,r. .Tr1 J """" "" " s eiu win oe suiucieni te demonstrate Ita lra- jkg practiDuity, ana they predict that it will br repealed by the next Cengress. The I'ertUnd tlefeulter stilt nld. WlNNtrce, Man., Jan. 22. Heward 1. Blackstone, the Portland bank defaulter, was yosterday remanded until next Friday, read ing tbe arrival of wllnesse from the Bait It Is prebable that the case may again bring te the front a point en which tha British and Amerlcaii government have been hopelessly at variance. An almost parallel case was the WInslew . extradition et 1S7C, which was tbe cause of International complications. WInslew, defaulting cashier of Philadelphia, waa arrosted In Terente charged with forgery. He was found guilty, but before surrender, lng him the British government re quired assurance that he would be tried only for this offense and this only. This asiar an co the American government refused, claiming the right te try him for any offense whatever when ence en American soil. Tke question wa never authoritatively settled. 23 M-n Arrested Fer Interfering With Etlcttea. Dublin-, Jan. 22. The pregreaa of the eviction campaign at Glenbelgh was ana pended te-day, the sheriff being abaent Twenty-three inen have been arrested and cbarged befere the magistrate at Klllerglln, with obstructing the oxecutlen of the law in connection with e lotions. Alter these ar rests a mass meetlng et sympathy waa held at which several members el the League de nounced tbe policy et the authority in en forcing a system or wholesale eviction. Forty-eno decrees of ejectment have been granted against tenants of the Skinners panyjn Derry. Divorce Granted the Msrcblenrsc. Enixmrnn. .Ian. 22 Thn trial of lha mlt xfiLf of the Marchioness of Queensbury agalnaft A ha. I.tial.-intl fft. a, , ah.nl 11(11 iHnAnum. .tA 4- fc.w uuqwauu iv. ou MVu.u.v ut..wuu 1W - grounds of abandonment and adultery ended '" te day In a verdict granting the petition of. the plaintiff. During the progress of tha.'' trial two witnesses testified that a lady who ?$ was net the wife of the marquis lrequently ,-' occupieu a Deuroem wun tne latterin nenes ;; aud the dlvorce wa at once trranted. .! Abandoned at Sea. Smv Yenrc, Jan. 22, A cablegram front' Louden this morning states that the steam- ship Nettune had been abandoned ataea, and ., that the crew wero saved and landed at Liverpool. Ne further particulars were fur nished. The Nettune s.illed from Sunder land en Jan. 1 for Baltimore where she waa te have tukeu a general cirge te return te Sunderland. .A p ii uiuiei-t .v Hulllvsn-. Latest. ....... . . V Londen, Jan, 22. Gilbert it Sullivan'; new opera, 'Ruddygor!er the Wltehe Curse," had Its final rehearsal at the Havey.-f tueatre. xiie gonerat siyie of the piece W closely modeled upon that of Gilbert it Hull!- 'J van's provleus efforts. Tbe general verdict , was ene of disappointment, though the musk)'-? is fully up te Sullivan's average and Vb?i-f, libretto I willy. Twe Charge, te Answer, W.vnAsn, Ind. Jan. 22. J. L. Parker, of' Marlen, the travellng salesman of Trentmaa v it Ce., wholesalo grocers at Fert Wayne, who and decamnlnir with a considerable sum ef: meney belonging te his firm, was arrested J- . u - :... VArttpriluv In Ohlft nnil hrmicrht hailr katA Marien, where he is ledged iu Jail. Hn standing has horetoforo been excellent. Tried te Wreck a Train. -f.'S OMAU.v.Jan. 22. The Union Pactfie OMt-gl atructien train whlle en it way from Duncan 5' te Columbus last ovening, struck an ebatrae-,'0 tlen and it was discovered that iron spike)' and belts bad been nluced upon tbetraek .'? with tbe intention or wrecklng the train. A young Pele, who was arrested, admitted uau uoue tuu w urK uui ui i evuuks Livcatb g he bad been refused a ride en the train. . -M FourefSewu Eacupcd frltener Are Uurdi Chattanoeqa, Tenn., Jan. 22, Seven priBoners made thelr escape from Jail at Hoettsboro, Ala,, last night, by cutting a of iron from a cell deer. They broke awnjr the bars from a window in the second fleer after getting Inte the corridor, and Jumped te" the ground. Four of the escaped prlaeueen, wero murderers. The ether three were resV bers. ' V-s ,& jaytiyyaj ii.iu . wa wv.iui - -.n..lr,i,t MU,n, Vnn KVnIlWA UlillLl, OUU, U.-1UVWS VJOCU1K.U 4JIV VST oral party held a meeting te-day, at wblesvM 3,000 voters wero present. A resolution wan 33 adopted te sustain the candidature et Herr, Vlrchew ugalust General Ven Moltke tO',i momber of the Reichstag. Slers Than 100 Urewned. ')vJ HiiANaiiAi, Jan. 22. The British ateatMC Nepaui from Londen collided with and Bny-3 a Chinese transiiert teverat aayaage, W hundred soldiers and several MandarlsMt - were drowned. Twe Thousand Witness a Banging, Little Reck, Ark., Jan. 2 At New- pert, Ark., yesterday, Abe Chambers, a noL-re. was hanged ler the murder of a w nmil man uatnnrt .TnnM WIllflimB IfllSjmM There weie about two thousand spectator)" ' 'i! -WlileiT of the Ijite Allan I'tukertea Dead. ".' -JS UnicAue,Jau,23. JoauCarfraePInkertoeH widow of the Inte Allan Plnkorten, died 1:15 this morning efa complication of discs at the hetiBO ei her son-in-law, WUllaa J Chalmers. Mrs. Plnkorten wasC5yertcJsJUj llarrett and Hoetn te Vlj Tegsthar, lloaieN, Jan. 22. Lawrenoe Barrett that Mr. Beeth and be will play togethe nights throughout the country next a W B AT 11 M tMDlVATlVMM. TV ., T. i. . lrMuinuiuj, u. upjn, u V Kaavrn Pennsylvania: Kastarkjr I lng te southwesterly wisa, 1 cemius slightly warmer. v" :c: Ji-t .,.-, w .i n t; -! ff "VI ii $tl Wvii 'Vii ,.68 u w T-C 3k-; s-f ); -Pi ,,-v--jS