rjpff FMmi i j ya fc TS?'$ OTPfWR OIIKTU THK OOTOUAIIO, lliofellnwInRU finmlh)ii of llev. Walde Messaies, the Philadelphia piwchnr who nan recently acquitted of thoclmrguef ci I mliinlty assaulting ' ,,,rtf Collision Ktu the ejes that gntu upon thin Vlrsl beheld the light or day, 1 lien wert Hum, i) Octal urn, Hulling en lliy pebbly way Then, a mew, itifi iWihlng sunlight On thy pirklltiK besom jil)i'd, Then, as nnn, thitslieam iiidituli'ii 'I 1 hamuli the fount ami theglsiln. . ml tlie ilpplneflliv wnliil Kt'lienl ltmilu te llm lnrrf, . It whispered snttly eVr time, 'lhleugli thobinliclie (if tlie lurs. Hint! hast seen Urn InilUn hunter OllSll bflshle tlll'll In 111" rlmse, '1 1 um hast snail lilm htm In council Willi thn nnr ptlut en Ills lace. limit luistsreu lit ilusky ceiiiini1is lly thy slile mate Mi last hwit, And tliyewiritiitvtiigcurietil Bang h lo'jnleiii let tlie OiM'1 New no mom thii IndUti'g wigwam Itlsns l.y tint crystal stream Anil I liu mm- wtieO awful rulie Seems lint llke a passing dniMii. New tteni many n church tlie Incviiaa Of thn whllii man's prayer ascends, Anil the etinil of ctiUdien'ii voices In tliunui nd lervhu hlcnilj. Ami noineinln angry bailie Warriors llke llorce demon inge. Hut Inttfud t linatil Did whistle 01 rcauhbellum Narrow Oaugu. '1 be Oclnrare Is the Indian iiAUmlcitiek which tonus tha tieiimlary line between Chester and Lancaster counties tl Joins thn Muxiut'lmiina literal O'tnrire .function, In Maryland. The l'cnch llotteui Narrow tiuage U mallre.vt ex tending Imiii Of fold te Peach llotteui. Hpruee drove, whria the jioeiii was written,! oueof tbe teinaiittc stations en this iallrm.1. from thr Omerri Yen. Tim InterOltiulitpisl Uelitlnlttr Ftein the Mcrunteu llepulillcan. The siiUcxnniiilltee of tlie inteMiiunlulpal contention. Imlil itn Unit howiIeii In Horanlen Tuesday. Tlie coiiimlttee consist of tlirce lawyers--ItlclmulH, et Helding, who was n meuitxsr tlmt tlreiv up tlie Ilullnrit hill, nml In well known ns hii o.u'ellctit municipal lawyer , Carrel, el llrle, who was tlie ltopub ltepub Hcaii ram) lento for Jmlge lust ailliliuer, and 'l'errey of thlacily, tilie lias hail x-as1eii te inakn a careful attnly of tlie municipal allaira of this city. They wero comfortably en en en aoeneed In room Me, i of tlie Wyoming. They are all j ehiir tnun, or comparatively be. They have tlie bill prm-eiiletl te tlm Iwtl con tention uelore them, ami are KolnceorH section by section, rovlewliiK It ami putting It Intoatiape ler jirwontatlen te the k neral commlttne of tlie con volition which will meet In llarrlsburi; 1 ebruary 1. I rem prewnl Bppearaue It will Ixi aotne tlme bnfore tlie Konllemen coiuplelo tlielr latmra, and, In ilcHl, llir-y barUly oxpevt te de inncli meto than be liivvadlneM by tbe invelltiK of tlie Inept-adlnfM by tut " emiuittd ! by Uht Fiem ihnUeiiuiuitewn Tclivraph Thea who liae rgRi te neil bio olten an . .eywl w hen carrj Idk large ejjK" te nmrket te find that lie kU no niore per dozen for them than another wliehaa ery amalt vgn. The aame feellriR alau preralln nineiiK oeniitnera when one ly aa much tern iloreti amall fKK i another pays for a doen latKO oiieh. It laclalmed ttxi that egg from a well bred fowl are richer and hnatler than llioae from common and ioetIy finl fowls. Thii U lexi lelt when eki are plenty and low, but when (carce and IiIkIi there la a feeling that thote li aomethliiK wreuR In IhoiiKMleof netllnf: ekkn. Why net have tliem "old by welKht 7 if clealnrs would only entabllah thla plan by I'jilculatlnu he much they can pay per pound, then tlie IrnhV in cjiri would be be bo cemo niore katlsfactery. A (Irulal ItraturatUd. Iliwtetter'i Meiiiach lllltr aie euiphatlcally a cenltit lxitenuivc Thn changea which this k'ri'ut bolanle idiihIv iiuhIuiiji In thn illnei deted organization aie alnnya aiiteahlyt llietii;h turuly pre,iivi!e. necr abrupt and violent. On thin him mini U li admirably adapted te pwrsem oldelleatn conalltutten and wiac nerves, te whom tbe pennrful mlnurnt druRi aie pealtlvely Inlmleus. Thtt it tiilll tiilll tiilll atuathoeo iiimau which renult Initie ro-e-tnbllahuient of healthlul vlifir in cnnnplcueualy shown In imr. whern li u takua toeTcicoruti ttut trultful . inw of deblllty, liiillRcatlen, ceupltM, mil initially H, with ulllniiineaa and roiiatlpatlen, I horeuKh dlK'Mtlen, rt-ftular acuuttenand ahunilnut ncrnUen. uroiemilts which promptly ami tnailully atteud luj v minatlc uc. It it. iimidiM, ihn lvt protectlvo aaalnut lunJrtil.i, nml ft lint iittedluivilL Janl5?J Pe euutTn with rhllblalni Urn illy uithe prompt rtillrf ebtatnml from thniiaeorHnlvatlen utl ler chllblalmi, and de net hi-iiuue te rccem mend It at th bust euro 1 nvvi tried A HOOD, ;W. 1'ialtHU, lUltlmme, Md " H hat fine chUiU could e ur t cut breath ' ' and jet a haid vitxtuf; ceuijh NculallteMLa wih mie lioltle of Or llull'a teuuh ayrup, thn favoilte. ii i avmviAi. motives. Wlleumty inn llf.t I'elli). In Adtritiilnit a uii-dlrliie It Ij beat te be I neneat ducepilun will imvnr de , the peeple won't stand It l,t the tiuth beknunn that Hurileck fl'-mt Itittii j euro tcrefu'n, and all eruptleni or thn nkln This uiodlclue U sold neryhcrn b OniirKi'H r'er mlu by II. II Cochran, drniritlat, 117 and 1 -i North tjiieen ntruut, liucastur. Can't Say rnuURli, "I cannot apeak te highly et IturdeeK llleud lii(rr, they tn liwni a grwt bluatnK te me. Cured me et bllloustie) and dyvepla trem which I had xutluied ter )can " Mr J Mimli lank of 'loreuto, Ont. for aale by II. H. Coch ran, dniKKlat, 137 and IN Aerth Queen alrcet, Lanceater. A Went uf Cautlfili, Kallread umn, mw hanlca, ceuiiuerclal tnvul era. br ballHt. tarmera, and ethuri who labor onto! iloent, are pucullirly llabln te aueldent and Injury. Meiiwr JScltctric Oil for bruUei, bum, bllua and iprulna, la nun of the lluelup plicatiens yet dot laed. rei aaln by II II Cochran, druirx'st, 137 and 13j Nirth Oueen atitxit, Lancualei. Ihumler It txiiui tlm Acra, l'hat (or lamenMS, for rheumatism, fei a boa, lerralna.and ferapmtna Dr. Themas fXltctrii nil Is n peslttvn and lellable leinedy " lir. 'themas' Kclectrtoeil 'can be nun baaed of any druBKlat. teraali; by II. !l. LTechran. drugKtai, 137 and 130 North Qucen atreer, Lancaster. All Adiiitrn a Ilandannie Face. A pure, cleai skin will tnake nny face hand hand eiiie. alanlleatlj anytblntr which atrenerthena and enriches the bleed will directly ailectthw whele peraeii. All eruptions of the skin dlsan per w hen lluriterk Jllemt UMm are employed. They are a veirelable lemikly et Inestimable jalue. for aale by II. II Lochran, druKKlst, 137 and VSl North (Juoeniliout, Iincaater. IMatinuter Sam'l A. Ilanltt, Ot Menteiey, Mich, delivers himself In thla wise Y or celda. bums, eeru threat, and rheu matlam Thomai' Kileitrte Oil cannot bn beaten , I aay keep It up ti the atandard, and It will " aatlsfy the people. I shall Bend for anew aupply seen' Kei aaln by II. II. Cochran, driiBjlji. JJ7 and 1JU North CJueen street, Lnncister. UAMOKLien Ltvaa 1'kllkts for alck headache torpid liver, bllleusnesa and Indigestion Umall and eaty te swallow. One pllt a done. Price, ait Uy all dniKglaU. fBDMmdru.'lh, .A".f V.VU y,AU.K ""'"rable bylndlRoatlen Constipation, Dlzzlneas, I,ea of Annetltu YiJ. ew Bklu? bLlleh'a Vlutllierls aposltlvncure or aale by II. It. Cochran, OruCklsL Ne IS North (j main sUoet. '"kk na w Kxctteiueiit InTeiaa, Oreat excitement has been caused In thu vi cinity et J'arls, 'lex., by the remarkablu re covery of Mr. J. K. Corley, whenaa se helpless he could net turn In bed, or rulsn Ills head i everybody said he was dylnit of Conaumptlen A trial bottleor Dr. hliiK'a New lllscevciv waa aeiit him. rlndlnir if Hut, he bought a larau bel. lluanduboxet Dr. Klnit'a New l.lfe 1'lfla : by the time he had taken two boxes of l'Ula and two bottles et the Dlscoveiy, he was well and had Kill nod In flesh thirty alx pounds. Trial llettles of this Ureat Dlcevery for Cen- umptlnu free at II. II. Cochran's Dnitr Htore. 137 audi J) .North cjuvenstiecl, Lancaster, l'a. (i) THAT HACKING COUOII can be ie ntitckly cmedby Hhllnh's euro. We Ruaranten It. rer aale by II. II. Cochran, I)ru(,'aUU Ne. 137 North tluetin strtiet. KAl'lD TltANSlli " 'llie latest and best form of rapid transit Is ler a person tioubled with a sick hiadauhe totakea dese of Dr IabIi-'s Hpecial 1'ivscilptlniiand what a ) lipid tiun-it train the allllvlleu takes ler Its deparluie. fii-e adertUeuient in iinnther celiimii. deca)-Iid(l) kiijnkiT" TTteulilaiii A of Many Veara HtauilliiK Cured Willi BU llettles, in a alau INI Year el Age, Ailkntewf, l'a., Slay B, 1S83, . UA"D!1LI0" "'rraas Ce.-(lents 1 luid been troubled with my kldnoyaferanuinborof years, used atmegt, everything without much benefit '.J .J, """flollen illttera. 1 used alx bet. ) vinJ T, J"0?'""1 t y I am entirely rid of the kidney treuble, bealdes my systeia belnif joned up se that 1 feel like a aitrorent rersen. I i.UwLrCOmW,na th"" te nil amicted ' ellUEaVf u.TJi.8 AU0" """LITZ. MBUICAI, nOOU'H HAKHAIVAUIhljA. After Diphtheria Thepallent lecntotaatienKtli alimly, as thoaya theaya thoaya leinU weak and debilitated, and the bleed pe aened by the lavages of tbe disease. What Is needed Is a Keed tcllable tonle and bleed putb llet llke Heed's Mainapatllla, whit h baa tual the olemontn of strength for the body, and tllallty and richness ler the bleed whleh loon bilng bick robust bealth. After scarlet fuver or pneumonia. It Is alto of gloat beiient, " Alter irceverlng fivmn prolonged alrknnas with dlphtlierla, and needlnif aemellibig te build me up, 1 took t we bottles of Meed's Bars. pai Ilia. 1 tell geed resiilta from the first doae. Itaeeincd In go from the lop of my head te the enda et my leea 1 knew lloed'n Haraaratllla la a geed thing." tl, II. HriUTTOK, Druggist, Weat field, llasl. Afier Bearlnt Fover "Upen our llltle gill, who bad been sick with scarlet fever, the uae of Heed's Haraapaillla was meat luarveleiis, enllitily temevliig the poison from her blewl and leaterlng her te geed health Heed's Barsaparllladoeerves our hlgheslpial se." K. U Htratten, Dwauiiiaeett, Miisf " When my son recovered from dlphtheila his threat waa swollen and Imltnind, he had no ap potlte and his bloeil seemed In n very peer eon een eon dlllen. Alter using two bottles of Heed's Bar napatllla he waa very much better, gained In llrah, and his threat sneiued lunch Improved." Mua. II. M. 1'aaaceTr, mnkllii, N, II, HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. Beld by all drugglsta. II t alx for (V I're. parnl by C. 1. HOOD A CO , AJielhecatles, hew nll,Ma.ss. 100 Doheb One Dellar. c Al'CINK I'IjAHTKIIM. BENSON'S POROUS PLASTERS. WINTKIt 1,XI'()SU11KCAU8K3 COU01IB, Colds, rieurlsv, llheumatlam, 1'neuinenla Neuralgia, Kitatlca, l.umbage, llackache and ether ailment, for which Uensen's Capctnn Plasters am admitted te bn thn beat temedy known. They relieve and euro In a tew hours, when no ether application la of the least benefit Kndeiaed by Acnphyalclanannd druggists lle ware of Imitations under similar Bounding names, such as "Capsicum." "Capaldn," or "Capslclne" Abk rua llxxseN'a Ann taki xe rrriiin.s. Kxatnlnocatefully whonyeu buy. All druggists. HKAIItlllV A JOHNSON, dlt-fluidoedaw I'niprteters, New letk. B HOV'.S litON lilTTKIUi. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CUR.E HKADAUHi:, lNDKIKSTION, iuiiier.sNi:sM, DY.SI'KI'htA, NKllVOt'H 1'KOSTKATION, MAhAHIA, ClllhUSANIi I'KVKiW, TlKKOKKKMNn, ei:M:iiAiii)i:iui.iTV, I'AIN.S IN THKliACK AKiriKH, iMii:m:m.oei), t'ONSTII'ATION, Ki:.MAl.i:iNKmMITIi-S, HIIi:U.MATIHM, Nr.ui(Ai.niA, KIDNEY ANIU.IVKK TKOUJU.EH. -K01lSAI.EilY ALL DUUUU1S1S. Tbe Genulnn has Trade Mark and crossed lied Lines en wtupjair. TAKE NO OTHER. (2)mlMyilAw B AKLEY MA1.T WH1HKY. PERRINE'S rtlKK IIAKLKl MALT WHISKY. DiSl'KI'aiA, lNDIOEBTlONand all wasting dlaoaseacan be entirely cured by It. MALABIA Is completely eradicated from the system by Its use. I'KHUlNK'd 1'UKK UAHLKY MALT WHISKY revives the onergles of thoae worn with excessive bodily or mental effort. It acts as aSAr"KOUAi:i nitalnst exposure In the wet and rigorous weather. -TAKK part of a wlneglassful en your ar rival home alter the labors of the day and the eamu quantity belme your breakfast, llclng ct emlcally pure. It cetnmenda ILself te the mod med led p.ofeaalen. WATOH THK LABEL. Nene genuine unless bearing the algnatuteel the firm en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, HO. 07 HOimi I'nONT 8T l'lllLADKLl'HIA. sept'il-fiiueed. rUlilNA C0HD1AU VOLINA CORDIAL CUKK3 DYSPIZPSIA. INDIGESTION. WL.AKNCSS, CHILLS AND FEVER. MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. It I Invigorating and ilnllghtful te take, and of great value as a Medlclnofer weak and Ailing Women and Chlldiuu. It gives new life te the whele 8) atom by illi-engtiienlng the Musoles, lentng the Nuives, and completely Digesting thn feed. This llemedy contains no hurtful Minerals, Is composed of carelully selected Vegotuble Medi clues, combined skilfully, making a Bafo and i'leanant Iteuiedy. A UOOK, " Veltna," by leading physicians, telling hew te treat diseases at HOMK, mallwl, together with a set of handsome cards by new Helletype process, en receipt of 10 cents. for sale by all Druggists and Grocers. Should the dealer ucar you net keep Veliha CeaDiAL, remit ll.(. and u lull-alie bettle will be sunt, charges paid. rntTARIDOKLT BT Vellnu Drug and Ohomleal Company, IIALT1MOHK, MD., U. S. A. rrtblydAw PJUHK OUAKANTKKU. RUPTURE. Cum guaranteed by Dlt. J, II. MAi Kit. ase at ence ; no openitlen or delay from bust H.'i'31 ey hundrodsef cures. Main ertice, 831 AKCH8T..1'IULA. Bend for Circular. ran-lvdw VUAU O li. MAIIT1N, WU0LUAL1 AltD SSTA1L DSALS1 l All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. WYami: Ne. 4.-0 North Water and rrlnce atruets, above Loinen. Lancaster, nS-lvd iaumeai;dnkiih a jkvvkmkh. COAL DEALERS. KiTe'rliSncti11 QUn ".?. Yards: North l'rlnce street, near Heading Depot. L ANOABTKlt, r A. angis-trd I11AHT KNO YAJII). 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Orrtce; Ne.W CENTKK BQUAUK. lletb yard and ottice connectod with Tolvi.heua Kxchanga otermuim. TkCYEUH A RATHFON. REDUCTION SEASON Hits Is Hie time ter "HKDUC '110NB." Kveiybudy Is making UK DlfCTIONH In all branches of busi ness. We. like all tlm lest, liave Bade HKA Y KttliUCTlDNB In prices that we may tnake ItKI'.UUTlOMa In the ituantlty of our stock. Ours Are Actual Redactions ! And a coinpatlaeii of former ptlces will convince you. 11 won't de te talk et IIKDUUTIONH when none bars been made. Caielul buyoisate bunt ing KEDUCT10NB i te thoae peeple we extend an Invitation te examine our sleck. We Oan't Queto Prices Here Bpace won't allow It, 11 you pay us a visit and sen our pi Ices you'll bn convinced. Myers & Ratitfen, LRAD1NU LANCA8TKH CI.Ol HIKKS, NO, V.l EAST KINO BT I.ANCAS1KU. l'A. T UANHMAN A HIIO. L. Gansman & Bre., S. W. Cor. North Qaetn ael Orange Sl3. Nnmr hefnru III the hlsterv Ol the ClUthlllir Trade were such values offered. We are nearly read y for the remedelling and enlargement of our store. We Intend te tuakn a clean sweep and have Inaugurated a grand clearing aaln for ten days euly of line Men's, Heys' and children's Suits and Overcoats at leas than UK en tbe dollar. We eiler te the publle the following liar gains 12 M will buy aDutableMen'a Overceat wetth ;.ui l;j will buya Kine t'urBeaver Overcoat worth IK) will buy Flne Corkscrew Overcoats, Silk raced, worth 11100. (son will buy rlnn Melten or Kersey Heaver Overcoats worth 117 W 13 W will buy Men's Durable Suits worth IT CO. SMXjwIIl buy rinnCasstmoreBultswnrthlll en. t7 0i will buy lliack or llrewn Corkscrew iitlts worth 111 en imivs' All Weel tasstmore SulUat HJ0 ; worth 1710, Heys' Overcoats, dressy, of geed material, at 12 23. worth 15.50 MUl'alref Men's Pants selling at 90c. and 11.00. ."ll'atr All-Weel Lasalmnru rants selling at II M and K.Q) Iluy whether ou need tbe goods or net , It will pay j ou. L. GANSMAN & BRO. MKIICHANT TA1L0118. S. W. Oer. N. Queen & Orauge Bt., LANCA5TKII l'A. -Net connected with any ethei Clothing Heuse In tbe city. Closed eveiyevcnlng except Monday and Saturday. B UHOEi; A BUTTON. Prepare for Christinas I Have you a husband, a father or a brother T If you have, what would be mere acceptable as a Christmas Ulft than a FINE SUIT OF CLOTHES SUCH A3 AltKBOLD AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Mcrclinut Tailoring nml Clothing Stere. Or If you can't afford an entire 3ult Buy an Overcoat, And If you can't afford that Iluy One of Our Nobby Neckties. Ot which we have something entirely new. Call and seu them. BURGER & SUTTOI NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANUASTKU. l'A. nUUKB. N KW OIKT BOOKS. "THK KAUL'S HETUUN," by Owen Mere dith. This beautiful poem, which ranks next te "l.uclle" among the authors werka. Is new published In unique and beautiful style ; 1 vel., velluimplated cloth, gilt edges. "LALLA KOUIC11," An Oilental Itomance. Illustrated with 111 photo-etchings, designed by the best American artists, .lerm Ilarper, Walter battoilee nnd ethers. Cleth portfolio, with slumped ribbons. "rAIll INK?."byihnmaa Heed. Thlsboau Thlsbeau tlful peem Is new for the first time bteught out In holiday style. Cleth, gUL Other books el equal note and popularity, which ran be seen and will be sold regardless el publ labors ' prices, AT Q. L. PON DERSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, Onpnglte Court Heuse, Lancaster, l'a, autr&tfd ' 1887. 1887! JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers DIARIES FOR 1887. BLANK BOOKS -AND- STATIONERY. Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen b'lreet, LANCASTER, pa. TOBACCO OUTTINOH, HOKAPH. HIl-T. 1NU8 AND i-ACKKU' WA8TK LrVann Clean, bought ler cash. ' Ury ana weir .em. lebn-lva wbiwya ! n f A . CLOSING SALE OF WINTER GARMENTS ! UlUUl UUUUUUUI THIRTY DAYS' CLEARING SALE -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace el Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., LANCA8TKlt,:rA. OVER FIVE HUNDRED -or THE- Most Unprecedented Bargains CANNOT UK AUVKilTllKD. Hest Be Seen te Be Appreciated. EVERYTHING YOU SEE -IB- WONDERFULLY CHEAP. One Let of 3, 4 and 5-Buttea Heal Kid Gloves, Forfeot QoedB, at the ro re ro markable low prloe of TWBNTY NINB OBNT3 a Pair. One Let of 6-Hoelc LaclDg Real Kid, Finest Quality, worth One Dellar, at FIFTY-THREH CBNT8 a Pair. Geme Early and See for Yourself, THAT WE UFmi Real Bargains, AND '1IIAT IT WILL l'A lOU 10 COME AND BEE U. -IN OUU- Cleak Department WE HAVE MADh Sweeping ReductieiiB. EVERY GARMENT HAS BKK.N MARKED DOWN TO SUCH A LOW PRICE lHATlTlSUOUND TO SELL Al ONCE. We AavUe All Wbe isb te Iluy A BIG BARGAIN 'Je Call as Early us I'osslble nnd Loek at Our COATS & CLOAKS AND TIIK1K TRICKS. win ma Ajro Liuvuua. &J QO TO- y Reigarl's Old Wine Stere Fer l'oramery See, HoucbeScc, l'lper Hclflslecir, U. II. Milium A Ce., ana all ether leading limnda of lmporteil Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, Bberry ana Tort Wlnes, Clarets, bauUimea, Ales and Bleula. aoleAgont for Special Ornat V,'tistrn Cham Cham pagne, iireducea by tbe riiiisant Valley Wlne Ce., tbe nneat American Cbampai;ne la tbe Unuea SUUes. Flerida Orange Wlne, the finest In tbe market. A. full line of Jlrandy, Whisky, Ulna and Hums. California Claret and Whltottlne, et Napa Val ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker.AOT, Ka 48 KAST KINQ ST., LANOASIUU, l'A WOTIOMM. w I1Y, NO 1 It Dscd Te, But It's Different New ! Trade does net end with Christmas by uuy means. Notwithstanding tbe fact that our Holiday Trade has been an unprecudeutcd one, ou' Buperb stock et Feur-ln-Uand ana ether style Neckties, 811k Uufllers, llandkeichlefs, suanonaei-s, Uleves, Cellars, Cuns, Camel Hair Ilnderwear and Half Hese, Bblru, Cigar Cases, I'ecket Heeks, sleeve Buttens, Ac, has been i i plenlehed, snltable for RETURN GIFTS. Our l'rlces as Lew as the Lewest for the same grade of goods. E. J. erTsman. we i7 yrmx kine utkeet, lancasteu. UAQBR 6s BHOTHBR will ofTer at greatly rodueod prtoes the balnuoe of their stock of LADIES' and MEN'S W1HTBR OARMBNT3. Bxamlnatlea nnd oeroparlson Invited. LADIES' OLOAK8 Ladlea' Seal l'lush Oeatfl, 615, Fermer Trloe, $20 ; Lad lee' Seal Flush Oeatu, 818, Fermer Frlce, $23.CO; Ladlea' Beat Plush Coats, $23.00, Fermer Prlee, 827,00 ; Frlzoe And Bouelo Wraps, $7.60, $10, 912, Forxner Prioe, $10. 813, $15 ; Oleth Nowmarkete, Q4, $5, 87. CO, Fermer Prloe, 90, 97, 810; Jackets, $3.60, 8S,$0,Former Prloe, $6, $8, 810, CHILDREN'S HAVBLOOK8 marked down In prloe. OBNT'S OVERCOATS AND WINTER BUITB-Men'a Koreey Ovoreoats, Men's Fur Beaver Ovoreoats, Men's Diagonal Boaver Ovoreoats, Men's Ely slan Boaver Overoeats, Men's Bustness Bults, Youths' Ovoreoats nud Bulta nil Marked Down In Prlce. HAGER BROTHER, 25-27 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. "VTEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUHK. WET GOODS ! The Heavy Rain of Thursday Night last oauaed the water te new Inte the Shew Windows, wetting Yard Wide Bleached Muslins, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS AND TOWELS, ETC., Whleh we have placed en a ceunter te be sold at a REDUCED PRICE. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, - L'eiin'n. TtTKTZOKK A HAUOIJMAM'H CHEAP STORK. TO REDUCE STOCK WE WILL NOW SELL OUR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. letzger & laughmaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. BLKUIHK, ,tf. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at W1U1.1. IN 111K PHILIP DOBRSOMS Nes. 126 and 128 East King Street, And soe the Fines t Aesortment of BUGGIES, OAIUUA.GE8, PHiEtONB, BUSINESS and MARKET WAGONS, ote., that has ever been seen In this city for the Spring Trade. Yeu ean feel porfeetly free te eall and oxamlne the work, as It Is no treuble te show you the different styles. New Is your tlme te erder for Spring. A large aesortment of Second-Hand Werk en hand of every description. KEl'AlMM. i)0NL' AT SHORTEST NOTICE AI Flip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, (OPPOSITE LANOA8TEH COUNTY HOUSE) NOS. 12(i AND 128 EAST KING STREET. - L4NCA8TEK. PA. JKWBLHt. TT 7m KHOADS, JEWELEK. Musical Musical Bexes from 75 Cents te $240. Musical Bescb that will play from One te Forty-eight Airs. MuBical Bexes that play Operatic, Martial, Sacred and Classic Music. Musical Bexes te please all. Call and Examine Stock and See Our Art Heom. H. Z. RHO-A.DS, Ne. 4 West King Street, UOVMMTUIUfJBlIIXU UUUilC. s HIRK'S OARPET HALL. CARPETS ! -UKOrKNlNU or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the Initie the Largest and Hest Bolected Line of Carpets ever ex hlblted In this city. W1LT0N8, VKLVKTB, all the TnidlDBUakosef 1JODV AND TAlh3Tlti UltUaSKLS.a'llUKK.l'l.V, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTttA HUl'KUS, and all qualities ellN. OHAIN CAUl'KTH, DAMAflKand VENKT1AM CAItPHTB. KAQ and CHAIN OAKl'KTS of our own manufacture a specialty. Hpecial Attention paid te the manufacture of CU8T0U OAIU'KTS Alse ft rull Llnoef OIL CLOTHS, 11UUS, WINDOW EUAIJES, CO VKULKT8, a, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Sheets, Latu-jwler, Pa. TRADE DOLLARS Taken at par In exchange let any kind el Ladles' and cfiints' Furnishing Ooede. Mew cJesIuk out with the view of ungating lu olher business. New la tbe tlme te secure bargains In Btaple tloeds. Ne reasonable offer will Liu refused. rivase call and examine goods and learn prlces before you buy. ' 1IKN11Y 1IH.CHTOLD, Ne. ii North tjneen HL. -Ncar the l'oateaico. Honest Prices. CITY CALL AT W Bexes ! Lancaster, Penn'a. CARPETS ! e ONTRAOTOR AND UU1LDKR. QEORQB ERNST, OAUfENTEll, CONTUACTOU A, UUILDKU. Uesldence Ne. U9 West King street. Shep East Uranl street, opposite station house. WOODEN MANTELS AND OKNKHAL 1IAUI) WOOD WOUK A urECIALTV. -All weik secures my prompt aud persona aiumtleu. Drawings and iCsUmalea tuiulshed. ectaiydlt T.AKOAHrtll ARD , i-n -j1 inw, "i"i lAanutst-sar rWilfrJi5l.,HS :re ana 1 wjj a. nu. and IsScCmsT RBADINU A OOLUMH1A KAILMOaB WMKS MtsAakflk. n Fer w "!? T3 crliuii "" L," COLUMBIA rer Ls,nelAV?A,r,tUAIlRTf ' - rerLcbanpa.p.m. w r ".?. "S'iwJwn .U...I.M Fer lluarryvll 0 al aSjaTm Sf ?V2 b ? ? Fer teadiiiff at 7.te a. mt liMJey-SSS""".' I or guarryvlile at M KSVtfVtfS'- Fer Lancaster at 7:iJ0a.m., 1MB anaViVi. Fer guarryvuie at 7:aaa.ni. neTJ0 BOWDAT THMXtm. TUAXN8 LBAVB BBADlNd' Per Lancaster at 7.J0 a. m. and 100 p. m. rer guarryvlile at tee p. m. TUAIN8 LKAVX UUAUKTTIXLI Fer Itncaster, Lebanon and lteadlngat 7J0 am TliAINB LKAVK KINO 8T. (Lancaster.) Fer Heeding and Lebanon at (.OSa.ia.MaUI p.m. Fer cluarryrllle at BJO p. m. TUAINS LKAVK riUNCB BT. (LaaeaatsV.) , rer Heeding and Lebanon ana B.18 a. m. aaS IN p. m. Fer QuarryrlllB at B. p. m. r, , TUAINB LSATR LKHANOW. rer Lancaster at 7J a. m. and S.45 n. m. Fer cluarrj-vllle ats 43 p. mT nrir.connet,en at Columbia, Marietta Jna Pn. 'ncaster JnncUen. Jlanhelm. BeaOlaa and Lebanon, see time tables at all sULtlenaT . A. M. WILSON. Bnpennunaeat. pENNHYLVANlA RAILROAD HOHhF atrtuiad-crfThraMfoiiewVntt leTe"" nr WE9TWAUD. I'acine Express). ..... News Kxpresst Way Passenger! Mall train via ML. Joyl Na2JIailTniln....... Nlflffnrft Ernrnt. IMA Philadelphia. Lancaster, Ai;a p. in. JO a.m. :30 a. m. 7M1r tn. iraa, m. e-a.m. ejea. m, i-ila m. J5a.nv Mea. ra. BflSa. m. Lie p. m. 1:13 p.m. a ie p. m. B:30p. ML TMp. m. 7'tft n m. via Columbia 7?an tn Hanover Acceni FastLlnet Frederick Accem lAncester Accem Harrlsburg Accem.... Columbia Accem Harrlsburg Express... Chicago and Cln. Ex..) Western Kxpress) KABTWAUD. rhlla. Kxpresst rast Line) Harrlsburg Express... Lancaster Accem or... Columbia Accem Seoshero Express l'hlladelnhla Accem... Bnnday Mall via Columbia u:iia.in. VIA f?nlnmhf A via si u Jey.. . ... -...... KiDp.ni. 4:0 p. m.J ;540p m.j 8.60 p. m. IChWl p. re. Leave iAncoster. :-J) a. m. 6-u3a,m, B:10 a. m. 6'a.m. 9-eaa.m. WMp.m. 2-eBp.m. 8-00 rem. 110-45 p. m. tzuea. m. Arrive at rtui a. 4:Svm. H4HL n. illWOl. te. kuMtJey iliwsai. BO. 115p.m. Bp.B. 543 P. a. A An n. .. : p.m. B:n. m. Harrlsburg Accem, fhn Tnn.nw . . mA . ' ' m9 ir! IW uu utuMHiui .xjujuuiuuttiien leaves uarna bnrg at 3:10 p. m. and arrives at Lancaster atsfca p. m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bla at 6.40 a. m. and reaches Marletta at 6:33. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:43 a. m. and 2:45 pTmZ reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2fA Leavns S.-ai I also, leaves at 8.33 and arrlves at 8.8a 7:10 and arrives at Lan caster at s.DOcennecUn with Harrlsburg Express at 8:10 a. m. The rrcderlck Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at KM p. m.. will ran through te Fredorlelr. The rroderlck Accommodation, east, leavea Columbia at 12:26 and reaches Lancaster at LMi p. m. Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9:30 a. m day. rast Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllle. Parke burg, ML Jey, Eliiabethtiwn and Mlddletewn. trhe only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train wast runs by way of Columbia, J. It. WOOD, Qeneral Passenger Agent CUAB.K. I'UOU General Manager. ULAeavrAHB, prlGU ct MART1P. Greckery a Specialty -AT CHINA, Glass, Queensware. Tuul.ugo3tti3seitnieuto llavi-l.ind'BDecei-atedCliiua, Demestic nnd Foreign Glassware, American and English White Granite aud Seml-Fercc'laln in Tlaiu, Trinted or Decorated, 1'ancy Goods, Lamps, etc. 1'spccial altcntlen te lloute lleute stires. A full guarantee with every sale. 16 EAST KINQ STREET. LANCASTER, FA. MtAVUIMMMT, -ftTAOHINKRY, dke. STEAM HEATING Latest and Meat ImpreTM INeiNES-Trttiiit, TtrUbli n Mhuj. New or Beoena-UAna UOILMIO, WATEB TANKS, BSFABATOBB. MniHiwi or Krii woks inch uaentaat kept in Machine Sheps. CALL OH 01 ADDIBta, Ezra F. Landis, WOIlKa 637 NORTH OHBBBT BTHMVr, UaeUTii l'A. n7Udw irareujc. "VITATOUErJ. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jevelrj nl less tlian mictien pilces until January 1, 1MJ. rinu let of ltlnirs. Ac. Alse. Kluln. WalLhaaa GUM HAL HlMdrtin, I Aurera for which I am Bele Agent), and otter t, lnt-Olaaa Watches: Uest Watch and Jawalry X ILenalrlnif. U rcerrnct time by Telegrapb. Dally, emly ;;'. nlHn In r.ltv. m I TA. Jf ' J L. WEBER, VtiC North Queu HL. Near renn'a. R. K. l Kpnctaelcs, Eyeglasses and OptlcalOoesl. 4NMli ktuds el Jewelry. ig M y d w "v ft" 'm i SB it JM Hi'1 tti -V' M ?j m 1 3 s .Ivi-a Jm iJ Ol SS s M m M . y-a 5 2-, , . .-Jfr ,vi: Jafe. : . Ut AEiiJ' f- - " h..i2 - fe-j3T' t "ii