i$ypi . . al '--' ft &' ?5 JSv T DAY IN TUB YBAB Matpfd.) vrra eellam a tj,i. nrtT lABOimi. UTDrexiuni tir- I Am All kvtettntrm rucss, saxi-li L LISML OtmMiaslO AILOWIO TO lAenm. Ttme oeMiwrioii. ADVKSTZSnta ratios :; Xln.l lln.l sin. ln.j.iln.i 6 in. Hftr. tfe::: rDava-... I DAT..... I Week...., I ween... ft Weeks. Menth.... 0 Months.. S nanus . enthA.... I Year t,ThoWeeklv frtolliecnecr . i.H " , tVM.WHCD EVCRY WEDNCIDAV MORNINu. 'M ArAlL1.00oKttxiiejrrB8. clcbs of ti, M0,ADAOOrTMllTO TMSOWS OSTTIHO IT eirDBirai senctTiD meM annr rarer or rn )', WATS AD OOtrKTAT. All AHOirraeC LSTT1M wniBaoentaHiDTOTHiwAiiTi habcvt. stsMrMl all LtUtrt and Ttltgramt te '? THH INTELIiiaENOHn, IlMIenecr Building, Lancaster. 1'. tjilje jmeDtcr JiUcUtgcnes. LANCA3TEB. JANUAIIT 50, 1SS7. tr,. The nialruinnshln. ii' .. -r. .:..- ..-.- -"... .... fyaf A 00 xemecnuiu buuu cuiuiuiul'u uas '?amnl7nl fnr t)in nnmlntr vp.ir with Hall. 13 ft Sunders, of rhllaJelpbl.i, as cbalrmau, t m1fi la nn nannAtntlt fTrtrt.1 DAlfiitHnu lins-lntr JO t 401 WlMt3l'StSn M) 115 S2S 8 443 B HO 1 DO S 00 4 MO 6 (l, 7 CO 100 It 8 SO CilM ft) 8 43 111 S3) 4 00 BKll 7 (1 10 1 IM 411 Stall 8b) 10M iV 4 Ml 730 10 60 IS BO ISM) 8 00 S 00 1000 IS 60 1700 SOW 8 60 700)1300 10 00 SO 00 II 01 600 1000 1700 MOO 2700 WOO BOO 11001 9000 JITOSKD Mm 900 180MS80U SB Oil U f 62 W 1500 23 00 44 00 MC0M00 'lf 3n unsullied repute, long experience- In anil SJ aptitude feT political work, and n general Rcnuatntance with the working Democrats Sgll of the state. The party has been fortunate Pf, in linding se goeu u successor te me rcur- TI 4n jthalpmnii irhnefl hlifft st-lll ln vow & bard indeed te fill. lie has raised te a Di',- Mrvl vlr Via etnrtiluvil rf nie1IflnHrtrt frf sUtgU IIUV VUG UH14VllAVA Ui IjkUtUUMtVlVU VA ' ' the chairmanship of the Democratic state ' committee and has made It a place v.' lit re no small man can comfortably abide. Mr. Ilensel possessed in a very extraordi nary degree seme of the most essential at- trthntivt fnr fhn rdnrrt. ITn Is unmritrrmlile fl&Lin acquaintance with the men of the state, usul rinrrllr in lw enunlpfl In lh Indnsfrv , , rT, , " ,.v V. rr ana energy wim wmcu ue ueveieu nimseii l te his work. Added te this, he had a high ' intelligence and a single devotion- te w hat . ha ftAni.nlrn.1 In ln flia nirfr'a !ipif. Infprrt m"t llemay hare failed in the quality of his a-1, ludcrrapnt seme times, .is all men mav. but always recurring opportunities te make merchandise of his position, he has necr even been charged with having sought te de it; and public men, nowadays, are charged with wrong en very minute foundation. With these working qualifications for the chairmanship, ilr. Ilensel had a noble gift of speech te adorn it, no one te-day outranking him in the state in eloquence. "Wielding : strong ieu, he is yet stronger with the tongue, whose words the mas;. netic force of his speech drives home with resistless energy. Mr. Ilensel resigned the ihairniauship wholly of his volition and in pursuance of a long held purpose. The place Is net a prolHable ene te be held by one he does net seek for Its reward in office. It can pay only in honor ; and as that does net boil the pet, only a mau of some fortune can fairly fill It fairly te himself and te the paity. Te draw satisfaction out of the position -jf chairman of the Democratic organization of Pennsylvania requires a rare combination of personal characteristics and circum stances. The party Is in a minority among a people strongly chained te their ancient idols. I tropes njways for success, which it seenrf that the high standard of its prinirfplca should give it. Generally it is net ; and the natural disposition is te make the party's executive head the scape goat. Se that he needs net only te de his work te the best of hi3 ability, but te also be a philosopher, who, with a clear conscience, Is undisturbed by unjust upbraiding. He needs te be of the stuff of which the martyrs were made : who are supposed te have enjoyed the stake. Net many men nowadays have such peculiar taste , and a brief expeiience of the politi cal chairmanship of a minority patty snf flees usually for the strongest constitution Selecting Senater. The New Yerk Republican membeia of the legislature did themselves great credit in selecting Hiscock for senator out of the three candidates before them ; or rather It ,1s truer te say, net that they did this credit .te themselves but that circumstances did it for them, llecause Hiscock was thefirbt choice of but u few, and w as only chosen because Morten, who was u candidate en his wealth, found he would net be clum-n, and his men went te Hiscock, that they te i uugub uiivii iue cituiim iuaKing me sen- ater and te gratify their aim te defeat 3Iiller, the candidate strongest iu the vote. It is thus very often that the best man is selected in caucus and about as often that the went is talien. New Yerk generally has seat very geed men te the Senate, having been much mere fortunate than ; Pennsylvania. The machine there does ' net run se smoothly as here. Theio is no unity among the managers ; and it is well Jter the people. The testimony which .Pennsylvania gives us te the luirinf illness of machine unity is very strong. The peo pee peo "ple of the state leek with great humilia tion upon their line of senatera. There has net been a fit liepublican fiera lVmi ' sylvania since the tarty was bem.and in its decadence it fitly tep3 out the line with Quay, cheseu with unanimity by his party with net a man among them willing te say thathelsCt for the office. His election was a malicious crime. Wealthy Senators. Crazy Senater Jenes, of Fleiida, lately Of Detroit, llkn Tfnmlel.. i9niiWinn .,-l.r,,. Kit the wind is nerthwestand he has been say- g- ing some very sensible things about :. """" muiesciiaie. no tlunks that S ' the forcing et rich men te the front of & tvhat slieuld be the ablest body of states B f, men hi the world is geiug tee far and pre- t uicus mat, u a uait, is net called the Sj people will revolutionize things in time and ,ue eviw w wmcii li lemis will be met by e&itiepoweref public disapproval. " AVlien 114 tAlik H.nnln .Alt 1 .... ... ;.v uvurtra luiLiiziMi Liin iiuii nr ira M)m.(n-U FiL. ??eyWM net a Ust et ntnu33 for mem- Sitf : , " ,uau w emev scl I'oner and rT"" '""I'Musjumvlea musi staud forth r- itA enn TfuxwntefA fnr i.i. i.. fUUtV and his Integrity. S' U" Jjr. .v-.v, Vw ..w v.mvu waaua 4l 13 ik pUy mm at ourjmWie men are net inflicted with this Jenes form of Insanity. l!e says that the reason of the chauge from the Henate of our early days as n nation is te be found In the increase of wealth. Then men of great wealth were se scarce that they all had power and ill?. Unction; new theie are se many million aires that the mcre possession of wealth does net give a man all liie distinction he craves and he naturally seeks it In the di rection of political preferment. Hut Mr. Jones Insists that wealth has greater politi cal power in the Western and Middle state than in the Seuth and New JCtigland. and that in his section people leek for the qual ities of a statesman and de net investigate his barrel. Jon.sseN MH.LVR glvei the county ouiu euiu ouiu inlsnieners a lively slinking up lu the corn cern corn uninlcttien ol.ewuoro printed. JiraiNii the three tneuthn emllug Sep tember JO, li, 0d,TtU etulRratila arrived In this country of whom 22,110 were children under fifteen years of brp, unit only 1I.S55 were ever forty. liv$,507 of the euilcrauta came from Kurepe and nine were born at sea. Great Britain anil Ireland seat 37,11(1 and Germany liV2, but all lands except Norway and Sweden send mera men than women. The i?candlDarUns de net briuc xe many old men or children as the ether race. We re re cetved ene emigrant apiece from lgypt aud Malta j seven from Afrli j and 4tXi from ltlandsef the Atlantic ; -M from Islands of the l'acluc, and only one from China which lat statement calls attention te the fact that thee figures de net Include Immigration by way et Canada and Mexico. In the lhrr months 2,301 Chinese citizens of the United State re turned from abroad but It Is well knew n that great numbers et Chinameu entered the country by uny el British Columbia. In the Kanie time 1, J3( Americans returned from abroad of whom IC.TTO.were males. Thee In teresting figures are taken from the quarterly reiert of the treasury department. Voer-rri.r will no longer be represented in the Vnited sutes Senate from New Yerk. Is Mr. llensel's four years as state chair, man, he touched nothing that he did net adorn. There la a greatdeal said Just new of the enormous bunion of standing armies and military expenses borne by European nations, but this ceuutry has paid out for pensions since the close of the war a sum that throws all foreign war credits in the shade. It asgresates In round numbers f ''00,000,000, and the figures of each succes sive pension bill ha te crown with time from tweuty-rHu te beventy-lie millions of dol lars. This Is n magnificent example of na tional trratitude, but If the congressmen who make these gilts managed the property of the people as they would their own they would long Bge have concluded that grati tude had been developed into a fault and that the vast sums se distributed should le limited. Instead of calling a halt the Heuse has passed a measure providing pensions for dependent imrents and honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who received no Injuries but are tee old and feeble te work. Jehn Hi NTEnhasdrawn euter the taa taa taa reoeiver battle in Philadelphia. Here It a great Democratic opportunity. UiuuKR than all the news of foreign ware or slruRgle of statesmen Is the lnlormatien iuai jenu ij. aumvan, Uie mighty, sustained en accident te his lelt arm in his fight with Cardlll, at Minneapolis. It was thought te havebeena btppodreming atlalr until two physicians testified under their own hands that en examination of the champion's left arm they hud that the main bone or radius la broken midway between the wrist and elbew. The break, whlle net likely te cause a permanent injury, will occasion a disability for a period el at leat sixty days. This accident may have the ellect of jiermanently weaken ing the slugger iu a fight Mitchell's acci dent years age left his arm in a condition that caused him te be always afraid of fuitlier Injuring It. It was a foregone conclusion that rum would eventually knock out Boa Bea Boa ten's pet, but itts apltvlfhis magnificent physical strength Is te be unpaired by au accident Bitch at has happeubU him. Senater Ueaii says that Dawes' re-election te the Senate from. MafwchusetLs Is the "most glorious thing that has happened ler five hundred years." What an old woman Hear Is I Goediivi:, Chairman lieiuel. louhave made a record in service te the Democratic party that will take a big man le equal. PERSONAL. liCKEN Vii luRiA'a New dear's gilts te the peer of Windser incluiled a thousand pritne Joints of beef and a hundred tens of coal. Miss Klaim. Goodall has lelt the school at Hampton, a., wfiere she has taught for the past three years, te be a teacher at the Lewer Brule agency, Dakota. Kuitek GnaDV, of tue A'luntu uiufit. fi'u, is reported te have steed well the lloed of praise that has been leured upon him since he made thst big speech In New Yerk. It has net spoiled hiui a bit. Mns. CLxntssv B. Kauie.ib, of Wll'en, Conn., the eldest person In the state, died en Wednesday. She would have been lei vars old In May. Her husband, Samuel "llsv "llsv mend, died In IsM. l.iErtENANT Scnw.VTK v has abandoned his Yellowsteno park expedition, owing te illness, and returned te Mammoth Het Sprinjjs, where he Is new. The high altitude and frosty atmosphere aUected his lungs and he was taken with a hemorrhage at i.rand Canen. Jin. (iLAt)sie.M. was paid tl.wO for his ar ticle published in the current number of "The Nineteenth l enturv." Tint mean about 1-cents a word. Fer his famous "Vicar" iieldsniitu v?as paid SCO ; and Charles and Mary Lamb rtcetved about the same for the "lales irem Shakispeare." CoNeKEss-jAN CiioxreN, of irglnia, has elleredln the Heuse, a bill appropriating JO.OOOte complete the monument te -Mary Washington, tue mother el the Immortal Geerge, ut Fredericksburg, Va. l'rexident Jacksen laid the corner-stone of this moiiu meiiu meut in lsaj. "Werk was continued tht-reen ter lour years, but Uualiy eeased and has never been resumed. Tm: UniMAr. Kjintiieii new ebeva the directions ni bis physicians mere than ever botero, 1 or tue first time since childhood he has taken te sloeplug In a warm room, and he takes feed, generally beef tea, c-gs and wine or collie and lslnglaw, every two hours during ttie day. He has almost en. tlrely given up the dishes he used le be he loud et, huch as lobsters, craw fish, veal stewed with cloves and cinnamon and spenge-cake seiked in rum. Lx-PitLsu.u.M Wiiiib has endowed the Cernell university school of histury and poll pell tical Bcleuce with his superb historical library. It is a collection the gathering of which has been his lilu work, and numbers about thirty thousand volumes, besides home ten thou, eaud valuable pamphlets and many manu. Mripts. It has cost mere than f 100,000, and lui present value could net be easily estmated It Is especially rich lu original material, such as manuscripts, contemporary iiamphlets, nevyspapereand collections of documeuts. l list U Wrung '.' Kiein lhe tuiiteu free Press. Papers from Jlethlehem, Allentown, Wllketbarre, hcranteu, Harnsburg, Yerk, Lancaster, aud Heading, usually reeelvi-d by .....buuJ ......j, Mu, ,,,,4 IUUVI VU arrlve en time, or te come at all. SlVIllSTK l'llKMIi:. Acicx i e purpcll Veares Of Lyie'sdUgelryng I)ramu All shynlngthre' aSlyatel Tenes, 1 e Siarres et uunUuyp gleauie. Innesplondero'abunno their Lyglil U leite, Inne Trnubull'ii Nrnhtiii,.!. e ..... Bhlnes onne Hepe's Hark rutt tompeat-vosato. m jiu ijjyui uiure swoeto luaune Ilaye. See, where luy Skltre hath enwardi spedae. Toward proipereus Landes ufarre, Ttie rrcndjhyp thre' the atonue hath Jedae, A pure and gulaylng Starre. II. 21, Mahout, f'l CWAeffe IMfeii. A Ureal Benttiern lUIln j IHtepns . from tbs Haltluiern Sun, The ltlchmeud & West l'elnt Terminal A, Warehouse coin pany modestly content It self as yet with a designation derived from a short Hue of read extruding from Klcli Klcli mend te West I 'Hint, oil the 1 eik river, aud the terminal farllllies at the latter point, but as itsouintlineago added thn UeergU I'acltle te the Kti-bmnndiV Duivllle system, which It was organ I 'ed In l-0 te routre, aud has new taken steps In acquire control tf the great Kast Tenuesee, Virginia iV (toergla system, It is last becoming a monster iwpera tlen, rl almg in ths extent el lis uuiosce the largest railrivnl itiuibluatleiis nl the t tilted Stales. lUcharter authorizes it "tothaiige Its name when desired" te "Klcbiunml, Dan Dan vllle A Suilheru railroad ivuipany,'' and new that the Idea of its fniiuders n e Wen approximately teallzed the mere descriptive name will dnuiitiens, alter no long time, bi asKiimtd. Thu Klchtueiid A Dm vllle syx tern has a mileage ( J.:j niile, eieudltig from Alexsndris, a., te Allatitm it , and thence W miles further ever ttie Ueergla Pacific, which it controls, te lliritmigbam, Ala., the great ial, iron and limestone centre of the (.nil states. Connections are had at that city with New Orleans, icks burg and ether Southwestern point. The branches of the tbreugU line are these The read from Hlchmend te tidewater at West Point : a read extending trem '.ireons '.ireens '.ireons berough, N. C , en the maiu Hue 1J0 miles te Ooldsberough : a read running west from Salisbury 1 Mmllcs te Point Keck. lenu., ou the Uvt Tennewe, Virginia A i.-ergi.i. liesmtvs inese tnere are ether sUett branches reaching jmlnts In North Carolina aud Seuth Carolina, among them some tnat gtve access te sources of traitlc like Charleston and Au gusta. The new acquisition, the K.sst Ten nessee, X. irgiula .t t,irgK aids ' t.- miles te the Kicbmend A I)UMlle sjslein aud gives it important outlets upon the Allautlc and the MKsi-alppl. Hymning at Bristel, Tennessee, uear the Irgmia Ismler, the malu line extends southwesterly i- miles le Chattaneiigs and Uieucoever the old Mem phis A CrmltMteu read 3T0 miles te Mem phis. J'rem Cleveland, Tenu., "' miles east or Chaltan'Xics, a branch stretches southwest 377 miles te Merldau, Miss. Anether branch extends from the main line Je5'. miles to ward the Multicast, aud traverslug llume, Atlanta and Macen, reacaea the Atlantic at Brunswick, U. Conneitlena give the system a fchare of the euslneas with Flerida and the Southwest. Whether for purposes of traffic In Southern staples or lur big operations In Wall street, the system of 4 11'' miles, as it exists te-day. presents certaiuly magnificent HMnn Fnr ttiii unamlii. tt Ita nt. -,Ar tint I further additions are said te be contemplated. The Norfolk A Western, read l' miles long, extending rrem .Norfolk te Bristel, will almost Inevitably, It Is asserted, fall into the hands et the B. eh mend a Danville, unless the owners of the Norlelk A Weteru, car rylug out a project they are said te have In mind, build tnemelv&s a connection west ward from Bristel te the Krlanger sys tem. The Shenandoah alley railroad, which extends i.- mliea from Llagerstewu, Md., te Koaneke City, a point en the Norfolk A Western, i inttrested in this preicted ex tension, inasmueuas without it its "southern terminus wld be inUiealr. The logic of the situation, however, it Is held among rati rati read men, points te the abiorptien of both the Norfolk A Western and the Shenandoah Valley In Uie Richmond ,V Danville sys tem. Such absorption Is net necessary te the last mentieued cempanv, as it has an outlet, as already stated, Iruiii the Last Ten neasee, Virginia A .eergu eastward through Nertn Carolina te its main line, but possession or the Norfolk aud Western would have distinct advantage. Should the Nor folk A Western and the Shenandean Val ley raids nave the fate marked out for them the Richmond A Dauville system will con trol, it is estimated, mure milts et read than are embraced in the entire Pennsylvania system, and several bundled miles mere than are contained In the anderbUt -vstem with all Its branches. I'nder a strict enforce ment of the inte-rstate commerco act such cuniMnatiens are net, perhaps, te be reck oned as wholly inimical te the interests of the Seuth, though they seem te be InuHted ler the most part by spectators te facilitate the manufacture el new Mjcanuea te gamble with in all street. eraw uejtTicvi.TUitisia ritrnty-Klcbtli .VueunI Alcetlug tn llclblclirm. LAij(MlrlaD4 VVbe re X'trut. The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the State Horticultural as-ociatieu ejened Wed nesday afternoon et the Sun hall, Bethlehem. In thuatwen.-e of President Calvin Cooper, of Bird iu-Uand, CeL i.eorge McTarland, or Harrieburg, was called le the chair. Presi dent J. B. Keinmerei, of town council, wel comed the avocation. Owing te tbe absence et the elueers who were unable te tome until In the eveuing, the alternoen session was devoted te informal discussion of various telnls el interest. 1 be evening eessien was devoted le regu'ar organization. Among prominent hertlculturlsta present are Profes Profes eor F. L. Scribner, of lhe department of agri culture, and Prolesser II. L an Leman, chlefel the pomelogical department, V ash ash lngten, I). C. Themas B. and J. Prank Men ban, of Oermantewn J. U. Jenkins, of the Jirti-ultuml Art fuu.rn: ', Kuchester, N. Y.; Jeseph and L. N. Themas, el King of 1'russia, H. C. Michener, Dovlestenn ).'.(. Itgenrer. Calvin Cooper, Bird-In-Hand ; .. I'. McFarland, et Harnsburg, H. M. J;ngl-, Marietta ; K. Satterthwait, ei Jcuklntewn. The sessions te day will be devoted te practi cal discussion en Irult growing, fiet house and nursery management and the .esthetic siue et a gardener's lite. State .Vcrlcullara! Secletj. At the annual meeting of the state agricul tural seciety in Harnsburg ou Wednesday, It was decided te held the nest cxmbitlen en September te 17, inclusive. Most of the session was occupied in the discussion of amendments te the by-laws, which will render smooth the operation or the society, 'lhe fellow Ing officers were elected for tbe ensuing year : President, A. Wilhelm , first vice presi dent, J. A. Paxson ; vTe presidents, deerge Blight, L H. Twaddell, Jeseph K. lulling. ham, William M. blnperly, G. Handy Smith, David II. Urausen, William H. Helsleiu, Tobias Barten, B. J. MeGrauu, Daniel II. Neiman, D. S. Waller, Ira Tripp, J S. Keller, ,itabriel Hftister, Jeseph Plellet, K. J. C. Walker, Jebn A. Lemen, Jehn H. Miller, Cbaunceyl . UiHCk, L A. Mackey, Geerge Kbey, 1 . Y. Clepper, W. W. Speer, Jehn McDowell, J. s McKean, J. D. Kirkpalrick and J. G. 1 hornten. At large J. A. Paxson. Additional ineuitiers of the executlve rominittee W. 1". Uutherlerd, William Tayler, Jehn It Zelgler, Jefiersen Sbaner, Cyrus Chambers, jr. Lx-presidents members el the beard Frederick Walls, D. Taggart, Javib S Ualdman, James Miles. CurrtspeudiDg tsecetary Rldrldee McCon McCen McCon key. itocerding secretary D. W. Zsllers. Tre;i5urer Jehn L. Nissley. Chemist and geologist A. U Kenned v. Librarian 1111am II. Kjjle. Cider Vitifkr. 1'ieiu II e bem. ml jn lulurapli Se long as this necessary article cau be prcsiured se easily, it Is dilllcult te under stand why there should be used adulterated and less wholesome aclda as a subbtitute. At the present time, the extent of orchard erchard ing is se large that with the usual crop of apples, taking theso of a poeror character and such natural lruit as most larms produce, if converted Inte cider and then Inte vinegar, there would be a supply ler all reasonable demands. Thechlel want is the demand ler pure rider vinegar; it has been he In the past, that it was vvltii duliulty that the pure article oeuld be sold at a fairly remunerative price, irat all, aud us a result apples unfit for market have liecn fed te animals, allowed te go te waste or the Ust manufactured Inte cider for drinking purposes, and theso who. U they could have the pure article would profer te use it, are ceuitiellcd te use some thing of adeletorieus nature possessing the properties of an acid. If the consumers would insist upon having nene but pure elder v Inegar, they would neon have It, for the demand created would lead tells mere extcn. sive manufacture and a supply would be thus provided. rruuijlviiula'a i:iliarlal A. .edition. At lhe nnnuU meeting of the Pennsylvania I'.dlterlal association in HarrUburg, Wednes. day, the fellow Ing olllcers were elected. Presldeut, Sonater Themas V, Cooper, of Media; vice presidents, II. A. Mul'llce, of Alteena; K. II. Klsk, et Ltncaster, and F. C. Johnsten, of Wllkesbarre; secretary aud treasurer, It. II Themas, or Mechanicshurg ; eorre-pemllng Hecretary, J. 15. McAfee, of iiicensuurg; executive committee, Themas M. Jenes, ei llarrisbiirg; A. M. Ham be, of Columbia; II. M. Neul, of llarrisburg ; Prank Sauseta, or Indiana; W. L. Devvart, of Sunbury; W. II, Uradley, of Phlladel nhla, aud Lucius Holers, of Hmetbpert. Twenty-five new members were elected. The next summer excursion will probably be te the Natural Bridge, Vlrgiula. Why DM Wet Tk . Mrry? Het Illll tnths N. r.Hir "l-illfll. "Our profession, with burning gallantry, will vvdeome tlie lair sex v'diis new field of honor mid usofulness vTt h H Oldened te thorn, aud will grncleuif;) wish them the eame high degree of stitxyu that yeata age marked lhe etlerts of th'r MvoiUlesetvltig pillar' of the law, Portia, wSien she tusde her able but somewhat technical argument lu Ih bslf of strict Justice In the teriuii of ancient v eulcts If the pronence of ladles as associate workers In our ptolpslen shall tend te de velop among usthat true politeness aud dig utfied courtesy which should always iharac terlie the deuuMiiur of the members el se h uierable a calling towards ivv n ether, thfti the experiment will net have tt-en tusde In vain. If the Influence of woman, usually se potent for geed, shall be . mdueive toward arraying tun vvtiole profession mere thor oughly en the tight side of every public aueotlen, the sphere of weuisti in all isvupa. ens may well bemere geuerallv exteuded." llurjr (Irorge nml l)r Mrilltnti The ltalttmore fun has a sp-vMl from Keme which says. "Much astonishment Is ex pressed In ecclesiastical cltxles at the state ment circulated lu the Inlted States that Heme has condemned the teachings of Henry Georgeaud that Dr. McGlyun has been cen sured for advocating them. It Is authorita tively stated that Geerge's teachings have net even been examined by the propaganda, and It Is, therefore, evidence that they have net been condemned nor their advocacy cen sured. Dr. McUlynn has msnv warm friends here, and the construction ut en the sum mons te Heme Is deprecated s s uiK-hioveus III It HKiti 111 bl.tt I ills h fiee country " Vv ell, maybe. Se long as you haven t A baby. 1 eung or old, the' gulden Or i ray be Our heads, we're all ruled tu A baby. rernl and foolish the c ti thai We say be Wfceu xtj besr te that tvisnt. 1 he baby. 1 he wise man's a feel su.l A sby And a hobby -het je lev hu Own baby. Hut, et light lu our hoi. sktK d A lay be Without that blljiitt hei'ib. TUe baby Ihen hallowed and bt ' !i The day be That brought that deai Jmi-m , I he baby l-Yem ' t H -if. Motieulile te swallow Dr I'1 i.e p I'ellels M.lliAw i.B Or.il. XVTIUBA. reti DYSPEPSIA and Liver (.euipialnt, yen have apnntedguarantceeiu'vsty OolUaetShl. eh's lUUlier. It nevertall leniin. Ker sale by It. B. Cochran, DniggUt, e. urSorttiOneen street. Uacklena araia "sire The I!st Salve In the world for Cuts, llrutjej. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, "ever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChUblatns, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cqr Pile, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te tve perfect r atls atls (actien, or money refunded. Trice iV cents per box. Ter sale by II. It. Cecnran, UniKgUt, 137 and 1S3 Mertli Queen street. Lancaster, fa. SlIlLUIl'SCOUOItana Lottt'upueii c ire Is "obtbyusena guarantee, f cut) consump tion ler sale by 11. li, Cech , i, l'i ikI91, Ne. liJ North Queen street. They are looking loryea e,eryhere Drarts et air In unexpected places, gums trem het looms te cool one', careleses in changing ilethln: In thert anything whlfh end In a "common told in theheiri I nle-s arrested this kind of eeld becomes seA'pd tn ta- mucpin memirnneI the head Then i- Is Catarrh In any and all Us stages this dl s alwms yields le Ely's Cream Balm. eafe. srs-eati!.-. ierilu. Price Ofty cents. ju .TdeedA w The Mjter7 setse,!. It has always been undors'eod that consump tion was incurable, but It hnj u-cently bem discovered that Kemp's Ha-una d.r the Threat and Lungs la glvlngmereiv'ielihm any known remedy. It Is guaranteed te ulleve. aud euro Asthma, Bronchitis and Ccjt-. Call en II. B, Cochran, dniMlst. Ne. 137 .nii I,' i-n street, and get a trial bottle free el tejt. Larije Bite Se cenUandll. (i) A Itemarkable (leixl VI. iu 1 1 he who attends te the cea. fort et h! s Umtl y and will net let his little one t itfer ni'hatrco ni'hatrce ni'hatrco Oen of the Threat and Lv nz sihr.-by their Uvea may be endangered, l u he hemd ttt all times give tbem that severe-i ir-ue.Iy, hemps Kaleam. Price W cenU and II Vi.ii nrre rer sale by IL V. Cochran, ar-idgiti, , ,; North Queen street. (ij WILL YOU SUrKR with Dyspepsia an Liver Complaint t Shlleh's V nn je- i guaran teed te euro you. Fer sale by II. li. Cochran Drutfglat, .Ne. 137 North Queen street. Cl'.OUP, VVHOOl'INOCOHJIl snd BrenchlUa Immediately relleved by Bhb h a cure ler sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. lUNerthQueea 6 tree t. The Verdict Uiisnimuaj. Yeu are feeling depressed, c,ur nppetlte 1 peer, veu ate bothered with Headiiche, ou are ndgety, nervous, and genera, out of sorts, ami want te trace up. Ilruce up imi lut itbtlmu lanu. spring medicines, or Muen, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which itimulate you ler an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before. VV hat you wantU an alterative that will purify your bleed (tart healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, re afore your vitality, and give u moved health and strength. Such a medicine y. u wlllflnj iQ kIpc trlc Bitters, and only SO ct ,ts RU.u.eatll II Cochran's Drug fctore, 1J7 and ii North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (2) SHILOira V1TALIZKBU what you need for Constipation, Less of Appetite, niztlness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle, for sale by ii. b. Cochran Druggist, Ne. LU North Queen atreet. F OR RHUl'MATISM. ST. JACOBS OIL rert itnEUiiATi9.vr-MAP.VE ei i zwr. ItlCNCKs '' BUITKRED JO YEAB3 AND cbltLl) New Bloemtlel I, Perry Ce . l'a I Uh te Inform you e a most miraculous and marvelous c!rcumUi,e rormerethan thirty years 1 have been siairted with rheu matlsm, from which 1 suilirud se aeverelv lhalat times It was impossible for me te net freaimy home te the efllce, only a few atom away. 1 had u resort te the us of morp'iliie te eeoure rest at nliiht I apent hundreds of dollars with dlrterent phyittiuna and tried every known remedy without deriving any luntlU whatever, lve earsaeIwaa in. ducedtetry St, Jacobs OU, which ictlected an entire and permanent cure, and 1 have net been troubled with this dread dlseiae since. Colderdampwnjther I net en"ect ineatall. J K Bu.NsaLL Una:, Courts of Pur v i u-mty, l'a A KA1LUOAD MAN CI1!EI). Old Colony It. 11 Ei.gine Heuse, . Bran tree, Mans i I have had rheumatism lei the put fifteen vears. Have had It se badly at limes that 1 have had te get flown stairs en my hands nnd knees ; have sureind untold agony have trled all the medirir.es advertised te Hire rheumatism, without any bentie lai re sults, rer tbe past two yeara have been growing worse i had almes' lest the uaoef my hands and feet. Had about made up my mind that nothing en earth would core me 1 was strongly advlacd te try he Jacobs oil I procured a bottle, applied It, and my joints grew aupple. After using two bottles I an wulk as well as ever. 1 have regained the liener my hands and leet, am rtllevtd of all pain nnd consider mysely cured. 0fi.0tti.KT MOItKY, fireman, u. c. it. It. HEil AUKS OK AN EJiTnKNT DIVINE. , Cleveland, Ohie. 1 am pleased te say that the use el st Jacobs Oil has benefitted me greatly, and l Imvn no hesitation te recommend It te all as un eicelleut curative. ar. may, bishop uilmeuh. "Ihe HIAItLKS A. VOUELEIt CO , Baltimore, ONE THOUSAND DOLLaIIs. In cash will be paid by us for proof showing iht theioie theieie theioie geing and all other.tcstlmeny published by The Charles A. Vegeler Ce , are netslrktly Kiiuliie, All testimony te tbevlrtues of our pieraratleus la corroborated andstrlctly veriitcd. CTXHAUriTKD VPl'AI.ITY. EXHAUSTED TOAHTI TDK SCIENCE or LITE, thn grt Med leal Werk of the age en Munhoed, Nervous and Physical Debility, I'mmainra Decline, Errors of xeuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, two pages sye. 123 prescriptions for all dlieases. Cleth, full gilt, only f l.bu, by mall, sealed, lllustratlvosample tree te all young and middle-aged men for the next 90 days. Address in:, vv. if. PAitiiiii:, t Buinnch Mtivct, itosteD, id Mr. utvn-lyeedAw C1MMUMS M V UK HKllUIiATOlC Sleeplcsness and Restlessness, Chlldieu as well iu adults seiucltuux eat tee luueh supper ei eat seinetldiiR ttat does net ill gnt vtell, prcHlucliiK C'ehe, lndlsesllen, Sour Stomach, Heart burn. Kestlessness and (Slveplessnes. A Reed dese pi Sliumens Uver UogtiUter will give prompt rcitel My wile having siurivd for a long tlmn with lletlessneta aud BleepIpsuntM at nU-hts, leceniuiends le me without bemmtlngfciirw as nnally advised te try Stiuinens I.Iver lUyulstnr, msd l bss acted like a cbnrtn Alter taking one bot tle he Improved se much that I neul and nausht one-halt dozen My wtle Is new tn the enjoyment et excellent health. We keep the liesulater In the hotise a a liunlly medicine, nndTrcemmenil It te Hits erldav the best (auilly medlclue in the J C. Ill KltlNU, T wings Ce . Ua SwdAw JM YPH'SSAUSAPAUILLA. Pimples, Beils, And (Hrbmului teault from a debilitated, lin lin lin poverlshed, or Impure condition of the lifoed. Aers satsapartlla prevents aud eunvs these eruptions and painful tumors, by remnvlug then isiiw the only effectual wav el Dealing them Ajet s Sarssparllla bis prevented the usual course of Bells, which have pained and dls tressed me every shs.siu fei several venra. Gee. r-oales, Plstnvtlfi". Mich. I was ludly troubled with l'lmples en the face, a'se. with a dlscoleiatlon of the skin, which ahewed ttelf In only dark patches. Ne eater, ml lieatment did mere than temporary geed. A-i's sarjap.irtlta effected A Perfect Oure, and I have net been troubled slute. I. V Ikkldy. Illvcr sm-et, I nvridl, Mass. I was troubled with ltelis. and my health was much Impaired I began using Ayer's arsap. rllla, and. In due time, the eruptions all dlsap. peared, and my health was completely lesteled. Jehn It. kiklns, Ldlter blanltu Obsmtr, Albs marks N C. I was trentded. for a long time, with a humor which appeared en my face In ugly l'lmples and Blotches Ayer's CarsapariUa cured me. Icon Icen alder It the beat bleed puriBer In tee world. Chviles II Bmllb, Netthl rullsbnry, V t Ayer's Sarsaparilla la sold by all drus-glsts and dealers In misllclna. Ask for AVer's faranpsrllla, and de net be per suaded te take any ethci Prepared by Dr. J. i . Ayei A Ce., Lewell. Mass' Price II , six bottles, ee. Janlsi llVVHKrVHXltUUNU uuuvt, spALL AND SEE -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP, Slaty Candle-Light , Beats thorn all. Anulhei Let of CHEAP OLOUK3 for Qm and OU Steves. TUB PERFECTION " MLl'AL MOULDING AND IlUBUKll CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beauthemall. This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the ceid atop rattling of windows. KacJude the dust. Keep out snow end ruin. Any one cau apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying IL Can be fitted anywhere -no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the fcteve. Heater and Kange btcre -or- Jeim P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOOTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEU. 1A. WM . A. KIKKrKR ALDUS O. UEKR KIEFFER & HERR, -DLALKIIS IN- Heiisefiirnisliii Goods ! n WOULD CALL hl'EClAL AI'TLNTIONTO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s 1 1 HOY , N. Y ) STOVES, HEATERS. FURNACES AND HINGIS We ask: no ene te run any risks with "KUL LCK A WAItltEN'8 " Goods. We Kuarantoe them te glve batlstactlen. As a Ueater " TIIK Ul'LL.VDlD " has no rival, beln a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains cold, eveiy tnt.hel It radiates heat. As a Smaller and Cheaper Ueater tbe "ItltlG HT DIAMOND" has established Itacll In the front ranks. The merits el the"Sl'LKNDID" and"llltlOHT DIAMOND "consist In Leauty of Construction, l'erfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness, no Dust, no Qaa and Kconemy et fuel. arCall and examine for yourself. 40 EAST KING ST., (01T031TK COUUT UOU8K.1 apa-tldAw riUfiTifue. TCTUKNITUHK WAKEKOOMH. BUY YOUIt8KLr A I'Alll OT T1109K Felding Dress PillewSs (CALL EAULY AT fleffnieier's Farnitnra Warerooms. They ate the nicest thing out and we have 1 ust received anether let of them. 30 EAST IXINQ QTIIBET. -tylDMYKH'H 1'UI.NITUI.K HTOIIK. HEADQUARTERS, -reit Purniture. Eiirniture. If you want any ruilNITUUE new or the cemlnK HprlaK call and examine my stock. Yeu will find it laige and well selucted. 0001) W0KK. LOV l'KICES. sT-rartIes wautlnK lull outfits aie especially Invited te cell. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Oorner Bast King and Duke Sta., LANCASTER, I'A. ieplMy)AJ3 3inw vzBrmarm. CTiHHU a nmniiBM. GUT PRICES! GUT PRICES I CUT PRICES Alir. AI.HO KUI.INll IN UNDERWEAR lTl'AYSVOUlOItUY THESE t. 0011.1 NOW AI TIIK I'UICEBWK AltK SC1.L. 1NO TIIKM AT BOYS' UNDERWEAR. VV'dle Metlne Undeairear.SOe. and Ke (I y Camels hair Underwear, iV XV5. aud 33c. lti-d I'lannel Underwear, Me. and 73c. VV e have these goods In all sites. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. While Underwear at lc andS3c. (Imy Undeawearal'tfc. While Metlne Underwear at 40c. and eflc, (Irav Camels hair Underwear at 3"c.l All-Weel Hed riannet Underwear at IJc. All-VVuel Medicated Underwear at 73c. We Are Still Catting the Prices in UVEllCOAlS, SUITS, TANTALOOrs, KNIT JACKETS, WOOLEN BHtlUH, UI.OVES.nOSIEUY, ANDlNAI.LOr OUU LINKS Ot rUUNlSID l.MiaOODS. r These geed s must be sold, let w n need the loom. HIRSH & BROTHER, ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Eurnishers, COB. NOBT1I QUEEN ST. AMD CXMTliE SQUAI1E. LANCAHTKB. PA. w 1LLIAM80N A KUSIKlt. Coiiiiiiunicalieii by Telppheiie. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. lu the Areua of Lew Prices BEST DUALITY WINS ! C'hlldiwn's OvetceaU.ll 30, r'0, l.'.tu. Children's Dress Suits, 11:3, 11.73. U.t. Beys' Bchoel eutls, J3.30, H.D0, H.M. eys' Dress Sulla, 11.30, $3.00, IS 00. Beys' Overcoats, r.V, M b-, II co. Gent's Urees Suits, 13.00, liaoe. Jlire. Gent's OverceaU, W.Sfl, 11.73, K! CO. Gent's White Shirts, S3 Dezen, at Sc. Each. One Caae Very Heavy White Merine Gent's Shirts and Drawers, 23c Each Heys' Cardigan Jackets, 3 Den at 30c. Each. Gent's Jersey Dress Glevsa, 3 Dezen at 13c. a l'alr. Men's Heavy Cushion Hack Werfclni; Rnspen den, 13 Dezen at 10c. a Tatr. Gent's and Hey's Stiff relt Diess Hats, 3 Dezen at tee Each. lien's Fur Caps, One Dellar. lien's Heavy Cleth Caps, tee. Each. Herse Blankets, 70c, 73a, ll.oe. Carrlage Whlpi, Via. Each Uont'sllalmeral or Congress Gaiters, ll.ieand I1J0. Beys' Grain Ilutten Galteis, Small Bles, 6ec and ll.r. Beys' Morocco button Gaiters, "nmll Sizes, 1 10 and 11.73. Misses' Shoes, lav., ll.oe, l.':v. A Specialty for Ladies. HIGH CUT ULOVKK11) rOAED SWUAUE 101. OAITEIt, TWENTY BUTTONS, Wf-IS WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. 33, at, 80 and 88 East King Ht., LANOAHTIIL PA. srnteie closes at 5 o'clock p. in., Monday and Saturday excepted. mUUCMMIMM. at HenHK'a WRITE GRAPES. out or 6,000 rOUNDS Wblte Grapes, ws have left about l.oue petiuda, which we are selling at from loe. te 1'iKc per pound. They are or geed quality and cheap at these prices. Cereal Products. Hchumakar'a Akren Oatmeal and Avena. Wblte and Yellow Cerntneal, Heminy aud Grits, feuld's Wheat Germ, ttalledand Cracked Wheat, Cerallne, made of White Cern, Ac. -AT- BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KLNQ STRB1T, LAM0ABTU, I'A. VHT UUUItB. aOIVI.KHACO. ONE OABE WH1TK ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, $3.50, reuuKit riticK, tjw. ALLUTIIKH HLANKKTH tlKDUCH) in ritoi'uiirieN. K DON'T WANT TO UAKUY AN t HLANKKTH OVhlt. JohnSaGivlercftCe., Me. 35 Bust King Btreet, LANC'ASTKK, I'A JkTKW YOKKMTenii Attractive Bargains -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. REMNANTS -or- Dress Goods A1GKEATL1 KMIUCJKD 1'ltICES. Striped and Novelty Alt-Weel Dres3 Goods Reduced Irem ,sc and II l te3Cc. a laid. IU l'IKCKs STHM'KI) M!,K UXE1S In All Celers, at .viu. a Vaid worth II te a aid. 750-Whlte Ooverlet Qullta--760 At t;Xc. Each never sold fur less than II i UI'WAKDS OK I.OIH) PA 1 US White & Colored Blankets At Less than Cost e! Jtanufactuie WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, I'A. CTAMM BHOS. A CO. BOSTON STORE. i!G fc as North Queea Street, LVNCA8TEU, VA. Ladies', GcDtlemte's wl Childrea'i UNDERWEAR Havobeen Very Much Bodiieod In Price. A Ilare Chance te get Geed Underwear Cheap and you should net miss IL Dress Goods. Lather early letallc Bl'ItlNG GOODS. We boy early te secure Choice Goods. BOMI-; Ol THE NEW THINGS AKE English Beige Suiting! NIcoBellMateilsl. Colen aie Levely. One Let of 30 Pieces WOOL CLOTH, ysid wide, 17e. a yard ; worth ':5c. a yard. One Let of 00 Pieces Yard Wlde WOOL CLOTH, aoe. a yard , worth 31c. a yard. Ona Let of 40 1'loces ALL-WOOL CLOTU, yard and a iuarter wide, coca yard. Shawls! Shawls! One Let of 17.30 Keduccd te U0. One let of 1 ALL-WOOL DOUBLE SHAWLS I3.0U each, Ueduced te $3.w. OnoLetof73ALLWO()L DOUBLE 8IIAWL0 13 '3 each, Kcilticed te I? ui each, v Stamm Bres. & Ce. BLBIUHt, ,f (, pjDW. KDOKItLKy. Sleighs! "" Sleighs ! 1 have new ready for the Wlnter Season, lhe largest, cheapest, finest and most select assort ment of Slngleand Deuble PORTLAND, ALBANY AND BUSINESS SLEIGHS, Ever offered ter sale In this city. The workman, ship and elegance of finish Is fully up te the standard el my flne and well-known canlage Werk. My prices for a geed, honest and sub stantial urtlcla are the lowest In the inarket, 1 have a large stock of BUGG1LS AND C'Alt KIAGES, New and Second-Hand, nil at very lowest figures. 1'lease cell and ozainlne my work, Edw. Edgerley, Market Btroet, Rear of Poateffloo, LanoaBter, Pa, Itepalrtng promptly attended te One set el workmen especially employed. TKKKOKM OK Tills DKNTAis CIIA1K DISAltMKD. Teeth extracted by the usn et electricity per fectly safe and harmless. My l&tu Teeth are made of the best material that lean purchase 'i' rilllDg teeth a specialty. All work guaranteed. " , W.L.riSHEll, Dentist, apm-lyd no. 02 North CJneeu Ht. 1 -f8? i I T tvr i. r'" I-.' iA-r. ... . .fi&t, , , j stfctyv.-. SSi