kXaJ iV. sat H.OH0KMMV HAS --4 ymt mmmmew mtOMrte. Can Tk7 iedilfnlr rati m VWM te tka Track, ltcltlc fltantfew iuw rm bh nig rewa Hetel la Uriel. Comtpena.nocof imtuaiircn. COLUMBIA, Jan. 18 Cbarlei Lenghead, 1 en freight tram drawn by eoclne '.fM, of tb Peumjlvaula railroad, met 1 THT MrlenH aocldeDl en Monday af oea, and bit taeaps from tatal Injur In lalaoett miraonlena. The freight tram lantred In the east Tarda, where the eara if cot in several drafts te run en different Miinga. Lenghead waa aundlna between two ft, with feet en each bumper ; bad mwa tba pin te uncouple the cam and gave tbatlgnalfer the engineer te pall ahead. i-M " eara nartart tun anddenlv and tbe brake man fell In thn middle of the tracK. mr Vm v a...j .. i...tliU lnlnrll lift Is vwuanvi)nuiiuu wiiiwi-'- -- WWblOteaUte, and be found hlmaelf lying .ateng the track aefferlnfc from painful ft fcrnl". He la of the opinion that me 1 lraek of Ibe eara paseed ever en Mff tint tbe pbjMeian autei that u wacJi waa tbe cat bit Injuries would ' been greater. The etnplers of the train Immediately gire Iho inj ureti uraKeniau 11 possible aasistanee and be was brought te kta bearding beuse, en North Freut street. TTb railroad physician waa auuimened auit '.aMde an exatnluatlen. Lenghead has re- ,'aetTed serleua bruises en bis right side ; the Wake rigging bad eaugbt bis right thlgb,rau-- f! 'hi two gashes and painful bruises. A largu ' ftab bad also been out en the right shoulder. Th rlnthlmr was tern from his rtsht lee and 85 " MAlfilnrlM am nflnrl tn that rnrt nf 111 H abedy. Lenghead has been In the employ el ' r tbe company for nlne years and this was hl Aral accident, Ne bones bare tieen broken "butthoenllre right side Is nothing but brulses ' iAamhlfh wilt tri-un film sfTHiit 4rt tasiitin limn FV """ "-r -"" -j " --.- ... ,;-'T,-.' Tbe Lectors Te-nigni. TOf Tha third nntflrtnlnninnt nf thn leetnre H .1 1 . .., ... . ..... r-gi. aourae wm ue gituii iuis utuuiug iu iud ,-t opera neuse, wmen wm Deaiecturoen "uen Wfcral Grant's Tourii.reund the World," belnp description of this famous trip. The bos bes eWiheet indlcatta n Tery large nudluucs this tenlng. Changes en tha rullread. K, A number of changes bare occurred en tbe f" nai.nn Jtr nnlnmhU . 1 1 a-nail nt fttl tl . HI a I S n addition te the number given aoeio weeks ' age. jequ u. ltuneieiier, express urivur. baslett his tioeltlen and will oneace In farm :i leg near Balnbridge. Ills position will be vameuuy a. i. i.eeuaru, who was eujjiiujcu -'i,r-fermer basgage-master. baa the position In grotto warehouse and William IL Hotels new ivf tka) baggagemaster. At tbe round heune , -x Jehn IL Keje, clerk, has accepted a position ea the Pennsylvania railroad and Jehn At Barnes will till the vacant position. , . . .. . ' A. Tery large audienea was in tne epera p 40UUWO iail M'JU T.MV.. k. k.w Y. presented by Frank Jenes and company i," The play was given In an excellent manner, ''leaalnir every person present. Tbe eicel- i & U......... . . 4-....n f t.r. ..rrt.T.. Bce. X-i two extra cars en tne passenger iram icav- .1, ing town ai a. m. were requireu hi cirrj .yij the passengers from Columbia and Mclulty t e the inauguration e: uenerai ueav-r ai Barrlsburg. Company C, 43 men, rnuttnud file, also left en this train. Company I, from TVxIgbtsTllle. was brought ever the brldgt lu a special car and Joined the town com pany. Furnace Ma 3 of the Chestnut Bill Iren Ore company, was lighted up last night, tbe toreh being applied by Isaac Ternwalt. fur nace keeper. Tbe furnace Is working la a very geed manner. coHerjiTANU nyjsi.Liyq ncr. i'ftj. i,vf"Hir in miMiensry sacmij ei xriuiij cnurtti g-"? i; ? 4WJu ( u auiuieviii. auwuuuj luiiiUtHj,, $pr Monday evening tbe Mtssleuary society of K' Trinity Lutberau church eave one of their E.4? ?lnter evcnlnc cencetta lu Trlnltv chapel. "tu:uq d.tiw qui te a large audlence, aud wus a AV i..n.. .v.i. rru tas.nii SL . miarlrillau nitnld n il aislnk wa li M.nl rij uenutVrri -A'tutc-a naltA OUliO IIUQ J A iUI iVr Jtlaas ou the organ, i.ur : jex, ilutn, w. J 'J-ir ,nH j AlbrlL'ht ludce. The caetains V avrA T?ftV. TrT anrf "RHiciiti 7 Alhrfnht ma. -w .-.. -rf - . ... .... bu., 3,6.- and tbere were ten persona en each side. The first word misted was " verttx" bv Wal- gvt; ter A. Heinltlab, who recclycU a leather S ' There WBrT)b"rie.,ji22)Vx.a:di. &r.tVinl ami lb "!" ifta mamhAil nt thn tuvn nlBBa lvtknt ilnnn tK one by one in nearly equal proportion. Rev. b$r Try failed te spell " L'iclfer" wblch created p-fi'r great merrimeuu jq iiju classes were several Rrf& teacbers, but all of them were spelled down 1-fjtxetpt MUs EejIIv Suydam. Hhe aud the .?. . ) . .L.. . . Champien spoiler. Jes. D. Piett. were tlnallv &!" left te tha contest for thn vlattirv. anil Mr. fS: pjettwent den n under tbe word "Calefj " &pr ipelllng It with an l". iuiea eujruau was auuuuseeu me vio'er, 'Ar and was ulven irreat aDDlanae. Rhn rppicj-rt J.tbe piita of the evenlng, avery lerge aud EA' TXlBttlCHAI.'a LIDKAltr. .'j.Kltellen olUfflrrra-Seand Financial Condition P-;- and 7,000 Telumra in Ll'jrmrj !' The Mtcbauie's Library association met pj; Monday cvenlug and elected the following Kw named efflceis ler the ensuing year : S-V Trnl.lAt.t IT T .n ., ..i.. . ." dent, J. Vf. Byrne: treaaurer. CMrKilm ROaat l aecretsry, 11. K, Duehrle j library com. fcBBitiee, Dr. B. 8 lUlhven, O. E. Ui goner, fa-" " x-ju.i, l-ercy watlHinlur. Br'.; -i no association lain u flourishing ceudl. r Vtlen. There nre 7,600 vnlnmes iu the 11. library. Tbe osseta nre f4,300, in bends and Vu.Xieitcages, and tbere are no llabllltiis. ,tr r Jjurlutr thu ear 117 nnw vnliinuxi im ." ?. SiAa.. aillint tf , I. n 1l.. ...! ... - wu euuuu ui ws nuiurjr uuu OJ VOIUIIU'H ''fcaveboenrebound. A deelded advance liai R, , -wvu i4euu ju iuu iiutllliy OI IUO DOOlca fvWjaaxJ by patreas j tbere are inore rulscelln. jbryJieeus hlbteilcal, bJegrapblcal aud sclontirle && WOTka palled tnr nnw than t......u.in ?'.XTbe receipt from sulseribera durlug the year B I5ra .M in J -kt i-V'- OrflctM luttalled. r- The fellow Ilk tffleera wem tn.i-.li.l i Sf; Lancaster Assembly If a 27, A. O. et SL P. -j-ODMenaay evenlng, te serve the eusulnc iterm: Maiter Artisan, loreur luu; i,,,?. Hlntendent, Wm. F. Jamlseu Jintpecter, Wm, f. t ''H. Guthrie! recorder. Ohnu a vmu. "Mbier, A. O. KclLOshl, etq. ; med. exam ,' 1'ifiVT.E.D. Ill OS : irusttes. Gee. E. Zalliua. ii. 'Wm. O. Riim .fnhn 1 M..-',,ir.. . i ,.... jj'Jehn M. iltCullt'V : conductor. Wm. a "; Tdf.niinn i c. r -. i...i .. . feXv ' u' ecuJi ueraney ; S jr. M, of 0 Wm. O. Rinn s warden. Jntm K H Weber. "if uijt Acuiuiy is in a uourisbler: .AnnHllln.. PI-.. . ... u i jivwviuuui inore u iwe candidates iu. ?-. i Mated at the last meeting. The ann uul supiier IWlll Ulte place en Monday evening, Jan. 81 i lg u au eiauu a notei. B.V 5 Vrallmlniftr ini .H.nn e-. i-t. f udl!? L'Vlogsten granted a preliminary r injunction en tht imtuinn i i,n Kfr,i,i. I BLttltr turnpike company. It Is elalmed that . tuf jr ,. euena, wne owns lands aleni; the jmnplke, has closed a drain .m,.!.. i.f. .. turnpike, and after tbe turnpike opened It he T,.m,u,raK,0 oieiBii. The matter will Bis" iu a lew uaya. it , '.X TbliMurillea'aCrcmflIIn Tbe body of William EUenlehr, who dlel .', . l ""Meipuia, arrived here at wi " UJ Vogl ana WM laktn te thocre- waa'prlvMe. "" ,nclDera,eJ- '"e aa-erlie cemnt. t. .,,. J .-,.'n01? Cook's " ' '..;.'- -"". " "erijalntf Yti-r ract, calcium light .ffeet,, ana te" -u'",mmiuttrm.tifimt; TIM Mlewlwg letter were granted by the register et wills for the woek ending Tues day, January 18 : AbMtNtsTriAiitex James C. Carpenter, deceased, late of Lancaster city: Dr. Ilenry Carpenter, city, administrator. Mary B, Nissley, doccased, late of Eait Denegal township) Klla S. Nlsstey, Last Denegal, administrator. Jehn Merdall, deceaseJ, late of West Earl township; Jonas .Merdsall, Clay, adminis trator. Jamea I Ituewll, deceased, late el Bart township j Ann Ituel, Hart, admlul'tratrix. Cbrltlepber Mayer, deceased, lute of Lau carter city ( Cbarles K. Mayer, Mart, admin istrator, d. b. n. e. U a. Cstbarlne Hosteller, deceased, late of Man helm townships Henry T. and Samuel 1. Hosteller, Mauhelm, administrators. Landls B. 'erbeck, deceaecd, late el Ln csster city Jacob H. Iferbtck, city, adminis trator. Mary M. Cocbeneur deceaiesl, late el Lan caster city ;Suun A. Kmlg, Yerk, admlnls trlx. tjsmnel 0. riandwerk, drcased, late et Hast Eirl township Lizzie llaudwerk, East Car), sdmlnlstrattlx. TzsrAMETXRT Ann Eig, deceasM, late of Lincantcr city ! M. Habcrbush and 11 Tecker, city, exectera. Jehn Snavely, deo.el, Jate et Hipbe township j Jenai H. Snavely, Hiphe, aud Jehn Stehmae, Eit lletuptleld, executers. Rbert llegK, drceased, late or Celcratn township, Rachel J. Ueg; aud W. II. Hegg, Celt' nil ii, executers. Harry Myhew, decensl, late of Dru Dru Dru inore township ) Stephen Johnen, Drumerc, executer. TULrortii'iite tats. The family or Oerhart Stevens, of Dijten, Oble, are critically 111 from eatlug poisoned pickled pies fiwt. At Darien, Ga, list utebt Antheny Heady, a boy of 12, murdered Lisle Walker, a girl of 12, w 1th a bbetgun. Secretary Mauulng bas btatcd that Impor tation of cattle from Canada is without re striction. Mr. Ketns, who lived with her six chil dren en the canal biuk, Chicago, was found dead and frrtn en tbe Chicago & Alten track about two blechs from her home this mernlm. Tee llrltlsh Runbeat Firm en tbe Korth Kerth umberlaud coast baa been lest , nineteen el the crew were taved. Jndge T. C. Her, whlle returning from Devalla DIuQs, Ark., te bis home, was as aaatluated by unknown persona ou Sunday. a. Curiosity Shep. LutSatutday a little show opened in the storeroom, ou North Queen street, wblch until recently was ewupied by Pur?s Fry. Uualuesa was big en that day, and it has been fair elnce, The show is worth tbe small prices of admission that la charged te see It. Atnoeg'tbe attractions Is a tattceid woman, wbe Is covered with pictures of all kinds, from bead te feet. There nre also llvealll llvealll gaters, monster makes, a Puucb and Judy show, and a live Italian orchestra. The big teaturoet the show is a sword swallower, wbe almost a hundred times a day swallows a solid etecl sword, the blade of which is twenty-niue Inches lone He Is among tbe best performer In bis line ever seen in this city, as tbe sword is of unusual length and be conceals It lu bis body te tbe bandies. The man also Juggii, blewa flre from bis mouth aud ilea ether tnckt Who the ll.hri Out Were Last week the Yerk papera etatcil that tbe Lancaster chicken fanciers challenged them te tight a main, bnt locked out when the tline came, the folks here deny this me'.t emphatically. They eiy that they cent a man with leta of money te Yerk last Satur day, but tbe owners ere ijickennbere refused te make amain unless it was fought in the town et Yerk. The Laucater reople offered te fight any ether place, for any amount of money and at aDy time, but the Yorkers did net have enough "sand" te leave home with their cock b, and no tight was arranged. 6adden DlN2ienruce of a Stranger. YesterdHV a man who called himself G. P. Allen, regiitered Ht Northern Market hotel, oe North Q aeen street. He said that be had walked all the way from Philadelphii and lntuoded te feet it te Uarrlburg. He must have been tiizleu-i te icajh the capital in time for tbe Inauguration, for he aroseory early, tefore tbe beuse was astir this morn ing. Ab tbe weather waa very cold he pro pre Tided himself wltb au overcoat belonging te a gentleman wbe was stepping at tbe home. He h&9 net been teen elncu In U.e city. Tha Tebpgcau Hliaa Opm Te-sigUt. The toboggan slide at McUrann's park will be open te-ulght, when it 1 expected that there wilt be a large crowd In attendance The street ears will run all evening, and the beatel police arrangements for geed order will Le maintained. The chutes will le lighted by teicbea for the present until tbe locemotivo headlights errie. Many wen down tbe allde this morning and this after neon and pronounce it rare sport. Tba street ears wilt run every 20 minutes fretnSrii this evening until 11 e'clcck. A -Irk Family. Jacob Ream, pointer, 27 Derwart strret, bssalartifl family of small children nearly all of whom nre sick. The father has been out et wert hlnce Cbrlstmae, and has no roe-ins with which te support his family. His cae Is worthy of consideration by charltaole peeple. The Iligli ficioel Vacancy. The superintending committed orthe rcheDl beard haie ilclgnated tbe last Situnley of this mouth as the time for the competitive examination fur a teacher te 1111 tbe vacancy In the girls' high school statTef teacher?. Ths examination will be held lu the high bchoel building. Celd itnil Ovltln Oeldcr . Yesterday the thormemfter was away up te 45 or higher. List eight a northwester t,et In audition rapidly. This morning at sun rlne It marked from 13 te 20, eml this u'ter u'ter u'ter noen at 3 o'clock It wan down te 15 aud still falling. Commuted lur a llrarlrj. Tlrlce Painter ralseil n row t hu innlber's bouseon Mendiiy evening and Wnsarrestcil'y Olflcer Derwart. Alderman A. F. Doh Deh uelly committed him for a hearing. ir jnuim'petbulienuitaany of tie AUlnseu ft oek perlermiinccn this week, go te the erd i h nei Ei'easeariy uaposjtble.umln'cure jour reits It Is open ai all atur., aud it ceta no mere te get a geed teat tarty than a peer one late. Dlrn lu tliu lunar Kild. JO'eph Oraver, ed 60, who died lu Llttle Brltain.Tuetday, Jan. 11, a'ter a brief lllnew, was w oil known In that locality. Tni dresses w ern by MUs Hanks in " Cauillle " Wduetdy ufttrnnen ere designed and made by the celebrated Werth, of I'arls, especially te uiiuiuu, nuu me auia le oe really magnlfliunt. " Ingemar " te-night fpctue your scats. Tub Wednesday lutn.ex i tae opera house 1) play, " cainllln ; or, the Kate of u (.'euiiulie, ' will be pr. seutci. feats are cow for sale When Remus Jumredevsrht brother's llhin wall hew weru his pralus cured without B iImi iImi tleu Ollt A gned rcenrd In thirty thre years I)r Iiu'Ia Cough fyrun has nevr U'Uil tonne u CMuigri, ejld, or general hears nets. It la uon uen pari.ll. Atkinson Cook's company every night thii week. l?ee repertotre in another column, und get your I eita reserved at once If jeu mean te be. FstL - Juuuarv in. IM', In this tlty, Kutbinlel H. hell, In the4llbivirnt hlsHgn The lelatlves and friends of ihe famlly-alir, CenntCKiv Council, .Se. 8, O. U. A. 51,, me re .pectlully lnilted te auenrt the funeral, from tiU l.ta residence, Ne. SIS West I.cuien Uriel en Wtdnttaay aiternoen at two o'clock. Inter ment at Lancaster cemetery. MJttlKKT. Mew Vera Marael. New Tork, Jan. IS. rieur market dull 1 rine. li ift 0)i hniM-rflne. .' KtftJ ij common te geed tutm w ratrrn, Haa3 W geed terancy exttuMatn, M6.jlia hit-.Na 1 tied Bl.ite, K-ei Na S da, Mr e Z tied, Vf tutor, J au , 9-'L0 . t Ob., K)i(e May We Uurn Ne. 1 mixed cash, 47,"c i de JaIi., cjici ret i;ic. Oatj-iv l Whltn state, 410 1 Ne J de, JHe. i N. a mixed, Jan , MHe It) e dull i enUtrti, N'O-Me I State, 8T'4W. lurlnyn nLlnat fork dull t newrne", Ht'ftlllJ l.nrd-Jan . 6 7t May. Ktl Melasie dull at e t r fu tvt- Turpenllnedull at S9H0- ltmfn dull i stralni-il te geed. It KOI 10 retroteutn quiet i Ueftnwt, In ie, le. ri-etchtsnemtaal: sralute Livorpeul, kd. Butter Heady i Western Oraatuery, .trd I State, s;rtSJe Chee-dult tVcstern rit,llCl!0 state fac tory, l(Htl40 KX heavy; State, J0j IVcstrni 5?i. 8uardult UoOned Cutleut, C.He ; Urauu Uted. S IMOe. Tallew nrm; Vrtmn Ctty. & Ktcn nominal t Larellnn, ftlr tJ geed, fO'Xe- Co3ie firm t lair carsixs, 13 Chlc-c truduc siarlKrr, CniCJioe, Jua. 1. 9 CO vm. Market opened Wheat-Jan., ;set l'cu., 7fHei Much, rHe; alat.Ke. Cem -Jan., EXetFitu, ssijet March, tC-je t May. IWj. eits laa., tSUej ren., JiJiet March, MS: May, .1016. Cers-Tan- 111 W Teb, 111 Mareh. 112 iOi May. 1 15 Lani 'au, 8 3J Feb., 1 U I March, RS:,; May. tTS short nib l"cb , JJ KX t March, r XJ : May,t:TH Oratn anil rmililiini, rnrnlshed hy . K l nndt, ltreker. inictse, Jin ll.l e'ehHjk p. m. heat t urn. Oute. 1'urk. I ard. January J t e 12 tebrujiry Tt; s. .... 11 s 6.41 Marce TV'S ti ....1U0 e Ajjill SH is i 5: May Mi tlH' J 12 t lU'Cclpti Car Lets. Winter Wheat S3 bprlDg Wheat 71 Cern tt U.tU 197 Itya 1 Uarley 5S OU City CrudeOil 71 Head, llecelpu-llegs Closing t'rlces-S o'clock p in. Whcut, Cera. Oits l'erk. Ird. J.nuary TSm si' W ti S7 oil rebruary Tii as'i . 11 S7 6 ti March. 9 Sbi; RSliU CM AmU SiS . . 7 Mav iii-i ui wi u i: ee en city CrndeOll 7i Lira stuck Mimrt Chioaeo, Jn 17 The Drmtri' Journal re- rernt . Caltli Uectdpts, low hed ; hlpmrut. fAO , niarR-t and piicesT-aic and lerer . hlpptrgte-ri(, Kote I NO fs ,UJ. OS 10 tttH-k. era and Iwd-T. ti Ht3 fe row, -bulls and nili-d il itf :i , bulk. aai5J; Tens cattle IJi.eSil IIck1 Kecefpts. 19 no head i ihtpments, . (V head; market and jirtct-4 wera urenjr rtUKh mlnd, 14 1&8 70 ; pactitnKand Mnpine. ll&Jti SOU.ltht. M.tl6 : skips, IJMJj sheep Kectlpu. 1,'jkj nead . shipment", 0CO , hid i msrKt-l t teady . natlvr-.. t) 3fl4si. etern. IJ eetil M . lexan3,iM.i375. lanib,,i Kat Lieiett Cittle-Itecalpts, E.147 head tlpnieuts. 1 015 head ; market dull: all through consignment, shipments leNc Verfe, Scanealti. Uegs Uecelpts,7&30 head t ihtprnentu, .'0) hwvd i uarlm i'ei ; I'hlladelptiUg, 14 WVtiie ; Terfcers. (I 6 431 Ee, common te llph-, tl tifil tJ ; shipment., te - ew 1 t.rk. 8 carleid. bhrep -Ilewlpi. t400 fci-irt -. shipment, l"i: market strong 1 prime, 1 1 ,rS; talr te Heed, t S.O (jtte; common, $:si; lames, J kqji& l.ecl Steriis ana Hend KepertedbyJ. JJ. Leny. 1'ar Ijtt vaJun. ta'H. Lancaster per cent., 19D u 11.7 8 " las jne li) ' echoel '"an ... ieu lr3 " " lnierJ0yar li lif, " " in3era.yHr. 100 lc3 a . J. ,1 "... '"lOerMjiarj. ift) i Mauhelm borough ln.u 103 u-J Bxassrccri. First National Hink jce -r,i fartcam' National Btulr an 115 niten National Oaulc j.e S3 Lancaster County .SattenjJ ItauL se lis Columbia National lianlc 101 10 ChrlUana -Satlenal lirulc lue 11. Epnrata Nn.tl nal Han no lss t irat National nank Columbia 110 1J Urst Nutirnil Hank, StnuOunr 101 11m rtrsl National ltank. Marietta 10 Si' 30 rirntNatleual Hank, Mt. Jey ICO ISO Lltltz National ttanic . k M Manhelm Satlen-tl Uuifc jfj jte union National Rank, Mount Jey.. . SO Ci Nef Helland .National Hank.. ........ 100 IMJ0 (lap Natl inal Itank rj 110 Quarryvt'ie National Tank nj jie Mlzahethtewn itienal BtuiK I .1 n Northern National l!nS pe jjf . . . .. Tcasm:. stocks HtSpr1nr A Iteavvr .allty v 6 T) t'.rldifcpeitA HorsestO" jy jijy Columela A ( hr(.ti,ut Hill se h (.OJUmblaA Hdhtnt;!eu , te S4 05 Cene-toa A Rig -pring a ) Celnmtila A Marietta sj $3 Mayuiwn ft hitzabeiJitewn SJ f) L&ncatterA Epnrau 23 41 Linrastcr A willow Street IS 43 M Mnubnru A Mulpcrt 2j jj Martet'aA Mayrnwn a 60 MartnlUt ft Mount Jey 53 jj, Lane , RUzabtthtewn A Mlddlctewn! In) 70 Lancaster & rrultvUle te 61 lncaatcr ft Lltltz a 71 Lancaster.. WUiiamstettu sa 107J0 Laucaaterft Maner 60 lw Lancaster ft Manhulta 31 EiM l.aacaaler.i MarletiA a ) Lancaster A New Hellaad lui ej KtacatuxHOTT. ft-reras. East Brandy Im, A Wayuesburg .... re .a -uarryvuiMK.lt -M 1,3 MIlliTHVllle Btn-et Car .... $!, e InrjulrtDK I'rlntlng Cempiny 40 ra tiiuiit and Fuel Company 5 2i btnvcne lieuw (IVnids) i n, Columbia Gu Company ;a jj Celumhls Water Ceiipany ;d 10 susonnhannalren Company ju a Marli'tu Hellew. warn 100 ae 10 JtMTena lleus. 50 iu, UlllersvUle Nermal Scheel " i 13 Northern Market u S3 KaHUirn Market . fjj Western Market '.'.'.', ;0 &2.;j vJincester Ctty btrrct Hidlway Ce 50 re Omi Company Henda in) 113 Columbia liernuirh llemls in) Jul LlucajterA Susqnehanua, sj sen uancrwtr ft New Danvllle II Onarryvllle H U T ltu iji v, lleadlus Columbia K. u..ra lue Wi Honsrhelil Market, DitBT. Creamery Hatter llnttttr Ti ft Dutch Chorsev lump recn bt. Cnrtng Ch'ckens, Vp Chlckuna y e- (livj Cbickins V pit-ce (cleai ed) Hue V pr (live) Duett, telt-nned) Turkuys (cie-nud) 'lurkeyi (live) dtes- icumued)..... Oeebe (live) UtSCStLAkltOCS. Apple llntter f) qU riOf Vd"Z H'jm-y ta z Laid M & ' CldirUHal ' lie ..MtJic ..t'Slie .... Mart 80c ...t-XQILfru n0'0 .... Iifiie tuQCoe . llui(tl 73 ..1."J2eu &0ijc .. CS3S0 ,.S3Q1 2c U: 101 te Bauer Jvraut 'it raciTa. Apple J i nk ItanansBp rtez Cocea- u 1 -, oath lemons n oer tiriugCHf dez (iraiwi-p a I'eirB TR H pk vzeitrASLaa. Ltrai Beans, qt abbair-, 03 hi-ad It tta f) hoi-eh Ciullflower.U h-ad ewt-nl "Htm. is W W 11k lsMe ,.ra no ...iatcc ..lte1k ,.tvK40e .irt '0 . ih;jce ....l!n . le .WJlte ivZ"je lOffJKJ . ..''tlt.0 I urnips K P KQi Tunilps, buahul i V iaixs,VKl' n Mff.TO 0 IfJflJI rifrjunHHi;8(raeh) tinleun, M Hpk Carret. Jl bunch Ci-l-iy, f bunch ...9WS0 ... CJlOu 50 KO lte M.O0 .... IJ.4) ...7twiji ...8iO0l . ... ree t9e M0 Hemii lemluy. Vat Fleur V bbl .". Faucy Helier Fleur Hhal Oats Cern (nhelled) " Cern, td K pic r-je eiu.8z, Hay 0 ten Clnvuwi-d V bus 'Iluiethy film Herd l.ru ft bin O'thatd Onui t' bus Mixed l.awn (irasians V bes VLnrn AVn nn.tv ' ...,ti;ss3je f2M !M t."3 M(') flM Ill t:sj luuu'iuiiuiuaa v nut ........ ... felraw y ten rluxseedV' bus run. Halibut 4t Ik Catflhllb ,., U)ttrsV 1M hia liass , HlueHtb , fcturgeen , Fluundurs MS1TS. ljinibVB Mllttnn l& Vnl V A llccfVft r-iiusuire ft ft , , l'udiliuir u ft Ham V S, whele Ham V ft. klleud JUrnn V lt lirli-d i.ef i or llole,nat7 qr CeniJlcetVa I (K 1 IL.aeaaa...,................. Habbits ..........;.: ...l5S5e ixe VH W 10O tee hti lOe ....lMJJOe lGjilee ....lCrtl'0 IQICe .. .. l-'e 10.) ....I83'0e zla 120 loe ISO Hi ...IWlJe ...l5i.ue f Mew TnriJBetkl. Jliw Yckk, Jan.,18,1 B. ru. Meney leaned at ttts percent. ExehatBtradyt posted rnt IWyiPC OeveniiiientasBy Currency 6', II U bid! t's Coup, lls:(bt(sjfssdill 1U. bid. the stock market npetld icvetlsh nndun.et tied, and dittlug the QtstBUf hour aptvssure te sell some ct 1 he lcadlu z ilecks broke prices lui 1H er rent Allertha Qjl rail prlcis steadily stn-ntitheued under the lead et tha of the emit stocks, und the decline efHhent it hour was fully t-eceveted by midday. Sleck .vsihal. Uuntntleus by llced, Mc Itann .1 te , tinkers Ijincatter, !' stw tesic tut tl t.. V. 12 M. Jr. N Canad. I'aclde ;' C c u 41 ejif eiji Colerado Ceal kC 3 W Central l'ae li"; til; 41 Canada Southern e9 ei t Chl-et I. ft I'Kh . K.S lcu. ftltleu , t 1V1. Uft W l li UiU 'no s.; fyVj u hrle, ud ." (H Jer C fit tl (J)! K T... siC s K jiQ Leu. A N ij tsw MS L. Shere i; M 94J4 Mich Cen v V 1W l MLeurt I'atlfle ; lt7 N. I'. Prof eutj eetj ee s. "est. us lias us( n T.e ! llJlJ Fast Tonutstee c... im 1IJ .... Omaha m iviV: Jif Oregon Trnnsiiorutleu ItX 8.'?J r Ontario A W . 19 I'aclflc Matt.... Ml; ;i, SIVf llech ft I ! St. raul n ip Sin, ix l'ae -.t, i- aii t'nlen l'ae (j M2 Wab.whcem 1; 17 15 wabisb 1'ref .. seu xiv 70s, wstt-r V , jsi 74' 73 w,t Hhore tlends 1SH New FiiKlaiet ji tlv( (i nuLAi'itruu uar. Ih. lal re l. J ft I'htla .. . in 1 a tl It VK fS Wl lleidlnu i r lv, Leh Nuv 5.1C liitenv.ras l'.A K N Cent lVepnras Udif. Qen'U i(j OH 7iS TIN 7j AJlr ADXERTlSlllIEXrS: pAKINQ VOWDEK. HU 4 K POWDER, Absolutely Pure. Tllli pe"d8r never vaiias. A manel of purtlt.stmnirtiiand wDieeinnnen. Mmv economical than thn erdtnar) kind and cannot be told In competition with the multltudBOf low teL short weight, alum or phipnAte ixwden. 6 4(1 only m cans Itevju. lusuna I'ewnsa Ce 106 Wall Street. New Yerk. niay-7 1dftw 'CUOOTINO MA.TCII TOR riOHONS AT ' ' v.- L. Uauek's Landt V-dlcy Motet. Thnrs day aftcrircKm. January W, lj All spirtuen are rtspccttuliy Invited. JlSSld WA$1 rANTKD-A MALE NCKiE AT KO. 47OCTH PKI .UK iTH'EI. J"Mul be well rtcemmendt d It nRAND 3AUKR KIUU I' Lrvpft THIS VT evening nt Ne 111 and 111 North CJicen rtreet. Ale Kech ex's nJ liaufner'a iur en draught. Leme, or, pem a 1 IU AOAM Mla-HLICIT Proprietor. "N ESTAULlSUCD BuilSFSSrOli il 3LK. l'reaiable s'e omptl'len leu tral N rhirgpa ler coed wi 1 1 undlitonsef l lie saUsfactbry. uoei r. n .... f r(-llr., Apjlyte lllU.-M in ft DUKNS, Keal Cstate Agts , Ne .u u ai uraega 3L JanlJltdll T11E ANNUAL srockueLonKS VfiPtlnfref the AmetlcAn Mcehaul 4 Kuld lie nd Lo'ie Association wi 1 be held at thn dice nt ilia. ". Kujand, kq Ne esf -eutb I'uke "trrct, en Mendsy ETntnir, Janairy !4, 137 E ee inn of encers sin etrwctrfr tie eisuiii(feir JullS" il Kb IM, Jtel7-Jtd ' creury. AGAIN AHEAD. ina . raimer, r-e. t suin aeu strcei, i.an fastr fa , li another who trl5 all kinds of n.cdlcJQO (or h's ceuxh, for tire yar, but he set no relief until he tried Ooehran'd Couch Otire. One boitle of which hn'red Mia mere than ALL THE OrllKK JlCDli 1NL3 lit TOOK. (intriii'wiS te tlve satls'actlen or jn nev re funded by the sjle icanuiactarcr. 1'rloeSio.n bjltle H. D. OOOHRA.N, Drufffrlflt, Ne 1J7 ft 1W North quenn t., Ijinrantwr, Ta Ce-hran'a clfAM OF hOSKa euros and ore ere Teuu chapped hands and f ict-s. runs lyeedlt ANCASTSR RINK. The Last Skating! Grand MasqneradeGarnival -AT- LflHCRSTZR KIW WEDNESDAY EVLMNG JANUARY 19, 1S37. GUAND rEOMi::-DE AT 9 30. Dancmfj Prem 11 te 2 O'clock, i-Don't mill the last thince Cztra Larce Jtaud aud OrcbesUa. bSUydll lklSSOLOTlON OF PARrNUKHUIP. A J oiUels berehy given thai the pirtner ship la'cly sub'lstlnir between a II Hheifltr II II Kuiper, J. L. tlnve una L I! Helper, of Lancioter tlty, ''a., under lb Ann narne of " Ilin Chun, ion lllewer and t ere C' mpany," waa dl solved en the dmt day e January, I6i7, bv mutual consent AU flliu ewiij te the laid partnershlDare te b r celrt-d by tha raid A it. snoatrerer U 11 Helper aud all diimnndi 01 tha eatd partnership uie tobe preienudte thiinferpiimtnt. a k Micrrcu, it b KPii'in, J L. HHTE, L 1) Etlt-LK. N'otlre la hPreby givsn that au appiioitlen will bemade toth0(f"erner of tha t'in or I'enn sylvaela en atnrday, January r A.D !tS7. by A. II. Bheatrer, II II Helper J L Huyp, L 11. KelnerandH M tnuser. under the Ae. of As temDiy of the Commonwealth e! enn-yl anU entttlud " Auuct te provlde ter the Incorpora tion and retruUtlen et certain coiperatlous," appruvrd April S3, 'ST, and the supple infills thereto, for the charm et an Inu-nd-nd coiperullou, te b called "The Cdiimplen ltloeuruiiu Kergo Cempjuy of I am aster, t'enn H)lvanla" Iho cburacur and object Is te niaiiuficture aud soil 1'ertabta and uit uiry iuTnei, llandand l'ewer Hleaers.TIre I'onecr. lu) vr Irons. Drill I'refS s, ile , and enjoy nil the rights, bentflts and privileges et theield Act ui Atiumbly und Ha supplement 11. M. HOUSf-Il. JSSldl'h bellct et. N encij. Equitable Mortgage Company. CAPITAL, - 5000.000. DEBENTURES Guaranteed Farm Mortgages. erric-Ki I ftiaur.URS, New letk, iai Ilreid- way. Hesian, 53 4'enrt street I'hlladtlphla, lis b.4th stimt. Jl tt'.naa City, 7th. t Del. ill ecu. CJ.Vl nal. wtUK, 67 Coiteu Nat, HanV, lles. ten TthNat Bk.Phll d'a Am Nat. Uank. Kanins I'l N. I Ll'y. for rates et Interest and full Information snNu reu l'AMPiitiKT, -TO- JA0OB B. LONG. Breker, I" N.f SQUAIlK, LiNCASTEH, PA. air Mortgpei, ileal estate, Inauranre. Mecks, Ileuds and tiinlu. Lccul i-leiks and lleuds a fcPctlcUv. iupt:umas.li,tbmw w OUMOUa UAKUA1NS. B rices 01 Claeks DEEP ROCK BOTTOM. Theso In sonreh of ENORMOUS BARGAINS nre jre.tly BurprlEOd nt our veudertlllv REDUOfclD BARGAINS. Beyend n doubt, TU1S 13 YOUR TIMK. Jeseph L. Rau & Ce., THE Ne9. 136138 North Queen Streel-, .ViT W AD I'i'R TIXBitEXTa. OriCKUYAUKSOLrTIONefTllK Xl Uortef mrectOM n tuivitlnKOf theSt .ok .ek .ok heldeia of tbe t nne ter city ativet Hallway i einptny will be held In the fttevrns llea Parler, this ctty. en r HI HAY. J1AULII H. 1M at 7 e clock j iu, lertha pnrpoeotTollUK ter eragalntan tnctuasent thf-captia' stock. JiuillOtdtu '11101 11 CVilHUAN, Fei. rpKN CKNT. I OK A lKKL00r.D, X tensheet Pack of TOlLKl' I'AfKil. Hae sold laiRtly of It durliiK the last thue mouths and ceimdrr Its quality equal te any hlghur prtcvd paiiet lu tte market A large liieli.e upcued ui HUllLEY'S nitt'O 9TOKR. fi Uml Ktn.-tnvU TrtOlt KENT TIUKU AND KOCUTI1 : t loom of Hlmh A llrethcr'a llutldlnir. Nes. 6 and e North Queen strvet, new occupied by The cummlnics as a nrst-class photograph gallery IU be routed ri-ratenn of ears. tll7-ttdlt I11I1SH A HUOlllKKS. rtini: l'LACK TO BUY -IS Al- Rehrcr's Liquor Stere. 1DUULIO SALK IMPOUTANr TO baccn rackers-On wednusday, January 19, 1S57, will be sold 1 r stnraja. at 1 A.Mayers Tobacco IVarcheuse, N 18 1 et Chestnut street, S Screw Ptvsei, t-erttuif Tables, lilns. Cases, Platleim Scales. Press Ueards, a Heed stove, alargelotet lutnuer. ete. lte co-rmince at 1 o'e'ock i u II bHVUElir, Auctioneer 11 L rtati it, Clerk janKJtd H. OKllllAKT, Fine Tailoring. A Hflductlen of ts per cent ou all Heavy Weight bultlng and Overee-itlnp te make room for my lanje spring Importation, 'thltrvduo 'thltrvdue 'thltrvduo ttenls for cash only. tjr Material and Workmanship the Very llesL H. GERHART, Ne. 13 N Ql'EKN 8T Opposite the Posternco mart7-lvdlt XrOTlCE. i- 1H H A. STRSCH.VV, who carrled'en thnmusle buslnrs with North A Ce , in Centra quaie. ha. purchased w. li Mever's Muilc hter, ie Hi erth Queen stnet. where she In. tends cairylesr en 'he same business In tbe fu ture, and invites ber customers and trleudste ell and pjtamlne b--r s'eck et small Musical .MerchindLe. tth-et Mnslc, Ae Alse aei-nt for the lamonsaed widely known Maen A Hamlin man. HtHker and Ilalnes tires. Pianos, sew luir MacM"e .Ac IV 1) M ser. who'retlres fnvn thobuslness. extends iianv kind thankstibls numerous ens-ten-ersand Iriends for their liberal patronage lnt'upsst, ahd dislrus the eime ferMia Mia Chan lu the futur. Janl7 2t -VTOTlCi: OF INSL'itANCC ELECTION. ANNITAL MEnTINO Lecciiter Hcee ilefui! Fire Insarcsce u. The twenty-fifOi annual neetlnc of the mem bers will b b-id at tbeofTlceet IhHcempAny, Ne. I!7 Ea-t Klnit street, Lancaster, Pa. en Fri day the 21st Uay of January, 1SS7. at 7 o'clock p. m , at wfili b tacr-tlnir uu rlei ten for 1 hrre Hl Hl reiters tosetve for the ensuing three ears and Tb ee Auditors te serve for ine year, will be held b tweeu the hour, of? and 8k 1 m. of said flay. Ihe mnual uepert of the Ofiloeref the Com pany, and also tfcat of the auditors, will be submitted te tatd tneeitnj, and each business triuct-d as may Im presented or called ter. All icraens tusuted In said cempsny are tLt-m-bers therseT. and intltltdte participate le tbe election audeiher proceedings, and ara respsct lully luvlt-d te aitoed Tty etder of the Heard of Hlretter. JinlS 3:d C. II. LLFUl lit., sccictary. e AK HAM DCT ALL mc CLOTUINr. Teu Cas XOTT. The Trices ate Lewer, Much Lewer, and the Assortment la Geed. WANAMAKnE & llHOlVN, Oak Hall, Southeast CeiiNEn Sixth anu Mah ket Sts., TniLAIiELPlIIA. H nisa it BHOTunit. COT PRICES ! CUT PRICES ! OUT PRICES AP.E ALSO RULING IN UNDERWEAR IT PATS TOU TO BUY THK3E GOODS NOW AT THE rillCE3 WE ARE SELL- ISO THS.M AT BOYS' UjNDERWEAR, WTilte Merine Undeaweir 20e. and i-'e. Gray Cameit httr Hndeiwear, lie Sle and He. 1'ed tinunei tJndcrwear, K);. and Tic. We Lave these goods la all sues. MEM'S UNDERWEAR White UndorwearatlSr and 25c. dray L'ndeawearatSSe. ivhltoaierlne Under rar at fle and COc, tirav (.smelshalr Undi-rneir at W-. yill-Woel Iti-d Klan e Ubdercrt 47c. All-Weel Mtdlcaud Underwcai at 75c We Are Still Galting the Prices lu OVEE00AT3, SUITS, PANTALOJFS, KNIT JACKETS, WO'LHN SlllUTS. uLovEs.uesttnr, an'din At.Ler eua LiNisj or ruusisu- I.VQ aOODS eW-rhosegcodBUJuttbe sold. ler se need the room. ONE-PRrOE Clothiers and Purnisliers, cea, neuth queen rr. un uxstub tl'aiii., LtK rwn p4 HIRSH I BROTHER, jijir wen. . D -UAYti TOCCUUU- LEADING AND l'OLTLVU CLOAK A A If AU 'HK VJS A'.tf a'A M DE MONTEBELLO. "W 1LMAM30N it KOSTEIL I'omiiniulcatleii by 'lVIt'jilieiU'. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. In the Arena of Lew Prices -THE- BEST QUALITY WINS ! Children's Overceau.ll V t: ea, i: .te. Chlldreu'j Dress SulU, ILA 117'. UOO Eoys'Scheol Suits, IJ.V Jl CO, MAA Heys' Dress Suits, II t' 15 CO, 10 00. toys' OverceaU, ri, 1110. 14 te. Oenl'a Dress EulU, D CO, (10 CO. ItlOO Gent'a Overcoats, M W, tl.ti, tn 09. Gent's White Shirts, li Dezen, at IV). Each. One Caie Very Heir; w hite Merine Ueut's Shirts nud Drawers, "c Each Beys' Cardigan Jackets, 3 De:en at Me. Ka-h Ocut's Jersey Drew Gloves, i Uezen lit 1 I'alr. Men's Heavy Cushion LMek Weislnif Sttipcu ders, 13 Dezen at lOe. n fair. Gent's and Uey'aSH'jrelt Dram Uata, 5 Deisn attOcEach. Men's Fur Caps One Dellar Men's Heavy Cleth lani.CGe Each llorse CUnktt", TOe., 7 Je , tl ' Carrlase Whips, Me. tfich ' Gent's Uatmjral orCenrj '. dte.. 11.1 J snd II 0. Eoys Grain r.uttea (Jaltcra, tnall Sit, tOc. and II 55 Eoys' Morocco Oat'eu Galtera, 'mail FU-s, I IM and ti:3. MHes' Shoes, ., fl ), 11 It. A Specialty for Ladies. HlUUCUr OLOrEEll) E0AED BQL'AEE TOE OUrEft, TWENTT DUTTOSS. 9Ja WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 5 81, 3G hiiJ 3S Kant Kluy 1-t., LANUABTKU. PA. Stere oleeea at i o'clecs y. in , Monday and e&tnrdayeicepted. rUU BAUK UU HJSltl. FOlt RKNT TUC SrORK HOOM NOS. 33 and 33 couth Qaen sttfet, unliable for anyhlnd of buslnpss t presmt oecuidod hy JullusLeeb Wholesale Notions. JanlOtfd FOR IlENT SECOND AND THIRO Heer', N'es Zt and M East HInK strent, wlthelovater Huttablofnrulmestany hustnesb UrntLew. Call en JJ.l'. Ml Ai.KllulJsE, JanlM d Ne. 3J Last King St TJtOU RENT-AT MODERATE TERMS, AT NO 43 SOUTH DUKE bT, A most desirable tmltn of moms for lodging or business purposes. Apply te r.H ' IUTL. JanS-luid Ne 411 North DnkuStttet ("HOOPER HOUSE FOR RENT. J The t.oepor Heuse, one hair square f'nit Centre 8o.naieand Opera Housh. and near both taUread depots. This Is ene nf thn largest und hostheus"s In the tlty. iJire Sale and Ex changn ttablei, bit nr.t-cliu. xossi-Sclen en .ipm 1st. WM. J. COOI'BH. li ?OR RENT EAW OlTlCEi TOR it en r. Frem and after Anrll 1. 1&7. at Ne. 41 Seuth Dukontrret A most doslra'ile sulte of nfrl'ea near the court Heuse, with all modern com onl enl euces. Apply te E O K. I1.VTE1. Jan8-lind Ne 413 North Ouke Street. 17011 RENT FROM AI HIE 1, A FIRST J f'LAHH KAltM Or IH ACUE, two miles from the cliy. Keur Acrmet Londen Heck'and strfft, Keur Acres et Land In thu eUtnh Ward sain and Exohauge dtables aujelnlne n calern Hetel Lurg'' thrcotery Urlck Dweillnpr, J30 West Ormi.u street tlne fruit yard thrime. ruull lieuica en itecklaud, church nud Jehn striieu. Terms tcaBOnarjie. Apply te J13ld Illll-II lAUneTIIRH, "JTIOR RKNT. 1? A I arite Fnnr story Dwdllnir. wlthalaige back, bnlldliii, sultable ter k bnurdlng house. Alse Ice Houses that win held A e tens of lee. A 'Jbree-Stery Hrlck shop, with tlrst-elats Eake evana a LarKO stable, with carrloze Heuse aud liar-ue-a Koeiu Apply te JOHN 1. f-KtLES.end 10IIIA8 UOVEK, Amlaiipfsef Jes. iv. iteyirund wife. lutill-2wdlu,ThAb Ne,6WebtKtUKSL pun L10 SALE. On rriPAT,JAuAnT il, ISM. At the Leepard hotel, en Fast King atrcnt, will tin told that valuahle Threo-itery lilUCK KKSI. UKnCK, m !I4 Kast timtiKO street Ttuhouse li lirge cenvenleutly atraiiKed, nlcely papered and in K' e 1 order It obtains 18 oeins, a hath room with het and oeld watr, and waiercleeu rurnaculn nllar. The let freuta'H feet,6lnehe en uninKe street, and Is 1I3X feet deep. Imme diate possession aud terms easy. tjaje tocemmenooat7o'elock p.m. Al.Lvs A. HEItlt, Ileal Ettaln and Insuranre yi-iif, Ne 103Ea4li(lnir -nut II. Bucmbt, Auct, 'aulJceu m at ! E NOHMOUM I1AK0AINM. Puces en Clenks HOUSE, Nenr P. P. Ii. Station. .VA'II AX) VKKTISFllt.Vl.TxT 1T0R RENT-TI1E PROPERTY NO. ltl A Centre Square uid na a . Igarttn-afer ev. erftljcara alithesuli iiundrnrath thn atom. Apply te OLOUUK . reMLlNHON. at-herllTi eai;" latiStldli MARKEEY'S "VARA HEAUT1KH" I lear n.ler Havana I Ive Cent CUnr. Is crouimrnded te levets of a uenuluu llmana Cigar. At M AUK LK1 . 1 ellew rrtmt," ,. , .. Ne.si North guewn atnwt frntioetlv tlartinati'm J ACOlt P. HIIEAFFERH PURE RYE WHISKY, ang7.1yd!t,KE 8TUKET QWOR 8T0HE. ri'RY CEARKEH Toboggan Slide Evaporated Peaches. 1 we pounds fere i pounds SIIred Peaches ti1'.?0;,' apeun"New t'runosferuo. 1 pound. New llal.lns for te. 1 der en Larae llrlght '.Ifil.'..' ,Sa : . ' a"ZKn "mall Oranxes, loe. . IThtta drapes. r. and tic. porieund? c'etlees lic teltle per pound. vv.i, CLAl.KKS'lKA ANDCerrr.KSTOItE, JirTelephene 7&n ipl A U. ROSENSTEIN, A BARGAIN. Owltu te the elese of the Kail and Wluter Sea. son, 1 havii pnrrh.-d ene tnore iiIpcii of theso rtrfant Hravy Hark llluw Kiiidlnh cheviets, at a redu.d rtee. 1hiv eie our tiest seller, and sold nt tlMO and haviire.liiccd them te thn low flgiire elraut M ide and trimmed eleirauUv aud above all, atierint nt. A. H KO.tENS'rr IS. rine latlertnir, 37Nnrthliiirtirlt, pERSONS WISH 1 NO TO MA (6: MONEY STOCK?, GRAIN', TllOTISION'S AND OIL, 5U08Vs!,E!,Ne7r.E,ALi'Nf, WSx-Mf e?i s LAKUK 1.UTS tV ONK l-KU CENT CA-II M UlUl.VS. Tan Dollars wld, for exninple, cover ten 1100 Sharrs.erl i e hu hcls et tiram Ezplauatery I'amph.et rrec. QUOTATIONS WlItrD Orders and Margins rucclrtd hy loleKraiuet LAURIE & CO., STOCK HUJKEIi", ' AL'ODKAIEltl IN I'OllElUN EXCHANGE. BOO BreadwHy, New Yerk. "Tbe rnmherj of th Ann are .. centlemrn nf 3perlnucn and high maudlii, lu thu Grain and stock cemmissluu business .. and amnrijr til ir refctcuc. arn a nuiehcir of tha Wain Hanks." "A'rtu 1'er Cemmirelnf A"u.f " ' lliey havnastAlnirss rncenl. and thelr bona rides am Indlspntahie . thn tepntatleu of thn flrui Is such, that raule ein rest tusun-d et ro re ctlvlnir tblr pruflta tbe moment they are made, no tauter a hat t-eawiuul n .y be -. .... . .. li?tw fork Euntny Itltgram lyllSmtcedAw s aPEcivi. ter Trust week -IN- ROBES, GLOVES, Eur Caps, Pur Cellars -AND- FDR TRIMMING. -AT- T.ie Jeidhig Uul mill Fnr neuse. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 31 Qui 33 North Qucen Streot, LAVCVSTEU PA. JO-lTdAw TflLINN & BRENEMAN. BUY THE GENUINE OLD STYLE iAMD-M0 If -AT- FLIP & BREMAN'S, Ne. 152 North Quesn Streot, LANCAETEIl PA. juvavjicnia. F ULTON OPERA IIODHE. WA ONE WEEK-COMMEVCINO MOllDAY, JANUATtY 17, IOCS. Wo'neideynnd Batuiday Mntlnee. ATKINSON&COOK'S STOCK UOMPANV. I'li-st Appearanoe et the Tidenti-d Yeiing Amtrleau HL-oiety iayorlte, Miss MAUDE UANKH. Iletnrn of ti Tepular LfndlnT irtei, Mil, EI i: UULL1VAN. l'olive Aiipimiuuea of the wall-known tins ten Theatre Ceinidlau. MIt JOHN l.OKAYEv Anducnmpoleiit ceupany of Thorough Ar tiste. Tuesday Kvlnir " INdOMAIl." Wednesday Mailue.i ...."t.AMU 1,1;." i.flnsday f.vruliii; ... " I.U'ITK EMILY." Thursday nvenluK ."Til it I. iUVnr 1.1 0N8." fttday veiling " BLOW Knit HLOW " Hatniday Muttuue Tiihn snueunced. Saturday Mght "HIVOKCE.'j Special Bceneryeveryplay. Cutclnm and Klee trio LUht Lirects by the N'e Verk Culclum Light Ce , Ilo-ten. CT-IMI Cr-8 ... le, iAtQ CENTS rcau low ou tale juull-td Yl ji- iijilt?W- ' " .iU ,tt tf , :frfrd3raj ., JiM&likfrititJimti, V. JU&At .tiU