wrw-n IO4. JJ vI "V. ia-iA.'- t i VWK wV V 1 It Llhtllen l VU a Man a Cir T Albert 11. WaUer, of 11 triftirtl, Uenn., began te prf"' lil iiilt fur 1111 against the Chicago 'J'ribimt botero Jutlije HIimIkeU In the Unltml Mlate court llie ollier tUy, olalm elalm lug2.),H,liiiii,KO'. Tlie plalntllf ! "I wretOHii eawy en 'Tim Iiifllloemiy of the Lewer llomtief (JeiigreM,' whleli wa pur pur eIimihI by Thu ('aiiltir nntiipiuy Hiul pub. llalieil In .Septtiinlx'r, ljwfl. Later 1 wrote Hint puljllilieil n l implilet en 'Tim l'aynn llrlliery Caie iiihI llie t iiltnl Htalea Senate,' which Kitro urn n vnltiiiOIti nml wlile literary ropiilatleii." It U tlum ilmrgiKl tlmt the do de do femlaut proper iMiblHictl a "lalsn, malicieus: mill iloUtnatery libel," Anions ether thing concerning I''0 piinplilet en the I'ayne caae, tht Chicago 'JYIMtiitf nalil . "It li plainly thn clttiMen of n rraiik," In attswer In the ilfclanillen Mr. Trtlilc, ntterney ler thiiiliifiiiiilant, llli'a n ileiuurrer nattliiK forth that thn wen) crank, "en which the libel Is lumeJ, NiUmcflbeil III n dictionary a machinery having a ulreular motion, and an Kb the plaltitlll te llle an aojepbiblit dolllll delllll dolllll tlenol the word. What tha Hebrews arn lining, N. Y Cerr.nl l'liUiuk-lililu Lciliier. Whlle oilier poeplonro bilking aliulitcatab. llshlng doheola for teticlilug beya mid yeuiiK men trade, in erder te obtain meaiia of naif-suppert, ami wlille the rtioitleu la do de do luteit Willi mere or leai oariieetnnaa whether theae aolieoM alienld be inalntaluml at the public coat or by private llberallty, the llobrewa, In a ipilet wax- ', have "beiib and tlone.IL" About eighteen mentlia age theywunt te work amuiiK theumelviw and eaUbllauuJ technical institute, by private donallena ainetititliw te 3l,tl.VitM ler the Drat year, where their youth worn taught ilrawliiKi weed carvlnj.', metal work, foundry work, etc The tlrst cWtt of 17 uiniubera will le graduated till week at the lunlltutn build build leg In Htuyes.itit HtreeL There are alx clai'i In nil, ami tlie average attomlatice dur ing tlie year nniM. Thulr duturiiiluatlen la te multiply theae aoheola an rapidly aa jmxwI. bio, a II te tn.ike kkkI the decay of the ap ap prenllce yiitcui, which loci (oerner II 111. In hli la.it niiniial iiiiunage, te uiake thin liiimll atlng roiilcmleu : itellable atatlntlcn preve that a large majority of all aklllcd werkiueu In thlaautu are el turelgu birth, but low na tive born American being found In any of the mero preinliienl InduntrluH, n Tict lull et nlgnlncatice and one that lurnlitiin leu-t for the moil notions rolluctleu." Ilutieiit Men rrein the Detroit Frve l'reia " 1 tell you honeat men are net nil dead yet," he he Id an he returucil te his slelgh at the central markeL " Uore'a n rebe which could have been aeld te me for a bear nkln, but the dealer Iraukly Informed me that It waa nothing but gait.1' "Hew much did you pay?" "Only til." " M'ui. Same man aeld me one for a bear akin and didn't aak but IS." Au K.lllnr'1 ynerr. r"rem the Martha' Vineyard lleratd. la it ecullar te grcatnen T Mr. Illalne hai the rheumattim, l'rosldent Clovelaud hai II, and we have a touch el It euraulvei. Tu CeiiiuuiptU. or the( wllh MKAk Ian?, 'pitting ' bleed, hnmebltl, or LI ml nil mru'tlmi u( llircvit or limit, "mid HI cent In nlniiii for Dr. It. V Pierce's trntl.n en thi-ie intuitu- Ailaren the doctor, llurXaln. N. V W ,"Aw A Chance for llcaltli la afforded these r.int sinking Intea condition of hopeless debility. The means are at linn J. In the form et a genial medicinal eerilt.il, lluitt't tm Htemacb llltlvra rmlimll the ceuiblncil 'luatlttea of a blueU furtl lar and depurtint, a tonic and an altnratle. Whlla It proiuetet dl- feitlnn ami assimilation, aid sllmulaUa apne. It. bai tbn turtber vriM'tiir purifying the life current and MrcuK'lienlnt; the nervous itystnin. Aalbi t,liK)d grows rteber and jiurer by lis u ttirj- vbnrvsert te thisiterllnir medicinal aneiit aciutra net only vlrfer, hut be illy ubunc. A liraltbtul cbftDKe In tbe secretions li elTi-ctt'd by It, and t bat tutu and rapt J physical decay.wbleh a chronic obttrurtlen of the functions of the yettui preduc.wl Uarivte.1 The prlum causes of dl4-ae trlnjc muievwl. btaltbU iH.udllv rcn OTaleit and vlgxr ii-slored, Jtel,1 lhrr Is Nethltie hurpruleg In the fict Hint Uonsen's t npilue l'lasters aru wldrly Imitated . tbntclieapaud worthless plas ters with namrs of similar sound, and similar appearance In type aie freely efTsml for sale. Articles of grrat and erUlnal merit always bav toceinpeto with trasbrtuiltatlens lint as they become known thy die out through deserved neglect .Miinwbtlt we warn the public against the n-CitlH-4l ' t apslcittn, ' Capulfln," Cmu cln," and " Capstclnn " plasters, whutlier ' H.-n ten's," " Uurten'a," ei otherwise. lhe barn no medlclaal ercurattve vlrtne4 wbateur, and are made te suit en tbn reputation et Ik-nsen's. When purchasing usk for Uensen's, deal with rrspecttble druggists only, and you cannot be deceived Tbe gcnulne huojlhe Tbiwi Seals " tmde-mark en the ctelb and the word Cap rine " cut In thortuitre. lsulii SI.W.m ivkvijl jtuneea. " I1ACKS1KTACK " a lasting and migrant per fnmu, 1'rlcu ilnnd M cnu. rnrsaleby II. li. Cochran, Druggist. .Ne. 137 North lluix-n street. flecktiiu's Arnica ttslve, Tbe H.-tBalVH In tbe world for Cuts, llrutses, fieres. Ulcers, Halt Kheuiu, rover Sep's, Tuttnr, Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, and alt Hkln Krupltens, and positively cares Piles, or no pay niulrud. It Is guamnt.'ed te Ktve perfncl satis faction, or money refunded. Price '23 cents per box. rer sale by II. 11. Cecnran, Druggist, 137 and IIEI North Uii"in stre.it, Lancaster. l'a. UATAKUII CUKKD, benlthand iswl breath secured, by Nbtleb's Catarrh Komedy. Price .V) cents. KsMal Injector free, for sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. IS) North Uuren street. Actlvv, Puslilng and Krluble. II. II. Cochran, I)mggtt, 137 and 13) Ninth Queen street, Inncaster, l'a, can always tie ro lled uien te cirry In stock the puiest and best iroeds, and sustuln the reputation of being ac tive, pnsblng and reliable, by lrcntmnctullng articles with well established merit and such ns are twpular. Having the agency for the cele brated Dr. KIuk's New DUcevery for coinunip ceinunip coinunip tlen, colds and coughs, will sell It en aposltlve guarantee. It will surely cure ailj and every affection of tbruit, luni;, and chest, and In elder te preve our claim, we ask yuu te cuit and get a Trial llettle r'ree. tl) HLKKl'I.KBH NKillTH, made miserable by that terrible cough. ttblloh'aCiireistho temedy for veu. rersalutiy II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North Queen street. The hrst inrdlMl witters claim that the suc cessful remedy for naxal catarrh must be nen-lr-iltatlng, easy et application, and one that will, by Its own action, reach all tbe remote sores and ulcerated surfaces. Tbe history of the el forts te treat catairh dm ln the past few years obliges us te admit that only one leiuedy his completely met these conditions, and that Is Ely's) ream Halm, 'ibis sale and nleaantre. medy has mustered catarrh as nothing else has ever dene, and both pbysiclans and patients freely concede this tact. The mere distressing symptoms ulckly yield te It, li'iwdeed&w HltlLOll'B UATAKUII UKMKDr a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherle, and Canker Meuth, rer sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. J U8T AS UOOD. Don't allow anyone te make you bellove any ether remedy Is just as geed ler sick hendachu as Dr. Leslie's Special l'lescrlptlen, ler It Is net true. This Is thuenly lemedy In the weild that strikes at tbe loetol tbe dtseasu and drives It out. Ulvultu trial. UIIILOII'H CUUK will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Ilronehltls. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street, Ttie l'upulatleu of ljiiiiM(t-r Is about 3e,(i), and wu would say at least one half are troubled with some aircctleu of tbu Threat and Lungs, as these complaints arn ac cording te statistics meru numerous than ethers. We would ad vise all net te neglect the opportunity te cull en us and get a bottle el Kemp's lliusam for tbe Threat and Luugs. l'rlce Ml cents and II. Trial slze free, llospectfully, II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen street. WHY WILL YUU oeiigh when Dhlleh's Cure will give Immediate reltef. l'rlce 10 els., &e els., and II. for sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 137 North Huoen struct. A Bad Misfortune. Is te raise a nlce family of boys and girls and then have them cnrrlea Inte au early grave by that terrible disease Consumption. 11 cod the warning and check tt In Ha nrst stagc-iby the prompt use of Kemp's llalsaiu for the Threat and Lungs, warranted tu cure and relieve all cases. Price 60a. and II. Kar sale by II. '. Cochran, druggist, Ne. 1S7 North Queen street. 7V(uI itttrte. (31 "T'HEKKV. H KO. II. THAYKIlTeI 'itottrbeiT lnd., says . " Beth myself and wlte oweour lives te8lll.0irC0NHUMPT10NCUKK." rer sale by II . 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North queen tract, tVenderful Cures. W. D. lleyt A Ce , Wholesale and ltetn.ll Drug- VlslHeI Keine, Uu., says . We huve been selling Ir, King's New lilscnvury. Klectrle Hitters and lluckleu's Ainlcn Waive for two years, Have never handled remedies that Bell as well, or glve such universal satisfaction. 'Ihure have been some wonderful euros effected by thusemedl cineslnthls cltv. Hvml cases of nroneunced Consumption have been entirely cuied by use or a lew bettles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken In connection with Klectrle Hitters. We guarantee them always. Held by II. II. Cochran, Diugglst, 1J7 nnd las North eueen street, Lan y LftsUir, t'a. (1) Kirlame back, sldeorcbest, use Bhtleh'a for fer for eus Plaster. 1'ilce 23 cents, ifar sela by II, II. Cochran, Druggist.Ne.iaa North Queen atreet. mmmtmu H( OOO'H HAlWM'AUlliliA. WE SUBMIT FACTS In regard te Heed's Rarsapatilla ns a remedy hit theumatliin, and ask you It you are afflicted with this dlieitse te try the tnedlclnowhleh het e greatly benefited ethers. Ilundtndi el popl who Buffered the terltltvi or ihininiitljin, even te Ibi sevenist teims, have been perlectly cured by Heed's Harsaparllla, tbe gieatbliKxl piiifflcr. It ceirccla the acidity of the bleed, which Is Ui cause of the dliease, and gives stienglh and vigor te overy pat t et the body. I used Meed's Harsaparllla laslsptlng.ana can truly say It helped me very much. Te the sutTerlng with bilious complaints, net veui pros tration or rheumatism, I earnestly recommend It." MUH. K.CAUI'KNTKK Kalamazoo, Mich. ' Heme twenly yers age 1 hid my right ankle dislocated, and It has been wenk ever since. About ten years age I was ei posed U) severe cold and came near fnietlug. Hindi thou 1 have often lieen troubled with rheumatism, affecting me most In the right ankle. I siHTered severely during last winter, and trled Heed's Sarsapa rlllaas a help. It gave me almost Imtnedtate re lief, and 1 keep It constantly leady for use. If It does as well for ethers in It has done for me, It Is worth many times Ha cost," L.T.HUNT Kenten, Ohie. Heed's Sarsaparilla Held by all druggists. II) sli ter Pro Pre pared only by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass loe IIOtKHONK DOLLAII, e ATCINK I'liAHTKILS. BENSON'3 POROUS PLAbTERS. WINTI'.K KXI'USUItl'.UAUSKM C0UUI1", Colds, Pleiirlsv, Hbeiimatlsm, Pneiiinnnla Neuralgia, Hclaltra, l.nmlisge, llackacbe and ether alltuents, ter which lleiisen'a Ca peine Plasters arn adinltled te b-t the best remedy known. They relieve and euro In a low hours, when no ether application Is of the least bt-nefll Kndeised by 6tn physicians and drugglsis lie warn of Imitations under similar sounding names, such ai "Capsicum" "CapsUtn," or "Capstclnn" Asa rea llssseii'a ami tk ke (rrniHs. Kiamlne carefully when you buy. All druggists. MfAIIUKT A JOHNSON, dlltlmdeedAw i'loprleters. New Voik. DYHl'KI'HIA IS A PANORHOUH AH well as distressing complaint. If neg lected, It tends by Imparting nutrition, and de pressing the tone of the system, te prepare the way of Ilaptd Decline. Physicians and DrngglitH Hecemmend BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! A8THE BEST TONIC. II riulekly and completely Cures Dyspepsia In all Its forms. Heartburn, llelchlng. Tasting the r'ned, etc. It enriches and purifies the bleed, stimulates the appetite, and aids the assimila tion of feed. Iliv. T J. IteaaiTiR, the honored pastor of tbe First Reformed Chtitcb. llaltlmere, Md., says : " Having med llrewn's Iren hitters for Dyspep sia and Indigestion, I take great pleasure In recommending It hlffblr. Alse consider tt a splendid tonic and Invlgormter, and very strengthening." Hen Jescrii C. Ht'iT, Judge of Circuit Court, Clinten Ce., lnd., snvs " 1 bear most chnerfnl testimony te the efficacy of llrewn's Iren Hit ters for Dyspejisla, and as a tonic." Mas. C A. Nerwav, Merrill, WW., says "I suffered for two years with Dyspepsia Usnd many uinenni remeuies wuneui nniieni. .iy physician ad vised me te try llrewn's Iren Hit physician ad vised me te try llrewn's Iren lilt ters. Three bottles eurel me. ir. i ure.i ueiuea eurfMi ine." The cenulnn has Trade Mark and crossed ted lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by 1IUOWN CHEMICAL CO., llaltlmere, Md. (J)mlS-lydAw rOI.INA COKDIAU VOLINA CORDIAL CUllKS DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION. WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER. MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. It Is Invigorating and delightful te take, and of greut value as a Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and Children. It gives new life te the whele System by Strengthening the Muscles, Toning tbe Nerves, and completely Digesting the fowl. This llemedy contains no hurtful Minerals, Is compeswl of carefully selected Vcgetable Medl clnes, comblued skilfully, making a Bale and Pleasant Itemedy. A HOOK, " Veltna." by trading physicians, telling hew te treat dtseasea at 110MK, mailed, together with a set of handsome cards by new lleltotype process, en receipt of 10 cents. rer sale by all Druggists end tlrocers. Should the dealer near you net keep Velika CeaniAL. remit ll.ui, and a full-size bottle will be sent, charges paid. rasrAKBDeKLv BT Vel Inn. Drug and Ohomleal Oerupuny, IIALTIMOKK. MD., U. B. A. nlllydAw ZIOKN KKMOVKK. TICTOUU COIIN KEMOVEH. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or oft, wlthent pain. Held by Oeo. W. Hull. Chaa. A. Lecber, Jehn It. K Huffman, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley, And. u. rrey, Cbas. J.Shulidyer, and at iikciIteld's dhuu steuk, dnclJ-lya Ne. tfll West Oranae Bt. c UHK OUAKANTKKD. RUPTURE'. Cure guaranteed by Dlt. J. It. MAYKK went once s no operation or delay from busi ness t tesUl by hundreds et cures. Main etnee. 811 AUOIt HT I'HILA. t-eud for Circular. ne-lvdA IIUUKB. N KV U1KT IIOOKH. TIIK KAItL'H UKTUUN." bv Owen Mere. dlth. This beautiful poem, which ranks next te "Luetic" among thu authors works. Is new published te unlqueand beautiful style ; 1 vel., vellum, plated cloth, gtlt edges. "LALLA HOOKH." An Oriental Komance. Illustrated with Ml pbote-ctcbtngs, designed by 'thal.u.l A a,....-. . a. .up. ,..- fnt... Ilu....i. IF.II.. Batterloe and ethers. Cleth portfolio, with tamped ribbons. "fAlll INK?," by Themas Heed. This beau tiful poem Is new for the first Ume brought out In holiday style. Cleth, gilt. Other books et eiiial note anl popularity, which can be even and will be sold regardless et publlsheis' prices, O. L. FON DBRSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, Oppenlte Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa, augivtld 1887. 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers DIARIES FOR 1887. BLANK BOOKS -AND- STATIONERY. Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, I.AUUA8TKU, PA , riONTllAOTOH AND UUILDKK. GEORGE ERNST, CAlU'KNTElt, CONTKACTOll A liUILDKU Uesldonce Ne. 630 West King street. Shep Ktsl Urant street, npposlte station house. WOODKN MANTELS AND (IKNKltAL 1IAUD WOOD WOltlt A Bl'KClALTV. -All work secures my prompt and persona attention. Drawings and Estimates Inrnlshed, oet.l-lydll --i- .!, - -- H IRSH A BRVtBBH. Scratch Prices -AT- HIESH & BROTHER'S ONE-PRICE HOUSE. The Real Truth Plainly Told. WHILE KVBHT MERCHANT HCaYtNU Cut Prices, Cut Prices I he Oldest and Most Itellable Clothing Mid Farnlfthlng llonse IN LANCAflTBB, Befer you te a Ramble of what We Are Doing In that way. A well a showing yen In Plain WenU the Style of lluslneu We De. ONB PRICE, AND THAT TH8 LOWEST. Geed Uuaranteed as Hepresonted, et Meney Befunded. Fresh Bargains in Every Department. Twenty-rive Chl'dren's Overceabi, werejflen, new II W. Twenty Beys' Overcoats, were tnjW, new IS no. Korty-ftve Men's Dress Overcoats, were 17 00, Blity Men's Kitta rina Overcoats, worn Jltoe, nowlle.no. r ALL NKW TOCK.- Ilut we will net carry ever any sleck If LOW I'UICKS will move them. OI.OVB8' (II.OVB8! (il.OVES! KO ralrs. All Kinds. One Third Lewer. UNDKHWKAR! UNDERWEAR AH Kind). Large Quantities. All Ulics Reduced from One t Iflh te One-Thtrd In 1'rice. tr CALL AT ONCE." ONE-PRIOE Olethiers'and Furnishers, COB. NORTH QUEEN ST. AND CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER. PA. w XJjIilAMHUN A FOHTKK. THE LINKS -THAT- Held the Public te Us ! Tlie reason why there is se much stir in our store at this universally dull season is evidently the held we have upon the confidence of the public. We stated at the begin ning el the month that a disposi tion would be be made of a large quant ty of our surplussteck, that prices would be put upon the goods that could net fail te take them out. Tlie cheerful response of the public is an evidence that the links that held the public te us are STANDARD QUALITIES. HwellcMy in Kit aid Finish. Exceptionally Lew Prices. These ate links that bind and which we will always endeavor te strengthen by strict attention te these standard principles. The bargains that we are new effei in in Clothing for Men and Heys, Un derwear and (jl loves, I lata and Caps, Heets, Shoes and Hubber Overshoes will pay you te buy new even if you have te keep them for use next season. A special assortment of Silk Hosiery for Hall and Party Wear. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. R2, 34, MO and 38 East King St., LANUABTEB. PA. - Stere closes at 8 o'clock, except Monday and Saturday. BLB1UMB. tV. -piDW. KUOKULKY. Sleighs! Sleighs! 1 have new ready (or tha Winter Season, the largest, cheapest, finest and most select assort ment of single and Deuble PORTLAND, ALBANY AND BUSINESS SLEIGHS, Ever erreied ter sale In this city, The workman, ship and elegance e( finish Is fully up te tbe standard e( my fine and well-known Carrtage Werk. My prices for a Reed, honest and sub stantial artlcls are the lowest In the market. 1 have a large stock of ItUllulKS AND OAK UIAUES, New and Secend-lland, all at very leest flifurea. l'lease call and examine my work. ' Edw. Edgerley, Market Street, Bear of Poeteffloe, Lancaster, Pa, Itepalrlnn promptly attended te One set of workmen especially employed. HIRSH & BROTHER, iw. (. Closing Si of Winter Garments I HAOBR tt BROTHER will offer at greatly redueed prteea the balnnoe of their stock of LADIBB' and MHN'B WINTER OABUBMT8. Examination and comparison invited. L ADIE8' OLOAKB Ladles' Beat Plush Oesta, 916, Fermer Prloe, 920 ; Ladles' Seal Plush Oeats, 110, Fermer Prloe, 923.60 ; Ladles' Beat Plush Oeats, 933.60, Fermer Price, 937.60 ; Frlzee and Bouele Wraps, 97.60, 910, 913, Fermer Prlee, 910. 913, 916 ; Oleth Nowmarkets, 94, 96, 97.60, Fermer Prloe, 90, $7, 910 ; Jaekets, 93.60, 96, 90, Fermer Prlee, 96, 98, 910. CHILDREN'S HAVBLOOKS marked down In prlee. GBNT'B OVBROOATS AND WINTER BUIT8 Men's Kersey Overoeate, Men's Fur Beaver Over coats, Men's Diagonal Beaver Overoeats, Men's Blyalan Boaver Overceats, Men's Business Suits, Youtha' Overoeats and Suits all Marked Down In Prlee. Hager & Brether, 25-27 WEST KING STREET, VLMJUUnu hALB. G HKT BARGAINS GREAT CLEARING SALE -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. Previous te enr anneal Stock-taking we have cnneluded te reduce onrsteck considerably. In order te accomplish this we shill Inaufrnrate A Thirty Days' Clearing Sale, Beginning HOHI1AY KBIT. JANUAUY ltth. and eenttnulnic for Thirty ilavs only, ending 8ATU11DAT,IIKDAHI 12,1(87. We shall offer te enr patrons inch tremendous bargains ln'every one of our airrsrentderiart tnenls as te compel sales. These prices will held geed only ler these Thirty l)ay. The lollewlng are only a A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS vriiicH WBerrxu. A visit te our Btore will at once convince that we mean what we say, aeil that we are really selling goods at Less Than Manufacturers' Prices Ne. 1100 Deien Ladles' telt Hats, geed and desirable ahipes, at BI.V1 E SN Ca.NTS A I'l KUK. Ne. a We will tell all enr Heady-Trimmed Hats and .llenneis at exaeily HALT I'UICB. Twe dollar Uau at ll.t 0: $1.00 flats at 11.30; 15.00 Hats at 11 SO; (10 Hata at 15 0'. and seen. Ne. s-AU our Trimmed Scheel Uats ter Chil dren at exacUy HALr PKIcr. Na 4 Oar entire stock of rancy Wings, Dreasts, Ulrds,redncedtneiacUy HALT rttlCK. Ne 5 -We have marked down our (nil line el Colored (Istiich Tins In evsry Imaginable shade and color. Our Tic Tips te 'c. a bnneh : our 11.00 Tina te Elc a bunch: enr II W Tips te 81c. a bunch ; our It 00 Tips te 11.13 a buneh ; our M W Tips te l.tu a bunch, our U 00 Tips tetXM a hunch. Ne. 8 All our Black and Colored Plumes worth trem tUO te 11-00 at tbe uniform price or 11.00. Ne. J One let el White Plumes sold formerly at 11.25, 11.60 and fiOJ at the uniform prtce of 69 cents. No.b-One let of Twe toned Combination Tips reduced from 11.03 te ate. a bunch. Ne. n-AU cur Uat Ornaments at II A LP rnicK. One Let of Ne. 16 Otteman Blbben lnallcoleis reduced te 80. a yard. One Let of Ne. 9 All-Silk rancy Klbben, open worked, all colors, reduced te 8c a yard. One Let of about 60 pieces et he. 9, Uand IB Satin or tires -Grain Hlbben, Plain or Plcet Kdge, reduced te 16c. a yard. yne Letof Fine fancy Ribbons, formerly se'd at from 40c te 65c a yard, reduced te !5 cents a yard. Our rncy Cole-ed Bilk Velvets, formerly sold from ItOO te O0 a yard, reduced te uniform price of ON UOLLAtt A YAK1). We wUl have a continued list of Bargains by next week; In the meantime e Invite all te come and ses ler themselves that We Mean What We Say, AND THAT SUCI1 RAKE BARGAINS Have never before been seen In Lancaster IN OUU Cleak Department WE HAVE MAIIE Sweeping Reductions. EVERY GARMENT MARKED DOWN TO 81'Cll A LOW PRICE ril AT IT 18 BOUND TO SELL AT ONCK. We Advise All Who Wish te Buy A BIG BARGAIN Te Cell as Early as resslbla and Loek at Our COATS & CLOAKS AND THKlIt PRICKS. CUUK FOB THE DKAK. l'eck's fatent Improved Outhlenea Kar Dramt riorfecUy resUire beariDK anl perferin the work et the natural arum. luvUlble, com cem com fertablo and alwaya la position. All convena. Uen ana even wbJbpen heara aHUnctly. Sena ler llluitratea bee with teJUinentn , f ' Afldre.1 or call en jr. HIBCOl, BSSlJreaaway, K.w lerk. Mwtie. U.1. PfSS-.lWyeeaIyw mt r JANUARY 1, 1887. DMW SfUUiM. M ETZGKR A HAUOHMAN'H CHEAP TO REDUCE STOCK WK WlMi NOW HKMi OUH LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS - GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. letzger & laughmaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WeBt King Btxeet, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. NK EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S, Ladies' and Children's Coats -AT- REDUCED AU our Oeats have been rodueod te These BtlU In want should bee thorn. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. JKWBI.U. TT Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. HOLIDAY GIFTS. Fans, Fans, Opera CHaaaes. Musical Boxea, OH Paintings, Marble Statuary, Bronzes, French Olcek, Spoons, tinlvea and Ferks, Ohlld's Bets, Nut FlekB As Cracks, Bhoe Butteners, Qlove Butteners. VlnoBrettes, Fine Lamps, Ink Stands, Ink Stands with Soalea, Smoking Bets, Tea Sets, Oake Baskets, Fruit Dishes, Bpergnes, Baking Dishes, Watohes & Ohftlne. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street. BhElaHt. AV. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! lii Deem's 120 AND 128 EAST M (Nearly Opixjalle the Leepard Hetel,) Lancaster, Penn'a. ALL KI.NU8 OK SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, Buggi63f Phaetons, Business Wagons, Market Wagons, Philip Doersom's Old Neb. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, uuvBnruniHMUinu uoeua. s HIBK'8 OAHPET HALL. CARPETS! -UK0PKN1NQ Of SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. imUB8KLS.TUUKK.ri.Y, All-wool ana Cotten Chain KXTBABUPKllS, ana all quBJHIea el IN UllAlN CAHPKT8. lAMABK ana VKNKTXAH OABl'KTS. UAU ana C.IAIN 0AUPKT8 e our own nianulacture a Bpeclalty. fipeetal Attention paia te the munufaoture of CUSTOM 0 AUl KT8 AUO a rull Line 01 OIL CLOTHS. UUUS. WINDOW EHAUES, COVKULKT8, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King ami Water Streets, Laueaster, Pa. TOIIAOCO ODTTINUH, HOHAPN. HIKT INU8 AND rACKKUS' WASTE, Dry ana Clean, bought for cash. J8MOUtI8i Ne. 273 rearl Btreet, New Yerk. Uelerence Free. schulte. Ne. 218 t'earl street. Haw Yerk. rebi7-iyd' .it" v . JANUARY J, 1S67 LANCASTER, PENNTl 8TOKK. AT - PRICES. prices tfcut must oSbet rapid Bales, Lancaster, Fa. table Caire u K1NU STREET, -AT- n Reliable Carriage Works, 127-lytlAw CARPETS! teba-ltuflaw TKHUUUH OK TUBi DENTAL. OUAl" DIBAItMKD. Teeth extracted by the use et electricity per fectly aafu and harmlesi. My 8.oe Teeth are made of the best material that I can purchase. FU1.uk tethasPeclall AllkuarauweO. aprtHya Ne. ffJ North Qneen 8t. Works T.ANOABTRB.AHD MlUl ' iHKT7:.,j;.'i'c??i? " " . -.m i UU l.W, KHk I On ana VWIIMT. JtWltimf rer-S.,'n!:,.?n.a IncMter at T.Km4mI wchlckfoat7.a.m.anaileom. r j Fer H . ""B tBAVB COLUMBIA TltAINHt mtvmit .,.'...... . 1-. rerlji...; . 'UJl",1 , 1 .w aumiAv TRAias. IIAfWa V.BAW Un.Mn J t'1 .sa..W WOT HBHWtflV V' w or LSDcmwr ai 7.ai a. m. ana i.uu p. ia. -r, J rer Quarry vllle at 4,00 p. m. 7S-1 TUA1NB I.KAVI OITAItRVVlt.t.a -'--.! Wnf I JI11fa.l1 ljih.nm .n4 Dm AIh. a. M 'h ' lt A tvn f V a w irtwn av. . t .... . 2);' rer tab,,.?. , :rr.:i ' n i p. m. I.KAVr uiS7,rU2i. - , rer 1 tSAlnl1.?" (" IJneMtr.ri , rorUibinenVtMlllStSfr"' i '.li -1 rorlteaaing ana Lebanon at J.aHa.n.aaaU-V'; P. trj. ' ''y. 4i rorguarryTlllaat8:Bep. m. ,- rUAlHS LKAVB THINCS 8T. (LanOMtW,) -' '3 Fer lteaOlng ana Lebanon ana 8.10 a. m. and 1M f, a 9.m. ... WW w or viuarryvuieat s.u p. m. . . TUAIN8 LKAVB LKHANON. Fnr l.Htiriilllilf at ?U i and (t.illn m rorQuarryvIlleat8.5p. m. Uen, Lancanter Jnnctlen, Uanhetm. KeMUaf '' uu uvmuuu, bue iimn ukuinq at ail uitiena. . t;-- " A. it. WILSON. Banerinunaeat. c,?. ;Ji ii i pKNNHVIiVANlA HAILKOAU HOHKD ,$H . yxir,. in niiBciirem June I3,i3M0. .if.1? .Tr?!rV-?'" Laweabtb ana Icive ana armnS ! avi-nuaueipniaas xouewBt V3 trnvn Learn ' WKSTWAKU, I'aclOe Kzpresst.. News Kxpreist..., Wav raaaenanrt . Phllaaelphla. Lancaatsr nrj p. in. 41 a. m. 1:30 a. in. 7,-ODa m. lrjia. m. eaa. m. 8:30 a. m. a-.Jla. m. s-.wa. a Jea. ra, 6a. m. I.m p. m, 1:1$ p. tn. s.ie p. m. 8:80 p. m. 70 p. ra. 7:40 n. m. Mall train via ML. Jeyj no. i aiiui iniinT....... Niagara Kxprttas Hanover Accem raat Llnef rroaerlck Accem Lancaster Accem UarrlsburK Accnni,,.. Columbia Accem.,.,., HarrlsDurK Kxprcns... Chicago ana Cln. Kx.. Weatern Kxpress) KASTWAKD. Phlla. EiprC9t rant Line) IlarrtiburK Express... Lancaster Accem ar.., Columbia Accem seashore Kxpress , 1'hUadeInhla Accem.. Sunday Mali , liav Kxuressl via Columbia 7:40 a. m. Via Columbia 11:11a.m. via Columbia via Mt. Jey. Z:1B p. in. 4:10 p.m., B.40 p m. 8.S9 p. in. 10:09 p. 1C. Leave Lancaster. '.l:s a. w, e.m a. m, 8:10 a.m. lMn.ni. :O0 a. m. 12:58 p. m. I.i p. in. 3.oe p. m. 10:48 p. m, 12:10 a. m. Arrive at ruiuu 4:a. nu 838 a. ca. loae a. a. via ut Jet 11:48 a. m. 3:15 p. IB, 8Kp.n, 8:48 p. m. 6:60 D. BB. i:ii).ra. l:U.m, Uarrlsburg Accem Tv:e in. m. The Lancaatur Accnmmodatlen Irarai ifutk. burg at !:10 p. in. ana arrives at Lnncastar at Ml . P. XXL. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celm Dia at B: 40 a. m. ana roacues aianetla at 6:. laavea Columbia at 11:11 a. m. ana 2:45 D.HL. reaching; Marietta at 12:01 ana 238. Leave Marietta at 8.08 p. m. ana arrives at Columbia M KSi also, leaves at 8:35 and arrives at 8:80. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta U 7:10 ana arrives at Lancaster at 8.-00 oennectla with UarrlsburK Express at 8:10 a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west,eonneet, Ins; at Lancaster with rust Line, west, at Uf p. tn.. will run through te Frederick. Tbe Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves) Columbia at IMS and reaches Lancaster at UN p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting a Lancaster with Nlavara Kxpret.a at thM a.nu. wui run tnruugn uj iianover, uauy, except Dea day. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flanaO, will step at Downlngtewn, Ceutesvllle, Farkeac burg, kit Jet. KUzabethtewn ana Mlddletewa. trheenly tmlns which run dally. On SunOay tha Mall train wit runs by wav of Columbia. J: K. WOOD, Goneral I'aasonaer Agent, CUA8. E. FUGII General Manager. ULABHWAHR. H IOH & MART1P. I A A Happy New Year te AD. We take tbls opportunity nt the opeii epeii ing of the Xew Year te express our thanks te our many friends for se liberal share of their patronaee tluriug the past year, and especially for that during the late Holiday Season. Out effort in bringing new articles as tiies appear in the market te Lancaster hasV been appreciated, and it will serve aa a stimulus in the future. We shall en deavor during the year we have just entered te fellow up that same line of policy and give te the peop'.e of Lancas ter, as far as possible, the same prlvS prlvS lege as theso enjoyed In larger cities. All new wares shall find room en our shelves, and through them into the Lancaster city and county homes. Our prices shall always be as low as possi ble, quality being considered. A hearty invitation Is extended te all te visitourBtero.whether purchasing or simply looking Bhall receive the same courteous attention. Our motto shall be, " Fair and honest dealing with all." Hipillrlin 15EASTKINGrSTREl7r. LANCASTER. FA, WAVOUBt, vyATcuiia. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction Veesuntn JAnuani.im. Fine let of Kluga, .te. Alse, ElKln, walinaa. (Aurera for which i am Bele Agent), ana ether rtrsMJlais Watchtw; neat Watch and Jewelry UrCeUrrect time by Telegraph Dally, only place In city. L. WEBER, 1WX North Queen BL, Near renn'a. li. it. Depot. Spectacles, Eyeglasses anaOpUcalQoeaa, AU kinds el Inwnlry. triftna jlnd LUiuvua, . v'W'tX,l 29 29 -ae te- Reigart's Old Wine Stere .. .. u.... i.n.h.iiNi llu,r ITAlAiilAnk:. CIMHAiy ' -'m rer ruiuuieiy evm, ji,w,,Mauvw, :"'i."rzzrj:Jii , of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira. Sherry, j. and l'ert Wines, ClareU, Bauternus, Ales an -4 8HU'. .... .1 n... w...ra n... 1 !0I '"rDf --....- --- - Cef. tlie finest American Champagne la tka'; Flerida Orange Wine, the flnesl In the inarluts j A lull tliie 01 uranuy, jua. um "y California Clarut and Whlta Wine, el NapaVuyJ IDV. L,01UU11U(U tf- Jl !- m I . .. T.'i n, c. eiaymaK.er,Ar i Na25KA8TKlNO BT LANOABTHU, rJM "4 .! 'S V 'p-l v-j m ,i- &$ 9$gP m s 4 Si ,i JM 3 I ,-J jig-- t g '-V'-