Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 12, 1887, Image 1

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volume xxrir-NO. iil
viauHAvmrvi. huanm.b At
The iJilier II ircianUUtrn Coiiitilue Willi ill
nubllutui fur the Control ul the
llnu.a Twe drain and Ileierenil
Ifft.latera Fight lur Die (la.el
One of tlie unit evcUIng perlnls In New
Jersoy poltlles was pissed through ou Tin
day. Governer Abbett, whom proipeets btr
Uulted Stales senator snomed se litlKtiti la In
llie background, mill tun chances are ten te
cne lu favorer William J. Hewell, hlsoppo hlseppo hlsoppe
Hunt, lletli man have been watching the bat
tle oleioly, but tlie governor U btilly Ix-sten,
Tim rumor" current that tlm Senata
would iietnrganUu were partly resitted, fur
Hreretary Heading had barely railed that
body te eritur when a motion km carried te
adjourn until te day This action vv lit doubt
lees te continued until llie senaters am as
ur' ' that Turley, of Camdiii mid Walter,
of Mercer, will net be ceitl
The great excitement, however, conteiod
In the Heuse, where riot relgtied supreme.
Late Metuiay night the HiidsiKith-Tiirock-uierton
conblnatleu agreud ou tiiu tollewlng
atate Hppaknr, Hudspeth, el Hudsen trlerk,
Ibemp.i'ii, of Cam Inn Asllny, (it Essex,
aergeaulat arm , Diakc, of MurrK engross,
lug clerk. Te this, hOMiver, the Wolverton
faction demurred, mid did seme lively kick
ing, 'llie caucuses met Tuesday morning,
tint It was net long after the Democrat bad
been lu hen Ien that It was ui blent that there
would Ik) trouble, Hudspeth received the
nomination for sjieaker, and lu a nhert llme
ronnlderablo uniitMlnfst was caused by the
rullremmit of Assemblymen Wnlvorten,
llalrd and Arnwlue from the caucus. The
Democrats remaining ""'I continued In cau
cus until 3.30 o'clock, when the doers wero
eiwned, and the Kallorlex, ax well as the lloer
of the lleui, wero neon filled.
Mr. lieckwltti, who occupied the chair,
naked the crowd te retire. Kx Spenker Arm
strong arose ard said that the cenatltutluu re
lltlred that the legislature shall meet at.1
p. m., and In the natne el tlm Hepubll-atis
demanded nsncasleu of tbn Heuso. Atter
considerable quibbling, Mr. Heekwlth yelled
that In the uauie of decency they should re.
tire and let the DomecrnU completo the work
of tbe caucua. At lcutli thn i.rjwcl and the
llepubllcan mombera rellred.
In the inn.intliiie It bean te tt rutnored
that two l.iber roprfsmitatlve. were willing
te unlte wltli the threo kicking Doiuecratx
.'- te ote with the llejiubllcaim for nil erKanlza
tleu of tbe ileiivi TIieih) were j.therpl In
the Uerk'a room, niid whiln tbe Democrat
were caucun.ilii, twouty-nlne In utiuibur,
the Kepubllcaiih, with Wolrerton, llilrd,
Arnwlue aud the Iaber raproaentathea,
maklni; tblrt ene, ninajerltr organized the
llouae by etectluK llilrd," Democrat, as
apeikar, Jeaeph Atkluen,aa clerk, and Her.
twrt I'etta k readliiK clerk. These were duly
nwnrn lu, with lorry McDonald n oergdniit
When tbe Democrat openod tbodeora thU
erKanlztHl body ontercd, mid Speaker Ualnt
took lila wal at tbe HfK-aker'a d(k, and tbe
ether dfll'-erM each ttwk their plaiva. The
Democrat wero aitnunded at the game
rU ed en thein, but reoeverliiK In a moment,
1 rauk McDorme'.t nioed that Mr. Heck
with, of Atlantic, be made temporary ibalr
man. Tue Democrat eUh1 for thla, and Mr.
Heck with went up te take hlsplace. HHaker
llalrd refuaed tO(ie up tbegHel, aud ndla.
graceful wranle, w hlch baa net a pirallul In
the hlitery of the statu onaiied.
rieiiTisu ren nil" 'isi i
Deth Kontlemen striilixl ler the Implo Imple Implo
ment of pouer, and tumbled eiur each
ether en the platform. The exclteuient
waalutensn, aud It looked for n moment at
theiiKb bleed mUbt bu apllled. At tbla point
a Democratic lufnitir iuncd that thla
IfeiiHe adjourn, aud the motion way put by
HeckM lib, and the DemifratY bewail te loave
the room. Mr. ArmMreiiK then moved te ad
jour n, and tbe motion Lelnt put 03' Speaker
llalrd was also carried. Nevir baY audi in in in
toiike fisillni; lwctd a body el men. It la thli tlmn what tbe remit
of till kick will Uu llie Ualln(urmed think
that Senater bewull'H tlmnccH are-ten te
te mie for AbLetL Tbe Mutater 11 atllt here
and la buMly engaged In the (.anvu. Tbe
AbLctt forces are bidli defeattHl, tbetiKb
they may tuccced lu rciralnlnt: their lest
Kreund. Tbe corridor of the Htate Iiouhe
;were crowded nearly all day with excited
men, and te day iirnmlieri te lit) fraught with
hi much Interest aud probably mere. Ne
doubt there will be a alruirtMe ler the Meak-
er'a atat, and no (uiucan p idut the hmuIl
Much feeling via eiiKenileied by I he action
of Governer Abbttt In ordering xeveral ik.
llcemen from the ntv ferce te k(ep order
around tbe rapltel ami en the lloer of the
Heme. In fact they forcibly elected amoral
meuibera, onuertbem belUK Hertiert l'ett.
the readliiK clerk. ThNorganlzitlen, which
I" legal In every way, will luaure the keiIh
Hnlnt'H, HepubllCAii, of Camden, and ,fone,
el Mercxr. whom tbe DomevraW would have
rcTiiKid te eta'.
Tbe DetnecraU lu chicuy decldnd te held
the organization a valid and net te obstruct
the work of tbe Deue. It I alaouuderHKed
new that Walter, of Mercer, will net tin seated,
butanovveloctlon will boerdnrod. Warrants
were Issued for tbe arrest efldeutenaut Lane
and rJergeant bweeeny, of the police force,
who were at the Mate- boiue In the afternoon,
en a charge of assault and bittery.
IlHIntended te bring up for settlement
the imcBtlen whether Governer Abbett had
tbe right te order the pollceuiou, a It 1
alleged he did, te Intortere with meuibera of
the legllature. Tliuie uru iiIhe rumera of
lnteudtdpreceedlugn agaluat the governor
himself, but prebtbly no Htuji In that direc
tion will be taken.
A 11 AM JO.ItAfU) nin I
niigraccful Struitle In ttm Jer.ey I.egl.l.iture
Fer rois.ulen et lite Hull.
Tiijnten, N. J., Jan. IJ. At 8 o'clock
till morning a caucua vva bold at the atate
houae by the i."i Democrats. The result of
thlscaucuH wa tbe docUIen ou tbe part of
tbe minority te ab'de by the transaction
enacted yeiterday by taa31 members.
The roll call caused great contusion, and
after It waa tlnlnhed twouty-fievon members
were avvem, making W mombera In all new
j avvrn. Wolvorten aud Arnwlue, belters of
J oaterday are reported a having rqturued
te tbe Domecrutlo fold, Till leave tbe or
gan I ring faollen only "'J otei. Turley'a
name, ttieuuh en the roll, was net called te
tbe bar te be sworn. Thli ralaed great opposi
tion among the Democrat who delated tbe
proceedings te dlacuas It. Turluy came te tbe
biraud beutled bi crtltlcate from the su
proms court, mid aaked te be hhehi. Hud
jH)th moved that the corllllcate be accepled
and Turley be sworn. Whilu tbe clerk wai
readlng tbe certificate, McDerinett took the
roll of tbe Houne from the clerk's desk. He
was Immediately fblloned by the iiergeant-at-arms
aud a struggle endued, in which a
dozen or mero members took part. The aer
geant at-arms and tbe clerk, alter a light of n
few mementa sjctired tbe roll.
A metlcn toanjeuru vu.smaile by Neenan.
This va carried by n ote of ae te 2a, tbn
labor men voting with tbe Democrat, ene
Democrat, however, voting with the ether
hIue. Tbe opeaker then announced the Heuso
adjourned at II until 3 p. in.
lha luillAiia bltuatleM.
Ill tlm Honate of Indiana, TueJday when
Ideutenant dev erner Koblnien w as preaented
he was admltted te the lloer, but he made no
reruial demand ler the poHessienol tbe chair,
A resolution, ellered by 11 Domecrutlo senater
inviting the Heuso te meet lu the hall of tbe
Hsuatoeu the J'i li Inst, te participate In the
election or a ir. H. senator was adopted by a
Pny ele. A Hepubllcan senator named
uv is ellered a resolution reclllug Mondays
proceedings with referonce te the declaration
el the vet for nentenant governor aud order erdor erder
lug that they be plated ou tlie minute. Alter
deliate tbe roseluilon was ruled out of erder
by tbecbalr, and hi decision was sustained
en an appeal. In closing tbe proceed
lugs President Hmith ('announced that
be wan anxious te hava tbe question at
l.htie between Mr. Hobertaen and lilmbelf
Kvttled by the courts, aud It tbe latter would
iMlngstill be (Smith) would waive his prlvl
DgeY aud uie nil iKalble exertions te tiring
about a spoetty declsleu ; aud added that fi
Hobertson would net bring milt and any
method could be found by which he (Hmlth)
could act as plaintlll In tlie matter be would
willingly de se." Wblle the Dv Is rmolutlen
was under oeualderatloii In the Henate a
measage from the lloime was aunouneod.
Tbe presiding otlleer el Iho Hnnateatatcd that
the ineMiagQ would be received at tbe com lu lu
nIeii or Iho dobate then In pregrin. Tbe
uiOYYenger returneil te tbe Hotiae and re
ported In that body and a oeuimltteo was
apioluted by the sieaker te axcertaiu why
Itn inessagn was net received Immedlati ly,
mixwages rrem ene llnuae te tbe ether being
iuetlnns et the highest privilege and de
manding recognition at once.
III. Il.ntli Iho Itiaull el H.ili-. 11I Rlrakia el
I'ntiljil.-FiinVrnl 1111 Frlilr.
In tbe prlme of jeung matihoed I,andli
Iluchanau Norbeck has besn called away.
Ills death occurred en Tuesday ovenlng at
B.1& at the rostdtnee of hi father, Na 3i
Houth (iuwiii atreet. He was born in Ibis
city 011 November 'l, A, the month In
which our distinguished fellow clllen was
ducted president of the United Htatei, and he
was given the prosldeut's nimn. Alter ass
lug through nil the grades or the public public public
aoheols be itraduated from tbe high hcIkhiI In
tbe class of 187.1. Ila learned the trade et
Vjfli trimming at bis father's establishment,
but for tbe last fen years held a rsieuslbl
position in tbe business olllce of Norbeck ,v
Mlley. I p te Hnptoinber be enjoyed tbe
host of health. On a Hundsy altorueon In
the latter part of that month while talking
with soiue ynuni; friends be wsy stricken
with paralysis. The streke was a severe ene,
but he recovered Irem It and was able te In)
about. Twe weeks age be was sllllcted with
another atroke which lift lilm a wreck,
physically. He could be moved about the
house until Hunday night et last woek wbeu
be was put te bed, from which he never
He was the president of the Chesapeake
Hay Ktshlug club tbst wasoncamped for a
week last kiimuier. He was oxtiesod te the
mtdsummer sun en that occasion, and bis
family think he autlsred a slight sun streke
during that week, which was followed a few
weeks later by tiitralysls.
In thoBecUlclrLloho was a general favorite
and his death will lie a grout shock te his
many Irlends In till city. Ills family have
tbe sympathy et the community lu their
SMdlwreavemenland tbey mint leek for con
solation te Him who alone can glve It. Iho
Itinera! will take place ou l'rlday morning
and the sorvlces le hehl at St. Mary's C'ntbo C'ntbe C'ntbo
llechurcli, wbere a reiUlem mass will be
Tlm j)rt I'rraclmr hucrj In lla.s C'.ninl
t'iiilrMAul Nuterteijr
Te the bdlter el the Philadelphia l're
hm A special communication from Head
ing contained In yoterday's 7Vmi needs a
word of correctleu which I conslder Justly
due my se called a-wiuller. I slnccrely bope
that you may see tit te publish It, in order
that a misrepresented gentleman may be re
lieved from uumertted cenn lira
'Iho unfortunate atlair in tbe baggage esr
was tbe result of the aalonate Impulses of
the moment, enkindled by a conversation
which I commenced, I ani sorry te Bay, In
anything but a kind and Christian spirit.
Mr. Jacobs wa, before tbe Interview and in
Its earlier stages, peaceably Inclined, and be
did net strike me without abundant provo
cation. His tilew, I am again sorry te say,
was promptly returned. Tbe light was
drawn, by the tuirgase master's in in
terlerence. I received no serious or
painful Injury. My only pln was
aud Is that 1 had olleuded my Master,
brought reproach upon my sacred calling,
aud unintentionally been tbe causenfsub
Jectlng unblamable parties te that unpleasant
notoriety from which sensitive natures in
stinctively shrink.
Atter satisfactory lrtervlew thore Is new
no snmltv between Mr. Jacobs and myself.
This explanation Is voluntarily made tore
lluve him from the wrong et an unjust
charge and unmerited leusure.
V. r. Cevin en,
Drew Thoelogldl Seminary, Madisen, N. J.,
January II.
Arrr.tcl en a bvrluu. Charge,
(uorge Htump, a betrder at Philip Das
singer's Fourth Ward hotel, about & years
old, was arrested ou Tuesday evonlngfera
serious olleuse. lie Is charged with au at
tempt te commit a rapa 011 two llttle daugh
ters of Mr IUs9inger. A few days age the
girls complained te their mether or btuuip
having taken Improper liberties with thein.
He was watched, and last night was caught
111 tbulr bed. Complaint was made against
blm betore Alderman Hirr, and he was ar
rested lu tbe house. He has been committed
for a hearing.
I'm!. I'stlnu Wllac.barre Lanjer.
1'ref. 11. D. l'atteu, who ler Beveral years
past ha been au organizer et temperance
w erk in rennsylvanla aud who lask autumn
remeved from Lancaster te Wilkesbarre, has
been admitted te the Luzorne county bar aud
formed a law partnership witu 1 D Nichols,
es'l , one of the ablest law vers In the state.
I'ref. I'atten Is himself a line scholar and a
llueut speaker. He studied law with bis
brother-ln-law, Hen. James Ingbram, new
president Judge of the 11th Judicial district.
e. A. It. Imtaiutlen.
en next l'riday evening, the 11th Inst.,
there will be a publle Installation of the etU
cersef (lee. II. Themas 1'estKI, (1. A. H.,and
cinipllru In the court house. Department
Commander J. P. K Qebin aud
Aialstant Adjt. 'General Ihemas J. Mew
.ut will be present.
A llllliwy.
U11 '1 neday atlorueoti a young man
named Klchl was driving en West King
atrent, and as he crossed tbe Quarry v llie rail
road track bis herse broke a backing strap.
The animal stirted up the street ou a run
aud crossed Centra eiiuare at a very lively
rate. He was gotten uuder control near the
court beuy before any damage bad been
done, and after a lady in the sleigh bad
jumped out.
Dramatic Ceirtpauj ! TUruagb.
'1 bis altorneon a draoiatle company, that Is
plajlng" A Wife's Hener," passed through
Lancaster en their way te Yerk, where they
appear te-night. Tbey reumlued a abort
time lu this city, by roAsen of tbe change or
I tmhaie el Itnal Ktatw.
!:. M. htautler has purchased sl building,
lets from Oeo, W. IIuiiheI in tbe vllUge or
tjuarry villi', adjoining l'rltz A. Kwlsbir's
coil yaid, iiKiu which tbe erectl.'n of u large
steam roller Heur mill will Ikj begun as seen
ns the weather permits. The mill will be
frame and t wo-sterles high.
Old U fTemlera In Ceurl.
Kale Hellly and Abe Hess, who bavouc baveuc bavouc
tired In police courts ou a number of occa
sions, are again In treubl. Their usual
etlense baa been preferred against them
keeplng a bawdy house. Tbey outered ball
ler 11 bearing bofero Alderman A, 1". Don Den
nelly. A McleorulegUnl blatlnn.
Arrangements have been nearly completed
te establish at Franklin and Marshall college,
a meteorological statleu In communication
with the state weather service
llelura the Mayer.
Six bums were bofero the mayor this
morning. Three were taken and three were
left, or lu ether works threo were.seut te tbe
work-heuxo for thirty days oaeh and threo
vveie sent en their way rejoicing.
V lilt or I'mters.
At the lest meelins.ef Westminister l'resby.
10 y tl.ey appointed two members te visit
every church In the Presbytery j the Hev.
Hear and Dr. Mitchell were appolnted te visit
tlie Memerial, (Dr. Thompson's) et this city.
They will meet this ovenlng. lb v. Mr. Hear
will proaeli this oveniug and Dr. Mitchell to
morrow and Friday evening.
vtrfB MTBUBart,
reepla Vilm At Willing te t'resttit (If eunil for
Maiiulacluriim rnrpesrs Th Pulillcallnn
ut ., Kir,, el the CHr Rusjs
la III. run Mr, llemel I'spcr.
Tbe I.sncaster Heard etTiade held a stated
meeting In their rooms In Kshleman'a law
building Tuesday ovenlng. The attondance
was very large, almost overy seat lu txith
rooms being occupied,
Thn prosldent, Jehn U, Iiager, called the
meeting te erder and Mscretary Harry 0.
Moero read the minutes.
The treasurer, J. 1'red Heuor, read bis re
port from which It appeared that be bad ro re ro
cel veil Irem all sources toil. In, and expended
Tbe commllteo en inanufactures, com cem com
inerce, railroads, publication and arbitration
had no reports te make.
The cotnnilttee en real ostale reported that
Jehn C. Hager, Dr. H en ry Carpenter, Dr. M.
1 Ilerr and Mrs. Jacob H. Frey hadslgnllled
thetr willingness te dotiate te any new manu
facturing oeuipntiy twIiMi as much land as
tbey would requite ler building purposes.
Tim runi.ic nun.niNe.
Dr. Wlckersbam, from the committee en
municipal allalts, reperted verbally that the
commltteo had i.onslileriHl various matters
relating te Iho welfare of the city. In rela
tion te tbe election or a V. 8. publle building
In this city tbey bail a conrerenco with our
ropresontatlvo lu Congress, Mr. Illestand,
aud ellered te glve him any assistance In their
rawer te aid lu the passage of the bill new
tiefere Congress for that purpose j and Mr,
Illestand had told them the bill was In a fair
way et being passed, A similar bill for a
fiublle building In Camden has parsed and
10 thinks this Is au Indication that llie Lan
caster hill will pass. If se, all right; II net,
then the beard of trade can lend htm valua
ble asslstance In pushing tbe matter through.
Dr. Wlckersbam said the commltteo had
also had under consideration tbe ordlnance
passed at last meeting et city councils pro
posing a lean of tl'-,eJ te improve the sow sew sow
erago and water supply of the city. He said
the people should have a full knowledge of
tbe plan proposed by councils, If tbey had a
plan, se tlift they could vele Intelligently for
or against the proesod lean. On bebair of
the committee he ellered tbe tollewlng reso
lution. iMiiKAsr. 01 niKtiTv num.
neselieil, That as an ordlnance has been
passed by our city councils and approved by
the mayor submitting the question of nego
tiating a new lean or one hundred and twen
ty live thousand dollars te a vote of tbe peo
ple at tbe forthcoming election In February,
and as It Is stated that tbe meney te be raised
Is wanted ler the purpose of providing a
system of sewerage ler the northern part of
the city and Improving tbe general water
supply, this beard respectfully requests the
preper authorities te lay before It and the
publle any plan they may have In contem
plation for accomplishing the work In erder
that thn vote may be cast Intelligently.
Dr. Wlckersbam also called attention te a
proposed act of tbe legislature rolatlve te
classifying the several cities of the common
wealth tinder ene general act. Itadlcal
changes are proposed In tbe city charters and
Lancaster will he deeply luterested lu tbe
msciHsiex en inr.iihsoi.niev,
Mr. Hreslus said the matter referred te the
committee was te llnd out whether tbe bill If
passed would be operative lu Lancaster. He
aiiswered that It certainly would be opera epora epera
live lu Iittucaater and all ether cities of the
third aud fourth classes. Lancaster has a
deep Interest In watching tbe progress of the
bill and in seeing that, her Interests are net
Improperly lntorfered with.
Mr. C J. hwarr favored the adoption or tbe
resolution, but thought It might be worded
mero definitely. He would substitute the
words thevlun ler "any plan."
ltebert J. Housten thought Dr. W Icker
sham's resolution relative te the proposed
lean very protmrena City councils should
certainly let tbe voters knew exactly what
tbey art) going te de with the H25.IXM before
asking them te vote for Its expenditure.
Jehn H. Haumgarduer explained that tbere
would bu published a detlultu plau et the
oiratlens proposed In a very few days. Tbe
reason the election en the proposed lean waa
fixed at se early a date was te save expeuse
te the city. Iho election olHeers who con
duct the ensuing municipal election will act
as election eltlcers ou the question of the
adoption of the propesod lean.
Dr. Wl kersham's resolution was then
passed unanimously.
lu the absence el W. U. Uensel, Geerge N.
Reynolds read the following report from tbe
oemmitteo en statistics .
Te the lleiiril 0 Trade of 1 anemter
Your commlttee en statistics begs leave te
report tuat In acoerdauca with Its former re
port and the approval theroet by the beard,
preparations have been made for the publica
tion of a volume aettlug forth the resources
aud Industries el Lancaster.
A design ler a cover ter tbe same has been
prepared and Is in tbe bands et the engraver;
and a map showing the plau et the city, the
streets laid out and projected, the location el
the principal buildings, ,1a.; also a map
showing the prosent and prospective railroad
connections aud facilities of the city.
Hlanks and Inquiries bare been sent out
In large uumber te secure the returns neces
sary te tabulate the social, commercial aud
manufacturing statistics of the city, and from
neirly two huudred comprebenslve replies
received, It Is belleved a fairly thorough and
accurate exposition et these various Interest
can be made, showing large advances en the
census returns 01 lbw.
Material has also been collected for the de
partment In which should be set forth fairly
but fully the Inducements and advantages
especially lu comparison with ether cities,
for the location here of manufacturing inter
ests, particularly se-called " light mauufac
tureV in the greatest variety.
As belere reported, the cost or such a pub
lication (provided 1U,UOO copies are printed
aud distributed) with maps and Illustrations
of prominent publle bnlldlugs ana Indus
tries win reacu aoeui m,;am. it is ueuoveu
the easiest and most practicable way te de
fray this would be by inserting about fjO
pagea of advertisements, at J.10 per page aud
distributing copies of the work free te the
advertising patrons at the rata of fir per 100
te the amount of their patronage.
Fer such subscriptions at the last meeting
of veur beard, Messrs. Hwarr. tSklles. Hev-
no,d, Hener llro'.liers, Dr. Wiukersham, (ter
the Inijutrerj, Williamson A. Feater, Oeo
M. HtemmanA. Ce., Watt .V Hband, FUnn A
Hreueman, J. Symington Ce., Watch Fae
tnry com! amy, Julius I.'iet), C. A. Helultsh,
Hatter A lira, William Klddle and Kdward
nberman, were at once put down ter full
pages, aud Messrs. Luvau it Sens, Gansman
V lire., AI. Hesensteln and the Helvetia
l.eatber company each took hall a page.
It will be seen this Is something less than
halt the requlslte number te guarantee the
cost or publication, and It Is suggested that
ethor patrons be promptly secured, that tbe
publication may net be delayed beyond
February 15, or March 1st at the latest.
Secretary Moere ropertod that since the
preparation or the aboie report be bad re
celved nlne additional advortlsemeuls for
the proposed publication :
The AVu Jiru, 1 page ; K. K Fabnesteck,
1 page t W. D. Hprecber Hen A, Ce., 1 page ;
It. K. blaytuaker, S page ; High A Martin,
S paite : Astrlch llres.. 1 or '. pace : M.
HaUerbtish, , page ; C. A. Lecher, '4 page ;
Hose Hros A, llartman. ", page; Myers A
Kathfen, is page ; Northern National bank,
Thenecretary ropertod also the following
named applicants for membershlp of the
beard :
Grayblil I,ing, Dr. H. F. W. Urban, K. F.
Wlchersbam, Jehn U Martin, Reab Frazer,
D. IZ. ISltuer, Jeseph Haellner, O. A. Lecher.
Ou metlcn the rules wero suspended, and
all the above were oleeted without opposl epposl oppesl
Hon. ' '
Mr. It A llvans, from the llnanee com.
mtitee, ivpjited that the commltteo had been
Fralm, W. D. Messer, Jehn O, Haas. J. i:.
llaker, M. D , James C. Leaman, Christ
llauer, Samuel Wallace, I) II. HheiiK, James
a Wiley, Kami. II, Dlller. Weed Fllnn. .1. 11.
considering the question el a salary for tbe
secretary, whose duties had been arduous,
and for whom no compensation has been
provlded. The committee rocetntnondod
salary etf.Vln year, te be paid quarterly.
Tbe roceminondatlon was unanimously
agreed te.
AllT. Dr. Wickershaui rofsirted a serles et reso
lutions relative te the sd deadi et James
Hlewart, laleamomberef tbe heard. Tbey
were el a highly euleglstln character, and
wero seconded by Hebert J. Housten In a
neat speech, In which the many excellent
traits In Mr. Htow art's character were dwelt
en at some length. The resolutions wero
adopted by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Housten, from the beard of truitces,
prosentod an account of cisnnllture for
carpets, chairs, curtains, mats aud ether fur
niture amounting te (., i;i, and had in
curred ether liabilities ler r tit, nowspapers,
Ac., making a total el tUuTI. Tbe news news
paperB subscribed for wero the semi. weekly
Journal of Commerce .tweekly .shoe and
Leather Jtcpertcr, weekly Jleview anil In.
aurance Journal, .Iwuricuu Oreecr, Iren
Aye, and U. tS. JCeonemmt.
Mr. Housten, en behalf or the trustees, also
suggested the printing of 10,000 envelopes
with tbe name or the beard and thn advan
tages or Lancaster as a business centre, Ae,,
set forth en tbe envelope. He also suggested
that a case be bought for tbe convenient
keeping of books aud papers belonging te
tbe beard.
On motion the trustee, wero given power
te carry out these vlews at their own discre
Mr. H. Frank Kshlemsn called attontlen le
U10 loeturodollvorod belore tbe beard at Its
last stated meeting by W. I Hensel, esq.; te
the many Important topic discussed In It
and of the value of many of Its suggestions.
Owing te the length of the lcture no general
discussion of its several topics could be had
at tbe llme. He moved, tlierofero, that the
chair appoint threo esaavtit, and glve te
eachTjt them a topic from Mr. Hensel's lecture
as a base for their several essays , that these
essays be read at the next meeting el tbe
beard and that lliey le subject te general
The motion was adopted and the president
announced that be would te morrow name
the essayists and the topics le be discussed.
Mr. Ooergo N. Hoynelds suggested that
some of the vacant tobacco warehouses In this
city might be utilized far manufacturing
purpeses, If they were ll'ted up with pewer
and shafting.
Mr. J. P. Shirk said this manner or doing
business was followed by Philadelphia cap.
itallsts. Large buildings aroerec'ed, engines
and shafting are put In by the owners, and
the building lsjeased te small manufacturers,
hair a dozen of thorn sometime occupying
the name building.
Mr. Hreslus again called up the mitter or
tbe proposed legislation for cities, and spoke
of Its importance, lie moved that there be a
committee et five, of whom tbe chairman el
tbe commltteo en inuntclpd atlalra shall be
chairman, be appolnted te take especial
charge of said legislation.
Mr. Housten moved te amend by placing
the matter in tbe bands of the municipal
commltteo as new organized, and that any
necessary expenses Incurred by the commit
tee bs paid by the beard. The amendment
was ad 00 ted.
Dr. Wickersham said be bad a copy of the
proposed law for tbe gvcrnment of cities,
but it would no doubt be amended In many
respects, and would be published and dis
cussed in tbe newspipers. There was no
doubt It would elTect LiU' isteras well as all
ether cities In tbe state. Tue supreme cjurt
bad decided that niatter.
Hebert A. Kvans (-alii that after the new
constitution was passed aud the cities were
placed lu different clashes, uiany cltles
hastened te accept the plaies le which they
woreasslgued, but Lancaster declined te de
be ; alie thought her old charter was geed
enough, and has been working under It
satisfactorily ever since. Toe cities that ac
cepted the new charter ' get bit," and new
they want a new law te get out of the hole in
which they found themselves placed.
Mr. Gelsenberger called the attention te at
tempt being made by a ceuplu et Philadel
phia sharpers te secure legislation whereby
tbey can open large auction houses and Heed
the "Hies vv lib trashy goods te the great de
triment of honest doalers ind their customers.
He thought the beard should set face against
the scheme of these rascal.
Jehn H. Warlel, esq mevtd that mem
bers be authorized te briug their Irlends,
net members of tbe beard t the next meet
ing te hear tbe dlecussluii of Mr Hen-el' ad
dress. Tbe motion was agreed te, aud Ihere
was a very general deii-e expressed that the
ladles would atteud In greater numbers than
they did at tbe lecture. Adjourned.
The KMayUts Annuuticetl
This morning President Iiager lntermed
the newspaper men that the fellow jog mem
bers of the Lancaster Heard of Trade have
have consented te prepare and read pipers at
the special meeting te t j held en luesday
ovenlng, January 2eth Dr Wickershaui,
The question of non partisan municipal
government" ; Goe. M. I rauMm, esq , sub
ject, ''Inducements te mauuiaL Hirers le locate
111 Lancaster and hew te aid struggling In
dustries already lecated here , Henry llaum
gardner, esq , subject, "I ish and credit sja
lem ; advantage et quartet 1 or monthly (settlement."
Tire auavivtuvM . vu 31 bu
Tbey Are Beat te Jail On the I Imrge el Urlug
Mn-lnaier Their Ceuiluit VV Mle lu thl. CM
L. K. and Alplionse Duval, twelreucbmen
who are brothers, have hten arrested and
sent te Jail ou suspicion of being sw lndlers.
These men came te Liuca-ttir abJttt the 111IJ 111IJ
dle or last week. Slu.e ttnir arrival tbey
have been giving It out t the peeple that
they are teachers or tbe 1 reiitti aud Italian.
They have stepped at several ditlereut hotels,
but did net seem te ba abundantly supplied
with capital at anytime On luesdavthey
called upon Philip Sicviih, a French
Bhoemaker, who residi ou North tjueni
Street, near Na I engine hoiue. They
told him el their business and that they w ere
In need, and Deemed auxt ms te become ac
quainted with ether Fremhuiau In tbe city.
1 luallv Hleveus took them te the house of
Peter Hebert, another e' his cuuutrj men, at
Ne. C12 church street. One of the men told
Keberts what they wanted and dually went
up stairs with him. The) remained seme
time aud Stevens and tin ether brother were
down Btalra. Steven seen became suspt
cieus and be quieti) gathered In a
steve lid Ulter. as be did this
bis companion pin ed hi hand en
arovelvor, which Hteveiissi)ahesaw lu his
pockets. Wblle these warlike movements
were In progress, Huberts aud hi compan
ion catne down Btalrs and tbe two brothels
departed, as they went out upon the street
ene remark ed te the ether that he had re
ceived but 70 cent Irem the old man.
llobertsteld Stevens that the fellow talked
te blm nicely and that he induced him togtve
blm boiue mouey. He was se excited, hew.
evor, that be did uet knew the amount.
Stevens followed the men and traced thorn
te a beer saloon where tbey sptnt the money
obtain ed from Hebert.-.
Stevens made complaint against the men
belure Alderman Plnkerten, charging them
with being swindlers. 1 hey vv ere taken out
of bed at tbe Frankllu heuse by Olllcer Heas
at an early hour this m irumg. '1 hey were
netuuestaat the hotel, tint managed te gain
admittance during the night through tbe
hostler, and without the proprietor's knowl
edge. The bed occupied by them was In a
lllthy condition, .having been made se by
thorn. Seventy-slx cents lu money were found
en the men, but they bad no weapons et any
kind. They weie committed te prison ler a
IhnWatili Ihlellu .Ml'.
Chier Smith brought Jehn Miller, tbe
watch thief, from Philadelphia ou Tuetday
ovenlng. The trouble about getting Miller
Irem tbe Philadelphia authorities originated
through a son et Air. Keller making com
plaint against Miller in Philadelphia, en
which he was arrosted. As lias been stated
Miller had all tbe stolen property In bis pos
session when arrested. Te proveut tbe Iden
tification el the watch belonging te Miss
Hallle Keller, be wrenched oil the case con
taining the Inscription, which has been
noted. Tbla case lie threw out et the car
window botweou Iteadlug aud Philadelphia.
Miller Is new lu the county Jail and Alder
man Uarr will glve him a hearing te-morrow
Ilia Knight uf l.aler UlAcsra Will Declare a
lleneral (strike II the New (Jeal
Handlers lltclda KWIIIAMtt Them
In Their I'reisul Kndeavnr..
l'iiil.Ai)i:i.riilA, Jan. 12 A dispatch from
llarleteu, Pa., says ; The executive com cem com
mlteoo of the mliiers' and laborers' subdivi
sion Ne. I, or district assembly Ne 135 K. or
K, which Includes.the entire anthraolte coal
Held, held a session tbore yesterday and
resolved te declare a general strike of all the
empleyes engaged In the mining and prep
aratlen of coat that gees te the places aUected
by the atrike of the New Jersey coal hand
lers, providing the strikers approveor this
as being tbe most ellectlve manner of
renderlng them assistance. A telegram an
nouncing the action of Iho committee was
sent te the strikers.
Master Workman P. F. Hrene man stated
after the meeting that If the action of the
committee Is approved by the strikers, 50,000
of the 100,000 empleyes In the antbraclte ccal
Holds would step work. The cessation of
work at the collieries would prevent non
union bands from taking the place of the
strikers. The strike If declared, will affect
Schuylkill, Lehlgb, and a great portion el
the Wyoming region.
Outrageous Conduct of Landlords Thej nuru
Trie Alter .The Tenants Are Out.
Londen, Jan. 12. A series et evictions
has been begun lu the Winn estates in county
Kerry. As the tenants are evicted their
houses are burned te prevent tbe return el
thelr occupants, This procedure has created
Intense excitoment and bloodshed will Jprob Jpreb
ably result from Its continuance.
I) L'li Lis, Jan. 12. At Kessmanagher,
county Limerick, yosterday, a landlord
named Desterre, attempted te evict a tenant
named Frest, who owed blm mere than 700
for rent. The pollce, followed by a crowd of
people, upon a-rlving at Frest's house
feuud It barricaded and outside the front en
trance a huge pile of Btenes. In front or this
pile and securely bound te it by chains was
Father Llttle, the parish priest The pollce
surveyed the scene and round that the priest
had been chained In such a manner that en
trance te the heuse could net be forced
without disturbing htm. This tbey were
disposed te de, but the crowd threatened te
assault the pollce If they laid hands en the
priest, and finally became be demonstrative
that tbe police drew tbelr batons and
charged upon the people. The priest, BtlU
chalned te the pile or Btenes, vohemently
doneuncod the landlord, who bad accompa
nied tlie pollce te the house, and Desterre
finally agreed te Bettle the matter by allow
ing 1-rest te purchase his holding en tbe
basis of 13 years rental.
Fire la the I-onUvllle Ca.tem Heuse., Ky., Jan. 12, 3 a. m. Ibe
officer el the collector of Internal revenue In
the custom heuse wero gutted by Ore this
morning at -.10 o'clock. Tbe origin of tbe
lire is net known, nor can tbe less be learned
at tbls hour. Three million dollars worth of
revenue stamps were In the vault which was
net a substantial structure, and which was in
tbe worst of tbe tire. Collector Cox baa been
unable te epen It owing te damage done by
the fire and cannot learn whether tbe stamps
have beeu destroyed or net.
LAThti The less waa only feOO.
Mentana blagers stepped by Snow
1-ort Kloeii, Ment Jan. 12. Many stage
coaches are bleckaded In Western Mentana,
aud numerous casualties are reported. Ou
the Sth tbe coach from Benten te Helena was
blockaded twenty -eight miles out, the team
becemlug exhausted from wallowing through
the deep snow. The passengers get out and
the herses were tied ten telegraph pole aud
lelU The driver and passengers walked te
the next station, and all wero were mere or
less frozen. The coach from Helena te Fert
Shaw was also obliged te lay up. The snow
Is terribly deep In the mountains and the
reads are Impassible.
Twe Mere A lctiui..
Til 1 in, Ohie, Jan. 12 Twe mere victims
of the recent B, .t O. horror have been traced
te the lit fated train and there all
Identity is.lestexcept a melted watcb and a
dlstlgured revolver. Their names are J, L.
Heatty, of Hloemlngton, Ills., aud Alvln U.
Ice, of Pen Held, Ills.
FaverlDgtbe Leagues Campaign.
Londen, Jan. 12 Hen. Bernard Cole
ridge, M. P., Ben of Lord Chlor Justice Cole Cele
rid go, lu a speech at Sheffield last night said
that he freely gave bis moral support te the
Natleual Longue's plun of campaign.
Angered at the Treacher's Opposition.
Osiiue-iii, Wis , Jan. 12 It was stated
last ulght by prominent members et ibe
Hev, Geerge NeuUzel's Lutheran church
that about sixty members will withdraw en
account of the action et the reverend gentle
man toward the Knights of Laber. Tbe
church has a membership of 250.
A Dangerous Mau at l.srge.
Pheiu , 111., Jan. 12. Frank Wlllz, a des
perado, who has served two years lu prison,
aud who escaped from the police last week,
entered the cilice et Dr. Buck last Light te
plunder, and shot tbe doctor twice. He also
shot James Kllseu, a polleoman, In the face
and escuped. The wounds of both men are
uet dangerous.
Death et a Farmer Frem Olauders.
I V.H11IVUK, HI, Jau. 12. B. L'rten, tbe
farmer near Carthage, whose glaudertd
horses were killed recently, has died rrim
blced poisoning, or what Is believed te be an
Incipient stage of glanders complicated with
typhoid fever. Ills farm la still quarantined.
I.ngll.h Millers Fall.
Loniien, Jau. 12. Jesepb and Charles
Hturge, extensive corn merchants and millers
at Birmingham, summoned a meeting or
their creditors yesterday and announced
tbelr Inability te continue business. Their
liabilities are estimated at X 150,000.
Lord Iitdealelsh tiles Huddeuljr.
Lomien, Jan. 12 Whlle holding a confer
ence with Lord Salisbury this afternoon,
Lord Iddeslelgb, who recently resigned tbe
ministry of foreign allalrs, was taken aud
dently 111 and expired shortly after.
A deriuan Actress Attempts ijulilde,, Jan, 12. Frauleln Kramnie,
plajlng au eugagement at the Wallmer thea
tre, Bhet and severely vvounded berself last
night In an altempt te commit suicide.
An Ki-Ooverner el VVUceu.ln Iljlue
CeuuMiius, Wi., Jan. liHx-Oev erner
James T. Lewis was stricken with paralysis
yesterday morning, and new lies in a precar
ious condition. One slde Is completely dls
abled. Late last nlgbt thore were hopes of
bis recovery.
C Washington, D. C, Jan. 12. Fet
Kasteru Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Dolaware : Slightly colder, northwest
erly winds, lair weather.
home Additions le the lirge List 'Hint
I'rlnled mi Tuesday.
Iho following directors el local Institutions
have been oleclod In addition te tbose men
tioned Tuesday 1
KIlMliethtnwn National Hans.
Tbe following named persona wero elected
directors of this bank : A. Dlsslnger, J. Dyer,
M. O Koller, It. (I Ornfl, W. 8. Hmlth, J (1
Htaiiuer, Abr. U. Htauirer, F. Oldwller aud J
H. HIsser.
National llsnk of Christiana.
The following named gontlemon wero
elected le serve as directors of this bank fur
tbe ensuing year. Hamuel Hlokem, Jaines
D. Heed, Themas J. Philips, Aareu Hart
man, Abraham Heep, W. 8. Kennedy,
Themas MrOewan, H. W. H wisher, Jehn J
Keylor. Olucers t H. Hlokem, president ; J.
D. Heed, vIch prosldent , T. J. Philips, bee
rotary; I. W. Hlokem, cashier; H. Hlokem,
Jr., assistant cashier.
I.tllll National Usui
The following directors were roelectod .
Jehn H. Krb, Win. Kvaus, A. W. Hheber, I
O,, jareuu. Heller, p. j. Hoebuok, H.
K. Miller, Ham). Lrb, Israet Zartmau.
Lincoln National Hank,
Tbose directors wero elected by the share
holders of the Lincoln National bank :
Hamuel NIssly, H. W. Hard, Levi fehltk, A.
H Helllnger, Hamuel H. Hese, Isaac II.
Miller, Philip Dester, I. A. Hnavely, Hamuel
Wolf, Ooergo Keller, A. W. Meutrer, Samuel
Heyer, D. H. Lulz,
Commonwealth Fire Insurance.
The following beard of directors were
elected yesterday by the Commonwealth
Mutual Fire Insurance company : Messrs.
K. A. Bennett, J. H, Herr, Jacob Sneatb, P.
A. Kredol, Dr. C. F. Markel, A. (. Guiles,
Wm. Harm, Hugh Denley, O J Hbode,
II. II. Helse, J. Z. Kby aud A. Kberly.
Kphrata atlenal Hank
W. 7m Soner, Christian bniltb, A. J. Heami
Ezra Uurkhelder, David Burkheldor, K
Konlgmacher. A. Kenlgmarber,, Levi Mout Meut
zer, Jehn Y. Weldman, J. W. Keller, Goe.
L. Bard and Samuel Wechter.
Maulielm Natleual Hank.
Jacob L. Htebman, Samuel II. Lrb, A. B
Bewman, D. II. Hemborger, A. B. Orubb, D.
It. Hershey, Samuel Heist, Henry Arndt, J.
F. Hackman.
Farmer.' Natleual Hank.
Following were elected directors te-day
Jacob Bausman, H. M. Seldotnrldge, Chris
tian Lerever, Andrew Brubaker, Gee. M.
Franklin, Henry Bewman, Ken be n A. Baer,
David B. Landis, Jehn B. Warfel, Martin
Kreider, A m. D, Hprecher and .Martin P.
Insurance Company Directors.
The following officers and beard of direc
tors of tbe Pennsylvania Mutual Fire In
Burance company, or Columbia, were oleeted
en Tuesday afternoon : President, Jehn B.
Bachman, vice president, Samuel Filbert,
treasurer, Jehn B. Wlsler , secretary, Geerge
Yeung, Jr.; directors, Jehn B. Bachmau,
Jacob H Strlne, Samuel Filbert, V. J. Baker,
II. II. Heise, Jehn P. Stamen, Themas It.
McClune, Getlelb Yeung, Wm. McDIvltt,
Jehu Zslgter, H. II Wolfe, William Ilarne.
AS xrEHINU tic"
Mr KthelbertNevIn Charm, a Delect Auilleme
at Ilausmau'a Music ltoems.
Mr. EtholbertNevIn, of Bosten, a favorite
pupil el Ven Bulow, el Berlin, gave bis
trlendsanda few invited musical peeple a
delightful recital In Mr. Bailsman' music
rooms, en the second lloer of tbe Hheads
building. The new concert piano responded
te the touch of the virtuoso and held tbe
delighted nudlence spell bound. He was
assisted by Miss Hallie Bechtold, whesaug
with unusual finish and intelligence savers!
oratorio selections. Fer an encore sbe sacg
several beautiful German songs. Tbe follow
ing Is the pregramme, but it was received
with such favor by the appreciative audlonce
that many selections added In responee te
tbe encores greatly enlarged the scope ut Ibe
evening's enlertalnment .
Bchumann Kantasle Op 17.
Iluydn " With Vordure clad '
Cbepln-Etndc. A llat uiaj.
IHsslii Necturne
WatJner-Nevln ltheln Daughters Trie.
w u uer Uissln-t Ire Otiarm.
n,ii.intPin '" learnings.
uuuinsiem ( b- 0 lHlri aintBweet,s.ntl helj
Liszt Tarantelle " Venczla e Nupell.
Mr. Nevln Is certainly gifted with musical
genius, aud his performance was pronnunced
truly wonderful by competent Judges pres
ent. Miss Bechtold's singing caused ell te re
gret that no accomplished a vocalist Is rarely
heard In her native town. A centleman
among tbe guests, et known musical talent,
kindly coneented te contribute te tbe enter
tainment by u low vocal selections, and
altogether the recital was a lerfect suc
ces", and it la hoped will mark a
beginning of a mero progressive movement
among our musical people. The high char
actor of tbe uiUBle and audlcnce and the
pleasant rooms, together with the genial wel
come extended by the host and hisadmlra hisadmlra
bie performance of his part In the exercises,
led all present te bope that the example se
well given will be followed.
It Is hoped that the musical recital given
may be followed by tue organization of a
club te secure the frequent 11 petition et Uke
hhe 1'ropeunda a Nerles ef Que.tlens le
Clerk ThreuKti the Iutelllfteucer. "
Marriage License Clerk Keller tbls morn
ing received the following peatal card, which
was mailed at tbe Lancaster office :
"Seeing by Saturday eveniug's Intel
LlciEvcEll that the " Marrmg-i Llcon-e
Law "Is agitating mero than one expectant
applicant, I bore venture te ask iuforma iuferma iuforma
tleu upon several points of which I am Ig
norant, trusting jeu will kindly auswer
through tbe tame paper, at tbe same tlme
pirdeulng the liberty 1 have taken, WI101
a license Is obtained Is the lady compelled te
be present? if uet, suppose tbe man is Ignor
ant et his betrothed' age? or should she re
fuse te tell blm ? or tell blm iucerree'ly.
What then ? must an oath be taken in rofer refer rofer
encetoages7 Are the uges written in tbe
license? What is a clergymen expected te
till lu the license? and what is the fJne il
married without ene ? Who must return
license te the court, tbe clergymen or the
party married? By answering explicitly
jcu will greatly obi Ige mere than one.
Fer tbe information of "An Kxpectaut
Applicant " we will state that the lady Is net
cempelled te be present wben tbe license U
issued. That matter is Invariably attended '
te by ihe Intended groom. He is net ex
pected te be in ignorance of his IntondedM
age. On the contrary tbe bride should truth
lully inform her Intended of her age ter
under tbe law, he in obliged te swear te her
age. Tbe ages are net w rlllen en the llconse
The cloruvmeu tills In the paper that Is
filed with the clerk the uames of the con
tracting parties and the date of the marriage.
Ne clergymen or magistrate iu Pennsylva
nia will new marry 11 couple without a
license If It is doue the otlendieg clergy
men or magistrate is fined ? 100 for the use et
the county in which the marrlage takes
enr Helland K. el (!. K. Otllcere.
New Helland Castle Knights Gelden Kagle,
will be Instituted en Wednesday evening,
Jun. 20, 1S7; the tollewlng officers have been
named; Past chief, J no. V. Miller; uoble
chief, W. S. Heland i vice chief, Samuel
Jacobs ; high priest, Jen. Brown ; venerable
hermit. J. K. Wltiuer .sir herald, II. 8. Hull ;
M erlt, trod. Swepe , U. 01 is, James Ket
ley ; K. or 11,, Geerge O. Heland ; bard,
David Watterson s W. Cham, K. V. Hmltt ;
ensign, Harrison Keller; esquire, An 01
Htark ; 1st guardsman, I. N. Hair ; 2nd
guardsman, Kliut-r Fasuacht ; trustees, Isaaa
N. Balr. Israel Balr, D. 11. Gruble ; represen
tative, Jno. V. Miller.
The Ieirralmm's iieturneil.
Mary Ingrabatn aud her father, Album Iu
graham, were beard this afternoon by Alder
man Batr, for larceny and receiving stelen
goeis. The articles taken and received were
ploeusot iewelry from the store or Wm, G.
Feehl. Beth cases were returned te court
nud tbe accused commuted ler trial.
I? vnitintv
I'AUlir.'F s-
JiKinrr IIAU 1HKU.
uiviali n"
mwmm i
Tba l'aiMil1,ai. ..
.... .,-........ , riTi nerrM... nAan in.u
Hie Con.ternatlen Among i.olltUei ,
iiieinuera ;or ll.e , K.eH.ngni I
Condition Net llep.tnl, However.
Ni.vv Yenif, Jan. 12 The statement thai r&
ma) or Auram &. iiewitiuiea today la m. jr.jj
" 1-" -.--..j, ...a, uerry.'-w,
stated te a Unlted Press ropertor that ha had
Just come from Mayer Hewltt's resldenet
and that there was but llttle change in bta
condition. "The rheumatic attack," he
Bald, "had net as yet assumed any terleua
proportions, and the patient waa doing wtll
under the troatmeut tie was receiving."
The statement or the death was quite frea
orally belleved, as It came from lourea
horetoforo almost uniformly reliable.
Fer the past few tlayB rumors have beea
circulating te the ellect that the mayor's ooa eoa oea
dltlon was crlflcal and added te thtsse waa
oue qulte freely clrculated yesterday, that
Mr. Uewltt was dead. Jt la learned, hew.
evor, that the msjnr's condition Is net oe
bopelul as bis trleml would have tbe publle
believe. The rheumatic- lullamuiallen which
commenced at the knoe has gradually spread
and has oxtendod te the stomach aud feara
are entertnlncd that 11 it Is net speedily
checked It may reach seme vital organ and
result In his sudden domtse.
One et the humors et the sensation was the
agility with which the Union club, en Fifth
avenue, ran upltslligatbalf mast. Adenlal
from pollce headquarters seen reached the
club heuse Bnd the hurry with which the
standard was taken In was amusing.
While Working ou n Fire Natural Ou Kx
pteues ami Tnejrnre Severely llurnivl.
PfiTsntnin, Jan. 12. AU 11:30 o'elook this
morning the tire department were hastily
summoned te quench u aniall blazs In the
rear part of the cellar of a two story brick
tenement building en Twetfth atreet. A
line of hese was run through tbe window te
the rear and tbe llrometi vv ere at work In tbe
cellar, when u terriue explosion or natural
gas took place, which shook the build
ings lu tbe outlre square The 11 re men
were thrown violently against tbe cel
lar walls Assistant Chief Steele was In
front aud revolved tbe most serious injuries.
HI race, neck, breast and arms were terribly
burned. Chief K vans was thrown from the
cellar steps te the hall above, bis hair, beard
and ejebrews burned etf. Jeseph Mllllgan
aud Paddy Graham, el Truck A, wero badly
burned lu tbe face aud arms. Fireman
Haupt, of engine company Ne. 15, and Peggy
Myers, of the Niagata company, were both
severely burned lu tbe face.
ile Must I'ay tne Heirs et HI Fermer
ner.Dr. Smltb. 8380,000.
Seme tlme after the death of Goerge W.
Smith, or the llrm et Hestetter A, Smith,
stomach bitters manufacturers, the helm of
Smith prosentod a claim et 5103,000 against
Dr. David Hostettcr for Smith's interest In
tbe recipe from which tbe mediciue Is manu
factured. Messrs. James II. Srelt, O. P.
Scaifeand D. Leet Wilsen were appointed
arbitrators en the case, and en Tuesday tbey
came te a final settlement, giving tbe heirs or
Gee, W. Smith 2SCO0O and their part of tl
Speakingef tbe award, Dr. Hestetter said:
"Mr. Smith bad been a life-long friend or
mine. He was the companion of my youth,
aud when my father and myself started te
mauutacture Hostelter's bitters in 1833, I
took blm lute business, and tbe firm was
thoe called Hestetter, Smith k Ce. Later,
when my father died Smith attended te
tbe business In tbe ofllce, while I went trav
eling ever the country selling tbe goods.
We bad alwa)3 been the warmest friends,
aud, although 1 think that the arbitrators
valued his part of tbe business tee highly, yet
1 shall pay it without auy hesitation."
The award was niaJe en the ground that
all advertising was dene evor the firm's
nnme el Hcstetteri Smith. Beth Uostetter
and Hmith begau their careers iu Lancaster.
A Select Crowd of Hperitiif; Men Have Q?fH
Spert Willi (Iitiun Thickens. V
On Tuesday evening there was some rat
tllng geed cock lighting at a well-known
sporting resort near the city. About twenty
five persens were present, including some
old cock lighters, aud lets of money changed
bands. Five bittles were fought and
thore was plenty of npert, The
first battle was between a blue red cock
weighing 1 pounds 5 ounces and a brass back
weighing 4 peuuds 3 ounces. The former
wen lu thirteen minutes. Tbe second battle
was between two Tassel cocks each et which
weighed about i)i pounds. This was the
best fight of the evening, and seme very
rapid work was done. It lasted about fifteen.
minutes, and tbe loser was badly Injured.
A black red weighing 4,' pounds and
another el tba same color weighing
4 peuuds were pitted Bgalnst etch
ether 111 Iho third fight. Tne smaller bird
wen, killing bis opjieuent. The winner of
the third fight was put up again lu tbe fourth.
Ills opponent was a larj, black-red, weigh
ing 5'i peuuds. Again was the small chicken
victorious aud the large ene was knocked
clean out of tlme. lu the filth battletbe
plucky llttle black-red whs Hit up rerthe third
time wbeu he lest his Ufu against the Tassel
that wen tbe Mjceud tight.
Iutereatlug Meetlug. lu HI. Jenu's Protestant
i:ilceialCburLb( Tlil.CHy.
The wlnter Bosslen of the HarrUburg con"
vocation et the Protestant Hplscepal church
met iu St Jehn's church, tbls city, last even
ing at 7 JO o'clock.
The following clergymen were p.csent:
The dean, Hev. A. C. Powell, Yerk j secre
tary, Hev. J. Graham, Marietta ; Hev. W. O.
Laugdon, D.D , Bedford ; Hev. C. F. Knight,
D. D., Liucaster ; Hev. II. H. Btruliaui,
Uhemberaburg; Hev. Francis J. Ciay-Meran,
Columbia; Hev. 11. (J. Pasterlus, Lykena:
Hev. A. H. Woedle, Aitoeua; Hev. J as.
Stoddard, Ne a pert; Hev. Themas McClln McClln McClln
toek, Maiihelm
The oveulng pra)er was said by Kev.
Woedle, assisted by Kovs. Clay-Meran and
Knight. Tbe sermon was preached by W,
C. Langden. The sen Ice was well attended.
This) morning the holy commuuleu ws
administered, tbe sermon beleg preached by
Hev. Berghaus
This afternoon will be dovetod te receiving
reports of missionaries, and this evening
there will be missionary services and ad
dresses by several members or the convoca
tion. Sold n Ul.ta.ed Turkey,
A few days tofero Christmas Joel JO,
Halnea purchased en market from Jehn
Kahlemau, a turkey for his Christmas dinner.
l'be turkey was diseased and bad te be
thrown awuy and complaint was made be
fore Alderman Birr ugaluet Esbieman ler
selling unwholesome meat. Kahleman wm
net seen en market again until this morning
when he was arrested. He was taken before
Alderman Birr" where he declaimed alt
t... ... I n,l .. n .. ...nll.lnn ItAlni u(nnr sxattfte
tbe turkey. Ksbelman paid Mr. Haines Che J a
HiinvviriiL'M iii mil iiiuii: uviuk nauaiat nana
I ill l price 01 tne iiirisey uuu au uusie, sua HMjrj
nrostcutleu w as w ithd ra wn.
, iZ
Harrv t ltreuner'a Puueral. .
The remains of tbe late Harry F. Brennssr' .
arrtveu irem ruuaucipuia av i.iu p. ,.
te-day, Bcoempanleu by bis relative
The lunetal proceedod te au ms
nnmAtA,tf whflTfl IntlintlBnt Wll IfiatS.
11 !.'.. .,A l'h..l MiOeanDMhS
Vail ww,mn ni w.. .- - w. riXfi
Vllllain Harklns, Jehn J Alllck and e
V., Maleiie, esq. ,
i;.:-:,u&W ' tin -ftimm?mm'r