IhSLM EE2E5 I f '? Sfc HIS FAILUKIC IVur Hlclinril Reilft t line linn inrry liupnillflil wlttiln lilieill." a puslieil luck llm Iiimm ui iimiinii'llpt tielutu him in liu mill llil", ii-iil. roiling lilt mi try lieil mi lili Inn I mi' l)klii( nut iip'Hi tliu Mliict. He wm " born imle hIiikIiib," Imt le-ilny he ceul 1 net ulter wlnt Iie.immi linil llrenllivit Inte liN huiiI, ler llm I union Uynorely iieit lilm, l.itely It li.ul liwn no, (lint wlieu tlm bi'irt elinrili worn (inept liy Hid utneeti inviler liniul, niul liNxxiIdiiuyiKl le Mug tlm tefraln, llm iiiolle iiiemiinw trembled forth, only te Mtttir hulerii Ilia nn nn nn npi'icoUtetl, niul iliu kqIiIsii notei iIId-I hiiiIiI Hid Joiriet tlietiA'irdtv uroitilre.of npltn. Ieng lie mint liliilok,emntiUliiK!tlioor. Imriluiiril liimrL MimiM lie " ' ' lititlulM liy rhllaiile lonijer ' Me illil nut knew , It Rpomeit te li III' iluty te row ( n iikI tin) tliln, lint eh I It w iii Imrd. Henii, he wni nn arii, ceiiii cxl It nlrtwiKllittiIiiK le gnultiilii nulla iiml emliire, unit I hi iimvIeiI theiii, Mn Imlliiwil liu oeutil Initie Hint ile brau'ly - but net nlnnc, liu uninlriilit lin hail net thu tlm te Mltlmtanil the neutmry cur rinttt. 'IIiekii Mho slmiilil hme hi'Ul upliU Imtiiln hy weulii of encoiir.KOiiietit tool nliHif niul loeki-il en with unconcern. Others ulie might linve uinile hli wetlil el tlieUKht te huil nmt liloeni, iamcil by en the ether side Willi tl pll I tut iije, net tuiuititiig te wmte thelr IiIkIi iiilgtittmii en n "trucullnt,' niplr mil, niul Ihore Mere noun te lend n helping Imiul. AIi'cm, Ii" "cnlil kIve It up, mill wrlle thoweril Inllurn hImixe the prelili'iu el til mlfMeii, mul loaie It iinolvetl. It would he n Imrd Nik certalnly, te y le the Htveet well prlmrel eii( within, 'thu l.ir, Htnl no Mrtlmr," hut It neiitd liu hnnlfir Htlll te lutvu Iticryxtat ateri loe their purity mi thonvkief Muruli, evor whh'li tiny mint Mil". Ye, ha noiit'eMnll In this IxMiitirul mini iner son, mul grew cuiilen mul uleulcwi mill Sl'llll lllll M!HIIHllHltlU (Kill tO lCll(Nll tO thnoynieHl pnvtiild. Mn would Blip down I rum tlie runnel of tlm Uildnr te which liulinil riling In doijicrntlen : ullpilewu te t liu blank ueii el tlm inoiielot:mii loveK Noeno would dliturh hliu thcru, mid he IioUeiihI he uiUKt lm oue et tlinie who run well for n neaien only , no matter, he would try Hint forget the tee urrattied gitttnef the glorious lmul of Hung wcre miir iijir for lilm. Why Rhetild be roinmnlierT Ile pushed the liinireudhiK manuscript, which boiiie liuiy editor had "declined, " Inte thoepau ilmwur, nhut Itnnnv Irem hit wpiiry Bltht, and turiiDd the key In the lt'k ivngely. Thus he flung the gauntlet Inte the facet el "TIieNliu," who tiirnml alde Irem their chosen ulnger wltli mute borrow. MelmiclPd new Hint the lido of his Minimer aim would nair rlne KijHlti , but thore win mi lntliieiire ilrx'liieil te Ix'nr upon hln dpnil " weild, andNHy te the Hdiitumitlnn nherm " Ile thou olefL" Tlwt llltle ' rllt w It t 1 11 the Inte" wi wwti te lw iiipudr-d mid the inualc whi oiice inore te tlne'i futth In Itn entrmiclOK nweol nweel n M". AkhIii he nut nt his diik ami llie iiunu.Tlit Uy livfore him but tlni tliiui ttiu mmililne itreimml evor all. the falrv riilnlieHH of hppy prmnlvi npunpl iwrh well-written ii mi n ml tlie line, Mill ttlH SntlglBe WSH lI) In KID nntilllnt; III tliu il7 kei UJ wltli i ivteeter Hun etr (Ircituinl el. VI nt imtii in xidk wcre an e'li:i hat had wrenuht till' luaiile trauiferiiiatluu'' Ah' the Rlorleni biiiiMkIiI of appreciates kliidnenB hat broken IbreiiKh tlm Mullen C4U C4U epy miililtmlj, and tlluiiilnul UU dreary way; the ht'lphiK IihiiiI liai Im-vii reai htxl out te him and limteiirhul ili'we luiiu mloiHrlieril", mid they had K'eu litik a symplieny, km eel an the bulla et Ium til llli duuli'.i tint tind uiiile him lesti the Kyd ht might hiue wen, were bvltiK nwept alde hy ttiat lulpiii); hand, he had ueier hikii her, ltit in Ini tbanklul tbanklul iicea he alluntnl alie iiiuit txi t lin kmk1 miRel sent teiMIH-t'l his failure, and help Mini work out thnproblem (fhla uitlnn A let ter lay en lili duak. In whiih alie aild "1 rivogtilze t:0 hnpp fa-t itiat jeu nm eel from the permit of our piwm, wi.ieli 1 liaie rtad , J rui r Unei contain iniii'h merit , pleaiu i-etitlnuUHUd 1 will help you " lllcaii.nl werdn' "1 will help jen," Ttiey broil Rllt heaii neaier ttiau Ii had lieen lur many wiwry yeara , he euul I tiae fallen down at her Imit, and weMhtppet her ter her timely Inspiration, but Hint wi lniietil bio , he would dehettur, hewuier , he would ifintlnue, und theretiy ahew hii jfrutltudv, by UeIiik bin N'kL Shu had net trnen her u.l Urea, uud the peitmark wai tee dim te be lfKlhlP, ae he hid no Iden Irem wlih !i dlrt5 dlrt5 tleu hia help wilt (Yiihiuk , i e matter, it alie hit I BOfii hia hmiih In the p a alie w uld be Mute'-'iijj ter them In the future. Oi A ih ywetit by anJ he found hia mwM at or noun ui v . Mnif. and h' ttir in te Uijk for ward lethcftriuhttlMdiuf theprjinlied koe-I once U1):0. Tlm d re una of ina youth aine 5 ' birk new for rtulizjtkin. ji Tue helplm; hand wai wttn hint ntlll. "I'p, up the Imlithli," iihe Mld, " pret rlKht ou and ncer latter ami I wlllhelpyeu," Ot tlm uauie of hi I mentor he ifm net ulte Ketber certain , of her realdeneu he wm et iKDeranl, but with her heart he ni ttell ac quainted, und he had known for month! that me ktnatilpei lils suul reitcil w ith her, who mer ahu iu'i;ht lie. Did he rcall'e hn'A mull be dtipcmtud ou ttl-t unseen Irieud ' What If he, by winib atrokuel turtiiue, aiieuld he aupiratnd fr ill her, and be obliged a K" his way atenn lie shuddered te think of it. itutwhatnllej him , was he btiiiiliiK infatuated wltli the Iree, caay hntidw rltlux et u woman he had ii6erM'pn. Did he leilly loelhuoul Ibat brtalhed through tlie kind lettera he Imt re wived from this uukuewu ,corr(ieudcntT Ah'lLutwaan nnae horleus iue-itlen, and rame ueurur hemu than the flrsU The utloiate heart oftlieiHJOt U headleiiK. Ile uiUHt watch hltiiKOlf, for ahe, w hoever ahe was, might uotceoUeacoml te return such a deep emotion of the heiiI. I'erhnps alie had never ImsRltied he was ae weak , porhapanhe wraa net heart-whole, either, ami he in nut guard himself from liU own aimceptlbllltleH. Then theiocnmeii time when alie kve him her full addrcka , this was something unusual, Deuhtleas alie desired an misner trem him, eUe why had hhe dene this T He would wrltoReywuy and thank her at leant for all alie had done fur lilm , It was her due, and he whs glad of the privilege of dolese this, for without her enceuraKument where would he have been The letter hid been written, and was keiiu. He had w rltteu uuariledly, fearlnc hia ncrcl uilKlit oc.ipe him , bis pleasant ee'ret, of the old bwcei atery, every new. She should net knew hew much he loved her net Just yet; alie inlKht turn away from lilm new lu his hour of huc huc ceiia, did Mho knew all. He did net dream that fair fomlnlne llugeiH Humored caroas careas uiKly ever his " heartfelt thsuka," or that a womanly keuI welcomed the loveho had let allp into hia timid llnea. The pesalhlllty of her belnR old, or unlova ble, never lind entered his theughta, ul ul theugh the HiiKKf'llen had crossed lilainltul that abe inlKht beletiK te another, and he had felt his heart revolt at the Idea, He felt, hewever, that thla woman whom he never had Been held his destiny lu that helping hnnd of hers, und he loved te quote Hums te hlmanlf lu apltu et his non experience . Hut te i e hnr was te love her, l,ev e but her, unit luvu forever, Wcek followed week, mid the encouraged author had almost forgetleu that he ever compared IiIuiheII te ixier Heal', and had dixlKimted for hia epitaph the weid, tdlu.re He had been coiineieua many UmeHthat lnu leve hud Koneoutinto the lettera, In hlsvalii ellerta te acroen hia soul , hut us jet she had net been elleiidid. And new she had written that, in n few day, she would pass through his villai;e en her way te visit frlends In the adjoiiilei; state, and added . "As I will be obliged te wait h few heura lu jour town, I should he happy te call en you, If you will Iki at home." At home? He would nlwajn be nt home w hen his geed angel choxe te bleai lilm with a vialt, M) he replied that he would be over joyed te aeu her. Siuce then he had been w iilttng, uud each day had Deemed nu eternity in Itself. He sat In his Ktudy trylug te muster Ills thoughts te the completion of hla last sonnet, but i-oine way they wete refractory In the txtremeutnl could net be managed. The lev dilutes of the May morning beamed In through the open window, and the fragrant breath et llm Mpriugtlme ktole seltly In evor the casement le charm his peul soul Inte the arms of the Mue, but m vain. The arrival of every train made him nervous and the i-euuil of foeUteps en the walk outside caused him te Mail. Kven Shakespeare could net iisve wrllleii u line ijimctly lu this state of excltemeut, he was sure, He threw down his pen In dipgiut and lclcked his slippers iicress the riHiiii in nis linpatlence , then he went ever uud put his feet into thorn, calmly and selemnly, s if doing ponance. "Only mi old f riend," he heard anme ene saylntboualljercoursoltwnsthoold woman wen uiu ikiek agency oeuio ngain. He had wwii her pass tlin window only u few inlnutes bofero, and had hein.il she, ter once would be nuiu uuuuHii vu Ke en by; but alie had net, ..u ..D iu.i.j. niu "an out trlend," tn the ""- i"""u mum ouuie ene tapped en hl iluily deer, tin inerely srowled eutt "Come In." Hhe did net mind his itiBoenrtesy hook Bgents nover de bnloanie In, iw ha had ungraciously Invited her te de, and he loekod iiv, It wasn't old Mr Jenen wltli her ireliMinwcd Bpoelnclcs at all. A riileU loekliig lady slixxl thnre with n ierplBieil liMikonher faoe. "H l I," s'ieald, coming forward, and holding nut her Intnl. "Have I disturbed you by my unceremonious call T" lie Ntaminemd simnlhlug, meatit for nil aiKileiiy, ns he Hreso and Iwik llm prullored hunt. Hhe did net uiliul his oetifualon. knowing from the leek lu his ilaik eyes that film was welcome as the stinslilup. Then this was the wennti "f whom lift had droatned be much -and, (wimp, In vain. Hhe was net liPiiulllul. Ne: hut she had kindly face, ami was lovable. Thore was wldo-awBke, ifliidnr Blncerliy In her rounlo reunlo rounle nanco he leved. lu short, she was a woman ly wemnti,nnd net a man. WlmtH rellel te find she was net ene of Iho " fins mid reiithiirH " aert of women , hut id enurnc, had she been, she iiuver would have thought el him. He was prompted te get up mul go ever te the window whom alie was Milling ami kiss horfer her geed boiise, but l.edld net dare. Ne, net, jet i may be mmih-iIiiie lin ixmlil de that, but net today, much ns he wished te. Hhe Hoeined le be looking at htm, and pro pre (porting net te bee hlui, he thought. Was alie taking nn Inventory of his den," or was she tending hlui, iiiueh ns a professor would a textbook? He felt n llltle uiioom uiieom uiioem forlnblo when thove tpilet hi ue gray eyes rested for a moment en him, but when he looked nt her, he forget everything hut the llutter of delight in his lonely meiiI, and the lines el Hubert Hums; Mul te ee her was te leve her, l)e tint her, and lure f.iunm. Hhe Lilkeil of till llterary prosnects, found much le roeouiiuond lu Ills endeavors, and spnmed Interested In hli vvolfare. HoM-Btrauge It neunded te him te have cheering words soken In his ten by twelve study, the very walls must hsvn huen sur prised, he thought, te have caught the echoes of an encouraging vole. Hut he grew con II II denl whlle alie tatkml, penlldniit that he could win and wear ,lhe inurul If she nover forsook him. Hew quickly the hours had Down and she wasroidyte go. lis went Willi her te the train, proved her hand lu n llltle half fright fright eninl mstiner at pitting ; nud she had col ored slightly, but alie was net oflemled. The cars had geno new, nud he steed, looking the way che went Hhe vvnved n goed-hyo te lilm with her hand kerchief from the open window and her kindly lace had tieamed en hlui from lieneatti Its crown of dainty rings or curling hair, clustering en the full whl te terehead. All, me' the "den" was lonesome new, and soBllent, sluoe Its brlef sn-isen of nuiislilne, coming like the smlle or an angel and going as gees n beautiful dream leaving a tender reuret. Thore were the Mowers she had given him , there was the manuscript she had praised, and her words seemed lingering yet In the room. He pressed the Mowers te his heart, te till that vwuutii which nover had been tilled as her lovecoiilil Mil It, and murmured; "1 will help jeu. ' Hhe had said this and mero as she steed lingering by his desk, nud she had loekod at him evor her ran with an expression lie could Bcarrely Interpret. It aeinned te hltn Hint alie would have been contented te have stayed with him, and his heart gave a great throb el happiness at the thought. Hut he was only guesMugaml hu might be far from the truth. Autumn had come again, lltshlng banners ever Held and weed. He had net heard Irem her lalely, but she was still in the Hist. Had the liocume disenchanted liy tils plain, every day appearance, and was she lortietllug him new after -well, she never said that she loved hlui, but she had ceme nigh unto that happy confession mero than ence , at least he no In terpreted It, Hut If f lie did net enre for hlui, lied help lilml That word " Failure " would be his destlny after all, and thoMiiiishlne would go out sild denlj from his life. Was he weak and un manly te depend en another se ' Ne ; he thought net. Wliv lud this bright stir risen ou his night? Why had this fair helper crossed hla lonely way Just in time te bsve him I Why did this great ntltvtlen for her bo be bo ceino his very existence If they were all deemed te go down Inte the cheerless grave of Hlchard He,itl together He had bpeii beautllul blossoms open lu dewy iiierulugH, with n (irouilse or a bright, happy da', enlj le be crushed and withered ere the noontide. Were thej a ty-e or his jvoer hungrj' heuI ami Ha leve rer the geed the trueund the elevating7 Would It evor Ik) said of lilm, " here Ilea n great soul k Hind by cruel wrong'" Would n " bleak, dnaolate neon " be all left te him of this beautiful drtam if his clouded life, and would the words that "rushed up hotly from his heart " cpme te naught at last? Merrow had tdwaj kept the portals of bis soul horetelore, but lately he had dreamed of brighter, better things. Tlie gates or n fa-, aweet Hdenland had been held ajar hir hi in by her hand, nud the past few months hud been like a beautiful sunset Mi.iulng agslnst his dark skj Thej' had revealed te hlui what hla llte might havu been -ih! might have been had Bhe ceme te hlui In years geno by , but, IHirhnvH, ihey, t.), wete mero like n beautl fill sunset than he cared te have tliem ; per Imiih they would go out iute cheerless night, as the geld and purple band', trembling aw ay out there in the graj- gleaming of the Nevemlier twilight, would lade Inte tlie com lertlesa Wekt. He would sit down In this lenelj- hour, and write te her all that was in hla heart. It seemed a desperate resolve ler one of his timid, MirxonMltlve nature, but he had ceme te whero he could net keep silent longer. He would risk It; this confession would have te b'i made some time, and why net te-night 7 He never could say it tn her, he thought ; but he could write it, for the warm, passionate, peel heiiI was beating against these barriers et Mleucc, Impellent te be heard. And when the gray twilight had deepened Inte night the letter was Mulshed the lotler with the boldest request in it that he had ever penned. Ha had Maid : "If you can only be a friend and (loot bless you! jeu have been n geed ene answer this letter by siyingse ; H j-eu can return my leve and will keep the heart I have long mIuce given jeu, piemen ill en moon your return, nud I will knew when 1 set eyus en jeu that the suushlne has ceme te my soul te stay nmt forever te bless j but, If j'eu are olleudeil by this earnest appeal et uu honest heart, pass me byuud nrlte me from your own home " Hy mid by thore uame a letter, and his brain whirled as the familiar superscription met his gaze. Ah! what had she written? Hla heart steed still in Ha agony of suspetiDO, as his trembllng tlngers tore etl the end or tl e white envelope. Hhe had wrltten only a line, and It said '! shall been my way houieuoxt woek." q'ne missive slipped Irem his hand te the llisir and he sat perplexed. Did hhe mean that elm was going te pass him by, 1'harlsee fashion, or did alie nieau that she Intended te step oil and bee him ? Oh ! It must lx) that Mho was intending te call ns she did net say ene word about being "Just a blend. Ne, she either meant te make hint happy or plunge lilm back into the gull of nothluguess from which she bad Iirted hlui. Ah, that would be something boslde which death would be u klndneas 1 "Next week" hud oeino and geno up te l'rldny neon, Btlll he sat by the window watching every westward bound train. His position also gave him the view of the street, und he knew the way she would come II she would ceme te hltn at nil. The ilsjs he haa waited soemod endless, hut the week was going tee last. Oh! ter a glimpse of her around the corner vender. There wm the last, train te-day. Ne he would leek with eager oye for it might be that surely olio would have had time new te ceme lu slgtit but Hhe had net. Ne, Hhouieaut te forget him, and he cov cev cov erod his weary eye with Ula bauds, and sat still, se still tuat he was counting the pulsa tions or his aching heart. A step sounded en the. walk ouUlde, but he hadn't the courage te leek up; or ceursu n wasn't her, and he wished that he was but the deer opened Beltly, and" 1 have ceuie," she said. He loekod up ; thore Btoed the ene dear woman or all the world, radiant with the leve light lu her happy, kindly face, and she was holding out her hauda te him. "Oh tit M you," hu exclaimed, a wild de light ringing through his words. His vlcleu grew uilstj', mid he tremhled with his great happiness. He clasped her te his Joyous heart, and pressed a long, passionate kiss the one kiss of hla lifetime en the blessed face. ' My leve, tny Hfe 1" he said, with emotion, Htlll holding her in his arms. " De you knew-what your coming brings, dearent?" he asked, looking down Jnte her bright face. " Hap Iiiebh, " ehe answered with a smile. " More than that, leve, " and he passed IiIh hand caressingly evor liU full wlilte brew, with Its rings of clustering tialr. It means ecstatle bliss ; it means that I have new no part nor let with peer Hlchard Healf, for I can go en te conquest In the light et your love, my own : it meaua that my Bor Ber Bor rewlul lile shall shall be illled with suiishlne and that the awoet cup, Instead of the bitter, has been placed te my waiting lips at last. Tliogatesof tny Kdenlaml of bright dreams el lore nud faine are ue mero te be closed X fatnut M6 1 nil 1-OClHM yOU"lMrMTMIaM from my fallnre. " .....,,, Thla wa n Ien speech for the timid, re tiring man le make, Imt he m Tery harpy new"nd the love of bin eeul had come alter years ofallent waiting. , , A happy, eonlenled light abone Irem the depth et tunbltuvgrnyeyen, and the happy woman In his arum said, roveienlly: "1 have found my lleulah In Hie great, geed out of my filend. WV, you and I, bare 1-eeii children of sorrow, but new for u Ibe muse may 'sing a soil sweet psalm,' and, at evnnliigltahsllbe light.' " And her lever answered In his deep, manly voice, "Ainenl" rhTnlrlnni-, l,wt-m, and lliislness Man are nntliuslaslleln lliiilrpnlernmnt el Salvation Oil. Itciilta the weisl cases of rhcuinatljin. tl cents, ehe sat en the nlsne steel with her hands ththllycliLsiH'il. loetilnir tragle nrt mlMrable he reuia net slug n note. I Knntly suggestnil llr. Hull's I'eiiKli Hy top. The next day she was nlnglng and til ling like Hie tint hllda of liie fprliiK CenrlhlnKl I. A Chance fur llfallh Is alTerilt'il thesn faet sinking Inte a condition of hnpi'less debility. The means are nt band. In thoturiiteln Ki'iil'd inedlctnal cordial, Ilostet Ilestet Ilostet ter's Htenmcli Hitlers einliodles the combined qualities of a Meed fertlllisr and depurent, a tonic and an alteratlrn. Whlle It promotes dl dl icnsUen anil asulinllatlnn, aid sllinutntti apno apne tltn.hasthn liiilliin itToctet purtrytng thellfe current and tieiutlhenlng the nerveus ayetem. Athslil(Mxl Kietta i teller and purer hy Its ue, they who retert te th s Merlins medicinal agent ac'iulrn net only vigor, butbeilly substance. A tieallhliilchanun In Hie secretions It effected by It, and ttmt sine and rnpllphv steal decay.wnlcn n clironle etutrui'tlnn et tlie functions of the system preducri! Is anested. Ttiii prllnn causes et dUM-ase being reuiered, health Is speedily ren eraied and vigor lestered. J8tel8 ruu BALM UM MMMT. P OU IlKNT-Tlli: I.IVKKY HTAIIIjC In the learnt theCIty lleUil. Appiyai S1IVO. Jb.UMB.aB, JO aid Ne. Ill Hast Uhestnut BtreeL Oll HAI.K A" PORTLAND OUTTKH j list nnver bren used i mi style, for 158 ou ; K.r "rU"er ""'t.'ivknSTIC.C A BO.V. J7-Jtd (Irant Street, rear et Cooper lloue, ouhT:91-eTi rknt. rive, Mx and KlKlitltenm Ileuset en Neilh Oueen, Kmt Krederleir, West New and Maner stiitls UKO. SIIUbMKH, J7 3U1 .Ne ?i B. King HU FOR RKN1 -Till! KAHT KINO 8TRKKT ItestMimnt and Ilnlnr lloemt, lie teet dpep, ceimUtlug et vault, barroom, dining room, rtadlng renin, pilvale dining room and kltchnn, wtlli rnnxp, het anil cold water, pantry, ete. Tti luiwt complMle place tn the city t geel light and new erniii" for particulars tall at Ne. 85 Katt King sllis-U J7-2td F r ri:nt-at medi:ratk tkrmh, ,T.SO. I'SIJITII IJUKK8T, A mint desirable tulle of loeini for lodging or business purjeses. Atiplyle r 1ATES JauMuid Ne. ill North Duke Street. COOl'ER HOUHK KOR RKNT. lh Cooper lleufp, nne-lialf tniiare from Centre ("mare nnd Opera Heme, ana near both railroad depot. This Is one of the largest and bust houses In Hie city, ljirge Bale and Kx change stables, all Oral clasi. rosecstlen en AVmM W.J.COOPB. F OR RKNT- LAW OKI'ICKS KOR UK NT r-rmn und alter Anrll 1. IM7. at Ne. IS Seuth PokeStrrct. A most deslraMe tulle or efTlces near the Court lleue. wlthall modern convent enctt. Apply te p q k atk, Jan6 trad Ne. itJ North Duke Street. F OK SALIC- -NHW TWO-STORY IIRlCK .... .......nr.. lia.lr )nilllllti0 IXfellleg, lineillUK, Will. ."WD.W.J nt-- whu ...m. cenlalnlint nan, veuuuie, eTen iuinm, pis teirdattle, wn'er and gas I closets In all rooms, and lately paperrd, sltuated en Kast Chestnut street, between Slilppcn and Plum. Cation JNO II. MKTJtI.KH, Meuth (Juke Street. Will be (.old at a barnalnj Jan6-td T1 I1LI0 SALK. OsTbcrsdjiv, Jakcakt 13, ISrtT, Will be sold bt the frankllti Heuse, Nerlh Uuees itni't, these two valuable 'lhree-Slry liuleK DW M.UMJ HOimt.s, with Twe-Story llrlck Hack llutldlngj. situate Nes ill and its Hnl lames street, centslulng ball, vestibule and tru rooms and bath-room ; dumb-waller, clients In fftrli riHHii, range, het and cold water en three lloers, nnd geed luruace In the cellars Let lSxl'iO fret, le a ten fret private alley. These heuies uienll well bntlland In n pleasant leca- ialn te commence at 7 o'clock. Conditions make known. . JO,r.PIl 0oei,elu IIehbt SiiCBtBT, Auct. Jani.8,SJ0.15. TJUHLluljALi: OK RKA.L ESTATE. Os Satcbdav, Jamcxrv 15, 163, Will be sold by virtue of as order of tlie Or phans' Court, at thu l.eepatd Hetel. In the City et Lancaster, the following described proper ties belonging te the estate efChailes lllmmels biich, deceased, te wit Ne 1 A tot et ground situated en the south east side of thuich strret, tietwxen Duke and lleckland Urt-i'U, cenulnlngln trentll feet nnd 8 inches, mere or less, and lu depth 107 feet, mere or less, en which ste erected a two-story UltlCK mV'nl.LIM. IIDl'SK, .'Ji'itl feet, with a two twe two etery II rick Hack millilliiK. 1H10 feet, and a two twe stmy llrlck uJilltleniil inch liutldlng, lull fisit, and nuinbsrcd an 'ihls property has an entry and ntne rooms, and Is suitable ler a dwelling nnd cigar ei ether manufactory. It huv leir nn eulslde stairway le the second fleer of the adJtllnnul back building. Ne i, A let of ground situated en the seuth-t-st tide et Chinch Huet, between Duke mid Rockland streets, containing IS feet and 6 lnche,iuorerlesi, and In depth Kt toet,moro or Ices, upon which Is trectrdfa twe-stery HtllCK DIV'KI.I.INII 1101 K, with a onesitery-and-attia llrlck Hack Hulldlng and a Frame Shep at Uicbed, numbered SIS. Ne a, Alulel ground situated en thoenstslde nt itiKiklniid street, containing in mint Zi trot, mere or less, and Indvpih Ti feet, mero or less, niten which Is erected a two-ttery 1IK1CK ItVVKLil.INU 110I1HK, with a onesitory Hack Hulldlng attached, numbered 419. The base ment te this property has been titled up and uawd for a tlusbep ler about eight years, aud Is ngoed stand. ante te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by MAIltiAK&T HlMMKLSHA.Cn. Administratrix. Jubl 1.. Hainej, Auctioneer. UilJaul.s.Ud HLKUIHf. XV. AT THE OLD TLACi:, AMITIIK SAMKOLII riHM. uerbeck"& iiley, Practical Carriage Builders, COUNKIl Or IIL'KK AND VISK 8TKEETS, UlvuNKlt YKAIttlltKBTtNQS Te their THOUSANDS OK I'ATUONB, and take pleasure InnnneiinclDg that they were Never se Fully Equipped as New, Kvery deicrlptlen of vehicle known le the trade en hand or made toerder. Ploea Lewer Than Ever. HO UK TllKa.VltK AB IIKfOltK- 1 1 COULIINT HE IIETTEH We "mean business" all through. Call nnd eatlsfy jeuisulvcs if yuii want baigalns. Jaue-jtdilydSAw E l)V. KIKJERLKY. Sleighs ! Sleighs ! I have new ready for thu Winter Bensen, the laigest, chrnpeut, nuentand most select assoit asseit assoit u.entef Blugleaud Deuble PORTLA.ND, ALBANY AND BUSINESS ULBIQBS, Kver etterud loreale In this city. The workman, ship and elegance of finish ts fully up te the sliiudaid of iny fine and well. known 6'arrtaga Werk, My prliea for a geed, honest and sub stantial artlclsure the lewestln the market. 1 have a large stock of llilUUlKS AND UAK KlAUKH, New nnd Bvcend-llnnd, all nt very le mt tlgmcii. Please call nnd examine my vreik. Edw. Edgerley, Market Streot, Benr or Posteffloo, Lanoaater, Fa, ltepalrlng promptly attended te One tot of weik iiiijii esjiuclalfy employed. QONTRAUTOR AND HU1LDKH. aSORQE ERNST, CAUfENTKll, CONTHACTOU A ilUlLUEH. Hesldencp-Ne. Ml West King street. Shep- Kast Ornnt stroet, opposite station house. w,,e,,Kw.;git8uYarIrL'Tv.,',,A'1" fANUARY J, 18 tag Sale of Winter HAOBR At BROTHER will ofTer at greatly rodueed prices the balrtnoe of thelr Btoek of LADIES' and MEN'S WINTER GrARMBNTd, Examination and comparison Invited. LADIES' CLOAKS Ladles' Seal Pluab Oeata, 615, Forrner Prloe, 820 ; Ladles' Seal Plush Oeate, 910, Fermer Prloe, $22.60 ; Ladlea' Seal Pluab Oeata, $22 60, Forrner Prloe, 837.00 ; Frlzoe and Bouelo Wraps, 87.CO, 910, 912, Forrner Prlee, 910. 912, 915 ; Oleth Nowmarkets, 34, 85, 87.50, Forrner Prloe, 95, 97, 910 ; Jackets, 93 60, 80, 90, Fermer Prlee, 86, 98, 910. CHILDREN'S HAVELOOKS marked down In prlee. GENT'S OVERCOATS AMD WINTER BUITe-Men's Kensey Overcoats, Men's Fur Boaver Over Over Over oeats, Men'a Diagonal Beaver Overcoats, Men's Blyalnn Boaver Overcoats, Men'n Buslneea Suits, Youths' Overcoats and Suits all Marked Down In Prloe. Hager & Brether. 25-27 WEST KINO STREET, rvuntTvuii. P URN1TUKK WARKROOMa iiur YOUKSitLr a paik or tuesb Felding Dress Pillows. (.CALL BAUI.V AT Beffmeier's Farnitnre Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we have Imt received another let of them. 30 HAST KINO BTREET. -rfTlI)MYER'8 KURNITURK HTORC HEADQUARTERS -roc- Furniture. Furniture. If seu want any rUltNITUBE new or the com In Hprlmtcnli and etsmine my stock. ou will find ftliKand well eelreted. GOOD WORK. LOW PRICES. M-l'artles wautltiK fulleutats Rie especlilly Invited te cnll. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Oorner Bast King and Duke Sts., l.ANCABTElt, PA. erui-lyi34J5-3uiw h: EINITSU'8 KURNITURK DEPOT. CHRISTMAS. And sib &ie Heady te Shew m Fine snd Large nn Aeeertment of FURNITURE IS ALL Lit. K6, AB HAS KVEIl BEEN SHOWN 1NTIIECITV. The i;oeds of te day mn te lireity and attractive that It Is hard le lleilt IleyiUK Something In Oar Lice ler CHRISTMAS. We want you one nnd ail te feel perfectly free te come every day if you desire, and leek at whHlls beluir pnten the floors new aud attrac tive, and you will net he urged te buy. Yeu would be surprised te Intra hew many are deln I this each week We have already set aside a itrrnt many tires cnta fur DfcCKMBKlt U. bul nu can .1111 keep a great many mere secrete AT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOS. 27 & 29 BOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCABIKU, 1 A. JTEW U1FT BOOKS. "TIIK EAIU.'S KETUB.S, ' liy Onen Meo Mee 01th. This beautiful poem, vthlch ranks next te "Luclle" among the authors works. Is new published In unique and beautiful style ; t v el Tellumjplatea cloth, Kilt edges. " I.ALLA UOOKH," An Urlental Uomance. lllustiated with Ul pbetc-etrhtuKs, deelened by the best American artljt,Jenn llarper, Walter Battorlee and ethers, (.leth portfolio, with stamped ribbons. 'TAIR INKS," by Themas Heed This boau beau tlful poem is new ter the ltret time bieught out In holiday style. Cleth, Kilt Other books et equal note and popularity, which can be saen and Hill be eoldreKaidlessel publishers' price, Q. L. FONDERSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, Opposite Court Heuse, Lancaster, t'a. auifSb-Ud 1887. 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers DIARIES FOR 1887. BLANK BOOKS -AMI- STATIONERY. Ne3. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, LANOASTKll. r A . "COIID VA1.UK" HY THIH IH kj meant that Iheie Is no article possess ing mere Intilntle value than MILLKK'S JIUltAX BOAl'utti Cents. .K VAN'S FLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR. ALWAYS UNirOUU AND Ul' TO THE 111(111 K8T 8TA.NUA11U. M.ThiS MriMM V ...1J.fl,x. JANUARY 1, 1887. nmt uuud. M KTZQKR A HAUOUMAN'HCJUKAPHTORi:, TO REDUCE STOCK VK WlUi NOW HEMi OUR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WeBt King Street, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. N EXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S, Ladies' and Children's Coats -AT- REDUCED Alt our Oeata have been reduced te These still In want should bee them. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fa. .TltirKLHt. TT Z. RUOADH, JEWELER. HOLIDAY GrIFTS. Fans, Fans, Opera Glassea, Musical Bexes, Oil Paintings, Marble Statuary, Brenzes, Froneh Olcek, Spoons, Knives and Ferks. T Child's Sets. Nut Picks Ss Oraeks, Shoe Butteners, Qlove Butteners, VlnegretteB, Fine Lamps, Ink Stands, Ink Stands with Scales, Smoking Sets, Tea Sets, Oake Ba&keta, Fruit Dishes, EporRneo, Baklnsr Dishes, . Watehes & Chains. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street. BL1Z1UHS, .CO. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYH WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Flip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, lid AND 128 EAST KINO STREET, (Nearly Opposlte the Loepnrd Hetel,) Lancaster, Fenn'a. -ALL SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, Buggiesf Phaetons, Business Wagons, Market Wagons, -AT- Philip Doersom's Old Neb. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, HOVMMruturiauLHU uevva. CHIHK'B CARl'ET HALL. CARPETS ! -IlKOrKNINU or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are neif prepaied te show the trade tbe Largest and Heat Selected Line of Carpets ever ex bUilted In this city. WILTONS, VELVKTS, all the Trading Makes of 1I0DV AND TAI'KSTIU llKUSBKLS.TUUKE.rLY, All.Woel and Cotten Chain KXTUASUI'EU9, and all qualities of IN. UUAIN OAIlfKTS, DAMASK and VKNKTIAN CAKl'KTB. UAU nnd CHAIN CAHl'KTS of our own manufacture a specialty. Special Attention paid te the manufacture of CUSTOM CAUl'iCTS Alse a rull Llnoef OIL CLOTHS, HUGS, WINDOW EUADKS, COVEIILKTS, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Streets, Lancaster, Pa. tebia-JindAw TUKAUCO 0UTTING8. HURAPM. HIKT INUS AND 1'ACUKUS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J. 8. MOLINB, Ne. nt l'eari utiuet, New Ver. Keference-rreO. Bchutte. Ne. m Veuxl Unjt, Mew Yerk. tul.17 lyd ' zus JANUARY 1, 1867 Garments LANCASTER, PENN'A. PRICES. prices tbut must odbet rapid sales. Lancaster, Pa. KINU3 or- Reliable Carriage Works, r.'MyaAw CARPETS ! TERRORS OK TUh BENTAu UUA1R D13AUMKD. Teeth extracted by the use et electricity per fectly safu and harmless. My tSJju Teeui are iiimiuei me uesi material luai lean yurcnase. ruling teeth a specialty. All work guaranteed. w. u. ri9ur.ii, uenust. apnniyd Ne. Vi North Queen Bt. .' Vt B ;URUKR A SUtTOW, V Prepare for Mitm, IllkVII Vnil n 1mit.aA j. .li... ... k .t k 3 --.-..- 'J' nwhl SUIT OF OLOTHWv '.' RUCII ASAUK8UL1IAT J, Elt & SUTTON Mcidmiil I-nHetlng nml flellilng Httrt, Or If j-eii can't nffera an entlieBult Buy an Overcoat And If ) ou can't RlTent that ,' uiij vuu ui our nuuuy nitKiteH, 'ti ..... ...Ai ji which wti iinru ouieininB enurriy new wi?rr and ee thorn. fyfe BURGER & SUTTOS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUABB. ? LANOABTKIl, TA. litil uuiaawAHK. JCTIOH A MARTIN MA HALL A Happy Hew Year te All. vl We tuke lliUoppeiluultyattlie open ing et the New Year te express our Uintiks te our miuiy frlentla for se liberal Bhare of thelr patrenaee during tliepastye.tr, nnd especially for that during the late Holiday Season. Our effort iu bringing new attlcies as they appear In the tucket te Lancaster has been appreciated, nud ii will serve aa a stimulus in the future. IVo'Shallen IVe'Shallen IVo'Shallen deaver during the year we have Juat entered te fellow up that same line of policy and give te the pcople of Lancas-1 ter, as far as possible, the same prlvl-, lege as these enjoyed in larger cities. All uew wares shall find room en our shelves, and through them into the Lancaster city and county homes. Our prices shall always be as low as possi ble, quality being considered. A hearty invitation 13 extended te all te visitourstero.whethcr purchasing or simply looking Bhall receive the same courteous attention. Our motto shall be, " Fair and honest dealing with nil." m HigliPeitiiij 15 EAST KING STBEET. tiANUASTKU. l'A. lrvun, su. rM'Kiti;sriKU ru au.Mis ujnjj. g AN OVKItSTOCK 07 FTJR TRIIM. 8KLLINU AT OBKATLV Reduced Prices, LIberal Discounts en ROBE3 and oil FUR,'' GOODS. '.J3 4M - m W.U. STAUraHfiUO.? 31 ana 33 North Queen Btreet, LANCASTER l'A. JSlTdftW 5 UKUVBUIBI. H 1011 GRADE Ooffees and Flne Teas te plpuse the tasle of nverybetty. rrulti atri)i rancv Orocerles of overv doacrtntlen. l'rtce R4 ."?-.- quality epeuk lur lliciuselvm. (Jeoda deliTereA. OEO. WIA.HT, Ne. 113 West King Street. vgi Tolupheno connection. augju-iva ?"f AT BURSK'B. OUTOrTllllEETONS WHITE GRAPES: Wehavolettthrco-iuartersot a ten which are Ja very cheap at lira, pound, and 2 pounds for Sta, ler me uest. S-Jaj WHITE UIIAPKS are refreshing, and atthaM j' prices are wnuin me reucu or eTerjrune usr TIIKNEW YIEAUHINNKU TABLE. S, TryourlfINKrnKSllC01lNerourUnrlvallel". Kvaneruted Sugar Cern. Ourl'rlde of Main, r?Tci! Dew Drep, or l'arls are very nu pet ler brands." &sj OiirEVAreUATBDSUQAK COItN we talnkji i.,....i 'ji ...... it ..... .l.n v,a r.nrAH.u tt tine laoie juwire., i,w ,. uwhuiiui Canned rrult, etc, T TT--Y.r,-N i iuriore, NO. 17 EAST KINO BTREIT LANOABTKU. FA. REWARD. ipLjJJJ rer any case of Kidney Trou.' ; iiSS7htismioeEB?sra'iHail fallstocure. Beld by drnggtju , WnUj Ne. IS N. 11th BL. rhlla. VK'-i tar circulars iree. novs-iyeew KTOTIOK TO TRESl'AtiaKlUs 1 (lUNNKltS All neraena are herebr bidden te trespass en any of the land of ' Cornwall or Bpced well estates, tn Lebanejii LAncasir cuuuiins. wnuuwc luuipuu uvi dosed, either for the burnout of sheeting or I tng, as the law will be rigidly enforced all trespassing en saldlands of me una " VfM 00,,KUAN rRMfXAMi u, l'Kitur AI.HKH,. kdwaud c rititdUAr, !AUiruy for K. T. Crt" eeui-uuw ) Tr m ft KM m . s?a S i SR 563 Hi m K Vifl U li -1 .ra ?v, KS tVl ?M & 'iS fij 5 va tfflutV ',ri-Alsa-rfsjs1-ti- i5b .sWtj "ritr' II f h' i v Tlir--1 t A,'- ttassKa..