&.?. " S T Ai , SI he Intelligencer ; wrtmr day in tbh-year immany jntejxta.) ii "? raavsm A wax. mi dollars a ihi, rirTT lABc-mc, BX.vTurDTCiniuMtL-- ' MaTM ASTD ALL ACJOIWIcq FUCl. Rixrtl ' BnrtM ma. tianut cosnmsie allowie te t 'jn.VaBiirB JBWP weKivaw i. AOVEBTISmO KATES:', Hln.l lln.iain.l tln.l 4 ln.c Me. I Par rfiimn!3ji(ijn SODars...... srea Davs.... m ee no liM s 4 45 SW lew SOI IN) 6 IS RU 7 SO IM 00 ION IS) 20 VI SI 00 S8O0 S3 00 SICK) i IV J tarnar ira SKI ine 8 80 700 ITS IJ-ys hm VmmW 3 in 8 50 IK) 4Rf 7I 10 00 lien 17iB SO 00 wee tsoe ew 10 W IStn moo 8S0 '.. 'am Weeks... IS SO ' IwtMi Weeks. no en 17O0 SO 01, mejHenin. 7 00 6 00 le no ?len 87 U WOO lift) MOO , .'' Tiree Months.. "i WDHOD Q1m eon laeu 9 oe m en ai ft) wee &5 0i Is Months, WTrar IS 00 88 00 w The Weekly Intelligencer W, ($ ... 5, 'PUBLISH tD a r Every Weoneseay Mern no. ''JL0ATaA,100foRnenTmi. cina op ti, iB.eo,ArDAeorTaiiTO riaseaa BrniKa tr r, awivHL 'iflSBoaaaareireiiicBiOLiomDrROiciTaxTPARTOTTtia k' will aacoi'BieaiD te th wasti a best, 1JJ-... .11 ,. MM. I M.tMMMM(a M AUUrVf. M. mVAII unit 4 wiry ur-ia iu THE nraELLIQENOEn, InleJIIgenccr Bilialnj, luvncagter, 1'a. S()C amestcr 3nttUtgetU2S . X.ANCA5TSU. JANUARY 8 18S7, f ' The Interstate "Commerce Bill. ' The Senate Is very likely te pass the Inter-state commerce bill, without mv , tcrlal chanqe ; anil the llotise will de like wise. There is a very leasonable cer- talnty that the bill will become a law at this sesileu. llaUread men are In a Reed " deal of n fever ever It, most of tliembe ', Heving that It will be injurious te their in- terest. The opinion hewcv cr is net unani mous. The Northern Pacific railroad makes an energetic pretest against It, be cause of the disadvantage it will be at In cempetitl n with its un chained neighbor, the Pacific ratlwav, of Canada; and there is substance In its complaint. 2ve doubt it will net be well for the reads that Canadian read3 compete with, that they 9heuld be under restrictions t, that their rivals are free from. 13ut this ' diflJMilty Is met in the bill in the privilejc &ted Ieciur?mmlssieDCrS terelAX its reS" uHhe Werwen' the necessity for such action tsKtSOnt. fS&j' m.- .!... ..!. i.ni r. .i p - -cuu oeitxicu: wiue uui vuiiuue meui- eelves te asking its amendment. There is no demand from any important quarter, seemingly, for it3 entire suppression. liven in railroad clrcles.it is cencetled that the commissioner-ship established is likely le be beneficial, and the publication of rates is universally approved. The ob jections te the bill lie against two of its previsions; ene which prohibits peeling and another which prohibits a greater cbargeferit longer than a shorter haul in the same direction. The la3t pro pre vision Eecm3 obviously just and the opposition te it shows hew greatly demoralized is the railroad sense as te Its duty te the public. The idea that a car rying company may charge what it pleases and de as it ple,i3es, with a sela eve te its own advantage, is se deeply grounded as te seem ineradicable. Se that tbe railroad manager cannot, for the life of him, see that there Is anything wrong In his charg charg lest a grower i nee fir carrying goods from rittsburg te ew Yerk, than he charges fercirryi"? the same goods from Chicago te Xew Yerk. This is all that this bill prohibits. It allew3 ai great a charge fiem Flashing as from Chicago but no greater, and this Is de de clafcarte be ruinous oppression of the rail road ; and fanciful cases are stated In great numbera te show hew badly the new law will work. The general sense is that if rail rail read business h se managed as te be dam aged by the nosdef charging no mere for a less service than for a greater, the manage manage mentnteds speedy reformation. The ether prohibition of the bill, that of railroad peeling, Is net se clearly equitable and may be found in practice te be in Jurious. "Whlle competition is the Hfe of business and Is needed te insure proper treatment of customers, it Is equally true that the publle Interest is net sened by the excessive supply of business facilities, upon which Interest must be earned, and that therefore theie may be such a thing as tee much competition. One railroad will millice for n commu cemmu nlty, If that railroad can be held te fair rates for lta service. This iniy possibly be Bccured mero effectually by go era inent control than by multiplying rail rail reads; wblUiwhcuse multiplied need te peel their business te secure living rates. The country Js in that condition new. There are tee many trunk lints and they de net have all the business they can de. They combine together te maintain paying rates en through and long hauls of traffic, buch combination is a necessity te them , and it is this which the proposed bill prohibits. Whether it can de se, without suppljlng 8ome ether means of securing living rates for long hauls te the railroad company, is the question. It Is net for the country's in terest that lta railroads Bheuld be bank rupted. And It is net for the luterest of the country along railroad lines that It should be charged heavy rates te make up for the light rates forced by competition en ether traffic. But wbateer defects the Uw may de de elep In practice can ha lemedled, and there should be no hesitation in instituting the experiment. Alas, 1'oer Cooper 1 Brether Cooper comes down; he come sadly, b-it he comes. He haa looked oe bvlugly upon the aweet delights and ducats e! the rich and pleasant place of secretary of state, that he finds it hard te part with tbe expectation of its enjoyment. He tears btaselE from it with very obvious regret . and seemingly only summoning courage for the job because of a hope that the severance 1j net fereer, but only until the end of the term for which he lias been elected senator He writes te the governor that he does net "new" claim the office, because of the row about hi Tionstitutlenal ir elJglb!Hty,l)ut he ahew4 u readiness te promptly sweep for it seen ai he is loose. They say that Brether Cooper feels much m '.T " iha KOveiner 1W out te K.r,Mdrtu,We l,hftntera f hope that he w euld be cbesen. The governor was se eirneMly desirous of having him in his efflcl.l family, and se ardent in his search for a way of construing the cenhtitu. Uen te It t him In te the table, that Brether Cooper never doubted that he would take IBB hi In; and he set te work himself te search the constitution nud obtain authori ties whereby the governor's act would be fortified. He tnade n luminous exposition of the whele matter a few days age in his own newspaper, wherein he showed hew the constitution wni constituted for the especial purpose of making him sccrctarr of stAte, and hew its spirit clearly did se, but hew some rascally enemy of hU had falsely worded the official draft in the vnln hepe of his undoing. Brether Cooper is net se clear about this spirit ; nnd even feel tempted te think that the spirit has deserted everything In the w erld. He is net even consoled by the prefuse nnd unanimous sympathy qf all his fellow-politicians from Quay down, who shed tears with him ever his cmel disap pointment. The peer wheel horse of the party has lest his reward. The heat and burthen of the day has been for years for ( oeper, and all the dirty work lias been fei his hands. Ha looked upon the scnator scnater shlpand Quay took it. He grasps for ths secretaryship and it eludes him. Alas, poei Cooper! Seme Misers. While lelatlvea are quarreling ever the wealth of miser Talne comes the news if the death of miser Terry and his cousin under the most revolting circumstances. These two cases show such an unreasonable passion for hoarding money that they mint be looked upon as Instances of a peculiar form of lnsamty,but It would punle experts te draw the line between the sane and iu- ?ane in this matter of hoarding. Hew many people who beast of strong common sense can exphln clearly Jmt whj they make themselves miserable for the sake of gaming a Utile mere ,' They may say that thej de it for the wke of ethers, but will be ready te admit thit their pervunl experi ence has led them te b'lleve that happiness is a matter independent of wealth, and that it will probably be better for these they wish te benefit if they ha e te make their own way in the world. Their real motive is avarice, though they may cheat them selves with the unreasoning belief that it is a higher feeling of anxiety for the welfare of relatives or friends. The difference be tween them and these misers lies only in the fact that the .latter had thrown even cloak from ther me, and careltas of public opinion, had given it full swing until like all vices it had wiped cut eery vestige of self respect, repressed all nobler a'pira a'pira tien, and left the victim in a state of lunacy. Ter surely a man is crazy who died from cold and hunger while rolling in wealth, of which a very littleweuld give him warmth and feed All geed Democrats win carry Hkkerv canes te-day. Blaink will run the publishing business Inte the ground. Tbe near publication la an neunceU of an edition of Mr. Blaine's speeches in Cenres1 containing also a large selection of these addressed te political meet ing', Including selections lreiu these deliv ered In his presidential campaign of 14, to te gether with his dlplemaUc dispatches, which outline, his Seuth American policy and dis cuss American rights at the Isthmus against theCiayten-Bulwer treaty. The man from Maine eettns te be in literature.er revenue only. It Is tbe geed Christian who new sprinkles ashes en hU pavement. The cable brings several Items of news across the water that contrast strongly. The Pricce of Wales gave a dramatic enter tatnment In the great ball of his country seat. The full company of the Criterion the.tre gave a performance en a stage built ter tbe cccaslcn and the audience comprised a host of celebrlUes -fhehave been eutertatned by the prince for a who!e week. A royal be had been bailt and the formal entry of tbe royal family and dlsnltaries el tbe realm was quite as theatrical In Its way as anything en the stage. The Princess of Wulea walked in in a stately manner, dressed In a ruby elvet robe and w earing a diamond tiara. With her was the PrInces Louise, (Marchioness of Leme), who were white satin and pearls. Then came another generation of princes and princesses and when the curuln aree the blaze of Jewels and the wealth of toilets of the audience was dazzling. The Prince of Walts wero full evening dre'H covered with Jeweled decorations. New turn from that picture te this A few ml!s away In Londen, crowds of uneui uneui pleyed werulngmen, suflering from cold and hunger, assembled In front of tbe efflce of the local government beard appealing for re lief. The president of tbe beard calmly told them that he could premise nothing. They ralBed a shout of Indignant remonstrance and marched In a body te Trafalgar Square, where tbey paed resolutions protesting against the apuby el the government. The shop-keepers barricaded their store", but the meeting dispersed without violence and the crowd went home te starve and freeze and te learn from the morning papers the partlcu partlcu partlcu larsofthe Trlnce of WaleV entertainment If these peopleever get tired of passing res olutions there will be warm times In Londen. M m Atiur.Di:xi teH. Cr. Dun A Ca's weekly reviuw of trade, the new year opens with higher pneec. Wheat has advanced 1 cts. this week en sties el 23,000,000 bushels j oil has advanced 1 cent en sales of 10,000,000 bar rels, oetton rl.ts k Bljteenth with moderate transactions , hogs, cetlee, iron and silver are higher, corn and eats have fccn a little weaUer, and large realizing by foreigners has checked the tendency te advance In steckB. But tbe expansion of currency, and Invest ment of large dividends received and preuta realized, lend te lilt prices for the present In spite el fears regarding legislation. Hinte August 1st, the treasury lia added ?2-,'197,063 te tbe geld certificates outstand ing, and r.'aesJ.OJO te the silver certlQuitc, and about $7,0o0ue0 te the standard silver dollars. Hank circulation has decreased flO.O-D.iai, ucd the legal tenders net in the treasury have diminished f 1,S10,181. Thus a net addltieu of about tl3,000,WX te thucur- cuuj uaa oetn made in five months-ever Si percent, net counting the addition te geld In circulation. Following an ujtpanslea of about JiOO.000,000 since 1878, this makes the circulation per eajnta the largest ever re cerded. Tiiciiuv, 111 be great regret te learn that iue mjury sustained ey ueorge W. fluids in his fall en a slippery pavement Is mere ser- leus than at first supposed. L'uipty your usu-iuriei. Hew nicely they manace duels In rram-n i One of tbe gueits at the unveiling of the Dartbeld! statue was M. Themrgeux who wrotehometotheodllorof La Futnee that the French consul in New Yerk was ex. tremely unpopular. Soen alter this consul went home, and en his arrival the editor withdrew statements It bad made en tbe authority el Themegeux. The latter, w he U a famous duellst, at once challenged the editor and a duel was arranged with target pistols at twenty paces. The oJlter, 'M. N'Icef, is au uuusually lean man and M. Themegeux stout and tall. The former tired first, his bullet striking the ground almost at his own feet j M. Themegeux fired between thewordstweand three and missed. Accord Accord leg te the terms agreed upon but one shot was exchanged, atid after the preces verbaux was signed, M. Thotnegeux, who declined te shske hands with his adversary, returned 'te lans with his second! fhrw.n,.. ..n. remained te breakfastat a lameua llttle eating I place en the bank of the river. g Let Lancaster hang Its diminished head 1 There are five licensed barrooms In New Hol Hel land, whoe average dally Income is net less than thirty five dollars a day. Tun Massachusetts supreme court has de cided that when passenger are robbed nt night in a sleeping ear, the sleeping car com. paiiy Is liable for the less. Hut hew about the colored porter's order te stind nnd deliver T The city engineer el Allegheny jtpeHs that thore are new lltty-elght uiiltvi efuatural gas mains underground In that city. PKKSONAU Sm r.i tauv ManmV) is as-vln lu falling health. fn J. A Sm.is. Ins teMi elected president of the .erk County Medical no defy. Jisti.n MCrtii lectured Iwfere n cevd sized audience In Music hall, ilkoslvtrre, Vrlday evrutng. Ue KUNOR kin I 11k i i. hi- rreelvfd a letter from Ststoteiiater Ibeuia V. c x-per. In which be asks that hl nsmn bill t'et uen be considered lu connection w tth the i r'v of secretary of the commonwealth. Piiani is NrocKBiupei: was remlnsted t . is senator by the Kepubllc.tii ciucus of the Mlchigsn leghMture en ThurdAV night Ten ballets were taken, lie will succeed O. I Cenger, wboe term still v plre lu Much. Jehn Hi-skin hss recently presented n beautiful stained Kin"- w itidew te the Church of the 5-acred He-ut (Catholic, Cenhtcn, F.ngland. Jehn IUiKln says he ,-ate neth Ing for creeds but that he decs care for tbe needs of his fellow men, without distinction of creed. Mm Kirn Let isn TEntit. widow et Juan I'edm Terry and thereputtd helre te lreiu fa,CW,i) te J I. v w annime through Jaoeb Kreuime. her louver, that she really Intend te push her threatened I tool suits asaltit the New Yerk irn fand V viiJ'iiir i for defimatlen of character. Ri.v j J. i.t oenENM:rt, bishop enierl tus of the C alwd Brethren church, died Kridav morning at his residence In Church ville, a , aged " years. He was one of tbe bet known clcraymen of bt dcnomlnstten In thl country " He wa elected bl.hep in lit aud ws undo Wsh'p emeritus two year if rueavfUKHB cot ur lmpurtant Dcclilen. llricsnllas rreprtt "elil at htlfr sle The supreme court has i-nel upon two Im portant questions lu deciding tbe uit of W1U nam A. bbaw asritns: the city of Allegheny, bhaw bought a property nt sberiQ s ssle and afterward wn required te pay ueariv J.hV for back taxes in order te prevent a second sale of the property. He ued the city te recover this money. The case lnve'ved two points, first, whether In buying the property at a Mle under an execution he took it frveetthe back taxes, and secendarv , whether his subsequent payment of thee taies was net lega.ly a voluntary payment The court held thst If the property was 'old for a uiu Insufficient te py me taxes it wa the fault of the tax receiver or collector, whose duty It was te see that it waa bid up te a sumVlent price. The court als held that the psyment of the tates, uuder the circum stances was net a vetuutarv pivment and that the plalntifl was entitled "te recover them back. The case was decided oil band by the lower court in order te get it te the supreme court as seen ai pes'lMe. Iu com menting upon this fact Judge Sierrett ssys "The practice et unduly speeding caues through courts of original Jurisdiction and deposing et them without consideration or without full consideration for tbe purpose el bringing them into this court is a itrewlnc evil that ought te be corrected " ! HrrMir Off Fer a Vlau Ce-k t rem the ritUtiuru LcaOer An Last Liberty female in tbe guise of a man has raied quite a stir la the little town of Butler. About two months age, It 1 siid, a handsome young lellew of shout medium heght,wlth a feminine face and walk and voice, applied at the Lewry home as n cook under the name of Frank Rlffls. Proving competent the young mac, or woman, as she has turned out te be, was emploved, and was kept in the pcwiUen until te dav. when the hotel dispenead with her services for cause. Although attired In the habili ments of a man, yet the general appearance of the handsome cook was that of a woman, although se well did she masquerade in her borrowed garment" that the suspicions of the curious were rjulrkly allayed, and in all the time that shew ai at the Lery house, there was net mere than a auptolen that she was net what ahe seemed aud indeed all thoughts of her being ether turn a young man would have been but a n.ere su-j I ljn had net she, wenvjnllke, made a confession te a confidante hhe left Itu.ler last u.uuk iur i-ui-eurg, and prier te the departure she gave the snap cvv ay as a geed Jeke, telling tbe bus driver that she was a woman, aud that by mas'iueralmg in men's clothes she was able te demand mtn's wages. During his or her stay in Butler he or she was very circumspect, altbeuSb ahe Is said te be very fend el ladle' ecletv, and u said te have been a charming dancer and a very corn pan enable person generally. She was v ery gentlemanly for a time te tne e.her omi.leycs or. tn8 hete'i eight young Ulle,, none et whom thought ethor than the cook w a real man instead of n make-be1 leve 'one But lately she had become overbearing In her treatment of ibe oicer. Tbe young ladlis employed as dining room girls bad com plained te tne proprietor el the way the cook bad been Impeilng en thorn, and as It was easier te get one cook than eight dining room girls the man.wemsn cook was relieved el her position. A Mentana X.'gl.Uiijr. Frem the Iniutrer Jacob Tltman, who many years i-ince taught school ler 1 ' years at chestnut Level, and married a Drumore girl, daughter of U. 1 . Scott, removing thence te the far West, ii new visiting his old friends in Lancaster county. He resides with hi. family in Mon Men tana territory, and is a member el the Terri torial legislature. He has been there twenty years, and has witnesi the extraordinary transformation et that far away place from "a howling wilderness te a prosperous and for. tile country When Mr. Tltman first located there the nearest railroad station was 1 WO miles distant A Dude, a teautllnl tight trewmrcd dude, slipped en a loei stene and bnil.ed Ll dainty S?erSai;rahtUeenn"' riU'nt " fl0""' " Stany children hsve cnuht and oelii. nn- Sy?np T'a bl '" "' ,)r' Duil " gAI'lf, I'KMMI'I, WtlC. Red Star Cough Cure. e epirKs, no i-oihe.n-s itf, i-uesiri St lie COLLU.SOTai'BSK AND LliHKD .,,. .. 1313lh6iEt Francisce, Cul. 'Vert "me "J ' centraetid a toveie cold bceame se hevrse I could net fpeak ? 1?k nu,!nM?r ' "ujedles, w Itheut el.ia'n lug the alltthtcit relief lh ureitjnf two ;hj slclans ailed te help rre W as lndeced te try Ucd star tough curu, and enn tome cured me FKhNTitllLfclt TiiitEK cmLiirtyi, turtitn of ckei i vi- .k 2il.rankl,n 8t W-Ulmore. Mil .. '?," iree children have during the wtele Sei Sn .f J Veen ufferlni with croup, but SStTili?lJ.f,,'.SJ3rKa,rt th" thV have Leen h?.1 iT'tyy:. ?ttl-s ilea --.-. vvnu v,.e ,,iii UOi 00 -iT rinul m lnt tld. WM I lluWK.V CUIlKpTHF.MlVI8TKIfnIIY n'6"' H Washburn iflcioref Su Barnabas chuicb, HroeWlyn, n iavhiir sIXM-en months old child.. ln- lux with a levcre cold, which liad h la ou t.ir w"eks as given KM star teuKh turu Kouule". loe.encd and rellevcd the ceu.a lu further use ctTecttdu complete cure ."" LOUOIIED 10 YJCAKSaTd CUKEII Mr Luke llejsaiu, livery uble lieepei, Charlettu, Michigan, ti rites that ler tin ywiij h surtercd from a cough which tiethlnjr would jomeve At last te used lied star Cough Cure, and lu eslcacywai se swift SSt ew'krfewn l h9ProDeaaou Brent- A HADul'S TESTIMONY? , ,. , . , . Ili'ttmere. ld I rel constrained te express my cenacsnea In tbe merits and efflcaey et" ertsiar Cough cure. Notenlvhsa It iin nt r.. ....,,?" te iny family, but 1 iave penenally used It .,.',. . 'benjamin SOLD. Itabbl el the Oheb bhuleui Congregation. The CHA.KLKS A. VOOKLER CO., lUttlniere. Md. " ' or, JACOBS OIL. Ths Great German llemedy, fOBjrAlN. Cures Hhenmatlsm. Neuralgia, Ilackathe, Teeth- ach,Spr.ln, llriilsesand ether l'alns and AcSeu. WIT cn.VTS. At DruggUts and Dealer. Th CUAItI.E A. VOQELKU CO.. LUltlmnrn. Ml.U, H A INqLTEIiXimEltCEK, SvATUKDAT JtKLta ters, vbci:; Xi:il(IOUH Ml-llni'l!M WILL nu -A.V held In the following rhunhesnn SiinrtAf. til the morning nt Nwra the evening nt I IV Sunday school at l u si -n W hen the huur is dirrerent It U specially nftrd Cu;T I.l-thbraii Chi Ik n-V et King etieel, J eed. Paster. lMrlnnservliet nt lU.Ua. m and i is p. m Sunday schixU at 1 iv a m cJnjri l.trriisKAK ciimer et VertW cjneen and James slit eu Ucv C l.ltln lleui'l, paMet lttvtnr ie;vlccs at law n. iu and Upiu. sun day school nt t p in. 1 aasBrrssiiM Mstteiuvt ini si n ''niitliOiiren stiret Services uierntng and evening nt the umiM hour, yalilmth s boel lim'linll Oi in, "ertlccs Wr-duejdsv, lhurday nnd nidsy eveninir ,.5.tuSl.norr,00-tNmier of I'llnce nnd OiatiKn 1 reaching nt le J) n i and I p in. 1m the pastor, 3Mlinth school at 1 3D n m viirR-.,TtR.T..?T,,,,!r- Vt'han si K church rrvMretiig at 10.SJ a, iu. aud 1 1. in bv tlie pastor, vv vv.urliues i,!,T..SrrnV,KF Cnrmn centes invrst llv!no"rvlceatnJOn,m. -ciuieu bj llev Dr K v ucrrtart nt,-,.n .TAnLlcL ( r.ugllsh ), en Mulberry MiTci above Oinnge-rrratDln- nt 10 JJ n. in. ' Hl',)ll,ern,, l Wand TlJtc In by llev AM "tltk, presiding slder Coiniuuuleii In the anervtoen, J-mutay scbeM nt 1 p m I.kvIvhI rrHjnt , JJ j, m duilng the Heck except MkiuMsv ..sr '.' J" l'KreRxstvMai1etts Wciuie, liev " ui I I uaiitvr, vaster Ne uieintng stivice. '"'enAry servlcem ;i5p u. Miuda) soheol nsvv lUr-Tisr "crvlecv ai the rcin'sr hours jiieralngnudevenlng. rreachlnf t thopastei, Kct J, .s. telwell. Suudsr scheil nt i p. in l'asvTsu--KcT. J Minhii). I' l , ps th ,ltrC ,uh meining aud evening by I MTipilairriRt-t-Christ rcvrciviri-w e.t Orange nud Concord streets. Kev J It I unk, ivwter l'rtachlng at le a. in and ; U i.ni in ire lecture room, as the audience roejj 1 LT,"f i''. .eunuay scnoei at i ti. in j.e V- -' jv-s uunnx Ice wees ni M ine prayer ueetlnirnr ih vv i r I. nvmnr row nu-mejn win t,,e helJ n th 1 M C. V t In connection wtth the veuns; men ptayer meeting oil T ie.lay nftenioen nt Sotleck the union in j i i i I mlncjsM.Se, lj North rT1iict street vt vi4-j nftx irk , v.ier, lesti a. in Fl i Unv Litany nnd s-rmen : p in euudsy ineJ ,11(1 m. evening scivue liRjT UcreaucD Cnt-Rcn -Kev J M litis!. 1 I. Vter "Mvlcei te-morrow atliMUa ni nud Up m SnndavschtXM t 1 V p m. The ItMy communion will be s lminlsteredbethnt tta morning and Uieevcalu t i vice. euvxr lUrrisr CHrRcn -r M c A Reems. U a m and, Sp m .preaihlug by the pastor, smdar school nt 1 1) p. m sr I'-ifis M E. Chcihh -I'.Mchlng at 1C-W s iu and.JDp m by the put undy school sn. ' " iounll,eeple sprayer meeting at Sr Jeas s RtreRvin u.erman) eiurch, cor cer n. r Orange and Mulberi- sirceu, Kev Jehn Kue.'lng, W. I), ptster. luvuie serrtces nt 10 a. m tajial'atlonel elder and deacons Kve urn, v p in quMterty m'xiensry sorvlce of cengrt gallon and Sundiv sshoel. I irst ME. LMracH-leJi n. in . - li p. in, rreaehtng bv the pastor I IV in Sund.y he sn m young peep -s pravei meeting. p in Lere Feast crvleti ever evening exevpt satnresy at Tc KiSTMii.sie--.Jt. E Chspel-3 p ra Sun- 13ay Y.."' ' v P u Frldm , rrsj enuecUug dsr llible study. VVist Missiex M. E thspe'.c rncr thnrlotte and Lemen itrwn, ;,v A n. MlllUen pastor .rTi,t) 'ibsUi class meeting nt n. in 10-) a. in . and 7 JU p in., preaching t.y the pastor 1 ii p in Sunday school 7 u ji m sene ser-TK-e i ass meeting en Tuesday nnd vv -dnes dsy v n Ings nt T tx rrayr inestlng en Thurs divv etem i, at Ja M ric KrroRxre -Preaching In the morn trg tr Kev vv t Llchlllsr Sunday school at 1 v p m. -. ',nis LvrniRAt-St Jehns Luthersn. Her hjt Tan, stfal rA,ter Vreaihlngtn tbe morning by Ilev. Dr Itlgbee .VeeveiTtng ser. vlix Sunday school nt I is Ti"itT Lrrnxi-jkii I sual sertlces te mer row Caterhnmen's class nt 33 en lue.dav evening Mnslc class en Mdv venlng. Wed nesday evening service im'tted en account of the meeting or synod. .Vi'B' A D VER TISSUES TS. EIfis CHERRY rUTTOR I Your Children Vrec.nsicntly exposed te Uner from Celd.. )b. ?pl? Cough, croup an 1 al.eajes peculiar te the threat and lungs Fer such ailment. Vyers Cherry l'ecteral premptiv admlDlsterid 3ei Is speedy relief and r ire """"""tu, As a remedy for WThoeplngi e igi. with which many of our chUdren were -ffefwa, wVu,a, ivl5 1f.8KJti!,11.l,r'.w,;h auct tlsIacilen ..T-TSr1 'ecteral. lerihis affection, we u1iibl' Preparation the me-t efflencfeus of all the medicines wiutt- have come te our knowledge Msry 1'aritt irst, rrec-ptte-s Uelra0,rtUWnaerr, HoncssterVMTl ' M children have been pe a mrly sablect le RVacks of treap, and I fa! -4 t , flna any eslec AlSnTh5--?;1!. '."W"1 ndmlnl.tlne llpffiuttKeAVnVsXnry f.i,l1iiT?J1,ed ATer, Chen j recteral In my family for many years, and hare leund it ei nee ally valusble In VV hiring Cough ThU medicine allays all trrltauei , i revenis Inf.am matien from extending te th- I ings" and euics ? V00,'? nny tendency le I nng Complaint J II Wellington, Flatnvfl e. inch ick n "uojnedlrlneseerr-ctit-, fJr Croup and Whooping Cough, ns Ayei s ( herry terii. 11 was the means of anvlnr the Hfe of my litre boy.enlyslx months ed carrying him salelv tl rough the worst case of Wheipfng tough 1 eveiew -JaneMaltne. I Incy rials, Tenn Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, glMMONS LIVER REOtLATOK. OUT OF SORTS! YES, SICK JILL OYER ! Liver torpid, bowels restlv e, bleed sluggi,h ,cl1 JVm" and full, yenr digestion is Im paired and tha ergalns lnaeilve, your perceD perceD ilens are dull and stupefled, our temper lrrlla ble and peevish, you are unfit for business or companionship What you need Is te take. Simmons Liver Regulator. ' I have used many remedies for Dyspepsia. I.tver AOectlen and Debility, but never have found anything te benent te the extent that etmmens Liver Kegulater has. 1 sent irem Minnesota te HeergU for the remedy.and wenld have sent further for such a medicine I wenld ad vis sail who axe similarly adleted te give It a trial, as It seems tbe only thing that never falls te relieve "-I-.M Jak-xt, Minneapolis, Minn J i u5 COO Jt w A T YKIW A KATUI'ON. REDUCTION SEASON ! Ihls U the lline for "UEDUC 110.V." Everybedy Is making 11E DUCTION3 In all branches of busl ness We. like all the rest, have made HEAVY UKDUCTIONS In prices that we may make HELL'tlTIe.NH In lbs nuantlty of our stock Onrs Are Actual Redactions! And a comparison of feimer prices will cons Ince you. It won't de te talk et ltKDUCTIO.VS when none have been made. Careful buyers are hunt tag HEDUCT10N8 te thoie people we extend an Invltntlen te examine our stock. We Can't Quete Prices Here I Space wen t allow lu If yOU pa usn visit nnd (te our pi lies you'll be cenv (need. lyers & Uathfen, LEAKING LANCAbTKIt CL01I1IEI15, NO. 12 BAST KING BT LANCA81KU, I'A. HAVANA CIGARS. A full stock el Choice Clear Killer Havana CLgars el my ruvorlte brands lu boxes, suitable fur Holiday rresents, nt MAUK Lk V. S " Vellow I rent." , , . Ne Jl .Verth gueen street, (formerly Hartmart's.) 8, xreHr T I III l An ' ihvJv Mr .r. PRerrnt cc Gvmbii, OhiIwm.'i UciUlcmrn Although ,i Granger te you. nnd my testimonial ritircly unnecessary ns it certainly is unsolicited, yet I Ukc great pleasure in testifyinfj te the evccllencc of your "ivory" Seap, and thanking you for putting it en the market nt se low a price It has entirely supplanted the u-vc of Castile and ether fine eap in my household for several yearn past, being in no way mftrmr inj ftem fifty te seventy-five per cent mere economical geed tit 1 find for the purity of soap is te try tt with a brush for cleansing the teeth, and the tatc of the "Ivery" Seap se usad is perfectly sweet and dean Very Respectfully Your-. V b HAKER, M D A WORD OF U RIXG There are mjny white soaps tlth represented te be " just as geed at the ' Ivery' i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeit lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. AsV for "Ivery" Seap and isst upon getting it c n'lfcbt 1"' t I roster A slmM n i.yra asi) jyrlLLKR'b LIQL'OR HTORt- . . T1IK IIOLUlATS AUE MCAK AT IIAMI. And you can And no better Place te buy rUHE L1QL0KS than at our slen. vv0 will ik pleascel te show ou the follewtmr brands of lure Itye Whiskies, (llb'en , dlsllllrd In i;i-ii,n. ever K2!.,,,1?' Mr?u,, .n ,1C?-'";S -'-'-'sS Montlcelle, In Ii7. Mt Vernen. In HJ JIess. In lsi Unckenhelmer. tnl3. Urr "Sunnvstde."ln I'M Iheenare In the erlglnsl parkaif-s. and :!,.',r!cn.u.'.ymP,.,,,1' theages We aJsoefler you the best prodert of luimrtml lliaudy. Helland Uln, Irish VV htsky, Jamaica Hnm, 8U Croix Kum, Pert and Sherry VV luei. We l.uy for cash nnd r vv e are holder of VV hlskles In llend, and trufcy (.nrivit nfc uisiuicrs rales. jyiras S. CL.U sVA'IT AD rKKTiaEMK.Tll. TJEnCCTIOS hali; -or- OAKS! -AT THE- New Yerk Stere, In order te clear out the bslaure of our stock we have made a great reduction tn the pries of LADIES' COATS, Lidiea' Newmarkets, Seal Plush Sacquts MISSES' COATS. These goods have all been made te our special order by the best manufacturers, and will be fmnd te give thorough satisfaction In fit, style and wearing quatltti-. CHILDREN'S OHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S COATS. COATS. COATS. WemakeapcclaloOerln;ef ISOCIULDKI Ve COATB In new and desirable itj lea at Itsi than the cost of manufacture. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LAKCASTEIt, I'A. e AK HALL ClI I'RICLh ' Cl'T ' ( IT ' We're net afraid of the lievslty wearing off while these leta held out. Signs are up in different rxtrU of the heuse: bargains underneath, leek there you can save a heap of meney. The Cleth, inglsjust as reliable as the bigger stock that Isn't " cut " in price. $20 Business Suits cut te 110, Mte$I., $12te10. 1'iguie up your gain. $25 Imported Cleth Suits new i'M. 20 English Corkscrew Dress Suits cut te He; 11 Dress Suit (Corkscrew) for $10. $12 Storm Coats needed right away down te ?9. 15 Fur Heaver (finest quality and satin lined) Overcoats at 35. -') Tur Heaver (reliable quality) down te 415. As much as half and nearly half may be BHvedif you leek around carefully until fitted in a custom-made Suit or odd gar ments uncalled-for and misfits, tl there worth 92 of ours. Heys' and Children's Clothing ask te see the Suits we have taken a third off. You'll get the " best end of the stick" at these prices, because the goods are such as bear our endorsement. Wanasiakeii & Brown, Oak IIall, Seuiueast Ceiwnii Sixth and Mar- KET STB., rjllLAPEH'IHA. BIDS WILL UK HE0E1VKD AT Lecher ft Hen'a banking Ilonse up te 'J PieJ'-.i' Janu&rf'Js V7, form bends, or any part thereof, el Setl each, te be Issued by itSSteS2f5M5oeli1).rra' datea Tmry I. 18U7, bearing 4 per cent, interest, payable quar' J;iMWU7.i9.JtdCha,rnIln,r-c-0,8',,enrd' 1887. no At: fVkK liqikjhu. can sell you certificates ler one, five tenor SUM Kit, Ne Si Centre Square. Lancs-st-r, I a e n a d run tiseme.vts ClIKMISTItY IN A MANIKACTI KINO lluslus. Is etiirnat Importance, but In no rae Is It of mere Importance than In the manu factum of illl.LUt's I!OI(A SOAP A 1L K.vTaTELN, A BARQAIN. Owtn,f le the c!ee of the Kali and W Inter Sea son, 1 hAVe purchased one mere plce el these elec ant Heavy Dark lllua KnKllsh Cheviots, at a red uced nrlce They were our best seller, and sold at s-VVOO. and hare reduc. d them te tha low Haurs of riveu. Stade and trlmrued elegantly, and above all, a perfect at A. U. KOdKNSTEI.V, rine Tallertnu, X7 .North Clueenflt oernr iTtecL. AMATIO.V lloneruhlA .fnhn It I Irlni, - W heresa, the Hen. I're-ldent. and Honorable l)vld vt I'sl tersen. Additional Law Judge of the Courts of Common l'leas In and for the eenntj of I mens Xri, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer aud Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Ouarter Sessions of the Peace In and for the county of 1 anraster, have issued their precept, te me directed, re fldlrtng me among ether thtnys te make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick, lhat a Conrtef Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery, le a Court of General Quarter . slonsertho Peace and Jail Delivery, will com menee In the C eurt Heuse In the etfv of Lancas ter, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON HIE riUHD SIOVDAT l.V J A.N b Alt Y ( the 17th , 1W, tn pursuance of bleh precent public notice Is hereby given te the Slayer and Aldennen of the City of Lancaster, tn the said county and all the Justices nt the Peare, the Corener and f on en on tabbsef the said Ltty and County of iAncas ter, that they be then aud them In their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and ex ainlnatfens, and Inquisitions, sud their own re membrances. te de theso things which te their efflces appertain in their behalf te be done , and also all tlio.e who wlU prosecute agnlnst the prisoners who aie, or then shall be, In the jail et of the said Count) of Lancaster are te tm then and there te prosucute against them us shall Ls Jnst Dated at Lancaster, the lth day of December. 1W7 OKO W lOJlLI.VSON, n3dA9JtlSw rtierlff L. OANHMAN A BUO. L. Gansman & Bre., S. W. Cor. North Qittn inl Oraeze Sts. ?AT I) Having bought for spot cash a large and vailed line of goods In the piece sultablu for Tants, loons, firsh and direct from the best manufae Hirers, we concluded te make business brisk and keep our hands fully employed byeifeilug Special llargatns. Nete the Following Prices: Pants te Measure, Strictly AH wool, at II CO l'anta te Measure, Strictly All wool, alsJM. rants te M ensure. BtrlcUy All-wool, at II no l'anta te Steasuru, Strictly All wool, at It 50. I'ants teSleaanre, Btrlc'ly All wool, ut f,(. Ilemcmber these goods were bought within the week for cale.und are net Odds and Kndii, sold away below the season's prices te us and te make a qnlck push of thorn away wemarked prices fully S3prcent below usual Vome of the styles Hre marked In the window, but mero than liadlffHrent styles tn select from can be seen Inside and are ready for your exsml nation, jluy whether jeu need the goods ni net. It will pay you. L. GANSMAN & BRO., SlMtUIANI 'lAILOllS. S. W. Cor. N. Queen & Orange- Bt LANCASTER, I'A niHKB AUD UQUUUa. 2JJ 29 ae te- Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer I'oinmery Bee, lioucAeScc, riper Heldsleck, U. lI.Mumm A Ce, and all ether leading brand of imported Champagnea. Alse, Madelrtu Sherry and 1 ort Wines, Clureu, SauUirnes, Ales and Bteuta. Sole Agent for Special Gieat Weatern Cham pagne, produced by the l'lcasant Valley Wlne Ce, the tlneal American Chumpugne In the United States. Flerida Orange Wine, the finest In the market. A full line of llrandy, VV hlsky, Ulna and Hums. California Claret and White w Ine, et Napa V al ley, Calllernla. H. E, Slaymaker,aeT. Sept i ), iSSc, jvjirp AttrnnTiaKMKXTx jrjIlKAT UA1UJA1NH -awaskamst GREAT CLEARING SALE AT- ASTRICH'S Palace el Fashion, NO. 13 BAST KINO ST., LaNl.VSlKIt, 1A rtcvlmn te our annual stock taking wa have cniieluded te led ii rn otirstnekconsldcrably. In order te accomplish this vvethtll Inaugurate A Thirty Days' Clearing Sale, beginning MONDAT KT, JANUARY lltK menu as te compel sales. These pitces IllSield geed only ler these lhlny ay """'" "01a I he following are enlv a AFEV0rTHKMANYl,AIK,AlN8 which WEerrEii. A visit te our Stern elll at mine oenvlnre thst sU.mrToeo,", "" ,"'!",fl ' "X Less Than Manufacturera' Prices Ne l-KU tte.an Ijvdle, rell IUU, geed and desirable hp. at -Uins.MJs.Nis API KUK. i,r. JJ,?1 W,U " "" "ur Heady Trimmed Ilats and .llnnnais at eiactlr HALF 1-llIUB 1 we dollar Hats nt II 10 It 00 lists at tl M, IS.IO Hat.atlJjn, lloMatsalue andsenn Ne. j-AlieurTtltiimel Scheel Hate ferChll dren at exactly HAL! I'lllte- Ne. 4-Onr ontlre stock of ranry Wing., breasts, liinls.reducedtoeiaetly HAi I VHlCt. "1',fTI)lnev,r tmaglnable shade J,".'?. ??ler. e,,ur TJe rI" te ise abuneht our It W -tips te 61c a bunch our II M Tips toste a bunch eurlJtHTIp. tell 1J a bunch our IS Ml Tips te i wi a bunch our Utki Tips te IV X a t uncn Se. 6-All our lllack and Colored Plumes worth Irem 11 SO te l ie at th uniform price or II en .Ne ;-oneietot VV hlte Plume sela formerly ft DM, i se ani liO) at the uniform price et w Cents .Ne s-Onoletof Twe timed Combination Tips reduced from II into file a buuub JJ" '-All cur lint uinsme , at II I.r Onelitef Ve loOiteman Ulbben luallcnleis I educed te c a )ard One Let et .Ne All Silk Kaney lllbbnn.epen worked, ell cnlore, reduced le "e. a yard One Let of about M pieces el .Nix . Hand M Satin or Ore.-Clraltl lllbben, Plain or l'lcet Edge, reduced te IV a yard. One Lolef rtnn laney Hlbbens, formerly se'd at from let todJe a yard, reduced le a cents a srd. nur rancytole'odsilk Velvets, fnnnerly sold from Itce co MOO a )ard reduced te uniform prlcoef O.NIC UOLI.AU A YAKl) We nlll have a continued list Of llsrgalns by nest week In the meantime. w Invite all te ceme and "ea for themselves that We Mean What We Say, AM) III VI SUCH RA'KE bargains Have never before been seen In Lancaster IN OUH Cleak Department NK II V h SIAUK Sweeping Reductions. EVERY GARMENT II A IEK.N MARKED DOWN TO SUCH A LOW PRICE THAT1TH HOLM) 108ELLAI UCt IV e Advlse All he Wish te l)u A BIG BARGAIN le Call as fcarl) nsl'eeslbl) and Loek at Our COATS & CLOAKS AND Til Kilt I'ltlCES. F LINN A. IIHE.NEMAN. HOLIDAY HINTS Many iersens vvuutte m.ike Clitist nrns 1'resents but de net knew vvLnt te select , let us assist j en. We luive he msiny useful things. Ter Gentlemen, un elegant Set nf Citrvcrs or it geed Pocket Knife will be acceptable 1'er Ladies we liave l'latcd Knives, 1'erks or Spoons, an I.lcgant Stand or Library Lamp, Toilet Sets or "Werk Jiexes, and hundreds of ether useful presents. Fer Children we have everything like Express Wagons, Sleds, Veloci Veleci pedes, Trains of Cars, Mechanical Toys. Many ntticles which we have an ever stock we are cleslug eulat.less than cost. rfjrAsk for Jlargalns. FLINN & BRENEHAN,- Ne. 152 North Queen Streat, LANCA8TEU I'A, ifr NO. M KASX KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA jgifrS ZSXTSif - .-'?iJJ-fekiy.-wt.'-. .. " r "m. JfeWs J?iM?su. " -a-rrwr- , r s - f. rfrii'm'ifMii.vttaaimrizsmeii'' --rs.SSjdjfgjgJIjjy . 'W-WBte &8!ii$&j8i