w kkSSIEI k"WvA ! AifW v --.;jsvsv TF WMiK 33f5u:V3n i Kljf j J "v' ; flrrws. r"W! 3je Xmxtef Ai Yfix&smi. WtM '. 4. ruriUMrir LANCASTER, J A., THURSDAY, JANUAPvY (5, 1887. VOLUME XXII1-NO. 107. PRICE TWO 01 vHJ. v CTT i fer-j Aw mm . m . rk Mm A.Ammm j. m a. .a. g3l I iA'vAAAAl pW " INCREASING TIIK CITY DKBT. vtiv.sviui VAan Air euiiuiAttin te t'HvriuM HKtrtttin An h-atkii. Klrrters Iii loll en li hi FebruaryI lie rell- lien for Mt Hirer! In the l ICinl Iteltrred In Htretl Uuiniultten-I'tanli lerta t'luiifii In n Vataiur. Heleet and common council met nlntedly en Wednesday evening. In sijlesit council thore wero present Menu. Halciitun, IlorKer, f.eiig, Hemley, Whim, Wlse mnl Evans, IHcbIJuiiU Tlie minutes were lead unit adopted. Mr. Winn presented n polltleti te the court te appelut vlewers le em Pearl Hlreel he. tween Columbia avenue near Collet; avenue Hint Mnuur stroel, nud requesting council (e pass resolution In favor u( opeulng said street Thepstltlim wa aocempvtild by tlie following resolution rocemmemtlng tlie 0nlug of Mill street tlttetvett, Thnt Iho m)lect ami common councils of thncltynl Lancaster hereby grntit tlie prayer of tlia petitioner ter tlie 0etitiig of a street beginning en Columbia nveuue In tlie city of Lancaster, itt n point near tlie Junction of said t'elutn bl avenue nnd Col lege avenue, nod le extt'tul from tlience southward te Maner street i anil f"r tlie vaea. tleu of Pearl streut, in new laid out ami adopted en the plan of streets of tlie city of Lancaster, ami extending from Columbia avenue te mill Maner utreet, ami request tbe oeurtol quarter sotstensol Lancaster county toapielut proper Mirens te view lliorreund and ropett upon tlie prayer of tlie said poll poll poll Hener. I'eintntm council uen oetuMtired and nmend. ed by referring tlie trillion te tlie street com mittee with Instructions te report at next meeting tin motion tlie consideration el tlie erill. nance rcgulatlngc-hs nnd ether vehicles wa postponed until next niiHttlng, enlnK te tbe lllties of Mr. ltlddle. ttienutlier nl tlie ordi nance, which preventml hlntti".i(lnes at tlie meeting el council. CO VISION Ctll'MUlU Common council wa called le order al i o'clock llli tlie tallewing members pret nnl . Messrs. Adam", Auxvr, fljiuniKarduer, t.'ermauy, UuuitnlnK", Datsi, Kaby, Kber man, Kralley, Orelf, Harnlsb, Hartley, lleratiey, lAtig, Meutzir, Moere, Xiell, Hlo, Htermfeltr, mmernxn ami Heard, prcl dent. Tbe rejdlm; of tlie mlnulei of tlie Dooom Deoom Doeom bor uiMitlut? ttiw dlipcncl with. Mr. lUiitiiKanluur prinonted tbe report of tlie fiuaiice committee for tlie month Hbewlng tbe number and amount of bills approved. tut. citv TriEASi'rtr.n'a iikieht. Mr. nauutgardner alne preaeutcd tbe fol lowing report of tlie city troaiurer for the month of Deoember. Tbe recelpU were 30,. i!l J2, the paymenli were fit! iV.'Zi and tlie liulaiice In tbe treasury la 121, lM.tr. Tbe following ahew tint balance In tlie neverftl appreprlallmiH lntair.t en lean.. Incluillng Mnkliiti fund IhldO atriwt daniaKe. nil) He plr te .uiti 1.5MBI tlrnganA macailaiatitiigttrevia 174 9) latcrwer KPiirral I;MH Laying waterplnea . Hit 13 HlarlM 1M17I Police and turnkey 3,) ou i iKbitncctty le,M 0 Klni OrpartmenlKencral l.l-'t 43 ha arlrn ( rflre dnpaltmut Z.9 II aiatetax en leaut ... . . 2,nuuj CniuliiKxuclr. ... 17111 uollc-etlouof city In urrviir.igm . ... 71 1 OTttEU ''OIIMITTCr. IlKI'OHTI. Mr. Cummlngv proaentod tbe lopert of tbe water commlttee for tbe month. Tbe re perl contained nothing of luiperUncc, which Imi net already been publlabed. The report et the Ilroemuuilttee, preifiiteJ by Mr. Khermati, ebowedtho exp'iu-MH of Hi") aoverjl cenipanle ilurlnn Dcemter. Tbe report of tbe lamp cjmuiltloe pro pre nlixl by Mr. Hlnjr, allowed ttioeoitot lllil lug tbe city during tbe paat inentb. rnnsTinr,iHAii.wu xhdisani i. The aelect council nmendment te Iho onll enll onll nAnce regulating street ineiigr rallwaya, atrlklng out tbe vrlilth of the trOAt, w.. read In oemmon ceuucll. TliHordlnance a-i paieil by common ceuucll provided that the wagon tread shall net be leii than four luetic., Mr. Cummlng moved that aoe'iimltteo of oon eon oen lorenco, three freui each body, be aiKihitel te oenaldtir the dltrdrencex botweeu the select and common branches The motion waa adopted and Mesira I'umiulnga, Auxer nnd Leng were appointed ai the cimmlttoe from common council. Feil AM IN' (ll:.VL "1 fK llhlll. t'omiueu council urdlnance Ne. .', In I tiler enoe te lnercailng the debt of the city, wni read a aoeond and third lime nnd ndopted by a utiaulmeui vete. .Select council coneurrcil. Theordluaeco will be found In the ndvertl lng oelumna. i:i.Ecn:i te riLi. a am r. Mr. Adam nominated Krank 8. Kverta te till the vacancy cauaed by tbe death of I'hlllp Ulnkolberg. Mr. Kverl wa oleoted by a unanimous vole. Adjourned. a n.rA nut r.ttu TJ.et A C'nririv'enileul'. Umiiiiiii rur Objtcllni; lu nu lucrraird Water fluppl. Kris. Intellieenckk 1 will lel jour correspondent knew that I live In this city aud also that I am supplied new, as every body olse In thlselty Is, with water from the Couestega as clean new n It wai years or mere age. 1 knew where the draiuage from the nertbeaat aoetlou of this city and the different pike Hew te. The drainage of only a part of the northeast section of the elty Hews Inte the Couestega abeve the water werkf, but thodralnage of one-halfof the city, us your correspondent says, does net. The drainage of the different pikes dees net amount te anything te make the water niore Qlluy, as the pikes are generally clean, and everybody who knows hew the Philadel phia pike la, knows that very llltle drainage from it gets into the Conostega abeve ihe water werka; and also very little from the New Helland pike. The waler should net tie taken from the Couestega further up the creek than It new is, n Iho water further up (nearer te the paper mill) la net any cleaner, nnd we would leso the water of e oral large nnrlugs en the creek below the village of iJden. A sewer lrem the run abeve Hanck's mill would take all the draiu draiu aeo of the northeast hihiIIeu of the city le tiie Conestoga lielew the water works, but It Is net necessary either, ir tbe ordinance el the city Is enforced, as ihe draiuage Is net any mero filthy ir tboerdlmuico Is enforced thau It was 25 or mere years age. Our city Is net yet in need of a reserve reservoir, as we have done without oae VI years, nnd the water of a reserve rmorvelr would net be always a fresh as It new Is with one. A reserve rcsorvelr would cost perhaps f 100,000 or mere, as it would have te be large enough te contain nleutatlve days supply of water In It. A riorve reservoir would cost tee mueb and It would net pay the interest en Its cost, and therefore it should net Iki built. It would net cause any tuore buildings or manufactories te be built lu this city, and as the city tax is high enough new, uoue should be built. The Intersecting sewer from l'rlne'j te Hesorveir street will net pay tlie Interest units cost, and It should net yet be built. Thewateruf IheCenestnga is net often muddy lu a year, nud It U belter, thun, if we have It liesher most of tbe year, than use It clean lrem a reserve rtsorvelr and net se fresh. If the ordliiauce of the city isouierced, no hew ers or reserve reservoirs are a et iicces-sary. Let us keep the city tax as low aswncan keep It. riTMUN, Death In Ilia Mlur. During tbe year lsW there wero reported f te Mine Inspector Williams, of Wllkesbarre, 347 accidents that had oceurrod In the mines of his dlttrlct. Of this total M resulted fttally, 2J8 cauied serious Injury utul U slight In jury. a r,oeo tun. Illshep William Baeen Slevens, of the Hplsoepal dloeebo of Pennsylvania, has re re celved a 17,000 certiacale of deposit lrem his parishioners, which wa raised In ten days. It Is te mark the twenty.flfth annlversary of bis consecration, I.1IT urVAHK trim vuuur Tha IJUIrlct Altrny HUM tnilriirllnii InCnn tlalilrs anil .liutlrei a te Tlirlr llnlr. District Attorney Weaver liai made the following alignment of tbe caae thu far re turned le the January aolen : Menhav, January 17. Wllllmn K. Turner, Augtutu Wenael, Jehn Comlert, William Klbler, Calborlne CuunlnRbaiii, Itachel Uetr, Wm. Jehnsen. Win Ulirlal, IM ward Deme, William I.udgl, laniny f Abraham Harris, Msaullaud tiallery, JauitsOallngber, felonleua enlry t William K. Ilaatlnni., Alfred I.'jIiI, I'red. J lliadle, furnlcatteu and basUrdy i Jehn Walter, burglary Henry Miller, Jehn Weaver, lludelpli Hivarlr., H"nry Hohllchlenlierger, tramp. TUKHAV, Jan. is Jehn II ilmnr, carry Ing oencoalod deadly weapenai Henry Wawen, rocelvluu stolen geed! Ueoige Duiicher, lar eeuy , I'rank Dally et al , disturbing re llgleil uieetiug , Kdward Curie, Win. Hlau ley, assault and bittnry , Tlieuia Htnllh, eruelty teantuiaUi dltieln Yollets, larceny, Isaae liefever, adultery, lSenlun Jnckreil, casaultHtid Inittery. Weiimliiiav, .Ian. 17 James II. Jacobs, murder; haylen (illiseu, felonious assault and battery; Ilenry Armstreug, I'cter li. Ilea. I.evi Ik'kert, Kdtvard Aiken, laroeny , lewls llauhman, lolenlou asaault William Kerrel, Ilenry J. llulb, Jehn Meyor, fernlcn tleu and basUrdy. TnuiisuAr, January 'Si. -Harvey Kraylilll, larceny ; Jeseph A. Miller, atleiupl te burn ; laalah II. Ijiitz, et. nl., colnplrney ; Win. Moere, falsu pretemu i Wlllllaui Clime, et. al , cousplraey, William Ullne, uinboMlo uinbeMlo uinboMle uiuut. l-'KiUAr, January 2 W, II. l.oergeod, perjury,. HATunuA V.January iZ Oeerge lUlster, Troderlok W. (Ulster, Jehn lUliner, surety of the peace jHttnuel llreltegsti, N. li. 1'eclc, desertion. The district attorney has sent te each con cen con ntable lu tbe county a nlretilar of Instructions el which the following are the most Impert ant : 1L Hervo en all the wllueises mentloned In buIuu)a. If you asceruln thatnuywlU neaaosare Immaterial, you will please com cem com inuulcate with ine nl unce. d. if lliure are any Important witnesses for the commonwealth net en atibpeua, you will Insert their name and serve tlie sub sub je'nauixm llieui. Yeu will, howevor, net limert uauiea ami subwiaa any Immaterial or utiueceaaary wItneseH. M. If possible, ceiiKiilt with tlie proieculor and Justice L-efore whom the hearing took place, aud get nil the Information In relation le tbe case, makeaiioteof It in writing, and repert such Intoruutleu te me, or send It le ine at once, as It will greatly aid main the preparation of cases for trial. lib. Inform the witnosiei you aubrena le be lu attendance promptly, In order that they nuynet beaubject locust of attachmeut. ISTIU' TIONS TO JfsriCKS. The district altorney has also sent te each aldermnn and Justlce n circular Instructing thorn as le Ibelr diitie. He riuetes the act e( assembly as le the onterlng of criminal suits upon thelr dockets aud returning the eatne te court, requests them te ascertain who are the material wltuene for thecomuieuHealtb, and te send te him a plain and clesr slate slate meut of the fact. thai will aid In preparing cx-.es for trial. Next fellows a Hat el case which the aldermen aud Justice may settle, and these which the law does net allow te In nettled. Justice are requested te ret urn caaes te court where thu defendants llee from thejurlsdlctieu of Iho court, se that true bills may Iw found. ii'Ht.H ru rri trxft .1.V11 VAtui JlRIT Mmntli ler Iritis Crlrplr, Ihruni .t.ldti llftr Crilttbrs. 'I he Mennenlte llrettiren in Christ hive beeu holding thelr conveutlou lu l'alth chapel, Helding, during this week, nnd Wed. neaday night the service eetuHted of prayer and faith euros. The llev. Dr. Andersen, el rhlladelphla.auneunre,) publiclyW odneiday afternoon that a faith or heallngmcvtlug would be held lu the oveelng,and accordingly ioeplo Hocked te the chapul from every Micileu of the city. Mauy who were allllcted for yearn were among tbe congregation. The ruverend gentlemen present Irem ether cltlesare He v. Dr. Themas Andersen aud I'. I lias, Phila delphia . C. W. Hutu, of Wilmington, Dela ware , and JauiiH Tnnubiur, of t'hlladelphla. AtUJ' Itev. Haas delivered a short nddress aud then lu vltcsl these allllcted te oemo for ward. Among Ibese te respond vrore two slaters and one brother, natuwt Hbower and Jeseph I.epselter. Thbse were carried te the altar. Prayer was ellerel nnd tlie HtlUcted were anointed with oil.; A few moments later Mary Hhewer, who was uuable te walk for years wltbeat crutches, threw thorn aside nnd te the Miirprlsa of eeryone walked about tbe nsim. 'I his was wltuessed by hundreds. All theso he nere anointed rocuived relle f. I'ne curiH aree.-ltlug censldninMa Interest. 111)11 KM I Afl VAT ABUUIATIUX. VVIiat Win Dene nt Meeting That Was llelil In Ncn Hullatiit, Ni.vr Helland, Jan. e. -The Hibernian Oat association met here yesterday, all the olllcers being present as fellows Kra Orlesemer, prosldent, Qriesomervllle, Ujrks county, H. J. Hill, tes;retary, Prlcetewn, Derks comity , Geerge K. I.erali, treasurer; lSruintleldvllle. Ilerks county ; H. W. Hhaerer, superintendent, Manatawny, Berk county; Christian Musser, assistant superin tcudeut. New Helland. The organization Is ler the protection and sale of Bohe mian tuts, and Iho principal olllue Is In Heading. Heme el tbe regulations of the company nre Ibnt nu less than ten or mere thau lllly bushels et eats shall lie sold le auy one purchaser, nor te mere than ten porseus lu any one township In one year; and nil purchasers of Bohemian eaU will pay twenty-lira per cent, commission for all eats mild ler purchasers by the association, 12 percent, te be paid le tbe treasurer of the association, nnd 12', per cent, te be paid as agents' commission, except when the grower soils his own eats, no commission Is te be paid. Mr. iuusser, ei miw jienanu, lsoneui uie directors of the company. The quota of 10 In Karl township was net Ailed yesterday, but applicant are in sutllclent number te 1111 It. Alter the llrst year 10 additional mem bers will be tnken In In the name town ship. The next meeting will 1)3 held nt Nprlngtiehl, Chester ceuuty. llall of a raater. A coiigrcgutieual meeting was held ntKt, Paul's Hulermcd church, Wednesday ove eve nlug, for the purpose of considering the question of calling n pastor te take charge. Alter opening services, consisting of singing and prayer, the consistory, whose duty It Is te recommend a candidate, presented the nanioet Itev. J. W. Memluger, new serving u pastor of the Keforuied church nt Vincent, Pa. lly a unanimous vote the congregation concurred In the cholce of tbe consistory aud directed that n call be exteuded te Mr. Mem luger. This will lie Uoue at an early day, and a committee representing HL Paul's will visit Mr. Memlnger aud urge his accepbtuce or the cull Mr. Memlnger Is a brilliant young pri-m her, new nerving his first charge. Stut le Kill tbethten n, Tlie mayor had a numboref cases te dls. pose et this morning. Mary Heep, a lady allllcted with a nervous dlsease, wa sent te this city rrem Lebanon, by her sisters en Wednesday. She was found wandering in the neighborhood of the King street depot, and was taken te the station house. She had no money and tnld shu wanted te go te her mother who lives near Ellzabothtewn. Tim mayor paid her fare te that place and sent her eir en this aftornoen's train. Twe bums were sent te the work-heuso for 20 days each, one old man te tbe ioer house, nud ene drunk nuda ledger were discharged. lii; Lewis at Ihe Opera Heuse, The largest house yet drawn by Ida Lew Is' company was that of last evening te witness "1'hoHeaef Ice." Aud nil were no doubt pleased with the performance. The star ha uncommon talent in such plays a tbe ene given iaai uigm, ami "no assumed me characters of ,euf.v (fc.aiceuraand Ogarila In satisfaction. Hlie had geed support nil through, and at the low prlces nt admission there Is no reason why Fulton opera hotise elieuld net be crewded nightly. This evening the familiar play el "Jaue Kyre" will be presented, TIIK COLLEGE REOPENED. FHANK1.I AIM MAMHIAI.I. ItWDKrlTt it it mi mk ritmiK ht Mima. I'ml. .Irnrrmm I". Krihnf litlitsrt a Notable Aililrra. mi "fli Kilauillenal Vain of Msthriiiatlr," et an Heur's Dnrallen, a llrlcf AliMrarl nl Whlcli Is llsra llsn. 'I he ruepculng exercises of Franklin and Marshall college and seminary were held In the chapel at 10,10 a. m. today. Kev Dr. Apple extended a brlsf wolcemo te the students, after which Prof. J. K. Kerahner dollvered the fernnl address en tbe subject el "The Kducattunal Value of Mathematics.1' It wb a very Interesting proiluctlen, oootipy eootipy oeotipy Ing an hour lu delivery, but se toehntcal In nalure as lu l-i cblelly attractive te these nclentltlcally inilinnd. The popular features el It are reproduced lu tbe following abstract t "NIK KIlUOAllnff t VAI.l'K Ol' MATIIK MA1ICS." Thnaclonce of quantity has always been recognlred a an luiertanl branch of lnatrno lnatrne lnatrno Hen. In oureollego, as In many ethers where the numbnr of elllcers of Instruction is quit limited, the depirtment of mathematics In volves mero than pure mathematics and In eludes surveying, natural philosophy and as tronomy. The development of the depart ment la no less a requirement than the mere olllce of teaching, because college as well a men and nations have te work their way from a primitive condition nearer te the high Ideal of a well equipped centre of learning. When Interests are se varied 11 Is sometimes hard lodeclde what part Can afford te wait. Circumstances may put us at times under the necessity ei moving euiy lucermin direction even If ether equally important Interests have te lie overlooked nnd nllowed le move In tbe even tenor of their sluggish ways. With us the department has been growing en the prac tical aide and we are compelled te feel at this early stage, when but the first few need leaves have rescbe I the life giving sun, that mero is looked for than can pestlbly be ao ae ao eompllshod within the mean provided, though vorygewl ae far a they go, and much that Is necessary is overlooked. The speaker then expressed tbe heK that no department of the Institution would bo be bo ceino superficial and less thorough, nnd pointed out the danger In that direction. Pro Pre gross en the practical aide should net be checked, but tbe fundamental tboerotlcal training should net lw neglected. Whllu It Is proper that all students should enjoy tbe pleasure nnd Instruction that can be derived lrem the instruments, yet their chief value lies In their use as Instruments of precision. It la easy enough te grasp the tart that the piano et the equator 1 Inclined 32 27 , but te understand hew astronomers found thl nut reqnlres considerable Intel lectual activity, and te understand hew the moon chaugex her phase requires mental etlert of Iho same kind. More thorough training in mathematics jsuecenaary in order le understand astronomy and physics mere thoroughly. Tbe lullmate relation between mathematics and physical science wa clearly shown. It lsdllllcult te keep students of various deg roe and kinds et talent up te the aaine standard, but a mere serious dlfllculty Is that classes are two largely compesod of members promoted simply by llme aud net according te tbe measure of their acquirements, both In cellege and befere they come te cel I go. Pro Pro feseor IjvM, of Yale, has said " under a sys tem or cducatleu which kindly but firmly lu vltes men te cheese right. In vlew et conse quences that ceme closely home te them, the bent characters will be fermed." This Is as true of work as of character. Even moderale Buecca can net Is- attained without thorough maMery of the fundaments of algebra nnd nrltbiiiatlc, and in the last few years there ha been a marked Improvement In the standard. The mental training In the first stages of the course Is almost wholly 111 tbe direction of careful and exact work, and later, tbe demonstrations like that of Hturm's theerum, nre the grandest product of the highest Intellectual etlert. The value of trigonometry lies also in Its practical application te hIiiiehI every branch orscleuce, while analytical geemetry com bines almost all that has gene bofero It with a liberalizing tendency. Calculus also com bines what has preceded It and and practical appllcitlen In Invention and philosophy. It Is diniuult le separate tbe far-reaching branches of theKdfliice.nnd allntierd practical mental dhclpllne nnd develep habits el thoroughness TIIK .IfKDIOil. iUUIBTT JIIAKTS. Ami Kir. t lloanler (lltlcers tu Ssr During the Coining ear. The January meeting et the Lancaster oily and County Medical society was held en Wednesday alturuoen with the following members preseut Doctors Albright, Hleiler, Helenlus, Black, Blackwood, Ilrebst, Hoard Heard man, Carpenter, Calg, Uompten, Dunlap Denver, Dlllman, l)avH,'M. U, Khier, Kvans, Foreman, Herr, M. It., Herr, A. J., Hertz, Hershey, llerllng, Ilyus, Kendlg, Kebler, l.lneweaver, Livingston, Leauian, J. I, , ii... . ii i.' f..auA t it rniA ijIgUIUCI, .,llinci,XA. -. , wuwiti u. ...trnjiivi) Mowrer, II. A., Alewrer, J. L , Market, Muh Muh Muh louberg. Newpher, Hehrerd. H., Heebuck, Heameusuyder, It. J , Helaud, HIngwalt, Shirk, Hhartle, Sensenig, Hhowalter. Sbenk, D. 1L, Hhenk, J. II., Thompson, T. Wel rhans, Weaver, I). II., Westhaefler, Zlegler, J. U, and '.all. Dr. Summy was elected n member of the society. The reports of the physlcaus from all sec tions of the county stiowed that the general health was goed.no epidemics prevailing but that tbe crop of accidents was nbeve the average. 11 was announced that Dr. McClurg, of West Chester, would read n paper at the neit meeting of the society. Tbe following nlllcers were chosen for the ensuing year: Prosldent, K. (5. Albright; llrst vlce prerildent, H. II. l'oreman ; soeoud vice president, J. H. Leauian; recording socretary, Win. Blackwood ; corresponding secietary, Oliver Helaud ; treasurer, Gee. H. Hobrer; librarian, J. M. Deaver; beard of cousers, Doctors Livingston, I). H. Woaver and A. M. Miller; commlttee en medical legislation, Docter Killer, Heebuck and Carpenter. Kltrtluu ami Installation of Onlcers At the regulnr meeting of Washington I.egleu, Ne. :i, K. el ., en Wednesday eve ning, the following elllcer were e lee ted; KxHlted patriarch, J. A. Anatus ; prophet, D. O.Brewn; high prlest, J. McCaulley; cer-gennt-at-arms, A.Applebach ; guard, M.l'ate); sentinel, J, Kberly ; secretary, U. Bunting ; treasurer, W. Houuecke; captain, II. Mo Me Mo Kltey; llrit lieutenant, J. Temple; second lieutenant, L. Ktrauss. The ouiceraelect were lustalieil by Past Olllcer It, McKlrey. fatal Coasting Accident.. Twenty boys wero injured, two fatally, whilocea-vtlng iuHutland, Vermont, Wednes Wednos Wodnes day, by their sled striking the slde of n bridge at tlie feet of the hill. While threo beya wereoeastlng in Wenl Wenl werth, Massachusetts, en Tuesday night, their sled ran Inte a lead of lumber. Twe of them were killed nnd the third fatally In jured. hiltoel Heard Meeting. T he January meeting of the beard of nchoel directors will be held In common council chamber this evening. One of tholtemsof business Is the oleotlon of a teacher for the girls' high school te All the vacancy caused by tbe death of Miss QUI. Upset In Centre Siinare. Wodnesday evenlng as D. Stuart QrllTltts, In charge of Wm.Wohlsen's horseand Bleigb, was driving through Centre Square with Mr. Wohlsen's wife and children, the sleigh struck the tracks of tbe railroad Just west of the monument and was upset, throwing out the occupants. One or the children, a little boy, was somewhat bruised. Mr. Orlflltts, Mrs. Weblsen and her Infant child oscaped unhurt. The hone fell at the Instant of tbe upset, and thus a runaway was prevented. Oa Duty Again, Ofllcer Al Pyle, who ha been oil duty since Christmas owing te injurle received at the Lancaster rink, his again denned his uniform, and made h'a first appearance en tbe streets te-d ly. IHJUTOH AMU TIIK VUAt. riBI.DK. The Oreal Uantllaver llrlilga at reii(bkple and lis linpetUnrs le New Kngland. Jn splte of cold snow and Ice a large force of men are already at work en tholltld thelltld tholltld sen at I'etiftbkceiale preparing for the build Ing of the longest cantilever bridge In tlie world. The Union llrldge company, which has secured the contract, ha guaranteed that the bridge will 1)9 open for travel en next New Years day nnd a the enterprise la hooked by men representing ever 100,000,000 It will Indouutedly be putbed te oemplelloti though tbe cost will reach t,0oe,or). The Imporbmceef thlsotilerprlso will be under stood wben It la known that being the only bridge below Albany It will form theconnoct thecennoct theconnect Ins link betwoen the New Kngland system of railroads and the following reads en the west alde New Yerk, IiikoKrleiV Western, New Yerk, Ontario A Western, Delawaie hack awanna A Western, Philadelphia A Heading I.eblgli Valley, I'ennsjlvsnlaaud iUltlmere .t Ohie rallreada. It iiexpectcd te save the New Knglatider eighty cents a ten en coal andan luimouse veluiiinuf frelght that has heretofore passed through New Yerk will cress the Hudsen at Peughkeepsle. The work was begun en a subscription of tl.OOO.OOJIn lUil when Thomsen was prel- dent or the Pennsylvania railroad, but the panic of 1K73 froze up the capital, and tbe scheme was abandoned alter WCW.OCO had been spenL A director of the bridge com pany says a straight line drawn en any cor cer reel map from JJosten te I'dtsbiirg will pas directly through PoughkeepsleoKxlstlng rail roads are se located that they can be united Inte a great through line by way of the Pougbkeopale bridge with less dllllculty and by Ihe building era smaller number et mile et new read than Is posslble at any ether point where a bridge has been proposed. Tlie construction of only twelve miles new under contract will Jein the entlrs system or raJl raJl reads Kast and West." The lovely reach el river which cam be seen from the point where the bridge is le be Is closed en the south by the Storm King Mountain and wind out of sight around Crura Elbow en the north. The bridge will consult of five spans evor the water. Threo of them will be cantilever spans of !M feet each nnd two of them truss span of 625 feet each. The superstructure will be of steel and will Ihs supiiorted en steel lowers resting ujien bread stene piers. On the west shore there will be a span of about 200 feet and en the east side a steel and Iren vlnducl half n mile long. A great hele ha been cut into the fare or tlie rocks en the west side nliove the West Hhore read end three columns In Hue will form a grand pier rising from this rugged ba.se. The bridge Is te have two tracks and be of sumolent strength te support two trains, each drawn by two SO ten locomotives, ameving loadef3,0J0 pounds te tbe lineal feet en each track. The bottom of the truf os will be 130 leet abeve high water and tbe railway track en tbe top 212 feet. 1'retn tbe railway track te tbe feet of the crib al the river bed will be a distance of 3&ri feet of a continuous struc ture, lu whteh net less than 40,000 tens of steel and 10,000 yard of stone will be usetl. The effect of the structure will be that of light aud graceful latticework ngilnsl the sky. Vtttir. ULBAHUS-a WUIIH lis Uenquera Twe tclr Kickers and Will Tackle MafUng Te-Mlgtu. On account of the bad weather tbe audience nt the skating rink last evening was net as large as en Tuesday. The proreseer bad two horses, oue of which wa a mustang. Beth were kickers before they went le the rink, but after being put through a performance by the professor they were satlslled that they were net bosses of everybody. By the time that tbe entertainment wai concluded the aulmals wero able te stand almost any kind of aunnynuee This evening a real lively mustang, which Is belug brought all the way from Hanover, Yerk county, will be en band and tbe professor will endeavor te de him up. On l'riday allornean there will be a pony race In the rink. It will be open te all boys having penlm, and the professor will etler a prize of J2fl TobesEsnluR Notts. The nctual erection of the toboggan slide was begun at McGrann's park yesterday, aud the lrame work I new up a considerable distance. It is expected te be In operation next Monday. The Jlarrlsburg tnlwggan slidH will Ik ready en Krldav. Tbe rates are, beawiti ticket, tlve dollars, single tickets, tivocenta or six tickets twenty live cents. WllllamBpert ha k caught tbe tobecgnn craze that a second "sllde" Is te le nccled 00 feet high aud 200 feet leug. Leck Haven's slide will be completed, It Is expecled, by next Saturday. The structure will be 100 feet long and the extreme height 10 feet, with a 700 leet level run en Ihe buiu. A Child Ules Frem llrlukliiK Whlik). rrem the West Che'ier New. On Saturday morning last Mary, a vyeai vyeai eld daughter of Thema Pinegan, Whlteinnd, arose from her bed where she had been left with two ether children, unlocked a bureau drawer where a bottle ei whisky had been placed, drank of It freely, nnd when found by her parents she was in a stupor. Seme et the neighbors were called lu; they sup posed the child had a fit aud recommended mere vvblsky.whlch was through uutnlstnken kindness txnired Inte the child and atlected her brain Btlll mere. She ilugered In this terrible condition until Tuedny, when nhe died. A Men Cattle el llaEles. A preliminary iiifceting looking te the organization of a Castle of Knights of the Oelden Eagle wr held lu New Helland en Wednesdny evening. Tbe ofllcera were ns fellows : Chairman, J. H. Wittner ; secre tary, Ira V. Miller , treasurer, William Heland. There will be another meeting en next Tuesday evening when application ler n charter will be uimle. lUtlKI- .SKHS MITI.S. Sennler Hale ba been reneminated In Maine, and William M. htenart Dai been named in Nevada. Fifly-slx Irishmen, wlie would net pay rent, have been soutenced te prison ler from 12 te 18 months in County (lalway, Ireland. T. P. Bedillleu, a prominent Pittsburg lewnler. has root. ,ed ludirniciits aggregat ing f 10,000. Ills wife, ilannali Bedillleu, Is n prelerred creditor te the extent of f!7,000. In Tonu. D. B. Hedges, oue of tbe bast known nd vnnce agents In the busineRs, Is In town to day ahead of LUlle Hall and Fannie Bleed geed's burlesque company, which appears here en Thursday of next woek. The com cem pauy Includes Maggie Cline, the original Jfiiry Ann JCehe. Mr. Hedges, who Is stepping at the Stevens house, ha a great mauy friends here. Overcome J Ceal (In. M. J. Beard, an englneer en tbe Lebanon Valley railroad, and his wife were feuud In their room at Hummelstown, Thursday morning, overcemo by ga which had es caied from a steve lu the room. Mr. Beard had been watching by the slde et his wlie, who had been Borleusly HI. He wa restered te conscleusnebs, but Mis. Bsard is still tin. conselous, with Btuall hopes el recovery. tobacco Trade A meeting el the New Yerk leaf tobacco dealers was held Wednesday afternoon. A committee or tlve made n long aud exbnus exbnus tlve report, proving conclusively that the ma jority of these engaged lu the tobacco trade favor the stepping of nil government taxes upon Ha ruauufacltiiu. The tax wa branded ns a war nieasurii and as a fruitful source of official corruption. Tbe oemmllteo will go te Washington tu advocate a revision of the lnwn relating te the tobacco lax. Mere lllg Hogs Unlettered. On Wodnesday LTias Bear, of Mauheiui township, butchered twoChestor white hogs, only twelve months old, one of which weighed, dressed, 629 neunds and the ether V.7 pounds a total of 1.0S0 pounds. Fer young perkers, thl pair will be found hard te Isiat, Wauls a Heard el Trade. The Mount Jey A'ter wants a Trade for that town. Beard of IT WAS MIKACOLOUS. THU VAUHKNUKIt TRAINS (lOI.Ltt)H A VKUkMMI IK VIIIVAUO. Al A. HmekliiK Ur t!ituruet anit the Many (Jen- fuiist Occupants Cmwl TbreiiKh the vTlmtens The Hlevs Net tlrraklng I'rstentfsl Herlous CenUiucei. Cult veto, Jan. ft A carload el passengers en the outward bound Kastern expreas train of the Lake Shere A Michigan Southern rail road had a most miraculous escape from a frightful death thl morning. Just at tlie moment the baggage car was en the crossing at Hixteenth street, (a Louisville, New Al. bsny .t Chicago passeugcr train came up. The engineer of the latter train could net step It and tbe engine struck tbe rear end of the Like Hhore baggage car. It was knocked com pletely off the trucks. The two trains had net yet oemo te a standstill and a mement nfter the bnggage car was struck by the smoker, which followed, and was overturned. It fell en Its slde. The car was full.et passen gers and In an Instant tbere was wild een fusion among thorn. The engine, however, did net strike the smoker with sutllclent ferce te smash It aud neon tbe frightened passe n n gers were crawling through the windows te safety, their exit being hastened by tlie aid of the trainmen and the Inmates of tbe ether cars. At ID o'clock t he'll re In the steve wa stilt burning, buthsdnotcemmuDlcatedtothocnR. Had thu engine broken It thore would In nil prabnblllty have been a frightful less el life. At 10:30 o'clock the wreck had net been cleared away, aud tbe trains wero uuable te proceed en their Journeys. TIIR ItULr. OF TIIK II BAIL The.Utceaie el Jarcd 1. Zleiner, Who lls.l Kalallvea In TnltCenntr. Jored P. Celmer, U. H. gauger for Berks district, died at the rosldeneoof his mether in Shllllngleu, after a month's lllness with typhoid pneumonia, aged about 30 yearn. He was born In Brecknock township, and after the death or his father, William K. .lo .le .lo iner, some five years age, conducted tbe hetel at Knauers, en the Bewmansvllle read, for about a .year, and then resumed teaching rcboel, in which he was engaged at the lime of bis appointment as a gauger. lie was at one time a candidate for clerk et the quarter sessions, and was a prominent Democratic politician. The two brothers of deceased re side In the Went. One married sister lives In Brecknock, and another in Adamstown. The funeral will tnke place en Saturday next. Father l'atrltk J. rogue, el Hethlene-m. Hev. Patrick J. Pegue, assistant te Hm. Michael McEnree, rector of the Church of the Hely Infancy, Seuth Bethlehem, died Wodnesday morning, after a brlef Illness, of pneumonia, aged 20 years. Father Pegue was born In Bailie, province of Ulster, Ire land. After entering tbe priesthood be came te America In 1870 and entered the HL Charles' Borromee seminary, Philadelphia, where he was ordained, lie celebrated bis llrst masiatUt. Anne's church, Philadelphia. He has served acceptably as naslslant rector lu Seuth Bethlehem stnee 18S3. lie wan a moaiber of the I. C. B. U. convention that met In Lancaster In September, and was a prominent aud popular figure lu that body. Dralh ul Ki-Sticrl(T Ueer, or Reading. Ex-SheiitrOeorge D. Beyer, or Heading, died suddenly this morning of Inllammatlen of tbe bowels. He was &0 years or age and was 111 only two days. He retired from oQIce en Monday, and that evening made bis last appearance en the street. The funeral will take place en Monday. JtVniOlPAl. HEFOUHH. I)lcasteg Measures te Prevent Extravagance nud Corruption Kepreienlat Ives In Ceantll. At Wednesday morning's session of the inunleipal conveutleu In Harrlsburg llilrly llilrly twe mombers answered te the roll-call. Pres ident Price called the meeting together. Mr. Shaw, member of the legislature lrem Blair county, by Invitation nddressed the meeting en the classification of three, four and five class cities aud suggested that a bill te be presented te the legislature should be divided into as many parts, a thore would be little doubt of Its passage through that body In that shape. A communication from Dr. Lee, secretary of tbe state beard of health, was read, suggest lng the advisability of third, fourth and fifth elats cities establishing a beard of health. llAnntsnirne, Jan. ft The Inter-muni-elpal convention devoted much time te-day te the framing of previsions looking te the prevention of extravagance and corruption en the part of city eQlclalsin tbe matter of advertising, etc. It ha been practically I set Hed that cities of the third class having less than 18 wards shall have one select council man nud two comeu councilman lu each wnrd. A third class city having eighteen wards or mere shall have one councilman of each branch lu each ward. A Weman Shoels Urrself lu tied. Cincinnati, Jan. 0. At &&0 o'clock this morning Mrs. William Bierelln, who has been keeping heuse for M. Werk, al Woatweod, aud whose husband is employed a fereman lu Werk's soap nnd candle factory,eommltted suicide by sheeting herseir with n 39 calibre revolver. She was In bed with her husband at the time, who, awakened by the sharp report of the pistol, Jumped up nnd speedily llghted a lamp, found his wile dead with a l.r month's old Infant pressed te Ler breast. Temporary In sanity caused by groundless Jealousy is as signed as a reason for tbe net. I uabls te Agree. l'liu.wiKLniiA, Jan. 0. The jury in tbe case of Mark Klkln, J. II. Newton and Niru Niru red Wlllery, charged with conspiracy le In duce Mrs. Gussle Klkln te violate her mar riage vows, after being out all night, came lute court this morning and announced that they were unable te ngree en a verdict. The Judge thereupon discharged the Jury lrem further consideration of the case. A Ceal Mine at Stiamekln en 1'lre. Suamekin, Pa., Jan. ft This morning fire wa discovered In a chamber In tbe Peer, less Slepe portion of the Henry Clay col cel col llery. The flame spread rapidly and are new beyond control. Frequent explo sions of gas are occurring and four men have been Boverely burned. The Henry Clay 1 owned by the Philadelphia it Read ing coal and Iren company and Is the most extensive mlne owned by that concern and employs 1,M)0 men. The less cannot new be estimated. Arrested Fer lledr-Hnatihlng. Bai.timeiik, Jan. ft Dr. Wm. T. Cathlll, Jr., of the Baltimore lTnlverBltyhespltal, was arrested last night en a charge of body snatching. In his wagon was found a female corpse nud the head of a man. At a hearing te-day It was ellclted that the superintendent of the Western Petter's Held has sold the le le inale body te the doctor, but hs was never theless placed under flO.OOO bend for a fur ther hearing. Acquitted or .Manslaughter. Cincinnati, Jan. 0. Judge Matthews this morning Instructed the Jury In the William Downs ;manalaugbter case te return a ver dict of net guilty, en tbe grounds of self-defense. Downs was accordingly acquitted. He was charged with tbe murder et Tobias Cain, at Cummlngsvllle, October 8, 1582. 1'ell Down Stairs. Mrf. Jehn Demarre, 332 Lew street, while walking In her sleep early this morning, fell down the eutlre length of a long flight el stairs. She struck ou her face, and ether parts of tier body sustained painful hrulies. niu nam in ruVHuaxewK, uiiie, A Whole llleck. a Church and a Lltrj ntahle iltstrefsd The I.ets Ortr lOO.OOO, PiTTsnuiui, Jan. ft A Youngslewn, Ohie, special says at 3 o'clock this morning a series of concussions startled the resldenls of this elty and Instantly flame were seen sheeting out from every window of the nsw Audrews block, en Seuth Market street. In less than live mlnutes the mammoth structure was In flames aud the firemen turned their attention le saving the adjoining buildings. Bofero the flre was gotten uniler control Drake's livery atable and two resldouces went up In smoke and the Baptist church wa left with euly the walls standing. Jack Semple watchman In the Andrews block, stated that as he opened the window In the basement te eecute vonUlatleu an explosion followed and he was wrapped In fUme. Hemple ran out and, rolling In tbOBUew, extinguished his burning clothing. Ills laee nnd hands were badly bttrued nud he wa sent te the hospital. Thema Brannlgan, aged 10 ycara, who was sleeping In the Audrews building, Is missing and It Is supposed was cremated. It Is believed the fire originated from natural gas. The Andrews block wa In process e erection, Bnd was nearly completed nt a cost of fG0,000, but had net been taken eir the hands of the contractors. Mahoning, Oeethe and Youngstown ledges, Knight el Pythias, wero preparing te occupy tbe large hall, and lestatl the regalia.. Mayers Bres., dry goods, en the first fleer and J. H. Hhlelus, meal market, lest everything. The total less Is evor tlOO.OOO; about two-thirds Insurance. Assist. Chlel DavI?,ef the flre department, was slightly burned. When tbe lire wa at Its height, telegrams for nld were sent out te ad jacent towns. Warren responded, but for tunately the service ler her llremen were notneeded. Narrow Kietpe of Hatea I'lremr n ClttCAUe, Jan. 0 A gas explosion oe currcdatlbe II. T. Wlker carrla go factory, cerner of Wabash nvenue Bud Harrison street, this morning, and seven firemen wero sorteusly lnjured. The go had escaped In a small recepllcal nnd or the sidewalk In which when the flrotnen went te extinguish the blaze tbey wero overcemo with tbe gas. There were four firemen of truck 1, two of truck 0 end ene of engtne 32. The Injured firemen were taken Inte Kagan's drug store, opposite the carriage factory, nnd nfter con siderable labor, were restored le consolous censolous conselous nee. The gas oscaped from ene of the city pipes that had been damnged by the flre. IP.AT1TT IS THE OHO WD. line el the Defendants In the Uaddnck Mnrder Case Tells Utile el What Ue Knows. Sioux City, la., Jau. 6. Paul Leader, one of the nine defendants Indicted for murder and conspiracy In the Haddock case, last night made a statemoet of his connec tion with the tragedy. Leader Bays he and a friend were In Junk's saloon where there were quite a number of persons. Among tbetn were U. L. Leavilt and Jehn Arena Arena derf. A man came In and said that the buggy bad ceme back (tbe buggy contained Hev. Haddock.) Leavltt went out and ethers Joined tbe party going up Fourth street towards Water. He knew somethlng waa up, but never anticipated a sheeting. They met tbe crowd fat least 16) nt tbe corner of Fourth and Water streets. Arenederf was net there, but he saw Leavltt t.lere. He and bis friend walked en down Water street. Suddenly we heard a rovetvor shot and I whirled ebeut and looked toward the corner where we had passed the crowd. I saw two men Btandlug In the street. One etaggered forward and foil. The ether turned nnd ran north et Water street. Almest as seen as the shot was fired the crowd at the cerner ran away and my frlend nnd 1 ran south towards the lumber yards. Leader resisted every efTert te draw from him tbe names or the persona nt the oernor. The statement of Paul Leader Is significant. He is en the most Intimate terms with Arensdorf and is regarded by tbe dolense as "solid." He has declined every everture of the prosecution. Ills statement In all Its allegations, intimations and spirit tallies exactly with what has been hinted by the friends of the defeuse as Its theory. It is slmbly an alibi for Arensderl and the fix ing of the act of murder en Leavltt, while the explanation of Innocent preeence will be at tempted In behalf of Leader and the ether conspirators. A Taper CuMlug a .fudge. Ciut Atie, Jan. C. -A special te the lmcs from Indianapolis says the decision of the supreme court respecting tbe lieutenant gov ernorship matter moved the Sentinel, tbe Democratic organ, te attack the court In a very bitter editorial, the first line of which read : " D - their cowardly souls." The matter created much oxcltement yesterday nud last night. Humors of arrest for con cen cen tempt, eta, obtained during the day, but at a Inte hour no arrests had been made. Sena Sena eor Dan Voerhecs, as seen as he saw It, marked a copy of the paper and senl It te Judge Nlblaak, remarking: "Fer the past fifteen years Nlblack has been sending me every mean tblug that Indiana papers have eald about me. New I'll get even. This is h -." A College rroleaier Attempts Murder. Lafayetti:, lud., Jan, 0. A. sensational sheeting occurred here yesterday. Prof. K. C. Smith, late et the faculty of Purdue University, Hhet Dr. Geerge F. Beasloy, a leading physician and member of the com mon council. Beasley stepped te his office deer and Bpoke te Smith, when tholatter drew a revover and began firing, sboetlug four times. The last bullet struck Bensley ou the right side, Inflicting a slight wound. Smith began te reload the weapon, when be was arreated. He wa found te be laboring under great mental excitement, nud Is thought te be Insane Ne reason for tbe sheeting is known. CenUdent of Her imtrouemlc Ablllljr. CimAcie, Jan. ft A morning paper says It is In receipt of a letter from MUa Wesley, n young woman of this city, in which she says in etlect that she has read about the re cent quall-eatlng contest ; that she writes with tbe purpose of getting tbe editor te ad vertise a challencolrem her; that she Is a young girl IS years of age ; that she will eat two quail a day for thirty cenBecutlve daya ou a wager et f.1,000 and net mane any niss about It, cither. An Indiana Hallread Atks for a Charier iNDlANArehts, Ind., Jan. ft Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterday with the secretary of state of the VIncennes fc New Albany railroad company, which proposes te build a railroad te ceunect Jasper, lu Dubois county, with New Albany. The line passes through Dubois, Orange, Washington, Har. rlaen, and Floyd counties, and is seventy. three miles In length. The Ceal feel Halt I'ostueued. Pini-ADKiviiiA, Jan. ft The absence from the city of President Harrison and hla counsel, Mr. Dloksen, has caused the post ponement of the hearing In the suit of the commonwealth against the coal and trunk line peels which was te have oemo up this morning. The case will be called te-morrow. Impelling the Jews. ObEshiA, Jan. 0. A wholesale expulsion of Austrian Jews from Odessa and Woleoyeka Is lu progress. HMATUISIl MVIVATIOH. Wamuinoten, D. C, Jan. ft Kei ), F.aatern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware t Celder, northwesterly wind, lair weather. S7G,000,000 FOR PENSIOI -" M.UWMH HUVajf OK vt i'-taiaa tub .sri-jiurxf.4Tiu.rM (leneral lagan's Widow tlrantec. .,w .r Annum and , matt created le the Sam rtgare-SUH Ing en the Inter-State OemmatetVM 3w "e. WAsmsurex, Jau, ft Ucrasai iiouse in commlttee or the whole consideration of the bill for tbe liar of the Erie and Oswego canals. Mr. of Pennsylvania, suggested that an ). be taken as the Din waa unnaeiy te Tbe Heuse has passed the pension prlatlen bill, It appropriates f78,247l& Senata Mr. Kdraunds pMsmtM memorial from the committee or tb national convention of the Protestant 1 pal church praying Congress te provide) : obtaining statistics of marriage and dlT Air. Blair, a memorial from many zatleiia throughout the country prayhHt I legislation te prevent tbe violation qf, Sabbath, by tbe running of railway tMtasVj iuoaenato passed the bin granting I sien or ticoe tier year te Ihe widow of v Legan. 4$j The Henate also passed without dlv Went bill IncreaslUK the tension of thawletesvi Gen. Francis P. Blair from ?J0 per meaiwl $2,000 per year. J niieniy ueiore i,ociecK consiaenuem the Inter stnte ccmnisree bill was and Mr. Plntt oeotluursl his speech yeiterday. Deciding Congresloual Cenlesta, Washington, Jau. (1. The Heuse i ralttee en oleo'luus telay decided, 'In. contest of Page vs. Pierce, from Hi Island, that neltber was entitled te thai nnd In tbe case of Kldd vs. Btoele, Iren (liana, that Sloele was elocted and continue te held the seat. There will lM minority repert in the former case, bat m latter Is a unanimous verdict. '"' Te-day the secretary of the treasury te tbe Heuse of Representatives eatlaw amounting te 2,000 made by the slonerof pensions te defray tbe expenas collecting statistics roiallve te the oil Inuuence of surgical operations upeav nervous system, tbe circulatory system I nutrition. "Dir.u triru nit no era ea.1' i4a A .loterlous K-CeuTlcl'a l'rfdlctlen VuteVlJ iiifl urep uek en jtim. t $,? LiAnKKSTOivN, .Mu.,jan. e. I he prep mnde a year Bge by ex-Convict Jamas.' rickettthathe would die with his beets emi verified yesterday afternoon, when Tk Brown, a carpenter of this place, pla five bullets Inte Pickett's body. The I tnen were in Ourran'j ealoen en Jem street at the time of the murder. Pfc waa In tbe billiard room nud Brown la bar room. Presently Pickett came te the I room deer aud ordered a drink. Ha scareely spoken when Brown wheeled s and slapped Urn en the shoulder st "Picketti" The latter made no reply, I made a move toward bis hip pocket. qaM Brown pulled his pistol and Ured, thorns entering the head near the ear, killing l almost instantly. Pickett foil te thai and while lying prostrate Brown fired 1 mere bullets Inte his body. Brown ;tA tali. The oeroner's iurv rendered a In accordance with the facts. -fft 6rM a stuttDKBEh's cutirraai He Cnts tbe Head, Arm aud a tarKeal Victim. A'?. Heiton, Jan. 6. Edward Newlatf,-;i rested In connection with the Seu murder, this morning made a full cenf of the crime te Chief Parkhurst and I Perry. He Bald that he was tbe only concerned lu the murder. Tbe ether t prisoners have been discharged. Newlt killed young Codman at 3 o'clock Tu morning by stabbing him In the back ei I neck with a carvlngkulfe. Tha daedal done In Cedmnn's own stable. Later 1st I day be cut the clothes off the body, eh off tbe left leg and right arm and with the corpse In his pung for the oeua At tbe snot In Lexington where wa nnd arm were found he dropped tha naaaYj the body In the mlddle of the read and I threw out tbe arm. ue returned te l ville, by going through Walt bam by.;i read te Bosten, lie reached ttomerviuo i o'clock Tuesday morning. USS . 51 A Ml Tnnnel. "1 Sr. Claiii. Mich.. Jan. ft The St. Ck river tunnel, the werka prellmtuavy te 'J construction of which are new In progress luteuded te oennect the Orand Trunk t Ohloage 4 Grand Trunk railway systamaVj Pert Huren and Sarnla, allheugblt will t bra company Independent or the corp owning and controlling these rallwaya,yj nresent tbe connection between me maintained by a ferry. Tha length of' tunnel will be one mile, of which 2,Slflt I will be under the river. The depth. ( J lowest .iart et the tunnel below tbesera the water will be eighty and one-half !,, minimum itnnth el tha ten of It belOWl lied of the river will be fifteen feet. ig . m Annelntmenls for Cocflrmatleo, Wt$ Washington, Jan. ft The president I the following nominations te tha Boeat;, day: Themas C. Manning, of LeulalajHfl be United States mlnlster te Mexico; . a. Dlnsmore. of Arkansas, te be consul I oral of the United States le Coraa; RebattJ Culbreath. of California, te be consul of ua Hiatal at Anla: Themas P. Bashaw, of i seurl, te be United States attorney terl Eastern district of Missouri. Tlukers Demand SO Vsr Ctut. .Icel , Admass; L'iMeiN.vATl. Jan. ft Vhesnlx Aa 1.781. Knluhta el Laber, composed of Usfl reefers, cornice-men and general Jehbara, I adopted the following resolution s fe3 Jltaetvcd, That the tin ;roera, cera men and general Jobbers demanu an auva of "Oner cent en the wage recelred at' nrnuni time, and this contract shall b imren both parties from May 1, 1887, te 1, 1883. The workmen of all empleyara;i sinning this contract before May isr, imi,j . j. ....., n,,.! ,i.ia" 'a ue erucruu um ww -- t t One Thousand Asked Her Hand.' Ter.BDO. Ohie. Jan. ft Annla O'Oe n handsome Irish girl employed la here, who figured ever the country i en as having fallen heiress te laga M In England, wa married yesterday la'tt burg, te Jame ujv.eei, a wewuy , merchant The ongaiement waa br about by the publicity given the affair. O'Connor received evor a uieussua ea marriage. Uojcetllng Heet and S tieemstiers. lj OuioAeo, Jan. 5. Flva ei tna priM beet and shoe manufacturers have had a I colt declared agamsi meir preuuenm shoemaker's assemblies tf3 Twe Michigan Miners atlUesi, UecunTOsr, MIeb., Jan. 6. Jehn killed bv aa explosion in in ia yesterday. Peter Maga waa kUlad by from a man-euglne In the Calm Hecla mine. A Member el tha csiBiHes TVr. H 1 Davis, of thU Cy, .A.Kw. thu r rAnea aasaaalt UlCUIUViSW v .. eiz f Hntan'a resolution rewi ... , luaUen. cya k. & .. ., i .. .,. "- ".v , , wiB.'nWMiltt-Hf-si ."'n it? m? rTJm&WjMiJ w i.i'kSkrrt!a.k-,.i,