MRfiY T5IE i1" WxrTWrZ"" ; "'J'-3TJ7EvfkT73 - i l iHjn'i. vrr. V' rf mifW V -' ' . I 5"- ' TOEB LANCASTER DAILY lyTEIXTGENCf'RMOyDAY, JANUARY .4, 1887. - . wmrsz?v&ma !""-;$' . ,, '" "- --- ''-J...'..-! -A A sv Hi -t &? y E.VSV . i: HB JNTBLLI6ENGER H' smBT DAT IM THH TEAS (fWMMtf JfeMjtfsd.) m a vm. vrra dollars a nil, virrr ltm MtrrmeBTOAiMaMiKLAa. , Aire au. ANenma run, unni mmkal oewtftastoa allowed te laeam. nwwn oemono. ADvnnama hath : Hin. lin.l 2 In. ttn.1 ln. 5 in. Day n 1Mismis7S imn.em 116 S0 SID Days.,.. rDavs...... te tee l 1 100 ISO IK IK ado 4 BO 800 700 10 00 1100 IS 00 SB 00 son 4 no 8 90 BIS iDiti 400 680 70 BIO iWMk seu 1U0(I I8 60 16 60 1700 W60 9000 2100 1700 8100 SMCO 8800 moo wee (BOO BlMII i wceki..., M Weelu.. Menth...., se BOO eee 900 oe Months.., M Months. I Menth!.... I Tear The Weekly Intelligencer u fmMHtD EVMY WCDNMDAY MORNING. i- .( a TSiS. 41.00 resin etbb. CLura or ti, AMkM tarn. rv,V M VSIAOKB OSTTtXa CT K (IMS. n steal rnrri -......iwn.ii 51' J' STATS AD OOTSTST. ALL ABOKTKOCS L1TTSM I ,S wax, sa.oemaicss te tks waits baser. p 'SS. lf tHmva Ami 7Wm-nn ffl L" J1. TTTSJ TWPTflT.T.TnTlTNnlllTl. ' 1 sUelltgtncer Building, Lancaster, ra. li ftp fanrasfcr JntelUgctu LANCASTER, 'JANUARY S, 1ST The "cn Administration. "With the new year comes n new admin istration of the state affaire of Pennsylva nia, which gees back te her Republican iA idol. The legislature assembles with its ft?". ' ... j-.- -. -,-... .-.. j usually exciting amy or electing a c niieu A Ol-A 1 ! It . 1.1- - Ttitfmint whatever, since the man tn All "the place has been selected for it with the '". snemlmrlv unanimous concurrence of the $$$ party bosses and the legislature will readily ratify the selection. The signiflcant thing about this matter is net se much that the place of senator Is net te be contended for, for that often happens when pre-eminent .qualification points him out ; but the fact is that Mr. Quay ha3 no pre-eminent qual ifications for senator. He is net distin guished as an orator or thinker ; he can not adorn the Senate. Moreover, he adorns the political councils of his party in 'Pennsylvania. He is of demonstrated ability M a politician, but that is ab.lity of a sort that will net enable him te shine in the Senate. It must be conceded, however, that it is the sort of ability that is accus tomed te be rewarded with the Senate, In the Republican parly in Pennsylvania. It is strictly in accord with Republican K ' yinwwriant in the state that Mr. Quay Bhenld be chosen te the Senate by his party without contention. Being easily its best politician, he earns its highest prize of honor. After the Camerons, father and son, have se steadily represented the state in the Senate, it is impossible for its Re publican houee te feel a shock at the thought of cheesing te that supreme legis lative body men who cannot speak or write or think strongly upon great political questions. We congratulate the Republican party that it is se easily content, and the legis Jature that it will have no trouble ever its choice of senator. We de net knew whether the. Republican governor is equally te be .congratulated that he has been relieved by the bosses from the trouble of cheesing w hat he calls his cabinet. f?e is, we knew, reported te wear a nose of wax, and the tusplcleu is general that he will be but the creature of his masters. It may however be otherwise ; and we are anxious te see the light that will be thre Kn upon his ad ministration by his choice of the state offl effl cers. We understand that he declares that lie will have an attorney general whom he believes te be a better lawyer than him- :$h self; which is certainly a very sensible uciuuiiuauuu, i no l'Ciaiau) III 11, I1UW- ever, it will be bad for the younger gentle men who have been named for the place, a J General Reaver can hardly be presumed te think that they are better lawyers than he is. His atterney general will net be if-hief Justice Mercur; for we are as- ""y ?. On What Wl! drPTTl VPrr rnml antlm. "...;. . . . B """"" JirestuPat the judge has advised the ie rocec. that he does ortheAv,. .,.i ... net desire the editor,""" uuju uui, accept it. Ills Ii. i is te remain en the suDiemHbpneh. .Ji'iVvblch he proposes seeking a renemlna- lien. He desires te spend all his remain ing days of usefulness upon it. The idea of selecting him as attorney general is sup posed te have ceme from the friends of Judge Williams who has been spoken of prominently for the place, but who would probably prefer te go en the supreme bench. As Judge Mercur does net take the bait, it seems probable that Governer &. Heaver, if he permits himself, or is per. muiea, w carry out lm wishes, will make Judge Williams attorney general. The Artcr-Dinner Speech. The after-dinner speech has been acquir- vv uB uunuuicu IHUUIIUCUWUI line, IIHU IH6 ? greai speecn or Air. Uradv has slvpn t)m institution a boom that puts it far in ad. vance of the lecture platform a3 a means of reaching the popular ear. At a public dinner where the guests are men of note In all walks of life, the public can feel reas reas enibly ceitaln that no speech will be re ceived with favor that has net something in it worth reading. The guests act as an examining beard and pass upon the work by their applause or silence, and though the people may modify the verdict, yet the orator can feel sure that if he wins the hearty ap ' pluuse of these judges he is sure of a care ful reading by million? of his countrymen. Mr. Chauncey M.Depew, in an Interview published in the Xew Yerk Herald, shows mai aneuier advantage of the after-dinner speech lies in the friction that there takes place, for "nothing keeps the public se Widoawakeas the clashing of ideas." " Mr. So-and-se is a great believer in a pro ject. It is his hobby he Uses at the table ntr , iu emnn iu a luiui, ana ventilates it. His V neighbor entertains a different opinlen.and ;( ueiuta iu ie;ir u 10 snreds, believing he I4v j- will inaa If a tlin i.ln.l. t- i .... r x n.i. jj . b laj Liin .tiling i.i ii. i rramui ......... w w .i.vuimiaujjr - .n,ru. ieh, whueui rue tennality of fcadebate, a great question may have been vu8Uk up unu aiscusseii. Tiie press selzes NnVtandaaltates It. T.lkn in.i.1. i, hi$? TF ln a wek?3 tlme. Is think. SS. iue Of the imhlli. .iin..n. i... , I'ilmep P"lated h. Europe. "'The Early Cleslnir MeTrmmi $X committee of these interested in the :Jy closing movement announce that, i I elldiv season bfilncr ilvpr. ttm utnr,. 'ft, Will from to-iuenow evening be closed ate p. m., except en Mondays and Saturdays, during the year and the whole of the month of December. In a movement of this kind it is desirable that there should be all pos sible unanimity, and It is belleved that the few who steed out against the movement last year will enroll themselves ln its ranks for the coming twelve months. It has been successfully demonstrated that there is no money in keeping the 8terc3 open after 6 o'e'ock, and Lancaster shoppers have easily accom modated thcmselve3 te the new regulation. The cost of heat and light and the general wear and tear of business has net been compensated for by the few sales made after sundown. Rut that ether and larger phase of the question remains te be regarded ; the ad ditional time gained by empleyes for home culture. Time thus spent is bound te make them mere cheerful, better Informed and mere enterprising citizens ; nnd thus the community has a near interest in the early closing movement. Se long as em pleycrs pay their empleyes the same wages as under the old regime, it is difficult te see hew there can be two opinions en the sub ject of early closing. Therefore, lt the early closing move ment In this town for 1S57 be a unanimous one. TmnTT-EienT people were killed in Philadelphia last year at steam railroad grade crossings. This Is a frightful record. ruling Infant of the Arc.., Well we Rreet thee, Elghty-SeTen ; While Eighty-Six suggested Styx. Tby mmi rhyme well with Heaven ' Frem Vt TMlatlilpMa .Veuj. i We congratulate our contemporary, the ..Ww i're, upon Its handsome new dress of type for the new year. Lancaster new has three of the prettiest dallies ln the state. The Philadelphia Xttcs haa come down te a penny tn price and its brainy editors have become Its menled proprietors. This Is geed ew l ear's news for the profession. The Chambersburg liepostery as a dally Is new one of our most welcomed exchanges. m i Mrs. Loe.vx Is said te be potential ln nam ing her husband'a successor ln the Senate: which is proper enough, ler she did much te establish her husband. rRU.vcnMEx have a genius ler celebra tions and have Just finished a most Impos ing demonstration ln memory of the great statesman, Qambetta, whose voice first pro claimed the establishment of the republic One of the orators referred as fellows te bfs visit te America en the occasion of the un veiling of Birtheldi's statute of Liberty : "I have Been these Trench peopleacrees thesea,' he aald, ' for whom France remains an eblect of infinite love. Everywhere, from the Allan tle te the racinc.l found among them the re. membrancoef our illustrious, honored and rwpt6d trtbunr. Let us, then, pay our hom age te these geed citizens, te these of our race abroad horn Gambetta was desirous of visiting Just before he was struck down by death." We are in the habit of regarding the French element el our population as be very small that Its Influence en the formation of the national character la hardly worth consider ing except ln Louisiana aud along the Can ada line, but this French traveler appears te have formed a a ery different impression. French emigrants preserve their interest and pride la their mother country with great per per aliteney; Louisiana and Canada have kept the flame burniag for a century after they nere abandoned te their fate, and no doubt the crowds of French people who flecked te welcome their compatriots en their visit te unveil Liberty gave the travelers the impres sion that the Americans were largely of French extraction. The French are extremely narrow In some matters and care te knew very llttleabeutany ether lands than France, se that thereii an telling what vague notions of ourceuntry may beln the French mind. Chaules EMenvSMiTii has been ever in New Yerk long enough te learn that Warner Miller has the Inside track for United State senator, rerbaps the lsh U father te the thought. Twe young ladles were killed and seven seriously injured at a grade railway crossing near Fert Wayne, Ind. Seme equally ter rible human sacrifice will probably be necessary in this city before the railroad companies can be Induced te place gatesand watchmen at all the eredings, though in ether cltles they bav& these safeguards, and visitors te Lancaster aim eat Invariably com ment upon the danger and the number of the crossings. In a hilly city where It is often difficult te atop a team at a railway track, It Is a matter ler vtender that accidents are se rare. Tni1. 1 the time of the year te guard against Impure Ice. PER30NAL. Mi SKAini, the painter, has returned te Lurepe. QcEE.t Victeria Is Jailing very fast, and will scarcely survive this, her Jubilee year. The Leoan letters of condolence are te be printed ln a memorial volume. The fund for Mrs. Legan Is new WO.OOQ. Rev. Dn. S. Morais, of Philadelphia, has been elected president of the faculty of the Sew Hebrew seminary In New Yerk. Mateu Hewitt, of New Yerk, and the ether municipal etllcers elected In November, were formally Inducted into office Saturday without any special ceremony. Chief Justipk Waite Is as great a favorite with the pfetty Klris of Washington as General Sherman, and he doesn't try te kiss his way Inte popularity either. Father William SnenMAX, who, while yet a Catholie priest, married Tillle McCoy, thereby severing his connection with the church, has been baptized by the Kev. Justin D. Fulton Inte the faith and membership et the Centennial Baptist church ln Brooklyn. He will become a BiptUt minister. Horatio Petter, klxth bishop of the dle cesoef New Yerk, dl6d Sunday morning at his resldence in New Yerk, agixl gi, ne graduated from Union college lu 1KM, and a year later entered the Kplncepal mlnWtry. fie was elected bishop of New Yerk In 1851, the year hu brother was raised te the bishop bishep bishop rle in this state. ' Ex CosennssMAN Jenx S. NEwnERitr. one el the wealthiest men in Michigan, died Sunday at Detroit, or Hrlgbfs dlseasei He was the head pi the firm or Newberry A Me Mlllan, car bullders and railway owners, but he has net hlm-ell ,eon active ln the man man agement of the firm's affairs for the last few yearn, hla health belcit very peer. Ex-Maver Charles Siedler, of Jersey City, has announced his Intention et retiring from the firm of P. Lorillard, tobacco raanu faclurerr, of which he is a member. Mr .Siedler entered the services of the Lerlllards in 1S51 when 15 years or age, a messenger. anil f.l'nnttlnllV twV-grkin ITnanat.nm nf ... T ' cern. ! or several years he has been in re ceipt of salary and commissions afrereeatln? ever f 100,000 annually. BB K K IUt by Tite MIIIIed, The Interesting nisortien comes from Paris that in the past year the dogs there killed 1,709,000 rati. Merely from a hpnrtlug point or view this would net bose bail, for 1 knew a neble lord who loves his terrier llke a brother because the terrler can kill a rat with one shake. It Is an undoubted lact that sev eral millions of rats inhabit Paris. Il these figures are correct, they lend honor te the crime of a man In Nice who was sentenced te three months In prison ler training a terrier, lint the Frenchman had kertlkl motives and his occupation was net unconnected with lapmaaute. Married lu Their Old Age. At Uelvldere, N. J., Edward Van uxem, aged 70, and Mrs. Anna M. HIake, aged CO, of h.V??' v-: yiete married by tl.e bride's ThiV18 .Uu,0U Staked Luuitn, ina bride iita been a widow tnr twemy.flve years, and tlTBrembsTbeVi wlftlws only two years. Bum are wealthy" A rrlnc Amnni WIU. Washington l'hlltdclphla liecerd, A story, new te we, about eccentric Isaac Barnes, once collector at Bosten aud always prince et wits. His wife was a dovetod Bap tist. When he went te church, which was seldom, he went with her. But he always went with a mental rcscrratleti, upon which his fancy disported ltsslf during pcrvlce, for there was only one Baptist that tie liked, and that was Mrs. Barnes Nmi, the Baptists were about te build a rbapel, and Mrs. Barnes was Interested Iu pro curing subscriptions te that end. She spoke te Mr. Barnes about It, aud, as he Intimated a willingness te subscribe, she sent a collector te urge him further. The collector fald he had understood that Mr. Barnes was willing te subscribe. Mr. Barnes said he was. The collector drew out a subscription book and eflered It for Mr. Barnes' signature. "Ne," said Barnes, " I won't sign that book because that Isn't necessary. My word's just as geed as my bend. hen 1 uy I'll subscrlbe I mean It. And I may as well say at once that mv auUtcrtplien will tni f 5,000," This fairly took the collector's breaih away, for It was almost the whole of the amount they were trying te raise. "Tint U a splendid "gift," he managed te say alter n while; "we shall be Mry deeply obliged." "Net at all," said Barnes, "but," he added, "there la a coudltleu te the gift." "Oh," said the collector, "I'm sure auy condition you might annex would be well received bv our people." "I'm net se sure about that," said Barnes : "the condition Is that all the people baptlred ln the new chapel shall be baptized lnbolllnghetwater." 'Ooodmorn 'Oeodmorn 'Ooedmorn ing," said thecollector,asheputtheubscrlp thecellector,asheputtheubscrlp thecollecter,asheputtheubscrlp Hon book in his pocket aud walked ell. A Herts Uey't Strang DUappetmsce Eugene B. Archer, Bgeil II years, disap peared from his mother's home ln Muhlen berg township, Berks cunty, en December 3 and diligent search by detectives aud ethers ever since has failed te discover his whereabouts. The cae Is similar te that el Willie Arneld, a month age. Archer Is the son or a well to-de widow and atteuded the Carrell Institute, where the Arneld boy was alseastudent. OntheClst Mrs. Archer rep rimanded her son for playing truant and next day he tied. Inquiry tar and wids has brought no tidings et the boy. 1U 1U1I 1-nlul. The Allentown and llarrisburg clubs have been admitted te the Pennsylvania Associa tion. Secretary W. i'. (.'lark hassppreed of the follewlngcontracts : With Soranten IL C. Fisher and Jehn F- Brenuan; Wil Wil llamspert, F. G. Malene, manager , Lewis Baker, Christian Klckley, Jeseph MufUer, Jehn Barnes, F. Zimi and B. L. Murphy. The Scranton club gives notice of an agre ment with Ed. Burke. Iteadlni: has applied for admifsien into the A sscciatieu. a iNFeniis the itblic That the secret of geed heftiih Is te keep the Ikln lu geed working condition. That te keep the (klu ln geed werkln; condi tion the pores must be kept open That a porous plaiter it apUster that epens the pores cf the skin That the only plaster for opening the pores of the skla Is Allcock's 1'oreiu riaster. That AUcecks Pereus l'Iatcr assists the body tothre off Its bnrUonemo aliments through the skin Use natural process of relit t. That every ether o-calledperou plaster Is an Inferior article which rannet be coin pared w 1th Allcock's. That Allcock's have steed the test i twentr live years and have rrvred ttw be.texieruul remedy extant Frem Richmond, Va I sell a great deal et Dr Bull's Cough Syrup and flnd that tt Klves bettai satisfaction than any ether Cough Syrup. I. W1LSOS MOSELCY.nruggtst- "Once upon a midnight dreary." when I teed se sal nd weary, upon my bd hilt mad wlthpatn, a friend bought me a bottle nf sa j Hen Oil. It cured lua. 1 needed thll, and nothing mere ' SHILOH'S VlTALlZEltls what you neea for Constipation, Leis e( Appetite, D'.zilns.-, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Trice 10 and 73 cents per bottle, ter sale by II. 11. Cochran Druggist, Ne. IS) North Uuoen street. THAT HACKING COL Gil can be se eulckly curedby Snlleh's Cure We ruarantee It. Ter sale by II. U. Cechmn, DruggUU Ne. 137 North Queen street. UcckJen'i Arulet Nilr. The nest Salve tn the world for Cnts, ltrulses, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChUblalns, Cerns, and a'l Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pty required. It is guaranbitd te el vh prf ect satis faction, or money refunded. Price a cents pur box. rer sale by II. IL Cecnran, Dni3gljt,137 and 1st North Qunen street, L&ncagtar, 1'a. WILL YOU Sl'irri( with Hvspnpsla an Liver Complaint? shlleh s ttaliirr u gnaran Ued te cure you. for sale by II U. Ceihrua Druggist, Ne. 1S7 North Uuten stret. Si ltd till I.llf. Mr. I). I. WUconsen, et llere ne, Ky , says he was, for many jears, badly a:'licted with Phthisic, also Diabetes . the pains were almost nnendurable and would sometimes almost threw htm Inte convulsions. He trlud Klectric Hitters and get relief from Brt bottle and afur taking six bottles, was entirely cured . and hud gained ln flesh eighteen pounds Says he pesltHwy be lieves be would have died, had It net b-en ter the relief afforded by Electric. Hitter sold ut flftycentsabettleby II 11 (.echran, Druzgiat, Nes. 137 and 139 North yuren tr-u, Luneaster, W CUUUI, WIIOOl'INbCObUll and Umnchltls Immediately relieved by SWleh s Cure 1 ur sale by U. 11. Cochran, Drutst, Ne lSSNorieUueeu street. Dr. HaasLza Webx Sracr, t'urely egetable, pleasant te take, wUl expel worms If any exist, no purgative required after using. Price, a cents, by all druggists. bs-SmaMW&r Sllraculeus Kscape. W. W. Heed, druggist, of Wlnchestei . Ind , write . " One of my customers, 11 rs LeuU l'lki. Burtenla, Handelpn county, Ind., wn a long sufferer with Consumption, and was given up te die by her physicians bbeneardetDr king's New Discovery for Consumption, and began buying It el me. In six months' time she walked te this clty.adUtanceel six miles, and la new se much Improved aha hnj quit using it. Sno fees she ewes her life te It. ' 1'ree trial Iiettlea at Cochran's Drug "tore, Nes. 137 and 133 North Qutcn street, Lancaster Ia. it, AHK YOU MA Ilk. miserable by Indigestion Constipation, Dizziness, Les of Apputlie, Yel Yel ew Skin t Snlleh's Vltallzer is a positive cure, for sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street The Impending Dancer. The recent statistics et the number of deaUs show that a large majority dle with Consump tion. This disease may commence with an ap parently harmless cough which c in be cured In stantly by Kemp's Ilalsam for the Threat and Lungs, which Is guaranteed te cure and relieve all cases. Price Si cents and fl. Trial Hit tree rer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist. Ne 7 North Queen street. eG-lwdAllw BIIILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en u guarantee. It cuies Lonsuinp Lensuinp 5551" iSrsalebyll. II. Cochran, Druggist, i.e. 133 North Queen street. ; f A Very Narrow t:cape. "Yes, 1 had a very narrow escape," said a premluent citizen te a Irlund. "I hu centlned te my bed for a year and my friends gave me up ter a consumptive's grave, un.Il 1 bgan usint Kemp's Daleain for the Threat and Lungs, uud here 1 am, sound and hearty " Price Uv and II. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1,17, North Queen street. Luncaaicr. ' rOK DYSI'KI'SIA and Liver Complaint, you PaJ. "jPrlntcd guarantee en every bottle of hhl hhl leh s Vltallzer. It never falls te cure, for sale trueL t'0:hrin druggist. Ne. lJ7NorthQueen -k".".1 '.'J. had only knewnthatin time. Known what' Known that a Maple cold ln the had 17, T,5J?'?P nte chronle Catarrh." Well. It Isnt tee late, ler hly's cresm Ilalm will cure $$$l V"L?,u'tlSi nferr' life has betemu a burden Ujhlm.and he anul.aneH te hu friends. ii!jihenlytnuJl0"1 ttnA thoroughly selentlOe catarrh cure known. Netallquld. I'Ucetlity cenu- dl7-3deedAw JUbT AS GOOD. "" Don't allow auyene te make you I., lies, e an v ether remedy Is Just as geed for sick hiudache as Ir. LeHlkrs Special I'lescrlptien, fei tt la net tme. This Is the only remedy In the w eiid thut etrlkcs at the root of thu dlsouie and drtvcslt out. Olve It atrial. Otis neTTLs Krrxera a Ccbs. Mr, Oscar K. IL Kech, of Allentown, Ia, was bedfast with ln nammatery rheumatism In the winter of 1&b3. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Gress' ltheumatle Ilrmedy lly the time he had used halt a bottie he teuid n.euiauuui mucuue uuu unisnea me bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own words, " 1 leel better than ever before." I'rloe 11, by all druggists lehWimiMW A K ilUOWN'8 1IOU8KHOI.D I'ASAtKA. Is the most effective 1'aln Destreyerln the world WUl most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally oil applied externally, nnd thereby mere certainly UKLIKVK Vll.S. whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warrunted doable the strength of any similar pruiiarutlen. It cures pain lu the BleV hack or Iteweu, 8010 Threat, Uheumatltm, Toethach-. and ALL AC I IKS, and Is The Great Uellever el Pain ' UUeWn'B HOUSKIIOLD l'ANALKA should be la every family. A toaspeontnl el the Panacea tn a tumbler el lu t watnr lawtwtesed. if m- MJLl). fractal, lettla. ..H JVQU.W.ASW n 111" I MKDli VtHIAII'IIOIWW. General Legan's Sndden Death Is a great shock te the nation Tew knew that he was mmi Indlspescvl when th nrnsuf Ids death flashed eer the wlin and thousands et peepla steed nghast at the smUrn change from health aud Iger te cold and silent death, for lbepAt tweutyflve years there has been "hi man mera constantly before the public than (tencral Jehn A. Legan Through all his career he has been noted for his fearlcsnes and purlt v of character, both In public and private Hie Loved by friends aud respected by enemies he will be mourned by all. Ills death adds another te the long list of A Ic tlms te sudden and acute rheumatism. Proba bly no disease Is se common as rheumatism, none Is mere audden or dangerous, and there Is csrtulnly none which se ceuipletelv med ical skill. Only one remedy has yet been disco ered which Is a sure and safe cure for rheumatism and its tn In disease, neuralgia, and that Is Ath Ath Ath lopherois. ln thousands of cases Athlopheros has proved a quick and'eertain cure for these diseases, lnconnectlen with Athlopheros Tills tthaa never yet failed te speedily effect a cure. ln all probability many deaths attributed te heart disease are caused by thess terttbledls eases, which are far mere dangerous than Is generally considered. llheumatlsra, even though ln a very mild form. Is extremely dangerous, for It Is liable at any moment te go te the heart and cause Instant death Why trifle with a dlseae se fatal when a certain euro can be obtained of any druggist ! Every druggist should keep Athlopheros and Athlopheros rills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlopheros Ce., Ne. HI Wall street. New Yerk, will tend either (car riage paid) en receipt of tegular price, which Is II te per bottle for Athlopheros and Wc for I'llls. Ter liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, ln digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases et wemeu, constipation, headache. Impure bleed, Jtc, Athlopheros Pills are uaequaled. glMMONS LIVER REGl'I ATOR. INVALIDS, And all these whose syt terns are run down need a medicine that will act genUy and does net weaken Simmons Llrer Utwulaier Is notenlv mild ln lis action bnt Invigorates like a class of tne, giving tone and strength te the body. Kxtract trem a letter trem Hen AtxiaspiR II bTrns, of da. " 1 occasionally use, when mv condition re quires tt. Dr. Simmons Liver Kegnlater with geed effect. It Is mild and salts u.e l-e'ler than mere active remedies." A HOMEREMEDY, Vnequalled by any ether. The Kegulater Is the best preventUe and preparatory nitdlctne. Ne matter what th attack, a deeer it wiUaflerd relief and In ordinary cases wu. effect a speedy cure Its use ler ever half a centnry by thou sands or people has endorsed It Til L 11 KsT The vafu of a household remedy consists tn Its accessibility as well as Its ettkacy. and many attacks Of disease are w unletl 3 bv convenient medicines. Mminens Liver Kfgu'ater is a most valuable medicine te have in the house, ana I heartily recommend tt as the 'ounce of preven tive ' e ranch talked of and wtjhed for.' T. W. WeamxL, Principal Irving Grammar Scheel, rrankferd, Pa. E LY'S CREAM BALM. OATAREH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Itollef at Once and Lures COLD IN HEAD, CATAKI1H, HAY TEVEB. Net a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Free from In. (urteus Drugs and Offensive Oders. A particle Is appUed te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 5u cenu at druggist , by mall, regltred, 60 cu. Circular free. ELY I1UOS, DruggljU, Oswego, N. Y. JulrS-lyoedAlyw E XUAUMTED VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THK SCIENCE Or LITE, the great Mcllcal Wert of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errorsef xeuth, and thu untold miseries consequent thereon. S pages Sve. 13precriptIonsferaU diseases. Cleth, full gilt, only, by maU, seiU.-d. lllnstraltvesample tree te all young and rclddl J-Mged men for the nezt ) days. Address UU. W. If. l'AUKEU, t Hulflnch street, llosten, Imi. mvll-IveedAw CUKE FOR THE DEAr". Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drams perfectly restore hearing and perform the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, riiEB. Address or call en V. HISiO X, hi3 Hrcadway, Nuwierk. Mention this paper. IonelMyeedJllyw CCUf, p O. MARTIN, WHOLXAALS KD ESTAIL CSlLtl IS All Kinds of Lumber and Geal, -Yaed: Ne. (20 North Water and Prince Htreeti. abeve Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lvd pAUMGARDNERH A JEFFKRIESl. COAL DEALERS. Orrics: Se. 128 North Queen street, and Ne. S North Prince street Ya.-.ue: North Prince etr! near leading Depot. LANCA8TEU.PA. auzlS-Ud TTIASiT END YARD, "" G.J.SWARR&OO. OOAL. - KINDLING VOOD. Ortlce: e.20CKNTKK SOUAUK, lleth yard and etnee connected with Telephone Exchange asrlS-lydMAr.U TOUAOVO AXU VIVAHK, E -STABLiaUED-1770. Demuth's Cigar Stere. We have In stock a rine assortment e! Goods. Suitable Chriatmu Presents for Gentlemen. MEEItSCIIAUM PIPES and CIOAP. HOLD EliS, Plain. Carved and Silver Mounted. Genuine FltENCH HtllAIt PIP8 In Latest Styles, bhapes and Mountings. flue 8MOKINO XOUACC03. Imported and Key West Cigars. Our Specialty The only Clear Havana tiller Hand-Made Cigars In the city for 6c; brands " Mia, ' "Querlda" and ' Oolilen Lien." CANiCSln All Btyles and Prices. Bnnff boxes. Cigar Cases, Match Heles, Ac. -Tolephono Connection. NO. 114 EASTKINQ STREET, LANCA8TEK PA. decS-lmd triXJSa AMD LIQVOBlt. 2iJ Igote- 29 Reigart's Old Wine Stere rer I'emmery 8ee, HeucheScc, Pljer Heldsteck. O. II. Mumm A Ce., and another leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, Sherry and Pert Wines, Clarets, Bauternes, Ales and bteuts. Hele Agent ferSpcclal Great Western Cham pngne, produced by the Pleasant Valley Wlne Ce., the tlncet American Champagne ln the United BLites. rinrlda Orange Wine, the fl nest In the market. A lull line of llrandy, Whisky, Ulna and Hums. California Claret and White Wine, et Napa Val ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker.Aei, Ne.ll EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTEIt, PA piVERY LADY SHOULD VISIT THE Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DEOHMBBU 7th te Mtb, At the Pulesrcems of Wheeler & Wilsen Mf'g Ce., Ne. 5 SOUTH QUEEN STHKKT, LiKCiSTM, I'A, a-Open Evcnlnjs. datfd irujir W v JdNpJi The preparation used by barbers are net mere u!e than iiiulIi of the jeap ucil for w.islting the ami hair Rank vut'i powerful clicmicals or with an excess of alkali, they draw the tut oil from the hair, causing decay antl baldncs The Iverv Seap, ai I'ref Cornwall, of Princeton, say. " I very well m.p'e The alkali is se thoroughly combined, it can net injure any thing Insist upon your barber using only Ivery Seap ami water when lu givc you a shampoo A WORD OF WARNMNG. There .ire white soaps, each represented te be "just as poed as the Mterj' ." they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities cf the genuine. Ask for "Ivery" Seap and insist upon getting it. Opyngbt 1' b) Prefer A i.ara" le DJIT UUM. M ETZOER A HAUUUMAM'B CURAT TO REDUCE STOCK WK Wll.1. NOW BELL OfR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. letzger & Haughmaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. rEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S, Ladies' and Children's Coats REDUCED All our Coats htwe been roJuced (e Thoeo atill in want eheuld bee thorn. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Nest Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fa. atiBCBLLAnmeVB. F LINN A I1RENEMAN. HOLIDAY HINTS Many ierHen3 want te make Christ mas Presents but de net knew what te select ; let ua assist you. AVe have se many useful tilings. Fer Gentlemen, an elegant Set of Carvers or a geed l'ecket Knife will be acceptable. Ter Ladies we have Plated Knives, Ferks or Spoons, an Elegant Stand or Library Lamp, Toilet Sets or Werk Bexes, and hundreds of ether useful presenlfl. Fer Children we have everything llke Express Wagons, Sleds, Veloci pedes, Trains of Cars, Mechanical Toys. Many articles which we have an ever stock we are closing out atless than cost. CJrAsk for Bargains. FLU & BRENEHAN, Ne.;i62 North Queen Street, LANCA8TKU PA. BUVKB. N EW GIFT BOOKa Tint RAUL'S RKTUI1N." bv Owen Mere dith. ThU beautiful poem, which rank! next te " Lurile " among thu author's works, Is new published ln unlijue and beautiful style ; 1 vel., vellumlplated cloth, gilt edges. " L ALL A HOOK II," An Oriental ilom&nee. Illustrated with 1(1 photo-etchings, designed by the best American artists, Jehn Harper. Walter fcauerlre and ethers. Cleth portfolio, with stamped ribbons. rAIR INKS," by Themas Heed. This beau, tlful poem Is new ler the first time brought out In holiday style. Cleth, gilt. Other books el equal note ani popularity, which ean be seen and will be sold regardless of publishers' prices, Q. L. FON DBRSMITH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Stere, Opposite Court llouse, Lancaster, Pa, auiraUd A TREAT IN HTORE. Te our patrons and friend. Te secure Ilargalns ln i adieu' and Uent,' furnishing Meeds, I have determined te close out my entire lock within the next Thirty Days either at Wholesale or Retail, with the view of engaging In ether business less confining. Persins wish Ing te engage In a well established business and a geed location would de well te call, store room ler rout. Trade dollars taken In exchange for goods, AT IlKCHTOLD'S. No.SJXenh (jaeen Street. neAt in Jim STORK, AT- PRICES. prices tbnt must oQect rapid sftles. UOnsMWUMHUHIltB uoev. c ALL AND BEE -TI1E- ROCHESTER LAMP, Btxty Candle-Light ; Heats them all. Anether Let of CHEAP OLOIIE3 ferOas and UU Steves. THB " PERFECTION " METAL UOULUINQ AND RUBBEU CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Dents them all. This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Xxcinde thedusu Keep out snow and rain. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made ln ap plying IU Oan be fitted anywhere-ne holes te bore, ready or use. It will net split, warp or shrink cushion strip Is the meat perfect. At the btove. Heater and Uange Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 BOOTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. -ITTM. A. K1KKKKR. ALDUrJ O. HKHR KIEFFER & HERR, -UKALEK1 IX- WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TIIOV.N. V.) STOYES, HEATERS, FURNACES AND RINGESL We ask no one te ran any risks with 'Till. LHll A WAUUEN'8" Goods. We guarantee them te gire Satisfaction. As a Heater " THE SPLENDID " has no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains cold, eveiy Inch of It radiates heat, Asa Smaller and Cheaper Heater the "IllttO 1IT DIAMOND" has established ltelf In the front ranks. Tbemorlbjefthe"SrLENDIU"and"BKIOHT DIAMOND " consist In Ueauty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness, no Dust, no (las and Kcouemy et Fuel, irCall and examine for yourself. 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COU11T BODSEJ ,MAw Heusemrnishing Goods ! WUMUUrUMB. pURNlTURH WARKROOMH. HUY YOUaSELr A PAIR Of THOBB PnlrH TKT Tiroeo THllnTTTa iCALLEARLTAT ia"S' HeLTmeier's Fnrnitare Warenem, -I They are the nicest thing out and we hare last reoelrod another let of them. Q BABT KINO BTRMsT. TJKllUCni) I'lUUKh. Expectations Mere Than Realized. Our ChtlsliusA Trade was tery large. Largest for )eat Thanks te our many mends, lint there are still a few articles left whleh would make Tery desirable New Year's Gifts; WHICH 1 WILLOrrEll AT REDUCED PRICES. J. H. WIDMYER, Oorner Bitet Kinp; and Duke Bta., LANCABTEU, TA. septAlyd H EINITSH'H KURNITURK DEPOT. CHRISTMAS. And we are lie sdy te Shuw ss rine tnd Large an Assortment of FURNITURE IN ALL LINES, J ASHA8EVEK 1IEEN FHOWN lMIIEOlTT. M Thogiiediof today are se pretty and attractive that II It hard te ltrll II living Something In Our Line for CHRISTMAS. We want you one and all te fel perfectly free te come every day ir you desire, and leek at what Is being put en the neon ne and attmo attme tlve,and you will net be urged te buy. Yeu would be surprised te learn hew many are delnz this each week. We have already set aside a great many pres ents for DKCKMOKU "A. but we can still keep a great many mere secrets AT HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOS. 27 Si 20 BOUTH QUBBN 8T LANCASTER, PA. wen (1MB. y-UV, NO It Used Te, But It's Different New ! Trade dens net end with Christmas by any means. Notwithstanding the fact that our Holiday Trade lias bran an unprecedented one, our superb stock et fenr-ln tfand and ether tyle Neckties. Bilk Mufflers, Ilandkercb'efs, Suspender, Glerrs, Cellars, cutis. Camel Hair Underwear and Half Hese, Shirts, Cigar Cases, Pocket Heeks, Mleeve Uuttens, Ae, has been re plenished, suitable for RETURN GIFTS. ' WOur Prices a Lew as the Lewest for the same grade of geed. E.J. ERISMAN, NO. 17 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. B. MARTIN A OO. OUR IMMENSE LINE Of TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS, -AND- FANCY GOODS, ARE TO-DAY MARKED DOWN TO PRICES TO CLOSE rriEU OUT. Call and Jndge for Yourself. Artistic China, Glass, Porcelain, &c. WINK BETTS-SIx Winn Glasses, Brass Tray and ltotlle, Cue. WATER BKTTS With llrsts Tray, We, WHISKY BKTTS-Wlth Rrass Tray, (Vtc LEMONADE SETTB-Wlth Ilraca Tray, OMs. Immense Line of Fancy Lamps. NoveltloB ln Brass Ooeda at Ceat te Oloee Out. OLIVE WOOD NOVELTIES, ART KMUKOl DERM', CURTAINS.IPOLILB, Al). AN IMMKN8E LINE OT USEFUL GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. J. B. Martin & Ce.'s, Cor. West King & Prince Sta LANOABTER, PA. TONTRAOTOR AND UU1LDER. GEORGE ERNST, CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR A UUILDER. Uesldence Ne. 6.T3 West King street. Shep East (J rant struct, opposite station house. WOODEN MANTELS AND GENERAL HARD WOOD WORK A SPECIALTY. .AU work secures my prompt and persona attention. Drawings and Estimates furnished, -5r?r KAria,-bi..,-. t T"' .t-w-www . . rfHHiwa Wy.P'WWW.yy, aMwV'igaW88iaii!wi,ww - jsatm