.?, .!Kajrmfc-s !AWErl5AttTINTELIiIGEN sttsBL sjsasfe. A ssBh sk kitM astsssstssAsm Lg''t FRIDAY, DECEMBER IV .11 L MM WL mi nMsst,..,.,. IT IV DO. tvm0rmAT wiLi.Het.vBn- rtef vntit. midhwht. IMrMt sVotberae, Methodist lrptite- I Um Chare of oed-A Iirakemau ; fejttsd WhIM Oevpllng Cars Tersn iiw in ! r CorreiDendenee of lT(i.uaacxii. tlVUMlA, Dec. 81. New Ycivr'a day In I Ma will be observed by keeping almost al holiday. iHewYearwIllboweloomeU In by iev- ef tbe chnrcbea by holding mldulplit At tba second atrcet IiUtberan i a congregational reunion will bs bold, nenelns at nine o'clock, The time will tCtfantlnaeclal loterceurao and a pleasant M can be baa by all attending, coffee nnu Kill ba aerred during tbe evening, aiuenelnirat litis o'clock, tliere will be fwa :cebbb M MUfleua lorvleea In tba tnaln portion ei me WW mrcb, with a rermeti. Tbe services win laa nntlt m f w mlniitra after mlilnlfliL ftui asnaSnanaev stteteh nlavht BCirrlOPH Will be L' kaid In the Methodist Episcopal church te- ;alBl commencing at waoecioc. g$ -At the St. Paul5 P. E. church midnight rrlcea appropriate te tbe occasion win de M ea New Year'a te eominenclng at 11 '.tvleea will alie be held In the Church of land S&t. Zlen A. iu. i- cuurcu te-ingm. A Braksrean TlnrL . fWUUam Melienbclder, a uri". .urtm tbe JNajBtylranla raUfcaden cnglne Ne. 655, K,kU engjcffTin coupling cars In tbe west Sad bis right band caught between hiill.nnAM. TCAultlnt? In mlnful bruises ' 'which will prevent his working for otne "St Town Driers. . A Tary large party w bold last eveiilng ' il ibertamence or Dr. a. Armer, coruer oee- "wen anu iibiuiudueduh n uicu nwu uiuituih 'arrenti Over ene hundred cueata were pres. -tot fa Mlw Jennie Kauflmnn will held an even- 4 leg party at her home en C'hestuut struct en '"jatnrday evening. "V Tbe Columbia Flre company will held a iSteall In the armory this evening which prom prem t taea te be a verv auceetsftll nllalr. Tha Citizens' band-will leai e town en Sat. 'vrday even!jMr7br BalnbrlJce where tbey wMjdtsVHifair, new being held hy the bund at place, and return home bunuay aitcr- '1 fi v lxitiln Church's dramatlacerapatiy will np- nHWe-ppa, f-' y 'pear In the opera house en Saturusy even rl' Sle In "The Unknown." K "V? 7 MAl.lhnnwUI rw eA thf nrnlnff In i t'lim iv. An exhibition will clvcu bv Ken- il Bdy and McNeil, Dutch and Irish come- Sdlana. r,g" Tne young ieiks socieiyei inoeeconunreci Vr Lutheran church held a meeting laitevenlng, "Vat the residence of Mr. Hsmuel Filbert en ay walnut street, a literary pregramme uu SS been prepared which was of interest te all i j A special train will leave Lancaster te night ?if- ler Columbia and Marietta for the accomme- ' 4atien of all persons desiring te attend the 3.rv pariormance ei x,uwiu uueiu iu vunb wy. I'Vf Tbe rlver ha fallen very much and the ice f.'.thaa been shoved In all directions; en this Bs.'pr'i M It ba gorged te the bottom of tbe river. JvQ A rei. UlPaaea, IUU uuise-uaiuvit wan nt- - wf rested In Yerk Thursday, at the instance of MA.M.Rambo,ef Columbia, for a bill of $3, tr jfWU tU JJBtD UCUU WIUMBtKU vj uiciuuu e .UaimsdaT dismissed tbe suit, and Qleasen , ,te talks of an action for damage. Thee facts ..'ifare from a communication In te dav'B Yerk rift "ewy Stflhedlit Watch Mght Service, The watch nlcht services in the Duke s'J&'UetM.E. church will begin at 8 JO this $t evening, from some rectnt statements in ti.InB ?aperp tnere seems ranea mis3ppieuuu Talen In reference in these services. They HT have been held by tbe M. K., ehnrch through rr all her hUtery, and by the W'esleyans in ri'2,ir ssngiane since ine usjb vi .nr. c"irj mP& Methodism has net copied such services. i-nX from any ether denomination, frt.W At 0 n. in. a mpntlnc of the 1 S A n a n v nnl Inranf 4 It a ntel A m Am 1 lASl ;,tjjf&i v V B AiCi"S M " Uirtiw mvuiuvif nrrnnwrt will hrt hulrt. r& ; : Tne Ijincaitcr lilaterlcnl SeclHr. rtis Theoernmittco en organization and con-;-5,atltutIen met In the study of Rti.J, Max '?; YlarV. Thnrtriiitfnpftnlnff. and ABTP1 llnnn n 'p'S'' plan et organization et the society, which 13 uey win report te a general meeting 10 ue lysld in tbe nrphanv court room emcurBaay '"t .Hamnnn navl vhnfa tilt IntAlestml In t)m the objeets of the society are requested te at tend. Turk Teachers' Ieitttutp The Yerk teachers' institute Thursday listened te an Interesting paper read by , Minnie Shenberger en the subject, "Should Teacher be a Member or a Head ing Clrcle ?" The ether speakers were Prof, Olpes, Prof Warner and Dr. Broek?, who continued their lectures en popular topics. Kate Field In the evening lectured en the " Mermen Monster " te a large audience. A rrlntrr Joins the Banks. Printer Jeseph Sabuildt has left the tunhiOnr runkn. Yfri took unto himself a wlfe fJje l - $. MUs Mary Liucj, en Thursday evening. The y nappy couple nave our uearty coDgratuia ceDgratuia L tlena. May tbilr wedded life be smooth aud ? may they live te celebrate their golden wed- lyh 'ding. quange ei iiQiri iTopiieiers. - Michael BurnB te day took posesslen of the lQtlnv.l hnma rm Tnrfh OnaAn titvAAr ff&t, """"" ""I "" . w, ..U Eiv? which haslatelv been keDt bv A. P. Fnlmei. In the spring 11 1 rain Bkeeu will take pos session of tbe Sleck Exchange hotel, new , fenfr hv T n T-aht. Mr Piliv will loVe Barry Myeis' Park house, ' The Slfber lair. TheehertlT went en with the sale of tbe stcck of Alfred Bleber. en Thursday after ..: seen. The aale wan then adjourned until t--10rnorrew mernlug at 3 o'clock, lle expects 6vt.i . Aat IVtvAHiali mill. V.n unl.i S- (.nnn lfl,i.. r',lvlvl luiuufiit mm tue me uy uvtju auu $hfr about 51,600 haa been realized by the sale re w-t .... , ..w, ,.. . y-V 4'. B. Shank has been appointed postma' pestma' fJwtW "l Peler'a Creek, this county, by tbe r s.Ieimasier general. i' 'W, The Town Cleih. f ' The court house clock stepped at 1 JO this ,!' i lAtei. liner. utiiI hn hnnila Tflmaln fhnrA Tfit. iieif 'i,'. Boew aud ice may or may net ba tbe causa a?4r"It Is betied that the tlme.plecew ill net bave & another two weeks' vacation. A-- Iioelli'. iiiK lluiueis S Edwin Beeth played at Scranton last night Pi'sp. tetha larccht audience that erer ansembled t, svrln the Academy of Music at that place. l!-H fiBnA. ,.,,. f x, aue wkjutv ncu uj iutj Aicmny xiKttiiin tf:i, et San FrancUce, representing tbe fruit crop SLri of California durlnir the nast veir. are dim. Ev, pJy astounding. ,. it estimates that about nti.oeo tens of grapes i.Vf hava I.fiAn n.AjllineH rf trlifnt. nenvt.. IK tVJ trf-l "W UU MUMVVU v. .....v.. UVIIJ hwv .. ioeb cave leunu tneir way te tee l.au te lur- " iilah lerlh tbe fcstlve beard. Mebt of the ClatruA TAinnlnflAP tiRQ Itaan 1-nniTArtnil luln 1.. ,-'4 fX)0.000 catiens of wine, the ordinary balnir n iVlrug en the market, and the geed Hading a tlAJwauy Dale. A m l.li,,! fpnlre ill ii.nilimt fa ct.t .! K-'1 2,000,000 ixiunds of prunes, 7i0,000 pounds s or jeacuiB; euu,vuu jieuuub ei pituu pjums, '-5600,000 pound of oprieot, 450,000 pounds Ijei ovaperaieu appies auu jiu.u'.Hj eucus ei VT' IICTK. in . . .... ;t ireieiru 10 1110. ..Jsebllurdette. 4 ''Sir," said the tramp, "I have uet tasted a, fAnil fr nrtvfn ilflrH. Annlhup hnlf lintir r.t P ftutJug aud 1 must die." ', "Then," exclaimed the phllanthrepHt, ai -... a.ak- ,h. ilikct; It will tTA JTlrrvu... 1 b ..,. ,..,. iv... Z2s refrY,,,.- :. ..-.'"uu "" I s wiisj -- iiici, wineti anu ,;awsem, trt- xmrea hours long; glorious Mtnpany. Mr. Kirerts, Mr. Toelew, Sir. "'('"i . iraua buu uiuer eminent L-'lv"' tufe be any iifter-il Inner specches V w- Mwiuiiiun one. gWolnmnet 'em," said the nbllanthrenliL i adu me tramii hanriMi iianinhuii.i...i . K erased wearily away into a slleut lumber Mr St..... ,. . . r.ri t iiciiuu.-c, iirunM,una cneap it tr. Hull's Utyrup. Ue de uut wonder atitsneiVn. Hu saw before him the Gladiator die" Te te eulda'C pt rhapt, II there hadeuly btsu iuiesjuhu uiiuu uim we i nun BtuYatien " fc V L HNHML rrer.QttMOB, the. treat bona educator, will rttern te thU city en Monday next, and give exhibition! Id the Lancaster Rink of his won wen de rful power erer horses. Ret1 teati will b Introduced erery day "daring the week be will remain here, Ineluaing sharp-sheeting, break ing Rials balls and (bootleg en horseback. Sea Sea ten tickets, 11.00. Tref. Munder, of Jw Yerk, Will comueonco hli Clasa for instruction In ratblenable Danctm enTIltnUOAV, JAM AtlY I, US7. Aftornoen at 4, for M!JM and Masters, and at 6 o'clock for Ladles and Uentle Bin. Terms, t font lessens, Tarllculars later, deemtd AmiiMiiicnta. fleelh Te-nlffM. This evening Kdwln noeth will be greeted by one of tbe largest and most fashionable audlenees that aver aisembled In rulten opera hense. All the seats have been old, and hundreds will be obliged te stand. There tsnodeubt of tha successful production et the play. The oempsny supporting Mr. Beeth Is the same that he had In Itosten and will bs with him In Philadelphia next week. " 6ur Jetnl.San." William Moere and Dells Tlvlsn In "Our Jenathtn; or, the Law of the Lind." trill be the Kew Tar attraction at the opera hones te-morrow erenlaf The company appeared here early In the seisen, se they are neitrnngcis. Ihsdudeband makes an attrao attrae tlva street psride at neon. Sail re iff Ht. This evening the Lancaster City Secial elnb wtll held a ball in ths Lancaster rlnk, en West Etng street, and a big time Is looked for. lonessscxsR Deck. At Waynesboro, en Monday, lierember 7, C. P.. Longenecker, of -Neu"t. X. i formerly l Lancaster. ?., te Mlts ECle Veit, of Wayntsfcore, Tranklln county. . ltd" tcniite Ltaxs Qeecmher SO, by Elder C. Price, at the v"SOn3tte, Mr Jeseph Bchmld and l)l Mary Lines, both of this city. It as Nestrhs Veisa In this elty, en Tues day evening, December it, lf-. at Grace Lutheran parsensge, by Bev. C Klvln Ueapt, sir rrank u. Van jJestran. of niverstde, Ser. thuniberlind county, Pa., and MUs Mary B., daushteref Adelph 8. Vllle.ef the city of Lan caster. (Danville papers tileue copy.) uaA.ru. WiHKAx-In thtrclty.entheisth Inst., Mrs. Annie Wcltman, wife of Uenry elsman. The relatives and friends of the family are re specttally Invited te attend ths funeral, from tneresldsnceef her husband, Ne. Sis West King strseU Monday morning at ?H o'clock, lllgn Mass at !U alary's church at 9 o'clock. Inter ment at 6t. Mary's cemetery. std Karrruas Decemter5J.l. at Lttltr.Lan. eastnr county, I'u, Miss little 8 Kantrman, aged Tl years, II months and 12d.iys. sf The n-UUves and friends of the family are rcspectlully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her parent at Lltltr en Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, cervices at the Moravian church Kese. December SO. 1M, In this elty. Addle, wlt of Mlchsel f Hese, and daughter of Henry and the la'e Diana Mtsaler, aged DO years, t months and 20 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited te attend ths funeral, from her late residence, he. 611 North Lime street, en Sunday afternoon at IK o'clock Interment at Woodward mil cemetery. nernaica -In thtjclty, en the 3th lnt , Uar brwifoef Peter Ueehtlch, aed 62 years and i months. The relatives and friends are respectfully In vited te attend ths funeral, from the residence of her hujband, Ne. Tit High street, en Monday morning at 5)e clock niuh Mass at SL Jeseph's church at 0 o'clock. Interment at St. Jeseph's cemetery. d!l-2ld Swartlzv On December 31, 1, In this city, after a lingering Illness Jonas awartley, In the 45lh year of his age. Netice of funeral hereafter. MAHKBT. New Vera Maraeu Ntw Tork. Dec 51 rieur market dull , rine, 11 3J Wi bupernne, ri S.fls Mt common te geed extra western, M 1PJ3 5e i geed te fancy extra State, I3 30jizv. W heat-Ne. t Ked State. W-OHc : Na 1 de, SJe s Ne 1 Ked. Winter. Jan . BJHe , Feb., MKe. Cern Ne. 1 mixed cash, l5Kc , de Dec, IP He ! deJan.,(Sc, Keb.lSe. Ots-.ve 1 White state, lie ; Ne. i de, SJife -, Ne mixed, Jan , iV-ic Rye dull t Western, HQSCe SUte, STXCSte. Ilirlev nominal. fork dull ; new mess, 112 ersU M. Mrd Jan, iSl; reb.llW; May, 7 ." Molasses stedy at ice for Se lest. Turpentine firm at 86Xc Ue4ln dull : strained te geed, tl CPOtl M i'etreleumdull; iirflned, in cases. Pkc rrelghts dull grain te Liverpool, t4c liutler dull ; Western Creamery, ST'SXci State, 5T33.'c , Cheesn dull) Western riaMltJlSKet state fao fae tcry, leaiJ5trc, ggs steady; State, &303iet Western, VQUc. Cuvur .eU7i Kefined Cutleal, F-ic ; uranu-latcd,61U'-S5Hc Tallew su-iidy t Prime City. Mc Klce dell ; Carolina, fair te geed, ma. CetTse dell, but firm I fair cargoes, H" Lire steek Market. Chicaoe, Dec J9 The Drei-tri' Journal re ports . Catll Hecelpta. 7.(u0 head; shliimenta. i,(CU; marknt and pncea actlTe and higher t shipping steers, 6M tuLSuO&s., II 2SC3 U: stock era and ferdnrs, tl 1033 04 1 cows, bulls and mlxpd, lU'SStO; bulk, e KtJI te : Texas cattle riuasia Hogs Kecelpts, r0.000headi shipments. S.one btad t market strong ; shade higher t rough and mixed, (4 en34 (0 1 packing and shipping, II ly M i light, U ;.'fil 0 i skips, II 7SQ1 M- bhecji Keceipts, 4000 Bead i shipments, DOC head i market firm t natlvM, Hie-yj un West. ern,lSeCI90 Teians,KtJ) Se Iambi, II 0uO 6S KasT Lisbrtt. Cattle Itecelpbi, SM head i shipments. 137 head ; market Orm prime. It !0 S ou i lulr te geed. It Vai SO ; fruders, 13 soot 00 1 Yorkers, tiClSS i feeders, M tV-QS 75, shipments te New 1 or, none. Hogs Becelpu, S.CO) head t shipments, line head; market nrmi I'hllartelphUs, it ii 70 Terkers.lt tltiet common te light, 110 jt 33 i shipments te ew Yerk, 1 carloads bbcep-Recelpts, l.tei bead i hlpmcnts, 1 0 i market Srm ; prime, ti 303-) , lair te gued, 13 tf'-Q t:3, common, O S3 , iambs, II 5VJ. Uhtexge Produce Market. Csncaae, Dc 31, f 90 a. in. Market opened. Wheat-Dec, 783; Jan., '.VHe , Feb,, S0e- May,P7Kc Curn-Dtre, JfJVic, Ian, 87'c , Feb, Mc , May, 413. Uitts-Dee , JSe, Jan., :swe, reb , WKc t May. SlWc Perk Dec, til SO, Jan.llISA, Feb.,113 43. May, 1S K. Lard-Dec, W 43 ; Js,n , IH 53-) KH , Feb., W Mi May.MSS. Short itlbs Jan , J S7.S . Feb., 3, May, H40 Marsh, Ii3. nraln aim 1-reTisiana rmnlsbed by B. K. Tnndt, Breker. Chicago, Dec 31, 1 o'clock p. m Wheal. Cern. Uau. Perk, Lard. December. ... T1,' . . sw January 7(i 87W iV 15 'Ji 8 S7 February wh tlu Sfl;. li M e ei Mureti ei ihu 27 a 70 May 87 u'i SIX 12 79 8.87 . llecclpts Car Lets. Wlnttr Wheat s Spring Wheat ct Cera 217 Oats u) Ity Itatley jj OU City. Crude OU c llfUld Receipts Hogs 17.0 0 Closing Prices 8 o'clock p. m Wheat, Cern. Oats Perk. Lard, December 79W 87k 'Ajl'i, h 37 January vsti 87K k u n w February 6jk I a 12 10 6 ke March... klH Sn ' M May 67) 4J)t SIX 12 SO 7 oil City CruaeOU hVi block atarkeu. Quointlens by Reed, McGrann A Ce , bankers Lanen-iter, Pa. haw ters usr. 11 a. m 12m. 3 r. . Canadil'acine CC.IJ.ll aw tt Colerado Ceal wi 10 Centrul Pae Canada Southern blji blK Chi. bt 1, A Pgh Don.ARleG ? Del. L. 1c W ISQX 1W) hrte 3 diH Erie, 2uds Jer. C (MX tr, It. AT siQ nil Leu. A N (Ml (V',; L. bhere tt) Wj'Z MleluCen .7 MHsourlPaclde 1071 US N. P X 57 N. P. Puf tlii uiW N. "est Utl Vi N Y.C IMJ lli Hast Tennessee C UH 112 Omaha ,. i;U (; Oregon Transportation tkl'f J i Ontario A W.:. '. .... llech. A P HLPaul VI (u) Tex Pae 2i ! Union Pae 6i ej WabuihCem ...,, jsw 11U Wabash Pief aw? i.vs Wtsurn U Till 71 West Shero llends l'BILADELPUIA Llft-p. etx (0 tl MX X M l le-iX !7 e! 111 imj vA vm S3 mix Leh. al (a Il , X. T. A Phlla low uai px KnfSi?;::::::::::::::::::::- " ,s" "fe16 lUtieuT.Pass '.'..', "" !; r...... N.Cent " '" !SPDft l,,u .".'. dg.On'l. lww ,JjJ uu VH teft it iX Naw Vet il locks. Ktw Tess, Dee, 81,1 JO p. in. Meney leaned at from 3 te B ixr cent. L'xchange steady at 4 (Id 4 B. Governments firm. Currency 6's, HM'i bid 4'8 Coup, HXbld4X'sde,lllfti bid. The stock market opened Irregular with LeulsTllle A Nashville and Jersey Central the strong features, lleth stocks namnt wereJIOKe higher rcpectlvely at the first call, hllc ths ethers were generally fractionally lower Alter 10 30 and np ts neon there was quite a stivtdy buying of orfelk A Western prcferied, West ern Union Telegraph. New Yerk A New Kng land, LeulSTllle A Naihslllc and Kat Tennessee, whleh resulted In the establishment cf an ad vanceef WteJX per cent- Since midday a flee selling te realtte has caused soma leactlens, and prices at the present writing show Irregular changes Leral Stncki and lleuils Reported by J. II. Leng Tar I -in lllilV i'e. Lancaster s.per cent., ISW iv i ? 6 pws lex) lit " 4 choelloan 1(V) bd " 4 InlprlOveais liO l' " I ln3oriiei-s VX) Ju S3 " 4 " lnloerA;years b I Manhclm borough lean w Vi BAKK SriXZS First National Rank 1 Srt Fanners' National Rmk . .v 113 Tulten National liank 1 ti.U Lancaster County National llank M 113 Ceinmbla National bank 1 JVi Christiana National lirnk l' 113 KparataNatlr.nal Hank l 1W First National Bank Columbia .. bw 1M First Natlnnal bank, MnnDurg .... ion lti First National bank. Marietta 10 2"!0 First NaUeual bank. ML. 'ey w '. I.ltlta National Hank-. uv 1VJ Manhetm Nsitnnsl Ttank bO iw tnlep Vs'll Hank. Mount Jev v M vew si.?' auenai isana . iv iv-.x' OapM44j,'ank .... Qunrryt-tre National llank . . Mlrabelhtewn national Rank .. Northern National Hank . rcasriai "recas Rig Spring A Reaver nlley .. . Bridgeport A llorsehei Columbia A Cbestnut Hill Columbia A Washington ConestegaA ntgprng Columbia A Marietta MaytewnA hitrabethtewn LancasterA Epbrata LsntasterA willow street ... in de IV kill 1 11 111 id l : tl !' 1 ' V .1 .e it lO il ' 41 ." II .J US ftrasburg A Millport ! ."i MarielU.t Maytown SJ Marietta A Mount Jey ... S3 30 Lane, icitiabethtewn A Mlddletewn 1 7u Lancaster Frultvllle vi it Lancaster A Lima .... T1 Lancaster A wtUlamstewn '. "30 LancasterA 3taner '' ls Lancaster A Manhetm ii JJ Lancaster A Marietta - Lancaster A New Helland 1'V, si macsrLA KSOV9 sTvb East Brandywlne A Waynesburg ... .v M auarryruie It. It 1 13 UlersrtUe Street Car w (.3 inquiring Printing Cempaiy. . "' w Gaslight and Fuel Company a ss Stevens Heuse (Henda) 1 h" Colombia Oaa Cwnpany 3 a Columbia Water Company 10 10 Sesqnehanna Iren Compan) -1XJ intA Marietta Hollew.warc It) u, 10 Stnvens Heme 1(6 MUleravUle Nermal Scheel S li Northern Market '" ;"-' Eastern Market "-' r Western Market v ai a Lancaster City strwt luilway co ..se re Gas Company Rendv l-u 1U Columbia lloreuvh bends ion l'H Lancaster A finsquehanav $ feu Lancaster A New D&nvllle n u Snarryrtlle It. R.. rs in) IU 73 eadlng A Columbia B. R.. 3 s 100 10)73 JIEI.1U1UV3. EiRTurs it Tmmtt Chcb b -evtec appre. riiate te the clesleir hour et lie e.djearthls t'rlday) nigh' from 11 e clock until w lotner row evening at 7 '0, trepaiat jry erlre IK'iv communion en Sunday morning Kt 10 eUi-k, Instead of 10 0. llsplum of cnl dren In tbe church at 8 3D p. m. Theme cf eventr g icr-nen "Theu art net tar from tne hlntdm of Oed Catechumens' class will begin en next Ttnui day evenlg at 7 30. In the chapel Cheral seclity en Trlday evening, same tin e and place Cbcscb or Utm-Cerner Prlrire an I Orange streets Watch night and church o.fl'natienat 8 o'clock. AIV AD VSRTISEMJiXT'l B AK1NG TOWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. THIS powder nerer voiles, a einrrel cf purity, strengtn and wbu.etemenets. Slere economical than the ordinary alnds, and cannot be sold in competition with tbe multitude of Iet teat, snort weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Sold only In cnii Kevai. Rasiku 1'ewdsk te,, 10d Wall Btreet. New erk. mayi; lyd.tw NOT1CK. The annual meeting of the stockholders of ihe Lancaster city Street liaUway company, for the election of directors te serre for t he tn suing year, wilt ba held in thebtTns fleuse parlors, tnls city, en Montay, January 10, 1SS7, BIIHUUVin UJ, 1UUS, 1) tVlUl.l.l, dii-WArtid secretary. NOTICE A meeting of theStockheiarsofthn DEL. AWAItK. RI Kit A I.A.SCtsTEIt UAII.KOAD CO. wlil be held at their eSce, Ne 49 North Duke street, en MONDAY, JA.M'AUT 11. Is7 at lu o'deok a. m for the purp-se of electing eCcers for the ensuing year, and transacting such ether business as may be brought bef 'rt it ISAAC W UULD1N, Seeretary LascASTts, Dec 21, 15a7. S.'l.SlAjS C CHRISTMAS GOODS NEARLY ALL J gene. A few Odds and Ends will be sold at greatly reduced prices. New attend te that cough Fralley'a Syrup of Bloodroot, Wild Ch, rry und Ilorebeund Is the best and cheapest for Coughs ana colds Largn bottles for 25 cents. Purely vegetable aud contains no opiates FRAILKY'a KA8TEND PIIIRSI CY, (Onpeste Eastern 3Iarket 1 Cemer East King and bhlppen stiteu dMwd-M.W.Fl; TDUflBEUS I RUBBERS ! Ladles, 23 and 30 cents , Mens, 45 eenu , Men s Rubber Heets, II CO ; lles' bnbber Beets, 11. H. I hlld's Bnbber Roots, 11 iO ; fine Let or Ladles' Pebble llutten bhees, ll.W, children's Shoes, S3 cents. y-BARGAlNS IN ALL KINDS or MIOE9.-tJ3 JOHN H1EMENZ, NO. S.NORrn QCELNBl. it EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALCAIILE REAL KSTAT15. OsThcrsdat, JAA.T 13, .SS7, the undersigned, exaouterot ihe estate of Slar. tha btermfella, deceased, ill eITuv at publle sale tha 1wMury URICK lKiCsK, with brick baek building. Ne Ss fcenth Lime streut, Un eastnrclty, containing 18 feet Irent, and ex tending in depth wist 1M feeL Thrt house ts entraliy located. In a geed n-lghlmrbend. and he lotcentalna thelte fruttei snrleus kinds bale at tha Leepard bete! a 7 e clock p. m when conditions will be made known bv A.O. ltlNLHL, Executer of Martha sternifcltz Oi e ;wl JeilL. IIaises, Auotleneor. d.'i-W.r.Mts R ETURN OI- O. R. GLEASON, Hy Speciil Request te LilGASTER EINK ! for six .ienrs e.vir. Commencing Janu ry 3, 1887, In his marvolleus exhibition of btndllng wild, vicious and nervous bees. New und novel feats et horsemanship will he Introduced dur ing the week. Sharp sheeting, such as breaking glass b I'll ami fancy sheeting en horseback with n lopem lepem leg llfle will be Introduced by tbe Professer Alse tie roping, throwing and riding of Mus tangs as praeilcrd In the tst-st, and ether nevel teats never before Introduced. AiiMIS'IOV tt HUNTS IllCnKltVfcD BKATb 31 OkNlrt. Season tickets (geed for week), ti.Wt lie sen edtleatTlckkts (geed for week ), M. 2I lyir. AJftr AitrenrjifStEsrs. A .A.X - - HOT l.UNOll-TO.MOIuleW (SA'tUU DA i morning at Kaccller Hall, Na 1S7 East King street 1 ltd itttS. MIOTZ w ANTKD-llY A HOY A SITIATION ei any kind et llabt work Apply at Ne. S.') SOU! 11 WAl Ml ST ltd' FO KKNT T1I1K1) AND KOIUTH rioeraof Hlrsh A ltivther's Hulldlng, Nes. a and S North ijueeti etrvct, new txTiipled by Thes. Cutntnlngs as a flrst-cia-s pheipgraph gailerv. will be routed fera teim of jiar. IlU-ttdH IllKSIt A llUOllllCllS. FLOHAli COI.On.ES. V Hi,tt,U Water. Toilet Hair Powders. Hair brushes, Combs i 1PLKT AND tracts and Snetit't aud ptner leuct requisites, at HCllLKYS DIU'O STOIIF, 3rt West hlugStrwt. COrAKTNKRHIltl NOTUT.. w have this day admitted ourens, 1 v VC ( H U13IAN and tiiiAUt Hi a stll.t.Klt. te an titret In enr Wholesale ureccrv bnsin ss Iho Orm nama will borentinued " bi'iv reii. MtLLEU.t HAItlMsv JaxcAr.Tl.iss;. dii-std Xj et i c t- a iTLTTn tT. i u: rr"l c r. e k X the mortgage beuds of the 1 ancssler , nil,, ifc;-,(ci, OOUUS IH mr i Fini-i,in euipauy will b paid at the Farmers H ink, of Lancaster, en and ulier Jan Vnllnnal nary 1, 1S7 dSWtd FARMERS' WESTERN MVltKET CO. Annual meeting et tocSheidi The an nual rneetlnn et the strv-kholdereef tMs reui 1 any win bn held a' the Western Mnrket Heuse cnTl'IlliAV, JAN17ARI 11. IS-i?. at U'a.tu ler IU1' ,1'UVll'll Ul uiirciers. C:Ulw W. O. MARSHAL! . Secretarv HEAVY INVOICES OF OCR GOODS are shipped te tha large elites, from whnie they find their way te all pans of the ctvl'lied world Were tkev net werfv of patrensge, iht weu d net be the case. MILuKU llORAX ee.vP retal's at ec I A COR F. SUEA1-FEU'S PURE RYE WHISKY, DCKL STREE1 Llvjt OR .Ter.F.. aug.Tlydll Cil C REWARD. fjJi-J LOST Deu.-Several neess ajea small De. When last seen ha wss mastng nts way from Frovldcece towards Qunrryrtl.e Tha De Is & Ueagle, pure white tn color, lengaais and stands about twelre Inches high, lne apetr reward win r paid for lnfencitijn lesdlng te his discovery. Address A r KnTEUKR, i'.3l'tdi:tw Wrlghtsvl, s. TTerkCO, ra. A T Y CELEBRATED Culmbacher Beer wti. i- en tip at my Saleen and these it mv CU-.I inier TOMORttOW. SAlllluAT and MONDA, P. A. RIEKER. dAJtd PR1VATL, SALE Or V lOl-fMBI. IIOTF.L PROPERTT A T. KB CIIA.NlE On account of old aire and sickness, th under signed ctfers at ptlvate sale hts well known Hetel Prepertv, corner ei TL rd s id Petn streets ( eiumMa, Pa. Thtsprep-itv hssarrer.t age of 01 feet en Third street and : feet en Perry sfeet. all built np stab.lng for lu horses and large yard. In the building is also a barber hop employing three barbers Tnls tsoueef the best stands In Columbia ird w1 ''n two squares of the market, two , la est t three dit iHrent rolling mills and twelren furnaces 1 he building Is in geed repair, t irthcr comment Is uinecessary, as the place s;aks for tiseit. Fe- further information appir t the Hn'el dM-lwd JOUNB SCHLEGELJIlLcn. n APPY NEW 1 EAR TOAII. See that you statt tight lnie ih Sew !, One thing nctesanry te this end Is te hare CALENDAR. We ;.ie a beauty te give te s en pa't m enth- usual terms, wlthlea,(. iT Bid baking Powder The Great Atlantic and Paciflc TEA COMPANY. NO 1:4 NORTH QL'EEN T ! f,. sxl. , de.'il il w- TYER3 A RATHFON. After Christmas Bargains ! TINF LINE OF OOiJt'jreR NEW YEAR GIFTS. Net se geed a selection as 'r t Phtlits-js, but plenty te select from PRICES ARE LOW. MEN'S SUITS II V L nEF.N RKDUC1D IN PRICK iisia. ...toineoii'spo toiKce ) tellOIOl S16l te III W 10 (1 .. te I S.00 I lit ( . . tellJOO Men's Overcoats MEKT rnEBAME F AT T LOW PRICF! must rule th"e tiifr Christ, mis Times." Myers & Rathfon, HO. 13 BA8T KINQ BTREBT, LANCA3TKH. PA L. tlANHMAN A IJRO. L. Gansman & Bre., COR. MlltTH gCKKN A UUAMjLBIH, Oder Rigger Rargalns than net i cfere In Men's, Hots' nml tlillilrcnS SUITS AND OVERCOATS, Rather than pack these goods and crry them evir until next season we offer this weak the greatest bargains ever placed before the public Mnn's 0 urceuls, All-wool Caslmere, r luced te tew Nun's line Reaver Overcoats reducel telAO", Men's tine Chinchilla overcoat reduced te II '0 Kxtra Fine Silk Faced Overcoats reduced te 12lO. Children's Overcoats at ll.'.'J, II, Mi, tiw and IU0 ; worth fully double. Men's Pants of heavy material at 80e and 11.00. rets I'antsatll 18, ll.W, tl 00, tl w and M iu (. btidrcu's Knee Pants at5c. ssr-Keicember name and place, as these goods must gi and no reasonable offer will b relu.ed. I, GANSMAN & BRO., MbUCIIWT TAILORS. Alanufacinivrs of Alan's, L'eys' aud Children's Clothing, 3. V7.0er.N. Queen &Orange St., LANCASTER, PA. VK VT AD I'XR TlSKXtHXTS. H AVANA CIO A US. A full stock el Choice Clear filler Havana Cigars nl my fAvorl'e brands In boles, suitable fet Holiday Prevents, at MAHKl.M S" Yellow Frent," Ne. 21 N erth y ueen stivet, iFeuuerly Hattiuau'a.) F AT.ViricRHOKS ARE OITKN MADE In tbe household by buying an impure ar tlnla because It Is cheap, and the result Issktn diseases or badly eraeked hands, Prevent nil this by buying MILl.Mtrf 111) RAX SOAP. Sold everywhere at tv. EASTERNM ARRET HOUfTTca Annual meeting et stockholders. The an nual iuettng of Btockhetdcro el thlseninpany will be bld nt Ne lid Kaat King street.tnii TURSDaY. J.vNLARY 11. JM7,a luoceckn. in, for the I'lcel louel dlreoter. decJ:jnd.tliw ALLAN A HF.RR.fec TJVVLl, OOOPS C All the Lntest NevelllM In FINK M1I.LI 1SKR at W F.IKKL'R MII.L1NF.RY STORK, eUmdlt ,Ve.S) North yueeti strwL O r 1 CUAN ELECTION-rOR 'I ills X Dliwoteis und three Auditors of the Maner Mutual Um Insursnee t'empiny, or i kurter count v, wbl tmheld at llreneuiati'sllntel, Slaner township, tm liiesday, Janusry 4, issf, botwien the heuis of cue and tour o'clock p. tn. .. .. JOHN U. LAN 1)13, President M D KEMta, Secretary dSO-ltd T he A" WIIltw Is the finest made, II Ma bottle. Trv emjjesr rid Re Whlsay, TSe. a quart Whlsklea stall prices llenitKH'S I.lQl'Olt STIIltV Se f2 centre enuare, Ijiurasttr, Pa. SOME MANVFACTCRERS MAKE A soap for thn toilet, bath, laundry and kitchen, bui we make one, and snsmntrn It, le de all that any eiher will de. 1111.1 UU'dllOKAX SOAP TflOR SALE, A GOOD FAMILY HOR3H strong, Qalet and sound Ale a et of Harness and Light Wegen.a tie's Uc(,lajralcr, omce Desk aud eafe Arri.r AT Ne. 1 10 NORTH QUHBN STKBET. ditlwd ruv, no' it Used Te, But It's Different New ! Trade does net end with Christmas by any means. Xetwttast-andlug the faet that our Helldav Tisde his lien an tinprecedonted one, ou" Sups'i" htcvk el Four In -Innd and ether stvle Ne-ktles, Silk Mufflers, llauflkerch'els, susioneers, uleves, t flllars, t Ids, I nmel Hair Underwear and Half Rese, shirts, Cigar Cases, Teckel Uoea, -leore Ruttens. Jtc haa been re plenlshed, suitable fet RETURN GIFTS. f Onr Trices ss Lew es ihe Lewest for the sauie grade et gu, 4s E.J. ERISMAN, "EST MM, aillKLI, I .NC'-rER SO Ull LTON OI'ERV. IlOlNl 811 NU.Iir-- AND SaTlUDAY MlTIN'El- Commeuclng Mendny, Jen. 3 EeMrn EnirgeMent of the Distinguished A rees, IDA LEWIS, And Her Superior Dramalle Cempanr KErr.UTOlKK FOR WKLR lli'VD aT " Ijdy Audley's Secret TLK1DAY-' Uesedale W rlistsDAT-" Tha Sea cf I-e or, ihe Mether s Prayer till u-DAt "Jane Eyre ei.The Orphan's Trta FRIDAY "Cvnthta' or, Tha Gypsy's Oath ATfltI T UATlNLKi-" Tweurphans ?ATl KDAi- "1 en Nights In altar room. ' PRICES, 10, 20& 30 CENTS. Reserved Feats, without extra iharge. for silo at opera house. ucl31 ?td w ILLIAM'-ON it FOTFIL WHAT WE HAVE -t.N-D- What the Public WANTS. In the ji-ar Just past e leek back In wemlei at the imtny illfn cult places we lme p.issetl evci. It has been a hard year Ter all et ua, and with many thanka te A lib prul public for their patronage, we breathe- easier at the commence ment of a New Year, but uufeitu nately finds ua with n large nuiii tity of goods In each department. WHAT W'K IIAVi; is mew Wlntfr Goods than e want te Keep, and hlch must be Md. w li a t t hi: r u ii l i c WAKTS h rirst-Cl.ws, neliable (ioedsat Pilces tliat mean it TIIr Dollars Werth. This want e at have concluded te Cll with our sur plus stock at such Trices that can not fall te make bujera of every body looking for Ilejs or t'lill dien's fc'ultanud OvcheiU, (lentb' Suits nud Overceatu, t r any tuld Kii menu In Clothing, een if they have te be kept until another rea son before using. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 112, 34, 30 ami 38 Kas KIisk St., LANCASIJCH, r.V a Alter January 1, stele closes at r. ii. in. extept sieuday aud Suturdny. TORACCO OOTTINOS, KORAPS, SIIT. IN08 AND .'ACKERS' WA8TK. Dry and Clean, bought for cash. . J. 8. tlOLlNS, We. m I'rarl fitroet, New icrk. Knfr ". r, 'ahtisin, kf" I1 l'erl e'rent, i k fv-7 js vjir AbrKHriaxitKxrj, AFl'I'R CHRISTMAS .lAUM AIVS. Surprising Reductions -IN x!GLOAKSlx Wraps, Jaokets, Plush Garments and Children's Oeats, EVERYTHING GREATLY REDUOED. Vete this list of Wendetful Inducements for thesn sehn have been anticipating " AFTER C'llItlllMAti 11 tlluAlNtv We mean tegtallly Biid astcttlsh you beyond jeurgreatest eipecta- tlull Sll.7.a-KCKL1.KNT LADll'a'JACKKTS B)l.tK)-ClllLDi;B.N' COATS ltrel llcrllll Twill. naoe-MlHhKS'Nl.WM MtHF.TS-lsller Made SSSAn-I.ADIKH'NK) MARK KIM. Hl.tiH-MSSl- 1HAUOSAI. l.ADir.V NKWMAR hi 1 1 ferfect ritUug Astrakau lellar aud ( utTs Imported Wraps at Half Price. A GENUINE FEAST POlt BARGAIN SEEKERS VT NEW CLOAK STORE, JOSEPH L. 136-138 North Quceii St. UOrders by Mall lit Ile.elve a S TV A D 1 KR TJ! E if B. TX FOR RUNT TIIK "l.IVKRY STABLE lu the tearel the Cliy Hetel At.ply te Mill K. RKM1V, d&-)td Ne-110 last Chestnut btrteL TN Till. STATU OF PKNNSM.VANIA there arts t),lli3,'taeres et n-rentid.and slnoe 1J19, wben our works weis established, there has been mere than four times that many pounds of soap made. MlLLKl. 5 IIOKAX seaf TT QKRUART, Fine Tailoring. A Tull and Complete stock of luipotted an Dotneatte Suiting cvnd OvorcentluK Ter the Fall Trade new ready te select Hern CiUl early te secure Rfst styles. H. GERHART, he. 13 .V. OUEE. 6T OpposllethB l'osterflce inarrr-IvdR XTOT NEfKHSAKY TO FOI.LOIV KX--i act directions te id tain a clean garment, lutnse plain water isnd .MU.t.Klls liyRAS OOAI" Aniscer.NT Al.LOWKU Te all chaiitahle persons huylnir Holiday l'rsenta for thn I'oer and Needy We have t"eful Heeds that will be very much appreciated by Men, Women and i hlldien who are out et employment, who would need I nder wear, shirts. 1'auts. etecklnzs. Glerrn. Hand kerchiefs, Suspenders, and Maple (ioeds sultisl for the season, t'se the I. X L i'eltsh ferUeau lnt: veur suierware, Ac Fer sale AT IlKClireI.Dfl Ne 51 North yaeen "tiert - tgn of the lllg HlecklDK. T ll. KOSUNSTEIN, " - - - A BARGAIN. Owing te the close of the Kail and Inter fen son, I haive purchased ene mere plee, ei thee elegant Heavy Dark Rlue English cheviets, at a reduced price They were our bestseller, and sold at VtAoe, and have reduced thetn te the low figure of raw. Made and trltnmed elegantly, and abeve all, a ncrfect Bt, A. H. R09ENBTKIN, Fine Tatletinp, S7 North ynrenau E VERY LADY PHOl'LD MBIT TDK Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DEOHMDEH 7th te Mth, At the Balesroems of Wheeler & Wilsen Mf'g Ce., ha S POL'TH QUBEN PTRKKr, LlPOiSTIR, I's -Open Ercnings dJ tfd c DT PRICES ' OUT PRICES AT CLARKE'S. IIFST QfALITT WHITE ORAl'ltP. loe. a round. Of F STOCK O.NLYSe. a l'eund. I no Desen Nice Oranges for We one Deiun KlendA OrstiB s for ,c lu ceutttxtr Family Oraektrs fer'c. Rest French l'eas, i6e a can Ne stere In this town can show ye't a better juallly of FLOUR than 0 at flllnf; at the must leasenabln prices aec, SBc., ode and 80c a unartrr I ry any el the aboye and you will be ples'd Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere, KO. 83 WEST Kl.NO ETREET O-Tclcptene. c LEAKING HA I.E. Great Clearing Sale ! rKGVlOUS TO 1NVENT0I. Y -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. RLU.SANTS AND ODD L'JlHOr Drees Goods, Mugline, OftliceeB, Flannels, A I gUICK SLIaLINfl PRICES un. iialanucef oiitHrecKoi CHRISTMAS GOODS, fcrap Beeks, Aulegnpli Beeks, PICTURE & STORY BOOKS, TOYS, DOLLS, (JAMES AND MUSS GOODS. At Out Half Usual Re'all Triors BLANKETS.-BLAMKETS. I'pwardaef 1,500 ralrs Whlte nnd Colored Blankets At less than cost of MaiuifacUue. WATT & SHARD, 6. 8 & 10 BAST KING ST., LANCASTER, l'A. .1iHl-l'l,lN 11KRL1N TWILL NKWMAR JAO-r INtcnT SLL-WOCM. ROUCLr. NEW t AKK H.T-J lie.lO-SDl'F.lllI ALL WOOL llKAYr.Il HRW ' MA li KM a. MM).Riril A-srw ARAN JACKET. stotie-sKAl. l'Ll'sll rtllAI'il-ealln Lined. THE - RAU & CO., Opeu Kvery Evening. I'rempt and Catef ul Attcntlen.-a vjt n a d rxn tisemkxts Cioei'ER houhiTker rent. J Ihetoeper Heuse, one half inusia frmn centre SQtiarsi ane e,ra Ueuse. and near both railroad depots. This la one of the largest and best house In the el'y Large Pale and Kx chanitii stHblns, all rust class 1 o-ifsslen en April 1st IVJI I.COOl'BR R. H. A II. UMBRELLAS Made te Order, Re-Ooverod or Repaired ut Short Netice. THB MANUFACTURERS, R. B. & H.. Mi. u HAS l KISO HTHKK1, 1.A.NCA8TKR. l'A. T II. .MAKI'lN A te. tJs i ii imxilssc i im: or TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS, -AND- FANCY GOODS, ARE TO-DAT MARKED DO'N TO PRICES TO CL03L rltBJlOUT ("nil ami .hiile for Yeurt'ir. Artistic China, Glass, Porcelain, &c. WINK 8ETT3-S1 Wln Olnsses, Ilpis Tray and Dettle, We WATER 8ETTS-MlhnrassTriy, WIII8KT SETTS-WIlh brass Tray, nil LCMO.VADK CKTTiS With llrsss Tiny, no Immense Line of Fancy Lamps. NoveIMob lu Brass Goods at Oot te Oloee Out. OLIVE WOOD .NOVHLT1KC, ART E5IUKUI DEUY, CURTAINS, I'ULaf, 4c A.N IMMENSE LINE or USEFUL GOODS 1R ALL liKPAIUMKNia. J. B. Martin it (Jes, Cor. West KIiir iS: Prluce Stc, I.ANCASTKIt. l'A. ZtMUHBite.tTa. TfiULTeN eit.ra neusi:. FRIDAY, DDOBMBBU Ul, 18BO. MR. EDWIN BOOTH HAMLET. Supported Iiyllla Kxcollent Coin pan j. HESEaVED 8BAT.S. I'AUytKriK. .. soe I'AlUJUKrTK C1R0LK Stl SO UtLCONV SJ1.01) 4VSaleopen Monday, December '.'Jib, at 6 00 a.m. diietd TJULTON OPKRA IlOl'SK. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1080. MOORE f VIVIAN'S QREAT COMPANY. 8 0'CLOCR-LAUOniKOt .., O'OLOOICyWMWO KLUN0 , OUR JONATHAN I Tbe Rest and Funniest Musical Comedy Kier WM. (Ysnlcee) MOORE, Tbe runniest Man InthH World, and tbe Charm lnsrBeubrette,IIBLL15IVl AN, supported by a tttreng Company. Together with enr Silver-1 oned Orchestra and the Krealest hit In years, the LA-KA.ti.v DUDK tiRASS 11 A.N D I Tarades dally nt neon. Don't miss IL The belt Rand ler the number el pieces In tb world. A standing thitllunui et jio.euo topreduco their equal. ,-'7'ICi:s ,&t0CF.NT3. decSO-3!d H 1 AlV- sc i tlfVnfyfffHHi-r .sustiswis -ss" A p4- m ' ,-s'is(. t- r ivkwftil. V-sV&i m j4jw sii i AfcftKsVwet.- v. - cxsBfxiy