Vi tiXSCi ,it ' .a i - "" "liiJ.ab miDAY, DECEMBIR SI, It ri ?. r.TT' '.; it . fW B, & m glr RS" fVfh.'j w sea- ESS6' &? iJjrtlLLLGfift fVBU 13 D TBT DAT ttl THH TKAH u j, launeay jKSfjHtri.) I A MI, flTl DOtlAM A TAB, rirTT i a hosts. nLiruiDiTeiMiin m u- An ALL AWOHrtHS) rLATOS. HAMrLI knrmrvt hhui oniisiien iuetid te XWC1 amst TSMraesi OORIISVTIOS, -f .sir ADVERTISING) RATES: Hln.l ltn.l aln.l Sln.l stnTgiru ' Day. I vr$ t l a 8mi sr ', .TWODays te 11A 155 I tj BM i-v flma Days,,., M lae son ten go, 7e ? rear Days...... loe i see 616 ee iu :A lire Day no in tee 6 no 7ee 940 'flllWMk 1 S&n SCO 650 8 80 10 0 iAtwewm m 76e w&n ibe ism jt'Tknw ffii 3oe eon loon iiki noe se se r One Menth age 7 lien laeu beet si no ! TWO Menth!.., tOO 1000 1700 2200 V7CO sioe sy Three Months)., eoe it e 20 en wee noe ssoe six Months coo noe ss oe moo moo bioe j pnnTear 1500 neel wee 6500 wen t i The Weekly Intelligencer fcV PUilltHtD EVERY WtDNtSDAY MOSNINO. W.W A TA, tl.ce re IX SOFTS. CMTM 0 T 1 , 118.00, AITD A OOfT Fl TO IIIUSOKS OSTTISfl CT oLea. COWtMremillCI SOLICITID FKOK VHT rARTOf TH I MATS AD COOKTBT. ALL AFOFTMOrtJ ISTTSES WUi OOKIS10WSDTOTH1 WAIT! BASKXT. dtUrtii all Lttitrt and T.Ucran.. Ce ,,THB INTHLIiiaENOER, Ttailgencer Ilatlatng, Lancaster, l'a. If Sljcatueslxr3iUtlliscnc. LANCASTKK, DECBMBEH El, 1W Fnnd liaising. Mr. J. J. Aster, of New Yerk, having declined n solicitation te subscribe, te the Legan fund, some oue undertakes te apol ogize for him by saying that he inakc3 It a rule net te give when asked, that he may thus relieve himself of th Importunity that would jrlve him no rest If it vv as knew n that-he might yield te It. The apology "needs mero of apology than the erig.ual offense, which in truth was none at all Mr. Aster Is under no obligation te sub scribe te the Legan fund. It has get te be quite tee much the habit te ralse funds for Tem, Dick and Harry and te ex pect people te subscribe te them. It Is a matter entirely within their vel! lien, and they may decline all such invitations with perfect propriety. The) can hardly be considered invitations te charity, though probably General Legan's Is put somewhat en that ground. He has been long In the public eervice and has left ftfr n MMlnii(a fnrtiitia Ctltl Iia ftld tint KjA left the widow renniless, by any means, 3d her children are able te take care of -""themselves and her. W are net aware that the country is in debt te General Legan. If se. Congress should pension his widow. He was a Democratic politician before he went te the wars, and as such we piesuraethat the Republican portion of tLe people will be disposed te deny his claim te public gratitude and reward. Then he changed x his politics and became a soldier and a major general, with all the salary and dis tinction that he could earn. We de net understand that his services weie net fully requited. "When the war was ever he became a llepublicau politician and en joyed a fine salary from the government unlnteiruptcdly. He died without having stolen a fertune ; which is se remarkable a thing for a Republican politician te de that a fund was at ence st.ii ted te reward his widow, and all the rich men of the country were called en te subscribe. 'r.r. J. J. Aster raid no. Doubtless he Vfas tired. Probably he thought that it rai impertinence te designate te Inm the cbsuity lie should exercise. IU w.u rlhi . rethink se. It was public!) known that the fund for Mrs. Legan was started, aud " any one who chose te subscribe te It knew that his subscription would be welcomed. But poeplo w he start such funds think that they need te be stimulated ; and doubtless they will net grew, without prodding, where the popular Interest in the subject is small. Many men permit them selves te be dragooned iute subscribing; just as many men are easy subjects of the Impudent book canvasser or persistent life insurance agent. It is the fact that im pudent energy is effective In capturing the many gulls that are around ; which makes canvassers abuudant and a nuisance. The business pays. Rut with such stock as Mr. J. J. Aster te work upon, it would net pay. It is a stuidy independent manhood that refuses the diclatien of ethers as te what is particularly ene's own business; and Mr. Aster is commendable in refusing te sur render at sight te the Legan fund solicitor. Suspicious Concord. Mr.Stcwart withdraws from the ma) eralty contest in Philadelphia and leaves a walk ever te Mr. Tltler for the Republican nomination, and piesumably nti easy en trance into the efllce. We wish the bieth. ren joy of this candidate, who will be a wonderful man if he pleases them all. There i3 peace in the Republican ranks in Philadelphia even ever the gas question, where lately was angry disputation. The councils committee wanted te lease the works very badly ; but when a preposition was made by ether parties te take them upon much mero advantageous terms te the city, the councils committee was net anxious te lease. There never was a plainer confession of a conspiracy te plun der tle people. "When the Republicans of Philadelphia are amiable It is a geed sign that mischief Is meant for the people. The concord ever Tiller Is suggestive of con cen templated knaveiy. Lancaster ana Sntleual Dunk!,. ? Manhelm starts a new national bank. This is the latest heaid from. Our friends an advised that there is no law of the land prohibiting the establishment of as many national banks as thev please te start. There is abundant rjein In the country. We aie full of money, notwithstanding we de net show the fact conspicuously In our inanufactm Ing works. Our specialties are bends nnd banks. We lend our money te ether com munities for the use of the loom aud the forge Ores. Shortly we expect te see our genial friend Cel. Terdney's Wabank fa vored with a discounting institution in 'A full blast. t r - - i i M The Cletliig Year. gj we nre ea the last page of the book of S.1SS6. and lit mltlnliTM il.u vrln, in i. If f closed and placed lu time's eternal library. Am jtnr mat nas passed haslbeeu a mem. erAhlu .tin t,, tl.A .....-1 .. .... rj, - "" ma uuiuuer or me uistln. p-y gulshei dead that have passed Inte the ft 'i va'lay et silence, but the nnVs iniAi pfjj.up, the gaps they caused are being ailed B, .. - Uhe United blt can ftlluitatc lweU vSKi'tte tkUful MMMr In irhteh the tark of MMe bM been steered by President Cleveland In the past year, find she has reason te rejoice that this able skipper will remain nt the helm for at least two years mere. While foreign countries have been troubled with wars and rumors of war, the United States has kept en in the even Mcnei of her wny, growing greater and better, nt once the envy and admiration of L'urepcnn civilization. Letus hope that the cloeeof 1SS7 will see ourceuntry still furlhei up the read of national prosperity. -- m Write It 1SS7 after te-dy. i:.-ri;ni.NO upon 1U forty-wwenil year this week the MHnbolea Scntmrf Announces thkt tbe paper will ta enlarged a column added te racb pfO. What belter aigna of lt pros perity T m Jin. Si.s-(ii:ni.r waa known u a wealthy man and a charitable man. Teeple noted bit charity with approval, but R'aeclatcd It with the idea that it waa merely hit way efgetttaR rid of Uie aurplua. He audert great lean by bro and nt once boeemea mere charllable by providing for the famlllea of nereared llrf men. The lew he hat the mere lie glve, n sample of a kind of charity which Is net el ten found. It gives a chance for the observations that the only tme charity is that which In volves aell-MCiillee j but If the charity of very wealthy men was all measured by that stand, ard, hew very little there euld be efltT Lamasteh Is te have a toboggan Mlde, which is a pretty geed starter for 15S7. Tin. New Yerk Independent publishes this week the ttrst of what Is evidently la tended te be a aeries of sketches en (The Old Stene Meeting Uouses of the Cumber land Valley," from the pen of Prof. Wm. M. Nevln, Ih. D., LU D. It Is written In the characteristically graceful stjle of that most charming and gitted author, whose merits have been se lone hidden by his modesty. The Independent, however, makes the un pardonable error of confounding Prof. 'evln w 1th bis deceased brether.the late distinguish ed theologian, Kev. JehnW. Nevin, D.D. Net only In the title of the article does it Incor rectly reler te the author as the late Prof. Wm. M. Nevln, D. D., LL. D ," but In a Bpcclal editorial note It thus confutes the two brothers, albeit what It aays of the char char aetsr of Dr. Xevln and of the literary merits et Prof. N's contribution, are each In them selves correct : "We publish this week the tlrstef two articles by the late Dr. J. W. Ne!n, of Lancaster, Pa. Dr. Nevin was by universal confession the ablest man iu the history of the Kolermed (,ermaD church In America. He was a man of great learning, great lnteliectual power, deep religious pur poses, and a delicate jeetlc Instinct. He was a great theologian and disputant in his day, and mere than any ether man he meulded the denomination ofwhleh he wastheleader, Fer seme years before his death he bed re tired from active service, and was In feeble health. The present article ,1s, we preaume, the last that came from his pen, and waa re ceived only a few days before bis death. In It Dr. Nevln, lna quaint, rambling, leisurely style de-crlbes the scenes of his boyheod.The picture will be quite new te these te whom antiquity suggests the New England Tillage, whli-hhas bsen se inueh mere written up than that of Pennsylvania, while it will be Inexpressibly charming te these -who are na. Uvea of the region described." Rl ad the list of theyear'- tire thit appears clewhere In this Issue, Tiii. Canadian IMsltle railway has been notified by the Imperial government that twelve eighty ten guns for the defense of Victeria, II, C, are new being constructed at the Woolwich arsenal, and that they will be ready for shipment and transportation ever the read In April next. Drawings ler special cars requisite for this conveyance have been sent, and the cars are new being built by the company. If the appropriation should be madeatenwit would take us several years te preduce guna of this kind and the build Ing of the armored fort te mount It In would take nearly as long. It would be necesasry te build the oetly plain required for the sare and ptirlcct manufacture of these great guns, and as the bursting of one of them would be a very serious disaster, the matter will net bear hurrying, but demands careful thought in e ery detail. Tnu lNrLLLiaE.NctB wishes eeryone a happy New Year and incidentally mntlens that new Is the time te subscribe. Sin. IleriERT'r contribution te the Edinburgh book is this "Kprlnu Seng": ' B Df-za, joilewsana whites anrt r"5 I tad your aav erg? lcare. nalks. hvlj AiUr with the luil in the tulip beds There' sunshine scarcely a wind at all Ulatmbt starved gra and daisies small On ace nam mound by a churchyard wall ljalila and grass be my heart's bedMlewa eutna uiuund mud ijurea and sunshine mel low?, Dance, j ou reds and white and yellow m--m Legan and 15S5 together pass te-day behind the veil that hides time from eternity. Tm: Andover heresy trial Is new exciting considerable Interest because of the high standing of the group el professors under trial. Ihoyareon trial for teaching in the Andover theological seminary doctrines that are held te be at variance with what they are bound te fellow. This creed was laid down long age and was supposed te be Inflexible se that the only precaution taken te Insure the orthodoxy of the teachings of tbe semi nary was the appeintment of a committee of three whese duty it should be te eee that tbe professors followed the creed. New Professer Smyth boldly and forcibly argues that the creed has been mlsunder mlsunder mlsunder stoed, that it is net se narrow as tbe three think it, and that it does net bind them te restrain their powers of reasoning, jf he can prove this creed te be se flexible, be will confer a been upon bis church that should entitle him te their lasting gratitude ; for in these progressive days it will net de for people te bind themselves by the rigid theological dogmas of the last century, and the new light that has been threw n en sacred history by recent discoveries In archeology BDd all branches of science makea ilexlbility of creed necessary in order te reconcile sclecce with religion. The sla'.e or geed resolutions will be care, fully lllled te-day, only te be smashed next week. To-Meimow'dlssuoofthelMEi.MoE.s-crn will be brimming ever with geed things. Tbe biographical sketch and portrait will be of one of the bust parliamentarians that ever pre sided ever the school beard, a descendant of one of the old Chester county families. The erielual sterv of " A Tale ar rtnae .t,n. rare powera for Action work. An old Ash man tells wbyilsh will net be caught lu a certain part or the Concstega. A review of the marriage statistics under the new license act for Lincaster ceuuty lias inueh Interesting and peculiar lulormatlen. An arllcle en the toboggan fashion possesses timely interest, oecauso Lancaster is going te baoeneln a short time. An article Irem the pen et Rev. Wm. M. Kevin, Is one of the modelsefblsgracelul English diction. Then there will be netua et amusement?, the best el local and market reports, poetry and mis. cellany. Tbe I.ntkelieenckk for 16S7 will be belter than It was In 1SSG. New Is the time te ktibHcrlbe, lluiidreils Urud Under Ihahueir The remeval of tbe snow which fell iu the late storm in Germany has revealed an ap palling less or llfe. Many travelers were overtaken by the Hterm. Fifty bodies havn been leuud lu Saxony, thirty in Tburlugla and forty in Seuthern Germany. It la usll uialed that the tout les et life will be nearly two hundred,1 flOBART PACHA. The lata Augustus Charles Het lit, better known as Hobart Pacha, admlralottbeTutk. lsh navy, wrete a book, tint has Just been published, entitled "Sketcluvs Irem My Life," A llfe se full el adventure Mid e cltement that it might hat e allerded h bend basis for tales as thrilling as any if the old sea rorer, for he had the spirit et the buccaneer and went roving lu nieer miners of the world in seirch oradentmo. lie fol lowed his profession of a soldier of fortune with great care for its honor, but he liked te feel reasonably su reef A cash reward for his gallant enterprises. He waasmi el the l.ul of iHicktnghamshlre, and sutler leg the fate of thoyeuugest sons of the nebtllt lu these days he entered the navy as n midshipman at the age et thirteen, was bullied and brow beaten after the barbarous custom that made the English war ship a flvuing hell, aud cme out of the mill a llulf and fearless sailor w 1th a bitter hatred of all t) ninny. He served for a long time en the llraiillan sta tion Intercepting slavers and W's often tout in command of beat expeditious. Oece when about te beard a famous slave brig Hobart discovered thst all his percus sion cap had beeu forgotten. n couo ceuo coue quonceotthls accident the slaves were get ashore . but our midshipman captured tbe brig at her moorings, and without ammuni tion held her against a constant Ure from the land until his ship came te his relief. Sail leg with his prize te Kie he te took another slaver en the way having 4"0 Africans en beard, alive aud dead, short et water and previsions and ravaged bv smsilpex, optlial eptlial mla aud dlarrheM. Once while aiutie watch ing from the shore n slaver tbst had Hut come In sight, two Cuban b.ixtdtuiauds m re set upon him. He had a dnuble-birrellid sun ; the first barrel missed lire, with the second be blew out the brains of the nearest deg; this checked the ether brute fur a moment and gave one of the sailors time te come up and sheet It. Ou n voyage te the Cape et Geed Hepe In a captured slaver, with tbe captain and tbree of his crew as Krlscners, an attempt was ma le te murder !m and retake the vcseL He shot the slave captain, his quartermaster knocked another of the asasslns overboard and tue rest were put In Irons. When the American civil war broke out Hobart saw a chance te gratify n love of ad venture and make money by rannini; the blockade. He went into ihe bulnes under the name of Captain It iberts. He made eight successful trips te Wilmington and out again. The vessel in which he made met of his runs was a fast aud s'nunch d. able screw steamer of 100 tenv Her pvrs were reduced te a pair of light lower mmt", with out yaids. Her hull, showing eUut leet above water, was ptlnted a dull gray. TLe beats were lowered square wiib the gun wales. The funnel telescoped aud the eai was smokeless anthracite. At ni-ht the vessel was practically lnvlibie. Steam was blown oil noiselessly under water. Among the fowls taken en beard for previsions no cocks were allowed ter fear of thelr crewing Te get Inte Wilmtnsten the " D n," as Captain Hobart calls her, had te run n double cordon of cruNars, and she was genurallv seen and chased at seme puts or the lines. Once, after dodging her pursuers all dav and all night, she feuuda sua uer .s slengsl le her. "Hew shehad get there wltheu' cur know ledge lsamjstery te me even ue II w ever, thsre she was, and we had hardly seen her before a steuterlau volce uolej out, Heave te in that stoamerer I'll "ink jeu It seemed as 1( all was ever, but I determined te try a rue befere giving the little trait up. Se 1 answered, 'Aye, ave, sir, we are stepped.' The cruiser was about eight v yards from us. We heard orders given te man and arm the 'uartcr beats, vvosjwtUe beats lowered Inte the water, we saw theiu coming, we heard the crews cheering at the prospect of their prize. The bowmen had Just touched tbe sides of our vessel with thlr beat hooks when 1 whispered down tbe tuiw into the engine room, Fu.l spsed ahead " and away we shot into the darkness "I don't knew what happened . whether tie captain of the man-of-war tbejght tLat his beats had taken possesslon, and thus did net try te step us, or whether he stepped te pick up his beats In the rather uaty sea that was running, some one who reads this may knew. All I can say Is that ne: a shot was ttred, and tbatlnlessthaua minute the plteh darkness hid the cruiser from our view. This was a great piece of luck." Alter ether narrow escapes the l n reached the entrance te Cape Fear river and showed a light from the lntbore side of the vessel. This was answered by Un lights being placed a short distance apart en the beach, se low that they could net be teen from the Heel, and by Retting tLe.e l.ghts into line the blerkade-runncr leund the channel aud steamed iu. When morning broke Hobart teuutad twentj-tne crumers behind him and en the shorts In lUmc was a line blev-kade-runuer which nad been beached In the night te avoid cvpture. "It will be difficult te erasa from u.y memory the nxcltement of the evening we made our little craft fast alongside the quay at Wilmington, the congratulations we re ceived, the champagne cocktail we I in bl bed, the eagerne-is with whl h we ie and re ceived news," On the way out well lulled with cotton. Hebart'a ship was chased all day by a ''ruber which was slowly overhauling him, aud he only saved hlmeelf by taking advantage if the Gulf stream. As coon na he crossed the ripple which marks the edge of the wtream he turned Inte the current, there running two or three knots lu bis favor. His pursuer changed course at the same time without waiting te reach thecurreut, and thus Hobart gained a lead of several mllea. Uydusk the war vessel w as w Itbln raugeand began Uring , but the D n was net hit and under cover of darkness she hauled oil te oue side and let the cruiser go by. Captain Hobart, speaks highly of the char acter and ability or the I'nited Svtej naval officers, especially theso or the regular sr vice, and he was greatly improved, in spue et his own geed luck, with the general effectiveness of the blockade. Our ship, however, he thinks were net as well manned aa efllcered. When he entered the 'lurklsh navy his services were especially desired te Bb'p the blockade-running by which the Greeks kept alive the Cretan Insurrection. Considering everything it is net surprising that he wes easily successful in this work. It was then that he received from an elllcer of the Brit, ish admiralitya seml-clllclal letter taylug "L'nleasyeu leave tbe Turkish nervlreveu will be scratched off the list." He answered. " Yeu may scratch and be d I, " and he waa takeu at his word. Hut srine years afterward he was reinstated. PERSONA!,. Ge.n. W. W. I.onie Paha is dead in New Yerk. Mns. Den Cameiien Is seriously 111 lu Washington. The rni:stDEM's physician forbids his at tendance at the Legan luneral te day. Gladstone was well enough te fell his tree en hla seventy-seventh birthday, De cember JM, MicnA! l IlAvirT was married te Miss Mamie Yore in Oakland, Cat., Thursday morning. Mn. Whittier is oueted as saj lug . "it's a great thing te own a tittle bit el Hie Lord's larth straight up te the heavens. A man feels better for lu" General Deaveii Is the guest of Geve-r nor Pattlaen at the executive mansion, Har tisburg, where he is preparing ter the inau guration and "leamngthe ropes." Kine Ralaraia, who wants te borrow rOOO.OOO, received live copies el tbe Itllile ler Christmas. 1 he will turn te I. T. metbytvL. 10, he will read that " the love of money la the root of all uvil." Tennyson has at last bequeathed te the Kngllsh langusge a word that will rhyme with "youngster." Ills " tengueiter. " New, why Is net an auctioneer a luugster and a barkeeper a bungsterf Our language uiuai ue uuricuuu. Mn. Jehn IIevlk O'Reillv's fortlicom fertlicom fortlicem book, "The Country with a Hoef," is buii. posed te be a study of the conditions of hu man existence, " hla idea being that it la tbe rich who In this life obtain all the brightness, tbe aweetness, the freshness and thu sun sun sbineef existence, while the poorer classes are oppressed with the gloom, the shadows and the deselatenea of poverty and degrada tion." The i ate I'Ber. An riinALit Ai.kx ANtiEn lieiKii;, of Princeton theological seminary, waa a man or bread sympathies aud considerable humor. One day an Impe cunious young graduate called with a letter or Introduction te ask help In obtaining a pastorate, q'be document stated that he had a wire and baby and was In a starving con dition. " Yeu have a wire ?" asked the pre. lesser. "Yes, sir. " "And ababy t" "tm. sir." "Is it i.lump and lender " "Oh ys, Hr. " " Wil, wby net tt th baby t" On of Jehn A. LeJ,l Herse Ract. rrem the Chicago Trlbun.t One of the principal sifjects et d discussion among the " old tlmerr' of Jacksen and Jofforsen counties wheivthey meet around ine grocery store glove theso cold; days is a herse rwce in which ucnetal Jehn A. lagan, theu a boy, wa.s ene of the tldeis, qiie ether wtis W U. Andersen, im-e that lltue a senerat In the Colen atniv an l'gypllsn Democratic leader, and new colic, tot or lu. ternal revenue at Ml. etmm The rathera of the two tvvs owned the homes In the race. Hath wrre gtea pstnun of swllthersas and known as siii-h all ever Southern Illinois. Old Dr. 1 egan eniicd seme of the nnest horses i ' be found In all that portion or the state. Miuvmi Andersen or "Mlns," as he was called, devoted a large iwtlen el his lime te politics and horses. He was lieutenant governor when I'arilit was chler tuaglvtra'.e of the slste. In Jacksen county Dr. I figan was the prlndlMl hets'tuau, while Oiven r Vndorseu led the list In Jellerson. llie was a Kieat rivalry between the cenn ie which Anally led te a trial of speed te ettle trie quwllen of superiority between tl horses of Legan and Andersen. The race was te come ei' at Murphv-sbore, the home or Dr. Legan and young J'ehn A Legs.ii and TV. IJ. Andersen were te t the riders. It was seen kuewn all overSvith everSvith ern IlllneK aud many men rede herselck 1M miles te soe the race, lu Jacksen and Jeffersen counties the e vltement ran high. In each locality tbe people were strong jurtl sans el the home horse, Tlie day et the race Murphysboro was fllled with people, low gatherings In theso davs had been larger. The population et Jet'erseu and Jacksen oeuutles was literally turned loose te see the race. The Jeffersen oeuntv men were all I'H'klng the Andersen mire. There was verv little money lu tluvse davs, and the viianra put up their h ps. wsgens and i verj oenveyanco In wh h tuey lame te tbe race, aud cheerfully- fa.el the pmrsM or w aiklug home lr they leu A heu the herses were .tvl out en thoceurse the Jacksen county people ti. led with glee. The Legan horse, upon "hi h they had staked their money and valuables, was a magulflccnt animal and t re the high-sounding name of Gray Eagle. As he was led down the track he walked proudly, as If c6u c6u scleus or coming vlcterv I he Andersen mare was named I'ellv- Anu. Sae was a eiue looking iron-gray ai-'iual, as moil est as a girl, aud Insisted en stepp ng te nibble bi's of grass. When the i icksen county people saw the two their cheers ler Urav Eigle were tremendous, lhev ettered te bet nil kinds of personal property en the Ligan herse and te elve treat odds. Here. cattle, wagons, harness and ei en plows weru staked en the race. When tr-e tune rer the rr-ewas cdled old Govern -. Vndersen found veung Hill leading De y Aen down the rrad, while he was cry "nj iu! disomse. l.itelv. "What's the matter, Hll " akt' vemer Andersen. 'Why, jep, this little firetaiel mare iau t beat that big, flne-l.'. King her-s blub tered out the little rlder, nhi veunc Jehn V Lcgan looked en with . ins : -".is tide lu the powers orhlsenu here. "Hill," said Governer "'f veu don't win this race you are n b". of miue and can uever go iute mv li use a-siu Iho race was started. L mie Hill Ander Ander eon, remembering his fat'ier s threat, urged the little mare along at . huing seed aud nileuuder the wire 300 vards ahead. The " ltement was great, but" when the JfQer JfQer sen ejunty crowd headed for home they took nearly alt the psrsjnal property in Ja"ksen ceuuty along. There was very little chance for tbe assessors In Jacksen county that year. Pon'tstanden the order of svna ' -I ui fKlht te the next corner snd I jv n bottle ei I)r uull s tough Syrup, ej want te cure your cold. rmi rs and Horsemen real tvu -I Cn1 ?l. vnti hi im a met excellmt i ..I'lirnt su.ei.ij Ueuca. and I take pleasure In luderdn. It a a nisln letucdyier suratcbf" biel 'AVirT!''"l V5, Krauklln K(2, ues . ei 1I1E M3VV 1Evn Enter upon thy psthj. e var lbv paths, which all he ea'he u. i- ' s.l, w tich icd ths living te t-e 1 i I enter , for It tj my deem Te tread thy labyrinthine .xei Te note what round me wt h au 1 i v Te love a fair perhaps tehv Aud de &U dntlcs or my tst k vr.aiAi. nurjv f.h. Lhbl'I.ES3 .MGIITS, mnas touerable liy that terrlble ceut;h. Shller i ifH't.t rtnedy ter yen tersaleby II. u.Ce.limc, KnisKlat, Ne U7 NerthUuen streeu Cautlun. We would caution the I'u'i lr te itui et ltuae-rs eiturlug Kemp's Ili-iaiii at leas tban the rvjruiar l'rlce, i cents and II, a niirntiiui s nul nul tatlens or Inferior articles are se'd a the ,jen'ilne In order le enable them tnll ere-niiy II U Cochran, drujrglst. Se. ISJ S uii q in street U eurmjent tee Lauceatcr. Sauupie bottle ituen tojeur. eli-lwdtw THE KEV. GEO. II. THAI til, or Bourbon lad., says " Beth myself aud wire oweeur lives toSIUl.OH'SCONSUAlPTIeN i.t KK" Kerale by II II. Cochran, I)ni(?gljt, . e u Neith uueea strict. the I'Uclteuieut ut Over. Ite lush at II. IJ. Cochran, diut-lst. Se 1 North yueen strcet, still cuninue eq account of persons afflicted with Ceuh, telda. Asthma, llrenchltls and CensumptlMii toprecuroabottle of Kemp's Hal? am for the Ttarnu and Lunxs, which Is sold en a Kuarante Hudulvln? entire sattsfai lien. It Is a slandtrd family remedy, l'rlcuie cents and II. Trial lucrce. ell-lndAw WHY WILL YOU ceugtiwhen Shlieh a Cure win pive linmsdlate relief I'ritB le cm ,Mcts, and II, rer sale by II. II. techrau, UruKUlst. Ne. is; North Uueen street, hR HIIILOU'S CU11K will Immediately relieve Oraup, Whooping Cough aud llruuchius. rer sale by ll. H. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North Queen street; A UltKAT DIht,JV tl.7. The grestest discovery of ih nint,'nth cen tury la Ur. Leslie's Special I'uicrlptien for sick headache, which Is the dljcet cry uf an eminent physician and used by him for c er thirty years befere Klvlng It te the puMl, and it standi to day without a rival. Iiead adteruement In another column. HIULOII'8 CATAKISII KL M K U 1 a positive euro for Catarrh, Ulptberta, and eanker Meuth. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, brugjrut, Na 137 North Queen Blreet- An I'.ud te IJedb Vrsplng Edward Bhephnrd, et llarrlai ur. III, navs " Having received se much !nent from tiectrte Hitters, 1 leei Ituiy duty te let auirurtng human. llyknewlt. Have had a running Boru en my lei for eight ywira: my doctors told mol neuld hav e te hav e the bone scraped or Ie- amputated. I used, Instead. thre bottles of fc ectili. Hitters and Sevan bexea llucklcn Arulua halve, and my leg Is new sound and well " Llectilc lllttres are sold at aty cents a betUe and Uucklen's Arnica Salve t i5c per box by II II Cochran, DrUKirlsUNes. i j aud 130 North Cjueen street, Lancaster, l'a. (jj Uucklen's Arnica sle. Tbe lleat Salve In the world for Cuta, Urulvea, 6eres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, rever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poslllvely cures Plies, or no pay reriulrud. It Is guaranteed te Klve perfect satis faction, or money relunded. Price il cents per box. rer sale by II. U. Cecnran, Hrnxxlik m and IJ) North Queen slroet, Iiueajitar. l'a. CATAKUIl CUItED, health and sweet breath iecured, by Shlleh's Catarrh Kemeily Price m cenu. Naj,al Injector free, for ale by II. It. Cochran, UniKKUt, Se. IS) North Uuren street. "Olil If I had only known that in time Known what ' Kuewn thata staple ce'd In the h-ad may develop into chronle Catarrh. ' w ell. It isn't tee late, ler Kly's Crvm 11am will euro cat in h evon after ibu sufferer's life has become a burden tehlin,and he&nuHancotehU filends It Is the only radical and thoreaijhly selentlfle catarrh euro known. N'et all'iulJ. Price nity cents. dl7-:dcediw rerlamu back, sldeer chest, use Shlleh's I'or I'er I'or eus Plaster, l'rlce 2S centa. ter sale by II. IJ. Cochran, Uru(;Ut,Nal!0 North yut-en stitet. runs, e. piieicu runs. US li AMER'S CHOICE FURS, Hest Sealskin Ceals, ELEGANT MUFFS AND TRIMMINGS, ALL KIND. Gent's Seal Oapa. NO, 39 WEST KING STREET, aeTlUmd mmviOAu ATHLOPUOIH. General Legan's Sudden Death It a Kieatihntk te the nation row knew that h vfai hven Indtapesrd when th news et hla death Dashed ever the wires and thoutandset )op!e steed aghast at the sudden change from health aud vlner le cold and silent death, tot the past twenty nve years there has been no man moie cemtautiy before the public than Ueneral Jehn A Legan Through Ml hl cairci he liatceu ut d for his featlessnetsaud putltv et chaisctei, both in public and ptlvatu I lie Loved bt irtend sand lenpected by eneuitea he win be mourned bv all. Illsdca"! adlianethet lulholeuKll$t of vie tluu te suddsunud acute rhetimstltm. I'reba. blynedlitasa It te common as themnatttm, nene u mere su IJeu or fl ingcreu,. aud thore U certalnly none tUh e muiplctdr balHes med ical mill Only wie temedr has jet been dliceveted which It a sure and tafa cure for rheumatism and Its twl.v dliease, neuralgia, and that U Ath Ath Ath lopbercs lu theuiands of cajev Athlopheros has proved a quick and certain cure for thus diseases, lnconntctlen with Athlopheros nits tthas never yet failed te spesdtly errct a cure. In all probability many deaths attributed te heart disease are caued by th terrible dl eases, which are fir mom dsngereui than Is generally considered. Uheumstlsm, even though In a very wild fetui. U extremely dangerous, for It la liable at any moment loge te the heat t and cause Imtant death H hy trifle w tth a disease se fatal wheu a certain i uie can t obtained of anj druggist r Every druggist should kp Athlopheioaanfl Athlopheroa rills, but when, they cannot be beunht of the druggist the Athlorheros te., Ne. ill Watl street. New Yerk, will end etther (car rtage paid) en receipt of regular price, which li II TO per bottle fei AtLlopheros and Jee for Pills for in vi and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, lu dlitestlen, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of weikfu, consUpatteu, heaaach impure bleed, ae , Athlopheroa l'Uls are unequaled. ClMMliNS LIVER KEGltATOlC INVALIDS, And all lb is whose ayitems are run down need a medicine thst still act gently and dres net weaken Simmons Liver Hcgulater is net only wild In Its acUen but Invigorates like a glass of wine, giving tone and strength te the body. lixttttct Irem a letter Irem Hen. Atmspxn II Tirni.e( na " 1 occasionally use, when mv condition re iiilres tt. Ii tiimtnens Liver Uegulater with giMdeOect. I! is n, lid and suits me better than mure active lemvdie? A HOME REMEDY, fne iiis.led by any eth,-r The Uegulater Is the wt pi-eventtveandprei-arateiy medicine. Ne matter what the attack, a drxeef It will adurd re'lef and lr. erd'nary cases will eitcct a speedy ure Its use ter ever half a cent iry by thou sands of jeeplc tasender-edlt THE 1IKSI' The value or a household remedy consists In Its accesslbiilt v as well as its efficacy, and many ailaeis of disease are warded oil by convenient medicines Mmmeus Liver Uegulater Is a most valnsble wedlclne te have In the house, and 1 heartily recommend It as the ounce of prrven tlv se much talked of and wtjhed for.' T W vveBPsu.. Principal living erammsr Scheel. J rank ford, l'a. ji,h A VI.K'8 HAIK VIeiMt. Perfect Hair Indicates a natural and healthy condition of Iho scalp, and of ths glands through which nourish meut is eb'Alncd When, lu consequence of atfe and disease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gny, Aycr s IHIr Viger will strengthen It reitorelts original eeler, promote Ita rapid and vigorous gr..wth, and Impart te It the lustre and freshness cf youth, 1 havs used Ayer's llalr Viger for a Ien time, and atn convinced of Its value When 1 waai; years of ace my hair began te turn gray. I com cem menced using the Viger, nnd was surprised at the geed effecta It produced. It net only r r (.terrd the colerto my hair, but se stimulated Its K-rewth that I have new mere hair than ever be fore -J . Edwards, Celdwatcr, Man. Ayer's Hair Viger, Sold i y all Draggtats and rerfumer. Ir Ter arr srrrnue from debility and les et appctlte . if your stomach Is out of order, ei your mind confused take Ayer's SarsaparUIa. This medicine will restore physical torceand elasticity te the syatcm.mere surely and speedily tb in any tonic yet discovered I'er six months I suffered from liver and stomach troubles at v feed did net nourish me, and l became weak aud very much emacltted I took six bottles of Aver a Rariaparllla. and was cured. Julius M I'almcr,''prlngfleld, SIas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla,' Prepared by Dr J c. Ayer A Ce, Lewell, Miss. Seldb) all t'l'ijglsu Price, II , .It bot tles. tV dJIdJl VLUTUIM). HP.OTHEK. H IKS 11 .t Special Bargains rult 1 II K llALANtK Ol THE HOLIDAY WEEK. - h urt'Kll- BXTRAOnDINxnY INDUOKMdNTB -in hll (.1 (iVEf, SILK MUrrLEItV, Oil It .SLi MIES, l'l.lf-ll MCCMItS, StLh bUSrK.NIiEll, ra.sci, FANOl L.NDhltVIEAU, MI.K 11 VNIJKEltCUII IS, KANCYKMr JACKETS. Alse a full Line of Mfc.SS YOUTim' AND HOIS' OVERCOATS, SUITS -AND- PANTALOONS. Alvea Llnoel aU8AMKIl AND llUHDKllCOAlS, LMlirtCLLAB, TIIUNKS, VALIS1.9 AND CLt II I1A08 v e have newly arull line or these goods, but they will net remain se long at the prKea no aie felling- them at. Se call this week aud see fur yeurselt. ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Furnishers, LOU.. NOUril QUEEN BT AND CKNTUK SqUAIII"., LANOAS1KU. 1'A. WJLTVltrt. 'lyATCHKH. Walche3, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction prices until January l, 1887, Kine let of KlnKs. Ac Alse, Kluln, VValtham (Aureta for which 1 am Sole Aueut), and ether Klrst-Ulass Watches: Hest Watch and Jewelry KepalriUK. -Cerrecl time by 'feleirmph Dally, only place In city. ' L. WEBER, 1K North queen eL, Near rnn't, II, l!. Depot, USB A BROTHER, jpctAciM.jKyfgisMMDaeriiuaawis. m BlB'IlCl Jsjwtirjr, ' J MUUUJS, M KTXOKU A HAUOUMAN'HCIIEAl'BTOIli:, TO REDUCE STOCK WIS WIUi NOW HULL OUH LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Metzger k Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooepor Heuse ami Serrol Horee Hetol, Laneaeter, Pa. N TKM lOOU IO COl'UT HOlSI, FAHNESTOCK'S. Ladies' and Children's Coats REDUCED AH our Oertta hnve been rodueod le Theee ntlll in wnnt ehetiUl eee them. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer (e the Court Heuse, lAiicaater. Tn. ruriMrrjtir, DIUHNITURK WAivKKOOMfci. I1UY lOUlWBLr A pa in or intuit Felding Dress PiUews, CALL XAUL1 Al Hoffmeier's Fnrnitnre Wareroenis, They are the nicest thln out and we hste nsl recelv ed another let of them SO HA8T KIHO STnEET. Pt kpi t r.i rim i:s. Expectations Mere Than Realized. Our ibtlMmaa rrade vas very lame. Larxeit fur yeara. lhankn te our many irlxuds. lint theru ale still a few articlM left which would inaie very de. treble New Year's Gifts, uiiiu! l vvn i erritR at DEDUCED PRICES. J, H. WIDMYER, Oomer Hnet King and Duke BW., LANCAETKIl, TA. teptfi-ljd Hc iniihiihi uHNiTfin: ni:rei. CHRISTMAS. And we ail Heady le Shew as riue and I.vkb an Assortment nt FURNITURE IN ALL LINKS, A11A8EKH HEEN KI10WV INlllF.MIi lbeiciodaef today are se pretty and altraetlre that It Is hard te Iteilat buying SemethliiK In Our Line for CHRISTMAS. We want you ene and all te feel perfectly flee Income every day If you dealie, aud leek at what Is being put en tbe floera new anil attrac tive, and you will net be urged te buy. Yeu would be aurprlsed le learn hew many are aeln I this each week. vt e nave airraay set aside a cieal many plea enu lur u.idhu&u xi, nut wu can biiii Rec eepa ureal many mere aecreta -AT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, neb. a7 & ae eeuth queen bt., I.ANUAbTKIl, l'A. uuuvMuim. prien uiiADi:" Ooffeca and Fine 1 eas te plcae tbe taste nfoverybedy. rrulla and I ancy Groceries of every description, l'rlce and quality epeak ler themtiulvea. Uoedadellveied GEO. WIANT, Ne. 113 West King Struct, lelephene connection. ftUKOlyil AT BUKMK'H. OUTOrillUEETO.NS WFITE GRAPES U'ebaveloltlbree-juarlerel a ten vthlch ate very cheap at loc. pound, aud i pounds for Be. ler the host. WHITE Oil APES are refreshing, and at Ihose prices are within the reach or everyone roll 7IIK TABLE. Try our FINK FUESII COltN or our Unrivalled Evaporated Suirar Cern. Our l'rlde of Main, or Dew Drep, or Paris are very superior brands. OurLVAPOUATEDaUQAil COltN we think hasneeiiual, Pine labia I'eache, a' no riuu California Canned Krull, etc., BURSK'S, NO. 17 WAST KING STRKH1T, LANCAESTEli. TA. N OTHWITHBTANDINO TUAT I'UlIi- adelphla Is the largest manutacturlpir city inuie uniieaniatei, wesnipiarnequaaviuts vi mLLEita beitAX eeAi- thr. PRICES. ivrloen Hint rutmt offeot rBpld snlea. imr iiijeus, J. H. eivi.Ki; A CO. Vi'Dt, PtrSMBBR ; t' Only Peer Days in 1886. AX, NKff YEAR'S PRESLNTS leu wl.h te bts we lll ave ou money In any goeda In our line, st we are rleInif out our entire stock i-'en OASH. JohnS.6ivler&Ue., Ne 6 East Kins Btroet, ANl AS1EII, l'A s TAMM I1KOH A te. CLOSING OUT ! CLOSING OUT ! Stamm Bres, & Ce. -KE- ILO.'lvueWl I UK F.NTIKL IlAI.ANCEOr LllltlSTMAM OOODS.AT Greatly Reduced Prices. IV E HAVE MAM b'pwial Bargains te Offer le Yeu, As our I United amount et room will net permit us te carry JCtnaa Goods ever until Amu neat WHAT WE HAVE. UOL1.A, I'ICIL'IIE HOOKS, 8TOUV BOOKS, fUlAP I100E8, AUTOQIIAPH HOOK" IIUAB9 (IOOIIH. HltA""J IVAQONS, I1HAB3 Tnvl, lilt APS WHISK IIOLDEIIC. IKON lers, I.ADIhS' BATCHELH, lull, EI OASES, Krc. BOSTON STORE. .Vel. SO aud 28 North fjnccn St., LANCA8TEB, l'A. BtlS C KLLAN JCO I7. -g1Il.NN A ItHKNKMAN. HOLIDAY HINTS Many persens waut te inake Lhnslr imul'rcseutfibulde net knew wunt te select ; letusn3ai3t jeti. We have be many useful things. I'er GenUeineu, nn elcgitnt Set of Carvers or n roeU Pocket Knife vv ill be acceptable. I'er Ladles we have Dated Knives, J'erks or Spoeni, ati Klegunt Stund or Library Lamp, Toilet FeU or Werk Uexes, and hutidreds of oilier useful presents. Ter Children we have everything like Express Wagons, Sleds, Volocl Velocl Volecl ix;dcs, Trains of Cars, Mechanical Toys. Many attlcles which we have an ever sleck we are closing outages than cost. CyA8k for Uaigains. FL1NN & BRENEHAN, Ne.,152 North Queen Street, LANCASTia rA, 1 1 t I I W P .. , - s. iXrmn,tf'u?&&.k&Zfa'!i- I- ., .VK3 -"'