KSTEH TZ-mZT'-L'i-JL&iX r. THUlwraS AHiY '9 :t A" i its t .?. s &e E ESL T-rbt. ec- ?' Met V )V n ft M tu.mMM.AMB MCM Attn WAIL TU MAM AW AUMMBMKKT. t J aliaaalaa el BfaetMT Ilenr Abandon Ilia jWl te BtwThTn Bertfat Deaths. A Ren nd Cart Bar Fall Otcr Bank Borough Itrtela. & X j Htg nlar Comipenflcnoo of lyrtLUeiMiii, Columbia, Dec. SO. An attempt bad been made by the clerks employed in tbe buM MM bouts bere te atart an early closing uteremtnt, but they are compelled te Rite aptbe attempt The agreement prcnented by the clerk i te the merchants for their sig natures called for the clealug of the places or bnsmesa every evening except Saturday, at eight o'clock and every month In ths year but December. The committee of clerks met 'with considerable success when the started out, but seen met with discouragement la the shspe of n merchant refusing te sign the agreement. Anether attempt was msde, and the move meve move mentcannewbe said te be a failure en ac count of lour merchants refusing te be parties te the movement. One merchant desires n terfelt of 1100 In ease of non-compliance. Anether merchant wants the stores te close at Op. m, and gives this as his reason for net signing the agreement. Twe ether business men positively refuse te enter into the movement The refusal el these lour merchants makes the attempt el the clerks r.r failure - Death's Uarrttt. A three-year-old son of Harry Dick, living , en Walnut street, above Fourth, died at lte c home yesterday from spurns. The remains wilt be taken te Yerk en Friday morning for -Interment Mrs. Charles Finkablne died en Wednes day at her home en Seuth Filth street, the cause of the death being dropsy. Three children are left orphans. The funeral will take place en Friday aftomeon at 2 o'clock. Bosten Mallen, colored, died at the Lan caster almshouse en Tuesday, used 82 years. The remains were brought te Columbia yes terday, and prepared for burial at the under taking establishment or A. J. Mutser. The funeral will take plice In Marietta en Trlday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Church Officers Elected, A congregational meeting of the Second street Lutheran-church was held lat oven-lmur-yfenThefellowlnE officers were elected : Elders, I a Oberlln and IL F. Yergey , deacons, K. "ewenmer, Harry Westerman, Dr. C. F. Markel and Jehn Sterllne, jr. A Cinder Team Falla Down a Hank. A horse and cart of the Columbia rolling mill were hauling cinder from the mill te the tracks at the feet of Filth street, where a car was being leaded. The bank Is steep at this Elace and the team went down ever It The erse fell te the tracks, with the contents of the cart covering and slightly Injuring him. A Runaway. The team of Levi Maulfalr A Ce. was hauling grain from a car at Second and Mid streets, te their flour mill yesterday afternoon, when the horse became frightened and started te run off. It went ever Second street for a abort distance before the horse was stepped. The wagon was partly leaded and bran was scattered through the street Town Notes. The Yeung Felk's society of the Second street Lutheran church will held a meeting this evening at the houe of Samuel Filbert, en Walnut street Charles Henry, colored, el Marietta, was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct Sqnlre Evans sent him te jail for nve days, umcer wnucis. took him te l,m caster this morning. Milten illshey, clerk for It. K. Williams at the dispatcher's office or the Pennsylvania railroad, has accepted a position en the Hben Hben andeah Valley railroad at Mllees. Edward Bmlth will ml tbe vacant clerkship. S roe jaireiine ail ion a. m. ti. cnurcn Will close en nest Saturday evening. The lce still continues te move slowly en the river. On Tuesday an ice gerge formed In the river below Fert Deposit and the back-water seen flooded the tracks of the Columbia & Pert Deposit railroad. People living along tbe railroad were making preparations te vacate, when the gorge gave way and the danger was ever. The river shore in town contains a let of geed Ice, which is being secured te 1111 pri vate lce-heusea. Nicholas Glllman, engineer of the Colum bia Accommodation train, had his right loot Injured In Philadelphia yesterday atternoen, by a heavy plece of Iren tailing en his feet The toot was bruised in a painful manner. A large plate glass mirror was broken at Fendrlch's cigar Btore by beat from n match box, which had been Ignited. A sleighing party has been arranged t" go te Lancaster te-night Hctaxsje j.vn aratne. A rrtttj Scheme Fer the Future Control el the Alruiueaae. The Sensenig-Strine faction are moving upon the almshouse citadel like an army with banners. The Intelligence!! briefly referred en Wednesday te the scheme for going back te the old srs. tern of having an almshouse superin tendent nnd physician besides, instead 'of an efllcer llke Dr. McCreary who combines real dent physician and almshouse superinten dent in himself. This latter plan ha worked admirably, but the bosses have laid their wires for a restoration of the old system. Ex-SheritTStrlne wants a snag birth for his son Charles, and some young physician with political proclivities will be given the pest of resident physician. Dr. McCreary new gets J800 for his two offices. Of course, this would net Bufllce for the two new officers proposed, and consequently, theceunty treasury would be milked for the additional sum. The scheme, se far as can be loarned, Is te oust Daniel Herr, el Pequea. from the presi dency of the beard and put Jacob H. Strlne n his place. The latter would then have the large power of organizing the committee of the beard. Andrew r.FranU, LevlSensenlg's partner, la te remain treasurer, and Daniel Bensenlir, a son of Levi, Is slated ler secre tary at $210 per annum. When young Strlne gets In, It might be well te call the alms house the Senaenlg-Strlne caravansary. Den llile Knd nay Drewn'. Chauiea .' Frem the Ilarrlaburg 1'atrlet. Since General Beaver arrived here Wed nesday aftornoen his cabinet has been prac tically determined en. benater Cooper will le the secretary of the commonwealth, as has been heretofore stated. It Is new agreed that Judge Mercur, of the state, supreme court, will be appointed attorney general. The judge will resign his seat en the bench and tbe vacancy will be tilled by Bsaver by appeintment He has selected Common Pleas Judge Williams, of Tiega county, for this distinction. Judge Mercur's term is drawing te a close, and he la tee old te hope for .e-tit.uuu iu me uuuen, me lime 01 which Is twenty one years. But Williams believes he could secure the nomination for the full term and Beaver Is disposed te in in tlulge him In his ambition. Arreat of a Fagttlte. Catharine Cunningham entered ball ler her appearance at the November term of the quarter sessions court te answer a chargoef eteallnga lap blanket from Uoergo Killlan, a resident etls'ew street She failed te appear for trial and a bench warrant was iBsueu for her arrest She lett the city a few days be fore court aud office's have been en the look out ler her for some time. Olncer Barnholt located her at Steelton, a few daya age, BDd hesoutthe bench warrant for her arrest te that town. This morning be received a tele gram stating that she had been arrested. The officer went te Steelton ler his prisoner this atternoen. Anether Cremation. This morning Undertaker William Ilea Ilea neck, of Philadelphia, brought te Lancas ter tbe body )f Alenii A. Cling, who died In Philadelphia en Monday last, of consump censump consump lien, in tbe SS'.h year of his age. In accord accerd accord aece with previsions of his will. Mr. CHmi's body was brought te this cdy for the pur pur pese of being cremated, he being a tlrm believer in that mode of disposing of the dead. The cremation took place this alter- n9?P'.. Uw,y em!rey Private, In accerdance with the wish et deceased. In Argument Court. Court la new engaged In hearing argument of eases In the Quarter sessions pnn n '.,. The district attorney this inernlnir entered Ef't-tiolpresses In the following cases : Andrew Si 'Miluuna, neglect nr duty j Fred. Lcercher, ,wllliiK liquor te miners; M. L. Hbeatler, .violating juiuer taw ; inuinas oineaiey and , .JJnJmlu B. Philips, libel. KAJMfcreX pjrr. andrerta of Sportsmen Frvin All Bfclleni Enjoying the Rrtsrt. On Wednesday afternoon a fox hunt took place at Jake Hair's hotel In Wllllamstewn, Paradlse township, and It was one of the largest allalrs of the kind ever held In tbe county. Hair Is a well-known hunter him him seir and when he gets up a chase he knows what he Is doing. All the prominent hunters or the county Including the Heeps, the Hklles, llutlers and euiers were thore In force. Lancaster city was largely represented. Among theso from here wero City Treasurer Myers. Are Keller, Freddy Kngle, Nannie! llltier. Peter Amiuen, O. Kckert, W. K. Heard, and a number of ethera New Helland, Lphrata, Intercourse, and ether places sent represen tatives, whlle atban Howe, Jee llalr and S. S. Worst came from Sprlngvlile, Almest two hundred well-bred bounds participated in the chase. The fox was dropped at 4 o'clock, and thedegs were let go illteeu minutes later. A large number of horsemen also started In pursuit. Keynatd was killed by one of Jake Hair's hounds. The first man at the death was Frank llalr, who was closely followed by II. H. llehrer and W. C. l'rew. As Mr. Bair bad nothing In tbe purse and the ether gentlemen had, they were glvcu the prize. Messrs. llehrer ami 1 row get te the spot entirely by accident as they were en their way home at the time. kale ersiinsa'j stuck Jehn M. lUhlll' Execution Beld te Jehn C. Martin rerelju Creditors In Court. Tbe executions Issued against Alfred Sleber by Jehn M. Bablll were this morning transferred te Jehn C. Martin, he having purchased them. At 10 o'clock the aherirl began selling tbe stock or goods or Sleber and the bidding was lively. A large portion was bought by Thes. B. Helaban, attorney ferSlaber. At 2:30 this afternoon counsel ler ssveral New Yerk and Philadelphia whelessle dealers, from whom Sleber purchased goods, were In court te appear tot their clients In a motion made by the sheriff's solicter, J. Hay Brown. These dealers Bled claims for the stock In the store purchased by Sleber, en the ground that 11 had been fraudulently obtained. The court granted a rule te show cause en the claimants te maintain or relinquish their claim'. The rule was made leteraable en January Stb. Tue goods claimed by these parties will net be sold until alter that date, but all the ether stock will be sold by the sherllf. The false pretensp case against Sleber, which was te have been heard by Alderman Barr at o'clock this afternoon, was continued until next Thursday. Celebratdl Tbelr Gelden Weddlug Henry Davis and wife.residlngatShaeOer's Creek, Huntingdon county, celebrated their golden wedding en Wednesday. Mr. Davis was born at Koherstewn, Ibis county, In 1S1I. He moved te Perry county In 1S31 and alter wards te Huntingdon county, where he is new n Justice of the peace. He was married December .;, 1536, te Miss Catherine Wal heater, et Huntingdon county. The couple have live sons and one daughter, two of the children being S. T. and M. L. Davis, the well known physicians of this city. They have also fifteen living grandchildren. All the children of the old couple wero present at the golden wedding except Henry, who is sick at his home In Huntingdon. The mother was presented with a geld ring and the couple with a purse el geld. A deception te MlM Rachel Sherman, Mrs. Bolten Hall, of Ne. 20 East Torty Terty elshth street New Yerk, gave a large recep tion yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Kachel Sherman, daughter of Gen. William T. Sherman. Assisting In receiving were Mrs. Wllllsm L. Wheelock, a sister-in-law or the hostess, Mm. Berwtnd, Miss Mary McUlm, Miss Tlorence Ueyt, Miss Grace Frazter, Miss Fannle Baboeck, Miss Je'sle Patersen and Miss Julia Henry. The hostess' drcsa was et white Otteman silk embroidered In pearls. Miss Sherman were a white gown and carried a bouquet of roses. The latter ! well known In Lancaster. Wedding Hells. In Trinity Lutheran church this morning, in the presence el the family of the contract ing parties, Mr. Jehn J. Smallng, son of J. K. SmallDg, was married te Miss Louisa B. Leng, daushteref Charles K. Leng, by Bev. Charles I Fry. The happy pair left at once for Muncy, Lycoming county, where the groom has for the past few years been ex ttnaUely engaged as a tailor, having built up there a large trad a The newly-married pair are among tbe most popular of Lancas ter's young people, and the best wishes of all their friends here ai-euinpany them te their new home. hlJ Ueain of a Yeuuc C.lrl Lena Stumpt and Laura Varley, aged II and IS years respectively, living In the vi cinity of Fourteenth and Morgan streets, St Leuis, went te the barn in the rear et Ne. 3, lte Lucas avenue, Wednesday night te see the coachman in charge there. Lna Stumpr and the coachman lett Laura Varley for a few minutes standing by a red-het stove While waiting a large deg bounded Inte the room and knocked her against the stove, setting her clothes en Are. Twe policemen were attracted te the place by her screams and extinguished the tlames, but net before tbe girl bad been fatally burned. She was taken te the hospital and will die. Newspaper Change, A. M. Slade, who has been a reporter en the yen Vra since June 1SSI, severed his connection with that paper en Wednesday, and will leave for Blrmlnghan, Alabama, en Sunday. He has accepted a position en a daily iaper In that city. His place is tem porarily lined by the appointment of Jehn U. WarleL, There are a number or applicants ter the place, and it will be determined in a lew days whther Mr. Warlel will be as as slgned permanently te the position. baddeu Death. Frem tfci. Lebanon Time Mrs. Mary Krelner, residing en North Seventh street, adjoining Strickler's mill en the south side, was found dead at her resi dence en Monday evening at 8 o'clock by a member of the family. She was tbe widow el Wllllau 1'. Krelner, the silversmith, was the mother of fourteen children of which 6 survive, her, -1 daughters and 2 sons. She was aged about a) years and her death Is due te apoplexy. The deceased came In this city with her husband years age from Lancaster. (.erinan Festlral In llaltlmere. The uerman singers are holding a great meeting in Baltimore thl. week. Last night the three days letival began In honor or the fiftieth anniversary el the Baltimore society. A large number el visitors are nresent from New Yerk, Philadelphia, Ileadlbir, Lancaster and ether places. Henry Wolf and William Wehlsen, or the Lancaster .Mm jneicher, are In attendance. le Al'Ue the Tramp NaUame. Kev. V, llliam L. Bull, el Whltferd, Chester county, Is In Lancaster te-dBy in Uie Interest of a proposed act te de away wltli the tramp nuisance. He has prepared w 1th some legal assistance the tlratt et a bill which he thinks will meet tbe difficulty. He saw a number or members or the bar bore, and proposes te see the peer directors of the county. Municipal Llena riled, To-merro is the last day en which muni cipal Hens for unpaid city taxes for 1S86 can be flled. On Wednesday aud te day 67 properties were llened by City Solicitor Car- peutur and the number will be Increased te morrow Weut tVe.t. Miss Addle Lebar, daughter or Jeseph Lebar, of this city, and Mrs. Jehn Warren, of Columbia, lull Lancaster this morning en a trip te Chicago aud ether cities of the WetL Hound te Happen. Frem the Darlington Free Press. Speculations are usually followed by pecu lations. MissCjims L. Sunn, evanpellit, n HI held ser vices lu ibe Duke sVeei M, K cliuich Ibis t'l hurt day) urcnlni; at 7 30 o'clock Ter the Children". Heme. The inanagcis et the Children's HumegTute fully aikuewlcdKO the follealng donations Copy el tbe julrer, two copies of the 6cAoe( Journal, Mr. tiuutzenhauser, rusk, bieud and cukit; Mr. Ulnb, flve peuuds of tea; Mr. Muleck, a toy te each child; Mr. Jultm Leeb, enu dozen wux dells; J. B. U.,baketofe-angnj Mr. aud Mrs B. B. High, basket of cakes and batrelet applet ; Mr.hheeu, picksge et ctndy teiacUchlluiMi.u. M.bwarr,I50rlcturucr, Mrs. Jacob Miller and Mtsa Anna Miller, one half deten dells I Mr. ltrlminer, three baskets et pretzels; Metzgar tires, crackers; Miss K. Sprechcr, bsakrt of cakes. Mil' Lela Zucmid school, apples and eraiiROj Mr VT. C Paulsen, lest cake. Mr. J. Henrice, beef tongues. Ths matron returns herthauki totlie young ladlus who assisted Indrrsstogdelu Sledi teys.candy. etc-, ptirchsscd with the Itt iwlvrd throng! Mrs s Stoeie. t'ret. Mumler, f ih, Will commence his Class for liunuctlen In rashlonable Dancing en Till ICUA, JAM AUY d, 1?7. Allernoeu at 4, for Misses and Masters, and at f o'clock ler Ladle nndUcutlo nndUcutle nien Terms, re feri, lesscus I'auli utars iai t OrcMMd Atiiurmrm. " mat ' (tee; ' Te mtiM Thlt tenliu' the " HUck Creek will be played her by llaker . Moulten's company. The troupe Is Urge, and besides a billet cetps includes a number el wen known and popular specialty people. Aiuen the number are the three Herbert brethers, ac rebsts i t'uncan. ventriloquist, and ethers. The plav will l b ptcduced with new scenery and ap ap iKjlnlments. " Cur Jvmu'ian ' OnSaiurdrv rTenln Wil liam Moete and Miss Helle is Un n ill appear In Lancaster for the second time tun season, In the comedy Of "Our Jonathan." Ihe dude Mud Is a big leature of the show. If It 1 a case of cut or bruUc, or break.er sprain, S&lTallen oil Mil sottle matters ler SS A shipwrecked sailor waiting fir a sail Is tike a business man sitting at he no and uurstu a ceusn or cold Uct Dr. Hull s Leugh Syrup aud becurvJ Jf.trfKl.iUft.'. SkUo-Leo On Thursday mernlnir, 1'i'C. JO. at the altar et Trinity 1 uthcran church, in the pretence of tbe tmintdlate relstivcs, Jehn J bmallnir, of Muncy, t'a (loimeitvel Lancas ten, and Miss Leuis II. Lene, et this ilty e cards , ltd rticxfe-EVis At the l'r''Vtiiiiii M mortal parsonage, .Ne. .9 Seuth yacen sirwt. Lancaster. l'a Pecetrt'cr l"th by the Un Themas Thompson, JeXT tllcUritfel and 3ll LlizleM Kvans It lt usa run. VnsM.-ln this city, en the .-Kb. lust,, Mrs Annie ieuman, wire ei jieury urisumu. The relatives and friends et the Ivjiltyare ru sprctlulty Invited te attend the funeral, freu. the residence of her husband, Ne Ms Wen Ktnk etreet, Mendav morning at S e clock High Mass at St. Mary's church at 4 e cock. Inter ment at St Mary's cemeterv. 3td KirrrMAN Uecemtwr S, 1-' at Lttiir.Lan caster county, l'a. Miss 1Ottle KautTn au, tfedayears, 11 months and lldiys The relatives and Wends of the family art respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of hr parents at Lttm en Saturday mernlnc at 10 e clock ServKcs at the Mera vim church BRCei-r. InCeleraln. en the '.h Inst.. Den nis Ilrcgan. In the SMh year of his ae. The relatives and friends are respectfully In vited te attend his funeral from his Inte rest dence, en Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Te preceed te Catharine cemeterr, Drameie town ship, for interment. Std 21AHKKT1I. 1'hlUdelphla Produce Market. rHtuntrni.i, Dec SO. Heur market 13 utet , sales.i") barrels , Minnesota lUker. M Offll TJ . Pennsylvania Familv, u TfcjJ pn , tVtttm de, ti 0:J150 , Patents, 11 tc23 -. ltye fieur, M it Wheat Dec, &V -'an, c ieb,;3li4e Match. 9SVJ Cern Dec IV Jan., lie ; ret-, ll'.e.; March, eau Pec, 3c . Jan , 3 V- l"eh. '" March, !-4c. ew Xerk Market. JJfv Tork. Dee. 80 rieur market tcadv Fine, II MJS 1: Superfine, I! Jfi SJ. common te ecl extra w etrrn, 13 1083 Je , joed terancy exira State, I.KifiSl.V Wheal Ne. 1 Ked t-tate. BtVic i Ne 5 de, Sl.Wc 1 .se. 1 Bed, winter. Jan ui Ac . i ,-b.. .'e Lern Ne. 2 mixed cajb, 47c,de Dec, c de Jan, 7?;e ; Kcb , 43e. Oata Ne 1 White state, 40c . Ne 1 de, '.4e , S J mixed 'an.Mc. Uye dull . w eeurn, yJ"e ; State, !'SOWi, Hulevnemlnal. rerk dull 1 new mc, 111 crlt "c Lard-Jan. HTJ reb.UEl MnlHesdullat! for Wleat Turpentine firm at Sfi.a, llwin quif t strained te geed, I. uMSIl ; Tetreleum dull , KeUned, In cacs. 60. llutter dull ; Western Creamery, MffSc , awte, 27832e Cheee dull. Western l'lat,i:ll2tc, state fao fae fao tery, 10iiUic (Rgsdnll: State, SlflJJc We-tern, Cifftec. Sngar steady , UeSned culienl, .c eraun-law-d. 5 11 lH;e. Tallew steady , Prime City. Ic. rretghta dull , eraln te Londen, i,sit Ulcn Jull . Carolina, fair te Reed, S4'-- Leffeedtill, but firm; latrcargeis, l(ir. Chicago I'rcrluce Market. Cnt(.a I). i J., 00a. m. Mart et opened Wheat-Dec., Trc . Jan., ;?v,e ; tVb 7Ue . Miv.f'j Cern Dec, s;vc . Jan., Jr4c, May, 43c Oats Dec , Sf-'.e, Jan., Cf ,c , May, Sf-.e. fork-Dec, 111 i , Jan , 111 3 May, 112 40. Lmrd Dec, M 15 . Jan , 16 Teb., ti ilk ; May, ii Tfi-S 77H" Short Ulb .lan , 3 TS . Feb , M Marsh, 16 e;,S- Keb , STc , rob , Vi,c , reb.Jl! X. 15 r, . Mar, cxceisa. l1tc Jan , W heat Dec . TM.'e : Mav. fa'.e. v4c , Feu, Keb , t'a j corn Dec, TVe; Jan , 3 ";u Mav. 43Wc Oats Dec , 'ic . Jan., Kc Keh . W-.Cs.Kc May, Sl.e rork-Dee,li:a), Jan, IllKH ; Feb.; II! C',' May.llSTiK Lard Dec, K M , Jan , M S.'k , Fbli , K r, May.werx Blb-Jan , K MK; Teb I.S : Mar. h, . May, l r nraln anrl ProTlflen rurnlsbed by S. K. Ynndt, llreker. Cbicaoe, Dec a, locleckp in W heal. Cern. Oits. l'erk, Lnrd. Decemter .. . Ti 3T . .. . January 7"K X'-i -"i U (7 vi February. ... 7 s;. . . 1: j , jA March n; ' " ..- May H.S 4J St'4 U 47 fc 9 UecclpU tar Lets. Winter Wheat 1 SprlnifWheat r; Cern 1 ! Oats ; Rye Ilarley i, Oil City. Crude Oil i-i llej.il Receipts Ilega :')) Clesln? Prlce-i o'clock p. in Wheat, Cem. Oats. I'erk. Laid. December 7S'( 37VJ 3?i 1' Ji rvi January 7si S'X 12 5J h w February ... 7JJJ : S II 3", t 01 Mareh. . s-',4 May fc2 OH 3, a u 70 Oil oil City. CrudeOll , Live Stock Staikei. Chioaeo, Dec The Drettrf J i.mn ic perta Cattle Ueci'ipu, 8,ijju huad , shlpinum, 3,UJi market and price was about ateady shipping swers, 930 te I'M) as., II Wj 15 . stock era and fwders, t- 10J3 60 1 cows, bulls aud mixed, II JjCJM, bulk, IJKffi JJ j .exucatt.e Ii i'.UJ 10. liens ltcccipta, l,0n)head' shipments, ;,rje head , market urenu : 310e higher ; reuxh mid inlxud, l30uQltu, packing and shlpplnx, II Hi J 4 te 1 llsht- H 7f 84 4i . skips, J i J03J 70 bheep Becelpta, HJ) head 1 shlnmenU. I xC head i market actlve , natives, 11 jgfts 00 ; West. ern,r;70QIS)i Texana.fJSJ W; Umbj, n oeo 6 CJ0. Kast Libirtv. Cattle-Ileceipu, cvj heicl shipments, 339 head , market Hun i.llnii!, II -a Seu, I.lrte KOOd, SI 23I4 Je; fcleij, MieailXi , Yerken.flftJSS; feeders, 13 JOflj 73 thlpmenU leNew l'era, 1J carloads Hogs Kecelpts, s.toe head , fhlpments, 2e head 1 market firm; Philadelphia, l Kfjt a , erkera, Il3t'fl 40, common 10 light, l 1QI .11 ; ahlpmenta te iew yerk, icurlead.. Sfieep-ltecelpn, l.bOO heads ahtpmenu, iC0 : market firm s prime. l i (J8 , lair te l-.xkI. 13 wa 4 St, common, IJW8J; lambs, llfl"flV Leral Stecut mill lleucl. HepertcdbyJ.il. Leng. Par lu't ..Iiih. Hhle. LaneHsierpt'i tout , ll ,i iej " ; ' 15 . ;,u 11 4 " school lean jut pe " 4 " lnler)er im n4 4 " ln(lerjsra pm hj a " 4 lulOorieytaii, pe 1 Munnelmlloieut'h lean j,.j r bam siucxs First National Hank jm n Farmer,,' .National Uuk ... . &j 113 Fulton National Hank ni ju)."3 Ljincaster County National bank M j 1 3 Columbia National liank lit) l.Vi ;hrlstlana National llrnk li 113 KphrataNatK.nal itank 10a 1, First National Bank Columbia... . iw a Urst National llauk,btrasbur loe 1. , First National Hank, Marietta 10 'Jli.v, Flint National Hank, ML Jey ii ltii Lltltz National llauk iui iii Manhelm National Hank jki M onion National Hank. Jleunl Jey .. M iw New Helland National Hank 10 ISO) (lap National Itank ., p,) pu Quairyvllle National Hank 101 j;i Kllzabethtewn oatleiial llaiik..., im Jin Northern National Hank im 137 TCKrjKS STOCKS HlKSprlnK A Heaver Valley m liildKctierl A Horbeshen uv .1,1 Columbia A Chestnut Hill u CelumbllA WaablUKteii 10 -Villi Conesteaa A IllKftpnne j3 91 Columbia A Marietta ii vj Mavtewn ailzabeiblewu ?,, u LaneatterA Kphrata va 41 Lancaster A Willow Street n um HtrH.buiK A Millport 21 Marietta A Maytewu . w) ainrletUt A Mount Jey a Xii) Lane., Elliauethtewh ft Mlddletawn. lue ;u' New wetm ttecke. Nw Yenn, Dec JO.ll p- in. Meney teanid at from 4 te 0 per cenL K hange ateady at 4 0(l I "IK- Uovernmenlt tteaV Currency B's, II at bid I 4's Coup, tl r?-'i bid F'S's de, II U't bid The stock uiaiket ep'-jll strong audacthe, with Ktchmend and " 1'elul leimlualthe feature, UurlnR the nm Ii w tmnsactlens ptlfes aJMinced V4 te , iir com., the lattei InlWtat Point The adnnce caused sems feillnuand a traction, but near XI e'clei k en reuewrd bitvlrc of West Point, Jersey Cential. New tetk A New Knlandand ticadlnir, pit. rs took nnettiet up ward tutn, and at the piestut wililnn the best flituivstt the 11101 nlng are, uiieul "lla' advaute ranses fivm t te 3 per cent. Mteik star Quotations by Heed, Mci Liucaster, l'a. KIW MR ttsr Canada I'aciae C. C. C.AI nets. irnnn A Ce, bankeis 111 H r. m 4IJ siv, N.s. ..IVJ ptiw ll4 coieraiioccu.,.. Centnil 1'ue Canada SeuthtMii Chi. St I.. A I'uh Den. A l!le U .., Del. L. A W Krte Krte, Huda Jer C K A T Leu. A N I. short, Mich. Leu Missouri l'actfle N. V N. I', l'ret N. West v y. 11 4 4 " SI'S ui ;.""" ' 13.1 in '."'.'.'.'.!.. sis ! Sl4 Si l, ', 01 W Ft 10'S 107 J' HIS l,vt HP I" S I- 47"? 1? atlen .. mt, " i", i 4.M. 4 "..'.". . "sav !" i-?4 ll .. . en, sis, 41 - S TlW T'S 1 A tlsr h"4 b't 4s tH , i; 13-11 lsji 9,1 M S.. l Kast Tennessee C... IO a i:v "vs 1S1W ml :i b'4', ilij 1 3-lB 30 SI OreKOii Transportation l'aclflc Malt , Hech. A 1 SL Paul Tex I'ae L'nlen I'ae Wabash 4'em W abash l'rel 3V intern U West Shero Hends ruiLAbxtrnu lh. al , H.N. 1.A I'hlla.. l'a. It It- Ueidln Ich Nav llestenv. Pass !'... K N font Peeples l'ass. Uds. Uen'U... Oil 8fS 1.-4, -ViVtr ad rxKTisKuryis. TJAK1SQ row u int. ROYA BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. TH1B powder never vaties. A marvel of purity, etrencm and whoiesemenes. Slore economical than the ordinary kluds, and cannot be sold in competiuen wlthiaetnuitltudeef low test, short weight, alum or phesphatx pewjers. Sold only in cam KuTal lUaixi IVwuiace li, all Street, New Yerk. may;? lydA w WANT ED-TWO KIKT CLASS SALES JlhN , aalar) geud 1 j jtouieattho Bosten st-re. ltd STAMM UitOS A te TJIOK RKNT THIRD AND FOURTH XJ Flairs of Hlrsh A Urether s Uutldluc. Nes. fi and S North Queen slret, noweccupiod by Thes. Cummlngs as a arst-eiajs photograph gallery. W1U be rented fer a tenn of jears. nI7-tldlt U1KSH A HUOTUEKS. LORAL COLOGNES. MO LET AND Flcrlda Water, Toilet Fttracts and Sachet l'nwden. HalrHrushes, Leu,l' aud ether Toilet rtvitjltes, at HL'BLET DBVO STOKE, 36 Hcst h leg Street. FOR RLNT THE H ERV STAIILK In the learel the Clt Hetel ismrm MIIS E. KEEir, d3S-3td Ne 110 Hast Chestnut strtet- VTOTlCn ALL, INTEREST l Ue' ON J-s the moriRage bends of the Lancaster Watch Company will be raid et the tanners' National Hank, of Lancaster, en aud alter Jan uary I, ISS7 d30-3td FARMERS' WESTERN MARKET CO. -a- Annual mecung or sTrinn.aBrs xnoan xnean nual mecttns; el the eto'k.'.e aersef this com- inn ey will be heldatthe extern Market Heuse TUESDAY, J aNUAKY 11, ,&7, at 10a. hi , for en T the eloetton of directors, dli JtdA.'tw V. O. MiBMIALL, SccrcLarv T ANCASTER M-ENNFRCUOR. J -J The semi-annual meetmz and election of officers e( Uie I ancaster Mnnnercher will take place en THUHSDAY 11EM.HU, DL CKlItSCUil.at Mronnerctei Hall. Memberjare rcspeciullv Invited te attend It HENBY SCHMIDT, Secretary. -VTOTIcrc AN ELECTION FOR TEN X Directors and three Auditors of the Maner Mutual Fire Insurance Ceuipanv, of Lancaster county, will be held at Hrenemau's Hetel, Man r township, en Tuesday, January I, las?, lelw.Gn the hour-of oneand fonreViotk p m JOUN K. LANDIs, President M. D. KtDIU, Secreurv dO-ltd HEAVY INVOICES (l Ol'lt OOODS are shipped te the lare clils, from w here they llnd tbelr way te all pans et the clvliu-d world. Wcrotheynetwortv or patrenaire, this would net be the case MIL-F.lis BOUA.X fcOAf 1 stalls at 6c. PUBLIC SALE ON I RID.VY, DECEM BLK31,l?stI, will be sold at Ne 16 Kast Vine street, the entile let of Household and Kitchen Furniture, et the late Careline Belter, deceased. Kale te commence at 1 e clock p. m. J onus will be tnadu known by J. HAY UftOWN, Administrator II SnrainT, Auctioneer. dJtd TURNPIKE ELECTION. An election ler president, tt-n directors and a treasurer of the Laneaster, Kllzabethtnwn i. Mlddlotewu turnpike company will beheld en MONDAY, JANUABY 3, 17, between the hours et 11 o'clock In the forenoon and 13 o'clock neon, at the hotel el J. H. Shelly, in the borough el Mount Jey. ClIA K l.ONU, decj ItwAJldTh Secretary- Ql nClCl KKWAUD. JJlJ KJKJ Fer any cae of nidney Trou bles, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Weakness that BOTANIC NEKVE BUTE1W falls toeuro. Sold by druKKlsts.w cents. HEItll MED. CO., Ne. 15 N. llth St. I'hlla. Pa f Circulars free. nevrs-iypwLw jlp' CELERRATED Culmbacher Beer Will be en tap at my Saleen and thosnel my cuitemers TU ilOUKOW, HA11UUAT Red MONDAt. dJOJtd F. A. RIEKER. r-lO TO aLEElM" Jl If you can't sleep at nl hi en ai count of your Cough try Ooeriran'B Cough Oure. If the children aralreubled with a tickllngin their threats Klve thorn Cechran'a Ceuh Cuiw -a sare remedy for all threat trouble, coughs, colds, aere threat, hearancss, and all bronchial affections yield te Ita curing power. Every hot het hot tle Kuaranteed. Only 150. per bottle Manufac tured Hnd ter uale by H. D. OOOHRAN, Druggist, Nes. 137 A IS) North Queen SL. lAncaater, l'a, I se cechmu's HtrenKthenlnK Plaster. mayS-lyt-edlt TTIIRST GRAND bOCIAL HOI' METROPOLITAN RINK! COLUMBIA. irON NEW YKAR'fl VK.- Als-i an oxhlbltlen by FHANK KKNSKHY and JO-: MeNElL, the Greatest Duteh and Irish Comedians admission, a Cents. Ladles with Invita tions admitted free. It rpOHACCO UUTTINt.H, HORAI'S, HIKT-J- 1NUS AND 1MCKE1W WASTE, l)ry and Clean, bought ler caah. J.S. MIIL1NH, Ne. tn I'tmrl BlibuL Nuw Yerk. Lelui-unce rred. bchatte, Na 313 Pearl stroet, 7tw )n,s fehll-lvd rpliRRORS Ol' THIS DUNTAL, CHAIR X HISAHMKH, Teeth extracted by the use el oleetrtolty per fectly sale and harmless. My $iOU Teeth are main, or the best material that I can purchase, ruling lectha specialty. All work guaranteed. W. .. riSHEB, Dentist, apr7 1yd Ne, m North Queen 8t .VtV ADrjCRTISKUMNnt. -1 aceh r. 8iu:.rKKH'8 PURE RYE WHISKY, III Kl S1KF.1 1 1.10,1 OK 81UKE. Iiun; ldll HAVANA I IUAHH. A full stock et Choice Cleat I lller Havana I'Uars el my taorlte brands Hi boaes, aultable fui Holiday I'msenta, at MAKKl.BY'S 'Mellow lrml," Ne.il Neithgueeustrvut. ( fouueily llattutan'a.) Ih.VT.Vli "i:HiTo"lfsAllireK'rKNM A l)fi ' In the household by buylnit an linpute ar ticle bi-cause Ills cheap, and thn lvsull tssktn diseases or badly crweked hands, l'rnventall this by tniylmr Mll.LKH .1 1IUKA. SOAI', Beld csery where ni ts. I3sASTrKN MATtKirFH()l'f4"r: ClT" U Annual meeting el Btockheldera. The an nual mretliiK of stockholders et this company will he h"ld at Ne Iks Kat Mnn street, Ien TULSDaY, JaSI. Ala 11, !?;, at 10 o'clock a. lu , for the election el directors, dec'fxwd.tltw ALLAN A IIKllll.Bec T71.VLL OOODS All the Lnleat Novelties tn FINE Mil, LI- NKIlt at WKlKKL'fl Mtl.Lt.NKUTSTOItK, OMindlt Ne. ss North gtieen stteeL T UK UUtShT Is tbe flUMt made, II U a bottle, old iijii Mliijir, ; a ijuart. Trv our year Mil,kU-StiMI prices HOIlttKll'S I.IUUOU 8TOUK, Ne ?J Centre Sutiare, Uiucuster, l'a. COME M.VNUFACTLRERS MAKE O soap for the tellei, bath, laundry n A Li in iiuiri. until. isuiiiiiv taiiti kiiCDOii. put we mnun ii nun j;urarm it, 111 aeRii uininnyomer wui ae aiili.&usuiniaa 80 A P T?0 SAUh, A GOOD FAMILY HORSE, troop, ijulet and Se md Alse a Set of Harness and I.lsht OK'in.a nea HefiUemtei, OtEie Desk and sale APPLY AT Ne. M5 NOUTO QUE3EN STREET. il.'l lwd niUI.ION I'IMR V HOI M-. SATDRUAY, JANUAUY 1, 1000. MOORE f VIVIAN'S GREAT COMPANY. OtlOl K I. V UHlN't. ' " OX I '(. K-NCltRA.MlNl) l"OCI.OCK-i ELLlNe ' OUR JONATHAN 1 lte Best aud i uuntest Musical Comedy Ytei Written UM. lYankee Miier.F, The runniest Man In thn eMd. and the Charm lu seubrette, HKl.l.E l ian, auppeiied by a StreuR Company. Tejpther with out eiiier-rened Orchestra and The Kreatesl hit In years, the LA-HA-HA DVDK MK ASS H VN D ' Parades dallv at neon. Deu't tvlss It. The beat Band for the number el pieces in ih nerliV A standing challenge of IP'.fts) te pre! uce their ee.ua! se-IMllcLs , A WCLN19 detKSld yltY, NO' It Used Te, But It's Different New I Trade des net end vrltn ChrUltnai by any means. NelwltnstandlnK the fact that our Holiday Trade has bf en an unprecedented one, ou' suiwire stock el reur-ln-Hand and ether style Neckties, silk Mufflers, Handkerch'els, Husrenaera, (.leres, cellars, Cuds, Camel llalr rndcrirear and Half Hese, Shirts, ClRat Cases, rocket Beeks, sleiive Dutteua, c, luis been le penlsbed, suitable for RETURN GIFTS. Br "nr Trtcea Lew ns the LewpM Jm (he sani' gw-le of kS!. E.J. ERISNAN, NO. r WEST KINO STREET, I.A3C ASTEIt. F UN' ITS'1 Fl'N ' -AT- LANCASTER RINK 1 Te-Night And All Week, lExcert Frldsy NlghLl rill OlvOTKSyl'E COMEDIAN', thank; Kennedy & McNeill I JOB- In their Eccsntrle Sivclslty. entitled " THAT S Till. LA-1 Skating until 0 e clock, and Dsnclns 01 one hour alter performance- ADMISSION, 10 OENTS e-MATI.N AK HALL,, e-MATINEE ON 8A rURDAT -sis s2t lydn ' WinETwisT ' AND " IllONtLAI' Tlicse will astenisli teii itlike with good ness find low prices. Strictly all-wool goods , deiendiib!e as keystones well-set for workmanship , and wear in them well night Incredible. Wire Twist-' fcults, H. " Wire Twist " Ovcrceata.JU. "IrencLid " Suits, 512. Ironclad " Overcoats M We have done seme close Oguring i it past years te give cti3temer3 extra value for their money ; nothing we have ever offered gees ahead of them. Wanamakkh A. Uhewn, Oak Hall, SUL'IUEASI COHNKH tjIXllI AND ilAH- m:t Stf., I'llILAHKH'IUA. -r UANHMAN A HltO, L, Gansman & Bre., COIl, NOlUH (Jb'K.EN A UH..-iUr.BlS , Offrr HlKer HirrfBlus than eiei before lu Mcii's, Ilejs' ami Clillilien's SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Hulher than pack theae aoeds and curry them eyer uutll next acaseu we eiler this wuek the itreatest barualns ever placed borere the public. Men's ovcrceuts, All wool Ceaslmere, leduced Jlen's rinolleaver Overcoats rednced te IS dt Men'e iue Chinchilla Oveiceata leiluced te Kxtra line Bilk faced Overcoat reduced te ''children' Ovorceata at 11.13, 11.50. tiW and UMVa?i5Su efhey material at Me and im Iirria I'antsat $1 9. Sl.ui. II W, tl Wand IJ t(J. chlidren'a Knee l'anw at lie. r Uememljer naine and plate, aa these (reeds must go aud no reasonable offer nlll be relued. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MCUCI1AMT TAILOH3. Manufactuitrs of Men's, Heys' and Children'! Clothing, S. W. Oer. N. Queen & Orange St., ijs.N'CAvrcn, i'a A lTi:K rilltlBTMAS HAH0A1NH. Surprising -IN 1GL0AKSI Wraps, Jaokets, Plush Garments and Children's Coats. EVERYTMINa OHEATLY REDUCED. Nole ibis Hal et Uendeiful Inducements let tlinsn who lnvi been antlclratliK "AflKIt C1IUIS1MA3 HAltUAINS.' He mean tOKtatlly and astenlah you bejend JetirRiealest etrecta liens Nt.7A-KXCKLl.hNT LAH1I S JALRK1H l.oe-CIIILHUKN'S COA1S Best Herlln Twill. U.ioe-MISSKS' NI.W.M AUK ET -Tailor Made. An I ItilVH'NlfUMlllUltlS. I.Vtt-HKST DIAHONAI. I.. Villi V NKIVMAU ! Kl ru fetlect rittitiiJ Asirnkati leiiar mid Cutis Imported Wraps at Half Price. A GENUINE FEAST FOR BARGAIN SEEKERS ATI NEW CLOAK STORE, JOSEPH L. 136-138 North Queen St. -Oiders by Mall nlll ttuietie. AA'IV AU I KHTtSLWtLXTN. FOK HKNT-THi: MIIKKlMAt lHU'Si: and part et thn PtaMtiiff (.all'en u nil dnatd.Utw 11KOKHK OKOSSMAN. XN THL, HTATT. ( Ur I'KNNS'i l.V A N 1 A there are W.I I0.roe aerosol ftreund.and tnc IMS. when our works nere established, there has been mera than four tlmea that many pounds el se p made. M1LLEK'.- HOUA. B O A I TT OKHUAHT, " Fine Tailoring. A Full and Complcte ateck et Imported an Homeetle Suiting and Ovoreontlnp; rer the rail Trade new ready te select Hum. Call early te secure Heat Styles. H. GERHART, Ne. ON.yUKKN at.. Oproalte the l'nsterr.ie XT"T M3CKSN A U YbTt)M.OW US- .1 act dlriotlena te u' tain a rican Kanneut, utuie plain water and Mll.LEK-s; HUHAX SOA1'. ADISCOL'NT Al.L,OWr.t) Te all charitable, poraena tmylng Holiday l'reieuta for the Peer aud Needy Wobavet selul (loeda that will be very much appreciated by Men, Women andthlidieu who areoutefempIoMiieul. who would need t'nder wear, Shirts, l'auts, atecklnira, (llevra, Hand kerchlefa, Buapendera, and Maple ChmIs aultd for the season. Uae tbe I. X L. I'ellah f jr clean tnR your silverware, Ac Ker sale AT HKt IITOLH S Ne 31 North Wueen Street - BlKIl 01 100 Dig slOCkinh. "a H. KONKNSTlilN7 A BARGAIN. t)n Ins te the close of the Kali aud Winter ea. aen, I Ilati, purchased tme mere ptece of these eli ant Heavy Dark 111 no Kngtlsh Cheviots, at a reduced orlee. They were our beat teller, and aeld at aTA-CO, and have reduced them te tbe low flarure of rcsoe. .Made and trimmed elcganUy, and above all, a perfect nt. A. IL UOSENsTKlN, r'tne Tailoring, IT! North Unwn iL "PVKKY I.ADY eilOULK Mftll riiK Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DEOHMBEU 7tb te lUh( At th SMesteunifl of Wheeler & Wilsen Mf'g (Je., f 5 ael'Tll QUEEN 8TKKF.I, Umjii, I'a. -Oieu Eveulnga dllfd lUTIMUCKS ' OUT PRICES AT CLARKE'S. IIC'T ytALlTY I1ITK OHAPK", 10c. a I'eunil Or' bTOCK ONLTbe. a Pound lan Ueien Nice Oranges Mr e One Dezen flenda Oranirts fur .U . I en ceulKxtraramlly Cracketa ter'.c Heat Kronen 1'eas, le acan Ne ateru In thl town can ahe you a betti Viallty el FLOUR llian we ate selling at the most icAsennble pi Ices Oic, Sic , 03c and hoc aiuartet lryanyel thn abeyu and you will be pleactd Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere, NO. S3 WEST KINO 8TIUCET. -Telephone.. c LKAItlNd HALK. (ire.il Clearing Sale ! FK E VIOL'S TO IN VKNTOKY -AT THE- New Yerk Stere, KI.U.S ANTS AND OIUJ L'JI'S or Dreea Goods, MuslirJB, Onlicoes, Flannels, AT yUIOL SLLL1NO I'lllCES 1111. IIALANCI. 01 OL'K BTOCKOI 6HRISTMAS GOODS, Ftrap Beeks, Aalezriph Doeki, PICTURE & STORY BOOKS, TOYS, DOLLS, (JAMES AND I1KASS GOODS, At On Hall Usual lUi'ull 1'ipr BLANKETS.-BLANKETS. I pnntdael l.oe rails Whlle and Colerod Blankets Alices than coat of Manufactuie. ATT & SHAHD, 0. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCAUTtlt, I'A. Reductions s.lOO-I'LAIN BKItUN TWILL NKVIMill K 1.1 .1 3.00-M.NH.sT aLL-WOOI. IIOl'ULK N1W MAIIKM.1 SSO-Sltl'Kllll ALL WOOL IIKAVLIt NEW MAKKKT1. M.tne-HH.H ASl MMCA.N JACKKTS. ' ainoe-sKAL I'Lfall WltAI'H-tntlu Lined, UK- RAU & CO., Open Kvcry Evening. l'lumptnnd Careful Attention -fc a Air .tn rKiiTJSMtKXTx. Coei'Eii uerHi: reu iiknt. The cooper Heuse, one half autiaia from Centre Squat n and ()wra Heuse, and near 1,0th tnllrOAddeieU. Thla la unn of the larMeat and liest house-. In the eliy. Large tale aud Lt ehansn stallcj, nil flistclasa I c-'fljlen en April 1st WM. t.ceni'KK rj." , H. UMBRELLAS Mnde te Order, Re-Oovered or Repaired nt Short Netice. f THE MANUFACTURERS. R. B. &H., iVK. u K.l.s' K1SO STREET, LANCASTt.ll. I'A. J H. MA Kl IN .1 CO. I II IMMhNIK LINE Of TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS, - NII- FANCY GOODS, Aitr. miiAi MAiikitii i)uvn ie rrticts lO CLOSE HUM cut Call niul Jmlge ter Yourself. Artistic China, Glass, Porcelain, &c. INB HKTIS-Mt Wuie fllasaes, lira's Tray V and Mettle, KM tvAiEit iKTie-with hum n.), 1WI19K1 BLIlS-IVIIh llrnss Trar,"!. LEMONAHK xBTf-Wlih lire.. Tray, fe. lmmcnEe Line of Fancy Lamps. Noveltlcn In Urnes Qoetln nt Oent te CloeeOtit. OL1M! WHUl) NOVrLTIKH, AHl KMUIIUt IIKKV, CUItrAIN!, 1'Jl.hH, Ac. AN IMMENSE LINK Or USEFUL GOODS IN ALL DKl'AKIMENIH. J. B. iM art i n Ce.'s, Cor. Wist King & Trlaw Stu., LANCASTKIL I'A. AXIVHKUBNT. TflL'LTON UIT.KA HOUHK KniDAY, DEIOHMDHU 31, 1000. IE, EDWIN BOOTH HAMLET. Huiier(cd ItyllisK.vcelIenl C'eiiimny. RESBRVBD 8BAT3. i'auui r.iif.. . .... I'AHUIIKi-l'B CIltCLE HtLCONV .. 3 00 .. ai.sn I nn HtJSl .Wf.w" AlrSale open Monday. December :7th, at co a, tu. dji eta -giuireN ei'uua iieuai: THURSDAY, DBOBMDBn 30. Only HtiiothUanaaen.-'lly apeclal eneanetnenl HU th Klrally Hieh , the Original bpectacular "BLACK CROOK" . . . i .11 Ha nnmnlnluai ai n . .1 ecenury poluteauy uthiuj""!!."! iu. ie carloads of acenerv, U3 dramatic, panletiilmtv and specially artlala Atilple ualiut, S4 com cem com plceo and eupcrli bcvnci. burpaablUB ecenlc a gorgeous, beautiful and brilliant tmnefot tmnefet matlun A dream of fairyland tnade a llvlnir ru ultly. Tbe (Jruat Japutieae Ilullet. Unuulltul und abapely (jlrla In Atnazentan inarches, ar rayed lu oeatly and burnished annern. a pre duutlnn thoinaKnldcencoof whlrhla liupeH.ihle intnaKnlfy Don't lull te Ret theru. Mocltem & Haksr, l'roprletora. Kcrva Bomer Bemer nr, Mannie'. l'HIui;-yn,ae ami ;,1 Cents, reccure testa iies at Upcra Heme ufllre. d:?-ttd immkfflfefam ''$ V&Ht- .,1'-rt vfra.friii.inn,h .t., tltiiDM$PySai' -- '- - a - - KSiti '-"irirTihi ttumtrvmri-r-f- fZti-w.K". 3 &.A mi rmmm iMfflt