.s-i. 1 i . "--ii. .I S, tl cr es. tw ira Sfj :sj iei m , tin: v KraaT eat in ran tbab Wxrutay Jfesfpftd.) a wm. m poll am a tiAn, rirrr inm DLlTllDlTt;iBIllIMlLl- in all ADJemma rucss. iumi-l nil. IIBIHAL OOmlUIOR ALLOWED TO AOiimt. TSt-ireexa oehkictiok. r advertising hates : . Kin.! liii. afnTsTn.1 In.l Bin. ja'a nm 1 ftsi'ft ft (mJ J t iiur I 401 7NI 1 fin I I I S en I J7ti we Days llM ISO 1 IS, s 44T. MB en 750 OKI 8 45 7 GO 8 40 8 50 1050 IS 50 16 50 1700 2050 son 14 U) 27 00 31 W si en a? oe 44 W 621') MOO l aree vayi,.. Bar I) at iu.... ("0 101) 110 800 K SCO 100 516 6W lire Day 2 311 w tiwk 10 Weeks... ia. 4M 750 low aw 10 BO 4 M Bill1 r wmIii, aw 15 50 16 00 SeMentn.... e Mentlii.i me Months J be 601) son 7 0) low 11W 17TO MOO 12 OU MX Months.....! BO) 15 re jsoel raw mini hee oeoJmoo en m nn iv. tywna Tear. The Weekly Intelligencer S&PUBUJHCD CvtRY WEDfiCSDAY MOKNINB. H,ATAimi.OOFOii8imeKTni. elms or Tin, i" .oe, add a oerr mi te mmeks emttih.. it POicioiiciTDitevrrABTi'Tni ffTATi ad ceBWTar. all akohtmei- i.ttsei J TTILL M COS!D TO IH WASTS A8KT. fAaartu all Lmrt ana a cirprumi is the nrrBLuasNOBn, Ss'lntelllKncerBatiain(t Ltncaster, l'a. Stljc Lancaster intelligence LANCASTER DKCKMKKU80, 1SS6. Keep the TrncJ.. Sir. l'ewdcrly has lately written ii letter in which lie. declares that he will net again address a political meeting while he is the head of the Knights or Laber. He has reached this determination because he finds that he cauuet sever himself from his oil. clal position se as te speak asan individual . as he undertook te de in t lie llenrv l.eerge canvassJn-Xw Yerk. Sir. l'ew deny gees into a long explana tion of vhy he spoke for tieerge ; he claims, among ether things, that te have failed te speak for him would hac seetned te be a desertion of the working men ele inent, which Geerge claimed te represent. and which would lu e been subject te rid rid Jculeif he had polled an inconsiderable vote. ilr. Pewderl'5 explanation is net satis factory or logical. He cannot defend his fACtive support of Geerge as in harmony with his present position that it is inexpe dient for him, as the he.id of his order, te make political addresses. The Geerge movement was a political one, and if it was a mevemeut of the Knights of Laber it was proper for the head of theKuights ie sustain it. Hut it would make Hip Knights a political organization, te identif it with the Geerge canvass, and this is what Mr. l'ew derly says it is net. His ex planation that he supported Geerge simply as an individual, acquits the Knights of re sponsibility for hi3 action ; and hi3 resolu tion never te de the like again rehei es the order from the danger of again being mis understood. Sir. Tewderly made a mis talfe.'in speaking for Geerge, as he practi cally confesses; and it would liaebeen better te say be explicitly. Sir. rewderlj'sdlfliculty.iba le.idti seeia te be te keep ou the track. "When he takes time for reflection he thinks right and Bpeaks right ; but he seems te be impulsive and te be moved away fiem his moorings en provocation. He has gien utterance te opinions which have delighted the mtel ligtnt sentiment of the cettntrv, and made it glad that tholabet element was se widely lid. lie gives abundaut geed ad ice te his league . and is decided and 11 rm in hisdeahng With it. "What he netd is te .ihv.ivs take time te think befoie he acts, Uiithia ac tion may be sure te correspond te ins con viction. He made a very great mistake in dipping se suddenly and ielently into politics as he did w hen lie spoke for Geerge, in direct contradiction of his previous declarations against the advisability of the Knights taking siJc3 in politics ; and a let ter written by him several years age te a Knight of Laber m Xevv Yeik cHy, and new published shows that he did net then, and prcsumablj does net new, have any sympathy with the bedalistic element which cuppeited Geerge te a man, though it Is true that Gcoige does net support its advanced ideas. Mr. l'ewdeilv, however, has found lumsulL siijtainuig a candi date who wa3 likewise sustained by men whom he basdeneunced as ' creatures who stand up as champions of labei m the pres ence of thousands of unthinking men and advocate theknifeaud bu!let,",tnd " ll mnt the red flag, 'i hey are tee de te respect , and tee cowardly te upheld the American flag, sanctified by the bleed of patriots. They disgrace it eveiy time thty go te the polls and vote for monopoly and usun. They aionet te be trusted for leaders." That, is the way Mr. 1'ewdeily talked fecYeral jears age, and at the same time br expressed his sorrow that the Knights of Laber "eer found a foothold m New Yerk, fei no geed lias ever come from Urge cities, which are preline of whisky and wine."' It would have been well if he had thought of this before he hastened ever te Xew Yerk te support the candi date of the element he thus distrusted. Sir. Powderly's order needs a strong and consistent leadership. Jt needs the sympathy of the cemniunit) , and its leadership must be wise te secuielt. It needs the confidence of the cemmuuity, and its leadership must be powerful te ob tain it. Sir. 1'ewdeily enjoys a large measure of public conDdence, and there pvfc. 13 ceruumy no man in the etder who has mere of it. The rules which lie lays down for its guidance are sound, and he needs but te maintain them firmly te es tablish Its power and te sustain himself. Jlutheiiiiist take caie te avoid the liolt lielt iug which signlflea weakness. JIe must lidg steadily a- he talks. ling by Telsen. Twe Ueit m gals killed themselves the etherday with "Heugh en Hats." The pop ularity of this poison as ,i means of suicide doubtless arises fieui the e'tse with which it is obtained, and the wide jdveitisement of its efTecLlvenfm. 'I'lm iln,,Li i. R posed te refuse te sell poison without tak ing Bonie care te Inquire whether it is te be n. m ieu ler suiciuai intent , ami he moreover mtkes a lcceid of lib poison sales .Jlatratpel30ii gees out without inmihv jg Jt would hardly be leasenable te require a . r.j.v. r.,-,..,..i iui ii ur 1011C iwiud that thu drut-lst th.ill 1. psrsenally introduced te the ials that ti totbe slain. The deduction is that 9,'k Jan- Is ineffective te step the sale of ieen for improper purpose.', if rat killing ft proper purpose, whether rats should .forbidden te lie slain by poison is a - tks -)irtgliftt(ire . mlBd te con- aH;, The venders of rat traps are tin doubtedlyof this opinion, and it would seem there are abundant ways of slaying rata that are safer than poisoning them , and that the law might wisely sce te. Net l'reTtil. Chaiges against clergymen aie se fic Uucnt in thc3e latter day s that it h a great lelief when wecan find that they aie net sustained. During the few years of his rcsidence in I'luladelphia the lle. Walde Mcssare3 lias bten frequently heard of in the newspapers, and frequently in collision w itli iwtiens of his Heck. He is new being tried en a chaige of assault upon a female sheep, who seems from the e Idence te be a black one. The story she told had great Improbability in it, but it was stoutly worn te. The c idence te rebut it seems te be satisfacteiy. The lie. Messares Is very probably net the iiiet-kest of his Mas ter's servants or the cleanest: but he lias net been preed guilty of the piescnt chaige against him. (li . Mcl'i KM..WH book Hnelllncnl the rate or l.jeii n day. The soldier authur lkt the literary bakery. I" 1'hii.p Jistuk Auskw ht a ery decided opinion that no ii'uiuer or repreteu repreteu repreteu tatiocAUbe npiinted te any ctlke under thl-i conunenw tmlth during Ibe Ume for wliit'h be bus been elected. He further sas " A uoverner w he would appoint or a mom mem mem bet who would accept a clU oiUce would a lolate the constitution and his oath of elUce In the ery arL Ills party would be exposed te opprobrium and hU Mate te obloquy. ' Tliis will be cheerful reading ler Senater Cooper. Ttii-K wh are loud In their pric of Uen. 1 -tf-ui siieuld net forget hU widow. Mn. KKUvr.n A. 1HM has vrritteu an article en " Subtuute for the Caucus" for the .Forim He says that an agprepate of ?;Ci,00O,ei0ayear Is paid by the federal gov ernment In silartes te apointed efllcers and about $130,000,000 by city, town ami state governments for the service w hkh they em ploy. Thi i a total income ler otllce holdere of f J10,000,0K) a j ear, or the rquUalent et 3 per cent, en a capital of M,-W,0oe,(00. The disbursement el this vast bum leads a lart;e number of men te mike a buMnc of polities and Mr. Dana gees Inte all the detail of the abues of the iaucue and of the ytem of collecting meuey ter political purposes. I rem earnest partisans, by assessment en elTi -e holders by the liberality ei rich aspirants for (lllce, and Irem parties in terested In legislation or puelic contracts, u larije revenue ia derived which poes far te maintain the politicians in their busiuess. Mr. Dana hndaall the remedies that le se tar been sugsested inadequate, and offers a pUn of his own which is almost revolu tionary. The supply of efllces would be stepped by the etensieu of the principle of the civil service reform law te all subordi nate elhces and employments uuder national, state, and local goernment. The supply of money would be stepped by a law regulat ing the expenses of elections and requiring a strict account theroeJ, like that adopted in England in Kn'. lie admits that this plau Ls new impracUeble, bat says that the jieeple should be familiarized with It by agitation, and bejea te see it succeed in course eltluie. " The real remedy," he says, "Is te step the supply el offices and money." This would be removing the prep that sustains the oditlce of the professional pellt'claus and taking away the means whereby they live. he rei. C mehen is te be presonled for president by the 1'enusylvaun KepuMiuans. id eaten sae the mark ' PERSONAL,. A. J. ImctLL and Geerge W. t hllds are among the $1,000 contributors te the Mrs. Jehn A. Legan fund. I)rt. Jeuv A. Swepl hss been sustained in his ete en the Morrison meisure by the liemecratie asociatien of eik. I ti i is new in the City el Mexico, J t i repeited that she will net Ue able te slug to night en aeieunl el ieellng ihe rarity et the atmobphere. Gln. Lax n tenk out a i i) insurance policy en hU life in 1L He allewtsl it te lupi-eJuly b, thts year, and new his repre-i-enta'lveuare only entitled te iM ., which is lefts than bis premium payments. Mn. B. DAWies LeLtUA, of Mt. I-eba non, is making preparations te start ujien a trip around the world. He expt-as tore main absent three years and will visit every part of the glebe of Interest and instruction. " W. I' Oi uisTON ncclebnited tbe 7. th an niversary of his birth en Wednesday. He attended early service at the llaiVarden church, and during the day was fairly deluged with telegrams of congratulation from all parts of the world. He was also the recipient of innumerable jireseuts. Martis I. Tewnslm), of Trey, who lived in the same boardlng-heuo with Gen. Legan during the former's entire congressional i'-reerj says : " Political orqieneuUt have de lighted te represent Gen. Legan as rude and uneducated, but he was really ene of the lst inlermeit men in mattera et history and literature that it ha-, been my fortune te as sociate with." Gnr.rt. k Kvmiu, 'ii, ei assistant treas urer of the I nued 'states at Philadelphia, illed tbore en Wednesday. He was born in t nauibersburg in 1,., nod eradiating from I'ennsylvauia idIbxe in M studied law. He herved a tirm as ilistrli-t attorney et his native county, and held thti tin oef I . S. assistant treasurer seventen ytMrs. S. U.ivls Page HUCLteded him in J une last. Jami-s A. Mi Mastek, the veteran editor of thu Hew Yerk Frcrinnu'i Journal, died Wedtusdsy morning in hU Mary's hespiul, Uroeklyn. lie was admittedly the leading Catholic J' urualistet America In years and ability. He was born in Duanesburg, -N. Y., in ls-u Hnd bis father, I'.ev. Gilbert McMas ters, was n Protestant minister VThe came trem V-etland He tntered Unleu tollege, and after his graduation turned his attention te the study el law, but after eigbteen months, tired of this, and bx k up theology, and in lsll entered the Catholic church. Iluintils I.ltea ur Cuti-rrmii. WenhlUBUmCnir. V Herald. The speaker el the Heuse, Mr. Carlule, the third officer In dignity and aucrev-den in the gevernnment, lives, with his wile, in an upper story of the Kiggs houe. Mr MorrLsen, the leader et the Heuse, hs lived during his vvbole long and honnraele serv i, .) at W Illard's bole', In narrow (iiarters, and when this ( ingress a ij iurr swill retire te pri vate lile as p. r u man as w hen he entered it Mr. Kandail lues in a small heus In an un un fashieuable and nbsLure part of town. Mr Htsceck mid Mr. Heed, the Hspublican leaders in the Heuse, both live at hotel, and hetel living is very reasonable in price In Washington. Speaker Kerr never had a house here and died peer. Ne speaker et the Heuse, except Mr. Itlelne, smcu the war has had a house here. All but he Iwve been men el sui.il iiitunx and net nmnej makers. A Minke in it l,uil of I!uii4ii. Heury Wallae was unloading bananas in Culuuibia, S. C, wlien exiierieurhiL' u nam in his hand hodrew it away from a bundloef the trull, and hanging te the end el a finger was an eighteen inch snake, somewhat ro re ro semlillng aground rattler. The reptile had embedded its fangs He deeply m thu man', finger that it was with dillleully that it was shaken oil. Wallace's arm big.m te BweJl and uiHdical aid was sumim nisi. 'I in, poisoned miti went into euiiviiIsIiidh, hihI tneu raved likealunaiic Heisnew iiulet.aud is expected te recover. Thoear in win, li tl e baiianasiauiealsj contained some paliuetm trees Irem 1 lerlda, brought te dress a i hurch ter a weddiej;, and the stiakii either came from Cuba In Iho bunch i!iaemiis or get into them irem the palmetto tree-. .luu-ular Juki,, 1 uiui Hie 1'hiUilelplita lii'iuiiur. Jukes ou Attanta'a prohibitory ienise are new madulnttjug-ulai vein. Ilelldaj hllpperi. Frem the Kdtrelllrlbune. There were many holiday slippers seen en thestreeta liore Saturilay. U you don't ' tumble," many Qthcis did. tonal Mm Tnm Oaletcd Maa. rrorn;the;Walilncten lice. Senater Itigalls claims that a colored man who votes the Democratic ticket Is an lngrate. Wbatwewaut te knew is tblss lsltany Ixxly s business hew n colereil man votes, or for w heui he v etrs, e long as lie is conscien tious In eerctliig Ills tight of sullragorera man ter efll e whom he thinks will honor tin l lsitleu and serve the lHt luterets of the peeple " W hat nutherltv has ene te question the right of a coined man te vote ler Cleveland in preference le Maine All this clamor alvitit n -iloreil man having tie business le Is) a ivinecnit Is all beslL Iho colored people, like a -Ux k of sheep follow ing alter a pin of silt, have been blindly let le-vlng the leadership e! men w he only w ant the negre vote te be used as a c.itspaw te rake out triielumeut ihestnuts for them selves. It is tune ter the lolered voter te think and act ter lumell and be a Prohibi tionist, Independent. leinivrat or Kepubli can, as he "ee-s tit. vnuther t'lirtuns r,ir llsrvsrtl ' 1 air Harvard' is In luck again. Mter treenuMf, et II istmi, diel three weeks age and lelt nil tils property, mine $"tii.(W, te Harvard. The will il J. i A. iliiani was admltteil te probate .mil the bulk et his large prev?tty gevs te that institution. The est vie is left in trnt, and when the residue rem lining alter the pay meat of cer tain bequests shall have reacnisl the sum if $i(W it is given totheprestdcutaud fellow of Harvard college, $-tsi,is.ie te be set apart and known as the Abrihsm Williams fund, In tneniery et the testator s father and grand father, the latter being a member of the cl.vs et !! I. 1 lie fund of t liV vOe Is te be iied In aiding needy and meritorious students, who are toeonslder such aid a a debt of honor, ami also for the library of the lollege. In cae the i illrge refuses the conditions et the bequest the iriqieriy is te ix eivmni w tween the Heme ler Ageil omen In lles'uii aud the Heme for Agml I eiuMea at el bury -pert. A urmn nCrunri of sorrow I leiu the 1 ei Jen l'all Slmi ca-i-tti" If " a sorrow's crown of sorrow Is remem bering happier thlnns," then the memory of " 1jcksley Hall" crowns the sorrow with which peeple will read '" xty e.vrs Alter Hie ma ear Acceuul Wlived lul. Kiein the lionlsen trev i Sews Mr. Va, Luias, nleht bar keejr "at i ut ler's, has our thanks ler favors. A prudent lusn. ' mi 'rdlna ti ib'i . tercut, and brut-e, und lnuu ami In , W 111 ueut oiue Sa v atlen ull, " ever wa hesrd sncti ti teril1 e cans, ai themn gnteiTn'ijut hi stubborn oel 1 Ce ild It be pc'lble that he lived in clvlllzs'lei and had net heard of lit Hulls tough SMiip Let hlmtakotheeld rillablu and -top .i i lu, l'lKss Scents. 1'lnk guiu vad inJth and de-. Hug tt i i And brvatb et bA'iu and lips of loge Ate teund net la this world beneath W 1th e my or old. save only the-. W he ever wlely, hl'e they iniy. I -e 807HUO.NT I y n'Khl a d ilvj T HE i. REAT GERMAN REMLDY. ST, JACOBS OIL, i il E OKt VI- GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. LCMBli.O, BACKACIIK, IlEADACUt, TOOTH VCllr bOUE TUKOAT, SWKLL- ises.si'KAis. nr.uisEs. blkn. CAI.l)5. lliii'T nilES ash ali emti: niiL tains m At U L3 Sold by Diu?Kldta aDd Dealer everywhere 1 ilty tint a Bettle Miictlens In 11 ban g uafce. ThpICliarles .V. Vo-elpr Ce., l.ALTl.Helth, Mf' RED STAR GOUGH CURE! ABJOLLltH FUh Kn.KM nf 1 1 1 KMLT li i VSD1 .Jl-i " SAFE ! SURE ! PROMPT ! 25cts. Al lil'.L'uif -rs AMI M vLfcUS I he tliAtlLl S A V OOF I.Kit u , Hi M i tie Aid , Pole I'repiieti'is tl'JtUlAL nurivt:a. BLEhl'bKsS NH,IIT8, made mt-Hraele by that terrible con Kh. bhlleli Cure Is the remedy foryeu Kersaleliyll U Cochran, Drug-gUt, Ne IJ7 North iluntD street Cftutluu. Wti would caution the Public te lwwaru et Duali'r etluilni; hemp s lUlvani at lea than the regular 1'rlce, 5) c nu and II, as nfu ntlines linl linl tatletM or lnfHrlorartle'aaruseld as the genuine In order te i nuhie the ru te 11 cheaply II II Cochran, druk.Kl-1, Ne 107 North (,'nieu stiect lj euraent for Luucwitur baiLple bettle gtvtn te ynurrc els-1 wd.t w THE KKV (jEi II. THAI hit, of bourbon Ind , bjijb Iietn myseir and wife ewe our lives tepfllLOH S LO.Nst'MI'TleS CUKE " terale by II. li. Ceihnn, I ugu:. Se 137 North Cijecn Street. rite Kzclleiueiit ut Over. The iuh at II II Cochran, druggl-it, Ne m North (Jui en tii-t, still ceutlnu, s .,n a, co int of perum mulcted with Cough, Coldi, Anlhina, llrenchltis and Coimuiuptleu, u pret urt a bott.e of hemps ilalraui ler the Threat aud Lungs, which Is sold en a guarantee and la irHlnfr entire satisfaction. It tn u standard family remedy. Price 5e cents and 11 Truil uuree ni5-lwd4w WHV WILL YOU cough when ShUeh'sture will give Immediate reiiMf Price 10 ct , u cu , and jl, for sale by It 11. Cechrttn, Druggist. Ne. 1 '.enh lluoen street. NIIILOH'S CUUE will Imueilluteiy relieve Croup, W hoeping C-uUk-h and llrenchltis. Ker silBbyll. il Cochran, UragirUt, A e 131 North Queen street. A GKKAT l)lSCO Kill. Thegreatest discovery of the nineteenth enn tur U l)r Leslie's niHclal 1'n.scrtptlen fur sick htwidai he, w hlch ls the dlsruv ry of an eminent nhi-liliui and used ly hitn r r uv, r tl lity vnirs befme Klvlnglt u the pubi c, kihI m -tunds to day without a rtvul. Itead adTcruatuient In another column. 6IUI.OHM (JATAKUH KEUKD1 & positive cure for Catarrh, lilptherta, and Lanln r Meuth nr sole tiy It. II Cochran, liugl,t. Ne. 147 fierth Queun street. ' HACKMfcTACK " lmllnrf and tragi uut nor fume, l'rliei'iandiyi cent8. yersaleby 11.1! Ciichran.iruugUU Ne UI7 NertbCluc-en .nt. An i:ml te Hene hcraplug hdnard fchepherd, of llnri-1-iiiinr ill, sins ' I iavliiK received e ninth l.enen i lien, Kintiic lllllen,, I luui It mg duly te let sum ilnu human Ityknewlt. llavuhiid n running ion, en mv leg ter elLt juars ; my doclers tnld me I ueuld have te hull) the tx."e .craed or 1. K muputitteil I mid, tnstiail, thiee bottles el ISl.Tini mtieis iind seven boxes llucklen s Arnica hulve aud iny li g Is new neund uud wi II ' '.'ettile llltHesmoselil t rlfty nut, a b ittle. and llucklen'a Arnbn l-alvc at v larUibr It II Cochran. DruggUt. Ne. UJumlUu North Cjuis ustieet, ltncustur, 1'u. ;,) Urn Lien .irulca (vllie. The ibMiBalve tn the world for Cuts, ItruUcj. uius, I leers, Ball llheum, revcr Seros, letter. hutmill IlMfifla. r:hlll.li,lna l-f.n. ... .ii umJ nex Cbill Kruplleiis.and pmltlvi ly cures Piles, or no ray iMlulltd Ills KU&runteed te give puifuet utli bictten, or money rulundcd. Price a cents nor box. rer siUe by II. U Cecnrun. I)ruinli ivr si.il 11J North ynen strnet. Ijinijistiir l' Cn "Oh t if I had only known that In ttiiin Known what ' Known thutu slj plu cold tn the h ad limy develop into cbienlc Cuhi ill ' Well It Isti't lisilute, tot l.'y's Cresin Halm will cuie catinhcven alter ttiu sutjijier's life has become a burden tehlin,und huuuuiiaucetnhu lilenils It IhUiii only raillesl and thnreuirhly tcluntlrla csturrhcuiu tiiewn. .Netallnulil. 1'rtctilitiy ents U 17-2dted.tw rer lama back, staeer chest, use Bhlleh's I'or I'er mu Plaster. l'ike-Vcnts. Per sale by 11. it. vv. ....., ...B.a,(.u, irfd 4'UI 111 IJUtUU MlllCt. AI'CINK I'LASTEIUU A' BENSON'S TORODS IlASTERS. W I.NTr.U KAl'USUUK Cf ts (.01 UHS, Colds, l'leiirtsv, lthetnmllin, rneuinenta. Neuralgia. i-ilulUa, bimilUK.'. Ilacliaihe ami ether ailments, fur whli.li lirnsen s CapcUm l'lasters are adinlttcsl te be tl-e best iiunedy known 1 hey relieve and euie m lew lieuw, when noMhernpplliatleuls, i iticbsst beuetli Kndereil tiy Sixn phvstctant si dilruggls'S Ho He Ho wate of Imitations tinder si i llai ximuillnu names suih hi "Ciinstium V splrtn," i "Lnpdclne " AfK ren llsss i asp tiK e ernsH Kvaiutmiiarelully nhi n mhi I uy All ilrugguts. SK.IU'U . IOHNSHN, dlltndoeitAw rroprtelei', Nei link. A I H'S HAIR V HJ OK. Perfect Hair 1 mlti nti a. nitnuil and heuliln condition el the scalp, and of the glsnds thte hhuh neuilh ment is obtained When, tn i nf,itenie of iirii anil dl-e-H'e, the hvlr beieinei weak, thin, sudgiiiy, Avers llMrMgei l i'engthen It tejterelts original color, preu ' It ispld and vigorous growth, and Imp it t t. It the lutii and treshuess of youth. 1 hive uixl Ayer's llatr lm t u a long time, and am ceuv Inci d et Its v alue vv hen 1 w as 17 cars of hke my hatr began te turn grav liem menci'il uslug the Iger, and as surprlislat the goeil ettisits It produced It net only is steied thecolertomy hair, bi t esitiiiulatwl in growth that 1 have new mere l sir than i mm if lere-j it. r.u warns, Celdnater, jl i. Ayer's Hair Viger, Sold y all Ilrupgtsts ae lie' muis lri i ark strrr-Rtsn fiem lebllltv and b9 et appetite tl your stomach 1- it et eidei. ei m ir nitiid confused take Avi saisst-aitlia Ihu nu dlclne will restere 1 1 vc cut tone mil tuutuliy tothesystetu.uiore'ii. i an,lp"eili y thsn anv tonic )nt discovered lei tx months I BtifTert ' from Wier and steuiach tieubles. Jl teod aid net ueuiKh tun, and I Ixs-ame weak and very u li eu aclilisl I took six bettlixs n Avei s -i .npsib a. and was cured. lullus XI. rilmti -,'iuUeld, Msj. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1'i-epvred by Dr. J C. Avei te.lwell. Vta. sold by all UnuslnU u (.11 li bet lles.M SR ilildJl reKN kkmevkkT VICrOItU C0HN REM0VKK. Wsmtnted te eradicate ce-nplstely and in a shun time, the most nbduru.e c irui, hant or oil, without pain. Soldbytiee w Hull, thss A. Lechnr, Jehn li. KautTUian, lr VV m. W erm ley, And. U. t ruy, Ches. J. Sh i myer, and at HKCUTOLU'S liBt el sTUKK, dncl-lyd Na 101 w est Ora .ntre s c'urni. H I HSU A IJKUTHKH. Special Bargains rii; hie p.ai an t. ! THE HOnMY WEEK. -W E OKI tr.- BXTRAOnDINARY INDUOHMdHTS -1N-KU t.Li hb, SILK MUrrLM.-, S!l h Nl hin.s, I'LL -II NECKlltS. SILK SUSPENPEKS, riv i ii'i inn I ANCl I VUEUttEAK, ILIi HANUKEUCflU t -. rAKCYa.MI J VCKElf. Al.ea Full Line I MEN'S YOUTHS' AN I' b'Jl OVERCOATS, SUITS AND- PANTALOONS. Alse a Line et UO Mbl. AM) KUllUEKl evl- LHlJltl-LLAS TKL.NI ?, AL1SI.S AMi LLl l U MjS Hi have uevrly afull line of i e goeJs. but they win uU reiual'i se Ien a i, , n wi are sriini; them at. Be call ILI- u i ,i iJ ,ec ler veui-t It HlliSH & BROTHER. ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Eurnishers, COli. .NOtllHtlUEENST. AND GK.N1UE SOUAUK, LANCASIKU, PA rUX8, it V. c lIelt'Kl lRt. AMER'S CHOICE FURS, Jlevt Sealskin Ce.tts, ELEGANT MDFrS AND TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS. Gent's Seal Caps. NO. 39 WEST KING STREET, nev JMiuil TUIIAOCO 4tt) VlfUHI ITiSTAHLIHHED 177C. Demutb's Cigar Stere. Wu tave In stock n Kine .issortmentof boeils, kultable Christmas Presents for Gentlemen. MhKl'.SCHAUM ril'ES and CIWAIt HOLD. El'.s, I'lalu, Carved and Silver Meuntid Uenuluu HtKNClI UltlAlt l'U'ts In l.ilUst Styles, tib ipes and Mnimtlnijs fine HMuKl.SU TOIIACCOS. Itipertcd and hey West Cigars. Our Hpeclelty The only Clear Havana tiller Hand-Made Clfrsr In the city for Ac, brands " Mia," "Cluurlda" and " Ouldun Lien." CAN ES. in AH Styles and I'rlccu. Sumir limes, CUiu ( ni s. Match boxes. Ac. 4-rclupbone Ceiinectlcn. NO. 114 BASTKINQ STREET, I.AVCABTKIt IA. decj-lmd YA.TOUr.B. MTA'ICUKS. Walche3, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than mictien pitcca until January 1, 187. tlne let of lllnirs. He. Alse, hltu, w'althain (Aurera for which 1 am Sole AKeut), and ether KlrsbUess Watches. Hest Watch and Jewelry UcpalrtiiK -i'errM.i time by telegraph DaUy, only placuluclty. L. WEBER, 1W.K North Queen St, iNear I'enn'a. it, is, Uepet, Hlioctacles, KyeglaiHis anaoptlcalUeotli, All c kinds el Jewelry, Mi TirKTZCIKi; .1 HAUUHMAM'KUIlKArUTOKK, TO REDUCE STOCK 1. W. II. I. nevhi:i l.(U It LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Streot, Botweou the Ooepor Heuse and Berrol Herso Hetol, Laucaster, Pn. M ti:i luum 'H im it i mn si;. FAHNESTOCK'S. Ladies' and Children's Coats A. REDUCED AU our (Jeiita liave been rodttcecl te Tiicxtj atlll hi witnt eheultt eoe theui. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Niwl Ihxir te the Court Heuso, Lancaster, Ph. rVUHlTVKK. JUH ituhk wakkkoemh. nut teiuM.r a I'Ain or Tueas Mding Dress Pillows. CALL KAltLI Al' Hoffmeier's Furniture Warerooms. They are the nicest thins out aud we hive lust received another let et them. 30 HAST KIliQ STUBtTT. -rKDl (.'Hi i'HIt 1, Expectations Mere Than Realized. Out CbiLsttnav liadc nas v, ty Iiike. Largest for vear- manks te our many friends lint them are still a fniv articles lilt which would make verj desirable New Year's Gifts, 1M11CH I HI! LOU Ell AT REDUCED PRICES. J. H. WIDMYER, Oorner EfiBt KIdk nud Duke Bta., LANCAS1KU, PA. ept8-lyd JLTKlNITbH'S rUIWITl'IlK DKrer. CHRISTMAS. And neare Kcady te Shew as Hue and I.hike an Aajertmeut of FURNITURE IN ALL LINES, Ai HAS K Lit HKfcN SHOWN LNHlElIll, The x'tef tediy are se utetty aud attractive that u H hard te Keslst Iluylnfr HcmmthliiK In Out Line ter CHRISTMAS. We want you one and all te feel perfectly free te come every day If you desire, and leek at what Is betnK put en the floors new and attrac tive, and nu will net be nrged te buy. loe would be surprised te loam hew many are deln r tbU each week Wu have already set aside a great many pres ents ler DKCEM0Elt:i, but ,e can still keep a ideal many mere Bccicts vT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOS. 27 Ss 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCAbTKK, PA. UUUVKHlr.lt TTIblli.UAUK " Coffees and FlnoTeaa te pleae the taste of cv erj beily. Frutts and Kancy OrocerlPSXf every ilmcrlnllan. Price and 'iuiiltty speak terthemiulves. uoeds delivered OEO. V7IAHT, Se 1I3 Wl'JlKInK Street, relopheno connection nun JHyd Ji T HUKHf?!! ' OlTOr IIIKKK'lO.Ni WHITE GRAPES H e Imielult thriKMiuarleis el a ten which uie very cheap nt tee peund.aud 2 pounds for SJc, ter thu best. WHITE Oil Al'KS are refreshlnif.and at theso prices are within the reach of overyeno roll IHENKW VKAUHINNKIl TABLE. Try our KINK rilESH (JOHN or eurllnrl vailed Evaporated fijiuar Cern. Our l'rlde of Main, or Dew Drep, or Paris are very su pi rtnr brands. OurhVAI'OUATEIJSUUAil COHN wu think has no dual. Hne 'lable Peaches, u'se Hue California Canned r'rtill.etc, BURSK'S, NO. 17 KABT KING BTlUSiST, LANUABTK1L I' A. -Vr0TIlwlTUSTANnINa THAT l'Ulir XN adclpbln Is the largest manutacturtni; city In the United btite, we ship large euftnlltlts of MILLLU'S 110UA. bOATtheiu. . PRICES. prleea thnt uiuet otTeot rnpld bhIes. ;ikv (ieuii.1. J. 8. IHV1.KKA I'll. Muswr, HuiMBsn .7, 1-. Only Four Days in 1886. AM XKWUmi'S l'HKLNTS leu wish te buy n will avi veu money In any ;oed in our Hue, as we aie i losing out our entire iteck FOR OA8H. JohnS.&ivler&Ge., Ne. 2B EriBt KIur fitreet, LA.SLASTElt, PA. OTAMM HKOS. A CO. CLOSING OUT ! CLOSING OUT ! Stamm Bres, & Ce. -AllE- LLOSINU OUT TUB ENTIIU HALASCI OF ( IIUISTMAH HOODS, A! Greatly Reduced Prices. U e I1AVK JIA.N1 b'pecial Bargains le Ofler le Yeu, As our Limited amount el room will net permit ustecarr) Xmas Heeds ever until Xmas next WHAT WE HAVE. HOLLb, l'lLIUItb DOOKS, STOUT BOOKS, hXKAIMiOOhS, AUTOOItAril 1100W. 1111AS3 UOOOn 1IUAR3 WAUO.S3, IHIAS3 TUMI-, 1IKAS3 WHISK HOLUEHS. IKON Hil", LAIHhB' SATUIIELi, IOILE1 C tHE", Kn BOSTON STORE. Xes. 2G and 28 .North ijuccii Nt , LANCA8TI.il, I'A. SUHVBLLANKUUS. JG1MNN X IIKr.NKMAN. HOLIDAY HINTS Jinny ierseui w.mt te make t'linat ma3 1'reaentntiut de uet knew wli.it Ui Bt'lect ; let us assist jeu. AVe liuve be many useful tilings. I'er Gentlemen, an elegant Set of Carvers or a geed Pocket Knife will be acceptable. Ter Ladles we lia.e Plated Knives, l'eika or Spoons, an Klegant Stand or Library Lamp, Toilet Sets or AVeik Uexes, and hundreds of ether useful presents. Ter Children we have everything like L'xpress Wagons, Sleds, Veloci pedes, Trains of Cars, Jleclmulcal Toys. Many articles which we have an ever stock we are closing eutat'leiw than cost. ifjrAsk for Dargains. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne..162 North Queen Street, LANCA8TEU I'A. VIOtmiKB. jjYnns .vTitATnTeN. AT THIS 8EA80N Ur GIFT GIVING, I II Kyi KSTIOM AUHK8, WHAT SHALL I GIVE AND MIKIll.81IALL KILT The Meet for the Leiwt Menoy? A tlne selectlun et 811k Murtlers rietn fsl tents terJUO, tn Whlte.Cieaiu and Celers. KleiianlSllk llandkerehtels, M cents te Hm A fine let of Uentleinen's Scat Is mid Neckties Kine 1'enKCO llandkeiehlufs, In While, I 'i earn and Celers. Handsome 811k and I mbreMetrtl Huf punders Cellars and Cutis, I Iidrwiaraud8tcck. Iiiks. If you want setuethliiK better, our Overceas) and Soils ate low In'pilce and Keed luiiiallty. What could te a ulcer oriuerearceptablCKlft than a Reed warm SullorOveiceat. HtOttll ClUt-, lle te lb. I'IUUIHWS)S lowest, lyers & Rathfon, I'Ori'LAK CL01H1EKB, NO. 12 EA8T KINQ STnBBT, LA.NCA81KH. I'A. B U HO lilt A HUITON. Prepare for Christmas ! Have veua husi and, a hither m a brother t II Leu have, what would be mom acceptable as a hrlslmas (lift than a FINE SUH' OF CLOTHES Sbtll AS AlthlULH Al BURGER & SUTTON'S .Miiiliiint litllurhiK niul I'IeIIiIhk Stere. Ol If veuciin'l aiteid ant utlie Suit Buy an Overcoat, And If you can I atfeid that Uiiy One or Our Neliby Ncckdes. Of which we have nemathliiK entirely new Call and kh) them BTTEGER & SUTTOI, NU. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LA.NUASrEH, I'A w IMilAMHON A rtlSTKH. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. After the Festival UETUM COMPLIMENTS Are in Order. tn making your eeleetlen, leiui mber a IhtnK of melsajey forever. OK.NTS' OVLUCOAli, ) telil.u.). tiENia iini.as suits, no ou te iis.iu. HOTS' UUES1SUI13, l.en te M.0". I1018'0 KUCOATS.IiWtel'UU. LHII.IHIKN'S DUES9 6110111 I'AM Sl'ITfS lieu te I' tm CHILUUEN'8 U KltCOA IS, :.'J le KtU. V.I..NTS' SILK MUFrLEU3.il OU telti'i OI.NTS'SIYLISHSILK KKCIv WEAK, S!C , VK. , 7V SlLKHAM)KKlt'JHlElS,S6e, VC 7. l.K.VTS' KUK-TOPKIl UI.OVKS, ffSe.ll IV, Its. CI. 01 II, h.Nll, 11UCK A.VI 8AKANAC Ul.OXhS AND MIllS CA11U1UAN8,75C,1J, II, ladies' run catk', Murrs, AND I10A3 OE.S18' SKALSKISCAI'S ANII TUItll MH. IIKAVEU UAUNTLE18 ANU COLLAK1. UENlS'B'lIr-reiiaOr'T H.LTHA19. ri.NK SILK HIIES HA1S ANOOPKIIA IIAld. IIOrB'HEAVVCLOlHCAfS AMI 1'OI.US. LA 1)1 1.1' AN 11 UKNlb' iioe rs, siieki a ni sLirrEKB. LA III KV HAND MADE I UK.NLII IUIISLll'1'Klll lhoUeslCoiulortableBliou fut Ladles, Waukenphast, - $3.50. Ladles Waterpioef (laltersaul Kubber Over shoes. . .. , Uents'Frunch Calfskin Heets Bened llalmo llalme ra's and Congress (latter. ,, , . Waterproof Oruln Leather Heets. Itubber Alettes and Ataskas. dents' Itubber overshoes, 10c WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. 32, 34, 'Ml and 38 East Kin? St., LANOAbrKU. I'A. -Sleie open Every livening until tuither Netice. ( r VS Jsf