Ys: lajtfatec' .f' iUtyfM-V. IT "J T" x VOLUME XXUI-NO. 100. JiiVNCASTEK, PA., WEDNESDAY, J)ECESLBER 20, 188G. Jkf PRICE TWO OE1 1 t LANCASTER. A IHrnihsIeii or Wli.il II His ami What It WnntK. AN ABLS ADDRESS BY W. 0. 11EN3KL. ftMklng llrfure Ihn Heard lit Itsile nn Ilia Veeils tithe Slunli lialllj Hew l.snrss ler UemiMira Willi lllhrr Cities nr ftlmlUr Hire loin l thHiit;gslt"U stailr In Kshleuinn'shall, en Tuissdiiy eveiilng, by Invitation of Itie Heard el Trade, W. U. Ileunel, esq., delivered nn address en " The town we tlve In i what It has, ftml what It wants," 11 was n masterly jireiciitatlmt et thnBubJct,whlchwnslrequently interrupted ly applause. Tlie spovker talked from notes, mid till loin-irk occupied about two hours limn. The big room imia welt ll'led with inOiiiOfrM of tlie Heard et 'trade and ttielr guests, nnd tliore was it very considerable sprinkling et ladles. Mr. It. 1'. Hronemau presided, mid Introduced tlie speaker. At the conclusion el ttie address, Mr. Hrnslus ine ed te adjourn, at tlie muie tltne felicitously thanking thespeakorler his nlile nnd ciliaui. thn paper. Mr. Iletiael, In iiu apologetic wny, sug gested that tlie easy and iillectlvoauswer of a ntioer might mitloliwle tlie discussion of binlnesa questions liy ene whose ceiimiarcial oxpurlenco had been Itmltttd te wearltig n high hat In a jwlltlcal precession. He might plead, hew ever, n certntn appreciation of "the duty a mnn okes te the town he (Inch In," and a certaln dlslntoreitodnoss In rots tlen te special Intorests, a his entire real estate transactions cunlsted lu piylug In terest en a mortgage tint m tues with unerring cerUlnty and ever Increasing celerlty, and his stock speculations wero oenQnod te the Kote brake and Lancaster cromaterlunu The eemmltteu en statistic i bad recelved many replies te tlie many mere Inquiries scut out, and from thesn hsd been gluaued most of the facts that would l0 preaented as v-. illustrating tlie resources of Lancaster and mnuy of the suggestions as le Its ueeds. Surely no ene mail could tell all that Lnu raster has, nnd no two men would probably agree about all It wauls. Certainly It wauU morn snlf asscttlen and preperly the organ of this Is the Heard et Trade. Its note should hnve no feeble nor uncertain sound. " Theu that let lest geed tidings te Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strmiRth, lilt It up, be net afraid." Thla Is au aje of business. The message of the century Is cimmtirclallsm. Kven In toss beaten and rlng-ilddeii I'lilla I'lilla delpbla the uierchsnt eloment Is reasmrtlng Its control of municipal politics, lit tlie pros pres pros entergioliatlnn, community of Intercut aud cooperation of nc.leu among thoe who hat if llke alms has nt last boeu meurud and this l a geed deal for congratulation. tee little ruiiLlf srtnii Lancaster has hid tee llttle public spirit the disposition of the individual te concede and surrender something te promote the common welfare, in en with a calculating purpese ofgetilug benefits, remotely. Seme forty jiara age there was a demand for the exercise of mch a leellng, and It was an. swored In the uiovement, led by David Long Leng eueckcr, te establish the cotton iuIIIh 'I hat was an experiment and, through home vicis situdes, Anally "as established the plaut that new empleyB 1 1,250.000 eaplfal, engages 1,000 hand, pays out tJ23,000 annually In wane, works up 703,000 raw material Inte 7,100,000 yards el fabric and soils a product of ever 1 1,000,000. Tels single Industry sup ports abnut ene sixth el our population wero It te be blotted oat.enrcoiiimerclalpros p jrlty would be ssdly and seriously Impaired nnd every feet et real tMate Mitler marked depreciation and yet ir by any LOiitlnguncy thli Industry were te be destroyed or If by any turn of fortune another llke It could be added te our uiateilal Interests, hew much stock BUbsorlpUen ler the enterprise could be raised In liaucater? The Irelght en the 110,000 tens of oeil ceusutntd In Lancaster is likely roduced tl per ten by the c mstrtie. tien telhlsclty or the Heading A I'elunibla railroad, nnd yet the entire lei.d sub-crlit-v tioes could be covered bv tlie satini or our citizens In a st mouth. What had net the tiuarryvlllorallreid addtnl te our husiuess presiwrtty coutraetcd with the iutustmeut In It or Lsncaster capital It Is te be feared that the public spirit wbU'h las bold el Midi enterprise, which prom pta the ludltidual lu uenlrltuite his share te the generil pubile we.il, with chances euly et getting Ins lintst uiuntbick ronieloly, has luen lacking here. Ne that wearemitetlug uisina new em of proresdeual and business lire, when u uen goneratlou is taking up the work, when beiih, Juniors and araiilej es are succeeding te the buslueHs of the lathers ami nenlers, there are Hlgus el a ret Ival of publk spirit in Lau caster. WHAT MUSI DCUM A.li.I. Kmorsen, in spsaklng of Ketilu, sas " Uvery mnster has found his material cel. looted, and his per lay In hU sympathy with his poeplo aud In Ids leve of the ma terials be wrought In. Ureat genial power, ene would almost say, cetibl"ts In net being erlglual nt all In belug altogether re ceptive; In letting the world de all aud suf fering the spirit of the hour te piss unob structed through the mind." II the Heard of Trade can crate this spirit, even as a sen timent, It will seen lay held or the materials and Inspire Individuals te tbeir adaptation and use. We must awake te a oeusclousncsa of our own resources. Fer we are mightily blessed In what we have Utiles, llke men, have a proper prlde or nncestry. Hie past, aome one has said, at least Is ho he euro; and whether or net Lancaster la te have a future, the Indisputable fact Is that our city has a history, 'i he growth aud ex porleuce et a century aud a hall are hers Ibsh by far, It Is true, than the hlstertu tow ns of elder American settlomentB, youngerthan eten the earlier of the frontier flue et Penn sylvania towns ; but It Is something te be re re re iiiombered that before Washington was born Andrew Hamilton was the transferee of these lands. The preeminence of this shlre tewu among the Inland cities of the country dur Ing the Revolutionary porled Is afatntltir story, though passing the tiotlce of the rising generation In the drill of IhhIuku 11 le west ward and tlie steady advauce of Hie centre of population toward the geographical centre of the United Utatea One U most forcibly re minded, howevor, of the pretensions of the Lancastorel one hundred years nge lu the draft ela letter written by Jasper Yeatei in 17S9, favoring Ltneaster ter the federal cap. ttal. The letter lu full will be round at the end et this roperL Hkp ONK REASON roil (.ONUUA.TULA.rtO.S. It was perhaps net an unmixed evil that the praver of these petitioners was net granted. The location of atate and federal capitals has almost Invariably carried with them te even as salubrious ellmateius this a malaria" that has happily net yet Im paired the healthful conditions el our sur roundings. Bin co the degoneraey of medern legislators, we have reason te congratulate ourselvea that the mophltle ntmosphere of the state capital, It it existed uaventy years age, was transfiirred with the neat ofd'onn efd'onn ofd'enn sylvaula'a goverumsnt Irem Liucaster te llarrbburg lu this old aud time ntalned manuscript there Is a rumluder alike of our historical reieurces and our lack of appreciation. In common with n tattauiountei its kind, the property or the tauilly of which Its author was the most dltlnguislied member, it has goue from out the keeplng of our own cltlzBusinud when Iholiiturehlstoriancoines te Hed the scattered leaves et local history he will vainly reach far and wldelu the arduous talk or their collection, llore uud there re main a family resident whose Integrity is in. tact, aud a busluess taking root in the remote laat, around the trunks or which urn the rlugsef ahundred years oxlatenoeanddevel exlatenoeanddevel oxlateneeanddevel 4 I'tnent ; but upeu the whole the story or our Miclnl, polltleal, rommerolal ami prolesilnnal llfe or tlie ptst century Is fast lading uway. i:ven the men who were here wlien the Conestoga Na igatleu company ran Its packets end the local newspapers chronlcled weekly "the cominerce el the pert el Lancelet" i theso who saw the first eiiginn uuler the city aud who rend the llrnl tidfKram Itished hither the goiieriitiou that lived and did our business Ik lore thu era of steam and eliH-lrlelty are brenrnliig auarrer nnd scarcer. Where ilriijmiilu Wi st pilntnd and Tem Talne wrote Iisi-im, where I'ulten oxierlmoiltcd nnd Win. Henry uiitertslned, whero Congress met and Washington tar tar rled, where Jasper Yeatm Ihed and IMnard Hand died, where tint old ble.'.lc liouse sIihkI and wliflre the Hessltu prison Imrradks, whero Jehn Andre played nt marbles with the Uoe Ihijs nnd Wliete D'spatd, enu el the reglcldosef Hngllsh hlilery, plotted, are en. tlrelr unuiarkrd II iieIhIiiiikI fade-1 from the roeolleotlon. It l te liodetibtud If eten Uia history studeuts of our high ndioel knew pe well the most notable vnts and poraensgos of our city's history as of iiiore remete com inunltlcs j rertatnty our local geography Is unfamiliar te the pupils et the eUioels. With a wealth el material we have llttle of the historical spirit. Lancaster ha( hlalery. It wants n historical neddy. HAUL AIIAN1 MILS Ol I.OI MHI. Our city has rare advantages of geographi cal location, of which nothing can depth e It. The shlre town of the first county of all the country, the natural Ixiuudarlrsoflhntceiinty aresowetl defined Hut no clrciimstniice Is likely te ever dlstuili Its Integrity. Inte this seat otjusllce and central mart of trade must pour Ha weallh through all Iho years te coitiens the waters Hew te the basin, l'er all tlmolhet'lty will ricolve and largely de pend upon the trade el the country, ami any policy that Ignores this will te fatal. Uf greater Importance than te keep our own trade at home It is te keep from slaying at home the distant trade that new cornea here. This rural trade wilt steadily increase with the Improvement el the country, and as the rag cariiet Is exchanged ler Hrtmels, the mper window shades for !ae curtains, aud the accord con and tlddte for the tunetul muilobex anil grand plana Our proximity te the seaboard cities w 111 uet or be destroy cii) aud yet we are net se close as te bring our retail trade into tee close competition with the city merchants. Our easy railroad com. uiuntcatleu with Philadelphia, New Yerk and Haltlinore affords a ready aud ever In. creasing market rer our surplus market sup plies. Lancaster has geed health. Her situation Is highly favorable. The sanitary conditions are belter and the death rate lower than In any ether city of Its cla hi the state. There Is no swamp here lob eed malaria nor a slug gish stream te hinder proper dralnnge. Her schools are iioed and well adminis tered thelr finances are lu excolleut com! I tlen nnd against f2JS,78l of prOerty Its ellset Is only (03,000 et dent , the rate of lax Is low, aud theprlnclple or iienpartlsanshlp In the beard el ulrocters Is new firmly established. We have a college, with n iiundred years et history behind it, whose corner stone 1- ran kiln hluiatdr laid , nnd Lancasler Is fertunslu lu being net euly the educational but the tboeloglcal cvutre et n great church that has Its held en the nflectleus and alleglauce et a large tortleu of the jioeplo of 1'ennsylvaiila. Of churcheand It is le be hoped uf rollgten, there Is abundant supply. With nearly forty congregations representing about half as many distinct denominations, there can be no Just com plaint ela lack of variety. Tuey number nearly 10,000 actual members and riubrace a community et ever 0,000 souls. Upen the million dollars or Lmcaster's church proerly there Is seaice W.OO'i i debt. Lancaster has uoHspspers tint have no peers lu state Journalism. It has a pure and refined social Ule . hospitality and com fort that have distinguished us abroad ; Its tuarUets are the most abundant and cboapest te be found lu the state, and even the house, held service here -though much complained of -Is mere faithful aud economical than is the went of large cities. While our charities are well established, t (Helen t and easily sup Iorted, the gratifying fact remains that no town of any sire In Pennsylvania Bhews se small a pruorllen or the directive, delin quent ami dependent classes. Our financial system is solid and stable, and no occasional lallure shakes It. The llve national banks here aggroate l,Jt30,0ui) capital mere thau all the banks of Mcrautnn, with au alleged jwpulatlen et 70,000 WW, (TC surplus, t-',.'l0,(j00 deposits, and tJ,"7 l,71t) discounts- nut te neak or thu tiausactiens of private bauhs, whose buMiitrsis iiotpub iietpub llstied, but whose solidity and ropenslblllty are tiuiiuestleued. iu.i r.iNn i mi in . Our city gev erument after all Is uet crimi nally pruttlgale. l'rem Wi) te lSed the uet city debt has decreased from .Vi7,7W.W te fl0,W, our sowerage Hystetn, it net the Lest, Is tar superior te meat towns , our pep illation from 170 te lsu lucreaswl the aver age (sir cent, of the whele country , lu lsvJ we polled "W17 votes le 1,260 In Isb-S, audit Sjrauten w lth 7,7.17 votes has 70,000 popula tion and Wllllamapert with 3,001 has '.3,000 people, Lancaster with great moJesty can claim from 30,000 te 3.1,000 Other eloments or pregreas are te be round In the tact that the 1,'M gas consumers of 1H70 hat e Increased te 3,000 , the actual rev. euue collection of this district has swollen from Jl.a-il M)!.r In 1M3 8I te about tl.GSJ, 71SS0 m li(S7, our much abused water supply Is twice us great per capita as that of Hullate, llosteu, t'liicluuatl or I'nil iJnlpliU, and six times as prufuse as tlul el most Lureeau cities, the rale or wier taxes Is actually tower thau lu any ether tenu lu the state,whether ter household uocessitles, convetiienccs or te Mipply mauulacturlug power. Our real ornate valuation Is as sessed at nearly (13,000 000, though actually about (15,000,000 or (10,oeu,000 , it la exceeded per capita only by rulladelpila, l'ittsburg, Allegheny and pvrlinpi Heading. Frem 1WJ te the pre&out time tneru were Issued here 1,670 building ixirmlU, represeutlng J,100 new buildings worth at least (3, 1 W.i,0(A. Or the 7,7Kl buildings lu this city &,ort-J are et brick and stone, and for building brick Is te be had nowhere cheaiHir than here. Of the 100 leading cities lu tnls country the people of net one are se comfortably housed as Lan caster's , ever a third et our aiults are property owners. Tne tobacco and live stock trade at this point are enormous and of clesj concern te the busbies life et the city, thelr relations te our agricultural aystem and the best means te protect and promote them ought te Us el high iuteriHt te the Heard of Trade. The business ul the the railroads, telegraph, telephone aud poitelllco hore Is increasing everyyiar. The Heading railroad business has grown at least a third in six years, the l'eunsjlvaula railroad sells l'sO.OOO tickets new per annum te 111,000 ten years age ; our postal rev unuia have gained ID per cent. In the last llve mouths nt 18eU ever the corn's pending p'jilu i et lbb6. The ltuuiiiactures of Lancaster exhibit greater variety thau theso et Buy ether city lu I'euiisylvania except Philadelphia and l'ittsburg . and or the first hundred cities lu all the United States this ene ranks higher lu manufactured product thau In population. Our luauiilacturiug establishments are scarcely less than 600 I u numbsraud thelr empleyes aggregate about 6,000 J while, the strictly commercial sales of the cltycaunet fall far short et (5,000,000 per anum ; being happily distributed through n large number et smalt stores and net consolidated lu a low big monopolies. WHAT LA.NtAHlEK WA.Nlst, But the wanta of the city rare almost in varied as Its resources ; aud no little diversity of opinion prevails In theanswera te Inquiries for suggestions as te what will best prometo the business interests and general welfare et Lancaster. "Let everybody buy at home," eajs one ( "etler inducements te manufac tures," says anotber; "unlock the money in the banks and at Interest;" "mero water:" "lower taxes j" "eetter oily government'." 'iree cremation j" "paved streets and chenper light," and boeii. Whatever differences of opinion may prevail, there is cuucuritnce lu the view that our Heard et Trade should Ilrst aid the lau gulshlng manufacturing industries already established here; Unit out the worthiest of them, extend the M or capital te struggling iDccbanies and artisans and then induce hlther that class of works for which our poeplo ahew the host adaptation aud for which our location is most favetable. Certainly lu dustrlcs of the c!u of the watch factory, which cenvert the smallest amount of raw material Inte the greatest value of product, distributing the largest amount as the wages of labor, are most dosirable ; aud for auch in dustrlea as the manufacture or thelr hard ware, hats and caps, clocks, buttons, Jewelry, saddlery goods, rillea, rubber geed, Bhlrts, carpets, Bilks, woelons, Ac, Lancaster can eiler special advantages. Lancaster needs te unlock its undue amount et capital Invested here in bank stocks, mortgages aud Judg uiuuts thu londeucy has been tee strong te run lu that direction. II twetity percent of the llve millions here at Interest wero di verted tii productive Industries i and ene aero In llve of our sites In the suburbs for factor les wero glven frne for auch purposes, the otiect would undoubtedly Ixi te greatly stlmu. Inte the general business prosiierlty. It may Ira profitably Nuvrgested whether a gcnernl Improvement company, te promote such ob jects ought net te be organized within the llesrd el Trade, We want Heme new railroads certainly the line te New Helland, opening an te easy communication the rich east end of the county, and a connection v la (Jtiary vllle with the lUltlmnre A Ohie hjMpui. We want street railway extensions and ready facilities te reach our suburbs, as they will aoeti be built up and occupied. Lancaster Is remark remark remark abloameng cHlmln that It scarcely has auy suburbs. We want better rates of transpor tation and uniform and certain charges for telegraphy and telephone Horvlce, as well as eflluleiicy. The II mm! el Trade has a right te demand, and It Is lis duty te nee that corpor ations deal Justly betweeu mau and man and fairly IhiIwoeii place and place. Lancaster wants cheaper light and a ready supply of steam or ether fuel distributed by mains. A MON PAUIISAN lITl riOVLUNMISKr. Hut chief among alt its needs Is a neu-partisan city government, admlnlstored by busi ness men, ler business purpese and ou busi ness principles. It has a non-partisan lire and school depart ment , It must be cv tended te council, the police, the assessor, water, streets, sowersge and ethor questions el municipal buitness. The rearrangement of the wards, redistribu tion of the police, Imtter water supply,! terage, stroetaud paving luiprotements, are nil ques tions for a buslnens men'a and uet a tielitlclan'a government. Here Is the place , new is the tlme te ergaulAj auch a movement te rid our city elltlcs of baleful and corrupting In In In lluonces that hrtvn sel.-xl upon the Individual veter j "1 am net the one, erhaps," said the speaker, "le a-tv ie huhlties men. In their political duties, but lu such a movement where any will fellow I will go and where any will lead 1 will fellow. ' It is true our Ity needs that Its poeplo trade at home , and ou the o'ber band our merchants want te bring all trade poslbIe here by the exercise of tiste, llberaIlty,entor llberaIlty,enter llberaIlty,entor prlse nnd Intolllgetice In the xslectlen, the display nml the adv ertltomentof their goods. It Is for this beard te consider the cash and credit, the "I rade" and order systems , te the modincatlen of the extreme provalence of tlie credit iilau hein. Water works Improvements pay, Increased facilities bring larger revenutts, we collect (60,000 water rents new, a gain et 100 per cent, in teu years, and yet our storage ca pacity has net been enlarged In thirty five jears. litis Is of siierler Importance te the question of supply nt present; but for neither this nor the prriiiestnl new sewerage will or ought the people vote money, unless this beard gives eome guarantee of a Judicious expenditure by a body of ceuuclltuen put In nomination as the representatives or the real business and property mterests of the city. The moral risks of less by fire are less In i.aocanier inau auy oilier town m tne stale , the actuat letaea lu three years have uet averaged ever (f 000 peranum. It may be profitable le inquire w bother our city could uet afford te curry a portion of its ewu lire risks seeing the large amounts paid annually hore for lu nuance. A new cemetery outside the city limits and the conversion of the small graveyardsln the centre of the town Inte parks , the promotion of high farming, gardening and fruit culture In the adjoining country ; the freeing of the public highways by thoabellton of at least a portion el the tell gates that new hem lu and cut oil the city the generous endowment of the college : the erection or public memorials ; the establishment of n free library ; the pro motion or eclentltlc study in its relation te our local Interest and ether workef Individ ual lieuoflcence were touched upon , aud in conclusion the speaker said Tin: oil leek ion iiie mrm,. With this history behind what luture may uet be before us' With our richness of resource.-, the aftluenre et the surreunding1 and tributary country, what may uet fellow the application of new energy aud well directed capacity te this wealth et material at hand 7 Thatotber lowuhaveoutatrlpped us lias been due te their lack or ndvautsges and their necesaltles, lather than te their suierlerlty. We have Jogged along, because we have felt ea.iv ami comfortable and have tlnally eapnrleneed tbe disadvantages el the hvir born te fortune. It rests with this association c te determine what shall LaucaMei'a future) be. We want ue sudden development, no Inflated prosperity, no fictitious adiuuu-i-, no experimental eu eu terprles; but we want co-eporatlou, liber ality aud public spirit, intelllgtut discussion in your cemmllUs's week after woek et tte subjects allotted them, aud lu your cham bers mouth alter month of each one or the questions 1 have prelected, and a hundred ethers that your larger sagacity aud bieader experience will promptly suggest. The pubile mind Is quickened te inter est lu t tie m peputur feeling has beeii excited te expectation ofsemo remits here, 11 will notde te simply roselvoand re re reselv e and dle the same. 'Iho principle of overy man rer himself must be modified by the recognition el that broader principle that everyone who contributes te the pubile wol wel wol farewill reap his share et the general advan tages , aud II this Heard or Trade potent te control by Its united action the business, tbe social, the commercial and the political lite and destiny of this city will take bold et these questions lu the right spirit, It will hear the voice el an approving constituency a great municipality et 30,000 people and the near peisibillties or 60,000, wllh complex nnd varied interests, sounding te tbnni the acclaim of Inspiration . "Knlarge the place et thy tent ami let them stretch forth the cur tains of thine habitation , spare net, lengthen thy cords aud strengthen thy stakes." tiik rannHAL vsvitau tltie'in (Hi en in 1 7 nil Fer MakluK Itiicaster thu r)imaiieiil Seat of CmigreM. 1 ollewicg is the "Heugh Draft" ern letter, framed by Jasper Yeates, te the Tederal Con gress of 17b'J. en behalf of the corporation et Lancaster, asking for the location hore of the Federal Congress. The erlglual MSS. Is the preperty of I). MeX. Ktautler, of New Yerk , aud It was read In part by Mr, Hensel In his address last evening. l;AMsii;ii, Match 7, 17Sfi. O'f iCfcmen 'Iho Corporation et this Hor Her Hor eugh have been Instructed by the Inhabit ants thorrerund of the ad lelnlug Townships te address jeu. Tlie new ( eiistil ufien te which w e anxiously leek up as the means el estab lishing thu empire or America en the most sure nnd solid basis is new In motleuand oueol the objects et Congres will be teiix en a permanent l'lace et Hesiaeuue where their exoluslve Jurisdiction can be conven iently and safely exercised. (Should the goueral iuteres's of the Union point nut au Inland Central Situation as pre ferable te that el a seaport for the future resi dence et that Jlunerabla liedy, we humbly presume te efter ourselves ns candidates for Hint distinguished honor. We feel ourselves mere emboldeuod te enter into the list as we llnd this Horeugh has been lately put In nomination hy the Honernblo Congress under the fermer Corporation, and we auOer ourvelves te be (Uttered that the reason which then subsisted for sueh a choice, ox ex lata mere strongly at the present moment. As an Inland Tewu we de net pereelve our selves Inferior te any within the Dominion el the I'nKed b'ates: Our lauds are re markably iertlle, aud In n high state of culti vation. Our ceuutry Is possessed of every eon een eon venlenco for water works. As will appear by the draft herewith seut, aud peculiarly healthy. Our water Is geed, every necessary material for building is te be had In the great, eat quautlty desired and at the meat reason able rates, and we venture te assert that there Is no pat of the United States whleh can beast within the oempaes et ten miles the same number of wagons and geed teams with ourselvea. We ere sensible that dealing In gouerals will have no eflect with dispassionate and temporate minds. We venture, tlmrnrnrn. in descend Inte a mero minute recapitulation and pledge eurselves te you for the truth aud correctness of the following' statement, which has been made upeu the most thorough ex. aiulnatlnn and in the carefulleat mauuer In our power, without exaggeration. The borough of Lancaster ia a square, on en compassing a portion of ground of one mile In length trem the centre (the court house) by the main Btroeta which Intersect It at right angles. We have five publie bulldlncs, in. eludlng nn elegant court liouae, 68 feet by -IS feet In tbe second story thereof la a very liaudsoine room, It feet by 32 feet in the clear, and two conveniently adjoin ing looms, each being 2 feet by 13 feet 111 the clear. 'I here are olevon places of pubile worship besides a temporary synagogue belonging te the respective societies of Kplscepaliatis, l'reabytertana, Lutherans, Kofermed church or Heidelberg, Moravian, Quakers and Catholics. WlthTu the oeiniwssur the borough an enumeration el the dwelling beuses was actually taken In 1760. and the number then built was 078, which sluce that orled has considerably In creased. Many of the houses are large, ole ele ganl and commodious, nnd would In our ldea nccoiriinednto Congress and thelr suite at this iiorled without Inoenvenlenco. Hoard Heard ing and lodging are te be had at very easy rates. According te the best computation we can make there are within this borough about i,1W souls. A number or great read pass through Oils place. We are a thoroughfare te the four eirdlnal point of the compass. Laber is te be had at the rata of 2 per day. Iho current Frlcca et previsions are Wheat 6 fl, rye 3, ndlsn ivirn 2-0, eats 1-fl per bushel. Hest bay J per ten, erk, stall led best from 25 te 30sper cwt,veal3 and mutton 1 ,d.per pound. All kinds tr poultry are In great abundance and reasonable, fihad, rock aud salmon are plentifully supplied te us from the Husquo Husque hatina In thelr soase.i, Iho prices of flre weed the Inst season have beeu ler hickory weed 12s (II. and oak Sc Od. per cord. Within the distance el 0 and 30 miles from this place we have six furnaces, 7 forges, 2 slitting mills and 2 rolling mills for the man ufacture of iron. Within a compassef 10 miles square we have 17 merchant mills, in aaw mills, 1 fulling mill, 4 oil mills, s hemp mills, 2 boring aud grinding mills for gun barrels and 8 tau yards. Tliore are a grest number of convenient altos for water works still unoccupied. Wlthlutlieboreugh,aUoaro the following manufacturers and artisans, tI: ll hatters, 89 shoemakers, 1 tanners, 7 saddlers, 25 tailors, 22 butchers, 25 weaver?, 3 stecklng-weavera, 25 blacksmiths and white smiths, 0 wheelwrights, 21 bricklayers and masons, 12 bakers, 30 carpenters, 11 coopers, 0 plasterer, 0 clock and watchmakers, G to te to baecoulsts, I dyers, 7 gunsrnlthr, 6 rope repe rope makero, 4 tlumen, 2 brass founders, 3 skin skin skin drossers, 1 brushmaker, 7 furrleri, 7 nailers, 5 silversmith", 3 potters and 3 copper smiths, besides their respective Journeymen and apprentices. Tliore are also A browerles, 3 brickyards nnd 2 printing presses, nnd 40 heuses of publie onterulninent within the borough. The material fur building, such as stene, lttne, sand, clay proper for brick, timber, beards, iVc, are te be had in the greatest abundance at the most reasonable rates. We would instance ns ene particular that the best piue beards from the Susquehanna are delivered hereatis. Od. per hundred feet. Our centrical situation will be bestdoter bestdeter mined by the consideration or the following dlstauces which pursue, the courses of the reads new occupied, but which may be short ened, aud which we conslder as a"curately takeu, viz : from Lancaster te Philadelphia e miles Frem Lancaster te Wilmington . M " from Lane istcr te Newport 17 " from Lancaster te Ileadet fctlc IV ' lTum Lancaster te Northeast it " from Laneaater te Reck lluu .. . Si " trem Lancaster te month of Suirjue lianna. it " Frem Lnueaater te Haltlinore by Mc- Call'a terry 60 " Frem Lancasta r le Trenten by the HvreUes' rera '" Frem Lancaster te Ceyell a Ferry en Delaware $7 " Frem Lancaster te Heading ... 1IK" Fiudi Lanetnler te Lat m ...8.1 " Fiem Lancasler te rbtht's Ferry, eus hanna 10 " Frem Lnucjwler te Harris Ferry, Sua gucnanna ... . K " Frem Lancaaterta AnCernen s Feny 11 " rrein Lancaster te MeCall Ferry , 16 " Frem I anuastcr te Teach bottom il " from Lancaster te Ueland t Ferry en Potomac . 93 Frem Lauca-tcr te Itaipira Ferr en 1'oteinao ... .... Ill " We have presumed, gentlemen, te make the foreaelng statement aud aJdress It te you. The general natlecal inter oils of America at large will, we are persuaded, be fully considered when the Important point of tbe future permauent resldeuce of Congress is agitated and determlueJ en by that honor able body. We have reasons te think that Wm. Ham ilton, cyq , who is eutltleil te tbe rent charges and unoccupied parts of tills borough, would cheerfully meet every wish of Congress, be far ns bis property is concerned. Permit us only te add that our cltUensare (ederal aud strongly attached te the new system of gev. eminent. We have the honor le be with every sentiment of renjif. ', pentlemeu, your most fultlilul and etwdlent humble eer auts. In behalf el the corporation nnd clti?"ns. LlTBIHUt P. 1. 1. 1IA I1LMI.V. Subftirlbing Fer a Lecture Course lu Fmbrate Five l'upular UUceurs CuiAnBTnTevvN, Dec. 29 About ene month age, a party of our enterprising liter ary gentlemen assembled together for the purioe of arranging for having a series of lectures given lu our town by renowned upeakera. Thelr efforts were suecesslul. The following elllcers were electtd te perve as n lecture committee : J. 1 . Ober, president , J. O. Westhafer, secretary , Hev. b M. Heeder, treasurer. Season tickets were sold at $1 00, which entitled tbe holder te admission te llve lectures. Over 160 season tickets have been sold, and last nlgbtthe ilrd lecture was given In lierst's hall, before a very large audience. The speaker was Hev. Theodere Selimauk, or Lebanon, Pa , who spoke ter two hours en "Tha IJlue Slde or a Inllar." Kvery oue was ploased te hear the humorous and in structive address. The next lecture will occur en January It, 1SS7, wheu Kev.A C. Whltuier, et Laueaster, will speak en ' Naming the Uiby "; en l'eb. 15, Hev. T. 8. Jobuseu,of Lebanon, will speak en "Love, Courtship and Mnrrhge"; ou March 1, Cel. A. C. C'epeland will gpeak en "Sneband Snobbery." The llflb, und last lecture will be given later. As yet no speaker has been euenged for tbat occasion but It is thought that Ceh J. 1' Stnlerd will give us a date. noneuon nrtj Lest evening Bovenlceu piece ul the Ulizabethtewu cornet baud went te Haln bridge te attend Iho fair belug held by the Mechanic's band, of tbat place. They are meeting with success ; the admission Is free. The council of the Lutheran church here held a meeting ou Sunday in the chaps), and designated .Sunday, January le, lsT, as the day le dtdlcate the new Lutberau church. Impressive ceremeules are being prepared for tbe day, and a number el ministers lrem nbreid will be present. The church will be finished In u week ; it was begun In March lasL It is a very beautiful eUltlcH. The Hoaten IdeafUucle Tem's Cabin" com pany was in town ou Friday last with twenty two people, n uniformed baud, a pack or bleed bounds, llfteeu trunks, i-ceuury nnd ethor material. The evening was very dls agreeable aud the result was a peer house yet the performance vv us fair. On Christmas they plajed lu Mlddletewu, ntlorueon aud evening, te peer business On Monday the company stranded lu Uarrlsburg. Kuueral of 1.1111a litoten The funeral of Llllle Hluteu, the actress, took place Tnesday atiorneon from the real real real donceor her father, Xe, 1,421 Seuth Bread Btreet, 1'hlladelphla. About 2,000 persons, relative", friends aud nJmirers of the de ceased crovvded the house and tilled the aide walk In front. I'leral etleriugs almost Illled the room lu which the body lay, among these being a large cress of roses and Wits, the ellarlug of the Geerge O. Meade Hest, O. A. It. A uumber of woll-kuewn theatrical peo peo poe plo wero among the meurners. The funeral services wero conducted by Hev. Henry Hharp, of the l'rasbyterlan church, aud tbe interment was at Mount Merlah cemetery, Tbe pall-bearers were A. P. Dutlen, Leuis J. ICelb, William rielda, and S imuel l. Huch ui jveniimg ; William I uuck, ei immeKiu, nnd J, W. Cook Hngerstewu, Md. First t'reinlum (or llaiitains The exhibition of the rvnuajlvatiln Ktate I'eultry seciety, which has beeu lu progress at Horticultural hall, l'hlludolphla.slnce Wed nesday last, closed Tuesday evenlug. Oce, II, Heller, of Ellzjhctbluwti, received first premium ter llrewu Kedgame bantam cocks. llie lllgbaloet llauth's heals. Tlie demand ter scats for Kdwiii Beeth's performauce en t'rlday nlbt has been won wen derfully lnrge. At neon today thore re. malned but half a detn unsold reats down stairs, whlle thore are but t.vonty.tlve or thirty left en the gallery. Among the pur chasers are agreat many poisons residing In different towns ami vllligei throughout the county. , ALL PASSENGERS INJURED. A 111 MS HVNNltH) AT ItiUH HVKKV HTIItHKH A IIHOKBN riWU. Til HaiRsts Cnr and Twe Uescbsa Jamp the Truck and Hull Ueim nn Knibankintnl, Hie AcclilentUccnrsat Nlcht Matnes el Seme at the Injured, I'iriMiuii'i, Dec 2". The Alliance Ao Ae Ao cemmodatioo train en the Tort Wayne read, which left this city late yenterd ay afternoon, was wrecked last night near New Galilee, about 40 miles west of the city, and nearly all the passengers en beard were mere or less Injured. The train was running at a high rate of speed and onceuutorod a broken frog. The engine passed ever the break safely, but the baggage car and two passenger coaches jumped the track and rolled down au ern bankment. Fortunately the cars, although bady wrocked, did net take fire, and these who escaped with slight injuries net te work te relieve the Ies fortunate. Hew the passougers ones pod alive was a marvel te these who saw the wreck. Among these most seriously injured were the follewing: It, I. MeCurley, carpenter, In the employ of the company, bruised about the body and head and left ear cut; Oeo. Piper, New Oallloe, contused wounds en head and shoulder ; W. U. Hill, baggagemaster, struck en tbe bead by a trunk nnd ankle cut and crushed j Harry Wolfe, of Enen, l'a., head cut and hip fractured , II. Gearing, brake man, wrists aud hands dangerously cut by glass; Conductor J. Allaller, head severely out aud body brulsed. Al the wounded were taken te New Uatllee where they re re re colved attention. Arranging ter Legan's Funeral, WasIUhoten, D. C, Dee. 29. New thatlt has been definitely decided that Ueneral Legan's funeral will take place in the Senate chamber ou Friday, aud that his remains will He in state In the rotunda of the capltel from te-morrow necn until Friday neon, the details te harmonize with this plan are being rapidly perfected te-day. Guards of honor, composed of representatives of the army, navy, u. a. it., ivniguta Templar and Leyal Legien comrades are at the Legan mansion and will be ou duty at the aide of the coffin from this time en until the remains are placed In the Heck Creek cemelery vault. The transfer of the remains from Calumet Place te the capltel te-morrow morning will take place quietly and with but little military or civ te display. The committee of senators which will represent tbat body at the funeral met at the capltel at 10 e clock this forenoon te arrange all miner details. General Hlieri. dan was requested te act as marshal en the day of the funeral and will be at the head of the leni; precession of military and civic organizations and necletlea that will fellow the senator's remains te Reck Creek. At a late hour this afternoon Cel. Lemen authorized the sUterucnt that the fund for Mra. Legau had reached (?5,000 from sub sub scrlpllen ranging from 51,000 te (200. till! SKW .imUSBV VEMTltAl. Tnntrcrnf In Management Frem the It fading te lie EfTeeted Saturday. I'liiLAbBLrniA, Dec. 29. The transferor thopreperty of the New Jeney Central rail rail read from the management of the Philadel phia A Reading railroad company, leasee, te that of the owners next Saturday, will be without formality. Kecelver Harris states tbat a few official changes will be made, but beyond these the return el the read le the control of tbe recclvers will net be attended by any incident of publie Interest. The reorganization plan, Mr. Har ris eays, has net proceeded far enough as yet te talk about it, and it Is altogether uncertain what prepositions will be made te the se curity holders of the company. Of ceurse the tripartite agreement between the Read ing, Jersey Central and Lehigh Ceal 4 Navigation companies will no longer remain In eflect se far as tbe first named company is concerned, and the relations between the two ethor oempanlos will remain for further adjustment. It is stated tbat the condition of the Jersey Central property has net de terterated materially during Its operation as n part of the Heading system. ,IUSllVr.1 CUAllUKD 11 Til BTEALIKO I'nnil'. Aiuuuullug te Orer lOO.OOO, Kept Frem n Town's Treasury. Chiiaue, Dee. 29. Police Hergeaut Dan forth, of Knglewoed, read statistics te the Northern Kngloneod Imprevment associa tion last night tending te show tbat Justice Tcaruey, of the Town of Lake. had collected neatly (10,000 lu the last six months, of which net ene dollar had been turned turned ever te the town treasurer. He also questioned Capt. Markey's Integrity. Prosecuting Attorney Turner aupported Sergeant Dauferth's chargeand characterized Justice Tearney 'a method of doing business as judicial larceny and systematic robbery. He said that since the establishment of tbe pelice court lu 1675, 132,000 had been col lected In Unec, but had never been turned ever te the treasurer. A committee of five has been appointed te Investigate the charges against Justice Tcarney, Captain Markey and Supervisor btallerd. Justice Tearney claims that the town ewes lilm money, Instead of the reverse beiug the case Machinists anil the KnlghU. PiULAUiiLrm v., Dec. 29 Lenls F. Smith, master workman of local assembly Ne. 17 Knights of Laber, received a telegram yesterday irem Jehn L. Hall, a member of the district assembly Ne. 49 el New Yerk city, requesting assembly Ne, 17 net te take auy action upon the proposed withdrawal, as Master Workman Powderly had sent a letter te Mr. Hall bearing en the subject. Mr. Smith inferred from this the general execu tive beard had beceme alarmed at the attl attl tude of the machinery constructors and had decided te grant tbe national trades charter. Although local assembly Ne, 17 has served its connection with tbe Knights It will probably request the rosterotlou of its charter should the national charter be granted by the goneral exocutlve beard. A Sentence of 01) Years. Miru'tiibuorte Ills., Dec 29. The trial of the Hickam murder easels at an end, result ing in the convietion of Tem and Jehn Uiekaui et manslaughter and a sonteuco of 09 years in the penitentiary. A motion for a new trial will be heard en Tuesday, January 4, when it is prosumed that tbe father and ten will go in chalus together te serve what may be considered a llle sentence. Ituiuurs of War. Lonhe.n, Dec. 29. It ia again rumored tbat Hesalula, the Abyssinian general, has captured Kassala. It Is also reported that a large body el Dervlshes defeated the Abys slnlans at Sabderat. the I'retlilent (Irestly luipiuveil. Wv.sinNcne.v, D. 0,, Dec. 29, The presi dent is very much better te-day aud Is attend ing tohlsefliolal duties as usual. Heexpects te be able te attend the funeral of Senater Legau ou Friday and te held hliregularNew Year's reception en Saturday. Fell Head at a Sleeting, Pkeiii , Ills,, Dec 29. Charles F. Ilaeen, of the firm of Hills ,t lUcen, Insurance egenu, and one or the most prominent citi zens of thla city, dropped dead at the Heard of Trade at 10.00 IMU morning. He leaves a wife. VUXBTlTUTlUNAt. BHUROBSI RN T. Surslturs f the Btste Conrentlen Knjnylng Their Annual Dinner, The association of surviving members el the constitutional con voutleu el 137J held a reunion aud banquet nt Augustlne'a, Phila delphia, ou Tuesday evening. Hamilton Aldrlch presided. These present were : William Lilly, Henry O, Parsons, Judge J, W. K. White, William II. Armstrong, Audrew Reed, Judge William MoLean, Geergo Ress, Charles llremhead, .Levi Hooke, Judge Harry White, William K. Littleton, Kdwaril C. Knight, Wayne Mao Mae Veagh, Charles Hunslcker, Themas Heward, James W. M. Newlln, Judge William It, Hanna, ex-Attorney General Henry W. Pal Pal mer, Jehn Price Wetherlll and Jlauelar Urewu. In responselo acall from tlie member te state what were tlie prospec's of constitution, alonfercfltuout, Mr. Newlln said that acaro acare ful examination of the pledges made by the various lnemlmrnelect of the Senale and Heuse, aud the record or theso who have publicly detined thomselves, aud the posi tion of these metnbers whose constituents were particularly Interested In breaking up railroad abuses, made It clear that a majority or both Houses was in favor of legislation en forcing Articles XVI and XVII ofthecenstl tutleu,wlth appropriate ponallles nnd machin ery for their oufercomont. He also said that the indications wero that tholcglslatlen would be in the same general direction as the bill reported by the conference committee en the dlsagrcement botween the Senate aud the Heuse at Washington en the Cullem and Reagan bills. The Cullem bill was objected te In the liouse et Representatives as being tee conservative and net stringent eneugn against tbe railroad companion, nnd en the ether hand the advocates of the Cullem bill considered the Reagan bill te be oppressive. The con rerene bill ombeJleaproilslous from both bills, nnd will deubtless be mere satis, factory than cither as originally pasted. Mr. Newlln then continued . " Iho bill ou behalf or the convention committee is being' prepared and will be Introduced into the Senate and Heuse of Representatives In the first week or the session. This bill will con tain a prevision giving the courts the fullest power by quo warrante, mandamus, Injunc tion and attachment, te enferce every provis previs ion of Article XVI and XVII ei the constitu tion, at the suit of tbe commonwealth, at the relation of the railway commission provided for, or el the attorney general, or of any district attorney subject te the con trol of the attorney general or of any municipality, corporation, association or person Injuriously affected by any act or neglect contrary te said articles of the constitution. The bill provides Ter prompt and Inexpensive hearings and summary methods et redress. Peeling Is absolutely forbidden and publicity of rates la required, and penalties lmposed for willful Infringe ments ofthe act, and lu cases whero the Jury finds specially that any litigant with a rail road has been willfully Injured the court shall impriseu the defendant, aud net merely flnehlm. J "A commission of five uiombers,appolnled by the governor. Is provided for. Its find find legs shall be prima facie evldence en ques tions or Individual damage, and Its decision shall be final as te the right or the railroad company te de the acts complained or. AH the expanses of tbe railroad commissioners, ether than for special Inquiries In particular eases, shall be borne by all the railroad and canal companies in proportion te their capital stock tax. In particular cases wheu the rail read company la found te be iu default the entire expense of the Inquiry Is tebe charged te the particular company as oetti." MSATU HIT DENNIS 11UUOAM. He Dies Frem Injuries Itecelreil In n Terrible Full uu Christinas Day, Dennis Bregan, who fell down the stairs at the pubile hall In Quarryvllle, en last Sat urday, the account of which appeared lu Monday's I.ntelliqenuf.r, diedat hUheme in Celeratn township, about neon, Tuesday. Frem the time of his terrible fall he remained unconscious until within a few hours et his death, when he recovered his sonses and was able te talk te his family and receive the last rites or hU church, which were adminis tered by Rev. Father McHlhaney. Doenlswasa uatlve of Ireland, and came from Denegal when he was IS years old. After landing he seen started te thla county, and stepped en " the Mederwell Farm " iu Drumore te stay ever night ; he took a Jeb and worked for Mederw ell's ler years. He never left the lower end of the county, nnd was always an Industrious man aud never wanted for a Jeb. He was a fine specimen of a big hearted Irishman, uud had a large cir cle of friends. He was a geed singer and could render an Irish song better than many of the stage. Iiisbmen. He was au active member et St. Catherine's Catholic church et Drumore, where his remains will be in terred en trlday. In politics he vvaa an earnest and unflinching Democrat, He had three daughters living lu thla city aud one lu Harrlsburg. At the tlme of his death he was 0n j ears of age. HA It JSNDISU Uf A JUhG A Ulan lleremes Infaue Through t-rlfihtaml Dirt Ills Krenlful Career. Fianklln R. Goedbart, a vvollkuenu Read ing spotting man, died Tuesday evening, aged about GO years. Twe weeks age he was be badly scared In a saloon by practi cal Jokers tbat he became violently lusaue. Knewing that Goedbart, whose mind had previously been strong, was easily fright ened, several acquaintances oxecuted a mock murder before his eyes aud lied In terror from the place. Frem that time en he was a hopeless lunatic, and died trem the nei nei veus prostration cattsed by fright. Goedbart was a notorious gambler uud made and lest two fortunes in ids time. Iu '19 he went te California, and a vear later came back with 0,000 lu dust. Caids seen nwept It all away, aud he followed Yankee RobniBen'a circus ler two yeais its n sharper, bis ferte ucmg laroecaru menie auu lare. ineu no and "Canada Hill," oue et the most notor ious confidence men of his time, made a tour of the country. They " werked" the Western railroads and Mississippi steam boats, and both pocketed winnings by theus ands. During the war Goedbart eperated lu the Union catup) and before Its close had accumulated a fortune. About 1807 he weut with Tem Coleuian aud Harry Hart man te Chicago and wen SO.OVO at fare lu one sitting, breaking the bank. This money was seen geno and Goedbart's luck lelt hi m. Of recent jean', being partially pira ly.d, he has confined his operatlenH te eeuntry fairs, using dice ou green country men. He leaves a wlfe and two children. Israel Smith's Christinas IlacKcl. Israel Smith, whose racket ou Christmas eve was noted ou Monday, was heard by Alderman Harr en Tuesdny evening. Fer drunkenness and disorderly conduct bu was committed te jail ler fifteen da) a, and tbe cases ngalust him for maliciously breaking tbe windows of Geerge Klrcher'a hotel, uud assaulting David Edwards and Jeseph Ham Ham eond he was returned te the January court of quarter sessions. Contract Anarileil, Tuesday evening the lire committee of councils opened the proposals for the fur nishing of eats, straw and chopped corn for tbe use of the department ler the nest six months. The contract was awarded te Jonas Eaby at the following prices : Western eats, 4J'i ceuta per bushel; straw, 12 per teu; obepissd corn, 65 cents. Instructors at WII!Uuiiieil. Prer. J. P. Wickersham, et thla city, de livered his lecture, "The Fight for Kree Schools," before the Lycoming county teach ers' Institute en Monday evening. Tbeeauie afternoeu Prer. K. O. Lyte, of Mlllersvllle; Instructed thoteacbcrseutheHiibjeot, "Gram, mar." Wnntllulle Ilegliter of Dauphin Cuuuly, J, Menreo Krelter, Jr., or Uarrlsburg, a na tive of LUltz, who was the oaudidate at the last eleclldn in Dauphin county against tbe late Mr. Sante will be .an applicant for the vacant teglstershlp. Met l'er The Last Time, The county commissioners met ler tbe last time this year te appreve bills and finish up iuu ruuuuu uusmevs ui loco. W1TR0CK MAKES CONFESSION "lit umer or xur me mxrnK$MB9, "1HT TKLLBALt,AHUVrtr. .$, i i .. .-. ............ , ,na Heed), ifoeaa Mat I'eder n lUm-Detecti,, Risrardtd M Taking TOItreck, UMtlli Ironed, te V Ills Mether's Iloma for a Besarrk ''' tJ: , ,, . ..V" iii,AtJi.iiiuiviii, ivauaa-), uea, V, UR IM arrival of the 0 o'elock Heck Island trala iMt evuuiiig iuut i lUKeriuii uinvuiiven iu en of Fred Witreck alighted aud took carrlaore for the res Id mi en nf his mother , Miami tlreet. Arriving at the roaldene tk lour uotectivos, wun vvitroeK ueavny irentsi, ; entered the house The chlef demanded that ? iuu luuuiiaui ue piaceti iu uis cunnici wnseiB thorough iiearch commenced. The United A ' Press correspondent endeavored te gain M, ' entrance into the building, but wm erdswaej-jl te remain ou the outslde. One et thdatW,l(' ttves atopped out en tbe perch and ftetesiV;, nothing could be learned concern ln presence el Witreck and the officers In LmtmI' two of the officers were placed Incbargaef v ' Witreck, while the ethor two commenced ' j' search et the premises. Ne statement could' f be had concerning thelr Intended departure & worth , that te-day they would be In a position jfi te talk. Kvery deer te the house, whleh te a $fi eno-stery brlek, was boiled and barred. Wrst"! nut it is Doueveu that ther will co te KanaM ''. : City en the 1:15 Missouri Pacing train, Jjit Among tlie number te be arrested tl DB h' Aienarity, tne yarn master at St. Leuis at the y time of the rebberv. Your correanendent "': has failed te get any ulue te hii whereabeut Y$f Unco one e clock yesterday. He wf-4iat 1 seen at that hour nnd parties who were ibid- v-$i u wuii; mm nave le't tracK ei mm, ana Claim pu tbat he Is net in the city nor at his hone- '- The appearance of Witreck with the four daw toctlves at the Unlondepot, although hurried Wt through the crowd, created the wildest it citeinent,es soveral parties knew Witreck aAi flnil nlfAmnA,l In fnllnw bKa ll.am F S T.LTt IT Wllpnnl li.. m.rln n lull m-lu Inn aI ,I.a ..n,.t..Ba (.... (.. . ., ,.. nfdj n.wM ui wu iuuuuijt, uui uwiug ui vue aaieDeaasj Ts ei tne neur It cannot be stated who are bis U- accomplices. A large amount of money I been recovered, it having been coneealed la . ft" a box under a barn near the house. Tha ria .,.... . .. . .. . .. ..: r.. c,i uuiucmes were taaen 10 tne spot last nigBt ,Af anu me oei uug up. it was ureugut te tnw j'-J city bv Cook and conceiled bv him and thraa 'K'S. ether young men whose nautes are net 'tl known. The amount ei money recovered te ,ah stated te be 1 19,000. 9tt,,wi trie Ametnii Htmen. J r-Vl Chicaoe, Dec. 29. Said Colonel h. C. Weir, manager of Western division of tksVI A ilnttia VnAfd ms.h n.sHi 1 i n T n I .. . ..i, L. S j."? laatonedirectlyorretuotoly oennooted with ll&J tne eipress robbery. Tbe working up of the vimb nai vj.ie ui tug gutunuvaii rttgutTO ui UDWrg n n tlve skill In the history of this country. Rix .-: oftbelgangare new In custody. We hid "K a.-An l..t l aha 111. -h.a .f.-a.k Z1 . wVU UUIIOIVIIUU, UU UAUIO IB AUIU)ISS Fi nut we had nothing particular te held hlra ', en. nalght planned the whele lob aud Wit. 5 rock executed it; the ethers are only aecj-vt,'':w serlea after the act." Cel. Weir does net bellove tbat Mestenger , ' tetherlngham was Implicated. " Wllreek." 1 said he " is a bright fallow, who was never $ before eugaged in a criminal aet. The rae- :v tlve that led him te commit this rebberv waa .-". no doubt aHoctlen for his mother, who about pZ a year age, mortgaged her Leaven wertegrV (Kan.) home, and gave the money te her S-. son te start In tbe coal business at Chicago. .?;.' The mortgage was about due and Witreck, desperate at the thought that his mother , eheuld suffer ler his carelessness, Jelatd ?jffi ciaigni iu me roeuery, vvureca oemsri ei'unt excellent people, xuereis no seniimentauiy mj.i ulwMlt thai hn tisa nnrpn Irws Wfhn ! "h&l i reached Kansas City, after the robbery, be m? had all the booty In a vatehel, carrying It "J around with him. ji.3 it uue nmiug iu u stiiuuu wnu vanr cwi j, two iKilioemen walked In. " My Ged," es & ciaiuiuu vviirecK, " iiieyvogev me." iusd ,. evclng the bobbles a second, he beckoned iv them evor and Invited them te drink and -j;! ail nl-BlA,. ...Inn In nnbn ir tn ...A tl lt,A t. 1 wyi'BMa HuuiuuuiuuauiBBPUiii tuu tarie 11 UIUC1, "CI, 1 VU Uli 1UUS Ui DIU11, 1111 IUV UIM 4Vi$V3 last " Thn rvnllprt Iheutrlif : thft rpinttrlr WAS m . u bluff. The secret of our success Is that we f Rpared no cxpense in hunting the robber. .i$M The amount stolen was exactly 182,700, and M ei that amount aoeut tiu.uue win ue recev- 53s ored. Mrs. Ualuht has also been arrested. Df. She has In her possession about $12,000 or the stolen money. s HKAIUXll INDlVATlUfI. WisiutiTOH, D, C, Dee. 29. Fer sbB Kasteru Pennavl vanla. New Jaraerv and "& Delaware for twenty-hours, commene 4 lug at 3 p. m : Light snow, northerly winds, slightly celder. I'A'OB IN I.tNOAStEtl. Jtir. Watilti Meare, Ne it en Trial t Fhllailelplila. ,5fcj phla preacher uew ou trial for assaulting" $ if h 'nsilnnn siirlllii t fnlnralnna intrant j U-, once a resident et Laucdster ceuuty. Hd,p II. a.I an 1 1 In Mi ITnsrasi.lliA In I has, ImrA aanl .?4? 11 OU ?v ItU n X.Ie A. Wiatj .tw U tue 4UTIVI VW fjj el the oeuntv lu the latter part of 1B74. The'SC records of the quarter tcslousceuttBhowtnat vJ " he was returned te the Anrll sessions of W&K$, for being the rather of an Illegitimate ehUd, J,, rrlilrh Marv A. Hellers was the mnthe.r.-& ! When the girl went before the grand JurytUS JurytUS hewever, she told a temarkable story. Sheets testiuea mat iaessares was net guuiy ei ie .'i ellense cbarged, aud that she had Leenla-TJ-i duced te name Moasares as the father of &? child by Jehn u. vvaiKer, wue was taa n guilty party. Tbe grand Jury ignored tha & lillt mil rnlitrnml nn Inillt-tniAnt airmlaat T Walker for fornication and bastardy. ' J Walker's counsel demurred te the ludkt-ift1 i; ment en tbe ground that they ceuta net ana a true bill, without a formal complaint bav-f inr; been uresented te them aud the court Ai sustained the demurrer. Whlle these pre---' ceedlngs were pending Walker skipped, be- , came a lugltlve from justice and has never C'' Bluce that time returned te this county. On Afllin nmlniAl fnr MfSflrrM WHS In thfe flltv a ' few days age and learned the above facta, nod, ""?' will probably use them ler tbe defense lu tha AJ case new trying. "v. .nrrM IV TMJC II AM MtJtt. rl ' . ft- i-i. iii.,i iimiv or an infant Discovered br ' - bams Heys While at Play. .4-,if This forenoou a number of boys, iwhe bad j eeen te tne vouesiuisa uui ncw yj'"n j Just above the flour mill at GraefTaLandlag, When tuey lOUUU iuu umu uwy u m utsusr child In the gas run, Just below the pelaljr- wheie It Is crossed by a smau ermge. ,.v Theu Ininrmnl a numberef Deraenaln tba . neighborhood and a large crowd el persona Jrf unra anon at the iilaca. This afternoon tba- - coroner and Dr. Compten drove dewu te Uta- ,'; place auu iuu cuuu waa uiuh Irem the creek. A Jury was tmpannelltst and au Inquest was held. The doctor aava H; as his opinion tuai tue cuiui was uu-uv mill nf between H nnd 7 monthsdevelenoatat. Inquiry was madeiu tbe surrounding Deegk ' -orseou, uut uu oue Kiiuwnuyi.uiugujuvxs' lng the child. The Jury rendered avardk In accordance with these facts and tba body sm lac-fin in thn liushouae for lntermaat. Tbe body was wrapped lu a small ptaea af cloth and Ihetmprosslea is that ltoamvdea from tewu In the last freshet, T n' hale of Ileal Estate. Henry Hhubert, auctioneer, sold at Bale Tuesday evenlng, at tne house, the property beiojgieK te mas Jacob Graham, deceased, aiiuarea i aeutb side of West King street, Jfa, Lewis Harple for f 1,53 &fj ..'a . V, . siVil it , j.-. rj,-''. ' t -,