mmt - m ',H'!J... J -CtJTT'iv 3 "'tJt kfLWffTvvb? &m&v HCi.9 rellia"iAniY vuemkxrmm r r " , .'JV" SB 8ii"HBKRBBWi 'tmjljl .-- .1. . W MmJ rpit fii r& ' i'i i p wnmr day w tub tfab t. inww MUtptta.) I A (IN, fit! DOtAAM A TBI. FlfTT tAmertm. saumaoareAiuuiMiatjia- i Am w Atuemnm rucxa. amtls mtm. trusut. oembuwioh aLLowie te lAtnrr. nurseaa oemracrton, t. ADVHRTIflnia BATHS' ,-, ' )tn. llu. 2ln. ln, 4ln. Mm Lltf I e' TO iTS I J V'rTO mKlts im -v tu s&s fa IlTl.i.. 0 1M 8 00 4 50 6 a 7 60 HBlT- 10" 1 SrW 1 8 46 KjPtri 110 29) 400 (ffi 700 940 btMk 131 BO 4(K BRn 8 M 1050 MWNk 2 480 7 SO) 10 SO IS BQ ID H Hm WMki,. soe ene loom isse nep sube HsYMOBttl..... 3IW 70) 11 00 18 00 9)01 2100 4m Months... 500 10 no noelsoo ?700 moo "MrteMcraUia.. eoe li em te oe oe moo wee ffiMentlu soe isoe aseu wee 4400 moo 'MMtaw 100 8 00 &ou M(M moo "' 'X The Weekly Intelligencer if iter , WHrHtO EVERY WCONCIDAV MORWNO. lit ?SATAJLil.oeoaitxKoirTB. ew e rs, K iUe,A.aDAOerTrxaaTO raaseM oamae cr uiMe at tnrr n vnrm strait v r artT Of TD B VMAn atd eoeirraT. aix aoimfers imm s ar MMTunti TO THI V1IT1 UBtfTt iPststaVM ait Letter 1 and Telegram te l THH INTELLIGENCER, OS brtIUfncr Building, Lancaster, ra. jiltjc Lancaster 3fnttlUgtt. LANCASTER. DECEMBER 17, 1SSO. The Dcnth or Legan. Jehn A. Legan has been a conspicuous fA figure for many years upon the national 'Beld, figuring as statesman anil soldier, rind Btifei).atMAn nitntii tfe nnlnKul rV,,,r,f,aa J.1 WOlAirtU ltlil. A1U iiWV WUIljjUW f rnen little mere than thirty years em, and was a Kcuernl befere forty. He was a bet- Se ter Beldlcr than statesmnu. and a better 5.nnllH(Inn Uijn nither 1Tb mm Tint i man ; of fine education nor of great mental abil- .- tTI. -. .1 l ll. I.I. UvT Hy -UlBBirengui wnaiiiuiecijcigj i nia E nature. He was supplemented by a wife frfi . .. i.-.i i ....... kjs.01 sireuger imnu miu tiiiui uin-igj, ie H&: wliAm line lven ntlHhlltftl n l.trfn moalllre ms ... ei ins succes?. General Legan was very ambitious, aud baa been aiming for the presidency as per- tf-w alstently as Blaine, te whom his tying as eL, vice presidential candidate was very dis- pfi' tasteful ; and since It has been broken m- iue general uas ueen in wis iiem ier saj. the presidency or nothing, iienasueeu Mr. Blaine's chief competitor for the nest 5S. -n l-.l .1 Ik 1. -.1.1 .u. '-!i,'i.Vei)UUIlCiVU UULUlUttllUIl, nuu H, U KI1U 111X1 H&.-V- ..J .!.!. .1 .!.. . pp bis presidential ambition has had much te IT-ii'V ' IM.Mir (-JIIIIItMTlMIl 1WL1I LI1M III UatTL 11 LIU 11 111 W& de with the breaking down of his health. xne ieunuaiiuu ui uia cAin.t;utiiuu wiu pi the semier eicmcni or nis pariy, wnicn industrious connection he kept up with it 'IV;- Ui cviiesjHJUinjuwu nuu (xiMJuni wuiiiiuut- Ky catien, ins mcuieas were an strnignc- 'L .. l.nMnl.1 In ......A.. Iltt. AUKWIUU HUU UUUV3kt 1U IILUIU llku 'bis frank and open nature He could net if he would, have in trigued as Blaiue would; who, en the ; Other band, could net, If he would, work by PjS.tb.8 direct means te his tnd which were r vLegan'a choice. Legan would have been a much better and safer president than tc-ja Hiamn. nrni inn cnnntrv nas simnrpu in nis dath by the greater iessibillty epenetl up ':, te Blame's ambition. r inib liUguu nuuuiu unto lkku iuiiij years In his country's service, leaving at his death but a small estate, is a certificate of uenctfv, whlh cmnpetiDg politicians, rolling in wealth, have reason te envy him. Of all of thorn It cannot be written for their epitaph, as It can l for him. " Here lies an honest man."' A Christmas Lessen. Christmas is mero and mere coming te l, be recognized as a day of geed fellowship Wi In which cankering care and consuming P-thy ambition have no part. It has become a day when there is a little mere of the milk of human kindness in the hardest heart. Believer and unbeliever alike feel this r kindly impulse en the day when the ! Saviour's nativity 13 celebrated. But It wasnet always thus. Henry "Ward Beechcr falla thnf in Wa ai,Hi II T f It ,l c t rr i a l.iw 3E,itt ambush for children! Santa Glaus was , unknown in Litchfield, or if recognized, by seniy a row ,pucepai households by stealth. p Ne dells, no little wagons, no tops, no rat fev ties, no skates, 'hoops or whistles, no ex. (k pecmnisieciungs, no illuminated trees, no 5& nothing I Indeed, the day was net known P or thought of. Sauta Claus walked softly t and held hit! bieath in these days m our own. utii new, uiauu ueu, the innocent t lestivarisvcelebrateu by our children, and one day of three hundred and sixty-ilve stands apart from the rest dedicated te g6J,peace among all mankind, geed will and IfjMeve." And well It is that tins evolution has .come. Christmas Is essentially children's e day, and in this gladsome season all efforts Qeuld be made te compass tbeir happiness. And men and women, who are only chil- fedren elder grown, w ill unci Christmas hap. pf pier according te the measure of their con- uiuuuuu w iuu Happiness or uiemueenes. mm,, Sweep Geutlrt Hfe,,, The Reading railroad's newnianacemer.l 5eem te have started in with tee vigorous uruem towards reierm ana economy. The j empleyes, loekinx at the situation from a Indifferent standpoint, de net see the reform janeare mreatening revolt in a body ; which g6t course, liewever, will net come, but the p, broom must sweep mere gently. Kodeubt, Bsti uiB"iai"" ou gicui, hi luai, or rne yieading company, and se vast in its ramifl. .caiiens, mere are many thlugs which a re forming management Is tempted te change; um me lessen is nn 01a one that abuses deeply seated ate ueteasilv or suddenly abated. The reformer Is ten ant tn hinlr feat his object ever the head of intervening 7j4eiiiugjfa uu 10 ee ureugni up with a sua. $dn fprk rbpn lm nnrta rfulita fi nnr MWeas into practice Igfe The uew Readteg inatiagers, possessed IfewUhthe idea of reducing expenses as 11 gmeanser restoring dividends, have gene J-iBBuiy 10 weric witn the procedure that they rS-fOUud te WOlk well cneuirh In tlm nmnllnr lpeads that Mr. Cerbln claims te have sue- rjicamuiiy reconstructed, aud havetakeu tee r, little into account the great stature of r MMur present subject. Syust what complaint tlie Heading's fc SSBblevea mkn nf tlm nmu nlml..taii.. mfa "Jt cleaily appear, ave that, in hlDg for economy, they have done ,"" " coming xerce et the read , peerning wnicn tueie seems te be se Mwimeus an opinion among the men that avCerblu will neid te take a reel In his '4 he receastructlDg engineers of Hag are net se happy as they were u jsge. xne sieck maiKet, me bend- BatiMWckft MMtOTM tlAVA IlimlA. elly exprtMed their lack of approval of the new methods. The reformer is often a martyr; as well when he is a reformer for profit as for principle's sake. Tholpreflts are apt te take te themselves wings and the principles te drag hi the dust, while the heisted engineer sits sad upon tlie ruin Of his hopes. 1'"eaus are expressed of tlie fnllure of tlie natural feu wells about Pittsburg, t'engre algbt 1)6 romeveu tuore terepisce tuem, s It la a flrst-clnis natural ga' reservoir. Jeil.vIHt'LtlVAN aayalt rcqulrca mero aolencelo be a ptUe-flgbter than meat people are aware of. Asked what portions of bis antagonist's body he aimed at In the ring, Bosten's pet replied : " I endeavor te hit my man above the heart, or under the chin, or behind the ear. A man wenrs out pretty seen If one can keep hammering away in the region of the Leart ; a blew under the chin or behind the ear will knock out a man quicker than a hundred blows en the cheek or Any ether wrtlen et the face." These are strategle pelnta that Jehn should net give away. m-m- m The Heading railroad Is likely te bare a big strike en Its bandi In addition te ether troubles. Since the exposure by the Philadelphia Tttnct of Philip D. Haywood's bogus literary work for the Century and Houghten, Mlf. flluA Ce., Bosten, and his Identity with James U. Horten who had a swindling rec ord in Lancaster, the Century baa begun an investigation and has ascertained that the Times' story was entlrley correct. The Cn fury editor announces that the article, "ljlfe en the Alabama," will be dropped from the Century war papers when they are republished in book form. It new turns out that tlorten In 1570 while a resident of Lin cter attempted te swindle some of the lead. Ing lire Insurance companies el the country. He effected Insurances for J10.000 In the 'ew Yerk Mutual, f 10 000 in the Washington, Jj.000 In tlie New Kngland .Mutual, J5.000 In the Kqultable, and he bad an application pending ler 15,000 In the Northwestern. Mean whlle his record was hunted up and the companies refused te insure him and some of them returned the premiums he had paid. Horten necr pressed bis apparent rights. This exposure by the Times has been one cf the cleverest and most complete lu the his tory of state journalism. m m Auraie Beldler and earnest. If at time misguided, patriot passed away in the death of General I."gan. Semh kinds of imprisonment are better than liberty, importer Jehn T. Merris, of the Baltimore Sun, who refused te dlscloee te the crand Jury the name of a person who gave him Information, is new the here of that city, lie was ordered te be imprisoned unUl the adjournment ei the graud Jury. It turns out that the method of Imprisonment was left te the sheriff's discretion. As seen as this was known Sheriff Fledderman es corted Mr. Merris te his home and appointed Ave deputies te keep him oempany. Se Mr. Merris spent bis Christmas with his family, and his beuse that day was full of visitor". He will be kept under surveillance In his own beuse until he can ba released by mandamus en the eth of January. Many attentions are paid him. An appreciative friend sends him a bottle of champagne erery day. Gna.Ni, Uaucuck, McClellan and Legan dead 1 The rteaper has been gathering In a rich harvest et brave men. PKBHONAL. Oi'iDA, In Londen is new a soured and dis contented old woman, practically destitute of human bympatby and companionship, and deriving little or no comfort lrem what her work has secured her. Rev. Dn. McGltnn has a model servant, of the Interviewer-proof variety. Te all In. qulrles relating te her employer f he replies . '1 knew nothing about anything." Hew simple and yet hew adequate ! Geerge VVinzEL.etPittuburjfchas received word that an annuity ot&Oe bad been settled upon him ss a reward for savins the life et a traveling fruit tree agent two years age. At the deatn of the ex -agent' mother Wurzel Is te receive ?10,oeo. UOW THEY SPENT CHKHTHAH. Ueerge YV. Cnilds gave away JS.OlO In present. Hen Smedley Darlington gave eac'j of his six daughters 10,000. Judge Allisen, of Philadelphia, gave a nne dinner te S3 newsboys. Mrs. Jeseph Pulitztr distributed clothing te SOO peer children In New Yerk. The Coxes, of Drlften, Pa., gave presents te the 1,600 children el their empleves. Gladstone took sacrament In Hawarden church in the morning and looked radiant and happy. Gen. Cameren In Harrisburg spent hN SSth Christmas entertaining lrlends aud div penging charity. Governer Russell A. Alger, of Michigan, gave each of tee Detroit new sbey a a bran new suit of clothes. T. Harrison Garrett, of Baltimore, gave 50 acres and a hotel te the Society for tne Pro tection of Children from Cruelty and Im morality. IS. H. Warner, of Rochester, N. Y., who la the proprietor of Warner'a Safe Cure, gave te his responsible empleye n choice of ISiO.OOO worth or hteck m Warner's Safe Cure company, or, If preferred, the same amount lu cash, decision en the choice te be made befere July 1, 1SS7. - mm - I'rarileAl Itelljloe. Little Det I heard your mamma tl my mamma you were getting te be a an ml geed boy. Little Dick-Yes, 1 am. "She sali she knew new what you wanted for Christina, 'caue she heard jeu a-nrayln' ler them." 'Yea ; I prayed real loud no she would." UmleubtKllj. "Pa," paid Clara, "de you knew what ma and I are ueing te give you for your Christ mas?" "Ob, the usual thing, 1 suppose." "The usual thing, pa ? What is that ?' "The bills te my.1' Th .Mugwump'! stocking, fieintne Detroit Tribune. If the Mugwump hangs up his Chriitmvi stocking we knew what Iib'II an in i i hole, with the nnoempanyinc note. "Yeu be A hentneky Ida of GariilmM. A great, geed day for Jails and pillories, And klae prosperous for dUlllleiUs. Frem tht LeulicilU Courter-Jeurnul. Leu than a halt bottie et Dr. Hull's Ceunh Syiup cu.cJ mu of a severe brWhlvf kfTsoUen II. HUDSON, 45 Ilanover St., llalilineru. Md. Den l '-If a (leiler nrfert you abettlentflai vat en oil without labels or wraprr" erln a mutllftUid or detaced packsjre, den' toucntt teucntt toucntt den't buy It at any price Insist upon 'vrttlnB a tlnKbet'iU'''' S"'nU"" 1,aek"se- rrlte " A Valuabls Sledleal IrratNa, The tuition for 19J7 of the Sterling An nual, knewu us Hojtetter's Alumnae, u new ready, and may be obtained, froe of cot, of dreggltts and general country dcalcrj in all parts of the United States, Mexico, and Indued in overy clvlllzad portion of the WftUrn Uem sphere. The Aluianse ht decn. Itiued regu lurly at Ihn cowmenceroont of mery year for overone-nfthof a century. It ceiLblne. with tbe seuudest practical advice for vbe preserva tion and rosteratlon of health, a large amount (itliueresllng und amusing light ruadlng, ant the calendar, astronomical iiUculallens. chro nological Items, Ae, aru prepared with Hreat care, and will he found entiiely ihe uoefllp'tiiller'a Atmuuae for 1W7 will preb S?Jjl!?.,.,,vUJ,f.r,t eflleu of u medical work ever published tn any ceun'iy. The tironrle tirenrle t. ew. ilctotterA Ce . Ktuburg.l'a". en ,v?nSiint'a two ccnt """" ';,"l 'raFd a copy i.?..Li fVy Pcr" w he omnet procure one in Ids neluHioiheod. dl-lyeedAw I)leeer Cililldrrn. The only line of ltomcdles for Children Is Da. u 0'' ('c'llc CIiaflnl. I'hysle, Werm. Dlar- rhasa. Cough and Croup, Temle and Teething . ."h.."1111 oaeU a boelc n Care and Diseases ofChtldheoa. SJ cents ,i ir "L'n7 H-Ul V- Druglst. Ne. 187 and in Werth Queen strett, Lancsuter. 1'a. desl-lmcUw M Om Year StArd. Hensen'1 Canclne Plaalen are widely India, ted. That Is Urn fact. New, why are they Imi tated t lk-eause they are the only porous plas ter In existence that Is really trustworthy and valuable, llensen's l'lasters are highly and sci entifically medicated, and euro In a few hours ailments upon which nn ethers have had any effect whatever. The public are therefore cau tioned airalnst plasters beailug the names of " Capstcin," " Capsicum," " calltcln" or Ca. rucln," which are meant te pass ler " L'apclne " (please note the difference) and also against plasteis tearing the names " lletiten's." ' llur llur ten's," etc hen burlng ask for Bensen's l'las ter and protect ycnrsell liy a personal examina tion. The genuine hathe word" Capclun " cut or ioreuseJ In the body of the planter and the "Three Seals " inulemark en the lace cloth. (3) t rneiAi. miTivr. Same Doubt the lllble And the motives et Its authors, but none who have used them doubt the .ftleauy of " llurdoek llloed Hitters This splendid bleed teutc Is Ith out n ner Cochran, drugiilsi, 157 and 1H KerUi tjueun street, Lancaster. Threw Assy 330. Treublel with asthma for eight vears et liUltotnebotUesot rtemm' Ectetrir Oil cared luecompletely.attertipendineTsr MV) without the slUhtest beneill ' Uli Is what August Trnbner, of Tyrene, l'a ars. Ter sale by 11. rt Cochran, drufrglt'. U aud 1JJ Xeuh Queen street, Lancaster Hew Abenl the Deses. Many people before purchasing a tucdlctne naturally Inquire, the Hie of the dose and the strength of It In uslnic ilurdcct Kleett RMm ateapoenful fer the little ones and two tea. spoonful' for grown folks are all thst I necesa ry at one time This msgntfleent roedtelne Is notenlr economical but very pleasant te ths taste, (or sale by 11 11. Cochran, dniifslst, 157 and 1SS erth (Jueeu street, Lancaster. rresed a UK llrnellt. "Ilai maalcal )nln-kUllng and healln prop erties Ha.t of a attv cent 1 ett.e cured me et rheumatism audaeefd that had setued In my back, t'eel as welt as 1 evei did tn inv me" OtteJ Deesbury, preprlet r Jleiiail Citwritt, Helland. Mich., speaking for " '1 hemar Tcleo Tclee Tcleo trteOll" rersalebyH K Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 100 North Queen street, Lancaster. SHILOH'S CATAK11H UEMEDi a rwitlve cure for Catarrh, Dlmherta, and Canker Sleuth. rer sale by 11. H, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 157 North Queun street. Ooed Results lu Kierj Case. D A. Bradford, wholesale paperdeaJeret that that that tsnoega, Tenn., writes that ha wj seriously afSlcted with a severe cold that settled en his lungs i had tried many remedles without beneBt lVsliialnducedtetrr Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, did se and was entirely enrd by ueef a few bottles Mncewhlch Umehehas used it In his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results, i his Is the experience of thou sands whose lives have been aved by this Won derful Discovery Trial Bettles free at 11. II. Cochran's Drug Stere. 'e. 187 and IS) Nnrth Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. (5) "Mj Mether Has been using your Burdock Elied BMtr as a liver remedy, and finds them veiy efficacious " Chas. h. Alnswerih, 41 Vance llleck, Indlanape lis, lnd Ker ssle by II. II Cochran, druggist, 1ST and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster A rellcemaa llnscetl lp, D. V Cellins, member of police. eventh ward. Heading Pa talks this way "'uffered severely ftem rheumatism nethlntr did me any geed till I tried 7"ie"iai' Jiticetric Oil It is a pleasure te recommend It. ' Ker sale by II !t Ciehran. druirglst, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lan caster. 0i Eettii ErrscTs a Ccr.s Mr. Oscar K. B. Kech, of AUentewn, Pa, was l-dfast with In flammatory rheumatism In the winter of 15-'A Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced nrlng Gress' Itheamaue Remedy. Ily the time he had used half a bottie he could leave hU be.1 ; when he had finished the bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. Inhljewn words, "I teel better than ever before." rrtcell. by all druggist. tehAJTud 1IHI tiUUD.1 B! OLIDAY GOODS. CHRISTMAS IS COMING. AND CKKVT PHEPHT10SS HAVE UKKN J1ADK AT TnE New Yerk Stere TO ASSfSl Santa Claus In filling his numerous ensrsgstnents. Thou Theu sands of UShFLL, AML'SINGand UttXAMs.s TAL AKTICLtS, whlrh tend te make bn old and young happy. Substantial Presents ! Blankets, TabU Linens, Table Ceven. Napkins. towels. Dress Silks, Dress Goods, Ladles C.eaks, sbawj, 1 ursand Gleve,. Gents' Furnishing Goods. An Immense Ataeitmsnt of 811 Handkerchiefs, hllk Mufflers. Linen Hand kerchle.V, lancy Berder Uandkerchleu Toys, Dells, Game, Werk Boies, Toilet tfl. Leather tatchels, riush Albums Scrap Heeks, Autograph Heeks, I'lcture Heeks fclery Beeks, Boek of History, Travel and Adventine. rarertej in rancy Bex Christmas Cards Ac.ic. BRASS GOODS. Uaminmed Bias Trays, Whist Helders, card Ktcelvers, Match rules, Aih KccxIvtM. IV hatnets, Etc , Lte , Kte. W5TT 6c SliAND, G. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LAKCASTKR, I'A.; OTA MM BROS A CO. CLOSING OUT ! CLOSING OUT ! Stamm Bres, & Ce, AUK CLOSING OUT THE KNTIltL liALANChOF CIIUISTMAS GOUDS.AT Greatiy Reduced Prices. W E HAVKMANY Special Birgvins te Offer te Yeu, As our I Imlted amount of room - 'U net trftaiU as te cany Ana. Goods ever until Amiunext WHAT WE HAVE. DOLLS, IMCTUBE IIOOR5, 8TOUV BOOliS, 80KAP BOOKS, AUTOOKAl'lI HOOKS. HBAhS GOODS. UK ASS WAGONS, I111A8S TRAYS, UllxM WHISK HOLDERS. IKON TOYS, LADIKS' BATCH KI.S, TOILUI CASE?, Etu. BOSTON STORE. 'os. s; and U8 North (Jneeu St., LAKCABTEIl, rA. MUBllWt- - Vsh- . I Jv - -. A' rii Lornenos feis "iukumatism. 1 Frem Life te Death Is but a moment If rhrutuMlsm or neuralgia strikes the heart These diseases are the most ratnfut and the most dangerous of any te whteh human kind li llible. They fly from one put te another without a moments warning, and liniments and ether out am applications are In themselvcs dangerous because Ihey are liable te drive the dlseise te some vital eran and cause Instant death, ltheutnatlsm aud neuralgia are discuses of the bleed, nd can only tr ached by a irmedy which will dile from the bleed the dangerous acids Such a remedy Is Athlopho Athlepho Athlophe ros It has been Iheruughly tilled, ai.d Is a life, sutecure, fprucc C eek, Pa , Oil . lvV In answer te your request te knew w hat your Athlophems has dene for tue. I will say It has done wendettul work. 1 hve sutrend from theumatlstii for eighteen year., mere or less and and sometimes net able te p-it auv clothes en orealaleno. I took all kinds dectered wltha geed many doctors, but nethiug did me any geed. 1 was getting wcrse Instead cf better. I read your advertisement la the " Democrat ' and Sentinel paper of Lewlstewn I have taken In all four bottles. I feel no pain. 1 was drawn crooked, but new 1 am stialght ones mete. Thank yen ret the getd It done tne. Athlopheros Is the medicine. riULll' MAKASTKK. Tour medicine has cured me of neuralgia I fuffered with It ler three dav., and It gave m In stant relief WM r.ui.scu. ralmyra. N r. August 1. 15M. I used one bottle el Alhlopheros for neuralgia arter being laid up eight weeks. The result was very satisfactory. ILS. EDDT. Eery druggist should keep Athlopheros and Alhiopheroa rills, but wheie they cannot b Umght of the druggist the Athlopheros te,. Ne. Ill Wall street. New Yerk, will send either (car riage pild) en receipt of regular price, which Is II te per baitle for Athlopheros and JOc rer rills. Ker liver and kldney dbeae, dyspepsia. In digestion, weakness, nervous debuity. dUsases of wetkeu, constlpaUen, headache. Impure ',l"w1: Alhlorheros rill are uneeualed. decS7 Iweed gl.MMONS LIVER REl.l l".TOR. MALARIA. "11 people could only knew 'n a .p'.eedld medicine Simmons Liver Im-ulater Is there would be many a physician wi.heut a patient and many an Interminable doctor bill saved. I consider it InralHble In malarial Infection I had ler many years been a perfect physical wreck from a combination of complaints, all the outgrowth of malaria In mv sy.tere. and even under the skillful hand of Kr ) V Jene. et this city, 1 had despaired of ever tlng a well woman again. Simmons Liver Regulator was recommended te me, 1 tried li li helped me. and It U the only thing that ever did me any gecd. 1 persevered In lu use and am new in perfect health. I knew the tee 1 aas cured me, and l always keep It as a re i . e standby ' in ray family " Respectfully, MBS MAIiT RA1, M.W.rAw ta.nden. An YEK'S 11AIR VIGOR. Perfect Hair Indicates a natural and heal vhy condition of the ecalp. and of the glands thte ijhwhich nourish ment is obtained When, In c nsc juence of age and disease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Iiilr Viger wi 1 s"engthea It, r snore Its original color, prc-mite Its rapid and vigorous growth, and Imparl u the luure and freshness of youth. - l,h?I?-u,e1. Ay' Ualr Viger fr a .en? tlma. aud am convinced of tts value. When I was 17 EJ??s ?5?-my.SMlU,?cn ,nra JT I com cem iinS2iLin J? .lt?. T1er' &ea was surprised at "J1??? d-"CU It preduxd It net only re stored tha colertomy hatr, but se stimulated Its jrewth i that I have new mere hair tiau evu ir ir fere - T v . Edwards, Celdwatex, Ma-s. Ayer's Hair Viger, Sold by all Druggists and rerfjmers It rev aki scrriarse from debLity and less of appetites If your stomach li out of order, or your mind confused- take Ayer's Sarsapanlls. This medlctne will restore pay! al force and elasticity te the systom.mere sure, v and spdKy than any tonic yet discovered for six months I suffered from liver and stomach troubles. Sly feed Old let nourish me. and I became weak aud very rri h emact.ted 1 took six bottles of Ayer's Sar,aparli a. and wss cured.- fullus II. I'almcr.Sprlnga, Id, lUe. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I-.epared ey Dr. J. C. Aver A Ce.. Leweil. Miss. Sold by all DruigUts. l'rlee. It , six beU Uaa W- d!t dJl JlIRED OUT ! At this season nearly every one needs te nse some sort of tonic IBO.v enters Inte almost every physician's prescription for these who need bunding up. Physicians and Drngglsls Hcceniuicinl BROWN'S LEON BITTERS! AS THE BE8T TONIC. . fr WakneM,Laajltuae.'Lack of Energy.Etc It HAS NO EQUAL, and Is the ea y Iren rsedT. o'eo that is net Injurious. It Enriches the Bleed. Invigorates the System, Itesteres Apce Apce Ute. Aids Digestion. It does net tlaeken or In ute the teeth, cause headache or r reduce con stipation as ether medicines de. Dr. e. II. BiirsLxr, a leading physician ei fprlnKllcld. Ohie, says "Browns lien Hitters Is a thoroughly geed medicine. I use n in my practice, and rind lu aotlen excels another forms of Iren. In weakness, or a low condition of the system. Brown's Iren Bitters is usually a positive necessity. It Is all that Is claimed for It. Dr. W.N. Wtxrs, 1SI9 Thirty-seoend Street Georgetown, D. C, says : " Brown's Iren Bit ters Is the Tonic of the age. Nothing better It creates appetite, glyea strength and improves The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether iladeenlybv BROWN CHEMICAL CO., ) Baltimore. Md. MIS CBLI.AHBU Va. PLINN A BRENKMA. HOLIDAY HINTS ilany persons want te make Christ inas Presents but de net knew what te select ; let ns assist jeu. AVe have se many useful tilings. Ter Gentlemen, an elegant Set of Carvers or n geed rocket Knife will lie acceptable. Ter Ladles we have Plated Knives, Perks or Spoons, an Elegant Stand or Library Lamp, Toilet Sets or Werk Uexes, and hundreds of ether useful presents. Per Children we have eerythlng like Express Wagons, Sledi, Veloci pedes, Trains of Cars, Mechanical Toys. Many artieles which we have an ever stoek we are clesins eulat.Iess than cost. trrABk for Uargalns. FLINN & BRENEMAH, Ne. 15a North Queen Street, LANCASTKU FA. NOW THE TIME TO SPECULATE AOriVK FLUCTUATIONS in themarket efler opportunities te speculators te make money lu Grain, stocks, Bends and Petroleum. I'remjit personal attention given te orders re ceived by wire or mall. Correspondence solic ited run In forma tlim about the markets In our Boek, which will be forwarded froe en at plicatien. II. D., aanker and nreker, Ne.9SBrpdimaUl New bts.,0w VerV Clly. iremr 1 1 Imitation is the Sincercst Ferm of Flattery." " pHE best proof Hint tlie " Ivery " Senp hns oxtrnerdlmiry I merlts, nnd is in uoed repute with the public is, thru it is ae extensively imitnteel nml ceiinterfcltccl Thoeo counterfeits resemble the Ivery Senp in nppenr nnce nnd style cf packing only Thru luck thr jmrlty nml tfiHeral excellence of the (eintinc. This notice is necessary, ns vllrlf) Injurious nnd tlangereu imitations, liable te produce chronic injlammnllen of thr shin, nre often substituted for the Ivery, becnu&e they pny n laroer profit. The price of the Ivery iu ns low ns ie cen&istent with . est of making such n high grade of pure Seap Consumers have simply te Innifl upon having the " Iverv Seap." remembering that if nny substitute 13 offered it Is for the advantage of the soller A WORD OK WARNING. There are many wh 'c soaps, each represented le be "just as geed is the 'Ivery' i" they ARE NOT, t-i.t IVe all counterfeits, lack ths peculiar and remarkable qualities of the geiu n?. Ask for "Ivery" Seap and insist upon Retting it, Cpyrltht 1S5S by Trccter A Gamble uevtMruMjriBBijni weed. JUIKK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! -RIOrEMNO OF- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line et Carpets ever ex hibited In this city. WILTONS, VKLVKTS, all the Trading Makes or BODY AND TAl'ESTIU BRUSSELS. TnilLE-PLT, AlI-rToel and Cotten Lhaln KXTUA SITEKS. and all qualities of If. GRAIN CARPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAKrETS. IlAO and CHAIN CAUTKTS of our own manufacture a specialty. Special Attention paid te the manufacture of CUSTOM CARI'ETS Alse a rull Llneef OIL CLOTns, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, COVERLETS, Ac., SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King anil Witter Streetu, Lancaster, Pa. tebS-SmdAw VLUTULHU. H IHSn .t BROTH EK T ISH TnEIR TATKONS A I m HOLIDAY GOODS OF eUDSTANTIALGOOD! AT OLE REAON ABtY LOW PRICE" raney the long laatlnv nleasureel manor boy In a PRESENT OV CLOriUNG. UetUna the wrong size need net bother yeh, we will ex change. Umbrella Rubber Clothing, Cnff Bnttens, Cellar Iluttens, Watch Chalei and Charms, ARE USEFUL PRESENTS. -ALSO Men's Silk Suspcuderg In Uexcs, Men's Fancy Hosiery In Hexts. Men's Silk Mufflers, Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, Men's Kid (.'lore?; Men's Mned Kid Gloves, Fur Tep, Men's Silk end Velvet Neckties. If teu decide en Clothing or Furnishings, don't miss seeing ours i they will held their own for variety, euallty, and mere for money tee ; let tint thought stick. & ONE-PRIOB OletMers and rurnisliers, COR. NORTH QUEEN ST. AND CENTRE 8QUABK, LANCASTER, PA. FVItH, C. QUOICE PURS. Christmas Gifts Reduced AMER'S CHOICE FURS, Best Sealskin Coats, ELEGANT MOFFS AND TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS. Gent's Seal Oapa. NO, 39 WEST KING STREET. nevH-lmd TERRORS OF THK DKNTAt CHAIR DISAItMKD. Teeth extracted by the use el electricity ner lccUy safe and harmless. My MJxi Tcwih are made of the best materliU that lean purchase iming teeth a specialty. All work guaranteed. W. ft riBHKH. Dentist, apm 1yd Ne. W North Queen St RR BIS HIRSH BROTHER meai CARPETS 1 CLOrilMU, w Il.LIAMSON A FOHTKIL TELEPHONE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER PREBLNT THE Compliments of the Season, -AND- Thank the Public reRTHhlRLIBKIlAl. rATIlONAOKOr HOL IDATOOODS Many lines have entirely disappeared, but the deficiency has been filled with ethers et equal value. OENl'SNECKWEAR, KID AND CLOTH GLOVES AND 6ILK MUT- r Lb !iS, F1LK AND SATIN HANDKERCHIEF, EMBUOIDERKD SUSPENDERS, CARDIGANS, rANCY HOSIERY AND LNDERWLAIt, LADIEH'SEAL AND BEAVER MUrrS, CAPES AND BOAS, GENTS' SEAL CAPS AND TURBANS, COL LAKS AND UAUNKLET8, sxirr and son kelt hats, anb iine BILK HATS, BOYS' rOLOS. CLOTH CAPS AND SEAL TURBANS, GENTS' SMOKING JACKETS, HOUSE COATS AND LIBRAhT ROBES, STORM OVERCOATS, WINTER DRE18 SUITS, BOYB' OVERCOATS, CHILDREN'S SHORT PANT SUITE AND SHIRT WAISTS, LADIES' AND GENTS' PRESENTATION HOUSE SHOES AND SLIPPLUB, rirx beets and eaiteus, ueisamer OVERSHOES, 1LEECE-LINED ARCTICS AND ALiBKA 8 AND RUBBER BOOIS. A SPECIAL LINE Or LADIES' HAND BAGS At a Special Trice le Bpeed their Departure. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. 88, 34, eOand 118 East King Hi., LANCASTER. I'A. sJSrStere open Every Evening until further Netice. MEKRSCUAUM PU'KS, CIOAR HOLD ERS, Ae. A full assortment Just received for the Holidays, at reduced prices. At MARK LEY'S, f Yellow rrtrat," Ne. il North Queen Street (ronnerly Hartman'sl jruriDjr. peRBILKMUFFLr.RS EHIBMANB. Wen CIOAR UA8EH -no ie BniaMAN'fl. F ORl'IMKNEOKTIIW no te RniBMAM'B. "PIOR COLLARH AND CUKFM no in-' BrtlBMsVrrH, 17 WcBt King Htreet. -BALAUU OF rAHHIOM, Merry Christmas ! HFDL PRESENTS -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace el Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. PBIOES AWAY D0W1T -BRING THE Enormous Crowds WhKh flltej our Stcre for the last few daji. We advise you te OALL EARLY AND AVOID TUB RDSH. Here area ."ew suggestlonsastewhat Preseirta you can buy at our atom and al what Prices Plaited Breastpins from l(e. te IS CO apiece. Silver Hairpins, lie toMCeaplere. Cashmere (JleTre, Bliek and Colored, ISO, ire , !Sc and upwards. Ladles' Milts, il'ack and Colored, ., e. and re Child's Mitts. 10e, lie, snc. and l: Children's Ciietps, inc. Ladles' Colored Berder Handkerchiefs, Se, Se , inc., We. te 7Jc Ladles' White Embrr-ldertsl lltndkerchlets, DC , lfc, He . SJ8. te e. Ladles' White All-Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, loe., lie, lie., CV. Ladles' Hemstitched. Raw Silk Handkerchiefs. 29c., 17c, 90c.. 60a. and JJe. Colored Bilk Handkerchiefs, lc, Ke , S9e , JTe , 3)0,730. and II M. Gent's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, Se. Gent's Colored llenlered Handkerchiefs, all Inen, warranted, 7c or 4 fer!c Gent's White All-Linen Handkerchiefs, nemmed, 10c, IV)., SCc. and Be Gent's Hemstitched, All-Llnnn Handkerchiefs 230., We S7e , 43a and SOc, Gent's HemsUtched, Colored Bordered Hand kerchiefs , IJXe , ISO.. JSO., 80e., 87C, SOC. All SUk Brocaded Mnrsers, Cream and While, Eitra Large, il.rst, l 1, l se, 11 71, fien, nts, KJOandB.te. Linen Towels. c, 10c , lKc , lSc,le., voe . o e o UeSflo., S)c-, 570. te ll.M a pair. Stamped Linen Towels, loe., Ic, Mc,, )a., 7e . 50c and 750 Stamped Ltncn Splasher, lie, IB.., ase., 7e.t SOa., 73c and II Ce, Stamped Linen Sideboard Cevers, 1 1)., CM., 3c,73a,V., ILOuand 11.15. Ladles' Black Muffs, Me. te 11.50. Ladles' Beaver Muffs, 11.73 te V CO. Ladies' raney Muffs. ILM ajid iw Children's Satchels lrem c up. Ladles' Satchels, tic, 7e., sc TSe, Ilundreds of ether klce and Useful Articles tee numerous te mention hare, but whleh can boseenat oursters at any time, and which are sold at positively tb LOWEST PRICES. IN OUR Cleak Department WE flAVE MADE Sweeping Reductions. Eveiy Garment has been marted down te such a LOW PRICE That It Is bound te sell at once. We adrtse all whowlshiebuy A Big Bargain 10 CALL AS EARLT AH P01S10L? AND LOOK ATOUR COATS AUD CLOAKS And Their Prices. TOBACCO AUD VIC A KB. pViTABLIHHED-ma Demuth's Oigar Stere. We have In stock a ITlne assortment of Goods, Dutiable Christmu Presents for Gentlemen. MEERSCHAUM PIPEB and CIOAR HOLD JCRS, 1'laln, Carved and surer Mounted Genuine ritKNCIl BUIAU l'll'as In Latest Styles, Shapes and Mountings. rine SMOKING TOBACCOS. Imported and Key West Cigars. Our Specialty The only Clear Havana ruler Uand-Made Cigars in tlm city for Bet brands " Mia," "Qneilda" and Gelden Lien." . . UAN JCS In AU Styles and Prices. Snufl Beaes, Clear Cases, Match Bexes, Ae. SWTelepboue Couueotlou. NO. 114 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. decO-lmd R OTB IH MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPH d AT mMO A POUII, ..ItW- l N0BTU QO"M BTKKE1, linlUfd LancAsUr. t -4 i' v V ,k 1 f I. .AkiiL At, n.jalfc .i-.MiiMi-,'-. V-4 KastisVtiKt " -A. .M T'.V r. J OMasiitMBai -iiii iaw i jiiissssniiirryBiifiiilir-lsWsiai