'.. .,.z . r ; ' la hi wirr- t cannot touch till cheek, Ner ruffle with R loving lireath hli hair 1 leek Inte hi eyes, and hear him apeak He unrer knows that I urn there I Uh, ItinydJirlliiR weiliabut only kuev Thatrtay and night, through all hla weary lite, I, whom holevea In th tsars long age, Am with htm Hill hli wife. 1 watch him nt til taak, When I tin liiivia siiutientus Hut light up his room i . I wnti h him (III Ilia uv-iilim lays het iiiaak Upen Uie Iain of day and In Urn gloom lln It) hli pencil down unci atlnnl alls, And tram hla chin niten hit hand and slgha i m Hew well 1 knew what memory inuud htm flits I I lead 1' In hla ores, And when hli pencil's sktll lias aametliuna wrought a touch of happyait, 1 leehla face wlthauddau gladneaa fill I I aeshltu turn wllhengsr llpa apart. Te bid tne coma mid welcome hti aticceaa i And then he diepa, and throws his hrushaalile; Uli, If my darling tlinn could only gue's Thattheti near who died ' Sometimes I fancy, tee. That he dena dimly knew ll-lhal he fuela Beuiu Influence of love p,u t hi Wing through Death'! pilauii liira, the aplilt'a benda mul aeala, Keine daar voinpanlenahtp aieiinfl him still I Berne whispered bleaaliiK, faletly breathed ea icaa, T he prnaenre of n Ioto no death can kill Hrlghlenlng hlalenellneia. Ah. but It cniiuet Im ' The dead are with Iho living-lam herui Itut he, uiv living love, he cannot sen Ilia dead wlfe.lhniighahe cling te htm an near, t aeek hla eyes i 1 pleas agalnat hla cheek t I hear him tirealhe my name In walling tone ilreulla me, rails lit a wile, 1 cannot apeak tte thinks hn ta nlenn, This la the blllerncaa nt death Te knew be loves me, pluua and earns for me Te see him, still banrar htm, feet htabrcath Fan my aad cheek, and yet lam net free In bid hluifcel, by any faintest touch. That alie who never left hla aide In Ufa Che who se loved hltn,whouiheloM'daomncb la with him atlll till wife. JitMtin MrCnrlh. Courting at the Capital, rreman lntrtew te ChlcaKoTrltiune Oh' It's lelly ceintlng In Washington se (llllerent from ether place. Thore Is re in an ce In everything. A woman that couldn't plot an olepomont Iiore, untler tlie glitter of tlie White Heuse, tlie rear anil the tuistle of tlie rapltel, and te ihe music of the dining room and ball, lau't worth liavlnp. Hut, seriously, I uevtr lieanl of no many ladles who wanted te get married an nre here new. I knew them, and aoe them every where 1 go -widow a, orphans, daughters) of magnate, Htateaiiien aud K)tentate. If 1 were a young man I'd be a bigamist, aure. lAla of men eome here te leek for wlvei, but there la net one of thorn te ten ladles who arc looking for husbands. Tlie hotel, aris tocrats iKmrillng hetnua, tlie Hal mid the pthate residence1 are full of them. Score are In every square. My ' " Water, water ( everyw here, and initie te drink '" And the dlxoeuraKliiK loature K thvfin lndlen nre be bo be ceming uiore plentiful oery yeitr. (treat fauillltx or them rouie lu a bunch, put up at the fashlotiable place or rout houses mid atay tlie season out. An acceptable mnu could marry twk'e it week, rniin the lutlew of fa miliar faces It leek llkn the market would be better supplied this abort kmwii than ei or before. " Men muat work and women weep be runa the wet Id away ' Hut they need net wtvn se much tf they use Or. rieice'a ramrlt" rrecrlptten," notch cure all tbejmtuful umladleapciiillarte women Beld by druggists W,3Aw A WKtK HICK HKl'T ttltOMI, lltisciui, ArrOMATTev te., a , March , 1S) ALL eca's Plasters haeenablcd me te work and labor ler the last two years 1 have been troubled with a pain acreas ui kidneys and a neakneaa of the spine which, at time, rendered me almost helpless. The first rellur I jbtalned was by wearing two Ai i eca a I'lAtirir., and 1 use about tweeeiy menlb,aud I hive no pain erdlfllculty I consider them the beat plaster In uc. t, for one, cannot de without them. It. II UILLIAM ll On luur Uuartl. Ib'nsen'a Capclnn rioalers aru wlduly tiutU ted. That la the fact. .New, by are they Imi tated I llecause they are the only porena plas ter In existence that la really truatwurthy and valunbln. Hounen'a Plaster are hluhly and acl fintltlrnlly medicated, and euro In a tow hours ailment upon whim no ethera hiivii had any effect whatetur. The public ar therefore can can tleneilnsalnat plMters beHrlni; the names of " Capalcln." ' Capsicum," " t'BMlclne," or Ch pucln." which are meant te niui for L'nnrtnn " plfAse note the dllftirentx) nod aUe aatnat Oaatetn bearlni: the names " llenteirn." llur. F enV." etc When buvtnuaak ffir llfiumi'a l'liut. ter and nrotecr vfiiirNitlfbv r iwi-Mntiai Mtmninit. tlen. The (rnnulne hm the word" Capclne " cut orperoused In the body of the pi a mr und the "Thrcu Heals " tradumark en the lace cletb. (3) lllaetMea of Chllilren The only line of Kemedlea fur Children N lla. llAKDa. Celic, ChatlnK, t'hyalc, Werm, Iilar- rhiea, CeiirIi and Cmup, Tonic and Teethluif 1-otlen. Ith each a book onCaie and Ulsuaaea of childhood. 23 cents for aula by II 11. Cochran, Druulst, Se. 117 and 1JJ North Uueen atrcvt, Lanuuler, l'a. decMmdJtw The National Credit ta Ne Mera solidly founded than the reputation of Ikmheu a Caprlne l'liutera. Thoyare known, appreciated and used everywhere In Ameilca Its hospitals and III homes, l'hyslchins, plmrmaclsta and druggists attlrin tint fei promptness ei action, ceruttntyand range of curullve iuallttes they are beyond comparison. Once u.ed their un equalled OTcelloiue lecemuiends them Tne public aie aKiln cautluned against the cheap, northlefannd ahtiue!u-,a Imliultens oTend br mendacious parties under the gule or similar seuudlng names, auch as " fapntcln,"" I apat cum "."Cadpuclu ' cnnslclne," etc. Aak .ler Itenann's. buy of repoctiib'e driiRKlsts only and make a iciiieiial elimination. Tne genulnehaa the "11)100 Deals" trade maik and the weid "C'npclne "cut lu thorentre. dic?uM,W,S SVMV1AL HOTtVM. Knmw Doubt tile llthle And the motives of Its authors, lint noue who have used them doubt the ntli-icy of " lliirdeLk llloed lllttera This aplendld liloed tonic Is with eump-er. rcirmlii ty II n Cochran, druggtst, 17 ami IW North ttueeii atluet, Uincas'.er. Dr. IIamlbk Werk arnur, l'urely vegetable, pleasant U take, will expel worms If any eilst, no purgatlve nxiulred after using. Price, 25 cenU. by all druggists. bJ-amdMW'Ar Threw Away 350. "Treublel with asthma for eight rears. Net fjulle two bottles of Tltemnt' Ectcctrie OK cured me completely, after spuudtng ever tun without the slightest beneflt." Ihla la what August Trubner. of Tyrene, I'n . aaya. for Hale by II. II Cochran, drug-gist, u; and 133 North Queen eticet, Lancaster. . flew About the Deses. Many people before purchasing a modlclne natnmlly tniulre, the alze of the dese and the strength of It In using Jlurdeck Jlloeit llttltri a tenspoenful for the HtUe ones and two tea poenfula for grown folks are all thtllsueiessa ry atone tl me. This magnlllcent medlctne Is net only economical but very pleasant te the taste. Fer silo by 11 II. Cechiau, druggtst, 137 and 133 North (J neon stieut, Lancaster. Uni nuTTLs KrracTS a Cl-rk. Sir. Oscar K. II. Kech, of Allentown, l'a, hivs bedfast with In flammatory rhuuuiallsin In the winter or lbsc Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using (Inns' ltbeumatla ltemedy. Ily the Uine he had used ball a botlle he could leave bis bed when he had nulshed the bottle ha was cured and has uet had a return of the dlsoaseslnco. In his own words, "1 tool belter than ever befeie." 1'rlce II, by all druggists. leUWiridMWAr I'ruveil a lllg lleucllt. "lias magical pain killing and healing piep ertlcs. Hull of ulllty cent lietllu cuied meet rheumatism nod a cold that had setlled lu my back, feel as well as I ever did In my lite.'' Otte J Deealiury, pionrlet'r lleUnnd CifH.Vetf, Helland, Mlcb, speaklntf for "ThomasrKcloc "ThemasrKcloc "ThomasrKclec trie Oil" ForBitteby II. II. Cecbnui, druggist, 137 and 103 North Quucn street, Lunciistur. nf Mether Hut bee') mlng your Iluriteck llloed IHlttrt as a liver reuiedy, and Undsthuiu wry elllcacleus " Ches. I Alnawenh, H Vancn llleck, ludlannpo ludlannpe lls, Ind Ker s le by It. II Cochran, druggist, 37and W Neiltl Uueens'reut, l.ancsster. A l'eltcrmau Ilraced Up, I). I". Cellins, member of nollce, aeventh ward. Heading I'i.tnUs this way 'Muffeied seycrelv f'em rhiHimutl'in nothing did me any geed till 1 tried Thomm' JXltctrle Oil It isupleisure te recommend it " Ker sale by II. It. Cochran druggiat,m uud 13-1 North Queen street, Luu caster. THAT HACKING COUdll can be se quickly cured by bhllah's Curu. W e ruarnntee it. rer UaMatn-ei1- Uoebn- UruiHClsl, Ne. 137 North Keur-Fintia. Of our American people are aflllcted with sick heudache In either lta nervous, bilious or con. irestlve leruia. caused by irregular habits, high ilvl,nffieit.Cr- i"!?.."!' " has ever conquered It until Dr. Leslie's Hpeclal 1'iesorlptlen was Uls. SnllterU'iltr,.la UUl1, y.Pni.ntj)ln mmuieAi, oimmenh IjIvkh nKouriA-ien. MALARIA. "If iwopletould only knew what n ap'endld medlelne Hlinmens l.lvrr ttrgulatei la there would be many a physlelan without a patient and many an Intermlnahle doctor bill saved. I cenalder It Infallible In inalatlat Infection 1 had for many years bien a pel feet physical wreck from a combination of complaints, ill the outgrowth of malaria In my system, and even under the skillful hand of Iir J.l Jenes, of this city, 1 had despaired of ever lielnaj a well woman again. Slmmena l.lver Itrgulater was roeommsndod te me. I tried It; It helped tne, and It la the only thing that aver did ine any geed. 1 persevered In Its use and am new In perfeothealth, I knew ths medicine cured ins, and 1 always keep lias a Inllable' standby 'In my family " Uespectfully, Mil? MAItY HAY, M.W.fAw Camden, Ala. H OOIi'H HAKHAPAIIIijIjA. WE SUBMIT FACTS In tegaid te Heed's Haraapaillla aa a remedy for rheumatism, mid oak you if you are atlllnted with this dlaeoaet'i try the medicine which haa se greatly benrtl ted ethers. Hundreds of people who auflored the tortures of rheuuintlaiii, even In Its aevereat forms, have been perfectly eured by Heed's Hanmpartlla, the great bleed purifier. 11 oeirccts the acidity of the bleed, which la the cause of tlie disease, and gives strength and vigor te every part or the body "1 used Heed's Rarsaparllla last spring, and can truly nay ltholed me very much. Te these suffering with bilious complaints, nervous pros tration or rheumatism,! earnestly recommend It." HUB. K. LAUl'KNTKK. Kalamacoe, Mich. " Heme twenty jetra age Iliad my light ankle dislocated, and It has bean weak ever si nce. About ten yenis age 1 was ex uosed te severe cold and came near freetlng. Since then I luive often been troubled with rheumatism, affecting memest In the right aiikle. I suffered severely during last winter, and tried Heed's Harsapa Hlla as a hnlp. It jfave me almost Immediate re lief, and 1 keep It constantly ready rer use. If It does as well for ethers as It has done for me.lt la worth many tlmea Its cost," I. T HUNT, Kenten, Ohie. Heed's Sarsaparilla Held by all druggists. II I six for sW, Pre pared only by C. 1. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. lOO HOIKS ONK DOH.AH. P HYHK'IANSAND DIlUOOIhTW KKC OMMK.NI BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BE8T TONIC. This medicine, combining Iren with pure veg. eUibte tnules, (iiilckly niul completely i urea IIYSl'Kl'.IIA, I.NIHI1KSTION, MALAIttA, WKAK.VKbH, IMI'UUK III.OOD, CHll.Lh and rr.VKH.ttud NhlKAI.OIA. Ily rapid and theiutigh assimilation with the bliKHi, It rearheaetery jiattef the syateni, puri fies and enriches the tiiiSMl, strengthens theinua clea and nerves, and Uines and ln!gerates the aystem. A fine Appetiser Ileal tonic known. It will euro the wert caeef Dyspepsia, re moving all distressing lyinptenls, ancn as last ing the KemI, llelrhliig. Ileal In the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The only iron medlelne that will net blacken or Injure the teeth. it Is lnaluable for diseases pecnlartn women, and le alt persons w he lend sedentary lives An unlading remedy ler diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, l'ersens aafferlng fiern the effects of ever, work, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or de bility, experience (julck relief and renewed energy by Its use It does net came Headachn or preduce Cen-stlpatlnn-OTHKIl Iren medicines de. it Is the only preparation of Iren that causes no luluileu effects. 1'hyalclana and druggists recommend It as the best. Try it. Iho genulde hua Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper Take no ether. Made only by lllteW'N CiltMlCAL CO , itnltlmere, aid. (1) m!7-lydAw rOMSA COKUIAIj. VOLINA CORDIAL CUllKS OYbf'LPblA. INDIGLSTION, WLAKNbSS, CHILLS AND FhVER, MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, K.DNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. It Is Invigorating and delightful te take, and nf great value as a Medicine ter weak and Ailing Women and Children It gives new life te the whole System by Strengthening the Muscles, Tuning the Nerves, and completely Digesting the feed This Hemedy contains no hnrtful Minerals, la composed of carefully selected Vegotable Medl clnes, combined skilfully, making a Safe und 1'leasant Kemcdy. A HOOK, " Vellna," by leading physicians, telling hew te trout diseases ut HOMK, nialled, together with a tut of handsome cards by new Hnilotype process, en receipt of 10 cents. rer sole by all Druggists and Orecers. Should the dealer near you net keep Velika Cordial, remit II ( and a full-alze botlle will be sent, charges paid. rRirARKDOKLT RT Vel Inn Drup; and Ohoinlenl Company, HA 1.1 IMOHK. M D., U. 8. A. eJl-lydAw c UHB OUAHANTKKI), RUPTURE. Cur. i guaranteed by 1)11. .1, II. MAI Kit, Ease at onto : no operation or delay from busi ness t Uxtled by hundrudsel cures. Main office. 831 AllCil ST., fill LA. Send for Circular. ravivdAw UHK KOH THK PKAK. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Kar Drums potfeclly restore hearing and perform the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable mul always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, ritKK. Address or call en t. HISCOI, SM lireadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. lunelo-lveodAlyw HHUUMKIMM, c IllllSTMASdUKKTlNO A.SDCIIH1ST.MASJ0YST0 Al .lust received some veiy tlue New Oilenna linking Melassea. extra line baker, 8ome ver geed nt 1 inondUcenta peruuart. (ioed While sugar only 6K cents per pound, Hest White and Urunulutcd sugsis, n cents. Krcsh ground rplces, line llayerln extracts, pure rese water, new lnlslns, 3 pounds for 23 cents. 3 pounds Krench prunes .5 cents, currants, citron, etc Hertzler's home-made inlnce meat, large new coceauuts, choice crnnberr'es, und our high grade (.hil-limu) ilnui Is very due ; try It uud ou will lie pleased A full lluoef MneChrtst mas Candles, 0, Hand 18 cents per pound. New nutsef all kinds, lineal sweet rlerlila oranges, n-w dates, llgs, etc. choice white grupes, laige bunches 15 mid 18 cents per pound. Our goods are all rlrst class Prices uud iiuallty speak for themselves. Heeds delivered te ull parts of the city. Geerge "Wiant, NO. 113 WEST KINO 8T11KKT. 4 Telephone connection 1 .ugMV AT HUltaK'H. We claim that our line el FINE HOLIDAY GROCERIES! Is uet bui parsed tn this city, If coualled, ler ailety, rer freshness uud forrrlce. Te be served well and at leasonable pilcea, leavs jour elder and have goods delivered Your wants can be w oil supplied by us. 11LST SUUA118. I1H3T COFr"KK8 ANDTKA". NKWOltl.KANBItsKINO MOLAS8L8 ANDTAilLC BYUUl'S. Pure Splcea nnd Flavoring; Bxtraeta, COOKING AND TAULK FH17IT8, CANN1.D AND 1IOTTLK1) OOODS, NU1 HAND CAN DIK8, HANANASANDOHANUKS, 3,000 Pounds WBITH GRAPES. Everybody will want a lew pounds at least, a lOu , i:Kc. and 15c. a pound. BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET, LANOASTKB. FA, TUItACUO CUTTINGH. HUKAPH. HIFT 1NI1S AND l'ACKKUS' WA8TK, Dry and fiiMiti ltmiiht. fnr TAJih. ' J. 8. MOLIN8, Ne. S73 1'earl street. New Yerk, tti tcrrnce Fred, Pchutlw, Ne, 313 Pearl street. New Yerk. febnayd' MOUBAt 00. -0011 CIIK1HTMAH. A Table Cever, Deien Npklns, Half Doten Towelaeral'alrnf BlankKtsiiiskeianlcflChmt mas l'ressnt. The North End Dry Goods Stere laaOued I'lace te lluytbem. J. Vf. DYHNK, BO-vHyd Ne. 311 North Queen street. -piVKKY I.ADY SHOULD VISIT 1IIK Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DBOHMUEn 7th te 14th, At thu Salesrooms et Whocler fc Wilsen Mf'g Ce., Ne. 5 BOtllll O.UKKN BTHEKT, Lakeastes, 1'a, sWOlxn r.renlnga. dltfd riilHll A IIIIOIIIKH. Holiday Gifts! Ohoeso Your Gifts Wisely. Yeu cannot cheese a morn acceptable preienl than one which la both useful as well as orna mental. Our assortment lain every sense of the word 1'KltrKCT. embracing a Complete Llnoet CLOTHING -AND- Eurnishing Goods. Has llsttuek you that aSutl ler a Man, Youth or Hey. That an Ovoicent from II te up ThalaSllk MumerWll 75and 12.00. Thai a Silk Handkerchief frein37c. tin That a pair nf silk susiwndcrs fremOOC. up. That a Bilk Neckile from 2le up. That a pair of Kid Uletes Irem II 00 up lhalH palret Lined Kid Fur-Tep Uleves Hern 5e. up. 1 hal a fancy Woolen Shirt from II 50 up. That a KubhorCeut from II JO up. Thai an Umbrella frem: Wc up. MAhl t A SU1TA11LK CFIRISTMIS PRESENT. S- We have all these goods and plenty moie al pilcea which are lower than any ether bloie Ulcea w he city in t ONE-PRIOB Clothiers and EuTnishers, COlt. NOIll'H QUKKN ST. AND CKNTUE hClOAUK, LANCASTKll, l'A. w IMilAMSUN A FOBIKlt TKLEPUONE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. CHRISTMAS WEEK ! A UltEAl VAK1E1 Oi Sensible Presents. UKNI iNKCKKKAIC, STUDS AND 8LKEVK lll'lTONS, SILK ItL'FFLLItB, SILK HANIIKKUCIUKtS, KM II UOIDKKKl) SILK SUSl'KNUEKS, CAHDlUANJACKETi, COLLAI1S AND CUFFS, LINKN AND CAMIIItlC II ANUKKKCH1KFS TANCY I103IK11Y, LADIKS' HAND SATCHELS, LADIES' 1IKAYKU MUFFS, LAD1I.3' FUIt CAl'KK, Cllll.DUK.N'S CHINCHILLA MUFFS, LAHIES'SKAL MUFFS, LADIhS' KUlt COI.LA11KTTK.9AND 1IOAS, GKM'i SEALSKIN CAPS AND TUUI1ANS, LADIES' AND UENt'S UU11HELLA8, GENT'S FUH DKIV1NO OLOVES, FLU TOP KID GLOVES, CAMEL'S II Alll AND CLOTH ULOVES, DUCK, BAUANAC AND WOOLEN MITTS AND OLOVES, 110Y8 CLOTH CAPS AND POLOS, I.ENT'ISOFT POCKET HATS, STIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS, LAPKOHKSOF WOLF, PLUSH AND GOAT, POCKET HOOKS, PUHSE3 AND WALLETS, GENT'S AND HOYS' U.NDEItWEAU, BTOKM OVEHCOAT3, CHINCHILLA ULSTEIIS, KR11SEY AND 111. A EU0 KUCOATS, GENT'aCUT-A-WAYCOATSUllS, DllESS SACK SU1T, I'KINCL AI.HKKT FUOCK .SUITS, HOYS'S RTHAIUHT 1 IIONT SACK SUITS, HOYS' DKE3S WOHSTED 8T1T9, HOYS' OVEUCOATS, HOYS' PANTS AND COATS, CIULDKEN'S SHOUT PANTSU1TS, LIIILDHKN'SOAPK OVEUCOATS, CH1LDUE.VS FL&NNELSHlltT WAISTS, THUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS AND HAND 11408, UENl'd AND HOYS' ItUIiUKK COATS, UENT'S HOUSE COATS. SM0K1NU JACKETS, LIUItAEY HOBES AND HUEAKFAST COATS, LADIES' AND GKNT'3 HOUSE SHOES, GENT'S MOROCCO BLIPPEKS, LMnilOlDEUED VELVET SL1PPKKS, ALLlUATOilANDl'l.UIILEUOATSLU'PEHS, LADIES' WAUM FELT Dill VINO SHOES, LADIES' A MISSES' HAND-MADE QA1TEHS, UENT'3 FIN 1. CALF HOOTS, HOYS' HOOTS, CIIILHKtCN'S AND INFANT'S SHOES, LADIES' G03SAMl.lt 0 EHSIIOES, LADIES' WATEUPHOOF GAITEIIS, GEM'S OVEUSHOES, AUCTICS A ALA8KAS, HIDING HOOTS AND UUHllEIl HOOTS. Theiu are very many mero useful articles suitable rer Presents that space will net permit us te moiitlen, but we extend a cordial Christ, urns Invitation te all WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. 83, 84, UO and 88 Kast King- Nt., LANCASTER PA. -StoieopcuKvciy Kvenlnj; unill FuHher Neme. HIRSH & BROTHER, teM. fc . M-vM pAIiAUK ev fa?;tiien. 1 Mere Holiday Presents! -Al- ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EABT KINO ST., LANOASTEK, PA. Head this List of some of our Uoeda suitable ler CHRISTMAS GIFTS! 1'HOTOUIIAPII ALBUMS. Velvet Ceveied, fancy, l"c. Leather Covered. 2Se. CBblrlo(iSlie?e'l'lded and Painted, Me. Flne Albums, Dark Colerod Leaves, f 1 nn. AUTOOBAPH ALIIUMS. Be,ven"ncheLe4nJf.Ollded, llutwl Leaves, lc. Mlk Plush Covered, at Kmbossed Plush Covered, larna, Wc. Leather covered. Bquare. 7i ,c Embossed Plush Cever, 8x3, 'c. Japanese Working Bexes, 44c. inrald Weed I Werk Bexes, large, 75c Willow Hand Baskets, 'ilc. Gleve and llandkerehlef Hews, lie r SIS Mirrors. Bevelled Glass, 37c- 5 evSn-Ineh High Mlrrw.Pluah Frsme, S-JC Picture Frames, Silk Einb'd, I2c pirlnme Bexes, BetUes tolOKne indBesp, tin. a ilex : Larger, 150. and 2ne. a Cox. Childress Tea ssu. is pieces, painted, 12c. a Bex. Large Painted. c Hairpin Baskets, sc I arie Paint Bexes, 10 Inches lenir, &c. Fine Paint Bexes, two compartments, inc. FiSS Tey Parler Sets, 110). J pieces, uphol uphel stered, liammcre'd Braw Match Sales enlMush Cevt red Cpriua'hw'erk Bexes, with rittlnrs, 490. Hammere-1 Uraaa Whisk Helders with heads, llammered Ilrasi Slipper Whisk Helders. 24c am i ered Brass Match Rales, 7c. 10c and ISO. Hammered Brass Ash Kecelvers In Copper, Flreftllt and Brass, Sc. Apiece. llrenze Ash Uecelvers, 9c Polished Brass Ash Bepelv" en Stands. Mc Ash Uecelvers and Cigar Helders combined, '?nkstands, Weed and Glass, lie. Hammered Brass Inkstand, Cut Qlasi Bettle, 17c. Brass Candlesticks. lSc Hronre Candlestleks, S3C. Bronze Vases, ttc HlBOiin Flsures, ttc. ,11c. and He Scholars Companions, 9c (Weed Boies coin- Meuth HartueutcsJ', 6c , wprth ISe. FlneCl8arCases,Soe.andllU). Gent's Nete nnd Pockelbook combined, em broidered, only tsc. ,,,., Plush Manicure Bexes, Satin Lined, E7c Japanese Pencil Cases. Kc. Hammered Brass smoker's Set, large, c Ijirgescrap Beeks, 248. Musle Hells, 19c Leather Covered Whisk lleders, 10c. Wrltlnc Paper In rancy Bexes, 10e.,li: , lta., SOc.iV: andOOcaHex. Wire Fruit and Cake HAsksls, tc Hammered Braas Comb and Brush Cases, .10. Large Hammered Brass Trays, Bound and Square. Fancy Colegnoi. Dell s Caps, ec, 17c. 19c , -V Dell's Plush Caps, 37c. Elegant Hunches ei Fruit, leek like ualutal, 75c. and 8!c a Bunch. Christmas Cards, 4e . 10c and lie, Hanging Flower Boskets, large, only 73:. A FULL STOCK OF SATCHELS. Leather 8atcbes,c,W and 71c Plush Satchels, tflc, 75c, II ; and hleher. lArga Leather Bags. Nickel 1 ratue, Leather Lined, 75c: worth ll.. Silk llandkerchlcts, 15c , 5V!., 37c. SpecuU Bargain-Satin lliecaded, all colors. 50c. While China cllk Muffler, corded, 37c; worth bio. Elegant Brocaded Bilk Mufflers, 75c, 'c , It.lJ, Il.i5,ll.37, 11.50. 1.75and higher Large Caahmsre Mufflers, lancy Satin stuped, Se- . .- Ktnl.t ntdprttd llRndkerLblefH. 9c . 10c I.C.. lC. 3HJ., 150 , 17C and 5"c Embroidered nnd Table Let eis. Special Inducements IN OUR Cleak Department. WK OFFblt SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS In this Department. Belew we mention a few of the many Lew Pilces which we put en ALL OUlt GOODS. LADIES' VbHYFlNE Beuclc Walking Jackets, In Black and Blown, heavy iiuallty Ueth, well madeaud trimmed FHst-class, only f-75 (worth M50.) Ladies' Newmarkets. VHlh Plush Trimmings, the wenduifully Les Figure el eulyTHHEE DOLLARS. CHILDREN'S OOATS As Irfiw as 1 a, 11.50, II im and upwards. Alse an Elegant Line el LADIES' COATS AND WRAPS, And all the Latest Novelties In DOMES 110 AND IMPORTED GARMENTS auAL. g B. MARTIN, WBOLSBALS ARO SSTAIL DSAISB IK All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. SWYaivd: Na 430 North Water and Prince Stroeta, abave Lomen, Lancaster. n3-lvd OA.UMUA.IIDNKHH A JKKIfKUlKc). GOAL DEALERS. Omen : Ne. 12U Kenh uueen slreet, and Ne. KH North Prince slreeU Yaeds: North Prince street, near Reading Depot. LANCASTER, PA. anglS-Ud JJAHT KND YAKU. O.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Orhcfl : Ne. au CENTRE SQUARE. Beth yard and office connected with Telephone Exchange aprlilYdMAr.il NOW TUB TIME TO SPECULATE. ACTIVE V LUCTUAT10N8 In .the market ener opportunities te speculators us make money iu drain, Stocks, llenda ana retrnleuui. l'rempt personal attention kIveu Inordeisie Inerdeisie relved by wire or mull. Correspendvncu solic ited trull information about tne markets tn our Heek, which will be forwarded Iree ou ap plication. II. I. KYLE, Hanker and Ilreker, Nns.38 II read and 31 New tits., New Yerk city. neviSO-lydAw A U. K0SKNSTK1N, A BARGAIN. Owing te the clese of the Fall and Winter Sea son, 1 have purchased one mero plece ei these elegant Heavy Hark lllne English Cheviots, at a leduced nrlce. Ihey were our beat seller, and sold at IUlOU. and have reduced them te the low figure eftriua. Alude and trimmed elegantly, and ubove all, a perfect tit., A. II, U0SENSTE1N. Fine Tailoring, 37Nerumueenfit, - .'.-1 I i. -r .t. jaasJ sjusirli aysatS j " vsysy as,4wsSstiivS'fc' . S( aanfc,ss.ts.. aiA kf M KTZOKK HiLUOHMAll'SOHEArBTORK. Elegant Paisley - AND BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, Bet from the Importers and at Lew Prices. A Large Abb at of Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers FROM AUCTION. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Berrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. tteLaBayu'ifth. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. A IiARGE AND ATTRACTIVE HTOCK OF Substantial and Useful Holiday Gifts! Imitation India and Brechs Shawls, Lupin Make Black Cashtneie shawls, riannel and Clelh Bkirts.TableUnons.RapklnsanaTewols, niankets, Quills, Comforts. Alse an Attracllve Bleck or Cleves, neslery, BUk nandkerchlefs, Silk Mu filers, Ladles' and Children's Plain and Coleiod Berder and Ilemstllched nandksrchtels IN LARGE QUANTITIES, AT LOW I'RIOKH. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fa. JMirMLBt, -piDW. J. ZAHM, JEWELER. CHRISTMAS-1 SSS. ELEGANT HOLIDAY GIFTS! ZAHM'S CORNER, Lancaster, Pa. Ordera forBPBOIAliJBWBLiRYef our own make eheuld be placed with u early. FinBT-OlAASS nEPIBINa of every doserlptlon. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S CORNER, H. 7m rheaus, jewelkr. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FanB, Fans, Opera Glasses, MtiBleal Bozea, Oil Paintings, Marble Statuary, Bronzes, French Cleck, Spoons, Knives and Ferks, Child's Sets, Nut Pleka Ss Cracks, Shoe Buttoners, Cleve Butteners. Vlnegrettes, Fine Lamps, Ink Stands, Ink Stands with Bealee, Smoking Sets, Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Fruit Dishes, Epertniea, Baklntc Dishes, Watohee Si Chains, H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street. BL.BIUUS. ,C V. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK 1 HONEST PRICES ! Hip Dint's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 12G AND 128 EAST KINO 8TKECT, (Nearly Opposite the Leepard Hetel,) Lancaster, Fenn'a. ALL KINDS or SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS, Buggies, Phaetons, Business Wagons, Market Wagons, -AT Philip Doersom's Old Neb. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET. rOJIAGCU AND VICAH-. E1 STAlUilriUED-1770. Demuth's Cigar Stere. ,vu la iteckarine ASBortuientol t MnltnHln Chrislmas Presents for Qentlemen. S1EKK8CUAUM I'll'KS ana CIQAIt HOLD Kits, I'laln, Carved and silver Mounted. Uenulne I'ltKNCIl UltlAK I'll' US In Latest Styles, Bhupes and Mountings. rtne SMOKING TOUACCOS. Imported and Key West Cigars. Our Specialty The only Clear Havana riller liana-Made Cigars In the city for Bet tuuuda " Mia," Querlda" and "Uelden Lien." CAN ea in All Styles and r tlccs. SnurT Uoxes, Clsar Cases, Match Uoxes, Ac ataT-Tulephone Connection. NO. 114 EASTKINa STREET, LANCASTKll PA. dec3-luid WIMBB AUD UQVOtU. 20 29 -UO TO- Reigart's Old Wine Stere rer l'ommery Bee, HeucheBcc, Piper Heldaleck, i). H.Mumm A Ce., and another leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira. Sherry and Tort Wines, Clarets, Saulernes, Ales and Stouts. Sole Agent for Special Great Western Cham pflgne. produced by the 1'leasant Valley Wine Ce, the llnesl American Champagne In the United States. rierlda Orange Wine, thu finest In the market. A full line of llrandy, Whisky, Ulna and Hums, California Claret and White Wine, et Napa Val ley, California, H. E. Slaymaker.Aer, Ne. M EAST KIN U 8T LANCASTKll, l'A ??." c" ' t ji- jas-r'' b S !. Sara Stat. U Breche Shawls! - VERY CIIKAr. LANCASTER, PA. dl-lmdftw Lancaster, Fa. Reliable Carriage Works, r.'7-lyUAw vvtts, ec. CHOICE KUHS. Christmas Gifts Reduced AMER'S CHOICE FURS, Best Sealskin Ceals, ELEGANT HUFFS AND TRIMMINGS, ALL KINDS. Gent's Seal Gaps. NO. 89 WEST KING STREET. nev.'llind -pOTK XH MAKINU OABLKBT PHOTOQRAPHB AT SSAO A DOIU. AT NO. 10B NOUTU QDMN STKKET, lanintfd LaneastecPa TKKHOKH OK THK DKNTAti CHA1K D1SAKMCD. Teeth extracted by the use et electricity per fectly safe and harmless. My &m Teelu are inatlu of the best material that 1 can nurchase. 1 tiling teeth a specialty. AH work guaranteed. , riBUEll. lTentlst. upr.T-lya " i. Ne. R qrih qneen Bt, -V' t AmeAwnm urn mi XJ . H. TlSIB fVABLM. 0tsIstsj JMmr,terWmm-mw MO anlW:00 a, raw aa lit. fce MfuaTflaVsV I RKAD1NO A COLUMBIA MAlLROsVl LAKCAATKK JOUITUMI at. fa, k ; 0,1 i?t",D''l N0VH1 II, MlaV TRA1KS LKAVB KIAUIRO i 0T-5a.m!!,."a lAnCMtM M I.MS,slssVt "" " e.iv in m. ret Chlcklss at 7JS s. m. and 11.00 m. rn,l.JEU1,, tBAVU COLUMBIA ser Lehsnoe ia u.H and S.S0 p. m. 5 rt. ?m I " -a rer e-eaains:ata,iBa,in.sna .Hn.im. . ft. rer Lchanen at aa " "" P " .i. rerluii .Kit ??." (Lnestt. SJ0p.ll IS-mki I or QnarrvTllle at . a. m- Lae a. IKAISB liavs i.triA Per Lancaster at 7: a. m., lfcaa snfl 7:W as. sjs. tjstdat nurnn. TKA1RB LBATal BRAUIRa for Lancaster at 7.W a. se. ana i.00 p.m. ' Tet Qaarryvllle at 4.00 p. m. THA1NB LKAV QUABBTT1LLB ret Lancaster. Lebanon and KeadlngBt 7.W a. i TRAINS LEAVK K1N BT. (Laneaatsjr,) rerEeaatng ana Lebanon at B.08 a. m. aafl If ' rertiaaVrjrvIll-jtB.S0p.tn. . rer Ueaeinc ana Lebanon aSil."! JBT ansVfteti, p.m. rer quarryvlile at &.4S p. m. TRAINS LCAVI LEBANON, rer Lancaster at 7 AS a. m. ana 3.IA p. m. rer tjaarryvllle at ip. m. rer connection at Columbia, Marietta Jr.SK tlen, Lancaster Jnnctlen, Manheim. Reaalteg ana Lebanon, see time tablss at all stations. A. It. WILSON. BnnerTBTsTKteni. OioriiMe, M YEHH A UATHFON. A I THIS SEASON Of GIFT GIVING, TUB gUESTlON AU18E8, .a tirioDanenaio.soa.m-lvsOanasnnh m. S, i reriiiTllleatnteMtVa.B2:l. s? 5 WHAT SHALL I GIVE M AND W11ERK SHALL IULT The Most for the Least Meney? fi A flne selection of Silk Muflleis from te cents lote.no, In Whlte.Cieain and Celers. Elegant Silk Handkerchiefs, .V) cents te IJW. A flne let of Gontleinen's Scarfs and Neckties. Flne 1'ongeolluuilkeichlcfa, In White, Cream and Celere. Itandsouie Silk mid l.'mbtolderoa Sus penders. Cellai sand CurTs, Underwear and Stick. lugs. If you waul something better, ear Overcoats and Suits are low In price and geed In quality. What could be a nicer or mere acceptable gift than a geed warm Suit ei Overcoat. StoimjCeats, IM le !l& I'llces always lowest. lyers & RatMen, l'OrULAU CL01I1IKUB, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKll, l'A. B URQEK A HU1TON. Prepare (or Christmas ! Have i ou a liustmti J, a father or a bielber f If you have, what would be mere acceptable MS Christmas Gill than a FINE SUIT OF CLOTHES SUCH A3 AUL30LU AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Merchant Tallei Iiit; and Clothing Stere. Oril you can't atroiiIaueutlreSult Buy an Overcoat, And If you can't aUerd that Buy Une of Our Nobby Necktiec. anil fioethuui. VM BURGER & SUTT0U,,1 NO. 24 CENTRE BQUARB, LANCASTKll, l'A. T UANHMAN et BHO, 1. Gansman & Bre., CU1UNU11TH QUEEN A UUANUEBTS., RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PR10I3. A Kicnt poJe of Men's and Jleys' Clothing at Jf! IftKM thnti thi rmt nf innnufaclura. trlOfM aiW wr tually cut In two, as can be readily proven trjr '12 UVf iuu" nuuuuMWisvjit uuu e4nuiiuaMiii wkv 'J. n tint great bargains are belea eflered. , MUN'S 1IEPAUTUKNT. l-lrst-ClaasOvotceats loduced te $eti. Jf i-.nMiianuorKscrawuTercoaiVi duk racea, re .j UUCt'U IU 1iA. vVJ au-.oei ViUiacuiua iMmveruvercuai8 reauv IO K9.3U. S5 rln Dress Uveiceals.Sflli" Facea. redueea u ' 10 0 Caster Heaver OverceaU reuucea te 112.00. teiJ.00and$J.50. 8 MOflanrl tinfsl - LH Thesagoedaaio All-Weel and must beieldbe- Jf$ fnt(i.Ianuarv 1st- IC3 BOYS' IIEI'AKTMKMT. BervlceabloUveuoats at 11.25. tL50 ana tlCO. jM Drey s uvorceata M, 13.00. fie. l.euan4 fftUO. 1M..1 qi.aa! a.. it. ut ai 7 sW Wi m tr Heys' Uress Suits, All-Weel, at aj 00, f UO, S.OB, l ana se.uu. im The giumenta aie allot our own manufacture, gJ eji niaue uuu uiunuvu buu ma iniia auai1 actually cut In two for 1 IrsVilaia Bargains Q , aiisciiu L. GANSHAN & BRO.,; MLKCUANTTA1L0U8. ' Muuufauluiis of Men's. Heys' ana CUIIilren's1 ."-i. wuiuiiiBi .- .r--cia. i'i O, VY , UUl, 11, VUCDUOllUIUUfJO Uv,, LANCASTER, l'A. awneI con nee tea with any ether cletMM , -i house In the city. .p-i T KAUK llOLLAHS WILL UK TAKEN AT t'AK for any kind el Ladles' or GenU' VuraUkiail , Uoexls, at Hnchteia's Cheap Cash Stere, IIJrVBV NUBTU yuBr.n nritiir, lerusenusaea I'reaenta. that will ulve comfort this COM ter weather. Te the rich M well a the Bee,J; we have the finest as well as the ceafieajkmi Underwear. Hosiery, moves, ""ftSlS 'i chiefs, MuUlers and auVffifi2f$i1f j m Si 2 I va "i M 30 ViiXfl ' 'J AM,. -au. - aatr.