Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 22, 1886, Image 1

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TZ . "Sass 14 La . ' ' A' "".. .fV,"v,V":'8
it mfakf
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- llMimTnaMW T la
trtr 1
- er.aiimaiH)iitir r.mnt that wab
Mr mid Mr. II. I K.tileiimn MMk Their lentil
VVeil.llug Atiiiltrer.-iry by nn Klrgaut He-
retluti llaiiil.eme i'leeeiue ntTln.
Reme el lite Iteautlful llrei.e..
the most elaborate, elegant Hint successful
afialr or It kind ever given In this city was
tlie tenth or "tin " anniversary el tlie wed
iIIuk of Mr. mitt Mis, II. F. Kshluiuan,
which theycolebtalod by a handsome jmrly
at IMileinau's IihII lnl evening. About
tlituu liimtlrctt tn llallunt linl liuun Isiued
mill Hamuli n large perlluu of these wero
"out among n wlilu circle of friend outstde
ttie city, as many probably us n humlrcil mid
seventy five ladles unit gentlemen ' loll
evening drtss thronged the building In which
the party was given and which was entirely
doveled te Hi" iiirN)!tn et the iiulertalti.
meid. 1 rein 0 o'clock until 10 there was n
toady coming id the Invited mill tlm guests
were leeched hy tlie host ami hostess In tlie
rear room of tlm ctiniiibern of tlie Heard
of Trade, tlie tisset which Imil been kindly
extended Inr Hi" evening by this iublli
spirited aviechitlnu te let landlord. Tlie
lower hall e( the building and the ol'lces nn
It were urrnngtd ler reception hiiiI dressing
rooms, whlle In the ollletis of tlie second
Meer were dlsplaved tlioinnnlleld tin tvntl
inenlals of esteem and remembrance
which hundreda nt tlm friends el tlie hrlde
anil gtoem had been pleased te wind. Theio
covered tlie widest ranged! use and beauty,
slid took In net only evury tin arllcle of con.
eolvable ilenicKtl.' (is but n great variety cf
leitholle uhjicts, burlesque and comical
adaptations. A very nolableouo was a huge
trunk, packed with about n hundred and
llfty greater und lener artli'ltm of line llnlnb
and nutcrlul , thorn wero a Ure numbnr of
oeiuiiiIokIoiI tin and 11 ml deilni, and buck
uti aud bankntH el resea and oltier 111 worn of
rich color nod tlevp txirfiime atrnxl In evury
room aud eerrnr. Mtk. l-ilileuiau
alnted by Mia. Coeliratt, Of Yerk, 1100 Dlckey,
of I.ancahter. and Mla Tliennn, of 1'litNdel-
ill I a. In roceivInK ecr RtHvipi.
Uefl arraiiKouieuta el cretn, mlrrern and
Hceucm i unuiitu nanguin-i ana uraporiea,
fircat inasaen of 'UIek plant, lmavy cuaudo cuaude cuaudo
leri put uplnrtluMnv-iHlen Ht'd bla7lUKllKita
boaultfled tlie biilldliiK Irem baNoment te
Tbn kue&Ui wero of con r te mainly Irem
till city, but many pcraeni vune lu
atteudatice from 1'till.idelplila, llnrrla
burg, Yerk, ltfHd.Ui.', WIUUmHert, llolle llelle llolle
feiitt', ami ether lei.a. A Iiuieu tin platter
liore a great pile of lettura or acceptance, re
KrcU and cniigrHttilalleus, yrae aud Ki',
many or them Written en tin and Miry neat
ly phrased. Te tlie inuali of Tayler'a or er
cbextra thnre ai daiii'lni; In tlie main hall
until about two o'clock a. in, and
tlina and wallr"m went en Minted feet.
The tollettca rf (he ladlea wero rich and
elf pant; and the acene lu oery part of the
wen arraiiKOd ami iiauoNemuiy appointed
bulldlUR waa oue of roxplenduut irfmuiy.
Trewer, the wpular (iermantewn catorer,
furnlahed a ery elntiorate nntertalnmeut
and the table net In the Heard of Trade roema
wat a marvel of beauty with Ita Ice lerinn,
lleral plcoe-iand many trtiiinplii or the ch-f.
The entlre enlertaliuuuut lu (ery lo.Uure
iw ene of tlm most marked Hiiocevei that
Imi illHtlii;uMhel the present brilliant son -ion
In Lancaster.
M KM II VSIiiUMI I'll! ill
AmenK the many haudsouie Hud ehy.ant
cewna, the following nie kc ally uotlced
Mr. It. F. l;lileiinn, ray allk nvered with
embroldered k'eu Mrs. It. Cochran, of
Yerk, cream Hitlu duchess ornamented with
pearl jHUimmeiitorle , Mlvs Ttieuian, of 1'hlU.
ilelph!a,llKht iriwu Ha'.ln de I,you with trim
nilnKiul gulden brown pliuh , Mini Allisen,
et Cincinnati, ll-jht blue cithmere . Mlti
Kllnn, hellolrepo aurah , Mr, Win. 11.
Mlddleten.garnet lallle trluiiued w ltli atriped
ibtiet , Mra. Will. I'. Ilriuten, black brocide
aatln , Mrs. J. It. Kaufman, blaik molre ,
Mra. J. II. IilvliiKsteu, black Spanish
late eer green altk . .Mrs. II. Wicker
Mliain, pink silk trimmed with ellwt plush ,
Jirni. i'. wuey, piuK biimii . .Nirn. w. jm.
l-ranklln, light blueaiinli . Mrs. 11 S Frank
lin, terra cetts faille with elet brocaded
front; Mra. I), It. huenk, whlte xpangle.1
tulle with Btlti and tlueel brmide, Mra. I'.
Mehr, pink gruuaillnnuriiamenU of Marabeut
feathera, Mrs. W. Hendersen, black velvet
with front et embroidered tulle , Mra, II. M.
North, of Columbia, bhukatlk trlinuied with
Jt , Mrs. J. F Ilaknr, wblte ailk eruiiinented
with white beads, Mra. I. Smith, light blue
fallle lib brocade front , Mrs. IU I'ahneateck,
black velvet ; Mra. It Agnetv, black Bilk aud
lace , Mrs. M. (unlit, black hill: trimmed
elaberately with jet , Mrs. S. W. Altick, pink
Utah covered with strlieil gaii7.-, Mra. I,
Ven (Jsske, Nlle green fllk trimmed with
cream lace ; Mrc. W II Muser, light blue
surah; Mra. H Wlllinins, Yerk, alirimp
pink Hiirah, Mra. H. I', Fliy, a lavender
uolertxi nlik trimmed with lacu and
ernauientH of dlajiends and pearlH ,
Mlaa Ualder, black tdlk with drapery et
tulle: MLn MesaerHiiilth, lavender aurah
oeveroJ with gauzu, Mm Mker, uruaui
aurah with brocade Hatln front ; Mlsi Kber
mau, light blue aurah and tinseled gauze ;
Mlaa Kaufman, light blue brocade silk , Mm
Hprccher, bull aurali cejiblund with Htrlied
aatln ; Miss Merriman, Willlauisperi, Nile
green aurah brocade trout; Mlaa Hrlnten,
whlte fllk embroidered , Miss M. Kaulmaii,
wblterliadzliner with lace trimmings; Miss
Knight, black allk aud gauze; Ml-.s Ilully,
Marietta, ISUe green silk with pauler of
loco aud ornaments et arbutus; Miss Ira
nian, lavender plush and allk , Miss Wiley,
pink fallle with lace drapery j Miss Carpen
ter, pink allk combined with biocade aatln .
Mlaa 1. Itongler, ernam allk trimmed In
cardinal velvet; Miss Nauman, black allk
ornamented with Jet; Mies Hlayinaker, light
blue allk trimmed with cardinal velvet , Miss
1. Van CI else n, bull' surah aud atrlpisl
gauze; Miss Muhlouberg, light blue aurah ;
Mlsa llrewn, pink aurah covered with black
tulle, embroldered in pink cheuille ; Miss
Wlckeraham, light blue molre and ereaui
lace; Miaa Franklin, bla-k silk trimmed
with let imsauionlerie.
Wett llrinpntflil Items.
'I he teachera of West Ilompllehl township
organized a district inntitute aeveral weeka
age. It la lutended te held monthly meet
Ings. A pregramme had been prepared for
lnat (Saturday, but owing te the Inclemeucy
of the weather the meeting could net be held
and It was ioatpeuod until the next meeting.
The local Institute, lu which West Hemp
field ! Included, wlU be held In Marletta en
January IS and 111.
rref. M. J. Hrecht paid uU annual eillclal
visit te the hcIioeU of West llemplield laat
The Chestnut Hill .Sunday school has used
apoelal care In preparing u Christmas pro pre
gramme. They have been meeting for prac
tice for several vveeka. This pregramme will
take the place of the regular exercises en
next tsunday aftorueon. The Sunday school
proesiH te held a feallval lu a few weeks te
delray the expenses et purchasing a new
A Struggle With Tramp.,
At Nazareth, I'd., threo tramps altempted
te rob the house of Themas Hellort ut that
place Monday uight, One et them get Inte
Kolfert'a room aud was erdered out with
threats of sheeting. The Iramp sild, "I'll
fix you," aud sprung at Mr. HelferL A des
perate struggle ensued. Mr. Hi-tlerl tired his
levolver three tlmea without cllect and the
burglar'a companions retui nod tlie tire
Miss Helftrt, a sister of Mr. hollert, hearing
the nolse, kelzed an axe and ran te her
brothei's avsislance. Khe struck at tha trump,
but only knecked hiahat oil. Things wero
getting pretty warm mid the burglars with
oiew, alter Ireclng their companion Irem
fSelfert'a grasp. One of the men had been led
at supper tlmeuud all had slept In Stlfi'it'a
harn. Ne arrests wero made.
fulling Odd Fcllun
On Monday evening, threo degrees et the
Itldley Kncampment of Odd Fellows, of
.., thlselty, were oenforred ui1n three mem
r liers of the Quarry vllle ledge. The visiting
menibers were accompanied bysoveral ethers
from that place, who ne also members of the
eocampmeut. After the exerclses the visi
tors were entertained for tin hour or xuore at
Johnny Hayder's naloen, KVIIIIdl, tlKHUK.
Why lb) Nut Their fnilrnlu Ailurn Hie Hilmet
lliiein. el llm Ileimlj ?
Kits. l.NTKM.IIIKNCKH i Having beflll prOH-
ent at many school room dedications, held
In various parts of the county, we are often
lerclbly reinludeil of the fact that while due
pralse Is accorded te the directors of the
present day, scarcely n word is uttered nn
behalf of these uoble ploneers and esrly de
fenders of the (Hunineii whoel systeiil at n
llme wheu It required net only ceurage but
Heir-sacrificing devotion te aid n niilu which
had Its enemies en nil aides. Kvery town tewn
blplu thoeounly could xilnl with prlde te
one or morn el lamest werkeis who nover
faltered until the nystem wai adopted. In
stead el the waits being oeverod with paint
ings and etigrnvlugs of no particular
slgnlllcance, h'jw iiiui'h liftler would
It be for the Isiys and girls In leek
uen the portraits uf tlm early defenders of
the system ' What a lei-seu could Im taught
these Ninall boys aud girls from n slugle sir
trail of some llllle one's graudlather hung In
some conspicuous place in the school tinn T
Hew many pupils liave any lyiucoplleu or
knewledgu et when or under what trials
and dllllcultiea the schools of their own dis
trict wero adopted, and lien many tewnshls
have any records el what transplrodagenoia transplredagenoia transplrodageneia
lion age" Theeld minute Irsiks are either
destmiril or cast any among the musty
archives of liy gene dajs. It isierlallily a
s.ul commeiitary en the Intelligence el n
people whose devell u te thoeomuioii school
nj stem Is second te iienelu the stale.
Our boys are Uviighl te rovereucotho father
et his country and the lung line of Ills llltin llltin
trleus suoeossora , but they are lu blissful Ig
norance of thnne who were lnsttiiuieutal In
providing a system of schools lu which these
sumo bejasjiend the best dsysel their boy bey
IhmkI. It Is scarcely te be wondered at that
there IsemliueH a want of appreciation en the
part of the ordinary pupil. He Is led te
auppose that there never was n begin
ning, that the public school, llke
the meandering stream, has always existed.
Aud It is this waul of a proper appreciation
of the dllllmiltleH and trials which thelr fore
fathers had te encounter that In a measure
lessens a boy's reverence even for his teacher
and he thus In time becomes uiigrateliil for the
many advantages he possesses ever the boy
of a goneratlou aga We hope the tlme Is net
far dlstautw lien all the Important puts bear
lug en every school district in the county
may no gamercu tegetner or ro-wriiteu,
bound Inte a volume and a copy placed en
the desk of every school lu the county. This
will at ence hcoeino a historical work of
meresigulllctncu toeur b.jy.aml girls than
a knowledge of all the liislgnltleant rivers
and tonus te be found im the whele coutl ceutl
uenl of Kuroie. Fniuma.
I.N' vsri it, Dee. .J-.
IIiii Ms W.M I'ajlng III. Clerk
An exchange tells an amusing htery el a
modest young man, who was em pleyed en
his en u preposition, te serve lu a counting
room, en a salary of oue cent a month te tie
doubled every suoeeodlng month for three
years. Ills employer thought II he were
ever se great a dunce he could get the
wertli et wetk out of him, but arter mak
lug the contract, belere tlie first half
j ear had passed, he was glad te com
promise with his stupid assistant at (6,000
Here arotbe figures First month, .01 , second
.0-J, third, .01. fourth, .Us; tilth, .111; sixth,
.J'.!; seventh, el, eighth. II is, ninth, ZM;
tenth, ;.1'J, eleventh, $10 til; twelfth.? J) Pi;
thirteenth, tlO'JO, fourteenth, (SIM, llf
twnth, (I0.1M, sixteenth, (JJ7 lis ; seven
teenth, (i..31, eighteenth, (1,JU7'.'; nine
teenth, 11 iTi'l 1 1 , twentieth, (0,210 I tw onty enty
first, (10, l'J.t7" . twenty-soi-end, (20.0505J,
twenty-tnlrd, (H.'JTjOI , tweuty-reurtti, (s.V
l."a0S . twenty tilth, (lb7,IHM 10 twenty-sixth,
(JJ0,SeaiJ, twenty-seventh, (071.O00 0I,
tHe.ity eighth, f I.IUI -10 Js . tnenty-iiiuth,
r.,Os(,liCM; thirtieth, fe,J7J,b0l I J , thirty,
llrst, (10,715,01011, tblrty-seoend, (21,191,
220 IS; thirty-third, (I.',ys2,ll0'ii5; thirty.
leurtii, jsft.i.ii.hsi.irj, tinrty-nitn, (I7i,'.v.',
iVSJ l , thirty-sixth, J II, MM Ui es.
I'erljr rsr ul llsipy .viarrle,! Life
IvlitkWbOK, Dec 22.- On Wednesday,
Dec I.') last, iiilte a large number of the
lriends and uelghborser Win. N. (ialbralth,
esfj , and Mary J. his wife, met at their
home In celebrate their golden wed
ding day. Se ipiletly was the affair
gotten up that they were taken entirely by
surprise. Alter nil had gathered, well tilled
baskets were brought from thecarriages, and
a long table placed lu the dining rixnn and
all the geixl things et the season placed there
on. Hew every oue knew Just what every
ether one would net bring en such occasions
hat always been a. mystery te jour corres
pondent , sullice te siy nothing was wanting
from the roast turkey and bride's cake down.
Alter all had partaken of the least aud
table cleared It was reset again with many
valuable presents, Hlmeen W. Hwlsher pre
sented the gilts te the brlde and groom of
halt a century. K v. Dr. .Stewart, en behalf
of Mr. and Mrr. (albralth, accepted the same,
aud thanked the company ter their presence
en the occasion. Alter lnging the long
meter doxology prayer was ettered by Dr.
.Stewart, when thoeoiupauy began te K0irale
ter their homes All lull they had sKMit a
pleaaant day. Jehn J. aud wife were net
entirely forgotten, as b very appropriate pros
out was found uin the table directed te
Afi lit tail TUVJt
Mi. ItlaliiD'tf l.vlmt i lieine fur Ohtalatiig the
1'rralilviirr ul I lie lulled Stale.
Mr. Hlalnu will net return te Washington
this wluter. He expects te remain lu
Augusta until the spring at least. He hnds
the quiet and seclusion el that place very
restlul te til in after the long years of political
excitemeut at the national capital. More
over, he is galherlug material for a history of
the waref 1S12. The data are nearly all In
hand, and It Is probable the epenlug chap
ters will be written immediately after ttie
Mr. Hlaiiie will go te Furois) next autumn.
He will be the guest or distinguished men lu
(ireat Hritalii and en the continent. He will
spend the major isirllen of histimein France,
iiennauy aud Ireland. It la expected by his
f i lends that hU prusenoe In Ireland will
create n great furore, The eilect of this upon
the Irish race In America, It ls;tbeugbt, will
be te add greatly te Mr. Illalue's popularity
wlththeui. In (iPrmaiiy he Is expected te
make friends, but his jitccc (fc resistance will
be his visit te Ireland.
The present pregramme is ler him te re
turn te the I'll I ted States about sixty days
prier te the meeting of the next Kepubilcau
'It any ene thinks lllalue Is out of the
presidential race lu lsbS," said ene et that
gentleman's lriends, he Is mightily mis
taken. Mr. lllalue nover made such stren
uous ellerts lu his llfe te soeuro the nomina
tion as he Is new making. And he will get It,
tee, with even greater oate than he did two
years aga"
A Tramp'. Iteudtivuu llatiled,
III Alloutewu, Docembor 21, Isaac Wain
bold, an old aud accomplished Jailbird ;
Kallle, his daughter, and Kdwin Dlehle, a
confirmed thler, were arrested by the police.
They occupied n small Irame shanty lu an
Isolated locality between rJtomten and Cata
saiuiua. The heuse was the rondczveuH for
a gang et tramps who committed almost In
numerable robberies In the Kaatern part el
Lehigh county. Fer threo months they have
raided stores, shops, cellars of farmhouses,
hen roosts and outbuildings in Allen, North
und Meuth Whitehall and Hanover town.
Constable Ilelloslleld raided the place aud
found a let et goods which he Identified as
belonging te Shoemaker Iiauser, of Cata
Hduiua. Whlle he was parleying with Warn
bold the tramps made their escape. An
hour later three officers from Allentown
raided the house and found several hundred
dollars' worth of stelen goods.
bills ut Tba Heienth Ward Hetel
TboHevonth Ward hotel, at Heckland aud
I,ew streets, was sold at private Bale en Tucs.
day, by Ijerenr. (loes, the owner, te Jehn
(ini70nhauser for (S,fi00.
(lued Hhoellng.
Yesterday Ueorge Dlller, or Ueutb I'rlnce
hlreet. and a companion shoteigbteou rabbits,
aud eleven partrldges, en a hunting trip.
i,Anr pKHVinH ruu tukfai.i, tkiim I II Mil A r StUHNlftt).
A Ui. Anilleiice (Islliertd In tlm lihapsl.
After llellglnus Srrilce. ICIglit Members
ul His Seiilur Ulsst Dellter Oration.,
Ab.trsrl. ul Wlilc li Are (liven.
The closing exercise of the fall term of F.
and M. college, held In the chapel en Tues
day morning last, wero el unusual Intorest.
After the religion services, conducted by the
president, Dr. Themas O. Apple, elght mem
bers of the present senior elas.) appeared en
the platform and addirsrcil most eloquently
n large and Intelligent atidloneo. All the
orations wero extraordinarily well momerlzod
and dollverod, and, we may rightly add, re re
llected credit upn the teaching of the great
masters Demosthenes and Cicere In Lancas
ter's alma mater.
Mr. It. A. llowers. of flowers, I 'a., had
chosen for his subject "Hamuel J. Tllden,"
of whom he said, that " for legal learning
and ability ; for lilgh-seuled and chivalrous
patriotism , for speVltss Integrity and unsul
lied honor, he established a reputation
which will last as long as such qualities ami
virtues aroflheilMieil among men."
Mr, W, It 1'ntitrs, ir Danvllle, l'a., pre
Routed an able preJurllmi entitled "Omnia
Vaults'," which proved that the speaker
was well vorsed In the philosophy taught lu
this Institution.
Mr. A. S. Helmut, el I'cunsburg, l'a.,
sH)keen " Fireside Kducatleu." " Few can
receive the honors of a college, but all Bre
grail ilitesel thn hearth. The classic lere of
a iiulversllv may meulder In the halls of
tuomery, but thn hlinple tesens of home,
enamelled Uieu the limit uf childhood, defy
the rust of i esr. Ills tline te appeal te the
fireside ler the restoration of the old mo
rality." Mr. II. I-, Dlttinar, el Uivsburg, l'a., gave
due honor te " (jeneral Mot'ielun " as a sol
dier, a leader aud a here.
Mr. (I. W. Dernbach, of Klugtewn, l'a.,
treated en the basis el the cel lege teachlngs
s twpular subject, Laber I nlen." He
strongly advocated the necessity of recourse
te moral suasion In erder te mltlgate the
evils which grew out el the cenllict between
capital and lalxir.
Mr. II. A. Dubbs, of Lancaster, l'a., ndlDed
the audience by his able discourse en " Self Self
Hacrillce." "The primary prlnclple of true
progress Is self sacrifice. The highest devel
opment of the Idea of sacrifice Is tlie republic,
the highest modern development of there
public Is our system of self rule, which In In
velves a sacrlllce or Individual ewer, but
net of Individuality."
Mr. Ch. 1 . Ilaer, of Lancaster, l'a., fol
lowed with an oration, whose subject was,
"Helf-Defonse." He advocated In logical
connection with the t'leme the rights or the
capitalist ever against the false solf-defeuso
of thn laborer.
Mr. ('. A. 1xis, of tlethlehem, l'a, spoke
In conclusion en "I'hyslcal Culture." Ills
oration was very Impressive He proceeded
Irem the affirmation that of tlie foremost
principles of a college education should be
bned en the Ketnaii words "cans mens In
sane corpero." "It was mainly the brave
men Irem the country the mllltla of robust
health led by the stout arm of Washington,
aud net the pale boys from the shop and
factory that wen for us In the Revolution the
llberty we new enjoy."
Alter the exercises the Kev. Dr. Thee. u
Apple dismissed the students, wUblng them
lu the uauie of the faculty a luyful Chrlstuias
rnr. ituurit i-j.v.v uailuu n.
fitr. llineii SlsWr an (Iflur li the l)l..attf flfxl
A meeting of the subscribers of the Seuth
I'enusylvanla railroad company was held
Tuesday at New Y'erk In thoefllcoof Droxe!,
Morgan A Ce. All Information as te the pro
ceedings were refused. After the adjourn
ment one of tho-e present said that the prin
cipal object of the meeting was te consider an
eiler made by F. II. Cew en te buy the line.
-NodeclJed action was taken en the eiler aud
It was laid ev or ler consideration at another
meeting. It could net be learned In New
Yeik whether the eiler was te buy aud com
plete the resd or net. The eiler, It was said
in that city, w made In the Interest el Prrsl
dent Rebert Karrelt, el the Hsltlmore .t Ohie
'. I'resldontUeweti, of the Heading rail
road company, had the proxies of ethers te
ue as he siw preper. List woek Mr. Oewen
naked ler these proxies, stating that a meet
ing was te be held lu Nuw Yerk and that he
would see that the Interests of these who In
trusttsl them with him were properly pro
tected. He refused te give auy Information
about the meeting, but it was Insinuated by
gentlemen lu a jiositien te knew that the
eiler made by Mr Gewon was te pro
duce sulllclent capital te absorb the In
terests ut the Yanderbilt family lu the new
line If they were willing te sell, aud te find
substitutes for the ether dlssatlsned sub sub
Kcrlbers, If thore should le any. There were
statements that President Uarrett, of the Hal Hal Hal
tlmore A Ohie, would be the party purchas
ing the anderbllt lutertst In the event i.f
the latter selling out. It was lurther de
clared that the Pennsylvania was well tired
of litigation In the matter, aud was willing te
abandon the contest In the courts for the
It is stated en authority that if the Haiti
mere A Ohie company makes the purchase it
will complete the read end make it part et its
system, connecting the Heading with the
TllK HlKAItU" H Sl.l.lllll-.X.
Mmt' Comic Opera Cump4njr Breie tjulte a
lle tiled lilt.
Theu lib there was net a very large audience
at the epeni heuse last evening, It was
thoroughly pleased with the rendition of
Ullbertand Sullivan's " Mikade." The com
pany enlored vigorously upon the work of
proving that their deficiencies, shown the
night belere, by no means represented the
calibre of the organization, and it Is n pleas
tire te say that they succeeded In proving It
te the sallslactleu of the audience.
Theittaret the piece last evening was Mr.
1 rank Desheu, who as ICe A'esang and acted
with fidelity te the pait and with thorough
conception of the character such as has rarely
been seen here, lie kept his audience In geed
humor all the tlme and occasionally con
vulsed thorn by his queer antics. Mr. O. W.
Kyle was a most excellent le-Iiah and Mr.
Charles Oiberne was a very geed JiJWu .
Mr. i:ugoue Harvey's thin tenor volce was
occasionally strained lu the trylug parts of
.Yd ii At 'oe, but en the whele he was accopt accept accopt
alile. Miss May Duryea was a pleasing 1 uwi
li and her sole "TlioMeou and 1" was
finely rendered. The balance of the support
was geed aud the female choruses were par
ticularly strong. Many et the pretty num
bers et the opern were rapturously ap
plauded. This alternoeu the "Mikade" was given
at a matinee and thisevenlng "The Karen"
will be presented.
Ht.t Democratic Victory In Ien Yeaie,
In Merlden, Conn., ler the llrst time in leu
years the Democrats elected their city ticket
Tuesday. They have an uverage of 250 ma
jority. Tha Republicans control the com
mon council, having had ten members hold
ing ever, lleth parties nominated their
strongest men ter mayor, President Cham
berlalu, or the Heme bank, being the Repub
lican leader, aud Dr. Davis the successful
Democratic candidate City Clerk Hull,
who had always been fleeted by 600 ma
jority, was defeated by Herman Hess by 300
A Mull touches Murderer Sliiuel.
At h'.uen, Ohie, en Tuesday night. Wil
liam Mussel, the murderer or Daniel Christ,
man, was takeu from the Jail by the mob
aud at 8:15 o'clock his dead body was dang,
ling from a pole in front of the court house.
There was uu unrontrellablo spirit in the
crowd that overwhelmed entirely the ellerts
of the ofiicers te protect the prisoner. A plan
had been made te remove Mussel te seme
ether Jail, but (he mob gathered and acted
boleto it could be carried out.
I'rnf. (lles.eli Meets III. Wut.t ller.e-An In
ihlenl That Uau.eil Uonfuilen.
Tref. OIoAieii was at the Lancaster rluk
again, Tuesday oveuliig, and he had a very
large audlonce, Including many persons from
the county, and well-known horsemen.
The professor handled tire homes ; two were
shyers and threo klckers. Neirly all of the
horses wero easily handled, but the last one
was very It was a bay herse,
which had been In the habit of kick'
lug, and the animal preved te Is)
a "corker," The owner had brought the
herse twenty miles te have the professor
try his skill. As aoen as the animal was
brought Inte the ring It was evident te all
that she was a bad one, and se It proved. The
professor worked with the uiare for almost
ah hour and she kicked whenever an opor epor oper
tunity oirered. The safrty straps were
brought Inte action, butsliecontlnued te kick
as much as slie was able. Hhe was thrown
down or cm her liose j-erhaps a dezen
times and he lay lu u, Rnw ,it
apparently exhausted. Assoen as slie would
Bgaln get uikmi her feet, the kicking would
be resumed. The tin pans which wero lied
te her tall were kicked eU fceveral times and
sent flying In all directions. Finally the
repes and strajm were put upon all
lour feet, but the animal continued te kick
wickedly. The animal was bitched te n
buggy lu which he showed seme lmprovo lmprevo lmprove
mont, but kicked at Intervals. It was half
past ten o'clock when the professor closed
tee porienuance. no sain mat although he
had Improved the animal she would require
several lessens, as she was the worst case he
had had In two yearn. He understood that the
ewner would give 1100 te any person who
would oflect a permanent cure upon the ani
mal. If this was true thn professor was willing
te put up (100 that by next Hiturday he will
le nble te drive the tnare through the streets
without brldle or reins.
This afternoon the professor gives a mat mat mat
Inoe te ladles and ethers and this evening
he closes his engagement In Lancaster. To
night he will give a double bill, which In
cludes the shoeing efvn leus horses. lie will
also glve the bajl kicker of last evening
another lossen, as the owner has consented
te reiimln lu town with the animal. A wild
mustang te have been handled last
evening, but the owner could net Isi tirasnnt.
se the fun was rrxerved fur this evenlng.
Resides thise, five ether horses will be
An Incident, which arou'el the audlonce,
occurred whlle the pro'esser was at work en
the hard kicker last evenlug. In the gallery
sat a well dressed young man from the coun
try, who had probably nover before attended
a herse show. He wat accompanied by b
yeuug lady, and became 'mite excited. He
seemed te think that the professor was abus
ing the herse. He called out from the gal
lery, telling Oleasea he would have te take
the herse out. The professor replied that he
would net, and the young man liad no au
thority te order him. Itie young man ro re ro
plled that he would shew- him whether he
had net. but made no attouiptledoso. When
thoaudlence discovered the whereabouts of
the young man who did the talking they
yelled and hissed at him, rylng " put him
out." The professor raid that he had handled
horses belere the head men of the cruelty
te animals soclety, aud his methods were ap
proved by them. Henrv Hergh, the leader of
the movement, was with him, and he did riot
come te Lancaster te be Irightoced. The
young man aeetneJ very much ashamed,
tint he remained the jierlnrniance through,
although the pudlonce guyed him unmerci
fully. Mr Cuilipteu I.vplalu.
Mr. W. I'. Cjmpten was the v ung nun te
whom refertiicj vvms male in the abeve
arllcle for remonstrating with Prof. Uleasen.
Ilecalltsl nt IhelNiKLi : m lr olllce this
morning te explain the e nrreuce of last
evenlug. He rajs that Prof. t,lctien'a
methods and execution en the whele are
both humane and ellei live and certainly
merit thenpplausre which he icseheslremalL
Mr. Cemptuu's reuienhir.-n e was based en
the bellet that the animal wai dumb, which
belief he new admits was iierhaps ground
less. In conclusion, he ald "if the herse
is net dumb I oheerfuiiy acknowledge that
the punishment was merited, Justifiable,
and necessary, and as my olfenso was public,
i giauiy iuku tuis public meaus Of apoleglz
leg te the professor and his audience for my
seemingly officious interferon e "
lelliiiil Sleveu. t.eail lllll MaMnj; thetltfcn-
Imrk of Small Driiotuliintleii.
rreui the Pittsburg l)Uut I
Mr. J. K. Sanborn returned yesterday te
his home In Warren, Pa, alter a brief visit
lu the city. He Uu geologist u wlde repu
tation, but that he ieiies.-es a greater t lalm
te lame Is known te Li. t few Uv mg. Oue el
Ills eldest friends nariaied Mm lollewing
j tsterdny
"Had It net been fui Mi s1Ubru thoie
would never have been an (I aud (2 green
backs Issued by the gmeruiuent. When
Triad.' Stevens drafted his Liuiuus 'leiiu
bill' In 1M11, Mr. Sanborn, then a resldent
el New Yerk, with Alexander Cauipliell
aud Jesse Harper, el Illinois, were among
the number of representative men whocame
by Mr. Htevens' special luviutleu te glve
their views and suggestions. It was one of
the most critical times in the history of the
I nlted States. The war muid net go en
without uioney, and the g perumeut had no
" ' Old Thad' had conferred vv itli the mem
borsef 1'resldeut Lincoln ai.ibiuet, aud they
had decided ti issue paper umuey, or 'groeu 'greeu
lucks,' as they altcrward became known, el
tbodeiieminatlousol (Main! upward. When
the bill was shown teMr. Sanborn he said.
' Mr. Slevens, the people inu.t have money
they can use readily. 1 think ?.'ij tee large n
sum ler oue bill. MakoitilioHiiullettdenom MakeitilioHiiullettdenom MakoitilieHiiullettdenom
iuatioiiH possible. Just all sniiuthlug like
this te your bill. '"
"Haying this Mr. hauimm picked up n
lien and alter the words, '"I the denomina
tion of (50 and upward, ' vv rote, ' or et what
ever denominations uiav I'J deemed ad
vis ible."
" The Miggestleu met the heartltst ap
proval of Mr. .Slevens. He ordered his in
valid chair and was wheeled Immediately te
the Whlte Heuse. I have brought juuh
llttle paier te which I would like te see yeui
signature attached,' he said te Pre-ident Lin
coln. Mr. Lincoln read it ever slowly, aud
without a word vvrote Ids name at the bot
tom. Mr. Hteyeus then burro I te the clllce
el the secretary of the treasmv und said .
" Mr. Chase, 1 waut you te Issue that pier
money lu denominations of (l and (2 bills.'
" ' Hut I have ue uutherity te make any
thing less than (50, said Secretary Chae,
who had seen the erlglual bill but did net
knew of Mr. Kanberu's addenda te lu It
was shown te him with President Llucelu's
slguatureiiutherlzlug the issue of legal ten
dur. In less than h week the presse were
running en the (1 and (2 bills. Iiverybedy
knows the result of the piper money. Had
it net been ler Mr. Hanberu's suggestion, the
history of the United .States might net be
very pleasant reading te our people new."
The Londen I'mter 1.41.
I.omiex, Dec 22-Alexander Jacques,
thO Fnilliah fllHlnr. nflnr un uhAtltmnce nf 'Jl
days, ate his llrst meal last evenlng. Lack
of patronage caused him te give up his task.
This morning he walked ten miles before
breakfast and theu resumed his work In the
silk lactery In which he was employed.
A Uengreunuiu's Election Cuiitrtleil.
Feut Wainb, lnd., Dec. 22. -Congressman
Levvrej', who was defeated at the recent
olection by James H, Whlte i Hep. ) served h
uotlce of contest en Mr. While yesterday.
Mr. Lowrey charges that money was unlaw
fully used nt the election and that Mr. White
Is net n citizen.
Held IheOMIce fai.
llAlttieiiu, Conn., Dtc. 22. -A. II. Mygittt,
National bank oxainliier for Connecticut and
lthode I-1hiu1, has resigned te take etfect
Jauuary 1. He has held the office 22 years.
CWahhinciten, D. C, Dcc2i Fei
KaHtern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Delaware : Fair vveather, followed by
light snow or rain, teutberly winds, becom
ing variable, alight changes In temperature.
VAM u at a t'Rirn ruuiT un rtatbh
in land nt in .uuHxma.
Tha relics Surprlis the 1'arty anil Arrest the
l-llnclp.vl. suit Thtrlj Hpectaters Several
el I lie letter (let lull, nut the Imi
I'liglllfts Ketmfil Iteleaie.
New YertK, Dec 2.1 Al Masters, of
Hroeklyn, and Paddy Uurke, of Newark, N,
J., met In the old Salvation Army barracks
at I'rastlns, Htaten Island, new used as a
saloon by Jack Dempsey, early this morning
te fight te a finish fur n purse or (IM. The
men were te tight '. 118 pounds with skin
tight gloves, Quoensberry rules, te n finish,
At 3:15 n. in. the men entored the tinf,
Masters having as his second his trainer and
backer IM. McDonald, of Hroeklyn, white
Burke was handled by Tem Kelly, el Phila
delphia Jeseph Donavan, of Llm Park,
arter a lung argument, was named as reforeo
and Adam Hchaller tlmo-keepor. During the
fifth round CapL Cobb and a pesse of 22
olllcers broke in the doers. A great panle
occurred and the crowd of 100 oflered resist
ance, hut were seen subdued by the pollce
and the principals and about 30 witnesses
weie arrested and at 1:40 a. m. taken bofbre
Judge Hulzbush, of Pert Richmond. Hall
was refused for the principals, but Ed Mc
Donald, Tem Kelly, Archle Wilsen and a
Mr. Freude were balled. A number of ethers
were paroled, among thorn being two
ropertors. The battle was brutal In the ex ex ex
trome, both men having given and received
fearful punishment. At the time of the raid
the result was In doubt. Masters was the
favorite In the hetting, although the Newark
folks wero ellerlng odds en Hurke, The
principals and witnesses are te appear befere
Judge llubbtirh at 7 o'clock this evenlng ler
Schiller Wins the Wrentllnc Match.
Wn iiita, Ks., Dec. 22. The wrestllng
rrateh botween Capt. fihleldp, of New Y'erk,
and Hurl Schiller, et Illinois, attracted a
large crowd of men te the opera heuse lest
night, Thore were representatives from
Kaunas City aud St. Leuis. The betting was
heavy, neither of the contestants being In
particular favor. The first fall wu wen by
Shields In 0', minutes; the second by Schlller
in 15', minutes, the third by Schiller In 7 1-10
minutes. The match was very hotly con
1 C. KaufTman's lllll te Mark I'enn.ylvanla's
Went at Uettjtburg,
C. ( . Keutlmau, esq., Columbia, assembly-man-elect,
will lntroduce the following bill
lu the Heuse of Representatives at Harris
burg, early In the coming session et the leg
islature. An net making an appropriation ter the erec
tion of mcmerKl tablets or monuments, te
mark the position el Pennsylvania commands
en the batile-fleld of Uettyjburg, July 1st, M
and Ed, IM.
Section 1. lie it enacted, etc , That the sum
of elghty-oue thousand dollars be, and Is
hereby specifically appropriated out of any
funds lu the state treasury, for the purpose
of perpetuating the participation In, and
marking by suitable memorial tablets, the
csltlonset all the commands of Pennsylva
nia volunteers engsged In the battle of Get
tysburg. Section 2. That ene thousand dollars of
said sum be appropriated te each el the
Pennsylvania organizations engaged in the
battle et Gettysburg ; the said amount te be
paid by the state treasurer, upon the warrant
of the auditor general, te the duly authenti
cated representative, or representatives of the
organized survivors of each regimental, corn
pan v, battery or ether Boparate organization
of Pennsylvania volunteers, upon filing with
the auditor; general a certificate Irem the sit-
Serlutendeut of tablets and legends of the
ettysburg Ilattle-Ueld Memerial association,
showing that such tablet has been erected,
iVeeiifci, that this appropriation be applied
for within two years from the passage of the
ajntpalbr fur Her Hmlmnil.
Kiem the Bosten Transcript.
"1 used te think that men had an awfully
easy time," said Mrs. Franks, "but I've
changed my mind, and herealter I'm going
te take all the care of Chat lea I possibly can,
Y'eu see, the ether morning, 1 told Charles
we wanted some weed aud te be sure and
order some. Well, I wailed all day and that
weed illdu'tcome and 1 was almost augry,
ler, mild 1, 'he has forgotten It, as usual.'
Chailes didn't come home until late, long
alter I had retired. He had te go te his club
Hiid It seems he was detained until after
midnight. He was awfully restless and kept
talking lu bis sleep, saying every once in a
while, 'OIve me another dollar's worth "of
chips.' be you see I knew that his mind was
treubled about that weed. Hew much it
must have worried him te thus disturb his
rest I Horealter I'm going te attend te all
house ualters in j self. Peer man! be has
oneugb te bother him without doing home
The hleber failure,
ihosherlll has lasted bills for the rale en
December 30 el the stock of Allied bleber,
dealer lu wall paer. The stock en hand
will net sell for (5,205, the nmeunt el the
executions agalust him. The Philadelphia
creditors, vv he were In the city en Tuesday
te get Judgments from Sieber, failed te secure
the same. Ills real estatate en North Mul
berry street Is mortgaged ler (2,000, Its lull
Fur the Soup l'uml.
Mayer Morten acknowledges the receipt of
tive buBholset potatoes Irem MaJ. Jere Roll Rell
rer and 25 oundsef sausage and tvv e crocks of
pudding meat Irem Frank Miisselman,Stras
Iu.iecltug n llrldge
The county commissioners aud the in 9 (lec
tors appointed by the court went te Weed's
mill en the Conewlugo creek this morning
te inspect the ceuuty bridge erected at that
point by Capt. MoMellon.
Seut tu David'. l.Uuil.
iieorge Yeder, the deserter, was delivered
te the I tilted States authorities en Tuesday
Httorneoit by Chlel Smith. He was Identi
fied by the olllcers at the Philadelphia re
cruiting agency as the man who had en
listed there some months age. Yoder was
sent te David's Island last night and will
be tried by a court-martial for desertion aud
soul te the Leavenworth prison.
Attend te Your notes.
All banks will be closed ou Saturday--Christmas
day and theso having notes ma
turing ou that day will save trouble and ex-
pense by attending te the same te-morrow or
btrurn In.
District Atlorney-elect Ktiukel, el Harris
burg, was sworn Inte olllce en Monday, He
will net assume the duties of his office until
Jauuary 1.
rie.eiiteil With Cauitr
The inmate? the Children's Heme were
taken through the streets, Tuesday, te tee the
Christmas wiudews. Scbeetz, the confec
tioner, Invited the.children into thostereaud
caeli was pieseuted with n box el cattily.
Sale ul Market Ntauilt.
Auctioneer Uuudaker this morning sold
for the market committee of councils the
market stands along thecurbs of the principal
Btreets. All were disposed et at last yeai's
Died K.iiji HU Injuria.
Adam Deener, who was struck by a freight
train ou the Pennsylvania railroad, near Ihe
l'enn iron works, thlselty, nd had his leg
crushed aud his hand badly injured, d ed nt
1 p. m. te-day at the county hospital,
Hen. Daniel W. Lyman's llriiee.ts
PnevuiKNt'K, It. I., Dee. 22. The bequests
oflbelato Hen. Daniel W. Lyman amount
te (360 000. Lscli porseti, male or female,
oinpleyed by him gels (500. The Society for
the Proventlen el Cruelty te Children, of
Providence, gels the mansion heuse and es
tate In North Provldence, ten acres et land
and (50,000 ; Swan Point cometory (3,000 for
poriietual care ; llrewn University (60,000 te
build for any ttse net sectarian a building
called the " Lyman memorial", (500 te
North l'rovldenoo for a soldiers' and Bailers'
monument j (25,000 te the lylngln hospital;
le the nursery (5,000 ; (10,000 te Providence
for an Fl lh Dyer memorial at Reger Wil
liams' park, and Brown 1'nlv orally Is ouo euo oue
half residuary legatee.
A Fanner Killed by a rnrmer
ti.VIN'I-,.SVII.I.I-. 'Vnr tlA.. M tr
. ', '" luiuiiun i
tlenhas Just reached hore of atielher a-jr-i
uv.. ,u niuiaii teriitery. One Wollerd had
leased a farm from oue Heme, about 200
miles north of this place. When the time
arrived for Wofierd te take possession,
Heme refused te vacate and trled te make
Wellbrd glve up his loase by hnrrasslng and
threatening him. Sunday morning Wollerd
and young Heme get Inte a quarrsl and each
ran for their guns. Wollerd secured the
first shot, firing flfteen buckshot Inte Heme's
body who died almost Instantly. Wolleid
mounted his herse and started away when a
shot from old man Heme's gun killed his
herse. He continued en feet and escaped.
A Jeneler llllnrtcil by fi,er nml Itelibeil.
CiiitAiie, Dec 22-Last ovenlng tloergo
!. Kchmltl, a Jeweler at Ne. 77.1 Clybeurne
avenue, was robbed el (eOO worth of Jewelry
hy the red oprer prcccss. Just befere clos
ing time three men entered the store and
asked Mr. Scbmltt, who had stepped forward
te wait en them, toshewthem Bome diamond
rings. Soveral rings were examlned In turn
until quite a number wero ou the show chse.
Then ene el the men ilasbed a handful of red
pepper In the Jeweler's fa-e and the trio ran
out of thejplace. Schmltt, blinded aud In
agony, was unable te make any pursuit until
tee lata The thleves had made geed their
oscape, taking with them six diamond ring-,
each valued at (100.
rgrue Leaving Seuth Carolina.
I.MH.K KecK, Ark., Dec 22. A large
number of negrees arrived here yesterday
Irem Seuth Carolina en reute for Seuthern
Arkansas. They are from Barnwell and
Aiken counties and report that several bun
dred of their race will leave .Seuth Carolina for
this statu between Jauuary and February.
Seme plantations in the first named slate will
be ontlrely depleted of farm labor, the
negrees leaving In a body. Among the
causes given for emigration are failure of the
crops ler seme years past, the landowners'
Hen, and a general dissatisfaction with the
politic-it situation In the state.
Railroad r.vlen.leu In the Murtliireal.
Milvvavkkk, Wis., Dec 22. The exten
sion of the Wisconsin Valley division or the
Chicago, Mllwaukee A" SL Paul railway,
north from Motrin le the state Hue, a dls dls
tance or about 21 miles, Is te be built tbe
coming hoaen. Engineers are new In the
fisld making the necessary surveys between
the mouth or the Tomahawk rlver and tbe
Hue. The line botween Merrill and Toma
hawk river la practically located new, and
agents are securing ihe necessary right of
luuiauapulle May Have a Hall Club
lNDtANAiehis, Dec 22. Indianapolis
base ball enthusiasts have ler soveral days
beeu In correspondence with representatives
of the National League regarding a propesl.
tlen te organlzea leagueclub hore for next
season, and they have received sulllclent
encourageraent te warrant thorn In taking
steps lu the matter. President Spalding has
said that Indianapolis would be Bocepted lu
prolerence te either St. Leuis or Kansas
City. Dennis and Olassceck, or the St Leuis
Maroons, will be the nucleus of the club, It
Is asserted.
Killed at Dauca.
Pilei Peini, Tex , Dec. 22 - At a dancing
party near Hloemfield In Cook ceuuty, Mon
day night, Kd. Kussell, a young man or re re
spcctable family hud seme difficulty with
Marlen Skinner ever seme change In collect
iiC for tbe expenses et the tiddlers. The He
was passed, and each drew his pistol and
commenced firing. The result was that Kus
sell was shot lu two places aud will die.
Skinner recelved a shot through the lleshy
part of the arm, causing a painful wound.
Skinner was arrested
Aiuerlian Fialiermeii 1'reUileil,
Hest en, Dec. 22. -The fishing schooner
Augusta K, Herrick, which was brought into
the public nollce in the late fishery troubles
by the action of her owners In tuning her
with heavy guns as a means or dulenseBgalnst
Dominion cruisers, has arrived nt this peit
with a cargo from Charlottetown. Capt. Her
rick slates that marked change has taken
place In the treatment of American seiiueu
Muce I'rosldeut Cleveland's mcs.age was
made public.
eer Knglalifl Day lu HU Luul.
Si. Let ts, Dec. 22. The New Lnglaud so
ciety of this city gave Its usual banquet last
night, aud a large number of the sons or
New Lnglaud participated In the celebration
In the landing el thelr pilgrim forefathers.
Among the invited guests were Senater
Evarts, ox-Senater Joint II. Hondersen and
A IUIllmorelteierterhent IeJhII.
llAi.HMOiu:, Dee. 22 Mr. JohnT.Merris,
a reporter of the S'mi, was befere Judge
Dully again tc-ilay In the matter of his re
fusal te answer questions bearing upon the
source of certain Information obtained by him
from the grand Jury room. Mr. Merris again
declined le answer the questions nud Judge
Dully Immediately committed him tejall ler
contempt of court.
I lle Heiiteuce lur a Murderer,
Wti.i-i.vMsiii nu, Ky., Dec. 2'. Lewis C.
Smith was sentenced this morning te Im
prisonment ler life, ter the murder of James
F. llradferd, jiestmaster at Woodbine, Ky.
The killing took place November last.
bejmuur (lets $3,5?0 Damage.
New Verk, Dec. 22. The healed verdict
handed In late last night by Uie Jury lit the
suit of Mr. James M. Seymour against Mr.
P. Leruiard ler f 10,000 damages ou account
of the unseawerthiness nf the steam yacht
lthada, was epened and read this morning lu
superior court part. L The Jury found for the
plaintiil In the sum et (5,570.
1,IOO Ollere-I ter a Murderer.
Nkwien, 11L, Dae. 22 Jasper county
eilers (1,000 toward for the arrest and oonvic eonvic oenvic
tlou of the.issassln of (leorge Rowers, who
was found robbed and murdered ou the rail
road track a few days age. Tbe village of
New toil w Ul also eiler (200 and the governor
English Lace Dealers Fall.
Loneos, Dec 22. Thellen A. Tidswell,
wholesale dealers in laces and muslins, Ne
2 Weed street, K. C, have failed. Liabilities
Mifjuadc'a Hearing reMpuned.
Hnoei-LYN, N. '., Dec 22. The hearing
of argument In the case or the McQuade stay
has been postponed by Judge Pratt until
next Tueidiy at ulue 0'oleok,
IHUVntH iktu TAUlrritKDDVTteXjl
deierat lllll. I'ai.ed ti the Ueu.senw imtK&l
mantle lllll I'rahlbtUn i ........... -iT
Onluiu Prem C1hlnKnr... .-.. .-
m ItAimrlfut In IT,,.... .... If.9"
----- -.. uiDmnn, , sjy
ndmunds reperted bill te provide tot tM '.. '
oxecutieu or mat part et ine treaty wiuaCMi li J1
relating (e the opium traflle i nd gave aeMe,".f'
mat no would astc ler its consideration m -Si
Boen as posslble after the holidays. Mr.''vVi.''';
CoiiL-er ronerlod te nuthnrlzn thn nenatinn. 7.
lien aud malntenauca of it bridge aoreM Hut, f -,
Missouri rlver by the Duluth
jiiiuiii tv, jiiacn uum ..i.
unurmnniDitir! nlarexl nn cftlsadar. 71. .
Mr. Ifftfif K'i'VErillu.ra.snli. hie bill CTd
amendlntr thn Tirlnn""1wirf"tVHIi.M '. '
Hear submltted a roselutlon dlrectlu U"?j
cDuimiiieoeu commerM le report In the rlvsf jr.
and ImrlMir bill the faets ronderlng itpprepfte
tleus ler each or the publle works advisable. Hi
and the condition of the work whero begun -V4 U
adopted. Mr. Delph Inlrodueod a bill eatabj ftV '
llD.l .. ..n.- . ..... . . .Vll-il
iiuuir, nn asssy uiuee ai t'ertianu, uregea ; ;jw
roferred. Mr. Dxwes' resolution directing ths'iSf i
commltteo en Hnance te Inquire what spil y m
clrle reduction can be made In custom dutlea $&. $
and lntemal taxes, reducing receipts te thti
necessary expenses or the government with
out Impairing the prosperlty nf home Indus
tries or the compensation of home labor, wm
adopted. At 12.30 the Sena'e adjeurnal
until Tuesday, Jan. I, 137.
lllll. famed liy 1 lie Heme.
WAsiusnreN, Dre.22. Heuso J Messrs,
Ferney, McAdoo and Hepkins were ap
pointed conferees en the bill Increasing the
annual appropriation for the militia. Tha
Heuso passed bill granting the right of way
through certain Indian reservation! In
Northern Mentana and Northern Dakota te
the St. Paul, Minneapolis A. Manitoba rail-
read company. Mr. Waruer, of Ohie.
ported bill requiring all land grant railroad
companies te construct, maintain and operate
telegraph lines; committee or the whole. A
bill was pasved granting te the City el San
Antonie, Texas, n certain portion of the mili
tary resarvatlen adjoining that city. Ths
Heuso passed Seiiate bills for the sale of the
present public building at Fastpert, Maine,
and the purchase of a new site, and the erec
tion of a new building thereon , for the relief
of the Oreensburg Limestone company of
Indiana , also bill making Lewes, Del , ajpert
el delivery. Consideration of Ihe Oklahoma
bill was then resumed.
The Uuiniulttee en the Seuth ire.tern Sink.
WAStiiNOTON, Dec 22 The special labor
committee, et which Gov. Curttn Is cbalr
man, will meet In Washington en the 5th el
January next, at 10 a. m., at which time any
proper additional evidence ollered will be re.
celved. Parties Interested will be allowed
te tlie briefs.
Committee lteperte.
The senatorial portion of the congressional
commltteo appolnted te visit and Inspect the
West Point military academy has reported
te the Senate. The repert Is signed by Sena
tors Manderson aud Gibsen. Tbe report of
the Heuse committee Is net ye. mule. Tbe
discipline, health of cadets and general con
dition or the academy are commended In tha
hlghest terms ; also the management. An
academic building, extensions of the build
ings for geology, chemistry, elc, are recom
mended. Asaresult of the conference with Assist
ant Secretary of State Perter the Heuso com cem com
mlteoo ou forelgn atlairs te-day modified tha
diplomatic bill by Inci easing the Chinese
missen te tlret-class and abolishing the ocn ecn
Bulatesst (.tlcstemutide und Elberfleld, Ger
many, and Mahce In Seychelles Island. Tba
Increasoef the rank of the Cblnose mission
Increased the aggregate of t'je bill (1,000
ever the saving by the abolition of the odd edd
sulates. (icneral Warner, of Ohie, was le day given
final Instructions by the committee en post pest
offices and isistreailH for ropertlog te the
Heuse the result of the Investigations by tha
commltceinte the question te transferor tele
graph lines bclenglug te subsidized rallreadr
te the Wcsteru Union company. A lew im
material amendments were made.
Frem the cemmittee en torelgu relations
Senater Kdmunds reported a bill te-day pre-'
vlding for the execution of the previsions of
article 2 of the treaty cencluded between the
Culled States and the emperor or China en
Nev. 17, isse, and proclaimed by the
presldeul el the United States Oot. 5,
1SS1. It prohibits the Importation of opium
by any subject et the emperor et China and
fixes as a penalty a Utie net mere than (500
nor less than (50, or Imprisonment for
period et net mere than six months nor leu
than thirty days, or both ; forfeits te tbs
United States all opium Imported In
violation el this law ; prohibits by olt elt olt
Izens of the Uu I ted States the Impor
tation or transportation or sale of
opium from China or the transportation
In any pert of the world or opium by ves
sels enterlng Culled States ports and tba
penalty is the same us above. Consular
courts or tlie United States In China concur
rently with the district cettra el the United
States In the district In which any offender
may be round shall have Jurisdiction te
hear, try nud determlne all cases aris
ing under the foregoing previsions
every package of opium containing opium,
either in whele or part brought, taken or'
traujporteil, trafficked or dealt in contrary
te these previsions shall be forfeited te the
United States for the bonefitof the emperor of
China, and such forfeiture aud the declara
tions and consequences thereof, shall be
made, had, dotermlucd and executed by tba ,
proper authorities of the United States exer
cisiugjudlclat pewers within the empire of
C Ulna.
The names Urea. Out lu Ihe ro.tefllce anil
bpread Ultra Illeck.
In. s Muinus, Iuwa, Dec 22. A most dis
astrous fire, which Is sill raging, broke
out at Oikaloesiln the postetUce about 1
o'c'.eck this morning, aud despite the hereto
ellerts el the lire department, assisted by
citizens, the lUmes are still beyond control
and progressing eastward, enveloping almost
the entlie block in which Is located tha pott pett pott
eillcc Thus far the postelllce, Times build
ing, with all Its contents; Haunt's bakery,
Uenry's large turniture store, the opera'
heuse and threo adjoining buildings have
beeu totally destreytd, Involving a less of '. -
ninre than MO.uoe. witu tue iirosneei mat un.i 1 1
entlre block will be destroyed and a lesa et ' :
(100,000 entailed, The mall coming te tba
olllce last nltilit Is supposed te
have been entirely consumed. Tba ';
lurid ilauies lit up the eky and are dart-
lug ul most acrees the street te a In, "ij-j
llvery stable, te save which a large ferca el, -K
citizens lire at work with buckets and wet n
klanlrel. 'I'lin llvA AlilalnA.1 a faarflll HaeI.-1 .J
....... l.nrn.A I. ..I.... .Ilu.t... Ar,t -fl.miaan.SH Af .r lafi
way UD1UID UCIIIg, wiDwimm .w. --t
peeple line the streets, neipiess te stay uw r
l! anion. The lusurance en the less already
Incurred will amount te (22,000. UenstaaUy ' :
falliug wulla greatly eudanger the llreaa.'
and seriously bluder them In thelr svetlu M,.
Ililalinnr "a. in.. It leeks aa tlmuefh tha '.";
..-. , , , .
tire block is deemed. 'J-x
Hack. Iteut 0i(eiltliig Iacreattag. ' ,
Dniu.iN, Dec 22. The antl-rsck rent ajrM
latlnnU tncroeslng througbent relaa5S)la,
splte tbe desperate ellerts tnaua uyj
nnvemmnnt tn niinnress 1L The tenalM
.... ...... I.. h nmrlneS of Ul SHf
two large ""- r-- :"",,-; .,-)
imvnileinsndeil a aireiwi" """" i
v j
m-t .
A &
..WrjM4 i.