pip --- Si :W3iJ . .V? "&1H (! LVJsVu.u.r,W7J., uniwvi anfetef WK w "T sSwftXuWWF?; -BsL volume xxii r no. se. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMJiEK 15, 1886. PRICE TWOO (Hie I ;V4 rTBHfc "If -1BV wr . . ! 3I I UKXKMKkKK; - TJIK STKAMHOAT HOUHOK. IVHTItltH IJKI.IIJ.S UI' 171 It Arl'ALL If11 ltH4Btlllt(JN til It MlBBItBII'Vl. All tli OllUm of the vessel Haied-I'iimler llnl.liM ilia Wetk Ili-gun hy riie-The lAlnt I'stluisles I'laces the Num- tirr ill VIMIms at Mlilr. I urlher prtlciil!ra or Ibe disaster (a the elegant steamer J. M. White, ene of the finest en the Mississippi river, running be tween Vli'ksburgsnd New Orleans have been received. Nhe had n number of passengers n Uard Hint it cuge of 2,000 bales ill retten together wltli n iiiiillly of powder, both el which Killed In nugmeiitliiK the lout fill less of lift) which HfliMuipinled theili'slriictlim of tliu sleamur. Among thnse lest urn .Ml. Station!, V. lUll. Mrs, (station), Vldslli, ntiit Mint Htaf Htaf fenl, idalls , (I. Wash, i'leytl, formerly tpUlu et the Wilt S. liny in , Leuis linker, ccend is-ok , On-ar, baker , llk-k lUudelpb, llreuiiitl , Ame, porter ; Martha Washington, chambermaid I Lucy . .. , . chamber maid , Pitwy Walker, (HI. Jacksen. 1hetxi.it li ml lauded te take en b jille el otteu setl, mill tnere worn botween thirty thirty llveand lurty roustabout engaged In this work, u hen precisely at fifteen minutes pant ten e clock everybody was atarlled by the loud rluglug ( the bull by the watchman, I nm Miller. Immediately after the cry or I Ire '" was taken up by twenty voices. In an instant the direst contusion reigned. Men darted te mid Ire mid the work nf areu leg tbe sleeping pasiongers was begun. 'I he tire was discovered by Thernis llsrry, the second engineer, who, with his partner, Mtoven Jauney, ni en watch ut the tline. The first Intimation he had of the tire wasa small light en the top of a row et cotton bales ainlilslilpvtil'-ti gieatly resembled the flitnes or n Iniitern. Barry loll hi pest tu tnvettigaU1, unilivai astonished te discover tb-vt the light win aiined by a tnle of cotton briskly burning, lurry's voice lariK threiiKh the deck room nr the e.nd .m he IrmitUMlly nhouted " Flre'l'lre" Watchuun Mlller took in the ultmillen at once nod rmiKtuO huge boil le-nted en the iwjiiiI deck. Miller titoed at till je-t ringtiii; Hi" lull until he wai fenced t retreat by the encreaUiliiK llaiiiea. I he iiolae of tbeclaiiKln belt meuiied Wui. MiHrtey, the rlnel oalneor. who wn HJleep In i"e Itx.x. Hj Hjirau nut of tied and Kroped lili Wiy llireuxh the Hinoke te wnku up hh ptrliier, Jehn I'allalier, Hocend uuUlaiit oncineer, whwie bunk wai further fernrfrd. About midway he met l'allalaer, wlin hid also benu orenifd tiy the bell and "in en hit w.iy tu hunt McUreeiy. The two tueti then loekeil iv bMt they could threUKh ihe Hial.ug suiiike f.,r the ethera who nlept In the lexde, but nut i-ceIuk any ene niul be lieviiiKthat nil but lliiwinulM had lelt, they rawled out i'ti the hurricaue duck will wure oiiipelled te clluiti down en nne et the lauclileii tu thoiiUrbearil Hlile nl the Imat, nhtnthey get en thertv. nATll) bErri.l.I10- i'l till. HILAMCR. In the meantime two atreauiaef water were i reuht te play en the tire, but the Imavy black auioke ilroe the ouglneurs baek. They I'juht the flamei step by btei, but wete at lt :ercid te drop the lioie uud sive thom them thom kelvua. The tire burned with frlrhtlul ra pldlty and lu u very ftivr inluulei tlie entire I wilt alde el llie beat ivn n mef flame, tre ojeu eauht Hi" railing of ibe cabin deck and before auy oMlbUtice wai te be had the be.it leakud at It Im ivai encircled by a stream of tire. The craeKlliiK of the Uaines nd the .li'lukw el the pwseugers nud crew were anti.L Wlieu the alarui wai first i-euuded Alex. Midei M ay, uetd i ltrK, w Hitting at the tune In lili i it-iii lne lint pral el Ihu bell autet him te leap euuide, and kveui); the II nues hnh la nr he ran ba.-K te the uibm te 1,-et the boekn and luoeey. The tlie KBllld raplJIy en hlui, and he wax tompelloil te leave the uflke atutuit in sum Hi he eutered I' ui t befure he had 8Mirrt the riinney In the sale. .Mr. MiVay thou turned lili attentleu te mng cabin paaisuers, of whom thore were itxjiu lllteen or ilKhteeu, Including en:bt lailiea. Ue Ural aweke Second Clerk Jeliu I'aliubau, who came out uf hH room In lili undcralilit and truu&erH, and tlie two went te each room ami atvolte tlie luuiatev. 'l'lie lerrlned paniciient 'itiukly g-'' out, nearly alt el thorn In tbi-n niylit KariutiuU. Amuug tjeul was n ireutleuiaii, nauieuukliewu, but iii.igtilzed ut the HiiiKtliHoiiileut of the Idalia H iiithern rallrixul lie had hU w lfe and two chlldreu, Kirla el ulnn and twelve tear, with hlui He called them around li tin and bade them fellow hlui. Ily tliln tiiiin tbe tliiiie.1 had reacheil the ckbln, itiruiiKli whiceli ll.l.-K Niueku wai rolling. Clie panic ulrlcken pa-isenuin ipikkly made ler an entrance, aume te tlie ateru and ether te the bes. The geutleuinu relerred te wai among tluvie that went te the stern. I'peu reacUiiiK the deck he(;raped lili two chldren, one ut u lime, nud threw them into the river. HelureheHiid hln wile could let low the ilamei hud ttae ied them, and they were burned te death. Toe two pdeW en watch, Jehn Stout and Heb Smith, were lu the pllot-heu'e, and were compiled te jump Inte the river, wtiere they were picked ii I hey had u uarre tcape frimi death. MAM LIVES LOSl O.s Utt IBA PI.' It. The tlie butneJ te cptlekly that It ras lm lm lm potslble te sce who were gated ami who were lertU The dick win crowded with rousta bouts and dtck paiiengerR, thirty el the latter haviug Ret en the veaaelRt the New Texaa laudiujr, Just aliove where the beat wai burned, rvtarly all eftlieae were leit. While the (laaneugeri and crew were escap ing from the beat the ateamplpe blew up and Mna hurled, with ever twenty bales of cotton, n himdied lect lu the air. They rorelvod ever and ever until they tell Inte the river. Immediately alter the ex plosien BhrlekH were heard coming trout the Htern of the vossel. l-'or mi liiBlaut two colored women woreaoon Htandtug ou the gallery Just back of wheel home, mid the next Instant they were lilddeu i'i e in view by the nmoke aud llamea. The lint jiartef tee liett toglve way wai the wheeihoube. It tell lute the water, nud, a dralt belngcreated, the ll unei nuc-pt through Ihe centre et the beat, Theso who escaped wure t3keu away from the Fcciie by the htcmubeat Mella Wild, which pllui between lltyeil tiara and Nat chiz. Ah'Qie Wild wai backing out four kegi of gnniwder that were lu the held ex ploded, and uolleu and burning timberu were I ui i led lu all direction. Tliii virtually put the lire out, and what was once a palatial Hteatner wan new a blackoued wreck. When the Wild reached the rlver a loud cry ler help came Irem the mlddle of the Htre.un. A beat wai lowered ami wai rmlckly jmlleit lu the direction of the cry. Through the dark ness thocieWHHW the llsutoef a man grasp ing A bale of cotton, but liefere they e nud teach hltn the bale turned ever, and when it wai righted the man was goue. William McCirevy, chief englneer of the beat J. M. White, gives the lollewlug aj lountef the diaaster : 'About ten uiluutes paai ten o'clock .Monday night, while lauding at Dr. Jr'errette'a place, above the poatetlloo lauding at l'elut I'eujie, at which place the beat waa leading cotton noed, a tire broke out amldahlp, Just alt or the doctor, between the engluei, en the top et the cotton and be low the boiler deck. Kugtuuer Barry and Jauney, who were en watch, gave the alarm and the pumpi weie put te work, but with out avail. 1 no lire apreai rapidly and in less than lllveeu minutes the beat had burned te the water'aedtEe. I'here were lour kegs et lowder in the luagamie and the moment the tlroreachodtheiu the tlauies shot up about one hundred feet. '1 he night was the most lioattreiidlug 1 ever witnessed. Tlie shriek ing of wouieu and children for help vvaa awlul. He Haw the Hiiperluteudent of the Vldalla railroad, Hiaudlug alt et the ladlea' cabin, threw tils two little daughters lute the water. He Meed thure and burned te death with hU wile, rtiere were In the cabin nine lady passengers and about eight men. At New Texas twenty deck hands were taken en beard, all of vvuem arouuppesed te be leit. Andrew Pierce, a Bailer, uud AntonlnKo AntenlnKo AntonlnKe balta, n llreinau, uru ibe ones U) whom the redit of saving the aurvlvera lu due. 1 nemas Barry, the aeoend engineer, was en duty when the lire brokeoutlu the cotton aujldehlpti. i'er a time, he nya, he thought they hatt the Are under control, but It finally gullied audi headway that they could de nethlliK with It, He nay a the 11 re npreadae rapidly that ln few uilniilin llinbest vim entirely wrapKxt in 11 uuei. Ilnthlnka thore wai only ten or n den Uvea lest, Including the colored llreinau, two colored cliambor cliamber inaldi, oue of them namml Martha Washing ton, and the arennd cook, oelnrnK lie report the leai el Captain Hlrd l'leyd and thp nuer, liitendent el the Vldalla railroad, with his wile aud daughter, w he wnre tiassengera. He ktiewK nothing as te tlie number el passeiiKera that were aboard Ihe beat, but thinks thore were net wry many, and Lellev ea there were some women and children en Ihe deck. te I- JAMI.S NAtN HI I V 1.1 1.1 WI.IIK 1.I1S1. Keveral aurvlvera et the disaster reached New Orleana by 111" Miaalulppl Valley railroad Irem llateil Keuge. 'I hey had been taken te te that point by the auiamer Slella Wild, vvhlch caine along seen alter llie doatructlen el llm J. M Whlln. Colonel H. U Jaiue, who was In his state room, managed te get ashore and hml te walk two mlles without coal, hat or Khees lu the chilly winds bolero heieuld reach the rail road station, lln was taken te his home, Ne. 177 I'rytaula street, en his arrival, where he Is in a critical condition. He atated that the sight was horrifying and could net be told. He also positively declared that thoe must have been sixty porseus lest, lHcause, out el sixty live In the cabin, he could only see hluiselland lour ethers, among whom were II. t llrewn, slate engineer , K Denery, a barber , Krcd. I tray, a poiler, and J. lelllns, dcH-k walchuisn. The lollewlug nlllcers are known te be saved , Captain Muse, I lerks A. McVay, O. Hull and Callahan , Pilots Jehn Hlewarl and Heb Sin I Ui, Engineers William MtQrevy, Tem Harry, V. tl. Pslllsen and btevejenn , Mates J en n (Irani and 'lem rrimbell, Watclunan Tem Miller, Hallnrman Andy l'lnrce and Hlewsrds Pat Hyaii and Nuntx The J. M. Whlte was built lu 1'TS at a cost of fJii.UOO, and was regarded by many as the lineal and fastest beat ever run en the Mississippi river. Hhe was owned by Cap tain J eh u W. Tebln. llercargewas valued at J'.MOi.M The liisursnre en the beat Is t.V.OW and her Resign Is undoubtedly fully Insured. VULI.IfiH l. Jlllt liKHMRVfB Ihs Drleniisnt. Itetng lilnl fur CIiuiIdr Tim. Vrem Ihf t'rrml.n of rislellIT. "ustifdv Afiern- -tjiiil re assembled at - .SO o'clock and the trlsl nf Jehn Haiti, for larceny, was resumed The delense was ttiat the agreement slgned en April 2, dissolving the firm of Wambaugh & Haln, oirered as evldonce by the common wealth, was net the tlnal agreement between theso psrtlM. It was testllled that the last agreement made was that Haiti was te collect the money due the firm and also the bottles from their rustmnnrs, which were te be given te Charlea ech who was te pay the debta of the firm. A large number or wltnessea who had known ihe deleudant for many jean testlllwl that the topulatlen of Haln ler honesty prier te this chirge was of the very best. The Jury rendered a verdict el guilty and recommended tliedeteudauttnthe mercy el the court. Jehn Iiennlsen and hlsseu Jehn Dennisen, Jr., were put en trial for uulawlul timber cutting. Frem the testimony of the com monwealth's witnesses, It appeared that Abram Cellins was the owner of a tract of woedlaud lu Ceney township. The defend aula are the owners of laud adjoining, and between the preertles of tun two there Is a stene fence which Mr Cellins' claimed te be the boundary line, lhroe jeirs age Cellins neld the weed leau te Messrs. Boek .v. Ilns, and nfler they cut dewu nearly all the lren, p, tir i were lelt standing along the stene wall fur Mr. Cellins, beciuse he had made semu loikessIou us te prlce te the purchasers of the weed leave. Wbile Heek A. Hess were cutting down the timber the Denmsens told them te cut down the trees along the stene wall because they shaded their laud, but they declined te de no, Ix-csuse they had agreed te let thorn utanil for Mr. Cellins. Alter the refusal uf Boek A. Hess te remeve the trees the Iiennlsens went en the preuiNes mid cut down the trees, and put the weed en their own weed pile. After thelrarrest the Donutsensaduilttod that they had cut dewu the trees, but claimed that Heek A Hess haJ given them iwruitsalen te cut down the trees. These gentlemen denied having given that permission te the Peunl Peunl sens, i iq trial. Iuc3ily JAenuiff I'pen the reassembling of court the trial el the DeunUeni was ro re h u med The defense was Jehn DennUin, sr,, pur chafed the pre petty in 163. His deed called fur a straight Hue thruugh the land bet w con his prefierty and that el Abram Cellins. It was clalmed that this stone fonce t IGtj feet en Deuiilsen's land, and that the tn-vs cut down were also ou Denuisnn'a land. The preixirty was sold by the sherlll In lvt, and purchased by Hliluey Deniilsen, and she be lieving the trees te lie en her ground and had a right te remove them, ordered her brother te cut them down The elder Denntnen, It was shown, was In Phlladelphl-t when the trees were out dewu. Ihu weed et the trees cut down was proved le be lit fur lire weed euly. IIViJiiMfy Memmy. -Court met at " o'clock, and the Jury in the I)f,!iiil-en .sl( was Instructed as te theli dutles. They had net ngroed upon a verdict when con it ad journed. i: ti. Itelit, teacher of the White Hellew hcIkmiI lu Kast Kirl luwniiblp, was put en trial for committing an assault and battery ou lranklln Peters, ene of his pupils. Ac cording te the boy's testimony it appeared that the teaaher whipped hlui with a pointer se severely en (Mober -, that the boy's back nud arms were bruised. The defense wm that the boy misbehaved and he was cautloneil by tbe teacher that If he ierssted In Ids mlslwhavler he would be punished. He paid no attention te the cau tion and finally the leacher whipped him. He denied however having cruelly beaten the boy. It was shown by the beard el directors that Mr. Heist wain klndbcarted dlsoreet teacher, and give general sttisfaclleu te the patrons el the school. Jury out. Jehn Haln, wlin was convlcted of larceny, was surrendered by his ball nud arrestej by Ihe stierltl. He entered new ball In the sum el ?5Hlatid was roleased from custody. Ills counsel made a motion and Itled leasens ler a nun trial. M.ltlUC IN IAKI..-S. A erdlcts of net guilty were taken In the tases against William h'achs and Cornelius Heuders, assault and battery, both being new in the Insane asylum Henry Massey, et. al., neglect of duty, its the read has been repaired ; Ames Dell, et. al., herse steallng, as the nllense was com mill oil In Mary-laud, and Jehn Miller, fornication and bastardy, as the piesecutrlx did net desire lu push the ca-iv. Cuuilt lil unit bnteiicil, Jexu l'aure and his wile, who were tiled and convicted et the murder of 1 a ure's brother, al Ardeche, France, en Tuesday, were Noutencod te hard labor ler lire. Ne mero horrible murder was ever committed In l'rance. A brother or Mrs. Fan re, who was an accomplice, was leund ou Monday in his cell, (lead, liavingcouiuiittedHiiicIde by hang ing himself with his shirt, which was tern into strips like cord. In a corner of his cell was leuud a wrltteu confession or the details of the crime, tallying exactly with that w hleh Jean made lu lull court. A Hacce.tfDl C3eiUiaujr. Tbe tlray and H (options company appeared In the opera house for the second time en Tuesday OTenlnB and although the audience was large It vvaa uetas great as en the epeutng night. "Without a Hatme" was again pro pre pro duced Willi gnat sueces, and the audlence was pleased. The trained dogs made ovorv evorv overv iKMly yell and the llrenceiie was well worked, The chase by wolves In the fourth net was realistic and Mis (Iray wai called belere tlie curtain afterwards. Te-morrow evening "Sued Frem thoHterm" will bs given. A Change nf .tgemi. Chailes Voeker, beh or the proprietor ut the epera house, who has been ahead uf Htarr's opera company ler a year, Is In town arranging ler the appearance or the troupe here uext week. Mr. Yecker will reslgu his position after tills week and flberge W. (.cedhart, or this city, will take his place Oeorge has had leta of experience lu the show business, uud there Is no doubt that be vvll I till his uew position with credit te himself an J p-elit tu his niauager as Mr, Yeuker hs tleue. TI1K HOARD OF TRADK. mr. mkuiimi run imvuMiir.a hki.e us tiikhiiai mvmninn. Acllun Takrii nn Hi" Deslli nf .famsi Ktsnsrt. Hi Cuiiiinlllri nn MIsll.lliaMsks Itspert ITfist the Aililtts la nf a Railroad In New llullsnil llnnllne llnilnn. Iho IJtH'ombei meeting of the Lancaster Heard of Trade was held Tuesday ovenlng. It was the llrst meeting In their new rooms, In ICshleuisti's law building, and was largely attended, 'ihe bend of trustees have fitted up the rooms In a handsome manner, and new there Is net a finer sullo el looms In the city. President llager called the meeting le order at 8 o'clock. 'Ihe mlnutes of the last stated meeting were read and approved. The president announced the death of .Istnen .Stewart ene el the llrst members of theergatilrstlnti and ene of Lancaster' load lead ing and progressive citizens. The chairman stated that the secretary of tlie beard had roielved from Mr, Htewart, a low days prier te his dcath.a letter returning Uianks lur the honor of being named m chairman el tbe oemmlttoo and expressing regiet that his business omragementa would prevent his acceptance. Mr. Htewart was npfieinled chairman en m-ceunt of bis expe rience and ability as well as because of these hlgher riualltlss se well known te all who knew hlui. The chairman thought that It would be right for the beard te take some action expressing a souse el less. A motion was made and adopted that a committee of Ihne t3 appointed te draft resolutions el rmpect te his tnomery. II. Frank Hteneinsn, Mayer Morten and Jjr. J. 1. Wlckuishsm were named as that com mittee. The committees nn manufactures, com merce, resl estate and finance submitted re (mrts, butthey contained nothing of Interest tothegeneral public The committee nu municipal afialrs re ported that I hailes S I elti had been elected secretary. Dr. Wlckersbsui said that the committee would have many matters te consider re quiring n knuwleilgn el law, and moved that two nddltlniial uicmliers be appointed who should be lawyers. The motion was carrled. in trie ausencoer ur. Davis, cnairman 01 committee en statistics, W. I. Hensel, esq,, submitted the lollewlug report. TlltS Uirt'fl AlirjNTJlUXS. Hew 11 Is I'rupeMit te Ailiertl.sThem A Heek le Centslu a llandrsd Fag.. 7" en Jlearl"' Trail', tintaitcr til mi lkmkx-Yeur committee en statis. tics, begs leavote report that In the Judg ment et Its membera the compilation, publica tion and the distribution or a oumprehenslvo nnd accurate rovlew of the business Interests, the reseurcts and the advantages offered here ler the extension of the present and tbe estabt shment of new commercial and manu facturing enterprises is el first Importance te the city and a legitimate function of this beard. We bave projected a plan for such com pilation and publication. In pursuance tbereel and by the Invita tion of your president, ene of the members or this commlttee will present a skoteh el such compilation lu part of an address te be delivered before the beard en Tuesday evening, December .Sib, entitled "The Towuwel.lve in. What It Has and What It Wants " Pur the preparation et this address and as the basis ler the publication referred te, arrangements ought te be made te collect complete statistics et every branch or trade and Industry lu Lancaster at once, and the members of the beard are respectfully re quested te aid this work and te commend It te the cordial co-operation of all Interested In promoting the moral and material prosperity of the city. Such an undertaking net only needs the approval of the beard, but Involves a large amount of labor nnd no Inconsiderable ex ex pense. in projecting II, therefere, your commit tee retipectlully submits a sketch or the pro posed work end a plan for Its publication. Accompanying this report are offered the publications el somen her commercial bed Ien In cities or i jrtenpeudiug xize and Import Impert auce. It Is believed lire 9 ian be materially Im proved upon. The book should bn well printed and tastefully prepared. Accompanying It It would be advisable te have a small map, showings general plau or outline orthe city, of the streets laid out, aud tbe location of the public and principal buildings and various eluts el popular Interests , another map or diagram sbeuld Illustrate the location or Lancaster, with reference te surrounding towns aud Its railroad laclllties. The contents el the book, estimated te cover about 1U0 pa.jes, should embrace a brier history el the municipality, Its advantages el location, resources el the surrounding coun try, Its railroads, telegraph, mall postal, ex press and general transportation facilities ; plan of city government, system or water supply, lighting, the sanitary condltiensand regulation", and rates of taxation, building regulation aud facilities, coat or rents, mar ket mid household supplies, domestic ad vantages, the capacity aud rates el hotels and bearding heusea The social statistics should make a reliable enumeration el the present population . tbe religious mid educational statistics, athe liter ary Institution, humantarian agencles; pro pre pro lesstelat and publication interests ; the num num ber and classes et dwellings and ether build ing", rer public business, resldence'er mixed purposes. Tlie commercial ilepiittnent should em brace a cemplete premutatien el banking, in in suranceand financial interests or Laucaster ; number et persons engaged, capital em ploy ed, business dene and general features of eveiy branch of merchandising and ox ex ox chauge. The toliau-e Interest should be made the subject el iispeclal departmeut In Its relation te agriculture, as well as te trade and manu factures the Held, the ware house aud the faotety, all being of greatconcern tn trade. The trade In live stock. Its relations te our surrounding agricultural Interests, te our money market, transportation facilities and local business should bn fully aet forth, aud the etatistlcs of the farm, the drove yard and shipping be carefully cellected. The department of manufacturing should comprehend a reliable exposition of the va riety aud magnltude or the productive Indus tries el the city, in gross aud In detail, with tlie most nearly cou.plete statistics obtainable of the auieuut of capital Invested, number or hands employed, aud raw material con sumed, the finished product turned out and wngei paid, the sources Irem which raw ma terial Is obtained nnd the markets lu which we sell. It might be well te classlfy the leading In dustries under such heads as Ireu, textile, lumber, Ac Finally, deduced from these statistics, there should be a department In whlali should be set forth fairly but fully the In ducements and ndvaulages, especially In i jiiiparl-eii with ether cities, Air the location here el manufacturing Interests, particularly no-called " light manufactures," In the great est variety. Ills b9i!oved the publication and distribu tion et an edition el 10,000 conies of such a volume about February 1st, 16S7, will pro mote the purpobe rer which this beard has organized and your committee appointed. It Is roughly estimated that the odltleu con tern plated et such a work as has been prejected would cost about fl.MH). or the ac companying velume from Wllllamspert there was published nu edition of 3,000 copies. at a coat of nearly f 1,500, paid by Individual subscriptions and by special subscriptions by these ler whom Illustrations were luserted. Twe thirds of this odltleu were distributed Iree, nnd the balance neld at Je cents per ceny. Your committee is or the opinjeu that with Ihe co-operation or the members el thle beard the work centeinnlated can be nubllshrd here by Individual enterprise In n manner thai, will be profitable te these who take ad vantage or and support the sama It Is therelere suggested that an appendix or te pages be devoted te advertisements at the rate of, say, t30 per page; advertisers te re reive lu return copies or the work te the amount of their subscription at the rate or 20 cents per copy, and 1,000 copies te be lur lur iilahed te the beard rer exchange and ether general uses. acti-ci en tkk ncrenr. A ceitimlltae ui the Beard of Trad will wait upon Iho business community te solicit advertisements ter Ihe book. After some discussion It was doc Pled thai the committee should Issue the book and the cost be defrayed by an apienillx or W) pages el advertising at l-Wpsr page. These mem ben present who dcslted te advortlse were requested te annouce the same and oaeli or tbe following parties secured one page el the advertising spaoe: U. J, Hwarr, Ueergn N. Keynelds, Hlelnman A Ce, Ldward Khcr man, I'l Inn A Hroneman, Hener A Hens, Wll Wll llamsen r.t Fester. Hyiultigten A. Ca.Hkllee .1, Krey, William Kiddle, Watt, Hhanri ,fc Ce., Inquirer Printing cemtiany, Lancaster Watch company, Charles A. HelnlUb, Julius Leeb and Hager Hrethers. Lsvan A Hen, L. Clansman A. lira, A. II, Hesensteln and the Helvetia Leather company subscribed for one-half page each. The commltteo will call en ether bualuens men during the week. lite new rten AND lUII.ne.VI). Mr.Sklles thought the nc-eMltyefa railroad direct te New Helland is apparentand he moved that the committee en railroads and transportation make Inquiry as te the asms. H. C, Hlaymsker, civil euglneer, reported that he had Just finished the survey for a dlrect roule te New Helland Irem this city. The distance la 13 mlles and llie cost et building Iho same he estimated at t,O0O. He under stood that the right el way bad been socured evor a greater part of the route and there was a strong probability el the read being built at an early date. It was such u nrelect that the Heard et Trade should lntoriwtltself In,for with the present facilities between Lancaster and New Helland a large amount or New Helland's trade gees te Heading. The treasurer reported that 111 members bad tiald their annual dues and the balatjcj In the treasury of the old beard was CG-tit. making the amount In the treatury 1291.61. Dr. Wlckersnam called the attention of the members te tbe manner In which ether cities make known their attractions. He rend an advertisement rrern the Philadelphia timet, of the Cerry, Pa., Beard or Trade, Inviting manufacturers te locate there. He belleved Lancaster was net tee seen in the field or com petition te sectire new manufactures here. The committee ou arbitration reported an organization, with Samuel L. Lev an socro secro socre tary. J. H. Martin declined te .orve en the com mittee en commerce, and LL 8. Gara was ap pointed by the chair le Mil the vacancy. Ibe chair appointed Jehn I. Ilartman en the commlttee or railroads and transporta tion. This committee reported an erganizv tlen, with Jehn II Psuingsrdner as chair man. Mr. Housten, of the beard nf trustees, re ported that the expanse of furnishing the rooms was less than (30e THE TRADE HOLLA II. Mr. Ileusel suggested that the beard take action en the bill new pending In Congress for the redemption of trade dollars, and be made a motion that It Is the senie of this lieard that Congress should speedily pus the bill new- belere It te redeem the same. Dr. Wlckeraham said he understood the objection heretofore te I engross passing a law te redeem the name was that the trade dollars were In the hands of the speculators. Ue knew that the trade dollars In this section weie stored away in the bank vaults and belonged aa a rule te buMness men. Tbe Hensel motion was adopted and the flnance commlttee were directed te send te Congressman Hlestand tbe result et the action or Lancaster's Heard efTrade. thk vvaii R si rrt 1. Mr. I rban said the beard ought te tnke action en an important mailer theleewerage and water supply. He understood two plana bad beeti propeaod n remedy delectlve sewerage, but he did net think the right plan had yet been proposed. Mr. Riddle said the tlneuce committee of ceuuctlswere new- considering the tnntter, aud In a few days something decnite will be reported. IHE PCBLI MILDIMi-. Mr.Honsel reforred te the necessity el public bulldltigsln this city and detailed at length the difficulty there was In having a bill passed authorizing the erection el the same. He suggested that the officers or a special coin cein mlttee consult with longresKtnau Hlestand, when he returns home at Christmas, as te the best plau te be pursued te get the bill through the Heuse. The bill Is new en the calendar but would probably net be reached until the closing days cf the session. Alter such consultation II It Is necessary for a com mittee le go te Washington te urge the pas sage of the bill, a committee can be appointed at a future date. nr.ADiN-e MAirsii r n hie nev.Ri. Dr. Wlckersham eald that as It Is proposed tohave the Beard of Traie rooms open every ovenlnglt Is necessary tint the trade Journals of the country be subscril-ed ler by the beard of tiiisteea. The speaker also said that he hoped betere long the beard would be the owners el a library of iveleh they could Justly reel proud. The trustees were directed by a vote el the beard te subscribe fur tlie leading trade Journals and the Lanc-.ster and Philadelphia dallies. Mr. Keynelds reported that Mr. btautler, et ML Jey, Is about te remove his foundry te some larger place. The matter was relerred te the appropriate commute. The secretary read a lltt of aotne twenty new members who had Joined the beard since the last meeting. The president announced that en the eve ning of December i, W. I. Uensel would read an essay en "The town we live In, what It has and what It wants " The meeting will be held In the larKe room In rrjleman's building and the icetrbers -we sllnwcd le bring their friends. Adjourned, aiiaimiT h J iiALuae .t nue. Th rteleree Award. R VVoeil .V te Then Uialm cl Ml UI .".I. Tieui the Philadelphia LeJuei An award In favor nf K. D. Weed A Ce. el tiJ,12S67 against It. J. Malone A Ure. was made by Frauds Kawle, esq , reforee, lu his report tiled yesterday ihe deleudants were contractors for a portion of the Intercepting sew er,nnd they bought from the plaiutilli Ireu plpe te the amount el $11,000, te be dellvered by water bofero January I, lSe, at the point where it was te be laid lu the bed of the Schuylkill ravlgalleu company's canal. Navigation closed en the caual about Christmas, ISS.'i, belere the plaintitls could deliver auy or the pipe, owing te delays in its lunuutacture. Maluue A lira, had given security te cemplete their order by March 10, Imxi, and Jin order te fulfll their contract with the city they erdered the pipes te I'O snipped by railroad and carl oil dewu te the point of dtllveiy. The increased cost of this mode of delivery, viz, f,000, defendants claimed te deduct Irem plaintiffs' bill. Lltlgatleu ensued nnd the reteree, In deciding the case against Malone A Bre., eald "'I hey waived the breach (by It D Weed A Ce.,) and agreed te a substituted method et pertormance. The derendauts' case Is a hard one, ler they bave been put te very considerable expense through no fault of their own, but, legally, they have precluded themselves from main taining any defense te the plaintiffs' claim." He, therolere, awarded te the plaintitls the full amount or their claim el the tmlance due en the contract with intorest. Anether Optnlug for Women, riem Washington Oesslp In riosten Traveller. Mr, Blngleten, or Mississippi, chairman or the HoiiRe committee en library, has ap pointed Miss Mary Jehnsen as clerk of his committee, and she has taken the oath et office befere u weinau notary public in the ponsen olllce, who was receutly appointed by President Cleveland. This Is the flri-t appointment el n woman te nu office under Cengtess. Like a very large malerlty of the commlttee clerkships, It Is practically a tine cure, aud as the pay Is (0 ier diem, enter prising nnd attractive, active women whu are desirous of getting Inte tbe guvernment em ploy will, new that the Ice is broken, leek mere te positions at the capitol that) In the departments. Te OrgsoUe a Dancing L'lau. I'ruf, H. W. Munder, or New Yerk, who taught a dancing class In Harrlsburg thirty six years age, Is about te organlze n llrst class dancing school In Lancaster, Neme el his pupils are well known Lancastrians, and the professor comes te Lancaster with the vtry highest recommendations. A HARD GLOVE BATTLE. nu it t Huvtttui ruuuiiT ami rim Mill. DKVI.AUr.l) A MM II. The llfrflpts Olvlilnl lletneen the fstllil int, lummy Usnierth and Hike Cash ing, Mglit-WMght rugllliu What Delighted the New Tork Bpett.. Ni.vv Yehk, Dee. 15. The boxing and athtetie entertainment, which was te have been given last night In the Turn hall by the Nonpareil Rowing club, was postponed en account of the proprietor of tbe hall net hav ing renewed his license. Twenty well known members of up town elubs, deter mined te noe seme sport, subscribed a purse for an eight-round hard gleve fight between the champion feather weight, Temmy Dan forth, nnd the light weight pugilist, Mike dishing, of Brooklyn, in a well-known club room In Ilarlem atwontyfeur root ring was reied and staked. Danforth Is ill years old and welghed .! pounds, and stands 5 feet 1 Inches. Cusulug is 21 years etd, slaiies C root O'j Incbes aud weighed MS ttttiuds. Beb Tiirnbull was lluie-keeper. The first round was simply dovelod tofoel tefoel tofeel lng for each ethers weak points and the second round was most scientific, Dan forth parrying his opponent's blows splendidly. In tbe third round Dauterth drew llrst bleed and Gushing ceuntered en the Harlomlte's mouth ; the shouts of the Danlertbs were met by the bravosef the Cushlngs. The fourth and fifth rounds were lively and lull or hard hitting. Dinferth caught bis man beavlly en the Jaw lu the sixth round and laid him en the Meer. Cushlng was dazed by the ter rible " thump " and leught away out or reach until he recovered himself , Danferth'a rush aud savage lighting kept the referee busy In breaking thorn away. In the "lh round Cushlng get In a geed knock-down blew. The Sth round was full or fight from start te finish and each 'man wen a knock down, the round ending with both men der. peratcly exchanging with both hands In the centre or the ring. The battle was declared a draw and the purse divided. Time of tight, 32 minutes. Anether Flcht Arranged. Ba.nuek, Me., Dec. 15. Arrangements hae been made for a six-round glove con teat between I'rei. Gee. Jeffrey, colored heavy, weight champion of Atnerlca, and Mlke Talbot, colored heavy-welght champion of New Brunswick, te come efi In this city be fore Christmas for 65 and 35 per cent, of the gate receipts. Talhet weighs ever J00 pounds. Fired at by a Weman Nashville, Tenn., Dec. le Yesteiday morning while Geergo Qelemau was walk lng en McCreary street, he was confronted by a woman heavily veiled, who without a word presented a pistol and flred at him, wounding him slightly In the leg. He grap pled with her, but she eseaped, nnd shortly allerwards gave herself up te the police. The woman proved te be Miss Laura Brantly, who a short tlme since prosecuted a BUlt against Celeman rer Beductlen, and lti which, at Miss Brantly'a instance, a nol-pre3 was entered and Celeman discharged. Bbe Bays Celeman premised te marry her if she would dlsmisatbe suit, which he failed te de, rattlslij De.trejed By Fire. Cimtixxati, Dec. le. The Btore and agri culture Implement warehouse ei J. M. Mc Mc Culleugb ct Ce., Walnut street, was 'partially destroyed by flre about 0 o'clock this morn ing. The less Is estimated at $15,000 ; fully covered by Insurance. 'Ihe origin of the flre is a mystery. Walls Fall In. WAaniNore.v, 12X0 r. m. Iha walls or the old Carrell mansion ou the site of the new Congresgleual library has Just fallen, and It lssuppeaed te have crushed a number of persons. A.S KQUlNr. HUUDVBU. Ihe Strand Exhibition el the Great llorse Tauierat tha ItlnK-A Ooert Attendance. Prof. Gleasen's lecture and exhibition of training horses, given In the Lancaster rink last evening, was el the same general charac ter of that given Monday evening. The at at tendance was mere than twice as large as en the opening night. The first horse Introduced was a fine look ing but vicious black horse a shyer. It fought desperately against being thrown, but bad te submit and after a few minutes train ing was thoroughly broken and followed the Erofesser around the rink like a deg. Brass amis, bass drums, tin kettles, waving flags aud ether noises failed te Bcare him and arm loads et loose paper thrown In bis face and umbrellas opened and thrown ever his eyes had no effect en htm. Indeed, be seemed rather te enjoy thorn and proved himself te be a geed horse either lu harness or under the saddle. The second horse was a bay belonging te Wai. Piss, that bad been handled Mon day evening. This herse had net only been broken of all bis faults In a alngle day, but had aequlred several tricks which he showed en alter the manner el a trained circus horse. He nodded his head for " yea " and shook bis bead for " no, " and steed with bis lere leet en a chair, and waltzed and laughed and did many ether things showing his Intelli gence and obedience. The third herse eutered was Mr. Hart myer's serrel, which bad been ou exhibition en Monday evening. The horse was a "shyer," but net a runaway, as was errone ously ioperled. Plugs, umbrella, bass drums, tin kettles, aud ether provecatlouB el fright had no effect en him. He even raced with comparative indifference the discordant sounds et the brass band, aud a barrel et fire crackers. He was trotted ateuud tbe ring with a let of tin kettles tied te the spokes of the wheel, wuicn as me vvneei roveivou rat tied and almost struck the heels of the ani mal, but he did net shy nor show nny evi dence of alarm. The fourth animal shown was a balker, a most stubborn mare belonging te Uriah Bit zer. Htie was very haul te conquer, balking as seen as she was put in harness nud refus ing ta move a step ; but by patient use et tbe rope, the whip, aud the work or oemmaud, she was finally subdued and trotted around tbe rink as peacefully as an old rondster, and obeyed Implicitly the protesser's command te" whoa,"erto "Ket "I1-" T,ie cemplete triumph of the professor evor this ana ether berf-eH handled by him caused the audience te cheer him enthusiastically. This evening four horses will be handled two of them unmanageable " kickers " nud ene Is te be breugnt In 10 mlles Irem the country for the express purpose of " doing up " or " knecklug out " Prof. C!leaen. A yueitlen of Tax iteftuiillng. In lb. 3 the loglslature ropealed the taxa tion en horses and cattle for elate purposes. Notwithstanding this distinct repeal, many of the county commissioners then &ud sub sequently In office continued te assess this class of property ler taxation, and made re turn et the same te the state tax authorities. And tha tax was net only lovled, but It was collected aud paid into the blnte treasury for the years We, lSTti snd 177, aud In Lacka wanna county ler 1S7S aud 179. The pro priety el returning this lax te the counties has etten been discussed, but without defi nite action twlng lakeu. If there was any means w hereby the tax could be refunded dlrect te tbe taxpayers who contributed if, It would have been settled long age. At a recent meeting of thestate beard of revenue commissioners the matter was fully discussed without the petition or solicitation of attorneys representing the counties, and it was unanimously agreed by the beard, com posed or W. S. Stenger, secretary el the com monwealth ; Jereme U.NIles, auditor general, and M. S. Quay, state treasurer, te give proper credits te all the countries that paid this tax through error. This relieves the counties Irem taking auy action and will refuud t them an amount aggregating (169,000. SHUT KJtOK THB1M BADDLUB. Tne Ihisiea Caeglit In Teias With rilteen Hours Their Identity Unknown. Dallam, Tex,, Dec, 15. Yesterday morn ing near Kemp, in Kaufman county, ou the Texas Trunk read, fifty miles southeast of Dallas, two strsnge men were discovered near the village with lllteen horses In their possession. Hank Hholten, a section fore man, and n man named Wright engaged the strangers In com orsallen when suddenly the men put spurs te their borses en which they were mounted and (led for the timber, leav ing thlrteen animals behind. Hholten and Wright epened flre, which wai roturned, but without effect en the part or the fugitives Alter soveral exchanges nf shots tbe two strangers fell from their saddles, one shot through a lung snd the oilier through the hip. They were started ler the Jsll, twenty miles distant, but tbe ene shot through the lung died bofero reaching there, and the ether al last accounts was bolleved te be rap Idly expiring. All efforts te socure their names proved futile, as both refused te talk, and thore was nothing en their persons by which le Identify them. It Is believed tbey had stolen the horses and wero driving them te Indian territory. JHUJW2KBD FOB MUNBV. in Illinois merchant Killed aud riaeed en the Railroad Twe Men Accused, Vevvtex, I1L, Dec. 15. A horrible murder wascommltted near here Monday night and only dlscovered yesterday morning. Mr. Geerge Brooks, one or the meat prominent business Jicn lu this section, returned Mon day evening from VIncenues, Ind., where he bad been en business with about ?60d In his pecket Alter spending an hour In town catling en friends and acquaintances he took his departure ler home, about three miles distant. Yesterday morning, shortly alter daylight, two of his empleyes discovered him a few hundred yards from his home lying en the railroad track berrlbty mangled, the mid night train having rnn ever his body. At first it w as supposed te have been an accident, but nn examination of the body showed that Mr. Brooks bad been mnrdered and robbed and laid en the track. The only clue te the murderers Is two men, both of medium size, who get off the train at Newton when Mr. Brooks did and who were seen standing about the station until 9 o'clock. They cac. net be found, Mr. Brooks wai 35 yesrs of age. A Georgia County In Uproar. At jisia, Ga., Dec 15. Lincoln county, ou the Carolina line, la in a stale or anarchy. Many or the colored tenants are In arrears with their supply bills, and the olierls te col lect them have produced great Indignation. Monday Messrs. Tem Leverett and Cabe Kamsay went out en the eastern side of the county te enlorce a process. When they drew near the bouse el the men el whom they were In quest they leund it surreunded by negrees, who at once epened fire upon them. Leverett and Kamsay, who were en horseback, turned and galloped away, but net before they were se badly wounded that their llves are new In danger. Yesterday an armed band of ene hundred white men or ganized and proceeded te that section, where It reported the negrees are J ust as w oil armed and ns fully prepared te fight. News of the outcome Is awaited with luterest. Train Robbers New Knenn. Pebi Werth, Texas, Dee. 15 It was logrned last evening that the short man of Fert Werth A Denver train robbers la Frank Jackseu, of the famous Ham Bass gang, who robbed several trains en the Texas A Pacific betw eeu Pert Werth and Dallas 8 few years age. Jacksen Is crippled In the lelt arm by a shot received at the Meaqulle robbery, when Conductor Jules Alverd fought be gallantly. It Is new also known that two accomplice! are citizens of Montague county. Jacksen is the man who stepped at St. Jee. The re ward for tbe capture of the three men has been Increased te f4,500. Beveral New Or leans detcctlveB are en the trail of the high waymen. Want Te lie Annexed tn Pennsylvania. Wheelinci, W. Va , Dee. 15. The earnest desire of nine-tenths or the citizens of the Panhandle counties or Hancock, Broek, Ohie and Marshall, te be covered from the state of West Virginia, and added te the state of Pennsylvania, round expression lastnlght lu the city council, a resolution belng intro duced, asking the legislature or the state te appoint a commission or three te confer with a like commUalen te be appointed by tbe slate of Pennsylvania te discuss the subject and arrange the terms upon which the trans fer could be made. Alter being earnestly debated further consideration of the matter was deferred until another meeting. The Uenuett-Fleld Case. Lomjen, Dec, IS. The court of appeals te day rendored a decision In the case of the appeal of James Gorden Bennett from the award sgainst him of (Si.OOO lu favor of Cyrus W. Field for libel, The court of ap peals, lu Its decision, sets aside the verdict el the lower court, en the ground that Mr. Bennett Is net a British subject, and does net reside In Great Britain. The court hoi dp, therolere, that the substituted service In the case wa3 Illegal, Mr. Held Is condemned te pay the costs. hleeed With lln Step Daughter. Dllailu, 111., Dec lb. Mr. Selbert, a former business man of Decatur and new a farmer, has caused a big sousatlen by desert ing his wife and running away with his step daughter, Ella liayes, a comely girl et 17 years. Y'esterday they were traced te Spring field and arrested. They were found living tegether In private rooms. The stei daughter came te this city en Saturday, and was followed en Monday by Selbert. Ibey were discovered by a brother of the girl, and returned te Decaturlast night. Cashier II0K0 Still lu Canada. Pluiua, III., Dec !&. W.T. Irwin, attor atter attor ney for Kluley lloke, the defaulting Peoria bank cashier new in Canada, has returned home. He Is strongly or the opinion that Hoke ivill net be extradited, the technical objection beliig well taken as te the charge of forgery. Iloke proved that he had Issued 31,ri checks hlmselt In about a year, some el them te directors of the bank, thus showing that he bad almost unlimited power in sign ing checks. Mrs. lloke is still here. llesult or a War In auilbar. Bmili.v, Dec 15. Dispatches received from Zanzibar state that a battle recently occurred between the armies of King Muauage of Ugauda, and the King of Kabrega In which the latter force, 10,000, was defeated. Berlin, Dec 15 The German Ironclad Moewe has sailed for Zanzibar te puulsh the murderers of the German Eastern Africa society's agent. Me (jueruin In Itiat Kient. Imuan vreLlfi, Dec 1a A secret con fereuce et the Democratic members of the legislature was held here last uigbt. It Is understood that they considered the proposal that all Democratic representatives shall re sign in the event that action becomes ne cessary In order te deleat Republican buo bue buo cebs. The young members, It Is understood, are violently opposed te the scheme. A inspected Murderer Being Tried Hukboyean, Wis. Dec, 15. William Merris la en trial here for the murder of Kate Nevreaky, In Manitowoc- county. The was brought here en a change of venue. case 1 The I girl was a servant and was shot through a window. Suspicion attached te Merris, who was a young farmer In the neighborhood and he was arrested. FAILED FOR OVER A MILl ft m.iHHB.K. TO., llAXKBMVAKn JMIMMMs utvujiTiK rum fAt.1, v5 Jj . Ml, -i A Drep lu Htecke Hakes wall ' VMljM i.neiy ai-ecuisiars Meitng ainaM Rchan(s lu Coetmtou The t'pen Which the Unoutlens DaeHM. t' Nkvv Yerk. Dec 15 Marks A, Ce.. ers aud brokers, 63 Uxchansa PI! failed. Liabilities evor a million delkHk MONEY WAY DOWN. ? ! ii aijl e iui.i.1, i. p. ui. ixiouey n nrtn percent, biu. The panicky leenng qwhmi.ai? uea. Trad I nor Is ouermous. nearlv tkrt.'L i! quarters era million shares having liTm4f,,'Xj changed hands. The market atoekaaM lng, Klchmend A' West Point, Uecklaf Va't J uji Jjiivanvvniiuu, iunuiit tv. tt misping asrwl fnrr.wl l'.nl. Mnull.nrii TT I 1 I ll ITlBSlit "'" Western Union. Lake fJhere, HL Pnl. 'Jt sey Central and Krle. Wfi Ornan1rt,,ikl Italia l.avn mii.-aiI nnl Ijk.feA 1J r...mw..l.. !,..., ,.(, U m.,U. gU VU1J W KfW followed by renewed woakuess. The market at this writing in weak, "- Ish and lrregulnr. I p le U0 no lurtnv . ures were ropertod. - new inn siakkkv closed. 1?' CEV CLOSED. ,'; W 15,-Meney dOM jS ceut per diet sHi jl Nlw Yerk, Dec. suingentat ', or I ter Interest The Stock lilirlinl clnaml enntftwtut stronger. Prlces showed considerable is. "Si cevery, In seme Instances from the lowesHv'J figures, but wero still te 9 per cent. bsi'M low tue closing of yeuerday. -v Mi v injir.li J- njuit lUJIA, K-tr, .V... ..UW. .;.... srnUM. '-.. A I'all in stocks Slakes Wall street VHf Llvrly-rallures Anticipated. J'Ht ,i.iv iuith udu, jj. iuju a. ai. xa n-vYw iiuipaiiuuui niuiy- limes ni me ujjenxxifj OS $j .v u..n.a. ..... ..v. ..., ...v.uiug, vwmvM irjJ speculators nf wll nrnriR wnrA An kusalKV.I early. Leng bofero the opening of Kli - r, -.-. .. w w. i ii vv,7i the oxebange tbe streets In the vldaHjr ';j pro."emMi a uusy appearance, rsrOK clerks and tnos'engers llitted te trn na fhniicli IhAlr t.rv awlatnnA .tmjtj .... .., ...0.. ...... ..j ...,, .., -;V3,ja pended en tbelr reaching their respeeMss :.,''';- .1mIIh.II... 111. ll .U...II.U t.K.i.t. -."Wl.l uwiiuauuut mill an jiuBaiuiu Uliriuu. usu the cerners and the curbstones sathttat&V groups of small try brokers discussing la tat A7 ; excited manner tue outlook and Indulging l,v; speculations as te w hat the day would bring ,$k'. forth. Many of their prognostication wan u"d- dlre enough te startloevon the mostcenaatr- ;-i,y tlve. Failures worefieoly blnted atandasasr- ;J': tlens were made without stint that lfatoekavs'i went down aa en yestettlay, and money oeB-ft; tlnued te lean up In the twenties, a verifWijl"- ptnlc would take place bofero the day oleaeeVfVi When the exchange opened there WM :-ri' rush by these who congregated about Hmj doers te get Inte the beard room, and for Jb whlle the utmost confusion tire vailed. Ttaar-'-n opening sales wero awalted with feverbsh anxiety, in the first ten minutes atoeka.ij rmtirrwl mil In n ntenrltr Blrnam. tiimA nf ttsji ,V leaders being ofiered In blocks el 800 te 3,009 i-i at rapidly declining prices. Klchmend &WtK'.- Point terminal drenned 7 U nar cenLHoeklaMrlS, j .uiiujiu'IS, Hwuiufi 'i.'n w.w.wj'i, F.nflnnil. .1 ' T.nclmu-unns. lu- Vlrmmn& -ntlnll. llAa.llnr, I 1 Vau, -Vrtl- anrl Wa.h Union, 2J4 j Loulsvllle Nashville, 2 M " laviue ei Kasuvuie, s;ni ; -, 8l Paul, IK LakaMV'l as Pacific, 1. NaahyUUVS'r'l Union Pacillc, lv. Shere, 1, and Texas et Chattanoegs sold dewu six point C '' sale of 100 shares. Toward II o'clock the ax- V. cltement bad dled out somewhat and prteaa 7.1 had recovered part 01 me uecune, duiimki tone at that hour was very fsverlsh. As yatjfl mere nas neen no lauures auu no repena ex vp any. Nene is expected, however, until (b'c Mmn for Routine- Is reached, which ttlUM'H """ '"" i linl O n 111 r. tflllA.f IIvr itmlliA. Ttiiinhmtn. Ban Antenia, Tes., Dec 15. Bud Carvari and Themas Davis, two well-knewn ateck-iSj men from Wilsen county, met in Ironterthe'iRj Pickwick saloon last night. revolver nnd opened ure.puUlngthree ballets "& through Carver befere the latter could retreat ,ji;;.i3 Davis made bis epcape- Carver cannot sur vive. The trouble arese evor tue arresi etiii Davis seme days age charged with stealing JaH cnltlrt from f?iirvnr. fSal ca'.tle from Carver. Dee te a Conductor's Neellsencs. Newark, O., Dec. 15 A collision of lh3 h l.ntin.l jiOTK-tAM tvntu an i'l aaal l wSa jV .9 J VI UBtUUUllU UJ U " vnav-wviisiit &tt freight, Chesancake A. Ohie division, at BI- ment yosterday uftorneou, caused the de j mnlthtiiriAiit nf Rnvernt cars mid a lean ta lMrr.q com nan v of about J 12. 000. The tralBBSSSi' escaped without Injury, which Is ceusldarasV&f1 a miracle. The blume Is attached te FrslgirtV.'i Conduater Ileel fernulllnir out when tnUMfi! were flsL'eed. fe.-vl M leek the Oatti or Office. District Atterncv-Elect Wllllim D. We this alternoen took tbe oath of office In eptacif court, bofero Prcsldent Judge Llvlngstea','1? Ue win assume tne unties 01 eiuce en jsbu- ary 1st. .& m . , ,.- It.urh.il nn AffrMAiimiit- Ul Lv.nn, Mass. Dec 15. Tbe Laster's UatSai f& and District 30 huve reached an sgrsesssat.- whereby further complications between tM', . .1- ...III l. ...I.I..I . VJ uvu Ulnilltviiuui villi ue etuwiu, Al T&rf HBJ.T11KH 1HD1UAXIUHB. 1-; 'i Washinoten, D. C, Dec 15. Fc y I Eastern Pennsylvaniti, New Jersey snd V I ueiawuru 1 uiui inun, uuiiuitDneii wltids, a decided fall lu temperature. rAUUANTS JN UKVOLT. A Dig Mutiny New lu 1'regreu at the Hurt-. llimeK aT? v,.i The vagrants undergoing terms or Jasfk nnmnntst the work-house by a pre-arraigsA plan, turned en the keepers this afterBSOtt,'- and are new in open reveiu am yei ay ,-, have net Injured any or the keepsw," but they are armed with Btenes and thrsaWK?;? inkllltlin first matt that annreaches thssa"' Werd was tolegraphed te the station beuSsl ' and Chief Smith with te day's shllt, west t.-.(.:3 lua nueuu ui iuiuii m nu uuiuiuiiq. uujyf fv a the station heuse at 3:15. r .1 Nearly all the Inmates are "bums" mh& were convicted uoiere tne mayor ana w?,- Umt Institution for terms ranging rrera WW !X) days. They are oempelled te btwak stones, railing te de se they de net taaatT auv rations. The workhouse new reataia.. mero Inmates than at auy one time alnea Ws , erection nnd a rougher set el men was Ms. within lis walls. David Keppllngefl charae of Iho smtad by day and HsnH Khauh by night. k. m hale et a city Property. '', . Henry Shubert, auotieneor, sold at f saie. Dec 11. at the Keystone hotel, tba 1 erty belonging te W. K Humble, ittuteij en tbe east side of North Prince street, hrfj tween James and Frederick streets, NewMff f lu Jl, 11, t iniiv., iui SMUvm 4.1. I'ay Day en the 1'. It. 11. The nav car of the P. It. It- reached this city at I p. m. te-dsy. In Httendsnce at the station alarcs ei (imntoves. all of whom were paid. the car wetit en te ether stations te, glad the hearts el ether empleyes. r A ppeluted Notary. Wllmet Remlg, el Lincoln, has I nelnlnd nntarv tiuhllc Ills OOU was loee'.veil at the lecerdei's cJBsf morning. CIiujcU lieoicaiien, , TLniimlli-ntleii of Covenant tT. K 4 w.i.i nrmra street and Oee6t'l this cltv. will take place ou Sunday, Ta(M p, when 'the i d.bt will all have lw A Vj mi 1 M m Wl -tl,, r w &0wW00ti'B r-i-