wWWlMi iiliMVZ , ... SWMTPSw. 81 . AwmmmMMmmLairj . . .t a-' . i" ' "mm Mm V9"s. -. r!rEfE,'wW t CaruMttf .iVVjH;asv'i!"J - - jrv, y VTj Y i - ur... mmmmm3m&?., c -j am mf'sfe-K-. m .-rff-'L:fcVVijrTvc:Tj Lmnatf.. . . m A m gfl r '- vui-;r- 'v , j KAHrAUHW'Jn& 'JBBJKJ I " rh. .. -W2W I 7 & (SHMHaSiHh -11111 F JUT PTTrP- ?.-yrR7aiaHrTatuvrri'TKvjp . v.( saw w sk'yscyssw.',iBv,Bv'.Bvr 'k.sm sv bh six jm. am. . . . r: S&Zslm!!HmiVZZ&itt VittW X vTT,TTyif V f " iffgggAr - v 'OLFME XXIII -NO. STEALS IN STAMPS. IH) A IA 1VASTKH UOCAII MM '!.. r k our a ir.i i 11 1 ri 5 1 .uiu. Anil lien Hie (Internment llllli lata dot Alter Mini kill Made llllil III.EOrRn-Tliti llrietU ami Ceniictiitlluiii el Hie I inirltl UUu (Wlte. Ihe llesiiiitie Fer Clmilize. Illtlklej. H llililgn, Lsueastet utility, I'OIIII syltanlu, Inn it much urn Ien 11. '1 he 1 'lilted Slate get erilinmit bushiest t tint poliitji-en-'lsttiigchlolly el postal nnrvice, l net tery extensive. Noterthele for smne yours the receipts tf the Mtolllce there hate Ihjeii re- orded ni ery i3iildornble. Often limy "urn returned nta inucti a Moepor qtiatter. thl required tlin mailing el au average itiMiut ' loiter 1 it day, ami a , ir t e'ter mipiise iiIkiiiI the usual amount of mail fi mi tint point, It I gall ,te becinsul mint 11 little strange that se many stamp worn 1 iie-nlled nmt no niiirlj Imsluevi rti I irteil wle-n i tlttlii was actually dorm. 1 he g teiumeat bewail mi Investigation and r hi nted II tn h conclusion. Hen '11 tinr Ins been 11 cliiuge III llie I nl nasirr-. 1 1 iilnklny llrldgn and 1,11 t'- ih I ' 1 n Hiiporseiled In- .l"liii lloli lleli mn. 111 iri. 1 ion m phi 1 m ii i.rii. riiOKOVurniiiiiiil la llliur.il In Iti oeiupun- i -II of tlin IUtliiK)iIi)nice wlilcli 11 r 0 nmlii. ' 11110.I 1 tm'"y fur ;utltc i-ontuurme mid nut .1 fcwleml jronue only. I ndei iixlitiiiK' itut tlie rumlKjr of staiiiimjiu'iillctl litkmi tbe tr-ili't ttiu ImiIiii&k b tllnlly iIiiiuihiiiI 1 tl.ii t 1,1111 1111 Inrwl , mid tlil litUed liy "ifln rn reciiii el Hid iiK'iimliniit. I or till) ' Ml ( el OMtry ipMitur IhiIirih tlm iilmmttT Unllowed nil tlm rnvliita, Unit 11 '01 H Klfn f"' ll'illiuurf " wirlli of MUiinp te M mill if thu Iiiiiii.4 of tlie ollleo imcliin ii y v ' liu knta It hII Iii c 1111111I1..I0111 r tlm iifit f liu) in n qiMrtr lie tBktV)ler M ,'r aPtel tbenvxt (.i.iaiHl In iNircuilt. t'ji' in it ;'!. It may tipiun Hint Ht unlnr- lif; piiii im tr IniUmMi, ttiu buniu Hill ri'iKti ,k) or -"liu h1i);1e ,pi irlnrHiiiI tbmi 'a . I! mi tliKt tlm total lu u jivir w ill net bit erfi and Jt tbe ollb-e tHicuiitlntied i if Inurilw 11. tfnilu. 'l,i pn tile Hitiilnm nw b K,r"' l"1 'me In ttireu ineiitb tlm lnpirtm-'nt r.veutiM ttmi tbe n!nrynl no ni , la't 1 ihai! e eed f. e. -. 1 nlnr tbe i 1 law tbe oempuiiiuttloii of me J 'rt'inaste'i! depnndrd upon tbe Hum Hum or of ntj'i p 'In v - iid. Thu "oitijeoiml tbe K "friniiRiii I' iiioruie'H ntiut It vm union f r p tiuaawr in trfle eit lr;e lanllMcmr -' Hin I nt .i dim,junt It. Irade men, ntul p ket the dltl(rn''e botween tbl and llie linralriiinpiiiillen en imIp allowed Iipiii I v tbe eeNerniii'int a the irontel thelr n' inn or rib Mai trui" I be lililii'r rlaia in nh wb'i, pa'rena weie tbui anpplll, "iillBrwl In r, ij la and tbe OVHrniiieut taa KrLnty n iUJ. llonce tbe in' va banned n .1 Inn anieiint of raui-olutleiii iia in tlm t,exl4 el iiiiipen.alieii. Hut iimhi lutbai li t ateppnl tlm HAlinllini;, mid the pra, !." ha nlri.tly txviiiii iiltot:iiinineii auK'11 ,1'utiiry u UUiviicrael Kettlnir aUinpi nun the k wirnihPiit In niucli iHrm .pun-'i'k-, ihan tlin ii'"pN et thulrel!) e reipilre, ". 11 k tneni a' n (lieuuut and mtking fuliu ip mil i f iiiroliatleiiH te i iriesiKind with belr r I'li.il'un i r htanirn. I ijm ft 01 U are dtilectiiil tn xarlmia wy i. I be pesima'r In tlm teuniaie reiiniret tn ,,l"M're and report Unix de'n oxtenilo I iihcw kb'i nevnr buy utttinpi at tbe beiiin I'lpn auddnn in,'roise In the busltie.'. of 1 lllll, CM ,,,ll ', ,hI.Tlp.UU "J bOtWOAII , mrleily itiUinie nnd eri lally bon n no B p ilntiueiit "f iv,iiiaatnr l.i I illoKed by n mlilcti abrinkifcOiit builne am ili;tiiinit tin re is uruekiilum. In n fnrtil erder .inn tmie a;e I'uat tmler .'m -mi I I '-mi a n ii inner et ci.ua roenntly I ruiisbt ' tlie ii i unl inn ilepirtinenl, uhure tbe fa la bm i iisn averLiiueil Ihri.tiuti the - al tnll'i-UH illelia el pintvlb t UinpOi UltH, l ba beri iue ae;iarfnl tb it iii-tn pi.t'ii' ter ai I . -lb r.d elll, e liae bin trnllty el baiiitnally rrndenn te tbe ami ler !aie re i irn1. cf u i-lltt't-ii, nr i,uiiriM 11m are I vid up m n "TH enliiiMUi atid n it niwn a dmi) i,ivin and rei'id et Uiuipi rutnelixl. tburau unrt'.iKtnK tlistr "Mnpiimiinn t venil tlm aim nit tbay are Imtly etitltlud te I y law I nder tl,pi tut lune l" liT " nnv , () wboretl.op ,s:,r-tt'rgoiieral-ball b Mililted Hiatal 1'lllan,' r I, as inaiit a IaIi ro.ern of umine, it aliBl! li'i wltliln h di rotlen te J hh"' 1 nn.Hiieii en atii'b returiw and 7i' w a ly iiip'iiimit. nn that under llie ,niU, ' let III IV d-Oill rtlaull4tjl4 And ' y iiiimtr who aball inatie a ial"e retnrii t" tl e an lit ir, for tbe ptiriMite el fraudulentlv In "uaiiiig bti.'oniH.naallen un eor tbe pr,, le.i it t il'irauy iibura t alia I Mt di'Oiiiinl i.n.t el a mtifaluimutier, and, en . iivu-iinn tiiore.il, snail be tlneil tn a hii hi li,,' il ii linn li'l nor ninretb in llvobuiulre 1 ! i ir , i iinprii-inuieiit ler a tnrin nut e red . "in Mil, or piiniabtal by lO'.b ni, b IHi" ii" 1 iiiiprleniiiunt, In tlm dl. ion m or i'if i"nirt , and no pottiuiiter of tiny tut or i.'Iet piraua oemiocted with tlm piuil a r , , iiilniHl. 1 with the khIe orriMtely (.1 p ,it,mn aUtiip., Hlampu.1 in MtleiHiS or mt-it 'Mrdn, himii uhe or dHpise I tlieni initie payment el ilebta, or In tbe I lirchaie cf iiiori'liaudlae or etln-r aalabUi ar-n-ii-h, or pliHluoer nyp itbi-cate tboaame, or null or (Uurt i! tbuui oicejit ler uuli, or aeil or illajime of p'uuge atamp or pef.nl lrda for any larer or lesi huiu then tbe .tiue indlnatHd en thelr tacea, or will or dii poe of aUinped envolepei for a l.Ufjer or leii Hum tlinu li i-airnd tborefer by tbe pod ollleo dopartment for llke iiiitillilUM, or Hull or dlp'Hiinl piitaseU'iipi, aumpad envtil own, or p wlal eirdu otberwlm tb in a-i pro vided by law atid tbe roRiilatlena of tbe pait ijtUre department mid nny mtmitar or ether peraeu oeiino'tod witli tbe peaUl xorvice, tin t'luH vielate any of theae pro pre pro tialetiis ntiall lie desuiHd KUllty of a intido intide intido lueaii'irand, en conviction tlioreof, nball be l nml In nnj nun net limtlian tlfty norinero taau IHe buudreddellara, or be Imprlseuud ter a term net ox,:eedlng ene year." lu no eaaa i-lieuld tbe salei of nUmps, iit.iinped finvlepB, A3., be takeu nn a baila for coin putiiiK tlm comiiuIb-iieih el iKMttiiiMlera at letirtb i-Iasa elllces. Tbe aliitue abe e queted has been rocently 4 applled 111 a iniinbHrnf r;iKn, and tlie poil peil poil .naaterVco iipoinatien re litoed many thou anda of dollars In tlie-,0 conalderuiL. I n In turn the departtiixnt will make fte tiieut and Hpecl.il examination et llie hi'- uiinta el poinnatera, wlilcli will be lu addi lien te the examination Ktvnn thorn by the auditor and lu every ci-Hi whom, Ireui am li oxamlnatlen, or Irem itivoitlKaliena tn be uiade tbruugb peatclllan lnHK,cter, It up peata that a imtuiaaUir baa dollberutolv run- lored t'alae retnriia el luiiliiejii, ur ha in.i-le out bla returiiH Irem inouiery, or upim oitluiate and net, from n autual rtv rtv erd kept by him, the uxorclae or the dlcrotlen couferrod by the net el Control roferrod te ubove will ruijulre Ida coiuinH ceiuinH coiuinH aienaon hui'Ii retiirna te be withheld, and auch compensatlnu only allowed hh ahall be deemed roasenabln niiJer llie clruiiuiHtaurex, and the guilty party will be Hiiuiuiarily dl dl inlMed Irem olllce. Kvery newly appointed postuiater who oliicrvea hi uancollatleiia te be materially ies than thuse reported by hi predoceHor ha been onjelned te promptly coiiiiniiiilcute the facta te the third asiUwut peitumsler general. TrtE niNKI.KV'S BrtlllOK (.'AM;. In tbe case of the Inte peatmaatei' at lllukke'a Bnilije il wa dlaoevorod that for jnir back be ha I been tiii.yliiK n'ampi lu lunch larger iiiiantitlea tbau llie noeda et Ida olllce or llie uiiu-eliatleiiH , and iiiukliiB ro re ItiriiH based en Id purchase Irem tbe kov kev eminent mid aie, net a required bv law. Alter a lull iiief,tigallun and bl Htlldavlt dlwIaluilUK Intontlenal fraud, a aottlemoiit wa (-Heeled by which be paid te the (.'overn (.'evern nient "urcrnVinnifrci ilnllitri i i i-cfi'iifezi of hlairrigularltlrs. It Is lelimwl AltheukO sold et traded 111 ntauip chiefly in this city, and his einbarras- men,, ruuniu ue a warnitig te huy ei our tradcaiueii or ether business men who uiay be exrtiHiinlnK Koeds ler peslnxe Htampa In any oenslderablo quantity or buying stamp t a dlaoeunt that they are meat llltely MdlliK Iruud upon the Kovernuient and liulplnit te Kit somebody Inte treuble If net Inlo the jienltetitlary. t.tfit from the Court Heme Cleck. i-00 this afternoon, hand still point te 11 JO without an Indication of an early changes H5. HIC.V KI.HU fUHT.Uf Wlt.VMIltA, II A f It A IlllUn TI.1IK Tint llimilK-it ami linj Allni.l tlie I .t III I tin lllnk tlin lll.llli(ll laliril l.lliil. HIiiiHuii Ilmio-Meiilim In Hik litiuirlir. IIikI lug mi tlm I'aiinl. Nut dl ri. IlCKUlar Jnilfrieiiilnie el I i ill hum ii, Cel. t M 111 A, l)v II The luitinb'iia el (cm. WuMi Teut N,i. 1I l. V. It., Iiuld a camp llie in the rink la.i nlithU 'I he pet memlMir niitl Millei aiiiuniilnd In llie pint loom, whom a abort tliun ua kimmiI in plea, ant (.'euuirmtluii. Mml elnhl e'clnck, headed by the ImtiMlle IkiiiiI, tbe eiitnii paity marched up l)cut lt(ut te the link, whine thu raiupbre was held. 'Iliren larK" lablf bad been put up. tiinuliiK lelii;tbnln around where tlm comrade winnm-atml, anda Ixiiiu. tlf til lunch enjoyed. In the reiitm of tbe room wa a table Hreiind which worn coated Mr, (inn. lli and Iwn diiiiflili-ra tbe Riieakernnl tbe tivenliix, and tlie ollb'er of tlie 1 1 Hill p L Tlie iilteudauie iiuui iiuui be r til almit -n lairHenn and the keihI thhlK 'pilckly tlMippiured. Alter all prenfiil had eaten te their till. iq-eakliiK wa the order of tlm oteuliiK the npnikera IxilliK IntriMliieed by Majer I. W. Vta urn. Keiiiarka wiimi uiadn by 'Department t'eui malider I. I'. N. (leblu, Hen. Marriett Urn aliiH, AmiIhIiuiI Adiitaiit (leneral Thea. ,1 Ntnwatt, Hen. J. I . V, kernli.nn, Mnier A. (.'. Heiii'i til mid othera, wherefuirpil te tlm pleaaaut occasion tbl kind and reclleil reuilulveiH'cn dei r te thu Imatt el the (Iratid A rm v ineu. I.eltuin were lead Irem Oeueral V. V. Diulley, ax-oiiiinlHslener of jii jii sleii, of WnihliiKteu, Jehn M aiidorntice and A. Wilsen NerrH, of I'blladelpbla, re re KrettliiK theli Inability te li pie-eutaiid wish HIK auive te the cemmilm piwiinL luir IliK tbe iiwnltii; tbe Irem llie bind rnnitereil nry Mno iniialc Alieiit oleven e'rl(K-k tlm camp-hre biekn up mid nil lull for their heuien, aaylni; that the amp tire wa a uri-at stiive Tbe itallerlt worn titled with ell I -ens el town, UiMr wih and tainlllei. Amiltlf; ttlff Clltiri lira, (in Hiinday eeiilUK the recend Icilure of tbe cniirae will la dellvoied in tbe Second Street liiitherau ihurrli, by Km. Win. P. I. tana, pttter, en the Mitnerl of " I allure," K-i. .1 II. ranuobeekor, pater el the Reformed cburrb, will ebserxi tbe third an- nleriry of hi present paatorite, by preacli- Iiik mi appropriate neiuien en Sunday nveii- liiK. Atllie I biirrb el ),! the oberanceof feet wasbliif; will take plaeoen Suiiday eiiui. ln. Several pren will liORdinltteii te the ib inch. At the melting d tlin uiinliterUl aasocii aasecii aasocii tleu en next Monday inutuluir, arrauxemenlri w III tin inade for heldlui; n woek of prayer, ruurral nl lleiiry Ale.e;, 1 he luminal el lleuryM. Moaey, el Mari etta, who met lib liislaut death at Harris Harris burten I rlday uiutlilui;, will takuplacoen Suinlay Bllernoeii at two o'clock. l'et Ne. .M,,(). A It the Knight of I'ythiaa and the lieneer tire company "f which dii eased waa a mriiiNir will attend the luueral in a InhI. 1 ruubte en tlin Canal. Tbe nater ba heen drawn oil frmn the runniytcallU and Su ,iebanna and Tnle water t'rfnaln. 1 he water will remain in the IVnimvl vault canal until lilty-tbree lanal Niat new lyuiK in tbiiiinal hae beeu put lu winter quarter. 1 lie oempany 1 at an oxpeuo of tl per day In cutting 1, e te allow tbe beats te iiiiu) t their destination. 1 orty erty orty twe tnata are at Seiitlmrii inarkela, where they will most likely remain during tbe ulnler. A canal luai was leaded with coal, at tbe lttMiliui; and Columbia coal cliutc-J imterday. Ice tlveincneH thick bad te Ixi cut Ireui the basin te allow tbe beat te get te tbe chute. Orders hae tweii roceivod te reieiuiuutii e duuiptui; coil at thechuted. Iehii Nell.. A tery larKe uumiier of children wern a'. thu Christina market in the armory las . nlKbt. The inaiiafiera leel ery uiuch en ceuraKOil at tbe am -is which atleuik-dt their eflerl. 1 1 closed tbl iillernueii eerKt) .Mct'miiy, ni;twl II years, wa soul te I. am ister tins mernine by S pnre Kiana, wlnire be will be ta'aeu before thu JuilrV wltbntlew et cendliii; bun te tbe Hoilie e t Iteluuu. 1 h" pareutsut the boy ate dead and', be is nald te be liu irrlkjlble. Twelce iiieiulieia of ibe Salatinu Army p--i-l through town yesterday en their way l"Ynk. They had a let of bairgi(e wblcin had te be transferred Irem the Keadini; te the PemmU aula ralliead tUdicu. One of I liu Arm iiiuarked te the liat;i;,.k:e maaler llial "lie ikeald bace a el a time te Kt Ibe bKKKO through Ibe Kile." A pleasant party wa bold lait ecenln)! at the heuwi el .1 1 -ob Hurst, en Walnut Htreel, trf'i.w Sh euth ivjIti) person wero p.'ewul. A k"K , eunc' men f rum Iromllle were en a f,i buul and succeeded In raising a In v which siiuf(hl tuluge lu thu kitchen el a. Urmfl. This man deunmdeil ?le ler tlm annual but tbe party poeum! it by piuiK I A report wa rtveived lu town that ( harlen llilesbue, a leriiier realdent el town, but new" employed en the lUltltnore Central rallreid, was knocked Irem his tram while running between I'lnladelphirt and est Cheiter and had an arm cut oil. iii.MU ;a;iiir iiiAiu,i)t. Ile Si-r( . Ills spiitem i- at VIIliaiiiinrl Willi tlie K(i.-pllili ul laflii) 111. Fin ThoHenteucoot Harry Knyuold,er" llunce Harry," a he Is known by, expired lu Wit Wit Wit ltauisporleu I . I lay, but be is still lingering lu tail. He has ptid ocerylhliiK new but bin tiuueft in, and I beiUKheld for that. llHOem Hut Hariy i a much aetiKht alter mail, and many oeplo aiu anleu te lnterluw him. sberill spraue new held two warrant Irem litucaster county for him, and ha ro re ro ceicod u leiter from the chlel of polke of Newvllle, Cuiuberland c luuty, giving hi ili"-, npiKiu and inquiring about him, and also one from Diuphiu county. Keyimld leels very b idly te think that be Is kept In Mil, mid prep una te iiuke ll ex, eedlngly sultry ler numoreu peraen whuii he get- out. He iropee te dual in law milte e- teiislcelv, and I Kelug te bring suit against I . Sweely ler llbel 1 armor t-cbiuele ler ieriury. aud Olllcer Lee llerry for breaking in Iiih deer at Dauphin at thu time tin wa arrested. It 1 pretty ovtdeiit from all ieMirta that Mr. UoyneldN had better koeji a far away Irem thoteuipleot Jutlce a H)Miblii if he known what is healthy ter bun. When the sberlil went In te see him be commenced te hurl n tirade el aiiuse at 1 1 1 in. but tlie sherill seen quelled 111" lestll 0 1,(1111',) mill. Dully llirem lluiuU. sensational testimony undo the Mcuuade trial in New Yerk bristle with llfe I'rldav, Dully was -ie oxamlned by Mr. New. jui be, who roasted him ler all hear. Ill gulling een Dully dropped hi stupid ro re ro oties uud broke tbe monotony of the hour by telling Mr. Nt'ell that the whitewashing tostluieny whlcli he gae te Mr. I eukllug boleto tbe Semite In estimation cammiltee wu agreed iieii lu Noweombo'a elll "e a'.d at tbe Hiiggostleii et Mr. NTowcembo. The Ncene that lollewcd tbl thrust wa ecltlng indeed. Mr. N'owceiubo demanded pernil pernil Nlen te Likn thu stand at ence aud prove J Hilly a perjurer. This wa one el the neu neu satleual Incidents or tbe day. There was np pumitly ether llre directed against Mr. New cembe, ler he nald lu tbe course el the day that he had received two letter throat threat eiiing that he would be aasaiilted ler his se vere cresi examination el Dully. I.OOAl, llltlKI'j Satuuel MuHketinmrt, hacknmn, lias been held ler a hearing before Alderman Deen en charge el surely el the peace hikI drunk nud disorderly conduct, Tlin mayor te-day received tin from Htm. H. li. Deng and fir.0 from Cel. II. A. Usui bright ler the heup fund. The ''Acress the Atlantic" baud niacin a street parade at neon and looked well lu sailei uuiteiins. Thu New Helland CVarien tells of a cigar maker who wrapped U.HlOleur aud a hairiuch cigars from two ounce of wrappers. Oil Monday the seml-Hiiuu&l meeting of tbe Lancaster liar ussouiatleit will be held, W. II. Altlck, or D. A. Altlck's Sens' car riage buildem, left this afternoon ler Havau nab en n business trip. On a two days 'gunning trip C'barles Kran risen and Krauk Clark killed thlrty-nlue partridge and ten rabbit. lue tliicbauaii-MoKvey relief commit loe met yesterday, and actodjupen the applica tion rer coal. Four hundted and twee.ty.iUe were reported favorably. LANCASTER, WILL IT UK BROWN"! TIIK I.AliVAtlTKtl 0ASDIUA1K 1UH A iT.ifjr iir.Arr.wn CAntxr.T. llici Cnnletencn In l'hllAilpliihla en I'rlilar and lo-tlAyNe Oulteinn el the Matter Yet lu 1lrntffl Mi;rr rrl.ritn itelalnrre the llrene rniri-sllracri In the CUT Unci lat In Hi huumiMKu I'll 1 1.A til cr nix, Dec 11- the annouue ment of the preuied cunfureuce of Kepubll can iKillllulaus here yesletdjy te consider at d determine the coiiieilinn of dovnrner-elect Itoacet's canlnet prbcided the advontef teine of the participant and i-cared ether of them away. In fact, while the hotel corrldera and lobbies were tlMed with Imruig tiewwier men, little substantlul was acoenipllshod. Senators Kulau and Newmyer worn around but did net show tip. Souale Clerk Cm-bran and Senater Mylin worn with lliewu Icuklng after hi Intercuts, but nil w out off together ou the parly ec cnlng train- without a cemuilsslmi. Cooper wil iiblqulteus and declared hlmself ceibiln, HuLui mellltlcd and that some eminent lurl.t had lortltted hliu with a decision &1U ru ing bis eligibility , buthe presented no cor cer cor llucate from He tan aud lalled te ills, loe tbe judicatory that had decided hi ca.se in ad vance. Ileal or w a concealed toinewhere In tbiclty, hut kept out of barm's way. cuay and Cimoren feni td until a late l. ur and neither Is qiiltosure whom the ether 1 ler. The real conferenco 1 en te-day. Cameren, Heater and '(uay nre here. Magce, like young lxichintar, caine out oflbeWeat te clay, arming en the early morning train from I'lttsburg. He 1 ler llrnwn up te tbe handle. If he stand by hi in .If Camereu stays with Wllberl , llemer with Wllllame, Utiay may yet get n controlling vete In the cbeli e. At this lmnr el I p m. none of this quartette knew who will be the next attor ney gun oral. Coeet'si bance aie net yet extinct. hen they bxouie se Ilreslu will be talked of for x"Tetary of statf. He ha net ben mv rleusly e msldered ler attorney goneral,ecept 111 frlmiilly new-papor rlllces. The bilk el lienjauilu Harris Hrowmer a a couipremi-) i andidale for attorney geLmral Is ascribed lu some quarters te tbe elder Came Came eon, who I hi deveteJ triund. By ethers 11 I scouted, lire" iter, it I said, would net take the place, and the Denegal cbleftaln It said te lie for llrewn, who ha se long worn the tartan of the I ecblcl i Ian. JltfUII.V .t r II tl 31 E A xetcli ni the ieuii Uiii.r, I'ulltlclnu au4 l'u.lliltf Atliiruer (ititf-al. I. Hay llrewn, eq . who is mentioned in the foregoing dlnpatche and ha been promi nently discussed n the pmslhle cholce e! Heater for attorney goneiiil, wa. ungaged lu the court this morning, aud at his law olllce in profe-nloual work. He declined te "sy what tsxiirred at hi reported confer ence in l'hllad-dphia w ith (,' uay.iiiid Cumeren jeslerday or w lietber or net lie wv Keaver. He huHstOddlly iviid he would net lu any way for hlmseif or through ethers solicit the apiKiinttnunt. None the lets in legal, political and social i In let here the outcome el tlm y resent pulling and haul ing etel Heater's uabluel i awaited with much interest. Mr. llrewn is nuelhur Ulu tratien el tbe large number of busmen and prolcleual men, net nntlve te the uiannet born, who hate acbieved succoes and lor ler lor tuiie lu l-iucrts'er , aud no ene el his age has et'6r wen these In greater degree by bis own geulUH and ell'erU. He Is tbe '7th year of lilt. age and w a burn in Yerk, I 'a., en the banks , .1 thu slew ly moving Coderus Hut .his bu bu cesler w ere geed old Liucistrr county stock, et tbe sturdy race that ha he largely peopled tlm lower end of this county. The Drowns of Drumere wero there longer than a century sun . and, el hi father'a family, two broth ers, Dat Id mid l.ea I' , are prominent men In that auction at present. The father of 3'eung llrewn wa the late Rev. Dr. J. A. llrewu, who died In tbl city June 10, 1332, but whose llie had been mainly devoted elsewhere te tbiibortice of the Lutheran church. He spsut much el this experience lu puteral sertlce but clesml his career a prosldeut et the theological seminary at Gettysburg. His w He and widow I a daughter el the late Dr Jacob Ilayel Yerk . and no It happened that alter bis graduation lu 1st),', and while engaged a tutor ou Oroek in hi alma mater, I'ennsyltimla college, Jacob Hay llrewn was prosecuting the hi udy of the law under the direction et Ceebrau A. Hay, el Yerk, a law linn wbose lanier partner wa bis uncle. I p te the day he ollerod hlmself for e nmlualien fur admission te the bar he had r.eiur spent a day in a lawyer'a olllce. Judue Klsher, still living In Yerk, wa then sole judge el Yerk and Adams counties, where three Judges new dlspense law. Kven tbeu be had llme enough en hand le examine ei hear the examination et applicants ler the bar lu open court and leisurely. Tbe stu dents turned out In a body te hear their tutor quizzed mid te son the tormunter tormentod. A Her tlm examination by the bar committee thujililge hlmselt took a bund mid adiuinla lured thu oath el adiulatlen. re'it:. te LASCASIKK. Hi adniHsleti took place ou April 1, 17I, hut it was net until July, uud a season when law busincs wa net tery brisk en Harbary isiast, thai young llrewu came te this oily. With few acquaintances, and net even pre senting the ery warm tetter which Judge KNIier had sent with him te the local court, he luu ml welcome here, uud took an olllce ust where be has ever Hlnceceutluueil It, Ne. '.Z North Duke street, with the late Ilenl. I'. llaer deceased. Hn wa admitted here at tbe August sessions, 171, and seen began a pro fessional career which lu the measure et lta aucueHsrltals that olauethorUettysburg coun ceun coun seleor who had coine te Lancaster te try his fortunes, nearly a generation liefore the late Hen. Tbaddeus HteveuH, Alter a ear or two at tbe bar here he he- came associated with the delense of Dr. i-'erard, then sojourning at the Cooper house, the old Indian medlclna man who was ac cused of rnpe upon a Mrs. Kuby; and who tta convicted alter a most stubborn trial mid brilliant defense, of which JJrewn'n olo elo ole lUiint plea was much spoken of at the time , It sorted well te Intreduce lilm te the publle it a rising man, and thodeublx be raised hh lethe guilt of the prisoner have ueveryet been entirely dispelled , the presecutrix sub -HC'iuenlly became Insane. 'Ihoeugagouiouta or tbe late Hen. O. J. Dickey lit Congress at that time, and the kindly service elhia father's old friend, the late H. W. I'. Heyd, led te the apiielntuieiit of Hretvn as solicitor et the Inland Insurance and Deposit company, which was Involved in considerable litigation. Hut strict attention te business, rare powers aa an advocate, a profound study of the principles of law. quick quick nesa et decision aud a poltlve,Bgroslvo man lier together with no little activity In politics "eutrlbiited te tbe rapid success of the young liarrlnler Engagement at sole or exclusive PA., SATURDAY, DEOEMJBER J I, 1886. eniiusel for Hie defonae In turleu aulta for Hiilwcrlptlnns I reugbt by tlm I'vacb Hotteui and tbe Hanover Junction .( Hiisquehanna railroad cetnp'iny's against delinquent sleck, holders, ler tbe tilalntlll" In the Hamond .t McCruin suit agBlnst Malene, l'alnter ,t (londer i atid tbe luland liisuraticn company against Jehn W. Jacksen wero followed with signal proleslonal victories , sndthfseresults seen iirevcd that In the lejral prolesstoii, a lu ether pursuits, nothing su -ml belter thsn Hiicci'n. im rebitb -. Frem IS7 I le 187(1 llrewu was city solicitor of Lancaster and brought tlie business ei tbe municipality well up In bis time, withdraw lug from It only le engage uj,en the duties or county solicitor CI-S77-W)) te which olnce he had been elected. At the I'lpubllcan slate convention of 1S7S be reproaentnd Linca-ster county. Tbe betses bad ceDclinled te shelve Chlof Justloe Aguew and te defeat hi ro re ro tieintnstloii with tbe st-lecui n el Judge Hterrelt ler the suprotne ben, h. Atheugb the scbeine waa far advanced, beven 1 any jhissI blllty or defeat, llrewn wa leval te hl ewu personal toelings atid vel -ed the general sentiment or the bar of the state In placing Agnew lu nomination with n mei-t eloqueut speech, that at ence brought him Inte notice of bis parly and his profession in the state at large, bealde commanding the unchanging gratitude of tbe omlnent and venerable Jurist's many frlends. It was a notible coin cidence that In tbe sauie year Linn Ilaitblo Ilaitble uiew made the speech nominating Hterrnit. Per In 150, when tbe great Urant-Hlalne contest bI Chlosecamo en Linn lUrtbole mew was ene of tbe regularly chosen dele gates at large Irem this staU, and Inasmuch as he couldn't go, Hrewn wa the alternate sent In bis nlace. He went aud. a has he-n i rather cleverly suggested In the frequent mention et nis name iur ucauinec piaoe unue.r Heaver, llke that eminent statesman. he steed uj) and went down with the Three Hundred and Blx faithful friends of Orant and lollewt ra or Cenkllng. In the Kepunin an state con vention or 1SS5 Brown led gslisntly a fdr fdr lern hopeand placed Jatnis A. Mi Devltt lu nomination ler state treasurer. Apart firm thesehls public political sertnes have con sisted el two term In the Lam-aster school beard, whero he is a faithful attendant arid Intelligent participant, aiding te e.lmtuate every kind el partisanship fr- ui the proceed ings. Hrewn usually takes a band In the 1'cal primaries, and beside. Senators .Mylin and Stehuian, a large number of tbe local efllce holders are bis friends and hate bl backing, and he I the put ate counsel aud oil! ial solicitor el many of them. IMSIEIISBU IH till. I A. With all hi political diversion the en't object el ht attention Is his practice and if te any thing mero than success Itself he ewf s succesj, It Is te thORMdulty with wbi-b he keep at work, the fidelity and singleness rt purpese with which he applies hims'lf te the cause of hi client, and the direct and ertaie applica tion el all his energies, his t' no and ttleiit tohlsche-on avocation. Within the past ten yean Mr llrewn ha been engaged tn many of the Ipading caie tried In these courts, whether of qurter e slens, common plea, orphans court or equity Jurisdiction. H was counsel (or delenae In the Julia lluberand hamuel Miller homi cide cases, in which the rWendauts wre acquitted, aud In the criminal courts he t largely engnged , his Introduction te lb it branch el practice a his successful prouo preuo proue cullon of young Mulligan for ratishing j Httle mulatto girl. He was asn. jated, bealde many ethor equally celebatcd and Impor tant eases, which have paid laife lees, with the Harr vs Vylle suit, the sse of Llie county elllcers for their fees and the Dlttniir will case. He hai been alike sui-cei-sttil In the supreme Htid lewer courts, and has b id laige experience In the federal jurisdULteiis. It gfes without saying that in this ghsm ing ei a wide held Mr. llrewn ha. ar cumulated a handsome fortune and his open-handed charity la preterluaL He ad here te the church of hi lathi-r, and Is a constant attendant and pew b"lder at old Trinity, bating been much decctid te the late Het. Dr. tirecnwald. Should the atteruey-genera ship el the state coine tbl tt ay It will be tbe nrst time the bar of this city ba been se honored slnoe the late Hen. Thea. K. 1 rantl.u wa called tn be the legal adviser of Out James 1'olleck, ( lsj)S,) though belere tr-at trankliu had been attorney generali 1b.M - uuderiiev. W T. Joliusteu , aud prier le n.' II m. lleul. Chsmpneys, of this bur, was m-y gen. oral (l-li-li for Gov. bhuuh. DlitrHI Sautlay Scheel I'ouTeuuen. A convention of the Suuday tool workers of the township of Maner, 1 ist au,i est Hemptleld, Conestoga, I'e (ue and I.incaa I.incaa ter, wu held In Zlen Keleimed cLurcb, Mil lersvllle, Friday evening. Delegates wero jireseut rrem all parts of the, (Strict and the attendance of citizens of Meb r-i Hie was itl-e large. The convention was op-mi I iu'Ii praver by Ket. btelu, pastor et . m Keturmed church, after which there was an a hire. en the field of fcaiuday school u'- r ly I haile Dentie", 0Hq. A. K Myers, of Meuutt: e, read an ts-ay en " Hew te hatepasters, parci.tsand citizen take giutter Interest in Sui, lat s hed work." The esay led te some discuss en participated lu by Mr. Deiiutaaud It9s "s.i 'u, Meraiiantl Saeukle. An uddress en "Gleaning'' was delivered by Rev. Meran, and some referred questions were answored by Dr. A II. Heward ami ethers. The proceedings weie Interspersed with some tiue vocal aud instrumental muilc under thelead et Dr. A. 11. II ',ird. What lias I te co me ul 11. r iiueilir 1 iiiiu the 'Jlen Heek Item Irem the beat information we can get the liabilities of the Herbst poei'io outside of the bank will reaeh from V' "" tec0 000, te coter which thore may te at,ut t.l.uei B.'i-ets. 'the total liablb le w 111 likely reach flle.OtA), aud tbe us-e.s nny reach tJO.OOt), leaving a delict "I f.n.uVi A very small properllou et ILI is ether thau by their ewu paper. The people gate Hum money without security ai.,1 they will of course lese It. What the nij-tery ha tieeii all tlie time and still is, where did this enor mous sum et money go? ft ese people did a large business since Uiey were m.i uugaged, auu also .Inherited ceusulura ile et money, uud It Is net known that tlit sustaluud atiy serious losses a surety or otherwise than what Is common In men"" e trade In a community like ours. Tree t'estal Uelltrry The following cities in I'euu.yltana will ,--ime under the previsions of the bill which jiassed the Heuse of Kapresi uutlve relating te the extension of the lroe delivery t-ervioe provided that In addition te the utfunry annual reveuiiu et $10,01)1' or population el 10,000 nccerdlug te the last consul, they bate the ether requirements, such a paved or planked sidewalk?, numbered street mid beuses, lighted streets uud the general char acteristic of cities: SbouaU'leaU, Heater Kalis, Uethlohein, Carllsie, Chambersburg, Chester, Franklin, Uazliteii, Huntingdon, Jehustnwn, Lebanon, Mea It ille, Miw Castle, Nonlstewn, Oil lylty, T,'uvllle, Warren, tV est Cluster. A Yuubk TlileC Atmlcil llartey Kreyblll, u lad et Mb Jey, wa ar. rested several months age for stealing the horse el Jonas K. Rlsser, but the grand Jury refused te return a true bill agalust him last month and he was released from prison. He I again In Jail, this tluie ler stealing bread tickets Irem the bakery of I . M. Seurbeer lu Mb Jey. When arrested he had set oral tickets, and ba had been buying bread with thoe tickets for eome time. .Ma.unle Onicer Klerleti. Caslphla Ledge Ne. .' .1, 1 , A A. M , of Mount Jey, en 1'rlday etenlng clectBd the fellow Ingolllcers : W, M , Harry K. Mssley . S. W , Dr. Trancls M. Harry , J. W., Jacob II. Hlpnlu , Tmas., Henjamln M. Grelder ; hoc,, in. M. Spera , trustees, Levi Hick Hick Hick socker, Harry S. Ntautler aud Martin 13. Hemhurger , Hep. te Grand Ledge, Mtl'.eu C. Hetvmuii. The elllcers were installed by l'ast Master Harry L. Stager. line Hundred midline Siiulrrn. There me 100 'squires In this county aud the successors of twenty wilt be elected In February, among them J I. R. MeConemy, M. A. Mctillnn and l'atrlck Dennelly, et tbl city. SIIEXCK AND ROBERTS. Muun r.imir e.v thanhae rTusn ' .1 ,l ixu unit uiiuuurriutt. the iMt Mtalrd Atalntt llifnck suit ICIirrn.. Vlhf Hie 'vNew Kr" Is riarlug Hie Hels nf Orleuder County L'eiuiulitlntier Slyers' Iletd Katrly t'urotereil OiiJMay.lO, IK;, when Jehn U. try ami A. r. Hlieuctc were tbe competing candidate for county solicitor at the June primaries, the Sew Era proclaimed tbe following edi torial lellcy in reUtlen te tbe contest ; They, (tbe aldermen and constables want no wateh detr between them and the county funds, and have "signed a decree" for the selection et ene et their own kind whom they think will wink atstesllng If thny will allow hi in u reasonable share of the swag, which they can well allerd te de IT tbe old erder of thing I restored. Hhertly afterwnrds, te wit, en June 5, lb35, the day befere the primary election, the Sew 7m nfisln lalsed it tolce after this fasbleu The nldiiruien hava taken Al Hbenck te their besom, and lu formal meeting have re ro re selved that he li " the kind of a man they like te leu rewarded." They want the sale tin loe ted that contains the $15,000 sated te the county by Solicitor Fry, and they are sura Hbenck Is the man te de It, If they chii mil y persuade tlie voters te lake the key from Fry nnd hand It ever te thelr candidate. It Is a squire Issue and ought te be squarely (net by the tax payers. A llLrOIVILK t-TAItlLLU. An lsirJLblen.NCKR reporter.whesa mem ory extended back te these events, was startled te see this same yew Era new take te Its besom tbl same Sheack, whom it had thin se bitterly maligned, sud he et out te llnd the causes thereof. Manifestly, the sudden change el heart ou the part of the Ve" Era wa either due te a bellef In thocentcrsiou of Shenck from hi admittedly bad ways, or te motives of per per senal interest. It Is only proper that the reader should Judge by th'j fac's which of these metlvus exercised the controlling Influence in chang ing the Xeu Em'x judgment tbatShenck was b rascal untltted te exercUe any control ever the county finances. And tirstef all, let a glance be castujicn Shenck's brief career as county solicitor. On Saturday last the Intellieencek charged that he had received 10 from Censtable r.icuenz te ioek alter me latter s unapproved bills. In ether words, Shenck, paid by the county, allowed hlmseir te be paid by a claimant against the county. After the re re ceipeor the Kicbeltz bribe, Hbenck. approved the latter's bills. Shenck, te this crushing allegation, replies that he has the money given le him by Klcheltz locked In a separate drawer, and that he distinctly told Klcheltz be was net receiving It a a bribe. Was his conduct lu thl case becoming thst or su honest county solicitor 7 kvew.n iiy ui. cniirvm. A man i known by tbe company he keep?, aud it 1 net uulalr te consider hhenck lu connection with Ilorace Roberts, his confi dential clerk, and close companion In his olllce. It U needles te speak of Reberta' tepuutien along Harbary Coast, but it Is net such a would commend him a uu assistant county solicitor, which pest he has beeuoccti beeueccti pytng ipparcntly Ter seme tlme. Shenck's companions, however, concern himself alone, but 'when thesn companions, under uover of Shenck's elllclal position, squeeze county creditors, It becomes the con corn efthe puehc Thl Is what Keberts hns beer, tletug. Accerdlug te Shenck'a own stateaient, he learned a mouth age that KierL bad bought the fOO bill of YVni. Weld ler for jei Did Shenck kick Keberts out of his ofliceas au honest county solicitor would have done? Keberts evidently know knew It was all right, or he would have never at tempted It. Shencb says he told Weldler net te com promise, but this Weldler denies. At any ra'e, the fact is undisputed that Shenck kuew tt bat Rebert was delug and did net luter luter lere te prevuut 11. Agalu Shenck boldly admits hi guilty kuowledgo that Kcberts was carrying ou a brokeraico business In discounting bills of majtUtruteH and constable and then having thorn, approved by the county solicitor. In the interview with Shenck in'the ,'ci Em tu latter nts or the f , SO bill of Mart Dallv, bought for J 1 by Roberts, that It wa done "In my 'bt pretence." These two casea clearly ehew thHt Sheuck wa cegnlzmt or what K lert was doing. The conclusion that the publle bss very uatually reached is that the two ttsre lu collusion. Would an honest county solicitor allow himself te be placed In this c unpromising position ' 1Mb) Etiri,ilKl) HOBtMS ' Nena appear te be willing te shoulder the responsibility el the employment of Keberts since the iNTEbUensci.n has exposed him aud Shenck. County Commissioner Myers told an iMnLbtOENCEK reporter en Tuesday " that bu never knew that Roberts bad any thing tn de with the bills until he and Shenck appeared belere the commbslenerK." Thesauia day he was quoted In the Xcw Era. a saylug that "he had suggested te Mr. Stteuck that he employ Mr. Keberts te ssslkt him lu the examination of the bills and that bu would see that he was paid for It." Mr. Myers was seen by an Intelligence! rop rep reeeuuititeyesterday, and he revised the lat ter of the abote statements te the extent of averring thst be had only said that " Keberts ought te be paid." Sheuck says in bis inter view that "Mjer told him te get Roberts te Jein him In the Investigation et these cases." Frem these utterances It Is net diflleult te understand where M vera steed in the Keberts hiring. Wltr.KE MILUS HAD VTINOLn INTIIK PIE. On one occasion, within the past year, Kail, read Otllcer I'yle had a bill agalust the county for arrests made by him in the dis charge of his duty, the caes having been dis posed el lu the quarter sossleus court. Sol icitor Shenck refused te approve the bill, en the ground that the county wa uet liable ler bill et railroad policemen. Finally l'yle Induced Commissioner Myers te meet him and Solicitor Sheuck at the solicitor's rtuce, lu talk ever his claim. Myers and l'yle talked ever the matter and tbe commis sioner linally agroed that the bill might be ap ap pretect it Fyle paid a bill he owed forcletbluir te Myer A Kathfen, which was outlawed, hating beeu standing ever six year. I'yle Bgreed te pay that bill and Myers Insisted en the money being paid before the approval or the bill. Thl elllcer took the ameuut or Myers A Kathlen's bill out or bis pocket, paid It, und then Myers went te the front olllce where Shenck was settlng,andsald teSuenck "It Is all right, the bill may new be ap ap peved." Solicitor Shenck then and there approved the bill and l'yle cot hi money. The commissioners seme time age made a rule that the bills el policemen for dismissed case would net be considered until the bills el the nlderuien belore whom the cases wero heard were tiled. Thl rule was violated a uumler el time, uetably m tbe cive of ex ex ex Constabie Snetik. Hi bill ler dismissed case befere Alderman Harr was prosented and approved, one of the arrangements made belng that Myers A Kathfen were te be paid the money due by Swenk te that tlrm. The bill was approved by Snenck and Myers iV Kathfen were paid the amount due from Hwenk and the balance or the bill was paid te Thea. J. Davis, attorney rer Swenk. These are the methods which the Xew Ern 1 new defending. Its ceurse manifestly 1 net dictated by the desire te protect Injured Innocence. A son-in-law of one et the V Km proprietor, an abloluwyerandcouscleti ableluwyerandcouscleti abloluwyerandceuscleti tlous getillemau, Is appointed Sheuck's assist unt by Shenck's vete. Is thl the prlce of the AY, JVre' j defense of Shenck? Stiuulil Intettlgate the Mr mil tl l-.Ds. INI l.t.LMK.v l.lt Tlie Shenck Koberlacaee 1 one that call for luteitlgatlen by the bar, the court and the commissioners. Whetber Roberts was autherl-ed by Shenck or the commissioners te pis upon tbe bills In which be bought or sought te buy an In terest does net help the case. When the commissioners employed au honest lawyer te pass upon these bills here after they only did half thelr duty ; they should have excluded Shenck from all as sociation with them, and should have promptly cut oil from him tha pay of an olllce for tthich he is uet tit. proiesslonally or morally. Tha -Yew E a doe injustice te Mr. Hey or by Us ilefonse of Sheuck and tils practices, llie commissioners de gross Injustice te them selves by reluslng te Investlgate the scandal ; and Mr. Keyer. roputable lawyer as be Is, cannot allerd te lie put Inte the position el covering up the dirty work of his predeces sor. Fer, we bike It for granted, If Heyer Is tn examine the magistrates' hills, Sheuck and Keberts are net te eoutluue deadheads lu the onterprlse Lawykh. .lAtltr.n V VAHVKHTBIt IIHAll. The Well. Known Snrteyer, CM! Rnglneer ami HcrWener Pasar Away. James c. Csrpenler, tbe well-known aurteyer, cltll onglnear nud scrlteuer, died at his resldence, Ne. 43 North Duke slrect, this morning, In the cetli year el hi age. He was a son of the late Henry Carpenter, surveyor, of this city. He recelved hi edu cation in the schools of this city and studied civil engineering and surveying under the preceplersblp of his father. He prac tised civil engineering en the Tlde Water canal, and ethor canal and railways In this and ether states, and had many con tracts for building bridges In this and ether counties. Alse ler sewering aud ma'Mdamtz. Ingstreets and ethor city works. He built the Lancaster and Lltltz turnpikes, and ether turnpikes. He was as excellent clerk, and was for a great many jeurs clerk et select council. He was also for many years city regulator, and did perhapH mere work In that line than any ether man that eterheld tbe ofllce In thl city. He tta nn ardent Democrat, but never sought olllce ether than these miner places In the city government which pertained te his. prolesslen. The Carjienter family Is ene of the eldest In the county, and for nearly two hundred years have held many prominent loiitlens. The head el the family, Dr. Henry Carjienter, a Swiss, came te America In Km ; settled In West Karl township In 1717, and spent the balance et his llie there. He was succecded by hi son Henry, who practiced medicine In the vicinity dur ing a long and active Ida One of his seu, Jacob, was a member or the legis lature for many years, was stale treasurer ler three terms, and was appointed by Gov. Me Kuan, In IsOO clerk of the orphans' court el Lancaster county. Anether soe, Henry, (.uc (.uc ceeded te tbe old homestead, and his seu Henry, (the father of deceased settled in Lancaster In 1S15, and raised a large family or children, of whom none new survive ox ex cept Dr. Henry Carpenter, the well-known physician, Ne. 28 and 30 Seuth Queen street, and Mr. Isaae Carpenter, the civil ongineer and conteyancer, who resided with his brother James C Mr. Carpenter was a man et marked lutel. llgence aud a master el his profeFsien. He ws Intimately acquainted with the detail or inecuy government anu toet: much interest lu furthering Its prosperity. Mr. Carpenter leaves no family. His only child died Beveral. years age and his wlfe a few months age. Ul funeral w ill take place Tuesday next. O0lU FUU A 11EVUIITEH. ChsrJcs MacXsc Has a I'ernenal Encounter Willi Samuel 31. Seeer. Charles MacNay, the grocer, Ne. H" North ciueen street, stepied briskly Inte tbe Iniel LitiE.M e a otucethlsafterneon about 1 o'clock, lie was bareheaded und asked the lean of a hat, which wan furnished httr. lu auswer te Inquiries he lutermed the Intei.li (lENctu that one of tbe Sew Era reporterp, Samuel M. Sener, had lied about him In reporting the case el the commonwealth vs. J. Slater Lrb , that he i MacNay ) had called upeu the S Lr-i te have the matter corrected, and that Mr. J. U. Warlel, one of the publishers of the paper, had promlsed te have the necessary conec cenec conec tlen made. As this premise was uet made geed, Mr. MacNay called at the Seio Era elllce te-day about 1 o'clock. Neither Mr. Warfel uer Mr. Gelst were present, hut Mr. MacNay was directed by the business manager te go up le tbe editorial room where Mr. Sener and Mr. James D. Laudls were at their desks. Mr. MacNay went up stairs aud made known the object el bis visit, but belng unable te get a satu'lactery answer, he Informed Mr. Sener tha'. unless he retracted the false report of tbe Erb case he would thrash blm. Mr. Sener made no rep'y, whereupon Mr. Mac Nay struck blm and knocked him down. He rolled under tbe editorial table and bobbed up met very j sen nely en the ether side. Mr. James D. Laud is, tha mnuaglng editor, then rushed at Mr. NacN'ay, caught blm by the bin k el the neck uud called loudly ler help. In a moment six or elgbt compositors, auie rusbtug In from au adjoining room, seized Mr. MacNay aud one of them struck him. Alter a brisk struggle he was ejected from the premises, minus hi bat, and that's w by he wanted te borrow a hat Irem thal.M iillkh.m i:ii. Kvldently Mr. MacNay is uet well ac quainted with the peraeuuel aud Interior do de do partuieut of the .Ytw Eii, or he would -net have ventured Inte such a duuger duuger eu nlace. One or two of the com positions are piotessienal pugilists, aud the " tlghtiug editor," a bleed-stained war club, hangs threatening tn tbesauctum.and within arm's length of the edlter-lu-chlet. A aturderer Caught lu Colerado. A letter recelved in Sbenandeab, I'd., from Webster, Cel., auneunced the arrest at that place of a termer resident of Shenandoah, named William Kuuskey, who Is charged with the murder of Jobu U. Themas, a prominent citizen of l'lymeutb, I'a. The crime was committed eleven yens ae, since when the murderer ha been at large. Themas was u merchant and It wa w bile attempting te burglarize his stnre that Kuuckey shot blm. Hurecegiilzed Knuckey nud llted long enough alter receiving bis death wound te tell who shot him, but tbe murderer escaped and was never heard from until nbeut two weeks age. He wascaptuied while attempting a burglary at Webster, and wa Identltled by a former citizen of Schuyl kill county a the murderer of Themas. Kuuckey Is a desperate character and figured in two or three sheeting attain. Klectlnu u( Oratert Fer the Aunttersary At their meetings this uierulug the Dlag Dlag uethiau aud Ucetheau Literary toeiotles elected thelr speakers for the annitersarles which will be held uext May. The Dlaguo Dlague thlau programme will be as fellows. Annl versarlau, A. U. Kothermel . eulogist, 11. A. Dubbs i orators, A. S. Dechaut, F. A. Kupley, G. W. Dernbacb, H. Cessnas salutatory, C. F. linger. The GeHheuu elected tbe loilow leilow loilew lug programme; G vtheau orator, W. K. 1'clera, eulogist, J. L. Keush; orators, CJA. Loese, J. C. Nell, II. F. Diltmur, (1. W. Rich, arils , salutatory, K. K, Kyerly. lllifft in" The Wldun.'' M'lle Khca, the celebrated tragedienne, ap peared in comedy lu Fulteu opera heuse last evening lu " I no Widow," from the French. She has a geed enough company, but the same cannot lie said of the play, which Is trashy In character, and of that peculiar species of French wit that has never taken held in this ceuutry. A lair audience was pri'sent. A llemetcd Oltlclnl Diet of Uriel. Jehn L. Hey t, for mera than twenty years a New Yerk custom heuse Inspector, has died at Kenslce possibly from grief. He wa recently removed for elleuslye partisan ship aud immediately buttered a notlceable depression of spirits, which ended w lth a fatal dccline uf health. She Is Net aiarrlcil, Hula VI hleir rieiu the In iiilier. The 1 i KM.tdENi Eli says that uet a mar ried woman teaches lu I.ancastet's publle schools , wherein the I.n i i:i.i.1ui;m F.n errs ; ler the teacher et tbe intermediate school uu Ktst Lemen street Is Mrs. Anna McCemspy, Scut te Ihe Helugp, Gee. McCuuley, a Columbla-ney, was sent te the Heuso of Kefugethis afternoon by the judges ler being incorrigible HIT ATI! BU IHIIIVATIUNB. d Washington, D, O., Dec 11. Fet Kastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware t Fair weather, southerly winds, slightly warmer. PRICE TWO CENTS. TWO TKIIMBLK KXTLOSIOXS. '""'"""'" hhucki'ii ahu rmAt ricui'LK litmien i rit t7i. 1 he Heller lu a .Maul,,, , ,t lu c.mbrWg- M..., mill One lu the Culumbu. Meggy rr tnry-The Victim, sun n,niHh tb. Wrrckn-I'lreiuen at ihe Scene. Home.v, Dea 11 At beul7 o'clock this morning n boiler uvploded In HailettA. Un derbill's plaining and meulding mill In Rut Cambridge. The explosion occurred iu the engine beuir , which steed apart from tbe main structute. Thoreorof the ouglne heuse was blown off and part or the walls roll In. AiUru could be ascertained thore were llve men In tha en gine room at the tlme, but hew many weri killed or weunded was net certain, as ell avenues ergettlug te where the unfortunates lay were blocked by llie dehrls. Tbe Are men Immediately set te work and It was net long before three workmen wero dug out Their clothing w. tern te shreds and their bodies cut and brulsed, It Is new learned that six men were badly Iniured sud it Hleared that one will net re ro re cet er. Iliree nr four Kilted Cem Mnr-., O , De. II At a few tnlnutia after 12 o'cle- k te day a ten iuc shook quickly followed by a general bro wa heard. An explosion bail o?curred nt tbe Uclumbu company's buggy works. As this com pany employs eter 1,000 men the rela lives el thu employed catue ruuulng from all directions with anxious faces. The tlme of the explosion wa very opportune, as nearly oil the men had lelt rer dinner. The building Is a lx-story ene and Is a total wreck und the firemen are still throwing water en tbe ruins, it I net yet known w bether tbe boiler exptoded or a dust pipe, the ruins being se complete. Jee Brown, the Jinlter, la thought tuba fatally wounded, It I certain thorn ate threo or lour dead bodies In the ruins, but their name oanuet lie acer lalned. rrehlhle Cane of Hutclile. IlAititisiii-ita, Dec. 11. The dead tedy of a man wa leuud nt au early hour this morn lug lying near the tracks of the Pennsyl vania railroad e.ut of Deck's lurnace, Just below Harrlsburg, by Charles Duncan, conductor of a Irelght train. Twe bullet holes wero discovered, one above tba right temple, the ether in the left breast. It Is supposed te be a case of suicide. The name of the dead man Was James McGovern, and he tta formerly employ cd at the Bessemer mill, Stoelteu. He was among tbe number discharged en Thanksgiving ler Intoxica tion, since which time he wa idle. His age was about 3 years, uud bis parents reside in Jersey City. tileu Charges Agaliut Mlilitgan l'ellllclsnt. NtOALWEK, Mich., Dec 11. The Tren. HcrnM. yesterday pub'isbed an editorial charging that there was treachery te the state ticket en the put of the Democratic Demecratic Democratic mauagers iu Michigan in the last campaign. Tbe article states that Den M. DIokenien told S. S. Curry, Democratic nomlnee for lieutenant governor, before the Grand Kapids state convention met that Yuple would be sent te the Seuate after belng elected and Curry would beceme governor, and that Curry contributed large sums, especially te the legislative canvas. In the Upper Peninsula, ou the strength ul these represen tations. lite Curpie i:cipes rieui the Uudertakera City or Mkxi'e, Dec. 11. Yesterday morning while a hearse driver was taking the body of a man nailed Hernandez, te Doleres cemetery, ha heard a weak voice calllug ''rfaner ' Sener' '" lie still drove en aud the oice repeated "Sener! Where are you taking me?'' Then he turned te leek aud found that the dead man had broken open his cefllti snd cvas Hitting up looking at him. He I ell in a lalnt, and when be re covered the erpse lud '11. Nothing Is kuewu of thefugillte'a wboretbeut". Ueuinlug llray fr the l' f. Senate, Mt' iitHAN I'm, luJ, Dec. II. Tha Vml'i i)it;i(if h, la It odltleu of yesterday, ceuita out iu au e literlal declaring for Gov. I. 1. Gray ler I'nited State senator. It says that Gray is the recognized leader of tba Independent Demecracy since the death of Hendricks .that he i a shrewd and sagacious politician and that the young Democracy of the state are ler blm te u man. The tentl tentl ment ler Gray for senator aueus the Dotno Detno Dotne crats of northern Indiana I very stieng. Drep tu Cost. Ca I he, III., Dee. II. A beat containing 21,000 bushel el coal, lu tow et the Baaz, suuk iu the bend above Caire last night while making a landing. 1 (itiiiil Dead In u Clateru. n.vi.iNE, Wis., Dec 11 Mrs. William Strickland disappeared Irem her home Thurs day and her dead body wa leuud in a cistern yesterday. three New I'ustiuaiterc. WcshimiTen, Dec. 11. The postmaster general te dat ap eluted us fourth-class post masters In I'enusvlvuul i . Fanule A. Dlmlck, Mlllerd . T. T. William, Nottle Hill ; J. Jucelif, Pickering. Wuiilen .Mill. Duraed. Cli.nien, Mich., Dec. II. Ibe Clinten, Leuuwce county, woolen mills were burned thl morning ut six. o'clock. The business em plowed 00 people. Less ?!9),0e0j Insur ance ioeo A Cincinnati Failure. liMi.N.NAii, Dec. 11. Thu tlrnieiJ.il W. F. Howe, manufacturers of woolen goods, made au assignment this morning. The liabilities are estimated at f 100,000; assets between i'j.OOO und J 100,000. tluiitlleetit lleqaeit. Ho-ie.n, Dec 11 The will or Careline A. Weed bequeathes te Wellesley college 160, OCO j Hates college ?Jj,000, and 5,000 te the Auierlcau boarder foreign missions for the puriKjae of establhlilug a house n Cam bridge ter aged woeion. The Olloteptilo Seclely, The Cilosephlo soclety met last evening at tbe resldoneo el Dr L V. Gerhart. The es say read by llie Rev. Lucius M. Hardy, was it coeipurlsou of undent with modern sys tem et education. Tba next meeting will be at the residence of W. U. Hansel, en the Monday alter Christmas, when short papers w Ul be read by Dr. U. 15. Hlgbee and ethers. A Flue Ulrpley. lhe halaud tursloreof Cbailes U. Aiuer.en West King strtet.Juit new prewmts a very one appearunce Tba winter ateck has jutt been re ceived, unit It Includes lue mett expensive teal goods, such as coats, cipj, trimmings, etc Tb at piny of robed und furs of all kinds 1 very nae and tbe stock It large und complete. The store room Is bung with the most costly kinds of fu,nuauproltluruisertiuenlls seldom reuaa anywhere. Mri Araer has been In the tml uses for ever forty years and he n thoreug h. knowledge of Ilia traile In all Its Tub dwelling and store lan toga and l'rliicestret,wlll be Decembers, lhliltagoedtta Invvsters will de well teatten veil - - v-'-