flf tU) Jana v VOJLUM K XXI 1 l-NO. 85. fsJslllJB frill." iMif iVIv nil'l.'li I IN itAllTtV TUITmilll' I rmeirit i i ftlinli trIiniiT(V I ln uiml at Itnnitlns. I II 4 IHM.Mv inr milts tirvn A ' I'OMMKKCK BKTWKKN STATKS. . .iHr.r.xr..sr uhaviikii tin turn MIL TO II Kll VI. ATI! THAI I IV. I'enfellee nl the Senate mitt Ilium lliwmu. nlie the Cilllulti nltil ltHgntt flteaiilte IMttire f Ids (,'iiliiiiuttiUn Death li tll.i lltiiluittliiK Itnlra nml t'niile rtie ixitiferretii upon tlie Ihlotnlate torn tern torn tiifree measures, ipulnrly known ns llie "Heagsti ninl I nllum" IiIIIm, hnve reue boil nn HKroeinout upon the dllliirenixvi letweim the Senate niiit tlie I luu w. 'Iho report el Ui oeuforonco roiiiinllteo will be protentexl a neon hi It can be prepired nnd signed, nnd Its iilnileii will li tasked nt mi enrly dnle. I'lie otifetrees will recommend Hint tlie IIuuivq agree tnlliocemiillnsltm system in It stands In tlie Sonale lilll, mill Hint Hie Noiiale agree le n pre lalen ntlewlng such utilpptirn in may elect lotle no tu prtMocute milts for Ilia recovery fifdtttiingiw In tlm I lilted Mate's court nn thelr own lielinir, with tlie prevision Hint lliuy shall net have tlie tight In pumue tliulr remedy In the courts uiul tliieuli the cnmnilialuii In tlie mhiiie case. (ii tlin voied ntirt inucli ilolnteil. question rl tlie long umi nliurt haul n compromise has been ngroed upon. Tlie Heuse bill iibsolulely prohibited h grunlur chnrge for n shorler than ler u louger distance which included the shutter ii(M)ii nnv enn railroad. The prevision hi the Souate bill prohibited n creator bntge ler it shorter than ler n longer dlibttice, under Hubsbintlally similar clr i iimstAticen nml ixtiJltlen, ever the miiie line, In the sauie direction nml Irem tbe same original elnl of doparlure or le tlie Mill u point of arrival. It nlne author author med thocemmtulim t'i mnke exceptions te (hi general ruin li. special cavis 111 which It Meme(l proper, 'I he substltum section agreed te bv the coufeipen makes It unlaw, tut ler nny railroad te chnrge mero for tlie transportation of pasveiigurn or of llke kind fl pteperty, umler nutwtaiillally slmllarclr uiiistiitices nml c 'millions, I ir nhorter Mian for n longer distance ever the name no ntnl In the same illrcellnn, thn nhorter ts'Itig Included within thu longer distance, with the provlfle that In steclal cases, upon application by the railroads nml niter Inventl gsilnu, the oeiiiiuImIoii may prtwerllx) the mti'iit tu whlcu hiilIi rallre.nl shall be re i itiv ml from the opttrntlen of thin section. Ilie Heme bill contained nil ulmnlule pro hibition of ikjeIIiir, whlle the heuate bill provided for nu ImmedlaU) investigation by ihe commission nl ihe question el lcgllatleu U m llienui Ipei t p n this point the bonate uiierrces have yielded and accepted the pre v Winn of the II use hill 'Inn following li the prevision In lull Hint it hall be unlaw ful fur nny common writer sut'jv( te the previsions e! thli net te iiter tntenny inntrnct ngroemont or cotnbl cetnbl cotnbl nnllen with nny ether common carrier or car riera for the iKXillui; of Irelghta of illllerent nutl enipitliig inlireailn, or te illvule bo be bo tneen thorn the nggregnt') or licit priiHHlnel the cicnliigH of iii.ti rallrimil, or nny portion theriKif nml lu nny rn'te i an ngroeiiumt for Iho poeltnu of irtilghli an aforeialil nach dny of IU contlmmneo almll bfl ilovmed n oparnte oTeQo. I Kin the iiicliin of publicity el ratei ttipre wni no (lllltirente of opinion. Iho lleiinbltl rcnilreil cii h railroad te putillnti nml te ndwrtlie Its ratea holweeu elutH upon tin own line. 'I he Sannte 1)111 uiale It tlm duty of the I'jiiiunislim te nlne oufercn 1I14 pullltjtlen of such through rnttn mil may Le found ponnlble te publish A MibilUutn had tieuu rgtctnl upon by whlih eacli rullreml U leiiuund te print and keep in enry depot fur thu liiHtructleu el the public the rntvn It may eiUhIIh botween JmiIiiU UKm IU own line. They nre nlne re i'ilrn.1 te llle w Itn the ctiiiimtailen t aplei of an joint UriiN el through nittti te which they may be n pirty, and the couimlniieu In re re qmretl t i ex. irn the publication of audi uireugh ratM ki lar a nny hi fuud prnctl . a'.lf Oihur iiilkIiii wilmiia ( miner luiporUuce me ma le. ejl tliMO am the pnnupal eucn iiwin which dillrtrinct et opinion eilsttd. W heu the nubktltute bill hin Ikhjii iirlnttnl the lOiuiutttee will go e or It catefully, nml may tlnd 11 uoce.vi.iry yet te mnke home i hangta, but tlie muiiiLem ht( aubjlnn inllT ngrcd upon thelr rccMtiitiieniintlenn, I Jli! I l JSt TVIIAI. I lilM HII . Inn llraiurn Ailuiiiti ty thn lluue-lt Netr Hurt linen In Hit seust. Iho lloupeon Thuisday tiassed a hill whlcli pi ev ides that loiter cat i iern shall In) employ (hI tjr the fte. dollvery f mail matter as fro fre iiient as the pubili tnisluess uuy tenulre In eiery mrerHjiati.'il euv, village or Isireugh eulttlulng u p-ipuhiiiuu ei ),ik) within Us it) irate limits, mid may be se employed nl every plain containing a opulntlen of net le-is than In oeo within Its corixirate llmlLs, a i- rding le tlie la-st general census taken by authority of state or I tilled Statua law, or by any postetlloo w hlch prcsliiivd a grenn rovenue for the prevedlng Usdl year of net Ions than lO.iKJd. Tluj Heuse llien resit med lotisiderntlou of the electoral count bill, 'ihe Heuse amend incuts te the Senate bill wero agreed te, nud en motion of Mr. itei, (Ala. i nn Htiieud in out was HilOitel striking out the clause iliiectlugthe prosidetit el the Senate, upon the declaration of the ote, le aiiuouiice the names of the poraena oirrted. The bill was then passed us mnendid, without division. Vs pss-ikt by tholleuso the bills dlrecls t .at ihe olectersot each Htnte shall meet mid glve their votes ou the ntiend Monday in January following thelr appointment. Section - provides that If any state shall have provided, by laws enacted prier te the day Hied ter the apieintment of electors for the llnal determination et any controversy ifliicernlng the appointment of nil or any of the electors of hucIi state, by Judicial or ether methods of procedures, and such determlua. tleu shall have been made at least alx days before the lluie llxed for the meeting of the elector, such determination ahall be conclu sive, nud shall govern In the counting of the electoral votea no far as thu ascertainment of the doctors nppolnted by such ntate Is con cen con terceJ. , . fcoctlen l prescribes the mauner In which the electoral vote of each state shall be certi fied and communicated te the secretary of slate at Washington. Heclien I preserilisi the meeting of the donate and ioue In the hall of the llouse en tlie second Wodnesd y lu February Hiiccood Hiicceod Hiiccoed lug the meeting of the olectors. After providing for the apppointiueut of tellers and the rending by thorn of the cer tificates of tbe electoral votes, the bill con tinues : And the votes having been asserted and counted In the naniier, and according te the rule In this m-t provided, the result of the same shall bodellvcred te the president of the Semite, who nhall thereupon announce the shue of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration el the lemons, It any, elected president ami vice pteildent et the I'll I led htatea, and, together with a list or the voters, shall be entered ou the Journals of the two Houses. L'pnn sucn roauingeinny Hticiicer Hticiicer Hticiicer tilicitoer paper the president el Iho Honate shall call ler objections, if any, state clearly nnd coiieisoly and without argument the ground thereof, and shall be slgued by ut least one Rouater and ene momber of the Heuse of reptcseiitntlves Lofero the sauie nhall be re ceived. When all objections se made te any vote or paper Irein n htnte shall have been re-i-Alved and read the Htmute shall thereupon TVlt idraw, ami such objections shall be sub sub luiiled te Iho Senate ler Its decision ; nnd the speaker of the Heuse or Representatives shall lu llke manner, submit such objections te the Heuse of Representative's for llsdecisien ; nnd no olccternl vete or votes which shall have been regularly glven by olectora whose appeliitmcntslisll have been tortilled accord ing te the third soclleu of this act Irem any ntate from which but ene retttrn ha been recelvbd shall be rejected. If mero lhn ene return or paper purporting te be a rnliirn Irem n Slate Shall have lieeu roeolvod by the prosldent of the Senate, these vetes, and theso only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination inontlenod In section'.! or this mttu have been appointed, if the detormlua determlua detormlua lien In said soclleu provided for shall have been made, or by such, suoeossorn or subatl luu s, lucase el a vacancy In the beard of electors no ascertained, as have been ap peinicu te nn audi vacouey in med e provided uy thu laws of, lue state; but, in ense there nhnll nrlne the iiionlleu which of two or mero of mieh Main nutherltliM ilotermln lug what nloetorn Iimi been npMlnteil, n inontlenod In neclleu 1 of tlili net, In the law. fill tribunal olnuelintnto, Iho voten ri'Rillnrly Khetl of thenn olrctem, nml thine only, of nucli ntate nhnll be I'eiintixl whine llllea oleclor the two Hellew, HOtlng noparntely, nhnll concurrently iloclde U MiiipnrtMl hy.tlie iloelnlou of nucli Htnte no nilthotlted by 111 lawa t anil In hucIi enne oriuero than one to te turn or imier uirH)rthn: te be n return from n ntate, If Ihere nhnll bavelxinii no audi de termination or the ipiontlen In the alate nternanld, than thene eten, and thone only, ahall Im reunted whleh were rait by oltetora whiwe npK)lutmnt nhnll Iime Ikh'ii duly celli lied umler the (teal of the ntate by the oxeuutlvo thoreif In na na na cordnnee with Iho Inwn el the ntate, U n loin the two lloune. nctlng Kopamlely, nhall coneiirroutly deohie nucli Milei net te be the lawful olwief the legally nppolnted ol(ctera of hucIi ntate. Whim the Inn Houaea have relud they nhall linmedlntrly meet again anil the providing elllcer nhnll thou aiiiieiince the decision of the iiimtleun i Jiumltted. Ne V otei or papern from nny ether ntate nhall lx acted upon until the objectlonn piovletiily made te the letcNtir papers Irein nucli ntate nhnll hiive been Ilnally dlljed or. hoctlen ft, Rlen the prtnldeut of Iho Honnte jtewer te pronervo order. Noctlen il llmlW te two bourn Iho debate which nhall be had en any iiionlleu after the two IIoiiheu nhnll have noparated. Hoctleu i provide Hint the Joint meeting nhall net be dltehel until the count of electoral votes shall Ui rumpluteil and the result doclared, and prehlblia elther Ilouse from taking a recens beyond the next calen. dar day. In rase thoelectoral vote ahall net hare beeu cempluted before the tilth calendar day alter the Ilrnt meeting or the two lleunen, no further reras. nhnll lie taken by elther Heuo. or n Hum vnuiaraiAa nit u llnnr llm Itrclelml Mini Knit llenn In tha M)ttrlci of thn Wemlatlul lull. Aa the noasen for g fl-maklng drnwa near, liigenulty In that dlroctlen will no doubt bring forth n host of novelties which the onger fomttilne mind w 111 be pilck te grim p. Olie called the " wonder ball ' In already rolling en Itn wny. This Is eKierinau origin, ns the motive conneotod with II will show, for aa n poeplo, the dermann, mere than any ether, luve.it the ouuimeii allalra of life with no atmosphere of nenllment. I be w-onder ball la n form of gift many gilts In one. The frienda of Hie ene who In Ui receive It nre In anilable culioeta togelhor, and by their milted efforts II Is produced. An amount of bright wool Is bought, nay enough for a aheulder shawl, or even for an Afghan, 'I he gifts, which should lie of amall bulk, nre wrapped In paper, with the giver'a name, n note or any ether personal rcmem bmncenlUxed, and then Iho yarn in wound about ene until It Is coverod, when another la added and the name proceHi topeatoJ. This gees en until all the gilts are Included In the package, one at n tline, each Inter w even with lis coueoallug web el threads. New remtn the charm' The tocelver li reuuested U kutt from that ball or te crochet any arlicle they may cboeno te fix upon, and net by any chance te unwind the yaru only me fast an the work piogresses. It la llke uu uu deing a long Chrlatiuna stocking with ptenenta In II down te the very tee. And Hce what n stimulus le Industry ' I urleslty w 111 grew strouger an vm h gift ap pear, and Iho work Is pretty certain te be nwlflnndnoen completed. Hore la nn example of one wonder ball. A lady bnd a birthday, nnd her trlendi decided te glve Iter a handnome werk-basket and Its liirullure. German knitting yarn wen bought for a skirt two colons four hauka of blue and two of pink. Thin el ltnelt would make a huge ball, but In separate packets wero liu'luvetl a thimble, a case el Mclssern, an elaberate avfortment of ueodles. uoeillo leaves, a spool box, nKnl of every number nnd color of thread and silk, mi emery strawberry, Ue measure and ether trine. Ihose woie luterweund until the ball was of formidable proportion'. Then It was proneuted in thn basket and the lady given te understand that she wen te work herself into a knewledge of her presents or te remain In Ignorance. Allow ing ter thin work only mich (chance minutes of leliure na busy woman enn snntch from mere pressing duties, It would take a month te get at the heart of Hint wonder ball nvuu l.i Lirn llie IVIIIInin I'euii farm In llurkt niiiil) Selil t nilrr I urvrluiiur. Iho old William I'enu farm, overlooking the Delav. ar river, about llve miles above llrlstel, was sold Thursday afternoon by stierltl Kaatburu, el Bucks teuuty, en n foreclosure of m ortgage. Iho oxecutleu was Issued at the Instance of Kiuklel Hewell, of I allslngten, who held a llrxi mortgage of M'l.'xw. 'I hore wero only a few bidders present and the preierty was iHiught by Hectei l". Wat Wat seu, of Fallslngten, ler thu sum of 10,000. Tbure w ere n number of miner claims against the property, but only sulllclent wasreslUed tii meet the llrsl mortgage. The farm com prises 130 ncre-s, and the present iKt-upaiil, William I'enu Creer, paid, It is Mid, SI " ir ncre, whlle the prlcoebtalneit linlny whs only about one-half that sum. The farm Is one of the historical spots of fluckn county, and has beeu v Islted by peo peo poe plo Irem all parts of the country. 1-ft-,t u u u lober the IVnusylvanla l'eace seivlety tolo telo tole brated Hie JtfJd Hiinlvernary of the landing of l'eun en the grounds, and several years age the Mucks County Historical noclety met under the old buttouweod tiee en the river Irent of the farm. William renn ho he ho lec'led the spot about the year 17lM, aud built upon It the manor house, which was tern down J list bofero tholleveltltlun. l'artofthe old loitiidallen wall, made or bricks brought from Kngland, IssUll intact, nud the present farm heuse Is built upon It. A well sunk by l'eun still gives an abundant supply of gexxl water, but this and the Mump of an old cherry Iree are all that remains of the erlgl nal homestead. Most of the original tract was dispened of during l'eun'n hie. The property immediately Hreund the manor LoiiHe passed te Hlchard 1'eun, and from him te William Hell. It tbuti panned te the own ershlp of Rebert Crozler, the grandfather of the present ik'cii pant, and remained In pos session et the frozen until It became Iho preperty of Mr. Watsen. 1 1" AM) DOWN THE HTATK Delegates irem six cities met In I'lltBburg nud formed n National Colored League el professional base ball playurs. The cltles represented wero Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Bosten, Pittsburg, Cleveland and Louisville, A locomotive en the Ileecli Creek railroad exploded Thurad ly aftsnioen at Jersey Mhore station, killing Philip Knight, engin eer , Allen Ramsey, flrenian , Jainea War ren, onglneer en the same read, mid Jeseph Fields, a machinist. Auother trunk line te the West will be completed le day In Philadelphia, that of the 11 V O. reid. The low hundred toot of trnek necessary te make a continuous read from New Yerk te Chicago, by way or Phil adelphia, have been laid, aud by Wednesday next through trains will he running ever the line. Jack McAiillffe, light weight champion of America, eners tu tignt Arthur unamuers, ei I'hlladelphlB, for fOOO and the Heleke In ternational challonge belt. A. U. Hrendle, or Hhaofterstowit, Lebanon county, eilers t.'a) te anyone who will show conclusive evldence of the confession of a man In Kansas te killing Farmer Jeseph Miller In Lebanon county ten yearn age. ltritrinitlen of Trnde Dollars, Sonater Hewell has Introduced a bill In the Senate for the rodemptiou of trade dollars which provides that for a period of nix months United States Unde dollars, If net dolaced, mutilated or stamped, shall be re re cnlved at their face value In pnyment el nil dues or the United Htatea. 1 or the caine itorled bolders or trade dollars en presenta tion or the same at the United Htatea deposi tories may recolve In oxehango llke amount In late value In standard sllver dollars or subsidiary oeln. The trade dollars roeolvod ahall net be relssued, but shall be roceluod Inte standard dollars. leilnctten of the State Debt, The state rovenue commiaalenors announce that the ntate debt was reduced I71J.701 during the fiscal year ending November DO, 16MJ, hi i i ii'i n i i i . n :si -s I iiiihiiiii I ' ichi-iiici.-s I .1 h ii iiih uiua ..si run imrrrtrnriTi iihijiiuiiv UUVItr AHII HltKTKNVl'll. IKTU A I In el "ID", IJfU nl rimrrtitliiii sml an tfntrliniiiiiinl til Flflfien Mentlis Iniiniird nn Kdnnul 0iiliiil nn1 Ills VVIIfi fur ltrruiifE a lltmljr lleuir. JTmrtitny Alemmm I'peti the roassomb reassomb roassemb llng el court, thejury In the Hlater F.rb em em beitlemcnl casowere liistructe-1 wi le thelr dutles , alter nilelllwrnllen of nnvernl hours the Jury tendered a verdict of net guilty, with county for costs. Iho case against II I'. Weaver, charged with cruelty te nnlinal,wns argued at length by counsel. A verdict wan net agroed ilen when court adjourned. Frank Boyd, who pleaded guilty te stealing cigars from the Kphratn station, was put en trial en two chargss of lioise sleallng. A hoine, buggy and hnrnesswere stelen from the premlse of Isaac Jnceby, Kphrnta, en the nlgbl et August fith. Later the miiie night n home of I'rniikllti Hogentogler, who liven en the Marietta turnpike, wnn nlne stelen. According te the tontlmenyof the oemiiionwenllh'n wltueKses the station at KphraU wan robbed or 0,100 cigars by Heyd nnd n man named Richard Hade, who Isnow a fugitive from Justice. The officers in In vestigating the cigar robbery loarned Ibnt nouie of clgnis had been held at Marietta, and that the parlies who stele Jaceby'a team drovefrnm Kphratn tu the Marietta turnpike, across the country. It wan subsequently learned that Jmsiby'n team wasabandonedon the Marietta turnplke, and Hogentoglor'a borne wnn nte.en and hitched te Jaceby'a buggy. 'I his horse wan nlne abandoned alter he had cast a shoe. Heyd nud another man, ntinpened te be Hade, were seen en the read, n nhert distance Irem whero the stolen team last abandoned whs found, early en the morning alter lelh horses wero stolen. It wns also shown that Bevil, whodeulod hav ing ever been at I'phratn, wan In that village en the evenlng et the night Jaceby'a team was stolen. The accused denlisl stealing elther of the horses, the buggy or harness. He admitted steal lug the cigars and clalmed that the teams were nlelen by Unde, Jee Orelf and Jee Iluzrardand that he met Hade by appoint ment ou Meutlay morning following the herse stealing near Marietta, te help him dlsposeuf the stelen cigars. On trial. f'AurS'fiiV Lvemnff. Court met at 7.30 o'clock, nnd Uie trial of Trank Heyd, for herse stealing, was renumed, finished and given te thejury In the case el commonwealth vs. William (raham, false pretense, a verdlctornet guilty wan Uketi, the district attorney stating that the cane could net be made out. Martin Iluxzard was put en trial for steal ing a hog valued at fib, rrem his lather-In-law, James Cnffrey, en March 17. CatTrey lives en the Welsh mountain, and en that date the hog was driven away, Ills alleged, by the accused. The hog, It was proved, was sold by Iho detendanttenman named Knox, and by him sold te Henry Leraan, of Inter course, whero the stelen hog was recovered. The ilofenio was that the beg belonged te Mrs. Catlrey, that she ewed him money for feed furnished for the hog, and shn told him le take the hog and neil it He did no and lecolvedlieror the hog, which did net pay for the reed furnished. Jury out. rutitij Murvirj Court met at u o'clock aud thejury lu the II. 1". Woaver cruelty le nnlmnls case rendered a verdict of net guilty with ceuuty for cestn. In the case of Martin llutzatd, charged with stealing a hog, tlie lury rendered a vor diet of multy with b recommendatlon te mercy. He was Heutemed te undergo an Im prisonment of nine months. lu the two aes against 1 rank Heyd, In dieted for hore stealing, thejury rendered a verdlct of guilty and recommended the de fendant te mercy. Sentence wan deferred. Jehn Pnllen was put ou trial te answer threo charges of larceny. According te the testimony of the uomuiunwealth's witnesses, Calvin Davla, who Is a fugltlve from Justice and Patteu Htnle a lap robe from hllwoed Lawreiiw, of Karl township, en Jauuary i, chickens from Lev I iberlln en January 7, nud li) chlckens from Sauiuel Cerrell en the sauie night. The norased admitted te soversl parlies that lie had helms! Davis commit these thelta. 'Iho defend ml denied having Moleu the articles, or hav mg admitted te an one that he did. Tlie ury rendered e verdict of guilty en all tlie i tiargin. Soulnnce was dolerred. (Itorfce W. Hjerly, of Kden township, was put en trial for malicious trespass. Accord ing te the testlmnny of the eommenwonlth'a witnesses Jehn Withers farms the land of his mother, and iJeorge W. Hyerly was In tlie habit et riding nud driving across lthers' laud, taking down the fence, nud after the fence was down cattle wandered Inte the Held mid damaged the crops. '1 he deleuhe was that, many years age Mrn. lthers gave Hyerly tormlalen te go through her land, It being a convenlenco te htm, that permission was never rovekod, and she admitted that fact at the preliminary hearing. He denied ever havlug thrown down the lence and testified that cattle never get In and danias.l the crepn through his negligence. Jury out. inui eri.i.Mis M-MKMt i. I nlnrmatlen was furnished the district at torney last night thai Ldward and Emma l epliuid w ere about te skip and a process was Issued ler their arrest this morning. They were arrested by the sherlll'nnd brought Inte court. They denied having any intention of skipping and their counsel plead for a post pest post IKMiement of the sentences until te-morrow. The district attorney asked that sentence be Imposed at ence mid the court did se. Hdwnrd Ceplauil wast sentenced te pny a tlne or J00 and cesu ler soiling liquor without license, Biid en the cliarge et keeplng a bawdy heuse Cunlaud aud Ills wife wero eaeh hentenced le pay n tlne of 100, the costs et prosecution aud undergo an Imprisonment of tllteeu months in the Lancaster county pilsen t i nui m lit MM.nn, A uietiun was made le quash the Indict meiit charging Lew Is Htark with lalse pro pre tense, en the ground of lusufllcleuey. Railroad Olllcer Heffman and William Wlltlck have Hied applications forthecounty reward ler the arrest et hore thieves, they having arrested Frank Heyd and convicted hi m et two charges. K 1. Bally, who was Hiibri-enaed as a wit ness in the Copland case and who tailed te appear, was brought Inte court en nn attach ment. His excuse wan that business called iilm aw av trout the city. The court lmiesed a line et f2.i and ousts, en Mr. Bally. Iiibiectlug uethauy Drphntis' liiinir Mrs. A. H. Leinbacb, Mrs. Isaae Mcllese, Mrs. James T. Heber, of Heading, Mrs. Huh, of Allentown, Mrs. Hhlrk, or this city, nnd Mrs. Ranch, of Lebanon, members of the advisory committee nppolnted by the direc tors of Itelhaiiy orpliaiis'.hemo, paid a visit te the Institution at Womelsderr ou Thursday. They found everything lu a geed and healthy condition, there being no illness among the i .-. t,.. ft... . ...... t x-...i. n.i ...ir. ItllMaiUS. iVUV. 1UUIUM UI, IIHIUIBUll VYUU, superlntondentand matron, are very popular among the children. The commlttee visits the home four or lives during the year. The Majei Court. This morning Ihore were thirteen vagrants bolerntho mayor. Five of thorn were tils tils charged nutl eight wero tent te the work werk work heuso for 10 days each, There was ene soli tary drunk, and he was n rosrectftble yeuDg man from the lower end of the county. The mayor told him be would have te pay the costs. He said be could easily de that, but vv hen he examined his pecket he found that the flfj which he had lu his pocket was geno. It had either been stolen or spent when Hie young man did net knew It. A rine Let or Dner. Jeseph Kaulz and Ambrose Bllrr re turned this morning en Fast Line rrem a gunning trip through Ferest aud Clarien counties. They started three weeks age, and made thelr headquarters at Newruansvllle, Clarien county, whero Mr. Kaulz has relatlves. They brought wlUi thorn te this city soven tine deer, two of which are very large. They have been en exhibition all day at Mr. Boer's cigar atore en North Queen street, and iittracte'l n great deal of attention. A New HrhiKil llense lint la ls DeilluttFtl llila Allrrti'iiiti IUvvi.tMnvtl.br', Dec. 10 'Iho new nchoel heuse built It. Marllc township, near Yerk Furnnce slntlen, en the silo of tlie old llrldge Vnlley nctitiel house, Is te he tlodlcnted this nflernoen under the iintue of Went low. Profs. Hrecht and Hhaul nre cxpected le take part hi the oxerolses. The weddlng bells rosled forth and two mero hearts were made le beat as ene. Mr. F. Mess, non of Mr. P. M ss, of Huck. and Minn Francis Kshleninn, daughter of Mr. I) Lshlemim, Hethemln, w reutiiicdln tlie holy bend of union, at the ML Hobe parsenage en tle nftorneon of Dec. 7. Mrs. Addle Uillier Is very sick. Miss Hue Htokes, or HinlthvlliB, Is spending some lime at her brethei s in I lerltt. Mr. Harry I'suleinaii, or Mnrtlrvllie, has returned from the West. Messrs. J. Oaleu and L. h. Ktekes re re eelved spei'l'nens of wamieiie or Indian money, trout Mm. F A arner, of Last Haglnnw, Mich. The unto Inserted In the l.NTiil.MOli.Nt Kit nouie time age by her was noticed and the dlrectl ns stated thore were fellow oil and the rtsu.it was seme elegant sjHX'ImetiH of that curious money. Iho snow storm has made a little sleighing and jeeple are taking mlvanUge of It, but It has lieen the means of spoiling the geed at at at tondance at school. HUB ttAHHAUKT A MLI.KU. Tim IIfsIIi of l-silj VVill-Kiienn n Hie I'viit r.ml itt tlie Cuunlf. 'I he death of Mrs. Dlller, widow el the late Helemon Dlller, of New Helland, occurred at that plnce en Thursday tuurnlng. She was 75 j earn el ege nnd had net been In geed health for seme lime, hle was a remarkably flne old lady, and a representative el ene or the most Intluentlal families or her section. Hhe was a member or the Lutheran church and lllustrated In her nre ihe virtues of womanly character. Her family consist of James, thocanhleref the New Helland Na tional bank. Alfred N , a Philadelphia hard ware merchatil j Mrs. fniorge W. Slyer, of this city, and a single daughter, Annle, who llves nt home. Hhe Is the grandmether of Mrs. Jnmes II. Prey. The funeral will take plare en Sunday at 10:30 a. ui., as will be seen I y the death no tice elsew hore Inserted. sjU'leunrjf Aniilt ertarr. Notwithstanding the Inclement weather last Sunday, the Mhulenary society of the Ileformed congregation at Heller's church held Itn second anniversary. The services were conducted by Hie pastor, Hev. D. W. Gerhard. Alter tbe npnlug service a mis sionary exercise by Mru l.mma Husheng, as sisted by n utimber of vnung girls, was rend ered and then the president, Herace e. Bushong, read the annual report, from which it appeared that tbe society had contributed during the year the sum of il', whtch was voted tobevornl missionary congregations. At a recent electieu the following officers wero elected: President, Hira-e (.. Bushong; vlce presldenl, David II. Kndig , secretary. Miss Ratie Baker, au! tress irer, Abraham Hhelhly, Jr. Olnctuuatl Chutcri t'euple Areuneil. It has Just transpired in Cincinnati that Archbishop Llder, b!ii e the Haltlmore coun cil, has drawn tbe Hues en Heauu Catholics vocalists and musicians I y (ertilJding them te employ their talen's in Protestant churches. This order i ist promulgated Is evoking n spirit of reb- n 'i a ji ing numerous Catholic vocalists. 'Iho Presbyterian r trgy intend te apply the laah of discipline te the many church members who gave aid and comfort te the American Opera cempsnv and tbe ballet dur iug Its leceul Thaukhiv iug week season. The Methodist clergy nise gave out word that Bl their meeting next weak they will strongly condemn the iui) luyment et the ballet at the opera and vv i l leeoinmeed that church mombeiHwhoa . ili hexhi" Itieus bedl-clpllucd. l'tncltail V alut ut ta!;e. It Is very common among theoretical writ ors ou agriculture te ca culate the enormous fertUUIng v alue of the sew age el large cities, and te lamcut the frightful les,es sustained through preoeut methods uf city mid village drainage It Is net tee much le say, however, that such calculation have no MibiUntlal basis in tbe light of jias1 trleme In at tempts te utllire sewage, lis practical appli cation te our soils," ns s r J II. Law es re marks in a recent letter I i the 1. mm .1 ;n rutin) tl Gazette, "having been abandoned by all theso oempflteut te deal vv Itn it, except the enthusiast." Sir Jehn conclude " It appears te me that nn re sentiment has found utterance In regard te the L union sownge than It deserves, lake the peat begs lu Ireland, for Instate c Pent, when dried, Is an excellint fuel, tut He ctst et drying nnd transport prevent li liem entei leg into competition with coal. I f It were net Ter the coal lit Oreat Britain ! "d would be tlie mere wealthy country I thn two. But no ene dwells upon the trreat vane (1 tbe Irish begs, though vv e are mt.uually being told of ihe Immense valub ei the Londen bow age. In both cases, It is the cost of labor and tran sit that preventn these sub-tsuces Irem enter ing into competition w l'h ether substances of tbe same character, whl h are mero ibeaily brought uiKjti our Mrms llxieptlena In the ltrn,tersuu ltate M. HrealUH, iKq , representing sumoer the creditors el Ames lleuderscu, deceased, has tiled the following e eptlnns te the miditet'a reierl : The auditor erred in hr.Uing that a portion or tbe balance In the bauds of the administra tor for distribution was the preperty et the flrmet Koeel A Hendeis m, and did net be long te docedeiit's estate The payment el tl n liters et Reed A Hondersou In lull. The order of the court directing the auditor te appropriate a portion et the fund for distri bution te the payment in lull of the i red Hern el Heed it Heiutorsen was error. The Ki'illve Tramp Thore are orer a half hiuidred tramps tu Iho workhouse nt preeut, and they ure kept steadily nt work cracking stones in order te cam their keeping. They have also been very useful this week in shoveling snow. The men are all chltged te wear striped pantaloons, such as are in use at the prison, and In a short time thev w ill also have coats of the same material, lhe hums sleep in the lltlle heuse Inside the vv all. They lay upon straw en the fleer nnd must huddle closely together In order te make room ler all. (Illlcers i:ierlml uud Iiittalleil At a meeting el Christiana Ledge, Ne. 4ir 1 . A. M., held en Thursday, the following olllcers w ure elected W. M., MiltouHoidlo MilteuHoidlo MiltouHeidlo baugli; 8. W., Hankin M. Coulter; J. W, Aaren Martin ; treasurer, Nathaniel Lilies pie; secretary, Cyrus Llugerileld ; tnutees, Jehn I), liarrar, Samuel Slokem, Philips. Hush, Herdloy S. Patterson, Fdvvlu tiiirrett. They wero ltibtalled by I- D. . M. Hre. A. J. Kaullmaii, niter vvhn Iui banquet was held nt the hotel of J. Hepj Hershberger. A Seliller llurlnl. Frem the Lilitx lleceid William Hhealler, formerly a restdent of Lltlt, years age having Uvetl at Akren, dled nt tbe resldouce of his son In law, Henry Meyor, ntOwl Hill, en Tuesday last, aged 02. He was a ssolther durlug the late re re liell Ien and also rer ved bis allettrd tline lu the Prussian army. The Stevens Pest u. A. It., of LHltz, attended the funeral In n body, which took place a' Millport en Thursday liiernltig. rlt en null) Pavement, 'litis morning as (ieergt Klug, carpenter, was walking ou Wed Walnut street, near Wacker'a brewery, he slipped and fell heavily, striking his head upon the Irezen paveinent. He was picked up tn an uncon scious condition, badly bruised and cniitusenl, and wns taken tnhls home, Ne. 410 Mulberry street. He regalued consciousness and will seen be all right agnln. providing the blew- en his head does net cause a congestion of the brain, Dr. 11. L'berman attonded htm. llie Nan Steelton Ilauk The Stocllen National luvnk, of Stotlteii, Pa , has been authorized te begin IhisIhesh, with a capital or $75,000. iirvttsinf.H itr.TVHSH in run ne- I'AIITMKNT Uf AUHIVULTVHr.. Vnlur of Ids rrniluct el Wltral. Cem, llt, llnr ley, lliicknlient, rntnlnet, Cntten, ntcCetn- psreil With IjI Tfni'a I'rlcnt Sema .vislrtlal llluetlotiaHhe-n. Wash i Nut en, U. C, Dec 10. 'I he follow ing crop repert was Issued te-tiny by the tlepartiueut of agriculture 'ihe December returns et average farm prlcen, by countles, show material roductlen as nemparetl with values of the crops of Ib85 In wheat, rje and barley. Cern has made an ad value nearly equivalent te the jiercentage te the reduction In quantity, nnd eatn In sympathy with corn rather than with the small grains used for human feed nvorages a slightly hlgher value than last year. The farm value of corn was Jd cenla per bushel in Docembor of last year. It is new 3 .'cents ene oent higher than the cropellftsl. The nverage ler the previous flve years was 1 1.7, aud for Iho ten years prier te 16S0, It was lit cents. The prices In Iho surplus states are . Ohie, 15 , Indiana, 31 ; Illinois, -ii ; Iowa, 30 ; Missouri 31 Kannts 27, and Nebraska 20. This Is an Increase ever but year of ene cent In Nebraska, three In Kansas, Illinois Indiana and Ohie, and six lu Iowa and Missouri. The average la W in New Yerk, 49 in Pennsylvania and le In Virginia, two centn lower In each than last year. Prlcen lu tlie colteti statta south and west et North Carolina are higher than last year , Houth Carolina GO, Oeergla CO, Alabama M, MUnlssippl e, Louisiana 5. Arkansas 19, Texas I), an Incroase of eleven ceub?, due te the disastrous drought. The avorage December prlce of wheat Is b9 cents, a roductlen et 8 cents from the Avernge value el the last crop and 4' cents above the price or ISsI. The avorage In New Yerk Is SI cents, 12 cenls lower than last year ; Ponn Penn sylvania, SJ, 13 cents lower. The reduction Is still greater In several Western states. The avorage et Ohie Is 74 cents, Michigan 73, Indiana 70, Illinois 69, Wisconsin OS, Minne sota 01, Iowa (30, Missouri 63, Kansas GS, Ne braska 17, Dakota 62. There la Utile decline In the Southern states, In Bome or which prlcenare higher than last year. The average In California la 73 cents. The average value or eatn is Jt) 9 cents, against -i e last December. Hye averages M.l, against 57 9 last year. Barley Ks cents, IastyearM3. Buckwheat 51.4, a reduction of 1 ,) cents per bushel. Potatoes 4G cents, ene cent higher than In December of last year. The value of hay averages neatly e'ght dollars per Ien. the ltuuuB AVJOVttxe. tl it ut Kt.pttt te Itepretcatntlre Dewdnrjr-The Cbnplnln's reehun (rinjer. WvsitiheTOM, D. C, Dec la (llouse) The chaplain In bis prayer te-elay referred te the death of Hepresentatlve Dewdney,of New Yerk, which occurred lu that city this morn ing of apoplexy, tle Bald. "Again this Heuse has been stricken by the hand el death , another seat Is made vacant. Console and comlert the wife and children thus ron ren ron dered desolate, widowed nnd orphaned. He Theu the stay und cheer of thorn In this sud den nud awful bereavement." Immediately alter the reading of Iho Journal, Mr. Campbell, of New Yerk, announced with sorrow and regret the death of his lale colleague, and oflered resolutions expreBslve of the regret with which announcement of the death had been recalved by the llouse, anil providing for a Joint commlttee of the Senate and Heuse te attend the funeral. The resolutions were unanimously adepted, and as a mark of re spect te Iho memory of the deceased, the Heuse at 12. -X) adjourned until te-morrow. I he Heuse commltteo en public buildings and grounds te-day agreeil te urgently roc rec roc emmond tlie passage et the bills for the re construction el the government building at Charleston, S. C, damaged by earthquakes, and the construction et a custom heuse at hastp.itt, Me., te cost $100,000. I lU.Kr.K.ll'HIC TAl'l. Kobett Urayer, colored, was hanged In 1st. Leuis this merulng ler the murder or Berry Lvnns. Jehn K, Owens, the actor, was burled In Haltimore te-day with liiipres'lve services. One wing of the St. Francis collego and monastery at Leretta, Pa., was destroyed by tire jobterday. Less, J .10,000 , fully lnsuied. Jehn Dllicn and Themas Kelly were fatally Injured nt the new.'aqueduct werkH tn New Yerk this morning. The I'urlute, Mexico's Liberal admiuatra admiuatra Hen organ has a very friendly editorial en the president's message, The Hutuaue society life beat at Seuth pert, Kngland, whlle going te tbe rellef of a dis tressed vessel this merulng was capsized and 13 et the crew drowned. The pilot beat Charlette Webb, arrived In New or k this morning with CapU E. V. tied aud the e Ulcers and crew et 12 meu or the bark Cermena, which was abandoned lu a sinking condition. The comptroller or the currency has author ized the following named bauks te begin business. The Commercial National bank or Sbroveperr, La, with a capital or f 100,000 ; the Steelton National bank or Htoelton, Pa., w ith a tnpltal of (75,000 ; the First National bank of Phlllipnburg, Ks., with a capital el JJiO.OOO. Itluts te llheiimallti. Fiem the Cassi il'a lrnitii y Ga'ette If 1 were new te guess at the Hie histories or theso matronly ladles who lean as grace hilly as they can en their silken umbrellas, I should Bay that their trouble, If net here ditary, arese from dietary erreri and want of Butllclent exorclse. They have been busy peeple perhaps busy.at seme kind of busi ness which took up oil thelr time; they did net require ozerclse, they thought, being always en the move, ene way or anether vv ttu only uie walk te ana irem church en Sunday te ceuut for relaxation of mind. They forget or they did net knew, that moving around at tbe duties of business Is net exorclse In Its preper sense , that oxerclso must be pleasur able te be of avail; that mind and body must both have n change. Probably the digostlen began te fall before a twinge of rheumatism took plnce ; they had little nppetlte for breakfast, except for that cup of tea and toast. They often telt weary before the day was half ever tired. I emphasize the word "tlrixl" becaUBO this feeling is universal at the outset of chronic rheuma tism. Sometimes their backs ached in be wtary iiwtty that evon appetlte wen Inter lured w 1th, and depression of spirits caused them te take very gloomy views of lite In deed. Cordials would be suggested. Ah ! thete cordials, whatadeal of misery they have te account for I Oiviug but temporary rellef, requiring te be taken eftener, and Btlll mere olteu, an the taking of thorn boeomos a habit, Injuring the digestion, producing irritability nt temper and restless nights, they never fall te Incroase the troubles they are meant te queit, aud shorten llfe ltself. tuarget! With Ueeerllun. Mrs. Annie Hern made complaint against her husbaud, William Hern, charging him with having deserted her and refining te maintain her. Alderman Forduey held the husband te ball te answer the charge nt court. I'reperly VVIthiliann, The dwelllng heuse Ne. 122 Seuth Duke street, otlered at publle sale by Auctioneer Haines en Thursday evenlng, was withdrawn nt v2,9O0. Ibe Heep lieiue. Next week seme et the officers of the Iellce force will visit a number of farmen in the county tusellct previsions, Ac, ler the beuji house. rionilhe Bosten Transcript And hew low iiorsens whticau ilovelo but an hour or linlf nil hour a tiny le rending nnd study, tnke due thought as te hew they can make Iho mostet thelr llltle lelsure. They rend In a desultory wAy whatever comes te band, and think that if they had mere tline ler books they would seen bocemo much better Informed. Hut the half hour a day, If useit In the wlsest manner, would make n vast dlllorence In one'a mental growth as the months and years gllde by. An Incident occurs le molhatwell Illus trates thin. A pretty inaldeu hair fern, grow ing in a Itower-tie!, was glven te a young girl, hopelessly ill with spinal disease. It proved a thing el beauty nnd of Inoxhausll Inexhausll Inoxhausll bie Interest, ns the dollcate, graceful fronds came up, ene by one, Bnd slowly uncurled. Theto was a little pet boslde the lern and under Itsspreadiug fronds, In which grew an alee. Hy-and-by the sick girl notlced In the llltle pet some tiny lerns, scarce an inch high, qulte iinllkotheinalilon-halr. Whenes came they 7 Her Interest was aroused. Hhe was no botanist, but she wanted te learn something nbeut lerns. She could use her eyts for reading but llve minutes at a tlme, and net mero than twlce a day. A book en rerns came te her, and anether anil auother. rrlendn, knowing her Interest in lerun, brought thorn te her fresh and green from tbe wools, or sent her fresh specimen of rare varletles gathered In distant lands. Seme tlmes a visitor would read te her from ene of her precious books, but only for reur or llve minutes. " I can net remember mero at a time," she would say, "nnd you have read enough for me te think about for n long time." It is new seme years since the maiden hair fern was given te her, and she has be come an authority as te the spccles and cul ture of tbe lerns, and is An enthuslast In ro re gard te thorn. It Is true that she has beceme educated In ene dlroctlen only, and Is nel particularly well Informed In ether respects. Hut is It net a great gain that she should talk about her lerns and thelr wenderful motlied of reproduction, awakening her listeners' In terest and teaching them many things worth romemberlng rather than te dwell chielly en her pains and privations 7 It Is many years since Bhe was able te step out of doers, but when you are with her you de net think of her as an Invalid, se Interested aud Interest ing Is she. The growth of cryptogameus plants would net be a matter et absorbing Interest te all persons, but the habit of reading thought theught lully aud carefully what we read, and or re taining It In memory, Is a great factor of mental growth. Unreliable Clocks. About the most unreliable time-piece lu this city at preaent is the court house clock. The hands have been standing At 11.30 slnce last Sunday, and there Is scarcely n mlnute lntheday that some one Is nel misled, lu tbe evening the clock Is Illuminated the same as though It was keeping the best et tlme. Persons who go home early In the evening and have occasion te pass the court house, think they are out late, and theso whodenUcaro when they get home think Ihey are keeplng geed hours w ben they refer te the court house dial. The person or per sons having charge et the clock need te be looking alter It or the county commissioners may be compelled te hire an assistant for him as they have for Solicitor Hhenck. The clock In Tomllnsen's building In Cen tre Square Is also doing nobly. It has galned 10 minutes en the court heuse clock and lis hands point nt 11:10, where they will likely lemaln ler the next year. A lluunway nud Rmashiip. Between ene aud two o'clock this afternoon as a ene horse wagon belonging te Suavely A, Hre , lannerB, was being leaded with hides In rear el the Pennsy lv aula freight depot, the horse attached te the wagon took fright, caused by the wagon neat being thrown against him. He ran at full speed across the railroad, where the rear axle of the wagon was broken. With the front running-gears hanging te him the herse ran through te Prince street, nnd down Prince le West King, w here he was captured unhurt. Opposite the Moravian cemetery he ran against Levl Hoever's milk wagon, but did net seriously damage It. I'est 103 U. A. It The meetlng of Pest 105, O. A. It, last evening, was unusually Interesting nud largely Attended. A large number of visitors were present Irem the different pests of this and adjelnlug counlies. Three recruits were mustered in, nnd a large amount of Grand Army buslness was transacted. The newly-elocted olllcers el the pest w HI be Installed Thursday evenlng, Jauuary n It has beeu decided te present the name et Comrade D. M. Moere te the state conven tion at Uarrlsburg as a caudldate ter repre sentative te the national encampment te be held at SL Leuis next sum'ticr. .Vlnrrleil In I'mimlelpbla lu Plilladelphla, ou Thursday eventnt', Miss Clara Hrinten Haines, daughter et Granville B. Haines, was married te Mr Jehn Hlair MacAree. Many well-known Lancaster people were present, among thorn Miss II. Hrinten, Mrs. W. P. Hrinten, Mr, E. P. Brlnteu, and Miss Qrubb, The bride Is a niece et W. P. Brlnteu, esq , of this city. The wedding ceremony was porlertnedln lhe Church or the Bplphany and the party Ihen adjourned te the Colonnade hotel, whero a re ception was held until teu o'clock, the tleral decorations or corridors and prlvate parlors being most elaborate ami beiuttilul. Itev. M. W. iUauth' Funeral Iho profossers aud studeuts of the theo logical seminary intended the funeral of Mr. Mauch this morning, In a body, bearing with them a hue floral trlbute In the shape of a cress. The death of Mr. Mauch came sud denly upon his many irlends en ColUge ll lit. A larce number were prosent at the luueral. The services were conducted by Kev. Houpt, of Grace Lutheran church, and ltev. Dr. Gerhart, of the Bemlnary. The ser vices wero very lmpresslve. Tuneral el Charles lilnimeUliacli. The funeral of Charles lllmmelsbach took place this morning from his residence en Church street, and was attended by St. Peter's Catholic Boclety. The remains were taken te 8U Antheny's Catholie church, where Father Kaul celobrated a requlem mass. The Interment was made nt St. An An teony's cemetery. A Little Girl's Finger Out Otr I'rem the Manhclm Sentinel. Thursday morning Allce, a four.year-old daughter of Henry H. Miller, this borough, In closing a deer at the house et her father, had the Index tlnger of her right hand caught between the deer and frame, completely severing that member just lack el the nail. A Ciiaitlng Accldeut. Thursday evening as a number or lx)ys were coasting lu the western part of the city one of them named Geerge Yeung, nged about 12 years, a ward et Mrs. Harriet Totnllnsen, Ne. 32 North Mary street, was run ever by ene et the sleds aud breke his arm at the wrist. Dr. A. J. Herr set the broken arm. Berlnai Itnllrnail CellUluU. A colllsen botween frelght trains occurred Thursday evenlng near Annvllle, ou the Lebanon Valley railroad by which a man supposed te be a tramp lest his life. The boiler of the locomotive expleded and set Are te cars leaded with petreleum and liny. The read was blocked up several heurB. Te Ge te MlIlertTllle. Arrangements bave been made Willi the MUleravllle street railway company te run a ear te and from MUleravllle this evenlng for the convenience of theso wishing te attend the Sunday school district convention, In ses ses sleu at Zlen'e Hofermod church, Mllloravllle. A car will leave at u p. tn. anil return alter adjournment. A Position Ver James F, Denuejr. James V. Downey, esq., formerly et this citv. has been appointed a Umber agent by Kecretarv Lamar : and nas neon letegrapneu te come te Washington from this elty, where lie has been vlsllmtr relatives, and be In strucicd In his duties before geli'K West te engage in mom. viiuumi hi. jiiu ruu, 'i'w a lUf.usiu rij.iruiitiiKKjri en fj:,3a kaht isirjiir, if Kir i or. W?Vi r tw The retrr Hat k lUrlmr suit n Tem St!-'' ' t hi. li Towed a Soen UellMiHt, (MtMtag li, A-v Mneit DmK te tb Ileal nd Periling l'iunngrt' I.Um. m Nl.vv Vnlllf. Ded la Thn linxvv r. ik.lV ?,'. notlled evor New Yerk this morning --, - - - --- -- " vwv .g,? serious delayn en the rivers and bay m4 many narrow escapes nre reported. A. eel llslen occurred en the Hast river between Uis ferryboat Hag Harber and a tun; beat with a scow In tow. It was ,impe. slble te poe mero llisti A bet' length Ahead. The ferry beat crashed Inte the tug, bitting her en the pert side, knock ing a hule In her that oxlendod almost dOWR her water line. A panic Immediately ensued en the ferry beat which was crowded. 1h ,M.b(t,li,nra littnllmt nai.ll ntliAl- Ktlff MkttB. . .3' "r, j --v., f'-" " -,! ,',... ,,.,. ,- ilia rvy? i would have neon pusnoe, otetdobtXvVi , had it net been ler tbe uinx. wi'lfj tug Hint ex tend oil along me ireai ejt- the beat, lu the moantlme the ferry 'x ' had backed water mid the tug prejBud OB ' ner way up me river. The Hag liinwer wm net much damaged nnd after considerable. UlllliUILJ' ItltVUtU lltll 0I1JI. The big grain elovnter Someiset, while being towed from the North river waul ashore under Custle William en (loverner'a Island. Hhe Is In a dangerous position and will have te stay there until high water. Srtltrliiii"ii en the .VIKsautt rncllla strike, Di;.Ninev, Tex , Dec. 10 -A t 0 o'clock last night the Missouri Pacific nwTtchmen ntthls place struck nnd walked out el Iheyntdiln a body. The grlovance wan tee much work for the pay. T he men called upon Mr. Gold Geld mar, division superintendent, yesterday morning, and asked an Increase or wagea le the same amount as given by tbe ether teada et the nystem, aud gave him until 0 p. m. te decide. As no reply was glven at the time specified they quit All la orderly and qulet. Some et the conductors have bean asked te de the work, but none have dena an yet. Tbe yard Is full of cam that naad switching. II men Rre net seen employed Iho gain w 111 be Immense. Heatj Damngea Wanted ler Libel. WATKrtr.oe, la., Dec, 10 The Llfe Indem nity and Investment ceiniwvny, of thli city, yesterday began action ler libel against the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, laylug the dam ages at 150,000. The company has been run en the assessment and has Accumulated surplus of 1100,000, but has recently changed te the mutual premium plan. The paper published a charge that tbe surplus bad baea obtained lu part by fraudulent esnaaamant and that fraud was practiced by the tranaler of the funds te a new organization. I'amllr of Counterfeiters Arrested. f i'.rnr. 111. niw- 10. WttdnflSftAV nlfftlt' " &h .. .-., f.r r....M. ., ., !..,. mma jT. uepuiy eaertii iepuyaiui. iiuu n wia ww- --i made n raid ou a cablu i.ear Tort JefferneD, JK Ky., occupied by a family lately moved la from Alten, HI., and captured nn outfit for making counterfeit nickels and a large amount of Ireshly made coin. The family occupied ene room, nnd was composed et Charles Telton, Themas Telten and wlf, who Is but 12 years old, Themas Thompson. Mr. Ilicketa and an old woman named Thompson. All drew revolvers, buigtba officers had the drop en them. They were taken te Paducau yesleiday rer safe-keepin A Defaulter hipiarlDg Ills Account. Wauv.sh, Iud., Dec 10. Jehn M. Hoff Heff man, of Hartferd City, treasurer of Black. toot county, who was a low daya since re ported ? 10,000 short lu his accounts, baa aae eeeded In turning ever fuuda eueugh during the past tYienty-feur hours le reduce the amount te tl.100. Uls books originally showed there was f31,000 in cash en hand, when in reality there was a little ever 2t,0C0. Subsequently sevorel certllieates of deposit, checks, etc, wero ieund bringing the short shert short nge down te the amount st vted, nnd 11 may be wiped out eutlrely. Attempted te Human Olilu CUT, Hndlaa, O. Dec. 10. An organized at tempt wan mnde Wednesday night te burn this city. There were soven flres In rapid succession in various parts of the city, but frtMnntHirnll were easily quenched and general conflagration prevented. William Smith. Jacob Twining and Geergo Ramsey . i ....a,.l f.ir Ini'mullnrtsm. GlfM t?.f tiaveuvcu eui -- excitement prevails. - Attica, onie, ou tire. Tit ft?", O., Dec 10. 11 A. m. Attica, a town In tbe eastern part or this county, le burning aud threatened with tetat deatruc- tlen. A special train wnn Bienmer nnu m.u has lust left here for the rceue. 4 Twolve Bteres have already been consumed r, And tbe Ure is Htlll raging. The lese iuuaai; .. is t:oe,ooo. l- AMarderer KetueTed Iro'uaMeo. Omaha, Dec 10. -OU. A. James, of Cozed, Neb., Wednesday nlglit shot and killed r M ."nnUB,.llli nf (TntlAWaV. JalXtaa Is a dlsreputable character, while Hayes wee ,.,.. -.,t...... nn.l nnn.da mnihallll JHftaa;L?iSS. waaaneaked out of town by the sheriff and & taken te Urokeu Bew helore eiayngni. ur u ,r would have been lynched by an Infuriated k& .......... i.-.a ...!.... I r,lh.l nnriinu. .f'' CrOWll WU1CU uau ijiiiuuiiiii " .' j !-,- . Jenej Cnltle nrrle I'leuro-Pneumeuln. DAt,i.AS,Tex-I)clO.Conslderablo excite ment has been created here among cattle men by the discovery of several Well defined . nf ninnm.imeumenla In a herd of Jer sey cattle brought te this city by State Senater.- ...... nin.n nf ilnail cattle ravealad ''.l X1USIUU. rtM w"i'J " ' 'Z A- . li . r nlnii,n.nnniitiinnli nml ttitt W prODamO ITHI" UI iiiUUu-l.i.v.-. - - ,, ... l.i .PA.AnAltllnd VTVJ l'rovlilleg Quarters ler 73,000 Soldier.' t nnrssi. nee. le aovernmentcontractore have begun the work et converting the large ' ,, irranarles. which are numerous in tuis cny, -y. into barracks for the accommodation of 76, j mw t-n Tiie wnrir lu twine- titished ratf "& Idly under the supervision of military emja -" ' JSf: tara j .. 1.I.IUII,.. I'nr lllttlier WWIU. f ' 5 Omaua, Dec 10 Yesterday the threat et' tim hninnrn nnd ontrine men In the coal.; ...i nr ii, a iiiiriineten Missouri railroad 'te .. . ... .. HA- InnMIMtMAit J cease work It meir wagon iwm iuwv,. , was put Inte- ctlect. A lotep of men Jf . , 1.. I., lub.i Ihn .llDl.AanlUU..'" ordered irem jjniueiu i" " ."w t: ' t strikers. ? iV A Stage Itebliet'e tile Kvtenrted. rtnTTv. Ment.. Dee. 10. Acting; Ueveraee Webb yesterday, at tbe solicitation of AMef j neys Thompseu and Campbell, granted ere'" ., spite te Themas Uardlug, one of theUlendaje) Btage robbers, rer thirty dajs from the '21 Inst. v ''' lt.,lnrlnir Kent IM'tt Cent, it ,'-, LeNbON, Dec 10. The Dukeer MaaeMaVfj iat nnneuni-cH that he baa decided te malMt i permanent roductlen of 25 per coat wp,j rents el Hie tenants ou ui umu eihst WBA.THXH MDIVATIVV. r Wasiiinqtek. D. C. Dec 10. lCasteru Pennsylvania, New Jersey l Delaware: Fair wentner, aeuw winds, allgUllywarmer. t -rf. Te Meet This Evening. P -I... .i.,..,. n,n utudvef veealiaej under Prof. Hall.wlil meet for IN fl lVJ "his evening In Trinity Chanel, ft fe 'A li iA.r- tt'! J-l J' y :.' 1 WJ 4 ,X2 J M .$51 -esa 4$ u 3rl h$Q. fa tJWI Si m Ijflfll , fi2 i