t i : 'vva.,'V .:jppKisMfrTS-: ss?f ; 1fec3feiivSSB9ilfcfc- j 3 f $ -,. i ,--?? . ,v,i.f.i,'i ..v"fc.r&. ' . t tj.. ..? '' . - ' , - -a" .'-i J It 1 J' d "trjS.;fBPJ nil -' - . " i "si. .,.&' : ' .?- (&) 3Dentet y w;. 'i &? mmmm w t, J.. f. , r tttcT .. id u .i-m. ' &. I fltrt i riwitr r- t 'Ay w yVV -BSW- aaaer BK. . Bm. M J. J , BeV ' . M jk. Bem d leK . Be1 -.VOLUME XXTU-NO. THE ANTHRACITE POO . 4.Y ty.ti .yvrivy AiiiKit m .irnuuvjir mx itn.ii. vAnmur e,v ititjiNjiKn.ir. The Ailtnlten tefui,iil, lint i,,,j Hcl rr Argument en a Millien ler n Utile In Him it Cause itlm the Numerous I)r-rriit1nls In the CeletualiM -i it 1 1 Aie Alieut otie o'cliiek Wednesday ntlorneuu Attorney General Casaldy In llarilsbuig IIIihI bills In equity lit thonnthradte umI euiiibl nation nutl llie trunk line peel mul asked that prellmlunry lulutietlun be granted, sug gesting thnl they be made returnable In ten lay. Tlie diifemlanta In the trunk linn qe nre llie (Jrnnil Trunk railway company ul ( tnadn, tlie New Yerk Central A Hudsen Hlver railroad company, tliu We.it Sherernlt. te id company, tlie Dolnwiire, Lackawanna A Westuru rnllmtd company, tlie New Yerk, Liku Rrle -v Western rrtllte.nl company, tliu Pemisvlvaula railroad company, tlie I! till, morn A Ohie rnllre.nl company, the Lehlgli alley railroad Company, tliu Philadelphia A Heading railroad ceniMuy ami Geergo Dull. Kemi, iictien A. t aldvvcll and A untln C'erlilu, receivers thoreut , tlie Alleghen.t allt-y railroad company and Jehn Heett and Wlillani 1. Iiarne, receiver thoreet . tlie lltitlale, New Yerk iv riiuaueipiiin runway company and h. Clinten tianlner, receluir tliertmf; tlie Clneluiiatt, WiLtliliiKten ,l llaltlmore allrend eninpany, tlie New erk, Venn. aylTanlait Olile railroad company, tlie JVnn ylvanla oenipiny, tlie l'lilladelphla, Wll Wll iilnKteu it llaltlmore rallrend company, the rittjiburK, I'lnrlnnatl .t St. I.eula railroad company, tlie LakoNbero A MIcIiIkmi Con Cen trat railroad vnnpany, the New Yerk, t'UlcaRO A HL I n 1m rallnny oempaiiy, Uis rittibiirK, Fert Waynn A t uIiik railway ceruuny, and tbe I'lttiburi; A Kake Krle mimuu eMnpany. 'Iboatlernoy geueral aeta lertU tlie dlller. out ceutracta and nrfroemoutA made by the oeral eninivtnlea defendant, and pray that t'my be restrained from oeiisunuimtliiK the Omtmct. In the anthra.-ite r.wl co:ubtnatlen bill tlie ilofimilnntiiue the l'ulladulplila A HoeilltlK railroad oeuip.tny, the rhlladelphla A Itoan Itean UikIujI and Iren emnixtuy, btunben A. t aiduell, (loerKM Heik Helm and Auatln I'erbln, rKtoneri c.r kald oetuianltM, the Iitilii;ti Val'ey railroad company, the lit aware, Lit-Kawauna A inturn rail r' company, the Delawaru A Hudsen ( .lai compaey, the reuniylyntihi railroad veinpany, the rnii!ylata Ceal company, the Sew ierk, I,ke Krieand Woitern rail road i-juiruitiy, the I.ehlKh Cul and Nalua- tien ci-uip:in, the LeblKb alley Ceal oom eom oem paiiy, ttiuMuvUehnniia Ceal cempiiiiy, Slln rai railroad and Mining company, the 8iim mlt Urnnpti railroad lOiiipiny, and the 1 ykeua atlpy t al i'empan. Altoniey (tenerni ( anldy clalmi that the oemlinattona of tlie trunk line and coal rnnipanlea are dAlrimeutal te the Hollare el the ntate, aud i ray luoeourt te doelaro thorn uulanlul. f ide Minentun llxtd Hcetuitxir 1 ai the day furMrgumentoe theprvlliulnary lnuinctiuii sir. M. 1 . Olnnted for the ilofendanta, In oppeilng tee baity nctluu lu the Krantlng et Hit In mictien bofern the dofendami had re- "flUet uetli'O, ild "The bllla admitted that the condition or allalr iMmplalued el had oxlited ler f evenil yearx. I'hore wa no nllogatlen et any tbreatcned chauKO lu the Htatui. and. couieo,uontly, no ueceaslty for an injunction. Tlie auto had Krenti aud prosjt-red no len, and would sutler no lrro lrre lrro paraeto Injury il inlutii llena wero net laaued until the tiliu had Lxh'Ii heard uxu ttielr uierlbi. Ureallnlury mlht ba djue dofon defon dofen danta by the lnjunctleua. Ordluarlly, coal ceal plaiuatiu Kte IkjuUi locater dami(5,, but noae wm ru'imre.1 of the atale, and m the itate cannot oeHUtil, the daiuagei would be Irroparable." Judge bluiouten bxik the pap'sr", aylng he would consider thorn. Air. Caitldy also niked fur tlie appotot appetot appotet luont "( au oxamlner le lakit Imiiuieuy. JudKOH htmonten aud Mcl'horien hating reucurred, the former anuouuced that the court would net grant the liijuuclleu ou the preatnt' p-.irteappll -aU ma, bit llie attorney geueral could moo ler n rule upon the do de do lend'uti te show cau-e why liijuurtieua Mieuid uet Iaiur, rtnd upon that motion ar. gueient wbl be beard en '1 ncuday, Oocem. ber .IhL The court would inake noenli-r concerning the taxing el t(ttmeny, the at at at to'uey general eiuld lake doiXMltleua lu the usual manner, or, If he brought bM wit wit wit uomed bofero the court. It would thou dotor detor doter inl'lp whether te heir ihem at lur nri nu nainincr. The .tlin It te Irlsl Itiilicrln ti ('imtrria rretnturlh &tli .i hia l'ines Among the new iiitiu who ceme te the next Congress and Inte the politic of the shite by theoventaef the pastcimpaign Is N'eruian Hall, the Democratic representative from tbe Hepul.ilcan district of I raw ford, llutier and Mtrcer countles, that gave Heaver 2,jW) plurality, but lu which the erslstence of " Hoodie" Keberts te inake himself the can didate of his party converted this Inte h Democratic plurality of Ml for Cengresa. Hall Is Ilttle known lu the eastern part et the abate, theiiRh native and In his youth resiaeni or It. He halls freui up around Car lisle and was a nephew of the WatLie, a wel known family of mat reirleu. The relations of his kinsfolk with the early Iren Interests of the state are Initekcned by the name of his father, Rebert Cileman Hall. About lM or 13.11 he came down te the Muiaclmuu A Watt Iren werka. between Marietta anil ChlckJes, en the liwer Kunijuehanna, and for set oral years Nerman wiu boeklcnntxir there. It was at this period he oxperlenced a obauge of rollgleus conviction and Joined the Catholic church. It lias generally been belleved by his early friends that thla dr. cuuistacce bad some tulluence lu controlling hia change of reHldence, He took up some of hi mother's lauds uear l'ert Wavne. Indiana, mid engaged in agricultural pur suit, but Ida loudness for tbe iron making business led him te Kharen, Mer cer county, wtiere he restored a broken- down furnace Just in time te catch the Heed of lortuue In the war period and he acqulred n bnndsome competence. He la about 66 ypyrs of age nud of quiet, gentle, unasaum li't manners. Wheu the nomination for Coucress aeucht him It had te inake most diligent pursuit, aud when tbe uewspapera nnd politicians wanted le print h weed cut liortralle! him tbey had great trouble llnd lng u photograph extant, finally running ene down HUieng friends lu this city. Al though a mail or close buslness hablla he la gouerous In his beueraulieu. He felt uteply the responsibilities et Ills cniitliducy and etily accepted It alter iurnet relloctien, counsel, and Heleinu deliberation, lie will net be n showy member el Congre-a, but It will net bolenguulll hit ciiuclty ler work and tlin clearness Htitl weight of hi Judgment atom- cviiaiuvu. lleic Ulielern In MrchiilcaburK. Mi.iiiAMcsni'nci, Dec. ti, Thohegcholora has appeared lu thla vicinity, though the re ; suits thus far lndlcnte lu provnlence in a mild degree only. In sovenil Instances, tlin sty Inn been visited with sad fatality ; great "perkera" Intended shortly for transferma tien Inte unlimited yards of Rausnguand lingo hams, have suddenly been stricken down. It la te be hoped tbe disease at this elnt ban reacueu lucuiuunaueu, anu mat iue many jieople looking forward te and mainly de pendent upon thelr perk may net be tleprlved of tbelr vveiited unit for vvlnler. The hog eoeum te be the only animal that won't or cannot rt'ceivn benelll by romedial applica tiens. tllalrraa at Omltivl In The protracted strlke et Iho iron vvoikeis oltweotthe rolling mills in Coalesvllle'ls occasioning no little distress among the famllleBel the uttlkera. Mauy are without the actual necessaries et life, and slut.0 the , cold weather set lu muuu sulTerlng has been r exiiorlencod. Thore la no tirennni-t el net. ii lleuient belng roached at an early day. i tale Alumni Auorlatlen. A Jaa'ptet te President Dwlglit, of Yale unlterslty, will be glrtn by the alumni as sociation en Monday 13th Inst., at the Univer sity club. It If expected that a very large ' number of graduates of Yale tv 111 be present, aud that the occr.ilen trill be ene of creat in. It tereit. I 8l. -t.v vine ha nuii ii mvii nit it it ii. Ilraltinl liy Man Wimm It lltfilriutril-ltls Wlle t'nUllj Injur Ml by IIik .iIii' Aie. One of the meat llendlali inuideia that wai nter cemnillUil lu Olile wm pcrixlratpil Wednesday lilglil, nt'itr l:aUu, n Mnall town north cf Hamilton, 'llie victim wna iMnlfl Clirlatuian, a wealthy and highly ronpiHited farmer, who ronldea line mlle weit of Katen. Mr. I'hrUtmau had takeit h larce alilpment of hogatemarkot, thnaaloel nlilcli amnuntnd toot or (1,00(1. en Ids relitrn lale In tbe day lie met n man by tlie tinme of William Muaile, who had lermuily Ihpii bis larm hand and who had been dlsolurged, and oeiuoil te Ijo lu want of rrlemlH. Mr. Christ man ipoke te him kindly, mid nikrd Mill If be would net get In his wamt and ride home. Muialoacveptril the ellrr pieiuptly, The two prorendPd te Mr. Clirlitiimu'a heuse togethor, and alter llie bnraca had Ikjeii put Inte the Iwrn, and whi'ii itipptir ni evor tlie te moil aal by the llm cihttliiig. Heme lieurahad paartul, ttheu Mr. Clirlstuian aald, "1 bollevo I'll go out and lock the barn, nu lhate forsettcti IL'' Altur Mr. ( lirlaliimn had been out a low inlniitta hla wlfe, agml about alxly llve year-, aaya that MiihiIe Ifwked rather atrauge and did net nenui te be at naie. rinally, with tbe remark, " 1 guosarilge out k llltlowhlle, tee," he Itilt tlie heuse. Thebiru laaoutlier tlie Iioiihe and the man bad te paaa iifar tbe aiueke liouie aiidtliretiKh thoneoil yard te get te the bini. Mrs. Chrlstmaii, Willi n woman' natural Instinct, Mopped te the rear part of the hrime n waicii Aiiisiie. i tin man uisappoared from Mrs. Clirlstuian' night, and alie romalued whero ahe was, waiting her huabaiid'H re turn. Heeu alie aaw him coming toward the heuse, but ai he niarl 'weed yard Mus Mus sle stppiwd out from a jiiSS, of concealmont and dealt him a heavy 1H en the head with an axe which he liadlckel up In tlie yard. Chrlstmaii loll forward en till lace with a groan. The Cmud then sprang upon him with the axe, striking him a doen tuore blown, fairly beating the old man's brains out. Mrs. Chrlstmaii Htoed looking at tbe iierriDiuaigni tinabln le gire any aailstance, as ahe Is old and fcoble and can marcely walk. The ittsasslii rilled the murdered man's peckets Net llndlng any money he went te the house, and, with the upraised axr, de manded of Mrs. Chrlstman tbe money which her husband had received for llie drove of neg, niie implored him net te kill her, tot ting him he should have all the money thore was alieut the house. Hhe then precured for him (JO and told hlui that was all alie had, a Mr. Chrlstman had lent all the money he received for the lioustea man In town and did net return wltti h dollar. Musile denlt the iKxir old woman a blew which folled her te tlie fleer Jle next threw her ou n bel, aaturate.1 the tied clothing with llm coal oil Irani the lamp and net tire le the bed clothing. He then searched the liens" and nod. Mm. Christ man by au almost Mirhumau effort drew berpelf from the burning masx, threw the burning bodclethoa lulu tlie 0en grate and amothereu the lltinea. Then alie went out en the read, nluiest fainting, doing up tlie read alie aroused a neighbor and told him (he fearful story. J u a short time the whele nelghlwrhiKKl was In arms. The authorities of tbe town were notified, the sherltl and the maraiiai hoeu oeiieciou a large ixxlv of men and at the pro'ent writing net' less than one thousand pursuera are alter the murderer. 'I he supiosltlen Is that he will be lynched If caught, aa the feeling ni!rtlnt htm Is Intenvi. The twlice of Ham ilton have been stall en Ml en otery read which enters the town. It Is thought that Mrx. Chrlstmaii will hardly recet or from the In Jury, combined with the shock. A man ban been arrested at JacKaensburg, Montgomery county, who auawera the description tcry well. A itoceud man Imi been ,'arroited near lirrtewn en ausplrieti. A third man has been arreiled at Cincinnati who was irylng le oresa en the Ctnrlunatl Keulheru railroad brldge te Kentucky 'Ibero Is nothing cer tain as te me uieiHiiy ei euner ei menu men. Th IrlihRtriant lilllf t lUiu the Allmny Exptess. The Irish glrl, ns a ciasa, who uiiue te America nre members of large nnd Indigent families and leek upon the land of the fioe as u sort of i:i Derade. The name of the origi nal Irish lais who left lever, home and friends, te nw the burden en the shoulders el the lather and niethem lu the Old country, is lest lu the mlsbtelnutliiulty , but she was a true heroine, all the siuie. Hlnce her advent Ibe number has been constantly Increasing aud ahewa no dtmluullen.as each year swells the Heed of emigration. Arrived lu Amer ica, the girl Is met, a shrinking, timorous creiture, simple hearted ns are all the children et that strange country across thn sea, by tbe rush Bud rear of the metreK)lls Is greettsl by some one, brother or sister, oeusl.i or fr,etid, and piloted te that Mecca of the employment seeklng iha Intolllirencn elllce. I" rem there she radiates. New In ene family, new, lu an other. Heme is n term of which she knows net Ibe men ling save as at night ; after n day of drudgery and thanklma service, she wear ily wends her way te the little apaitinent, cold vud cramped, at the top of the house known as "the girl's room," where she inaylle and think of tlie llule turf cabin, possibly a rough along cottage, blue with the smokeof burning peat, but cheerful with the face of the " chtlder " as they gatber about tbe kottle el steaming " parateea. " It la for fer for tunate for her that exhausted nature seldom IermiU any leugtby retrospection. The I athes of the story Is old lu literature but new In everyday life, few women pause te think that their Bridget, or Mary, or Hlla was, but n short time since, ene of the short, pettlceated, ted-checked Irish maidens that weut te make up theso charming pictures of Irish llfe that met them whlle they travelled in KurejKi a few seasons age. A BT. I.UVlls WOMAN liMXAITKl). Inn liiiers I'nrclbly Tak Her I'rum Heme In h Waenn anil Asaanlt Iter. Tuesd.iy afternoon Mra. Jehn W. (Hitting, wife of n clerk of the pre Onte court, Mt, Louts, was hIoiie In her house, tv hen two mono! dlsreputnble npiiearance dreve up in a wagon anil leieibly abdticted her. When her liiisbaud returned liome In the evening nud discovered her abseuce he gave the alarm, aud the senrch made by tbe pnllce re suited in uiHoevering tliat the kidnappers wero two ed Inn uatned Cunulngham aud William Meagher, ageil respectively -I and Jjeara. They were arrented that night by the police and wero taken te the tiate street station. They wero found drunk In thelr tvagun at the time. Cunningham was tee far goue te lie able toapeak, and when seen Wednesday neither el them would talk. Meagher, however, that nlgbtHald that Cun ningham was the oue who commit ted the deed aud that he saw him delL Mrs. (.Jutting la in a precarious con dition. It la thought, hewuver, that alie will survive her Injuries. She nays that she was anting in a room facing the street when she saw two men drive up In a peddler's wagon. They came te the deer and ellered te sell le her their wares. A short conversa tion lollewod and at lb) termination they both seized her aud carrled her out te the wagon, warning her In the ineantlme te inake no mete or resistance. They drete her heuiu distance from the heuse and Inte the suburbs, where, ahe says, they both re peatedly icnaulted her. T cailicra District lintltnte. The toacher'a el Kphrata and several adja adja cent townships will held a district Institute lu Culen chapel, I'phrntu, en Trlday and Saturday of next week. The exercises will Legin id 7;l!ion Trlday ovenlng, en which occasion, besldea ad dresses and a drill lu geography, there will be a " spoiling bee." Saturday morning and afternoon there will beeasayaand discussions en various topic of lniHirlauce te teachera and pupils, and en Saturday evening thore will be a lecture by Ilov. 1'. J. 1'. Hchautz. ' (JIuTerliii lieu a Jtvijiiie. 'llie governor of Virginia ha respited Cluverlus until the 14th of January nexl. Cluverlus, oenvlctod of the murder of his cousin, was sentonced te be hanged en the intli Inst. JaiueaA. McCenkey UeaJ. Mr. Jamea A. McUenkey, proprietor of the Falnleld hotel, In Drumoie township, iliul suddenly Wednesday morning at about six o'clock, aged U'J. LA.NC 'ASTEJU, IN TIIK CKIMINAI, COURT. 01,1 A HKir f'llKt III) II I XI TIIK VAliT iur..vi rutin intuit .1. sister r.ilia ttlsl mi a Charge ul r.inlict hIIiir lliiuils Irnin Ills I'ailiisr A Isnnrr MiaiKXl ttilli Urunlljr lll-Trrallnc ami AlnmliiK an I'lierfi-inllMf S(er, W'nlntuUiy Afltrmten. -I'pen llie ro-at-aeinbllugor court the trial of J. Hlater Ktb, for ouibeuleraeul, was resuiueil. Heme ad ditional testimony nits ellered tlie conimon cenimon conimen woalth tocennt-l llieilnreuilaut with the of ef of fenso cliarged. 'Ihoderouso wa that Mac Nay voluuteorod te furnish Krb'a lieusn mid agreed te beard with Krb. MaeNy, It wai clalmed. told Krhluneiid tolbe atom te get any arttclea that he tieoded, charge them te hluiHelf and a aollleuiont would bn made at the end of each six months, out el the profits of the linn. It v.hh also claimed that MacNay was In the habit of going te the sate and taking there thero thore from money, without making a memoran dum of the huiii taken by him, and then blamed Hrb for taking It. An te, thoneveral articles otiarged below thelr value and theso net charged, which wero sent te lCrb's house, the ii'jcused claimed that the olerk was Instructed le charge the name at tlie preper rate, and If he tailed te de ae he was net te blaine. It was also shown that JIacay was nick at I.rb a heuse for aoreral days and reipilied :i great deal of attention from Mr. Kilt and bin family; and that Mao Mae Nay agreud In bike Krb Inte hlaompley, alter he had charged him with omberzlemont and piy him a weekly salary. A numboref wltnesM who have known the defendant for a number el year instilled that his reputation for honesty nnd hi veracity u geed prier te this charge. Thurilci J'tmim'- Court met at 0 o'clock On account el thoalMeuco of ene of tlie Jurers as a iiotl-benrer at the funeral of Ambrose .Mcconeiny, the jury in the Hlater Hrb oui eui oui b"zzlemcut case was net charged until this afternoon. A verdict of net guilty was entern-i In the caie of commonwealth t. H. It. Ilroneraan, Indicted as an Insurance broker without a license 'llie commonwealth' atlorney staled that the slatubj of limitation proventod a conviction. lleiijtmln F. laver was ludlcted for cruelty te animals. According te the coin cein coin menwealth'H witnesses Weateronthe 18th of Juue, droten number of oatlle Irem his home le the stock yard et Kinauuel Unm bright en the Columbia turnpike. One of them was tttiable te WBlk en account of sero feet and lay down en the pike and Weaver le make thesteer meve en cruelly beat It with a stick aud kicked 1U The Bteer was In jured me badly that It could net be moved Irem Hambrlght' premlacs fornceuplo of weeks. Ottlrer I.eman had business lu that neighborhood en that day, his attention was called te the r te and at the roipueat of partlei who saw Weaver cruelly beat the ateer he entered this cemplulnt. Thocase was heard ey Aiuermiu Hpurrler, a penally was Im posed en oaver, and Le appealed from the decision te the court of piarter session. Thodelenso was that Weaver drotesomo fat cattle from his home In Maner township te Hambrlght' place, en the ISth of June. The ene alleged te belli treated bocame lame en tlie read and fell twice, liut Weaver do de do nled having struck II cruelly with a club. He admitted bating struck the steer with a stick, no thicker than hi linger, mid ence tbe suer turned ou lilm aud he atruck It w ltli small stonea twice Counsel for the de fense argued that there could be no convic tion under the testimony as wanteu, cruel treatment had net been proved. OntrisL A l.aiic.itrl,ui busKrttleii f te'n ttm AJtecna Iiinci A few day age the writer Lad tlie pleasure of meeting Mr. Hestetter, who was (principal of the Alteena high school In 171. Mr. Hoa Hea Hoa tctter read law with Judge Dean, of this county, and Is new ene of the most succes-s-ful practitioners at the Lanavster county bar. During our conversation Mr. Hosteller incl dently relerrtnl te the tact that en his laat vli.lt te Altema he was piiue.1 te tlud, en vis iting I'dlrtlnw cemetery, that the grate of his old irletid, 1'rolisiser Jehn Miller, the tlrst tealitr lu the Alteena high school, w.tsn plain mound without auy sUiue or monument te mark Ibe nsit. Mr. Hentelter regarded Pro Pro feseor Miller ns a man el wonderful intellect who had, under the most unfavorable clr cumstauees, kept abreast of the times and fully up with the ment nd vauced philespbers and lunlrm ters, and te whom, mere than te any eun ersen, the ptople of Alteena are In debted for thoexcelleuco of their publle school system. Mr. Hosteller has net been a resi dent of Alteena slnoe be vtai employed here as a teacher and ha-s no tics of home or kin dred te call him back, but be feels that he has one duty of Inveatnl respect yet te perform born, and Ihat Is the erection of a sultable monument te mark tlie pla-e where the ac complishes! old prolessor la burled. The mere suggesitlen dropped by Mr. Hosteitor may Ilnd a reeiislv6 feeling in the hearts of many ether who have a greater reason te kludly romsuiber the old profosser. We refer te his former pupils, many of whom, profiting by Ida training and wlse counsel, are new well able te pa a tribute te his memory. Jehu tVnnninakvr'a 111,1 ler tlie (lu Werk A bid by Jehn Wauamaker te lease the I'hlldelpliln gas works and one by Henry Hew or for the ssme purpose, were presented te common council Wednesday. Mr. Waua maker agreed te accept the terms nnd condi tions of Hie Ilelau. Darker bill, as omendeJ by the finance committee en Tuesday night, and also te have the bill further amended In a manner which lie specltlcd. At the same lime he desired it te Ik understood that be was clearly and strongly of the opinion that tlie city should net at present lease its public work te any persen or persons. The New Yerk syndicate tolegrnphed that they would net only accept the amended bill, but also eiler a money tienus and ether extra terms. Tbe amended Delau-Harkor bill was ropertod fat erably, and Mr. Clay submitted an amend ment which, he clalmed, would make the bill mere acceptable te councils than Mr. Wannmaker's projiesltioii could be. Kllerta te prolerg the sosslen Inte the night se as te consider the bill were defeated aud a motion te re-cnmmlt it te thetlimnci'coiumltteo, with Mr. Wannmaker's proposal and Mr. Clnj's amendment, was adopted. A Steer (in the Itainpafie, A steer belonging te Jeseph Hulltuger, of I.llltz, creates! unite a commotion en Wednes day. Mr. Bellinger endeavored te drlve the steer from the yard Inte the stable when It became unmanageable and refused te go Inte llm stable). In order te prevent It going out el the yard, Mr. Holllnger and a companion Htoed at the gate with a rati, The steer at tempted te pass theso men and lu doing he struck the rail and It was thrown against Mr. Helllnger'a fnce, breaking hi nese. The steer then ran Irem the yard te the read and asouet Mr. Holllnger tried te get blm back. He struck the steer twlce with a club knock ing It down and then the steer turned ou the man and threw hlui te the ground. Yeung Mr. Bellinger was Homewhat brulaeel but net seriously injured. The steer dually wan driven into a Held and shot te prevent his doing any liirther damage. Klertlun and limtnllatlun of Maaentc Otltcrrs. At a meeting el l.odge 43, V. and A. Y. M., held last evening, the lollewod named otll etll otll cera were eleeted and InMalled . Werthy master, floergo H. Wlllsen ; senior warden, Oeerge 11. Itothermel ; luuler warden, Jacob I". Hhlrk; treasurer, Charles A. Helnltsb; secretary, Hugh 8. Clara ; trustees, Jehn Iletw, V. Wldniyer, J. Ilohrer. '1 he ollleora wero Installed by Past Master (lex). It. Welchans, assisted by Past Master C. M. Hewell. Tiada Dellar Ileiteniptluii, Tlio.Seuate committee en flnauce will net mcet until next week. Ail elleil will then be made te secure concurrent action en the redemption of the trade dollar as a shnple preKMttlun unencuinbered by complication with the silver question, which was thocause of Its defeat last sosslen. Irs Cutting Ceninieiireil. Peler H. Kentney had his dollvery wagons tilled this morning with ice cut from th"e creek In front el his lee heuse near Kelgart'a Lauding. The cakes nveraged about tlve Indies iu Ihlcknem. Tha thickest being rive aud a quarter inches. PA., TIIUHSDAY,' DECEAUiEU !), 188(3. TIIK KLBVrilta THUPK il INtTltBl.N. Tlirj .tppcar In I'ultuii Opria limit te the tlsual t'oer tlusliitus. On Wednesday evening Cailan, Haley A Callan'n l:lectrlcTiroe minstrels appeared In 1'ulteti opera house, and the audlonce waa net large. A thore had beeit but ene minstrel treupe liore before thlieiie the present season, It wai supposed that thli ene would draw. Huch was net the cae nud the company met with the sntne reception that many ether have had hore this year. Many unoccupied lieuches stared thorn In the lacm. One reani for the small audience was that tlin troupe itm nub nun Kiiumi ki iii ivjiiu nere, auu atielliiirwas that many folks hore had an over ever over deso of show thl year. Tlie porfenuancu wan flrtlas Ihrough Ihreugh Ihrough eut, nud gave the greatest a Ulslacllen. in the llrst part were six end men, includ ing Mauri te Haley nnd Jehn ( aliau. The v(ctlhu were ull iroed, anil the aenus wnrn new, Including" Why Oeea Methor Htay he liOtig," sung by Jeseph Natus, and " Her Own Hey Jack" by Wm. Maxwell. "Tiny Hands" ttaa well rendered by J. J. Kelly. Thocanipmeotingsongiorthn i;iectrlr Three wero ii great feature and for a linalethey were seen lu a remarkably cleter drill. I'ctrt second wtm opened by Delmore and Wilsen, in au net entiled "The Nurpnse J'arty." The men are both geed singers and dancers. Nolpenl, ene or the best Jugglers bofero the public, astonished the audlonce with his wenderful work. The Kloctrle Three were seen In their latent specialties, which were corkern, and ISaker and West did n grwt musical act. The horizontal bar performance of the llSre llrothera was very line, ut these men 1 rank has but eue leg, but the feats that he acoom aceom acoem pllsbca are aatenlshlug. James Is the clown, but also does clever work en the bar, while lila acting, facial contortion, A , are very lunny. The orchestra, under the leadership of Kddle Fex, is one of the beat overseen here with a minstrel band. The proprietors of the show are Cailan, Haley and Cailan and the Dare llrothera. licfildcs tttlng excollent performers they nre all yeuug men full "f energy and spirit who work hard te mala their show a go. They Uoserro success. A IIUtLLIAXT lteOBVTW.S Mr. anil Mra. Walter M. Frsukllu KUgsnt nntrrlatiilnrljt at Thrlr Hamtteme Heme. One of the most brilliant receptions evor held in thl city was that given by Mr. Walter M. I-'ranklln aud his w lfe at their handsome resldonce, Ne. 2"i'j North Char Char eotte street, last evening, it was lu honor of Mr. Henry H. Franklin and his brlde, revently rolurned Irem their wedding trljv. Throughout the early evening carriages were heard rattling by in all direi ti ns bear ing tlie invited guest tothoscenooftheoton tethoscenooftheoton tothescenooftheoton lng entertainment. Nearly two bund red of Lancaster' most fashionable people were preseutnnd tlie dreaslng of tbe ladius has rarely been equalled In tblsclty. Fair women In goreeous apparel found their charms en- hauced under thoglare of the many gas Jets that llaahed upon them In the inaiti drawing room, nnd the buzz of exjutorsauen neter ceased ter n momenL During tbe reception a most elaborate sup per was served, whleh was preparext by Trower, the famous Oormantewn catorer, with nn elllclent corps of colerod aislstants. Therbahn'a orcheatra dlsceursHl the latest operatic music during the evemnir, and all wentmerry as a marriage trail. The recep tion was Irem a te 11 p. m., and after that hour many remained te welcome the morn lng en "light fauta-siie tee." , jests were prrcnt from Columbia, Yerk, llarrnlnirg, and ether ne-ar pulntfl. I lie Movement 114 CillaiKl l.us. iMEbLian.vcKii. Could you give me any lutormatlen concerning that ice rink that was thought of lielng Ojiened ? Iiy an swering In your next lasue you will oblige, A ClTIKN. Iu reply te "A Cltlzeu" thefact labrleilythat the HCheuie In imostlen has collapsed. The publlc-sjilrlted gentlemeu who had the man agement of It met with inch sueeps lu the early Mtages of the nioveuieiit that they felt confident that there would be no trouble w hatever lu raising the required amount, but It was seen found that the Importance e! the matter was net appreciated by the fatborsef families whose children risk their lives en the Conetoga lu the skating sojsen. About half the number of names needed wero se cured and there may be n revival rf tLe pro ject at some future date, but fei Cils winter It tippenm te have goue under. Ileal Eatate Market. Allan A. Herr has recently sold at rivals sale the following city properties . I our story brick stere and dwelling owned by A. N. Hrouemau, Ne. 40 and IJ Yt est King street, te P. A. Metzger en prlva'e terms. Four and oue quarter ncrei or land w ith frame dwelling and bam situate ou the llar rlsburg turnpike belonging te Patrick Maher'H estate te Stebman, Jenks A Stub man. Twe three-story brick dwellings Ne. 20 aud 22 North Mary street, belonging te P. A. Metzger for (5,000. Twe-story brick dwelling Ne. 37 Seuth Llme street, boloug beloug boleug lug te Cbas. II. Loaher for f I, lOe. Twe-story brick dwelling Ne. b'il Kast Pulton street, owned by Guster Wallz te Jeseph Pulzki for (76V Twe-story brick dnelling Ne. Hi) West Vt alnut street, ler (J.COO. Appointed Atalatant Solicitor Tbe county commissioners te-day decided te allow Solicitor Sheuck an assistant te ox ex ox amine the bills el aldermen and constables. W. F. Ueyer and Gee. A. Lane were named for the position, aingrlch voted ler I.ane and Hartmau voted for Ueyer. Myers did net vote for either ene aud prep se-d that Hhenck name his own assistant. This propo prepo sition was agreed te, and Khenck named Ueyer. ill choice was ratified by the beard. A BMsln reca. This morning between three and lour o'clock a wreck occurred in the Pennsyl t aula railroad, Just west of the Lime street bridge. Hnglue 60J dashcHl Inte the rear of the train drawn by englue 097. The caboose and one loadedfrolghtcarworohiui.v broken, but there was no delay te trains. Mali train due hore at 0:35 was one hour late this morning, and the Niagara exprei wasalmesi two hours behind, ltwasewing teawrtiik en the elevatcd rml in Philadel phia. At Ihe Lancaster Kink About three hundred peeple were nt the Lancaster rink last evening te vv Uncus the burlesque ou Texas Harry's sheeting. Wil Wil met A Lester, the bicycle rlders, made their last appearance. Next week Prof, dioaseu, tbe celebrated herse trainer, will be at the rink. A barrel of Heur and a ten of coal will be glven away at the rink en next Saturday evenlng. loll anil Ilreke LrK dcorge Stains, tvhollvenat Ne. 3U Concord alley, loll en the Ice en the sidewalk en Kast Walnut street uear North Queen, this morn lug, and broke his right leg near the knee. He was carried Inte Fengley's confectionery near by aud Dr. Weaver was called in te attend him, and the doctor took blm home in a sleigh. Committed fur Trial, Jehn Comrert and Augustus Weasel, the two meu who are cliarged with the larceny or a pair of shoes and a hat Irem the heuse of Tllghman Bach, of Jauies street-, had a hoar hear lng botero Alderman Doen last evening. They were committed in default of ball for trial at court. Arrntel nn Tire Charges. Henry Keldel was arrested this alternoeu byOlllcer Levvars en warrants isaued by Alderman l'ordney. He Is charged with maliciously breiklng tbe windows el the heuse of Oscar Ileheln and threatening te de him bodily harm. The accused entered ball for a hearing. Six Tena el New Vear'a Call. The Fat Men's association of Jersey City, which has forty mombers weighing from 200 te lOd peuuds each, has decided te make calls en New Year's Day In a body, The society weighs net far from; 12,000 pounds. THE M'QUADE TRIAL jf.A,;i trAit.n run tiik nuuiii.K' Al.llltltMAHtFUl.UHAHr. Blr. Memeiiilin In a Hatere Cms t:siiilnllen AllnnpH la lutalilltli That the tfltnfi llulltjr of I'ijnry-A lleslen OlPmi'lj That 'leek lisif. Nr.vv Yetii., Dec. 'J. -The bribery trial of Arthur J. Mciuade, ene or the comblne" of the 1S8-I beard of alderiuen, waH resumed te-day. McQuade when brought Inte court was as llght-hoarted and pleasant as evor, and had a cheery geed morning for every body. K, S. Nowcembo renowed the cross cress cross exaiulnatton of Informer PullKralT. Mr. Nowcembo took the wltness tehls tostl testl tostl meny before the Senate Investigating com cem com inltteennd wrung from hlui his admission of perjury before that tribunal. Witness ro re ro memherlng consenting twlce In 1851 te accept bribe, he could net reincmber whether he had consented le de se eftener. Witness admllled asking permission te attend bofero tlie Schorer club and pretest his Innecence. He did se, hut did net recollect calling Ged te witness then that no bad net rocelved n dollar for hi vete, but he stated en oath that he had net received anymoney for h! tote. "And that was true," added tvltne, "for 1 had net received any meney then." " Did you net about two month age say te Mr. Legan" asked Mr. Newcombe, "may I find all my family struck dead If ever I ro re ro celvod a dollar " "Ne, air. 1 nover made such a statement, excitedly replied wltnew. Mr. Nowcembo pushed witness ou this point and asked him If he had net also, when questioned by Mr. Legan, called Ued te witness te his lnnucenca and the truth of his assortleua. Wltness denied this and In In slsted en explaining. He said that Mr. Legan had called upon him repealedly and told hlui that he was very frlendly with the district attorney and cenld get anything he wanted from him and that If he (Fullgrafl) would confess and tell him all particulars et the Broadway case he ( Legan) would socure him from punish ment. Mr. Nowcembo repeated the quos ques quos tlen twlce, raying : " Did you net say se te Mr. I.egan new present In court 7" Wit ness porslsted In his denial. Mr. Nowcembo then called the witness' attention te his testi mony bofero the Senate committee, when be admilted Its falsity in some respects, but said that lu ethers true ether aldermen in rela tion te the 31th street railroad. The lawyer also elicited answers numerous and serious enough from the informer te impress the tury with the fact that before rullgrafl had made his alleged confession he was premised general Immunity for all et his dishonest acts as ex sldermau. OVKAN STKAStEHB VULLIUK. The) Oine Together Off (Juecnlsntt Feil j. tTtu I'ersens Drowned Lemi'i.n, Dec 9 Dispatches from Hris bone state that the steamers Kllawarra and Helen Nicholl have collided oil Queensland, resulting In the drowning of ii persons. Werk in thebenate. Washing) ion, Dec 'A (Senate). In the Senate te-day the Heuso amendment te tbe Senate bill ler the relief of gradu ates of the United Suites military academy f The amendment provides that graduates shall be allowed full pay as second Lieuten ants te date or acceptance of their com mis mis sieu) was'cencurred in. The bill new gees te the presldeut. Mr. Cameren moved that when the Senate adjourned te day it would be until Monday agreed te. 1 he Senate then preceded te the coualdei ceualdei coualdei atien of tbe resolution Introduced Tuesday by Mr. Merrill declaring that there shall be noelTertumdoat this sosslen te reform the tar! II Important Telegraph Connection lit rrxt-e, N. Y., Dee. a The Baltimore A Ohie telegraph company yesterday com pleted Its connection with the Canadian Pacitlc railway telegraph lines, thus adding another large and Important territory te Its system. Ibis connection establishes direct communication between all pelnbi en the It, A O. system In the L'nited States and all points en the Canadian Pacific system from ljuebec te British Columbia, ou the Pacific cevst. It is expected the line from Van Couver te San Francisce will be completed within 30 days. All B. A O. and Canadian Pacino companies otUces will check direct and the monopoly by the Western Union company telegraph business will thus be broken. A Uannteit Ship. Si Jehn, N. II., Dee. I'. Ithas been found necessary te postpone the sale or Ihe wrecked Swedish bark Squandre bocause of the ghost stories told of the craft which render it Im possible) te induce men te work en her. She Is said te 16 haunted by the spook of the ships mate who was killed by the captain bocause of suspected undue Intimacy with the latter's wife. l'lRliI Iletween I'eilce anfl btuitenls. Si. ri-.TEKsiifnu, Dec. y. Oreat oxcito excito oxcite mout prevails here ever a series of conflicts which took place here yesterday between the students aud the police, (ieneral Gresser, prefect of poilce, In trying te quell one el the tights was set upon by students and severely handled. A large number et students have beeu arrested. SUellenberger Sentenced te He Ilauged Om vha, Neb., Dee. 0. At Nebraska City yesterday ihe motion ler a new trial In the case of Loe Hhellenberger, convlcted of the murder of his ll-year-old-daughter was over ruled, and he was sentenced te be hsnged March JO. Cliitluiiatl Manufacturers Tail, CiNUNNtir, Dec.0. The W.A liuul, man ufacturing company, Ne. 179 West Hoeoud street, made an assignment last ovenlng te James N. Hoblnsen. The liabilities are put at fii.OOO. Preferences were tiled te the extent of about (7,500. Historical rrotcaser Head. Lo.sde.n, Dec '.. Henry Alleyne Nicholas M. I). F. G.S., professor of natural history In the university of Abordeen is dead In hla 43d year. Ha was formerly a professor lu the University of Terente. IKl-EOHAfHIU TAl'S. Lord Celin Campbell's crosa-exnuiiuatleu in the dlvorce- trial was continued in Londen te-day. The reiwrt that Hev. Dr. McGlynn, of New Yerk, will be dopesod en account or his In In terest In politics during the Henry Geerge campaign, Is all bosh. A mulatto from Santiage de Cuba, with (515 in hla pocket, hanged himself last night lu a Baltimore police station. The Ice heuse at Summerlleld's brewery, In Baltimore, was burned te day ; less, (25,000; Insurance, fd.OOO. Henry G. Flodderman, sherill of llaltlmore city, lias been prosented by the grand Jury for attempting te bribe a colored voter. The comptroller of the currency has au thorized the First National bank of West Newton, te liegln business with a capital ei (100,000. At Paloatlne. Texas, In the district court yesterday tha jury rendered a verdict ler f-l,. 650 against thoMiBseurl Pacific It. It. Ce., In favor of Albert Lang, who sued;the company for damages, en account of Injuries received. IIKAlll UH lllta. II. II. MAItTIK. Wife ii f the rreinlueut Ceal and I.iinilinr .Merchant ul This CHr CHr Calliarlne U. Martin, wlfe of 11. It. Martin, died at the family residence, corner of Chest nut nnd Charlette street, Inst ovenlng nt 10 n"i I w L l II.., iltll. ..... 1. , in . v. vie, in uiu eniu year e nor age. nne was a woman or superior Intelligence and on en dowed wllli all womanly virtue, both of head and heart. Her habits were omlnenlly domestic ; her home was her history anil she sought no distinction lu the outeldo world oxcept te aid theso In noed of moral or material assistance. She was n pious Chrl tlan.a loving wile and an alloctleunlo mother. Iiesldes her Ixirenvnrl inuhnna ui.n i,,..,.. n.'.no J1'11'1""1 K' If- Martin, esq , of Hits city. Jehn C. Martin, or Phllndelphlaj Mrs. M. Aloxander, or Alteena, Mrs. T. H. Holo Helo Hole han.ot tblsclty. Mrs. II. K. llaumgarduer Mrs. Thoodero II Varlck, of New Yerk ViYiT .'.?' lWI"y. f Oormantewn, Philadelphia, ami Miss tiara O. Martin, at henir. Her funeral will take place in Saturday nltorneon nl 1 o'clock. Ilenlh el .lehii linerr. Jehu Deorr, ene el the beat known butchers of tblsclty, died this morning at hi resl dence, Ne. 311 West King street. He hnd been sick for almost a year past and had a complication of dlsoase, Including Ilver complaint and heart dlsoase. Deceased was born In Germany ued came te this country In 1852. He learned the butchering trade iemiuuBi ier uiuereiii mitctier. He and hla brother Henry went Inte business about 20 years age, nnd wero together In the building where Jehn dled. Aftern year they separnted. Jehn remained nt the old stand aud Henry started en Water street. The de ceased was In hi 53d year nnd leaves a w lfe and family of children, consisting et thrce sons and two daughters, all of whom are grown. He was a niember of 'leutenia Ledgo, Knigbti of Pythias, lied Jacket Tribe of Hed Men and tlie Lancaster Mien Mien Mien norcher. Oled Frem Apetilexj. Xf.lt NtiLt.i:, Dec . Kate Krelder, a maiden lady about 03 years of age, living at New Haven, weut te Mr. Christian Buck waiter's, a few miles this side of Manhelm, a few days age te remain In the family. Tues day morning she went out te the barn te de the milking, and remaining an unusual length of time, Mrs. Buckwaltnr went out te oe what caused the delay. When she get there she enw Miss Kroider sitting alongside of a eevv leaning against the stall, and when spoken te ralled te auswer. Sotne or the neighbors were called te tbe sccne, and the unlortunate lady taken te tbe heuse Hnd medical aid summoned, Dr. U. II. Witmer responding, who did all In his power te re Busclate the patient, but she remained iu an unconscious state until evenlng when she died. 'I he caue of death was apoplexy. I.AII i TllBtll i ii.tr f.S The I (literals ut Prominent Citizens Thai vt er Held Te-Uay. Ibe f liner,! of tbe late A mbroe McConemy took place from his residence, Ne. 521 West Orange street, at 10 a, in. te-day. Selemti requiem mass was celebrated in St. Mary's Catholic church by llev. Dr. P. J. Mc Cullagh with Rev. Daniel A. Brennan, of Philadelphia, as deacon, and llev. I'ather Ward, or the same city, as sub-deacon. Rev. A. F. Kaul, of this city, ale occupied a scat wiiuiu iue sanctuary. iue cneir sang Dressler's mass, and at the conclusion n flne quartette vocal ploce was rendered by Misses O'Neill, Harrison, Lewell and llellly en titled " Take Me, my Jcsu, te Heaven." The pall-bearers wero H. R. Fulton, eq., Bernard K. Malenp, Charles I Rengier, W. D. Stauller. Dr. H. K. Muhleuberc, Charles F. Hager. Dr. Themas Kllmaker aud Jehn C. Leng. The remains were interred lu St. Mnry's cemetery. Other Tnucrals. Tlie funeral of Mrs. Barbara Dean took place this nltorneon from her ret-ldence31 Middle street. It was attended by Fulton Heme, Ne. 2i3, Heme Communion, of which she was a member. The interment was made at Woodward Hill cemetery. The funeral of James G. Thackara from his resldeuce, Ne. 32s Church ;street, this olteruoon was attended bv representative et Lancaster Ledgo of OddTellews and Wash Ington Kncampment. Rev. J. K. Pratt con ducted the services. The lntermeut was made at Lancaster cemetery. O J K U TAT ItS TtllM I ft A TI OA . II tVlil Have State Ueverniuent Without lielng Investeit With rederal Authority, l'Aitae, Dak., Dec 9 Thefact is new openly avewed that the object of the gather ing at Huren uext Tuesdny of the quasi constitutional convention of Seuth Dakota and flat-legislature, with the full staff of abate eltlclalx, Is te centrive a schenie te put the state machine in motion without the conseut of the authorities at Washington. The peeple within the limit or the alleged state most emphatically voted down such a preposition last year. The project new Is for tbe legislature and state etlicials te re peal the prevision restraining the state ma chine from running without the consent of Congress. The fact that much less than a quorum of the convention will probably con vene will net be regarded as material. "Gov" Mellete has goue te Washington, It la said, te sound leading members of the Senate as te the countenance that will be given the move ment, nnd if It is found net attendant with tee much peril, It is probable the programme will be carrled out. It is urged that the Democrats will be iu control of Congress for three years at least, nnd that this quasi state cannot be kept together se long without a forward movement. I la onlychancels te turn ou the official Hteam and tnke the chances of riding Inte the union or being de railed and wrecked. Premier Salisbury Interpreted. LeNUON, Dec l. The Daily ..Vein and the Tcltgrapli both interpret Lord Salis bury's speech as the loreruuner of a coercion bill. The itaueftiref says Lord Salisbury 'a spoceh redresses the mental balance of the deranged Lord Churchill and serves as a reminder that the youthful politician should net lie taken tee readily at his word. The V'nut says Lord Salisbury shows that he eompreheiuU the value of the support ut the Unionists, and adds that the country will new leek ler an Invigorating policy hi Ire land. rout lletueen Twe tteitern Kallruaili. Uitletue, Dec. 0. Apparently well au lueuticated reports are current that the Atchison, Tepeka A Sante Te railroad com pany has cencluded a deal with Mr. 1'. I". Hinckley, by which It obtains control of the Chicago A St. Leuis railway. It the report turns out te be correct It will onable the Atchison company te cemplete Its contem plated line between Chicago and Kansas City at an early date, and at the Eame tltue secure an entrance Inte Chicago and excellent ter minal facilities in this city. Desperate Struggle Fer a llalir MlLWAlKin:, Dec 0. August Buelew has been separated from his wife half n year, and made repented threats that he would have his youngest child, which re mained In possession of the mother. Last night he drove up iu a wagon, ran into the house, snatched the baby from Its cradle aud disappeared. The grandmother of the child had followed hlui, however, and Jumped in Ireut of the horses when he started thorn up again. ith a wild oath he applied the whip aud the wheels rolled ever llie dosperate woman. Fortunately she sullered no sevore injuries. Nothing has been heard from the man since. Mariler ami Ilehbery. Londen', Dec ft A dispatch from Odessa says that the guards en Uie mall Ekaterlndar te Kaekaska were murdered yesterday and that 70,000 rouble In crown money hi their charge was stolen, VUTCE TWO CENTS. ORDERED BY THE JIJDHK. KIOUX UlTV lAUIUMf kKlr.KIl nr imnniFH ami ma nertirittit. The Law ami Order Leiigu. vote the Keepers tn Abandon Their Iluslneia-The ORleST le Continue Their WerkAll I.lqner round In lie Deatreieit. Sielx Cirr, la., Dec. . Yesterday wa4 red lotler day for the Law and Order Leagua In Its long war en the Hletix City latoens, Yesterday morning the clerk of the oeurt uatideu te Sherlll McDonald a butch or orders of abatomeut ameuded lit accordance with the lioremp'.ery directions glven by Judire Lewis last Saturday. The sheriff, allied by several deputlex, nt ence began taking possession or the places narned In tha erders and during the elay nlnoteon saloon, woreselzod. Nine of the places thus taken poa-ieRslon or by the sherllfhad already been abandoned. The proprietors or two or these nre under Indictment ler the murder of Dr. Haddock. Strange ns it may soem, nearly all of the saloen-koopers, as they wero ordered te Ret out, hoemod te lie taken by surprise Yet thore was no rosUtnnce or threats of vlolence and thore was no oxclteiuont In the city. A year age when it was announced that Con gressman Htruble, of Le Mar, was coming te Sioux City te instllule proceedings against saloons, a howling mob gathered te meet bis train, and en the 1st, 2d and 3d days of August last, when these identical cases were In their incipient stages In court, the oily was rlpe with murdereus plotting aud Dr. Haddock was Bhet down en the street. The ceutrast be be be twoen last night and that Meml night of August in hieux City Is retnarkable. Sheriff McDonald says lie will go en with the work today ami will oxecule every order. He says he will destrey all liquor selred. The feeling among the saloon men Is lalriy stated by ene of thelr number who says: " The Jig is nn." UMl.irjtl.ISU TIIK XIHTJSHV. ,1 Weman's Illegitimate) ciillil Murdered tr Her New I.ever. Saniuskv, O, Dec,, 0,-May Perter, the young woman new lu Jail hore, cliarged with having murdered her child by throwing It In the bay, was seen yesterday by a reporter, and solicited te make ;i Hlnlement concerning the affair. She said that the father of her babe vvasan Orrville travelliug man,whe'faad a wlfe and soveral children. In order te shield the author of her shame, she at tlrst gave her name as Cassel, but Bhe Is new de termined te expose him. She says that the traveling man bent her away from home, and whlle at Lakeside, she foil iu love with Jerey Fahey, who is new held as her accomplice In the crime, olio hated her offspring- and Fabey suggested that they kill it. They then came te Sandusky, with the Intention of placing the babe in the Inllrmary, but Fahey without her knewledge threw it Inte thejbay and told bcr that he bad taken It te the In. flrmary. Fahey confessed te the murder el the child asnbote. heclelj Olrla Charged Willi Forgery, L sfatettb, Ind., Dec P. Yesterday after after after uoen there came te light a series or forgeries committed by a con pi e of dashing females of this city who worked a number of stores en orders ptirjxrt!ng te be signed by highly respectable peeple el Lafayette. The girls are Clara aud Flera Jenes, sister, and are prepossessing blendes who have been con spicuous at all the masquerade balls given by Company C and who have beeu the talk: of the town. The girls succeeded in working their Echeuie en a number of well known beet and shoe dealers who will prosecute thorn. One of the girls croated a big sensa tion last summer w lilt Kdvvard Peas, of I'hlla delphia, a leather drummer, who went crazy and took iu the town, llually being taken home liyhls lather after threo days of ellssi ellssi imtlen. Second Trial of a Famous C'altle ce Ilegnn, OMAitA, Neb,, Dec. 9. The celebratetl Rankin Texas fever eases were oiled for trial yosterday lu tlie United States district court, The plalntill, Sexmall, sues for the value of (200,000 worth or cattle which died from Texas fever, brought into Nebraska, as it is claimed, by cattle Imported rretn Texas In ISM by the Rankin Cattle company. One question Involved Is whether Texas fever can be cemmuulcated te Northern herds of cattle coming from the Seuth. Anether quc-Htten is whether the Rankin Cattle com pany knew that the dlsoase existed In the herds when they brought them from the Seuth. At the last term of court the Jury disagreed. Furteit te Vacate Hla I) Bice. Lim ei.n, Neb., Dec 0. Dr. Mattbewaen, who was removed by Get. Dawes from the position of superintendent et the state Insane hesplbil, refused te give possession. Yester day aftorneou Secretary or State Regjert went te the hospital in Dr. Matthowsen'a nbsonce nnd upon the return of the superin tendent refused blm admission. He came back te tbe city nud has been bore since, whlle his family Is at the hospital. He has begun proceedings in quo warrante te test the right of the governor te romevo him with out conviction upon the upoeltlo charges pre ferred by the beard of public lands and build ings. Meat 1'nckera Hurried Oat. Dai ion, O, Dec 0 The slaughter beuse and perk packing establishment of William Fecko A Seus, situated en the Springfield plke about two miles east of Dayton, was con. sumed by tire last night, the buildings to gether with tbelr contents being a total less. The nre originated In the sausage room. Less (L"2,000 ; covered by an Insurance of (10,050. There was in the build lng about 80,000 pounds of meat, nil et which was consumed. Mgr. Cupel te Sue New Yerk I'npeis. Ciuiwue, Dec. 0. The Tribune' San Francisce special says : Mgr. Cape!, iu view of stories that were recently published roll eat ing en his personal character, threatens te take steps ter obtaining leual redress. He proposes te Institute te day libel suits agaiust the H'arW, the Times, the Star and ether papers lu the city of New Yerk. A Lake (tailor Chopped Frem the Ice. Whitehall, Mich., Dec 0. -The body or K. M. Kennsman, of the ill-fated schooner L. J. Conway, was found at Flewer Creek. It had te be chopped out of the Ice. The face was bruised. The body was taken te .Whitehall. The patrol has found paper money en the beach In sums of (35, (?5, (10, and (5. Captain Themas Smith and one boy nre yet missing. Kiiglautl supptjrlug Caution nud Ammunition, Halifax, Dee. D. The steamer British Queeu, from Londen for Bosten, arrived here te-day. Sbe brought eanneu and am munition te be shipped evor the Canadian Pacing te British Columbia ler the defense et Ksquiuiault. Again I'asvcs Tbelr Dividend. New Yoiik,Dec. 8. The Western Union Telegraph company te-day passed their divi dend. trXATUKM IfDIV.tTlVHM. CWahiiisoten, D. U, Dec 0,-Fec Kastern Pennsylvania, New Jerwy anil Delaware : Fair weather, southwesterly wind, slightly colder, as V ' m if .itTi "fill A X. '4 1 V. .-Si kn $4 . m 'V !NMi $ SjMa 'JR.-ji "H- v.i. "U.J1