i Rs fymww fc MAKMMH." Il took my bund. Hn did net eren my "He mine, Mr I hare loved ynu maiijr a 1ity. lie only pressed It In til lovingly He looked Inleuiy ryes and salil, "Make we " AinlnlcomeOTorinlnflt Icinlfl net u, Ana n repeated, "What you will, timse me " ' l.ssl nlglit I hail n dres.ni tlisl was dead, And )ou tie llieie, leie, bending mcr my bend, i' Teil held my soul, and wnnnlnn saw 111 Malm M -Vutir tenia (oil en It It was puru again. "Can you net de It 1 will fellow jeh Until I feel tint 1 inn fertiiml iiiiuw. ' Drep down upon my pjcinnottjer Usri lloekon lnnmiwaid, and 1 will netftar. ' Oh, tnke my hand, l.nad me your path a'engt Itbuut you I mil weak, hut with you tlieng. '.ova inn jeu Inte hnaviin, and 1 shall he Werthy te dwell ihore Willi you. Oli.nmkninel" Ureryi llelmn. UKff. (IKV. II. M'VI.KI.I.AS ! iwuk It Lays a lltaty llimlim On the NlMMilriiirs e Xerretary Manlnii, The late (lu. (loe. It. Mcl'lullati'ii own lery of his connection with the civil war, tilted hy hU tili.nil, Mr. Win. 0 I'rlme, la betore the public A for the man engaged In llie tight, (ion. MiClellan Raja! "Met gallant !' never unit en the fluid or liattle than tliose men of thn aatne rare who hail no long lived under the ampin feltla of Ihtt iwme llsg morn Ueaiwrate battle wero liorer feiiKlit than thoae about tonecnr, The military vlrtue of patriotism, tlpneo,oiiiiur tlpnee,oiiiiur tlpneo,eiiiiur ace, self abnegation anil horelsin about te rcrelte their meat HtrlkliiK Illustration. " Uonahlerabln Hpacu n taken np by Den. McClellau In detailing hi ntitraiiee into the atrtiKKle from civil life, Ill campaign In Woatern Virginia, ntiil hli labor In organ ergan UliiK the army of Northern Virginia. He Jiaya warm tribute te the gallantry anil capa city of Uena. Hancock, .Sedgwick, Keyiield, Meade, I'd! Jehn 1'erler anil ether. The follewliiK extracts In regard te McClellan'a trouble with pirty lomler ami hi arraign mentor Secretary MUnleu will be read with interest; "1 have already atated In a general way what occurred between inyHclf and aome of the radical leaderi shortly afler 1 reached WaahliiKten. They then nw clearly that It would net be poaslble te make a parly tool of me, and aoen concluded that It waa their ellay teruln ineif (Hxalhle. The real object oftlie radical leader was net the restoration of the I'nlen, but the jiormanent ascendancy of their party, and le thla they were.riMily te sacrifice Uie Union, ir necea airy. They committed a grave errer in sup posing me te be politically ambitious, and In thinking that I looked forward te military suecesa an a means of roietilng the nreal ilentlal chair. At thn same tlme they knew that If 1 achieved marked auocewt my Inllu Inllu ence would neceaaarlly e tery great throughout the country an Itilluence which I should certainly hae used for the geed of the whole country, and net for that of any rty at the nation' expert". They there there ero detortulned te ruin me In any oteut and by any means . lint by ondeaerliii te force me Inte premature movement's knowing Liat a failure would probably end my mill My career j afterwards by withholding the means necessary te achieve success That they were net honest Is proved by the fact that having failed te force me te ndtanceat a tlme when an advance would have been madness, they withheld the means el success wheu 1 was In contact with the oneiny, and Dually relieved me trem command when the gatce was In my hands. Taking both Kast and West, and counting the losses also by disease, 1 de net doubt that mere than &00,Ouu of men were sacrificed uunecttsaarlly for the sake of Insuring the miocehs el apolitical Irty. " I de net base my assertion as te tha mo me then of the radical leaders upon mere sur mlsKH, butnpen facts that have fruiuently come te my knowledge during the war and since. Ker Instance, Majer t'harlt IHvles, once profseror mathematlcHat West I'elnt, told me, and at a dllterrnt time told (ieneral JeHCph 1- Johnsten, the following story During the ery tmrly part of the renlnsular campaign he whs oue of a commission sent from New Yerk te urge mero vigorous ac tion In supporting me. They called upon the president, and found Mr. Stanten with him. In reply te their statements of the pnr pnr pnr poae of their vl.slt Mr. Htaulen st-ited that the great end and aim of the war was te abolish slavery. Te end the war befere the nation was ready ler that would Ikj a fallura The war must be prolonged and conducted M as te achieve that , that the people of the North were net yet ready te accept the v low, nnd that It would net answer te permit me te succeed until the people had ts.n worked up te thopreier pitch en that question; that the war would net le llnlthed till that result waa reached, and that therefore It was net their (volley te strengthen (Jeneral .McL'lellnu he a te Insure his mere. " Frem the light that his since been tLrewn en Stanten's character, I am satlstied that from an early date he was In the treasonable conspiracy, and that his course in ingratiat ing himself with me, and proteudlug te be my friend before he was In elllce, was only a part of his long system of treachery. I had never seen Mr. Stanten, and probably had et even heard el him bulore reaching Wash ington In lyjl Net many weeks after arriv ing 1 was Introduced te htm as a safe adv Iser mi legal points. Trem that moment he did his best te lngratlate hlmself with me, and prefesKCd the warmest irieudshlp and devo tion. I had no resflbn te suspect Ills sincerity, and therefore believed him te be what he preteased. The mostdlMgrteablo thing about dim was the extreme virulence with which he abused the president, the administration ami the Republican party. J0 carried this te such au extent that I was elleu shocked by It. He never spoke of the president In any way than as the 'Original Gerilla,' and eltmi said that I)u Challlii was a feel te wan der all the way te Africa In Hearth of what he could soeasily have found at Springlield, HI. Nothing could be mero bitter than his words and iuanner always were when speak ing en the administration and the Republican party. He never gave them credit ler hon esty or patriotism, and very seldom for any ability. "At aome tinie during the autumn of lcll Secretary Cameren made quite ati abolition speech te some of the newly-arrlved rogl regl meuts. Next day Stanten urged mu te arrest him for Inciting te Insubordination. He often advocated the propriety of my soiling the government and taking the attaint Inte my own hands. "As he always expreaaed hlmself In favor of putting down the rebellion at any cost, I alvvVv'H regarded tbose extreme views as the ebullitions of an intense and patriotic nature, and Bometimes wasted mere or less tlme in endeavoring te bring him te mero moderate views, never dreaming that all the whils this man was In close communication with the very men whom he se violently abused. Ills purpo&e was te endeavor te climb upon my nheuldeni and then threw me down." Mr. StAnten's action at the tlme of hla ap pointment Is thus deacribed : "Holerol had linlabed my toilet Mr. Stanten's card cauie up, and as seen as possible 1 went down te see hi in. He told me that he had been ap pointed secretary of war and that his name Lad been Bent te the Honate for cenllrmatlcn, and that he had called te confer with me aa te hla acceptance. He said that acceptance would involve very great poraenal sacritlcea en bis part. If 1 wlshed him te accept he would de se, but only en iny account '.that he had come te knew ray wishes and deter mine accordingly. I told him that I he pod he would accept the ivosltlen. Itefore he was In olUce he constantly ran after me and pro fessed the most ardent friendship ; as seen aa he became secretary of war his whele man ner changed, and I could no longer Und the opportunity te transact even the ordinary current butiluess of the ofllce with him. It. "a new very clear te me that, far from being, as he had always represented himself te me, In direct and violent opposition te the radicals, he waa really In secret alliance with them, and that he and they were allke uu willing that 1 should be successful. Noethor theory can possibly account for hla or their course, and en that tboery overythlug become clear and easily explained." After the seven days' light McClellan wrote te Stanten: "In addition te what I have already raid, I only wish te aay te the president that I think he is wrong In regard ing me as uugouerous when I said that my force was tee weak. I merely lntlmated a truth which te-tlay has been tee plainly proved. If, at this instant, I could dtspoae often thousand (10,000) lresh men I could gain the victory te-morrow, I knew that a few thousand mero men would have changed this battle Irnrn a defeat te a victory. Ah It la, the government must net and cannot held me rospenslblo ler the result. I feel tee earnestly tonight. I have ueeu tee many dead and weuuded comrades te fwl other ether other wlse than that the governruent has net sus tained this army. If you de net de be new the game is lest. If I save thla army new I vtell you plainly that I ewe no tbanku te you A or te any oilier person In Washington. Yeu have done your beat te aacrltlce this army." Theuiandi of eurtt follevvtheuieof llr.Page"' atanhltemedy, M cents. Tu.Vaw vfrverV-"!' I 3 Our draft-tot Informs tu I bat Dr. Unit's Cenan flynin tells better tban any ether cough medi- "Nnvr It's all rlM, It's a'l rlKlit,dsrllnir," laid Mn. WerstisriV I have tfwted It thoroughly, Ralvstlen Oil will sutuly euro your pulu lu the u.ck.'' fllanil Mill Upen lha Otrtrr l lour ttnttiai. Hut ke at onto and buy a Initie of the frsrant SOOIIONT. Veil will never ri-giet It. It net only benutllles and preserve thn tix'th anil ar reits decay, but liMVes the mouth cool, mid the breath as fnixrant as n rose. BVMUIAL nUTlUKt. Hllll.UII'HCUUOIIand Consumption f.'ure Is old by us mi a Kiinrsiitee It cures Uensiimp tlen. VnrsKlehy II. II. Uoehran, DrugHlnl, Ne. UJ North gueen stroet. MKVKH U1VR Ul'. If you are troubled with nervous or stele head ache, de net irlvnup your i as inrurnliln until yen havntileit Dr. Lusim's Hperlnl Prescription Be the testimonials In another column, da-lw KIIII.IHI'M VITAI.IZKIlls What VOU llld lOf Constipation, l.(n or Appetlte, Dlxrlnms, and all symiitems of ysiiiisla I'rlce 10 and 7S cents iwr botlle. rir sale by II. II. Cochran uruKKUi, no. I3u norm tuiMfn mmi. A Very Narrow Kmks, "Yes, I had a very narrow escsKi," ssld a Enmilueiitilllien ten frliHel "1 whs connned my bed for a year and my friends ave mil up Inr a consumptive's Kravn, ti rill I buiiaii uflnj Keinn's Ihvlsainrertlinlhriint and LtinK, and hnrel am, sound and hearty." I'rloe Kje. and (1. for sain by II. 11. Cechmu, DnmnUt, Ne. 137, North (jueen street, jinciitir. roll DVHPKl'SIA and l.lver Complaint, yen have a prlnbnl Biisntiitisi en nVHry bottle of hhl. lull's Vf lAllxur. It never falls te euro, for sale by II. 11. Cochran JiruKvlst, Ne. 137 North Queen (root, ' DiSDiLies Mvsa I'sLLrrs rnr.sIcK heartache orpldllver, bllleusiKus and Indigestion small and euy te swallow. Olie pill a dime. I'rlce, Ke. lly all drugglaUl. fsbO-SmdTu.l'li.a Kirttineiit InTaias. Ornal exeltninent has been causnd In the vi cinity et l'arls, lex., by thn miusrknhln ! ! cevery of Sir. J. K Cerley, whnwas se helpless he could net turn In bed. or raise hU head i everybody said he was living of Consumption. A trial botlle or Dr. King's New Discovery wua sent him. rinding relief, he bought a Isrire hot het hot lleandaboxot Dr. King's New I.lfe l'llls i by tbe tlme ha had taken two boxes of rills and two bottles or thn Discovery, hn was well and hail KaJned In flesh thirty six pounds. Irlal llottlrser Ihlsllnmt Discovery for Con sumption free at 11 II. Cochran's Drug Mern, 117 and IS) North (jueen street, 1-nnca.Mcr, l'a. (1) TIIATIIACKINO COUdllcan be se quickly cured by Hhlleh's Cure. We ruaranten It- Ker sale by II. It, Cochran. Drvigcl'U Ne. 157 North (Jueen stniL Tim Vnnllct Unanlinoes. Yeu are filling dcnrcssd, your appetite Is peel hiiiri tut, ou are IMUnnreu wuu iienuncnn, ynu mn 3ctr. nervous, anil Kenurally out of sorts, and wan i ui vrnrv up. iiiuvu up. iiu iiuk niiusumu. Isntx. spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you ler an hour, and then leave you In werse condition than be mm. Vt ht you want Is an sjt ratlvethat will purify your bleed, tart healthy acllun et I.Iver and Kldnevs, re re ro tero your vlullty.and give ronewed b-nltli and strciiKth. buch a medicine you wlllOud In Klee trio fllltern, and nuly rv cents ntKittleatil.il. Cochran s Drug bterr, U7 and 13J North (J neon street, Lancaster, l'a. II) '".. ... ... kA. ..U -.!... GKUUr. WHOOl'lNIICOUOIt and llmnchltU Immediately mlleved hy fihllnh Cure. Ker sale uy ii. u. t;ecarnu, urugguv, no.ijuieriayueen reet. KIDNCV TUOUIlt.Krt. A Usn or Many tears btaudlng Cared With hli Hettlestln n MsnlK) Ycstrs et Age. ALLsstewit, l'a., May f, 1K8S. Dasdiuer llrrTSKs Ce. tJenu : 1 had lieen troubled with iny kl.lnes foranutnberef years, used almost ever thing without much benefit mill 1 tried Dandelion liittera. 1 used six bot tles and am plmsd te say 1 aru entirely rid of the kldney trouble, besides my syatem being toned np se that I frel Itke a dlriorent jwrsen. I cheerfully rocemmond the same te all arSlcifd in this way. JACOIl MU8CIIHTZ. eb.WtndTu.Th.S M hat Is a Celd IntheheadT lledlcal authe titles say It Is due te atmosiiherto germs, uneven clothing or thfl bely, rapid cooling when In a perspiration, Ac. The Important point Is, that a co d In the head U a genuine rhinitit, an In (lamination or the lining membrane or the nor. which, when unchecked, U certain te prodnce a catarrhal condition ler catarrh Is essentially a cold' which naturnlsne longer able te "re solve' or threw en Kly's Cream Halm has proved Its superiority, nml sulTarers from cold In the head should resort le It before that common aliment becomes seated and ends In obstinate catarrh. nJ2wdeedAw The liupeudlnr; Danger. The mccnt statistics et the number or deaths show that a large majority dle with Consump tion This dlsease may commence with an ap parvntly hanuhvis cough which cin b cured In stantly by hemp's llalsitm for the Threat and Lungs, which Is uuuranteed te euro and relieve all ciuies. I'rlce .) cents and II. Trinl Hie r Ker salu by II. lL Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North ljuwn strvet. ix-lwd&llw AUK lOU MADE mlseruble by Indigestion Constipation, Dlxzlness, Ixwa or Appetite, Ycl Ycl ew Skin t Bhlleb's Vludlzer Is a ponlllve euro, rer wde by II. n. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North yaeun street. Iheusands Cpen Thousands el dollars have been spent In advertising tbe celebrated llurdack Meed ItUtert, but this fact accounts only In part rer their enormous sale. Their merlt has mudu thm whit theyaro-the best bleed mcdlclue ev er devlsrd by man. Ter sale by II II Cochran, druggist, 137 and 131 North Queen strtet, I.uncastur. IMdruce et the llest Kind. Illchard T. Itnblnsen Is a druggist living In Itaelne, Wis. Here Is what he says "Allllcted with laryngitis I nas unable lu artlculatu a word distinctly rer ruily two months. A liberal nrp lentten of "Themas' Kclectrie till" oiui eiui pletely cured me. Am pleased te recommend It " or sale by II. II Cochran, druggist, 137 and 111 North Qneun street, Lancaster. roll for the Shere. Let us all pull out or this sea of sickness and dospendenc),andKUtontoa rock foundation et geed, strong health. " Ilurdeck IUeckI Ulllers" are the thing le pull for lhey aru one or the most renowned hi-alth restoratives uvit manu factured Fer sale by II. 11 Leehran, druggist. 1J7 and 13) North Uueun street, Lancaster. I'm All llreke Up I" Ihls Is the usual uxclamatlen or ene afTtlcted elth rhuuinullsm, or lameness, ltheumatle peo pee plu ale Indeed entitled te our sincere sympathy and commiseration. Hpccdy relief Is offered them in " Dr. Themas' Kclectrie Oil " It Is the sworn enemy of all aches and pain. Fer sale by II II Cochran, druggist, 137 and I3J North CJueeu stitwl. Iincaster. Tells the Truth. "This medicine I can highly recommend. Ilurdeck J Heed IHttert are the btst bleed purl tier w a have ever used " Chas A. Ilert, II Court trm-t. llutrale. N Y rer sale by II II Cochran, druggist, 117 and IX) North Qui en street, Lan caster. lustructlse Heading. Homeef the Uwtimnnlals from different peeple relative te Thomai' Kctrctric Oil, nnd Ibu reflet It has given them when distressed by headache, earache, and tonlhache are as Intoieatlngread Inteieatlngread lug ns ten wld nnd. 'Ihls being a standard medlclnn. Is sold everywhereby druggists, rer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 11J North Queun street, Lancaster. WILL YOU mU-rKll with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t Hhlleh's Vltaltzer Is guaran' teed te cure you. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. VOAJ B. U, MARTIN, WBOLSSiLS ASID X-TTAIL DUL1I III All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -Yare: Ne. 1J0 North Water and l'rlnce Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lvd B AUMUAHUNKUS A JKKFEHIEH. COAL DEALERS. Orrtcrn t Ne. 123 North Queen street, and Ne 5Vt North l'rtnce street, Yauiib i North l'rlnce street, near Ite&aing Depot. LANCABTKK, TA. au16 tld TJKMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Office te Ne. 1M NOUT1I QUKKN 8TUKKT (Ilrlmmer's New building), where orders will be rocelved for Lumber and Ceal, WUOLlSiLS AD UTAO. ms-trd m. v. ii. coiie. TTIAbT KNO YARD. 0.J.SWAKR&00. OOAL. KINDLINQ WOOD. Office i NO.IW OKNTItK 8QUA11B. Beth yarfl aid otneo cenneated with Telephone Kxchange aprl3-lydMs".U T ma rAi'Kit is phinted with INK Manufactured by J. K.WRIQnTAOO., mrl)-lrd Mtn;ana liars 8UH rhlhtdelphla, r mmtttvAM .,, ms m i.s s. m'n'Hh is siesssissjstws A VKB'HCHKRUT PKOTOBAI. " It Saved My Life " Is a common oipresslen, elleti heard fro-n these a. a . a... ! nas sal SO InM fl ft I IWA leiiii stucn have dud rrem lung troublet.-K, llrsgdnn, fall stlne, Tex, ,,..-. About six months sgn I had a severe lloiner. rhage el the Lungs, bieiighl en by a distressing Cough, which deprived meet sleep and rest. 1 had used vaileus cough balsams and xpecter. ants, without obtaining reller. A Irlendjidvlsed me le try Ayer'a Oherry Pectoral. 1 did se, and am happy te say that It helped me me at ence. lly cimtlnned use this inhdlclne cured my cough, and, lam sallsried, saved my ltln.-Mrs. K.coburn,18l)ecend treet, Lewell, 1 have used Ayer'a Cherry I'ecleraJ forevera year, and sincerely iM'llnve I should havn been In my grave, had It net been ler Ihls medicine. It has cured me or a dangerous affection et the lungs, rer whleh t hail almost despslred el pver flmllng n remedy. 1). A, MoMullen, Windser, 1'rovlnce or Ontario. Ayei's Cherry IVtoteral saved my life. Twe years age I took a very severe Celd which set tled en my lungs. I consulted physicians, and took Mia remedies they prescribed, but failed te obtain relief until I begin using Ajefs Oherry 1'ecUiral. Twe bottles or this medicine com pletely restored my health. Llxzle M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohie. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1'repared by Dr. .1. O. Aycr A Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggist. I'rlce, II I six hnv- l- a. 411 nt Ues, 15, dld rOMNA UOIIMAI VOLINA CORDIAL CUIIKB DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER, MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. It Is Invigorating and delightful totake. and or gn-at value as a Medicine ler weak and Ailing Women and Children. It gives new lire te the whole System by strengthening the Muscles, Toning the Nerves, and cumpletcly Digesting the reed. This itcmedy contains no hnrtful Minerals, Is composed of uuetiilly selected Vegetable Medl rlnes, combined skilfully, making a Bale and I'leesant Itemedy. A HOOK, "ellna," by leading physicians, telling hew te treat diseases nt HOMK, malled, tegether with a set el handseme cards by new Ilellotype process, en receipter 10 cents. rer sale by all Druggists and Urecers. should the dealer near you net kuep Velika Cordial, remit I I.n). and a lull-slze bottle will be tent. Charges paid. rairARinesLT or Vel In r DruK and Obomleal Oempany, IIALTIMOItR, MD U. 8. A. rrll-lydAw PjURK OUAKANrKKU. RUPTURE'. Cure guaranteed by DH. J. 11. MAY KB. lue at once t nn operation or delay from busi ness i tested by hundreds of cures. Main office, 831 Altca ST., I'lllLA. Send for Circular. fJMvdAw rVHMTUHB. w. C. HAl'l. I R. ROTE. FURNITURE ! rer the HOT lltlKiAINS n yCIlNlTOUH or ALL KINDi, goleUio NEW FUENITURE STORE, Oer. Seuth Queen and Vine Eta. Wn are selling rer a short time, at ASTONISH I.(1 LOW I'KICKJ. Klecaut Walnut l!ed-Uoem Suites, Marble Tep, !3J.0)t Fine Haircloth Tor Ter Tor ler Suite. 31 te; Klfgant Lounge, 17.00: and ether goods at the same Lew Trices. mMmd F UKN'lTUKK WARKUOOMH. 1IUY TOUIlSKLr- A I'Airt or TilOSK Felding Dress Pillows, CALL EA11LY AT HelTmeier's Furniture Warerooms. They are the n I cost thing ent and we have Just rucclved another let of them. 38 BABT KINO STUUHT. T ATE.ST DKSIGNH AND KINISU. AT WIDMYER'S lOU WILL FIND A Large and Well Selected Stock or i FURNITURE, IV ALL THE Latest Styles and Finish. 4VCALL AND KSAM1NE.-W WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Oorner Beat Klrjff and Duke Sts., LANCASTKU, l'A. septAlyd H KINITSU'S FUUNITUKE UKrOT. Only 1 9 Days Mere Until CHRISTMAS. And weare Itcady te Shew as Fine audLarge nil Assortment or FURNITURE IV ALL LINES, A9IIA9KVKK 1IEKN SHOWN IN THE CITY. The goods el te day are se pretty and iittractlve tbut It U hard te IttBlst lluylng Somethlng In Our Line for CHRISTMAS. We want you ene and all te feel perfectly free te come every day If you doslre, and leek at what Is being put en the floors new and attrac tive, und you will net be urged te buy. Yeu would be surprlsed te Warn hew many are delu i this each week. We have already set nslde a great many pres ents ler DSCEM UK 11 SJ, but Iwo cun still icep a grout muny mere eecrets -AT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOB. 27 & 20 SOUTH QTJBBN ST., LANOABTIB, PA. H AQBR BROTHBK. Curtain Department ! HEAVjY DRAPERIES. We offer this BMteen the meat attraottve line of Heavy HanBlnga, for Curtains nnd PorMeree, we have ever shown, In All-Bilk Turoeman Curtains, Orenat Valeur Curtains, Vienna Obonllle Curtains, Indian Bilk Curtains, Florentlno Silk Curtains, Oholeo Persian Curtains, New Tapeatry Curtains. LACE CURTAINS. Brussels Laoo Curtains, Irish Point Laea Curtains, Swiss Laoo Curtains, Duteheas Point Lace Curtains, Antlque Laoo Curtains, Boetoh Laoo Curtains, India Laoo Curtains, Nettlnaham Laoo Curtains. Laes by the yard, Madras Laoo, Linen Berlma, Printed Serlms, Etamlnes, Nottingham Laoo. VEJSTIBULB AND SASHDBaIPBRLBS, (9-ALLUPHOLSTBRICia WORK will roeelvo prompt and earcfu) at tention and be guaranteed satisfaction. HAGBR & BROTHER, Ne. as West King Street, nuhiuAX aeuitn. IALAUE OF FABUION. 10LIMY S -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. GRAND OPENING -or HOLIDAY GOODS TO-DAY. We have opened a Large and Elryint Variety el Christmas Goods, All Mies, Attractive and l'.rul Articles, which we are selling at prices se low that they are bound te be sela within a short time. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! Large Variety I Prices Way Down ! KOTK THE PltlCKS Or TUE3K DOLLS: China Head, 8 Inch, 5c I China Head, 10-inch, 9c : China Head, 11 Inch, lc ; ax Head. 11-Inch, de; Wax Head. M-lnch. Me ; Wax Head, SS-Inch, 4Tc Wax Head, HMncb, Wc ; Wax Head, ST-lnch, natural hair. 73e. l'atent Head, li Inch, ISO : de IS Inch, 23c. Wax Head Baby Dell, U-lneh, lie l'atentllead Dressed Dell, 13 Inch, lie lllaque Head, le-lnch long and short hair, Xtc ; same. U-tncn, 30c. French UIsque, kid body. 13-lnch, M 15 Inclr- ma ueay, closing eyes, vx, iiidcuuuii.kuh papa and rnamma, 4tc. lllse.ua Dells, extra nnedrtB'ed, 11-lnch.Prtc. lilsaue Dell, dressed, 18-lnch, $ii ; 1 Inch, II Twenty-flTO Child's Tey Tarler S(ts, pearl in. laid, upholstered 7 pieces. In box, only ll.eu. Children's China Tea 8et in box, 15 pieces, painted, 15a (worth Uc) ; larger slit'. xe iwerth Oecl One Hundred Lanre Taint Bexes. 10-Inch long, 5a a box. Kxtra rine Taint llexcs.SxlS, two compart cempart compart ments, only Me (worth 50c ) Magnet Toys, 25a a box Mckel Trumpets, One, 13-lnch, only 25c (worth 75c) Tellihed Hi ass Tey Scales, Me (worth 0c ) Besides a larga variety el the following arti cles Heys' Scheel Companions. Whlskhelders In Hammered Brass. IMcture rrames, Vases, Bisque rigurcs, Match Safes, Calendars, Candlesticks. Ash Becelvers, bmekers' biUs, Werk Bexes, Music Kells, Manicures, flash illrrers, bcrap Beeks, Inkstands, Autograph Albums. Thoto Theto Thote uraph Albums, Smokers' Tables In Ebony and Walnut, and a geed many mere articles, the prices of whlchwe will uieuHen In our next ail Tcrtiseuiant. Special Inducements IN our Cleak Department. WK errKu SOMK SPECIAL BARGAINS In this Department. Belew we mention a row or the many Lew Trices which we put en ALL OUUUOODS. LADIES' VKKY riNE Boucle Walking Jackets, In Black and Brown, heavy quality cloth, well made and trlmmed I lrst-claae, only ti 75 (worth $4-50.) Ladies' Newmarkets. With 1'lush Trimmings, the wonderlnlly Lew riguroel only TUUKE DOLL Alte. CHILDREN'S OOATS As Lew as II 25, 11.60, ixed and upwards. Alse au Elegant Line el LADIES' COATS AND WRArS, And all the Latest Novelties la DOMESTIC AND 1MTOUTED UAHMK.NTS. TEKK0K8 Of Till. DENTAli CIIA1H DISAltMKD. Teeth extracted by the use et electricity per. fectly safe and harmless. My W.U0 Teeth are madeef the best material that lean purchase. ruling teeth a specialty. All work guaranteed. W. L. riSHEH, Dentist. apr?7 1yd Ne. ei North Queen St. , OM Mount, M KTZOBR 4 HAUOHMAN. OM LADIES' SEAL PLUSH COATS -AHE Fer Beauty of Finish, Fer Elegance of Fer METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse HotelLanca&ter, Pa. "VTEXT DOOK TO THE COURT HOUHE. xlSHAWLS "AND G0ATSt -AT- Fashnoateck's, Next Doer Imitation India Shawls, Deuble nnd Single , Brocade Shawls, Deublo and Single ; Paisley Shawls, Deuble and Single ; Blanket Shawls, Deuble and Sin gle, Alse Large Stoek Ladies' and Children's Coats In all the Newest Styles, all at Lewest Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. JMWKLUl. TjiDW. J. 7.AHM, JEWELER. CHRISTMAS-1 SSS. ELEGANT HOLIDAY GIFTS! ZAHM'S CORNER, Lancaster, Pa. Orders for SPECIAL JEWELRY of our own make should be plaeed with us early. FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING of overy description. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S CORNER, H. 7. UHOAD3, JEWELER. REDUCTION IN PRICES. A MOlOeia Stem wind Minute Bepeatlne Watch ler fl AMOOUelUStem Wind Chronograph Watcliier 210 A 1110 Geld Key Wind Chronograph Watch ler M) AKOOUeId stem wind Open race Watch ler 160 A 1121 Geld Stem Wind Watch for 100 Ladles' M Geld Stem Wind Wateh for 40 Ladles' t Oeld Bteai Wind Watch for 'iO DIAMONDS. A 11,900 Fair el Diamond Ear-Kings for tl,0 A ll,2ueralr of Diamond Kar-Klngi for tM) A tl.UOl'alref Diamond Kar-Ulngs for ii) A tue Falrcf niamend Kar-Ulngs for 440 Alie Pair of Diamond Kar-Itlngs for 400 A tsiifairef Diamond Ear-Kings for 240 AiUOPalrofD.ameudKar-rttnggfcr e AlJOl'alref Diamond Kar-Ulngs for 1C0 A HMI'alr of Diamond Ear-Utngs for m A lloe Pair of Diamond Kar-Ulngs for M AiTSPalref Diamond Ear-Kings ler b0 A lniPalref Dlamead Kar-Klngsfer I AfJSPalref Ulamend Kar-Ulngs for 23 Mnslcal Bexes from 75 cents te (3. W Ladles' and Misses' Jewelry Pine. Kings, Hut tens, all proportionately low. Uegers Ilres 1317 Platedware ut Greatly Beauced Prices. H.Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street, uuviKrvjufianiKO oeodb. s UIHK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! -HEOPEN1NQ OF- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new p reputed te show the trade the Largest and llest Selected Line et Carpets ever ex hibited la this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trailing Makes of IJODY AND TArESTlll lmUSSKLS.TUUEE-PLT, Ail-Weel and Cotten Chain r.XTBASUPEKS. and all qualities et IN CHAIN CABPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAUPETS. UAQ and CHAIN CAKPET3 of ear own manufacture a specialty. Speelal Attention paid te the manufacture of CUSTOM CAUPETS AlsoarullLlneef OIL CLOTUS.UUaS, WINDOW SHADES, COVKHLET8, 40., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Cor. West King and Water Streets, Lancaster, Pa WlMJCa AXD UUUUUB. 29 29 -0.0 TO- Reigarl's Old Wine Stere rer Pomraery Boe, llouche Sec, riper Hetdsleck:, G. II, Muinm A Ce , and alie trier leading brands of Imported Champagnes, Alse, Madeira. Sherry and Pert Wines, Clarets, Sauternes, Ales ana Sole Agent for Special Great Western Cham Cham pagne. produeed by tbe Pleasant Valley Wlne Ce, the finest American Champagne In the United States. ... ., . , . rierlda Orange Wlne. the finest In the market. A full line of Ilrandy, Wblaky, Gins and Hums. California Claret ana White Wlne, el Napa Vel. ley, California. H, E. Slaymaker.AQT., Ne. il K AST UINU ST., LANCASrEK, l'A "- - '. ' "? '. TrTT "WrrlSS nn sbtssssssssssswssmsssiiiii, ,?tvWy V(f, ""xrn. . 'ftfi ,! isfb y." i i i ssi s, s ssfwsississvskskaaaMi, HA0BR WtOTHKR Lancaster, Pa. NOTED - Fit, Superb Quality. Fer Cheapness of Price. te the Court Heuse. LANCASTER, PA. (31 lmdAiT Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! Ieba-2rnd4w r-ONTKAOTOR AND BU1LDEK. QEORQB ERNST, OABPENTEIt, CONTBACTOB A I1UILDEB. Bosldence Ne. W3 West King street. Shop Shep East Urant street, opposite station house. WOODEN MANTELS AND QENEHALIIABD WOOD WOBK A SPECIALTV. sW All work secures iny prompt and persona attention. Drawings ana Estimates furnished. oet27-lydH R DTK 18 MAKINU CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS A SMO a pens. AT NO, 108 NOBTB QUEEN BTBKKT, anl-tfa Tnneatr. Ps S TORAQK AID COMMISSION WARHHOUSB. DANIEL MATEB. Ma U West Chestnut BtreeL deca-lyd m i ii 'n : j' wmArm T.T&m dTskte m iimSZr LTt "" r."V B snsL ten. a JJSfi'SJJ ""lllsj ter LuteMtasTsj, and 100 a. m, ana is MrTs3eTr "pKADINO A COLIIMMIA. KAILMOAB VXi..2,.ne Ancsif at 7.Vft.L.Bi rnri.-.i.vrvin. , rer KftCT-V"" ." a we p. M. ' i, i.T . " " ul- RId ime m 4. ' IUIINu i.mvsKiiiiium. ? sMlBsfAmsi Fri52'n-.?l'vnaiMp.UU iti. TBAINB LEAVE Oil AllUYVII. Wi Zi SSawa&R,ff--. Jk . "" einsiKTiLanessitsff.l "f" rerllea.llngt7.a.m.,U4aandiOn!Si! A Fer Lebanon at tt.40 a. m., U40 and HW S mT 4, m vi vjiinrryruiB at 11 a. m., 4 SO and S.J0 U. M. '' IiEAy1tPKINCE8TllliKT(Uincastr.J V?V Fer Ibanen at 8.47 a. m., ltM and 8.01 p. ml orynarTyvllleat.30.m..4.(0 and 8.08 n.sm. , TIlAINS LEAVE LEIIANONV Fer Lancaslr at 7.a a. m., 1VI& and 7 JO p. m. rer yaarryvllleat7.au a. m. ' BDITPAT TRAIKH. TRAINS LEAVE UEADINd Fer Lanoeater at 7.X a. m. and tee p. m. Fer Cjuarryvllle at t-oe p. in. TBAINB LEAVE (JUAltltWILLB Fer Lancasler, Lebanon and Beading at 7J0 a88 TBAIN8 LEAVE KINCJJBT. (LaneasUrr.) Fer Heading ana LubaneiTht 8.06 a. m. and M p.m. Fer ynarryrllle at B BO p. in. TBAINS leave PRINCE ST. (Lancaster,) Fer Beading and Lebanon and 8.16 a. m. aad .84 y p.m. Fer yuarryrllle at B is p. in. . TRAINS LEAVE LEHANON, rer Lancaster at 7A1 a. m. and 9Up.ni. roryuarryvllleatstsp. m. rer connectlon at Columbia, Marietta Jonas ' lien, Lancaster Junction, Manhetm, Ueadlsur i and Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. A. M. WILSON. Burmrtntsmdant HOtlaKMUUMBlllNU UUUDSW QAhL AND SEE " ""'""" J" -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Llght Il( als them all. Anether Let of CHEAP OLOI1ES ferOasand Oil Mores. THE PBnFEOTION " METAL MOULDING AND ItUIIUER CUSUIOX WEATHER STRIP Heats them all. This strip entwears all ethers. Keens out the cold felep rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and ruin. Any one can apply It-no waste or dirt made In atv plying it. can be flttea anywhere-ne holes te bei, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfoet. At thv bleve, Heater and llangu Htore -or- Jehn P. Sclmum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. "1T7-M. A. KIBFFiW. ALDUS O. HERB KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, Orpesile Court Heuse). Invlte.tall Uousekeopors te call and Inapeafe thelr stock of Eeuseliirnishing &oeds. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and 11 A. NOES, PARLOR STOVES. 'HEATERS ana FURNACES., SITMMEE 000K STOVES. After carefully examining the menu ret J1 effered te the trude, we Iute selectcd THE "ARGAND, rer UASOLINE.and THE ,f DANGLER," rer coal oil. As the Rest, when all point are considered, te Offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We leve te show enr goods, and are net offended If you de net purchas. Remember, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Mannfactured by ruller A Warren Company, Trey, N. Y., which has no rival In durability. economy of f uel and control of gas. New Is taa time te examine and become posted for Autumn' purchases. REMEMBER THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) an2P.tfdssW rrxr.L vjLvxtn. w ALL l'AI'ER, ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 1M NORTH QUEEN STREET, The lime of high prices for Inferior grades of Wall l'aiiers U u thing of the past. Elegsnt Wall Paper and Window shades at lowest mar ket prices. We have In stock the finest as veil as the cheapest Paper uiade. if you Intend papering your honse come and leek at ear geed and our prlces will surprise yen. All kinds or 1 lndew Shades ready made aaA mode te order. Wn have an elegant line of Cur tains In haavy and lightweight. Poles, Chains. Heeks, Plus, Veallbule Reds, Stair Beds aaa everything belonging te a first class Paper and Shade Heuse. 49-Examlne our goods ana oetv pare prices. ALFRED SIEBER, 134 North Qucea Street, LANCASTER, PA uuuvsuuea. s PLENDID B1O0K Holiday Groceries, Newandfre9b, at Ien est prices. A full Una est foreign and douiestle fruits, new yrenchpranaa, new raisins, citron, currants, seedless raisins, fresh ground Bplccs, fine flavorlngextruets, rea water. New Orleans baking molasses, geed aa low us 8 and 10 cents a quart i geed whlte sugar 50; bst whltu and gran ulaud sugar euly Ce. per jeund. A faU supply of very line Christmas flour. Give It a trial. Our goods are nil flrst-cluss. Please call or send In your order. GEORGE WIANT, aurte-lvd xri iiBirweTi ifiunaini -rM tJ. ls1 II I? JsVA1S aAMBs JUPZ MAVULHMHT. 'WKAAMalSaStaa M AOHINKKY, 40. ea STEAM HE ATINa 44; staleat ana Hest Ixnprerea IN61NES TruUsi, Perl&tli ir Mhuj. New or Becena-Uana BOILHB3, WATKB TANKB, BEPAaiTOH,1 kept in Machine shops. iy ', 2 CALL 0 OB AUDalSS, . ', Ezra F. Landis. WORKB-637 NOBTH OHBKBT trTBWW, ( LAnrAiraa Pa. nnMAi TTAVANA. OIOAKH MARKLKIM',, s a new brands. M Ainenta " ap -" w clear Havana Cigars are the Ix Cigar in the niirset. irriBsin. NaUNerU (roneerly lUrttnan's) v:jJ L3 71 W m K2 2 .y y:Zi ) Jy. r.X rM "'" 1 iV' IV i:i -i -ivr r ,...,w .-jG&mii!t6Q&&i&''