rt"i.T ws WWiV J TIM" wm .VA'iiMrY'1 ftGlIBrOERikTDE SbAT.SDJ ' "Vc "H f ".,. 1ALU1' '4' v v$? ht J-ffiii V, y- y-Sflffl-BI 19 pmr , IAm j DAT IN THB TKAB BftTXtd.) rnri mllam a th. nrrr DIUTniDITClUlfM IB tin 1U ADJeimsa ruaM. irLi UmAL cuniiMtea jLtunrss te e oeimoriot & g-y y'AMViBliaiNQ BATHS: EKfe''- - Wln. lln. ain. ln, lln.Mn. HBrnrn 75 rrsi i j iTw.rsn ..... H 11 l BM nh i IX anal mi 6 0 750 nO,,,,, 100 185 6tf 515 8 80 U Utfl 110 23) 100 6(0 7B0 B0 WmMk i 8K sM,one HBL,.,, IK 4 80 TW '08" Win 10W nPSw.. w eae le no t is se neni aise RfiKIT.. am ren moo ise anon mho HLi, tOW 1000 1700 230H J70U 1U HESm.. oel uoe )oe wee no its pe KET,, OOl 18 00 ggOejMOn 41 00 82 UJ fBr,b, 16 00 MOty MOO M00 CSWI ifhe Weekly Intelligencer Every Wednesday Merniss. AXB4a,ilJivosiizeimz. circs et ti, )A00TTte i-skbevb eiTTinu tr elicttid ram btsst fa rt or ihi i in aetrmr. iu AKOirmers turrets anisnDTOTBxwA8Ti aiaiirr. imUZttltrt and TeUgrami te '., 'jVTWi INTBIjIjIUBNOBK, r Building, Lancaster, 1'a. tip fentcifitcr amdltgmcfcf. jv LAHOABTEK. DECEMIIER 7, ltSG. r) ' The Mcssngc. fiXbere la nethlre especially novel in the fciWMcs el lue message or tlieir treatment. 1 She president's views are well known and altera was no opportunity for surprises. He nlfttlr And fitrnnplv maintains nil liis nesi- '(tiOMandmake3a somewhat elaborate ar- 'tfMMAnf 4-Vies vtavaiY nnAfltinn if 4 tin fe-1fT mnni uu due icauu ijuwhuw ua wie aaviisA Which ever affords se much feed for words "ind yet really calls for se little action. The ycgeiaeni is in inoreugn sympaiuy wuu avenue reform. He believes that the taxes are heavier than the needs cf the eoestrr require, arm mat tne import itu 'tits should be lowered. The ardent pre- AMttA.lat iwyYi Vn tTl a ftf n.'ar eiinirfl(iAn sf fj, lowered duty, will Dnd a red Hag in the (Message. The presldent'sdecided position, alesgtlde the secretary of the treasury's. Mrreelnir with the known views of the ma. priority of the Democratic representatives. "! hates no doubt of the Democratic position f- ea the tariff, and assures some reduction m the tariff revenue at this session. tlmiii " tit may be only In the wool duty, which the ' Tjarty can well unite In voting. 6 . xne presiueni reports us at peace wun B? Bfl thfl urmrlil. fhn Mprlenn nnil fl.intirlinn P"4lsputea being hardly big enough te rustle n we nauemu equanunuy. Mexico s pre & ""l jenelens, bewever, te judge crimes com- . r;tmii'tcu uu uiu iciiiiui, litxua lu iia e a 'rtf.quiewjs put upon it, which doubtless can 'Xt done by negotiation. A It Is well we are at peace, because we jfcUjfctve hardly any navy and no army te yseeak of. Over in Turone the rrp.it KtntM fc.l!ve their standing armies up te such size SK?tijat they Lave te co te war te t?et rid of 3, them. They Lick the dollars te endure the S'Wit ixeie we ure ireuuiea wun loe ;iiy aeiiars. i inancially we are w enuer- ifnllv Atmntr flinilcrli fhn Moea ..nr. '-.' w--..ra , ...WU.. fc..w (M1.1U U'VU i?aiHincemigni;De stronger, xne suggestion !igwv uiere is no neea co coin surer cellars ftggte store them, and no decency In putting ijjWt en ai a nunurea cents a dollar worth about i!i? MVentr. Should lift nllle in mnte nn Imnnx. ww -.. .vi" :,"". --"----- 1-JbC '-uuBicaj mat wia siep rue irauuu- w..rf. ...u uiuiv CU1C1 1D UUJ UUU . coin, nna stre away, tiie cue.iiicr it P seems te get. Our efforts te bull the mar- ijAj, ,jw,isaiauureanu one would think that s;Veven the silver statesmen would be disceur- ESrA'; j i a. ...... ... BgjMgeu uy ine resuu or ineir unuertaKing te 'fliimp their constituents' silver mines into R The president's views en ocean mail . pr. Ba .(. lfift hnnnnf lm tnl... X 1 .1 gc f v uiuuut ug ta&tru iu luver aiusiu as if-uiaB term is generally understood. The 8M only excuse for subsldv Is the enpnume- Oaaentef a certain line of business in the s, ,R nope mat it may be se strenethene! as te Evf J ahle te stand eventually without gev- Ktf mment SUnnert. Iti.HJln n(l!rnn,.e( finr. 'fe lu ,l,-l ..!.. .... tiv uuixiue ui pioiecnen matnasre- -.-c eelred but little favor in this ceur.trv l. efet Cause it Is be open te abuse. .AB.a motive ler government support of ocean steamship lines the president glve3 m.1 ""edcwuiiub ui pu3iui service, "necesary fjsv and proper and net otherwise obtainable hf Te this no exception can be taken, for the Spit ' 8ervlce mu9t ee rendered as efficient L,arlses: Is there any land with which postal p3rp,"'"'"cvt","j uuu "icreiere proper, -. and yet net obtainable without paying a tpnceiericmat would reach subsidy pre- p.jwjxieua f psscine message indicates the Argentine ;i Benubllc and Brazil na fninilh.r. tin.cn n i'jf i.iMf, vv .uu jfc ibywayef England, nnd therefore occupy- SfcteX about double the titriA rp.illr nppprv ? f-The mall between these countries and our . $yqwn may net be very large, but if there C-'SVWaift direct ("wll.lnire !). V.n T'.,lt.l tssivBtatesef thenreducts nf Smith nn,i wti, S"M 'America instead of beintr i.irm-iv thrnimi. R,Sttlelaedium of English houses it would I- .C'taachmest resDectabln nmmrtimn ti,0 &b president rightly Eajs that a wlse'exten- uiiF'"" our postal service " may lead te pTtimulatlng Intercourse and become the jJharblnger e a PfoQtable traffic." Tliis is - principle vnai nas long been recognized iffe-Ia the establishment of nnst.ii rnnit, i i, rfarWest, where many a mining camp and it filietUement ewes a large share of success te 0! we government postal service. vr The Treasury Ilcnert. m The report of the secretary of the treas EC;Nrj Is a very vigorous deenmpnt. whtei, win 1 hi read with great interest for its decided iT& 8 s political issues. It very l,aoeraieiy reviews tne bi-metallic question, t,"4 w strong lu-meuille position. It ,,?:n!" however, that the policy of this ik,ieuntry will lead It te n. Rinnm r ,,.. flWrchaseand colnage of silver, that the j. . huw or me world may sooner be brought ?te a realization of thentedef both silver Mill il1 no Innnl i.i .1. . r 6" "Ktti euiimarus or value. It' ees net recommend further effort te se aOMa cenferenrn nmntiw tlie .n .. "" " ueiiuiu upon JJV,tteUen, until the cessation of silver were nas Drought ether nations te tftflMI. n flVftl. -. l.t ,, rii. ::... .u,i c c,,r- - "wicuttty uiiniw it wm. He Lwdred thousand minds and that, much l ! II III Itn ..nn.t.,1 i- ll i . nm wuccueuiur kb ueiermlnatlen. pj, wnicu nas neon the stumbling ; iathe yay of a bl-metalllc currency, nr shaken in its DosItienbvthniiPPia tzriia'and is shnuincr n lllincmnsa t . lrn flmly .bsU' saeBO-seUdlic pOSlUfl. The secretary declares that the United States needs te rcduce revenues, new tliat she can no longer find investment for her surplus In redeeming her bends, save by their purchase at an enormous premium. And the plan for reduction he finds In the Impert duties en raw materials, which nre levied alone by us of all nations. Free trade he declares no man will everseeln this country, which must raise its revenues from the imports, leaving direct taxation generally te the states. Taxes en raw ma terials are destructive of the labor interest. We pay the highest wages here and con sequently liave the best labor and the best machinery, nnd as a further consequence, the lowest cost of labor In the manufac tured article. That the highest paid labor ensures the lowest labor cost, Is nn economical discovery that will place this nation in the leading manufacturing rank as seen as the raw materials of manu facture are relieved of tax ; which Is going right into the armory of the high tariff people for the weapon te de them te death. Ve trust that there nre mere than one In a hundred thousand of the people of this country who will be able te reach an under standing of the economical quest ions which the secretary discusses and determines for himself with se much firmness ; and as te the final recommendation that Congress shall pass an act, pure and simple, te take the duty off wool, we think that there will be general approval. There is nothing very difficult te understand in the state ment that free wool, meaning cheap cloth ing, is needed by the people ; and everyone knows that w el cultivation Is net an in dustry that very many people are concerned in protecting. m mm m Ven Meltkc's i'peerli. The importance that is given te Count Ven Multke's speech in the foreign dis patches, and the evident consternation at its grave tone, show the overpowering weight of Germany in the affairs of Europe. The speeches of the Austro Austre Hungarian ministers were of far mere serious tone, but they did net arouse half the consternation described as following the appeal of Ven Moltke for the passage of the septennate. This was because It was well known that Austria would net dare te act without the approval of Ger many, and the latter iewer has acquired se strong a military reputation that its contiel of war or peace has been conceded. Ven ileltke's speech intimates that the military superiority of Germany has been overestimated, and that if the unity or' the empire is te be maintained it must be dearly p ud for. His statement that even a rich country could net long bear the heavy expense of the military establishments maintained by the neighbors of Germany, and that decisive events must therefore happen at an early date, proves that the German rulers see that the people will net much longer bear this heavy drain, and are determined, bv force of arms or reason, te bring about a general reductionef standing armies. This one sentence of the speech has mere in it than any public utterance of European statesmen for many a day. It shows that the effort for a better adjust ment of affairs is te be made at an early date, and that if the reputation and power of Germany cannot overawe her neigh bors, she will have te put them te actual ue in a war for peace with lower taxes. If it were net for the Trench and Russian desire te win territory, there might be a way out of the difficulty without war, but the young men of both nations have been raised with the idea of conquest firmly roeted.and Neither will cease te menace the peace of Germany until they have wen or lest forever the Khine provinces and the Dardanelles. The German government insists uiwn a prevision for the army for seen years, long before the last seven years are ended, and gives as a reason the urgency of the situation. Is it a wonder that all Europe is alarmed '' Tun demand for cheap literature is growing Duringthe first six months of thte y(-T M,S09 hundred weight valued at X 196, 7C3, were exported from Great Britain. Dur lngthe same time last year 52,853 hundred weight were exported at a value of ifelG.S&J. -m mi FATHEn Pnmir J. DfFrr, of New Yerk, lias a Hf Jib en his hands In trying te kill the fashion of wearing frizzes and bangs In the tchefls of hte parish. The girls must wear their hair plain and oft their foreheads aud net ever their eyes like a poodle. All the Rtndenta trangresslng will have ten points taken off their weekly report ; these persisting in disobeying will be suspended. 'Ihoae who obey the order will have ten points credited te them. m "et long age an eminent English geoleglt In reporting te his government en the dia mond fields of Seuth Africa said that the geological formation was ery much like that el a part of the state el Kentucky, and that in his opinion diamonds would eventually be found la that stata This statement has naturally stimulated Investigation of the geology of Kentucky and an amateur geolo geelo geole gist announces that he has at last found a small pitch el ground consisting el a coarse gravel rtsembllngthatdescrlbed by thegeolo thegeelo thegeole glst. In Africa diamonds were first found In small quantities en the surface of these patches and en digging deeper they became mere uumereus and valuable; but, as the or.nglembratohardoned with the increase of depth, the mining of them became very ex pensive. That the Kentucky man has found a pocket like these of south Africa there lsne duubt, but whether he will find anything In H of allI0 Is very doubtful. The moun meun talnesra el Kentucky are well known te pe-stB3 a fair share of intelligence, if net coupled with education and resrect ler law, and It Is hardly likely that no valuable a eecre would leugrcmalu hidden from them aa It did from the stolid boera of south Africa. WAYSIDE GLANCE . The Midden plunge into the rigor of mid winter weather m very pleasant ler the small boy with a bled, the young man with a host girl and the llveryman with plenty of slelirha te hire. Hut It will fall with great severity ujiuji uiiiuy 01 iiiu ieur 01 me city. The well housed, the well-ffed and the well clad should give a thought te their peer brethren In the nresent situation. The Dorcas society, w hlch Jm done an Incalculable amount of geed by It Intelligent distribution of clarity, reports Itw-Jf nearly out of funds aud previsions. Thesa who respond te its appeal for aid will have thofallsfaetlen of knowing tlmtenly the most worthy subjects receive the consider ation of the society. All donations of anv klud should be sent te the treasurer, Ml a Annie Uurlerd, Ne. 207 Eat Orange street. If lelt at the iNTELHOEXCEn office, the sime will be promptly forwarded toltsdestlnatlen. And while en this subjectef charity, why does net this town held a charity ball T It is one el the most successful as well as beauti ful means of raising funds for the peer. It bm liKn proved an easy task te have a hfiveci liouse assembly. Why net tiluck splriuut Irnlt from the social tree by glvlnir the festivity a charitable impulse. There w.V!?iJ??ii-?1,.,;,u U 0", ueveroecurte inuv lU'il"?118 ',oer wh0 weu' cheer, lully contribute te a scheme or this kind and dancing for charity would Ionia new charm te the art torpSlcbereiu, Te mak! Dime Fashion de htr part toward. th in t . tleu of tlie winter mjiVryrtffi.'iSJ'; Is aetfehig like a charily UU. Who will set lh ball a rolling ? TbeUteK. Price lirpenlenf, who died In Bosten KAtnrtlay, and who hut left the bulk of his 1 100,000 or 1600,000 cetatA te Harvard college, wm a uilnerly man whose theory con cerning poverty wa the mere you help pe erty the uiore poverty there will be. He never forget the division his uucle Ruilel made el the peer, that there were three clnv, the Ierd' peer, the devil's jxvir, anil the jHKir debits. The Lord's ioer were the K-tltin of extenuating clreumtance, the devil peer became peer through their dellment, aud the peer devil were made ae by their Itido Itide Itido lcnce. I'EKSONAU The i ate Ciiam.!' FitAscti Aivn left an estate of 1,250,000 ametii: liN family. Peitmahtkii Eznv Kvans of t est Chester, li serleuMy HI with typhoid feer. "Jee" Heward te lecturing en "franks." As he Is an Rule new "paper man, he must have had large experience el what he de scribes. El.LA Whvklek .VlLre Is a prey te begging letter writers, aud recalls an Instance of a woman having come one hundred miles te ask her ler money te set he:t.eir up lu the pickling trade. I'ntsstnET IlAnxnp.ef Columbia college finds that the age el graduitleu v as much 'ewer a century age than at present. In two hundred and thirty Instances, taken from biographical dictionaries, the age el gradua tion was In most cases at tilneteen ears exact ly. Very many were graduated at Bges at which they would net new be admitted as freshmen. Dltln t Cr for sni She (looking ever the billet fare, Am I te have earte fltnrhe. Charley T Charley Why, yes ; take some cute blanche If you want, but 1 prefer semethiug solid. "Itateh' what damned tnlnntes tellhevr" who suffe's.liat wait he writhes yet means, befc rube mikes up his mind te send out for jut twenty Ave cents winn of blJilen en, the pain curn. Tney sy the aversje politician ts getting hearse talking about tsrin and no tartiT , but ha cures hi cold every night with Dr. Uall Lenetj 5 nip, and begins afresh next morning with ih Urk. w ONDERFl'L EFFECTS. ST. JACOBS OIL. SrKAIS AND llUVlSES WONDBBFUL EFFECTS. Ceulil net Walk. Mr. Charles Joserh. 113 Langion tret. Sin Kranclsce, Cal , savs ; " 1 sprained toy ankle se badly 1 could net walk, and tried almi't everything known, without relief, wben one day a friend adMied me te use M Jacobs OIL Jammed Itetween Cars. 'lleth leg were once caught In between csrs. severely brulilng them. ' says Mr 11 W Jehnsen, or the Detroit, Mich . Itrotste Ce., " eays ray Injuries were relieved bv the no of St. Jacob en. This remedy also cured msef a sprained ankle " Could Scarcely Mete. HorsTef, Texas. Mr Wm H. Ceyle, Chief of the Fire De partment, saj s i l was everely lnjurvd by a falling wall j could scarcelj move llv using m.. Jacobs Oil. my lameness dtsap peared and I w as cured." An Injured Hack Cured. Kassas Citt Me Mr Frank II. Brooks, ex. manager of trie nmei. writes "I stonpeJ te Insert mv latch key, when my feet slipped .from under me and 1 fell, striking the small of my back across an Iren railing 1 was painful y In jured, and my back was swollen ana discol ored ; 1 ued st. Jacobs OU several times and was promptly cured " Crushed Under a llalltltec. Ne. 1311 seventh St , Louisville. Kv WhUe helping te leu-eve a frame bunding of the City hallway Ce , It fell ever en ma, pre'slng me te the gre jed and spraining my back. I was cirrtea home en a streicber, and the doctors attended me two weeks, when my wile persuaded me te u.e "t, Jacobs OU, and the pain was ixm con en tirely. JaSftK ISKOrt tB. The CHiP.LES A. VOGELEH CO, Ualtlmere. Md. Red Star Cough Cure. rSEE TliOM OPIATES AND 10130X3. safe scke. rneMpr. 25 CENTS. AT DEU&OISTS A.VI) DEALKUS. TIIE CIIAKLES A. VtHiELKtt CO.. Ea'tlinere, Md. run ai.?r en uit, F IOR RENT. TWO TWO-STORY BRICK houses, at 17 a month. Apnlv At this errics F OR RENT. TUB SIOBE ROOM, Xe. and J5 SOL TJJ JL 111 BIKCCI', new occupied by Julius Lech, suitable frany kind of business dJ-ttd ORSALEORRE.NT-ALLTnATCER-taln Grlt Mill, water right, stone Swelling house, and ether imprevem'nts, together wltn about ten acres of fund, commonly known iw "Greenland Mills," sltnated en Mill Creek In East Lampeter township, about three miles from Lancaster city This Is a valuable prep, erty, with an sstabllshed custom. Fer terms el sale apply te fcLIZAnKTII G. E lllTrs. nl9-lmdAw 4 IS. North Dukei st, Lancaster, , Pa L'BLICSALE. ,, . Os TuesDAT, DiCIildIR II, ih, wui be sela at public sale at the Kes-stone Hetel, that valuable two-story Urlck DwWllug. e. 517, situated en the east HJeef Jlerth l'rlnL street, containing hall and eight rooms, het and coin water and gas en first and second stories , letl feet91nehes and extend. In depth te Mar ket street The property is all In geed repair Sale te commence at 7 e clock, when condi tions will be made known by VV. F. HUMBf E UisEV EnTBtBT, Auctioneer. dwtd PUBLIC SALE OF A DESIRABLE CITY KESIDENCK Will be SOLD at Publle Sale ut the Leenard hotel, en TIIl'ltsUAY KVEM.VG, DfcCKMilEU 9, that desirable residence. Se. 122 .euth Ouke street, with a frontage of Is feet C inches, and d dejthet IiOfeet, moreerless Wide bar. vesti bule, large parlor, dining room and kitchen en nrsl fleer, four sleeping rooms and bath room en second fleer, te plastered attic room, back and front stairways, cellar heater, range In kitchen, gas throughout heute, het and cold water. The house is in first-das order. Is pa pered throughout, and is In one et the meat de sirable locations in the city. Sale le cpmmencH at 7 o'clock p in. when terms wUl be made known by Jekl, l u uses, nIMIt Auctioneer and Ileal hstate Agent. YOL'NG mN A'D LADIES. Having doubts as te the feasibility ofobtAln efobtAln ofebtAln Inf aknowltdzeef uCSiNEIij AND IIUsINEss iiLTHODs, cinhive their doubts remevtO by calling at the ' OOMMEROIAL COLLEGE, 10X EAST KISO STUEET. Large class In attendance new. call and spend an hour pleasantly and profitably II. C. WKIDl.li.it, lTinclpal. NOW TH B TIM E TO SPECTLATU ACTlt E FLUCTUATIONS In ithe murket eiler opportunities te speculators u make money lu eruln, stocks, Ilends and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given te orders re ceived by wire or mall Correspondence eellc Ued Full Information abent the markuts In our nook, which wUl be feruarded free en an. plicatien. ,." '2 K1-!- Hanker and lireker. nevjfrl d A w 3' NW SU" 1SOW Yerk cu7 OTICE. TL ,N,et'CM '? hereby given that the partner ship lately subsisting between M V. is t"h0 aud Jehn -Sunnemacher. el lancMter. Pi under the firm name or M. v. B ( oho A l a. V&Z dissolved en the first day of April a. l..lkej hv mutual consent. All debts owing te salon ir riMmhln am te be secured by Bild M. . ll. c'ohe, and all demands en sild partnerships are te be presented te him for payment. v M V II COHO, JOHN MJ-N-NHMACHEB. '! All parties Indebted te the above nart Seii,5,p. "J111 '.'Ji V-J'- -obe. cal 1 without 1'n , anil pay the faxnu ucUdlU m. v. n cohe. "OVERY LADY 8HOULD VISIT TIIE Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DECEMBER 7th te 14th, At the Salesrooms of Wheeler & Wilsen Mf'g Ce., Ne. S SOUTH QUEEN BTKKEr, LisciSTtn, Pa. sTOpcn Evenings, ajtu ff OOP'S SAItSAPARlLtsA. WE SUBMIT FACTS In regard te Heed's farsapitli as a iTtnedv for rhnuui Ism, and ask vim l f are aniicted with this i1Ik'u. te try the initlu me which has se grestly benefited ethers Hum! reds el people who sulTervd i is tortures of rlieiminiNn. eenln Its severest forms, have licen pel im lit cinvd by lxe Sarsaparills, the gtrat I ' "h1 p'li itler it corrects the acldltv of the m.xhI. Mi h Is the Cause of the dl-ease mi Kn,, -tietiglh and vigor le et or)- pari of the bed "1 used Uoe.Vs Ssrsaparuia Wst spilng, and ran truly sv lihel-d nin rerv u iuh lnthi" stittertngwlth bilious eemplaln's nervous pros, tralloner rheutnntlsm. 1 earnesiiv recommend It." JIUS.K LAUPKM'KU, haianmtoe. Mich. KHKUMATISU CI II l " Seme twenty yesrs age lhl m right ankle i1iKk-uc0, and it has been miniiice At'ut t n jears age I was ep wi-d te setere c d and CAtne near frvexlnir N' " ' 'hen I have of en bwn troubled with then m m, biTw ting me nieet In the right ankle I u(T..rtd severelj during last winter, snd tried II,.hI s s,trs,ips it la as nhelp. It gAVemealm-xt iuniivdtateri ltrt, una 1 keepltcensbtnUy n-mlt ler use If It dt-Hsas well for ethers as It 1 as done for me,lt is worth many times Its cost - . i. 11U1 fteiutin, iiii. "thaTetaken Heed's famanuiil for dvsperc sla and ss a tents alterative. ltli the most ben efliUl l .'suits I havoalsettod it ter rheumit tlsm with giXHl efleet. 1 regard it as en. of the very best Unil'y medicines and would uet will lugly be without It.' A. 11. crilHT, I'revldt nee, ll 1 Heed's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggist. 11 six for l'ri pared enlv by 1. c. HOOD A CO , Apo'hectnes, LeweU, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE D01.LAH. T IKED Ol'TI At this .easen nearly every e-ie needs tenw some sort or tonic IKON en . ' line a' in "t er phjsicUns prescript! a i r i'.isi wt-e uecd bunding up. l'hy slrlaus and Druggl-.t' Keceinmcntl BROWN'S IEON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. r or Weakneas,Lassltnde,'Lack Knergy Etc , It 11 VS NO tQl-AL, and Is the . s Iren m.dl cine that Is net Injurious. It r. irnhes the llloed. invigorates the System, 1-'' re Appe tite, Aids Digestion. It does n it 1 si ken or In Jure the teeth, cause headache or i redutu con cen con stlpaUen ns ether medlclnr-s de t'R li II Iti-iKLir, a IcaJIne phvslclsn et sprlngfleld, Ohie, says llrewn s tr n Hitters I- thoroughly geed medicine I u-e It In my practice, and find Us action eiels all ether forms et iron In weakness, or a low condition et thesjstcui, Brown's Iren llltt.-r. Is usually a piviKlve necessity. It Is all that Is i sin ed for It Da. W N Watkr, Uia Thlrn -eceud tr't, Georgetown, D. C, says : ' llrewn s Iren Hit ters . the Tonieof the age. .nih ng Ihu r It creates apiwtlte, gives strength and Improves digestion A The Genuine has Trade Mark ard crrwcd red lines en w rapper, lake no ether Madeen'yut ltUOWN C1IEMU VI c. (I) ikuuiuere, Md. T ,KE Simmons' Liver Regulator FOR THE KIDNEYS, Thej aresuretobe Healthy If the LIVEU acts properly. Fer te cure the Liver Is te cure the Kidneys. If the Kldnsys de net act properly the follow ing symptoms will fellow : Headache, Weakness, Pain In the small of the tuck and Leins, Flushes of Heat chills, with disordered MetLttch and Bowels "I have suffered a theisand deaths since 1 lett the array, and a u.ere dls i tsed Liver and Kidney yen never heard of I tried a number et dirt, rent reme dies a"d spent 11,0. but 1 obtained no rual beneflt nntll 1 bought a dozen bottles of -lmrnens Liver llegulater This prepa ration cured me. and I must s H I. the only medicine 1 would give a cent ter la my case. ' U II. UEAHD, Elchnien J, Ind nortHweedAw B AKLEY malt whisky. PERRINE'S rUHK BAilLEY IALT WIISKT. DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION and all wasting dlscsuss can be entirely enred by It MALABIA ts completely eradicated from the system by Its u,e PEHUINE'S PUBE BAULEt MALT WHISKY revives the energies of the-,e worn wl-.h excessive bodily or mental effort. It acts as trSAFEUC'AUD against exposure In the wet and rigorous weather. sj-TAKE part of a wtneg'a.sfal en your ar rival home atter the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast. Being chemically pure. It commends luelf te ihe med ical profession. WATCH THE LABEL. Nene genuine unless bearing the signature et the firm en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, NO. 37 NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA. eepul-flrueedi -TTtLY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Belief at Once and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATAKIill, HAY KEVEU. NetaLtquId, Snnff or Powder rree from In. lurieus Drugs and Ollenslve Oders. A kirtlcle is applied te each ne.trll and Is egneable. Piicu M cants at druggists i by mall, rtvlstered, 60 ct. Circular free ELY llliOS, Druggists, Osnege, N . jnIyS3.yeedAlrw pxIfAUHTED VITALITY. EXHAUSTED" VITALITY THE SCIENCE or LITE, the great iledlcal tVerk of the age en Manhood, .Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of ieuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon a) pages 8ve. 13 prescriptions for aU diseases. Cleth, tnll gilt, only li m, by mall, sealed. Illnstretlveeample ttv te all young and middle-aged men for the next OOdays Address Dlt. W. II. l'AUKKK, t Bulflnch street, Bosten, Mass. tnyl7-lyredAw UKE KOK THE DEAK. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com cem Inrtablu and always In position. All conversa tion aud even whispers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, KKKE. Address or call en V. HlSCOi, bU Broadway, New erk. Mention this paper. lnnelu-lveedAlyw A FRESH SUPl'LY WINTER GOODS, Femnch In demand, has Jast been received at Beehteld's Cheip Cash Stere, e 82 North (jui-en -trcet, at prices te suit the times All In need of seasonaele Goods are respectfully In vited te call and secure Bargains at JILCHTOIiU'S. E sTABLISUED-1770. Demuth's Cigar Stere. iVe have la ateckal'lne Assortment of Goods, huttable Chrislinia Presents for Gentlemen. MKKItSCIIAUSl PIPES and CIltAlt HOLD Ell1, t lsln, ' arved and silver Mounted Genuine rilKNi II IIUIAIt l'IPts In Latest Styles, ubipes and Mounting.. fine SMOKING iOUVCCOS. Imported and Key West cigars. Our Hpeclalty The only C n-ir Havana tiller Hand Made C'lgsrs In the city for 8c. brands "MU," "Ouerlda" and " Gelden Lien CAN KS In A118tylesnndl'rlces. Snuff Boies, Clar Cases, Match Bexes, Ac. -Telephene connection. NO. 114 EASTKINQ STREET, LANCASTEll, PA. decS-lmd BOOK. . . .Ms.v-v-..t. nRAND OPENINO -reit the- HOLIDAYS -AT- FON DERSMH'S Boek, Stationery and Art Store, THIS EVENING. XO. v EAST KIS'G STHEEl. Opposite Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa, MUgS-tld rpHKUOLliiAY SEASON. JOmr BAER'S SONS, Itoeksrllrrs nml SlullenciK. ea the Holiday Season. OEAUTiriL CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Hiblcs, Fhoternph Alliums, Artistic Christmas Souvenirs, Toilet Oases, Werk Bexes, New Leather and Plush Goods, PICTURES AND FRAMES. i-A LAKGE STOCK AT LOU PUICE9 -fc Noe. 15 and 17 North Queeu Streot, LANCASTER PA., UlBBWJ.ltB. CTIOH A MARTIN. m N A HALL b HOLIDAY GOODS I AVe are new displaying a very large as sortment of Holiday Goods In our line. 'We will first call your attention te our display of Iluyiland China. Its quality Is known the world ever and needs net our recom mendation. The decorations are mere delicate than ever. Xew shapes and de signs are added continually, the latest of which is the " Osina " pattern. Amateur decorators would de well te take a leek at it, as the designs are beautiful. Among the most attractive decorated articles are Tish, Game, Soiree, Tea, Din ner, Supper, Breakfast, Chocolate, Coffee, Silver, Ice Cream, Xut, Dessert, Solitaire and Tete-a-Tete Sets, Fruit Plates, Con densed Mdk Jar, Butter and Dessert 1'latea, A. D. Coffees, etc. These goods are new this season. Elegant In shape and design. Very moderate in price. Bxamine them before making your selection. r i i n t r .1 M-Mrm, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER PA, our HUQDI. 8. GIYLER & CO. J. CARPETS! We are offering Special llargalns In Bedy Brussels, Tapestry llrussels and Eitra Super Carpet. Alse, Uall and Stair Carpets, IIeme-Made Hag and Chain Car pets, rioer. Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Smyrna, Meiuette and Tapestry Uugs and Matts, Cocea and Rubber Doer Matte, Aurera and Geld Medal Carpet Bweepera at UEDL'CED PU1CE3 te Clese Out the Stock seen.; JolmS.&ivler&Ce., Ne. 26 Beat King Streot, LANCASTEll, PA. uatnutiLLAs. R. B. AIL WHAT BETTER CRRISTMIS GIFT -ini.VA- NICE UMBRELLA, -OK A- Oeld or Silver Headed Cane IIEADQUAUTKUS, R. B. & H., NO. li HAST KINO STltEJST, LANCASTEll, PA. -IOKN REMOVEK VICTORIA C0KJ, KEM0VEK. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sold by Gee. y. Hull, Cha. A. Lechor, Jehn U. Kaaffman, Dr. Wm. Worm Werm ley, And. 0. : Vrey. Chaa. J. fihulmyer, and at HECUTOLD'8 DUUu'eTOUK, aeclWya He. 401 West Orange Bt, xTwmmB Ay T.OOK AT TUB SILK HANDKERCHIEF j -AT Till North End Dry Goods Store. The Ladles' Slie In ii bite Hemstitched forste. Is ery cheap J. VT. 1IYKNK, nevMyd Ne. S North Uueen streeU S1' 21'KCIAIj HAlld.VlNH -ls- LADIES' COATS! Watt & Shand, 0. 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST, Pereral manufacturers antleus te clese nut the balanre el their Tall UoeJs at a sacrifice, have found us read yturchuwrs. We newntret many leta of new and deslrabl styles fully percent, uuder rrnlar prices. LADIES' KIUIOII JACKETS, LADIES' AS1KAUII AN jAnKETS, LADIES' llOUCl.K JACKETS, STOCKINET JACKETS. An lmmense Assortment nf LADIES' NKWMAHKKTS. 8TOCKlNETKWMAUKKT.S UMlbl.V .NKWMAIIKKI.H, 110DCLK NKt MAIIKKTH. HOUUllCLOrilMIWIlAUKETS, At Away Down Prices. Our SEAL PLUSH SACQl'ESbre eleaant and perfi-ct fitting, and compare (arerably Willi goets sold In ether eltle at t mere A large varletv of LADIltS' WHAPS trimmed In Plush, Astrachan and r"uratledmln Prices. Upwards of fitly styles ClllLDIlKN'S rALL COATS in all desirable shapes and trimmings at l'epnlar Prices AT THE New Yerk Stere. H OIJU.VY C00D5. HOLIDAY GOODS Stamm Bres. & Ge. .Ve9. 20 and 28 North Queen St. During the put week e ham received case after ojue of H0LIDIY GOODS -IN- Leather, Flush and Hainnicred Brass LADIES' LEATHER SATCHELS, PUIlSES AND POCKET BOOKS. PLUSH TOILET CASES, PLUSH MA.MCUHK SETTS, Andan Immeese Assortmantef Toys, Games, Dells,&c. Opened te-day another let of these famous DOUBLE SHAWLS At liV, IJ Ce, II 00, t no, r. co. These Shawls are Ter' fine and will de you geed. PLUSH OOAT3. We hare marked prices en Plush Coats away down. Teu can new boy a Plush Ccat ler 10 per cent- less than former prices. Silk Handkerchiefs. We are showing an Immense Assortment of Ladles' and Urn tinmen's Silk Handkerchiefs and MuC.ers ; Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs for Lailtes and Gentlmnen In great variety at VKltr LOWEST PK1CE3. We offer some Special llargalns In Dress Goods! CHUISTMAS TOV8 take up a great deal of room, whleh has crowded us very mnch. It will pay you te call and see the Special llar galns wears offering in DIIES3 GOODS -AT THE- BOSTON STORE, W-Slora Open Every Evening.-? J. a MAHT1N A CO. HOLIDAY GOODS ! -AT- Cor. West King & Prince St LANCASTEll, PA. New Open for Inspection. HBASS IIIIU8II TUATB, UBAB3 WHISK UOLDEKS, IHIASS WALL POCKETS, IlllASS CANDLESTICKS, UK ASS MATCH BArES, Hit ASS CIOAIl STANDS, llltASS ASHTRAYS, BUA8S UM11HELLA STANDS, UU ASS TH ERUOU KTKUS, I1RAS1 PLAQUES. PLUSII LINE D WORK II ASK ETS, SATIN LINED WOBK BASKETS, PLUSU LINED WOBK BASKETS, Embroidered Goods. UPRIGHT PIANO COVERS S4UARE PIANO COVERS, TA11LE COVERS, TAI1LE SCARFS, LAUUREQUINS, PIN OUBUIONB.BACUETIIAOS, 0HI1U DEPARTMENT ! STOCK COMPLETE I TOHACCO 0UnIN08, BOKAFS. BIKT 1NUB AND PACKERS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J.S. MOLINS, Ne. ST3 Pearl Street, New Yertt. Keierencerred. Schutte, Ne. tit Pearl itreat. J. B. Martin & Ce.'s, Hew Yerk. (eblMyH erjur. . -Q-UKRUART, Fine Tailoring. DoiumIIe1""1 Com,,leU 'tec ' ImperUdan Bultlns and OvoreoMlng H. GERHART. NaSN. QUEEN ST., Oppeslta the Poslerne. - rnartl-tTa J- OANHMAN A IIKO. VISIT L. Gansman & Bre., -reit- GREAT BARGAINS -IN-MKN, HOTS AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OYERGOATS. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO DRESS WELL ('Oil LI ITLK MONEY We are selling Men's Dressy Overcoats at i Ad. Regular Price, fit Ien's t ur llcaver Overcoats at !. CO. Regular Price, wee. Men's Union lleavcr Overcoat st.il.0O. Reg. nlar Prloe, .loco. " Men's C'atstmere kOverceat, I7M, Regular Men's Chinchilla Overcoats, H.M. Regular Regular Prlcsi. HUM. " Men's ltniKiried Chinchilla Overcoats. .I0.ne. Regular Price, .IS 00. Men's rine Molten or Kersey llcaver 0er cents, .110' Regular Price, .17 en. Men's rine Viorsted Overcoats, .114. Brirn. lr Prlcts .11 tx " Men's liumbe ChlnchUla Overcoats, .lien. Regular Price, Mti llej s' and Children's Overceits In large nuan. title at the lowest bottom ntachnd prlcev TAKE NOTILK-Ker the neittwe weeks we are closing out Overcoats (Jeb Lets), where we have but one or two of a let lull. If you can ha fitted In some of them we will make It an object for you te tmy Prices are 13 per cent less than manufacturers' first cost. L. GANSMAN & BRO., 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. -Net connected with any ether clothing house In the city. M YKHM A- ItATIire.V. OVERCOATS Uoed westher te talk about OVERCOATS geed time te buy them, and ours Is the right place te buy them It you care fer.MCE UOODS OUR STOCK or FINEMELTONS IS VERT ATTRACTIVE. prices riteM tio.ce te rju.oe. ELYSIAN BEAVERS I HMO te rjnoe, FRENCH KERSEYS, 115.00 AND 116 GO. ENGLISH RATINA, 119(0 AND I1S.CO. A riNER GRADE Or COATS IN FRENCH MONTANK, ALL COLORS, SATIN LINED, tX. Thess goeils are acknowledged te be SlrtcUv ririt-clws and Lew In Prlce. HOYS'. YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS As Lew as any Customer may want. MEN'S STORM 0OATS, $13.00. All s'-les are kept In stock, and If there Is anything new In the market we hat e It. Myers & Rathfeu, POPULAR CLOTHIERS, NO. 13 HAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. B OKOBK A HUITON. Prepare for Christmas ! Have yen a husband, a father or a brother T If you have, what would be mere acceptable as a Christmas Gift than a FINE SUIT OF GLOTHES SUCH AS ARE SOLD AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Mtircliaut Tailoring and Clothing Stere. Or If you can't afford an entire Suit Buy an Overcoat, And If you can't afford that Buy Pne of Oar Nobby Neckties. Of which we have somethlng entirely new. Call and see them. BUEGEB, & SUTTOIT, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. MUTIUMM. G ENTB FURNIHIlINa STOKE. E. J. EMSMAfl'S Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KINQ STREET. Kf Stere open Every Evening oieept Bands evenings. WA.TCUBB. TjrrATOHEH. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction prices unUl January I, lPtrr. f-lue let of lllugs. Ac. Alse. Klgln. WalUiam f Aurera for which I am Bele. Agent), and ethor rirat-Class Watches. Best Watch and Jewelry Re rial ring. M-correct time by Telegraph Dally, only place la city. L. WEBER, 1K "& Queen Bt, Near Penn'a. B, K. Depot, Bpoetaoles.EyegUe.anaopUcaiaooa. ah kind of JBirelr. Cj ISSU,-. i-v kV1' T saMfeatiggrQu.. i