THE I.ANOASTBB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, PE0EMBE3& 1886. r BOSSES TO T1IK UKAR. IV A VlTir' TIVKMT IB VI.ACKIt IK TUB riBLU KMJTBVMIKU. V. Kcart Hlajtiiaaer Mr nllunsd lur I'mlhenn- tmt, In Whlth lintce He Km an KMtlenl Deputy Other mallets of Intsr- nt In Uunnsrtlmi With Ilia ' Apprnethlng l(fiulill ran I'rlmarjr, Tliu llcpiililUwil bniaei ami politicians are net new nuking any iimmI 'nllerU te net up tewDsJiltn and ectiri you. " WhatTf I KIek en li being iiuleily dour, ami t!i Isad ora are very olnvmieutliel a te the' pre. Ktehk llielr riwiiwllvocKuindate ate making. Tliore wm rUlte a commotion tu tlie early vtrt el tlie woek among the twuea wlieu the RiiimuiK'oiiieiit wai made that tliure would I a third canillilate fur the nomination of pro pre pro tluxieUry. The lentletuati named In con cen con flectien with the oltteo km 1 Rokert May. maker. He had lllled all the position In the ellK-e from the Junier clerkaliiple the deputy, hip, and u loekeJ upon aa the auoeeeeor of the present prothenoUry. Te the lurprlae of everytxxly he resigned from the emasi about a year affe and accepted a reipentlble Hilllen In the Farmer' National bank. It was thou aald that Mr. Htaytuaker would net under ntiy circumstance be a candidate for the ollleo, and the announcement made by p irtlea who protendod te knew that he would be, cauarxl qulte a atlr In Itenubilcan circle. It ni admitted that If he en ter r I Inte the centOHt he would urwet the calculation of the beKMjM, for he I strong with tlie tnaaaea. Illii friends who are auppwed te knew aay that It Is uet true that he will be a candidate, that he Is perleclly well mtlifled with hi po sition In the bvik, and that he would net be Induced te leaTO It te go Inte a oeutoat ler the olllce. It may be potilble tbt clreumsUncM may force htm into the content, There I aeme talk new of getttnit up a trekM made up of nuch namen an Hlaymaker for prothenoUry, Hatnuel SeUlomririge for treasurer, and ethor rtvponalble builuiwi uien ler the remaining elllccn te be known an a UlllMm'e tlcket,tu op ep op pealllon te the Hen KIek and 1,u" Hlng eel up. It would probably have the support of ene or the KepulillcAU itallln, and with a vigorous ellert and can vans of the candidates, would aUnd a Reed chance of winning. The people have liegun te tire of voting- ler men net up by the bow, and ai the oflteera te Ixe selected next "print; will lie the last meu under the fen system, there la a dlapoaltlenlo put men In them who will give thelr raenal nttonUen, and who are pledfcwl te charge no mere Uian the feea prescribed by Ml act of assembly. tub eiTiir. or ijiicim'P. Abe Keller ha abandoned his otlerU toget the nomination for sherlll for the prexint,and there la serrm talk et Jehn Hide" ale drop. plug out of Uie tight. Kwtwr llurkhelder -, ha seared them early In the tight, and It ' leeks aa II he would te the man that Hlppey will hve te context with for that Important CtfHCO. UtAlPS AT rllK I'lllMAIllKt. Kverybedy knew that ballet-box stuffing and return tinkering are the ml and net the exception InKepubllcan primary olectlenaln this county. It would be a geed time fera commlttce of dUlntoretel Republican te take held of the matter and aee that there la a fair election and an henest return. In some district In this county twice the num. Ixir of vutes are returned that are polled. Whlchever faction has the election elllcens seta the full benefit of the returns, lteth faction have been guilty of fraud In the past. When thore threatened te be a contest evor the olllce of district attorney last spring-, the dllllculty was overcome by the aecep Unce of Uie face of the returns. While the Relmubl men claimed frauds In aeme or the districts. Weaver's friends were prepared te show that howajichmted In an equal num ber of districts by the Relntnhl bossej. A. eeutent would have exposed frauds that would have put sonieof the Ikmses behind prison bars, and the fear of exposure put a step te an Investigation. 1IIK OlllKlt OII'IO.. Thore Is ery little activity as tu the re maining efnew, except that of register. 1 e." that ollleo levl Is lu a dilemma, lie would llke te supiHirt (!oyer,wlio was hU candidate three years age, but t'layt Meyera' friends are pushing his claim he strongly, that, te uw a common exprfonlen, Levi lain a hole. KHert have been made te Induce Myers te announce hluiKeIf for the quarler swslens elllce, but he Is uet dlsiHMd 10 dea InliM the difficulty Is arranged by the withdrawal el either (leyer or Myers Hansenlg'a candl candl dates will sutrer. Ilelh Uh.he canillilaUm have pulled wltn Sensenlg for yearr, and have numerous friends In the county. Fer commissioner Jehn Gingrich Is en deavoring te get en both set-ups, and the probability Is that he will be en neither union he takes a doclded stand very shortly. Ue ban trained with Monter for yeans hut k get away from htm en the annaterthlp lant spring, when he made a immenal canvass and asked his frleudste "wodefor aiitauiy en hlsaggeuuil." Meutser don't care te Uke him and Henaenlg den'ttrusthim. Mentzer's candidates will be Hen HomtieV, el this city, ana al worm, 01 leniuiDia, uroiiier-in-iaw el W. F. Ueyer. lierihey is expected te leek after the Columbia ote through the Inllueuce el his brother, who Is prominent In politics In that town, and II he Is able te accomplish anything It will tie te Monitor's beneut, for that town has already been re turned solid against him. Mentzerand Hartman both think alike en one point ; uelther wants a third candidate for the olllce of prothenoUry. MonUer be lieves that he can beat llartman single handed, but llartman won't agree with his competitor en that point, and tlmoaleno will tell who Is the streuger of the two. Check of Um Veunj Arab, Tiein the Texas 31ItlngtJ Old Tarty ''If I had fifty eenu and gave it te you te get changed In order te glve you a penny, what would be leit?" Htreet Arab "An old man I" ' IMfleuscs, despnrate grown, by OetHirate up. pllancu, am relieved, or net atall." The point nf wisdom Is te cheat thent bnfaru ttuiy reach ae far by bnyleg a betllu of BulvaUen Oil. 1'rlce, 25 cents. " Censplrarlra no sooner should be ferued than exscnUKl." and a cold aheald no sooner be luken, than a bottle of Dr. Hall's Cough Hyrup should be bought and used according te the a rectleas. Utteaies of Children. Tlie only line or liemedlesfer Children Is Da. IUkd'b, Celic, Charing, I'bysle, Wenn, Dlar rhcra. Cough and Croup, Tonic and Teething Letien. With each a book en Care and Dlie&ses of Childhood. 2S cents. Fer saje by It. U. Cochran, DrngUt, Na 1ST and iJ North Queen street, Lsncuster, l'a. (lmt'lmUw yKW AD VKR TIHEUKSTH. HAVANA UlOAKfT mXkkLkYH new brands. " Ameiita " and "Done Sold clear Havana Cigars are the boss Cc and 10a Cigar In tbe inarkuL Try thein. MAKK L Ki'S. Yellow rrent," Mo.UNerUigueen8trtiet (Fermsrly liartman'sl TjlVKKY LAUY BlIOULD VISIT THE Art Needle Werk Exhibition, DEOBMDBR 7th te 14th, At the Salesrooms of Wheeler & Wilsen Mf'g Ce., Ne. i bUUIll QUKKN BTIIKET, LiNCASTxn, Pa, sVOpen Kveulngs. dStld -istaiiuhiikd-Ttte; Demuth's Cigar Stere. We bave In stock a t'lne Assortment of Uoedi, bultable Christmas Presents for Gentlemen. MKKK80UAUM l'll'KS and ClUAlt HOLD KU, flat ii, Carved and Ullver Mounted. Uenulne KJIICNCII JIUI Alt l'll'.S In Latest Styles, bhapes and Mountings. Flue BMuKINU TUllACUUS. Imported and Key West Cigars. Our Hpeclalty The only Clear Havana jriller Uand-llade Cigars lu tlie city for 6ej brands ' Mia," "Querida" and "Uelden Lien." CAN s In All Btylesand I'rlces. Bnutr llexcs, Clvar Cases, Match lleies, Ac. jsVTclcphone Conuec;ien. NO. 114 EABTSnQ STREET, LA.NCASTKK, tA. dscl-luid mmoteAh. riOOD'H HAllHAl'AHIt.I.A. Catarrh, in i) Catarrh ll tntsmmttlnn nf the nweeusi meinbrsee, attendrd with lneicart rrcrttlen. Thus cstmh rosy affect tk hfd, threat, itemscb, bewrli, or any ptt of the body w lifts lb rnuceui membrane Is found, nut caUrrh of the head li bj fat the rnwt eoramen, coming en se gradually that efUn Its pres ence If net tunpccted till It has ebtalbtd a firm held en Its victim. It U esuid by a cold, or loeccMloD of colds; teatlned with Impure Bloerl. When Brmly eitsbllshed the aliens ii ei ceadlntly dltagreeahle, caustm flew from the note, drjntu of the threit, headache, less et appetite, renrlnn and bulling nelies In the ran, ets. In Heed's Birtaparllla mty be found a prompt and permanent turn for catarrh. II purine I and rmlchei the Heed, toethcl and rcbulMi the diseased membrane, and thus toen cures Uie dlicaa. At the tarns time It refreshes and tones the whele syitem. The remarkable success of this peculiar medicine entitles It te your confidence, air Heed's Saraapulll atrial. Heed's Sarsaparilla eMbrtll4n((1ti. flutirnrtt. rrer"4nlr I RelilbrslMnKSliU. fliilifertt. rrtparsdmlf by a L 1I00D A CO.i Apethtesxl.l, Uwsll, Mass. by 0. 1. HOOD CO, A pethecailsi, Uwsil, Usat, IOO Deses One Dellar I I0O Deses One Dellar nevtl twdAv IALA0K0KKAHII10N. MAY -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion NO. 13 BAST KING ST., LANCASTER, l'A. GRAND OPENING -or- HOLIDAY GOODS TO-DAY. We have opened a I.arK" and XlrKnt Varletyel Christmas Goods, All Mire. Attractive and t xeful Articles, which we are selling at prices se low that they are bound te be sold nlthln a short time. DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ' Large arlety' Prices Way Down ' NOTK THK PI11CK3 OT TUESf. DOLLS. China Head, 8-lnrh, Us: China IIimJ, 10-Inch, tie . China Hand, It Inch. -JIc Wax lleail, 1 Vlnch, e i Wax lltvid. -rvinch. ite : War lleail, -Inoh, 17a Wax lleail, KMncb, !1c , Wax Uead, '.'Much, natural hair, 73e I'sunt llad, 1 Inch, : de 18-Inch, c. Wiix lluad ttatiy Dell, H-lnch, lie. Talent 1 luad DresiM Dell, 11 Inch, loe llisqun Head, le-lncb long and short hair, IX; ; same, 11 tneb, 30c, riench Illmiuc, 11 Inch, c. Kranch Ulsriue, kid body. 13-Inch, c ; 13-Inch kid body, clnelntc eyes, Kei 14 Inch dell, cills papa and matuuiH. 41c lllsiuu Dells, extra flnedrested, ll-tnch,!ie. Ulsiiue Dell, drcesed, lb-Inch, 91 ; clinch, It" Twenty-five Child's Tey Parler HeU, pearl In laid, upholstered 7 pieces, In tei.nnly '.!. Ohllaren's China Tea bet-, lu plriwa. painted, 13e (wertb SSe) ( larger size. ie (worth ioe ) One Hundred Large l'alnt lloxes, 10 Inch long, 3c a box. Kxlra rine l'ulut Iloxes. 8x13, two compart cempart mnnts. only !0e (welthMc ) Mssnet Toys, 23c a box Nickel Truiu pets, line, 13 Inch, only 'JSc (worth 73a ) l'ullihed Uiass Tey Scales, rc (worth SOe ) Itesldeaa large varlety of the following arti cles toys' Boheol Cotnpanlens. WhlskheUlen In llatninred llrass. Picture rrames, Vases, llls'iue rigurea, Mulch Safes, Calendars, Candlesticks. Ash Receivers, hmekers' hets. Werk Heles, Muiile Itnlls, Manicures, l'luih Mirrors, Scrap Heeks, lnksUudr, Autograph Albums, I'hotn I'hetn graph Albums, Smokers' Tubles la Ebony and Walnnt. and a geed many mera articles, tbe prices of which we will meutlen In our neit ad vertisement. Special Inducements IN OUR Cleak Department. wk urrEit SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS In this Department. Ilelew we mentleu a few of the many Lew Trices which we put en ALL OUKOOUD9. LADIES' VKUT FINE Boucle Walking Jackets, In Black and Brown, heavy quality cloth, well made and trimmed rirsVelass, only fi.75 (wertb 4.60.) Ladies' Newmarkets. With I'lush Trimmings, the wonderfully Lew riguroet only TUltKEllOLL Alts. CHILDREN'S OOATS As f ajw as t UM, 11.60, tiw and up wards. Alse an Elegant Line of LADIES' COATS AND WBAP8, And all the Latest Novelties In DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED QABMENTS, EKKOHH OF THK DKNTAIj UUA1K DUlAltMKD. Teeth extracted by the use el electricity per fectly safe and harmless. My 100 Teeth are mallear the best material that lean puruhasu, rilling tceth a specialty. fAII -or uarauuied. aprSMyd Ne. tri Merth Queen Bt. GOODS the Head "lira happy te state that I used Iloed'i Baruparllla for catarrh, with which I hats been troubled many1 jean, and received great relief and benefit from It The ealarrh was very dlmtrerabls, etpeclally In lb wln'er, ranting eenitant dlieharie from my nose, rlogleg noises In my ears, and paint In lb back of my head. The effort te clear my bead In the morning by hawking and spitting tu painful. My grocer adrlied me te try Heed's BarsaparilU, and It gats me relief Immediately, while In time I was entirely cured. I m beter with out the medicine In my home, as I think It It worth Us weight In geld." Mus. U, II. (linn, tea Klgbth Btrtft, N. W Washington, D. C. "I hAT uird IlixM't Banaparlll for rstarrh with trry satisfactory reiults. I have rrcelrcd morn permanent benefit from It than from any ether remedy I hsrs rer tried." M. T.. llKke, of A. Itead A Ben, Wansfen, Ohie. N. n, I het be Indnced te tak any ether preparation, but be lure te get WVMD1TVMB, Vy C. HAI'I'. 1 It. ROTK. FURNITURE ! Fer the IIKHT IIA.1KJAINS n rUKNITUItK of ALL KINDS, re te the NEW FURNITURE STORE, Oer. Seuth Queen and Vine 8(a. We are selllns ler a short time, at ASTONISH IrtO IX) W l'UIGKS, Klrirant Walnut Iled-Boem Suites. Msrbln Tep,tS9i(Ut Pine Haircloth 1'ar 1'ar ler ou t Kit-Kant IunKB, 17.00; and etlier iioeds at the saiue Lew I'rlees nft-lmd P UHNITUHK WAHKHOOMH. BUV YOUHSELr A 1'AIR Of TUUSI Felding Dress Pillows. CALL KABLY AT Hoffmeier's Fnrnitnre Warerooms. They are the nleest thing out and we have last received another let el thorn.. 30 BAST KINO BTRBBT. ATEHT UESIONB AND FINISH. AT WIDMYER'S YOU WILL riND k Large and Well Selected Stock FURNITURE IN ALL TUB latest Styles and Finish, JaTOALL AND EXAMINE.- WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cern or East Kiag and Duke Ste., LANCASTEU, PA. septft-lyd JJf KINITSH'S Kl'HNlTrilK nEI'OT. Only 21 Days Mere Until CHRISTMAS. and neaie Itemly te Shew as Kine unajl.m no an Assortment of FURNITURE IN ALL LINKS, AS1U8EVKU 11KKN SHOWN IN THE CITY. ThuKOudael today aie se pretty and attractive that It li hard tu iteslsl lluylng Something In Our Line ler CHRISTMAS. We want you one and all tn frel perfectly free te come every day If you ilnelre, nnd leek at what Is being put en the doers new ami attrac tive, and you will net be urged te buy. Yen would be Burprtsed te learn hew many are dnlnz this each week. We have already set aside a great many pres ents for D&CEM OKU ii. but two can atlU keep a great many mere secrets -AT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOS. 27 ds 20 BOOTH QUEEN BT LANCASTEU, l'A. MlaCMLLAMBU UB. MAHKLEVHNKwllHANDS "PAXY" and " rirst Kese " are the popular 9 cent Cigars at Hotels and Saloons. Try thorn. MAllKLKY-H "Yellow Frent," Ne. 11 North (Jueen stroel, (formerly Ilartman's.) T OOK AT TUB BILK IUNDKEIICHIEF3 AT TUS North End Dry Goods Stere. The Ladles' Size In White Hemstitched for 23c Is very cheap. J.W. UYilNE, nnvft-lyd Ne. sa North Queen street. R OTK 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS at msjoe a pessn. AT NO. 1W NOUTH QUEEN BTUEET, anle-tM lneaster, Pa e UHK QUARANXKKD. RUPTURE'. Cute guaranteed by lilt. J, a. MAYBU. lese at once i no operutien or delay from busi ness I tasted by hundreds of euros. Main efflce. 1 AllCU ST, PHIL A. Bend ter Circular. QO-lVdAw QTOBAQK ic COMMISSION WARHHOU8H. DANIEL MAYXU, dfte no. IB West Chestnut atrwi. TTAaEU a nneniKii. Curtain Depaiftment ! HEAV;Y DRAPERIES. i i We offer thlsBaaeen the most attractive line of Heavy HanglnKfl, for Curtains and Portieres, we have ever shown, In All-Silk Turoeman Ourtalns, Grenat Valeur Curtains, Vienna Chenille Curtains, Indian Bilk Curtains, Florentine Bilk Curtains, Oholee Persian Curtains, New Tapestry Curtains; LACE CURTAINS. Brussels Lae Curtains, Irish Point Laes Curtains, Swiss Laee Curtains, Outehess Point Laes Curtains, Antique Laes Curtains, Scotch Loce Curtains, India Laee Curtains, Nottingham Loce Curtains. Laes by the yard, Madras Laoo, Llnen Serlms, Printed Berlms, Btamtnes, Nottingham Laee. VBSTIBULS AND SABQDBAPBRIBS. sWALLUPHOLSTEnmO WORK will reeelve prompt and earelul at tention and be guaranteed satisfaction. H AGER & BROTHER, Ne. Q5 West King Street, MUM MALM VM MMtfl. ' F5 II Rt'NT TWO TWnjJTOt) V IIIMf'ir beuses, at 17 a month. Apply at this errici. PUBLIC HALE OF HANK HTOUK. Beventecn Shares or the Rteck of the Lan caster County NaUenal Hank will be sold at the Lnepard Hetel en MONDAY, IIEUKMIIKU 6, lew, at a p. w. r.dttiEL. IA0. HUIBL.Ja.. EzecuUirs el Jacob Oriel, dne'd. HsuarSncasKr, Aucu dHtd F R KENT. THE STORE TtOOM, Ne. S3 and 33 S0U1 U new occupied by Julius Lecb, lultable ferany kind of business. dZ-Ud FOll HALEOH RENT-ALIiTUAT OKR taln Urtst Hill, water right, stone dwelllna; house, and ether Improvements, together with about ten acres et land, commonly known as "Greenland Mills," situated en Mill Creek, In East Lampeter township, about three miles from Lancaster city. Thli It a valuable prop prep prop erty, with an established canuim. for terms el saleapplrte KLIZAIIsTil 0. E. DATES, nlT-ImdAw tUNertb Duke St., Lancaster, l'a. TJUBLIO HALK OF REAL ESTATE. OwSATCknlT, DicsKBsa 19, 1880, will be sold at the City Hetel, North Qneen street. In the city nf LancRtcr,all that certain let et ground situated en the north side of West Vine street, opposite St. Mary's Church, and containing In fronton said street 1JJ feet, mere or less, and In depth 7SIett, mere or less. Thl let It a very desirable location ler building, and In Its ezcavnUen a large amount of building stone will be obtained. It will be ettered as a whole or In leta of 21 fetamS laches each In front. Hale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when con ditions will be made known by ItKV M.J. McItltlDE, It J.MiUUAN.V, D.A. ALT1CK, nZ7dl,H,lK JAMES STKWAItT. UBLIO BALK OF A DESIRABLE C1TYIIESIDENCK Will be SOLD at Public Sale at the Leepard hotel, en TIIUK8DAY K ENl.Mf, DKCKMBEU 9, that desirable residence. Ne. l.'J Seuth Duke street, with a f rontage of 14 Ivet, A Inches, and n depth et 110 feet, uioreorless. Wide ball, vesU bule, large parlor, dining room and kitchen en first fleer, four sleeptng room and bath room en second fleer, two plastered attic roeisr, back and front stairway., cellar heater, range In kitchen, gas throughout heusv, het and cold water. The house Is In flrit-claia order. Is pa pered throughout, and is Inoneet the most de sirable locations In the city Sole te commence at 7 ocleik p.m.. hen terms will be made known by J OKI, L 1IAI.VK3, n27-llt Auctioneer and Heal Kstate Agent. PUBLIC 8AI.B Ol' NOUTH QL'EEN BTUEET PltOl'EUTY. By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas, of Lancaster county, the undersigned assignee of Charles Knsppitnd wife, will expose te public sale at therruuklln lleute, en North Queen street. Ox Mehdat, DscssiBin 31M5, The 8TOUK8TANU A.NU DWELLING. Nea. lUnnd 147, situated en Ibe east tide of North Queen street, nearly opposite rilnn A Brene man's and but a short distance south of the l'ennsylvanla railroad depot. The building is of Drtck, and Is two-storied, with a front of thirty-two feet, two and a 'quarter Inches and with n two-tterlcd Hack lSutldlng, all under Slate Heet (las Klitnrcs throughout the house and cellar under the entire building. "1 here Is a private entrance and three feet wide allay, hydrant, cistern, right te a well of spring water and right te the thrre-iteiiCHl brick wall en the north side. The let has a front of 31 feet m Inches, mere or less, and extends In depth about U43 feet te Christian street. On the rear there Is erected a large two-storied rrame Build ing suitable for a warehen ami shop. Sale te begin at 7 o'clock p. in , when tonus HI be made known by FIULIl'OISUKB, Assignee, Hinrt SnuuiRT Auctioneer. nev 2 d.i'l.le.ll.K.lJ'.M pUIlMO SALE. On Saturdat, Dicsxstn II, ls-, by order of Orphans' Court, will be sold at pub pub He sale at the Leepard Hetel, Kant King stieut, Lancaster, l'a., the following real estate, late the property of Henry Miller, deceased, te wit A let of ground, containing in front CI feet 4 Inches, extending lu depth Ji leet, adjoining property of William Otlgera en the north and christian lludy ou the s nth, located en the vast side of North Queen street, bemesn James and Frederick streets, nn which are erected a three-stery UU1CK mvi.LI.lNU llOUBK, Ne. W7, w lib a two-story Brick back Building. The buildings are in geed repair, covered 1th slate root. There Is a right te the use of a 3 feet 10K Inches wlde alley from North Queen street, and also the use of the pump andwell et water near the premise, en North Queen street; also, a hydrant In the yard, and a flne variety of geed fruit. Possession and deed given April 1, 1W. Bale te comiuence at 7 o'clock p. in., when terms will be made known by MAKY Ml I, LEU, Executrix- IIXXBV Bucuikt, Auctioneer ni,.ndi.4,,ua WW Ma AMU LIUVOUB. 29 29 -UO 10- Reigarl's Old Wine Stere Fer I'nmmnnr Re'ft. ltnnp.he Sr. lMner lleldsleck. Q. H. Mumm A Ce., and all ether leading brands ... .UUUitU t, KtU.t OIIU IVlJUli.V "mi"B w....we : Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, Sherry id Pert Wines, Clarets, bautcrue., Ales and VI II and stouts. Sole Agent for Special Greut Western Cham pagne, produced by the Pleasant Valley Wine Ce, the finest American Champagne in the United States. Flerida Orange Wine, the fluent In the market. A tull line et Brandy, Whisky, Ulns and Bums. California Claret ana White wlue, ul Napa Vol Vel ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker.Aer. Ne. 3d EAST KINQ ST., LANCASTEU. PA WATVUKI. TTTATCHES."" Walchas, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction prices until January i, 1887. Tlne let or Kings. Ac. Alse, Klgln, Walthara i Aurera for which I am Sole Agent), and ether 'trst-Clasa Watches: Best Watch and Jewelry Repairing. rcorreet time by Telegraph Dally, only place In city. L. WEBER, 1K North Quean 8L, Near Penn'a. II. U, Depot. Bpectacla,EyeglaaaesandOptlcalUoeds. All kinds of Jawelr. CARRIAGE FACTORY, ChriitUe and Minon Streets. AH' kinds of Carriages, lluggles, Ilusluess, Wagons, etc, made, biwclul uttentlen paid te repairing. liest or workmen employed and gallsr&etlnn guaranteed. JelMmdS UKOUGE WEUKIt, Pioprleter. pONTHACTOU AND BUILDKlt. GEORGE ERNST, O&RPEMTEU, COMTUACTOtt BULLUK1I. Uusldenoe Ne. M West King streeu Shop Shep East Grant street, opposite station house. WOODEN MANTELS AMU OKNKUAL 1IA11D WOOD WOHK A SPECIALTY. Mr AH work secures my piempt and persona attenUen. Urawlugs and ItsUiuaUs furnished. estn-iydu mmw 0OOBM. BMW mOODM. M ETZOER A HAOOUMAM, OTJR LADIES' SEAL PLTJSH COATS ARE NOTED Fer Beauty of Finish, , Fer Elegance of Fit, (Fer Superb Quality. Fer Cheapness of Price. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, ' Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse HeteULancaeter, Pa. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT H.OU8K. xlSHAWLS AND COATSO .AT- FaBhneateck's, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Imitation India Shawls, Deuble nnd Single ; Brocade Bnawle, Deuble and Blngle ; Palaiey Bhawla, Deuble and Single ; Blanket Shawls, Deuble and Bin. gle, Alse Large Stock Ladlea' and Children's Coats In all the Newest Styles, all at Lewest Prices, R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. winks ANitihiijvvna. jyTIIiLEU'H L1QUOK STORE. AS TO QUALITY We can give you belter value than any ether bouse In the trade. We carry tbe latgesl stock of OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES In Lancaster. Meney refunded for anything proving unsatisfactory. ,j.,j.aB MTTTirTR'S LIQUOR STORE, 33centkesquaue. HATB, ADIKS' AND GENTS KUHS. Furs! Furs! Furs! LADIES' FINE FURS. c,tyLa,rvt;pfoce'erTrTmUui!nUn the largest, we only Invite you te caU and see. GENT'S FINE FURS. TUB GLOVES, COLLARS and CAPS lnevery style, at Bettem Prices. A huge general line of QL?"u5BME1VDJL1lpttDLi;N,TS-at all prices-prices that ill surprise you. Largest a"BTA&rVKAc6f.ckLEBRATEl)HAT-ETerybKly knows them, and that (or wear and durability they areuniurpesicd. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADIXU HATTERS AXD JUIlRlKliS, Nes. 31 and 33 North Qneen Street. LancMter. Pa: CAMMIAUM A MOTTO THAT AliWAYS WINB. HONEST WORK I HONEST PBIOES I Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, i:e AXJ) JX EAST KJXG STllEE'J', (NEAULV OPPOSITE TUB LEOrAItD HOTEL), LANCASTLK. PA. Xeuc Itut First-Class Mechanics Employed. Xe, 1 Material, and That Only, Used. Prices te Suit the Times. All Werk Guaranteed BUGGIES, PHATONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. 1 have new en hand and for sale cheap the following first-class second-hand work i One LtM One-Man Wagen, suitable fortraek purpose, ene Light reur-Passenger Drag-, one nrstrClas Ex tension Tep Phaiten, two Light Jump-Beat Carriages. Alse, Second-Hand Tep and Tretting Bug. gles both side bar and end springs, Business Wagons, Sporting Wagons and Market Wagons, which will be sold at tbe MOST UXASONAliLK P1UCK3. Give us a call whether you wish te pur. chase or net. Ne trouble te ahew the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID lO REPAIRING. M-DON'T ruUGKT THE PLACK.-W Philip Doersente Old Reliable Garriage Works, NOS. m AND US HOVMMrvMiruaiitu uuuei. s IIIKK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! KIOPEM1MG OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest aud Best Selected Line of Carpets ev.r ex. hlblted in thU city. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Make, of BODY AND TAPLSTBY B11US3ELS. TIIBEE-PLY, AlLWoel and Cotten Chain LXTttASUPKltS, and all 'luallUes of IN GttAlVCAUPKTS. DAMASK and VKNKT1AN CAUPET8. HAG and CUA.IN CAKPETS of our emafacturen specialty. Special Attention paid te the manufacture of CUSTOM CAUPETS XaTun Llneef OIL CLOTIIS, HUGS, WINDOW bHADKS, COVEltLETS. Ac., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Streets, Lancaster, Pa teWMBMw CURB FOK THK DKAK. Peck's Patent Improved Cnshlened Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum. Invisible, com. fertable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers Tieard distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, rKEE. Address or cell en T. 1IIBCOX, t&S Broadway, Maw Yerk. Mention this paper. Iunl0-lyeedlyw JJAUKK ft BROTUfeR Lancaster, Ra. OAfB, AC, WUMHB, EAST K1XG STREET. 127-lydAw CARPETS ! ryiHX RKMUYEK. VICTORIA CORN BEMOYEB. Warranted te eradicate completely ana In a short time, tbe most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sold by Gee. W. Hull. Cbaa. A. Lecher. Jehn U. Kauffman. Dr. Win. Werm ley. And. G. tr ray, Chaa. J. Bhulmyer, and at BECUTOLD'8 DBUU 8TOHE. Otell-lya Ma tU WMt Orange It, MOVMtWMMUUtttm . QTuTAmili'KH " -THE-' ROCHESTER LAMP. Bitty Candle-Llgbtt UaU Uwm alt. Anether Let of CURAT (ILOflEft for das and Oil Bloves. THH PEBPBOTION" UKTALUOULIIINQ AND HUllllElt CUSHION WEATHER STRIP IteaU them all. This strip entwean all ethers. J.Jtl'.?.u.Vlh5 "fit- 8U,' "willing of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and turn. Any one can apply It-no waste or dirt mads In ap plying It. Can be ntted anywhera-ne holes te bei'e. rendy for ue. ltwilftiet split, warp or shrink aenshlenstrlp Is the most perfect. At the Steve, Heater and Kange Stere -or- Jehn P. Scliaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANOABTEB. rA. F lAcrrs. 500 500 Cook and Parler Steves. MUST HE BOLD UEUAKULESSOr rnlUK TO MAKE ltOOM FOtt Christmas Goods ! We are new getting threuah with our great rusb and will be able te puah our Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MOflE PROMPTLY, FL1NN & BRENBHAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTEU rA. w M. A. KIEFKUIt. ALDTJB O. HERR KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), invite JaOllleusnkeepers te Call and Inspect their Bteck et Hensefiinilsliiiig &oeds. A Complete Line constantly nn hand. COOK STOVES and KANUE8, l'A K LOU STOVES. 'UKATKIiS and TUUNACES., SUMMEU COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits 'of all offered te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGAND," rer GASOLINE, ana THE ,f DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Best, when all points are considered, te Offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We leve te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Ketnember, we are agents for The "Splendid" Heater. Manufactured by Fuller A Warren Company, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the time te examine and become pested for Autumn purchases. llEMEMBKlt TUK.PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPrOBITE COUUT HOUSE.) aD.UdAw tWUOMMIMM. CPLENDID STOCK Holiday Groceries, New and fresh, at lowest prices. A full line of foreign and domestic fruits, new French prunes, new raisins, citron, currunts, seedless raisins, fresh ground spices, fine flavorlngextructs, rose water. Mew Orleans baking molasses, geed aa low as S and 10 cuubs a quart ; geed whlte sugar 6,Sc ; btst white and gran ulated sugar only re. per pound. A full m Ii ply of very fine Christmas flour. Give 11 a trial. Our goods are all nrst-class. Pleste call or send In your elder. geerge" wiant, aug-lVd MO. 113 WEST KING BTUEET. A T BTJKBK'B. Holiday Groceries Whlte AlmcrlaGropes only 12e B, llentzler's Beat Mlnce Meat, lie, Flne Cranberrtes, Mew Paper Shell Almonds, Mew Table Ualslns, Sill tana Beedless Ualnlna, 13c, Mew Currants at tic. Mew Citren, 25c, Ilxtra Fine Prunelles. lfc, Mew French Prunes, 6c, 10c, VZe and lie B. Sweet 'and Cheap Sugar. Best Granulated Sugar, Ce ft ; IJest Seft White, Cor Whlte, 8WO. and lleautllul Light, 00. The nnest fivaperated and Canned Cern In the city. We have a large stock of all kinds rresh Groceries at bottom prices ; quality always con. Bide red. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KLNQ STREET, LAMCASTEB, rA. " MQXIOM3. " 1 1 KNTH t'UIlNISniNQ BTOKE. E. J. EEISMM'S Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KINQ STREET; Km" Stere open Every Evening except Sunday evenings. mOHACCO COTTINQB, HOKAPH. HIKT. X. 1NGS AND PACttElU1 WASTE, Dry aafl Clean, bought for cash. J. 8. MOLINS, Ma 373 Pearl street, New Yerk, tteierenee Fred. Bchutte, Ma tu Peart street. Hew Yerk. feblMrd rrun B FAFKR IB PK1NTKD WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIOHT 00 nsarlMrd ml an Barl.rllalpi. l