Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 04, 1886, Image 1

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rurcE two gents.
TA. . . '?tt2ESI!l&iWKtfS&.S if A I V .
-3T?rer,.rrrTwn"?Wff , '
A New Way of Making Menoy
in the County of Lancaster.
Ctrriiiii.tnme. That llti Te Hbiiw Thai Herat IhniKhl county lllll. Ami II wl
Th.m Appre.,! lly Millillur Hheuck
for i llrtxiler Sum, W hereby
ItaniLume I'rullt WftM ttn.le,
Th Cnunty Hellrlliir rt.
a Hill lee lii Apprmw
m Pulliefnen'. lllll
There was a row en Harlury roast en l'i.
tiny altnrnoen during which serious charges
were tusdoutlecllng the elnnlal Integrity of
County .Solicitor Shvnck. At U wtiU known
one of tlin duties of the solicitor tn approve
the Mils nl magistrate nud oenaUlilm. tl In
nlse well known that thore tiuve been dlller dlller dlller
mioes betw win these official and tlie solicitor,
and the Utter rolused te appreve bill ler tlie
nmeunU presented. It has nlse Lwon whin
lsrnd about Hint theru was young limn, who
had tiln henilriuarter at County Mnllaitnr
Shetiek's nlllce, made n lmi.lue.ti of buying
Magistrates' nnd constables' bills Kt
big dl-x-eiint. and It wns also charged tlmt
nema of tlie lilllx Hi tin purchased were
approved In all em for n greater utneunt
than tlie prlce paid for Ilium by the broker.
TJil young iiibm bears tlie iinniu of Herace
Roberts, and lin hnlls originally Irem Wash Wash
ingten borough. He turned up In till city a
low years nge nl the second ward polls, ami
tin take part In tlie primary election there,
and nxsume te Ik) ene or tlie ward polltlealin.
UK HOM'l WAN I Mt I 11.
He l n modest young limn nud has several
strings te hi. Ixiw nt prexant. 1 1 u want te I mi
a candidate for K.-vwsir of the Second ward
in the spring, for alderman the following, Ik an applicant for ene of the xllletis
oil tun hill at Harrtsburg , he la alie pushing
hlJ claim for appointment as oeiinty iIoUkj iIeUkj
live. ' In dillllen te the hIiove lis still has
tline te deal In I'lalmi nKalunt the county.
What lixl te the row of 1 rlrtay vm a
heattKl UlBOUtMeu whUli leek place In the
prlvatn room iuImIhImk the reuimlHHlnnnrtt'
olllce. At - o'clock tlie couiiuiuleuora
agrtxxl te niM.t AUleruiau Spurrier anil hix
veuiiMjl In ii'fdrunie te liU bllla aalii.t the
ixmnty In the K itn iml itetlilzkl i'idcn. At
that tline II. I rank IXilpiiuli. nriv)miiut((i
Uy Alderman purrler, met Solicitor Shenck
and the ixmimlfHonerH. Mr. Khleman
ankeil HhiUH'k what he propewnl te le about
the aKlriiliii'' bill", Shenck Mhia ha would
allow Spurrier itbeut l0, which as about
eii-hlr tlielr fice vntue. .fr. rCihlemnu
replied ttut he would net Uke that utneunt,
but would ue fur the lull ameuut. (ter hoiiie
XurtiierdlfcuHliin Mr Kxtilnmaii,wllhthebllli
In hit hand, lnUd te Mr. Shonek mid aald .
"We will net Uke that ameuut and we want
It distinctly understood that Ihcne bllla nre
net ter mil!,' ami hu then walked out (it the
elllc SlieiH k followed him Hiid wcut te hN
oQlce and a tow uiltiutei alterwards this man
lloberta came out of Sheuck'a ulllce. In a
bltnterlng, HHnnKerlnn inniiner he tjld .
"I'll tH't t.. te J le that I nover Luiunlil any
lilllx." Thin rumark wua oerhoard by Npurrk'r and h piu'hed InUi
lle'iitx, Ml 1 1 n R him all the pet naiuM
he could think of And bocletod the wraugle
by sayliiK 'bat he h4d eneuKli ovldeino te
Hand liltn and Shcnck te the ponltentlary
for brlbery. t)u of our lm.llng attornea
who alw) hfiinl Kobertn' leintrk corretiorati'd
whit Aldermiiu Siuirrler had h,,h1 as te
knowing that Keberts and Mienck wnre in
cellualiui -M te tlie purch of bill 'it n dla
hkiuei s II . it. - A st -III.M K,
The new of the row pre id rapidly en
IUrlry ly'iiaxt and betore orenuiK all the
lawyeta worn talkliiK about it. A reporler et
theI.lEr.r,ier..Nri.ii liivontiited tlie nutter
mid thla In whit lie le.irned a.1 te Hbt'iick'i
doiellctleii of duty That ConsUble ISch ISch
ellz ui:d titlit'M wure intoneitod In the IWh
caxra bretiKht by Warden I'oxey, alhint
which ae much wai wrltteu . that Shenck
roltiHed at tlrat te appreve tlin bllla. that
KietielU went te Shenck and cmpleycHl
him a.i an attorney te leek afterhli inlnrtvtt
lu tlie bllla and paid hlui n ft' of (10 for his
HorTlees ; that Hhenck wai county aollalter
and aa audi approved the IiIIIm alter he ro re ro
celved the flu feu and Kicheltz wan paid the
bllla which HtiOnck at llrst refmed te ap
That Juitlce ellern, of ML Jey, prosented
hla bill for dlimlHsed cas te Sheuck, who
refuied te approte It , that a .ellers -wan
alxuit taking the cari for home, hewa'iliiet
by HeberU, who made iilm an eiler for his
bill; .ollera declined thou te nail and went
'hoieo. The next moruleghiicnuie SKalu te
the city and by ndvke of counsel told the
bill te JlobertH. That bill wai itilno itilne
.piubtly approved by .Shenck for n huiu
Ktuiter tliau ltefxirta paid ter It ;
that county aollciter Hhenck aald te elllcer
I'yle wliortrrestwl the lngrami that It would
IkjIIU In his pocket If heatayed awny from
the habeas, when they wero taken
before the Judge and Intlmated that there
would 1hV trouble about hbi getting bills
appreved if lioappeared agBlust tliem.
That Roberts called en Jehn II. Iluaheng,
ex-pellcuman, alx tlmea In ene day thin week
and ettered te buy the bill he had agaliiHt the
county, aKreelng te pay fur the xame Jiwi Iuhh
than the face value.
That HeliertH liaa neon en tlie lookout for
ex-Oftlcer Jehn Herr, who alae has a bill
nRalnat the county for a few hundred dellara,
with a vlew te purchasing tlie aame ; that he
has said he wanted toaee Ilerr for that pur pur pur
poie. That ether elllcera en the pollce force hu e
paid Hhenck meney, thelr understanding
bblng that It was for tlie nnpreval or thelr
Heme time age William Weidler, en ox ex ox
imllce ofllcer of the city, held n bill against
the county for fW for foea In caiibs from
Aldernmu Haunwu'a court Jie epoke te
Kheuck en nunioreua oecaslona but he put
Htm oil" by telling htm that lie oeuld net get
tlie aommitwleuer'a te "naotlen it, Wfldlur
was oiupleyod at the I'tinn Iren work h and
IlobertH visited him day after dayantl eome
tlmoatwlcea day, lie begged him te neil
the bill aud otlerodhliu f35 for It, Weidler
rofuBed ler a long tline but finally loarleg
that he would get nothing he Held the bill te
itebertb ler Ms. The next day .tlie money
was drawn Irem the tresurer'a olllce by
Reberta. The amount he roeslved was a few
dollars less than the original bill, but con cen con
aiderably mero thau Weldlur received fur lu
The aldprmeti My that It was at Hheiu-k'a
nuggoatien that the rule wai mtdn, by which
the bllla of magiatrates and coultablex are
laid ever for a month. Olllcera living In the
country de net care te run te town Boveral
tiuifts after their bill, and hoiiie are willing
i ti ell at a roduetlen. lly tlioae means
Rebert s given (no epiwrtrmUy te work
1 iipep Ibeeij "
lii1i in WITNI'-SSKS 1IIM.S.
It has also been learned that Hhenck Iilm
aeir has made eilers te parties who were wit
ties for the commonwealth te purchase
tlieirullla. In ene particular case n witness
en a conspiracy case had a bill against
Uie county for 3, and when ou the read te
tlie troaauier'a oflleo te get It caahpit, Hhenck
met Iilm nml ollervd him ti for the bill, but
tlin eiler was rnfuaed,
This nun Rebert could neler hme kept en
at thin brokemgobuslnnm without Slienck'
knewledge, IlnwasntHlmnk'a elllcn nt nit
hours of the dny, mid Hhnnnk Miciircd IhiaiiI
lug rur Iilm nt C'apL Holtley's l,nncns(6 ceuti'y
liotise ten days age, ntid guiirantend the wy.
Incut of hi benrd.
rATHturiv mix or AM tUIVI.
An r.uUttalnaittit lu Hi (lltn litini Hi Ucr
.lull of Tnlr .llllh Auiiltnl.arj.
On TtiMilsy evening next, Washington
Camp Ne. '21, 1. O, H. of A. wllliviliibrnte the
thirty-ninth Aiinlinrntry n tlie Inumlliig of
the order by giving nu iintnrtkliimeut lu (l.
A, R. hall. The entcrtalnment will ceiiKlat
or reading, rocllatleiiH, dlalegum, songs, Ac.,
and netim line ncliiptlraiii views I'ref Kateu
.Meli u will also 1m prcsutit anil give slelght
of hand sirfnriiiaures. It expisled that
inoiiibersof cjtmpZ.7, or KphraU, ami -71 of
Term Hill, will In preeiiU A goedtluiol
The Patriotic erdnr was nrganlsd In I'hlln I'hlln
delphla lu 1SI7, ns the Junier .Sens of
America, and wnsceinpnsml oiitlrely of young
moil titider the na or twonty.euo ynars.
During the war of the rebellion tlin onler
fell oil, thorn tsilng n gminrnl nnlUtiueiit el
tlie tueiillHiia In the vnluuteer and tegular
army. At the close of the war the or
der was reorganized nml placisl upon a
mero eudiirlug basis. Its memliershtp Is net
new restricted te youth under twenty nue
years , but ineiubers am recnlved up te the
"KJUiJjprty ",9 yeafs- The order Is devoid
of iats9ajihlp, though iioue are admitted te
It except native born cltlrena. The order Is
rapidly Increasing In membership In nil
parts or the country, there lining c,ini lu
etery slnle In the I nmn.
VII.m'. Hl.lfir i:i1eIm III. Hlnrj.
Mrs. (leorge AL Itlcu, et I'xbridgn, who Is
the eldost daughter of Jonas Wilsen, and a
nlsUir et Levl Wilsen, and Is neiilii 17 years
elder than he Is, has cemn forward of
lier own accord, after inflection, te tell
what she knows nlteut "Uac" Wilsen's
pnrentngp, Her story couiplelely centradli ts
the story of Wilsen tlmt hels the son efl'lilllp
I.. Moen. She was at her home In North
Oxford when I.evl was born, and shewtch(xl
him grew up as an lnlanl and through child. lie was Uie soil of her own partnts
without any question He was named after
her uncle. Let 1 Kcssenden Her father died
at iuaddlck, Couii., and she was with him
an turuugtruiH nines. jvi was nlse living
it home. 'Iliere nnvir was any dnatli'lssl
conlesiou Uy bur father, as sUiUxl by I.evl.
Hhn knew of Levi's suddenly becoming
rich, but he never explained it te her. (She
had received gifts Irem him, but only 111 a
a brotherly way. She never received any
thing for keeping any secret. She thought
Lev 1 must l out of his mind.
Downs, the husband of " Doe" Wilsen's
sister, Mjrn tlmt he Is posted ou the Wllion Wllien Wllion
Meell nllalr, but will say nothing about tt at
present. He jiremlswl te divulgn what he
knew at some liiliire time.
ruriiitHicK ir.iutir.
lis I'M). 'Mri;liiHi' Iji.t NlKht ami rtricuta
lllrlisnllir le-Mgrit.
IVculerlck Warde is a great favorlte viith
the play-gulng public et Lancaster, and the
cold blasts of last urenlng did net deltr a
geed audience from being preseutnt the opera
hoiise tosne him In Ins strong chaiauleriz.1
tien et " Vlrginliis." The lower tloer was
lllled, but the gallery was net. He has Uwn
seeii In this piny s often here that It Is nood need
les te repeal the prntxe that always nccnin
paiiiOHhls prttiuntatlen or this character. JHs
support was goetl .uid tbe feminine portion
In jiartlcuUr w.tsexceliauL A pplause marked
the progress of the piece nt frequent In In
terv.ils Mr. Ward u will aparat Lhi) opera ,liouse
again this livening, under bis own uiautgo uiautge
inenl, when Shskusre's Richard UI"
w HI be played. The talented actor has tssiu
sneii here Lsifere lu the play and has always
iKxsuvery nutvuisful., Warile has uuule
h change lu tlie tint act or this play
wMchlsn great improvement ever the ar ar ar
raugoment el I'elly C'ibber. Thore Is no
doubt that Mr. Warde is very popular with
Lancastsr people, a. Jtt r t is ene of Ills
best characters, thore is no roateu why the
audleiice should net Isj large.
litlUlllXd jihh. vi.rt rl.AMl
Tll 1. LuuU Women' Chrl.tMll TiUir4uie
IJuluu't Krteliitluu.
At their convention i'riday the inemlera
et the SU lxjiilH district Women's Christian
Tomperanco 1'nlen adopted tie following
resolution :
Wiikki:an The nowspapers report that
Mrs. Whitney, wlfe of the secretary of the
navy, net long slncsj given dinner at which
wero present eighteen ladlen, including 1'iesl
dent Cleveland's young wlfe, but no gentle
men , anil,
WiiKiiKA.s, The papers reisirt that oeur'es
of dltfentnt alcoholic drinks were served ,
therofero be It
Jlfaah'tit, That the W. ('. T. 1'. efMltuvmrl
express their deep mortlflcalleii aud rej;rel
that ladles lu this high social iswltien should
themselves set this bad example tothepeeplo
of this already drluk-dlseaseti country, and
be It lurther,
ii'ciufieif, That theseuretary or thlscouvnn thlsceuvnn thlscouvnn
Hen transmit a copy el this resolution te Mrs.
I'Ulitleg tlis I'srk l.lrsn.s
Fiem the LMiLiijter Inrjulrni.
t the recent meeting of Women's (. hris
tUu Tumpurance L'uleuu at l'un lllll, this
county, Mrs, Ksther Ilachman, or Mlllnrs
vllle, who is the president (of the unions In
Lancaster county, speke upon the work new
In progress. She said tlwt since the llrst or
June seven unions have been leaned lu
this county, making a total el twenty-soven.
The weik she wUhed the unions
te pay particular otteutlou te wat
the nineiiduicnl and the
petition agahmt the sale of lntexlaiuta
en the Lancaster county ralr greuniiiL It
tsJuudernhKid that potltlens are beln cir
culated in all parts of the county asklm; the
court U roluse such a license. The petitions
Bre being very numerously signed and many
et them are new filled out and ready for pre
sentation te court at the January session h.
Heard nu 8urleut Charge..
Jeseph A. Mtller, arrested for setting lire te
the barn of Ills undo David Miller, was heard
by Alderman Spurrler this morning. The
particulars of the lire and tlie arrest hae al
ready beeu published. Miller was required
te enter ball ter trial at court for having
threatened te de bodily harm lob. W. Miller,
and for attempting te bet tire te the bat n of
uaviu .Miner, 'i lie crime charging me actual
commission or the otfense will be heard ou
Tuesday morning, Deceiulier'Jat 10 o'clock.
A ller.e Scares unit lireaks nu A&le.
Friday allorueou as Christian Iilukley was
driving near North tueeu aud J.omeu
streets his horse took fright and plunging
forward sudaenly broke the front axle of the
buggy te which ha was liaruessed and
threw Mr. Illnkley from the vehicle, but did
net ncretwly hurt hlm-orrte any e'.ber dam
bliuuliler Hudecated.
1'rlday botween Vi and 1 o'clock Samuel
Derwarl, a 17-year-eld son or Leuis Derwart,
whlle Jumping at IUily'H carriage factory,
whero he works an an apprentice, fell heavily
nod dislocated his shoulder JeuU Dr. Davis
reduced the dislocation and the ynungiuau,
will be ready te resume work lu a hert
lu Town.
J. I). Lee, business manager or Jehn W.
Hanseme, la stepping at the Htevens house.
He is arranging for the appearauce of the
comedian liore In "Acress the Atlantic"
' ' 9
Sold a Property,
frewi the Heading Herald.
lioerga P. Zlober sold the two story brlclc
dwelling, let ll),xUCi feet, 1138 Kim street,
belonging te Plsnk Reoser, of Lancaster
county, te Uettlleb Rehui for f 1,000.
rnit i,inr nr riu irnu attbhiike
ohm tin urn is itsu.
ren In Ilia IKrk lr tint Itstiilulleiiarjr
Nirng(le Thar Found Tline for Secial
llltsrslens Twe l.ettxrati Ulergr-
insll VVhii rrulsalnl Aguliut II,
Lbs. I.NTKI.1.I11KN1 i:ii -The list el sub.
scrltiornte the Lsncasler Asseinhly el 17W,
given below, hs tmen hidden for a centnry
and mero among the pipers of nn old family
of the borengh ami Is new llrst published.
It pesMMwt Intet'Hl In the names still
famllUr In tlie town and oeiinty, and ns
showing that even In tlie dark days of the
Revolution them wero still aerue resi
dents or the old borough who oeuld net en.
tlrely forego thadollghUer social Intercourse.
The letter et pretest which fellow presents
the views of certain ethers et the Inhabitants
suit It was well meant and courageously ex ex ex
pronxed even II It did net carry conviction te
the hearts et their gsyer fellow cltlzens.
Kdnraril Hand, Mrs Kwlng anil Mrs, Hand.
Jasper Yestes Mrs Veutes.
Matthias Hleuvli, Mrs. Hlnnuhand Miss Ilari.
Iieerirn Itevs. Mrs. Uuirge Hess.
Wiliiun 1'arr, Mr I'arr, Itlat Pair, MIm 1.
Jehn Wlimnr, Mr. U'ltmer.
Anilriiw Orsn, Mrs. rerr
HeirKii umtr, Mrs (leu limn
.Inceli luglsr.
James Itess, Mrs litlne. Itis4
riederlck huliii
I'aul antxlnger, Mrs. .sjitzlnger
VTlliUin llniten
Jnllll IlillilHV, lti. .Inhn llutiley
Jeseph llutiley
t.hrutetiher M'lit. Mr.. Wirt and MIm
Charles Hamilton. Mr.. Hamilton, Mls Hick
en. en.
Ilnnry Stulicr. Mi. Stulur
Wllllnin Wlrir Mrs w Wlrtr
Vn-dnili k llul. Ic, Mrs. rml K. Ilublsv,
.laenb uratl, Mrs Jaroh f.rafT
.laceti Iliiliy
Hubert imly, Mrii. t'urdy
Jehn Uiriier, Mrs, Olfner
.laceti llatiy, Mrs. Rill valid Mix llally.
'Itiniiis. euthbeit, Mrs. Ciittilisit and Mli
fMitHiAilan (Iran, Mi Bh. (iafl.
Mil I euncr.
vit I'ntsey Cennei.
Ml.s Hart
Ml llniiley
Ml.. Wrmtil.
Ml llAUl'-l.
MIm 1'luttkett-
wne riiHV wlki;
In the nlKive list, the nnuie at It bend Is
that or Oenernl Hand, who must have been
then temporarily nt his home In Lancaster,
for his military sorvlce teems te have been
continuous te the close of the war nt York Yerk
town, and In August ITS') he was assigned te
the command of one of the brigades or light
Infantry then formed he married Margaret
Kwlng. Judge Yeates is tee well-known te
ueeJ further mention. Matthias Slough for
many years was an lnnkeesir at the south
west corner of Centre Square, and his house
was the one at which these very assemblies
were usually held. (Jeorge Rees and James
R.wvi were the sons el the signers of the
Declaration of Independence, the elder Ress
having tiled In July, 177'J. William Parr
was a lawyer lu L iiic-tster and Philadelphia,
having Iwen admitted te the liar as early as
lT.ii 'Ihe (irafls were a prumlnent family in
the borough, aud the Ssbasllan, near the feet
of the list, w.vs the father probably of the
ethers named . he built the heusn en N.
Queen and Ojniitye, knewu as Hhelicr's
Krederek Knliti whs a doe'er and the seu
of Dr. Adam Simen Kuhu, ene tlrae
burgess et 1 .aiicanter and a man of very con
siderable lnlluence in the old town. Paul
.infringer was also prominent as a merchant
slid a wealthy cltl7n. William Harten was
the eldest son el the Rev. Thm. Harten, a
long time rector or HU James Lpiscepal
church, and who married Lsther, the sister
of the celebrated luvtd Rlttnnhouse.
Ihe llubles, Jehn, Jeseph, Jacob and
Frederick, were the sons or Iternnrd mid
Michael llubley, who came te I.iiicaMter
ntxrtil 7.!e 10 . Jehn llubley studied law with
Kdward .Shlppen, uud wax admitted te the
bar In 17D'i . lie held many public ofllces of
trust, Ol the ethers little Is knewu s.ive that
their names frequently appear ou the early
rt'vrds uf Lancixter borough.
ilM'OSI l le TllK AXXKMIU i.
Hut thore were ethers In Lancaster who
entered an earnest pretest against these,
te them unteemty routes and ball ; and
frctn the satne msss of papers in which
the assambly list has been preserved se many
yearn ixmie-i a letter from two men honored
lu tbe oemiuur.lty and who express tliem tliem
frulves as fullnws upon this subject of a alml alml
turtMlltwe years earller in date than that
abeve given
Lam x, the vh day of I'eb. L"7n
Sin e are much obliged te you ler the
Hener you intended by Inviting us te the
Company of the (loutlemen within this
Town, or te our Rail. Hut as we think it te
be quite contrary te the Character of Minis
ters of Christ te apjsjar at such Places, you
will excuse our net Complying with your
Desire. The Rest of our Reasons for acting
lu this Manner you will seu In the Seiitl Seiitl
ments Inclesed. And we can assure you
w 1th a great Dual of Certainty that the most
Part el the Members of our Congregations
are of the sune mind with us, aud you knew
that they compose the greatest numbers of
the Inhabitants of this Town. The HnglUh
Is net our Mether Tongue, you will ilnd
therefore many Faults In oeniistlng with the
idiom of the name; but we knew you are tee
much of a gentleman than te exhaust jour
Wit about such Trltles. We mean no ltmult
te you, or any et the Uentlemen, it Is the I rue
language or all uudexigniug A looting
Heart we speak, they are the Dictates et our
Conscience, Yeu aie therefore at Liberty te
let your Company see, hear or read the In In
cleed lines. We hope you are tin Kneiny
te the Werd of (ied. Open thou your Rible
and rend withadue Attention what you find:
James C, 1. v,S 0, Chap. ., v. 1, j , Hocleslast.,
C J, v 1, J. 1 erluth. C. 10, v, t), 7, 'J, 11;
Luc -I, v, II, 35, and be assured that this is
.v. will be the true Werd of the most High,
who will at his own Time mero powerfully
maullest It ns such, te the uubslievlng as
well as te his Relievers. We have the Hener
te iilwerllie ourselves.
Your most humble aud most obedient ser
vants, CSIgnixll HKvnv Hi;t.MtTii,
A lu Kin Ili.Lri!i:.M-ie.-u:.
The " Heatlmcntri enclosed " wero as fel.
lows :
Te any ( uniy concern.
There is no need te make n long Detail of
the great Mlsery of our present Times. The
most bloody and unnatural War rages In this
Country, llelli Arnijs have erected thelr
Standards In our Neighborhood, and Hp'ead
Death nud Ruin around them. Many Tfcou Tfceu
s.uid have lest their Lives already. And
hew many walk about Sickly, wounded and
laiuu i wne are iieiu up as mirrieurn of
mlsery belore our Hyes. A most dangerous
A Injections Sickness (the natural conso censo conse
queuco of War) brings Death exceeding
near te us. The Relicts of eome ruined
KamlljsbegUielrnread nt our Deers. Othera
in the Power of the l'nemy, groan under
their oppressions aud many dle a lingering
and cruel Death from llnuger and Celd In
the most loathsome places et a GaeL, It Is
ene of the Prerogatives of Mankind by which
they are distinguished from Irrational
Doings, te have a Sense of Compassion at
the Distress of tlinir l-'ellew Creatures j the
Sight, the Knowledgeot It, creates gonerally a
Sert of tender I'neaslness and Trouble which
reuder Hpertrull Diversions dtstasterul and
unpleasant te tbe Mind. Hew strange then
1 It for men, te play away In this Titue of
Distress-, Whole Hours aud Nights in Com Cem
p.inyH, w here thev feast imrhans te Kxcess.
play and dauce. Hew te account ler such
llobavleur we hardly Knew, ler It is certain
Hoathens would net act worse , and hew
much mero unbecoming It Is ler such who
eall themselves Professors of the Religion of
our tender and most compassionate Saviour.
The Theughtless may place us en the
Wrong slde or the Question In uiak
Ing such a warr about their Innocent
Diversions, as they call them. Hutlf we err,
a very venorable Hotly or our Legislative
lower keepaua company. It Is well known
that Congress has resolved that such Diver Diver
slens should subslde during the present cat
amity And It the Proeepis of Christianity,
human Compassion and Peeling have no
WMKht with you, you at least nheuld se
much Discretion as te uiakeethera thiuk you
unfriendly te the Cause or your Country, by
resisting epeuly what your Superiors be era-
easily A wlsely have receiutnnuilcd you.
Rotlre for n inoment from your Vanity I and
we liope Arguments of mero Welght will be
suggested within your own Hreasts against
this very unbecoming llehavleur. That thin
may 1m the cnn Is the earnest wish of
(Signed,) Pinr.4Tiinni'i,
The Rev. Henry Ilelinuth, who wrole
Isith the nbeve letter mid Itn en
closure, wns nt tlie tinie pastor or ll.e
Trinity Luthernn chur-ti m Lancaster.
He wn an able nnd a gee I man, ene el
the Inst of the twolve Lutheran ministers
sonlevor from Halle belere the Revolution,
and lu tlie year following the date of his lot let
tor was transferred teHt, Micliael's church In
Philadelphia, where he alterwards bccaine
profosser of the (luriuan and Oriental Ian Ian
guagea In the University of Pennsylvania.
He died In 182.1, in the eightieth year or his
age. The Rev. Albert HclpLcnsteln, or Ilel Ilel Ilel
)honsfenf,nn he translated It In bis signature,
wns nlse a Lutheran clergyman, we believe,
though we knew little nteut him.
I'. M. N. SlAI II Kit.
TllK i.KNur. II. in AHUIVKU
AnilJNew Ihs'Cellrgs ()l,f rvxl.irr l In Heed
WnrkhiK Oril.r.
On Friday ovenlng a reporter of the In
rr.M.trin.fUEii w hallo I by Profetsor
Korshnernnd rejoiced with tbe news thnt
the long delayed lenses hal at last arrlved
nnd the observatory was in full working
erder. He promptly accepted the astrono
mer's ikjIHe Invitation te visit the building,
naming that very night, and when the moon
was well up In the sky he found hlniselt
tramping out te College hill iu sublime dell
ance of the cold and w rid , sullerlug far
science Reachlng the observatory Ihe vis
itor wns ushered Inte a room oemrortably
warmed by a steve and measuring about
twolve by twenty feet. The room was fur
nished plainly with a desk nnd chairs and
shelving at ene end 1 r astronomical works.
The northwest corner was Ulled by a
square structure resemiillnga bank vatilt,but
having only n narrow deer in lrent. In the
top of the deer was a glass window and a
lanteru llashed through it showed the faoe of
the astronomical clock. It i a Seth Themas
clock el oxtremely delicate adjustment, and
must be kept at a uniform tomierature. Ker
this purpose the brick ault was built and
the double deer and heavy masonry are se
little allected by teinperature that the thor ther thor
memetcr Inside registers about the same new
that It did In the hottest days et midsummer.
run can s mvi u.
Te the right of the Kirk duer there stands
the chronograph ; an inalruinmt for record
ing the time. When the electric connection
with the clock Is made this machlue marks
the seconds with a !-,ed tick, while at tfce
same Instant it causes a pen, which is tracing
a line en tbe paper ccer of a rovelvlng cyl
inder, te make an indentation in that line.
An time gees en the j under, rovelvlng at a
speed controlled by the -lock, Is covered
from end te end wltn ines traced by the jieu
hnvlng Indentntiens at regular Intervals rep
resenting the secends Ity means or an olec elec
trlcal arrangement ntr lllng the pen the
astronomer can touch a kt-y in another part
et the building nnd make instant aud accu
rate record or time ( ii-servatlen te a small
Inchen of n second.
Te the right et tbe entrance a deer leads
Inte a smaller room, lu.s room apjiars te
have had a nlice biketi i ut et the walls and
celling right across liioiiulre and the open
ing filled up with sh , '.6r. Hy pulling an
Iren lever Docter Kf timer opened ene of
the shutters In the r t and dicclescd the
cold, blue sky. 11m ath this stands tlie
transit instrument, ene nt the best of the
noted fierman makers oerte'. .v ens Pass
ing en the party for -eeral gentlemen and
ladies of learning bad arrived followed a
passage and stairway ar 1 reached tlie deme
of the observatory.
TitK in I- en.
In the centre, balanced uu the lop el a tall
Iren pivot, stands the leiMvnps. It Is e
nicely balauced en me axes nt right angles
that It cau be handled with great and
accuracy. The nulleys ami rejies In use in
ether oeaorvatorles r'f ll.e country are bore
dispensed with, and i a ne.v deviiothe
motion of the te is controlled by a set
of handles clese te the co piece. On the
right is attached n suia.i hut powerful tole tele tole
seopo for tiudlng Uie p. dm in tlie heavens te
be observed, and near it is a long tube with
an lDgouieus arrangement of a lantern and
reflectors te enable tin n-ener te read the
degrees of the large i r. le under the telo tele telo
scepa This equatorial Is the w-rrk of Rep-told, of
Hamburg, unrivaled in his line; and the two
great lenses were made by the American
tirm of Clarks, whiia reputation is world
wide. These two lenses are mounted en a
new principle without any interfiling
packing, the outer one lielng concave aud
the lnner convex. W uh the brass ring
around thorn they c si--'i.
The astronomer grusptnl a repe hanging
from the sldoet the d nue and by vigorously
hauling hand ever hand he made the whole
hoary iron douie r.iUe. Then with an
other repe he sw . ug otien a shutter and
there was the 1110,11 Vijiiftiug the equa
torial te bear en our xate' lite he made arrange arrange arrange
mentstokeeDthlaart. 1 iai eve en herb v start
ing a clock-work at Hie b.ise et the pivot.
Tills machine turns Hie tele.sceie at the same
speed at which the earth revolves, but iu the
oppesito direction, s tnat if tlxeduieu a star
It will continue te niere It as long as tbe
clock ruus and the xur remains above the
The section of the tncxiti the party took a
peepat looked very mm h like the prints and
photographs el It that have been se widely
published; and one el the plelades looked
large.butthesky was net dear aud it was tee
cold ler extended ohs-ervatioiix.
When working w n the equatorial the jiro jire jiro
fessor uses the inlcriHUUer, which Is a wan wan
derrully dellcatqarraDgeuient et hair wires
across an eyc-piecft. seral et the w ires are
mevablu by means . .t a 111 -remoter xcrew
aud the distances between points m the sky
may be thus measured.
It was gettlug te m- ui the visitors, aud
the professor, inulil- t in his great coat, had
work en hand, se alter taking nete el Docter
Kershnor'Hebsorvati.msot tbe latitude and
longitude they bade him gexl night.
Longitude 5 hours . 1" wext of rbpil
wlch. 1U-" 1 &1 ninth latitude.
Notes t-'rum L'ullfKf lllll.
The college camp is presented a uely ap
pearance last evemug, tlie invasion et which
was a brilliant recentnm tendered bv Rev.
Dr. K. V. Uerhart Atid tamlly te the students
of the theological seminary, and the families
of the dlllerent professors. There were pres
ent a large proportion of the students, the
protessers ami their funnies, and a number
of friends who were en special invitation.
The evening was si ent lu a social way and
nil heartily onjevod the hospitality el Dr.
Uerhart and his family.
The society of in piiry held Its regular
meeting yeaterday attoriieou In the seminary
reading roem.Tho pregramme was as fellow s:
The religious exercists wero conducted by
C. A. Hantee; a paper ou "Missions en the
Paoille Coast" was read by It, C. Scliiedt;
sermon skeleton by Aumeii j the soeiety
then debated the question . Reselvud, "that
the ehurch oenxltory should have legal,
moral aud spiritual control ever the Sunday
school." The question was decided iu laver
of the alllriiiatlve.
Drs. Apple and .irlmrt have gene te
Kphrata te attend a series et educational
meetings In the Interest et the college and
eeiiilnary. They will Ibogeno until Monday.
(Irauil Ann) Ottlcets Dinted.
At the meeting el itoergo II. Themas Pest
Ne. 81, tl. A. ., en Krlday evening the fol
lowing elllcers w ere elected ler the ensuing
year : Commander Charles Denues j sonler
commander, J. A 1'. Reed , Junier vlce com
inander Jacob 1). Lmdls , quartermaster,
.Tax. Nlnilew i.urgoeu ;S. T. Davis ; chaplain,
Isaac N. Slean : ollicer et the day, Hiram Nc
Llroy , eillcers of the guard, Jehn H. Relllv ;
council et adminstrater; D. H. Heltshli;
dolegates J. P. Wlckershatu, A. C. Relmehl,
C. II. Pasuaeht, J. K. llarr, Andrew Hwlsher,
Jas. A. Nlmlew; alternates, IMw. Roekmyer,
Henry Flick, A. V. Hurst, H. MoKlrey, P. P.
Kaullman i J, A. V Reed 1 Jaulter. Win.
Live Stock Dealers t (Itfurd tall,
Allen it Holten, live strxjk dealers et Ox
ford, have falled, with liabilities estimated at
Irem f 10,000 te fli.OOU The assets are unknown.
11 a mr.u TU Hit. ill HLACKSHHIK
KKtv awake at mama.
Ihn Inlsre.tlng Uareer of lAityer Hluteu
Kl'j Hen- Fir AITected III After l.lfs.
Alwsj. One et the Mett ftrn'.t
AiWer-atts uf Aihorlculture.
Simen P. Uby, was born al Willow Htuk
Mills, m Klizabelh township, this county, lle
Is of Swiss stock aud comes of a race et men
who have maintained themselves under a re
publican form of government, surrounded by
monarchies for mero than live hundred yours,
and never bowed their necks te king
or kaiser. HI ancestors emlgrated te this
country about 171.) and settled in Lancaster
county. They bocame millers and builders
of mills from that time forth for fire genera
tions. Having no brothers, his father In
tended that he should suoceod him in the
same vocation of miller and farmer ; and
with this intention put him early te learning
the business. Frem the time he could ride
en horseback he hnd te de errand connected
with the mill taking grist te such of the
customers as bad no means of fetchlng them.
And he was sent te the field with the
workmen as seen as he could carry a rake or
During the wlnter months of this period
of his boyhood he attended the nearest
country school, helping at home in whatever
work was te be done. There Is always
plenty of work en 11 farm, and where a mill
is connected with it, there Is mere than
enough. At the age of fourteen be was sent
te tlntsh his education in Jehn Recti's
academy at Lltitz. When he had learned te
de all tbe work en a farm, and could drive a
farm team te his father's satisfaction, which
was at the go of seventeen, he wns promoted
te the mill.
Here he was no stranger ; and after serving
a brief npponticeshlp bocame successively
under-miller, head-miller and finally book
keeper and assistant te his father In the
general manasement or the entire establish
ment. This embraced at that time, besides
milling aud farming, the hauling of ere and
pig iron from Elizabeth lurnace, which kept
three and four teams constantly employed and
added te ether work the care of seme thirty
Yet am Id all these busy days there would
come ether aspirations -and what boy ts
there without them ' Among the men that
gathered In the old mill room en Die long
winter evenings wero some of mere than
ordinary Intelligence mechanics who came
te leek alter repairs needed in the mill.
These, like his father, sometitneH attended
the courts In Lancaster, either as jurors or
witnesses, aud came back with glowing ac
counts et Uie forensie contests of the great
lawyers of that day. Meck trials and debatea
were held in the old mill room. Questions
would be proposed, argued and decided ; and
in these diversions, amid the clatter et mill
wheels, tlie school boy, fresh from Reek's
academy, leek a premluent part
While bead-mlller be procured law books,
and read Hlackstone, the botter te keep him
awake during the midnight hours when it
was his tura 10 watch tbe mill. About this
time, tee, he received advantageous offers te
go Inte ether business, but in deference te
the wishes of bis mether remalned at home.
During this period near Christmas, In 1510,
came the turning point of his life unex
pectedly. A tire destreyed the old mill with
all Its centents: Uie entlre year's store
of between nine and ten thousand bushels
of grain, mostly wheat. "The barriers were
burned away." Aud a sad burning It was,
indeed. The accumulation of nearly a llte
time of parents swept away In a tow lurid
hours et that Docembor night! The way new
lay open ler him te cheese ter himself what
ever occupation or profession suited his taste ;
but the path was thickly strewn with ashes.
SHU by courage, and patient Industry the
geed fruits of llte may be wrested even out of
Willing hands aud open pursea came te
his father's assistance in his great misfortune.
The mill was rebuilt. Ner did the oUerts el
his friends step here. They elected him
sheritr et the county; and the incomes of
the olllce were deveted by him te tlie pay
ment of old claims, which the owners of
limited means could net atlerd te leso. Rut
tlie parents never rocevored from the great
blew. The family moved te the county seat,
whero the father's duties as sherilV required
him, and tlioejd homestead passed into tbe
possession of ethers.
AUMIiri.l) re 1111; UAll in lsel.
lu the spring et ls32, the subject of this
sketch began reading law iu the etllce of
Isaac K. Hlester, and was admitted te prac
tlce in the spring of ISeL Fer soveral years
he kept olllce with his preceptor, then moved
te Widmyer's row, and lnlbds, when Judge
Livingston was elected district attorney, the
place he had occupied In N. Kllmaker's etUce
was etlered te Mr. Kby, who accepted It,
llore he has remained ever slnce, cow ever
twenty-threo years, during all et which
period no unpleasant word has at any time
interrupted the friendly relatieus exlstiug
botween him and Mr. Kllmaker, although
sometimes employed 011 oppesito sides in the
same case. A large acquaintance, closeatten cleseatten closeatten
tlen te business, a sound knowledge of tbe
law, tldellty towards his cllents, togethor
with a practical experience of men and things
obtained lu early life, have deservedly se
cured for him a goodly practice among
competitors at a bur inferior te none In the
state, outsideot the great cities of Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
in 1110 tail 01 iS'vi no married tne youngesi
daughter et Heury Mengel, ene of the old,
substantial citizens of lierks county. His
wife has beeu te him holpmete lathe lullest
seuse el the word. The only ether mem
ber et his family is a son of thirteen.
Mr. Kby has never sought political
el pretermeut or held any olllce et pretlU
ln lbBl he was olectod a school director
without bis knewledge, aud served six years
when he declined re-election. While director
be was part of the tline chairman et tbe
committee en night boheols, and toeksulll.
clout Interest In tbe less-favored pupils el
that department te deliver te them a series
of lectures ou A 111 or lean history, lle was
also one of tlie llrst In the beard who ad
vocated the Introduction of the German Inte
some et the schools. He has served as a
vestryman of Kt, James' Kplscepal church
slnce 1807, Is ene or the trustees, and the
treasurer of the Hishep flewmau Church
Heme, an Institution cennected with HL
James' parish. Taking a Itvely inteeat In
whatever tends te rolleve unnecessary sutler
ing, whether of the man or beast, be was ene
et the organl?ers of the society in the coun
ty ter the prevention el cruelty te animals
aud became ene of Its counsel along with
Mr. Hreslus, both giving thelr services te It,
lu the cause et humanity free et charge,
Rellevlug that all olher pursuits imist rely
forsuecoss ou the prosiHiretw condition of
agriculture, which lies at the foundation of
all the reit, he has for a number of yearn
-v A'(.-v.'
son cd ns counsel and librarian of the County
Agricultural Boeloty, and wa elocted a II le
member Iu recognition of hi services. Re
lieving also that the wotfare and habltablllty
of our country In the near future depends
much upon the preservation nml restoration
or a primer tiortlen of ltn forests and timber
holts, .Air. Kby published a pamphlet en
the subject at his own exponse, nnd fan
been belore the last two legislatures, at llrst
slngle.hsnded and after wards with the nld
e." ether friends of the cause, te get nn net
hnssed te prevent the lndlscrlmlnnte destruc
tion or our forests, and te onceungo tree
Claiitlng. Although thus far unsuccessful,
b has great faith that ronewed ellertn will
ultimately bring the desired law. Fer even
legislators cannot forever turn deaf ears te a
great crying necessity. An recompense rer
nny llttle getsl he mny have brought about,
he bollevos that the boil reward Is an ap.
proving conscleusnots el having done a
worthy or unseltlsh net.
The ijurtilmi That the Indian lim. Literary
beclely ii.lmled, December ,1 -The In
dian Reck Literary society has ro-ergau-Ized
le meet every Friday evenlng at
the Indian Reck school house. The follow
ing named eillcers have been chosen te act
President, K. li. Htokes; vice president, W
B. Cully ; socretary, Clara E. Owens ; editor,
1. W. McCIune, and critic, Rebert Andersen.
Attbelr last meeting the following resolu
tion wns discussed: "That the Religious In
stitution Exert Mere Inllueuce than the In
stitution el Crime." I. W. McCIune read a
selection entltled The Hlack Hele el Cal
cutta." A recitation was delivered by 11. K.
Stokes, entitled "Tell en the Alps." The at
tendance was geed.
A party of young folks met nt the rent
deuce of Mr. J. Kberle tosurprinehis daugh
ters. An enjeyable time was had.
Mr. J. Owen, sprained his leg seriously in
jumping from a tobacco scalleld te the
ground. He la unable te walk.
Mr. Jeseph McC. Owens and his wlfe have
returned te their home In Ijbanen county
from a visit te his parents.
Mr. J. Lewis cut hLs leg with the axe whlle
chopping weed.
Mr. J. Rice whlle melding bullets dipped
the meld in water te cool it, and botere It
drled poured het lead Inte It which caused an
explosion, scattering the lead Inalldlaoctlens
and severely though net seriously burning
his eye.
Robt. Lehman has returned from the West.
Little Committee Werk for emigre..
Waxiiinote.v, Dec -1. It is the opinion el
a large number et congressmen who have
arrived here that thore will be but a limited
amount or committee work perfermed dur
ing the session which begins next Monday.
The time Is se short aud thore is se much
work already en the calendar that It would
be a waste of time te consider In committee
anything except et a most presslng character.
Enough commlttee work was performed at
the last sosslen te occupy the attention of
Congress for several years. Twe-thirds el
the committees In the Heuse, it is said, will
probably net held mere than ene regular
meeting during the rest of their term, while
net mere than a dozen will try te have any
business rojiertod by them disposed of en the
tloer of the Heuse.
Treasury Empleyes lnUlKunnt
W vniiiMiTOxr, Dec 1. The bureau chiefs
of the treasury department are discussing
the propriety et resistlng the attempts of
Chief Clerk Yeuman te Interfere with the
management of the affairs of their olllces nnd
the disciplining et their subordinates. Mr.
Yeuman has instructed the watchmen at the
various entrances te the treasury building
te report te him the hour of arrival and de
partures of all the empleyes. The officials
criticise what they consider nn assumption
of authority by a subordinate. They claim
that holding their appointments direct from
the president they should net be subjected te
the Interlereuce of a clerk in the discharge of
their duties.
Presidential Appointment!.
W vsiiisoiex, Dec I. The president this
afternoon made the following appointments :
(eerge L. Jehnsen, collector of Internal rev
enue ler the Iti'h district of Ohie; Thaddeus
S. Sharretts, appraiser of merchandise, dis
tilct of Haltlmere ; Francis R. Iaurensen,
assistant appraiser of merchandise, district el
Haltlmere ; Themas H. Tice, assistant ap
praiser or merchandise for the pert of New
Postmasters : Patrick II. Carney, at Wau
kesbaw, Wis. ; Charles Weasainan, War
saw, 111.
Rare Dlneata Discovered,
iKi.t), 111"., Dec. 4. Dr. oee. N.
Krieuer, a
member of the state beard of
health, has discovered a case of the rare dis
ease in human beings of "actlnomy-cesls
hetuinls," or "lumpy Jaw." The patient Is
a young woman who works in a factory. It
was supposed she was allllcted with a tumor,
and several physicians have eerated ou her
under that impression. Dr. Krleder thinks
this is the llrst case of the existence of the
disease In the human brain ever discovered
in America. Dr. Ranch, et tbe state beard of
health confirms the diagnosis.
Print nud .Natural (la..
Pi 11 snt' 110, Dec 4. The action of tlie frost
caused the rupture of a valve In the main con
duct of the Chartiers natural gas company
leading from Murraysvllle te thM city, at 7:30
o'clock this morning. The entire supply of
gas from three large wells was cut oil until
1-JO o'clock this afternoon.
The PtiurU'a UlstluguLbed Paueugers.
Nkw Yeuic, Dec L Among the passen
gers ou beard the Etrurla which suited irr
Liverpool this morning, were Elbridge T.
fierry, who accompanies his father-in-law 10
the south of France; Leenard Jereme, who
gees te Nlce ler the winter; Washington E.
Cenner, ex-Mlnlster Edward Plerrepent,
Mrs. Nelsen Wsterbury. wile of the ex-dh-atterney,
and Heujamln Folsom.
Tlin Shoemaker Threw Down Ilia l.a.t.
Cincinnati, Dec L Larry Hrewn, n
Frent street river man, and Jack Helin, a
shoemaker, were the principals inadesperate
prize-tight which eccurred at an early hour
this morning. Six hard and bloody rounds
were fought with two-eunco gloves. Helin
was defeated. Tbe light occurred In a dance
hall back cf Newport, and was net witnessed
by mere than lerty jsrsens. Jack Klug, of
this city, acted as referree.
Aiiuuuntliig the Ite.lgtirttleu et the
Puns, Dec 1. In tbe Chamber of Depu
ties te-day M. de Freyeiuet, the premier, an
nounced that In view of the defeat of the gov
ernment yesterday en the sub-prefectures
bill the cabinet had determined te resign.
The Chamber thereupen adjeurned. A dis
solution of the Chamber of Deputles and an
appeal te the country will probably be the
result or the resignation of the cabinet.
Twe Murderer Oct 17 1-' Year..
WiixTMiNtsTKit, Md. Dec I Jehn Hurke,
Jr., and James Kennedy, et lllaltlmere, who
murdered Jehn J. Currau in thnt city last
October and who were couvic'el yesterday
of murder In the second degree were this
morning sentenced te seventeen years acd
six mouths Imprisonment in the Maryland
state penitentiary.
P. P. Cellins & Ce. Wen Their Suit.
The suit of P. F. Collius ,t Ca.el Pitts
burg and Philadelphia, agilnst A. W.
H.irtie", of New Yerk, te recover en a con
tract, was concluded Friday at Pittsburg by
a verdict ler the plamtlils ler f 15,000, with
Interest from January I, 17J, amounting In
all te fjij,700.
Itelitied or .1.
Due of the Soaplue agents who are can
vassing the city, claims te have beeu robbed
et Jj at his bearding house ou East Chestnut
There were a number of ether occupants of
the room, but who committed the theft 1b as
yet a conundrum. Chief Smith Is Investi
gating the matter.
Delinquent iuuty Treasurer.
A majority of tbecbjnty treasurers In the
state have failed te make the annual re
turns of state taxes te the treasury depart
ment. The total amount due Irem delln
lluquetiU la fcU,:i77.18, Lancaster county's
treasurer Is lu arrearn V12,yiii.5S.
UAHr i'KUI'l. 1.0.1 TJIBIK JiirjU IN
no itN Kit nviLtiimiB.
tine nl the Inmate. uf a Chicago Hulel Fatally
Itnmeil-Men and vrunieti j;pe rnrlly
DrMMHt Narrow Kat el
Crowd Prem it Hall.
Ciiuaoe, Dec I. At ene o'clock this
morning In a,'tlrn luthe Merchnnl's Exchange
hotel, l'J Seuth Water street, ene Inmate was
fatally burned and a tlnren ethers had a close
call for thelr lives, whlle HO or 30 men nnd
women wero forced te 1100 rrem tne uuiidlng
partly dressetl. The llrst Intimation thnt the
inmates had of danger was when the suioke
forced Itself Inte their rooms nud awakened
them. On the first tloer there are about 'JO
rooms. They nre simply partitioned oil from
each ether nnd from the hall by dressed plne
divisions 8 feet high. There wero window
only In the front nnd rear nud the only stair
way leading down was 111 the rear. It was In
n large room nt the head or the stairs that the
tire started. The tire department were
quickly en hand nnd in a few minute bad
the lire under control. After the lire wan
extinguished a salesman was found near the
hend or the stairs, lle wns badly burned and
will probably dle. The datnage will net ex
coed t I.fKju,
Heavy Lcm li, Mllnnnkee
Miiavaukki:, Dec. t. -Whlle the Uermati
journalists wero holding thelr annual fes
tival last night at the wtst slde Turner hall
the drnpery et nn orletitnt village orected In
the main hall took lire from k gas Jet. The
hall was crowded, but nil escaped without
Injury. The Urn destroyed a valuable colloo celloo colleo
tlon of oriental costumes, cents of arm, lot
tery, eta, which had twen leaned te the
nowspaper men by Messrs. Lehr ,t Heine,
who baa Just returned from Palestine. They
wero te be used as models for a panorama
and wero very valuable. A large number
of oil paintings and a iiortleu of the recelpts
of the festivnl, amounting te about f700, wero
also consumed. The less la f.1,000; no Insur
ance. A Chlcsge Opera Hums Damaged.
Chhaoe, Dec I A sorleus nnd probably
fatal fire occurred about nlne o'clock this
morning at the Halstead stroet opera house,
en Halstead and Harrison streets. The
theatre In which an Indian show I given
thrice dally was completoly gutted and oneet
the perlormers sulfecated. The stores en the
ground deer wero nlse badly damaged. The
datnage te the biiildlngand theatrical proper
ties was about 7,000. The lire originated
about the stage Preparations were being
made for the llrst perferm ince of the day.
Tim Child Left In charge or Ihe Heuse.
LoeANsroivr, Ind., Dee. 1. The heuse el
Mrs. Amelia Shubeck, en the west slde, wan
destroyed by tire last night and her llttle 4.
year-old child perlshed In the llames. The
mother lett the heuse and child In charge of
the eldest son and weutaway during which
tlme the llttle ene's clethes caught Are.
Kl',0,000 nue Up In smoke.
Ciiicaoe, Dec. t.'I'tioIUue I sland Milling
company's establishment, at Blue Island,
was burned last night. The less lsestlmated
nt 0,1100.
A New Yerk lllaie.
Nkw Yeiik, Dec I. Flre this mernlug
completely gutted lour three story br'ck
buildings, Nes. 152, lil, 150 antl 163 Hlxth
avenue. Less f 15,000.
A Ma'dtn Fatally llurned.
YouNuarewN, O, Dec. I. Miss Susan
McCurdy, whlle dressing last night, was en
veloped In Uames by a spark striking her
clothing, causing Injuries that will preve
Mx llertr I'erlili.
PL v net lit, Mass, Dec I. A large barn
belonging te I. N. Stoddard and occupied by
Gee. liagnell ,fc Sen, teamsters, was burned at
" a. 111., te-day. Six horses perished.
Several buildings near by caught lire. Less,
lllrd Cage Mau llurned Hut.
Nkw Y'euk, Dec Dec. I. A lite te-day In
a building In Pearl street, occupied by Lin
derman.V Ce, manufacturers et bird rages,
caused a less or 15,000 ; fully lusuted in
tv, en t y- ti ve dl 11 e ren t co in pan 1 us.
dim CuiiunluK. Captured.
Paiixens, Kan., Dec 1. .Inn Cummlngs,
the man who shot and fatally wounded
Policeman KeyserjThurdday ulghf, was car
Hired at Altameut yesterday. He wasieeu
entering tbe town early yesterday morning.
The marshal of Altameut was notified who,
together with set oral men, ollected his cap
ture a short distance irem town. The au
thorities were netified nnd went there as
seen as possible after him but the sherlll
having had notice, get there aud took Cum
mlngs te Oswego bafore tlie Parsons' authori
ties arrived. When captured he had two
pistols en his person and a large sum of
Town Heeded by the t'aiisl Hank Itreaalng.
DKi.ntex, O., Dec. -1. At an early hour
yesterday morning the canal overllewed and
broke through the Ice and Us banks here,
caused by seme ene leaving the wickets at
the lock open. The north part el the town
was badly Heeded in a short time, se that
dwellings had water en the llrst doers and
families had te move out or up-stalrs. Mrs.
Kindly en waking up, saw water seven
Inches deep en her bedroom tloer. Frank
euuurg's Ice pond was overllewed, stepping
a force or men from cutting Ice. A lerce of
men were put te work at once by the canal
Mangled by the Cari,
Uoxie.v, Dec 4. Milten Copeland, one el
the leading citizens el Cam polio and presi
dent or the C. W. Copelaud Mauulacturiug
company, while attempting te beird auiev
leg train ou the Old Colony railroad this
morning at tbe Cauipelle station, fell beneath
the cars aud was badly mangled.
An Pin lierzter Captared.
Httvii., Ind., Dec 2I.-Charles U. Illair,
the abscendlug clerk or the American ex pi ess
cempauy, at Westlleld, Ind., was captured
here Thursday, aud taken te Michigan City
last evenlng. His shortage Is considerable.
uv.', odd fur H11011.
H.wi.vviAiiLK, Mass., Dee 4. Thejury in
the case of Snow vs. Alley have returned a
verdict of 1 102,000 in favor of Hnew.
-MOD Car Lund uf Cattle Delayed.
Fert Wektii, Dec. L The cattU blockade
In Texas grows worse and worse. There are
1,000 carloads el hoof cattle between Fert
Werth and Tejah wullieg shipment with no
cars te move them. At Colerado City theie
are COO oarleads, at Midland 500 audatuther
points fully 300 oarleads. The Texas A
Pacific cars are tied up te a great extent in
the north whero reads about St, Leuis it
Chicago are using them dally. This blockade
is a serious blew te stockuien who have
their beeves In line erdar for shipment, but
they are losing thelr welght dally by UiU tie
A Michigan L'ulter.lty Hturtent Drowned.
Ann Aiiiieu, Dec. I. Whlle skating en
the Huren river yesterday afternoon. stu
dent natned Frederick Freeman broke
through the loe aud was drowned,
wsatiikh iHUivAXiuaa.
CWASilINdTON, D, 0., Dec I Ker
Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Delaware: Fair weather, westerly
winds, nearly stationary temperature.
Small Dltldtnrt. In lletzeg aud llndrseu'
The auditor's report In the asslgned estate
of Jeseph HerxeR was filed thin morning.
Creditor's will get one-half et one per cent,
of the amount of their claims.
The auditors' report lu the Hendersen ti
tate wan also filed this morning. The cred
itors et thl estate will get between 23 and 2d
per cent, of their claim.
Held Fer Court,
William Jehnsen U the
whostelo aceat
en Friday. He
McConemy this
in default of ball