A h t . .&" L'jvy 'fl! 3 TT-. "V,;-. f -5-C S " i j 15 ., A. r - ' rti -t :: vi , : . .- It V ' -k c-wj? WSSsMB . THE IiANOABXEB' DAlIiYteti(ENOER, FRIDAY, TSSMtAimk " . -1. fe.' i TT & ?" ft!' T.T4 h te- E&- -' W8t& -,1 iv- Ci- rift'i m &? 4V ?IJ. W4t -ff! H?l ESW? av v E" Pv &. &&. V 5 JS. I"'! Ifl I tLLIUtlUlUK DAT IN THH YKAB .r (Mmtfa Mut4td.l 1 wns, mi keixam a tbi. nnr A wmrH. mutdid iteiiuiuiiui- Ajn All. ADJemma ruirxa. tuxru timUL OOKMtnsiOK ALLOWIO TO mmeM oemiBOTioK. AOVXBTtSINQ RATB8: .i ' - IBM I &.'-'. H'". lln, ln. 8ln, in. Mr. M&t r... 40 wrrs' j sis oe'rr?. mDUl GO 113 2V, SV 41! &.V p mTii. be IS" son ise sal 790 rptym..,. lm in use n inl ri its HHUNp 110 2 9) 4 00 5M 7 CO 8(0 LWfife lift ten tw earn 850 1060 Tqk..i. 4 ee 7 low is 00 lw ShffMtl" SO SOD -000 ISM) 17 Onl 31 V WMltt...,. IK 700 li en isni 2oei 74n JMipiBMrtfe... 6( 1000 17 00 non Z7CU SJI VHaiKntha.. soe uen aioe sioe sine sseu isWllMttN ttOU 18 00 MOO S6 00 44 l SiO. MO J 1500 8800 43 00 MOO C8Q) " TVm WaeItItt TnfollicreTinnr Pi'fcS 1 " FMLftWCD EVERY -WEDNESDAY MORNINO. r iJ'Vt" . lAYgAM-IUKtroiiaixvernH. Ciena or ti lAAOOTTntire mmeiis sittiiu p nninirsinTiriTTrrr are nmimiriui nusnv,.h lkttie- ijraiam. te thi wat baskkt. aUJMltrt and Ttlegrami te THB INTELLiaBNOER, !. ''iml1rtnrrrr-"-,'-ir LnrcJLiUT, I'll. ftTvw -- - EtClK iituefltcr afntclligcnev 1ANCABTKB. UECKMUKU S, 1S8C The Fertinca Hell. '3, xne ficwi eik Jienua manes up n sum- '". auy of the facia in Iho telephone, contre- ff"-35 Teray whlre reveals the remarkable way in y wnicn me ien leiepnene company n.ia neen vfc eared for by chance or cunning ; the pre ;A BiimDtien belnc that the maier turt of the S1' credit Is due te the latter agency. When b3-; Ajeagei ma jiaieumueui. icu jf.ira nge, ui" LS did net knew its value as a telephone nnd 4 trie people who saw it did net think it an 0 abeundlngly beautiful cieatien ; one gen tleman of Bosten declining a preposition te take half of the patent In foreign countries at the cost of taking out the patents there. However in the course of two or three years, and after two or three changes of corporate title, the American Bell Tele phone company found itself in 1SS0 a very handsome child of the old Bay state. Then ether inventors sprang for its neck. A suit brought in the interest of the 'Western Union company which had purchased the JEdlienand Gray patents, was compromised before trial, but after much testimony had been taken in the preliminary stages, by an agreement en the part of the Bell com pany te pay te the AVeetern Union one-fifth etita profits. Since then the Western Union has been in alliance with the Bell and the combination has been strong enough te wring the neck of opposition until the United btates took a hand in the game ; and se far it has baffled even the nation through the re markable decision of the Ohie court that the suit must be brought in Massachusetts. What sort of a fiery furnace it is thu3 thrust into is shown by the fact that the federal judges in Massachusetts have already passed upon the validity of the Bell patent, the district judge in his deci deci Jen having gene se far as te declare that a century of Bees would net have made a Bell telephone; Bees being generally be lieved te have been the original inventor of the idea. This was a decision made in an early case, which there is geed reason te believe was collusively brought. There was but little time spent in the investiga tion of thecasebytheceurt,which rendered its decision in a few days after it had been feebly argued before it. And this was the 'only case in which the Massachusetts court ever decided the priority of the invention 01 the telephone; and the only one in which any court ever se decided, we believe, owing te the comity between the federal courts which leads them all te accent the decision of the first one that handles a case. The Herald's summary of facts shows furthermore a3 te the Massachusetts courts, that the father and brother of ex-Judge Lewell were very largely Interested in the Bell telephone stock ; the fither lending money heavily en the stock, and the brother being a trustee for the holders of n large block of stock as well as himself a heavy owner. Justice Gray, of the United btates supreme court, sitting in this circuit, is shown te have been blessed with uumereuB cousins and ether relatives owning this stock. It does net need te be said that these judges were corruptly Influenced by the Interest of their relatives. In fact Judge Lewell wrote te Mr. Kanney, the Bell attorney In Congress, that he did net knew that his relatives were interested In the company when he made his decision. This can readily be believed, and we de net suppose that he or Judge Gray would consciously have permlted their relatives' Interest te oentrol their judicial action. But the fact that the Grays and the Len ells were nu nu nu merouslyfeuudinthe.Bell stockholders' list shows hew strong was the attraction and hew beautiful the form of that precious child te the Bosten financial Instinct. It Bhews that Bosten air was wholesome for the Bell creature and that a profound love for it exists there. Judge Lewell had gene into judicial ecstacy about it and all the women and preachers were wild ever it. Itev. Cyrus A. Bartel, who has declared from his pulpit that President Cleveland is an awfully bad man for raising his hand against this precious hope of Bosten, Is down lnthe stockholders' list for 103 shares in It. .ma lunttigui. wuicu secureu, in n collusive suit, a verdict in Bosten for the American Bell Telephone company, as the owner of the first and only telephone pat ent, has found it rich feed and premises it a continued harvest until the expira tion of its patent, seven years hence, since it will take all that time te get the appeal from the Bosten court through thesu preme court. What the United States are going te de about it, we are curious te see. It can hardly be that it will let itself be eplt upon In this fashion and permit u fraudulently obtained patent te run its whole life, because the machinery of Its justice Is unable tobtep it Beener. The machinery evidently needs such amend ments as te enable the nation te give the Bell fraud a short shrift. m Some Women In Kuglanil. That Campbell divorce case in England l net turning out be baaiy for the nobility 03 for the commonalty, since the lady who wai a Bleed and a broker's daughter, is belug given a very bad character by the ervants of the house, and if all Is true that -taey swear te, Lord Campbell haB been ta very 111 used man and his lady irteugnt te de put into me Blocks, A W if m . .(i .. .-" iir According te the fcteryBhe told she had Mmm nMtMfV. been wonderfully abused. But If she had bees the geed woman she claims te be she would never have taken the world Inte her confidence and bU7ened her hick of modesty through all its aisles. The testi mony of servants about their emplejers needs always te be looked upon with sus picion, because there is constant liability te their false swearing through spltefulitess, Ignerance nnd bribery; but when a wife publishes such n story of her husband's abuse as this woman has, It does net take much of anjbedy's testimony te unceter her perfidy and vileness. Geed women sufTcrand are silent; the rearing Bleeds are bad bleed. But ierliaps men will never comprehend women, who "never behave se oddly te the masculine understanding as when they ap pear in court. This case has produced two ether typical women; one in Lady Miles, the aristocratic denizen of Leigh court, the scene of the amours, who swore steadily for the lady's side of the ce.c and never quailed when the cress examiner get her in corner, but walked right straight through all her heavy contradictious with a calm and een gait. The ether woman was the Lady Campbell's Swiss maid, who was a witness against her and swore with particularity and unction, but who wept and fainted under the cress-examining fire exhibiting her carelessness of statement and the lack of agreement among her iacts. Whether one or beth.and if but one, which one of these witnesses swore falsely, will puzzle the moscullne jury ; which will find Its safety in believ ing neither without corroborating evidence. Wilsen's story 1 doubted, ter tbe ery 'Oectlve rc-n'en thai the woman he claimed a bis mother died before he was born. Wiies w 111 wonders ceae T The Wlsceusln Central railroad has abolished the system of tipping ou Its parlor, dlulng and sleeping cirs, and it proposes te enforce Us new de parture by the immediate discharge of em em peoyes who are found te have accepted tips from paengers. The rule Is absolute, with the exception of the blacking el shoes which porters are allowed te de only when re quested, and tbe fee is tixtd at ten cents. Simultaneously v 1th the order, the pay of the empleyes affected has been increased, making it about three times tbe amount re celvtd eidinarlly by sleeping-car porters. Fer to-uerr jw's iNTBLLiaKM-Eit it Is a gratification te announce then.' choice jour nalistic morsels : Itieeraphlcat sketch and portrait of a citizen or this town who Is a big authority en arboriculture, aud is prominent in ether directions. '-Cocas" has a critical talk about Stauley, the African explorer, new in tills country. The "old politician" gathers himself together for the last time for ls.v, and gives aw ay some of the local Republican stcrets. A new contributor gives acharmiug picture of Woodward Uill cemetery as it is teen In the autumn. A full description et a handsome new business house lately erected is given. A tine story, notes of the fashions, selected mlxcellany, "Wayside Glances," the best et lecil reports, all the markets, and the fullest telegraphic report In thetewn, are renture-i of the Saturday paper which makes It Indispensable te intelligent Lancastrians. Wk de net And anything In the criticism of the Wilke&barre Recerd upon our view of the crime of the Chicago Anarchists te cauee. us te revise our opinion of the judgment in the case. We did net say, as the Recerd quotes us, that they were net properly con victed of murder because the evidence did net show that they threw the bombs. It is undoubtedly true that they would have been as guilty of a murder, of the proposed perpe tration of which they were cognizant and which they incited, as if they themwlvea had thrown the bomb'. What we said was that their guilty knowledge of the intended deed wasnet shown; and was net proved by any Kfcneral expressions of tneirs in favor or vio vie lenceand bloodshed, such a might be and generally Is empty vapering ; in which this country abounds. It was needful that these men, te be banged, should be shown te have known el this particular deed which brought deatn m its train, and this was net shown. Whether Judge Gary's law is geed we should net like te say, it It was really clothed in the language which the Recerd quotes, and which we de net comprehend. It says : "Judge Gary ruled and instructed tbe jury, in accordance with his rulings, that if there was an agreement te which the con demned men wereaparty "te kill the police upon some occasion that might occur In the future, whether the proper time had occurred belng lelt te their judgment, then If the vio lence was used and resulted in the death of the police, then these who were a party te the conspiracy are guilty of murder." That remarkable congressman, the pre duct el New Yerk city, who was elected as the candidate of all the organizations of tbe Democratic and Republican parties, there be ing absolutely none left te support bis inde pendent opponent, who nevertheless nearly defeated him, has had a banquet given in bis honor by the Oriental club, and has made a speech of which the following is a report, and w hlch occasions us te say, with great fer vency, from any mere such congressmen geed Lord deliver us ! "Gentlemeu of the Oriental club," said the Hen. Timethy J., as he arose. "I said once that I would rather be president of the Oriental club than a memlier et Congress. 1 meant it then and I have net changed my opinion. Gentlemen of tbe Oriental club, you are all my true friends, and you have shown what you have thought of me. Yeu did net sell me out. (Cries of "no, no!") I have te thank you, gentlemen, who are belere me and the people or the Eighth con gressional district for my election. I thank no professional politicians for my election. I thank no party or political organization ler my election. I thauk my lrlendB,;riIends like veu who are belere me. I am going back te Washington, and when 1 get there I will wear no Iain's cellar. I will wear the cellar of no organiza tion. I will wear the people's cellar. (Great applause.) The newspapers went for me during tue campaign and thev lied about me, but my friends htu'ck te me. Who was running against me T A man who had glib tongue. That was all there was teblui. lie was surrounded by a let of professional politicians and dlsap dlsap peinted Glllce-seekers. Theory was "Any thing te beat Tim Campbell." After this the politicians the corrupt politicians et thneast side will have te take a back seat. They have get te go where the woodbine twlnetb. I ha e a red het poker for some or them. I knew them 1 mean the fellows whnwiii me out They will neer have the chance te humbug me again. They chuated me, but way uiu net uueceeu in Dealing me." At the annual dinner of the Historical society, In welcoming the delegates el the states te Philadelphia, where they are new arranging for the celebration or the centen nial anniversary or the constitution, Mr. Cochran Indulged in considerable sarcatm. Ue said that they hoped te convince the dele gates that it was a mistake te call Philadel phia a cold city ; that the citizens were '-geed people, from pious Quaker stock, and had a rule against staying out late at night." The Impression does unfortunately prevail that Philadelphia la a very cold elty and this pre judice cannot be overcome by any npwmodle euert ler the entertainment of guests or the standing el the delegates. The pious peojileef Quaker stock must come out of their arlstocratle shells aud be a little less "toplefilcal" In tbeir Inteiceurse with hu. man belugs from ether parts of the country. Net that there Is any necenlty for the multi plication of Clever club one et them la a large steckbut there U need of a mere Deme. .deinhi ., 77,17.' i l m i B ameuB tl18 Kd people of Phil- I brethren et neighboring village" equauy sanctlmonleu ...gfeh. WtelW i TnK disaster te the Weaternland wa tbs result of strange combination or evenu. Twe Immense waves rushed together In mid ocean and by the nheck their united volume was raised te n great height and dropped upon the deck of the steamer. The Ilrst tin. d illations of Uiee wave had MarlM many hundred inlle lrein tht place of mettl ig. a dltlorence of a few sexmds In the elecity et either, or et the vesel, would bate netted the disaster. Ou the delicate operation el these nicely balanced causes hlngtd the life and death el six men and the terrible iniury et a dtzett mere. It U mt untiMial ler a vessel te encounter great w.04 In mid ivtMti that fall w 1th mulling ctltvt upon their deck, but the union of two large war UiM In time te fall upon the deck et tbe steamer, a mere speck en the wide ocean, mut be considered a remarkable coincidence. The Ulcer en watch estlmatt s the beUht el tbe w n e at for ty feet, and a he tvM),l his gues. ou the tact that he atw it rise above tue lower ard of the foremast when he wai standlngen the main bridge he can net be fir w rung. Wa e always appear uiueli larger than they are te caue there Is ue w y of making accurate comparison and when the long Mope of a largeeue rles before the eyes of a man ou deck until Its cret N outlined against the sky, be imagines that It 1 mountain high when It Is only a few feet. Its neatness te bun cuts ett tbe view and makes It eem larger. Like all disasters this gles ample feed (or reflection ou the uncertainties et life. Who can tell whether eemeta or pUuet may net new be pvsslng through space as tbee wa es ran ever the ocean destined like them te mere grand disaster? A similar combination of events might any day reduce this planet and its people te cosmic dust. The peut when It happens, w ill net b3 fully reported In the lNTKt.Liei:.'cr.R. Net long age Knsala contracted for e.pen" sle torpedo beat', Austria contracted for cannon, and new Turkey has contracted ler 300,000 repeating ritlfs. This contraction of the currency will have te step very een or bankruptcy will fellow. PEKSONAU .Mli.Ue.vvntE Carmmik will net build his Scottish ca-tle since his mother and brother hac died. E-C'oeres-man i RrrEm i: A. 11ik died Thursday of diease et the heart, aged 7 1 years a' Calais, Me. KlSOS.VMA Lomdekee, of Cuyar, one of the chief of the African nam tribes, has been killed in battle. KEV. Dn. lBOn dtclarts that New erk city "stands en an inclined plane of dlatcr anil Is a by-word for dirt, debt and dlabel ism." Mr Inwve Bi'-nor was offered JtiUiOOin cash If he could tell where the JJe,ik) of which the Southern Express company was robbed were secreted. Mr. Bishop could net dolt. Snv'ATen Them as v. Cooter, prepec tlve secretary of the commonwealth, and J. Hay Brown, of Lancaster, the most likely .ucce-vKir 10 .attorney ueuerai Laisiuv, w ere In Philadelphia en Thursday. Timetim D. Sullivan, re-elected lord mayor of Dublin aud Mr. O'Keefe, a solicitor, elected mayor of Limerick, have pledged themselves te refuse any honors which may be etlered by the -jueen during the jumlee year. Prof. A. II. Srvvn. of Minerstllle. who ws educated at the Myerstewu academy, Mlllersvllle Nermal school and I'alatlnate college, is prominently mentioned as a can didate for county superintendent of Schuyl kilL He Is at present superintendent et the schools of Minersvl le. Hilary Mattiselv, Tl years eM, a prom I nenl realdent of Davis county, Indiana, who feryearshas had a pain in his back which lately had drawn his body down se that he was compelled te use a cane, has begun te walk erect and without his stick, and at tributes his cure te prayer. Mrs. Cleveland has Den buying C hrnt mas presents in New Yerk. She were a black silk dress, sealsklu cloak and a small bonnet et dark material a most becoming costume. As she alighted from a cab she presented a charming picture et womanly beauty. The crisp tern peratu re had brought roses te her cheeks aud she looked in peritct health. Senater Edmi mis has been in the Sen ate ler full twenty years, yet he has never bad a personal friendship en one side or the ether of the chamber. Ne member of that body who participates In the donates but at one lime or another has smarted under bis Insinuations or luuendees. Fer the sake of saying something sharp or brilliant be has never hesitated te wound the leelings and lower the pride of these pitted against him. An ex-senator, who is new a member of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, once said of blm that should such an emotion as a generous thought agitate his besom it would nil him with the gravest apprehension, and be would never rest until he bal driven it out. A. UElIlltKAlU.lt .IWiflJTlU-V Voluntarily I'artltc Alter Fourteen lr.in ul Haripjr Married Lllr. One of the most extraerdi nary eclal ena ena tleus ever known In Halifax came te the sur face when Professer humlchra'it teparaled from the woman te whom he bad been mar ried fourteen years because he did net be lieve that In the sight of Ged he is her bus band. Professer Sumlchrast Is the most cul tured literate and linguist in that part of Canada. He was formerly professor of modern languages In King's college, Wind Wind eor. Subiequeutly he was editor or a Hal ifax newspaper, and for some years he ha.s been principal or the Glrten house, where the eons and daughters of the aristocracy or Halifax finish their education. This school Is supported by Bishop Illnney and the lead Ing men in bis diocese. Fourteen year age Mr. Sumichrast fell in love with the handsome young widow of Charles Almen, a lieutenant In tbe British F.eyal artillery and son of a wealthy Neva Soetian pelltican. When M. B. Almen died he lelt bis sen'a widow a fortune. After the engagement Sumichrast told her that when a youth be had married a dashing French girl In his Hungarian home, Their life had beeu an unhappy one. They had been divorced, he bad never beard from her since, and be lieved she was dead, but it alive the divorce was perfectly legal. Mrs. Almen was satis fled and married Mr. HumlchrasL Years age Professer II. Y". Hind, the British ex. pert witness berore the ilshery commission, held a prolesser'n '.chair in King's col lege, ne became friendly with Sumi chrast and found out all about his previous history. At a recent meeting or the church synod radical dlflertnces of onlen spVang up between Bishop Illnney and Professors Sumichrast aud Hind, wero continued at the governing beard of King's college, of which all ihree are members, and Hind employed an Edinburgh lawyer te fer ret out the history or Sumichrast before he came te Canada and tbe whereabouts of bis first wlfa It was found that she had mar ried a French eillce.r and is new living in Algiers. Then Professer Hind addressnd a circular te all the Epltcerul clergymen of the diocese declaring that llishep illnney was backing up Professer Sumichrast, a man whom he knew for years had been living with a woman net his wife in the eyes of the church. Ibis produced a crisis. When Bishop Blnuey called bis attention te Hind's attack he acknowledged that, at seeing that Ills Brut wile, whom he had ter long years thought dead, was still llvlng.that In the eyes of the church his second marriage was unlawful, he immediately determined te neparate from wife Ne. 2 aud regard wile Ne. 1, living with the French officer in Al. glers, as his only lawful spouse. He went home and communicated bis resolve te the woman with whom he had lived happily ler teurteen years. The blew fell upon her with crushing effect, but like a heroine she agreed that it was the only thing they could honor ably de, and she Immediately left her home aud sought the protection et the Kev. F. It. Murray, her pastor, at whose house she new Is. SI rs. Jenes, hew la your health tela morning Thank you inailarn, much Improved, i beuuht a b itllu et Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup lout night, nnd, utter tee first deie, my cough was checked. 1 slept well, and luve net ceughed ence this morning. Accidents will occur net only "In the l,tt regulated families," but every whura aud at all timet, '.therefore keep balrallen oil convenient. NOTICE TO TKKHPASSKK.S AND UUNNKlfj. All persons are hereby for hidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the Cornwall or ttpeedwell eatute, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed erunln cleed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fish ing, ea the law will bu rigidly enforced against all treip&aslug en said lands of the undersigned alter this notice. W1I. COI.KMAN ritKEil A.V, ,m . KDWAUD 0. VUKKUAN, esui ua reey 'or "" W' Volemxa' tell. i.TfBifl'HtfliTTrr" MBIUCAU A TllLOJ'HOnOS FOR RHEUMATISM. WHY IS IT That ihdintatlsm and neuralgia am i pieva lent. Thl qut-sil mi hu net been atllacterllv answered, but It U certain that these illstuneK art' net only thu Inett wlnlnl lit among the tiHMl c minion, M,d sotie memrwr et neatly ex cry family in the Limits the via Hut or nun et these dr ad tormenter t adle scorn le b pccullaily liable le ncniaUl.- atMik, width. In the form of rcurulgln hvndicbe, piln In the back, ci nervous pains are et lenst.'int occur eccur reniv Net until lhedl-cner el uhlopheros htsunj retiixljr been found fei ittliei rnrfmna tlm, neuralgia or lien ou hemliche and thev were iiencrnlly conceded te be tiuurable, but Mhlophenv habean pmxed te K net only a rrrhniicum forthesa dls. v.,ln all their varied forms, but a i remedy. It, tn the no of Ath lopheios, the bowels are kt pt truly ujirn. Its ucrrsl-rrfcilri,nnd te all thi, Aihlophervs Pills arv recommended, whu h. hll pre Ming theneceMry cathartic, will be found te be a raluablanld te the action of the me Milne tb lopheros Is no experiment. It hat In en tested and has proved Its wonderful ntuc, The Athlopheros l'llls were erlglnallj pre pared ns a remedy rer tue In conneitlen with Athlophero, ferrheurnatuiuand neuralgia aad kindred complaints. Used tn connection with that remedy, they are a certain cure for either of these very common and dlti-elng dleae. The r-n e also been lean. 1 te be an Inxalatile remedylerany and all dUeae arising from vl tl tted bleed or goneral debility They are espe cially a aluable ter nervous ileblllt, bleed pet enlng, dyspepsia, distress after eating, hind ache, eonsltpntlen. lews of appetite, and all stomach erllver trouble rer diseases of omen they are Invaluable. These pills are perfectly biriulessaud may be -ifely u-cd by adult or chlldrt n. Testimonials of these who have trimmed will be sent free en application. Every druggist should kep Athlopheros and Athlopheros rills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlopheros Ce., N'e. 11J Wall street, New Yerk, will send either (cir rl.age paid) en receipt of regular prtct which l II 00 per bettle for At! hi res and .Vc. ler Pills novlwced PHYSICIANS ANI . .1 ...ivr KEC OMMKND BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining In n nlth pure v ?J. Jnn,cs quickly and leiupleiel) t. urea M.SJV?i'?1A' . LMIIChsTION, MIL Mil. Mri.N ." IMruitK I)LO01. HULLS and 1 EV Kit, and - EUUAl.t.IA "V rapid .n." thoreuch iisslmuatten with tie bleed. It reaches avery part of the svstem, purl fle and enriches L-jeblijHl. strengthens the inns cles and nerves, and tones and luaUeratta ihe sjstem. A flne Appetiser Beat tonic known. . euro the wer.t t i-imf Iispepsia. re re rnevlng all distressing vtnpteais, such as Test ing UlU loed. lUlrhfti.. ir.t 1., ih.i.i.....t. lieartburn, etc. The only Iren medicine that wlT nnf Msrbiin or Injure the teeth. . n yaiuable for diseases pefnlar te women, and te all persons who lead .dentary lives '." Lun'aulng remedy ter diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. Persons suffering from the erect of over ever w.,rti nervous troubles. !. of appetite, or de bility, experience qulcrf relief and renewed energy by its use. It does net canse Headache or produce Con-sttpatlen-OTHElt Iren medii Ines Se It' the only preparation of Iren lhat canes no Inlurieus effects. Physklsns and druggists recommend it as the best. rr it. The genulde has Trade Mark and crossed red !lni:?.w;l,.w.raJ?lH,r- Tak. n i ether Made only by unutt -V CHEMICAL LO , Italtlmere, Md. (1) mWlydAw HUUVZJIIXM. gl'LKNUlD MOCK Holiday Groceries, New and fresh, at lowest prices A full line of foreign and domestic fruits, uew rrench prunes, new raisins, citron, currunts, needless raUlnK, fcesh ground spices, fine flavoring extracts, rose water, New Orleans baking ni ilasses. geed as low as a and 10 cents a nuart geed white sugar Jlfs; Jj-st white and gran, ulated 9Ugr only 6c per iund A full mpplyef very flne Chrtstn, is nejr Give It a trial. Ourgoedsaro all nutUn-u I'lease call or send In your order. GEORGE WIANT, agWvfJ NO. 113 WEST hI.M4S11.KET. AT MACNAY'S. A CHOICE SELECTION Ol CHRISTMAS GOODS. Kresh Hgs, Gelden Date, rrench Prunes, Cur rants andseedlessUalslDs Hum, ( ream. Taper Shell Almonds, fhellbarks. fcngllsh Walnuts, Ground and Cocoanuts Londen LayerKalslns, Is cunts . .New ltalslas, e, nand 12 cents. SPLENDID NEW CITRON, 20 Ct.NTd Pure Mincemeat, Choice Preserves, Maple Sj rup and Comb Heney rrnch Candles. ArULLLINK OK GKOCKKIES AND CAX.NEI) GOODS TO BE SOLD CHEAP. AVfGenutne Imported Sweltzer Cbeeec, MACNAY'S, 146 and 147 North Quecn Etroet. Uoedi delivered free. Telephene connection. 1)HY UUUUH. J. ri. UIVLEK A (JO. CARPETS! tVe aie offering Special bargains tn ltedy Ilrussels, Tapestry Ilrussela and Extra Super Carpets. Alse, Hall and Stair Carpets, Herns-Made I'.ag and chain Car pets, 1 loer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Smyrna, Sleiuette and Tapestry Kugi and Matts, Cocea and Uubber Doer Matts, Aurera and Geld Medal Carpet Bweepers at KEDUCED ritlCLS te CleeeOutthe block .0311.; JolmS.6ivler&Ge,, Ue 25 BaHt Kuh Btroet, LANCASTEll, I'A. WATCHES. -yATCUKai Watchai, Clocks Chains and Jewelry and Jewelry lienalrltiK. "Cerrect plucelnclty. time by Telegraph Dally, only L. WEBER, IWK North (Ju eon St., Near 1'enn'a. U. It. Depot. Spectacles, Eyeglasses and OptlcalGoedi. 411 kinds of J e weir. rnCKKOHS OK THfc DKNTAlj CIIA1K -a- DISAIIMKU Teeth extracted by the use el electricity per- juuiiy Bttiu unu uariuiest. aiy ijjje loeth are iiiuiloef the best material thai lean purchase tilling tteth u siHsclulty All work guamnteed. W.L. riHIIKK, Dentl.t. aprI7-lyd Ne. M North Qneen St ... ....-:. ; . . ..- ---..'. i 8 'TOHACiE COMMIB8ION WAREHOUSE. DANIXL MAYElt, neclyd Ne. U West ChMtnut atnset, rvmniTVMB. ty 0. HAH. It. KOTR. FURNITURES let the 1IKH1' HAltdAlNS n rllllMllMIR of A I.I. MNKS, gote the NEW FURNITURE STORE, Oer. Bettth Qtioen nnd Vine Sits. Hooie selling ler a short time, at ASTONISH l.MI l.ii IMtU t.S, Megaut Walnut lledlloem Suites, Marble lop, 1-U.Uii Kine Haircloth Par. ler Suite. USUI. Klegnnt Lounge, 17 00. and ether goods at the sunn Lew l'llcvs li'.Mniil F UUNITUUK WAKKKOOMS. UUV YOUItSKLK A I'AIlt Of THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL KA11LY AT HetTmeier's Farnitare Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we have lust recuU ed another let of them. go BAST KINO 8TI.EDT. J ATKSr UKSIUNS AND KINIS1I. AT WIDMYER'S lOl' WILL K I Ml A Large and Well Selected Stock FURNITURE j IV ALL THE Latest Styles and Finish. WCALL AND EXAMINE. t WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Oorner Baat Kins and Duke Ste., LANCASTEU, I'A septe-lyd O KIN 1 reil S r lllNlTtHlT DkT'OT. Only 21 Days Mere Until CHRISTMAS. And eaie Kemly te show as Hue andlLaige au Assortment el FURNITURE IN ALL LINES. A3 HAS EVEIl HtEN SHOWN IN THE C IT V. The goods of today are se pretty and attractive. that It U hard te Ucslst xtu1 ijlng Something In Our Line for CHRISTMAS. We want you one and all tn feel perfectly free Ui come every day If you desire, and leek at what Is being put en the flours new and attrac tive, and you will net be urged te buy. Yeu would be surprised te Uarn hew many are deln j this each week We have already et aside a great many pres ents for I) R.CEM UEK SI, but (we can still keep a great many mere secrets VT HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOS. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCA8TEU, l'A. ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ' ART POTTERY I &. L. F01T DERSMITH, IIOOKSELLER, 8TATIONEH AMI A'lT DKALKI1. Ne. 40 East Kins Btroet, LANCASTEU, l'A. Fall & Holiday Goods, UOYAL WOltCKfiTEn, IIUNGAHIAK, OLD IVOKV, LACE WOKK. PEACHI1LOW VA8ES.CAMEO GLASS, t'LEM- 1311. TE11BA COTTA and 1JOULTO.N WAKE, and a Large Assortment of ARTISTIC NOVELTIES rer Wedding and Holiday Gifts. augiJ-Ud UOUOOIi HUVI'LIEH. J011U" BAER'S SOUS, Nes. 16 and 17 North Quecn Btroet, LANCASTER, FA., 03ar, Wholesale and lletall, at Lew I'rloes SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTEU CITY AND COUNTY. Old Boadera Bzobanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid Slating. Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeka of All Kinds, ruing inks, suiel l'ens, Slates Noiseless Slates. SlutA PHnrlU. Drawing l'n. cUs. ' " " CompeslUon I leeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and everything else in the line of Scheel Stationery. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. TKVNKH, JtV. TKKOKKL'a " BDTFAIlD ROBES. The only buffalo Itebcs that came te Lancas ter this season was a let 1 get In en the leth Inst. 1 hey are the only rresh Helies tn this market. We have them lined or unllned, at reasonable prices. On Japan Geat, Wolf and all ethor makes, our assortment can't be surpassed. llebes of all kinds lined at short notice. Harness, Trunks and all kinds of Herse Cleth Ing at tbe Lewest Prices. KRECKEL'S, NO. 6 EAST KING 8TUEET. LANCASTEU, l'A. augU-Sind T71AL.I, GOODS, .- A All the Latest Novelties tn riimt mum. NKIIY at WEIKKL'8 MII.LINKHY8TOHK, c0-3rnatt Ne. M North gueen strei t. HUnLEY'H STANDAHD J1AKING l'ewder la economical in nan ami nnnir. possea in quality, s n n. ........ ... .. .;.. .-. . .--.- cult and Tea Ca uivnia inai ler light ill. ;akt J1UHLE l 'S DUUG BuOHE, MWeit King Street. Ul Bf,U Bh mvvamwmnuinrm ishm. lAhii and'SkiT" " " -the-' ROCHESTER LAMP, Slaty Candle-Llght i Heats them all. Anether Let el CURAT III.OI1KS let Ua mhI UlieieriM. THE " PERFEOTION " MK.lAI.MOULlllNtl AN' 1) KUllllKIl CUSHION WEATHER STRIP lleaU them all This strip outwears all ethers, hwps out the cold Slop rattling of windows. Kxcludn the dust, heep out snow and mln. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ai pljluglL can be fitted aiiywheni-ne holes te bon, tvadv for into, 11 will net spill, warp et shrink a cushion strip Is the most period Al the stove, Heater and llangn Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, l'A. pi.irrs. 500 500 Cook and Parler Steves. MUST HE SOLD ItEOAUDLKSSOr PKICKTO MAKE IIOOM roll Christmas Goods I tie ale new getting thieugh with our gttt rush and will tmable topuiheur Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MORE PROMPTLY. FLINN & BRENEMAK, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTEU l'A A. KIKKfKK. AliDL'M O. HKKK WM KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). lnviusall UeusXeerwrs te Call and lnipect their Sleck el Heuselteiisliiiig Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK STORES and KANUKH, PAKLOIt SIOVES, 'llEATEU8and rUUNACES. srama cook stoves. After carefully examining the merits el all offered te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGANlV' rer GASOLINE, and THE '' DANGLER," rer COAL OIL. As the Itesu when all points are considered, te Offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We love te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net parchase. Iteuember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured hy ruber A WarTen Company, Trey, N. Y , which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. N ew Is the time te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UKUEMliEit THE. PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUUT HOUSE.) Di-tli3Aw ULAHaWAMK. pflOIl A MARTIN, n IMA MIL b G-lassware, Fancy Goods. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. We have ready for exhibition the largest assortment of Foreign and Demestic Glass ware in Articles for Table Use, &c, from the cheapest In Pressed or Meulded, te some of the most costly in Cut Hobnail or Russian Diamond pattern ; either in Crys tal or the most delicate tint in colored ; in Fruit or Berry Howls, Water, "Wine or Claret Sets; Ollve Dishes, Desert Seta, Tumblers, Finger Ilewls, Goblets, Sugar and Cream Sets, Fruit Seta, Celeries, Bou quet Helders, Ac. FANCY GOODS. The variety Li almost endless. "Vienna Glass and Ivery Vases, ltainbew Glass Fruit Stiind, Satin Vases, Flower Baskets, .tc. Carlsnad Ivery Vases, Ac. Vintage Flower Baskets, Lace Ware, Terra Cetta Figures, I'ointen Vases, Bisque Figures, Japanese Ware. These goods are all new and suitable for Holiday or Wedding Presents. HijliPratii, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEU, l'A, e OKK QUARANTKKD. RUPTURE'. Care fftiarantftAft bv DU. J, IV HATKtt, Ease at ence t no operation or delay rremuuiw kUWVU uw . , ness l lesuMl uy nunaru tested by hundreds of cures. . aiaia omee. HI A11CU BT tUlLA. " ifdw BMT 0UOU9. JOOKATT11K BILK HANIWKUCIUKKS AT TH North End Dry Goods Stere. The Ladles' BUe til White llemttltchvd ler tV). la Mity cheap, J. W, 1IYKNK, BOTS-lyfl Ne. a North Queen itrML UN DKItWKAll i UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR! WATT&SHAND, 0, 8 aud 10 Knsl KlnR Street, Am new hewlni evervthlnir desirable ler 1m. dles, lleiiUuiuen, lleys and Misses, In Fall & Winter Underwear, AT 1'01'ULAll 1'IUCr.H. LADIES' MEIttNO UNDKUWKaK, 20., JlUe, loe and Tc. Ladtes's Whlte All. Weel t'ndorwear, 7N!., II.Wl 11.15 and II. te. LADirs'CABIIMKUK t NDEUWEAlt, II. M Kach. HKNTB' WHITE AND OUEY UNDEUWKAU, SJa, 3.W. , 37HO-. Via. and 75c OENTS' UUK WOOL trNDEUWKAIt, 75C and II Vii Each. Kent.' Scarlet Weel Underwear, WW, 7Se.. Il.tm. Il.a and ll.M Each. UenU' rine tJanhmern Underwear, 11.50 Each. I.ailles' and Ornllemen'a IIKUUI.AUM ADB UNDEHWBAU at Very Lew l'rlcea. Heys'. lltsKea' and Children' MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDKItWEAll In All aires and many Dualities, nt mederate l'rlcea, AT THE New Yerk Stere. rtOMl'AUK 1'IUUKR " Stamm Bres. & Ce. 09. iiO ami 'JS North (Jupcn St., aiik errEKiNu Ladies' Coats, -r Jackets and Wraps -AT- Extraordinary Lew Prices. LADIES' 1I0UCLE JACKETS, 11.55 Each. LADIES' NKWMAHKETS, rull Length, l'er lect rittlng.lt tiiEsch. LADIES' llEltl.l.V TWILL NEW11AKKETS. lien Each, Extra rine. EXTRA LOW PRICES. CHILDUENS COATS, 71c, ll.tu, II U, HJO. 11.75, riOO and up, 8EAL I'Lt'SH COATit AN D WUAI'S it rrtce that are Sure le l'leaje. Hosiery, Gloves & Underwear. We leel centldent that our iteck el Hotlery, Gloves and Underwear Is en complete M any In the city, and ; Prices AlwayB the Lewest, -AT THE- BOSTON STORE, Nes. 20 Se 28 North Quoeu 8t. Commencing MONDAY, NOVKMIIERW. our store wUl be OPEN EVEltr E VKNINO. J. a MAKT1N 4 UO. TO MAKE ROOM -reu erit- HOLIDAY GOODS ! WE MAKE A HEDUcriON Or; 25 PER CENT. -ON- Ladies' Wraps, LADIES' NEWMARKETS, LADIES' JACKETS, Ladies' Seal Plush Coats, AND- Children's ffewmarkets, CHILDREN'S OOATS. J. B. Martin (6 Ce., Cor. West Kinjr &:PrInca 8i (Opposite Blevem Heuse.) LAMOABTKH, fA. W AVANA CIOA1W MARICLEYB ....nndi. ' Amerlttt " and "Done Sela clear Havana Clar are the bona 6c. and lOe Cliferln thomarkeL Try them. Oigar in me WM AttK i,k1?.b .. yellow Frent," Ne. a North Qnoen Street (Fennerly Hartman'a) rrUHS PAPKR IH PK1NTEU WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT 6. CO., mariHja wtutna Buv.iu'ruiMtiphu. r 1 tJ 3 I r