'rts-M SEHWWSST'.SS.V f 1. B IVH'f' . t-L TJs' II- f- y " .J. a n: "irVfeWr. BESaaftL. - VOLCMH XXIIIKO. 77. LANCASTER, 1A., WEDNESDAY, DKCEMISEK 1, 388(3. PHICE TWO OBJ - I. .. . - .'..- ..V . M .. . a b-jAju4RjMil!KurUlflBHH u 1".-. - - i i I' ! Minn mwimm m rrrvi "jrs Tr.ikUL ' m 'w tu.ii v' i - irirjrp' MTOW r-v am .. "' . DK LKON, T1IK STAK-GAZKK. -a Norten un nm vrrtvn miuii mis uk i.ert KKirruuif. t'uilher I'atllctiUri of I he (lay Veim IIUtu Who llaa lieen Working MrUtluim (lame In Ilia t'.u.plre City Ma llreiminaii TelU Her Hint) In llin MVeiM" Oltlre. Tlie New erk U'urlil iitinmiiirm tlmt As As tlelnger l)n Leen, an account of whose mis deeds was given In tlui In i i:i.i.ini:.Nri;it of TiHsdny,ha lett New Yerk with no ovldenco of where de has gntie "r hew long liewlll stay. The II erlil ssys I Se fur as tlie partic ular case el tliu working of his tnlameiis trade In concerned, lie umy return at utire and snlely. Tlie liiw does net Include n pro pre vision which c) ors this pellicular Instance nccerdlng te tliu facts as published. Tliu punishment, if any thore should he, would he meled out te De I .mm under section Zi of tlie penal cede. This covers tlie crlinu of hIh ductleu and Is punishable by Imprisonment for net luore than llvoyearser liv n llnu et net morn tlinu tl,(jm, or tiy Ik.Ui. This Is tlie law coveting tlie olieiiso of De ItiNiu, no far mi tlie etlniiNfl Is covered by law. Tlie case of Mrs. Hewes does mil coma within the limits of tlie section. Wliatover tlie woman illilalie illil willingly but unwittingly, She wm deceived In n most cruel and hoartless fashion, luit that Is net enough te tiring lier wrong unilur tlie protection of this, tlie only section of Unicode touching the abduction ofafumale ler tiiiinurnl purposes. Tlie law, a It stands, luvlK-H nticlt hi De I.oen toe.mu, II liunUeilltl hi) clievi, nil Intnlllutince olllce for itlropuutile fuiulnlnUy, only he mint Imi careful en tlie he iifiHttnii ami lu jiartlculnr te iimi ilprop ilprep ilprop tlen, trlrkery nnil xiibtorfiiKe ratlier than Inrvenr ineiiwu r any kind In carryliiK out Ilia plant. Tim only hiiiik allium which lie may run 1 a rl ll huh hreunht hy eun of lilt Icllmn for thn leii and Injury MUllurtnl hy hli trleka and devluva. Nudi a coume la epiu te Mr. Hewca. ti. iiui:NKi.'.HHreur. .MNa ldn llronemaii, tlie atery el wlioae inarrlftfje with Da l,oeii wai putillilitl, ralletl at tlie II rid olllce ywtUirday. Hlie la a very pretty hruntitUi atxuit twnnty twnnty twnnty Iwojuaraet aKeaud liaHaeliarmlnK uianner. Teil ropertnr alie aiul . "Ol all tlie troutile wtilcli I lme had In my itiert llfis thli nlery aa putilUlKHl hy tlie 1 N l KI.LIuk.m I !l, haa laiitmt me tlie me-it uln. I will tell ou my atery plainly and you ran Judge ler you moll hew I li.it e tx(in wrenginl. 11 Mm l'K)nley, who llmired In tlie atery aa De I.oen'a aopenipllco, I1hI directly Bcreaa tlie atreet from me In I.ancniter. I had known her all my I lie. One day I went te her heuvi and thorn In the parlor 1 met De I,t"en. Afler a few inlnutea' ioueratlon Mm. (.'iionley atked me If I would marry De l.en, 1 wai only llftcen yeara old and wai tiadly IrlKhleiied, hut 1 rofuned te de an. They letli tried te urKO me te tlie contract ami 1 waa an frlf;!itunel that I bocame faint and .Mr. Coenloy hreuiilit me a ulivii of water, which 1 drank. In a low meuiuiita, yeuiie aa 1 w, 1 felt that 1 had been drtiKK"d. Whun 1 trlel te lo.ive the home they lecked me In the room, ami ater an hour took me te tlie joraenaijo of the Kv. ilr. .Smith, the Mothedlnt liilulDter, whero Dr. Da Ienn and I woreinarrtod. "Then Mrs. Coenloy took me home and De Lien lelt the place. Tne whele matter riuie out In tlm cetirlM an J it w.u found that DeI.ihjii had a wlfe living oliewhoro and, of oeuroo, mv ton'ed m.irrl.ie te him wai an nulltxll Thrcu yeara alterwarda I waa imir imir ried te Htiury dK and we went te l'hlla l'hlla delphla, whero we llved. I ehUlned a di vorce from him and have the dwroe new In my iKXtttudlen 1 no or travelud in a ctie.tp epera company. 1 have Ixhiu connectcxl with aamoef the hat epera compaulei and hate werked hard te ir.irn my living re- Mlas ltroneni.in'a atery w.ia oerroborattHl hy Koveral puraeiii In till city who fcnew her. -Shu it new ougaged lu ene el the he it thoatrlcilceinpinloa In thla city. A ST VHIl-STIlll K M.VIIM.N. Tlie atery aa told te the ll'urf'f man by MitH llroneiiiau Is In the main correct, hut the drug liuainett la pretty well overdrawn. Mho claim that alie alwaya travela with llrat clan epurn companies, but It la pretty well known here that alie haa had ery llltle ox ex ox perlenco with couian!eao! any kind. If flia new la a member of a Untt-claya treupe alie la playing In big luck. She aK'iida a great deal nt her time away from Lancaster, and little la known et her ability a an actreis, II ahe haa any. She haa alwaya been considered pretty wellhtage Htruck, but nhe haa an uu IIuiIUmI iiuantlty of none and may be doing well en tliu stuT. A KIlOUT.tllK DlhVUVRllKl). llin l.te TrrA.ttrer el We.t Chpttr llt'liltiil .Mere TIihii lJ,.1W). The auditors at Weat t'heiter In auditing the account of the late borough trwuurer mid collector of tatcx, A. h. Smith, deceased, who died lait week, made the illacnvery of a large shortage In hii acceuuta relating te the lioreugh public achoel fund, the recelpta being f.'i,W.).7.'i greater than the amount jmiil ever and en hand. A clese invcatlgatlen hut been tnade by hla tiondamen, hoping te llnd Heme depealt te hit credit covering tliH amount, but eveiy vllert hat proved a failure, and aa tlie tualter rcatt at prenent the abort abort age promlaea te be a permanent ene. Tne borough council held a apedal meet ing relative te vacancy Incurred by the death of Treasurer Smith, uud It wat auted that the auditera had found hit account with the borough proper lu n porfectly correct ahupe. Mr. Wlllluui (irell waa elected te the vacaucy ever Heveral ether ciudldatut, and will enter upon hi dutlea at ouce. The late treaaurer'a eatate la Hiich aa te make It hone heno hono lex for hi bondaineii te recelve anything Irem It by way of covering the ahortage ro re ro ertod by the auditera. The aurotlea of Mr. Smith are Hmodley Darlington, cengreaauian-elect, ex-Hutte Treasurer Hamuel Duller and J. M. Ilaker, all el whom are olllcera of the l'armera' National bank of Went Choater and of the Hafe Deposit and Trutt company el Cheater county. Holiday Service at I.I n coin. Lincoln, Dec 1. The Kvangelical Sun day achoel will held a Christmas annlveraary en UhrUtmas ovenlug, Dec -jtti. The oxor exor oxer clsoa will cenalat et vocal and Instrumental music, reonHlve reading, reolLitlen, Ac Addreatea will be delivered by Itev. A. J. Ilrunnerand Dr. (1. C. Klnaid. The Union Sunday aoheol will held their Chrlttmu au au nlveraary en Sunday evening l)tc i'il:h. The Sunday achoel will held their Chriatinas leatlval mi New Year' evening. Mr. ICInard, father te Dr. (i. C. tflnard, of our town, was here this week. Mr. K. S. Hard was elected caahler el our bank te auccoed W. J. Suavely, who will outer a new bank organized at .Steolteu. A young beagle hound el black coler.nwncd by K. Melin, htrayed away from home last woek. Hev. l'ful occupied the pulpit In the Ho He formed church en Sunday morning. Mr. aud Mrs. Uiutavua Myers a bouncing boy. Cigar bualnea la reported brisk by our manulacturers. A Weeden Flve-Ilellur Nete, Olllcera of the U. S. aecret aorvlce rocently neled a fHoslmlle painting el a live-dollar United States nole as being a violation of the lawa against counterfoltliig. The painting was en a wooden block, and waa se well dene that It looked as though the notewas lying en the weed aud could eaHlly be re re ro mevod. The chler el the aecret servlce dlvl dlvl hleu thought that the painting should be do de do atreyed. The artlat, h(woer. proleatod agalnat this as unjust. He ropresenlod tlmt the painting was a work or art, and was worth about ?60u. Heme of the treasury olll elll cuts are or the opinion that the artist la right. The question ha been referred te the solici tor el tlie treasury. . Cathler Helu Iteltaud u Hall. Cashier Uenry Hellz, of the First National bank or Qlen Heck, l'a, who U charged with ombe7.zUngf&0,000er tlie Institution's lunds In conjunction with the president, aud who was held In (5,000 ball, was reloised in I'hll adelpula ea Tueaday, lutiiier ir1i'i'i.K rittt i kiii a uu. The lied Men Mint litre lii.llMnl I'reprrlx, Klilila anil :illiiiilil'. lllaliep Whlpple, el Mlnneela,lnaiinakliiK of the Indian iiieatlen, te which he has do de do vetod a grout deal el pemenal atudy ter years, naldt "I lailleva that the only mdIiiIhmi efthe problem or Indian iiivlllatleii Is lu their concentrntlon, by veallng them with Indi vidual tight or ptoperlyniid by iv)iiiHi!llng thnm te live by their own labor. Individual rights are required te develop Individual cltltenalili. It la iionieiiHetiattoiupt Indian civilization by providing fur tlm red men In trllial I lie. 'l'hey mutt Imi placitl at Individ ualt and fainllletaiid madii te fuel thoretlMin theretlMin Hlhlllly of ill.illncllve ollerL The preceding delect lu our Indian ixjllcy ate that we have merely ettabllHlifld nliiishetiMs, whence we have graduated aivagx, holplets paupera. We provided fiir hit want, In mnature, as v)meiiHatlnu for prwcrlhlng lilt territory. CenaUint hunting, the uncrnachmentN of civ civ lllitlen, and a variety el causes aoeu left htm no work. I'er examiile, tlie water was he much ralaed at I.eech Inke latt spring by the building of utnkn, that the Indians could net catch any tlth, their chief Hiistenance, Six teen hundred Indians were deprived of their rights by the construction of thine llama. Slnce the dams for rotervelr were built at the head waters of the Mississippi, the Hed lake, I.itx'h lake aud WInnelwgethl.il In dians ha0Hii Hered innry year by the leta of their lUh, wild rice and ether crops. 'Twenty years age we begun with a smalt number of Indians at White Karlli reserva tion. They were wild folk used only te aaage life. New there are l,NXl laxiple liv ing llke clvlll70d tmlngs. They have houses built by themselves. They are elf-upert-lug. It It an erderly, law abiding, peaceful cemmiinlty. lu religion thev are alsnit equally illvldcsl between the Kplsixipallan and Catholic churches. The lawsare admin Istered by an Indian police. This year they raised 10,000 bushels et wheat and 30,000 bilthela of eata. They lia e a herd of l,'M) or 1, MM) cattle, aevcral liuudred lioraes, awlne, aheep and fowla.Theyareiiroiid of their homes aud el living lu them llke white poeplo. They are as neat and erderly a old-fashioned Dutch houiiekeepora. They arooxcsl areoxcsl aroexcsl lent coeka, tee, they nover need te be shown twlce hew te cook anytlilug. Tlielr Hewing It the most bnautlful 1 ever naw;lt Is liuHinslble Uihoe the Htltchivt. They have made all the car(ets and heddlng I hae lu my house The contrast, therefore, laitwisMi these Whlte Karth issipleand the acatiered liaudant Chlptsiwas shows plainly what can Is) accomplished with them tiy adopting right methods. The latter are utterly degraded.'' iiAitni.Y a iiniiri. iiiwii.un. Slrt 'erry. I)ii((tiler of .lehii V. rarwell, ut C'lilc-.it. Cniiilalii of Cruelly. Abble Karwell Kerry, a daughter or Jehn V. Karwell, the JU,OOu,eOO dry goedt prince of Chicago, who Is alto neted for his piety, has Hiied her husband, William II. l'erry, a well-known merchant thore, for divorce. The bill was tiled Situnlay In the superior court. The coupleworn marrlei' In I.ake Ferest, III., en i ) -tolier 1, If! , and lived together until lv.k He was thirty llveaud she twenty-one. Incredible tnesnnevs Is alleged against the husband. Hn Improvised n net of rules for Mrs, Kerry. They were : lltilnOne She should net allow two ser vant te go out together. Twe Surauts must nover use a koresono lamp. Three -Sbe should makoceok empty ashea every morning. I'eur She muttsee tint tlm lurnace tire was s)K(l out underneath. Klve She must mtke cook itte dripping Instead of lard , butler must neer lie thought of : lard wasa luxury. Six -She must net buy yeast, but ha e the conk make It. Seven Necr use eggs In cooking. Klght She must use ashes In cleaning tins. Nine- Henes lelt at the table must be used foraeup. Ten She must net allow the servants out after M p. m. Kleveu She must watch that the neigh bors' maids did net smuggle sugir out of the house Twolve Koather dusters or carpet swoop sweep era must nut tie Used. Thlrttsyn The hmisemald must wash win dows e ery day It she has nothing else te de. Fourteen Bluing or white sug.ir must net Imi uwsl. Kllteen Molasse should xs used Instead of brew u sugar. Sixteen- Mrs. l'errv should alwajs correct nervants by adiiiunlsiilng them eer some ether person's shoulder, as the saying Is. .Soventeon Mie must nover mention her husband's uame In putting the rules lulu ex ecution llulueil hy a rrr.lilfiillal Order. Washington Letter te the ltosleuTnnellur. Last winter when I was here I w as a rich man, said Congressman Crain, of Texas. Te-day 1 nui a peer one, audit Is all due te oue or President Cleveland' orders. X am Interested In the cattle-growing business. Twe gentlemen who are well-known lu Washington leased Heme grazing lauds Irem the Cheyeune and Arapahoe Indiana. They deslred te go out of huslnts-, and asked my partner and I te lake the lease. New, the validity of this lease had been locegnlzed by Secretary Teller, of the Interior department, and we thought It was pertect and without a liiw. We iKiught 10.OW) head of cattle or which numlier l.eO boleiigcd te me. ltefore we could get them en tlie land the president Issued hit order that all cattle belonging te outsiders aad grazing upon lands belonging te Indian tribes should be removed within forty daya, and he aent the sehllers toen teen toen lercolt. A Hlerm came up whlle we wero moving the cattle bacK, and out or I, WW head I had J list ls7 lu the spring. The president's order ruined inc. Trim te Tai a Till. A tsild attempt was made yesterday shortly bofero neon te Hteal the contents of the tnouey drawer In the store or Charles Maklnaen, cerner Conestoga and I'rlnce stroet. Fer aoveral days the till-tiipper called each morn ing and bought cigars, and became he well acquHlnted with the deer gong that he en tered yesterday without the family, who wero In the room next te the store, hearing him. The thief roached the money drawer aud lu opening It the alarm attached struck. This nolse brought oue of the family Inte the room wheasked what was wanted. The "customer" asked for an apple, which was given him with the understanding tlmt when he comes into the stere horeattor the money drawer Is te be let alone. The scoundrel departed quickly without saying whelher he would comply with the request, (Intnd Army Mutes, tie.), l.int, formerly of Ce. I, 12il Hegt., I. V., who died en Sunday last, was buried en the soldiers' burial let, In Lancaster ceme tery, en Tuesday afternoon. Hev. Houpt conducted the sorvlces at the house, and Chaplain A. O. Leenard, of Test 10-, (1. A. H., the military service at tne grave. The G. A. It. burial committee have had the remain of the late Dr. llrishluand H. 11 Scely dlslnterred and rohurled In the Holdlera' burial let, Thore are new 31 bodies Interred In the let. Mlchael Kelly, formerly or Ce. I). 102 Hegt. 1'ennsylvw.la Volunteers, has received through Chaplain Leenard an order el ad mission te the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.at Krle. Mr. I.oenard has lieen Instrumental In having eleven old soldlera admitted te that institution. Dr. J. A. K. Heed made the necessary medical examinations anil Alder mag llarr administered the required atllda vita without charge. Why the Debt Iteduclleu Is Hniall. It la bolievod the public debt statement Is sued will show a reduction of but little evor f 1,000,000. ThoHmallnessortho roductlen Is mainly due te the fact that nearly 11,000,000 wero paid out during the month rer pen sions alone. The rocepts during the month were about J27,O00,O0O, and thodlsbursements about 21,000,000. In November of last year the receipts wero about (25,000,000 anil the expenditures 'about 23,000,000, There was as Increase of about 1,000,000 lu the debt in November, 1SS5. A 1'eeUle Nete et OppoHMeu, Trout the Doylostewn Intelligencer. At thosameUmoall the Hepubllcan senators and reprosenUtlros are net going te vote Ter Mr, liusy. WIIEKK ISTIIKSTKKD DKhAWAUK r.tlCTIKH I.UUKIHU fUH A KTiii.f.y imunr. Tlm Tlilel, Who Is In .(all In Delaware, Mj He Helil Ilia Hume In l.siutMter The Hume Valued at SWOO-lt Was I'urrlia.ed In l'litlillilila In llieu Market, It. W. Millien!, nil elderly gentleman from Summit llrldge, New Cistle county, Dela ware, arrived In I ( mentor last ovenlng In search of a hnrseaiid buggy which had been stelen from his lumnlses en tlie 'JOth or Sep tomberUtt, by a tit m u iiued Win II. Decker, alias llocker, who hid been working as a Journeyman lu Mr. Mu I lord's wheelwright and blacksmith shei. Deckor was arrested at Haugertles, t'lstur county, N. Y., and taken liack te Dulaware and ledged In New Castle Jail for trial. He has confessed that he stele the horse, buggy aud harness, and catnn te Lancaster and Meld the herse te 12, II. ICaiilhnan for K.l. He nays he could net sell the buggy,and abandoned It In a tobacco shed northwest of Lancaster. Mr. Millien! Hays the herse Is a gray, eight years old, et geed hI.e and styie, a geed traveler, anil has a mark as large as a sllver dollar en the Inside of his lelt hind leg. The carriage is of the pattern known as Yerk carriage, pointed black, with patent whoels aud new snails, and three bows, the second cne helng mended with an Iren strip. The harness Is old, ene of the traces belng mouded with hoop Iren. Mr. Mutferd valinxl the herse at t'JOO. In cemp,iuy with Oillcer i'jrle he went te Mr. Kaullman's stahlei te make Inquiry about his herse. Mr. Kaulliiian, en being spoken te about the matter, stated that he had bought a gray herse worth !fl or J70 and sold It te Isaac Masen, who lit turn had Held It In eten market In 1'ulladelphla. The mark en the horse's leg was net noticed, aud It may 13 that Mr. Mulford's herse was traded oil by Decker for another lfere he reached Lan caster. The stolen carrlnge was left with Mr. Knulliiiau, the thief telling him that It be longed te n man named Kchternacht, near Strasburg. Mr. Kauirmau turned the wagon ever te Jehn I'chteruacht, of Orevllle, sup posing him te he the ewner. On visiting Mr. I hteruacht's at Orevllle, Mr. Millien! found his buggy there, as Deckor said he would. It was easily Identl Identl fled and he had ltshlp)d via. the Heading railroad te Mount Pleasant, Delaware. Klferts will be made te llnd out the person te whom Isaac Masen sold Mr. Mulford's stelen horse, and It is te lw heped the old gentle man will recover the animal as he Is peer and the less falls heavily upon him. AN Ai'l'K.tl. FDll lIir.l.AXI). President Kltgeratil'i Circular te llin Dele Kstft nl ilia lrl.li atlutial Iat;ue. 'I he following circular has been addrossed by President I'ltzgerald te the state dole dele gates el the Irish National Leaguo of America in lew el the proseut crisis lit Ire land : "The Tery government or Hreat Britain has en co tnore evinced It Incapacity te gov ern Ireland by etuer means than coercion. Our brethren In Ireland are again called upon te show by courage, sutlerlng and Holi-sacrllice that they are the heirs of their father's heroism. The tlme has ceme when we should prove by our actions that our hearts beat lu unison with theirs In a common leve ter Ireland and lllt)rty. A few weeks since we premised that should Kngland again have recourse te coercion we weuldjstatid by thorn. Wemust new redeem that pledge. Public meetings are proclaimed, soldiers are being crowded Inte the country te overcomo and should opportu nity etler te slaughter the poeplo; prison cells await the nation's leader, aud every englne of oppression aud unconstitutional legislation Is about te be used te prep up the tyranny and injustice, and te crush the legitimate aspirations of Ireland. We must see te ll that our premise of assistance was net an Idle beast. State d-'egatlens are called upon te prncoed at ence te the work el organizing the le.igun lu their respective stales and provinces. They should use overy means te increase the membership of exist ing branches and establishing new ones, and should urge the eitlcers et branches within their Jurisdiction te devise means te promptly raise funds and firward thorn te the national treasurer, Itev. Clint. O Hellly.D 1)., Detroit, Michigan, In aid of the antl-evli'tlen luud. " We must net stand idle lu the face of the present crisis. Kxporlenco In proven the futility el coercion te crush a determined and united people Willi the loyal aid of her ex iled children. Ireland will ceme out of this struggle uncouqiiered, uncenquerable, vic torious." What Kluerty Says. Jehn W. rinetty, speaking el the crisis in Ireland, at Chicago, said; "Affairs In Ireland are turning out as everybedy extssctt'd. It It the old, old story ever again. Thore will be a Iresh batch of Impris onments aud a few mere peasants shot. Un fortunately, the Irish are net in ahape te glve military resistance. Thore Is no earthly use lu arguing with the Torles. Dillen' advice Is best, te tight the British Inch by Inch. Dillen aud O'Brien are showing mere courage than all the ethers. Paruell Is an In valid and Is out or the Held. If the long threatened war between Kussia aud England comes, and the foriuer should threw arms te the oppressed, all Ireland would be in a blaza nt insurrection in a week, and It ought te be. Ireland It te da, as she has been for a hun dred years, ready te welcome as friends the armies of any power hestile te England. 1 don't believe m home rule without lighting for it. If anybody can show me any porled in English history where she ever gave up anything te any oue without lighting ler it, I'll cne." JltriH VATtC J.s A JIUXAHAV. Hen tlie lAtfltJaincft Mewart Came telII Death Near Oregon, Wlicenatu. The death of James Stewart, at Oregon, Wis., en Sunday, It Is new loarned, was the leHiilt of a driving accident. Mr. Stewart with his son, Charles K., hlsclerk, J. G. For syth and a foreman started te Inspect the line et the new contract en sunuay morning. They had a pair of young horses and Mr. .Stew art was driving. On descending a steep raid, the horses get beyond control and thore was danger that the whole p.irty would be thrown evor an embank ment. Mr. Stewart's companions Jumped out without Injury. The deceases! either Jumped or lell out sulowavsen the back of his head, resulting lu concussion of the brain. He was quickly taken te the nearest farm heuse and the best medical attention Mimmoiied. He regained consciousness seen alter the accident, remaining thus until within a hair hour before his death, which occurred at 12:30 m. The accident hap pened about 10 o'clock In the morning about tlve miles Irem Oregon. Arrival el Ilemaliis The 1. 15 p. m. train Irem the WostonTuos WestonTuos WostenTuos day brought the remains or the late James Stewart from Oregon, Wis., where he dled, te Lancaster. His son Charles accompanied the remains. A Lancaster delegation con sisting et Hev. Dr. P. J. McCullagh, I). J. McGrann, H. J. McGrann and J. J. Fltz Patrick met the party at Harrlsburg. The body was tenderly conveyed te the late home of the doceasod, whero the funeral takes place Friday morning, as already announced. Toe Fntld ul KlMlug. I'rmi the Yolk Age. Yesterday ovenlng a stranger about thirty thirty tlve years old, caught a number of young girls en est Market street, put his arm around their waists ami forced them te kiss him. Oillcer Welsh happened along when the stranger had held el a young girl and promptly arrested aud marched him te the lock-up, where he still lingers behind the bars. Death el Catherine CJIII. Catherlue OIIJ, who roslded at Ne, el8 Columbia avonue, died nt her home en Tues day evening, aged 51 years. The deceased bad one of the her limbs broken two years age and she had never been well since, She was born Jn Germany and was the wlfe or the late Jehn (Jill, whose death occurred seme years age. Her children were Special Policeman Jehn GUI, Lewis QUI and Mrs. Samuel Kissinger, The funeral will take place en Sunday, Jll, UBIMKt. nil.l, NUT 1'KUMlT llli .Name In he I'mhI In C'liunritiim With Hie Democratic Htate Clialriiiauihlp, Krein the Yerk (Jazetle. Mr. Hensel will under no circumstances permit the lurlher use of his name In con nection with the chairmanship of the Demo cratic state control committee. Te all over tures of the kind comes the Invarlable answer. We nover had a belterrliairuun. liohasbeen discroet, act he, pure and unselfish. He has given the llower of his llfe te the iarty, with out comiienH.itlen, ami he has neither sought nor accepted anything whatever for himself. On the contrary he has promptly and poremptorlly declined overy sug sug gestlen of personal ndvancoinent. In 1M2 the Hlate convention was provented only by his own determined stand from nominating him for cotigress at-Urge. Sincothe Inauguration of Prosident Clovo Clevo Clove latid It Is known that several lucratlve and ImjierUitit olllces have been at his disposal. Had his late campaign len as successful as It desorved te be- and nover was a cam paign mere Intelligently, conscientiously anil laboriously made en the part of the chairman, Mr. Hensel would doubtless have pursued the same course, and de clined any elllclal recognition of his great services. Theso services wero Just as inerl. torleus, as If -ethor poeplo having porrermod the duty In which they signally failed he had wen another victory like that of 18.S2. He did his duty, at all events, and did It nobly. Had aoine of his traducers dene the hair of theirs the result would have been dif ferent. Hlalne'H majority had been cut down one-hall; but because Hensel failed, singlo-lianded, te perferin the mlracle et delivering us from the ether hair, the sulk, ors and skulkers, the guerillas and cow boys, " Democratic " servants el the Quay ring, and the class known a row years age as " Pilgrims," who did all tbny could te em barrass and betray both htm and the party, are shouting thomselles hnorse with scarcely dlHguIaed exultation. Thodefeat of an honest man and of a true Democrat la the opportu nity of the ethor kind, and they would net be what they are if they did net ondeavor te make the most of It. Hensel can well aHbrd te desplse his " Demecratic'' critics, net less than Ills Hepublican mallgners for he car ries with him Inte his honorable retirement the reupcct of all true Democrats, who Knew the truth, and honor manliness. It Is much te lie heimd that the chronic croakers and malcontents will permit Mr. Hensel's successor te dlscharge his dtlllcult duties without their opposition. Whether they will or net will depend en the kind of man he K If he shall be seme well known ally of Hepublican monopolies and rings, who knows hew te get and distrlbutofree passes and similar plunder, when occasion requires, he will certainly laj hailed as a "great organizer," or soniethlng otherwlse marvelous, by the class who regard corrup tion as politics and politics as corruption. If, en the ether hand, he shall lie a Democrat, with an Intelligent appreciation of Democratic principles and no relation te Hepublican rings, he will, llke his predecessor and llke all honest moil In similar situations, be de nounced as lacking the mysterious quality which n certain class of net very reputable politicians are always mouthing about as " the talent of organization. " This facul ty, as they see It, Is nothing mere than the absonce of moral tone and political Integ rity. They want te serve under Derseys aud Maine", Coopers and 'iuays, and un lets they get their wish, they decline te sorve at alk The time has come for tlie Democracy te purge itself of such chatf. A man who denounces the Democratic or ganization, duly flxed and settled, as In efficient and untrustworthy, en thoevoof elections, Is a werse enemy than the open one. He means mtv.hlef aud knows pre cisely hew best te eile. t it. Let these who have rocently made themselves con spicuous In this llue of Hepublican sorvice, occupy the rear beats in Democratic coun cils ler an indefinite period. All true Democrats will cheerfully commit the se lection of a chairman te the state com cem com mittee, and loyally support and defend the organization given te Uiem by the voice of the majority. riieJUNKNr it.di'Li:. P. Gray Meek is talked el te succoed mnk Kxaminer Drew, of Philadelphia. Pret K. O. Ijyte, e' Millersville, read an able paper before the Cumberland county teachers' instltute en -Linguage" en Tues day. Hen. Chauncey I". Mack iys : "This busi ness of Interviewing public men is a deli cate oue. 1 knew that it benetils us some times, but the least misunderstanding of a word or sentence seuituuies leads te much treuble." The wlfe and child et Mr. M. H. Jones, a prominent young Northampton county law yer, have died Irem t irlet levor within the past woek ; and he himself is new pros trated. Charles S. Welfe llnds enceuragement in the sl.e of the Prohibition vole m the state and says: " Atter 1 shall have recuperated my severoly-taxed onergies and set In order my long-neglected personal atlair I hope te threw luvsolfanevv. with vigor, into the Pre hibitien work." General Master Workman Pewderly has Issued a requirement en the assemblies of the Knights et Laber throughout the country, nuuiberlDitln all upward of l.Oei), a "spe cial doteuse assessment" of i cent from each member. Considering that theso 1,000 local assemblies contain ever 1,000,000 mem bers, it will be seen that the amount te be raised will be nearly c siw,"Hi. A fil te tlie IlUinr-l;ilmunit AIV,lr. Frem the New Yerk Tnl me A story comes from Washington as a sequel of the Hlaine-IMmuuds atlair. It la said that Senater Edmunds since his return te Washington has calltd in a mutual friend with whom he has talked evor the atlair, and through whom he has sent a moasage te Mr. Blaine Indicating his wish te become rec onciled. It la related that Mr. Kdmuuds in his Interview with his friend and among ether things: "1 am net Inclined at my age te held mallce toward any man. 1 have my family te think of and the ap preaching end of my lite, and I de net want te be Invelved in controversy or bitter ness with any man. Yeu may say as much te air. iitaine rer me. in ine uiscubmiuu of the atlair at General Arthur's heuse which ensued, Mr.Kdmunds is said te have protest ed that the letter which was published in Bosten en the Saturday previous was never written by lilm with any intention of giving ollence or of imputing te Mr. Hlalne any character as the new spspers had made It ap pear. The general construction put upon the loiter was that Mr. Kdiuunds belleved Mr. Malno a dishonest and dishonorable man. In respense le this Intimation the senator replled In emphatic language : "I never at any tlme said or bollevedthat Mr. Hlalne was lutoutienalty guilty of adls adls adls honerable act or dishonorable doed." The quotation hore of this language of Sonater Kdmiinds has give rlse te tUe belief that If the report Is accurate a reconciliation may be brought about. Seme of Mr. Maine'a triende say UiatsuchastatomentfromMr, Kdiuunds, made as openly and broadly as the letter Which gave ellense te Mr. Malue, would re sult in Mr. Malue being the llrst te make ad vances for reconciliation. Bale of Hie Marietta "TUnei " Geerge Gilbert Cameren, publisher and editor el the Marietta J'imcs, sold that paper en Monday last, te l'ref. Isaac S. Geist, prin cipal or the Marietta high school, lu whose name It will be hencofervvard published. Prof. Gel st is n man et education and will no doubt conduct the 'l e'i te the satisfaction of its numerous patrons. lletere the Majer, The mayor disposed et half a dezen of cases this morning. One drunk was sent out for ten days and n professional bum will get nlenty of ozerclso the next thirty days In breaking stenes at the workhouse. The re maining cases wero dismissed aud the parties dlscharged. In Their New I'oelllem. Charles A. Feil Derstnlth went en duty this morning as cashier of the farmers' Na tional bank, and Jehn Hertzler assumed the ..--.. m 1.1 11... f...lma HTel Irwin I uuiies ei casmer ei mu ruivuu bank. National Ooeil Illlle Sheeting. A. IS. Haer, orHehrorstown,shot nud kllled a hawk with a rille enu hundred aud sixty yards away. NOT GUILTY OF 1'EHJUKY. HtUMiMU Trinitron r bkttlkh ac quitted UVA HKHIUUa VUAHiK. He W Thought te liars llelatcit lleinenteait l.atviTlie First Tlinn the l'elut Was Kver Itttned The Decltlen IteeeUedJ With (leneral HatLractlen. Laiiamii:, Wy., Dec I. One of tlie most Important decisions evor ronderod In this territory was dollvered here by the Hen. Jacob B. Blair, sitting a Cnlted States Judge, In the case of the United States vs. Jabez B. Simpsen, Indicted for perjury en two counts. Simpsen had taken up a homestead entry In Wisconsin mil alterwarda commuted It te a cash entry. He alterwarda moved te this torrltery and cntored a homestead here and in proving up swore that hn had nover made a hemestead entry prier te the ene made In this torrltery, and the point Invelved In the case was whether or net the hemestead entry in Wisconsin, which he afterwards commu ted, oxhausted his rights under the homestead law. Judge Malr decided that Simpsen's entry In Wisconsin did net exhaust his rights under the homestead law, and by re entering In this torrltery he did net commit perjury. This is the first tlme this question has been ralsed in the courts of the territory, and, se far as known, the llrst tlme the ques tion was evor raised. The case at tracted a geed deal or attontlen. Judge Malr dellvored a strong and oxhaustlve opinion from the lench, In which the rights or sottlers under the varl varl eus land laws et the United States were fully discussed. The decision meets with general satisfaction, and among the inouibers of the bar it was held that It was ropleto with sound principles et law and In conformity with the spirit and Intent of the law of the United States. lledles Washed Upen the Lake's Shere. Whitehall, Mich., Dec 1. Three of the bodies of the crew el the schooner I J. Con way, have been washed ashore. One is that of Charles McOraw, of Sheboygan, Wis. His brether Is hore te take the body home. Goerge Goe te, of Muskoegan, found at Whisky Creek, a body supposed te be that K. M. Kensmann, and ene was found at Flower Creek. The bodies were found three uilles apart, all frozen. Nothing wero ea their persons te identify them. Their friends came yesterday and recognized them. The body of CapL Themas Smith, or the ill-fated ship, Is yet in the lake rireiuan and Engineer Killed In a Collision. Canten, Dak., Dec L The west bound mixed passcnger and the east bound freight trains collided between Parker and Lennex, about twenty miles west or Canten yesterday morning while running at full speed. The engineer and fireman el the passenger wero Instantly killed. The englneer and fireman efthe freight jumped and were net Injured. The engines are a total wreck. The passen ger lireman was found under ene of them. The passengers were uninjured. A coroner's inquest is new being held and the conductor or the passonger will probably be arrested. Te Determine the Title le 13,000 Acres. tix Antonie, Tex., Dec L An impor tant suit was brought yesterday in the Btate district court te locate the title te some 35,000 acres et land in Bexer and Atasce counties south of this city. The lands are worth 50 an aero. Thousands of tourists have visited the magnificently carved ruins. The title te the land surrounding has heretofore never been questioned, and claim is new set up that no patent rer thorn was ever Issued, and that the present possessors held under a mere tradition of a patent having been lssued. found Ills Daughter In a Bagnio. Memphis, Dec 1. About three weeks age the young daughter or CapL Win, Hedge disappeared Irem her home in this city, and up te a few days age no trace el her could be round. Finally her father traced her te Vicksburg, whither he went. He found his daughter lu a bagnio ; the girl was willing te go with him, but the syren who had lured her away tried te prevent her, whereupon the Indignant father gave her terrlhle beating. He tben took the thoroughly repenUnt daughter home Imllau Cattle Thieves lteleatetl. ikt. I1L, Dec 1 "Heaver" Jei.ikt. I1L, Dec 1 "Heaver" and "Samuel," the two wild Arapahee Indians who hav e been in cenllnement for a year past, shook oil their prison stripeslyesterday and resumed their red blankets, their terms having expired. They were sent te Cbeyenne. They wero sent up for killing beet cattle. Three l'erlli In a Burned Building. Omaha, Neb., Dec L At Masen, Neb., Monday night Mackonderl's stere was de stroyed by lire. The second lloer was used for sleeplng rooms. MackeuderPs son and two ethers wero burned te death. T1JJB VOOIl Jt UHINJtsa OONTINVXII. The Wallsre-Vllla Cenipany Appears Fer the Second Time at the Optra Heuse. On Tuesday ovenlng the Wallace-Villa company appeared for the second tlme in the opera heuse, and as Is usually the case in this city, with shows that glve a geed entor enter talnment, the audlence was much smaller than en the opening night. Hy actual count there was just lerty-six poeplo down stairs. Notwithstanding this dlsceuragUig state or atlaira the company did all in their power te give satisfaction and were successtul. The play was "The Orphans of Charity" which is almost exactly llke "The Child of the State." The orphans Frwntita and iniAeinina wero iiersenaieu uy Agnes vvauace v ma mm jucie Ilia, respectively, In an artistic man ner. Tlie same may be said of Sam. B. Villa as Herace J). Alberct, The remaining members of the company are very satisfac tory. This evening the com pany will close their engagoment, which has been a financial fail ure. The show business in this city has been gradually growing werse of late, and com panies of the best kind uave lattea te uraw. Thore are several causes for this, but the main ene Is that tee many attractions bylar are played here. m The Ijvneaiter Lyceum. The regular meeting of tlie Lancaster lyceum was held in the Y. M. C. A. hall Monday ovenlng. The I'etcc was read by Editor Holmensnyder. The question rordis rerdis rordis cussien was : "Should Immigration be En couraged?" Themas Whltaen, Jeseph D. Pyott, Peter 8. Geedman, K. K. Huehrle, r.nnri-n Kelmensnvder. Charles Strickler and H. Ij. Hartman speke en the subject, but no conclusion was readied, and the lyceum ad jeurned for a ween. The Lutheran Tea. ' The "tea" given bytholadlesof St. Jehn's Lutheran church, Ter the benetlt of the organ fund, clesed last evening. The attendance was very geed and the patrenage liberal. Some of the articles left ever were sold at auction, and ethers glven away te theso prcsent. raited Through. Dr. Tracy, formerly of Lancaster, who Is new a veterinary surgoeu in the regular army, was a passenger en Day Express east vesterdar. and he saw a number or old friends while the train stepped. He is sta tioned In Dakota and was en bis way te New Yerk te spend part of a two months' leave or absence. A Smile Frem the Seltlug Bull, from the Montreja (Cel.) Uuglater. The star ryed goddess of reform coines te the Wet In bottle. THKT UAt All 1NBUXAII1.K 1NTKUKHT And Mutt l'ar Itack Meney Iterelted en I'el. Mm lMiie.1 by the U. II. Mutual Aid Neelety, IlKKOItKJUIlCIK I'ATTI'.IISO.V. The replevin suit of Samuel K Bally vs. Dana Graham, te recover a horse, formerly the preKirty of Jeseph Horzeg, was amica bly arranged and Judgment was ontered in favor of the plalntlll'. The suit of Danlel Niinotnacher, adminis trator or Cathorlne Nunemacher, vs. Geerge W. Walten was attached for trial en Tuesday afternoon. The administrator Is b brether of Cathotine Niinotnacher, and brought suit te recever the amount or a policy el insurance en her Me, which was paid te defendant. She was a very old lady, and during the days of graveyard Insurance, Jehn Huthorferd had an Insurance placed en her Me In the Unlted Ilrothren Mutual Aid soclety. of Lebanon, by representing hlmseir as a relative The policy was transferred shortly arter It was lssued te Goerge W. Wal Wal eon, the dofendant. He paid the assessments as they bocame due. On Sontetnbor 12, IbS2, Mra Nunemacher dled, and the face value el tlie policy was paid te Walten. The ad ad mlnlstrater brought suit en the ground that neither Huthorferd or Walten had nn Insur able Interest In the llfe or Mrs. Nunomacher, Kuthorfenl having ralsely represented that he was a relative and that neither woro;crod wero;crod wore;crod Itors. At the conclusion or plaintiffs testimony defendant's counsel meved ler a non-suit en the ground that plalntlll' had failed te show that neither of the psrtles worn creditors. The court overruled the motion and doiond deiond doiend ant then proved the amount or assessments paid by him en the policy and a verdict was rendered against him for thodltlerenro bo be bo tween the lace value of the policy aud the assessments paid 1,88.3.9.). The next case attached was botweou the same plaint!!! and Randelph F. Lewis aud wasa similar case, except as te amount. Alter a Jury was lmpanolled and before any testimony was suhmltted, a compremlso was ellected and a verdict wascnteied in favor of plalntlll for WOO. nnreiti: jrneK i.ivinoste.v, The suit el Kllzabeth A. F.delman against Henry M. Shrelner, executer el Philip C. Hannlnger, deceased, was attached for trial In the lower court room this morning. This was an action te recover 110 which It Is alleged was leaned by plalntlll te Mr. Han nlnger seme years age He borrowed the money, It was claimed, for his wife and never paid It back. The defense was that the meney was leanod te Philip C. Hinnlnger's wile, and that his estate was net liable ler this claim. The Jury this altoranen ronderod a verdict In favor et plalntlll for 392. There being no ether cases ready for trial all the Jurers were discharged, except theso engaged In the trial of the abeve case TUT. lt.Alt.UOAl TU NEir IIUII.ANU. Its ltente and the freniiects of Its Karly Construction. MKCiiANlcsni'ne, Dec 1. Tlie landed proprietors, great and small, living en or near the New Helland turnpike, mere par ticularly these botweeu Mechantcsburg and New- Helland, are having, et late, their usual domestic serenity disturbed somewhat by the prospect that In the near future the great "Iren Herse" en tralne, may go rushing through their lleldB and whizzing past their houses. This serenity of the peeple has been broken into periodically for the last twonty twenty Ilve years, the time usually occupied In dis cussing the merits and demerits of a new railway euterprlse bofero It Is practically taken held of. Hut It new seems mere than probable that rapid transit will neon be es tablished between New Helland and Lancas ter. Mr. F. M. Sterb, ene of New Helland's most onterprlslng citizens is ene of the prime mev ors in this new scheme, and matters have already developed me far that the gentleman In questien is calling upon land owners with a map et the proposed route and a release for signatures. The new read, commencing at New Hol Hel land, will run parallel with and about sev enty feet south of the turnpike, until It reachos the extreme west end of the village or Mechanicsburg, at which point it will make a gentle southern curve and enter the Pennsylvania tracks at a point about a mlle and a half southeast of Lancaster. The right et way has been secured with ene or two ex ceptions, in consideration of the benellts te accrue, Ac, through this village, embracing a distance of fully ene mite, aud there Is no doubt but that the majority of intelligent peeple ever whose land the roadway extends will transfer the right and title with eager ness, or ceurse there are seme peeple who llve within a Ilttle world or their own, the firescrlbed limits or which are marked by the Ine fence around the farm. Should civiliza tion peer In uen them, they would regard it as a dangerous innovation. TUB VULLEttB CBNTJSNtllAL. Elaborate Amcnnueut Slaking Fer a Memer. able Literary Celebration. The arrangoments for a fit coleuration of the centennial of Franklin cellege and the semi-centennial of Marshall at next com mencement are In the hands of a Joint com mittee of the alumni, the trustees and the faculty. This commltteo held a meeting at the study ct Hev. J. M. Tltzel, D. D., first Hofermed church, en Tuesday. Thore were present Jehn C. Haeer, Jehn D. Skiles and H. F. Shenk, Kevs. Drs. Apple, Gerhart, Dubbs, Stahr and Titzel, Cert and Heilman and W. U. Hensel. The arrangements for the colebratlon wero dl9cussed, and te thollterary features.already announced, were added an honorary oration en Franklin and ene en Marshall, te be delivered by men or national distinction, with whom a cemmittee was appointed te confer. it was reselved te carry forward the three olementa or strengthening the endowment resolved upon nt tne last commencement the ondewmont or the presidency by raising 10,000 as a memorial te the late Hev. Dr. Kevin J the equipment of the scientific, de partment with new building and enlarged apparatus and the erection of a library and museum edilice. The means et carrying out theso purposes and the selection et ene or mere agents te de It was lelt te aspecial com mittee, consisting of Hevs. Drs. Apple and Stahrand Mr. Jno. O. Hager. The cemmittee adjourned te meet at the call or me cnair. 11 E ATM t'remlueut UP UUllEllT UOUil. Democrat of Ihe l-ewer Kud I'atses Away. Hebert Hegg, a promlnent citizen of Colo Celo Cole rain township, died at his home, between Kirkwood and fnien, en Monday night of chronic dyspepsla. Deceased was born in Coleralu township and was a son of the late William Hegg. He was a farmer and llved for many years en the larm where he dted. Fer twonty-sevou years he wis a dlrocter in the Southern -Mutual Flre Insurance com pany aud ilfteen years et that time he Berved as secretary. He was ii lifelong Democrat aud had sorveu as scueui uiruciur mu n. visor ethia township. He wasa Presbyterian, belng a member of Dr. Stewart's church at Union. He was an ostlmable man and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. William Hegg, his only child, survives him, two ether sous having died seme years age. An Errer el Oue Vete In the Keceuut. A telegram from Torre Haute, Indiana, says that a recount of the votes cast In that county for representative, made en petition of Downing, Hepublican, who oil the face of the returns was defeated by 31 majority, was tlulshed Tuesday morning. Heasley, Demo crat, gained 0, and Downing gained 7 in another district j be there was only a reduc tlen of 1 in the iJemocraue majority. raise Alarm el Fire, A n alarm of lire was struck from box ill, at Lew and Heckland streets, this afternoon. Thore was no flre, but the alarm was caused by smeke which was issuing irem the house of a lamlly named Premier, en Middle street. It came Irem the steve and did no harm. The department was out, but net needed. Only One Ueal lllit. Haumgardnera -t JelTerlea were the only bidders te furnish the coal, for the use el tire department, aud the committee awarded them the contract laat night. Their bid tJ.li. per tee for coal of all kluds. A CURIOUS HlKNOMENOlte v. ?f irif.tr irAH WITNKMKO AV COM BSM- HUH. DAKOTA, ON JtURBaf. lL The Heavens Appear l He AtiUiaad a 4"! or rire rails in the KanhTh A" When It Htmrk Eqaat te Ik itepert of Caanea. Itls.MAiicir, Dak.,Doe.l. Aphwe ropertod from Cen I llnrlier, fifty mllMi During the coldest hour day berara tlie hoavens soeiiietl aglow with Mm .!' ' !A brilliant tire and nt alieut 4 o'clock la Sfc! afternoon an lmmonse blaze offlreaaotMimif 3 through the frosty atmosphere, Ita BMMm4. ? belng accompanled by a loud hlMlng As tlie Uame doscendod a breath of 1 air pasaed ever the vicinity and tha i visitor fell en tlie opposite aiila of river. Its contact with the ftarth t panted by an explosion which aeuBda I ir.3 tne firing el a cannon. An examination ttlA' the snot whnrn (hn Urn annmntt in fall VMM &' made seen after and the only evldaafMaf , ..-w ..WH.VW -- - nww ... X. -? explosion wero the shattered Ice aad a deprosslen in the earth. Ne ene a bb ram MM count for the phenomenon, but It la balMtialirm4 roctlen was Irem norlhest te seuthweat -m 111,17. AM) AI.ONII I.AKB MIOHiaAM. Several Vevaels Hun Ashore Snow Drift Mock ing Travel en Land. , Manistki:, Mich., Dec 1 At 3 o'clock laat morning in a blinding snow Btermand a tar rlllc wind the steamer Maggle Marshall and the Schooner Arundel went ashore three miles south of hore. The Marshall waa light, and pounded heavlly. Te prevent her going te pieces the crew scuttled her. The chooo cheoo choeo cr Aruudel had en 0,000 bushels et eata. Mae Is high and dry. Beth crews were aaved. The tug'A. P. Hlght has been abandoned aad1 will Ukety go te pieces, she waa valued at ' O.C00. , LuntNOTe.f , Mich., Dec 1. The meat feat touave been a moteor e fragment. Itadl-afja lul blizzard or the soeson prevails hereto-day g'ti with the wind from the east. Lake MleksVijj Ku id LAJiuuK euun ib gUHUg iu w muajimu arias. All travel la checked. -$f, Uiit'nnvruv flM Tin 1 A in ii t ail i .a aa ?i fmtn I lift urrtttr ta rttrrlrtr ami If let frwfaa n?P hard. Knew in drifting badly. that reach pert are laying up. AU VLTTBHVltWa IKON WOBKMMM. Stcinbersef the Amalgamated AMoctatlea Tet te Net Jein the KnlghUet Laber. ' ' IiTihnunOj'jDcc, L The uemberaef tfa Amalgamated. association of Iren and ateef workers, are new voting en the proposal te onter the Knights et Laber, made by Oea eral Master Workman Pewderly latt IUB IUB mer. Nearly all of the vote has been re ceived, and is overwhelmlngly oppeaed te the change, and the indications from ether ledges all point the same tray. The sentiments of the malnrttv are that thfiv hav ', ei succeeded In managing their own bnataaat w without assistance or intorference of otter 'J lra.lMi tti fiir anil nrnfAP tn (VmtlntIA thn I perlment. Great soerecyls being ebaerved J&hA en the subject Several of the smaller ledge' ..Sm are luclined te Identify themselves with the ia Knights, se that, te use their own eipraa- -'S sieu : " 'ine centitct against capital eaa ee imh mnr lA-mlit.liln nn Ihn mrl nl lahAr If i .&L'i A Weman Who L'ed Her l'tstel CoeUy. f-3 Nr.vv Orleans, La., Dec 1. "Vesterday a , nniint. wntnan entarttii tlm nrvlriirv AlWAnVJ JUU..I, ..wu-uu -.. - .--J -.-.-jjy, A. Levi, en Oravler street, walked uptetfee ,.i,l desk of Jehn Lepman. the book-keeper, aad "-X'f.x BnM nlin tttniilnJ tn urmnb snrltli him A M Tat kH man walked toward her the woman took a A pistol from her satchel and opened Are, the M H-..1 nl.nl ...1-1. .r. nlTnl In l.ld .Tl-nll. T.HBI.a - turned and lied Inte the street, the young woman pursuing him and firing three mera shots, one ball taklug ollect In his shoulder. She then replaced the smoking pistol In her : satchel and walked oil' as quletly aa she had come It Is stated that the young -woman, Anna Huprecht, had been seduced by Lep-. man, under premise of marriage Knderies the l'arnell. Scheme. Londen, Dec 1. -The Hev. Dr. Walsh, archbishop of Dublin, in an interview with a reporter or the ill. Mall 7a;ce,BayathatattWt4 t-e l,nsiiiiiirnil.ai. nuwell att fyvlavavl ! Ik iSS UlUiUU Tl .- Dlflkltvil "V" ss4ivs nil ii "'J Djmalllin rtlan nf ramnalnn Airalniit la.nd. &ti Innltam Tin hfl.I filllCfl. llOWfiTflr. bOTafal ""vVvT nnnxrinrfulat the enuitv and neceasitv ei thft-3 ...1.I..K l,t.. m.-auA,! Tin fAltMA t'uunu nuiuu uuiu jiuieuuu . v-i-4 fear that the church would lese her DaOTaU Influnnpn. Thn nrnaent movement Wtt. l& ?-?f$ i-i.. iuf.. i,--.uia In ahIbh llial A aall. "& Jill UpiIllUU liujn:unu u uiuei tun nr flxlng tribunal might de osiaeiMnea wneaw. bb and tenant. The preservation of order tal&w? Ireland depends en the iKjsslblllty etpfmlj&fi teeucli a court. rf& A Burglar Narrowly Etcapes Lyncniag. js Siieliivvillb, Ills., Dec 1. Deputrj shnrilt Wall arrived hore yesterday wHft.'i Frank Clark, who burglarlzed the aiera al Jacob Smyzer, of Windser, Sunday Fifty members or the herae cempear acmired the ceuntrv and captured Clark Mar this place and would seen have enaeaiue -t r-iirnnr tmd net the sheritr Interfered. Clai-k'.''v-5 . ... . -G-ITM career had net the sherlir Interfered. jtmfm "hajj Is new in jail A Weman Among- Them. , Wasiiisoien, Dec 1 The president ta dav anneiuieu tee louewing nameu imhj. masters : Lillian C. Keys, Yenkeri, N. X. f J& Jas. W. Verlander, Huntington, W. VfcQ W. D. F. Whttsiii, Pleasant win, eta j w. W. Noell, CLsce, Texas. . ir...-, r amilni-li iil.likn nn- RnllAi1. &y& Londen, Dec. 1. The Daily New aaja jvjfifl "Kerry landlords are evldently rurieaaat Gen. iiuiier'a appointment aa unuer Becretary -;; for Ireland, but dare net apeak out. Tka4rj prUCllCU Ul BCUU1-J DWdlJiUMUl-IMU, AUip- tial Englishmen te responsible peata la Ire1 land cannot he tee highly commended." t '' Yeuue Iltalnete lleceme h Nawspapar HaaV.4 PiTTHiiuita, Pa., Dec L It Isaoneunoedio;.' day that James U. Hlalne, Jr., baa complete; nil nrnincnmnnls nrenaraterv te caatlnir Ua) i let in the Journalistic world. Oa aad aAarrMJl Monday next he will be identilled with lht;Vifl reporterlal force or Chris. U Magee'e FlaM burg Tunes, jj-j Marrlaue IJctuies luald, .3 During the month of November the cl of the orphans' court Issued 113 merrlefsy llceuses. This Is the greatest number 1 In any ene month since tne marriage iieaajem a law went into ellect. .;ji Admitted or MunMrlDS Her Husftaai ifei Littlh Heek, Ark., Dec. LAaaWl Greer, who was last Monday put ea her llfe for the murder of her busbead, ' acquitted yesterday. The verdict la I te be a just ene. IVBATllKU 1N1HVAXIOMB. m Wasiunhten, D. O., Dae. 1 iTlKaHteru Pennsylvania, Naw.J I 'Light snow or rains, wlnda wosterly, celder. ChaugeorHaleon Proprietor. Christian Mattern has aeld the fixtures of the saloon at Ne. 115 Nl Btreet, te Adam tMUbllea, who wui med late possession. ,y' the An Opeulea ler .., The Ijiuden Staiulartl aaya K was trnivnsil at Hella te neni InaM '1 as a candidate for Ihe UulfarM I i a w.n fj &i 7 '.-&. s ,iil! ' sa ) f.i's AWs 1 ".m M ,isf-a m 1&M ai r-.h.