r""eny wu.wiiwwiiL'.WLiMM i mi ra rt ariinnsiacxre-raniM ,VV-'!iV1iIiK"t.',,J?!t8Jmi.5A,ffl IHS'tarr.Wi Vl Vi Ift i stM-1'vVi "V? 7i. r-sySYiJWysrrr i .!--, 7.fc f.7i.T-. - m VTTT'iT'T'M.T ; "T.TT""-TV""rt .".' KST-aWi. .t7Wir.fcjy" ' lkQ.l Wll.J.. J-iT 'l d. . T .-ii.-i. .- V .. a. . ' ' i .-. V 1 -.1 '' ---,-,. -, - .. .y.-T , r- T ,--,- , n, .. , 4, , " T Vi .. IA- ft.WtV V V -ffc r' "r Kif' TmIiANCASTER BAILT INTEIiLTOENOER, TUESDAYrNOVfiMBK 1886. '"b.1 -i HB. MTWMfM'. '. ieWi wt tvTtyiififlvf awi. .. r.A rtU r&. k'2$ . ft i ." tiY 5.-51.. . .. Vtf' ES St' k m- Mx eft "j" Ji,. f y WAiPMSmED. -q tMMXWO MAD BMTWan DTI- ,'tlHiM axd tun nomevutt. B. SIt a en the Hid of the Prosecution A, 3. KsVarTman Defending th Itoreugh. M Mocking factory te h fleer. In Oper- Si r. V -, l,,.'.? ,Mki- A Furnace Manager iKslgni r Correspondence et Iktillieixcir. LTJMBtA, lNOTember 30, The suit of 1 Dy singer agalnnt the Columbia ISS 1 wu henrd last night at Uie eOlce rHntrellerihey which place vm (Meil with nil Interested spectators win. jk'fHVM, Cq. appeared ai counsel for Mr. mho claimed fiaeO from we M four months' salary aa wa! ch at the opera house from April 1 (e Agt lef this year. The keys of the opera WW were given te DyaleKer In issj ana , ,.Mllaa pe ewlen of them until August 12th tifctaycwr, when they were turned ever te MM proper utherUleH, Ou Ibe iw'r " ' null It was claimed that every office Is umin I ii ii rrirf"" ' tlinnew w,f(BliClllnAprller each year. A. J. Kautl- ftMra, etq., borough eoliciier, was prraein in SilattrW el the borough. The empleyes trf tka nnara house had been elected at the rtwamlartueellng of thoceunoll In August el ?- ?--"j. -..,, I nvalmrer nlalmml that his i did net expire until that month. After 5 ia)alBg both sides of the case Squire llerthey ''T'St'i The Hosiery Mill. a & Tba new hosiery mill te be eperatexl by MCewn. Vernen and Wllllatn Kills In tbe ,fvtblrd story or the electrie light building 111 Jf aeen be read v for oreratlon. The machinery Is ll.'A.halft tint In ttfiattlmi thn ultiriar Iwilnrr rtnl 5. HA- -anTesterdav. The canacltr of the nlace will Kt k. W1 n.lr fif lirtafirt im htcaV ! r5 WV vaua . .lue-ittj iju. ii vv. Change at a Furnace. A change will take place te-day In the management or the Chestnut Hill Iren Ore cempanleR furnaces nt Columbia. Mr. Am brose Motlese, who has been assisting Mr. J. I Reyor In the runnlngthe furnaces, has re signed his position and will arsume the management or furnaces at Norrlstew n, l'a In his new field Mr. Mellow will be alsttd fry hla brother Mr. Wilsen Mcllese, who hsi bad charge- of tbe furnaces at Celumbl.i, The furnaces at Columbia will be under the supervision et Mr. J. L. Boyd. Funeral of 311m Llllle selbcrt. The funeral of the late Mls J.lllle O. Se--bert took place en Monday alternoen and waa Tery largely attended. Services were held in the Second street Lutheran church. The Bible class and tbe literary society of una cnurcn, wuu wiucn me nect'aoee: was connected, altended the funeral In a body. Town Notes. HI Henry's minstrel company appearcd In the opera house last night belere an audience which packed the building. The performance was a very geed one and the people present were very much pleased. The boilers te be used at the four new Silddllng furnaces at the mill et the Colutn Celutn la Iren company hRve been completed and are new beiug placed In position. The fur naces will seen be ready for maklug Iren. The bellerB were made at the boiler shops of .fairer & Sen. Hen. C. C. KaulTeian has returned home from a visit te Pittsburg, Pa. Werd was received by 'Squire Evaus yes terday t have Harney McNcal, captain el the canal beat " Klectnc Llgh," arrested. A warrant was given te Officer Hardnele, who arrested the man at Chlckk-s. On his way down the canal, the man threw one of bis mules into the river, giving as bis reason that the mule was lame and net tit for his work. MeNeal was taken toMIddletewn this mernlnu te answer this charge. Messrs. F. A. Bennett and.Chas. K. Brown have received contracts ler the supplying new uniforms for cenniany C. A new tin reef is lielng placed en the Sun day school el the Presbyterian church. Aaren V. Woodhull will appear In tbe opera heuse en December 2d, in the farce comedy el ' Kll Wheattleld." fVl.000 XUU A L.ASCA.STUlAy. aeerge Greifiusu .sell nu laUcc Ilerae Car Fer That Sara, Geerge Greftsman , the well-known Lnncas ler horseman, Is f21,000 richer new than he was In 1SSA Net long age he invented "Gressman's Palace Herse Car "whereby hereps may be shipped r conveniently as if they weie In a fctablu. The animals may be fed, watered, transferred, etc., with the utmost com cuience. A detailed description of the Invention has already appeared In these columns. Through W. It. Herbert, Mr, Greismsn secured his first patent In March last. I-'or tin Improvement he received another patent lu April. Uelasiweek dlstxi-.ed el his invention te two New Yerk gentlemen, wheee names are net given. Fer his invention be received (31,000, and ler tlvnel his ptlacecars 10 000, making a total of (27,000 cash. Mr. (iross (iress ( man had contracted ler 10 earn for $11,000, the contract for which the New Yorkers have taken at that tigiire. The cars haie been built at the Harrlsburg eir werke mid filty mere are expected te be built by February 1. Mr. Gressman will remain as general manager et tbe concern, at a geed rslary, and he will open up central head quarters In this city, at Ne. 117 North Prince tureet. OBlcts have also been opened at tbe Union stock yards, Chicago, and the Union kteck yards, India napeliB. Mr. Gressman has w-en a very auceesslul horse dealer, and In this windfall of prosper ity that has overtaken his invention, he will have the hearty congratulations et hosts of friends. Oletenf UieMdMltiercher Fair. The Mtonnercher bazaar closed Mendav night and there was a very large attendance. A Jarge nnuiber of articles were elther chanced off or sold. The bidding was lively and tbe sale was kept until a late hour. The principal articles chanced efr were as fellow s; Hewing machine, Samuel W. Altlck ; china set, Mrs. Dr. Henry Carpenter; dictionary, Miss Emma V. Baker; pair of vases, Harry Sutten j single barrelled gun, W. K. Fisher; child's earrings, Mrs. G. Darumtetter ; sliver ware, Miss Jagnow; silver cake basket, J. Murphy ; meerschaum plje, Theodere Helh ; toilet set, Ella Owens; cartut, A. Klki banner, Mrs. William Bali, Infant basket, Miss Emma Berger; brass plaque, J. L. Martin; vase, J. K, Barr ; .bauuer, Miss Annie llerst. The person holding tlcket Ne. 1,730 drew the prize or lilteen dollar In geld at the bazaar. Who Is he T The Laucuater ltluK. About two hundred persons attended the IJancasterrink last evening w here Lesterand Wllmet, the bicycle rlders,4began the seoeud night et their engagement. A young fellow named Amwake, who was given his first lessen en a wheel, created considerable luu by his falls. Manager ilalbech.ef the rink, contemplates (urnlSKlbH building Inte a theatre alter the holidays. In case he does, he will erect a j5J??JrJ."'gfiBnd,w11! havea "tlHic capacity Of;l,M)0. He will play opera and the bebt io ie dally companies at low prices. Tbe management of the rink has made ar. reDgeuients tehae Texas Harry, the rifle ahet, and a sjwcialty company te appear to morrow afternoon and evening. The Onl ami 1II Frlemli. Te-day a man took a llve fccreecli e 1 te the office of Alderman Doeu and asked the 'aqulre te cut oil its head and glve him Utly eents for capturing it. The alderman said that no bounty vas allowed for that kind el owls. The iellew left the big-eyed bird be hind, and he was afterwards presented te the "Owl"eluU They will ehrbten him as a member nt their erganlzitinu, and will set uiiu ai uueriy mis evening when It Is dark and he Is able te take In the town. The do de do te tl " el'ie Slderumu was verJr MUsfaotery Ihu hfiuji lieuv. Mayer Morten ncUuowlelgea the receipt from G. Soner.tSeu, of an order for fll 10 en a baker ler bread for the soup fund. . m,,X'M."J er,,Ucl'enmillcr j tbterday turne.l ,.; .i ,U)0 tt",eunt remaining In his bauds ler the aeup luud Mni.e last year. ItdUhtd a Mtuuur. Buuday. while Uev. e. Wetuch, pastor of V et lucent Lutheran c'jurcti. Uhetr maxi SPIV, was 111 IJIS pill nit. snniH nun llr. it rtbldence aud btnle rani, v ... sum ?18 was iiilsslenarv lim,i"'h- S'pBgUiB te the church. Picks and bhevels tfWl used la breaking down the doers, and PJ wuDesed that tramps committed the act. T Mayer's Vag May we be pardoned for reqaesttBg the Mayer te lDcorperate te his nsxt mesnaiTB tbe fact that many of ear roost prominent citizens have been enred of rheuma tism, nenralg-ta and kindred complaint by 8l vat Ien oil, and te recommend this valuable incdlelnn. It mint be geed, for everTbedy recommend It. We mean Ur. lltiU's Cough syrup. I'rlce S3 cents. CoinmlMleners' Krpert, lSCRl!ca DsrARTMSST, IlARRISRrRO. 1-S I i t AsiErCOMrAMi (l.irn " In llcenilng thoe companies It Is net te be understood tht lliey are endorsed or lecom lecem mended. Hew officers of any cetnpsny whose ability te iiyfutiirecUlinsdepend upon uncertain collections can swenr that It La In n condiden te pay all future claims must be left entirely tocentecturo. Thnlevel premium com panies are required te show present ability te meet future claims." The Equitable Mfe, of New erlr, has a aurplu, ever liabilities, of ever sixteen million dellara the rrte Tontine policy U Indisputable and returns endowment values at llfe rates. ltd Iteaolatlena. Laiccastsr, l'A., Nev. , 1MJ. At a meeting of the Heard of Directors of the the farmers' National Hank, held this day, the following resolutions were adopted t Uhemei, The lleant of Directors of the ranuers' National llank have received the reals;. nation of Kdwln II. Ilnisrn, lenir an officer of the hank, and. In accepting the asme, deem It proper tnexpnat our high appreciation of his services therefore, X'teltrtl, That In a'l the thlrty.throe years durlnc which Mr llrewn has bein connected with this bank, heldlns, as he did, fernearlv the whetent that time, tbe reapenalbie petition of cashier, he has proven In every repect true te the bank and faithful te hl great trust. Jlrtiuittl, That In the retirement nf Mr. llrewn the bank lees the aervlees of an efflclentefflcer, j elilien without reproach and ntnan of spot leas character. JttMeiied, that In these days, when derates tlena and embezzlements rw se common In connection with nnanclat Institutions and there Is e much d!henety en the pan et thoe w he have the care et ether people's meny. It la with pleasure and prlde thai we joint te the career of one who has bindled many millions el dol lars without hsvlng ever excited a suspicion that the whole ws net perfectly safe In hi hand'. llrieh e if. That It Is a matter of regret that the 111 health which caued the resignation of our late cashier w as contracted In the service of the bank, and we sincerely hope that the rest se tnurh needed will speedily effect a rettoratlen and a return te uctulne. Tie oil rt, Thst, as a mark of repect te one te wh iai this hank ewes a large debt et gratitude, these resolutions he spread upon the minutes of the beird. and a copy thervef, properly en grossed, be presented te Air. llrewn. Telephone Connection. J. 11 v Idmyer's furniture heuse, 'e. 102 East King street. Is connected with the te'epaene ex change. Amusements "Michael StrogeXT." On Thursday evening next, " Mtchael strogeff," ene of the strongest and best plays new before the public, will he presented In Fulton opera house by Charles L. Andrews' powerful company. The scenes of this play are laid In Uusslaand Miefiaet blrosep, the here. Is a btave soldier who volunteers te carry a message for the Czir through a hostile country He le-s his eyes In the attempt, but Is successful The story Is anadmlrahleene and two newspaper reporters who ngure In It create agreatdeaief amuement- Mr. Andrews com piny has thirty flve people, Including a ballet and a nun, her of specialty artists. The New Yerk Herald nys "As brought cutby the An draws company It Is both a majestic and maslve representation Its appointments are grand and picturesque In chromatic detail, and there Is a peculiar fascination ab-ut the successive scenic accompaniments thatdefy Imitation ' VKA.1HM STEwatT-ln Ongen. Wis., en the ijth Inst . J tune- attw art. In his 61st year. The relatives and friends are respectfully In vlted te attend the funeral, from his late resl dence. Ne n East Orange street, Friday morn ing at 9 o'cle. k. Services at st Mary's church at 9i o'clock. IIeiusdKR.-In this city, en the S9th Inst., Heniy Helllnger, agedSl liars. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, N'e TSS North Prince street, en Thursday morning at 9o'elock; te proceed te N'ctrav-Ule ter Interment, interment at N'eHs vllle cemetery. n3e 2ta JlAHKgTfi. I'lillailelphU I'rednc Market. ruu.ACsi.rHiA, Nev. SO - lour market firm: sales. a barrels; Minnesota liakers. M TJff I .VJ Pennp-ylvanHKamilv, 4s3 75; Western de fJSi'GIM. fatenu.lai 9,. ltv flour, t-i 25. rebet-c'ey" iiic ' Dcc ' 6ilc ' Jan-' ific-- Corn-Jfev 4.VJic ; UectlJic : Jan , 4;c ; Feb , Feb tsrNT ' Kii '' VeC" 3''liC ' Jan-' M'ic,; Iw Verk Marset. K le, Nev ae Fleur market staadv Fine, tl !JtfJ TO; Snperflne, r: K33 to te common te geed extra H retern, rj 60Q3 75 : geed toehelcoox'ra Hetern, - eiT5 s"" Wheat-Ne. 1 Ked btate, ic : Ne 2 de Me; Ne l VVhlte htate. SJe : Ne 2 Ked Winter lec.;He: deJan.f;c; de May.9l;c. deSSTiV "" """ 47c,ae Uec- l7,-0i Oits e 1 While State, ssgsic Ne. ! de 'ic; Ne 2lec. Uc ' liye dull . Western, 5.O50e ; SUtc, 57X610. llvrley nominal I'erk dull , new mess, UOSPfill 00. l.ard lea, G 37 ; .Ian. IU lu . May. We Molasses steady ; new crop N ew Orleans 37Bt2c T urpentlneduil at 'CUe. " Ilesln quiet; strained te geed. II OeattS Petroleum dull: Ueflned in ca.es. sv-e ' freights dull, grain te Liverpool, SWe. Butler dull; Western Creamery, 2fS! Stste, 2 Qir " ' Cheese duJI : Western Flat, 11GI2KC tggs quiet ; Stale, 253 c , WHatern.SIWCKlWr oSswre K!flDca cuuea'' 6 ?&. Tallew steady; PrlmeClty, 4Kc. Ulce nominal. Coffee fair , fair cargoes, Uic. Chicago rrednce Market. Cuiiaoe, Nev. ai. 9 JO a. m . market opened. Wheat -Dec, 7u;e ; Jan., 770; May Cern - Dee , ;vc: Jan., STVc: Mar. 42Jc Oats-Dec .iss-.c; Jan., 7eTMay,le. I'erk Dec, si" 05 ; Jan., 11095 : May, III 07W l"-!Lc ' w."iX ' jBn- -X-a 60 ulbsJan-' M W , Feb , t-5 77K ; March, rxnaiye :0Znr :&ie; Dec- J- mVS"!07- 3":ec., STVic; Jan., S7Jc j May, i-4ic Ma?!S7aOT" 57a! 1,e- 87C Jan' iIay.rfl7M)T' " J ' I)e " " 5; J&n ' " "K ' imi",iN"et-,'5.0TK vn,, M 05 : Jin.. M 10. Klhs-Jan , W 45 ; eb., 47X ; March, 3 47X. Oram and I'rovltlens. Furnished by 8. K. Yundt, Krelter. Cuitaeis Nev SO. 10 o'clock p. ra. ..,, H heat. Cern. Osu. I'erk. Lard. November e,; ,0 ,4 6 y, December -,f,t v.i T.y 10 15 B eivj January.... ;;V. S7JS ant, tsn Februar-.. 77 37 4 0 9. 0 "k Winter Wheat "ecelpts clrLeht. Spring Wheat '"" U Lern r., Oats ?y llye ., " llarley '.'.'.'.'.'". ..i OU City w CrudeOIl y lleoelpu-Hea-s .'.' . lln' Closing lricoa-2.e'ciock p in .. . Wheat, Tern. O its I'erk. Lard November ;t,Vi 37Vf 27 10 10 e 07K December ;.,; s;i 7 10 '5 05 Mau-c,tV e05' ' il "" CrudeOll t, n 1'lilladelplila Cattle Market. I'uiLAnsxruiA, Nev. 29 Iteef catUe. rccelnta !!.Miiegs:r','i"r -- pn $, lU'ef; cattle hi lite and wiuk i Kxtriw. K.fb ?in'i3ei:c.,-&4ci mtJ1"u'' WX v5u? sheep ui-tlve; extra, 4);n5c: geed, tun L;h,."J&,!,4e,0i Ujmm&D' ' Hen dull j tVutern, fJi66 lj,iUJiter Lire Hleik Market. Lancaster. .Vev. SO. The rccelpta of live stock ler the week ending tiuluv ntihu, ... . ... Jaines Mew art were l.lm tattlu, lli horses. 1 mules, 117 begs. The sales at this yard weta 3J4 cattle, btnekersand feeders saic, uud fat tat tie nt 4H35e. At l.uvl hensunlg's yaids 650 cattle and KOhegs weie sold t cattle bold at from 3 te fcJic.und .At Jehn W, Meutzer's yards Ife cattle ami 00 hogs were sold. 'lh cattle and hogs were sold ai the prltes quoted above. Men lerk Mecaa. Nan- Verk, Nev. 30,1 30 p. m. Meney easy at eQKJ per cunt.-, bxchinge steady; postal rates, tlSlKSIS-Xl Kevernmeut strong; Currency t's, II aj bid ; i' coup, tl 23 bid ; fX's de, ii nx The stock inarkut this luernlmr opened strong, but Immediately utter the first few deal lugs prices declined y, te l per cent, under t sharp si Ulna, This was followed by a steady ile!.V"vves0rB.7 c'entr'". Uulen Pacific. Uran. itanla. t " Uulen TuIcKrttl'h. Ceutaal Pacific, andahf1" Hni1 "dlng during the hour and a hilt te neon, and prices advanced if te "W bUengerT ""' """ " hM bUX Stock Marksu. Qaet attens by Heed, McUrann A Ce , banker! IAncasier, 1 1 XSW TORJC LIST. 11 A.M. 12 m. Sr, v. Canada I'aclOc .. U.CU.A1 Colerado Ceal Central l'ae Canada Southern Chi. St I.. . l'gh Den A !ll 11 Del. U A W Ktle Krte, 2nda Jer I K .t T Leu. A N I, shore Mlch.Cen ... , Missouri Pacific N V . .. . N I 1'ivf N. West N. Y. C East lennessee C Omaha Oregon Transportation . Ontario A W I'actfle Mall Iteeh. A V M. Paul Tex Vac t'nlen t'ac Wabn-shCem Wabash l'ref Western I' West Shere llends rniLADsLruiA tir. Ih. val II, M. 1 A I'hlla I'a K It- Helding l.eh Nav Ilestenv. Pass P. A K .V Cent Peeples Pass Udg Uen'ls OU 7.1W Wi ? a-it; 4itj .i I. 4-S l c;i . ; i.v, .s " .ii n." n"4 ii s 371, s:s .i:t. . . let'. 2Vi Mft s.'S .i;. s.i, ri, ,rj '"S W-14 u;1 is ' s llS IP'SJ iiwZ j't, .-v, a-', wj; M't, tJ'i ll'JS I."" IH's lli'J ii5 no, ii', .w w sr, ' . ''', VH, 9i ',ls 27Ji 27V, XV, a: lis S as ss i;s, 7', s , :-s U15 US tl 7-1 MS I". MS 5lli .. 105' ll, 'S: Yfir AD X'KKTlDKHK.y TH. .vkinu row Dint. B ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never vailes. A marvel el purlly, strength and wholesomeness Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be old In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. W only in cans. Keval uakixu I'owexrCis ICh Wall stnet, New Verk. uuy:?lydAw WANTED A COOK. North Duke street. APPLY AT h? ni' lwd BOARDING WANTKI) IN A PRIVATE f itmiy by a gentleman and w lfe. Address. 1 E. w . l.srsLLiai.NVKa oirice. WANTED A GOOD, fcTOl'T ulitl ulitl une who can speak German preterred. Apply at 150 North vlueen street- n ltd LOST A GOLD HTNTIMt CASE VV atch his monogram " A II l) " en cae. The Under will be suitably rewarded by leaving ltatthe IXTiLtlJiMsaertlce ni'2'..l G HAND PARTY, THCRSDAY, DECKM llKK2d. at llinksen Smith s Hetel. Kobrers Kebrers Kobrers tewn A bus will leave Keafoe s I'nlen Hetel, oppealto P. K It Depot between 7 and e'c lis. All ladles will be taken te and from Itohrvrs Itehrvrs Itohrvrs tewn freeef iharte Ceed music use-ttd G1 nnn-REWARD. V-t-,VVy Fer any case of Kidney Ireu bles, Nervous Debility. Mental and Physical Weakness that IIOTan'IC N tll h IUTTLKS falls te euro, sold by dnu-il'U. si cents IILK1I M tl) (.)., Ne 15 N". Uth st . I'hl.a Pa Mi- Circulars free noilS-lyeedAw A TIP TOP SHOOTING MATCH WILL be held at J. F Kihternaeh s Hetel en Thursday. December 2, ler a let of Fine Turkeys and Ducks Ale a rallllni; for a -elid neld Klui All are cordially Invited. Come one, come all andenjey the tun. Den t forget the day, Her em ber 2d nJ9 8ld LOST AN ONYX BREASTPIN WITH Three Pearls In the centre, en Sunday afternoon, November 31, In geinir from Prime and Chestnut te st Mary's and St. leeph s churches A liberal reward will be paid by re turning te na -".d N'03. Ii A II W. OKAN'GK ST. WE OKI-HP. THE FIRST .MORTGA'.K C per cent. Celd llends of the Sharen, I'a , and Pensacels, Fla., W ater Companies, te parties desiring r-afe InveatmenU. 1 ulter particulars furnished en application. WM Ci HOPPKP. A CO., eJ-13tdTu,ThAs Ne. i- s. Third SL, Fhlla. TERRORS Of THE DENTAL CHAIR D13AHMKI). Teeth extracted by the use el electricity per fectly safe and hvrmles. Mj HOJ Teeth are made of the best material 1h-v. lean purcha-e Filling teeth a specla.ty AH work guaranteed. W.L. FlIlt.lt. Denf.t. apr27 Ijd N'e J North (Jueen St OTOPS HAIR COMING OCT. CCIIES DANDItUFl WHAT- Oechran's Quinine Hair Tonic, IIE9TINTUE WOULD. Uuaranteed te give t-atlsL-ctlen or money re funded, at OOOHRAN'S DRUO STORE, Nes.137 A 139 North cjuecn SL, Lancaster, Pa. mays-iyeedlt C UKISTMAS-lSsQ. C. H. BARR, rr.V.V SQl AUK, LANCAbTEIt. Opening Wednesday, Dec. 1, Where Holiday Gifts will be submitted te the Inspection of the public. I re3iect fully invite a visit te my store, where will be displayed an Entirely New Assortment of G oedsf selected with special care for the Holiday Trade. C. H. BAKU, It Bookseller and Statienei . ANCASTER KINK. DOUBLE ATTRACTION AT- Lancaster Rink I -ON- WEDN'KSDAY AFTEItNOON AND KVENINO. T1IL OUIGIVAL "TEXAS HARRY" AND 1113 OWN JlftASS HAND. PUOF II. OOLDF.v, the boneless m-n-the. Chsmplen Contortionist. c7ciritlae,raSe?irhJSr,.7'U'U'0 Cham",0n U' AIIMISSION ... 10 CENTS wfr,E.X04r8l0n " Columbia en I'KIIIAY NIUIII'. Illcycle Kxhibltlen.Kkaiint' and Dani ili-tJa f.,r "eun-Trlp, Including'-admission te nnK, te cents. s.i lydlt E ULTON OPERA liUUlSE. Mfeyj: .vtvireAxr.-w FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1886. TUB THAOED1A.V. Frederick Warde, IN SHKIMDAN KNOWLKB TltAQKDT, YIRGINIUS. INTHUPKETlsD IIV AN I.TFICILN'T DKAMATIC COMPANY. Produced with New and lllaterlrally Correet Bcenery. Magulflcent btage Mounting, and a large uuilllary ferce. TICKKTS lll.SLUVLli SKATS Chart opens December 1. as . wckvts. iJCLNTSK.VTKA n3tdl,3i A' IT All rERTlSKMKXrS, 13 UY TUK KINKSTTO 1UC KOUN1)- VVIU8KV ISA" IUSK tVlllSKT n WHISKY UU1I Khll'S MtlHOK MOIIK, '-JLKMllK (UUAltK, Lauinstet, fs. ITWll SAI.K. . Hie coinmrHtleiis.stii stantUllv built To Te To etory llltu K IIOI'SK, Ne 111 Last Orange street. I'tlce, 11,710. one liieti-and dollars can remain for many year av flvepi-r vent. Intel en t. Fur further psttlruiarsapplv t" i uiiil tehlt. iiev.m I mil it Ne e West orange Ml TsJOW Tlir.TlMKTOSrKlTI.ATi:. i.1 ACI H K FLUCTl AllOSM In the tiiatket ertr oppettunltles te siHsuialets te make uuiney In eraln, .stocks, I- nd and Petroleum. Prompt tersenal atteuiii'ii tven te orders to-eelvedi-y wire or matt t onespendeuce solic ited roll information als ui the matkets In our Heek, which villi ts f. i aided ttee en ap ap plliatlen. It I KYI K. Hanker and ltitiker, N'e-..3SI!rmdaiid3 New Sts . M-i Verk Cltv nevAMjd.tw AH. KOSKNSTE1N, IMPOIlTlNll TULOIL My selection for the coming season Is new ready, comprising one el the tlnest stock ever shoen In this city. The stock Is entirely new and nell worthyeur lnssiilen My prices ire mcHlor-ite, and workmanship et the best, the reputation et the house ler One eik will be fully maintained. Having secured for the com ing season the services et Ursl C'Hss lallera, 1 can guaranti-e the v ery best et work. Sole proprietor for the Patent Mnp Panta loons, warranted net te draw up when sitting uuivu, uer eng av tne knie. A. It UOSKNSTF.l.S.STNerth miism CL e AK HAlil,. Br st or Cl.OTlIlN'. AND Tl.tNlX 'i WullK FOU li. tn u Wenuru' i r. Tv nig these two together with our med. erate and reasonable prices t;ie us our strens held and dependence for a generous jiatronage. Isn't fair and right te expect t AVhen we employ, .is we de, twice as m my as the largest manufacturers in this city, make the best of Clothing aud sdl'tit the v.ery lowest prices, ate we net entitled te a liberal trade V We believe we have never given such value as our 12.00 " Irepc'.id" utts and Jlo.en "Ironclad" Overcoats, and our lll.tki ' Wire Twist " Suits and l.'.tsi " Wire Twist " Overcoats. WanamakeuA Blown. Oak Hall, bOt-TUEAST COHN-EP. SlXTII ND MAIL KET !?TS., PlIILAOELI'III V OPECIALTOTUE LAME-s. OUnFOUMALOPENl.su DISPLAY or ELEGANT FURS Comprising all that Is desirable, Ireuiai-eal i.ar ment te the Smallest Mutr ter a child, will com ninuce vvejneday, Deceu-'er 1, and continue one week. Want of spice preven'lng special display longer, though our steik will be kept tall the balance el the seaaen. The exhibition wlllbefnete :i. whether de siring te purchase or nm Wi te 1 assured that the bdevu announcement wtd be aufflcient te awaken a lively Interest au.eng all concerned, as our reputation as leaders m this line In Lan caster-long since established and lullj earned through forty years of pru. ileal eiteiiein.t gives us superior ad vantages Special attention, as usual, gtien te making Seal and Fur-Ltned ttarments t.. erdi r lit guallty and Price Specially iinsranteed. We desire te say thit our etUi liien ruie his been gn-atly lncreascil slne it irasin, -,e that visitors who felt crowded lel. re need have no such fear this season. VVhlle devoting se much space te Ladles, we de-Ire the Gentlcm-n kt.m that we are abundantly prepared tneu ii i anv demand for Justly celebrated AVI Ell II T- mil et new en hind or made te order, Fasnieuabie aud Lew m 1'ilce. AMER, LANLASTSIl'S LKAIU.Ni, PKM T1CAL HAT TEUAN1) HUIiltli, ur:tmd 31IWLST K1NUSTUELI w ilmamsen; a Kti-iiut. TELEPIIO.NE CONNEITION. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. ten- MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. -IN- Kerseye, TwiUs, Ohinchillas, Beavers, Elyeians, Venitians, AN'D- Hemespuns. WOUKMANSIUP AND FIT PKKFECTION. 8ATI.V.LINKU THBOUOIIOL'T. Prices Always the Lewest. PHE9KNTATIOV SMOKING JACKETS HEADING liOllKS. AND HEAVY UNDERWEAR DNDERWEAR -IX- Cimel a Ualr, Mellcated Merine. Flannel or White CAI'.DIOA.V JACKETS AND OUKUNSI.l S HILK HA.VDKLUJHII.FS. NECKWEAU. KID. IIICK, .Ij9y,IAr5,N.KNIT GLOVES C'AUUIAUE UOIIE I Single and Deuble Plush Huffale, W'ulf or Geat. ' GLNTS' 8KL CAPS AND TPKIUNS CULLAIts AND GAUNTLETS. Flit LADIES' FUlt COLLAKLTTES, MUFTS. IIOAS ANDTIUMMINGS. Heys' Heavy Cleth Caps and 1'oles. Genu' opera and Fine Silk Ham. Full Dress Beets! Farmers' Heets ! Sportsmen's Heets ! GKAI.V LEATIIKIl HIDING 110OTS. ItELIAIILI. HOOTS. --Full llaugoef fcizeaat the Leaest 1'ilces. WOI1NROCKET HUIIIIEH JIOOTS.GOSSAMEU UVKltHIIUKH AND FLEECKDLINED AUUTICS AND ALASKAS, KOK Ladles, Gents He) a anl chlldien. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. 112, .14, no mid 38 East King St., LANC4STJCU, PA. A IHICS' AND CUlliUUKN'H Ol.OAKS. JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Nes. 136 and 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Will you ceme nudeee Heme pretty OleukB tc-clayV Some entirely uew ehtipes uud deslgns. A glance at the Uttle price Ucket, an inspoctlen of the ganuent, and It's net surprising that you'd rather havoeur Cleak than your money. Thore'snot much arRiiment roqulred when UOODS, PHIOES and TREAT MENT are invariably EXACTLY KIUHT. THE NEW CLOAK STORE, LADIES' AMD CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Nes. 136 aud 138 North Queeu St., Near Penn'a. H. R. Station. H AUKl. A UHOTHIvK. Ourtaiii Departmeiit ! HEAVY DRAPERIES. We offer this Bonsen the most ctttraoUve line or Ueavy nanglnKa, for Curtttlna ntut Portleroo, we Urve evor shown, In All-Silk Turceman Ourtftlns, Orermt Vivleur Ourtnlnn, Vleunn Ohonllle Otirttilua. Indltin 811k OurttvlnB. Florentlno Silk Ourtalna, Oholeo Perelan Curtains, New Tapaetry OurtalnH. LACE CURTAINS. Brussels Laoo OurUtlns, Irish Point Lace Curtains, Swlsa Laoo Curtains, Dutohesa Point Lace Curtains, Autlque Lace Curtains, Scotch Lvoe Curtains, India Lace Curtains, Nottingham Laoo Curtains. Lace by the yard, Madras Laoo, Llnen Scrims, Printed Serirus, Htamlnes, Nottingham Lace. VESTIBULE AND SASH DRAPBniBS. crALLUPHOLSTERI SO WORK will rocelvo rrempt and careful at at at tontlen and be guarantoed satisfaction. HAGBR & Ne. 25 West King Street, Ai-ii ;;wKnM at vr.v. JACOB V. SUEAKKKH'h PURE RYE WHISKY, ftuK-.'l lyJll Puke Sliect LI iier 8tutp THE BEST COAL I'OU I AMIL1ES, VOU OET AT SHULMYER'S, .Sim. .i rJtu-t Km nlJ .wc.il landfl" erth l'llnccgta. TT OEKIIAKT," Fine Tailoring. A Full anil Couifilete lleinenllc took el lroperteilan Suiting and Ovorceatlug Fer the Fall TraJ new raty te svlect iiem. CsJl early te secaru lies'. Stj les. H. GERHART, Ne. a X. QUEEN ST., Opposite tbe PmtoBlce nwrJMrillt rONTRACTOK AND UUlIiUEK. GEORGE ERNST, CAUPENTEK, CONTItACTOH A lllllLUEIt. Kesldence Ne. M3 VVest King street. Shep K.iat (J rant street, opposite station house. WOODEN MANTELS AND OKNEUAL HAltU WOOD WU11K A SPECIALTY. M.S-A1I work secures my prompt and persona attention. Drawings and KsUumles furnished. oeUT.lydlt w INDOW (.LASS. Window Glass. Window Qlusi of AW Kinds nt JOO P. IBDHTSffS Paint and Oil Store, NO. 2) EAST OB.VNGE 8T , LANCASTt.lt I tan funilsti Single and Deuble Thick HtKNCII and AMBillCA.V I'LATB. nnil all kinds of Colored and Kname'ed liLA"satthB Lewest Prices Personal attention ptvenlees. tlmatea for contractors and liulldeni. 'ole Airent ler the "ATLAS " Heady Mixed Paint, nuKnuwieuiteu uy oil weanave usea 11 te De tue most rename nalnt In the market. DOT2l-leedli H IRSU it HKOTHKH. Our Stere Will Be Open Every Evening During December. And te these net havinir the opportunity, or time te leek at, or make their purchase of CLOTHING -OIl- Furnishing Goods During the day time, we extend a cordial In vitation te come and see for ye irself the liar gains In OVERGOATS, SUITS AND PANTALOONS, Fei Men, Youths, Iteys and Children of All Akbs, andut the LOWEar I'ltllKa. UNDERWEAR, Of the Itest Qualities of Merine, Camel's Ualr, Lamb'b Weel, and Medicated Flannel for the LEAST MONEY. NECKWEAR. We have Just received a new let of Teck.Putrs, FeuMn-IIand and Hcurfs, for ?le , Sle., tee. and Vs. These Keeda are et Extra Duality und can not be equaled for the money. Wealae have a line line of KNIT JACKETS for Men, lit 60e , fie . 75c , II (), $1 M I 00 and tJMj these goods are el KAT1.A D1J5E. Ileya' Jackets forteo, and 05c. ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Furnisliers, COIL NOUTII QUEEN 8T. AND OXNTltK gQUAUE, LANCA8TEK, I'A. HIRSH k BROTHER, Jir AmrMMtimamaxn. jrei':.v xvLtiY i:vi:sixa.a SK W .tnrrUTtHK3IK.VTl, 131 ( l'KK MONTH WII.I. UKNT AN 'I'lv' room, two sterv, DimMe llrlck Heuse, bay window and tuntvr. In.iulre nt 1123-tttl I 1113 OFFICE FALL (iO()I!-. All the Liitesl Novelties In FINK MILL1 Ntltl at v EIKKL'S MlLUNKItY hTOKE. eMtndll Ne. 3 North yueen Street. HUHLKY'S STA.MiXill) "HaTv1NU Powder Is economical In use and unsur pa-sscdln nuailty eivr It a trtvl for lUht Ills rorsnieat III ill.fcl s iiitl't, snOKE. 51 West KlilKStrveL jyrL'SH'AL I1AIUIA1N.S. -11UY TIIE- MAS0N & HAMLIN ORGANS. It Is certainly the beat Orgin made and net higher In price titan the cheap snide new sold at the same prke. Lixik at our prices and tie convinced. Oitrans at (75. s. f u, I J,1. I1J1, HA etc lluy a Piane at my place and save lu 1-t;i iciiu (iii me uesi 'lanes In the uutrkel Atuerlcun Sewlnir Machlnei at l.'J, !', l-a. etc . AT W. D. Messer's Music Stere, NO. 131 NOIlnt gUKK.N STItEET, LANCAbTEU, PA scpld-lydll Ql.AHKK ALWAYS AllBAIl' 1R U.tx ti"l.St, TO OET MARRIED? IF SO ! CLAKKL'S the place te buy ) our Teas, Coffees, Sugar and Fine Groceries. The llest 50 Cent TEA that the market can preiiiiLC Granulated MiKar,flc ft New citron J & Lemen Peel, lie a Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere, Ne. Ji WEST hINO STKEET 4-ToIephene marlMyd.tw J.H UIVLEKttUO. Holiday Season We offer spfctul burilns In Uaelul Articles for Presents. Indies' Astrachan and Plush Coats, ABtrachan Cleth and lleucle Jackets, llrocade Velvet Silk and Cleth Wraps, Cleth and Ueujlu Newmarkcta and Circulars, Misses' and Children's Cleth and lleuclu Ceat In new styles i some Just received this morning, Silks and Dress Goods, bilk and Alpaccu Umbrella, lllanketi., Comforts, Flan nels, etc. rEvcrythlnK et Lewest Cau Prices te close out our entire stock. Jelm S.Givler& Ce., Ne. 25 Baat Kln Street, LmeiSTia, Pa. AStUltKitBHTa. piULTON OI'KKA IIOUHi: AGNES WALLACE-VILLA CO. -TVl NIGHTS ONLY.1i TUESDAY, NOV.). "Orphans of Clnulty.'' WEDNE8LAY, DEC. L " Freu Freu." BVI.ES DID COSTUME! IMtlUEB 25.S5AWCENT8. Itesenred Seats new en tale. nev&l-Sl "PIULTON OI'KKA HOUSK. Thursday, December 2, 1083. Absolutely unapproachable In Us Dnimntlc Strength and Positively untlvolled In Ha Scenic Display. Every Performance a Festival Occasion. CIIA8.L. ANDUEWS' MICHAEL STROGOFF AM) Mlnuet Carnival Company. KECOUD Paris, nearly Syearai Londen, ever 1 year ; New Yerk, ) ulghu 1 United suites, 4 Seasons. Company of Uecegnlzed Artists 1 Scenery New and Sueilil costumes inch and Gorgeous I lleautlful Minuet llalleu, led by slirnorlnaGessl and Mairgle Uonalde. 1 weCara l'aranhurnalla 41 People. Depleting Jules Verne's Masterpiece, theOrandPut historical and Itoinantle Story ever Illustrated with living characters, PltlCKS S5, 60 and 75 CENTS. KESEItVED SKATS .T?. 71 UaNTB. New en sale at the Ooera liouee OOlce. na-4td n AOKH , ltKOTlll'.ll BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. rUH HALF. (IU MKHT. TTKUt iii:nt TWO T il-MOKY HKR K A. houses, at 17 a month Vi'l'.'J.. . . .. - r nils nit K TTIOll UKNT - Tlllltl) AND rOl'KTII llsh.l llnithers llulldlnir. Niw JJ Floers of I fi and s .Nurth iueen street, new ectuineil by Thin CntnrnlMK as a Hrtctas photograph jrallery HI be tenled for a term of yeani. nlMtdll 1IIUH1I A 1III011IEKS. TTIOItSAl.KOlt Ki: NT-Ai,l,TIIATCKK. A! tain litis! Mill, water rlisht, stone d elllnir heuse. andrthrr lmnri'vemruls. teirethr wllh atxMit tim acrrs of lund, commonly known a "(ivs-nland Mills, situated en Mill Cteek, In East 1-nmiHMer township, about three miles from Lam emit cltv This Is a valuable prop prep erty. wlthan stabllsbrl rusinin. Fer terms el mleiinplv te M.IA1IM11(. E. IIATas. nl9 lliuiAw IU North DukeSL, Lancivster, Pa TJflll.U' SAI.K Ol l)i:.SIilAHIiK M. (.' ITl IIES1DENCE Will lie HOLD at Public Kale at the Leenard hotel, en Till K1DAY KV KM. Mi, DEC KJI HKIt 9, th-it desirable residenci. Ne Hi Seuth Duke street, with a frontage of is iiet b Inches, and a depth et Ui feet, moreerless. Wide hall, veall bulis large parlor, dlnlnir room and kitchen en llrst t1er, four sli I'plnn rinimsand bath room en serniid tloer, two plastenxl attic rooms, back and front sUitrwavs, ciiliar heater. ranie In kitchen, icas throughout heu.e, het and cold water. The house is In first-class order. Is pa periil throughout, and Is In ene et the most de sirable locations In the city Sale le commence at 7 e clei k p in., when tertus w 111 Iki made known by JOEL 1. HAINES, n.T HI Auctioneer anil Ileal Lstule Agent. POMTIVi:s.I,i:Or AI.L'AIIIiKt.'rrV I'KOPKKTI On Tin minir, DxtBsa2, li. Will be sold at public sale at Michael s Hetel North Queen street, I uncasierclty. Pa., the fel Inwtiit? described Heal Estate, late the prejnirly et laertbc Kready, deceased, te wit All that Certain three story IlltICK STOKE AM) DWFLLlf U HOUSE, situated Ne 4S en the west side el n vth (Jueen street. In the city of Lancaster, Pa., entalnlnt; In front en said North (Jueen street leet '2 Inches, and extend Ini? In depth uestwa.il of that width 3! feet! Inches, thence w Ideulnir en the north side te tin width of 1J feet V Inches, and of that width It extends further westward is feet 6X Inches te 5 round of C. O. Herr, adjoining properties of ehn L. Miller, C ( Herr and A. : Kepler, to te Kether with sewer, yard and alley rlKbU, etc Hale te commence at 7 i clock p. in of said day. when attendance will be glveu and terms made known by AI.IIKIlT II KKKAIII, lOll.V II KltKADV, IIKMn C KUEA1IV, Exeucteis el Jacob c K ready, decea-sed. Saxi il Hus, Am tleneer, n.'iml PuiiMc hai.k ei' di:siu.uTlT: city PUOPEltTY On WEDiiasesv. DirxiiBER 1, ISmI, At the Leepard hotel. East hlUKStrutt, Lancas ter. Ne 1 Let of Ground, 1 feet Inchen In front en cast side of North Duke street, by 215 feet lu depth te cherry alley, en which 11 fronts 18 feeL mere ir less, with the Two-tery IlltICK DWELLING. Ne 111 North Kuke street, with Hrtck Rick llulldluir, containing nine rooms, with rain cistern, ri5lrant, halb and water closet The property Is In geed condition ; open le view. Ne i. The let of ground en thu southeast side of Middle street, between Lime and Shlnpen streets, en which Is a double two-story IlltICK DWELLING, with Hack llutldlngs te each. Ne, island 111 Middle street Let is U fi-et front en Middle street, and extending In depth 1 13 lee 1 6 Inches. Hale te commence at 7 o'clock p in Terms cash April 1, lssr. J AM Kill LACK. Executer of Jehn Muck. IIskbt bliCBElrr, Auctioneer n 10, 13,17.30 ,2l,?3,i,I7, J3 S d 1 POHITIVK I'l'IIMU HALi: OK AVAIi L'AHLK IIUS1NESS PltOPEItlY. On Tuksdat, Dei euiieii 7,11. At the LanciLster County Heuse, East King street, Luncister City, I'a., the undersigned ad mlnlstratorefthu eslaln of the lain David K ti ll ncr, deceased, will sell the following valuable Ileal Estate, viz A Let of Ground fronting en East King street, 31 feet, bi Inches, mere or less, and extending In depth in feet, mom or less, le u II feet wide alley, bounded en the east by property of Lit ward Wiley, known ua the Lancaster county Heuse, en the west by propertyof Dr II 11. Parry, druggist, south by Last King street and north by Grant street. The Improvement thereon are a Deuble Frent Twe story lllUl K SIOHK JIUILDING, new occupied by stores , containing lour rooms en second lloer, and hav ing a plastered attle with four rooms t the back, bulldlug U two story brick, containing six rooms, the kitchen having three large Iren ket tlea walled In for butchering purposes. Thern Is also a large Frame Stable, uml part Prick and fiart Frame Slaughter Heuse at rear end of the et, fronting en the said hast Grunt street, The stable contains four stalls for horses, with lefts ler three or four tens nf hay, and same amount or straw, also granaries for IK.) bushels of grain, large lelt for storing six Blclghs, also shed room for six wagons, and cuttle pen for steers. The slaughter Heuse la supplied with hydrant water and has a large beam for hanging llve or six slaughtered steers. There Is ample seweragu en the premises, connected wllh thu ilwelllug anil slaughter house T here Is a well of never falling water with pump therein, ou the prem ises; also a cistern el fiem tilnote twelve hogs heads cap-iclty, T his property wag success! .illy run as a Hutch erlng stand for fifty jeurs. Persons deslilng te view the propetty can de seby calling at Nes. IIS and 111 East King street, at uny time prier te day of sale. sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, in., of sal day, when conditions will be made known by WILLIAM is.SHIUIv, Ulnar BuuBWtT, Administrator. Auctioneer, nevlO-UdTu ivuixaax. Tyj-AOHINKl.Y.ite ran STEAM HEATING Latest and Most luiprevw) INBINKS-Trwliei, PmUMi r SUlimrj. Mew or BeceuaHar.a BOHsKHa.WATFBTAHKB, BEI'AKATOHb. Macbism. or IIbfair Weu such a aone and kept In Machine Sheps, c-ill e 01 ADDIMt, Ezra F. Landis, WOItKS-687 NORTH CHEIWY 8TBBHT, LlKCABTEE l'A. n7tfi!4w fe $ f ? M