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'A ' TsWsss Wuki, in 3 61 5 se 6 60 110 IK 160 4 50 sen 7 0s 10 00 1100 18 00 00 229 100 8 60 SO) BOO 10 SO 18 60 IS 60 13 60! 17001 SUM 1800 30 01 14 00 2100 J7001 J2H) an ail 82 oe 38 oe M00 44 00 Sill. .;& dm Menth.... raaanui,. wee Months, K" JIM A "x Months.... BOO IS 00 6S OOj 85 00j ( The Weekly Intelligencer PUsVUSHtD EVERV I WEDNESDAY MOANNO, HAYai,ll.00OaSSIOirTHS. CtCIM Of 111, line,ApixiprrmMTO nuen Bima cr a jMMgreirDMc eucrrD fxem itt part et tbi (tat Aire oenmT. all aaorrjters imm wet i wnnin te thi waiti basest. Addr$$t ail httUrt and TtUfframt te, THH INTKLLiaBNOHR, Intelligences Itullalng, Lancaster, Pa. l)c Cattcoetcr JiUcIliQcncii; LANCASTER. NOVEMBER 30. 15. The Dance or the Itends. The Baltimore Sun, which is one of the journals that does net publish ns fact what it has net goal reason te believe te be fact, states upon what it declares te be undoubted nutherity, that the Baltimore t Ohie railroad direction recognizes " the claims of the public te have the advan tages of fair railroad competition," and " will keep its premises te them," te es tablish aline between Baltimore and Xew Yerk that will be as indeindent as its line between Washington and Baltimore.' Thcv believe that thev hav e a bindincr rnn. tract with the Beading company for the use of the Jersey Central and Beuiid Broek lines ; but it anything should bre.ik It, the Baltimore & Ohie company " will build an Independent line from Philadelphia te Staten Island," and will net "permit itself te be forced te use the tracks of the Penn sylvania railroad, known as the Central Railroads of Xew Jersey, between Phila delphia and Xew Yerk." That la a very specific and positive state ment which puts te sleep the statements of some of the Philadelphia journals that the Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohie had reached an understanding by wliich they would give each ether special accom modations and use each ethers tracks and divide traffic between them, and gen erally assume a Siamese twin relation of clese alliance for offense and de fense against the public. The state ment of the Baltimore Sun, while hardly mere specidc and positive than that of the ether journals who imagine these stories and swear te them, may be relied upon, as the Sun Indulges in no such capers. It is very comfortable te have a reliable newspaper printed in the neighborhood, te which recourse may I liad te knew what is te be believed ; for nowadays there Is such a reckless Hew of misstatement In the journals of the great cities as te be bewildering even te the reader experienced in the work of arresting the true from the false. And particularly in financial matters, where money may be made by fahe tales,are they current. Ter a long while we hae been entertained with stones of the magic work that is being done in reconciling the conflicting interests of the Beading, the Pennsylvania and the Baltimore & Ohie. The president of the reads have been reported in the most amic able relations, and Mr. Cerbm, the Xew Yerk injection into the Reading, has been the little magician who is doing the work. Quite possibly this amiability of outside behavior lias been brought about, but the Sim's announcement shows that, be far as the Baltimore & Ohie is concerned, its amiability will be made te consist with a severe carrying out et its plan te have a line of its own te Xew Yerk, and that it has net the slightest notion of being new or hereafter dependent upon the will of the Pennsylvania railroad forfaver or business. Experience very clearly teaches us that this means an active competition for trade at all times when it is important te the public interests te liave it. Just what role Beading is te play among these railroads is net yet cieir. The new managera of the property are tee busy taking in the shekels that have come from their profuse premises and mjstical ar rangements te let us clearly knew whether Reading Is te be an active competitor of the Pennsylvania or its sleeping part ner. The Heading property is new under the control of financial sharks whose appetlte will keep them stuff, ing and bleeding it in the most approved style of Wall and Third street art. They hive a subject with great resources that has steed a great deal of bad handling, w ith no stealing, and may hereafter stand a great deal of stealing without bad handling. Te this end it is likely te come. The public can make up Its mind that its new nurses will take all the cream off the baby's milk ; and iuat il wm ee pruuent net te believe in the prospect of an early dividend te the stock holders or an immediate leap of it3 stock taits par -value. Hank Nete Currenrj . Ur. Trenholm, the comptroller of the currency, concludes his annual report with some reflections uien the national banking system, which de net seem te lie very valu able, because while he thiuks them te be valuable Institutions he has no recom mendation te make as te hew they may be kept going when the supply of bends, en which their currency issue Is based, is with drawn, as it seen will be. He sajs that the stated objections te a national bank cur- rencrnrn Mint, that-tnbn i, ..i -. . .,, llJD Jlultt, el ueuia that might be issued directly upon the credit of the government; and that, fur thermore currency determined In volume by a defluite percentage upon deposited securities of high value can never pesu tbe flexibility and elasticity of velume which are the chief commercial advantages of a bank currency lu any form. Sir. Trenholm thinks that the national benis would hae no Inducement te re wain as national banks, if they did net this ha may be in trrer. There may l i. augment enough in the standing of the given ii uy its government supervlalnn that will make it advffi Ier bankers te appear clothed in the , s -Wris) - . UICT MM7 tare net tt prlvilegt et taulatt cur. waey ; which there seems te be no reason te itlTe them when iU only credit jm1 value comes from the government credit, tipdn which It may as well be directly based. It must be remembered tee that tlie government lias the pe"" te Impose restrictions upon banks of deposit and dis dis ceunt as well Its et circulation ; and that the Impositions of the national Kinking act can be retained w hile the currency privilege is taken nway. ieme iersens question whether the national government docs net lo-'e its Jurisdiction ever banks that are net currency makers, but this is hardly a sound jKWitlen. But If It be true it w ill net be difficult te meet it by the issue by the national banks of their notes secured by a deposit of an equal nmeunt of bullieu with the government. The notes isaiied by the United States are Kiml upon silver in its vaults, and if the banks want te enjoy the distinction of issuing paper currency they might be given it upon exchanging sliver coin for their notes. The government would have no greater burthen than it new lias in taking care of the coin in the vaults, nnd the banks would have no profit pave the honor and the satisfaction of the crinkling note Instead of the ringing coin. StxcKlMtJune PlttaburR ha added IMS buildings te wbat it bad bt fore. Tbe Smoky City Iias a perfect night te crew. m m Thk New Yerk World discusses Mr. nialne'a popularity with great care and con cludes Ith the folio Ing questions : "Dees It uet tend te prove that tbe average run of our people admire tbe man he 'standi by bis friends,' and expects Uiem te stand by him, lrre-pectl e et a few dubious doings and ways tba. are dark and tricks that are vain 7 Is there net a steed deal et very genuine admir ation current from tbe mighty sbarpebap who catches, reflects and champions that vague consensus known as publle sentiment 7" The Bfnrmatlve answer that both el these questions require must be promptly given, and it 1 Just this fact that makes Mr. lllalne the most daueereus man in American politics te-day; with far greater power for evil than Henry Oeerge or the socialists. TitERR are a geed many strong points in the report et Admiral Perter te the secretary of tbe nary, the tncHt prominent and strongly urged being that bearing en the ne ceslty of building vessels of great speed; but there is one ether point but lightly touched, which is of great importance, namely, the adTlsiblllty of equipping ships with full sail power. As tbe admiral forci bly says we cannot afford te rely only upon steam as England can, ler tbe sun never sets upon tbe coaling stations of that power. He recommends the building of 20 swift torpedo beats after plans by Krlcasen, of Monitor fame. Seme one bad better switch off tbe woman's rights movement Female drummers are no longer a curiosity. As might have been foretold with safety the building of the new war ships has been given te the lowest bidder, with the excep. tien of cruiser Ne. 1, which was leund te be mere ceatly than the highest estimate fixed by Cengresi When the bids en this last ves. sel were offered, the ship-builders well knew that they were higher than tne amount fixed and would have te be refused, yet they made no concession. This shows that they had no hope of imposing peer material en the gov ernment, and Is themo9tferclblecompllment that could have been given te the integrity of the secretary and his stall. If the builders were reasonably sure that the appropriation would be Increased by Congress and come back for the iowest bidder, these facts would net be se significant, but there is a chance tbat the government will be authorized te build the vessel at one of the navy yards. Mn. Stanley, who has Just arrived in New Yerk, rinds a small newspaper war en his hands, his assailant being Colonel Cballle Leng. The author of ' Through the Dark Continent "was areued by tbe news tbat Colonel Leng had publicly denounced him for inducing missionaries te visit the country where se many of them have died, and that he was accused of an overpowering ambition. In reply Mr. Stanley attributes the at'ack te Leng's envy and m&llce aroused by the proof given by Stanley that a lake discovered by Leng was only an arm of a larger lake. Colonel Leng answers that se far from being angered by Stanley's success &i an explorer he had eulogized him in many speeiiies, but that he had seen found him out Just as the King of Belgium has mere recently. He laughs as Stanley's d!very of Livingstone as e grand specimen et sell glorification, 700 pages of a book being tak en te describe the discovery of a man who was net lest He Bneers at Stanley's discovery of a white race in Africa, which turned out te be founded en one Albine boy, and be denies him the credit of the discovery of the source of the Nile, which he says belongs te Speke. The report et the United States commis sioner te the Conge has already thrown dis credit en Stanley's story of the Conge, and unless he makes a better answer te Colonel Leng's criticism hl countrymen will net be half se proud of their great explorer. All that he had te Bay when confronted with Leng's remarks was that he differed from him In his estimate of the people of Central Africa, and that he could net Imagine what he had said or done te give ctlense. He speaks contemptuously of Cel. Leng as one el Gorden'ri lleuteusntH, and seems te think that he Is tee big a deg te be disturbed by the barking of se small aa animal. Glen Koce's bank officials struck a finan cial boulder that seems te have wrecked them. Tun first case of violation or the oleomar garine law came up in the Washington police court en Monday. The Ilev. Pajten ilarri ilarri sen, a colored gentleman of Virginia, was dltcevered offering butter for tale In tbe market. At iea.it he said It was butter and of course a reverend Virginia gentleman could uei wu a ne. ue Mid tbat he was a mission missien mission aryenhis way te Pennsylvania. He was te be married w hen he reached this land of geed butter and had bought the article which get him Inte trouble, In order that his sister might inakea wedding cake thereof. Rut the slater said the butter was old and the reverend Virginia missionary gentleman with matrimonial Intentlons,e far forget the dignity of his position as te offer the bad butter for tale en market, of course without proclaiming IU peer quality. Just hew tbi, butter was proved te be oleomargarine is net stated and Is hard te guess, sa scientists con cede that analysis is net always reliable in the matter. Hut w bat might have developed Inte an Interesting test case was cut short by the decisleu of the court that the law requires sale te be made and does net take coKnizance of eilers te sell. He the missionary who slipped en (-emetblng oleaBineus and dis turlMHi the majesty of the bogus butler law will shortly arrive In the wilds of Pennsyl v aula without his wedding cake. The New Yerk Herald is authority for the statement that the price of bituminous coal is te be advanced from twenty five te thirty per cent. It is said that the soft coal business Is no under tbe control et two syn dicates known as the Ohie peel and the Iluf Iluf fale peel which have agreed te make the pricecfcoaltekulttheiuselven. The ilufiale peel consists of three railroads which control the eutlre business through freight raUs They uit) the Rochester ,fc Pittsburg, the Ilullale, New Yerk it Philadelphia, and the Krle railroad. It is said they will very seen adyancn the price thirty emits a ten, and lollew that befere January by a seoeud ad ad ad vanteotUke amount Tm MHM ted Ml et tte fc" eMeytaMln(fefaMTyaewawftrd push by the Coleridge and Campbell trials. Betwkk IdleU Jumping off brldgea and riding through rapid s In barrel, It Is llttle wonder that the present generation Is becom ing bald-headed. PERSONAL. Kneunt: Is going te rite n book about the West lndle Mav en Wilsen's funeral In Harrlsburg, will take place nt ...W l m. en Wednesday. Mns. Meiujav, of New Yerk, has Just pur chased a H,0iM seal skin Moque. H. A. Hentu:, a crank, has txxm annoying Mrs. Uarlleld at her Menter, Ohie, home by letters and visits. He has been put In the county peer home. Mr. W. L. HriMNtiKn, formerly et Car. lisle. Is new agent ter the western division of the Monarch Parler Metplug Cat cenipauy of Kvansvllle, ludlann. II. Ik Snot-H.ef the Harrlsburg rrteqram, ha received as a present from Mr tieergu McKentle, et the Marr opera cenipauy, n beautiful siUer-headedeaue. Knnn Tt CKElt, a farmer, aged 38 years, was drowned by the capslnug of his beat while aiding In the rescue of a shlp-w recked crew ou Lske Ontario, near Point i'entusula. OKOrtOi; A. Ali.kn, of Krle, has been appointed I nlled States district attorney, vice William A. Stene, removed foretton. slve partisanship. Mr. Allen has been Hen. W. L. Scott's attorney for many years. ADAM DnEtnAcn. a well known railroad contractor, died suddenly In Rloetnsburg, Pa., Monday morning, sued 01 years. He was the builder of the greater portion of the Round Rroek railroad, In New Jersey, and most et the extension of the Delaware ,t Hudsen rixJ te Lake Champlaln. WAYSIDE GLANCES. The acts and words of Senater Hiddleber ger, of Virginia, assume an Importance whlcfi they de net lntrlulcally possess vrbeu the narrow margin by which the Republicans held thoSeuate Is considered. Hit paper, the Sheuaudeah JferiUU la Its last issue has a most friendly editorial ou Presi dent Cleveland that is attracting much attention. He says " The president's course, or policy, as tt is sometimes called, has unquestionably opened the way in the seum te cauuiu uicusmeu or ruuiu meu, and te a higher plane of political thought than tbat resting upon mere jrsenaliUes and prejudices. Fer that result, at least, the presldeut,whether a conscious or uucensci us agent is te be greatly commended, or, per haps, It w ere mere accurately stated that the fruits of tfie policy were much ueeded.-' This seems te Indicate pretty cleaily tbat Mr. Hlddleberger for the balance of his senatorial term will be tied te the Republi can party by a rope of sand. It is amusing te note the warmth with which the verhart men have begun the canvasaef Congress of two years hence against the Darlington forces. They de net propose te bury the hatchet for n minute agtlnst the successful competitor In the recent Congres sional contest In an elaborate address te the Republican voters of the Sixth district Issued by the Everhart forces, It Is declared that two years ageKverhart defeated Heckel. Democrat. by 7,04.: and had a majority ever all of 6, lij, being upwards of 00 per cent or the whole vote cast At the recent election Mr. Dar lington's vote was 11,-11, Mr. Dickinsen's was 10,520, Mr. Kverhart's was 4,9f5 and Mr. Marshall's was L222, tfiaMnc Mr. Darlington a minority representative, with only about 41 per cent of the whole number of votes polled ln.the district As long as a plurality elects, thoughts such as these 'will net reuse Mr. Darlington te lie awake nights. .. The Pittsburg .Tdj' is anxious te see Chris Magee come out for mayor of tbe Smoky City Instead of putting his minions Inte the office, using them as puppets and then shoul dering upon them the responsibility it all gees net welL This situation is se delightful te Mr. Magee that It Is net te be wondered at that he does net desire a change. The won der is that the people stand it This card was received at the Intelli Intelli eenceh office this morning . ' A young and energetic Journalist with some means, is of fered an interest in an established, legiti mate and profitable newspaper, published In Philadelphia." A man may have youth, energy and means, and yet lack the essential qualities of a JeurnallHt He must have brains and plenty et them. He must be ready te de twenty-four hours' work in twelve, be an encyclepaedia or Information, and be as well acquainted with the science of pugilism as thai of political economy. If be has all these attributes and has besides the capacity te work like a pack-horse, he will be suited te newspapr life. If net thus equipped, he will find it easier te break stones en a highway than te be a newspaper man. Deservedly popular We mean l)r Ball's CeuKh syrnp for It etver falls te cure it cough. Only 23cnu Don't take It ' If a Jealer offers yen a bottle of Salvation Oil without label, or wrappers, In slit upon (renin a perfect, unbroken pickaxe. Price a cents. With teeth all stained, and loeie, 1 thought That nothing could be btgrftd or bought Te cure them, and I cried. In pain, O, would thit they were geed atain ' At last let song of prale go round, A eure InSOZOIJO.NT 1 found M IRACLES OK RELIEF. ST. JACOBS OIL 10U JJEUKALQ1A MIRACLES OF RELIEF. defrered Fearfullj and Cared Mr. Jerry P Themas, President or the Gourd Club, Central Park Hetel, fisth street and7lhavenue,.Sew lerlr, writes "Last summer I urrared fearfully with neuralgia andceuld net get any rest, night or day I tried St. Jacobs ou and obtained the first night's real in weeks and was cured. ' Suffered 10 Years and Cured. , . , l'ottatewn, Pa. I have been a snfferer from neuralgia for ten years; tried all kinds of remedies with, out relief, and had given up all hope I tried a bottle of St. Jacob OU, and It bin effected such wendcrtul relief, 1 recommend It te all. UIA3 LAW, Jr, Haffered S ears and Cured. . ... . . Iloensvlllo. Me irem neuralgia and nervous pain In my head. Itanected .my face and ejes se that at times 1 was unable te attend toanynerk. I pro cured a bei tie of at. Jacobs oil at ones, and ?.Lr lb.B,fl,r"i application te the affeettd V? J..!0.1..1 1'i'tant relief 1 consider 8t Jacobs Oil the best remedy for Instantaneous -iiieL0' ?rveu' and neuralgic pains, and wm hereafter never be without il II. U. CI.ABK. Suffered Several Vrara nod Cared. ,..M" Mary K Sbetd, 1110 Maryland avenne. Washington. D c, states that for several years she had suffernd terribly with facial neuralKlaand could And no relief. In a le c,in.L5ll.ac!J' lhe Paln was Intense she re solved te try st Jacobs Oil llubbinifthe parts affected three times only, all pain van Ishcd, and hag uet returned. The ClIAULKa A. VOQELEU CO ,-JJaltltnere. Uk4. Red Star Cough Cure. rKE 1TUOM OPIATES A.VD I'OISONB SAFE. 8UUE. 1'ItOMlT. 25 GENTS. ATDnUOGlBTbAND DEALEKS. THECHAHLE3 A. VOdELElt CO , Ealtimere, Md ' WIKJCH AN It LIDUOUH. J -GO TO- 29 Reigart's Old Wine Stere lleldsleck, n brands idelm, hherry Ulrmt.. ' ""'"' beleAirent for Special Great Western Cham. UnitiSstetil Atuurtcan Champagne 1 hS AJSf,'J?-H?'!P" w'"-he finest In the market A tnUilneef lirundj, Whliky, Ulns and ituins. fa'?v:iaretuna WhitaWlne, et Maj a Val H. E. S lay maker, aew Ne. SS EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER. TA MMBtCAA. A YKR'S P11.I.S. A Sluggish Liver Cants the 8tems.cn ami Hewell te heroine dis ordered, nnd Uie whole system tnaniTer trem debility. In all such cases Ajer's l'llla go prompt relief, Alter much snfferttiR from Liver and Stemncli troubles, 1 hare finally been cured by takln Ayer's Oathartte rills. I iitwajs nnd them prompt and thenuiKh lit their nctuin, and their occasional tue keeps Hie In a vorlcetly healths condition llaliih Weeinsn, mianeltt. Mil Tsiouly.fHevearsKjrn 1 Mttretvd from a torpid liver, which was t, lin-d In healthy action bv taking Aver'a l'l , ttnee that time lhave never been without the m lhej tviiiitate the tmwels, assist dlirtstlen and Increase theappetlli'.metv surely than anv ihei medicine, Paul Churctitll, llavct hill, Mass INVIGORATED. 1 knew of no remedy neus! te Aver' Ills ler Stomach and Liver disorders I suffered trem n Torpid Liver, and Pvspepsla, for eluhteett months, viy skin was ellew, and mv uinguu eentsd. 1 hail no anpetlie. surrertd from Head, ache, was pale and emaciated A feu betes et Ajer's PHI, tak, u 'n tin lerale doses, rvstertil me te perleci nath Walde Miles, Oberlln, Ohie. Aycr's rills tf a superior family medicine They atrenKthtn ud (uvtuorate the digestive organs cream an a ivtlte, and remove the her rtble depression and despondency Tvsulltiix from Liver Complaint 1 have used these l'llla. In iny larally, t r ears, and they never fall te S -- . " s .... t!4 .i. Atisin 114 nisi sir-is Ki'e iMiurn eausim uwu.-vm. .uvuim-muij, Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Vr. J C. Ayer . Ce.. Lewell, Mass. Sold by all PrugRlsU and Pealers In Medi cine, nevlfi dl F lOIt THK PLOOP. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! Ceuibtiitnit li quickly and c n 1 r i-e i-ettiie Tonics, . t eausfs and Kurlches . th, Action of the l.trir ami i at. iiioeu. un htdncys. Cleais iHe i omnleiton, iuvVm the headache erpr -it i iwlpatlen ALl.erilElt MKUICI-Nhs 1i Physicians and I'niM-tsts Every here llecem. uiend it. Da.N.8 KcanLKs. of Vlarlen. Vlas , says 1 recommend liiewu In'n Hitters as a valuablii tonle forenrlcM ik-the bleed, and trmev inp all dyspeptic syuipten.s. It does net hurt the teeth.'' Dk.lt, M. Pent l. Kev-nnlds. Ind, .vys I have prescribed rtrew n s Iren Hitters In cases e( anteruta and b. ed dia9r, also when a tonic was needed, and it b-ia proved thoroughly satis factory." Ms. VVjj. Bvrss, Se a -t. Mary street, New-Orleans, La , says lirew n s Iren Hitters relieved tne in a case of ti'.vO .enlnc and I heartily recoruinend It te thuw needlnR a bleed purl Oer." The genuine hits Tr ule Mark and crossed red lines en wrappi r Take e ether. Made only by Dl-.UWN tULMICAL CO., () ItalUmere, Md. TORN iiKMOVKK. YIGTOKIA COHX KEMOYEK. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sela by Gee. W. Hull, Ch&s. A Lecher, Jehn It. hautrtnan. Dr. Wm. Werm ley, AnCLG. .rrcv, Chaj J.8hnlmyer,anaat UKCllTOLO'3 DUUU BTOUK. aeclMya sa4.il weat Oran.re St. TsT C. SAP!'. 1- IL ROTE. FURNITURE ! Ter the BEST nvH., MSS n lUUMTL'ItE of ALL hl.SOs, go te the NEW FURNITUIIE STORE, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Sts. We are selling for a short time, at ASTONISH I.fG LOW 1' KILE'S, tiesant Walnut l'-ed-Uoem Suite, Marble Tep, IAVOj fine Haircloth Par Par eor Butte, CStM tleant Lounge, 17 Out and Other goods at the same Lew Prices nv-ltnd -giDRNITCRK WAREROOMS. BOY lOL USELr A PAIR Or THOSE Eelding Dress Pillows. CALL BAKLY AT Hoffmeier's Farnilnre Warerooms. They are the ntvst thin out and we have lust received another 101 of them. QO EAST KINO STREET. T ATESTDKslO.NS AND FINISH. AT WIDMYER'S let WILL UNI) A Large ad Well Selected Stock FURNITURE IV ALL THE Latest Styles and Einish. sWCALL A.VD EXAMINE.-, WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner East King and Duke Sta., LANCASTKH, Pa, aept6-lyq pEINlTSH'S I L RNITLRE DllVOT. Only 24 Days Mere Until CHRISTMAS. And we ate Heady te Shew as Fine and Large an Assortment of FURNITURE IS ALL LI.NES, A8HASEVKU I1EK.V SHOW.V I.V THE CITY. Thegoedaof today are se pretty and attractive that It Is hard te Iteslst ilny Ing fcemetWnlr In Our Line for B """"' CHRISTMAS. We want you one and all te feel perfectly free te come every day If you desire, and lrilt at whattsbelns put en the floors new and attrac tive, and you will net be unred te buy. Yeu would be surprised te learn hew many are deln j this each week We have already set aside a great many pres ents for DKCEMllKll n, butiwe can still keep a great many mere secrets -AT- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NOB. 27 Ss 20 EOTJTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER FA. r v Jivl WuiiUKH trBUXOON. J MlDIl, HAS TUB COLO WKAtllKtl UK MINDK1) iOU THAT 10U WILL WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? ir SO, VVK AUK JUST IN TIMS K1T1IKH1M KKADY-MAUB OH MAUK TO OllUKIl. VVK AUK UlVtNll K. CKLLK.VT IIUALITT AT LOW PH1CBS. IT VV ILL PAY YOU TO CALL A.N I) KX AMINE OUK STOCK, BEreitK PUIt CHAS1NO &LSKWHKUK. WR AHK POSITIVE WK CAN PLKASK YOU. BUEGER & SUTTOI, Merchant Tiilers ud Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. OVERCOATS SOW THAT THE COLD WEATHEll H.1S COME IT WILL PAT YOU 10 INSPECT OUH STOCK or OVERCOATS. We knew thete Is NO ASSORTMENT LIKE IT IN LA.NCAS1EH, AM SURELY, NO 81 1 II LOW PRICES I The make et ear CLOTHINO all through IU acknowledged te be be the UEST. It Is a com men thing te have customers te tell ui they can setbettei value here than anywhere else, and that they have less mending en our Clethes than any they can buy. -5EEOl.'ll STOCK AND PHICES.-VJ lyers & RatMra POPl'LAll CLOTUIEIIS. NO. 12 EAST KINO 8TREET, LANCASTER, PA. L. OANSMAN A BRO. L. Gansman & Bre., tOIt. N. (Jl'KKN A. UKAXiK STS. A Point for Consideration. It la an easy matter for you te solve the ques Hen, " vv hy we de such an enormous business " We warrant all our garments sell nethlnic but reliable qualities of Reeds no misrepresenta tion, save you fully 33 per cent, ea all Clothing bought at our store. REDUCED PRICE LIST OK OV EHLOAT3 tl () Buys a Man's Overcoat. n 50 lluys a Man's Union Heaver Overcoat. M U) lluys a Man's storm Overcoat. te 30 lluys a Man a rur Heaver overcoat. tH.00 lluys a Man's Chinchilla Overcoat ri ) lluys a Man's f Ine W ersted overcoat. 110 0) lluys a Man's Kersey Beaver Overcoat. (12 te Uuys a Man's SUk-raced Melten Over coat. 113.00 Bays a Man's Finest llumba Ucavcr Over coat. ikiys' OverceaU at 11.10, 11.75, 1130, IWU,( 50, U te. up te no w. children's Overcoats from II 2S and upwards. - Don't miss the present opportunity te buy geed and well made clothing at such a sacrifice. L. GANSMAN & BRO., M ERCH ANT TAILORS, UANUrACTURKUS Or MEN'S HOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINO, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN BT., (Right en the Southwest Cor.ef Orange St.) LANCASTER, I'A. sWNet connected with any ether clothing house In the city. T B. MARTIN, WBOLasAll AMD asTllL D1ALIB la All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL sssrYaae: Ne. IX North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lvd TDAOMQAKDNERH dt JEKKKKIEfl. GOAL DEALERS. rftrMtr Qneen tt,.naa YAEDa : North rrlnce street, near Reading Depot. LANCASTER, PA. angl5-Ud pEMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Offlce te Ne. 1H NORTH QUEEN STREET (llriminer's New Uulldlng), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, VTIOUUU ABD , KIT AIL. ttS-tfd M. V. B. COHO. C1AHT END YARD. O.J.SWR&00. GOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Offlce : Ne. CENTRE SOUAHK. Heth yard and office connected with Telophena Ezchaoge aprlS-lydMAr.R MARKLEY'H NEW IiHANDa "PAXY" "I1.. "J1 ftree " ero the popular cent Cigars at Hotels and Haloens. Try them. MAHKLEY'S " Yellow rrent," ... , . Ne.21 North Queen street. (I ermerly llartman's.) "WORKINGMEN AND OTHEHH IN Want of Substantial Working Pants, Ovaralls, Knit Jackets, meuses, Vests, Under ana Overshlru, n loves, Mlts, New styles of Susnenders, New Patent Hese In all sizes and quality, from the common five pairs for a quar. te the rinest Camel's Hair, tAll-Woel knd! Me Me rieo. Late styles of Neckwear, Silk Handker chiefs and Mufflers very cheap, and Notions sulted for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, at HECHTOLD-8 CHEAP CA8U STORE. Ne.i North Queen St., near PostefBoc -wSVsi v 3r -.Pte tiiir QALL AND 8KB -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP, 8lty CancUe-I.lBht i Heats them all. Anether Let of CIIKAP (ll.tlllKS fei (las and OU Move. THE " PEIIFEOTION " Mt.l'Al MOUL1HNU AND ItUUHKK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP ltals them all. This strip outwears alletlmrs. Keeps nut the told Step rattling or windows. Encludnthndiist. hesipeiit snow and rain. Any one ran apply It no waste or dirt madetn sp jil) Iiik II. Can l tilted nnv wlierti-iiu holes te lieii, iivtuly for tise It will tint spill, warp or shrink it custilnn stHp Is the most perlecl At the bteve, Healer and ItanituSleru or Jehii P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. 500 500 Cook- and Parler Steves. MI'S I' HE SOLD HKUARDLESSOr PRICK TO MAKE ROOM roll Christmas Goods I We am new gelling thteugti with our great rush and w 111 be able te push our Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MORE PROMPTLY. FL1NN & BRENEHAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. TITM. A. KIEKKKH. AhDUH O. UEUR KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Streot, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invlte'aU Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their stock of Heuseftiiiiisliiiig (reeds. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK BTOV ES and ItANUKi, PARLOR STOVES, 'HEATERS ana rURNACES. SUiMEll COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits .of all offered te the trade, we havu selected TFB "ARGANiV rcr UASOL1NE, and THE ' DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Rest, when all points are considered, te offer te our patrons. Call and se us. We leve te show our goods, and am net offended If you de net purchase. Remember, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Mannfactnrwlby ruller A Warren Company, Trey, N. Y., which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the time te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEUEMUEU THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE ) attS-uajsw IIUUKB. A TTHNTION ' ATTENTION ! AHT POTTERY I G. L FON DERSMITE, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND ART DEALER. Ne. 48 East King Btroet, LANCASTER, PA. Fall & Holiday Goods, ROVAL WORCESTER, HU.SOAIAN, OLD AAM ItKT IVORY, LACE WOK PEACHI1LOW V ABES, CAMEO OLAHS, FLEM ISH, TERRA COTTA and DOULTON WARE, and a Large Assortment of ARTISTIC NOVELTIES rer Wedding and Holiday tilfls. aag28-Ud uuuoeii supi'LiKa. JOM BAEE'S SOIS, Nca. 15 and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTER, PA., Oner, Wholesalo and Retail, at Lew Prlecs SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY. Old Readers Uxohanged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid Stating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks of All Kinds, Writing Inks, Steel Pens, Slates Noiseless Slates, Slate Pencils, Drawing Pen cils. Composition Heeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the line el Scheel Stationery, SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. WA.Ua fJLfMU. -flT-AlLi PAPER, ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, The lime of high prices for Inferior grades of Wall Papers is a thing et the past. Elegant WallPaperand Wludew Shades at lowest mar. ketprlcus. We havu In stock the finest us well as the cheapest Paper made. If you Intend papering your hense ceme und leek at ourgeods und our prices will surprise you. All kinds or Window Shades ready-made and made te order. We have un elegant line of Cur tains In heavy and light weight. Poles, Chains, Heeks, Pins, Vestibule Heds, Stair Reds and everything belonging te a first class l'uiwr and Shade Heuse sr Examine our goods and com pare prices. ALFRED SIEBER, 134 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTER, PA; .swtttwsaafrfcsjNQMVeiw ajir . T" OOK AT THK BILK HANDKERCHIEF -AT TIIS North End Dry Goods Stori inn ijinlrs' Blin In W hlte Hemstitched for is very cneap, J. IT, HYHNB. nevMya Ne. Ml North liiinen itrMil TJNDKKWKAKI UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR WATT & SHAN 0, 8 and 10 East King Street, Am new showing everything dmlralile ter LW lls ilMllllLlSIAS. II....- .. u.. t 1 Fall & Winter TJnderweaj AT POPULAR PRICKS. LADIES' UEIIINO UNDERWEAR, i'e . J7W ,1' IIII.I fj Ladlea's W lilte All. Weel t'nderwear, 7VJ..I1,' VI. IS RI1U ,t.CU, LADIES' CASHMERE UNDEUVTE Alt, ll.Mi Each. (I ENTS' WHITE AND UHET 1INDERWEA ec, lie, J7HC, )c, and 73c OENTS UKK WOOL I'NDEUWEAR, 73c. and II U) Each. UenU' Scarlet Weel Underwear, tlc- 75e., II H.'Sandliae Eaeb. Uents' Flne Caabmem Underwear, ll Each. Ladles' and Hentlmnen'a RRUULAR-MAti unuaiiniMi at very Lew Prices. Heys', all.sm' and Children's MERINO A Al.l. WOOL IINIIKI1VVKAI1 In Alt Slies aud many Qualities, at mederal ricsjs, AT THK New Yerk Sterej "lOMrAKtS I'UIUIIH. Stanun Bres. & Ce os. 'JU and H8 urlli nucen St , ARE OrrERlNQ Ladies' Coats, Jackets and Wrap r- Extraordinary Lew Prices, LADIES' 1IOUCLE JACKETS, j 3 Each. LADIES' NEWMARKETS. Full Lensth. I'm lectrittlng, II te Each. ; LADIES' BERLIN TWILL NEWSIARKEr Vm Lach, Extnt rinn. "EXTRA LOW PRICES i ! CHILDREN'S COATS, 73c, 11.00, II !, IU 11.73, KM and up. , SEAL PLl'SIt COATS AND WRArS at Prlc that ate Sure te Please, I Hosiery, Gloves & Underweai We ftsftl cenfl ilnn t thuL nur itnck nt flrwaUt-i GleTftn &nd UuderweAr 1 m coraplete u any i Prices Always the Lewest, -AT THE I BOSTON STOREi Noe. 20 ib 20 North Queen Bt. Mr Commencing MONDAY, NOVEMIIKR2 our sterawlU lie OPEN E EllY EVENI.NU. J B. MAUTIN it DO. s TO MAKE ROOM -reu erit HOLIDAY GOODS WE MAKE A REDUCTION Or; 25 PER CENT. -ON- Ladies' Wraps, LADIES' NEWMAEKET8. LADIES' JACKETS, Ladies' Seal Flush Goats, -AND- Children's Eewmarkets, CHILDREN '8 OOATS. J. B. Marl k Ce, Cor. West King &;Prince Bt&, (opposite steyens Heuse.) LANCABtek. pa. HAVANA OIQAKH MAKKLBYH new brands, " Anierlta " and "Uone Sold clear Havana Cigars are tbe boss 6c and 10c ClKar In the market. Try them. MAUKLEJ'S. yellow rrent," Kail North Queen Street (Formerly llartman's) EVAN'S FI.OUK If you want a Ooed Heur that will always 'rv aiuusiuvtVlJi UDV LEVAN'S T.he.M0fct Uniform nna lleHable GcxXU of the MAM A4 wv uiAiBVL, miimm