Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 27, 1886, Image 1

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rl rilBMTHItl 1147' IAXIHTKU II. ill
r.,,luKl I l lilt ititn.iiti).
sketili til n Member uf n family el Itallrea I
Contractors Who Have Men. Vt'oudreti
Merk lliltinlr Time ItrialllUK Ilia
Olil ll.y. nf KMltrii.fl Hull. line
Lancaster has Ter inore Mian half a century
lieen notable for the railroad contractors who
hae lived within its bordeis. In our quiet
Inland city hav u resided and mev est home of
tlie liien wlie have had no miH)flerH In tlie
country In tlie IiuIUIIdk of railroads. MeHt
nf these men were et I rlh origin ami the
ciuses tliat Induced ttium te anchor lieru are
Interesting te nete. In tlie building of the
Tlile water canal and tlm Old Mlate ml,
Lancaster Isvaine tlie headquarters of the on en on
glneorn of these rencerns, mid tlie contrac
tor wero drawn te I.uiKasterttisiviirlug their
supplies aud entlmntes. The line farms nml
cheap market, had great attractions for tlietn,
and It was net strange that thev resolved te
permanently locate In this litml Hening with
milk anil honey. 'I'll in It has luppmied that
ihiwe hardy Immigrant, planted a stock In
laiicnster which has been forcelul In tlie
direction of it, material dsvolepmout
.xir n.ts Lancaster lest its proslice as n rail
road contractors' centre. Tlie Malounsare
building tlie Market street brldge In I'hlla
dolphin. Tlie Stew arts li i e a great contract
forrallreal work In Wisconsin. Keller .V
lliisb,bwldes their large Pennsylvania work,
hae vast Interests In new reads In tlie Wast.
Michael Hellly and Patrl'iu McManus,
have large contracts near Pettsvllln. The
Mrdeverns A ritpatrlck but recently desisl
their work en Itui Smith I'enn: J." II A T.
W.Hellly are doing larOwerk In Kentucky,
and the mngultude of the work of II. J.
McOrauu en the Pittsburg A l.ske Krle read
is Mill the Mibjeet of litigation. The bio
graphical sketch In the Is i i:i.i i:u
gallery te-day deals with Hlchard J. .Mdirinn,
atiother of the list el contractors who have
i-.trrled the naine and f.iinu el l.iucaster
Of A II UtI'V MTtll K.
Mr. Mcirann la ene et that hardy Irish
stock that, emanating originally from the
County Cavan, Ireland, carved fortune out
of adversity In the land of the !ni. JIN
father, Jehn Mcdrann, was a man of strong
Individuality, and his uncle, Hlchard Mc
Urann, father of 11. J. MiOranu, iwsesed
tbe saine rugged earnestness of pureaeaud
beldiuss of action that luade them sue-eKid
111 every undertaking they attempted. Theso
brothers came te America when this century
was net yet twenty years old. They had
nothing but undaunted spirits te mart wliti,
butbofero leek' they hail built up reputa
tions ler sterling Integtlty and at the Mine
time amassed fortunes which euablisl their
sons te begin ll'e under fur mete f.ivor f.iver f.ivor
ble auspli os than had their lathers Iwfore
Touniimerntn all the public works with
which thexe men were associated would till
mere than the apace allotted te this fkeU'h.
They were outfaced en the Old State read I)
tswn 1iiic.ister and I'lilladelphla, lehit;h
cnal, lUrltan and Union canaln, the Wei
land canal, the North I'enusylaniareatl, the
l.elilgh and .Susij lehanua, the I'hcstnut
street brldKO, Philadelphia, and many ether
oeustructlous of equal lmKirtance.
It la n curious lai t thai no many prominent
Irishmen nf the stale nmde llcitcli Laiicaster
their home. When the Krcal In II i) x el I rl-.
emigration (Miured Inte liiuerne, Sctiujlkill
and adjacent counties, these pioneer Irish
men drifted te"aiter and H'sin by their
uatural talents Ihiiiiiie prominent I in ores In
the community. The father of the tuihject or
our sketch was of Ihla croup k.s was hlsiiucle
alxive alludid te. Patrick McKvey was
auother of theni, his reputation as
a railroad contractor belUK national.
Ills name survive in a thoughtful public
charity, the Duchanan, McKey, Kovnelds
ltellef 1'uud for purchasing ctal tordeserv terdeserv
iui; widows. .lames l'urcell mid Michael
Malone were ethers of the noted group, and
the list includes James Malone, lather of
KIcliard A. Malone, Jehn Mc(ioern, father
of Cel. Kdward Mc(ieern, Michael Itirry,
Jehn and Andrew Kellly, llernard Klynn,
William M. Wlley anil the latu Jehn H. Mo Me Mo
lieveru. Of these all but Jauiea Malone
hae Iwen gathereil te thelr lathers.
mi.m;ti:ii as a (.i.i.ltu.
K. J. McOranu was born In New Yerk city
in IsOT. Ills father, Jehn McUrann, camu te
tills country In ls'J, behiK uncajOtl with
ethers In thoeonatruutlonof thul'lilladelpbla
A KeadliiK railroad from 1M0 te 16 IX ile re ro re
neted te Lancaster, purchased a farm which
lay partly in this city, and took possession of
It In lbll. Ilia son, the subject et this sketch,
went te school In Lancaster until he was iif iif iif
toen yeara old, wheu he was hunt te Km
mlttaburg, Md., te completo his oducatlen.
He lelt school In 1H55, and In the fel.
lowing year went with his undo Hlchard
McOranu and hoiiie partnera, who had n
contract te build n part of the N'orthern
reuusylvaula railroad yeuni; Hlchard nct
ing as storekeeper and dork uulll the read
was cempleted nbeut 1SS7. lu 1S.VJ ifl, the
Hsine parllea built the Mlllperl and Ktras.
I)iir turnplkn read. In ISM) Hlchard Mc
(Iraun, Jehn Hellly and Jehn McOovern, el
Overton, l'a., took the contract te completo the
Downlngtewn it Wayneshuri; railroad and
H. J. .Mcdrann had an Interest lu It. In lSill
Jehn Mcfieveru and H. J, McOranu went te
New Castle, I.nwrence county, and under
the contract naine of Met; rami, Kellly A Ce,,
built the New Castle A Heaver Valley rail
road. Jehn Mcdrann retired from the firm
in lb55 and died lu lsti'.i.
Alter the completion of this work in iMiiS,
the Hatne imrtlcH, under the s.ime llrm name,
went te Wllkesbarre, huzurue county, and
built the heavk'Ht portion of " the Hack
read," Irem the top of tlie mountain down
te the Wyoming valley. Previous te that
time there was neway el Retting Inte or nut
of Wllkosbarre except by the Inclined pianos
men in use. inisreau was uuui uy me old
Lehigh Valley company.
After the completion of tlie work in the
vicinity the llrm was continually engaged
for three and n hall j ears by the mhie com.
piny In remedelling the planes and en the
new line of railroad bcliw'eu White Hacit
and Maiich Chunk.
All this tliuu Jehn Modevornand K. J.
McOranu ojairated lu thla auction of the
state, whlle the ether moiuberH of the llrm
were ongaged in building the Chestnut
alrict bridge, I'hlladelphla, about lsiW-J.
Later liny built ler the liehlgh Navigation
company two large brldgea, oneucress the
Dolaware rlver and the ethor aure3 the
Jxihlgh, together with about ten inlles et
railway, completing the werli about lsW.
In lwi'j, in company with Mr. J. J. 1'"1U
patrlck, Mr. McUrann went te Tremeut,
Hchuylklll county, and built for the Heading
Kail read company twonty-ieur mlles el rail"
read In Williams valley. This work was
cempleted In IWI, after which they con
tracted for the completion of the Northeast
l'ennread. in 1872 the llrm of McUrann A.
i'"ll.patr!ck, of which U. J. McUrann was n
inember, built twonty-eno mlles, lncltidlug
two tunnelu, et the Kwt llread Tep rallreatt
In Huntingdon county. It was completed
In 1K7I, when theiiamn llrm leek a contract
ler the completlou of the Dolaware A Hound
Hroek read, from Jenklutewn te I he Dela
ware rh or, twtuly-oiie miles In lenglb, to te to
gnllier with the brldge that spans the Dela
ware en aald read.
During the years 170, 'Ml and 'Kl, Mr.
McOranu wa, engaged with nlher. In build
ing ferly inllesel railroad lu the Hhvuaiid(sili
valley. In all Mr. Mctiraiiti's tsuitract work
he was very mus-esslul, ami Is pmscsHcd of
a handsome lorliine, Inctudtng lunch lu.
ahle real estate lu this city, Mr. McOraun's
mother and sisters sllll Union the old homo hemo home
Ntoad, which lies partly lu this city,
ins i-amim.
In lHI7Mr. McOranu Hurried Miss 11 an let
fell, of Wllkesbirre. Ile brought her te
I.aucaster,aud bought the properly en North
t'rlucoen which he new tesldis, lu January
1S8J hl estimable wire dieil, leaving him a
laiully of Heven children, the eldest being
fourtien of age and the youngest only
three mouths old. The dia'h of Ills wile
plated uhui him tlm urn of his ctiildten,
and Klnce the aid ei out he has net hi-en ae
tiv ely engaged lu lit avocation.
Mr. Mctiraiiu Is a C.nhell.- in religion and
a Democrat In isilltlcs. He has lieen ter
years treasurer of St. Mary's orphan asylum,
of which he Is nlv a long time iiiember, Jle
never Neught Hilltlcal prelerment, but was
sumo years age elected as a Demis'ratloisoun Demis'ratleisoun Demis'ratloiseun
oilman from the Kirst ward, when the ward
was decidedly Kepubllcau.
AV,nVHr.i ( nfmitif.i.
Ill.lrli t Xtliirni'r IJImrly Ixtlfi. III. Irlal l.i.t
fur Dei riuber Uetirt.
Distrlt Attorney Kberly lssued his trial
list te-day for the adjeurneil quarter session
ceurta lKglnlng Doceinbor 0 and 1.1. The
oisei are assigned for trial In the following
erder :
MeNliAl, Docemborti Win O-jdds, Chan.
Ilehmau, ass.tult and iMllery , Chaa, Weaver,
larceny ; Henry Hlldehraut, sr., Henry 1 111
lebrant, r., assault and battery ; JUrlnra
Hnuck, Alatthlas Catlrey, lernlcatlen i Isaac
Holslnger, Jr., Samuel Miller, Abraham .S.
Kaullman, assault and battery , Kphrahn
Hhue, aelllng te miners , Ooergo Heldlnger,
ass.iult and Iwtlery, oie ; II. It. Ilreueuian,
Insurance broker without license ; Kdward
Copland, et. al., bawdy housej Calvin Davis,
et al., felonious entry , 1 raukllu lleyd, et.
al., hnre stealing.
Ti hsiivr, Decemlier 7 Hschel Oel7., lar
ceny , I: (t. Heist, assault and battery ; I,y
man llller, stsluctlen , H. I Woaver,
cruelty te animals , tsasf Ij-jlever, adultery j
Stephen Malenoy, rernhwtlnn and bastardy j
iiiiH7iaii nerr, isise preiense , j, MlHter I. rli,
Wkhm.xHW, Dts-euiber S Kllas (,'atnp
bell, false pretouse : S, H. Dunlap, Martin
Buzzard, larcenv . Hamuel Her. embezzle
ment ; IhhIaIi liiit, e al., conspiracy ; Jehn
Ualii, einlwzlymriiL
Tni'ii-nvY, Docauiber 9 Jehn Miller,"
isirjury; Oee. W. llirely, eUal.; Hugh t.
Ing, neglect of ilutj. (leorge W. Hirely,
malicious trespass, Joeph Stark, Win.
Moero, falee prHtnnsc, Henry Selverllug,
nmbezloment; Win. Oraham, false preteusi ;
Ij9w!s I'elser, forger), llerncsi II. .Saartz
w elder, .Samuel Curtlw, false prolenho,
Svri iilv, DccembiSr, II ,atmiel llrletb
gam, desertion ; Henry Scheld, nuretv
isace , N. I 1'is-k, desertion , I.eah Cenner,
Mary Cenner, surety rwe . William I'.
Christ, diertluu j Henry Hltdebraudt, Jr.,
mirety jioace.
Monday, Docenilsjr 1 1 Charles A. Heoce,
defrauding creditors , daui Obleuder, out eut
ts'zzlement, etc, ; Miller Shlssler, fergery,
Ac. , Fred. Hahter, false pretense ; Kdwlu
I ellenbaum, selling en Sunday; Harry
1'aliltlng, fornication arid bastardy.
Ti i.Hii.iv, DecemLer II. It. !'. Howe,
etiilKulement; Henry Nagle, malicious inU inU
chlef: W, S. Hayes, hore stealing; Jehn
Dounlsen, nr , tL al., unlaw fiiltimber cutting;
Jacob Hlldebrandt, Melatlug election law,
Henry Mnssey, eL al , noglect el duty.
Wi ii.Nksnw, Dwember l.'i Jehn O,
Amand, Jacob It. HuImt, false pretense ;
Ames It Hostellor, lergery.
iMrge IIriUOts In i; Ir.U.llruI and Cliaill
uliln 1'
The will of Miss Margaretla S. Ixiwls,
which was admitted le prebate in l'lilladol l'lilladel l'lilladol
phlaeu Trlday, contained private leg.u-ies
amounting te fl7s,ijXl, and bequeaLs for
philanthropic and religious object aggro aggre
gating fJll.eOO. The latter were as follews:
Te the Pennsylvania company for Insurance
en l.lvesaiul iiraullng Annuities the sum of
tM),oue lu trust, te he invested, and te (lis
tribute the Income of the same te the trus
tees, rector and wardens of St. Hetel's
ihiinli, at Third mid Pine streeU. for the
maintenance and support of the Memerial
church of tlie Hely Comterler, at Nineteenth
and Titan streets; te the re ter, vestrymen
and wardens efKt Peter's church, the follow
ing sums 1 or the Kudewmeut trust fund,
1 .,eud . ler a iierm.ment luml te pre din fuel
for the iioer, 5.1, 000. , ler a eriiianeut fund for
the Dorcas and Missionary association te pro
vide sewing for the Peer Weman, J.t,CO0 : te
the Demestic and 1'erelgu Missionary society
of thol're'oslai.t 1" pisceiiaUburcltln the Cull
ed States for the u-e of domestic lulsslenc,
.10, UH), and te the saine Hix-iety, ler foreign
lulsslens, 10,000 ; te the heard of mlaslens of
the dlocese et Puusylvanla of tlm Protestant
Kpliteepal church, or te tlie treasurer ler th
llme being el said IsMrd, I . tHH), te be useJ
exclusively for inlsaieus in the dlocese in
which I'hlladelphla may be located ; te the
lbshep Whlte Prayer Heek aojlety, in trust
ter the distribution or prayer lioeks, 0,000 ;
Church Heme ler children, at Angera, -0,-TOO;
Hospital et the Protestant Hplscepal
church, -ii,0O(l , te tlie sime hesplbil ter the
Incurable p.itientH therein, le,OX) ; te the
contributors te the Pennsylvania hospital,
for the sick department, '1,000 ; Indigent
Widows and Slngle Women's Boclety, 2,000 ;
1'omale association, J,00O. The w ill provides
that all et the c harltable legacle, shall be
Iiilil bofero the expiration of tlveyears.
nxi.i. jie.vr, xkw JKUtittv.
Hid LfgUlaiiirn li.Nen Demucrattu llfj enil Ui
hhadunr of lleiitit,
Chairman Allen MoDermett, el the Deuio Deuie
cratlc statu coiumlttee of New Jersoy, Friday
night, alter the completion of the recount In
thoThlrilasiemblydlstrlctolCaniilou county,
sent a private and lmtKiruint telegram te llev.
Abbett at his home lu Jersey City. Mr. Mc Mc
Dermott congratulated Oev. Abbett upon the
gain of a Democratle assemblyman lu the
Third Camden district, and upon the fact
that thore Is new an assured dean, straight
out IkMiiecrntlc majority of ene en Joint bal bal
eot in the coming legislature, Independent
et thntue P.itcrsen Laber mombera, Carrell
and Dennhue, who it was foared would held
the balance el owerand could have dicta ted
the choice el u I'nlted States senater as the
successor et Senater Sewoll.
The legislature will new htaiid en Joint
ballet II Democrat, 118 Republicans and -I.iber
piuty inuinbers, The recount In Iho
Third Camden district, which was concluded
byJudge Joel Parker at 7 o'clock Piiday
night, resulted In the discovery of oueugh
imueis in tee Doxesei vvatorieru, Lonireanu
Hiulden tenshliH that had net been counted
by the election elllcera and credited en the
tally shouts te overturn the majority of la
thai was given by the beard of canvassers te
Mr, Haines, the Hepuhllcati candidate, and
te glve Mr. Turley, hla Democratle oppenont,
majority of 1(1.
Klra lu lllahuji ltuUnun's lleu.e,
l-'lre breke out at soven o'clock Friday
morning In the rosidence of Bishop N. S.
HulUnn, D. 1)., en Fountain Hill, Seuth
Hethloheui, which for a time, threatened the
destruction et the entire mansion. The
building was saved by tlie prompt arrival of
the entire llru department. The tire Hturted
lu u partition lu which sliding doers ran, and
Is Buppoaed te have been caused by a match
being carried Inte the opening and Ignited
by the werklug et the doers. The less will
be a trllle less than 500.
I'er Uuujr and llejer,
The Hepuhllcati uieuibera et the 1'euusyl
vanl i legislature from the counties or llutler,
I'.taver, Fayette, I.awrence, Westnioreland,
Washington, Indiana and Armstrong met lu
l'lttaburg Friday uttorueon and unanimously
udersed Matthew ti. Quay for the United
Slates Henatcs te aueceed Mitchell. The dole dele dole
gatlen also pledged Its support te Henry K.
Heyer, of Philadelphia, for apeaker et the
.New that the dread ThanWsglvlug is ever,
My worry about ChrUtmas has begun,
Taklngone consideration with another,
A turkey's We Is net a happy ene.
VUHfilllnltlHI) 7 UK UUrtTION Vlf TUB
An l-'All flliifl l tin Maitn In hlup l;ia.dnisef
Hill llm Old lllll In Cin iii mi Ilia
rii.t liar "I tl Nit Mnilmi ter
It. rrninpt din.lit.raliuti.
Ceugriissmaii Illesbind and W. I'. Hensel,
of thecotnmittie en legislation of the Lecal
Toliaece Orewera' ssHotlallen, have rciolved
notice that Immediately ujkui the roasaotu reasaotu roasaetu
blliig of tlie present Congress, lu the short
session, en Docemberfl, the ullert will las ro re ro
newed te amend the law taxing .Sumatra
tobacco lniHirt se hh te prevent the present
ovaslens of the duly laid iim It, practiced
by the cunning Helland lmstrters. At
prescnl the tarlll law relating te the collec
tion of a duly upon leaf tobacco I, as lollewa :
"Leal tobacco, el which SI percent, la of the
requlslte size, and el the ncces.ary llncness
of texture te be Riiltahle for wrappera, and of
which morn than one hundred leaven are re
quired te weigh a nmd, If net stemmed 7ft
cents jHir iKiuud, If Htotumeil, 1 per jieuniK"
This laugiiage Is ambiguous, and the law
Is easily evaded. The collection of such
duty Is lieing attended with great Inconve
nience, null less te the government. A bill
Is new (Minding before the Heuse te correct
the present law as abeve quoted without
changing the rate el duty, and making It
non-evaslNo, easy and plain te administer.
The pending, bill la lu the words following,
11 Leaf Tebac e In any bale, Ikix, package or
bundle, any part et which Is suitable for
wrappers, if net stemmed, 75 cents per
eund, If stemmed, I xr pound, upon the
whole content, of such bale, Ikix, package or
This bill I, new xmdlng en a motion made
by Mr. Hlsceck en the last day et the last
session tesusjwnd the rule and put the bill
uimn Its iwssage. It will ceme up for con
sideration en the lint day of the noxtReaslou,
roll call en this bill being llrst in erder. The
friends of the bill have been earnestly re
quested en behalf el the tobacco growersand
dealers In domestic wrapper leaf tobacco,
throughout the Culled Slates, te las prosent
at roll call en the reassembling et the present
Congress, and te glve thelr voice and vete for
the above correction.
H. N. Phelps, prisldent New Lngland To
bacco (irewers' association ; S. I lxird,
president el the Northwestern Tobacco
Orewera and Dealers' association; W. C
Merse, president of Chemung valley 'lobae
co UrowersT association, and M. Tebln, presi
dent of the New Yerk Htate Tobacco Grow Grew
era' and Dealers' association, will co-eporato
with the representatives of our local associa
tion In the ellert le have this necessary legis
lation passed.
A rallifr I'lnil. III. sin Ljlng Aceess III.
Ilrd Ullh Ills Tlireal Cm
Jehn Maen, aged tw only-eight, cut his
threat early l'rlday morning at the residence
efhls parents, Ne. 1111 Locust street, Phila
delphia. Mr. Masen returned from abroad
only a year age, and has slnce been residing
at his falher'a heuse. On Thanksgiving day
he was with hoiiie friends in the upper part
of the city aud returned in the eveuing
apparently In cheerlul spirits, retiring te his
room about eleven j- in. At breakfast he
was missing, but It was thought that he had
ev erslept himself and would be down directly.
At nine o'clock, however, a servant In
formed the family that she had knocked at
the deer of Mr. Jehn's room and could get
no answer, and the elder Mr. Masen Imme
diately hurried up stuirs and entering the
room saw his win lying en the bed with bis
head almost severed irem his body, which
was quite cold, showing that he had
leen dead semu hour Tlie razor with
which the deed hail been committed lay en
the fleer near a bureau, where It had been
thrown atler tlw) faul gash was indicted. The
furniture was bespattered with bleed mid
a ghastly stream extended ever the bed and
carst. The young man must have steed
Isifurii the mirror, cut his threat with a
fearful oxertlou or lorce and fallen back ujieii
the Ixsl.
In his right baud was still grasped the end
or a sheet which had been raised te the gap
ing wound, as It a', the last moment the do de
ceased bad nmde an ellert te sUticli the
bleed. The family are totally at a less te ac
count ler the lalal deed. Tlie young man
was rather reserved, and rarely went Inte
company ; but he was amiable aud kind, and
was about tbe last ixirwm whom hts friends
would have suspected te end his lire lu this
manner. An Inquest w HI be held.
. unlet Hiaiitliiatlen.
I'li'in tlie "an Kmnclscn Chronicle.
'lhere Is a family uptown lu which the
young daughler and the father ure hand-In-glove.
He does net teach her slang ; he does
net usa 11 himself. He is literary aud learned
and Intellectual, and he is Inoculating the
little girl with Iho highest view son literature
and art. The two held long discussions en
very serious subjects, and the mother sits by
and listens. The child Is ery young, but
alie has notlced that her mother does net In
terfere w Ith thrse discussions. Doubts, in
deed have tilled her mind as te her mother's
education. The ether day she came up aud
asked htr mother some very obstruse ques
tion. ' 1 can't tell you, dear. Yeu must ask.
your papa."
11 On, knew papa knows all about; It, but
1 only wanted te see If you knew anything."
Verdicts lu the C-olumea lMeas.
The jury in the suit or the ICo)steno Port
able Driller company vs. S. M. Hpler found
in faver-plaintlll ler l.VT.'K
In the suit of Henjamiu Fritz, the Jury
rendered a verdict lu lavoret the defendant.
Henjamiu U Hriibaker, of F.ast Hemplield
township, was appointed guardian of Iho
miner children el -Martin II. Hear, of the
same township.
?. llUVltH IS A. ltLl.AAHli.
Tlie Story of Terrible Itliln of Army UHlcers
Through the HIl.terlliR Celd.
DisMAUCK, I). T., .Nev. 'J7. A party of
army elllcdrs arrived from Fert Yates night
bofero last, and gave a description of the
muit thrilling and trying ride In tlie history
el this section. They were 72 hours in the
blizzard coming from Fert Lincoln, n dis
tance of GO mlles, or ever an hour te the
mile. The vehlcle was an ambulance, and
was drawn by tour mules. During Monday
night, when the blizzard was at Its height,
they were compelled te shovel and plunge
their way through snow drifts from six te
ten leet deep, and the continual use of whip
and goading sticks, was necessary te keep
the exhausted animals walking. The elllcera
say at times ihe blizzard actually hid the
mules from view, but ler the animals' In
stinct they would have been lrozen te death.
Oiica they passed an Indian camp, but the
savages retused thorn shelter, as thelr expe
rience taught them that this would be fatal
te them. The ambulance top was blown
away. It was a light for llteand a terrible
I.ury rarnen. Is I'lt-asril,
CilKACie, Nev, 'J7. Mrs. Lucy Parsons,
wife of the condemnod anarchist, returned
from her lecturing tour lu the Kast last night
She said she was pleased with the result of
her triji. The poeplo had heard the Anarch
ists' side et the story and much prejudice
had Ik)eii remeved. Hegardlng.the financial
results she did net knew much, as the
mouey en belng cellected at the various
places had beeu I or warded te this city by the
persons having charge of the various meet
lugs. Hunerlng Frem the riterm.
QiiANli Feiikh, Dak., Nev. 27. Hoperts
are roceivod here dally et persons who sul
fered during the late sovere storms in this
vicinity. Several were reported missing
from near hmorade, this county, and have
net been found. It Is reared that they lest
their way and wero frozen te deatb.
What a Held rally riiumi wim Went te limit
It Down.
ltAwMKHVti.i.1:, Pa, Nev. L7.-Th!s neigh neigh neigh
borlieod Is again disturbed by the aptmar.
ance of the wild animal that Inhabit the
Mnrtle lilils. It was seen nshoittlme slnce
en the read leading from Hawllnsvllle te the
Union, and shot at by a forsen living along
the resd. Hoveral limes dogs or the neigh neigh neigh
borlieod hau chased It, but have invariably
given up the chae after being hadly used up
by the animal. Thodsrke), who llve In the
neighborhood held it In deadly fear aud nre
ever en the lookout ler lu '1 hat there la a
wild animal et seme sort ranging en the hills
of Martlc and Providence there Is no doubt.
It was quite recently seen en the Illue Hell
hills and this lact caused alarm among our
Heggaritew friends. On Saturday night last,
alwuttlie tlme tlie landlord of a Provldenco
township hotel was eliding hisliouse,ayeung
man who had possibly been Imbibing tee
lroely rushed poll moll Inte the hotel end
breathlessly told the landlord that tlie D
or seme wild itulmsl ran hlin rrem tlie Illue
Hell te this hotel. After much persuasion the
landlord and another patty,U)gelher with the
Hcaredcliiip, started back towards the Hell.
They had net geno rar befere they heard and
saw something coining from tlie bushes.
"Thore it Is I Thore it Is I" said the man who
was chased. The parties, armed te Iho teeth
awaiting its coining, prepared te glve It a
warm reception, when with an extra whine
and prunt It came In low, an old sew,
with ene solitary pig running by her slde.
llahhlU Rearm
(SiintierH are complaining of the unusual
scarcity of rabbltfl this fall. This Is owing te
the fact that last winter, well en towards the
holidays, several parties from Lancaster
came into this neighborhood with " ferrets,"
and putting them In the ground-hog holes
and ether placM where the rabbits Boek ler
refuge chased thorn out. te be caught and
killed by the parties waiting te recotve them.
This epen violation of the law and wholesale
extermination or game should net be allowed,
and If the same partle, ceme In the neighbor neighbor neighbor
heed again they will be watched aud In
formed en.
Other Veles.
Mr. O. F. Orell has just returned rrem a
trip te Haiti mere, bringing with him a large
let or oyslers.
Pliny liOdge Vii, K. el P., have greatly
Improved the appearance of thelr hall yard
by planting ornamental tioes and shrub
bery. Our tomieranco iqiostlea who predlcted
such an laiuiouse Touiperance vete preved
thoiusetvos as knowing as our Hawllnsvllle
weather prophets.
The farmers are through husking corn and
bnsy stripping tobane and proneunoo It a
Une crop.
We noticed In the A' w A-;. f of last Satur
day that the Ure that dcstre)ed the barn of
David Miller, together with crops and llve
stock, was started from a tire In a tobacco shed
attached te the barn. This Is a mistake, no
shed or any kind being near the barn and the
tire being clearly Incendiary, as reported in
the iNTKi-MOKNi-en.
The iNTKhMeiiN -tit basnet lest any efits
vigor under Its new manager", but still con
tinues te be I .anoister', ine.t entertaining and
sprlghtllest dally.
as iiiareitiVAL hvciei r.
A Movement Inaugurated Fur the Organic itluu
alH Ceuely A.tecUtltHi,
V. H. DiflenderUer, of the .Yen- Km, A. F.
Hestetter, Kevs. Dr. J. II. Dubbsand J. Max
Hark, S. II. .ihni, U K. Martiu aud W. U.
HeUBcl, esqs., met at the olllce of tbe last'
named, Ne. !. North Duke street, en Friday
afternoon, and talked ever seme practical
method or organizing the long coutemplatod
historical society cr Lancaster city and
county. Hey. Dr. Dubbs was called te the
chair and Mr. Hestetter wa, secretary et the
meeting. It was determined te make an
energetic ellert te establish a permanent
society of earnest workers te prometotho
study et our local tiMery lu all its phases and
te discover and preserve matter of value aud
Interest lu this aspect. The names of mere
than a score el ethers than theae present
wero suggested as perseus interested in such
a movement,aud it was determined te issue a
cult for a meeting at Mr. Hensel's olllce at 1
p. in. en Tuesday, Dec 11, or all perseus in
terested In such au association, when It Is ex ex ex
pocteit te ellect a jwrnauent organization
and dctlne the work before It.
Sir epliiK Car IVacner s vm
I'leui tl.e I'hllartelphU 1'rt--.
Drilling Inte the olllce el the New Yerk
Central Sleeping Car company at the i fraud
Central depot 1 heard the conductors there
discussing the late Nerman Wagner, who
died about six weeks age from the etlects of
extended dissipation. Ills rattier wa, the In
ventor of what was known as the Wagner
sleeping car. He amassed 1,000,000 or S,
000,000 03 the reward el his inventive and
oxecutive abilities, and served a term or two
in the state Senate. He was killed In one et
his own cars In the Spuyten Duy vil accident
en the New Yerk Central. 'Iho seu had
been made superintendent of the car sorvice
under his father, and although having no
education dovelopod remarkuble ability for
controlling men and directing the car ser
vice. He was "hall lellew-w ell-met" with
all the men in the sirvice aud could carry
In his head tlie enlire car system, being able
te tell just where any car lu the service was
at auy;glvcn time. He was a hard drinker.
Occasionally he would ceme Inte the olllce
aud ditcharge two or three men Just for the
purpose el showing his authority. The next
uay he would wluk at thim ami tell them te
go back. The fortutie which he Inherited
Irem his father has beeu lelt toil child four or
llve years of age.
The l'.lRlitli Season ul a Notable Orcaulatlen
Marts Oil .VOi-l'kluu.H.
The initial meeting for the season et lNsb-S?
of the Ullo-sephlo society was held at the rosl resl rosl
deuco of llev. Dr. Tbea Appel, oil West
James street, en Friday evening. Iho moot meet
ing was a very lull ene, about fifty members
belng present, besides a numlier or guests.
The old efllcers wero ro-electul, and the exe
cutive committee ceutlnued. Three subjects
for the winter were presented in short papers
by thelrrospectlveBupportors, viz.: "Hussla,"
".Germany" and " A Coninrisen of Ancient
mid Modern Civilizations." Aftera briel dis
cussion a vote was taken te ascertain the
preference or the mombers, and it resulted lu
10 ler the tirst named theme, 10 ler the
second, and 17 for the third. On a secend
ballet the comparison of the ancient and
modern civilizations was adopted by a vete
or 21 te SSI, The dlllerent peluU et comparison
will furnish topics ler about a dozen papers,
and as many evenings et discussion ; among,
the essayists ler the w inter belnu Hevs. L.
M. Hardy, Drs. Apple. Kleiler, Stahr, Tilzel,
l'rer. O. M. Mull, and Willis lLMusser. The
next meeting of the Oliasophle will be held
en Friday, December 10, at the residence el
Hev. l)r. K. V. Uerhart en the college
I'ullce Cane.
The cold snap drove eloven untortuuates te
the station heuse for lodging last night. Al Al
derman Fordneydlscharged them this morn
ing. James Judower, a stranger, was committed
te-day for "I hours, for drunkenness and dis
orderly conduct by Alderman A. F. Den-
Jacob Mobew was arrested en Friday by
elllcer Hoerichen nvvarranlj Issued by Al
derman McGliun. He Is charged with beat
ing his wife. Ills case will be disposed of
this evcnlng.
Il.ilrjlnplu Msus Willi I'ltUhiirg.
Dalrymple, the left Helder et the Chicago
club, was re eased yosterday, and signed at
ence with the I'lltsburg Association team.
" Dal " flrbt sprang Inte promlueuco as a
llelder and batter whlle guarding lelt Held
for Mllwaukoe lu 1S7& That year he led the
Leagun In batting. Ol late he ha, fallen oil
lu tils playing, and he was net allowed te
take part In mero than the games the iast
seasen. When the Chicago and tit Leuis
iilayed for tlie world's championship, and
)ulrymple hed several bad errers at critical
times, ile was at ence blamed for losing
the chauiplqusblp, and his fellow players
made It very ttupleasaut for him.
tiik TKunim.r. fAi.i, ur tiihbk vitib-
Ilnirerl llarrl. In III De.cenl Falls A(lmt a
llsilillj IteveltlnK Djnsinii Flj-Wheel,
Keiel.lng l'alal Injuries The Twe
Older, Will Probably Itecevrr,
JI'iTTSiifitd, Nev. lid. At neon te-day,
James Whlte, Foreman Hoverly Harris and
Kd; l'orter, hod-carrlem, ompleyod en the
new building of the Altogheny electric light
company, en Virgin alley, had ascended te
the tilth place In the heisting el ova ter, when
they lest control of the cage, which together
with the men fell te the ground. Harris foil
against a rapidly revolving dynamo tly
wheel, receiving lata! Injuries. Whlte and
Harten wero badly brulsed, but will recover.
Harris Is 10 yeara of age and marrled. The
satne building was, a tow weeks age, the
sceno of n soinewhat similar accident by
which soverat men were badly Injured.
HPr.iieii vrnuuxASiA'R kisii.
lie Pi-lccts a. Ills Succeiuer le Hie Throne
I'rlnce Ferdinand.
llfi'HAnr.sT, Nev. i.7. The b pooch of King
Charles was read from the throne In the
Chamber of Doputles te-day. Alter roferring
te international illalrs his majesty touched
en the Bulgarian question and said he was
hopeful that tttace would be malntalned. He
then announced that he had selected Prlnce
Ferdinand as his helr. This Is In accordance
with the constitution et Keuiuanla. The
succession te the threne of Keutnanla In the
event of King Charles remalning childless
was settled by article b.1 of the constitution
upon his eldor brether, Prlnce Leepold of
Uohenzollorn Slgtnaringer, who renounced
his rights In favor of his son, Prlnce
Ferdlnand, the act having been registered
by the Kouate In October, 1S50.
The Cenlen of Pert Hamilton.
Londen, Nev. 27. The Mermmj rel says
that the government Is negotiating the ces
sion or Pert Hamilton te China with the ob
jector multiplying the pretexts upon which
Hussla assumes te occupy Pert Lazavefl,
and of securing effectual protection of British
interests In tbe Island,
Caused n Sensation.
I)t iti.iN, Nev. 27. An rmagh newspaper
publishes a repert Ot an Interview, alleged te
have taken place between a Nationalist
leader and a member of the royal land com
mission, in which tbe latter is said te have
observed : " New Is the tlme for the tenant
farmers te light It out." The statement has
can sod a tromeudous sensation.
r.leiated te the 1'eerage.
111. hi. IN, Nev. 27. Herr Douglass, Conser
vative member of the Helchstag, has been
olevatod te the Prussian peerage.
The Manchester Handicap,
Londen, Nev. 27. The race for the Man
chester handicap at the November meeting
was run te-day and wen by Stermlicad.
Tne (isnililrrs Fight, llesultlng lu the Death
of Oue of Them.
Hiikniiam, Texas, Nev. 27. A sensational
tragedy exxurred here yesterday afternoon
between two gamblers, Jehn A. Trayleraud
Henry Hancock, resulting In the death or
Trayter. Beth men are proprietors of gam
bling houses, and Trayter, the newest comer,
had tried every way te pick a quarrel with
Hancock, who kept a peaceable, qulet resort.
Fer the past threo days Trayter had been
going about the streets heavily armed, mak
ing threats against the llfe el Hancock.
Yesterday afternoon, Trayter in company
with another desperate character, was seen
swaggering across the street iu front et Han
cock's place, when the latter raised a window
and coolly emptied the contents of both barrels
of a shotgun Inte Trayter, who fell dead. On
theporsenof tbodead man were found two
huge revolvers. He bad killed threo men,
his last victim being William Allen, a sport
ing man whom he murdered lest Doceinbor,
but managed te procure an acquittal be be bo
eoro a Jury. Hancock was arrested imme
diately and admitted te 1,000 ball. He re re ro
eoivod the congratulations or nearly every
buslness man m tow n for ridding the city
of such a dosisjrate character.
Her Dusky Harrlsburg I.eer.
11 MtrtiMii'iin, Nev. 7. Geerge MHneed,a
swell waiter at the Arlington hotel, Wash Wash
Ingteu, D. C, was te have been married te
Mls Lulu Francis, ene et Washington's
most foshlenablo colored belles en Wednes
day last. Snced had made cxtenslve
preparations toward housekeeping. Jehn
F. Cragwell, a barber, of this
city, has also been In leve with Miss
Francis, having met her frequently during
the latter's visits here. Cragwell having been
intormed confidentially of the state of
things lu Washington, hurriedly paid a visit
te that city. Arriving thore Mr.
Francis Intimated that If Cragwell could
steal his daughter it was O. IC. He did se,
and Dr. Sutherland tled the knot en Wed
nesday. The couple are new lu Harrisburg,
whero they will go te house-kooplng.
Hushed Frem Opium te Chloral.
Hosten, Nev. 27. About three days age,
Mrs. Kate McShaue Jenkins came here rrem
Baltimore, where she was well known In so
cial circles, hi red apartments at 11 Highland
avenue, and fplaclng her threo children in
school, settled down for the winter. On
Monday last she was round lu her room un
conscious and died seen alter. It has just
transpired that Med leal Hxatnlner Draper
round that death was caused by an overdose
et chloral hydrate, which Mrs, Jenklns was
using lu order te break, up an opium habit
which enslaved her. The remains were
tiiken te Baltimore en Wodnesdoy by the
lady's father, Henry MeShane, a wealthy
brass leunder.
Fatal Werk With tt Pocket Kulfe.
Auikjueiique, N. M., Nev. 27. Near
llask berry street, yesterday, Charles Spencer
mid Charles Celin, partners In the stock rais
ing business, were going te town lu a wagon
when a dispute began ever asettlemeut of
accounts aud they fought two hours, Spencer
threw a whisky bettle at Cohu, striking him
In the face, knocking him down aud cutting
a frightful gash. Cohu, mad with anger,
rusbed upon his partner with a pocket knlfe
and stabbed him in several places and cut his
threat. Celin toel: the dead body te town
and gave hluiself up te the otUcers.
A 810,000 lllaze lu Chicago.
CmcAue, Nev. 27. Flre originated outhe
top fleer of the four-story building id and -13
Michigan avenue ut 1:30 this morning. The
tire department were promptly at the sceno,
and lu a short tlme what at llrst throateued
tobecomoa serious conflagration, was sub
dued. The levi will net oxceod 10,000, di
vided between H. O.Vanbeklen, ropresontlug
Andersen'H presorved fruits, .and Hamlin
Wizard Oil company, which llrms occupied
the building. The less Is coverod by In
surance. A Hale And a Fire.
Mkm phis, Tenn., Nev. 27. The city water
works wero Beld te-day te Samuel R. Bul Bul
eock .t Ce., of New Yerk, for 500,000, they
taking up all outstanding bends.
The Fayotte county Jail at Seinmervllle,
Tenn., forty mlles from here, btirned this
morning. The prlsoners, l'j In number will
be transform! te the Memphis Jail and
I cared for until ethor arrangements are made.
The One Hundred and Forty-first Annl.eisary
nr the KstAbllahment of Their Church.
Thoone bund roil and ferty-flrstannlversary
of the Moravian church, or this city, will be
observed te-morrow and a speclal programme
of exercises has lieen prepared. A Hormen
appropriate te the occasion will be prosched
by Hav. J. Max Hark and the music will be
a feat ure of the programme. In the afternoon
thore will be a leve feast and In tlie evening
County Cdurch Dedications,
riem tlie New Helland Clarien.
The new church orectod by the Lutheran
and Hefermed congregations during the twit
summerln the vlllagoer llowmansvllle will
be dodlcated en Sunday, (ulte a large
number or ministers et both denominations
will be prpsent and take part iu the services
et the occasion.
Banger church, Churchlewn, will ( D. V.)
be censecrated en Tuesday, Novetnbor 30.
dlvlne service commencing at 10:30 a. in,
The bishop et thn diocese, together with sev
eral or thoclergy will be prosent and partici
pate in tlie servlces.
Isinar en Ionell.
Socrelary Lamar conslders Mr. Lewell
as the host wrlter et pure Knglish new
living. He said also that during the address
of Mr. 1owell It was n constant subject of
wonder te him te bee hew quickly the highly
Intelligent audlonce responded te Mr. Low Lew
ell's most subtle points. M r. Lew oil appoared
te me te be constantly scektng through the
most nimble and adroit wit te hlde behind
thofratnework of classical phrases his moan mean
ing. Buthowever nlmble was this wit, or
however subtle his mede of expression, his
audlonce kept up with him and caught the
exact shade of expression at the very In
stant or Its dellvery, following his classical
phraseology with the satne rapidity of
thought and the satne dellcate comprohon cemprohon comprehon
slon or the orator. There was no elnt made
by him that was net Instantly lelt and tol tel tol
lewod by a burst et applause."
LOUISA I.1TTA IS " aillbl'A."
A I'uiir Flay Foerly Olien Ily an Interior
Friday eveuing Louisa Lllta appoared In
the epera heuse iu the comedy drama or
"Chisa" te a small audlonce. The plece was
written by Clay M.Iroen and Slasen Thomp
son, authors of " M'llss," te which it Is far
Inferior. Ills very sensational and there are
plenty of bleed-thirsty rufllans. Pistols,
knives and ether dangerous looking weapons
were very plenty during the presentation of
the play. Miss Litta appeared as CMspa.
This lady has beencotnpared te Annlol'ixley,
but for what reason It would be dilllctilt te
tell, as she is possessed or very llttle talent as
an actress. The company is net strong and
about the best part et the performance was
the excellent banjo playing by H. U. Dobsen.
Miss Litta also played the tame Instrument
n a very creditable manner.
Hurprlseil at Twenty. One.
On Friday William Leenard, who makes
his home with his sister, Mrs. Wf. H. Jami Jami
eon, at Ne. '122 Lancaster avenue, was
twenty-ene years of age. Iu the evening he
was down street when a messonger was sent
for him telling him te come home at ence as
his brother rrem New Yerk had arrived and
only Intended te remain rrem one train te
another. He went home and was surprised
te llnd his home tllled with bis friends who
had ceme te see him. Miller's orchestra was
present and furnished the music. There
were dancing, speech-maklng, singing, Ac. A
big supper wound np the festivities.
Chief Justice Alercafs Iteserved Decision.
Cel. Kmleu Franklin, Xuriel Swepe, and
Walter W. Franklin, attorneys for Jeseph J.
Desch, met Chief Justice Mercuref the su
preeo court at the olllce of It. F. Kshleman
at 10 o'clock this morning, in relerence te al
low ing a speclal allecatur for a review of the
rulings et the court ou the points submitted
as te Desch's sanity when he attempted the
life or J udge Livingston. The chief Justlce
took the papers and reserved his decision.
It was states! ou Friday that the writ had
been allewed, but such was net the case, the
only matter arranged at that tlme being the
meeting te-day.
Wedding lu Mandelui,
A quiet weddlng occurred In Mauheim
borough en Tbanksglvingday. The marriage
et Mr.Charles HIckel, el Philadelphia, te Miss
Annie V. Arudttoek place at aquarter before
eight iu the morning iu the proseuce of the
family. The coremony was performed by
Hev. Warreu J. Jehnsen, pastor of St Paul's
Heformed church. The brlde Is the estimable
daughter of Mr. Henry Arndt,the well known
merchant of the borough. The newly marrled
couple left for New Yerk and ethor Eastern
cities, and alter a trip will return te Philadel
phia. The son Ulllcl nml Mether lUuiy Injured.
Friday evenlng a torrlble railroad accident
occurred In the Heading company's yard in
Harrlsburg. Mrs. Fred A. Cleckner and her
little son were picking coal en the track.
They bocame separated and the boy was run
ever and cut te pieces by a draft of coal cars
which were being shllted. His mother tried
te save him aud she was also run over.having
eue ether legs rut oil at the hip. She was
taken te the hospital and will net likely re
cover. Erected Handsome llulldlng.
Henjamiu Kuhns, a native of this county,
who new Uvea at Dayton, Ohie, hes just
cempleted ene of the finest buildings in the
West. It Is patterned after the JIbim build
ing In Philadelphia and cost, Inclusive of the
ground, 100,000. It will be used entirely rer
business purposes.
A Family's Narrow Kscape.
CitiiAOO, Nev. 27. The family of K. A,
Smith, living at GSSlbley street, had a narrow
escape from sutlocatieu this morning. About
e o'clock tire originated in the basement
causing an explosion. This alarmed Mrs.
Smith who areused her husband. Mr. Smith
groped hU way through the hall and down
stairs, but nearly overcome with the deadly
gas and suioke he could net epen the deer.
The flames made such head way that he feared
rer his family and he rushed back te his bed
room and succoedod In getting his wlfe and
two babes out through the front deer. The
tire was extinguished with but a less of 500.
(Strike In FltUburg.
Pin sir no, Nev. 27. The dlllereuces bo be bo
tween De Haven .t Ce., steve manufacturer?,
aud thelr meulders culminated this morning
In a strlke of teity men, causing a shut
down In all departments throwing 150 men
out of work. The strikers demand inore
pay, shorter hours et labor, and a regular
schedule of prices for ploce-work. The
strikers will be supperted by the Interna
tional Iren Meulders' Union.
A Sensational Story.
Cincinnati, Nev. 27. A speclal te the
Kvening l'eat from Williamsburg, Ky,, says:
"There Is no truth in the reported murder
of the Poe ramily In Knox county. Your
correspondent has made an Investigation,
and he finds that no arrests have been made,
and that the Btery sent out yesterday Is
wholly eensatleual and untrue."
Austin Cerlilu Vethie Trustees.
PiltliADKl.PJtlA, Nev. 27. The dlrocters
of the Philadelphia A Heading company
have elected Austin Cerhln, ene of the vot
ing trustees e! the company under the reor
ganization plau In place of Henry Lewis,
Shee Dealers AsstC".
Cincinnati, Nev. 27. J. it P. Bechs, shoe
dealers at 00 West I'earl street, assigned te
M. J. Back for the benefit of their creditors
this morning. Tbe assets are put at 100,000.
Liabilities ?200,000.
Make Quite a Difference,
from the Lancaster Inquirer.
Mrs. DUler aud Jeseph Stautler, of Kast
Karl, were net married, but burial at Wea-
vcriarpi tue etner wc-ek,
Who Die New Bleu are Who Will Loek AMf
Uncle Ham's Mali IU(-Tli RnrgM Dm.
eral's llrpert Other Vssleral Oaptte
Notes The Hell Telephone Dispute,
WAsitiNriTO.v, Nev. 27. The president
te-day appotnted the following named poet
masters : Oee. Paul, Iowa City, Iewaj Jehn
M. Startzuian, Savanna, III. j Uoerge C.
Thompson, Midland, Mich. ; Chaa. W. Out,
Irwin, l'a. ; Oee. K. Blake, FayettevUle,
Tenn. ; Hobertson 1. Coens, Albany, Tezaa i
Charles K. Hese, Patchogue, N. Y. j Euoha Eueha Euoha
rlste Burle, Lake Linden, Mich. ; Fred. B.
Smith, Columbia, Dak. ; Asa M. Dlekey,
Bradford, VU i Chaa. II, Flnley, Modeste,
Cal. ; M. H. Coepor, St. Augustine, FJa, (
Fred. M. Mead, Marengo, III. ; Henry J.
Dane, Losueur, Minn. ; HenJ. Kewtuakf,
Brownsville, Tex. j Careline A. Youegblood.
Choster 8. C.
Wahiii.nuien, Nev. 27 The president to
day appointed Themas V. Aahby, of River
ten, Neb., le be roglsterof the land office at
Bloemlngton, NeU, vice, Blmen W. HwlUer,
Tbe postmasler general apre'nted te-day
among ethors J. W. Bradeer, of Katnaen, Pa.,
a fourth-class postmaster.
Advocating FuiiUlunenr.
Wasiiinoten, Nev. 27. The annual re
port el the acting Judge advocate general of
the army recommenda that authority be con cen con
ferred upon elllcera te order summary
punishment in certain casei without count
martial. The Surgeon (leueral's Itepert,
Wasuimite.v, Nev. 27. The annual re re
pert or the surgeon general of the army
shows that the d6ath rete, the percentage of
slckness, and tbe number et cases requiring
hospital treatment In the army has been
smaller during tbe past year than during
any previous year In the history of the med
ical department or the army.
Kx-.seimter McDonald Make, a Remarkable
Statement llrgardlng It,
Washi.votex, Nev. 27. Ex-Honaler Jos Jes Jos
eph K. McDonald, or Indiana, Is one of the
counsel for tbe defense of the Bell telephone
patent In Iho suit brought by the govern
ment te break down the patent. In a con
versation with a reporter he made the ,Inter
esting declaration that however the proceed
ings might be expedited, and whatever the
courts might de, a final Judgment by the
supreme court en the matter could net be
reached lu less than seven years from the
present, whlle the patent will expire
In fcix years, and no Judgment, whether
for or against the patent, could be
made retractive He that even if Bell's
patent Is entirely involved, the clumsiness
of the legal machinery and consequently the
law's delay, makes tbe government and the
people of this country absolutely powerless
te prevent the Bell company Irem continu
ing te pocket the profits of the monopoly,
and absolutely powerless te recover a penny
of that profit, should judgment against the
Bell patent be ultimately obtained and the
profits shown te have been Ill-gotten.
Cunllrmalery KWdence Thet lie Was en a Big
Drunk In Mexico.
Citii'Aiie, I1L, Nev. 27. A Times special
from the City of Mexico sayB : The papers
here print a dispatch from Washington say
ing nothing Is known thore beyond what has
appeared In the papers regarding Minister
Manning's alleged escapade. It is certain,
hewever, that he seut the cablegram regard
ing the matter te Secretary Bayard.
Around the hetel where Manning lives it is
openly asserted that he was yesterday
(Thursday) unable te sign efliclal docu
ments and was In no condition te venture
out el the hetel te attend the annual Thanks
giving ball and that Secretary Morgan rep
resented the government In answering calls,
etc It is admitted by the Leulsana mem
bers of the American colony that they knew
of the minister's failing before he reached
the City of Mexico.
Judge Manning's prestige among the dip
lomats residing here is greatly injured by the
accounts of his conduct.
Still Living Frem Severe Slabs.
Cilli'Aue, Nev. 27. Mrs. Jamen, the
woman who was se horribly cut by her bus
band yosterday morning, at 231 Oak street,
was slightly better this morning, though her
recovery is Btlll a matter of doubt. The
physicians say that te-day the crisis will come
and until then they cannot positively say
whether she will get 'well or net. Her hus
band has been removed te a cell In the
Insane department of the county jail. He
was very violent and had te be pnt in a strait
jacket. Heme persons Bay they never saw
him act crazy bofero, and for that reason
are et the opinion that be is feigning In
sanity. Jarrett May lie Prosecuted.
Cuicacie, Nev. 27. A state representa
tive from Mount Vernen is in this city. He
says there is still great indignation In the
ISth congressional (Morrison's) district ever
the defeat of Mr. Morrison In the late elec
tion, the friends of the gentleman referred te
being of the opinion that Jehn Jarrett, ex ex ex
prosldent of the Amalgamated association,
used corrupt means te secure a victory ler
Mr. Baker. He says a movement is en loot
te prosecute Jarrett, though Mr. Morrison
has net been cousulted in the matter.
Arrived Willi a Murderer.
Indianai-elis, Nev. 27. James Hardnie,
olCherokee county, Alabama, passed through
the city last night en route borne from South Seuth
wost City, Me., where he arrested Calvin
McFee for a murder committed 20 years age.
McFee and Jeseph Hardwie had a quarrel
about seme laud and tbe latter was killed and
McFee iled. James Uardwle, a brother of
the murdered man, began a search for the
slayoref his brether and has protracted it
until new tlnally locating him in Missouri.
Three Incendiaries Lynched.
Natciik, Miss., Nev. 27. A report has
reached here of the lynching et three inoea ineea
dlarles In Franklin county, for burning Har
ris Celcate's cotton gin houses. There was a
let of cotton stored In the gin house, and Um
negrees had stolen several bales of it aa4
fired the building te conceal the theft ThJr
were arrested and white being taken te Jail
were "lest In the weeds."
Au Olllcer Shet,
Nkwark, O., Nev. 27. Oflleer Themas
Hoach was shot and probably fatally Injured
by Win. German, ex-policeman, at half-past
twelve this morning, derman was Intoxicated
aud Olllcera Hoach and Breeke attempted
le arreat him, when he pulled his revolver
and shot Olllcer Hoach In the right breast.
Henry M. Slau ley Arrives.
Nuw Yeiik, Nev. 27. Uenry M. Htanlsy,
the Alrican explorer, arrived here from
Bremen te-day.
Herr Llebknecht, tbe Somalia, aeiiea ter
Liverpool te-day
CWasiunqtew, D. C, Net. 34 Fer
Kastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Delaware and Maryland, generally letr
weather, slightly warmer, variable wtade,
generally southwesterly.