7ST pffWi ' V-- n i (V- ''V. i- " x S t 1THK: .- -A ? J 1 -.s, ' , ill I " i i i Hli ,. , ' . IGEK$ rjDAY M tstsi- L' , nra mum , wtt IIWU1H rueai Mm Aiunre te t ernrnorie. ATMB: flrifi Sf 446 IU H3 " a its sew ite ecu. 780 bKT. lit i in i K:. iu IK 400 s 7n ISO C!! tS tW 7W 1160 IBM K.. tM 00 10 OlJ 1160 17 00 sew K!' m TOO 1100 1600 WO, MOO K... see lore 1700 son wee moo H. lioe sew! aim si oe wee RETT.. tM MM MOO H00 44 CD 620U ffwT.1 etH moo taoej oe esoe tvte Weekly Intelligencer .'V 1 WlDNUOAY MORNINO. tMmitiienn. cixss of te, rr run te msern es-rnsa cr 9 net TT T AST OTTO I all Aaoamecs urrnss ) TO TBI WAITS BAUBT. I AsBrrS and 2v!f prams (a. Di DTTBIilJaHNOBB, rMMUnf, Lancaster, P. imaakt intelligence. fS. MJKUaTEB, NOVEMBER 74. 1E8C ii i"i'' ' TAFar Reaching Decision. I man m. appeals in jew x or uaa that Baddensiek, the Xew Yerk builder, the fall of ene of whose caused the death of a workman, kttNMrly convicted of manslaughter. Ittejament of the decision is that the CWaeputs upa house in a manner i Drue law, must ue censmereu f guilty of maliciously causiDg the i that ensues from his act. It is net that Buddensiek intended te .anybody, but that lie built without the law and in a way that he iMMen te believe would be dangerous tJPM, is likely te find fault with this ret Mm law, which needs te betaken Mfp&blic protection. But it will be M tnac tnis 13 a very rar-reacning m in that it fellows all these who ;pablle and private works. If a y be convicted of manslaughter Hsft isi death of a workman upon his ; isssWsMlT erected structure, every railroad LftMsUeat, director or manager must be atMMiy responsible te tne law ler ine Uteurity with which his railroad is built and. Mnwed ; and any undertaking te build it te : dangerously cheap fashion and te , mqk tt;in a hazardous way, may send him IfrJsvU. , Ne one will deny that a great iKal mm awa son 01 euiiumg anu operating cuar- Mstwaas our railroad administration and it ;Meos9te bethought that the only effl- etaatrTemedy for it is te held the read criminally responsible. There r'yet has been a railroad president or convicted of manslaughter: the ref them thatmieht have been se Jsivisted under this Buddensiek decision trjrnany ; .; Bailread accidents are probably the most mm run 01 all causes of violent death or Stejury, and in very many, if net the ma- ''.fituj 01 casea, ure iracciuie w negugeuce. I The blame is generally thrown en the con cen con fducteror engine driver, and the railroad ' .iieanager proceeds te discipline tlieai a3 v SL.I..vf. A Wn B tlm itnu.l r9 Inn In llin nn en , ft tee mere disinterested tribunals estab- , listted for the administration of the crimi Mtl' law were te Uke cognizance of the matter, they would often find that the Ml fault laid higher up in the scale of efli- g, and that the engineer or conductor r.the acape-geat of his superior officer las.;. j;gIiebk, for one instance, at the practice of m we nest managed companies in tne sitter of taxing their train officers beyond tfcrfair endurance of human mind and PMiicle. Just new the railroads are having busy season. Extra trains are being -jdiiiy, made up in large numbers. The tegular force of engineers and firemen has te (Se extra duty in running these trains, 'BiOte being no spare supply of skilled labor i naa them. "We have been told of an -Msftaa driver en the Pennsylvania railroad vwe made, daring hist week, thirteen 'lafvand who must therefore have Men x ou continuous duty ueuily all Us time, night and day, supposing that 1 1pm hours make a day's work. Kvidently DM was a dangerous call upon the man's , edurance, and ene that he could net , lely meet. It is a safe conclusion that if I accident 6heuld occur te a train threuch -xwgligence et an engineer se ever- the really cuiltv nartv would bn Jlta (Wperier officer who had ordered him te : fab pest, or theie still above him uhese IjjalWead management made the order neces- WHff'i There are a creat man v ether em uleers MBBa railroad managers and builders who iy get into jail under the Buddensiek law. AEwnpleyers come under its shadow. We apaak particularly of the criminal care kisness et railroad managers, because they ire the most conspicuous class of offenders; and we pick out of their misdeeds this ene f mtf overtaxing their empleyes, because it 1m a clear and simple .violation of ordinary prudence, which is new in extraordinary janibtlee, and which needs te be stepped te f ma me great disasters which will in- WtaWy attend its continuance during the pwoiaeL tue coming winter. , Fer Tresldent. W yfe The Xew Yerk Sun says that Governer David B. Hill was never se near as new te ate heart of universal Democracy," and tv HHH.-UM uoem win de heard or when the rtfct time comes." Ne doubt we de net MMKwe that the 5tm,whlch loves Hill as it Iwtea Cleveland, had a real intention of '"Pfi e little that was premising for LjpJrWner Hill's presidential boom, as it t9MUT managed te say. It probably in te declare that Governer Hill's Maldentlid boom w.vs imminent, and r nUed only in f he expression et its hepe ami ? u managed te say ery ac ac bewever, all than can be said governor Hill; or any ether Cteveaud's, for te none bu MTThl,!8, tiffie6ucha M. These InnlDgs are his. T-T WSSSBMBHBM,-K,kkb r ' Iuil ... r Auempt. ' rr1 ber party into Line. f ... . - , - teas te luatss Kuuie . ref the Mm NT MMVW ef If cw Yerk. lvtsMMiibCMMi experiment, however, mmmWaeIY ; nad furthermore, the Bes- son Mtaspiiere u net be raverabie te u m that of New Yerk. We de net suppose that Mr. Geerge and his friends think that they can elect anybody, and that their only aim is te make a formidable demonstration of their strength. They are mere likely te make a mortifying exhibition of their weakness. Their vote may suillce te affect the result as between the regular party candidates, but there are no present Indi cations that the Laber party Is ever going te bloom into a political orgiiniratlen that will swallow either of the existing ones, and their never was room for mere than two full feathered parties in this country. A citAniTV entertainment styled tbeMarche anx Kleurn, or the flower market, was held by Philadelphia ladles at the lintel Rellevue with great success. All the flowers were contributed by charitable people and acid rapidly at uncharitable prices by a score or mere of fair damsels. Candles, chocolate and tea were also sold, and there was danc ing and tte sound or musle until late that night, but whether they charged for a waltz the record saith net Leta of cash was gath ered In, and tlila hash of danaing, feasting, flowers and flirting, will surely be served te the uncharitable people of Philadelphia very often. Damsels of Lancaster I go ye and de like wise. New la the time te watch ler pneumonia, net that It Is well for wise people te be con tinually en the lookout for some one of the many Ills that lleah Is heir te, hut because the fatal character et acute pneumonia, and the suddenness of Its attack, makes prudence necessary. A medical expert writing te the New Yerk Sun describes the disease as follews: "It ceuMsts primarily of a disabled, inflamed slate of eue or both of the lungs. Every beat el the heart Is Bending Inte the disabled lung impure bleed for purification. The whole organism is dependent for sustenance upon the return of this bleed purified from the lungs. Hut the lungs being unable te perform their work, return the bleed un purified te the heart. The heart sends out through the body this impure bleed and the lungs receives their share of the vitiated nourishment. Thus the whole body be comes weaker and weaker, and the lunes, already affected, sailer the most, because overpowered by the successive floods from the heart, and are dually unable te act The lung cells themselves become filled and the patient dies from suffocation." The doctor proceeds te give directions for the treatment of the disease by the use of leeches followed by flannels as het as the patient can bear and then by linseed poul tices, but the application of s geed physician as seen as possible may be said te be the best reliance for cure. Tuc Weman's Exchange of Memphis has celebrated the first annl ersary of Its opening by triumphantly announcing that It has no debt and a small surplus In the treasury. The first year of any enterprise et this kind Is always the test of Its strength and if it can survive that critical period a prosperous career is assured. In every community there are many people who held aloof from any thing new until its success has been proved They are afraid of sharing the burden of ridicule and sneers that always falls upon the backers of an unsuccesslul enterprise. But If the critical year Is passed these sitne people are quick te give encouragement and anxious te gain a share of the glory. The Memphis Exchange started with enough money subscribed te carry It through the year and the local papers all unite la the opinion that the influence of the exchange upon the women of the city has been of Inestimable value, for it has taught these who ba e te work the commercial value of articles. They new knew what things are most In demand and hew that demand will be supplied. William Bled, of Bosten, has been speculating with the funds of the Seuth Bes ten IIerM) railroad company since lsSl, and has managed te embezzle ever ? ICO, TOO. A new president of the company was recently chosen, whose Inquiry into its condition caused the discovery. The treasurer's use of the company's money In his stock operations caused the shortage in bis ac counts, and people cannot help wondering hew many successful operators en the stock market have laid the basis of their fortunes by the fortunate !nestment of ether people's money. The number of speculators who are caught leads te the belief that this practice is very general, and invariably points te the remedy of constant supervision et the books el all official?, no ulatterhew high their repu tation and undoubted their integrity. Honest men welcome frequent investiga tion as sure te result in commendation of their work and care, and the mere firm es tablishment of their reputation with the busi ness community. It is the right of officers la the government service te demand trial en the least suspicion of Irregularity, and the officers of butdnet-s corporations should in sist upon lrequcnt Investigation as their right and privilege. Mil Blaine, attending ex President Ar thur's funeral, refused te shake hands with Senater Edmunds, whom be met In the li brary. They say that Mr. Edmunds was seated en a sofa when Mr. Blaine entered tbe parlor, Mr. Blaine bowed te CeL McMIcbael and Mr. Edmunds srese and advanced te greet Mr. Blaine, with bis right hand ex tended, sajlns; : 'Geed morning, Mr. Blaine.' Mr. Blaine was lu the act of drawing off his gloves. He gave the Vermonter a quick glance out of the corner el his eyes and with, out any show el recognition stepped forward te snaKe nanus wnu ueu McMichaeL Mr. EdmundB appeared surprised. His face flushed slightly and he retired te his seat en the sofa. Mr. Blaine expressed hla regret at the occurrence te Cel. McMIcbael and shortly afterwards left the house. Mr. Blaine's action was doubtless de liberate, as he bad reason te knew that he would meet Henster Edmunds at the funeral. He and tbe senator have long been at variance, quite naturally, being men of wholly different instincts. Edmunds refused te speak for Blaine in his campaign, and has lately explained that it was better for Blaine and the Republican party that he did net speak, for If he bad done se and anyene bad inquired et him about Blaine's UnancUl ana ether shady transactions, he would have been obliged te confess that they were bad. Blalne evidently thinks that Edmunds added thus insult te Injury and hates him tee much te speak te him, however politic it would have been te de se. Blaine says his self-respect deterred him from taking Ed munds' hand; but be has net any te speak et. At last the clumsy detectives en or ell the trail of the notorious Jim Cummlngs, the ex press robber, have been brought up with a round turn by a Mr. Celeman, et St, I.euls, who brings suit against the Adams Express company for fJO, 000, because the detectives harrassed and worried him aud finally arrested him en Lare suspicion of being the criminal. When be was lying sick they entered his room and ransacked everything, even the bed clothing, opening and reading his prhale correspondence and leaving a man ou guard at bis deer in spite of the pretests of his wife. This operation was repeated aud although nothing was found he was held in arrest for a short time. Meanwhile ether individuals were being subjected te the same annoyaneo and outrage with as little result. The public la rapidly tiring of this bogus detective busi. ness and will rejoice If Mr. Celeman secures damages, for some check must be put upon men who se abuse their privilege te arrest en suspicion. They should at least be compelled te show some plausible ground for ik A labor ferry boa bow building for use st the straits of Maeklnae Is provided With propeller screws at both ends, The bow screw is reversed se as te pull the vessel for ward and the one at the stern is much larger and mere powerlul than usual. It Is ex pected that the force or the bow wheel will crush thin loe and where heay flee or masses et plled lea are met wltli, ihe stern screw will push the vessel aitalmt It and the currents raised are expected te luevnt the Ice and force a jvwsare. The passage of the straits lu Inter ettett takes nine days as It U ntveet-sary tu Wast the Ice with dynamite, but the new beat li ex. pected te go through tu one day. PKHSOKAL.. Mahmn fcMtTii, of Montvllle, leuu i cele- brated bis lKd birthday recently. llKNin VATTKne's75th birthday i celebrated by a dinner In LeuU tile Monday ovenleg. Ukv. Dr. Ili'iiKOL'eit, electel te be pro fessor of biblical hl-lery ud Interpretation and college pastor nt Amherst, la the en of the Kev. O. W. UurreiRh et Philadelphia, and was graduated at Princeton in WJ. Jkf. HtLMNOi, a cenIct at theJeller theJeller Henvllle, Ind., ieuttentlary, has lieeu mr- donedbyHev. (Iray. lid lines wa sent up last April from Davles county for two jeans having been convicted et lerKery. Since his Incarceration an aunt of hla riled, leavinc him a fortune of mere thau f l(Xa0, which he will new have an opportunity te enjoy. Hil lings Is a young man and well educated, be ing a member of a prominent family. RensnT MoDewkli. tneEMAKr.n, one et the largest owners of coal land In the Wy oming Vallev, has died at l'erty Fert of rheumatic allectien, aged 71. lie was a grandson of Lieutenant Elijah bboemaker, who perished tu the Wyoming massacre, and brother of ex-Congressman L. D. Shoemaker, of Wllkesbarre. Mr. Shoemaker leaves one son, Kebert, who Is the superintendent of a number of the Lehigh Valley coal company's collieries. Miss Kate Field Is building a very fine and a very large house In Washington. There Is some curiosity shown te knew what a single female like Miss Field Hants with such a fine and such n large house, but no body with any delicacy will ask her the question. But It may be remembered that at a banquet net long age she eflervd thefollon thefellon thefollen log teast: "The Men, Geed llless 'Em." She may have had the face et one of them m her mind's eye when she raised her glass. CnESTEn A. AnTurn paced te and fro in his library en the evening et Julys, IsM, with tears in his eyes, distraction In his as pect, and stirred In all the depths of a man hood which, affectionate te the heart's core, was singularly sensithe te Its own honor, That day Gartield bad been shot down by the assassin Gulteau. 'e thought of the succs succs slen filled the mind of the lce president. Tw the friend who was with him, and who tried te console btm, he said : " 1 de net mind the use the malignant and the wicked will try te make of this. I am able te meet them andean stand the assaults. Hut there are thousands et geed men and women all ever the land who honestly believe that I have bad some hand in It, and 1 see no way hew te disabuse their minds." JKAC1U A BLUl'lXU VOVI'LE. They Art Tracked tj a Sheet rl ote I'aper and Arraitrd la KauusCltr. tred. S. Heck well, the skating rink mans ger and also embezzler of funds et his em ployer, A. J. Walker, proprietor or the New Yerk tea store, at Ked Bank, N. J., who eloped with Mrs. Sidney B. West, en Octo ber 22, was arrested by Plnkerten's detec tives In Kansas City en Monday, but had net net yet arrived as previously stated. Sir. West received, a number of letters from Mrs. West, but they were elther dated in New XeiK or Brooklyn. The last two or three letters bore the name of n Kanas City note paper maker. This ntanulac turer with a limited capital supplies only the residents of Kansas City with the paper. Tbe detectives tbad traced Rockwell te In dianapolis. While In that city they received from Mr. West by letter this most important evidence, and they hurried te Kansas Citv, where the eloping couple had made their residence In a bearding house in a low or er or tlen of the city. Constable Frank Patterson left Jersey City at midnight with the necessary paperh te brlDg P.cckwell home and the party Is expected te arm e en Satur day. Mr. W est will meet his little girl in Jersey City and take her home, but his wife, he says, shall never again share his houst heust houst held with Win. Banuy Rockwell will be taken te his mother, who Is new at New Haven. . A Keiuarkabls Surgical Operatluu. Much interest is excited in 1-onden medl cal circles by the successful issue el a re markable operation performed by Sir Wil liam MacCermac, et the Royal college et sur geens, it Is the second operation be per formed by him within the past few months, and it is believed there are no previous In stances of success In such an operation In Europe or possibly In America. On Tuesday of last week Mater fell from the scaffold of a house, a distance of IS feet te the ground. He was carried te St, Themas hospital, suffering extreme agony. Ne bones were found te be broken, but en Wednesday Sir William MacCermac dlagneslns the cae came te tbe conclusion that tbe bladder bad been ruptured. The man was put under antostbetlcs, an in in clslen into tbe abdomen made and the diag nosis verified. The contents or the stomach and perineum were withdrawn, the bladder drawn out, a suture made and tested, the organs are replaced, tbe stomach thoroughly cleansed with antiseptics and the Incision closed. The patient emerged from his Insensible condition relieved of pain. On Wednesday he was In a comfortable condition and is to day declared practically out of danger. The operation eccupltd two hours. The failure el similar operations is attributed by leading surgeons te the delay in deciding upon tliem, tbe result of which has usually been the death et the patient by peritonitis. ANDIIOMEDV. They chained her fair young body te thceld and cruel stene; The beast begotet sea and slime hid markeJ her for his own; The callous world beheld the wrong and left ler there alone, Base catltTs who belled her, UUe kinsmen who denied her. Ye left her there alone ' My Beautiful, they left thee In thy peril and thy piln; The night that huh no morrow was breeding en the main ; Rut le! a light Is bieaklng of bope for thee again; lis Perseus' sword a naming, thy diwn of day proclaiming Acress the western main. O Ireland! O my country! he comes te break thy chain. Jamei Jeffrey lleeht. m i " Don't stand en tha order of going" lint go straight te the next corner and buy a bet leet id ' eutb "J rup.lt j ou want te cure your Karmers and Horsemen read this 'I find Pal Tallen oil a most eicellent liniment among horses, and 1 tak pleasure In lnderalng It as a curtain rtmedy for scratches. , JAMES TIIOMA, rranklln llead. netr llaltlmeie. VAUULAUUa. QTANDARD CARRIAGE WORh. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILBER Market Btrcet, Rear of PoaterBoo, Lanoaster, Pa. , 7 .'Xf ?mpr,se,,..i Ur"e Tartety of the Latest Style lluggles, I'baitens, Cunrlages. Mar ket and llualuess Wagons, which 1 eaur at the rery lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. I call apedal attention te a few of my own de signs, one of which Is the EDOEULK1 CLOSED PHYSICIAN COUPE, which Is decidedly the neatest, llghUwt and meat complete Physician's Carriage in the country. Pernens wishing te buy a geed, heuest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In elgblwti yitars a geed one that U the kind of guarantee Ihuvoteo7ir the public. All work fully warranted. Please glre me a call. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed ter ihatTJurpeas) TOHACCU UUTTlNUr. tiUKAPW, tiltT ING8 AND PACKERS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought ter cash. J. 8. MOL1NS, Me. m Pearl Street, New Yerk. Uaieraaea rrttd. Schutte, Np. Hi Pearl atruet. Xexfc tebl7-lyO iremr A. aett -. 1 Fv- - A iiwpcd hands result from two j i,eap, which draws the natural oil from the skin. IcaxtnR it han.li. dry, and liable te crack, or the fats, from which the soap is made, arc net properly combined with the alkali, be, from its greasy nature it is impossible" te rine off the soap after washing. Prof. Leeds. Ph. D., Stevens Institution of Technology, says. "The Ivem Se.r, while strengb cleansing k.ncs the bkin soft and ple.-uint te the touch, instead of haish, uncomfortable, and liable te chap." A WORD OF WARN'ING. There are many white soiej, each represented te be "just geed as lh ' Ueri" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculnr and rcnarK abb qualities of the genuine. AA far " Ivery" Se ip and insist upon getting i. I .,jn n.hi ls-O. ljr PrwUr .t (.ainllc. MMDIOAL. YEIVS SARSATARILLA. Scrofula la one et tha most latal scourges which afflict mankind. It Is often Inherited, but may be the risnlt or Improper vscclnatlen. tnercurlH poisoning. uncleanllnrM, and Taiteus ether tiuses. Chronic Seres. Ulcers, Absrew. Can remns Humer, and. In some cases, LnncUUea, and Consumption, result Irein scrofulous coo anion or the bleed. This disease can be cured by the ue of ATers Sarsapartlls , I Inherited a scrofulous condtuen elthe bleed, filch caused a derangement of my whole syi tern Alter taking less than lour belUes et A) er's Sarsaparllla I am Entirely Cured and, ler the pait year, have net teund It neces urv tnue an v medicine whatever. 1 am new In better healti, and stronger, than erer boterq. -O. A. Wlllard, MS Tremont street, .Bosten, lli.. 1 wm troubled with Scrofulous Seres for rle years : but, alter using a lew oeiues 01 ajki SarstnarlUa, the sores healed, and I have new geed health. KlfzabeUi Warnock, 54 Appleton street. Lewell, Mass. Seme months age I was troubled with Scrom Screm Scrom leus Seres en my leg. The limb was badly swollen and Inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of oHenilro matter Kery remedy foiled, unul 1 used Ayer's Sareaparilla llj- taking three bottles of this medicine the sores have been entirely healed, and my health Is fully restored, lam grateful for the geed this medicine has done me Mrs. Ann O'llrlan, 1M Sulll an street, ew Yerk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'renjred by Dr. J. C Ayer A Ce., Lewell, Mass held by all Druggists, l'rtce, il i six bet, ties, S. nevl9 3 B KOWN'S IKON BITTEKb. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, HILIOUSNESS, DYbPEPhlA, NEHVOUS PROSTRATION, MALARIA, CHILLSand FEVERS, TIRED FEELING, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAINS r THB BACK A HI D KS, IMPURE BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, PESIALE INFIRMITIES, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES. i-iOU8ALEDV ALL IJUUUGIsTS, The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Ked Lines ou wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. (2)ml71ydAw s IMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. HEADACHE. SICK HEADACHE. D&AB Rae, Miik, Editor" CetUral ilethediit," CatletUbarg, Ky. "I see In the last Ornfrel ' that you want a remedy for Sick headache. If you will use a remedy that jeu advertise In your paper every week, I am sure you will be greatly benefited thereby and 1 belle e cured. I have been a sul sul leier from Sick Headache, I can say almost from Infancy, and have tried every remedy I could get and never teund anything te de me any geed until I used Simmons Liver Regulator. I has been nearly three years since I first used It and I have net nad Sick Headache since, and I never uaud but tn e and one-half packages of Urn Regu. later. I tent my sister (who had from one te two attack of blck Headache every week)one week)ene week)one halfef a package, and she has net nad It since, 1 feel ler everyone who suffers with that terrl terrl bie disease, and I hope ycu will give It a trial." C. b. Jleams, ' nevSl lwcedAw Brownsville, W. Va. -LILY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gtvea Relief at Onte and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATARRH, HAY rEVER. Net a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Tree from In. (urteus Drugs and Oflenalve Oders. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggists ; by mall, registered, no eta. Circular free. ELY 11ROS, Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. JulyZ&lyeed&lyw UIIK KOK TI1K DEAf. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work -K et me namnu arum, invisieie, corn- fertable and always In position, All cnnrftrmiL. nun unu even wnis; nera beard distinctly. Snnd for illustrated book with testimonials, TREE. Addrxss or cell en T. 1I1SCOX, BM Broadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. lunnlO-lyendAlyw QURK GUARANTEED. RUPTURE'. Cure guaranteed by DR. J. B. MAYER. E ise at once no operation or delay from busU ness i testtxt by hundreds of euros. Main office, an ARCH ST., PUILA. Send for Circular. W-lvdAw T30TK IS MAKINU CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT KMM A POM. AT NO. 10B NORTH QUEEN STREET, iaaUMtt ;iBeuur,ra causes. Toe much alkali in the urt uuuua. T OOK AT THE BILK HANDKERCHIEFS AT TBI North End Dry Goods Stere. The Ladles' Size In White Hemstitched for 3c is ery cheap, nert-lyd J. W. 11YK.NB, Ne. 33 North Queen street. c IOATS. 81'KCIAL UAKOA1.SS IN LADIES' COATS ! ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT UA1N8, ren II Alt. WATT &SH AND, 6, 8 and 10 East King Street. Hare made several adranbtgeens purchases dur ing the past week et MANUrACTUltKUS' AND I MI-OUTERS' SUlt i'LUS STOCK, hlch hare been marked at prices that will effect a speedy distribution. LADIES' BOUCLK JACKKTS tiTl each, re duced from w.se. LADIES' DIAGONAL NEWMARKETS, Full Length, l'erfect rittlng, 13 00 each, real value 17.00. LADIES' BOUCLK NEWMARKETS, 16.00 each ; reduced from 18.00. WORSTED DIAGONAL NEWMARKETS, IMC each; usual price, I10.SO. Imported Taller-Made fiERLIN NEWMAR KETS, fJ (JO each ; thought cheap at I12.M. Imported Taller-Made DKUL1N NEWMAR KETS 110.30 each; usual city price, tlS.00. We offer an Immense Stock of Children's and M Uses' NEW rALL CLOAKS, JACKETS AND NEW MARKETS, LADIES' SEAL PLUBIi 8ACQUES. In all the Latest StylPH. Well Made, at llottem 1' rices. New Yerk Stere. lOM PARE PRICES. SHERIFF'S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ladies, Misses und Children's COATS. COATS. COATS. Purchased at &0c. en the Dellar -BY- Stamm Bres. & Ce. Nes. 2G ana 28 North queen St. The abeve i 1 tt'il :oeds were bought at a large Shor Sher lale, and will be disposed of at Unprecedcnledly Lew Figures. v Beucle Jackets. r2.23 each : usual price, l-75. Ladles' Bisen Cleth Newmarkets, $1.00 each ; actual value, 18 00. Ladles' Berlin Newmarkets, rull Length and Perfect fitting, $3 CO each ; would be cheap at I7.S0. Worsted Diagonal Newmarkets. I7.C0 each i worth 19.00. Beucle Newmarkets, 13.00 each; real value, IS. Misses' and Children's Goats. four Years, 79c. each lowest city price, 11.23. Six fears, II 00 each ; usual price, f 1 23. Eight Tears, tl S3 each actual worth, tl 00. Ten Years, 1 .80 each; would be cheat) at W 23 Twelve Years. II 73 eacb ; thought a bargain at 13.00. reurteen Years, 12.00 each; would please you atWSO. BOSTON STORE. WA.TCHKM. WTTATCHE8. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jevelry at less than auction prices until January l, 1887, sine let ei nun, ac. Alse, Aigin. ma rine let et Rings. Ac Alse, Elgin. Waltham i Aurera for wmen i 'lrst-Class Watches; Aurera for wmen I am sole Agent), and ether Best watch and Jewelry Repairing. mr Correct place In city. time by Telegraph Dally, only L. WEBER, lK North Queen Bt, Hear Penn-a. R. K. Depot. Bpecucles. Kycgltiin and OpUeal goods. All kinds el Jew tJr, jiei pALiti AND BKK -THK- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light 1 lleats them all, AuolhcrLet of CURAT ULUUK8 for Has and OU storm. THE ' PBnPEOTION " MKTAI.MOUMlI.NtlANllllUntUtUCUBillOM WEATHER STRIP Hi at them ML ThU sit lp outwears all ethers. Kihmm out the cold. Slop rnttllliK"' windows. Kicluile thedmt. Keep out snow and mln. Any ene can apply It newMW or dlrtinadeln ivp iiIvIhk IU Csn tw Olt0 anrwhero-tie holes te Ihiik, nwd) for use. II wllf net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most erfect. At the stove, lleater and nance Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., 1.ANUABTKK. rA. -gu .vers. 500 500 Cook and Parler Steves. MUST UK SOLD HKO AUDLESS Of 1'lllCK TO UAKK UOOM roll Christmas Goods I We are new getting through with our great rush and will be able te push our Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MORE PROMPTLY. FL1NN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LAN CAST Ell rA. w M. A. K1KKKKK. ALDUS U. HKKK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), InTlteSalllHeusekeepers te Call and Inspect Vhelr Stock el HonsefemishiTig Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand COOK STOVES and RANOES, lrAKLOR STOVES, 'HEATERS and JTUKNAUKS., STOKER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits el all offervd te tte trade, we haTO selected TFfB "ARGANiV rer GASOLINE, and THE ' DANGLER," for COAL OIL. As the Best, when all points am considered, te ener 10 our pauens. Call and see us. We love te show enr goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Remember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Mannfactared by fuller A Warren Company, Trey. N. Y., which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control et gas. New la tha time te examine and become posted for Antumn purchases. REMEMBER TUE.TLAUE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) ars&tfdAw UMUVMMIMMj FRUIT (JAKES. Where shall I go te buy my fruit caks order t We should suggest WIANrS GROCERY. In doing se you will find there a large stock of new goods. Seedless Raisins, Citren, Currants, Lemen and Orange Peel, New French Prunes, Pure ground Bplces, fine Flavoring extracts. Rese water. White Clever Heney In one pound caps, cheap. Please call at usrAt-iyu Me. US West King street. AT BTJKHK'B. Thanksgiving Groceries ! White Almerla Grapes only 12e fc, Hentxleri Best Mince Meat, lie ITine CranberTles, New Paper Shell Almonds, New Table Raisins, Sul tana Seedless Raisins, 12c, New Currants at 8c. New Citren, 23c, Lxtra fine Prnnelles. lte, New rrench Prunes, 6J4C, 10c, UHe and 13e B. Sweet and Cheap Sugar. Best Granulated Sugar, ea fi ; Best Seft White, Ce ; White, &Xc. and Beautllnl Light, Be The finest JSvaperated and Canned Cern In the city. We have a large stock of all kinds fresh Groceries at bottom prices J juallty always con sidered. BURiK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. wimmB axb ijQvuiia. 29 -gote- 29 Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer I'emmery Sec, lloncbeBcc. Piper Hetdsieck, G. II. Mnmm A Ce , and all ether leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira. Sherry and Pert Wines, Clarets, Sauternes, Ales and 8 louts, Sele Agent ler Special Great western Cham- Tiairni prnuueev ujr w. unueu. , wiv Ce., the finest American Champagne In the United States. Vlerlda Orange Wine, the finest In the market. l. lull line of Brandy. Whisky, Gins and Rums. California Claret and White Wine, el NapaVal- ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker.Aex., Ne. ffl EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA IttVHKB, JtO. K RKC'KKIVB. BUPFAIO BOBES. The only Buffalo Robes that came te Lancas ter this season was a let I get In en the lath Inst. They are the only rresh Robes In this market. We have them lined or unllned, at reasonable P On'Japan Geat, Wolf and all ether makes, our assortment can't be surpassed. Jtebea of all kinds lined at short notice. Harness, Trunks and all kinds of Herse Cleth. Ing at tbe Lewest Prices. KRECKEL'S, NO. EAST UNQ BTHMT. IWCABCTfcfA. rvmniTcmm. w; C BAIT. U It. ROTK. FURNITURE ! Fer tha IIEST IIABtlAINB In rURNITUIIR of ALL KINDS, go te the NEW FURNITURE 8T0RE, Oer. Seuth Quite and vine 81. We am elllna for short Unas, at ASTONISH Mil LOW l-lllTlKS. Rlrganl Waln.it Itad-Hemn Hullni, Martli Top.ISS.flei rina llalrelnlh l'r l'r ler Suits. 00 1 Klcnant Iciungn, (7 001 and ether Keed at the sania Lew 1'ilwa. nt-lmd F UKMTUKB WAHKKOOM8. BUY lOUUSELr A 1'AtR OF TU08B Felding Dress Pillows. CALL BAHLT AT HeMer's Furniture Wtreroent. They are the nicest thing out and we hays J nst reoelred another let of thrnu. 90 BAST KINO BTRBHT. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, 27 A 29 Seuth (neen St., LANCASTER,! A. T ATESTDKSI0N8 AND FINISH, AT WIDMYER'S TOU WILL HMD i Urge and Well Selected Stock or FURNITURE, IN ALL THK latest Styles and Finisn. SWCALL AND KXAMINK.-M WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner Hast Kins and Duke Bte., LANCASTER, PA. sepuVlyd BOOK. A TSKNTION ! ATTENTION ! AttT POTTERY I a. L im LERSMITH, BOOKSELLER. STATIONER AND ART DKALKR. Ne. 40 East BUng Street, LANCASTER, PA. Fall & Holiday Goods, ROYAL WORCESTER. HUNOAHIAN, OLD IVORY. LACE WORK. PEACHBLOW VASES, CAMEO GLASS, rLKM- 1SU. TERRA COTTA and DOULTON WARE.audaLargeA ssertment of ARTISTIC NOVELTIES rer Wedding and Holiday Gins. angK-ua QOHOOIj BUPPIilKH. JOM BASE'S SOITS, Ne. 16 and 17 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA., Oflsr, Wholesala and ReUil, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY. Old Readers xehanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid Slating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Beeks of AH Kinds. Writing Inks, Steel Pans, Slates Noiseless Slates, Slate Pencils, Drawing Pen cils. Composition Beeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the Una et Soheol Stationery. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK. WAJJt rATMB. m-JLlAj PAl'KK. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 1M NORTH QUEEN STREET, The time of high prices for Inferior grades of Wall Papers Is a thing of the past. Elegant Wall Paper and Window Shades at lowest mar. ket prises. We have In stock the fl nest as well as the cheapest Paper made. If you Intend papering your beuse come and leek atourgeods and enr prices will surprisoj'eu. All kinds of Window Shades ready made and made te order, we nave an weganni uu; tains In hsavy and light weight. Poles, Chi Heeks, Pins, Vestibule Reds, Stair Reds everything belonging te a first-class. Paper made te order, wenaveaneieganiuueui tur- ds and everything belonging te a first-class Paper and Shade Heuse. sSrEsamlne our goods aud com pare prices. flLFREffl SIEBER, 184 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA AKKLKY'H NEW BRANDS "PAXY" and - first Ress " are the popular Scent Cigars at Hotels and Saloons. Try them. UARKLKV'S Yelfew Prent," , ., . Ke.ll Nena queen street. (Formerly tUrtman's.) r . 2l ,4 "TSI ;&&&. A' &4&&, llv&&ZZ&i&&m: ') '-YsAj-fr' X,il . - :V-A-&i 'ijfc