Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 24, 1886, Image 1

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    ft . , .. : ' 1, T"rWT i vmlh ' wnn-j; .- ww
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a rMvmiHKiir tuunemaxuv LJ.vtMi-
A Caulefiaiu, Without rartlculare, Uenveyt je
friend tha Hud lnlallliedee-laine Ac
ruutil of llli CarJer Native nlthe
rims Ht irhlili lis DM
The poenlo of Lancaster wero startlei te-
day ever the sad tieivs that J nines M. Hurke,
esq, eflhUclly, had died In Ireland. In
vestigation Mmwed that the news was only
tee true. Tim II (l Intimation el Iho Mil
eveutttmlMr. Uilrkb'i OlcntU lintelisd was
by the arrival In Lancaster el Themas I'.uike,
ii tirellur of the decoasetl, aud Him. 'Iheuiis
Oca I jan. a near rtWtlve, who relde In New
Yerk. Mr. Iturke brought with him a cable
gram, which he hut received Irem lii
mother. It stated that .TainvH hail illej en
Hundav at Mountrail', (iueen county, lio lie
latid, hntgavn no limber pirtlcutara. Tint
cause of lil.i Uefi'li Is net known horn. Heme
tluiD age it was reported tint he was sick and
In answer le a loiter Irem n friend hnre he
sent n message that he hail been Hick but
was gelling alt right ngalt'. Ne une here
had uny Idea that tin km aorleusly 111 and
hi death was a great shock.
Deceased wits In the twenty. nintli year of
hlii age. Ha wsstiuru at Meuutrath, and In
early llfe was engaged In the pentnl Korv loe
et Oreat Britain. He came te Amerlca In
lbTdnnd made I1I1 home with li In uncle, the
late Michael Malone, who resided en Halt
Oratige Btre"t Threo weeks aller his arrival
he began thu study or law with (lonrge M.
Kline, esq, In lb'O he was admitted te tbe
bar, having passed a very crodlhihle (ixaml (ixaml
natien. Hu oitenod an olllce with Mr. Kline,
but timer practiced a ilenl. In ISiO
hla undo, Mr. Muleu, illed, and Mr. Iturke
beeatnw one of the exeeuUir or the entAte and
principal litgatee. Hlnoe that time he had le n
engKtd In attcndlUK te the bustneu of the
ostate, which ceuslnllarKly 'f reat eiUtiln
the city and Hiilmrh. Hlnoe he llrat came te
Amerlca Mr. Ilurkehad made tbroe trljii te
lrelaud. Tuelattlnib he went waa In July
and had Intended te remalii ler itoieral
Mr. llurke had becn n boarderat the Hola Hela
tor lieuiu for h nuuiber or yearn. He wan a
Kentlemau or larKe IntelllKcnce, imlck wit
and many popular eclal qualltlca. Ilurlntr
the ten years of liH ns ilpnei In I.ttCMtorle
nitil.i initiiv trlcnd, and had ha pracuuvd the
profewlon for whicti he pr(iiared hluiwlf be
wouliTlie doubt hate wen attccean at the bar.
lie u llborn'-'iilnded and een hand
id ; kharrd hN meatia with hN frlenua
nnd khve llberally te eery deervlnx
ilnrlty. He was a mumber el Hu Mnry'a
Catholic church or thla eltv : mid lMlonged
te the Mii'iintnher iivMUtlen. ltolero he
left for i:urope he made hit will, the pro pre pro
lnleni el which aroetcourto net yet made
publta Iu politic Mr. Iturke OMpoeod the
faith or lili uncle, he early bocame a
naturalized cltlren et the country and pro pre pro
metod with i0i the nurciMn of the Domo Demo Dome
tratlc rty.
Mr. llurke'a lather It dead and Ir'iMch n
mether he Iimmm tlie aUtera and four
lirothem, allot whom arerewii and lhe in
Ireland with the inception of Thern i, who
I In tiuslneAj In 2ew Yerk city.
tiik hay or TiiAiKatnrixj.
SiKktl III Hie Cliarrtira-tinrUI Clnlx and
Huclctlra Iu Ob.erlB till UlkJ. '
A te morrow la the great national TUauka.
giving day, the I.itbluui.nckii, In ac:erd.
ance with IU usual custom, will nut publlah
a paper, but will KlTothe euiplinen an oper
tunlty of takleK n rtst. The day will le
observed Keuerally in the city mid nearly all
places of baslnt t will be cleiel. Thoaaleons
w III be open and at many the usual egK negf ,
lunches, tVa, will be Klen.
Union wIni will be held te morrow
memlnifat the ht. l'aul'a Mothedlnt church
and (Intue I.uihnran cliurcb, and there will
also beapcblal terlces atn number of ether
Tela oieiiIuk the festlvltl s mil bclu,
The I.lkdiirkraiiz will iield their regular
ThankagUInK concert nud nnclable In the
hatl In the rmrnrKuap'iiMhmi, nedus usual
expect a geed time
l he Lancaster aeclsl club w 111 held n ball
In the Lancaster rink this ovenliiK nnd the
1. I, club will held forth iu Keberla' hall
lwth te morrow aflorneon and eenlng. An
uaaenibly In Ksbleman'a bell will hu held te
morrow nenlnR
The "Owl"," nfeiil club ercaulztHt lust
ear, will held their aeuiuil auuual aupper at
"the CUV hotel this evnnlng at 10 o'clock
The I arme.8," a "ilmda' ortailzitlen, w. I
have their aupper at Jehn II. IJergtr'a
Houthern rxchange hotel this oenliiK.
There will be a mcred cencert In the main
nudlence room of ML Htephcn'a Lutheran
church te-morrow evetiiK at 7:30 i. in. A
Une programme boa been erraugi,d.aiid n
large attendance Is expected.
The Lancaster ljceum will held Its ttrat
pregramme meetlni; or the aoaaen In the Y.
M. C. A. hall en Thursday evening. The
chief subjects for dlacuxMleii are " The Heal Heal
latle Scheel of Moderu 1'lctleii " and " l-'or.
eign Immigration.
The Mieoiiercbor bariar will be open all
day te morrow and In theeeulng, and will
no doubt be largely patronized. There will
Ik n delogatlen here te morrow from the
Harmonica society or 1'hllaielpbla, and also
vUltera from Heading.
The membera of Past It, 0 rand Army of
the Kspubllr, wilt-Tie t Pout 110, at Harrla
burg tomorrow. TUy Imve t-ecured low
rates en the railroad which will be open te
The degrce tatr or Monterey ledgo will
visit New Helland te-morrow oenlng te de
seme dogree work.
The meeting of the blcjclers iu this city te
morrow promlsea te be very largely attonded
and ridera will be here from many surround
ing towns and village They will ride te
Columbia in the fbroneon.
At the epera house Charles Gardner, the
Dutch comedian, will appear at two per.
lermauctH In "Karl the Peddler," nnd Lester
and Wllnet will give their blcycle perform perferm perform
huce at the Laucaster rink.
Te-morrow afternoon thore will bosheotins:
matchea at the hotels or Uanka Hmlth In
Kohrerston,and Jehn F.Echternach at O ro re
vllle. The L. C. A. elub will held n sociable In
KxceUler hall te-morrow aftomeon and
evening. I'ref. Hall will give hla annual so
ciable in Scblller hall In th e afternoon.
j flour A LINK VENCK.
Lares Number of WltnciuM TttxUf Iu a Nalgh Nalgh
bers (Juarral About a Few luetics et Ijsnil.
There was ue case attached for trial betore
Judge Livingston htnee yesterday afternoon,
en account of Mr. Brown's presenceln the
lower court room en a trial, he being alto
engaged in the remaining cases en this
week's trial list.
The Btilt for trespass between Anna M.
Landis and William Gantz, occupied the at
tention of tbe court, In the bearing or testi
mony until n oeu te-day.
The defense called a number of witnesses
te prove that the defendant did net encroach
ou the land of plalutltr when he eroetod the
new fence between their properties. A large
number of witnesses have been subpoenaed
in the case aud It will be an expensive trial
te the party losing. Counsel begun the
argument et the case at neon te day,
An isjue ban been granted te test the
nwnersulp of certain preperty levied upon by
the sherlft as the goods of Geerge H. Rich
ards, en an execution Issued by II. S. Shirk
A. Hen. Mr. Hlcharda claims te be the ewner
of the goods,
A Hey Killed by Calf.
Levi Blackpool, aged U years, was killed
by n calf at Auburn, New VerK, en jvienuay.
He was holding the animal by a rope, which,
in play, hu had tied around bis neck. The
cair starwd oil, threw the boy down, and
dragged bim until death resulted from
Itaat mtata Market.
Henry Bhaberr, auctioneer, sold at publle
nale, November 23, at the Fountain Inn
hotel, the property belonging te the estate et
Themas Alelt, deceased, situated en the west
side of Houth Queen street, south of And row
street! te II. U, Hwarr, esq., for 2,22S,
Clsllmilnc lugFtliftr I'mipla le .Settle In 1m.
Whcra ut Ou Wlllh lllrti nr roeranit
Van llava Lltiiintl lana.
Ill J une lssfl, under the title of the VreilU
tjncler,el Hinalei, a weekly mper, edlted by
Marie and lUward HeivUnil, was Issued from
IIammouten,K.J., in advocacy of Mr. Owens'
plan for the organlMllen el social equity and
Justice. The prope.od colonists under the
directions of Albert K. Owens are drawn
from nil soctlens or the country, Texhh and
CalllernU being well rotirsentod. It
is presumed that the proposal colo
nists are understood te be turning their
property lute cash, In meat casus at a less te
be ready rer the call. 'I hey expect te get be
yond the iipcecslty of using money and, de
net exjicct te labor mero than a few hours a
day. Alt religions will be telerated, but
nene will be piearhed, the colonists will
express, their vlews en all subjects through
the Daibl Wave, the organ of the colony
which Is ui be wtabllshed In Mexico. Hev.
William P. Haten, ene el the foromest
men conneclod wllh the bcIiouie says,
the colony will be n oaceful people
eager te find homes, where no ene
will be rich and no ene will lx) peer; they
hae made arrangements with the Mexican
government, and ex pec t that within very
short llme tiie order will be given te start.
The scheme Is fast gaining ground and Mr.
O wenH has locitedlheHlnaloan line In Mexico,
returning in IsVi. Altiwrt Klnsey Owen was
born at funster, l'a Ills father was Jeihus
Owens, a uaker Irem the Merris river dis
trict or New Jerssy. He wai edticated at
Aveuilale, taking a course in the hlgber
mathematics with Mr. J. Uale, a noted
prvar-her and ochelar. In IV,i he Joined his
tatlier, who was surgeon of General Han
cock's brigade, mid he onjeyod the oppor
tunity of marching with the Army et the
Potomac In 1S7U Mr. Owens joined an exi
dlteu te Mexico ns engineer, and he has
spent enrn In tint country Introducing and
projecting various schemoe, and he has been
particularly prominent since 1S73, publish
ing artlcles concerning Mexico and Its people,
resource, etc; HU acknowledged abilities
were recogulzed by Minister Marlacat, of
Mexico. In 187 'J he again went te Mexico
nud his plans rf forming the Hinalean colony
were made whlle there. Mr. Owens' writ
ings since the cstabllahment of the Credit
yeneier, or hlnnlei, have been printed ex
clusively lu that organ.
Mivtt.trr. uvrrr.
Tlie Clilvlliilurnier of Ilia llrllnry, VTlie Con Cen
fesMsl te llerelvlns 1 0,000.
The llttle " combine " whlcli Miclnel
Uutry.oneof the soveral New Yerk alder alder
mea new en trial, has f,iven a-s a prenuncU.
monte of the great thefts, Irem the city's
(lnantef, by the boedlo ntdermen of New
Yerk, is making an undisputed round el the
country. The overwhelming tostlmeny of
Kullgrall and his penltent confederate,
Dully, corroborated as it was. leaves no room
for doubt M te the guilt of the accused alder
man. The chief witnesses of the defeuse
were O'Nell and Hellly; tliey were all fellow fellew fellow
ineuibers or McQaade In the Tlreadway
Jeb, and ure thetnselves new awaiting trial.
Of cnurae they have strenuously denied w hat
rullttratl and Dully have sworn te.
I) utly, alter Pullgrsirhad Muted tbe conies
slen, is the chief Informant, and he is looked
devv n upon by his brotber BChemer as a para
Blte most unwholesome, a sort et social aud
political pariah. Ills expressions of regret at
having been one of the culprits are laughed
at and he Is at present In no enviable position.
What the conviction will be at the conclusion
of the trial remains te be toen, but It Is sur
mised tuat uutiy anu j-uugraii win meet
with but Blight punishment
The Clloeihlo About te Engsfa t'pen Tlia
Werk el the Winter.
The oxecutlvo commlttee of the Cllosephlo
social and literary club, which has hud Biich.
a brilliant cateer ler the just seven or eight
years, held a meeting last eveulng toarrange
for the work of the association this winter.
The club new numbers evor 75 member?,
representing alKJtit forty families of this city
aud Htibtirhs, and containing in its member
ship many of our leading clergy, prefesmrs
and ether professional and bualniw. men, and.
most highly cultivated ladies.
The llrst regular moetleg of the season
will be held ou Friday evening el this
week at the resldonce et Hev. Dr.
Thee. Appel, Ne, 63J West James street,
when, It Is understood, soveral subjects will
be presented from which te select one for
treatment during the coming Reason. Among
topics that have been spoken of are "A,
comparison et tbe ancient and modern
civilizations." "Ilussla," "Germany"
" Kgypt " and " Scotland. " Hereafter tha
meetings will be held fortnightly.
Tbrse Itecant Murders.
An old man named Hoece was Bitet and
killed near Hdgorten, Ma, and hlitwe sons
were serieusly wounded, In a tight between
the trio en ene side aud a neighbor named
Hhackelferd and son ou the ether, growing
out of a dispute evor a tease of land.
N. H. Ullger, a prominent and wealthy
planter In White county, Arkansas, during a
quarrel with an employe named llarklns,
struck him en the head with a shovel and
killed him. llllger lied and has net been
while quarreling evor a gatne of scraps"
at llaltlmere, William Hall, colored, shot
and killed a lad named Heaver's, colored.
I leth boys worked at eyster shucking. Ball
has net been captured.
Accidentally Hhet Ills N Utr.
Asliury McCormlek, a boy eleven yean of
age, while handling a pistol lu the Tallage et
Hulerd, Ga,, accidentally shot through the
bead his sister Lizzie, aged alxtoen. Death
was almost lusiantanoeus.
f &&' &?. m
Wjfim&bimLf ;
V -
Mr. HslUert.Jiihii.tmi, a I'KtiuUr I'liliadelpbla)
Jeurnsll.l, anil Mlts Marjr Hettinger, of
Car hit Mr, llturjr H. I'lanklln anl
Mlts Ijtera Nprether of This UHr.
Special te the InrsLiinKSiiK.
Caiimsi.k, l'a., Ner. UI. The wedding of
Mr. Herbert Johnsten te Miss Mary
flonevloro lleysluger was olemnlrsd here at
2 p. m. teslay Iu St Jrthn's l. H. church by
Hev. W. U. Levlll, assisted by Hev. Jehn
Hey si tiger, undo or the hrlde, et Ulllten
Heights, Pa Tne church was lilled with n
large nnd fashlrmaiile asseniblage and the
bridal party entered In the following erder:
Usher J, M. Herr, of Carlisle, and Claude
U. Whltstene, of the Philadelphia 'Imes t
Usher Hlinen It. Cnieren, of Msytewn, and
Kdward H. Carre, or Philadelphia ; the
brlde with her brother, W. L. Heyslnger.
The wedding mare'i from Lohengrin was
played by l'ref. H. Talbot Dutten. Arriving
at tbe altar the groom and his beat man.H. AL
Kellly, esq., of Lancaster, emerged from the
ves'ry. The ceremony was performed ac
cording te the lull ceremonials et the Kplsco Kplsce
pal church.
The newly married pilrlelt en -:17 train
for New Yerk, whence they will return arier
a brier bridal trip te make their home in
Their preM nts were among the most boau beau
tlful nnd oestly ever seen hore.
Istevenlng a most olegmt Joint rocop recop rocep
tlou was tendered te the liride and groom
elect and W. L Heyslnger and his bride,
who was M Us Miry MrCslllster, uiarrled a
week age In Celiimuta, H. C, at the roildence
oriterman He singer, the father et the brlde
of te-day.
Miss Heyslnger Is enn of the best known
ladles In Carlisle, having been largely idon iden
titled with church and charitable work. The
groom is a fermer Lancastrian of wlde popu
larity and new n member of the Philadel
phia J lines editorial stan.
Mr. II. 8. franklin anil Mlts Laura Biirecbe r.
Anotber fashionable wedding took, place
In this city te-day. The contracting partles
were Henry H. Pranklln and Miss Laura
Hprerher. The ceremeny was at the resi
dence of the bride's parents at 1 o'clock, and
It was performed by Itev. C. L. Pry, e
Trinity Lutheran church. Only the rela
tives nnd near frlcndB or the partles wero
present nt the ceremeny. The bridesmaids
were Mls ltlanchot'ranklln,efLancaster,and
Miss Emily Chapman, ofliethlehotr, CbtS.
II. Mayer, of Yerk, and Dr. Charles M. Frank
lin, of Philadelphia, were the ushers. After
the ceremony a reeepllen was held from 2
te I o'clock and n great many pornens at
tended. At I.I i the brlde and groom loll en
atrip te New Yerk.
STUCK ItltALtNO LK1 ill Hi JtUJtf.
Trra.iirtr Itaed, of tha isten Hene Hallway
Company, n OeUulttr for 10 1,000,
llltam Heed, treasurer of the Houth
Ho-sten Heiso railroad company, wasarrosted
Tuesday morning at his home in Houth
Bosten, by Inspectors Ilauscem and Hough Hough
eon upon a warrant charging him with the
ombczzlement of (35,000 of the railroad's
funds. In the police station Heed confessed
his guilt, and acknowledged the embezzle
ment of ?V.l,MX) In cesh, and an over-lssuo of
3 j shares of stock or the read, having n cash
value or 31,500, making the total amount of
the defalcation JIOI.OOO.
Heed lecame treasurer of the company
about elght years age. II n had been ery
ncllve and elllclent In looking after the
allairs of the company, and had thn fullest
coulldenco el the Iteanl et directors. Ills
unatitlierind uhe of the company's funds
began, it Is stated, In ISSI. He invested
heavily lu Mexican Central securities at
high prices, and succeeded until only a few
dajs age In com eating his Illegal operations
from the ether elllcers of the oemp-iny. The
dlsoevory of his irregularities was caused
by tha olection el Charles U. Hersey te the
presidency of the company. 'I bat gentle
man and ileu. Ilenjamtii Dean, et the dlroe
terv, began an investigation alieut ten days
age, which resulted in an application ier a
warrant ler his arrett.
Heed had been III at home for threo or tour
daj, but he niyxmiiuuled the elllcers te po
lice headquarters, been utter tils arrest he
turned ever te thodlrecters all of his proper prepor preper
ty, worth about $15,000, and securltles worth
about $10,000. He also made ever hla stock
contract, which he and thodirectora belleve
will nearly if untqulte inake geed the full
amount el his embezzlement. Heed was ar
raigned In the muuidpal court In the after
noon. He waived an examination and was
held In ?."0,000 Ixmds for the grand Jury, In
itefhiilt of which he was committed te falL
A gentleman familiar with the Inside facts
counectoil with Treasurer Heed's otnbozzlo etnbozzlo otnbezzlo
ment, and who has known him for years,
said that It would be Impossible ler some
time yet te state positively bow much the less
would be. An expert has been at work en
the company's books for u woek, and from
present appearances, says the gentleman, It
would Beeui as If the company has been prac
tically ruined by Heed's defalcations. Un
doubtedly IU capital stock aud surplus will
be wiped out entirely.
Heed had been engaged seme nix or poven
veara lu delniudlinr the cemnanv. and it is a
matter or surprise that his crookedness was
net discovered long before. The discovery
came about In this way : Heed had been
Hpeculatlng iu stocks for a number of years
nud losing constantly. After lOHlng all the
money stelen from the company. Heed put
up ever-Issues of the company's stocks as
collateral for margins en stocks being car
ried for him. He much et the company's
paper being ollered without apparently any
reason for it, ns It was supposed the company
hud money en hand te pay bills, areused
suspicion, aud the directors were notitled.
An examination was begun and while It
was pending Heed was kept under constant
surveillance at bis residence by men hired
by the company. Heed breke down com
pletely. He fairly cursed himself into a
severe sickness aud was unsparing In his
denunciations of his telly and crime. It la
stated that this Is the llrst defalcation by
ev or Issue of stock knewu In that city. It Is
probable that when the certificates et stock
are ettered for verification at the company's
olllce in about a months tlme, It will be knew n
Just hew much stock has been evor Issued
anu net oeiero.
Treasurer Heed lest r.11 his money In stock
speculations. He was of a quiet, retiring
disposition, modorate in his expenditures,
and with no bad habits ns far as known.
Demestic troubles are believed te have
hastened him iu bis downward career. Heed
did net own a sbare of stock In the read. He
is said te be largely Interested in mines In
Utah, as well as in mining, railroad aud
ether speculations in Mexico. He is also
treasurer of the Mexican Telephone com
pany, the funds of vvhlch, he asserts, are In
geed condition. Owing te the doubt as te
thu genuineness or the stock certificates of
the Houth Bosten railroad company sales of
its bhares were enjoined in the brokers'
Ureke Jail With n i'eker.
William Walker, rjamuel Hhetram, Jarues
Carr and Jehn Fremont (colored), escaped
early Tuesday morning Irem the Hunting
don Jail, where tbey wero serving sentences
ter burglary. The men occupied two adjoin adjein
ing cells. They reached the corridor by
breaking the staples en which the padlocks
were fastened, and then worked a hole
through a twenty-six-luch Btone wall with a
)eker. They crept through the hele and get
le the Jail yard from the second story of the
uuiiuiug ey means et a blanket, which was
fastened te the iron bars of the window.
Thore were soveral ohlcken-eoops in the Jail
yard. These were piled en top of each ether,
and the men climbing en top of them,
Jumped ever the wall. The aherill has
eflered a reward et J100 for thslrcaptare.
The Attempt te 1'oUen a Family.
The Perkins family, at Springfield, Mass,
who were poisoned by drinking tea contain
Ing'" Heugh en Hats," which It U supposed
was placed in It by aome person who had
been dlscharKOd from the silt mills or which
Mr. It. U. Perkins la superintendent, are
pronounced out el danger. There Is no clue
te the Identity or the perpetrators.
bmum MAtinr.m nunuveu.
Tbanksilvlai Harvlea In the Uhtircbcs The
(Jullt Kitaluttlen- laltnrs New In Town.
MANitKlM, Nev. 21 riie FJtrehl family, se
colebratod for their musical talents, gave an
ontertalnmont In tlie town hall last evening
lea large aud leuce, Iho inusle was geed nnd
highly onjeyod.
The WoinanVChtls'lmTemperanco Unltn
held an excellent unlit exhibition In the hall
last Friday and Haturday. Thore wero 75
quills of all aires, slyks and ages, from the
tnndern crazy-patcli-sllk-qullt te thocontury thecontury thocentury
old - triangle . nnd square - black and - whlte
quilt Oil palnl Ings by borough artists, tldles.
cushions nnd every oencolvulilo oddity and
beauty made by young and old wero artisti
cally arranged throughout the room, tilling
all the space en celling, wall and tables. Toe
much ptalse cannot l.e hoslewod upon tbe
Union for their cllerla nt making this exhibit
Poultry Ihloves were nbeut last Hsturday
night lreui Henry Arndt's poultry yard
aome fine Plymouth Heck hens wero stelen.
The oflendorsnro suspected.
Down town i Itizetis new drop their lotters
Inte the lotler-bex placed en Healh Cbarlotte
street near the depot by 8. H. Yeung, pest
master. I no man is romevod irem tne box
Just befere tbe tlme ter closing and ilepartlng
malls. This convenlonco was iioedod long
age. Next! Electric light
Jehn Fulmer has commenced the manu
facture of cigars In the room evor his sadlsr
shots N. Prussian street, having the stock
and fixtures belonging te Jehn Helnhauer,
who becomes tnanager for Mr. Fulmer.
Jacob Nlssley had public sale of nearly 200
barrels el New Yerk state apples last
Haturday at the Hum my heuse.
This evening a Thuiksgivlng I've service
will be held In the lecture room or Ht Paul's
Heformed church, Instead of the usual Wed
nesday evenlng lecture. The uiusia will be
rendered by the choir assisted by 30 elces
solectod from the Sunday school. The sor ser sor
vlcea promtse te be of unusual Interest
Miss Nettle K. Hesttter returned last
woek from a four months' lsltte Illinois
and Indiana. Fer a time she, in company
with Miss Clara Gite, of Lancaster, vlslted
at Logansport, Indiana.
TlianKsgiviug uny win uoeusorvou minis
borough, te morrow. The banks and stores
will be clesed and tbe scholars el the public,
schools enjoy a holiday.
In the evenlng tlioladlesconnoc ted with the
circle of Ht Paul's Heformed church will
held a ten anil collee hoc! ible In the locture
room. Besides the usual tea aud cetI03 and.
re'.l, ice cream, cake aud ether delicacies will
be served. The mechanics have Hnlshed
pelntlnir, papering and beautifully refitting
the room te-day and the social will partake
somewhat of a Jubilee. Tbe number In at
tendance premises le be large.
The Episoep-vl Church Guild will fteld
their llrst meeting of the season en the nnme
evening nt the home of Miss Jeunle Bam
berger, Houth Prussian street, ler whlcli oc
casion an Interesting literary pregramme has
lieen nrranged.
Mttlers New Here.
Mrs. I'atti Walnwright, of Colerado, is
lslttngat Abraham Kline's.
Mr. Henry H. White, and his daughter
Miss Katie, or Logansport, Indiana, are
isiting his parents.
Misses Lizzie Stene Bnd Kmma Pettit, el
Fredericksburg, Va.,are visiting at MruAdnni
Mr. and Mrs. KUIett, or (ireencastle, Pa.,
are entertained by Mr. nud Mrs. U. 11. Gin
grich. Last evening's train brought Dr. B. l
Sen oil from Philadelphia te visit his father-in-law,
Mr. Henry Atudt
riru ui.AitiANrs run a nuur.
A Weman IlrcUrssi that she Is Policeman
btinlcr's Vilduiv.
rem Iho l'hlladclpbia Kcient
The coroner's Investigation of the death of
Policeman Henry C Mmler, of Ne. HOSNerth
Tenth street, who died eh Monday In Mehler's
saloon, at Ne. (125 Girard avenue, brought te
light yesterday n strange coateat for the pos pes pos
fceeslen of the dead man's body. A woman
calllnsheraoHKateC. Sluiternppeared during
the Inquest and swore that she was Henry C.
Himler's wlle. In proof of this she. produced
a slip or piper bearing these words. "Mar
ried by me ttie 4th of December, lbS3, Ben
jamin H. Franklin, 1). D." The coroner
carefully examined the ministerial register
and the city directory, but failed U find any
ruch nameas Benjatutn It 1 rauklln, D. D.
The woman declared that she had been
tnarried te hlmler in her niother'n house,
and that nfterward her husband Introduced
her as bis wlfu te h.s mother.
Charles Himlur, n brother of the deceased,
testillsd that he vn as w 1th him vv hen he died,
and bad always believed him te be single.
Several of the dead pollieman'a friends
eflered similar testimony. As both the Bup Bup
esed widows and the dead nun's relatives
claim the Ixxly for burial, the coroner con
tinued tbe case ier further examination, and
the burial cortitlcate was withheld.
Accident iu Wad II tmpten While Deec
Honater Wcde Hampton vvhlle deer hunt
ing en his Mississippi plantation en Monday,
became separated Irem the rest or the party
who, toward evening, Bitppeslngthat the sen
ator had left the Held, returned home. At
8 o'clock that night Ueuerul Hampton being
still abseut a bearcblng party started out
and found the old general a Hhert dhtanes
Irem the house, much exhausted and pain
fully hurl, but making his way homeward.
At about three o'clock in the alternoeu as be
was riding through a thick weed where vines
were numerous, a "hupple Jack" -vine
caught his gun nud discharged it, the lead et
buckshot eutertng the head of his horse, kill
ing the beast Instantly. The animal fell ou
Honater Hampton aud lu bis maimed condi
tion it took him some tlme te oxtricate him
self. He hud been walking through the
weeds for nearly flve hours with only ene
goeu leg,
Mea Theasaml Killed In Rillle.
Advices from Durban November 3 state
that a general and appirently su ccessful revolt
Is In pregress among the natives against
Portugueso authority hi southeast Alrlca.
An American missionary, the Hev. Mr.
Wilcox, arrived lu Durban from tlie Portu Pertu Portu
geoso settlement ou the east coast, abev e the
Transvaal. Ue reports that the natives at
Inhambane, a Portuguese pert town, 200
mlles abeve Delagoa biy, rose up against the
Portuguese taxation and murdered the cel
lector, un uctouer -i n oattie was letignt
between 8,000 Portugueso and friendly nattv es
,en the ene side aud .50,000 hostile natives en
tlie ether. The Pertuguese were defeated
and routed, and the less lu kllled ou both
aides is c'htlmated at 9,000 men.
The Nun el Idiiinare Uylug.
The famous His ter Mary Frances Clare, tbe
nun of Kenmare, Is dj Ing iu the Hoesovolt
hospital, New Yerk, where she has been
upon a bed of auUerlng ler Hoverul months
past Her principal uiluieut is dreirav. ac
celerated by heart and liver treublea Her
sickness Is the result of overwork, und she
may be aald te have sacrificed liorself lu her
endeavors en behalf of the starving popula
tion of Ireland. In addition te this great
work the eminent rollgieuso has established
homes for working girls In Jersey City and
ether places, and the record of hoc geed
deeds would fill a large volume.
Decltlen Itencrved.
Iewis Helfsuyder, the mau who was ar
rested ou the charge of stealing iron rreiu the
Penn Iren works, was heard before Alderman
Deen en Monday evenlng. Soveral of thb
persons connected with the mill wero present
and examined, but they were unable te
swear positively that the Iren round ou the
premises of the accused was their preiwtv
They knew, however, that it was the ssine
kind. The alderman reserved hU decisien.
A Detroit Docter's Crime,
Dr. Wler, for whose capture rewards ag
gregating f2,000 have beea eflered, was ar
rested at Londen, Ont, en Monday night
Ue was taken before a magistrate and re
manded until Monday. Ue Is wanted In Os
coda, Mich., where he Is charged with re
peatedly assaulting Mabel Clark, a hospital
patient who was under treatment for ma
larial fever, thereby causing her death. Miss;
Clark made an ante niertQin htatouient ac,
cusing Vr, Weir. '
They Hlanit Mun ler Acquittal and Three ler
Conviction After the ltrst Itallet The
Dlilrlrt Attorney DlMRtUMcd and Will
Try film Aslii en Monday,
Nkvv Yeiik, Nev. 21 Tbe Jury In. the
McQunde trial have Ijeer. discharged. They
steed 0 te .1 In favor el a jqulttal.
The McQuade Jury stient their second
night lit the grand Jury room, sleeping as
best they could en the hard benches usually
occupied by tbe witness upon whom testi
mony IndJctments are found against law
breakers. Breakfast was brought theui from
the Astec house.
McQtUide appeared In ' the court room
about half past ten. He was accompanied
by his brother Barney. Frem the moment
he entered the deer until he took his seat at
the bar It was a continual shaking of hands
and saying of " goert morning. " He looked
chlpper, and was. no doubt in a very happy
frame of mind. Immediately nlter Mc
Quade's return te court the Jury, escorted
by Captain Llnr'iaay and a squad of elllcers,
came tiling Inte the room, A few or tbe
Jury looked 'naggard, het the majority of
them did net wjm te htve particularly suf suf
fereil by their long conllnemont Thejury
through thele foreipan said they wero un
able te ngroe upon a verdict, and se tbey
were d'jseliarged a few minutes before 12
o'clock. They Meed 9 for acquittal and a ler
oenvicUon. Tlie first ballet was: 7 Ter bc
qulttal te 5 for cenv lctlen, and the second
ballet and no en as above.
llccerder Hmyth In discharging the Jury
cj. pressed his rogret at the inability of the
jury te agree, and District Attorney Martlne
Tironeuncod the dlsagroement a scandal te
justtce. A motion te admit McQuade te bail
was donled and the attorney moved that the
prisoner be retired and that his second trial
be set down Ier Monday next This motion
was granted and McQuade was committed
without ball. ,
At tbe next trial Lawyer Kowcetnbo will
present the sworn tostlmeny el Jehn Keenan,
De Lacy and oliiers In Canada contradicting
the evldence of FullgnuT aud Dyfly. The
testimony of the gentlemen In Canada will
be taken by a commissioner.
Nugent Was for A cquittal.
Mr. Themas A. Nugent, the Jurer concern
ing whom thore has been se much talk, said
after dismissal : " I was for acquittal Irem
llrst te last I decllne tessy bow the Jury
steed. .1 was there after taking an oath te act
according te my opinions and proposed te
fitand by my pledge regardless of public
opinion. We acted entirely en the Judge's
charge Ue said we could threw out the
testimony or Fullgrall and Dully, and nine of
us did be. Tbose inen are unworthy of belief
aud w e did net regard them at all. McQuade
may be guilty, but he is net se en the ovidenco
produced In court"
A Foreman Xiyun said : "Hoavens! I have
heard eneugh about it w ill say absolutely
Jurer Jieunsbury said: "I was for con
viction. 1 w euld have held outferover."
Jurer Dougherty said : 'I de net care te
say anything about anybody else. I think
the tevldonce was sulllclent te enable any
Jury te pronounce hlra guilty and I ,was for
Jurer Timmons Is a very sick man. He
said : ' We took hundreds of ballets. At first
they steed X te 5 for acquittal. Twe men
came evor sjmd for hours and ballet after
ballet the I ally steed 9 te 3 for acquittal."
Captain Tdndsiy, who had charge of the
Jury, said that I ballets bad been taken, slnce
midnight last night
Ntruck. by Lightning While Ilunklng Cern.
Edixa, Me., Nev. 21. Tayler McKinzey
and hla three eons were husking corn from
the 3t UkH yesterday in a field en their farm,
some ten miles from this place, when they
were nil prostrated by a streke or lightning.
One et thu sons, Luther W., aged 16 years,
was instantly killed; another, William E.
se severely injured that his" life Is despaired
of, -and the third, Benjamiu H., Is missing,
Wnat has beceme or hint is net known, but
If is supposed that he was se blinded and
vrazed by the shock that he wandered away.
Thu lather was only slightly Injured.
Terrible Tragedy at a Dance.
Hr. Leuis, Nev. 21. A special Irem Iren
Mountain, Ma, says : A difficulty occurred
at a dance last nlgbt in this place between
Peter llahn and Samuel O'Nell, in which
O'Nell received four flesh wounds and Hahn
was shot through the heart and Instantly
killed. A dozen or mero shots were fired In a
crowded room and several were wounded In
the melee, among them Wash Freeman and
Jehn Danny. Freeman's llle was saved by
his watch, which turned the ball from a vital
point Denny was shot through the lop,
O'Nell llvesat Des Are and made his etcape.
Five Years ler Forgery.
Loiidem, Nev. 21. The American uamed
Harr, alias Orsen, alias Smith, etc, who
vw as arrested here en October 19, charged with
defrauding Messrs. Herrles, Farquhar k Ce.
bankers, out or 1 1,000 by means or a forged
lotterof credit, purporting te have been Is
sued by the First National bauk e! Chicago,
was te-day sentenced te five years penal
Uarris, 'whose real name in said te be Skin
ner, was formerly a lawyer of beiuq nete
practicing at the criminal bar In Chicago.
Shet III Neighbor and Hlmieir.
Ethan Allen Maynard, living near Moon Meon Moen
vllle, Indiana, shot and killed Wm. II. Bid Bid
dle, a neighbor, after which he walked te his
stable, about a quarter of a mile oil, and shot
hlmselr through the head, dying almost lui.
mediately. Tne trouble grew out or tbe fact
of Maynard having misled Blddle's wile last
spring, Illddle leavtB elght children. May
nard was married, but had no children,
Lord Coleridge's Daughter Saes Ulra.
Mrs. Mildred Adams has Instituted In
Louden an action for slander against her
father, Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, because
of his bints In Justifying his conduct toward
her husband, Charles W. Adams, that the
latter had managed te Induce her te assume
Improper relations with hlra betore marriage
In order te secure her band and lortune.
Charged With False Pretense,
Geerge Itlcbards has been arrested aud
held te answer before Alderman McConemy
tbe charge of false pretense. The allegation
Is that tbe accused secured about (ISO worth
et carpets, Ac, from II. S. Shirk, carpet
dealer en West King street, by representing
that he was the owner of property. Alter
wards It waa feuud that hla story was untrue,
hence the Buit
A Yeung W Oman's Suicide.
Naemi, only daughter or Abraham Walt, n
farmer residing in Lewer I'ottsgrevo town
ship, Montgomery county, committed sulclde
by swallowing "Heugh en Hats." She took
the poiBen Monday evening and died from its
clloeta next morning. A young man named
Andrew Brockerman, who for several years
had been paying attention te her, suddenly
ceased his attentions. Unwilling te sutler
her disgrace she decided te take her llfe.
Tba Itete-GerUUkl Mils.
The county commissioners have declded
by a unanimous vote net te pay tbe magis
trates and constables In the Hete-tierlltzkl
cases. They belleve that the bills are tee
high for the services rendered aud the bills
presented Will, be returned, and when .vir.
1 reeled and preaenled lu proper fernt
willbocenalderod. 4
M - ... . t -J
new i( Wm Tatnler(( W,h una (ha (,'en.ter-
' Jktlnn lis Peats Caused tha Villagers.
. lOme Inoveront practical Jeker ellmtied the
" slfry of the Methodist church of Mount
Vernen, New Yerk, and se disturbed tbe
mechanism or the clock that all control ever
the striking was lest
The villain no timed his attack IhatUie
first bad behavior of the clock caused a large
number of business men te miss the train
for the city, it kept silent until tbe early
trains had left and then areused the belated
community by striking all the hour In
rap'd succession.
Chronemotrloit experts went Irem the
city, inonkeyod with the cogwheels, Illed a
bill against the Mothedlst Episcopal trustee,
and left the town with the assurance that the
congregation could depend upon the cloek's
veracity for prayer meeting and ethor pur
poses. That night thore were a small num
ber of dev out persons In meeting assembled.
The clock walled until half-past eight and
thw ji struck tblrty-three. The devout tew
trtea fc croate a dlv orslen by singing " Thore
Is an hour el peaceful rest," Aa , but tbe
spirit et prayer had Hed.
The sexton wrapped a blanket around the
tonguepf thobellonHunday, and Itsinuillcd
struggles te make ltseU useful at uncertain
intervals wero pitirul In the extreme. To
ward dusk, however, somebody remeved
the gag and In all human probability exorted
an unnatural Influence upon the Internal ar
rangements or the clock. At all events It
preserved an austore sllonce until Paster
Wing began te read the lessen.
1 bon the Iren tongue began te feel the odge
el the bell's brazen 11(18 as 11 le make sure or
Its new freedom. Clearing Its threat with a
hollow laugh, It started In te glve the
"Hogue's March." with variations. Just as
the congregation Joined In the llrst petition,
"Lord, have mercy upon us mlserable sin
ners," the bell slapped its sides with gloe and
rang 103 like a burglar alarm. This eccen
tricity was varied at ter an awful pause by a
very spirited imitation or a tire alarm after the
style or 4 11 II. This was tee much. The
young men in the gallery went out te assist
in choking oil this fit or tlntlnabulating tre
mens, which wai dene during a suspension
of the services.
A (Julntette of Blen In Tba Kastera End
Town Who Wanted Weed.
Frank Hetlman, who resides at -15 Seuth
Christian street, was attacked In the eastern
part of the city Monday evening and bandied
In a way that was net very pleasant te him.
He bad Just turned oil Chestnut street and
when at the corner of Marshall and Fulton
streets, as be was groping his way along In
the dark, he was confronted by five men
One of them drew a revolver and pointed It
in his fae. Ileflman caught held et the
weapon and managed te keep It away. He
was then caught by the threat and choked.
He concluded at ence that the men wanted
te rob him, but ns they made no otlert
te de that he demanded an exrluuvtkn
et their conduct About this time
a woman came up nnd ene or the
men tald, "Is this the maa?" She
replled "Ne;" and Ileflman was io ie
leased. The men told him that tbey bed
made a mistake. Ileflman said that he
wanted te knew their reason for treat
ing him In such a manner, as he wasa peace
able man and had harmed no one. He also
intimated that he would glve them some
trouble, whereupon the men explained their
conduct They said that ler some time past
the women In that neighborhood have
been kept frightened by a man who
has been Insulting them en the
streets, and even running after them.
The men had determined te put a step te this
conduct and for that purpose they had met
at this place te await the offender. When
they saw Mr. IlelTman cotne up they sup
posed him te be the man. Mr. Heffman
does net knew the names of the men who
almost whipped him, but be knows where
they reside and mero about thorn. Ue does
net feel geed ev or his treatmeut, nor should
he ns tveople acquainted with him knew him
te 1)0 a peaceful and law abiding man. If
the man who really has been Insulting the
women reads this Item he will probably re
main away Irem that neighborhood.
Speclat Meeting el CISMls.
A special meeting of Lancaster classis was
held lu the First Reformed church it 2
o'clock p. m. this afternoon te tnke action en
the following Herns ;
1. Te dissolve the pastoral relation between
the Hev. W. II. 1L Snyder and Salem Ho He
Icrmed church, Uarrlsburg.
2. Te dismiss the Kev. W. 11. U. Snyder
te the West Susquehanna classis.
8. Te provide for supplying the pulpit of
IheHalem Hefermedchurch, Harrlbburg.
4. Te hear the report et the commlttee ap.
poluted te Bupply .wlngUHeferined church,
llarrlsburg, and te take such action with
roference te this congregation as may be nec
essary In the premises.
Hev. Dr. Htahr presidod.Itemseueaud two
w ere agreed te. Item three was net acted en
because the congregation propose te Bupply
their own pastor for the present Item four
was being discussed as we went te press.
The Division el Kpbratalenu.tilp.
A petition has been presented te the court
for the appointment of commissioners te con
sider upon and report upon the advisability
or dividing Ephrafa township into four
election districts. It Is claimed that the town
ship Is se large that it Is inconvenient Jfer
voters te attend elections. At the last elec
tion 37 votes were polled. The proposed
division would establish voting places at
Ephrata, Lincoln, Akren and either Hahns
town or Greenville. Israel G. Erb, Jehn F.
Huth and A. It Bemborger were appointed
by the court as commissioners te consider the
Organisatien el Trinity Oberal Society.
The class for the study of vocal musle was
organized en Tuesday evening in Trinity
chapel, and officers were duly clected. All
persons from 1 J years upward are eligible te
memDsrsnip. rrer. nail win de tne insiruo insirue insiruo
ter. It Is hoped te ellect a Joint society, te
meet every Monday evenlng during tbe
coming winter, which (hall number tetween
100 and 200 members.
Murderer McSleeu Captured.
W. J. MeMeeu, the wife murderer, and
Aaren Carter, awaiting trial, who broke from
the MlflUntewn Jail en he night or November
II, wero captured Tuesday by Sheriff Fewles
and Deputy Lapp. They have been concealed
since their escape in Btraw stacks and barns.
Carter was arrested at his home, and
AtcMeen was captured in tbe mew of William
Kautlman'a barn.
Cleveland Admitted te the American.
At the meeting of the American conven
tion of ball clubs Tuesday, Cleveland was ad
mitted te take the place of Pittsburg. Kan
sas City's eiler of $7,000 for the franchise and
free transportation from St l.eula te Kansas
City of all Association teamB was rejected.
The Detrelts have concluded te remain in the
League. Cleveland will likely be a geed
ball town with the admissions at 23 cents.
Death or a Minuter' Wife.
The wire or Kev. K. L. Clark, Who U sla
tlened at New Park, Yerk county, died Mon Men
day morning. The deceased was the
daughter of Dr. Calvin Htewart the well
known Presbyterian minlster of Unlou,Cole Unleu,Cole Unlou,Cele
raln township.
tba Opera Heuse,
The audlonce at the opera heuse last ev en
lug te see the play "Condemned te Death"
w as smaller than en the opening nlgbt The
performance was the same aud the company
appears again te-night
Prosecution Wllbdranu,
The Bult brought by Jeseph Ferrest against
Jehn Jehnsen, the Welsh Mountain coon, for
pointing a pistol at him, berere Alderman
Fordney, was withdrawn en Tuesday and
tbe costs paid.
A stray Cew,
A stray cow came te the premises et
Michael Bees, 010 East King street, en Sun
day. She was kept there until Monday when
Bhe waa turned loose. The cow returned te
new, and will be kep imUl the eirnet ealU.
trim inuvi.bihh ft
While Attending a
Hener Mr. Haaalag
of the Ooed Things TjS)
i Keep Secret
Ciuc'Aoe, Nev. 2t Tb
a City of Mexico dteMtafe
American colony In tatt ertki
agnaied oreran affair wbMsi
yesterday (Tuesday), nhI
prlde te a degree even warn
wlplt nlTulr. ft-
This story lu brief I te Urir
new Amorlcae minister.
Manning, or Louisiana, kirl J
tne roientioss enemy ersd
the full particulars have
eughly knew n does net i
son that no ene deslree te I
spenslblllty of first making :
dltlonefthomlnlstor. Lrt'
neon Mr. Manning attended M
in his honor by M. U Omlm4,0
leading members or the AbMMM i
anu son-In law or tbe
Morgan. Gulrard Is a LeuMatMtl
man, and at present held tM
position el general manager of I
Telepkone company. Many etM
distinguished Mexican pellticUMa
era were present at the banqvrM tetvMl
new minister. At the conclaatett'-ar
banquet, Judge Manning raf)tiM-B)
rooms and was net again aeeaeaaMI
until yesterday. Friday, Saturday M i
uay no was reported by the Bra
legation and ethers as being 111 i
te ins room, it is new stated. 1
the distinguished gentleman dtttftttt
A..1I-A .!.-. ...11...., .,- L
"""' uajre luuumug uie USHquSSU.1
irenzieu state and continued te 1
Ireely that his secretary and the 1
could net make him reallM 'Wat Ml
uuiug. lvuinura ei ms conditie
leak out It Is thought through UM-
possibly through the Interpreter. Tb
tary or tne legation called en
ber of the American colony I
finally succeeded, by liberal un of
clnes, In bringing the minister te'
situation. As seen ns Mr. MaaalMr
what bad transpired, his scta7
tne newspaper euices and
and tried te induce them fe,By
about the matter. The secretary m
rounds Monday alternoen buttaMt
such peer success that he adriatd
Manning te call in a mera:
enced friend who knew theyi
paper man. This gentleman, waejjat :
American, labored hard te supprOB. I
or the affair and succeeded for tM
ing by making strong pledges la. Ml
of Judge Manning that the oecarraai
net be repeated. Owing te the atettkaat
mlnlstet's wife and daughter war (
rive by yesterday morning' trsia.1
prossed the story, provided the m
net beceme notorious througheotjBaVj
when further attempts at cnncealBMMX
be Impossible. ,,i
This arrangement was made Monday
ing, but Tuesday tbe story bad
thoroughly spread ever the city la
respondents considered thernaelfali
from their agreement te withheld HI
American papers, especially at.5
had ueen received meantime'!!
lu the United States showing H
had cognizance through aent
tbe affair. Judge Manning
word that he had determine,.
the imisle and had already cabladrl
tary Bayard the whole truth and weaMl
tbe result The minister feel taM
keenly. Uls estimable wife and
arrived yesterday andthenewawMteMl
by the Judge himself. Gulrard,, at j
table tbe banquet was given, la
censured. He Is the same man Who!
duced Envey Sedgwick te member aft
famous Jeckey club. It is though t'em .
sides that the unfortunate event wiU,'la i
probability, lead te an early reitgaaital
Minlster Manning. 4y
The .SI embers of tha Amalcamatad I
Will Jelu tbe Knights or !.
Piiisnune, Nev.24. AnimiKMriaail
meut Is new en feel In this city,'!
the Knights of Laber among tba' l
ironworkers. A local assembly, ,
peed entirely of rollers and
been organized and the puddlanwiU (
be admitted. AIL the men aateUad
members or the Amalgamated i
Intend te remain se. This la tba:
ela general movement for the
skilled Iren and steel worker M.Xl
Laber, all still retaining their I
the Amalgamated association. Wat
te have a dual organization aadV tfcM
creose their power by being backad, Ml
by the Amalgamated assoelaUOB, batl
the whole order of the Kntghta of ,
The Kntghts of Laber or tba dlitriat '
claim a direct representation ft let I
conferences In the future and wmi
anvscalote take ellect unle
them. The movement la rapidly I
-. . .... . tt.W.i.''(U.
juany ujiun ..uu. uumnwwHp.
Marshall, Ills. Nev. 2L Fariaata
along Big Creek are very much
the ravaaes being made among
by a disease resembling black lag,'
elderjlian a year are allllcled wHal
ease which Is very sudden In
vlcUm stricken In the evening rutty H
beyond tbe next morning. TMiMfa.
leund te be bauiy sweuen ana aaaea,
brain of the calf waa found drlad
shriveled up. The dlseas9 la1 raaid -
snreadaud nothing can be feaad la
it ,
. -.'
A Furniture Maker Fall..
UiuuAfie, Het. 2a WllUam Haydaa,
furniture and desk manufacturer, i yvi
avernin. made an assignment thM
Hniiert MaUier. the attorney. Ma
was filed nnd the amount of 1;
nssnls Is unknown. The oenoern
inniiirfl one. the Uaydea dealt.
BUndard article all ever the country.
iMallnar In TaU and Call
Chicago, Ner. 2L Attba
lmard of trade dlroctera yea
decided te enforce the rule preall
bers from dealing in pu
secretary was Instructed te
the gallery that hereafter any
found violating this rule will ba
two riMucin Injured la a '
Evst Saginaw, Mich.. Ner.
through passenger train for Grand J
the Detroit. Lansing A North :
leaving here at 0:15 p. in., oeUMod 1
train coming mis way laatav
trains were switching te
when the collision occurred,
nartiallv smashed and several 1
jured, two it Is reported, sertesWlt ,
A Telephone Cenaraatl
ST. LOOIB, Nev. 21 TUB!
veaterdav decided uiat a.'
conversation ever a telepbenf
inc ?"
wmAtumu n
(L. HMtnrmminmm,
nnelar. WfJy.wamd.'
' -ti'r-rr V -
Mii.itAu.vJ , utJ-rf...i.AJlBWfli2!!lBaaA . .. it w .s i-i