Pfc.'S M3.I s. W.Ji Wr .'V- V WVt2 -- - ;iu- ,A&.& V- ." . .-"' THE JlANCfASTfell SAILY I&ra 'O &&?& 7T?mrf'' mwmmm irfrlter.-;Vc.'t - WW w 'r MOTHKH KNOWN. Nobeily knnwi el tbn work It mukcm Te keep the home together) Nobody knewa of tliu slept It talma, Nobody kuews-but mother, Nnbeay listens teMilldmi woes Which klsc nuly smother t Nobody pained by nauithljr litewa, Nobody-only ltielhnr. Nobody known el th lieilnt raw llestowed mi bhy brother , NnliiHly knowtel tliu I mi iU' I I'luy'r, Nobody only iiiother. Nobody known el the Icimuiis taught (It lerlng one another i Nobody known el thtipaUciica aeiiRhl, NubuJy only intilhei. Nobody known nl Iheitntlnti liuus Leal dallluK may net ivcathei 1 lie aterin of Ufa In niter yen in. Nobody knewt but iniitliri. Nobody kueela lit tbn threim nbeva Te thank the Heavenly talher Fer that awiieteit Kill n nuilhel'a love Nobeily cm but mother. - (' ;e A llhleM" Jrltl' Mltnk. from the C IiIchre Niiwn. Telatnl, llie Kuaalati nutlmr, lecently ate te the world mi adiiilralile book which uas lmiiKKllately milied uKii by two A met lean publlaliem nml translated ler tlie American trade. One of th oho publisher eiilllkwl his translation "My HcIIkIeii," hihI the ether publisher Kve In III translation the tllle of "What I llclluve." AUIieukIi beurlng (III (III te rent tltlen nml having been ilotie Inte Knje llli by dlllertmt translators, the boeUa wure practically theaamn. hint woek both hoeka miiiie for rovlew Inte tliu bntiiU of Minn Ada Hueet, Ihnbeaiilirul ami accetnpllalied liter liter arycrltle of ene of our valued cointoiiiK ceintoiiiK cointeiiiK rarltm, anil with cliuracterUtla conscientious, neus the ulfletl lady proceodod te rovlew tlie two hoeka oepHrntoly. Tlie result wa that tlie rem I em of the paer were htvored with two reviews of Mr. Tolatet'a ene work which hail appcartnl titider two title. largest Deg en Karth, Hitting en hi uniinciii") llke h crnuchliiK lien "Koleiw,"tlioblg(l0Kat the Ninth ami Arch dline museum, Philadelphia, luekixl mero llke that "Kins of lleaU" than the iloiuentlcatml deg ene in med te Roelng. "Kehwi In n Danish hound, and wan pur chaicd ii few w(mk age in Vienna and arrived in this country en Thurmlay laM. Mela kind, doulleand tracUble. nml wiw a great pet with the IndleM en Hhlpbeard when coming in or. Ilia body iuoanureH ulne feet In length and tire loot In height. He baa toeu taught te catch n hermj by Uie bit, and te tent Ida education Mr. llradeuburgli get out hla buggy In Kalnneunt park, ntruck hli horae wlta the whip and atartnd him etr w Ith. out a driver. At the word of command "Kelma" rai aller the liems iMiight tlie bit In hli iiicuth, Htoppeil the iiiiliual nud held him until Mr. HrHilenUurgh came up. He la m iu iiniu (tugiii h ruuaway norne in Vlenna lait Nunimr driven by an AiiNtrlan t'rince. An ordinary buggy could lw pulled by htm at n geel gait with much caie. Tiny lll Met De It. Thnoe who nnce bikn t)r. Plerce'n " l'lt'aant rnrgttlve l'rlldH " will nerer rnnunt teuia any ether citlmrtle Thuy ure pln.ant te tukn ana uitlil In tht Ir iinnritlen. Hmallrr thnnerdl rary pllln and tnrl.Heil In glata Irtucs iinliiipnlled HyilruKKlals. Swift, nure, pliasint, puru lied Star Cough Uuro " Ituteh ' what damned mtnutna tells he o'er' whOKUitnni. but WHlln , whowrtihei, yet iiiehiu, bulnrehmiiRkiH uphlinlnd te ind out for Jut twi-nty-tlvu cnt worth et hnlviillim oil, the pain euro. They nay the nveniKi) politician in aettlnu nenrtiilktiiir about Urtrr and no tutIT; but hu curwi hU cold OTery nluhl with lr. Hull's Cnaiih ynip, and begins alrush neit morning with the TM.KtlltAI'lll-ilVl' Following Ii an Interuitlng letter frein ene of thoininiKeraef tlm Wcaturn Union Telegraph company ISloemikoton, Intl., Jan. IJ, IRt. I bave been In the telegraph butlnen for morn than twenty yearn, and ter the past Qve years harebcen treutiled with wht Is called Writer's Oramp, or Tnlegnipber'a l'arulysls. At limes tny arm became se wmik thai I could net ue It In udln dispatcher anil had te imimIrR. Ilave npent many ieillp nlhts, the pln reach lui? from my hand up Inte my shoulder. Tried everything 1 could hear or. but with scan uly any relluf. Ilnunn stralnrd my lef t sldea luw weeksage, iKoteneor allceck's 1'i.Anraiu, as I usually de In such (asea, and accidentally hap pencd te see w hem soma enn hud cured a weak wrtt by ming ene of thete I'laiters 1 get aoetberat onceand cut It In two and put ene hall around my wrHt In len than tee days alter the puln had entirely leit my wrist mid arm, and In two weeks 1 could send nearly as wall as eyer. I wrlte this hoping It will reach the eyes of ethers who may be anllcted as I was, as l knew there an- scores of them. Fer Italilea. Use Da. IIaku'a leethtiiK I.otlen te bithe baby'sKums. Nuw and suie. Th) only safe medlclnu for children Is Dr. IUnd'h Cough and Croup. I'uce 25 cents. rorsileby II II. Cochran, llruglst, Ne. 137 and Ii) North (jueen street, Lancaster, Pa. netl-lmd&w Ml'KVlAL NOTMJBB. The New tricycle, lids machine la prepnlled by ntes.ui and will cany two people twenty miles In uu hour, 11 Is said. Ills quite an invention but due net com pare with Ilurileck lltoeil h Iters, which will carry the Invalid alenK the toad te health te beat all. Cor sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, HI and IW North Ojicen street, l.ancastnr. Helped Her (Hit. Ter years have been Aeetore suflerer from pains In Ihu back Tried various applications One bettlu of TTieinm' J-yicctrte Ott entirely cured me. Cured Others equally quick." Mrs Itennlngel llthstjcet, HulUIe. wrote this, rer ale by II, 11. Cochran, drnggtst, 137 and lit North Queeu street, Lancaster. Would llava lleen Hut Upen, lad net llurdeck Weed Hitters" beennie inudy of unquestionable merit they would have been net down upon by the public as thousands of medicines have been when their worthless ncas was discovered. " llurdeck bleed Hitters" have received unbounded praises Irem the sick, thus eaUiblNliliig their merit beyond dispute. Cochran, dru(fk'lst, 1J7 and 133 North CJuucn street, tancastur. iWliat la It (leml Fer t Let us tell you what7)r. Themat' Kclectrie Oil Is geed for. It Is death te rheumatism ana neu Talxla. It will euro a burn, bit, or pain, and is equally geed for sprains. "or sale by 11. 11. cecbran, drugtrlst, 137 and 1JJ North (Jneen street, Lancaster. Has Cenlldence. "In ene case personally known te me the suc cess of llurdeck Meed Jliilm was almost Incre dible. One lady described them as worth hun dreds of dollars. 1 myself have the greatest con cen lldence In theiu. f a. Hcratch, druggist, Uutli ven, Ont. Korsalebyll. II. Cechrau, druggist, 137 and 139 North (jueen street, Lancaster. Tlie I'eeple Asteulshed. Many people are astonished when they dis cover the wide circulation of Themas Kcleetrie OU. There Is hardly a drug house In thu coun try that does net have this remedy upon Its shelves. 1 he publle have found It Is a geed thing and stick te It. Fersaluby ll.ll. Cochran, druKKlst, 137 and 133 North Uiieun atrees, I.un I.un caster. Sived 111 Ule. Mr. U, I. Wllcousen.ot HorseCave. Kr., aaya U'i.w.'' fei' U1'y. Jearu. badly atlllcted with fbthlslc, also Diabetes ; the pains were almost unendtirableand would sometimes almost threw him Inte convulsions. Hu tried Electrle Hitters and get rellef from Urst bottle and after taklni; six bottles, was entirely cured, and hadKalned In flesh elghteen pounds. Hays he positively be lieves he would have died, had It net been for the relief nirerded by Kleclrle Hitters. Beld at Cochran, DruirglsL Nes. 137 and 133 North ljuoen street, Lancaster. .0) The linpcudlUK Dancer. The recenl statistics of the number el deaths show that a larxe majority dlu with Consump tion. This disease may cemmence with an ap parently harmless ceuh which can be cured In stantly by Kemp's llalsain for the Threat and Lungs, which Is guaranteed te euro and relieve all cases, l'rlcoeu cents and II. Trial liujrtt). for sale by 11. II. Cochrun, druggist. Ne. 137 North Queen street. eO-lwdAltw JJUOWN'8 HOUbKIIOLU l'ANACKA. la the most effective Pain Dostreyorin the world; Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally eik "applied externally, and .thereby mero certainly UEL1KVK TAIN, whether chronle or acute, than any ether puln alleviator, and It Is warranted deuble the tranvthef any similar preparation. It cures pain In the tilde, Back or liewels, Bera Threat, Uheumatlsm, Toethacha and ALL ACIIKfl. and Is The Great Reliever of Pain. "ilUOVTN'UllOUHKHOLI) VANACKA "should pe In every family. Atouapeonlulolthul'uimcea In a tumbler el htl water (awoetened, If pro pre !VKVj.l ken at Dedtline, will 1111KAK Ul A COLL), ascents a bottle, ratl-lydit.W.AMw A Very Narrow Kscape. X.!:.J. ,a.a. a 7ery narrow cscape," said a Pi?SL,V.?.2l.?.u"? te a Mend. I was conflned j m, ui. mi a year ana my mends irave me up for a consuuiptlye's grave, until I b5an using' Kemn'a llalsain for tfie Threat and Limgs. anS htire 1 am. neund unit hunHv ,.1." -f??1 "2 II. irer aale by II. II. Cochran, UrantUtNe 137 North Quen street, Luncater. BKWt,w " "' lOOU'H HAIWAl'Altll.IiA, Chronic CaUnli Is Infl.immMlen of the muceui reemlr.iiiP.altdiileilwUti Increased scrtdlen. llius catarrh msy artect tlie head, llireil, 1 1 em ac h, bends, or any patt of tlm body tthcie the mucous membrane Is found. Hut catatth of the l by far Hie iiknI common, reining en 10 gtailually that eltcn Its prci rnce Is net UMpectrd till It lias obtained a firm held en Its victim. It U caused by a cold, or a succession of celJs , combined with Impure llloed. When fltmly established the disuse Ii ex ceedingly dlt.tfttccable, causing flaw from the nesc.drjncssef tlie threat, headache, bus of appetite, rearing and buztlng nelici In the eats, etc. In Jloed'i Haripatllla tn.iy tie found a prompt ami permanent euro for catatth. It purifies and eiulches the bleed, seethes and rrbulldi tlie dlscned ineinbtatir, and thus loon cures the disease. At the same lima It refreshes and tones the whole) system. The remarkable success et this K.-culUr tnedlclne entitles It te your confidence. Ulre Heed's BattapulltA atrial. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld t? all amrltt. (I ittferfl, rt'rsrednnlr hjl) I. IIOOll-SCU.Alajtlit'CStlcl, Lewell, . I0O Dosea One Dellar M Kll IV At. A QUK.STION A1J0UT Brown's Iren Bitters AiVSWJSltKD. The question luw probably been asked ihen sands of times. " Hew can Hrewn'a Inill Hitters euro everything 7" deesu'u Itntltdeen cult) any dlneasn for which a reputable physi cian would prescribe IRON. Physicians recntr recntr nlre Iren as the beat iftoralle agent known te the profenalou, and Inquiry et Jiny leading chemical rlrin will niihnlaiillale the annertlen that there are mere ptoparaltens of Iren than el nny ether ntitistAULO uvd In miHllclne. Thin shows conclusively that Iren In acknowledged U) Im the most Important factor In successful medical practice Ills, however, n remarkable fact, thai prier te thn discovery of HUOWN'8 IltON HITTKH9 no ierlerlly satisfactory com bination hadeverbeen found. HltOW.N'H IKON UlTTKltH drnis net tlljlire tin! tceth, Cuilne head arhe, or pro.luce conallpatlen all ether inodt inedt inodt clnesde. lllIOWN'a IKON 1IIT1 Kits curea In digestion, Illlleunnens, Weakness. Dyspepsia, Malaria, t bills and Ki vera, Tired reelfuR, (Jen. era! Debility. I'aln In thn Hide, Hack or Limbs, jienuHcneana euraiKia inr an iiienn aiunenia Iren Is prescribed dally. HltOWN'S IltON HIT TBIIS, hewitver, dim net euro In a minute. Llke all ether thoreui(h medicines. It acts slowly. M hen taken by men tlm tlrsl nymytem of bene fit Is renewed eneriry, The muscli-n then become firmer, the digestion improves, the bowels nr active. In u-emrii the etlect In usually mero meld and marked. The eyes begin Hliincn te biiKhteu i the skin clears up i healthy color comes te the cheeks I nervousness dlsap- tHiars t functional dsniniremenln tieeemn regu. lar, and If a nurnliiK mother, abundant suste- nance Is supplied ter the child. Kemember Hrewn'a Iren Hitlers Is the ONLY iron med I. line that is net Injurious. J'AyifcinruiimtiJrucr. gists recemtnentl it. The (lenulne has Trade stark and cronsed red linen en wrapier. 1AKKNU OlIIKIl. () mars-1 yd Aw A'1 riii.oriieKos vim hhkumatism. R SWINDLER does net ruler possible purchxsers te hts vic tims. The Alhlopheros Ce. gladly refers surfer era from rheumatism, neurulgla, sciatica, ner ner ner vouserslck headache, kidney and User com plaints le thou who hint bttn cuml of these discs- by Athlnphores, and will furnish names and addresses of many such pontens te theso desiring thuiiu Athlephurns Is tbe only remedy ter these diseases that can stand such a test. A. I 1 Iraraiw, Cuba, N. ., says "My son, J. M. Tlienin-, had been sutrerlng Hern rheumatism for several mouths. Athlopheroi relieved him of the pain, and reduced the swelling of the Joints, and the lameness entirely disappeared. 1 h-ive seen these having neuralgia cured by tak tak ingened'ise." A. Heaid, ML hlice, N , sas " I have been troubled for some lliue with sciatica and rheu matism, brought en liy working In a damp place. I could find no reuiedy In medicine I was using until I tried a bottle of Athlopheros, which gave me immodlate l el lei." Mrs. Alfred Thursten, IJ North Main street, Wllkcsbarre, l'a., says . " I am net troubled with rheumattn-n new, since using Athlopheros. I bcllevc, should It In auy case fall te relleveand permanently cure, the cause would be that the directions were net faithfully followed " .1 J.Havltz. Nazareth, Pa., says "I gave two bottles of Athlopheros te my slslei, andshehaa entirely recovered. Hhe was mulcted with In flammatory rheiiinallsm and bt. Vitus' dance, and although we hud twoet the best doctors, sne gru3ually grew worse. Bhe would scream from palu night and day. 1 heartily recommend lu" Kvery druggist should keep Athlopheros and Athlopheros. Pills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist tbu Athlophei e Ce., Ne. Hi Wall street. New Yerk, will send either (car (car (car rlagoer paid) en receipter tegular price, which Is II U) per butUe for Athlopheros and SCc. for Pills. for liver and kidney dlsoases, djcpcpsla, in digestion, weukneas, nervous ileblllly, dlftitsea of women, constipation, btad.iche, liupuiu bleed, Ac , Athlopherus Pills are unequaled. UOV2I lwoed LiTOMACH AND I.IVKU l'AI). Fer ImligChtlen, Ililieusness, SICK IIKAIIAC1IK, or any of the symptoms of a dlserdeu-d stemuch and liver, use HOLMAN'S Stomach & Liver Pad. It will glve tone, vigor and elasticity te your whele system, remove all Tiilnl Frem tliu llloed. Prevent rover, Small-Pox and all contagions dtneanea. Warranted te CUItK nnd PKKVKNT CIIOL KllA IN K A. STUM, COLIC. MKASLES, and all OHILDRBN'S DI8BASB8. 8ATKI EASILY WOIIN I IIELIAHLEI na. i.Kwia and ins iiukdexd withkssxs. Kut-TON, Arkansas. Alter carefully watching, for a period of four mentlm, the Direct of " iliil- man's Aguuand Liver Pud," In at leaatena huh- DKaucanag under my immeiiiate ouservatlnn, I have no hesitancy In recommending It oausale undapixuly curu i and Indigestion in an cases et ague, biliousness in nil cases of enlarged nnd minimis r.iuuii, ib ia I'm vaiuiiuiivu. r ill ail diseases arising from a disordered condition of the liver, I cheerfully recommend 1U use. Very truly, JAMES O. LEWIS, M. D. 4Til-Howareot Hogua and Imitation Pads. Ask your druggists ler the (lunulne Uelman'g Pud, and take no ether. If he does net keep Ibein, send il te the HOUJiN TAD CO., 120 WUliam St., New Ter. aug3mdM,WAS tiillamed spleen. piUY'H UHKAM HALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Uellef at Once and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATAltltH, HAY rEVKK. Net a Liquid, BnufT or Powder. Freo from In jurious Drugs and Uflonslve Oders. A particle la applled te each nostril and la agreeable, l'rlcu fie cents at druggists ; by mall, registered. cecta.ctrcular tree. ELY HltOH, Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. JulyZS-lyoed&lyw OUHK KOU TIIK DKAf. Puck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Druma perfecuy resteru hearing and perform ion wins, ui mu naiunu unim. luvtslble, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and evon whispers heatd distinctly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, ritEK. Address or call en r. 1USC0JC, bU Jlreudway. New Yerk. Mention this paper. lunole-lyoodilyw e UHK OUAHANTKKD. RUPTURE'. Cure guaranteed by DU. J. 11. MAYEH. lug at once i no oierutlen or delay from busl- neas I testesl by bundrodsei curea. Main emce, 831 AUCtI BT., P11ILA. oeuu iw .ituuiur. rJO-iyJAw mmoieAU Catarrh ''l am happy te Hale that I used Heed' Satsapaillla for catanh, with which 1 have been troubled many years, and received great relict and bemnt fiemlt. The catatth was very disagreeable, cerUlly In the winter, causing rnustant dlschaigs from my nose, rlnitliig uuftet In my ears, and palm In the back of my head. TJie effort te clear my bead In Uin morning liy hawking and spitting was palelul. My gtecar advised me te try Heed 'a Bnrsnpnrllla, and It gars mn relief Immediately, while In time I was entirely cured. I am tie er with out the medicine In my home, as I think It Is worth Its weight In geld " Mill. (1. II. Ollm, leal'.lglilh Blrcct, N, W WaahlngUin, U.O. "I have used HrKxI's Harsaparllla for ciUrth wltk very satisfactory results. I received mere permanent benefit from It than from any ether remedy I have ever tried." M. H. 1rau, of A. ltcid It Ben, Waiieen, Ohie. K II. De net be Induced te take any ether preparation, but be sute te get M1l;iltitrntglita, H.llitntfl. PrrrarMnnly IIitC I IKXJDi CO, Aijtliecnlcl, Lewell. lUM. I 100 Dobeb One Dellar IwilAw VI.UTHIXH. M YKHS .k UATIirON. OVERCOATS NOW THAT THE COLD WEATIIKU HAS COXE IP MI.Ij PAY lOU It) INSPECT tlUlt STOCK Of OVERCOATS. We knew thele Is NO ASSORTMENT LIKK IT IN LANCAS1KIE, AND SUUKLY, NO SUCH LOW PRICES I tbn tuake el eurCLOTllINU all thleugh la acknowledged te be bu the II F.ST It Is a com mon thing te havocuslemors te tell us they can get better value here than any whom else, and that thiiy have less mending en our Clethes than any they can buy. -SKK Ol IIBTOCK AND l'ItICES.-Se lyers & Rathfon, 1'OPlLAlt CLOT111EK8. KO. 12 BAST KING STREET, LANCASl'Elt, PA. L. OANHMAN A 11KO. L. Gansman & Bre,, coit.N.(ti:i:.s..eiEA(ii;srs. Words, Words, Words, MIEIUUNOTTIIIKII eriHEM? Miat jeii waul Is te hate the right qualities. the new est styles, the best workmanship at the nne Yeu ewest nrlces. These ueed but low wen us ure jour own uefcijuugcs. Here Are Seme of Our Clelhing Prices. :V) will buy a durable VlnterOcrceat weith I7.U). A Strictly All Weel Slelten Overcoat, M5J; worth 17 hi Aim will buy a Kine Chinchilla Overcoat worth fJiu f. M wtll buy a Flne Corkscrew Overcoat, 811 k raced, worth 115 Oi. fluiMwlll huya first class HeaverOveiceat In Ulack, lllne and llreivn, worth lib Ul. '3,i) will but fine Satin Llned Melten or Kersey Overcoats worth! 21. IHiGU will buy finest Worsted Ovoiceata worth Men's Diirubln bulls at ll.ul, 15 00 and CO. -(UI, llildO andllJie will buy a. Une Worated Di ess Suit tn Saca or the L.ilest, Style Cutaway Men's l'anta at s3c, I ii, 11.75, 11 W, JJ.00 and ll.ui. We have en hand ever LOO Heys' and Chll. dronsbultsiindOcrceata which wu are selllnir nt prices that were never heard of bofeie , in tact, they still almost be given away. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEUCIIANT TAILOIIS, MANUrACTUllKUS OK MEN'S U0B AND CIIILDUEN'S CLOTHINU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Ulghl en the Southwest Cor.el Orunge 8L) I.ANCASTKll. PA. -Nel cunnected house In the city. with nny ether clothing B UIKUUt it BUTTON. an msm mm. HAS THE COLD WKAT1IEU HE MINDED 10U THAT YOU WILL WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? ir SO, WE AP.E JUST IN TIME KITHKK IN Kl'.ADY-MAUK Oil MADE TO OKDEU. WE AltE (11V1NO KX CELLKNT QUALITY AT LOW 1'lUCKS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND EX AMINE OUU STOCK, 1IEFOUE PUlt CIIASINU KLSEWHEltE. WE AltE I'OSITIVE WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BUEGBB, & STJTTOS, Merchant Tailors ud Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEIt, l'A. flOIUS HEMOVKK. YICTORU CORN REMOTER. ..ST? a. erttlcate cempUtely and In a Ihert time, the most ebdurate corns hanl n? aen, without pain. Sold by OeS. Wlull Chaa! A1? rAJ.J".1.t' "nttni riirV Wiri ! Werm. " ."7 VIEC' 0,Ti tihaa. J. Hhulmyer, and at TOLD'a uitrnlftrfift" v. awn-ira iu j7s i -r . aiuiVVA ITVslVVrtUJKO ew lAIiACKOFKAHHlON, ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., LANCAMTKIt, PA. MOKKHAItUAINUI I'ltlUKB LOWEU 1I1AN K Kit ' KVEItY DAY HKlNliS PUOOr THAT Lew Prices and a Large Assortment AKK TIIK FOUNDATION or BUCCK8S, and that TIIK MANY JlAliUAlNH Which we offer are the Atlractlnna which draw the Crowds that are Constantly Been lu Qui Btere. . HNDUKDENT0r0Ull.Hl-TlON KID GLOVES, At TIIIKTY-NINK CENTS A PAIIt. Perlect Uoeds. ilegular Price, lie. ONK I1UNUUKD DO.KN TIIUEE-HUTTON rlNK ITALIAN KID GLOVES, ONK HUNIMUCD UOZKM riVK HOOK LAC liNli KID GLOVES, , Finest Ouallly, In all the Leading Shades and Tans, at BIXTY-TWO CENTS APAIIt. FirTYI)0.EN Gent's "Unlaiiiidiied Shirts, Ooesl Linen llosem, Reinforced and Lined Uack, Linen Hands. ONLY TUIH1Y NINE CENTS. TWENTY KIVE DO.KN WHITE IIEM bTITCHKD CHINA BILK HANDKERCHIEFS LaritaSlte TIIITY NINE CENTS. One Hundred Deren TINE CAMHUIC LAWN llANDKKKCIlIKt'B, New Deslirns, Neat lterders, 1T1VK CENTS AI'fECE. rilty Deren BILK llA.VDKF.ItCUIKtS, Ilrc- caded. Warranted Pure hllk and Large tlie. All Celers, TWENTY-I1VE CENTS AriECK. riri'Y DOZEN LADIES' ALL-WOOL HOSE, HeaularMsde, lilac and Colored, only TWKN-ri-riVE CENTS A PAlll. riFTY DOZEN All-Weel OaBhmere Gloves, your Uutten LenKlba. HFTEEN l'AIli. CENTS A JERSEY CAPS, 10c. All-Weel, rine Quality. AH Celers, KIUKEN CENTS rivellundrcd Hand Crochet TOItOUQ AN CATS, A 11 Celers, G:c and 7JC. ALL-LINEN TOWELS, Heavy (Juallty, Thice for Twenty-llTu Cents. OPENED ANOTIIEIt ( ASE 1IKAN1 Of LADIES' MERINO VESTS, Silk Slllchcd, flne Qnallty, 1HIUTY-SEVEN CENTS- AN IMMENSE STOCK OKJ MILLINERY. Alltlm LATEST STALES In lelt, Satin, Plush and Heaver HaU nnd Hennets, Wlnirs and feathers, runcy elets, Plushes, Etc., ttc. JWTELEPHONE CONNECTION.-. Special Inducements IM OUR Cleak Department. WK UI'l'Ell SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS In this DepnrtraeuL Helow we mention a few of the many Lew Prices which we put ou ALL OUHUOUDS. LADIES' VE11Y TINE Beucle Walking Jackets, In lllack and Itrnwn, heay quality cloth, well maduand trimmed flnl ciii,uuly fi.75 (wettb ILW.) Ladies' Newmarkets. With Plush TilminliiRS, thowendeifully Lew rittutoet only TUItEE UOI.l.AKS. OHILDREN'S OOATS As Lew as 1 2.1, 11,5'), fiin aud upwaids. an KU-Kant Line of Alse LADIES' COATS AX I) WRAPS, And all the Latest Novelties In DOMESTIC AND IMPOllTED OA11MENT8. VAUlilAUJ!H. s TANUARD 0AKK1AUK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARBIAGE BUILLEE Market Strcet, Bear of Poeteffloo, Lanoaster, Pa, My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style llUKKles, l'hwlens, CarriaKes, Mar ket and Huslnesa Waxens, which 1 etfer at the Tery loweat figures and en the most reasonable terms. 1 cell apedal attention te a few of my own do de do Signs.enoof which Is the EDUEULEYCLOSKD PHYSICIAN COUPE, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Physician' Carriage in the country. Persona wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that la the kind of guarantee l have te offer the public All work lully warranted. Please Eivomeacali. UKI'AIUINU ritOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. One aet of workuteit especially employed ter thatpnrpeea wat v lira. "WTATCUKS. w Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry nt less than auction prices until .huiun ary; Wa r me iuv or rungs, ac. Alse, f Aurera for which I am Sele A rirat-Class Watches: Heat Watch and Jewelry Uepalrlng. w-cerrect time by Telegraph Dally, only place In ctly. , L. WEBER, ltex North Queen St., Near l'enn'a. It, It. Depot. Bpectacles, Eyeglasses aiidOptlcalOoedi. All kinds el Jew elr. MM M JETZOHK HAUdHMAM. OUR LADIES' SEAL PLTJSH COATS -AMIS Fer Beauty of Pinlah, Fer Elegance of Fer METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 WeBt King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. Lancaster, Pa. TTEXT DOOR TO THK COURT HOUHK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Shawls ! Shawls ! Shawls ! Heavy Blanket Shawls, Blugle and Deuble, Plalu and Gray. Large Btoek. Alse, Heavy Goods for Geld Woather, Blankets, Bed Oomrerts Flannels of overy description and for all purpeses. Alse, an ImmensQ Btoek of Undorwear, all at our Usual Lew Prloee. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Nest Doer te the Court Ilense, Lancaster, Pa. JBHEt.Ut. tj . imeADa, jkweijKH. Loet at These Prices ! OcntH'HIIrerlluntlnnSlem Wind Watch Ladles' Geld Hunting Ainerlcan Watch Ladles' Silver Chatelaln Watch Ladles' Geld Chatelaln Watch I.ndles' Mckle Chatelaln Watch (Jnecn Chains, Geld (Jncen Chains, Geld, set with Diamonds In Lace Diamond Ittnj? Diamond, Ituby and Sapphire Kings Pearl Circlet Kings Turriuelse and I'earl Circlet ltiugs uarnet Circlet IllnRsI Diamond and Torqnelao Circlet Itlnga Diamond and GarnetlClrclct lllngs Diamond SeU Pin and Karrlngs Pearl Set, l'ln and Earrings Solitaire Pearl Earrings Solltalte Diamond Karrlngs Solitaire Diamond Lace Tin H.Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street, hath, AU1ES' AND QKNTS FUltS. Furs! Furs! Furs! LADIES' FINE FURS. Lnigesl and most bcntitltul aasortment el rtllt T1CIMUINQS nnd LADIES' MUrtHlnlhe city, fcvciy piece e( TrlninilnK Kuaranteed. UurMutTs ate lovely, and te rtove our assortment thulaigest, we only Invite you te call and sec. GENT'S FINE FURS. run OLOVRS, COLLAUSand CAPS In every n.e ana airixe ler aien una unuurmi. ri.NK U011E.1 AMD LAP 1ILA.NKKTS nt all lUHOrtment tn select from. STAUrriSUJtCO.'SCKLKItltATKD UAT duiablllty they are unsurpassed. W. D. STAUFFER &CO., LEAD I.a II A TTL'IZS A XD FUR UlEliU, Nes. 31 and 33 North Qaeen Street, .... Lancaster, Pa. OAUULAUM A MOITO TUAT ALWAYH WJN8. HONEST WORK 1 Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NXAllLY Ol'POSlTK THK LBOPAUD UOTKL), LANCABTKU PA. Nena Bat First-Gl&ss Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used r KICKS TO SUIT TUK TIMES. ALL WOBK QUAUANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, I have new en hand and for aale cheap the following n rat-class second-hand work : Une Light (JUO'Man wagon, auiiaoie rerrraca purpose, enu tension Tep I'hieteu, two Light Jurap-aeaicarnagea. Alse, bccena-nana Tep ana rrettln Kles. both aide bar and end BprinBa, Uuslneaa which wtll be Beld at the MOST UKASONA11LK chase or net. He trouble te show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. MWDOWT F0KUKTT11H I'LACK.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 uevMnruuniaiiiNti aoeom, JHIKK'B OAKPKT HALU CARPETS ! BEOl'ENINU OT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the hibltedtn thlacltv. WILTONS. VKLVKTB. all :lty. wiLiunt). vaiiVEiB, aui HltllHMKl. TllltfcK.l'LY. All. Weel and Cotten K-PL1 .DAM GUA1N CAUPETS, DAMASK, and VKNKTIAN own m&nnfacture a apeclallty . Special Attention own m&naiaciure a Alse a full Line el ( U1LULU1UD, uuue, ninuun SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West KIur and Water Bta., Lancaster, Fa. MAVUIXMMY. Tyj-AOHINEKY, 40, STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved INeiNES-Trtttiei, PerUbli n Mitwj. new or Second-Hand BOILEBS, WATKB TANKS, 8EPABATOI18, MicaiMi or Uariii wems ancn as done and kept In Machine Sheps. 01U ea ea ADDaiaa, Ezra F. Landis, W0BK8-CS7 NOUT1 CUEIIUY HTHBET, LiauHTin l'a. n7Ud& NOTKD- Pit, Superb Quality. Fer Cheapness of Price. ,lue0 tw.oe iw I12.H) 4-W t juq 110.00 aud Upwaiiis. 112.00 g.00 I 8 CO me 118 U) tliH) , 118 bland Up. , 110.10 and Up, tll.iOand Up, tSOOand Up, JU.WandUpl Lancaster, Pa. UAi - n, r. style, at Bettem Priced. A latue geneial lluuel iirlccs-prlcca that villi eurptlse you, Largest Kvorybedy knows thorn, and that ter wear and WUtSHB. HONEST PRICES ! t.igab ruur.raaaenKer lrejr.une firai-ciaaa ni Mug- Wagene, Snorting Wagons and Market aeena. TltlCES. Ulve us a call WEOtni bother you wish te pur- EAST KING STREET. fZMydAw CARPETS ! Largest and Beat Belectcd Line of Carpels ever ex. uie iraeing naaea or uuni anurii-taiui the Trading Makes of 1101JY ANUTAPK8T1 Chain KXTKA BUl'KltS. and all eualltlea of IN. CAUl'KTS. KAU and UUAIN GAill'KTS of ear paid te the Mannlactnrn of CUSTOM CAUl'JCTrs suAuu,uu)ii.i.ielaa, AT- lariM-4maw MUTIUHM, 1 1 ENT'H KUItNISUINQ BTOIIR"" E. J. EBISMAU'S Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KING STREET. Mr- Stere open Kvery Evening uxeept Sunday evenings. MY f&00 TEKTH AKK AH GOOD AH can be purchased In Lancaster ter 115.00. Call tnd be convluced. All work warranted. Uas administered. W. L.riBUKU'S Den tut. apl7-lyd me. si North Queen 8 tree u T.ANOAJSTKR AND mj Oars Imvw Lancaaiw fnT Mil MTa 1.MMMBA.AK. ft k.... rw ana n:w a. rn., and tee. 4-en. jr -; '7 Tjr -... iut aaiin 10 and Khee a. inM ana ifle, ioTmei RKADINd A OOI.IJMHIA. ANI1 HlliMiniVB AUt. .m LAWUA8TKU JOINT LINK It. HT - On ana after iunhat, NOVCMHM TllaiNHI.KlUlI IHIIIlliir retS?' n.!; . ana lneaitar at T.tll neon and Me p. m. wnl ti?i!.W,l".Vl 7M w- a" tM "kV Of L.alCkleiia.1.9 n aiArTTtl rer J" Keadln at 7JD a, rn ., ll an , rff " A Is rer Lebanon at ll. and 8. te p. Vlfcift. . " W!W' rtAw.f... V ' or utnensrer ai n.aa and ., . STL. rl rer Readln;ate,(i.m ''l-- nJI, ii vi iMimiiuiiiiiiiMii : - s ,f r LKAVK K1N- l: , , Fer Heading at 7 !" "" rtrMMl6k r..i.i..... ' a. m-llie and aa m.wi'i., ?r , . t r aer guarryvllle at 7:30 a. Lu. UirOATTBAm. TKAINB LEAVI KKADla rerlAncaatrat7.a.m.nat.00p.M. $ ; TUAINS LKAVK QUARKTV1LLB ' - w ijvvnie'i. ' ,Rin. ,n .r. ir !lwr;iiSta,Ar!SaiB'J, ter It??.; L i-"1""". W LlaMaan M rex natUTrX'nVVirMtSta.i Or tluarryvllle nt B.iW n. rnMO an f, St Mir v ., TftAlNS LKAVK iRBANOlfV ; - umaB u,j Mi. rer Lancaster, lxjbanen and Readtnf M TJtavst v!-i THAINHI.rivltllllia bv V.'-S rorlteadlng and Lebanon at 8,0) , .... V. . I,. , , rnrOnnmrwIllaal tmu M VJrT ui, TUA1N8 LKAVK l'KINCK 8T. (Lane,)S, rerlleading and Lebanon ana 8.18 a. m. M LW! ' P.m. - i-" i, rerQuarryvlllflatS.4Jp.m. W,'"' TKAINS LKAVK LKBANOW. twST'""-""'' 5 .i)T?r.conne;Uon at Ueiumbla, Martettat Jtl lS's J""r Jnneueii, M?nhetnrrMgg -vwiUWu,WiuiiianMM aiau ataiieat.- ..i;j niuii. emnmiuBatn, PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD HOHKiW : atfR ?." '.' 75A". leave afrtv a - - BMHMunrum ea AUlAUVf 1 lij. ' Learn v WKSTWAUD, 1'aclfle Kzpreaa).. News Kxpresal..., Way 1'aasenirerl.. aaivii v Philadelphia. ijueanr iiriip. m. 4: J0a.m. 7.-O0 a. m. i.-wa. ai. 6 as a. an, 8)a m, a-Jla. . 9M. m. . BU Lie P. m. ins p. a. S:10 p. m. B-jup. m. 7 je p. ra. 7:40 n. m. Mafl train via Mu Jey) mi. jeaii xiiunr i Niagara Kxpreas Hanover Accem raatl.lnef rrederlck Accem iAncaater Accem...... Uarrlsburu Accem.... Columbia Accem Harrlsburg Kxpreaa., Chicago and Clu. Kx.. Woalern Kxpres3.. KASTWAitl). Phlla. Express) Fast Line) llarrtjburif Kxpresa... Lancaster Acoem ar... Columbia Accem...... Beaahore Kxprexs Philadelphia Accem... Sunday Stall Day Kxnreaal via Columbia 7:10 a. m. via Columbia n:iia.m, via Columbia via ml Jey. z:i3 pm :IOp.m.: :0p m., 8-60 p. m. 10D5 p. m. Leave Lancaster. 2-20 a. m. IIia.m. 8:10 a.m. 8:W a. m. :00a.rn. ll-Vt p. m. 2-05JI.U1. S:'X) p, m. t. ts p.m. I0-.48 b. m. iKiua. as. Arrtre A4 '-?M 1rttii luTZ S5MW5 loaea. aa. W via Mt Jey" vVi?' 5f. 9:4e p. M. ,tj 9Mb. m. 'A ilarrlsburfr Accem. 6:u p. m. a-ia n. t. r. a The Lancaster Accnminndmlnn Iaavim KfBTvtavIa tlie bera; at 8:10 n. in. and arrlvea at Lancaauwata,aa ; kW " hj; Ann numiui siccomrmMLauen leavna ueiilBa . i1; , UN. .....wn, ui.auuuui:iimd)UlviUtl,lim AWlj l9 lnaveji (TnltitnhlA nt. ii.ia n m mnA Un mT eSlr- reachlnff Mnrtfittji nt im .nil qkk tJu.m2 "vJA" Marietta at 3 (6 p. m. nnd arrives at Columbia M ' W JSO i also, leaves at 8:35 and arrives at 840. .? rjja The Yerk Accommodation leavea Marietta M-C-5iSb 7.10 arid arrives at LnnmntnrntEiimmnnnnlhHr .lie with Ilarrlsbura' Kxnrcaa at. 8:10 a. m. ,i", a TheFrodcrlciAccemmodallon,wcat,eonMaU &"3 In at Uincaster with Fast Line, west, utKtt' .S;J3 p. m.. will run through te Frederlck. &&$ The Frodertck Accommodation, east, leavea ", ceinmDia at izra anaioacnesLancaatozUiiM 'i P',?1 ... . JK Ilanevcr Accommodation, west. cenneetlB al vJs- Lancaster wlth Ntairarn Exnrec at B M a. m '',,' ra Exprera at 8-JO a. tsu, ?;, wtll run through te flanevcr, dolly, exoeptStua- day, Fa Mt Line, west, en Sunday, when ilatenat Uownlnatewn. Coatcavllle. rl!rt& aa. . bnrv, Mt. Jey, Kllzabethtlwn and Midi nnr.Mt.Jev. Kllzabethtiwn and MtddletawB." trhe only tmlns which ran dally. On Sunday ' the Mall train wnit runs bv wav of Columbia. Js IU WOOD, Qeneral I'assenser Agent. .uae.a. luuu uuumiu manager. - ULAHBlFAUr. H I0H & MARTIN. CIMIALL DINNER WARE.. Decentted ('hiiurl Dinner Sets in-, lmwl fMiinfi et. Lmtiir T'ripe than iaaaafe. ... v...u.., ... ..w... ..w ...., -..wv eiTered in Lancttster, aa premised, are newjl ready te show. The decorations are new, VI and neat. Tlie price compares with Aneim'A' ican l'ercelain ; quality is far Buperier.j siietiiu tnese net, suit, we can give you seuwyj with liner decorations and higher pticetJpii Should you prefer AVltite or Geld Band; (g f'lit.t.i . rti, n aaliir n Full n.lnirlAr. ua3- VM1M desirable, we can show you different style i&i of ilppnratinn. If venr tastes and watra5 r.'innnt lin R.iHallpil from the nbevn. iaatv3 take a leek as veu nass aleuir at the Luatrat ' .W Band and Sprig, or the Geld Band en Yft-fygM G. ware, eitiier of which will make a bw-S&j'J tiful aud substantial set. Don't pasBaleac.. tee fast or you will miss the Trinted BeUsjy en Enclish 1'ercelaiii. The llnglish and' Ameiicun rerceUtlB1) aud White Stene China in 1'Ltin Whit) la SSM a variety of Shapes and Styles, are of tb 4j Best flakes in tlie market. Take a leek t 'V these goods and lie convinced of the above 'g. facts borero purchasing. " i ijliPdrtin, 15 EAST KING STEEET.'A. VMUHKLlAfl. w 15 II AVE A JOB LOT OF 28-INCH ' m UMBRELLAS !I Wlikh iVe n'ill t'iose Out nl1.50, j . Thav are selllnir ranldlv and cannot tern r. i' nlnratit at that, tirlrn. 'Ihu "ntllHIlN Mitll-yJM takes the lend ler a better Umbrella, We kVw thorn, tee. jgiii' "'-.' ROSE BROS, & HARTMAI, tr M JVO. 14 EAST KINU STltEEJ',' LANCASTEIt, PA. Q0NTRA0T0U AND BUlIiUEK. ' ! GEORGE ERNST, CAIU'ENTKK, CO.NTHACTOU BUI llealdence-Ne. 633 Weat Klajf atroeL; atreeL; Vn.l llmiit atrnAt. nnivMlte atatlen M WOODKKMANTKLSANH ajtMHA&'HtfKS WOOl VYOUtt A SJ'JfClALTlf. . 1 arAU work secures mv prompt napmaiajB attontlen. UrawlufS aud juumaiea iuf . . ect.7-iyuu itCl .V' 41 vJJ m v.. .m &' .'i.' . J.SM F' .; V t' -. v tf&sm '03i 4 'M kM 3L KXV7K M m sm n