ttr isirswKi F,SfS ' T tyi THS LANOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, FJRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1886, J 1 "JHSy. . &. 'JTgjJ" ffiSfc JDSIMi It Intelligencer . WJ. t""1 ,MVBBT DAT IH TUB YEAH BjpV O mmaa mjxi.i, " l A wan. .t dellim i Tim, nrrt I ABOUT. DBUVBBBllBTUABKtKKAlB LAB- ; ABO All. ameibibb ruc-as. rami-lb LIBBBAL CX111IIIIW1IIII ALLOWBD te I ASIII IB. TIlBrBOBB OUBBBCTIOS. ; ' liDVBITIBIHa RATES: JHIn.l lln.l'iln.l 3 In.! I In Sin. .? lien 125 I S 00 I 3 T no (D let I 13 ISO ire IV) M ft (II 7B 1000 Ul SCO 400 u id 7&0 mm U 700 " 8 50 10 W IS SO 1(1 Ml 17 00 SOW 2DOl ildl (O SI tO Si 00 38 00 inil sm, t W) I 81.1 AH) tl no l 126 100 IK) 1160 7K 10 00 10 B0 1190 MOO IIO lien IBS.., 5 Of I SOD 1700 moo niu.. heu 20 00 wee tee 18 00 wert ) MUO IS 00 SHVf 4S00i gThe Weekly Intelligencer WHJbtHEI e Every Wednlsday Morning. i ATB,1.iTlr01SITInirrHa. itcus OV TIB, Atm A oerr fbbb te rineoxe u smite ir OUCITBDrBOH BTBRT rAniOBTHt . mhah mwn ihititbt. ill iinRTvnra imviik T" ,(Bt.M COmiBBBD TO TUB WAftTB BA8KBT AMrwtaU lAtttrt ahd Ttlegramt ie .-V 3fHB INTEIiIJaENOHIt, , ftetllynneer building, Lancaster, l'a. pt otuefitcriyntcUigcnc IAHOABTEB. NOVKMUEE 19, IK. '.e Armlnf In I'rptcnn Dm I'nnru &'i The Bulearian crisis is ranidlv Wceniiiu? iffin. Intolerable nuisance. One day the Jffeable brings lurid stories of h rumpus jrataedby Kaulbars in some unknown ltul- ji Himii luwii, or ei tome mysterious liiler- (Tiew or aipiemats and rumored alliance of Ifgmt powers. Tlie next morning tlie ?Aerican citizen takes up his moraine .tftnancr ta tpei nf 11m lrwvjmiin nf lt.icui,,. j& dogs of war, and finds tliat " the tone of fHi' tlln frmittfti nr&eB tu iMinlfln It - !.- ir t s$ bars has been recalled. JlF It is new anneuueed tlually that tlie '"j-""" "" vvjvi juiuivaie Mill Ejleave the country en Friday, and that Itus- 3w a win nt once lerce iiestiiuies m the p,t6f winter by marching her army into the ""twnwiuy jum Beiziiig binuegic ieinus. Egvane eeiugereut items must ue read te- gigetherwith that telling of the army bill f'Mnrck. .-tV n . ... . ... " Anecuancener lias a way et rushing his military appropriation bills through his parliament by getting up a war scare. Th ? meneibills new before tlie Uunili smtli fnr m military purposes are four ; the army, pj.ui.uiue, &iriigic niuwajs aim ieruuca- iiuns, auu ioei up me enormous total or $271,427,700. It is net surprising that this demand, coupled with the statement that It does net exceed the limits absolutely necessary for the safety of the empire, caused a sensation. This state of things may net worry roy rey alty and nobility very much, but it must gnaTe a lueuguustirrin? ellect upon the Ppeeple who are fcixed te iuy for it, and rxnru Lnflv Tnitsl. nnen nnmn In trio rritiititicirm Fg' . : z. .. . . " Ei.w.V LI1HC lllPir Girnntr nni'iirnniDiil ha u innm 55H. than it Ls wnrtli. If there were a little business method in the madness of belligereut Kurepeaus the) might come te a mutual agreement te cut down military expenses all around, but at Drsrnt nn iiriMimpni. enulil wwlneu l,icai i li?,it; le Klve Ul) uer Jreilms of the Bo&pherus or mlrfi.TI I. tItlrt ri fllilllilfili lmw .. ..F .... n...... lv amuvw -v tvuuuil J1C1 11UIT3 Ul lOtlim?. IK, 0 Uermanv nuus a eoeuexpiisn fur .irminc IMi " te presen'e the peace of Europe." Last of the LVl'rfsliJeiitt.. The death of ex-1'resident Arthur uml j4 the comments en his career point the moral 0t the spirit of fair play that lies dormant la the American conscience ready te burst into life at the first strong call. In speak ing of these who have passed off the stage of life, it is customary te observe tlie an cient maxim te say of the dead nothing but what. 1 trenil. lint. il. tl nnl In tl,.,l l&tGeneral Arthur ewes the flatteiing en- ifeir cemlums that hae been passed upon him !is bv the nress of ulluartieft. TIips .nn. iin.. Ki te the fact that at a time when serelv tnwl ljk!ie was net found wanting. KJr- 'hfllV IPnn 1 fTA( .nttrniiaUn nl.An.l u.w mum bv..v.l.t lllJJ' UUIU.VU qv ma.wnen .vrmur weum occupy theva si cant presidential chair chaos would set in. jgT'' because his previous career had s.vered glS mere of the self-seekiug politician than of raJt.uieureau-guage.Hiaies.iian. The surprise dJIiat was evoked by his inasteily conduct 1 In his high office c,iuied a leactien, and . u lunuji; uu a niutereiy meurueu uy all 'i. Hi.i.;nnrr . i i.. . . fi eli.tTpnn LSl" TI,Q .,( o,..,..e:l.!lll I. ...! ......,., ..... t'if wjv.vtnPvjjaiuiiincaeuuueiliy .nrusi fiinAn tli "Vfiw Vnrlr tvilili.laM ir-inufnm.i E&t -him Inte a cautious, far-seuinu Rbitpnmiin Island, in this most honorable capacity the last mat the excresidents will bu reineinbr('i in Bhteteiy. llcadlnc Off lllalne. t& Thfl ftrqfHnaae ii(Mi f- T11..t..n i 5 -.-.-..... ...vj ...... ilium iai. AJIillIlC 19 i making arrangements te again be the can i :t, dldate of the llenubllcan mi-.v fnr flm f.- Itnttiilaniw In 1CCC e..n-.n 1.. 1 ... l Sk '!? e-cjub iu nave creaieu l'BOme alarm in Kew England, where the m eener eiemems 01 nu party are nearly a unu against Mr. uialue's candidacy. K-t It is noticed that the letter written by fji,Dcuaw i-uuiuiiua ueuuung 1113 reasons for ft "! . 1ll liuvlit. Dru.1an t. 1... ..... i .. .. 1.ICQ1 tli.-.itl. ..rif.. ..A...l..l .. . wS ' s """ -ran, tnu jeursuge, ?J new lindius its wav into the imihth. nmi sMia -ubatauce is that Edmunds could net . iii ... . V Play the hypocrite by publicly declauni? fcv. that ltlaine was what he was net. Kir"" f The Democracy will leek with emit f complacency en ilr. lllaine'd second nemi- i.-i imuuu, iui mtjj iwiuiv iii.ti, jiu Jlt'puuiicau ;ean le easier defeated than the nun from W.T"'"" RT .- Cl... Ijiud and Taxation. tewOn Thursday evening tlie Philadelphia jpewnce association listened te an essay by ' v--i' 1-v.u.ii. .BiiiiTii iii-.iir. in i tear and sensible way with the question ujt'fand and taxation that liave becu se lOticussfd by Henry Geerge and his Wers. He found lliutferm nf truth i.. '4 theerlta te be that the right of duiQaln hliimlil l.i ...i.i W geed et tin pje..iu uuing land, but tW this Should ba done willmnHn,-. ...... ik9evrjment maclilnery beyond what is WMwrte carry out Herbert iSpenivr's Hpte that the government should i itively regula'tive. and cive tim imiiui.i. 1 Tribe onnertunitv of duint? nve.vMii,.. 'iK,Uanelf ; net as Socialists would hae UtMig everything jeisible for him, and p? ig mm Utile or no responsibility. Ha Mid that with tLe end in vli-u- nf BTMkhijt up land mouepoly, small farms should be exempt from taxation and the larger ones heavily taxed; beyond the maximum nen-Uxable area, the tax rate per acre should increase abreast of the number of acres uioneolir.ctl. The lecturer dwelt at length uieu tlie value te tlie country ut large of prh.ite ownership of uul estatcasau inducement te the pri'MTVBtlen of enlerand InilejHMi InilejHMi dence of cli.iracter, and he tireed that this could liestlH reached by gradually chang ing the piesenl condition and carefully avoiding all extreme mid radical remedies. Okn. Kai MiAiis Iim teu ordered lieiue frein HulgAtU In tlie oent el the iiir'i nl-liefl coni-emlng Hint oeuntry net being reelected. IIM net belleictl that Iiulgarln will heil many loam. Kvkiuesk will be ltitoreted In to-mer- rO' I-HUO or the 1NTE..I.H1KNCKK. ThO biegrHitilcal sketch nml portrait will deUiil the career or a l.nncAtriHn who has been llfty yunrs In tlie government rvlee nd in Hint tiuie travelled te nUpmiser the world. "I'm-os" Ibis week talks or education rer ciluenahlp, and evolves cine strong thoughts Blowing out of the recent tHhe iuetlluta. The biography el the s tool beaid presidents U remimid w tth a xketuh of ene el Its most dial ltiRUlshtH lueiiibera. An old Maswcbusetta Thanks giving proclamation makes timely re.iJing, and thesparklint; Kaglesmere hunting trip Is ceucludev). I.ile en a bicycle, notes et the rashlena, events in weniu' world, ami n host of ether choice literary mereeN are pre lured for te morrow 'h re.t or which etery readiug Liiic.-trlnii should parUke. TitETeries propeeoa land bill for Ireland. The world Is moving. m Thk unauce cemu'itlee ei rhila.lelphi.i, at the instance or the beard of education, hae ngree.1 te recommend ler hcIkmI purixMia the appropriation or ,1,3I7,M0 50, whkh will suffice te equalize the salaries el primary and stveudary teachers w ith thte in the grammar grade, m contemplated by the beard before the teachers began their ineement in raver of a 25 per cent, increase en th' total amount appropriated rer salaries. The death of President Arthur has again started the familiar series el oteratiens en the fatality of the presldentlhl elUca Our early presidents were old men and their death was only In the ordinary court- or human atlairs, but the lact that all or our ex. presidents have died alter a short retirement, although they have of late been men in the prime of life, has called comment rrein these people wbe are always eager te discover signs or some occult Ititlueuc or destiny In the allalrs ei men. These K?op!e must find a strong cuunriuatlen el their rears and thtorles In the rtllectien that the rates have Bpared Mr. Hayes, thus rurnlahmg additional proerol his rraudulency. A Interesting soHsien or the National Orange ei the I'atreus el Husbandry, new meeting in Philadelphli, was "that el ThursJay when the question or le male sutlrage came up ler illscusslen. The eonentlen el lSe, held in llosten, "Ileseved that one of tbe fundamental princi ples or the I'atreus or Husbandry, as set rerth in its official declaration of purposes regulat ing membership, recognizes the equality ei the two sexes. We are therefore prepared te hall with delight any advancement in the legal status of woman which may give te her the full right or the ballet box and an equal condition or citizenship." The subject was again Introduced en Wednesday and a lieitivi debate was started. The spectacle or white women associating Willi colored women In nli!ics was ten much for the Southerners, and they fought the Issue with an emphasis amounting almost te bitter ness, rnquettienably the superters el woman's rights were in the majority, but in view et the results that seemed certain te roliew it was thought w ise by many te adept a policy or conciliation. The move in favor el female sutlrage was therefore defeated by 'Ste 'J. Thus were tlie convictions of the majority sacrilletil in the interest el hrmeuy PKR30NAU lAi'Lennn IIi:.Mir M. Stv.nlk is en his way te New Yerk. Lieutenant Uow.ii.neii I!i,ai k is men tioned ter the vacant Turkish minion. Ueohek W. Ciiilus sas he would net be mayor or 1'hilaJelphla under any circum stauces. "Dec" Wilsen has Hied at Union a motion rer a new trial or lits case axaiust I'billp II. .Meeu. Campamni, the great tenor, is te undergo another surgical oiratieu in the hoie of improving the purity el his voice. Caitai-n- W. W. t'HMV, of Philadelphia, has been elected major of the .Stale Kencibles In placs or Majer Jehn W. ityan, Ueceaeetl. Mn. Ola nil en b has a rent-roll and land Income et fTO.Ow) a year, and is rtqierted te iivim de oral uiimuu ueiiars' worth et rail road shares. (AlAitnK sixteen years age get eighty cents a night ier singing in a music hall at Madrid, New-he has Hindu nn engagement te sing at the Oj-era lilty nights ler J7U.0HX The i:irt:nonep Aisthia ha.s twen in the habit et smoking twenty ciK-ars a day, and new his doctors tell htm he um,t step it altogether if he wants te lie rid of the facial neuralgia which is making his life miser abla llMiir Ue.v. He.niiv Matthews, Enc. llsh home secretary, CO years old, well pre served and wealthy, Is about te be married loMsceunlcts Maidstone, widow of the son of the Karl et Winchelsea. Hba is a Catholic, young, beautilul and jiennlless. Dn-N. P. IAMRiitnt:, or Cincinnati, has succfsslully perlermed an operation en a 0-jear-pld girl by whlrhhhe is enabled te take nourishment by a tubs inserted through her side, as she wan unable te take reed in tha natural way. .She Is in geed health, with premise et long lire. ' Kev. W K. IIev, or Franklin ami Mr shall college, new in .Sendal, Japan, writes home te a friend that "a nativx pastor In Teklo, who is read In American Kngllsh and Oeruisu theology, ges Ur. Net in rank Rltlenr' tin. fnr.itinjat n.l tl. 1...1 . -- ..... ...... ., ...... n, e luuuence 01 the 'Christian Hage' can never be measured.' 1'itlLll- U. An.Mern, the Chicago meat packer, bjh t!mt en Monday an attempt was made le poison him by persons who tent te Jits house a package el buckwheat in which a large quantity et strychnine had ls,n placed. Huspeeilng something the buck w teat wus net used, and analysis showed thm lnx,n. tallied poison enough te kill a dezau persons. lle.v. Themas H. I)i i.i.kv, at Camden, N. J., has instituted a suit ler HI! rl;ii,i honater ililam J. .Sewell te rtinver Ji', but damages. The suit is Ihe outgrowth (,r language alleged te hae been n-ed during the late campaign by Senater Sewelt in a Hs-tvh ut u publle nieetlng in Camden, te the tllect that Mr Dudley while oeustil at Uver IkmiI gtew rich by charging Illegal iees and robbing Aiuericau sescaj tains. Tem Bkbii, et Maine, revels In the werKs nfllin t',lf9.llw.ttlatl a.t.l ... . . ... .. Jey of domestic HTe, the only tiling really ...- ......p, .... ...wv....ii'aiiiwiinijf Ul UlOtl or wit, learning, and cultivated manners. He thinks the men whelrequeuted Will's colleo Iiouhe the most favored et mortals, and knows 'that he should have been ua or Ihem had he net been bem a hundred years or se tee late. iloelltn asserts that there is greater rame te be wen by the man who can wiitoer the Heuso of ltereseiiUtivu with Wit. 1rMllltlf, tlfl'lllrtl... ue.l .lirui. .1 .......It. Ing tliau by auy euu wue shares in bleudltbs battle l James O. Is said te han an idea that he would haomade a great tragedian, Biid hascoiifeKseil te his irlends that there were niemtnts when he almost wiHlie(i iht ate had lid him te the Hepe. When he is in I ' V ry "T.'1 erK,nB t tlie theatre. !?hiKi.i "'""'"""y If no can te some aibletle Ti?.Sll Bt. ""? a,aJ'en Aveuue Oarden m Si r""10 lUe c,,y au'1 evening wa" mated from the Filth Avxmm t,I.iii ? has dtclared that who It. ve ttT'thesa dlvur.lens was a Isjtiefacter et iiit,klm? Nea ly all the great acte,KU personal trie ' THE OLD SLKIG1I. ' lilutielh ' " Coniing." "There, mother, old Sprivkle has retutued thanks at last," holding ups plump whlle egg that would djircdil le thu q'letui ut any l-eultry yard. Well, 1 utleMsild IhU hen was tliinklul for Jiast tiierrles, thnitgli your lather would laugh eerv ttine 1 slid st. laddv Mephens has Jest ln'it here; she wanted te bee yen, but you was gene se long Hint I thought you you must 1st dew it te Mis' I'ennell s ' t, 1 met her as she cime threned the yard." " She didn't l-U von the news, did she " ' " She told me ill Mansion had leti.rutd from Cslifernla " Ml"lt does Uat all 'bout that boy -teems iet like tlie plv u' iHH'try you read Hiinutluies atieut the feller that went oil and UhhI h many y ears and then come bacn and took I a methernut e' the ISMirlnm-c-enlv it's tie father this lime. "Iho ery weist ,.) the deacon's six,' it ialle.1 him, and that's rest what ill was then. 1 ueer belie(Hl he had anything te de with tint serais' down te the Milage I.UIdy s.iys he's ternblv riih, and is going te take c-aretr Ins father ' the desieu must le glad, for 1 guess he's st(tHl with Caleb most as long as he can nuiilnrtablv. lufyny no s geiug le uiarrv sain .Millers darter Kuth. V no t....i at...., n..i. M.n .. ..i out there ler Ills health Will teund him out unu uuee nine Minnies ter him, and when he was tee sick te w rite home Will w rete ler him. Part e' the time S4111 whs ,-k hiselt, se Kuth answered the inters and he tell lu love with her in that wav. Tnete didn't anybody but thcdesixmand the Millers knew Ii9 was coining. Sjin drove down te the depot and carried him up te Caleb'. t.ues thev weru surprised tom-eliim ' There was no knowing hew long Mrs. Al len would he gene oil, her tongue ktsfping time te the busy clicks-lack of her needle, hid net Mr. Allen's step sounded ou the walk. 'Lazabelh never Ulked tniich. and tl e mother did net niitid hsr silence te-nvbu A slight quiver atieut the sensitive uieiiui alouetold hew keenly the wertls were fell, and the sigh or relief w huh escaped at the welcome sound of her father s voice was Ien in the noire made as he entered, stamping the snow irem his beets. " Why, rather, does it snow " 1 111 ,. busy talking, 1 hadn't thought te levk out et the wludew ler some time." "Yes, it's begun te couie down right smart; shouldn't wonder II it was gis.t sleighing by te-morrow." " Yeu don't think its going te 1k a lone storm " Mrs. Allen's face had au anxious evercs sleu as she aked the question, ter a leug storm meant day s of exile ler her. " Ne, 1 sh'll b surprlstsi ir it deu't cleir up by te-morrow neon, se 'Uzibeth and 1 can take a ride te the village . that'll be a treat, weu't it, darter?" Aud the smile that lighted up hts daughter's face plessed him better thau any answer could have done. " 1 UPS.S I'll get the old sleigh euL -n Smart s been down te the .ity and he says he saw Ieta Jest like IL It's the years since 1 seut Jim te the v lllage hir the new one, and It's never been out since. I'm glad it's come into buhleu again, ler I never enjoyed uivseir complete in the new one nl wav a ieit a little above my station." And 1 armor Allen's laugh rang through the old sitting room at the titness or his remark. "Wei!, 'I.izibeth, you get the suppr en the Ltble, and I'll tell rather the news while he warms his ieet He's been down te the weed let all the altcrtierai, and hain't beard nothing of the strauge things that has beeu happening up here." Having arranged things te her satisUittuu, the stockings Mrs. Allen had drepied ou the entrance of her husband ceutluued le grew under her deft lingers, while the uiws lest none or its Interest w ith repetition. That night, after 'I.'zibetli had taken her candle and said geed night, Mr. Allen sat ler some time loeklug at the hre, then suddenly broke out : "Mether, don't you think 'I.u.beth lnek kind e' peaked lately? Then, she don't seem te eat as much as usual." There, father, you're al way sfrettirg 'bem that girl. 1 don't knew what you'd u done If you'd had six, like your brother Jonathan." "1 didn't knew but the news about Will might affect her seme, Yeu knew they u-ed te thluk se much et each ether." "Massy, father ' that was years and years age when they were children, 'Llzabuth's tee sensible a girl te let a teller like Will disturb her. When he stepped writing te her she gave him up. She's worked hard te-day, and a geed night's rest will bung her round." i'here seemed nothing mere 10 be said, se he took a light iiue rrecieded te make every thing sale Ter the night, but long after Ins geed wife was asleep no lay awake thinking of the iale face his daughter had lilted i-r the geed night kiss. l.zabeth was net likelv te get the strength her mother thought Irem a night's rest I utll the first rays of morning lighted up the Kast she lay thinking or the old days and living them ever again. She could uei remember the time when she and Will had net seemed te belong te each ether. When they were children Le had Crawii her te aud from school ou his sled, saved her the largest hair or his apple or orange and ieught all her battles with n vigor worthy el an olden knight. Wheu the venrs in their lllghttuade them no longer children II wui always ill w he, at the close el the meeting or singing school, drew her arm through bis with an air of proprietorship and started ler tlie llcn farm. Alter his mother's death he bad net chosen his a-weUtes wisely, but In spite or scorn and opposition, withoutdis witheutdis withoutdis ebodienco, she had clung te him and trusted. Iheucametbe allalr at the Milage. One dark nlpht a. tun? ..r .......i.u 1....? i...i n - - , .r . .uu.i? nan iiiuavii into Squire l'easley's barn, litd together the legs et all his hens, nailed up Vtbiteu-n's stall, and then climbing up the roer. I the ell bad placed a beard soaked lu salt and water pvtr the chimney. Toe old gentlemnu, who lived alone, was obliged te travel en a slip pery ground tethenearest neighbor ler help, rile villagers were :jbetly indignant and ler puuisbing the miscreants, but no clue te ttll.llt .VI. .Ill t.n fi.ii... I Will was away Irem home that night, anil suspicion rested en him as one of the party, until he could bear It no longer aud be do de c:ded te go away. It seemed but yesterday- their tiarting in the old it." Will had slipped the tiny geld band he wero upon her linger it setuned but a thread or geld new asking her te wear it until he came back. "Fer," he said, "I'll never ceme back till I can eirer you a name and a home. Some how the devil has Lad jwssesslen or me lately, bnt bud as I aui 1 would scorn te de what v..""6 me or-terturo a f,'lJ' old man. YShlloyeu believe aud trust me, there are Plenty who de net" And with a last "Uoed bye, my Deth," 1,0 w as gene. Miss iil.tb .!irbt .Ielt,1f rame "l-ifessed te Miss lie h Alien, in Will's round, boyish hand, Mr. Allen frowned and ills who scolded, but when she was ler stepping the correspondence at ence h said : .'.'The,r.etherometut'r, 1jl t,ie Klrl write tehlmllshn wants te ; showen'ldohlmativ harm, and I can trust her ler a true Allii net te go far out of the way." Se the ,naUer hml dropjed, and for hve years 'Iilzabelh's letters were received with, out comment; then they ceased suddenly and imoxisjetedly. Fer months 'I. zabeth watched the mails with 011 anxious face Mrs. Allen shook her htad with 1 te,, you lis didn't amount le anything," when ever there was 110 ene but her husband le heir, and Mr. Allen waited lu silence. ruie d.-js much towards healing su.h wounds, and live years liad nu.le it ws,i mere like au 1111 pleas intdreatn than a reality, wtieu the new , will's return lame, uwak enlni: memories or ether days. Fer once Mr. Allen was weather wise. Tlie snow lisd fallen through the night, covering the earth as with a mantle, the leathery Wkes continued te couie lazily down until Just before V2 o'clock, then there was a Hit in the western sky, and when the old yellow sleigh bleed at the deer the sun slione as bright as ever. " lie careful, father, and deu't let 'Wzibelh - Y"iiiiKiur you,--was Mrs. Allen's parting injunction, as she came te the der le sue them oil There was Just wind eneugli te Uri 11 10 newly fallen snow aud send it in lluie whirls te lie starkling and glistening u lew yards irem where It had falleiL Itebin was in excellent spirits, biiiI Mr. Allen declared, us lift ilrew or, l,i tr.,111 ..r l... ...II...... ..... elilce, that the diatauce never seemed sj short. "Draw the robecle-'O around you, darter, and don't getllred waiting, I've get te bar. gain w 1th Sam Chase about Hint sleve, but I 11 be back aa quick as I can ; then w t'll dtlvedewii te lliirhsm's and gtt the heik you mentioned." Willi this and an extra pull te Uehlti'a blanket Mr. Allen was gene. "Father was right, the old sleigh is morn comfortable thau the new one," U.lzabelh thought as the nestled down In one comer, drawing the relsi morn closely te keep out the pulls or wind that tried in Ilnd entrance -. .. iiuers. 11110 uicKing ihe rebe lx. I tween the cushion nd the Hide or the sleigh. ' herllugcts touched something sinoeth like lsper. "Onoel lathet'a old rocel pis, he's socaio secaio socaie less," she thought, with a fend smile, as she diuw It letth for Inspection. Hut a glame was needed te show lier mistake. 1 was a little yellow with age, uueis-msl and addressed le herself lit Ihe Iiandw riling she Knew se well. She could scant'ly trust der eyiw, but tderti w as the laimbsr Hdinark -Sin I tanclMsv-And she was ml leaning forward te te id tlie dale when a gut el wind t iking it from her hand, dt pesinsl it at the ltst et a gentleman vv he was palng. He dsieil net leek up, but m a moment he w as handing It low srd her, sav lug "is tills your preiHirtv, Miss Mien ' At ihe sound el tlie voice, se little dunged that she would knew it suvwliens tlie het bleed rushed te her face nd"tie bad scateely courage te reply : " 1 think ae. I never sin it before." She felt the keen eves Hturvli her face, there was a touch of scorn 111 the question that followed. "site loll that she 111111 vtmliwte herself, and her answer came lull and clear " 1 J ust I mud It In the old sleigh. I no nut knew hew leug It has lain ttieru" He gl vineit again at the letter It mint be the saiue one. he knew the dale sewelt. The tone was almost eager new. " . ou never s,w it belere. lteth " ou did net rts-eive it, my last letter, and leave II unanswered '" "Could you doubt mt Will' she was looking him in the lace uew. "1 might have known belter, but you were always se punctual, and when 1 re ceived no aiiwer te my last letter 1 was Ust proud te write and ask an explanation. 1 thought yen had glveu me up, like every one eie in it . Can V"u lergtve me ler my want et confidence" Hut he needid net words for answer. hen Mr. Allen came hurrying luii k the old sleigh had two oeeupuits." It wassome tune twrertv they could explain atlairs te his bewildered uilud, and wheu light began te dawn lie exclaimed : " 11 was that Jim ; he's s, iarele! Umt a letter fur me eiue ! " Will was persuaded te ac eutpany them home, and it was a verv merry piny lhat surpnscvl Mrs. Allen by their tvvrly appear appear ance. As sx)u as iwsslble Mr. Alleu hurried his wife etl te the kitchen te unravel the Ulls tery, while Will nod 'l.vibeth read and re-itvid the old Utter by the light el the hvkerj lue. W hat liuth Miller would say was a source 01 much anxiety te Mrs. Allen, uutll one day W ul remarked, much te her t'iwe et mind, Hut lluih has beeu engaged ter some time te a iritnd of his In the West a gentleman she met seiu.i years lrore while v islting in the cuy me hi use upon the hill Will aud 'Liza both tad home, and the old yellow sleigh well, a -Irs. Allen say, it's net every sleigh l au in ti 11st of a romance like that 1111 srA KN AUKS Of WOVlE. All the world's a Waixlrehr, And all ih. K-lr s auJ woman merely weareri , 1 " t ive tii.'ir fathlens and thplr laatasles ; Ami en.. ht in her time wears many garments ThTo'Uheut br Seven Stages. t-lrsl,lhe baby, lU't and hroldred, lu her nutsf'it arms, uJ ihcn I'm tuiD he.-cd schoolgirl, wllh her rl luaits, And -mil' bev scorning lace, trlpplDg akin vpK'ltK, C"i'intilstily te school. And then the tllrt, "Vim- like l tree, with a business -cltlade hettteii her low. out cerset. Thn a bride KiiUef iiniDnii Query, vestured like an augel, it isl njreuly yet viicllantef glance, staking the woman's hearen, AUuilnitleu, h st' n at the altar's steps. And then the matron, li lilr, rich velvet, wlthsnave satin lined, VV ph 1 -s everi-,and skirts of euthlul cut, r nil et dri-ss saws and modish insLinces, re teah hst girls their parL The sixth age shuts into the tfruy, et gorgeous, grandmiintni, W 1th geld pince-nez ou nose aud lau at si le, Ilur vuthful tastes yet strong and worldly wise In -.iiuiptuary law, hir quivering vet-:e Prosing of fashion and Le fellett, pipes Of robes and bargains rare. Last scene of all. Thai ends the sex's inede-swaytd history. Is second childishness, and elieiT ehllrlnn OI youth, Lisle, passion, all save love of dress 'row thf UurUnetvn Arger; rat n Hiire and till for Dr. Hu'l s Cough s 1 u If jeu are neiihlt'd with a bid cough ur n Id Mr 1, U l.iucastcr, I'i., is rote us llavlnga -named leg of almost thirty da stai.dl.ig, and altvr trying having hall a doen iitlit-rtln'd inspirations in the luiiket without ll-f Ktery results, I tried Silv anon oil and In U'-s than thrcedajs my leg was al nghi ug 1I11. I here a uelhln IU e IL .It. Jacobs Oil Ued Slur Ceunh Cure. Tbu wui d s two benofaclers. afSVl.lL MUTJVX.1. JIUI.OIl.s CAl'AUItll KKJ1KII1-.1 rsMltlTO cur.. ler Catarrh, Dlptberta, and Cankur Meuth. K01 by 11. II. Cochran, Dru,,isi, Ne. IS1 North vtuuvn stxeeL Milve 1.1 s Crrmu Halm u tital This lustly rslebikttd rained y for the core of cautrrb, hay lever, cold In the head, .te., can 1 u obtained et uii ruputable UrnggUl, and ma) be icllcd npen u-s u s ile uud pleasant rtimedy ler the above cen.iiluliiD uud wlllglve luimislLile rullal It I- imt n I! uid. siiuiTer pewdci, has no oircntlve islei and can be used at any time ulihgoedre Mills, as thousands cm t-etit . ainuug thorn souisel the iittarhes of this ulhc S;Mnf vj iht rami. May ), Ive. u-Jwdtediw "HAChMETACK "a lasting and migrant per f'lim.. Pine a and te cents. nraaleby If U. Cethian, IinifgUt.Ne. 137 North Queen stnet. An lUid le liens M.rapltig, k tuaid al phuid, of llurrl-buig. 111, savs " II iv lug received se much Iwnetll tmni Kit 1 trie llilters, I b-el It my duty te let sulterlnc human ity knew It Have had a running sere en my li g fur eight yuai ; my doctors told tne 1 would havu te have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, lusUud, thrte bottles el fclectric Hitters and even boxes llucklen's Arnica salve, and my leg Is new sound and well M Llei trtc mures are sold at ally cfnU a bottle, and Uurklen's Arnica Selvu at ii per box by II II Cochran, Druggist. Nes. U7 and 1JJ .North 0,iiu a street, Lancaster, l'a. (jj IHK KEV. liKO. II. THAI hit, el iWrben Ind , .i)s " Iteih my self and wile, ewe our lives tebllll.uli HCONhtilPTION CCUK." 1 or sole b 11 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 1J7 North Juen street Osa IteTTLB KrrxcTS a Ccek. Mr. Oscar K. II. hech, et Allentown, I'a was bedlesl with In In rlummatery rhuumallsra In the winter el lh&J, Doctors could de nothing te relieve hlui. He uimmunced using (irons' Khouuiatle llemedy. I!y the time he had u.sed hall a bottle be could leav e his best ; when be had finished the bottle he was cured and has net had a return el the disease since. In his own words, " 1 feel belUjr than evei before." l'rlce II, by all druggists. Icbs-JuidM W .tr ibe Kxcltruient Nut titer. The ru-h at II. II. Cochran, druggist, Ne 117 Neith tjuceu street, still continues en account el persons uMlclcd with Cough, Colds, Asthma, lirenchlilsund Consumption, topreeuraabottlo of Kemp's balsam ler the Threat and Lungs which l sold en a guarantee, nncl Is giving entire satisfaction. It u a standard family remedy I'rleu 50 cents andll. Trial niertt. eli-lwilAw CAIAKUII CUKED, health and sweet brealb stscuid, by Shtleh's C'abirrh llemedy. Piice rat eunts Nasal Injector free. for sala by II II Ce hnin. Druggist, Ne. 1JU North yuneri stteet.' Dr. Il.ihsi.ia Werk bvacr, 1'urcly vegeLable, pleasant Uj lake, will oxpel worms II any exist, no purgative required alter using, price, 25 units, by at I druggists. bsJuidMW'&r timid IlenulUlli Kiery Cas. D A. Urtdferd, whelesala paper dealer et Chat InniMigi, 'liuin., wrlUis that he was seriously uitllctcd with it severe cold that settled ou his lungs had tried many remedies without benutll lluiiig Induced te try Dr King's New Discovery for Ceiisuiiiritlnn, did sound was entln ly cured by useef a lew bottles Slnte which time hu has u-ed It In his family for nil Coughs and ( olds Willi best results. J his Is the experience of thou sands w li.isc llves have been saved by this W 011 ditlnl Discovery. Trial liettles fn at II n Us bran's Drug Mete, Nes. 137 and 1JJ North Qui'eu stieet, Laiiuwler, l'a. (5) rer laiuu bark, sldoer chest, 11 se Bhtleh's Por Per ous Plaster Price a cunts. Fer sale by II n. Cochran, DrugglsLNe. jje North Queen sUmiL C'MlltlflU, We would caution the l'ublle te Isiwnre of Deulers c.ilurtiig Kemp's lUlinmut less ib.111 the r. gular l'rtisj, w cunts and II, as ottentlmeslml ettentlmeslml ottentlmeslml utueiisor liifertorartlclesiirusoldasthoguiiulna In order t., tiiublu thorn te sell cheaply. H. 11 te. ilnwi, druggl.t. Ne. 1J7 -North CJuesin struct Is out-agent ter hautuster. bumple bollle glveu tiOeur. ell-lwditw .hl'.'t't'1!!'.K',s "loin's, made mlsoruble by that torrlble cough. Hhlleh's Uuie is the romedy or you. k-eraalMi,y H. 11. Cochran, DrugglstTNc, 137 North UuisiiialriHit, M ' feur-rinhs. OI our Aiiiviluin ptsiplu are ailllcted with sick headuthe In tllher Its nervous, billens or con. gustlve liuii.s, caused by Irregular habits, high living, vie, und no remtdy ever ceniiuuied It uutll Dr. 1. clle's bpcciiu 1'ioscrlptlen was dts ceveix-d. (live it a trial. Boe advertisement in another column. (3) "villV Wtl.1, VOU cough when Hhlleh's Cure will glvi) liuuiodtate rellei. I'rtce I'J els., w cts., and 1, for sale by 11, II. Cochran, DrugglaL Ne. 1J7 North Hueen street, eilll.eil'u cui:u will Imiiiedlatcly rcllove Cieup.VV hoeping Cough and bronchitis, rer IfteeHfitiwv. ""fgUit, Ne. 131 Werth w mil iv At TjlOit Till: 1II.OOI). BROWN'S ISM BITTERS! loiubeon. Inn and I'uie igetable Tunica, eiittkiv uud nipiiiilv Cleanses ttud Kutlihes the llloed cjuii kins Iho ai Hen of the 1. Iver and Ktdiievs I tears the t. omplevlou, makes Iho skill sin,,,, 1 1, d.s's net Inlure the lisdh, cause hmdm tie 01 peHlme voiisiliMtleii A 1. 1. 0 111 hit Mt.DK INKS DO l'h) sli I ins and Dtuggtsts Kver wliote Kihoiii Kiheiii tiiend It. Dn. N UtiitiLBs. el Marlen, Mass. says ' 1 n commend IIiemu's Iren llllteis as a valuable tonic tereuitihlng the tihsst. mid tivjtievltig nil djsis'plti s mutem.s. It dis's net hull the tisith.'" Dr K. M Dictztat, Ki') nebis, lud , says I haveprwiilbed llmwu's Itxm Hitlers In cases et nun 111L1 and blisHldlstiases, also when a torile was nettled, mid It has proved thoroughly satis lactery " Sin Wm Hvrss, Niv '.VM. Mary st root, New Or Iivitis, 1j,s.i- Ilrew n'a Inm Hitters is I lined metiiaiasc of bhsl isilsenlng and 1 heartily n commend It te lliose ueOdlng a bliKHl puri fier " I he genuine has Trade Stark and ctossed tnl lines en wrapper Take no ether. JUde only by lll'.OW.N ClIhMICAI. It)., (fi lUUttmeiv, Mil. A i:i;s SAKSAl'AlllIiliA. Scrofula Is 1 in' of the most latal scourges which millet tutuklnd It Is elten luherlted. but uiay be ihe result of Improper vscelna'len. tnercurUl polsenlug. urn leaullnrs, nnd viitleus ether causes, cnreuic renis, 1 iccirs, Aiiscesses, ian cereusltutn rs. and. In some cases, Kmsclatleu, and Consumption, ivsult from a scrofulous cea dlllnn et the b oed. ' can tie tuted bv the use of AVer's sarsapnrllla I Inherited a scrofulous condition olthe Dlmd. which cAussdaderaugouieril of my whn'e svs teni Alter taking less thau lour bottles el Aiitj Sarsaparllla I am Entirely Cured and. for the jiast rear, have net found It neciss sarv tou.eany tuedlilne whatevcr. I am new In better health, and stronger, than ever belere O A. WMkird, ai Troiuent slteet, llosten, M vs. v 1 was tieubled with Scrofulous Seres for five years but, alter uslnga tew bottles of Ayer's Sars ipiirtll 4, Iho sores beal. d, and 1 have new geed health. Kllsbeth Warnock, SI Appleten street, Lewell, yiivss. Seme months age 1 was troubled with Scrofu lous .sores 011 tuy leg The limb was badly swollen and Inflamed, nnd the soles dlsdiarged large iiuautltles of otfenslvn tmitter Kvery remedy falltsl, until 1 nsexl Ayer's Mrsaparllla lly taking three bottles et this medicine the si its hive been entirely healed, mid my health Is fully restored. 1 am grnlelul for tbe geed Hits medicine has done me Mrs. Ann O'ilrlau, lis bulllv an street. New etk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr J c. Ajer . Ce, Lewell, Mass. t-eld by all Druggists. Price, II . six bet IKIY3 E liY'S CUKAM BAl.M. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives lleltef at Unco and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATAIillH, HAY '. hit. Nei a Liquid, Sntiif or I'ewdnr. Kree Irem lu lu turleus Drugs aud Odoustve Oders. A. particle is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable, l'rlce M cents at druggists , by mall, registered, M) cts. Circular fnsi. KL1 ItilOS, DrugglsU, Oswego, N. T. Julj-13-lyeedAlysr ULABHWAHK. H I0U A MARTIN. NA HALL b DINNER WARE. Dex'er.itetl t hin.i" Uinner SeU in H.ivi Uud China, at Lewer Prices than offered in Lanc.ister, as premised, are uew read) te slievv. The deforatiens are new and The price compares with Amer ican Porcelain ; quality is far sultrier. Should these net suit we can give jeu sets with liner decorations aud higher prices. Should you prefer White or Geld Hand t'hma, jeu can select a full or part of a pet, or any pieces you desire. If American is desirable, we can show you different styles of decoration. If your tastes and wauls cannot Us satislled from the above, just take a leek as you iuss along at the Lustre B.iiid and Sprig, or the Geld Band ou W. G. ware, either of which will make a beau tiful and substantial set. Don't pass along tee fast or you will miss tlie Piinted sets en Luglisli Porcelain. The isiiglish and American Peicelain and White btenu China in Plain White in a variety of Shapes and Styles, are of the llest il.ikes In tlie market. Take a leek at the;e goed3 and be convinced of the above facts before purchasing. ighMffrtin, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, 1'A. COX J II. MAHT1N, WUOLiaiXB ABD BSTAIL Mi LSI IB All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. WlTABp: Ne. 1M North Water and l'rlnce Btrvets, above Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lvd gAUMOAKDsNKKH 4 JlSKKKKlEfc. COAL DEALERS. Orncs Ne. li) North Qui'-cu street, and Ne. il North 1'iince slrisiL Varui; North l'rlnce glreet, near Heading Depet liArlCAHTRlt, l'A. augltVtld nwievAu ' M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Coel ORloe te Ne. 1M NOUT1I QUKEN 8TUKKT (Hrlmmer's New UuUdlng), where otflers will buroeolrod ler Lumber and Ceal, WaOLESALl ABU BSTAIL. uuUld M. . If, C01IO. HAVANA J1(IAII.S "mAKKLeVh new brands, " Atuertta " and "Dune Held cbr Havana Cigars are the boss be and lue Cigar lu the market Try Ihem. MAUKLhy's." yellow Frent," ... No.',!lN'erih queen Sit eel (rennerly llarttnsn's) QONTltAtri'OH AND IJIHLDKH, GEORGE ERNST, OAKl'KNTKIt. CONTltACTfm llllllrive llesldence Ne. M9 West King street 8hei Kast Uraiit Btreet, opposite station house. WOODKN MANTELS AND GKNKItAL 1IAUD WOOD WOUK A SPKCIALT Y. -All work secures ray prompt and persona attention. Drawings aud JCsltiuales furulsbed. ecuf-lydlt rpllK HWiri' Hl'KUIKIU COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S s s s s s s s s s s s s A KKMRDY NOT FOR A DAY, BDT FOR HALK A CENTURY, RELIEVING SUFFKRINQ UUMANITY ! S S AN INTLIILSTING TRLATISL ON DLOOD APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD lib THE SWIFT SPECIFIC HUUHMrVUNUtllHU HUtlD. IAIjIj AND HKK IHK ROCHESTER. LAMP, Sixty Cnndle-l.lghtt ileal thorn all Anether Let of CIIKAl' (ll.OUKS ferUru and OllSloves. THE "PEnPEOTION" Jll.lAl MOULD1.NU AM) KUU1IKK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Heats them all. This strip outwears allethei. Keeis out the cold Sten rattling of windows. Kialude the dust Keep out snow and rain. Any ene can apply It no waste or dltluiadeln an- C lying It Can be flllea anywheie-tie holes te 010, ready for use. It wtll net split, warp or snrtiiK acusuieu strip is me most periect At the Move, Healer and Itangti Sloie -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LAN CAST Kit l'A. F ACIS. 500 500 Cook and Parler Steyes. Mt'ST HE bOLD UKUAllDI.KSSOr I'ltlLKTOMAKK UOOM roil Christmas Goods I We ate new getting Ihieugh with our great rush and Kill be able te push our Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MORE PROMPTLY FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 Ne;tb Queen Street, LANCASTKU l'A y.M. A. KlKKKKlt ALIIUM H. II KKK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), InTlleaii Housekeepers te Call and Inspect thetr Stock of Houselteushing &oeds. A Complote Line constantly en hand. COOB BrOVKSand IIANC1K8, PAKLOUHTOVKS, 'IIKATKKSand rUUNAUES. ; SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully eiamlnlnir the merits of all otlerod te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGANLV' rer 0A80LINE,and THE ' DANGLER," Fer COAL OIL, As the Hest whan all points te considered, te offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We love te show our Koeds, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Uemember, we are agents ler The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactures! by Fuller Sl Warren Company, Trey, N. V., which has no rival In durublllty, conemy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the tline louiamlneaQd become poeted for Autume purchases. UKUKUllEU THK.'l'LACK I 40 EAST KING ST.. (U1T0S1TC COUliT HOUSE.) ap&UdAw UMUOMUJMU, FKUITCAKE.S. Where shall I go te buy my fruit cake order? We should suggest WIANT'S UltOCKKY. IndolnKse you will find thorn a large stock of new goods, heedless Ualslns, Citren, Currants, lni(in and Orange 1'cel, Wew rrench Prunes, I'ure ground Hplces, irtne riavetlng Kitracts, Hese Water, White Clever Heney In ene pound caps, cheap, l'lease call at OK-Oivu Ma Hi West KlngBlrtset T BUKHK'H. FINE CANNED CORN. We destre le call attention le our various brands et Canned Cern, somelof wblthls very BUI'KltlOK. The 1'ildoef Maine, Dew Drep and Paris Sugar Cern are our threo finest brands, away ahead el ordinary corn. The Wlnslew comes next ; and It known iron, orally by Jthe trade. Then comes linker's, roll A Sens and the Win. I'enn ; these three last are geed corn, but the three Hist are a very Superior Article, our Evaporated Sugar Cern, Held only by us, has no equal. HTOCK MM 1TKD. llyeu wuntany, Boeurolttoon. BURSK'S, NO. 17 WAST KING STREET, LANOASTKIt l'A. WTelephnne Connection. YOUNtl LADIES AND OKNTLKMi:iV The attendance at tbe Lancaster Commer cial College la gieater by evor M per cent than last year. Course thoroughly rovtsed. Instruc tion Individual. Itoetns pleasant and centrally located. Kvervthlngflrst-class. livening sessions en Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Day ses sions every day excepting Saturday irem 0 ui UK and 2 te 4. Yeu can (pond un hour or se pleasantly at the rooms, or send your address en lMMlal card aud get lull Information. A. U. WKlDLKlt Principal. Ne. 103 JCest King itreet. mttiVAU SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s s s s s s s s s s AND SKIN DISCASLS SLNT FRtU TO ALL RLAD DY tVLfiYBODY. ADDRLS3 COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. 11 lydAs VLurm.iii. TJUIUIKKA KUPUIN. AN kmm CHANGE. HAS THK COLD WSATHKK HK M1NDKI) VOU THAT 10U WILL WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? ir SO, WIS AUK JUST IN TIME KUIIKUIN UKADV 1AI)K OU MADK TO OIlDKIt WK AUK (11VIN0 K. CKLLKNTJUALITYATLOWl'i;iCS. IT WILL PAY TOU TO CALL AND KA AM1.NK OUU SIOCK, ItErOIlK PUIS CI1A81.M1 ILSKWilEKK. Wit AKK 1'USITIV E WK CAN I'LKAHK YOU. BUEGER & SUTTOI, ilerthanl Tailor mil CIeLhier NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKIl, PA. INI YKK8 A ll.VTIll'O.S. Institute Week Was a Hard Week en Our Stock. IT MADE A III). IIOI.K IN OUH BlOCh Or SUITS AND OVERCOATS! Jl IT W HAT W E W ANTED We won't let tills InU-rfere with tliu customers' wants. We'll io ie plenlali, iiiul you'll Una our hbjck in us Keed trim next week its ever. Our Reeds, judging from the qiian tity sold, must luve met the iMjpu. larw:vnts. Xe cempUiiuiif; about prices tee high, or no geed assort ment. Everybody bought us If they were getting bargains. Myers & Rathfon, POI'l I.AK CLOIHIEIIS, NO. 13 BAST KINO STREET, l.ANUABTKK. l'A. L. UANHMAN A HHO. Rare and Surprising Bargains ! OrKEKED AT L GANSMAN. & 13RO., AT THE I It MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. HAVE MONEY ON MEN'8 8U1T8. Our 111 HulU te erdnr cannot be bought else, where less than I1H. Tboyare All-Weel, Lined with Bilk rinlshed Borge nnd cut In the latest style 10 different patterns. Our lift Suit cannot be bought olsewhero fnr less than r.i. They are remarkable value-se different patterns. Our 113 and rw Hulls are sold elsewbere for 131 and $30 'ti different patterns. We make te order Overcoats for IIS, U, lis and IX. The great variety of materials Includes Chinchillas, licavers, Meltons, Wursteds and Casslmeres. sl'erfect Fit and Satisfaction Cuanuitecd. We Invite your prompt Inspection and compari son. Yeu cannot tail lobe satisfied. L. GANSMAN & BRO, MEKC1IANTTA1LOI18, MANUFACTUItKlW OF MKN'H HOYB AND CIIILDUKN'S CLOTHINO. 66 & 68 NORTH QDEEN ST., (ltlghl en the Seuth wen Cor. of Orange 8t) LANCA8TKH, FA. sTNet conneotod with auy ether clothing house In the city. jrunujsa. Q.KNT'H FUHN1HUINO 8TOHK. " E. J. EMSMAFS Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KINO STREET. mr Stere open Every Evening eiccpt Sunday CJTUKAOB -ABD OOMMI88ION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL UAYtCIt aciyfl s MO. IB West UhMUnl BUMV Yi sV rtrV3t rf